#the things i am doing to this legume instead of doing them to my skin. revolutionary
aldieb · 3 years
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one of the members of our dnd campaign gave everyone one of these stim toys for christmas and now it is everything to me. no idk why it's a dog
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xiolaperry · 4 years
The Piano - Chapter 13
Summary: Belle French and her daughter arrive in New Zealand to an arranged marriage with Gaston LeGume.  Gaston shows little interest in her or her piano and books. However, Mr. Gold is fascinated… (Rumbelling of the 1993 film “The Piano”)
Rating: E for smut, dark subject matter and violence.
Also available on AO3
Two days earlier...
Needle and thread in hand, Gold settled himself on the porch to wait for Belle. He sat outside, wanting to see her the moment she appeared. He wore his best waistcoat, shirt, and trousers. No cravat. There was no need to look overdone.
He sewed the buttons Belle ripped off with passion yesterday. She'd been glorious and fierce, and he hoped the buttons he reattached would be popped off again. He'd suspected there was a passionate nature underneath her self-containment. Bringing that out was a highlight of his life and a privilege.
The bright sun shone overhead when he finished his mending. Gold got out his knife and a piece of wood. A rough form appeared beneath his patient hands. A new cat for Tilly. He'd make her a whole cat family. Perhaps Belle would bring Tilly with her today. As much as a repeat of the previous day's activities would be perfect, seeing Tilly again would be enjoyable as well. She was intelligent and spirited like her mother.
He must learn to sign as soon as possible. He learned the language of the Maori, he could learn this. There was much to discuss and there was the problem of what to do about Gaston. But he wasn’t concerned. If there was anything he was good at, it was dealing. When two people want something the other has, a deal could always be struck.
As the sun tracked its way across the sky, disquieting thoughts set in. Where was she? Maybe Gaston had worked at home today. The light faded, and with it, his earlier joy was replaced with despair.
Darkness came. Gold contemplated the indifferent stars above and felt very small. Those stars had seen many things. They'd seen the dark deeds and deals he used to amass his fortune in Scotland. He'd been ruthless. They saw him find a measure of peace here in verdant New Zealand among the forthright natives. The bargaining skills he’d gained he used for their benefit.
But he hadn't gone soft. No, old habits die hard, and he did not make friends with his fellow settlers. He wheeled and dealed, always in his favor, and to the detriment of the unwary. And now here he stood, gazing up at the night sky, alone.
He woke up the next morning to Granny poking him with her crossbow. “Are you still drunk, Gold?”
“You're not going to shoot me, are you? No, I'm painfully sober.” He stretched, stiff from sleeping in the chair. Every joint ached.
“Then why are you sleeping outside?”
“Because I didn't want to sleep in my bed, obviously.”
“Something wrong with it?”
“No.” It would have broken him to lie in it and catch a whiff of her fragrance.
Granny peered at him over her spectacles and frowned at the sadness etched in the lines of his face.
“Let's go inside, and I'll make you breakfast. You'll never guess what Hira told me about Nihe.”
“You just want to eat my food,” he grumbled. Granny's gossip always made an adequate distraction. A fresh day brightened his outlook, and a tiny ember of hope still burned. She might come today. - - -
The stars came out again, and still she had not returned. His hope transformed into grim acceptance. He should have known. No one could ever love him. Especially not a vibrant young woman with her entire future ahead of her.
Now, with a grief so profound he could neither sleep nor eat, he knew he had to leave. She had moved on. He must do likewise.
Granny had no need to poke him when she checked on him the next morning. If he'd slept the night before, he wasn't aware of it.
“Oh, Gold.” She sighed. One look at his face told her no amount of gossip would help. “I'll make you something to eat.”
“Nothing for me, thank you. Please make something for yourself.” Granny squeezed his arm as she passed him. “On second thought, could you make me some tea, please?”
“I'll get it started right away.”
His tea had cooled enough to drink when Cora's small group arrived.
“Hello, Mr. Gold. So nice to see you on this fine day.”
Gold felt sorry for Reverend Hopper. He was a kind man, he cared and tried to “shepherd his flock.” But he was firmly under Cora's thumb. He doubted she allowed him to give a sermon without her approval of the topic. What the Reverend needed was a strong wife, to balance out his gentleness with some backbone. That would be the only way for him to escape being Cora's puppet.
Cora's haughty voice cut into his musings. “Aren't you going to greet us, Mr. Gold? Or has living among the savages caused you to forget all your manners?”
Gold put aside his tea and leveraged himself up with his cane. He made a courtly bow, extending his arm with a flourish. “Good morning, Reverend Hopper, Regina. You'll notice I don't include you in my greeting, Cora, as any morning with you in it could never be good.”
Reverend Hopper tried to salvage the visit, which was not going the way he hoped. “Mr. Gold, we are here at my suggestion. I want to spread Christmas cheer and greetings to everyone, and that includes you. Might we please come in?”
Hopper was making a valiant effort, he had to give him that. On any other day, he might have invited them in and played dutiful host. But this was not any other day.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Reverend. But Cora can take her bloody Christmas cheer elsewhere.”
Granny came out when she heard him raise his voice. “I see you have a visitor here already,” sneered Cora.
“Yes, I do. And I have much to accomplish today, so I'll bid you haere rā.”
“Come, Regina. I won't spend another second in this miserable man's rude presence.”
“Actually, a moment please, Regina. I'm leaving, and this will probably be the last time I see you. You have spirit, and there is good in you. Get as far away from your mother as possible and give that goodness room to grow. You'll be much better off.” He hoped she'd take his advice. It was the only way she'd find any happiness.
Regina removed a package from her basket and handed it to Reverend Hopper. He approached and placed it on the step.
“I'm sorry to hear you're leaving us. The Maori will miss your help. I wish you safe travels.”
“Thank you, Reverend. I meant no offense to you, it has been a difficult couple of days. But you're another who would do well to rid himself of that viper. Goodbye.”
Granny picked up the package to spare him the step down, knowing his leg must ache. They turned their backs on the trio and entered the house.
“Keep whatever that is. Knowing Cora, it’s probably poisoned.” He rubbed his fingers, uncomfortable with what he was about to ask. “Can you do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
“Can you make sure the cat is taken care of?”
“The cat? The little black one that comes around?”
“Yes. After I'm gone, see if Gaston will take it for Tilly. If he thinks it is his idea, he might let her have it. But if he doesn't, would you look after it?
“Yes, I can do that. You're really leaving?”
“Yes, I am. And thank you.”
“I'm sure you have a lot to do, so I'll go. But don't leave without saying goodbye.”
“I won't.”
Exhausted, Gold sat on the porch again. Thankfully Granny had asked no questions about the cat. He was too tired to explain.
A few minutes later Ebony herself appeared, weaving through the plants on dainty feet. She jumped into his lap and settled there, purring.
Gold scratched her head and ears. Her golden eyes closed to contented slits. He remembered the first time he saw her, a scrawny little thing, just skin and bones. The smell of his dinner cooking had drawn her, and she'd watched him with bleary eyes, hopeful for something to eat.
Hunger was a suffering Gold understood all too well, and he couldn't bear to let anything starve, not even a cat. He'd tossed it scraps of meat and after that, the cat was a regular visitor.
He'd found satisfaction in watching the cat fill out, her dull fur becoming glossy with health, her ribs no longer visible. But he never named her. No, naming was not for the likes of him. Then Tilly came along, and now she was Ebony.
Lost in his memories, his cat warm in his lap, he dozed.
He spent the next morning packing the few belongings he wished to keep into the saddlebags. The teacup and book were wrapped with care, the only two things he truly cherished. Gold saddled his horse. The Maori village would be his first stop. He would gift his land to them; it was theirs to begin with. And he wanted to say goodbye.
Granny was leaving with her crossbow, ready to hunt when he arrived. She surprised him with a traditional Maori greeting, the hongi. As she pressed her nose to his, she said, “I'll miss you, Gold. You've been a good friend to me.”
“And you to me. Haere rā.”
“Let's not drag this out. I wish you well Gold. Goodbye.”
He saw Kamira on his way to the village elders.
“Gold! Just the person I was hoping to run into,” said Kamira, speaking to him in his native tongue. “I have something to trade.”
“I'm not making deals today.”
Kamira pulled the gleaming ivory piano key from his waistband. Gold lunged for it.
“Give me that.”
“I found it. What will you offer me for it?” He knew Gold valued the piano the white woman had brought and thought he might make a good trade for this piece of it.
“Where did you find it?” His fingers tightened on the reins to keep himself from grabbing for it again.
“There's something written on the side, but I can't read English.” He pondered for a moment. “I'll trade you this for your knife.” Kamira had long admired it and Gold never showed any willingness to part with it.
“Deal.” Gold dismounted and opened his saddlebag. The knife, really more of a dagger, was ornate, a work of art. He pulled it from its sheath and it gleamed in the sun. They traded.
The words were difficult to decipher. They were written in flowing script instead of plain print. He concentrated. His eyes narrowed as he sounded out the words, his heart thudding in his chest. These might be the most important words he'd ever read.
“Dear … Gold … You … Have … My … Heart. Belle French.”
Tilting his head back, he laughed with joy. Hope rushed back. In his giddy relief, he did not think to chase down Kamira and ask how the key had come into his possession. Belle loved him.
He'd be patient and go home. No matter how long it took, he'd wait for her. She'd sent him a piece of her treasured piano that was her voice. No one had ever given him anything so precious.
The rain that fell on him as he rode did not dampen his spirits. He repeated the message to himself over and over, savoring the sound of the words, his heart so full of happiness he thought it might burst. “Dear Gold, you have my heart. Belle French.” He was still smiling when he reached his home.
Granny rushed out.
“Gold! I heard the girl, Tilly, screaming, and I came running. She has blood splattered on her. I took her inside the house. Get in here, quickly!”
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#¹ Crying is ok all of the time but is not ok sometimes
Ok first of all, What the f@#!?
When you are dragged, pushed or expelled like the little crotch demon you are from your birth-giver on the day chosen(by some big being in the sky) for you to receive(sometimes shitty i-would-have-preferred-socks type) gifts to commemorate the day for years afterwards, the first thing you do is f@#!ing cry!
Does anyone tell you to stop? No! You've just had one of the most traumatic experiences of your new life! Who wouldn't want to cry?!
{~A: I know I did~
~Miss K: I didn't ask for your input. When I came into the world I blessed you into the role of a big sister so those were tears of joy~
~A: They were tears of pre-grief of a perfect childhood ruined by sharing and sibling rivalry~
~Miss K: Look it was not all sunshine and daisies for me either, but I digress I need to finish writing this.~}
Crying was the first good sign! It meant you were born with a set of lungs. Lungs to breathe! Hooray for lungs!
As you get older though you're told to stop crying and start using your words and communicate "properly".
f@#! that.
Displaying emotions is perfectly normal and is as clear communication as any, crying is no different. CRYING IS OK ALL OF THE TIME!
However, the tough love belief that 'instead of crying you should do something about it' has a very fair point.
I am 21, and am currently dating a wonderful guy.
{~H8trs: Suuuure~
~Miss K: Oh hush, he's real and he's totally human~}
Now my gorgeous, brown eyed sack of dorkiness is a firm believer that there's never a proper reason to cry about things. Because crying is wasting the time you could spend fixing those things. He's not a monster of course and if it's something you can't fix like the loss of someone near to you of course it's to be expected you cry a bit but he believes that after you grieve you just get back up and keep on keeping on. Which is great. In theory.
I once cried because I had to peel potatoes. Of course now I look back I can see that there was more to why I was crying, hormones and all that, but at that point in time I just really hated the fact I had to peel f@#!ing potatoes! It was as if my mother had told me she'd run over the family cat, again. The tears poured out and I stood holding the same potato and the peeler asking why it had to be me for a solid 15 minutes. In that time I could have peeled all 7 and been on my way to taking over the world, but I was so caught up in feeling such pitiful sorrow for having to de-skin a legume that I continued to stand there instead.
I discussed this debacle with my sweet and he told me bluntly, it was pathetic. I hate to admit it, but the kid was right. It was. He told me that crying for something like that just wasn't ok, and suggested that if I was crying for more reason then just the potatoes that I could have just multitasked it and cried as I was peeling them. 2 birds - 1 potato.
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I wish someone had pointed out to me sooner that in life you're allowed to cry but sometimes crying just isn't ok.
Lesson Learnt: When life hands you potatoes just peel them and cry at the same time.
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mcueveryday · 6 years
Lies (1/?) (Tony x OFC)
Title: Lies
Sequel to Bloodstream
Pairing Tony Stark x ofc (named)
Word count: 1,750
Summary:  When you're friends with benefits, you're not allowed to fall in love. But when that "friend" (and boss!) is Tony stark, how can Olivia say no?
Warnings: Angst, so much angst. Implied smut.
A/N: So, there it is, people! The sequel to "Bloodstream"! It was going to be a oneshot, but it was too long, so I'm going to divide it in two or three chapters. I hope you like this, please review! Feedback is always good!
Olivia woke up on a bed that wasn’t hers. She was opening her sleepy eyes, when she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist. She smiled and hummed; feeling the arm’s grip grow tighter around her. She could feel his naked chest flushed against her equally naked back, fingers drawing circles on the skin of her stomach.
“I know you’re awake.” He murmured on her ear, his voice raspy with sleep, his beard lightly scratching the skin of her neck. She turned around to face him, placing her hand on his cheek.
“Hi.” She smiled looking into his eyes, making him smile back.
“Hey.” He replied, leaning in to give her a lazy kiss which she returned with pleasure.
For the past two months, Tony and Olivia had maintained a Friends with Benefits relationship. Just sex. No strings attached. And both of them were just fine with it. Until Tony suggested one night that it was very late and that she should stay the night. “I mean, you don’t want to wake your roommate up at 3 o’clock in the morning, now do you?” So she did. That one time thing became two, then three, then every night.
“Morning. Do you… uh, you want coffee or anything? “ Tony asked.
“I wouldn’t mind a cup of coffee.”
“Yeah? Okay, yeah. I’ll get it. Don’t get up.” He said when he noticed her start to sit up. Standing up, he picked up a pair of sweatpants and put them on, walking out of his room and made his way to his private kitchen.
Olivia smiled even wider and stretched, lying back down on the fluffy pillows of Tony’s bed. She couldn’t believe she’s even in this type of relationship with someone – let alone her boss – but she was quite happy about it. Yes, they weren’t a couple, but that didn’t mean Tony was nothing less than a gentleman. He sent her good morning and good night texts when they didn’t get a chance to see each other. Once, she received a bouquet of her favorite flowers at her office. The note didn’t say who it was from, but she knew who sent them when she read what it said.
“Enjoy them, princess.”
Who else would call her “princess” but the one and only Iron Man? She still giggled at the thought. He took her to dinner or had her over for movie nights at his suite when he wasn’t in a mission.
Olivia sighed and closed her eyes, a big smile making its way to her face. She had fallen, hard. The number one rule of a Friends with Benefits relationship was to not catch feelings, and she did just that. She had fallen in love with Anthony Edward Stark. It wasn’t that difficult to do so, either. He was a gentleman, he treated her like a princess, he cared for her; and he was amazing in bed, let’s be honest. She had seen, in those two short months, a side of Tony that not everyone had the privilege of seeing.
“Alright,” She heard Tony making his way towards the room. “It’s some Paris guava whatever mix. Expensive as hell, but you know, I think it’s worth it.” Tony said, a boyish grin on his lips; a mug in each hand.
“We’ll see about that.” Olivia said sitting up, not caring that the duvet fell off her chest.
“Here you go, love-“ He started, handing her the mug. “Liv! Liv, Liv… laugh, love… laryngitis, legume – look, I’m gonna go now. Conference is at 9 am…” Olivia blushed a bit at his mistake, a nervous laugh covering it while taking a sip of her drink.
“And… it’s an hour and a half till then, but I’ve got… plans… to go over.” He looked everywhere but at her, and grew silent.
She kept taking small sips of her mug; looking straight at him. Tony clapped his hands after a paused that felt eternal and took a deep breath. “Okay, great. Go team. And I’ll… see you later.“ He looked down and went for a hug; but stopped himself and patted her head, and left.
