#the teardrop shapes on the dress are bad no matter how you look at it and seem to be what basically started modern pokemon design choices
patchun · 1 year
Delphox in art:
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Delphox in game:
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my-soul-sings · 3 years
loves me (not): ch 2
Fandom: Tears of Themis Characters: Marius x Reader
Summary: Marius decides to take his attempts at courtship to the next level. You decide to play off any remotely romantic gestures by Marius as him being his regular self.
And thus begins the most painful courtship in Stellis’ history.
ch 1 | ch 2
A/N: You can read this on AO3 as well; the link is in the replies to this post. 
“Jiejie, what do you think about this? How about this one? Which do you like more?” 
You’ve come to realise that Marius has a bad habit of throwing money at his problems. While he’s certainly not reckless with it, he’s definitely more generous with his spending habits than most people. 
Maybe that will explain why he hasn’t gotten the hint that you desperately want to leave this place. 
You’re currently in a jewellery store with Marius. He had asked you to meet him here, on the pretext that he was currently assessing some business proposals made by the company owning this jewellery brand, and wanted your opinion on the items since the products are targeted primarily at women your age. 
But, you should have known better than to take Marius at his word. As always, he had something up his sleeve, and that hidden trick turned out to be an attempt to figure out what he can get for you as a gift—one that costs a five-figure sum, no less.
It’s not like you dislike any of the jewellery here. In fact, you’re no stranger to this particular brand; you’ve always loved their necklaces. In particular, the saleswoman is currently promoting two of the newest—and most expensive–necklaces available, one of which has really caught your eye. The simple but elegant necklace features a dainty amethyst in the shape of a teardrop, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t tempted to buy it at first. 
That is, until you saw the price tag that came with it. The numerical figure did quick work of shattering your dreams of ever owning this necklace—or ever letting Marius purchase it for you, for that matter.
“Marius, I think I’m getting hungry. How about we get something to eat?” In a last-ditch attempt to get him to move, you take his hand, forcefully pulling him away from the saleswoman and from the glass display. 
Thankfully, Marius doesn’t make much effort to protest and allows you to drag him out of the store. You feel slightly bad for the saleswoman, but there’s no turning back once Marius threatens to buy out the entire shop—you know from experience that he will absolutely follow through with it. 
Once you’re a safe distance away from the store, you release his hand, trying not to think about how smooth his hand is, or what kind of hand moisturiser he uses. It’s probably a ridiculously expensive brand anyway. 
“Were you that hungry? I didn’t realise,” he says, a familiar smile on his lips. One look at his face and it’s obvious that he knows that food was just an excuse to flee. Even so, he doesn’t comment on it. 
Instead, he takes your hand again despite your protests, and leads you down the street. 
“I know a good place around here. I’ll take you there, just hold on to me in case we get separated,” he says, gesturing to the extremely crowded street, which is typical for a Saturday afternoon.  
You know you should let go of his hand, but he makes a convincing argument. 
Or maybe it’s just a convenient excuse for yourself to go along with him, all while hoping that the place he’s taking you to isn’t going to burn a huge hole in your pocket—or his. 
You never found out how much the meal cost. 
The menu didn’t have prices listed on it, and Marius had insisted on paying, refusing to let you see the bill. You could only make some very general guesses about the price point of the menu based on the luxurious decor of the place, and the very expensive-looking suits and dresses that other patrons had donned. You had stuck out like a sore thumb in your casual weekend outfit. So did Marius actually, but at least he could understand the fancy foreign words in the menu and still fit in with the crowd. In the end, you had to depend on Marius to order for you, which only made you feel worse. 
“Marius,” you tell him, unable to hide the weariness in your voice as you leave the restaurant with him, “you shouldn’t keep treating me to such expensive things.”
“Why not?” he asks, looking genuinely surprised. “Did you not like the food?” 
“The food was very nice.” It was probably the best meal you’d ever had, and in all likelihood, also a meal you wouldn’t have been able to afford. “But I feel bad. I’m a working adult too. I can pay for my own meals, and you should let me treat you from time to time as well…” 
Okay, maybe you shouldn’t have offered that with no qualifications as to budget—you still haven’t gotten a concrete answer as to the average price of the food he eats. All you know is that he has a private chef at home, which doesn’t really help with your cost estimates.
“You shouldn’t feel bad. It’s not like I get to take you out for a meal very often since we’re both busy,” he replies with a casual smile. “So when you dragged me out of the jewellery shop earlier, it was because you felt bad too?” 
“Yes, but also because I wasn’t interested in any of the necklaces or earrings,” you add, in case he gets any funny ideas about returning to that shop again. It’s a lie, but he doesn’t need to know that. You’ll just save up for that necklace you wanted on your own. It’s better than being tempted to attach a special meaning to a gift from him too. 
“Jiejie,” he begins, eyebrows and lips turning downwards, “do you hate receiving gifts from me?” 
There it is: the classic Marius baby pout. Funny how its effect on you is so potent even though he’s used it against you so many times by now.
“It’s not that,” you protest, immediately feeling horrible for turning him down so much today, “it’s just— the thought is enough. I appreciate it.” 
You hope that it’s enough to appease him, but it doesn’t work. His head is still drooping like a dead flower.
“But the other guys in the NXX have given you presents before,” he protests, “Artem treats you to coffee almost every day, Vyn gave you flowers and tea at our previous meeting, and you never complain when Luke buys drinks and snacks for you.” 
“That’s different!” 
“How is it different? Jiejie, aren’t you being biased? This is so unfair.” 
“It’s different because they let me buy things for them too, and their gifts aren’t very expensive.” Actually, on second thought, you should probably check out how much the tea and the flowers were. Vyn can go a little overboard sometimes too. 
Marius pauses to think about it for a moment. “So… you just don’t like expensive gifts?” 
You want to tell him that it’s not quite that; that it’s because you don’t want your mind to go places, wondering whether his gifts have some sort of special meaning to them, and because you don’t want him to think that you’re friends with him for the perks of it. He’s already had to live most of his life second-guessing the intentions of the people around him; the last thing you want is for him to feel guarded around you too. 
“I guess you could put it that way.” You eventually settle for this simple response, not wanting to delve into an unnecessarily long-winded explanation. 
“Hmm… Okay.” He looks like he’s made up his mind about something, but you don’t know what, exactly. An uneasy feeling stirs in your gut. Marius isn’t the type to give up just like this, which is why you can’t help but doubt whether he truly understood what you meant. 
But then he proceeds to promise that he won’t buy you such expensive gifts anymore—which probably means that he understood, right?
The cunning smirk playing on his lips makes you suspect there’s more to his compliant response than meets the eye. 
A week later, you open your door to find a delivery man handing you a package that you don’t recall expecting. It’s a rectangular board wrapped in brown parchment paper, and you’re not sure what it could be; you haven’t ordered anything online lately. 
Curiously, you untie the pink ribbon and unwrap the parcel, revealing an oil painting of a girl that bears a striking resemblance to you. 
The corners of your lips turn up. There’s only one person in the world who would give you something like that. 
As you run your fingers along the canvas, tracing the lines and curves of your drawn face, you realise that a beautiful necklace has been added to your portrait, one that you don’t remember owning or ever wearing. 
It doesn’t take long for you to realise that it’s the exact same necklace you had been eyeing at the store the other day when you were with Marius. 
Just then, your phone rings, and you immediately answer after spotting the caller ID. 
“So? Did you get it?” he asks, and you can’t help but laugh at how excited he sounds. 
“Get what?”
“My present. I had it delivered today.”
“A present? I don’t know… but I just received a painting and I was just about to call the police to report a stalker who drew a portrait of me and sent it to my home.” 
“I wonder who had the guts to cross one of Stellis’ most competent attorneys,” Marius feigns a shocked voice, making you chuckle. “Are you going to keep it though?” 
“Well… I’m not sure…” 
“If it’s a painting of you, then it was probably handmade. I doubt the stalker spent any money on this. He may be a stalker, but he sounds like a man of his word.” 
“An honourable stalker,” you remark. “It looks like you two know each other. Hmm... I guess I’ll keep this.” 
“Really? You will?” 
“Yes. Help me relay my thanks to the stalker. The painting is beautiful.” 
“Will do. Frame it up somewhere nice, okay? I’ll come by and take a look at this stalker’s amazing work for myself.”
Narcissist. You want to say more, but Marius hangs up soon after Vincent’s voice is heard in the background urging him to attend his conference call. Apparently, he’s already five minutes late. 
With the silence in your empty apartment settling back in, you glance back at the painting and wonder where you should hang it up exactly. It feels weird to hang up a portrait of yourself in your own home though, so in the end you decide to leave it in your closet, along with the many questions in your head about why Marius would do this just for you. 
The first answer you think of leaves butterflies in your stomach.
But then, you force yourself to consider the many other equally possible answers for this. 
Maybe Marius just wanted an excuse to draw something, and that subject happened to be you. Maybe he felt bad that he wasn’t allowed to buy you a necklace but still wanted to do something because he’s kind like that. 
Maybe it was just a gift for a friend and nothing more. 
...Yeah. That’s probably the safer conclusion to make. 
Having made your decision, you shut the doors of your closet. 
A/N: good luck marius im pressing F now 
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danpuff-ao3 · 3 years
first lines
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
I saw this floating around and felt like doing it! I won't actually tag anyone so feel free to join in if you like! I'll be including my 20 most recent fics, excluding drabbles and drabble collections.
Peaceful and lovely is Lily as she sleeps.
- smile with sweet surprise (Snarry, Snily, E, wip)
In their early years together, the time Severus took unwrapping Christmas and birthday gifts drove Harry spare.
- 9 January 2022 (Snarry, T, 1k)
It is not easy to sneak into St. Mungo’s so late at night, but Remus manages.
- A Matter of Time (Snarry, E, 3k)
This Valentine’s Day will shape up to be the most traumatizing day of Draco Malfoy’s life.
- Welcome to the Family (Ron/Lucius, Cissamione, Drarius, Snarry, M, 4k)
“Christmas is no time to sulk over Evans.”
- The Green Dress (Jegulus, E, 1k)
It is not the dead of night in which Fred and George choose to sneak.
- Prankmas Eve (Gen, G, 1k)
Severus is five.
- Boxes & Baubles (Snarry, Snegulus, T, 2k)
Every year since she married, Molly has knitted sweaters for her loved ones.
- The Pink Prank (Gen, G, 900)
How bad does one have to be to earn detention with the headmaster?
- Clandestine Meetings & Stolen Stares (Snarry, M, 2k)
Kingsley leans against the wall and looks down at his gold watch.
- Play Me the Classics (Kingco, E, 4k)
Pale, flat stomach.
- This is Our Fate (Snarry, E, 1k)
There is not much Severus Snape would not do for Harry Potter, if asked.
- Three is a Charm (Snarry, Snarco, E, 4k)
Hermione should have known better than to get her nose stuck in a book, here of all places!
- A Little Taste of Wasting Time (Fleurmione, M, 1k)
The sex is bad.
- Lover Boy at Play (Snarry, E, 4k)
Scorpius never meant to use the Amortentia.
- Teardrop in Your Palm (Scarry, Snarry, E, 2k)
The cake is strawberry with strawberry icing.
- Birthday Party (Dremus, G, 2k)
They’re your friends, they love you.
- Spaghetti (Snarry, T, 1k)
The sun glares through the kitchen window, bright and unforgiving.