She watched him go, confused. What had just happened? Maybe the conference was important. But, Tony’s never gotten this nervous for a conference before. She finished her drink and got dressed; making her way out of Tony’s room. She left the mug in the sink and, when she couldn’t find Tony anywhere in the suite; left to her room to get ready for work.
She sat on her desk, checking some blueprints for some new invention Tony wanted for the team, and the TV on her wall turned on; the conference being broadcasted live. She wasn’t paying attention – something about the Spider man being introduced as part of the Avengers – she just needed the background noise. Besides, they hadn’t even started yet. They were 15 minutes late already and no sign of Tony or Spider man. There were a bunch of reporters;  all talking at the same time; all asking questions and shouting at poor Pepper Pott, the CEO of Stark Industries.
Then; as if the seas had parted; flashes started lightening the room as Tony finally decided to show up. Olivia smiled and rolled her eyes at the scene, typical Tony to make a grand entrance. He addressed the crowd; making them quiet down.
Olivia returned to work, not paying attention to her boss; when she heard a collective gasp from the TV. She looked up and what she saw broke her heart.
Tony; on one knee; showing a ring to Pepper; who was as shocked as Olivia was at the sight. Reporters kept quiet, flashes going around as they took pictures of the next big news; all waiting for Pepper’s answer.
“What do you say, Pep? Will you make a decent man out of me?” Tony said with a smile so big and sincere; making Olivia not doubt his intentions.
Pepper; with tears in her eyes and a big smile; nodded her head yes, repeating the word over and over as Tony stood up. He slid the ring on her finger and hugged her; kissing her hard… and smiling.
Olivia sat straight in surprise; no longer paying attention to her surroundings. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, Tony and Pepper walking back slowly, her arm around Tony’s waist, his around her shoulders. Olivia couldn’t hear noise around her, not the shouts of the reporters coming from the screen in front of her; just the sound of her heart. She felt as if there was a pressure on her chest, crushing her into the ground. So this is what heart break feels like. She felt something sliding down her check and, when she went to wipe it out, did she realize it was a tear. She was crying and never realized it. And as if someone pressed a button, seeing that tear made the other ones go. She started sobbing, holding a hand to her mouth to muffle the sound so no one outside her office would hear her break. Her back shaking and eyes squeezing shut.
Tony made his way to his office two hours after the whole Spider Man conference show. He’s now an engaged man. Who would have thought that would ever happen? He proposed to the love of his life, the one woman who could stand his antics and hectic life. He was happy. There was a skip to his step, but he would have FRIDAY delete the footage if he ever skipped.
Opening and closing the door behind him, the lights turned on their own; and to his surprise, there was Olivia sitting on his chair with a drink in her hand.
“I guess congratulations are in order.” She said, not taking her eyes off the glass, moving it around in her hand. Tony looked at her, the smile on his face slipping into a frown sas she stood up and walked in his direction.
“I guess our arrangement is now over, right?” She said, straight face and killer walk, giving him the glass. She looked him in the eyes, and Tony felt as if everything around him just stopped moving. Time froze then and there, but he wasn’t getting the good feeling he normally gets with her.
Without taking her eyes off of his, she took a deep breath – which he noticed was shaky – and bit her lower lip, just the way Tony liked it.
“It was nice working with you, Mr. Stark.” She said, side stepping him. He turned around, following her with his eyes.
“You’re quitting? Because I got engaged?”
She stopped walking, not turning to face him. “I’m quitting because I realized my boss is a selfish asshole”.
When her hand reached the knob and was about to turn it, she stopped herself because of the words she heard next.
“What- what’s got you so ticked up, huh?”
Olivia turned around to face him then, not caring anymore about the tears pooling in her eyes anymore.
“I slept with my boss! What does that make me, huh? Some people would say I’m young and naïve, given your history; but most people would agree that I’m a whore! Yes, I’m a whore who fell for Tony Stark’s tricks. But you? You slept with your employee who is 20 years younger than you! Tell me,” she said, making her way towards him slowly, tears freely falling down her cheeks. “When you were sleeping with me, were you back with Pepper again?” She was now in front of him, craning her neck up to see him.
“Every time you fucked me, where you picturing her instead of me?”  
Tony’s breathing was quick and deep, eyes hard on her; but kept silent. A silence that gave Olivia the answer she needed. She nodded her head, squeezing her lips together, then scoffed and looked down at her feet again.
“ I can’t believe I was stupid enough to think that…” She looked up at him again, seeing a mix of emotions in his eyes. She shook her head and turned around. “Nevermind. Congratulations on your engagement.”
With that, she turned around and walked quickly towards the door, stopping again at the door knob when Tony spoke.
“I thought you were more professional than to quit over a broken heart, princess. Guess I was wrong.”
She didn’t turn around this time, just  sighed and finally turned the door knob.
“Good night, Mr. Stark.”
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The Secret to Staying Healthy as We Age
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There are some simple actions to help with this. Eat well and exercise will have a huge positive influence on your lifestyle. For a fast start add these five components to your diet. Soy to Handle Your Cholesterol Adding soy to your diet has been proven to significantly lower cholesterol, which can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. 
Additionally, soy is high in iron, which many women desire. Some women also say that soy helps them manage hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause, although those benefits haven't been proven by clinical studies that are long-term. 
However, its cholesterol-lowering benefits are powerful enough. Indeed, the perfect diet can lower cholesterol as much as medicine. You may add soy foods like tofu, soy milk, soy nuts, or green peas into your diet. 
There are meal replacement shakes that have a high degree of quality soy. These are a quick and healthy way to boost your protein and soy intake. You can check this out at my site. Fiber for Your Entire Body Once upon a time our diet was composed mostly of foods loaded with fiber that helped keep our cholesterol and blood glucose levels low, and kept our bowels functioning smoothly. 
Studies have shown that dietary fiber -- such as foods like apples, barley, beans, and other legumes, fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, oat bran, and brown rice -- obviously lower blood cholesterol. 
High-fiber foods can also be digested more slowly, so that they do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels like white bread, potatoes, and sweets do. Of course, everybody knows that fiber helps keep you regular, but so do laxatives.
 Fiber, however, has an additional plus: High-fiber foods help us feel full, which makes it easier to control weight. You could also have a fiber supplement like chitosan. Antioxidant 'Superfoods' to Protect Your Cells and Heart When you are thinking"superfoods," believe colour. That means foods that are deep blue, purple, green, red, or orange. 
The carotenoids and anthocyanins that give the color for all these foods contain health-enhancing nutrients which protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer, and also boost our sense of balance, our memory, and other cognitive skills. Your"superfoods" colour chart should comprise: 
* Red -- Red berries, particularly when cooked, are beneficial resources of lycopeine, which will help protect against cervical and prostate cancer. 
* Deep blue/purple -- Eggplant, plums, blueberries, blackberries (strawberries, raspberries, and cherries come under this category too ) lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by helping the liver"sop up" extra cholesterol, in addition to enhance your mental functioning. 
Calcium for Your Bones If you would like to keep your bones strong and reduce your chance of fractures as you get older, add calcium-rich foods like low-fat cheese and milk into your diet. If you choose a calcium supplement make sure it contains vitamin D which helps the body absorb the calcium. Magnesium keeps teeth strong, helps your muscles contract, and your heart beat. 
Recent studies have shown that calcium may decrease your risk of colon polyps, and help you shed weight. Researchers at Purdue University found that women who consume calcium from low-fat dairy products or get at least 1,000 milligrams a day revealed a general reduction in body weight. Water for Energy and Your Skin Most individuals don't drink enough water.
You should aim for 8 large glasses per day. We are in need of water to flush toxins out, keep our cells hydrated, and keep our energy up. Water is also vital if you're eating high quality foods. Water aids fiber perform its job. Keep a water bottle with you constantly. 
Have one in the vehicle, one at which you work and keep a jug of water on your seat at home. Your body will thank you for it. Exercise The exercise you do will change based upon your personal lifestyle. If you're currently not exercising, start slowly, build up slowly. Weight resistance exercises are important for strong and healthy bones. The easiest exercise is walking. Don't grab the elevator, use the stairs. 
Swimming is a safe exercise for most people. Don't spend too long procrastinating over which sort of exercise you may do. Just begin some type of exercise today. Healthy Outcomes By following these simple actions you will improve your health. Cutting down on fatty and processed, quick food and carbonated beverages will help save you money. It will lessen your need for medical interventions. Your body will feel and look so much healthier and younger. 
Healthy Living Starts With Commitment
A recent trip to my personal physician stirred ideas of what healthy living really means. The focus of the trip, as was mentioned on the last couple of visits, was my burden. I told myself a year ago I was taking it off my target list. It's been there for some time and I was not doing anything about it. You see, I am a yo-yo dieter. 
When I'm good, I am terrific. I then take my eyes off the prize and slide back to where I don't want to be. Now the fact is staring me in the face. You understand the health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. Knowing something and doing something about it are two distinct things. This morning I woke up early and decided to coach myself back to a healthy lifestyle. 
Not only with my burden, with life. With my doctor, we looked at my burden. Are there any other areas of my life that need a fresh look? Are there any areas in your life that need a fresh perspective? From time to time we need to take a step back and assess whether the automated activities we engage in on a daily basis are inventing the outcomes we need. Or, are there activities we will need to change to yield the results we all need.
Listed below are a few areas to explore: 
1. Are you on track to living a healthy lifestyle for 2013? Have you ever had your age appropriate health screenings? Are you following your physician's recommendations? 
2. What are a few of the pressures in your life? What can you do to reduce the negative impacts they have on you? 
3. Are you currently carving time out for fun, rest, relaxation, and exercise? 
4. Are you taking the actions to develop a healthy financial life? 5. What spiritual or religious practices can you incorporate into your everyday life to support you? Taking inventory of our lives supplies for the opportunity to grow, expand our experiences, and live more abundantly. 
Healthy Living starts when you opt to make it a priority in your life. With that 1 change in perspective what is possible. Life comes alive. Now you're directing your actions, instead of your actions directing you. 
Three quick tips to directing your activities: 
1. Write down everything you truly desire in your life. This isn't a new approach, but how many of us really do it. 
2. Review your goals daily at the beginning of your day. The action of reviewing your goals every day guides your actions. 3. Get support to remain on track. Tell a relative or friend what you need to accomplish in order that they can help keep you on track. 
A mentor can help you brainstorm ideas, champion you, and hold you accountable for doing what you say you're going to do. Success in life is possible for anybody when the commitment is there.
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theadmiringbog · 7 years
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In this book, you’ll naturally look for common habits and recommendations, and you should. Here are a few patterns, some odder than others: 
More than 80% of the interviewees have some form of daily mindfulness or meditation practice 
A surprising number of males (not females) over 45 never eat breakfast, or eat only the scantiest of fare
Many use the ChiliPad device for cooling at bedtime 
Rave reviews of the books Sapiens, Poor Charlie’s Almanack, Influence, and Man’s Search for Meaning, among others 
The habit of listening to single songs on repeat for focus 
Nearly everyone has done some form of “spec” work (completing projects on their own time and dime, then submitting them to prospective buyers) 
The belief that “failure is not durable” or variants thereof 
Almost every guest has been able to take obvious “weaknesses” and turn them into huge competitive advantages
Christopher Sommer, former U.S. National Team gymnastics coach and founder of GymnasticBodies
Coach Sommer dislikes the fitness fixation on “diet and exercise.” He finds it much more productive to focus on “eat and train.”
3 Movements Everyone Should Practice 
Shoulder Extension: 
Lift a dowel behind your back (standing), or sit on the floor and walk your hands backward behind your hips. 
Thoracic Bridge: 
Elevate your feet enough to feel the bulk of the stretch in the upper back and shoulders, not the lower back. The feet might be 3+ feet off the ground. Ensure you can concentrate on straightening your arms (and legs, if possible), holding the position, and breathing.
Good Goals for Adult Non-Gymnasts 
The following goals incorporate many different aspects of strength and mobility into single movements: 
Beginner: J-Curl 
Intermediate: Straddle Press Handstand 
Advanced: Stalder Press Handstand
QL Walk—An Unusual Warmup
Ag Walks with Rear Support
Pike Pulses
Cast Wall Walk
Dr. Dominic “Dom” D’Agostino, PhD
The ketogenic diet, often nicknamed “keto,” is a high-fat diet that mimics fasting physiology. Your brain and body begin to use ketones (derived from stored or ingested fat) for energy instead of blood sugar (glucose)—a state called ketosis. The diet was originally developed to treat epileptic children, but there are many variations, including the Atkins diet. You can achieve ketosis through fasting, diet, exogenous ketones, or a combination.
The primary resource, as you’ll come back to this: Dom’s top go-to resource for the ketogenic diet, including FAQs, meal plans, and more is ketogenic-diet-resource.com
Why Consider Fasting? 
Dom has discussed the idea of a therapeutic “purge fast” with his colleague Dr. Thomas Seyfried of Boston College. Per Dom: 
“If you don’t have cancer and you do a therapeutic fast 1 to 3 times per year, you could purge any precancerous cells that may be living in your body.”
Fasts of 3 days or longer can effectively “reboot” your immune system via stem cell–based regeneration. Dom suggests a 5-day fast 2 to 3 times per year.
I’d always been repelled by yoga: too much mumbo-jumbo, too little excitement. AcroYoga is a different beast.
Questions to ask
These can be modified for any skill or topic, not just sports. Just replace [SPORT] with what you want to learn, and track down your mentors. You can often find past gold and silver medalists willing to answer these via Skype for $50 to $100 per hour, which is an incredible steal and could save you years of wasted effort. 
Who is good at [SPORT] despite being poorly built for it? 
Who’s good at this who shouldn’t be? 
Who are the most controversial or unorthodox athletes or trainers in [SPORT]? 
What do you think of them? 
Who are the most impressive lesser-known teachers? 
What makes you different? 
Who trained you or influenced you? 
Have you trained others to do this? 
Have they replicated your results? 
What are the biggest mistakes and myths you see in [SPORT] training? 
What are the biggest wastes of time? 
What are your favorite instructional books or resources on the subject? 
If people had to teach themselves, what would you suggest they use? 
If you were to train me for 12 weeks for a [FILL IN THE BLANK] competition and had a million dollars on the line, what would the training look like? 
What if I trained for 8 weeks?
Peter rarely eats breakfast and has experimented with many forms of intermittent fasting, ranging from one meal a day (i.e., 23 hours of fasting per day) to more typical 16/8 and 18/6 patterns of eating (i.e., 16 or 18 hours of fasting and only eating in an 8- or 6-hour window). Going 16 hours without eating generally provides the right balance of autophagy (look it up) and anabolism (muscle building).
“If you’re over 40 and don’t smoke, there’s about a 70 to 80% chance you’ll die from one of four diseases: heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, cancer, or neurodegenerative disease.
“There are really two pieces to longevity. The first is delaying death as long as possible by delaying the onset of chronic disease (the ‘big four’ above). We call that the defensive play.
“The second is enhancing life, the offensive play.
“[Studies] suggest to me that there’s something about highly refined carbohydrates and sugars—and potentially protein, though it might be for a different reason—that seems to raise insulin, which we know, by extension, raises insulin-like growth factor (IGF). And we know that IGF is driving not just aging but also certainly driving a lot of cancers, though not all of them.
“There is value in exercise, though, and I think that the most important type of exercise, especially in terms of bang for your buck, is going to be really high-intensity, heavy strength training.”
For Loose Skin or Stretch Marks 
“There’s an herb called gotu kola that—I learned this from Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale, who was one of my early mentors—will get rid of what we call unnecessary scar tissue or unnecessary connective tissue. The truth of the matter, though, is that you will see zero progress for the loose skin for 6 months. So people say it’s not worth it, but I tell people, just keep doing it for 6 months. And then it’s almost like overnight. . . . “There are some compounding pharmacists who will make you a gotu kola bioabsorbable cream. That works a lot faster.”
On Good Doctors 
“The length of time they spend with you on your first visit is probably your best indicator [of their quality].”