- Choice (Snarry, M, 600)
Bryony House is the finest establishment on Knockturn Alley.
- Close Enough (Snarry, Snape/other, E, 1k)
Harry loves Severus.
- Question (Snarry, T, 1k)
Well, have we learned anything today? No. Just me cringing at my own work, per usual. 😂 My favorite opening line has to be Lover Boy at Play because come on. If bad sex doesn't reel you in, what will??
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lovestrucked-again · 4 years
Only You | L.Mark
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Summary: When your childhood friend finally comes home on tour, he confesses something he never would’ve before.
Pairing: idol!Mark X female reader Word count: 4.7k Warning: okay more smut than storyline. oral sex (reader/Mark receiving), virgin, cum licking/swallowing, marking, biting, hair pulling, unprotected sex, rooftop sex, 18+ 
Genre: fluff, smut - first time
Hi! I love the way you write so much! Are you open for requests? If yes, I hope you could make another first time with mark lee but this time he’s an idol. I hope its slow fucking and intense as the one you did first. I think out of all the smut fic that I’ve read yours are the best and detailed! Gosh I loved it so much!
a/n: I hope this is it.. <3 _____
“Should we come here some other time, then?” you ask innocently, spreading your arms out to the open scenery as you turn to look at him.
He laughs, “That’s a great way to ask me out,”
“That’s because I know you’re not going to,” you counter back.
“I’d love to ask you out.”
“Then ask.” You watch as he hesitates, parting his mouth to form a word before he shuts it quickly, deciding not to. “See what I mean?”
The two of you climb down from the rocks and he offers you a hand, guiding you down carefully. As you land your last foot down, steadying yourself Mark clears his throat, turning to face you, a question on his tongue.
“So, Y/N…I was wondering if you’d like to, you know, go out on a…date?”
You can’t help but burst into another fit of giggles feeling guilty as an embarrassing blush creeps over his ears and cheeks.
“What are you so afraid of?” you ask, “You’re so confident on stage, but balk at the prospect of asking a girl out on a date.”
“I guess I need some more practice,” he replies cheekily. “So?”
You step closer, wrapping your arm around his neck and pull him until your faces are centremetres apart. Up this close in the dark, his soft brown eyes are spellbinding, determined, yet scared. As your lips inch close, the realization strikes him.
Before you know it, he moves first, your lips meeting, soft and hesitant. On an instinct, he pulls you closer against him, mashing your mouths together. You lose yourself in the soft, warm feeling. He pulls gently at your lower lip, sucking on it and you let out a moan, winding your fingers in his hair and pulling him in for a deeper kiss.
His hands, with a will of their own, roam over your back, sighing contently as your body rubs gently against his, your breasts soft against his chest through the fabric of your shirt and the warm scent of his light musky cologne infusing your senses.
Unfortunately, the kiss goes on for so long that you never notice your lungs begging for precious air. You part reluctantly, your lips producing a soft ‘pop’ as they separate and you bury your face in his chest.
“How’s that for a yes?” you ask, voice muffled against him.
He takes in a deep breath, your body rising with his as he speaks, “Wow.”
The two of you remain like that, just holding each other, basking in the warmth and quiet companionship.
“So, that’s what it’s like to kiss someone?” he asks after some time.
“I…it was a first for me.” You whisper.
He looks down at you and smiles. “We’re on the same boat, then.”
The two of you kiss for a good fifteen minutes, each round growing more fierce and desperate than the last. It’s good, but it’s not enough. You want more.
“It’s getting late,” he whispers reluctantly. “My manager will raise hell if he finds out about my nocturnal activities.”
“Let’s go to your house then.” you propose, craving for more of his touch. “You can tell your manager you’re staying home for the night since you're here.”
He gulps. “Are you sure?”
“Well,” you trail, running a hand lightly over the obvious bulge in his jeans “someone wants to play,” He lurches back from the illicit contact.
He regains his composure very quickly. “Okay, call someone from your house and say that you’re staying over and…whatever else you need to say.”
Oblivious to him who seems to be stuttering all over the place, you’re already done texting a message before he can complete his words. You grab his hand and race towards his car leaving him a stumbling mess as he rushes to keep up.
The drive back to his house is full of anticipation. As if time has slowed down, making the short journey incredibly torturous. You kiss some more during the red signals, not even noticing the light turn green until the driver honks angrily behind you.
He opens his garage doors long before you’re in sight of the house and parks the car with squealing tires. You don’t know how you navigate through the house, but somehow, you end up on his bed in a tangled heap of intertwined arms and legs. Your hands are everywhere at once, as if it’s the end of the world with far too little time to spend.
“I have a crazy idea,” you say, pulling back from the kiss.
You give him a cheeky smile, “Let’s go to the roof.”
He smirks, “I like the way you think.”
The two of you rush up the stairs, careful not to make much noise. He settles the blankets and pillows on the roof and you push him onto his back as soon as he’s done.
“Easy,” he laughs, but you swallow his next words with a kiss.
You’ve never felt so…daring, so eager for someone’s touch. As if a dam has broken somewhere inside you, carrying you away with its tide. It’s the one thing that you’ll never regret doing in life. He rolls over on top of you and holds your hands above your head, controlling you effectively.
“Slow down, we’re not going anywhere,” he says, grinning down at you. You try to think up an excuse, but you realize he’s right. You’re both panting like dogs in heat. “Nice and slow,” he says and buries his head in the crook of your neck, sending tingles of shock as he nuzzles into your skin.
His warm body is a comfortable weight atop of yours; allowing you to wrap your legs around his hips and hold him closer to you, sighing in contentment as he kisses your neck and shoulders. Your heart feels full, almost to the point of bursting out of your chest with sheer joy.
He kisses your cheek, your jaw and descends down to your throat. A startled gasp escapes you when he kisses a particularly sensitive region. His lips quirk into a devilish grin as he spends more time on that place, licking and nibbling and eliciting small gasps from you. He nibbles at your neckline as his fingers search for the zip of your dress.
Your heart jumps when he finds it, holds it and pulls it down slowly. The sound, instead of arousal, brings panic. He stops. Holding your chin, he makes you look up at him. His eyes are sincere, full of love and understanding.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, Y/N,” he says simply, and just like that, a sense of peace and calm replaces the panic. He leans down and kisses you once more, your lips molding with each other’s. “If anything makes you uncomfortable, tell me, and I’ll stop.”
You nod gratefully. He pulls the zip down to your waist. Threading a finger to each of the straps holding your dress, he pushes it aside and brings it down to your waist. His eyes remain glued to your skin, revealed inch by inch, as a piece of your dignity is carefully pried apart. You raise your hips as he pulls the material down to your legs. I’m out of it, finally, clad only in my bra and panties.
You wonder if anyone can see you on the roof, with you laid flat in your underwear. Maybe doing it in such a romantic setting was a bad idea.
“No one can see us,” he says, reading your thoughts. “It’s just you and me.”
Just you and Mark. It sounds like music to your ears.
He draws another lingering kiss from your lips and then kisses your sternum, down to your cleavage. He reaches behind your back and unhooks your bra…or tries his best to. You giggle uncontrollably as he fumbles with it and curses under his breath.
“I hate this thing,” he says, mock-anger in his voice.
“Maybe you need some more practice.” you smile and reach behind yourself, unhooking the bra and holding the cups with one hand.
He watches you with barely contained lust. You feel like a virgin deflowered by the meanest wolf around. The panic begins to resurface, but a sudden kiss on your lips surprises you, making you open your eyes. The sight of his face so unexpectedly close to yours brings you to realise that you closed them out of fear.
“I wish I could tell you how beautiful you are to me, Y/N,” he says, a faint smile on his lips. “You don’t have anything to hide.”
You bite down on your tongue, trying to keep the laugh that’s trying to escape, “You always know the right thing to say, don’t you?”
“Yes, I think…” he trails off as you let the bra fall.
Your breasts, though not the biggest, are well-formed – teardrop shaped topped with light pink areolas and nipples. Many times a day you would stand in front of the mirror, wishing them to somehow grow bigger; but not today.
“Like what you see?” you ask, even though his expression of sheer awe says it all.
“Love it.”
His warm hands make your breath catch as they caress the sensitive underside, hefting your breasts and worshipping them slowly. Your insides clench with pleasure as he rubs your hardened nubs, rubbing and rolling them over. His touch, so foreign, make your nerves tingle with an electric shock as he gently lowers his head and takes one of your pink nubs inside his hot mouth.
“Oh,” you gasp, as his wet tongue flicks over your flesh.
Your eyelids shut down as you take in the sensory overload of two nipples being stimulated simultaneously. You never notice his other hand moving down onto the crotch of your panties so when his tentative fingers rub your slit through your moist panties you jerk beneath him.
It’s only a matter of a few moments before a small wave of contractions grip your body in its throes of orgasm. Everything falls apart and you clamp your thighs closed, nearly crushing his hand.
You barely hear his grunt of pain as you familiarize yourself with the foreign feelings coursing through your veins, stimulating you to a limit far beyond your imagination. Slowly, the muscles of your legs relax and Mark pries his hands away.
He lies down beside you, draping an arm over you, embracing you sideways, as you stare at the stars above.
“You look adorable with your eyes shut.”
“Really?” you ask. It feels like an out-of-the-body experience for you, as if someone else had asked it.
He laughs softly. “Having my hand crushed for that cute scrunched up face was definitely worth it.”
“I’m so sorry,” you apologize, reaching for his hand.
“It’s the other one,” he says, amused. You reach for it, but he holds it away. “It’s alright, Y/N. You didn’t break any bones.”
As you lie there, doing nothing and basking in the comfortable silence of the twinkling stars, a realization hits you.
“Hey, how come I’m the only one naked?” you ask.
He grins as you get up and straddle him. You open his buttons one by one, following each with the softest kiss. After you throw the offending piece of clothing away, you start kissing back again from his neck, biting particularly hard at a spot near the junction where his throat meets his chest.
“Ouch,” he yelps. That bite will bruise proudly on his neck for everyone to see. “I’ll have a hard time covering that up,” he says.
“I’m marking my territory,” you say a little more harshly than you had intended.
"Always yours," he replies sincerely, taking your hand and kissing it softly.
You respond with a sweet kiss to his cheek. You unbuckle the belt and pull his jeans and shorts down his legs in one go before he can protest. His cock jumps up, freed at last. You hold the warm throbbing flesh with your hand, marvelling at its warmth and inherent pulsating beat.
Mark looks at you apprehensively. “Look, Y/N, you don’t really have to…OH SHIT!”
The next few words are drowned by his moans of pleasure as you envelope the sensitive head with your mouth and lap it gently with your tongue. While you are a virgin, you were no stranger to blowjobs, but you never thought that you’d actually enjoy giving one.
“You were saying?” you ask innocently.
He grunts his denial, and you happily go back to your mission of keeping him in touch with pleasure. You take your time, marvelling at the way his thick shaft hardens further inside your mouth. A strange taste invades your senses as his precum oozes out, lubricating him further. You pump him rhythmically, swirling your tongue and sucking over his glans.
“You know what?” he asks mirthfully.
“Hmm?” you hum, sending vibrations straight to his cock. He moans and clutches a handful of blankets as the gratification scatters his train of thoughts. You want to giggle, but it’d ruin the effect.
“Masturbating with my hands will never be the s-same.”
This time, you have to pause and laugh. The little remaining tension in your gut dissipates as you laugh together.