The Slow Carb Diet
The basic rules are simple, all followed 6 days per week: 
Rule #1: Avoid “white” starchy carbohydrates (or those that can be white). 
This means all bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and grains (yes, including quinoa). If you have to ask, don’t eat it. 
Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again, especially for breakfast and lunch. 
Good news: You already do this. You’re just picking new default meals. If you want to keep it simple, split your plate into thirds: protein, veggies, and beans/legumes. 
Rule #3: Don’t drink calories. 
Exception: 1 to 2 glasses of dry red wine per night is allowed, although this can cause some peri-/post-menopausal women to plateau. 
Rule #4: Don’t eat fruit. 
(Fructose → glycerol phosphate → more body fat, more or less.) Avocado and tomatoes are allowed.
Rule #5: Whenever possible, measure your progress in body fat percentage, NOT total pounds. 
The scale can deceive and derail you. For instance, it’s common to gain muscle while simultaneously losing fat on the SCD. That’s exactly what you want, but the scale number won’t move, and you will get frustrated. In place of the scale, I use DEXA scans, a BodyMetrix home ultrasound device, or calipers with a gym professional (I recommend the Jackson-Pollock 7-point method). And then: 
Rule #6: Take one day off per week and go nuts. 
I choose and recommend Saturday. This is “cheat day,” which a lot of readers also call “Faturday.” For biochemical and psychological reasons, it’s important not to hold back. Some readers keep a “to-eat” list during the week, which reminds them that they’re only giving up vices for 6 days at a time.
3 High-Yield Exercises
Pavel’s “Simple & Sinister” Kettlebell Program 
One-arm swing 
Turkish get-up (TGU) 
Goblet squat 
Do these three exercises in some form every day, and you are guaranteed to get a great return on your investment. The TGU is also excellent for diagnosing deficiencies.
“When in Doubt, Train Your Grip and Your Core” 
“Strengthening your midsection and your grip will automatically increase your strength in any lift.
Among effective midsection exercises are ‘power breathing,’ hollow rocks, Janda sit-ups, hanging leg raises, and ‘hard-style planks.’ To do the last, hold a plank for 10 seconds under max contraction, not for several minutes. Hold it like you’re about to be kicked and breathe ‘behind the shield’ of your tensed midsection. For a challenge, consider putting your feet on the wall, a few inches from the floor.”
Kettlebell windmills
The Top Mobilizations to Do Every Day 
“Here are a few things you should probably do every day: 
Everyone can benefit from something that looks like the cow stretch (also sometimes called “cat-camel” in yoga classes). It’s a low-level static stretch that gets you into this extension pattern, and out of the other pattern of sitting in the rounded flexion position. 
Spend as much time in a lunge as you can. 
‘Smash’ your gut (i.e., roll on it) for downregulation before bed with a medicine ball. 
Internal shoulder rotation is so crucial. Doing the Burgener warmup will help show you if you have full internal rotation of your shoulder.
“Don’t systematically shorten your kids’ heel cords (Achilles) with bad shoes. It results in crappy ankle range of motion in the future. Get your kids Vans, Chuck Taylors, or similar shoes. Have them in flat shoes or barefoot as much as possible.”
“What am I continuing to do myself that I’m not good at?” Improve it, eliminate it, or delegate it.
"When it comes to the future, it’s far more important to be imaginative than to be right.”
Alvin Toffler.
Honey + ACV: My go-to tranquilizer beverage is simple: 
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (I use Bragg brand) and 1 tablespoon honey, stirred into 1 cup of hot water. This was taught to me by the late and great Seth Roberts, PhD. Some of his readers also noticed large and immediate strength improvements in exercise after a few days of using this pre-bed cocktail.
#4—Prepare “Titanium Tea” (this name was a joke, but it stuck) (2 to 3 minutes) 
I prepare loose-leaf tea in a Rishi glass teapot but you could use a French press. The below combo is excellent for cognition and fat loss, and I use about 1 flat teaspoon of each: Pu-erh aged black tea Dragon well green tea (or other green tea) Turmeric and ginger shavings (often also Rishi brand) Add the hot water to your mixture and let it steep for 1 to 2 minutes.
Separately, add one of the following to your drinking mug: 1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, which is about 60 to 70% MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) by weight or 1 scoop of Quest MCT Oil Powder, which will give the tea a creamy consistency.
Try one or more of Chade-Meng Tan’s suggested exercises, starting on page 154. They are simple and brilliant. 
With “Just Note Gone” we train the mind to notice that something previously experienced is no more. For example, at the end of a breath, notice that the breath is over. Gone. As a sound fades away, notice when it is over. Gone. At the end of a thought, notice that the thought is over. Gone. At the end of an experience of emotion—joy, anger, sadness, or anything else—notice it is over. Gone. This practice is, without a doubt, one of the most important meditation practices of all time. Meditation master Shinzen Young said that if he were allowed to teach only one focus technique and no other, it would be this one. 
In many of my public talks, I guide a very simple 10-second exercise. I tell the audience members to each identify two human beings in the room and just think, “I wish for this person to be happy, and I wish for that person to be happy.” That is it. I remind them to not do or say anything, just think—this is an entirely thinking exercise. The entire exercise is just 10 seconds’ worth of thinking. Everybody emerges from this exercise smiling, happier than 10 seconds before. This is the joy of loving-kindness.
Chris elaborates: “Generally, what all of this comes down to is whether you are on offense or defense. I think that as you survey the challenges in your lives, it’s just: Which of those did you assign yourself, and which of those are you doing to please someone else? Your inbox is a to-do list to which anyone in the world can add an action item. I needed to get out of my inbox and back to my own to-do list.”
Go to as Many Higher-Level Meetings as Possible 
TIM: “If working in a startup environment, what should one do or focus on to learn and improve as much as possible?” 
CHRIS: “Go to all the meetings you can, even if you’re not invited to them, and figure out how to be helpful.
In 2009, Chris did a charity bicycle ride with the Trek Travel team from Santa Barbara, California, to Charleston, South Carolina: “I had a phrase I kept repeating in my head over and over again, which was, ‘Tonight, I will be in my bed. Tonight, I will be in my bed. Tonight, I will be in my bed.’ . . . It was something I repeated to remind me that the pain of what I was going through was temporary and that, no matter what, at the end of that day, I would be in my bed that night.”
“Raise Prices” 
This was Marc’s response to “If you could have a billboard anywhere, what would it say?” He’d put it right in the heart of San Francisco, and here’s the reason: 
“The number-one theme that companies have when they really struggle is they are not charging enough for their product. It has become conventional wisdom in Silicon Valley that the way to succeed is to price your product as low as possible, under the theory that if it’s low-priced, everybody can buy it, and that’s how you get to volume,” he said. “And we just see over and over and over again people failing with that, because they get into a problem called ‘too hungry to eat.’ They don’t charge enough for their product to be able to afford the sales and marketing required to actually get anybody to buy it. Is your product any good if people won’t pay more for it?”
TIM: “What advice would you give to Marc, the 20-something, at Netscape?” 
“I’ve never for a moment even thought about that.
Basically, his entire thing is ‘forward.’
TIM: “So that’s how you feel?” 
MARC: “Forward, like: We don’t stop. We don’t slow down. We don’t revisit past decisions. We don’t second guess. So, honestly, that question, I have no idea how to answer.”
“Strong Views, Loosely Held” For a long time, this phrase was in Marc’s Twitter bio.
Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life
Marc highlighted one takeaway: “He says the key to success is, ‘Be so good they can’t ignore you.’” 
TF: Marc has another guiding tenet: “Smart people should make things.” He says: “If you just have those two principles—that’s a pretty good way to orient.”
“My goal is not to fail fast. My goal is to succeed over the long run. They are not the same thing.”
“To do original work: It’s not necessary to know something nobody else knows. It is necessary to believe something few other people believe.”
“Andy Grove had the answer: For every metric, there should be another ‘paired’ metric that addresses adverse consequences of the first metric.”
Arnold: “My confidence came from my vision. . . . I am a big believer that if you have a very clear vision of where you want to go, then the rest of it is much easier. Because you always know why you are training 5 hours a day, you always know why you are pushing and going through the pain barrier.”
Derek has read, reviewed, and rank-ordered 200+ books at sivers.org/books. They’re automatically sorted from best to worst. He is a huge fan of Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s business partner, and introduced me to the book Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger, by Peter Bevelin.
“What if you asked, ‘When you think of the word “successful,” who’s the third person that comes to mind? Why are they actually more successful than the first person that came to mind?’ In that case, the first would be Richard Branson, but ...
“What if Richard Branson set out to live a quiet life, but like a compulsive gambler, he just can’t stop creating companies? Then that changes everything, and we can’t call him successful anymore.”
Ricardo Semler, CEO and majority owner of the Brazil-based Semco Partners, practices asking “Why?” three times.
I believe you shouldn’t start a business unless people are asking you to.
“From the early days of WordPress, we would always think: ‘Okay, if we do X today, what does that result in tomorrow, a year from now, ten years from now?’ The metaphor I think of the most—because it’s simple—is the dog chasing the car. What does the dog do if he catches the car? He doesn’t have a plan for it. So I find it just as often on the entrepreneurial side. People don’t plan for success.”
The normal QWERTY keyboard layout was designed to slow down human operators to avoid jams. That time has passed, so try the Dvorak layout instead, which is easier on your tendons and helps prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Read The Dvorak Zine (dvzine.org). Colemak is even more efficient, if you dare. Within Automattic, Matt has held speed-typing challenges, where the loser has to switch to the winner’s layout. So far, Dvorak has always beaten QWERTY.
Search YouTube for “Best of Liszt” (Halidon Music): 
“Franz Liszt is one of the great romantic composers of piano literature. He was really held as the super-virtuoso of the 19th century.”
As Tony recounted, Buffett told him, 
“Investing in yourself is the most important investment you’ll ever make in your life. . . . There’s no financial investment that’ll ever match it, because if you develop more skill, more ability, more insight, more capacity, that’s what’s going to really provide economic freedom. . . . It’s those skill sets that really make that happen.” 
This echoes what Jim Rohn famously said, “If you let your learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool. If you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy.”
Doesn’t Always Have to Be Hard “I have come to learn that part of the business strategy is to solve the simplest, easiest, and most valuable problem. And actually, in fact, part of doing strategy is to solve the easiest problem.”
Reid’s First Principle Is Speed 
“We agreed I was going to make judgment calls on a range of issues on his behalf without checking with him. He told me, ‘In order to move fast, I expect you’ll make some foot faults. I’m okay with an error rate of 10 to 20%—times when I would have made a different decision in a given situation—if it means you can move fast.’ I felt empowered to make decisions with this ratio in mind, and it was incredibly liberating.”
“I think we need to teach kids two things: 1) how to lead, and 2) how to solve interesting problems. Because the fact is, there are plenty of countries on Earth where there are people who are willing to be obedient and work harder for less money than us.
“We all have, let’s say, two or three dozen massive pain points in our lives that everyone can relate to. I try to basically write about those, and then I try to write about how I attempted to recover from them.”
To me, the quote above explains how James went from unknown to millions of readers faster than most writers gain a thousand readers. James made his specialty exploring his own pain and fear, and he shows the light at the end of the tunnel without ignoring the darkness in the middle.
Some of my most popular blog posts since 2007 have been the least time-consuming but the most uncomfortable. To produce these, I usually ask myself: “What am I embarrassed to be struggling with? And what am I doing about it?”
If you can’t get 10 good ideas, get 20 ideas.
On the Value of Selective Ignorance, After Working at a Newspaper 
“You’re basically told, ‘Find the thing that’s going to scare people the most and write about it.’ . . . It’s like every day is Halloween at the newspaper. I avoid newspapers.” 
TF: Many productive people do the same, including Nassim Taleb.
1,000 True Fans
To be a successful creator, you don’t need millions. You don’t need millions of dollars or millions of customers, clients, or fans. To make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, animator, app maker, entrepreneur, or inventor you need only 1,000 true fans. A true fan is defined as “a fan who will buy anything you produce.” These diehard fans will drive 200 miles to see you sing; they will buy the hardback and paperback and audio versions of your book; they will purchase your next figurine, sight unseen;
Here’s how the math works. You need to meet two criteria: First, you have to create enough each year that you can earn, on average, $100 profit from each true fan. That is easier to do in some arts and businesses than others, but it is a good creative challenge in every area because it is always easier and better to give your existing customers more, than it is to find new fans. Second, you must have a direct relationship with your fans. That is, they must pay you directly. You get to keep all of their support, unlike the small percentage of their fees you might get from a music label, publisher, studio, retailer, or other intermediate. If you keep the full $100 from each true fan, then you need only 1,000 of them to earn $100K per year. That’s a living for most folks. 1,000 customers is a whole lot more feasible to aim for
Here are some specific phrases that he uses, which I’ve borrowed, and you’ll notice that pseudo-commands are sometimes more effective than questions:   
Prompts to Elicit Stories (Most Interviewers Are Weak at This) 
“Tell me about a time when . . .” 
“Tell me about the day [or moment or time] when . . .” 
“Tell me the story of . . . [how you came to major in X, how you met so-and-so, etc.]” 
“Tell me about the day you realized ___ . . . ” 
“What were the steps that got you to ___ ?” 
“Describe the conversation when . . .”
Follow-Up Questions When Something Interesting Comes Up, Perhaps in Passing 
“How did that make you feel?” 
“What do you make of that?”
General-Use Fishing Lures 
“If the old you could see the new you, what would the new you say?” 
“You seem very confident now. Was that always the case?” 
“If you had to describe the debate in your head about [X decision or event], how would you describe it?”
Every single thing in your company breaks every time you roughly triple in size.
You get to 10 people, and everything kind of breaks again. You figure that out, and then you get to 30 people and everything is different, and then 100 and then 300 and then 1,000.
His dad, a very successful entrepreneur, gave Chris advice when he was a freshman or sophomore in high school: “I distinctly remember him saying not to worry about what I was going to do because the job I was going to do hadn’t even been invented yet. . . . The interesting jobs are the ones that you make up.
“That’s something I certainly hope to instill in my son: Don’t worry about what your job is going to be. . . . Do things that you’re interested in, and if you do them really well, you’re going to find a way to temper them with some good business opportunity.”
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webmarket01 · 4 years
Jillian Michaels says these 11 weight loss tips will help you lose weight and keep it off
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/jillian-michaels-says-these-11-weight-loss-tips-will-help-you-lose-weight-and-keep-it-off/
Jillian Michaels says these 11 weight loss tips will help you lose weight and keep it off
Healthista has called upon the ultimate weight loss guru. Jillian Michaels shares 11 ways we can lose weight and keep it off for good
If there’s one woman who knows a thing of two about diet, fitness and weight loss, it’s Jillian Michaels.
The 46-year-old fitness guru is well known in the fitness world after her ten year gig as a trainer on NBC’s hit weight loss show The Biggest Loser – and for her abs of course.
Not only that, but Jillian has trained well known celebrities such as Pink, Julia Roberts, Amanda Peet and Sarah Paulson to name just a few. Jillian has also created many successful workout programmes, such as Bodyshred, Body Revolution, Jillian Michaels Killer Abs and most recently the Jillian Michaels App.
Jillian has trained well known celebrities such as Pink, Julia Roberts, Amanda Peet and Sarah Paulson
As a renowned fitness and nutrition expert with a keen interest in healthy living since the age of 18, Jillian has amassed an Instagram following of 1.3 million, where she shares her expertise, fitness tips and workout videos, as well as inspirational life quotes.
The TV star has built a fitness empire around empowering people who want to lose weight do so in a healthy and sustainable way.
So who else could we have reached out to other than Jillian for some advice on how we can drop the pounds and keep them off for good? Here are 11 diet and fitness tips from the one and only Jillian Micheals…
#1 HIIT and resistance training burns the most calories
HIIT training is extremely effective for getting lean and losing weight quickly, especially when done in conjunction with resistance training. Both these training types burn the most calories, during and after the workout.
That’s why I design my programs so that the individual trains each muscle group twice a week with two days of rest before training that muscle group again.
So a training schedule for my clients would look something like this:
If someone is a fan of traditional cardio, I advise that they do this up to two more times a week, but they must take at least one day off, preferably two. So that means they have Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday open for cardio.
#2 Don’t consume more calories than you burn
The reason most people don’t see results when they think they are doing everything right is because they aren’t creating a calorie deficit, even if they think they are.
Either someone will think they are eating healthily, but still eating too much, or they will be eating less, but not doing enough exercise meaning there isn’t enough of a calorie deficit to lead to steady weight loss.
That’s why counting calories is important. Even if you don’t like to do it, if you want to lose weight it’s a tool you need to get used to.
weight gain, weight loss, weight maintenance are all an energy equation
Look at it this way, weight gain, weight loss, weight maintenance are all an energy equation. Yes, there are certain foods that can affect your metabolism, but not in a hugely significant way. This is not an opinion of mine. It’s scientific fact. It’s called the law of thermodynamics.
This means that energy isn’t created or destroyed in a vacuum. Food has calories and calories are units of energy. Consume more energy than you burn in a day and it will be stored as fat. No matter how healthy the food you are eating is.
And remember that eating for health and weight loss are not the same thing. There have been numerous studies whereby doctors and scientists have simply reduced someone’s calories but let them eat the same garbage and they still lost weight.
Is it healthy to eat crap – no. But eating less crap will help you lose weight. Ideally you want to be eating healthy foods and you should not be overeating.
A post shared by Jillian Michaels (@jillianmichaels) on Aug 3, 2020 at 11:00am PDT
#3 Choose exercise that you enjoy
Exercise and the ‘right’ type of exercise depends on the individual. Ultimately, the most effective form of fitness is the one someone will show up for.
So if you love dance class, spinning, walking or jogging, then do it. Whatever you choose, do it consistently.
That’s why I design programs to blend multiple types of fitness, from HIIT training, weight lifting, yoga, metabolic circuits and so on. By trying a variety of different exercise, you are training for every modality of fitness – strength, speed, power and flexibility.
It’s wise to change up your workouts too so you don’t hit a plateau or cause injury from doing the same movements repetitively. I advise that you add a couple of different types of workouts to your training every two weeks.
A post shared by Jillian Michaels (@jillianmichaels) on Feb 13, 2020 at 12:45pm PST
#4 Fitness apps are designed to help you reach your goals – use them!
The great thing about fitness apps is that you can access them on any device, any place, any time, anywhere – your phone, tablet, apple watch and your TV.
Plus, nowadays the technology allows for a completely custom experience whereby you can personalise a program for the client.
When someone downloads the Jillian Michaels App they can tell me their fitness level, workout of choice, time frame, available equipment and I am then able to customise a workout for them as an individual.
The great thing about fitness apps is that you can access them on any device
Or they can use any of the programs I’ve already created as they are all available on the app. Whether it’s my entire DVD library or any other programs they would want to use (HIIT, weight lifting, yoga, kickboxing, kettlebells), it’s all in there.
Even the meal plans are totally customised, from food preferences, calorie allowance, servings you want to make and more.
Fitness apps really are helpful, and they are often way cheaper than a gym, so make use of them.
#5 Balance and common sense are the key to success
I believe in balance and common sense, and keeping it simple.
By balance I mean, don’t over eat and move your body up to four times a week for around 20 to 30 minutes.
And by common sense I mean look at your food choices. Don’t eat garbage more often than you eat healthy foods.
#6 The 80/20 rule works
I live by the 80/20 rule, and that’s because it works.
That means I make sure 80 per cent of my food comes from healthier choices such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, ocean caught fish, legumes and grass fed beef.
don’t go over the amount of calories you burn in a day
Then the 20 per cent of my food choices consists of a glass of wine, a piece of pizza or some ice cream. This way I am making sure I never over eat. I eat as many calories as I burn in a day so around 1800 to 2000 depending on whether or not I trained that day.
As long as you don’t go over the amount of calories you burn in a day you won’t gain weight – this is an extremely effective way of losing and maintaining weight. It’s how I’ve kept myself fit while being a mom of two and running a business.
A post shared by Jillian Michaels (@jillianmichaels) on Apr 7, 2018 at 1:44pm PDT
#7 Eat more whole foods and try fasting overnight (for at least 12 hours)
I always aim to eat foods in their most whole form and try to avoid eating fake garbage, and it’s what I advise my clients to do also.
By garbage I mean fake fats, processed grains, refined sugars, preservatives, food colouring, pesticides, hormones and meat raised with antibiotics and hormones. Of course we can’t avoid this all the time, but try to limit the amount you do eat.
Personally I do the following: I eat every three to four hours (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner) over a 12 hour period and I do an overnight fast of 12 hours. That means if I eat my last meal around 8pm, I won’t eat again until 8am.
I always aim to eat foods in their most whole form and try to avoid eating fake garbage
Not everyone follows the same diet though, and there are different diets for different people such as, vegan, gluten free, vegetarian, omnivore, and even Keto. That’s why the Jillian Micaels App includes registered dietitians who optomise nutrition no matter what meal preference the client chooses.
As much as I would love to tell a vegan to have some grass fed beef once every two weeks it’s the equivalent of telling someone to believe in a different God. It’ll never work. So instead my team looks for any potential nutrient deficiencies and works hard to combat it.
#8 Think about your WHY
My job is to help people find their ‘why’. People can tolerate the how (the work and sacrifice associated with the goal) if they have the why.
I have many ‘whys’ – from being a role model to my kids, to feeling strong and confident in my own skin, leading by example for people who follow my programs, living to be 100, meeting my great grandchildren and the list goes on and on.
So tell me, what is your why?
A post shared by Jillian Michaels (@jillianmichaels) on Sep 12, 2018 at 9:48am PDT
#9 Don’t drink your calories
Remember the common sense I mentioned above? That includes the simple things like don’t drink your calories.
Water, tea, coffee and milk is allowed but avoid fruit juice, soda and kombucha as they are often full to the brim with sugar and additives.
Don’t get trapped into believing those fad juice diets will work. They are complete crap and hold potential threats for your health in the long term. Remember, common sense eating.
Alcohol in moderation is fine and even has health benefits, but if you are looking to lose weight, try not to consume more than four glasses a week.
A post shared by Jillian Michaels (@jillianmichaels) on Jun 27, 2020 at 12:31pm PDT
#10 Supplements are a great addition to a healthy diet
Supplements – this is where I can get a little nuts. I believe that even though it’s ideal to get your nutrition from your food, our diets often aren’t varied enough and in some cases the soil our food is grown in can be depleted of nutrients.
So, I supplement to make sure I’ve covered all bases and to make sure my body is getting all the nutrients it needs to be as healthy as it can be.
Supplements – this is where I can get a little nuts
I take a greens powder with adaptogens and antioxidants, krill oil, a symbiotic (pre and pro biotic combo), multi collagen with MSM glucosamine chondroitin and if I get sick I take an immunity blend with everything from garlic and acerola to ashwaganda and elderberry.
I love the Alaya Naturals brand because they are privately owned. All their formulas are heavily researched and their ingredients are organic and ethically sourced  from top quality.
#11 Stop comparing yourself to others
I will never be five foot nine and I have a small butt and no boobs – sigh. I will never look like someone else but who cares about looking like someone else anyway?
You can be the best version of yourself though and that’s what matters. Be you – that’s what makes you unique and special.
Image by Don Flood
Jillian Michaels, health and wellness expert and creator of the Fitness by Jillian Michaels App.
This content was originally published here.
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Dear Mark: Homocysteine, Some Kefir Questions, and the Stress of Worrying
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering a bunch of questions from readers. The first one concerns another inflammatory marker, homocysteine. How could CRP be low but homocysteine be high? What could cause that? Next, I answer a barrage of kefir questions, including ones on kefir carb counts, pasteurized kefir, and water and coconut kefir. Finally, I address the elephant in the room: stressing out about your diet.
Let’s go:
How do Homocysteine levels figure in this equation? I have C-reactive protein under 1, but Homocysteine levels of 15, slightly high. Seems odd one so low and one a bit high.
Both indicate elevated inflammation, but they can have different causes. There are many nutrient deficiencies and interactions that go into elevated homocysteine levels—that’s why they indicate inflammation. What are they?
It all comes down to methionine. That’s the essential amino acid most abundant in muscle meats, the one most of you are getting a ton of if you’re eating a standard Primal, keto, or carnivore diet. We use it to perform cellular communication, regulate gene expression, repair cells, and build new tissue. It does some really important stuff, but it needs several different co-factors to work properly.
B12 and Folate—Vitamin B12 is a major one. So is folate. In fact, I lumped them together in one section because they are co-dependents. Vitamin B12 requires folate to do its job. Folate requires vitamin B12 to do its job. Both vitamins are necessary co-factors for methionine to do its important cellular work. Without either one, methionine builds up and contributes to homocysteine.
They even tested this in a controlled human trial. Giving a big dose of methionine without increasing B12 or folate increased homocysteine levels. Supplementing with B12 and folate protected against the methionine-induced increase in homocysteine.
Riboflavin—Some groups may need extra riboflavin to deal with homocysteine levels.
Glycine—After teaming up with the B-vitamins to do the gene expression and cellular repair/buildup, any excess methionine combines with glycine to form glutathione. That’s the body’s main antioxidant, and it’s very helpful to have. If you have low glycine levels/intake, then any leftover methionine goes into the homocysteine cycle.
B6—Vitamin B6 is also used to mop up and convert into glutathione any excess methionine after methylation.
Betaine—Similar to glycine, betaine acts as a buffer for excess methionine. In fact, high intakes of methionine deplete the body of betaine, while supplementing with betaine reduces homocysteine levels.
Choline—Choline is another methionine buffer. High methionine increases the need for choline, while adequate choline or supplementation reduces homocysteine.
If you’re missing those co-factors, methionine fails to assist with cellular communication, gene expression, cellular repair, or new tissue formation. Instead, it generates homocysteine.
For a primer on obtaining adequate B-vitamins, read this post. Meat of all kinds, eggs, organ meats, seafood, dairy, green vegetables, and even legumes are ways to obtain them.
For a primer on obtaining adequate glycine, read this post. You can get it through collagen, gelatin, bone broth, or bone-in, skin-on meats with a lot of gelatinous connective tissue.
To get enough betaine, include some beets and/or spinach in your diet. Wheat germ is the best source, but most of you aren’t eating wheat germ (nor would I recommend you start).
To get choline, eat egg yolks. That’s the single best source. If you’re not going to eat betaine-rich foods (beets, spinach, wheat), eat extra choline; you can make betaine from choline.
Isn’t there a relatively large amount of carbs in kefir, when consumed in quantity?
The fermentation process digests most of the lactose present in milk. The sourer the product, the lower the residual lactose. The sweeter the product (or even just less sour), the higher the residual lactose. At any rate, I wouldn’t worry too much about the carb content of kefir. It’s assuredly lower than advertised, and probably low enough for even keto eaters to incorporate at least a little.
There are even lactose-free kefirs that will be definitely near-zero in carbs. If that’s the case, it will be prominently displayed on the label.
Mark, don’t they at least partially”clean up” kefir? Does it really contain all that good stuff, or is pasteurized?
Commercial kefir uses pasteurized dairy, but the fermentation takes places after pasteurization. This means the finished product is fermented with living bacteria (and yeast, in the case of kefir).
I’ve never seen a commercial kefir that pasteurized after fermentation. If you’re worried, you can always get your own kefir grains and make your own kefir. It’s pretty easy and delicious.
Kefir – I just did a test of dairy and it definitely gives me a reaction. I’d love to read your take on water kefir though I’m not pleased that the recipes use sugar. What about coconut milk kefir?
Don’t worry about water kefir that uses sugar. All the sugar gets consumed by the kefir grains, leaving little to no residual sugar for you. You can tell by the taste (and I admit I’m no fan/expert of water kefir, only because I can tolerate dairy kefir). If it’s sweet, it contains sugar. If not, it doesn’t. Even if it has some sugar left, it’ll be far less than indicated on the label.
Coconut milk kefir is a good option too. Again, I prefer the dairy kefir, but I see nothing wrong with coconut milk kefir. I even put up a coconut milk kefir recipe some time ago.
Funny you mentioned to drink bone broth (for the glycine) to help with sleep. I have been keto-carnivore for 9 months and recently realized that the high level of histamines in bone broth was giving me insomnia. I can eat most foods that contain a moderate level of histamines, but canned fish and long-cooked bone broth have derailed my sleep on carnivore.
If that’s the case, straight glycine can work. That’s what several studies actually used to improve sleep in humans—isolated glycine.
Collagen may also work for you.
Could all this be too much worry from being obsessed with checking if they are doing the keto diet “right” ?
Ha! Yeah. That’s the issue with a certain subset of the Primal/keto crowd. Worrying about every little thing until it becomes a stressor. Ketone numbers running through the head as you lie awake. Waking up at 2 AM to test your urine. “Did I remember to Amazon Prime the MCT oil?” Wondering “Is the olive oil in my canned sardines truly the highest quality olive oil?”
Then there’s the true classic: stressing out about the stress you’re inducing from worrying about your diet. Educate yourself, but don’t forget to enjoy life. There’s only so much diligence we can orchestrate without losing the forest through the trees.
That’s it for today, everyone. Take care and be well, and make sure to leave any comments or questions down below.
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The post Dear Mark: Homocysteine, Some Kefir Questions, and the Stress of Worrying appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Homocysteine, Some Kefir Questions, and the Stress of Worrying published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Dear Mark: Homocysteine, Some Kefir Questions, and the Stress of Worrying
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering a bunch of questions from readers. The first one concerns another inflammatory marker, homocysteine. How could CRP be low but homocysteine be high? What could cause that? Next, I answer a barrage of kefir questions, including ones on kefir carb counts, pasteurized kefir, and water and coconut kefir. Finally, I address the elephant in the room: stressing out about your diet.
Let’s go:
How do Homocysteine levels figure in this equation? I have C-reactive protein under 1, but Homocysteine levels of 15, slightly high. Seems odd one so low and one a bit high.
Both indicate elevated inflammation, but they can have different causes. There are many nutrient deficiencies and interactions that go into elevated homocysteine levels—that’s why they indicate inflammation. What are they?
It all comes down to methionine. That’s the essential amino acid most abundant in muscle meats, the one most of you are getting a ton of if you’re eating a standard Primal, keto, or carnivore diet. We use it to perform cellular communication, regulate gene expression, repair cells, and build new tissue. It does some really important stuff, but it needs several different co-factors to work properly.
B12 and Folate—Vitamin B12 is a major one. So is folate. In fact, I lumped them together in one section because they are co-dependents. Vitamin B12 requires folate to do its job. Folate requires vitamin B12 to do its job. Both vitamins are necessary co-factors for methionine to do its important cellular work. Without either one, methionine builds up and contributes to homocysteine.
They even tested this in a controlled human trial. Giving a big dose of methionine without increasing B12 or folate increased homocysteine levels. Supplementing with B12 and folate protected against the methionine-induced increase in homocysteine.
Riboflavin—Some groups may need extra riboflavin to deal with homocysteine levels.
Glycine—After teaming up with the B-vitamins to do the gene expression and cellular repair/buildup, any excess methionine combines with glycine to form glutathione. That’s the body’s main antioxidant, and it’s very helpful to have. If you have low glycine levels/intake, then any leftover methionine goes into the homocysteine cycle.
B6—Vitamin B6 is also used to mop up and convert into glutathione any excess methionine after methylation.
Betaine—Similar to glycine, betaine acts as a buffer for excess methionine. In fact, high intakes of methionine deplete the body of betaine, while supplementing with betaine reduces homocysteine levels.
Choline—Choline is another methionine buffer. High methionine increases the need for choline, while adequate choline or supplementation reduces homocysteine.
If you’re missing those co-factors, methionine fails to assist with cellular communication, gene expression, cellular repair, or new tissue formation. Instead, it generates homocysteine.
For a primer on obtaining adequate B-vitamins, read this post. Meat of all kinds, eggs, organ meats, seafood, dairy, green vegetables, and even legumes are ways to obtain them.