You dive straight back to your homework after that. His hands reach for your hair as his back arches off the makeshift bed. The head of his cock hits the back of your throat, and you gag. Thankfully, it doesn’t last long and he pulls back, letting you take control once more.
“Y/N, I’m going to cum,” he gasps after a minute.
You look into his eyes and renew your efforts, watching his eyes lose focus and then roll back as he ejaculates inside your mouth. The first spurt hits the back of your throat, and you swallow it quickly, making sure not to let it leak over and make a mess.
Mark tastes somewhat like peach, a sweet-salty peach at that. Your instant reflex was to spit it out, but you bear it quietly, knowing that you’d do this for him. He calms down after a few moments, and shudders sporadically as you lick him clean. His semi-limp manhood pops out of your mouth apparently satisfied for the moment.
He hooks his hands under your arms and drags you upward until you’re lying on top of him. You half-squeal in fear but calm down as your common sense takes over. He kisses you hard, possessiveness evident through the act, like never before.
“Thank you,” he whispers.
“Thank you too,” you whisper back.
He catches his breath, while you acquaint yourself with the turn of events. Never in your wildest dreams did you think about having sex with Mark, on a rooftop at that. It seemed like such a foreign idea. Now? Well, your compromising position speaks for itself.
The sensitivity in your body dwindles somewhat, renewed slightly by the friction as your nipples rub against his chest. You feel him with your hands, slowly this time, wondering if it’s a dream.
“I’m real, Y/N,” he says, “Everything is happening for real.”
“Will you regret it in the morning?” you ask quietly, “will you regret it when you’re back in Korea next week.”
You don’t know why, but your insecurities always crop up as mood spoilers just when you feel most vulnerable.
“Never,” he says without hesitating, “tomorrow morning or the next ones after that.”
you just hold him tight, afraid to think what would happen if he ever chooses to leave you. It would be too much to bear.
Mark kisses you again, his touch gentle and reassuring. He rubs your nipple and pinches it, sending a sudden jolt to your senses. He leaves behind a trail of wet kisses as his lips trace a path from your lips to your shoulders and down to your breasts. The attention goes back to your nipples again, this time more roughly. He suckles on one nipple, and then bites on the sensitive nub.
You’re just a wet, shivering mess. You’re sure that your panties are thoroughly soaked with your juices as he kisses your stomach. More than a source of arousal, his tongue is ticklish on your skin and you end up serving him an accidental kick towards his groin area, luckily just skimming past his most sensitive spot.
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
“I’ll live,” he wheezes.
Carefully avoiding your tummy, Mark skips down towards your feet, planting soft smooches all the way. Lingering on your mound, he peels off the last remnant of your clothing, leaving you completely naked. You raise your hips and watch the soggy cloth being carefully ditched to the side with your dress.
Each kiss sends a thrill from your legs to your spine and straight to your head. You nearly faint as you feel his wet lips on your inner thighs. Your scent must be overpowering him as he stops just short of your sex.
“Do you want me to kiss down there?” he murmurs, afraid to do anything that you didn't want. You nod, fearful that your voice would be too weak for an answer. “I can’t hear you,” he teases.
“P-please kiss me down there,” you beg, voice stuttering out the words.
Your legs part and you feel a gentle touch of his warm lips against your inner thigh, just an inch away from your pussy. A groan of frustration is all you can manage.
“Not there,” you whine.
“Here?” he asks, placing another kiss on your outer lips, centremetres away from your throbbing clit.
“Please kiss it.”
“Kiss what?”
“My pussy,” you cry exasperatedly.
He runs a slow tongue on your slit, from the perineum to your clit that’s aching to get out from underneath its hood. He wraps it up with his lips and sucks it gently. Your back arches and your thighs jerk to close instinctively, but he holds them apart.
There’s no escape. The assault is slow but relentless. The pressure builds up as he licks your warm folds, almost exploding as he sucks on your clit. Your legs, held roughly apart by him are of no use so you use your hands instead, clawing at the soft sheets and grabbing fistfuls of his hair.
You explode when he firmly wedges his tongue inside you and begins to explore. Breathing is a foreign idea, as is seeing. It’s not a tidal wave, but a storm that sweeps away everything in its path. The cry that escapes is hoarse, deep throated and guttural as the joyous feelings course through your veins.
Another storm sweeps, unexpected and sudden as he reaches up and pinches your nipples rhythmically, suckling on your clit hungrily at the same time. Your thighs clamp shut on his head, your hands on his trying to stop and augment his touch at the same time. You take a deep breath and cry out in joy, uncaring of the judgmental world that can hear you.
Your vision darkens around the edges, and soon, you see nothing but blackness as your thighs lose their strength and rest lazily on his shoulders. He licks some more, feeling you quiver with each stroke of his tongue before you finally collapse.
“Stop,” you whisper, exhausted
“Don’t you like it?” he asks, sucking your clit to emphasize his point.
You groan and pull away. “It gets sensitive.”
He sits up, kneeling between your legs. With your hair askew and skin visibly flushed, you look magnificent to him. Lying by your side again, he holds you close, feeling your breathing slow down to a normal pace.
“Where did you learn to do this?” you ask, still twitching occasionally as you try to relax.
He grins, “That’s a secret.”
"Here!" Haechan says as he dumps a freakishly thick book on Mark’s bed.
"Guide to a Woman's Body," Mark reads the title out loud, incredulous, then looks up at him. "When did you get the time to buy this piece of crap?"
"Hey! It's not a piece of crap." Haechan holds up the book with an expression of sheer reverence. "This is my gift, in advance, for your birthday."
"I don't get it.” Mark slaps his head in dismay.
"You are going out on a date with Y/N."
"You are in the ‘Friends' zone of her brain. Nothing more than a male acquaintance she can freely talk to without getting hit upon, you get my drift?" He starts pacing back and forth. "If SHE has asked you out for a date, then I believe the day is not far away when she wants to take things a step further. The last thing I want you to do is to perform a two-second squirt and go your different ways singing Sayonara.”