For a primer on obtaining adequate glycine, read this post. You can get it through collagen, gelatin, bone broth, or bone-in, skin-on meats with a lot of gelatinous connective tissue.
To get enough betaine, include some beets and/or spinach in your diet. Wheat germ is the best source, but most of you aren’t eating wheat germ (nor would I recommend you start).
To get choline, eat egg yolks. That’s the single best source. If you’re not going to eat betaine-rich foods (beets, spinach, wheat), eat extra choline; you can make betaine from choline.
Isn’t there a relatively large amount of carbs in kefir, when consumed in quantity?
The fermentation process digests most of the lactose present in milk. The sourer the product, the lower the residual lactose. The sweeter the product (or even just less sour), the higher the residual lactose. At any rate, I wouldn’t worry too much about the carb content of kefir. It’s assuredly lower than advertised, and probably low enough for even keto eaters to incorporate at least a little.
There are even lactose-free kefirs that will be definitely near-zero in carbs. If that’s the case, it will be prominently displayed on the label.
Mark, don’t they at least partially”clean up” kefir? Does it really contain all that good stuff, or is pasteurized?
Commercial kefir uses pasteurized dairy, but the fermentation takes places after pasteurization. This means the finished product is fermented with living bacteria (and yeast, in the case of kefir).
I’ve never seen a commercial kefir that pasteurized after fermentation. If you’re worried, you can always get your own kefir grains and make your own kefir. It’s pretty easy and delicious.
Kefir – I just did a test of dairy and it definitely gives me a reaction. I’d love to read your take on water kefir though I’m not pleased that the recipes use sugar. What about coconut milk kefir?
Don’t worry about water kefir that uses sugar. All the sugar gets consumed by the kefir grains, leaving little to no residual sugar for you. You can tell by the taste (and I admit I’m no fan/expert of water kefir, only because I can tolerate dairy kefir). If it’s sweet, it contains sugar. If not, it doesn’t. Even if it has some sugar left, it’ll be far less than indicated on the label.
Coconut milk kefir is a good option too. Again, I prefer the dairy kefir, but I see nothing wrong with coconut milk kefir. I even put up a coconut milk kefir recipe some time ago.
Funny you mentioned to drink bone broth (for the glycine) to help with sleep. I have been keto-carnivore for 9 months and recently realized that the high level of histamines in bone broth was giving me insomnia. I can eat most foods that contain a moderate level of histamines, but canned fish and long-cooked bone broth have derailed my sleep on carnivore.
If that’s the case, straight glycine can work. That’s what several studies actually used to improve sleep in humans—isolated glycine.
Collagen may also work for you.
Could all this be too much worry from being obsessed with checking if they are doing the keto diet “right” ?
Ha! Yeah. That’s the issue with a certain subset of the Primal/keto crowd. Worrying about every little thing until it becomes a stressor. Ketone numbers running through the head as you lie awake. Waking up at 2 AM to test your urine. “Did I remember to Amazon Prime the MCT oil?” Wondering “Is the olive oil in my canned sardines truly the highest quality olive oil?”
Then there’s the true classic: stressing out about the stress you’re inducing from worrying about your diet. Educate yourself, but don’t forget to enjoy life. There’s only so much diligence we can orchestrate without losing the forest through the trees.
That’s it for today, everyone. Take care and be well, and make sure to leave any comments or questions down below.
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The post Dear Mark: Homocysteine, Some Kefir Questions, and the Stress of Worrying appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Homocysteine, Some Kefir Questions, and the Stress of Worrying published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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momababyetc · 5 years
Why Am I So Constipated During My Pregnancy?- Moma Baby Etc
Constipation while pregnant
Constipation during pregnancy is a common problem: at some point, up to half of the pregnant women get constipated.
An increase in the hormone progesterone during pregnancy is one reason for constipation, which relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body, including the digestive tract. This means food passes more slowly through the intestines.
And later in pregnancy, the problem may be compounded by the pressure on your rectum from your growing uterus. Iron supplements can make constipation worse, especially in high doses.
When do you generally start constipation during pregnancy?
Constipation tends to start around the second to third month of pregnancy as soon as progesterone levels rise. As pregnancy progresses, it may get worse and your uterus grows.
During pregnancy, what causes constipation?
As with many other symptoms of pregnancy, constipation is caused by pregnancy hormones. Progesterone causes relaxation of the muscles in your intestines, allowing food to hang in the digestive tract for longer. The upside is that there is more time to absorb nutrients into your bloodstream and reach your baby. The downside is that you end up with a traffic jam of waste products. Also, your expanding uterus takes up valuable space that your intestine normally occupies, cramping its usual activity.
When I am pregnant, what can I do about constipation?
You’re not going to have to resign to nine months of misery. There are plenty of tactics to fight colon congestion (all while heading off hemorrhoids, a common constipation side effect):
Fight Back With Fiber:
Fiber-rich foods help remove waste; aim at 25 to 35 grams per day. If you want to check the food labels, but you don’t have to do the math. Instead, concentrate on eating a lot of cereal and bread from full grain, legumes, fresh fruit and veggies (raw or lightly cooked, preferably skin-linked), and dried fruit. Going for the green can also help you go, both in the form of green leafy vegetables and kiwi fruits, which have a powerful laxative effect. The sample to get started from this fiber-rich and delicious menu.  Actually plugged up? Try to add bran or psyllium to your diet, start with a sprinkle and grow as needed. But first, check with your doctor and don’t go overboard, as these fiber powerhouses can carry important nutrients away before they can be absorbed. (And be prepared for some flatulence, another common pregnancy complaint and a temporary side effect of upping your dietary fiber.)
Resist Refined:
Shun refined cereals (white bread, white rice, refined cereals, and pasta) that tend to support things.
Drink Up
Every day, between 12 and 13 full glasses of fluids (water, vegetable or fruit juice and broth) keep solids moving through your digestive tract and make your stubble soft and easier to pass. It can also be used for the stimulation of peristalsis (intestinal contractions that aid you). You can also turn to warm fluids, including the health spa, hot water, and lemon. For truly tough cases, prune juice is a good pick, as it is a mild laxative.
Don’t max out at mealtime.
Big meals can overtax your digestive tract, resulting in a backup of things. Try eating six mini – meals a day instead of three big ones, and you will experience less gas and bloating as well.
Consider your supplements and medications:
Ironically, many of a pregnant body’s supplements and medicines (prenatal vitamins, calcium and iron supplements, and antacids) may exacerbate constipation. So check alternatives (such as slow-release iron supplements) or dosage adjustments with your practitioner until the situation gets better. Also, ask your practitioner to take a supplement of magnesium to help combat constipation. Taking it at night can also help you to relax achy muscles and sleep better.
Get your fill of probiotics:
The probiotic acidophilus found in yogurts containing active cultures stimulates bacteria in the intestines to break down food more effectively to keep things moving. In capsules, chewable or powder form, you can also ask your practitioner to recommend a good probiotic supplement that can be added to smoothies.
Get a move on:
Regular pregnancy exercise promotes regular bowel movements. Even a 10-minute walk can move things, so make sure you get the amount of practice – approved exercise that is recommended.
Do your Kegels:
Exercises on the pelvic floor can help keep you regular when you are regularly practiced.
Stay away from stimulating laxatives:
Not all laxatives and stool softeners are safe to use during pregnancy (especially herbal or homegrown ones). Talk to a doctor before taking any medication or remedy for constipation.
Is constipation ever serious during pregnancy?
Not usually, but sometimes constipation can be a symptom of another problem during pregnancy. Call your doctor or midwife immediately if you have severe constipation that is accompanied by abdominal pain, alternate with diarrhea, or passes mucus or blood.
Furthermore, straining during a bowel movement or passing through a hard stool can lead to or worsen hemorrhoids in the rectal area that are swollen veins. Hemorrhoids can be very uncomfortable, although they rarely cause serious problems. They go away pretty soon after your baby is born in most cases. However, call your provider if the pain is severe, or if you have rectal bleeding.
Is it safe to use stool softeners to treat constipation during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, stool softeners are usually considered safe.
Pregnancy constipation can be uncomfortable, defined as having less than three movements of the intestine a week. Stool softeners like Colace moisturize the stool and make passing easier. These products are unlikely to harm a developing baby due to the body’s minimal absorption of their active ingredient. However, before taking any medication— including stool softeners and other types of laxatives — check with your health care provider to treat constipation of pregnancy.
In most cases, pregnancy constipation is short-lived and resolves without treatment or minimal. However, prolonged constipation may cause fecal impaction in rare cases, which a doctor may need to remove.
Continued use of some types of a laxative may cause the intestine to “forget” how to push the intestines through the stool.
These drugs may also cause in some people electrolyte or fluid imbalances. Usually, such issues affect people with other health issues, such as diabetes or kidney disease.
Talking to a doctor about the types of laxative to be taken and how often to take them is best.
When to consult a doctor?
Before taking any medication, including laxatives or other constipation remedies, it is vital that pregnant women talk to their doctor. It is also advisable to see a doctor if there are any additional symptoms, including:
Stomach pain
Constipation that lasts longer than 1–2 weeks
Bleeding from the rectum
No relief after laxative use
As always, mention any other symptoms or concerns to the doctor for more specific information and advice.
Read More : https://www.momababyetc.com/why-am-i-so-constipated-during-my-pregnancy/
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ouraidengray4 · 5 years
10 Genuinely Surprising Ways to Save Money on Your Weight-Loss Journey
Mere seconds after searching the internet for any kind of clean-eating info or weight-loss plans, ads for meal delivery kits start following me. “Right,” I think to myself. “That’s how all the actors and models get into their (unrealistically) ideal shape — they pay for it.” But how am I supposed to eat healthy on my tiny budget?
“I do believe that people use the cost of healthy eating as an excuse to not do it,” registered dietitian Molly Devine, founder of Eat Your Keto, tells Greatist.
Sure, if you hired a private chef or shopped exclusively at Whole Foods and farmers markets for fresh foods every day, you’d wind up spending a lot more than the cost of fast food and cheap takeout. But with some careful planning and research, you can actually spend a lot less as you make your way on the path to weight loss and fitness. Here’s how.
1. Eat in, and cook enough for leftovers
Registered dietitian Rachel Fine acknowledges that when it comes to restaurants, highly nutritious foods can come at a premium. “Healthy salads at Chop’d or Just Salad are $13, whereas a McDonald’s hamburger could be as low as $1,” she says.
At the same time, Fine knows it’s impractical to expect everyone to become Chrissy Teigen, especially given our busy schedules. Instead, she recommends meal prepping, particularly the sort where you can cook one element and incorporate it into a number of different meals throughout the week.
2. Buy grains, nuts, and legumes in bulk
You don’t have to load up the station wagon and fill your underground bunker like a Cold War housewife to save money. But you will save some cash if you stock your kitchen with some foods that don’t go bad quickly.
“A lot of the foods I buy in bulk are my pantry items like whole grains: quinoa, farro, barley, oats,” Fine says.
Uncooked beans can also stretch your dollar and take the place of more expensive animal proteins. (Plus, if you eat legumes and whole grains, you can get all your essential amino acids.)
“We tend to put protein on a pedestal in our mind,” Fine says. “If you really wanted to save money, you don’t need to pack on the protein with meat and fish.”
Nuts can also be a healthy eater’s best friend, but not in excess. Rather than buy expensive portion-controlled packages, Devine says you can buy these in bulk and then pack a single serving in a reusable container to take with you.
3. Buy fattier meats
Your grocery store’s meat department might be stuck in the “low fat is better” mentality of the ’90s, which works in your favor when you’re on a low-carb diet.
“Fattier cuts of meat that actually are tastier when you cook them are typically priced cheaper,” Devine says. Skin-on chicken thighs are less than breasts, for instance, and fattier ground meat is cheaper than its low-fat counterpart. For even more savings per pound, buy the whole darn chicken and roast it.
4. Don’t buy fresh, organic everything
Produce from fancy grocery stores and farmers markets often does taste fresher and better, but it also goes bad in the blink of an eye. Buy those gorgeous local tomatoes and organic kale when you have a plan to eat them soon, and for everything else, buy frozen.
Not only will they be there (already washed and chopped!) when you need them, you don't necessarily need to choose organic versions when they’re not one of the Dirty Dozen pesticide-prone fruits and vegetables.
“When things are frozen, they’re flash frozen at the time they’re picked, so they don’t need the same pesticides added to them as fresh fruits and veggies do when they're shipped,” Fine says.
5. Avoid wasting food
When you do spend your precious bucks on fresh produce, it’s painful to relegate half of it to the compost bin. Devine says this is an ideal time to learn a new skill: Make your own vegetable stock from broccoli stems, carrot peels, and wilted veggies.
That’s intimidating for a lot of us, so at least we can take her advice on the stuff that's just a day or two past ripe. “Chop it all up, sauté it, and make a veggie omelet, or roast everything and have it to eat throughout the rest of the week,” she says.
6. Don’t fall for buzzword ingredients
Whatever the trendy diet or food of the moment is, you can bet there’s a bunch of new prepackaged snacks and foods advertising them, and that hype comes at a cost.
“Whole, minimally processed foods don’t have to boast about their nutrients,” Fine reminds us. “You don’t see a bag of apples saying ‘high fiber.’ You see the bars in the supermarket yelling ‘high fiber!’ They have to prove to you that all of their ingredients are really worth it.”
7. Consider keto
While hiring a dietitian or buying into a meal plan is pricey, doing your homework by visiting professional sites such as Today’s Dietitian can be almost as good if you’re deciding on a strict regimen like the ketogenic diet. Devine says going keto can be a pretty cost-effective way of life.
“You’re eating these very satiating high-fat foods which keep you fuller longer, so most people that I work with that do keto are only eating two to three times a day,” she says. “You’re not snacking in between meals, and you’re cutting out all that processed stuff, which we pay a premium for.”
8. Join the YMCA
Unlike most other gyms, the Y is a nonprofit meant to better the community (beyond just making everyone look more chiseled). Some of its funds go toward subsidizing memberships for people with lower incomes, so you can check with your local branch to see if you qualify. If not, you may still get a discount for belonging to certain organizations.
9. Move around more
Though some of us think that paying for a gym membership will force us to exercise more, Fine says that doesn’t always work.
“Sometimes I tell clients to invest in a Fitbit and have their steps be their goals,” she says. “It’s much cheaper than the cost of a gym membership, and it does
hold them accountable."
10. Look forward to lower medical (and spa) costs
Public health experts have estimated that health-care spending as a whole goes up when a population has an obesity problem. On an individual level, even if don’t have diabetes or heart disease, excess weight can cause less serious problems that mean trips to the doctor, physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and more.
“When we carry around too much weight, we tend to have joint issues, more inflammation in our body, and systemic pain,” Devine says. “We’re just uncomfortable a lot and tend to kind of seek out relief from that.”
Eating right, by contrast, can help you cut down on all those medical expenses. And how much more pleasant is a trip to the grocery store than a trip to the doctor
from Greatist RSS http://bit.ly/2WmciUr 10 Genuinely Surprising Ways to Save Money on Your Weight-Loss Journey Greatist RSS from HEALTH BUZZ http://bit.ly/2K2TDLS
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heathparticles · 6 years
Again The Fashionista Orders... “A Bowl Of Salad, Please.”
Tumblr media
The Amazing Morsel Of Vegetables And Fruits Had By Fashionistas Who Don’t Wear Much Of Makeup.
Photo by Tom Crew on Unsplash
Right off the bat, let's get one thing clear: I am not a doctor but a nutritionist. What that means is, I am not here to give any medical advice. Almost everyone who writes about anything to do with a medical subject always tells you to "check with your doctor before following this or any other diet or health regimen."
Is this a good advice? In my opinion, the answer is mostly no. Why then, does nearly everyone who writes about health include a phrase about seeing your doctor first?
The answer is easy: It’s a disclaimer. And the truth is… I am no different from them. But here’s the important thing:
Does that mean I am about to reveal to you in this exciting post is any less meaningful or untrue?
Far from it. The fact is… the information you’re about to learn will quite literally transform your health. And I am dead serious about it.
With that out of the way, let’s get going.