Mark flips through the first few pages, grudgingly admitting that the younger boy is probably right.
"Just read it. You won't regret it, I promise.”
“Well?” he asks. “Now what?”
“That’s a rhetorical question right?” You ask, confused at his use of tone; sounding like it’s time to wrap up and go home after a long day. He chuckles quietly as you both stare up at the night sky.
“I’m scared,” he admits.
You roll over on your side, shuffling around to get on top of him. “Would you like to know a secret?”
He grins, holding you at your waist to help you balance, “Gladly.”
“I’m scared too,” you whisper, your breath hot in his ear.
Slowly rising until you straddle him, you place your hands on his chest for support as you adjust your position. You grind on his cock slowly, just like the last time, lubricating with your juices, preparing it for the inevitable.
“I’m safe; on the pill,” you tell him, rising and positioning the mushroom tip to your opening, grazing the sensitive head along the entire length of your slit. “Let me do it.”
You don't move as you prepare yourself. Taking a deep breath, you plunge down on his length. The barrier inside your walls resists as his cock pushes against it, and then it gives away. Barely half of his shaft is inside when you stop, tears brimming in your eyes.
“Fuck,” you mutter shakily, “that hurts.”
Your hands tremble as you fight against the pain, trying your best to accommodate the intruder. Your slick wall pulsates around his cock’s head, making him want to push further inside and take you completely.
It’s a terrible way of testing his self-control, but somehow he does it. He sits up and holds you tight against himself, running a gentle hand on your back, soothing you as you sniffle quietly against his chest. Ever so slowly, you calm down and he slides down along the rest of his shaft, feeling your walls stretch as you accommodate a cock inside for the first time in your life. Your groins meet as you hold each other in an embrace, each of you trying your best not to lose control.
Mark stays silent for a few minutes, waiting for you to adjust, “It hurts, but not as much as I expected,” you admit. He hums in response, focused on his breathing and trying to push out the fact that he’s actually inside you.
You stay like that for a few moments, just you and him in your own embrace. You push him back again until his lying down on his back and start moving tentatively. He lets you do the work as you grind your hips in slow, tight circles, bouncing a little and trying to adjust to his size. Your insides are like a hot, velvety glove that wraps tightly around his shaft and milks it gently.
Your breathing gets faster and more ragged as you grind against him. He traces a path from your thigh to your clit with his thumb and rubs it gently. your eyes fly open and you hump faster as your own climax approaches.
Mark spurts of semen coat your insides as his control caves in. He squeezes the soft flesh of your breasts with the other hand as the pleasure mounts to dizzying heights. The pleasure rises as you keep thrusting down on his length until you remain still, but your insides are a different matter altogether. Your insides pulsate erratically, your slick channel’s warmth providing a giddy pleasure. You bite down on your lip and attempt to stifle your moans. Your breathing becomes hard as your nails dig into his chest, making him grit his teeth as the pain combines with pleasure.
As the tide fades, you lie down on top of him with your forehead resting on his chest. His dick slides out of you and electric tingles shoot lazily from your over stimulated nerves as the head slides against your skin.
“Mark?” you ask after some time.
You trace a finger on his chest, drawing abstract patterns of circles and triangles. “Do you love me?”
He stares up at the dotted lights, wondering what you’re up to. “I think I do.”
“You think?” you laugh.
“I don't know what it’s like to be in love.”
“What about your family?”
“That’s a different kind of love. Certainly different than this,” he emphasizes squeezing a palm over your breasts.
You smile. “Sometimes I wish you’d stop making this much sense.”
“Me too.”
The first rays of the sun hit your face, waking you up. You swear you had only closed your eyes to rest them for a while, but somehow you ended up sleeping the entire night.
Mark’s asleep too, this time to your side with an arm draped over you.
“Good Morning.” You whisper, intertwining your fingers with his.
He mumbles something back and scoots closer. You contend yourself by studying him. His hair is astray, and his face radiant. He looks peaceful, serene and ethereal. And its nerve wrecking to think, he’s yours.
You know you can’t live without him. When time comes for him to leave once again, a part of you will hate yourself for falling into this that brings nothing but pain for the two of you. A part of you hates his profession as much as you know you shouldn't. You don’t want to let go.
“What are you thinking?” He’s barely awake, but alert enough to have sensed your inner turmoil.
“About you,” you say. “About us.”
“I love you."
You stare at him, the question evident in your eyes. After all, he had claimed to be unaware about love just the night before.
“This is the most I’ve felt and cared about someone else,” he confesses. “If this isn’t love, I don’t know what is.”
You kiss him, a soft lingering touch. “I thought you’d never say that.”
“I know you’ve been hurt before,” he continues. “I’m not the perfect guy, but I’ll try my best to give you whatever I have.”
You kiss him again. There’s no urgency to it, just a gentle reminder of what you are. It grows fierce, but you pull back.
“I need you.” He whispers, breaking away. You roll over obediently until you’re face to face. You pump his shaft until it’s rock hard and wraps your legs around his hips.
“I’m all yours.”
He slides against your silken lips, finding your opening and pushing inside. You groan as he sheaths himself inside you slowly, inch by inch. He expects a bit of dryness as you had cleaned up last night, but to his surprise, your channel is slick and ready. As your hips merge, he pumps the last inch inside you quickly, mashing against your clit and taking your breath out.
There’s more control this time. He keeps a steady rhythm of pumping inside and grinding against your clit at a few intervals. He wraps his lips around an erect nipple, suckling on it and making you gasp.
You shudder unexpectedly as he thrusts harder, feeling his own orgasm approach. He buries himself to your hilt and lets loose spurts of semen inside you. The two of you mold into one. He stays there, taking his weight on his arms and knees instead of crushing you beneath.