We are going to start, oddly enough, by talking about your concealer.
Wearing that floral red and yellow short skirt, brown high ankle boots, you use a concealer to hide dark circles under your eyes, and a few marks on your face from the public. Of course, it feels essential to you if you want to be seen by the world. There is no doubt about it. If you stop wearing makeup, you feel ugly and undesired (that is a loss of your feminine characteristics) and your sense of well being.
You become grumpy and cranky. You do not talk to your friends. Instead, you want to hide from them. Ultimately, you become…
A Truly Miserable Creation!
Looking at your reflection in the mirror is horrifying to you. As if that’s not enough, men in this society always shun and reject you. A rare good one may smile and passes with a fatuous remark like, “Oh, You’re tired and not being yourself. I don’t mind being with you.”
You don’t mind being with her?
Let me tell you something: A woman’s job is not to look beautiful (physically) all the time. She can have those days when she is going through a change… no… she is going to hell! Well, that happens when she is having a menopause but that is for another time.
Life’s certainly an up-and-down, up-and-down sort of affair, although for some (women) the downs seem to come as a surprise—almost as a delight, being so outrageous, so difficult to believe—whereas for others like you, sitting on the wall, looking unpretentious, it’s the ups that have come to appear a little preposterous, hard to credit; they strike you as a cunning bit of misdirection.
Speaking of which you feel misdirected as you’re sitting in a small beach restaurant you visit often during weekdays for lunch. Looking around, the place is jam-packed: an old couple sitting, smiling, and sharing a meat pie, and then there is a bunch of young teenagers on another table shouting and having fish and chips.  
You order a bowl of salad and want to finish it off before moving your ass and run away. You have ‘Don’t Look At Me’ look on your face as you feel people staring at you. But each morsel of the salad gives you energy to take that s**t.
You swear under oath that this bowl does not contain an illegal health drug.
Prepping the area, working on the angles, and the light, you take a photograph (with your iPhone for Instagram) of that rustic bowl. Not to forget the props and the background. In this case, you avoid using any of them.
You don’t remember when was the last time you took a ’Selfie’ for your Instagram profile.
Now, what’s in that bowl? Hmmm… it contains what most of your food should have: all the required micro-nutrients your body needs in abundance.
Crunchy Fresh Green Lettuce:
A sacred vegetable for ancient Egyptians, it may help in controlling anxiety, insomnia, and lowering cholesterol levels. With a constant supply of antioxidants, lettuce neutralizes the radical attacks on healthy tissues, cells, and DNA inside the human body.
Lettuce contains moisture, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sugars. The minerals and vitamins found in it include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc along with vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, C, A, E, and vitamin K.
Smooth and Silky chunks of Avocado:
Avocado has a high fatty acid content but contains extremely low levels of cholesterol. Avocados are considered a “superfood” and have a special position in the food calorie pyramid. Avocados are rich in various nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They are also a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids and have a low sugar content.  They are a good source of energy and contain a number of essential vitamins and minerals. Avocados contain calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. They also contain minerals such as vitamin C, B6, B-12, A, D, K, E, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. Furthermore, they are a great source of dietary fiber, and a single serving can provide more than 40% of the daily requirement!
Avocados are rich in potassium and successfully balance the potassium to sodium ratio which is vitally important to overall health. According to CAC (California Avocado Commission), a medium-sized Hass avocado contains almost 22.5 grams fat. Two-thirds of this fat is of the monounsaturated variety, and they are also very low in fructose. Perhaps most importantly, avocados have a unique collection of organic compounds like phytosterols, carotenoids, and flavonoids.
Some of the health benefits of Avocado are: aids in maintaining healthy skin, aids in digestion and weight management, keeps eyes healthy, protects liver, helps in morning sickness during pregnancy, dental care, Vitamin K deficiency, strengthens bones, nutrient absorption, and phytochemicals that are natural source of energy for your body.
Tip: Try preparing Guacamole with Avocado, a traditional Mexican and Central American dip that is also good as a topping on hamburgers and sandwiches.
Balls of Green Olives cut in half with chilies:
Olives are oval-shaped fruits, botanically known as Olea Europaea. Olives are native to the Mediterranean region, tropical and central Asia, warmer regions of South America and various parts of Africa. They have been used for their culinary value and medicinal benefits for thousands of years, way back to ancient Greece and Rome. They are a staple ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and are enjoyed in salads, sandwiches, pizzas, pesto, or tapenade. Table olives (the ones which are not grown for extracting oil) can be consumed as a salty snack or appetizer.
There are close to 2,000 varieties of olives grown across the world, and each of them has more or less of the important components that add to your health. The two main types of olives are black olives and green olives.
The health and medicinal benefits of olives mainly come from iron, calcium, fiber, copper, vitamin E, vitamin K, choline, sodium, phenolic compounds, and oleic acid present in them. Olives are a rich source of antioxidants like [4] oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleanolic acid, and quercetin. They also have a low glycemic index (GI).
A range of health benefits includes their ability to protect against antioxidant damage, heart disease, reverse bone loss, prevent various cancers, reduce inflammation and arthritis and improve digestion. They help to soothe allergic reactions, improve blood circulation, boost cognitive function, defend against infections, and lower blood pressure.
Bloody Red Cherry Tomatoes:
Let’s add some more color to the bowl. Tomato is considered both, a fruit and a vegetable and forms an integral part of cuisines across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. Daily consumption of tomatoes provides a great boost to the health, along with improving the flavor of food. You can find them in different foods like pasta, pizzas, ketchup, and various beverages. They are relatively easy to cultivate and grow very quickly, making them a great food source, which is a big reason why tomatoes are a staple food for many nations.
The scientific name of tomatoes is Solanum lycopersicum and they are believed to be native to Mexico. They are an annual nightshade plant and grow in clusters of small to moderately sized, round red fruits. They have soft, pinkish red flesh and a number of seeds, as well as a slightly sweet taste. They are considered both, vegetables and fruits and weigh approximately 4 ounces.
The health benefits of tomatoes include eye care, good stomach health, and a reduced blood pressure. They provide relief from diabetes, skin problems, and urinary tract infections too. Furthermore, they improve digestion, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, improve fluid balance, protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation.
Tomatoes consist of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer. They are also a rich source of vitamins and minerals and exert a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.
Carbs from Fried Brown squares of Ezekiel Bread Crumbs:
To make the salad more crunchy and interesting, a handful of small pieces of Ezekiel bread crumbs are scattered on top. Ezekiel bread is a modern health phenomenon and can deliver a number of excellent health benefits, including the ability to regulate blood sugar, lower blood pressure, improve digestion, eliminate allergic reactions, boost liver health, and reduce your risk of heart disease.
Most people know how bread is made–making a wheat-flour dough and then culturing it with yeast before baking it in an oven. The vast majority of bread is made with un-sprouted grain, but that isn’t the case with Ezekiel bread. Furthermore, Ezekiel bread is usually made with four different types of grains, as well as various legumes, all of which are allowed to sprout before being processed, mixed together and baked. In recent years, Ezekiel bread and other types of “sprouted bread” contain the bran, germ, and endosperm, whereas most traditional bread only contains the endosperm, after the bran and germ have been removed.
In comparison to “white” bread, Ezekiel bread has far more protein, fiber, and minerals than traditional bread. Some people mistakenly think of Ezekiel bread as a safe gluten-free option, but the four grains used in this bread are wheat, barley, millet and spelled, all of which contain gluten except for millet. However, sprouting grains contain much lower levels of gluten, so for those with a sensitivity, rather than an intolerance, Ezekiel bread can be a much lighter option for the digestive system.
Combined with the four types of grains are two types of legumes – lentils and soybeans, which is where the majority of the protein in this bread comes from.  Once all of these grains and legumes are allowed to sprout, their nutritional composition changes and the subsequent bread that can be made is much healthier than traditional options. This bread contains fewer carbohydrates and fats, and more protein, as well as high levels of certain minerals and vitamins. Ezekiel bread is the most popular type of sprouted bread, but depending on the composition of grains and legumes, it is possible to create a bread that is a “complete protein”.
Salty and tangy Cucumber Pickle:
Pickling is one of the oldest methods of food preservation. Before the invention of modern refrigeration, pickling was the only way to preserve various foods for future consumption. Generally, pickling began as a method to preserve foods that are either exotic or seasonal and limited by nature and cultivation.
The process of pickling can be generally traced back to India, as it is believed to have originated about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. With hot summers and a lack of water during summers, food production decreased during the summer. Thus, there was a need to preserve excess food produced during winters and hence, the process of pickling was invented to overcome this problem.
The traditional way of preparing long-lasting pickles in the oriental style uses ingredients such as salt, oil, and dry chili powder mixed with condiments. These ingredients are added according to set proportions.
The health benefits of pickles include a good supply of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which contributes to diabetes control, improved digestion, liver protection, a supply of probiotics, and the ability to heal ulcers.
According to the NSDA, sour cucumber pickles contain moisture, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sugars. The minerals found in this pickle include iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium. This pickle also contains vitamins that include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin B-12, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C, and vitamin K.
Shreds of Protein filled Mozzarella Cheese and Cottage Cheese:
Cottage cheese is prepared by boiling and curdling milk with the help of acidic substances such as lime or vinegar. As the milk boils, it starts to curdle, forming lumps of curd. This curd is then pressed to squeeze out the whey or milk serum to form a big lump of curd or cheese.
The health benefits of cottage cheese include weight loss, a good supply of protein, B complex vitamins, and healthy fats, as well as a reduced risk of breast cancer. Cottage cheese is also a good source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium, which play a vital role in many of the body functions. Cheese provides relief from hypertension and osteoporosis. It also helps in maintaining bone health, gaining weight and dental care. For ages, it has been part and parcel of daily life in Europe, America, Australia and nearly every country in the world that has a cold climate, except certain countries in the Indian Subcontinent and the Middle Eastern region.
The nutrients found in cottage cheese (100 g) include energy (98 kcal), carbohydrates (3.38 g), fat (4.5 g), sugar (2.6 g), protein (11.12 g), vitamin A (37 ugs), and vitamin D (21 ugs). Other vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin are also found in different types of cheese. Adding it to your diet also provides certain vital minerals such as calcium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and iron to the human body.
Leafy Kale and Spinach:
Kale is a leafy green cultivar of the Brassica oleracea species, which also includes broccoli, cauliflower, savoy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and collard greens. While many people think of these vegetables as different species, with different flavors and culinary applications, they are actually all the same species, broken down into seven major cultivar groups. Based on these classification groups, kale is most closely related to collard greens. It boasts either green or purple leaves that tend to be wrinkled or curly, and quite dense and stiff, unlike other Brassica oleracea cultivars that form a tight head in the center of the plant, surrounded by thinner, flimsier leaves. Kale has been a part of the culinary tradition dating back to the ancient Greeks
Preparing salads and other dishes with kale seems to be a new health trend but this leafy green vegetable has been a popular food staple for centuries in various nations of the world. While not as widely loved as basic lettuce or spinach, it is an incredible source of nutrients and a worthy addition to any diet.
When you add kale to your diet, you will be benefiting from a huge amount of vitamin K (more than 1100% of the daily recommendation), as well as significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, copper, and manganese.
Additionally, there are decent levels of potassium, calcium, iron, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, thiamin, niacin, folate, and phosphorus. There are also a number of powerful antioxidants found in kale, namely lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as kaempferol and quercetin.
Finally, a single cup of this vegetable only has 36 calories but provides a notable amount of protein. Overall, the nutritional density of kale is extremely beneficial for a healthy diet.
There are a number of very impressive health benefits of kale, including its ability to boost skin health, reduce hair loss, improve digestion, prevent heart disease, defend against cancer, aid weight loss efforts, manage blood sugar, eliminate inflammation, detoxify the body, stimulate the immune system, strengthen bones and support good vision.
Tip: Adding kale leaves into a salad mix will improve the flavor profile of the salad, especially when the dressing has a strong sesame or soy sauce base to counter the flavor of the leaves.
Spinach is a member of the Amaranthaceae family and its scientific name is Spinacia oleracea. It is a green, leafy vegetable that is cheap and affordable for everyone. It is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, pigments, and phytonutrients.
All of these together make spinach very beneficial for a number of vital processes. Due to the vast range of benefits from this vegetable, it is advisable to consume spinach on a regular basis. One of the biggest reasons why spinach is so important and valued around the world is that it is very durable. It can even survive through the winter and be just as healthy in the spring.
Spinach can be eaten raw as a part of many salads, and it can also be cooked or sauteed down into a reduced form. This can be eaten as a side dish vegetable or added in a number of recipes for soups, stews, and casseroles. It is native to the Middle East and was cultivated in Persia thousands of years ago. From there, it was brought into China, approximately 1,500 years ago. It made its way into Europe a few hundred years later and quickly became a staple in a number of cultural cuisines.
The health benefits of spinach include skin care, improved eyesight, regulated blood pressure, stronger muscles, and prevention of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and hemophilia. It is also good for treating cataracts, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and neurological disorders. It helps in bone mineralization and exerts anti-ulcerative and anti-cancerous benefits. Aside from all this, it aids in the healthy fetal development and growth of infants.
The various health benefits of spinach are due to the presence of minerals, vitamins, pigments, and phytonutrients, including potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium. Spinach is a green vegetable which has a very wide distribution. It can be grown as a backyard crop or bought from the market at affordable prices. It is a source of vitamins like folate, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, and contains traces of the rest of the essential vitamins.
Other important elements, including thiamine and riboflavin, which are used in various reactions in our body, are also found in spinach. Spinach is also rich in pigments like beta-carotene, lutein, xanthene, and chlorophyllin. The best part is that spinach has a low-fat content. Spinach offers a wide range of benefits to most of our physiological processes, whether consumed in raw or cooked form.
All topped with French dressing:
French dressing contains Red Wine Vinegar, Dijon Mustard, Dried Garlic, Paprika, Salt, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Garlic (Allium sativum) is a strong-smelling, pungent-tasting herb. It is a close relative of onion and is native to Central Asia. It has been used as a food-flavoring agent and as a traditional medicine. Mankind recognized the curative qualities of this magic herb over 3,000 years ago. Sir Louis Pasteur, the scientist who discovered pasteurization, effectively utilized the anti-bacterial qualities of garlic all the way back in 1858. World War I medical surgeons used the health benefits of garlic juice as an antiseptic for treating war wounds.
Allicin in garlic provides innumerable health benefits which include combating cold and cough, lowering blood pressure, fighting heart ailments, and preventing Alzheimer’s. It also helps relieve earaches, treat intestinal issues, cure wounds, prevent cancer, and relieve gas.
Garlic contains useful minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, and iron, as well as trace minerals like iodine, sulfur, and chlorine. It is a rich source of vitamins like folate, thiamine, niacin, and vitamin C, A, K, and B6. In terms of organic compounds, it is one of the rare sources of allicin, allisatin 1, and 2. The herb is really low in calories, saturated fats, and sodium.
Most salad dressings should contain olive oil which has been used by mankind for many centuries. It is also utilized for cooking purposes, developing cosmetic products and soaps, for medicinal purposes, and as pharmaceutical supplements. It can also be used as fuel and for lighting lamps. Olive oil is an essential fruit oil, which we get from the olive tree crop found mainly in the Mediterranean regions.
The health benefits of olive oil include treatment of colon and breast cancer, diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, and high cholesterol. It also aids in weight loss, improves metabolism, digestion, and prevents aging. It is a staple ingredient for many culinary preparations and also serves a variety of medicinal purposes.
It helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in our blood, as it is rich in monounsaturated fats. The extra virgin olive oil variety contains the highest level of antioxidant polyphenols and oleic acid. It is thus a healthier option compared to other vegetable oils.
However, it also has lots of calories, so it should be used in moderate amounts for the best health results. The Food and Drug Administration recommends 2 tablespoons every day to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Rich in antioxidants, vitamin K, and vitamin E, olive oil boasts a very good nutritional profile. It has mono-saturated fats like oleic acid and palmitoleic acid, which constitutes 10g of the total fatty acid count of 14g in this oil. Olive oil is also free of carbs and cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases. The calorie count of this oil is similar to canola oil or butter, at around 120 calories in 1 tbsp of olive oil.
After paying for the salad with your card, you take a four-minute stroll from the restaurant to your workplace where you’re about to do something in the few darkling hours.
This may involve calling your clients, entering some data on your computer, filing or documentation, or anything else that is termed as Work. Sitting on your chair pushing back and forth; you’re playing with that black ball pen you are holding and sipping green tea from your favorite mug.
It looks like the air conditioner in the hall is not working properly. Each employer in that hall among you understands in this moment that Life is not just a vacation you come on this earth to enjoy. But now you know that it is beautiful only if you take care of your body and mind by eating well, exercising, and thinking positively. You will not give in; no, you’ll accept your weaknesses and work on them. The rage of looking beautiful all the time is not there in you as you
However, one day of the year 2048 you will look at your reflection in a mirror you’ll see wrinkles on your face no makeup will be able to hide while your grandkids playing around you. A year when they will be adults. As they say not everything goes round and round. Some things go up and —
By the time you reach home all is dark. A young couple of street performers in their twenties, wearing skinny jeans, and baggy t-shirts — playing with rings and balls — just finish their act and start packing their stuff while collecting money from the ground. On your way, you see most people looking down on their phone screen. We’re very faithful slaves of this amazing technology. You take stairs instead of elevators to your apartment on level 3 of this building as you always like to do around this time.    
Later, looking out of the balcony, onto the streets, You’re eating a bowl of salad.
0 notes
10 Tips For Carrying out Atkins Properly.
I am actually an unintentional specialist about what does not operate when this relates to reducing weight. ADEQUATE protein will certainly certainly not cause muscular tissue reduction and the records is actually crystal clear that low-carb diet regimens are muscle mass sparing when performed accurately. Folks were also disappointed to find out that the label is actually certainly not returnable, and that this offered all of them no weight reduction advantages. I understand a lot concerning nutrition and I am an avid runner ... and I have actually NEVER denied on my own to slim down. That interests view just what several of the latest weight management analysis has been actually finding about the body. There is http://laterredelajeunesse.info in passing that recommends physical exercise, but this is actually very most certainly a diet regimen plan only. If real, thus a high-fructose diet-- and the ordinary United States consumes 9 per-cent of his/her day-to-day fats in the form of fructose-- is a major metabolic consider favor of body weight gain. Certificate in Kettlebell Instructor Training Certificate in Indoor Bicycling Teacher Training Certificate in Circuit Instruction Currently analyzing Amount 4 Exercising and also Body weight Monitoring for Obese as well as Diabetic Clients. That circumstance is a food-and-body-obsessed world that tells our team 1. Whatever we appear like now is not all right, and also we must look a particular means to get societal recognition as well as ideal wellness and also 2. Our company can possibly do that through manipulating our diets in such a way that carries out not recognize our inclinations (which turns out to be, statistically speaking, a very short-term answer for the majority of people typically resulting in even more body weight acquired as an outcome). I will certainly never reach claim I shed three-way digit body weight, yet I recognize when I am done my fat burning tale, I will certainly have loose skin layer. Yet California resident Port Abramyan is actually naming the celebrity out through filing a class activity suit versus her mentioning she carried out not lose the 100 pounds with Organic Intermediary, however instead through dancing on Dancing with destiny" and also complying with a well-maintained diet regimen. I review a handful of researches the other day that present a reduced carb as well as high healthy protein diet plan might be actually even more advantegous to drop weight, source was Dr Briffa's newsletter. Any sort of satisfying feeling may lead to an addiction, and also meals is actually certainly about that listing. As well as ultimately, given that science can't agree, the most effective food design is actually possibly the one that you like the absolute most - except health and wellness factors, but since that matches your life and also appetite. I listen to a considerable interview with Patrick Holford very early hrs these days as well as really feel the concepts as well as concepts from his diet could be actually revolutionary. That was actually an enormous adjustment for me, as my student diet plan had revolved around frozen yogurt, chocolate, cereal, pasta and an entire multitude from various other refined foods items. A healthy and balanced diet regimen must leave you feeling energized and also support your state of mind, in addition to completely satisfied.http://laterredelajeunesse.info ='text-align:center'>
There are a lot of people straining to obtain through on well being settlements that are eating diet plans of two-minute noodles or pasta as well as rice flavoured only with a little bit of stock grain, tomato dressing, or even butter and pepper and so on This is actually indicated to become taken during the night, while the metabolic rate increasing herbal tea is actually for the AM as a result of tis caffeine. In all honesty, half the moment in my diet plan days this never ever even occurred to me to earn a veggie. Bewaring your body system's requirements while not being obsessively limiting, and also keeping a balanced diet plan is vital. Another thing I would point out concerning attempting to always keep the means off - instead of taking a look at the diet as having an 'end' eventually, you might try to use the eating strategy as a way of living. Nutrient-dense diet plan: Taking on a whole foods diet plan abundant in anti-oxidants, dark, leafed veggies, and also healthy and balanced body fats is a must to deal with hormonal inequality. Sue Byrne: I believe the main concern here is that the majority of people enter some type of procedure plan for over weight along with an unrealistic suggestion concerning the amount of body weight they could obtain during procedure. So if your clothing appear to really feel a little bit looser, even when your weight adheres, you're on the appropriate path. The only means it seems you can preserve a fully various physique is actually making this the full focus from your lifestyle ... become a personal coach, invest every waking hr in the health club, devote your lifestyle to weight-loss. It may be irritating to merely lose a pound each week, however slower weight-loss is actually a lot more most likely to become permanent. The medical care occupation is split about what's the most ideal technique to address this complication: surgery and also medications or discipline, tricep as well as cabbage dips. Obviously, fast food fits in a well-balanced diet regimen-- ahem, delicious chocolate cake material! Working from appreciating my body system was a worthy venture that eventually settled - I am actually a lot more peaceful currently with myself than I ever goned on a diet plan. Pros mention this isn't specifically simple to follow or even assistances fat burning much, yet this is actually accordinged to eating fruit products, veggies, legumes, olive oil as well as fish. I do like the concept of VB6 as well as this resembles the diet I adhere to, yet I just possess meat on the weekend breaks. Effective weight loss is actually typically not a cure for incontinence, however a practical control option for obese and over weight women. To conclude, advice to comply with Liquid Crystal Displays or LFD possessed comparable impacts on body weight decrease while results on inflammation contrasted. I am actually pretty happy about the pines specifically as I know it is usually no meals + medication that produces me uncomfortable and, if I reside in a rush walnuts are my visit to avoid illness. Soup on the move- Paleo has a myriad of other bisques as well as soups created with the ideal active ingredients for you. This practice shows how body weight gain really recasts the feeling from emotion complete. Joe Proietto: Spoken up for in the feeling that as soon as the creatures end up being overweight and also our team after that placed them on a diet as well as receive them to drop weight then subject all of them just to a healthy and balanced diet they eat way too much the healthy and balanced diet and also become fat once again. This is actually currently my Fourth week on the diet regimen as well as my present 7 day reading is actually not over 10 ever before and also has around 7.1. Impressive. Wondering exactly what Diet regimen doctor thinks and also exactly how Elizabeth Barron is feeling currently as it will be 2 years since she went on it.
0 notes
mostly-plants · 7 years
One month of eating vegan
Day 29: We headed out for brunch with a friend at Light Years Cafe which is becoming a fast favourite for us because of their delicious food, great coffee, beautiful space, and flexibility with vegan options. The menu has a few dishes already labelled as vegan, but the staff were very patient in checking with the kitchen when I asked about whether other things could be made vegan too. And Voila! I got the Pixel Avocado, minus the poached egg:
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The fancy stuff on the right includes kale and cabbage chips, pickled radishes, roasted edamame, and edamame hummus. YUM! I really enjoyed this, and as avocado on toast goes, it’s definitely the tastiest and most interesting version I’ve ever had. I also tried their mango smoothie with Ribena pearls. The smoothie was very refreshing, but I couldn’t taste the Ribena flavour in the tapioca pearls. Still, credit to Light Years for making it vegan-accessible by leaving out the gelatine.
Day 30: Since I’d got into the habit of batch cooking and was working from home on Monday, I was able to forage from the fridge for meals. I had some leftover soup for lunch, and leftover lentil shepherd’s pie for dinner. Having ready-made food available has made it way easier for me to stick with a vegan diet this month without having to think “what can I eat?” at every meal. These last few days of the month went so quickly!
Day 31: The final day of my month-long challenge! I’d ordered a fruit and veggie box and a few pantry staples from CERES Fair Food for delivery today. This service has been great for the times when we’re both working a lot and have too many social things on the weekend to be able to fit in a trip to the local markets. I also like CERES Fair Food because it’s organic, supports local farmers, and provides employment for recently arrived refugees. The quality of produce is really good and the variety of receiving whatever’s in season means that you get to eat a range of different veggies, and be creative in your cooking.
My boyfriend had been craving fresh veggies, so on Tuesday night we made this noodle salad adapted from the first My Darling Lemon Thyme cookbook by Emma Galloway, a trained chef who creates vegetarian gluten-free recipes. Instead of rice noodles, we used zucchini noodles (just raw zuchhini put through a spiralizer - you can also use a peeler to create long strips, it just takes a little bit longer). I added some cubed cooked firm tofu and sriracha sauce, and it made a very satisfying dinner:
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As I reached the end of my month of eating vegan I was trying to decide what to do once the month ended - whether I felt able to continue eating mostly vegan, or whether I felt like I needed to add anything back into my diet to maintain adequate nutrition, or to have some flexibility in terms of adapting to the different circumstances of daily life/social events etc. The main issues for me in weighing up the decision of what to do after this month ended were:
1. Is this a nutritionally balanced and healthy way to eat in the long-term? 2. Will eating mostly plants reduce my impact on the environment and animals?, and 3. Can I eat a plant-based diet and still do things that are important to me, like sharing food with loved ones?
1. Health After doing a bunch of research and reviewing dietary advice from credible sources such as dieticians, Australian government healthy eating guidelines, and in-depth recommendations from University nutrition departments based on the current nutrition research, I do think that it’s possible to eat a nutritionally balanced vegan diet by planning meals with care, and supplementing key vitamins like B12 that aren’t available in plant foods. Other nutrients that are important to pay attention to include Vitamin D (which can be deficient on any diet when people don’t get enough from sunlight), as well as iron, calcium, iodine and Omega 3 fatty acids.
I would definitely encourage anyone considering a plant-based diet to first do your research, and talk to your doctor and a university-qualified dietician to ensure that you aren’t missing any key nutrients. If you simply cut animal products out of your diet without understanding what foods to add in to replace the nutrients you need, you will be putting yourself at risk of nutrient deficiencies. That said, as I mentioned before, I was iron-deficient for years on an omnivorous diet - so planning your diet for optimum nutrition is important for anyone! Eating vegan has actually encouraged me to pay more attention to getting the nutrients I need, and this means I am ultimately eating a more healthy and varied diet than I was before.
2. The environment, and impact on animals
I had less questions about this aspect of eating a plant-based diet, because overall the evidence seems pretty clear and consistent that reducing consumption of animal products is better for the environment and for animals. Of course, within the range of plant foods produced, there are also differences in resource requirements and environmental impact depending on what exactly you eat. A 2015 study claimed that eating more plants could actually cause greater environmental impact if you analyse emissions per 1000 calories rather than per kilogram. The authors argued that since some plants (such as Broccoli) require more resources to produce 1000 calories of energy, some types of animal products may ultimately cause less impact when compared this way.  However, no-one is eating 3 kilos of broccoli at a time instead of 330 grams of pork. We eat broccoli for its nutrient density, not because it’s a great way to stock up on calories, so this is ultimately a pretty nonsensical comparison to make. Even if you do look at the comparisons for emissions per 1000 calories, the best plant protein sources such as lentils, nuts and dry beans produce anywhere between 10-20% of the amount of emissions caused by animal products. Again, reputable sources of information seem to stack up in favour of the “eat less animal products” argument, regardless of factors such as whether animals are pasture-raised.
3. Sharing food with loved ones
I am very lucky that my partner, family and friends are very supportive and open-minded. I know that the people in my life will make their best effort to offer vegan options where they can, but I’m sure there will also be times where this might be a bit more challenging. I’m sure there will also be times when I want to share different foods with loved ones, for example, a piece of birthday cake, or a dish that is part of a yearly family celebration. Everybody is different, but for me it makes sense to be pragmatic in considering my impacts on a micro/daily level, and doing the best I can in a realistic way.
Overall, I feel I can definitely continue making choices that minimise the demand for animal products. Where animal products already exist in my daily life (e.g. shoes, foods or vitamins I’ve already bought, or occasions where it’s not possible to have specifically vegan food options) then personally I feel more at peace with accepting and appreciating what is already there, rather than throwing things away or letting them go to waste.  For example, while doing my month of eating vegan I accidentally bought muesli bars that contained honey, so I will use these up and buy different products in the future.
The vegan challenge wrap-up
Q. What do you do to celebrate the end of a successful month of vegan eating on World Vegan Day? A. You buy yourself vegan roast duck rice paper rolls for lunch from Mr and Mrs Banh Mi. Nom! I will definitely be back to try their vegan BBQ pork Banh Mi.
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This month has been really interesting, and I’m really glad I did it. Here are my highlights of eating vegan:
I had lots of fun trying lots of different foods and recipes and finding new favourites (miso glazed eggplant, chickpea shakshuka, apple pie pancakes, peanut butter & maple granola, the list goes on...)
Plants tend to have less calories but heaps of nutrition, so you can eat very well and get plenty of vitamins and minerals without excess energy.
I’m much better informed about my nutritional requirements and am consciously making more effort to eat a balanced diet.
My digestion is amazing, because fibre.
I feel like my energy has been more stable.
My skin started to clear up towards the end of the month.
My weight stayed exactly the same, but I’m pretty happy with that given the range of delicious food I’ve eaten over the last month (including quite a few baked goods and my new favourite snack - peanut butter granola!)
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 When it came to lowlights, there were fewer:
Restaurants/cafes that don’t know how to vegan - e.g. there are little to no vegan options, or asking for things to be made vegan results in confusion and being served dry toast with a beaker of oil. #foodfails.
Accidentally overdoing the batch-cooking, and ending up with more quinoa and chard than any human could reasonably be expected to ingest.
Going from eating almost no legumes to eating heaps of legumes does result in being little bit gassy at first, but your body adjusts pretty quickly. The positive of this experience is that the fibre-rich plant foods are feeding your good gut bacteria, and they are helping support your health in lots of ways. So I’d say it’s all worth a bit of bloating in the end!
All of the above is just my own experience, and yours may be different, but for me this has been an overwhelmingly positive change. I was surprised that I didn’t really miss dairy or meat over the month. Still, I decided that rather than telling myself I had to continue eating 100% vegan from there, I was open to re-including minimal animal products in my diet if I felt like I needed to. This kept the pressure off so that I could be free to let things evolve rather than forcing change too quickly.
Since finishing the vegan eating challenge, I have eaten a small amount of dairy a couple of times (which made my skin break out quite noticeably), along with a mouthful of the scrambled eggs my partner ordered when we went out to breakfast. It’s been interesting, because I had thought I would either be a bit grossed out by these things after avoiding them for a month, or the opposite - that I might think “now I remember why people love eating this stuff!”
In fact, I just felt (in an extremely strayan way) “Yeah.. nah.” Like... I get it, but I just don’t really feel like I want it anymore. It’s kind of nice to feel a sense of calm acceptance about that, because decisions that I’ve made from a place of calm acceptance tend to work better for me in the long run than those that are all-or-nothing, or highly emotionally charged.
So, here’s my plan: KEEP CALM AND CARROT ON! :D
By this I mean I will continue eating mostly plant-based, supplement B12 to be on the safe side, and not freak out if I make mistakes or can’t manage to be 100% vegan 100% of the time. Being more conscious of my choices and eating a diet that is 95% plants is still a huge step forward from the probably (sub)Standard Australian Diet I was eating before, and will still reduce my negative impact on animals and the environment.