“I love you too,” you whisper softly, the smile lingering on your lips.
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southsidestory · 4 years
RATING: Explicit
FANDOM: Hunger Games
SHIP: Odesta
WARNINGS: Rape/non-con, drug use, forced sex work
SUMMARY: Annie’s Victory Tour brings her to the Capitol, with Finnick at her side. He did his job as her mentor when he got her out of the arena, but he can’t look after her anymore. All he can do is play the part Snow has given him. It’s almost simple now, posing for the cameras and obeying his patrons, all with a smile on his face. Pretending is so easy that he can’t tell what’s real and what’s not anymore. But Annie might be able to remind him. 
Read on AO3
With his lips closed, Dionysus looks plain by Capitol standards. Pasty skin, undyed and free of tattoos. Short brown hair, black shoes, dark suit. Colorless, except for the trio of yellow tablets in his palm. My throat itches to swallow down the promise they hold, but I have two questions that need answering.
First: “Will I be able to fuck?”
The dealer laughs, revealing a mouth full of gold and gems. “Like a damn rabbit,” Dionysus says.
Second: “I want to feel nothing, but a good nothing. Can this do that?”
Sapphires flash on his eye teeth. “You’ll see nirvana,” he promises.
I don’t know what that is, or where it might be, but any place would be better than this one.
Red. That’s all I see, at first. Waves and folds of the color spilling down the length of Annie’s skirt. Six feet of fabric fans out behind her, but the top of the dress is spare, sheer wisps that cling to her breasts and shoulders and throat.
“Inspired,” says Sabina. “Her stylist has an eye for drama.”
Her stylist will be lucky to have eyes at all when I’m done with him.
I take a flute of turquoise champagne from a passing Avox’s tray. It tastes like turpentine and sugar, the medicine that District Four mothers force down their children’s sore throats. I drink three glasses in ten minutes. Red still bleeds along the edges of my vision, and no matter where I turn, there’s Annie. Trussed up for Capitol appetites, tribute all over again. When I reach for another glass Sabina touches her too-long nails to my wrist. Tap, tap: bad dog. She kisses me, tongue sour blue slick, and I imagine what a senator’s wife might look like if three weeping mouths opened in the middle of her chest.
Something tugs at my shirt sleeve, jealous but gentle. Annie, drowning in all that District One silk.
“I need you,” she says. Splattered droplets dot her left cheek, a constellation of freckles that shine crimson-wet in the low light.
“Everyone needs me tonight.”
Sabina laughs and Annie pulls away, so I know I've said the wrong thing. That’s what happens when I put pills in my mouth; nothing but mistakes come out.
I say, “Teenage girls,” and give my date a knowing smile. Let her read what she wants into that.
Sabina twines her fingers around my arm and leans in close, smug and conspiratorial. “My daughter’s at that age now. It’s all me, me, me! And they want everything immediately. Nothing pleases them…”
How this is any different from the rest of the Capitol I can’t guess, but I let her go on, nodding and humming my sympathy where appropriate. Oh yes, they’re selfish little brats. Ungrateful, never satisfied. When Sabina pauses to sample a canapé I say how much I hate to leave her for even a moment, but I am Annie’s mentor. Duty calls and all that.
Sabina frowns prettily. “I hope you're this dedicated in all of your pursuits.”
She should know the answer to that already. This isn’t our first date. Still, I feed her a stock innuendo about finishing the things I start.
“Go on then, but be back soon!”
I find my tribute talking to the light crew. A woman with tattooed vines climbing the side of her shaved head shows Annie how to hold a sheet of foil. It’s a clever way to hide from the cameras and I wish I’d thought of it first. Too late for that, because Annie turns her silver shield, and then there’s a lens blinking closer to my well-lit face.
“Perfect,” says Vines. “You’re a natural.”
Annie shakes her head. “No. He’s just an easy target.”
I duck into the bright circle of the light crew’s equipment before the cameras can focus. The heat feels artificial, claustrophobic, like the solar beds my stylist makes me visit. Annie returns the foil to Vines and thanks her for the lesson. I can’t breathe again until there’s ten feet between me and the clicking insect sound of mechanical eyes.
“I thought you were busy,” Annie says. Her voice is so light and casual that, if I didn’t know her, I’d have no idea that she’s annoyed.
“I shouldn't have said that. I didn’t mean it.”
Annie shrugs. “You never mean anything you say in the Capitol.”
Sometimes I forget how much she sees, this girl who’s turned my world upside down in six months. “Where are your tokens?”
Annie grasps at the place over her heart where two sea glass pendants always rest. She looks mildly surprised to catch only empty air between her fingers. “Vibius wouldn’t let me wear them. Said the colors...” She shakes her head, the way you would to get water out of your ears after swimming. “I’m hungry.”
But when I follow her to a banquet table she doesn’t eat a bite. Instead, she stacks gingerbread cubes around a pink chocolate fountain.
“Who’s your date?” she asks.
“Senator Wexler’s wife,” I say.
Annie never looks up, too busy skewering blueberries on toothpicks. She sticks them in the topmost layer of her curtain wall, like heads on neighboring spikes. Two by two by two. Then she says, “Doesn’t the senator mind?”
“Only that he couldn’t come with us.”
Annie tips over the fountain, and chocolate bursts through her gingerbread dam. It creeps along the aisle of white cloth and drips onto the floor. Part of me wants to scold her, because some Avox will have to clean all this up after the party. I don’t, though, because I know how everything shifts after the Games. You might leave the arena, but it comes with you all the same. Alliances replace friendships. Sleep never really comes easy again, because too many things are still awake in the dark. Survival is tangled up with fighting, hurting, killing, and sometimes you need small destructions just to breathe.
“Dance with me,” Annie says.