I will keep posting my vegan food adventures on Mostly Plants, and use it as a way to keep track of my favourite recipes, and share these with other people who would like to eat their vegetables (and enjoy them too!) On that note, I’ll finish with one of my recent favourite dishes - Vietnamese style noodle soup with tofu, inspired by The Viet Vegan’s recipe for Homemade Vegan Vietnamese Pho.
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vdbstore-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://vintagedesignerhandbagsonline.com/gwyneth-glows-like-a-radioactive-swan-my-day-at-the-goop-festival-life-and-style/
'Gwyneth glows like a radioactive swan' – my day at the Goop festival | Life and style
Culver City, Los Angeles, is socked in by haze, and a line of women in black athleisure – more blondes than one is accustomed to seeing in one place at one time – stretches down the block. Each has paid between $500 and $1500 (£390 and £1,175) to stand in this line and attend In Goop Health: Presented by Goop, the inaugural “health and wellness expo” of Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand, Goop.
People are excited, a little nervous and giddy. It feels as if we are waiting for the bus to summer camp, if your summer camp gives out free lube and Nicole Richie is there. At 9am the beefy security team parts and we pour into a courtyard where employees sort us into more lines based on how much we have paid to be here. Colour-coded bracelets indicate whether you are a Lapis ($500), Amethyst ($1,000) or Clear Quartz ($1,500) Gooper. More money means more activities: a foam roller workout, a “sound bath”, even lunch with “GP” herself in the “Collagen Garden”. Apparently, a prohibitively expensive, celebrity-studded self-help salon isn’t exclusive enough: the very rich can’t have fun without a little class hierarchy.
We pass into a second courtyard, which offers clusters of tasteful white furniture ringed by a variety of “wellness adventures”. In one corner, you can sit cross-legged on a cushion and the “resident Goop shaman” will tell you which crystal you “need”. In the opposite corner is a woman who will photograph your aura in a little tent. There is an oxygen bar and an IV drip station. And there is food, of course, just in very small pieces: tiny vegan doughnuts, quinoa and lox swaddled in seaweed, ladles of unsalted bone broth, fruit.
I take a lap of the courtyard and the cavernous hangar where we will be spending the next nine hours (there is no re-entry). Inside, interspersed among the Goop-approved matcha and coconut-water stalls, is the Goop Marketplace, where attendees can buy face potions, rolling pins and Tory Burch’s new line of active wear. For $55, you can buy one of the jade eggs that Goop famously suggested women carry around in their vaginas. Or, a rose quartz egg, if you have “seen results with the jade egg and want to take your practice a step further”. I head back outside and get in line for the shaman.
Probiotic juices are flowing. Photograph: Kolasinski/BFA/Rex/Shutterstock
Turns out, the shaman is a little backed up, so they are scheduling appointments instead. A friendly employee writes my name on a clipboard and tells me to come back at 4.05pm. The line for aura photography is even longer. I wait about 10 minutes before a staffer announces that the schedule is full and we are all fired from the line, but we can check back later. That’s fine. Everyone is feeling good. Employees weave through the crowd with trays of probiotic juice. I decide I like the Goop expo. It is silly, but most of us seem to be in on the joke – like Dungeons and Dragons for your vaginal flora. Why not?
I don’t believe that my proximity to crystals (or lack thereof) has any effect on my wellbeing, but I don’t think it is interesting or sophisticated to mock people who do. These women are having fun. They are sitting on pillows and connecting with each other. It is the kind of spontaneously intimate conversation that happens among women all the time, dressed up in the language of magic and, sure, monetised.
As long as you are not promising miracles and swapping carnelian for childhood vaccines, organising your inner life around crystals doesn’t seem much different than organising it around “bullet journalling”. There is a line, of course, between having fun with rocks and exploiting people’s fears for profit, and I am expecting to approach that soon enough.
I wander back inside and there she is, gliding through the Bulletproof Coffee line like our priestess. Here is just a true fact: Gwyneth glows like a radioactive swan. She emits light. She would be great in a power outage. Though the FAQ specifically directed attendees to wear athleisure (with a link to the Goop store’s athleisure page – just to be helpful!), Gwyneth appears to be wearing a sirocco of flower petals. She leads us, her flock, into the auditorium and the real show begins.
After a brief history of Goop (“I started to wonder: Why do we all not feel well? Why is there so much cancer? Why are we all so tired?”), Paltrow introduces her personal physician, Dr Habib Sadeghi, DO. He talks for an hour about “cosmic flow”; his left testicle; the “magnificence” of Gwyneth (“I’ve been down and I’ve touched her feet … and I’ll do it again”); and his belief that “consciousness precedes phenotypic expression”, which means, basically, that all ailments are on some level psychosomatic and your ovarian cysts are really just little nodules of emotion – or something.
Women connecting with themselves. Photograph: Salangsang/BFA/Rex/Shutterstock
The next panel, on gut health, counters Sadeghi’s consciousness theory with the assertion that all human illnesses are caused by antibiotics, ibuprofen, caesarean sections and legumes. The human gut is a rich rainforest, they say. Antibiotics are “napalm”, and taking one ibuprofen is “like swallowing a hand grenade”. Someone relates an anecdote about a marathon runner who had to get a faecal transplant from her fat niece, and it made the marathon runner fat. In mice, faecal transplants have been found to make fat mice thin, and anxious mice calm. Oh, my God, I realise. Paltrow is going to start selling her own poop.
Dr Steven Gundry, author of The Plant Paradox, reveals that from January to June inclusive, he consumes all his calories between 6pm and 8pm, because “we evolved to search for food all day and then fast”. It’s funny how our understanding of human evolution – of the point at which we were once our truest selves – can shift according to which restrictive diet is on-trend that day. Next to each of our chairs is a complementary bottle of hot-pink, watermelon-flavoured water, sickly-sweet with Stevia. You know, just like the cavemen used to drink.
Gundry argues that human beings aren’t meant to eat any plants native to North America, because we are native to “Africa, Europe and Asia”. At one point, Dr Amy Myers casually distinguishes between the gut bacteria Asian people need (because “they” eat a lot of seaweed) and the gut bacteria that “we” need. You don’t have to glance around the room to know who “we” are.
In Goop Health is shockingly white – even to me, a blond, white person who went in expecting whiteness. Obviously, this is anecdotal – I haven’t conducted a census – but I don’t recall seeing more than 10 people of colour among the attendees, and that’s a generous estimate. The panellists are almost exclusively white. I wonder if anyone at Goop brought up the lack of diversity in their speakers during the planning stages, or anticipated this criticism. But to acknowledge it would be to acknowledge politics, and In Goop Health stays as far away from politics as it can get.
Lindy West at Goop in Health. Photograph: Lindy West
However, an event supposedly focused “on being and achieving the optimal versions of ourselves”, as Paltrow put it during her welcome address, cannot truly be depoliticised. You can’t honestly address “wellness” – the things people need to be well – without addressing poverty and systemic racism, disability access and affordable healthcare, paid family leave and food insecurity, contraception and abortion, sex work and the war against drugs and mass incarceration. Unless, of course, you are only talking about the wellness of people whose lives are untouched by all of those forces. That is, the wellness of people who are disproportionately well already.
Towards the end of his speech, Sadeghi tells a story about an epiphany he had in the anatomy lab. He says he discovered that the first valve of the heart flows straight back into the heart: “Selfish little organ there! No, no, not selfish – self-honouring. Wooo! What a difference! I could never give anything to anybody – ask my beloved wife – until I take care of me. Until my needs are met. Right? Right? When you fly down, the first thing that they tell you is that before you put the mask on anybody else, put it on yourself.”
I hear that idea repeated over and over again at the Goop conference – take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Put your mask on first. Hold space for yourself. Be entitled. Take. At a certain point, it begins to feel less like self-care and more like rationalisation. I don’t know anything about the personal lives of the women at In Goop Health – who they give money to, what hardships they have endured, why they were drawn to this event – and every person I interact with is funny and smart and kind and self-aware. But it is self-evident and measurable that white people in the US, in general, are assiduous about the first part of that equation (caring for ourselves) and less than attentive to the second (caring for others).
It is OK to love skin cream and crystals. It is normal and forgivable to be afraid of dying, afraid of cancer, afraid of losing your youth and beauty and the currency they confer. We have no other currency for women. I understand why people spend their lives searching for that one magic supplement, that one bit of lore that will turn their “lifestyle” around and make them small and perfect and valuable for ever. I also understand, especially at this moment in history, why people long to step outside of politics for a day and eat kale-flavoured ice cream (real, not satire, actually good) in a warehouse full of Galadriels. But the idea that anything is apolitical is an illusion accessible only to a very few. And the absolute least the Galadriel-in-chief ought to do is acknowledge that.
The kale-flavoured ice-cream was actually good. Photograph: Lindy West
At 4.05pm I dash outside for my shaman appointment, only to be told they are running about an hour behind. “Should I come back in an hour,” I ask. “I mean, you could try,” the woman says in a way that means, “No”, or maybe, “Not with that bracelet”.
For her keynote to close the day, Paltrow purports to dissect the complexities and woes of being a working mother with a panel of famous gal pals: Cameron Diaz, Tory Burch, Nicole Richie and Miranda Kerr. How do they do it? How do they have it all? The women deliver a bounty of platitudes about ambition, female friendship, self-care, their mothers and sticking to one’s “practice”. They are charming and humble. Richie is funny. But at no point do any of them say the words: “I HAVE LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY AND A STAFF.” In the context of a conversation about the challenges facing working mothers, the omission is, frankly, bizarre. It is a basic responsibility of the privileged to refrain from taking credit for our own good fortune. They might as well have been reading from Ivanka Trump’s book proposal. As with all the other panels, they do not take questions.
There is one moment I can’t stop thinking about. Near the end, Kerr casually mentions that she once tried leech therapy as part of her wellness practice: “One was on my coccyx because it’s really good to, like, detox the body, rejuvenate the body … I had a leech facial as well. And I kept the leeches. They’re in my koi pond.”
I am fat. I was the fattest person at the Goop expo. Strangers regularly contact me to tell me that I’m unhealthy and I’m going to die. A sampler from my emails:
“Being obese is NOT OK. It is associated with many health risks including: diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and premature death. Go lose some weight you fat slob, and do it before you go on disability so we don’t have to pay for you.”
“I don’t know what sort of message you are trying to send out to young girls/women, but that it is OK to be obese, and it is some sort of feminist sin to want to keep to a natural healthy shape can’t be a good one.”
Kerr’s body is almost certainly what those people mean when they say “a natural healthy shape”, because our society conflates conventional beauty with health. But, I don’t know – I might be fat, but I’ve never felt like I needed to get an IV drip on a patio in Culver City or put leeches on my butt to suck out toxins, and I’m grateful for that.
I guess Goop did make me feel well after all.
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wellnessroutines · 8 years
10 healthy, filling snacks that promote weight loss
As you might or may not have discovered, I have actually been on a little bit of a health and wellness kick lately. Not only have I been trying to come back into a regular workout program, yet I have actually also been aiming to obtain the body of a Victoria's Secret model when my spouse isn't really around.
The just trouble is that, whenever I do anything more strenuous than inputting out a blog article, I come to be hungry. As well as I'm not speaking about the kind of hunger that could be satiated with a glass of cold water as well as a celery stick. Nope. I'm talking about the I-can' t-think-about-anything-other-than-eating-everything-in-site type of appetite that makes people devour a whole box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in one sitting.
Which sort of defeats the point of exercising to begin with, right?
So I started Googling 'healthy treats', and before I understood it, I had a list of 10 healthy, FILLING snacks that promote effective weight loss, and also I'm no much longer breathing in a family-sized container of Nutella every afternoon.
1. Low-fat Greek yogurt
My hubby just recently got me hooked on this delicious treat, yet because it's so smooth, luscious, and decadent, I constantly assumed it was a lot more fattening than your typical low-fat yogurt. After that I review this incredible post in the health area of UNITED STATE Information and also found that Greek yogurt does not simply taste much better compared to routine yogurt, but it likewise consists of much less sugar as well as more protein, which makes it a much healthier and also hunger-satisfying snack when you have a situation of the munchies.
2. Almonds
I have been hearing regarding all of the health and wellness advantages of consuming almonds for years, but since they are so high in fat and calories, I have actually constantly been hesitant to consume more compared to a few at a time. After reviewing about the health advantages of almonds over on Fox News, I am pleasantly amazed to locate out they improve power as well as resistance, lower cholesterol, AND ALSO HELP PEOPLE SHED WEIGHT AND REDUCTION THE DIMENSION OF THEIR WAISTLINE. Skip the chip aisle at the grocery shop and also stock up on almonds instead!
3. Carrot sticks
I've always liked carrot sticks (especially when they're dipped in ranch clothing!), as well as I just recently uncovered they are reduced in calories and high in fiber (which aids make you really feel full for a longer time period), and also they also include Vitamin A (helpful for skin, teeth, and also bone wellness), beta-carotene (may shield skin versus damages from UV rays), and Vitamin K (ensures healthy bones as well as helps in reducing the risk of weakening of bones). ? Carrots contain no fat. Why aren't we consuming them for every solitary meal??!
For even more information on why you must be making carrots a routine part of your diet plan, inspect out this valuable post in the Healthy and balanced Eating area of SF Gate.
4. Raspberries
When I initially read this write-up on Zee Information regarding all of the wellness benefits of raspberries, I was shocked. Not only do raspberries help you slim down due to the fact that of their high fiber and also reduced calorie content, yet they also help in reducing the danger of cancer, preserve cardio wellness, enhance fertility, reduce the aging process, as well as aid lower depression. Who knew?
(Obviously not me.)
5. Pears
We've all heard the stating, 'an apple a day keeps the physician away', however did you know that pears are among the leading resources of fiber from fruits? And also since a bunch of this is soluble fiber, it helps to maintain your stomach feel fuller for a longer time period, which is an incredible thing when you're aiming to drop some weight. And many thanks to this detailed synopsis of all the wellness benefits of pears over on A Perfect Pear, I make they are a routine part of my diet!
6. Eggs
We all recognize that eggs are high in healthy protein as well as essential nutrients like zinc, iron, and Vitamins A, D, E, as well as B12 (right?), yet did you recognize you can lose around 2 pounds a month if you eat eggs for breakfast? You could check out about how eggs advertise weight loss, as well as all of the various other wellness advantages of consuming eggs, over on WeightLossResources.co.uk.
7. Avocado
I love avocados, but I seldom enjoy them because, in my viewpoint anyhow, they are rather high in fat. After reading this amazing post concerning utilizing avocados for weight loss over on Healthiest Foods, I've come to recognize that an INCREASE in monounsaturated fats (which are discovered in avocados) could really aid you SHED weight. I'm significant. Read the write-up to figure out why.
8. Legumes
We all know beans make you proclaim, but did you recognize that individuals who frequently integrate vegetables right into their diets have smaller waistlines As Well As a reduced risk of coming to be overweight? It holds true! You can check out all regarding how beans can aid you slim down for summer, as well as all of the other health benefits they include, in this awesome article regarding beans as well as effective weight loss over on Shape.
9. Edamame
I bought a bag of edamame to try with my particular eater a couple of months earlier and (SHOCK!) she really did not like them. So I threw them in the rear of the fridge freezer and entirely forgotten them up until I came across this write-up by Wellness Me Up about the health benefits of edamame. Did you recognize they're filled in healthy protein and fiber (both which made you really feel full!) , which they have a bunch of Vitamins An as well as C too? Neither did I!
10. Oatmeal
For those mid-days when you're REALLY hungry as well as a handful of carrot sticks, a hard-boiled egg, or a bowl of beans merely won't cut it, why not make yourself some oat meal? Not just does it lower cholesterol and also decrease the danger of high blood stress, yet it's also been touted as the 'finest cereal for weight management' by Women's Wellness. Why? Due to the fact that it could maintain you feeling full for approximately FOUR HRS after you've eaten!
If you located this list of healthy foods that advertise effective weight loss practical, please share them on Pinterest!
And if you're trying to find more pointers as well as techniques to help you drop weight, please follow our Health and also Physical fitness board where we discuss all sort of great ideas!
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