The train on that fucking dress is longer than she is. “How could I, with you in that?”
I laugh. Everything and nothing seems funny at the same time. Annie jumps a little when I finger one of the slivers of silk covering her chest. Vibius didn’t leave much to the imagination, so I can see the shape of her. Small teardrop breasts, narrow shoulders, long waist. Her nipples peak beneath the fabric.
Somewhere in my periphery a camera flashes.
“Stop,” Annie says, and I want to shake her. That word doesn’t mean anything in this city. A victor should understand the rules by now.
I trace her collarbone. We’re too far away for Sabina to see us, but even if she does it won’t matter. This is what they want me to be.
The preps painted Annie’s lips too, and it makes her look like a working girl. Ripe apple mouth ready to be plucked. If I could I’d spit on a napkin and wipe it all away, same as my mother used to do to get dirt off my face.
She leans into my touch and asks, “Why are you with that woman?”
“Because she can afford my company.”
Annie’s red, red mouth frowns, but I simply smile and step away, tell her to eat something and enjoy the party.
Sabina welcomes me with a soft hello peck to my cheek. I turn it into more, the kind of wet, deep kiss that decent folk back home wouldn’t dream of doing in public. But that’s how I like it, even if I can hear the cameras snapping behind and beside and in front of me. Pretending is so easy that I can’t tell what’s real and what’s not anymore.
These sounds are almost lost beneath the snap of handcuffs closing: footsteps, a full skirt whispering across the floor, the creak of hinges.
The manacles lock around my wrists, pulling my arms taut, stretching until my shoulders lift from the bed and I can feel the blades angling outward. Like clipped wings opening, Sabina said, the first time she bought me. A caged bird poised to take flight. Now she leans forward and bites my neck, just hard enough to mark. It’s always hard enough to mark with Sabina, whether she uses teeth or nails or the back of her hand.
I hear feather-light fabric brushing the carpet, then see something in the gap between door and frame. The briefest flash of red silk. There, then gone.
Sabina strikes me hard on the cheek. Pain vibrates through my jaw and up the side of my face. Stars burst behind my eyes, then in front of them, but I don’t feel distant or dizzy. Everything becomes sharper, brighter. Needles made of sunlight prick my vision, highlighting it all with stinging intensity. If I ever come down I’m going to kill Dionysus for selling me those three little pills the color of daffodils. He promised oblivion but gave me this instead. With every blow the room grows brighter, until all I see is Sabina, haloed in white.
Her mouth closes over me, warm and soft, drawing out all the things I don’t want to give. Then she’s straddling my lap, hands clutching my shoulders, nails digging into my skin. Ten welts spring beneath her touch, bright as pink ribbons down my chest. It’s winter everywhere but between her legs, and there she’s fever hot. Cold snakes down my throat, chokes and burrows inside me until it’s snowing under my skin.
“Finnick,” she hisses. I grip the bedposts and snap my hips up to meet her. I’m shaking from the chill air, the pleasure where a warm body takes mine in and the pain everywhere else. I don’t stop, not until she arches and trembles, mouth open on a whiny cry.
One beat, two, and she climbs off. Leaves me aching, tied up, and filthy while she saunters to the bathroom to refresh herself.
The haze clears, unfreezes, and I remember where I’ve seen red silk tonight.
I scrub until the scratch marks on my chest reopen and the water blushes down the drain, washing away smudged makeup and sweat, fresh blood and Sabina’s come. Not mine, and even though I’m half-hard, I’m mostly thankful. Dates are always worse when a client makes me finish. Steam fills the shower stall, wet and suffocating. Flash-bulbs go off behind my closed eyelids and all I can hear is the endless snapping of camera shutters. I sit on the tile floor, head between my knees, until the water grows cold.
After I get out of the shower and dry off, I pull on the tight blue pants from my date with Sabina and go to Annie’s room. I don’t knock, and when I step inside she jumps. Her dress is curled up in the corner, wilting. All those red folds remind me of a rose, so I turn away. Free of make-up, Annie’s face shines brown and clean. Dark waves fall limply around her cheeks, weighted and damp. By the way she holds the robe over her breasts I can tell she’s not wearing much underneath.
Good. I hope she feels naked. Exposed and vulnerable, like I do.
“You watched us.”
Annie sits on the edge of the bed, legs drawn up close to her body. She whispers an apology I can’t stand to hear.
“Don’t,” I say. She flinches and grasps the sea glass tokens around her neck. Her eyes dart away, focusing on some point along the baseboard.
“Look at me.” I kneel on the floor before her, too close to be ignored. “You didn’t have any trouble looking before.”
The only small mercy I can find is that Annie left before Sabina actually fucked me. But she saw me handcuffed to the bed, and that’s bad enough.
Annie bites her bottom lip, and for a moment all I can see is this same skittish girl, more innocent and less broken, on a different train, blushing under my hands.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “When I saw you leaving with that woman—I didn’t really think, I just wanted to know what was so special about her. So I followed you.”
I thought she wanted to see me, and I don’t know why I’m so disappointed. It’s a good thing that she didn’t want a peep show, that she ran off before she saw the main event. A good thing—but it still pisses me off.
I wrap my hands around her calves and slide down, thumbs grazing the soft skin of her inner ankles.
“Finnick?” Her lips linger on the sound, not quite closing over the question she’s made of my name.
“Open your legs,” I tell her. Because whatever she’s asking, this is the only answer I have to give.
Annie’s breath hitches. She trembles all the way down to her toes, but she’s warm, my girl. I brought her home and that makes Annie mine. She belongs to me in the same way I belong to my sponsors.
When she doesn’t move, I kiss the inside of her right knee, flicking my tongue over a new scar there—a pretty pink thing that’s cropped up since her Games—until her legs shake and unlock. Just as she falls open and willing below the waist, Annie clutches the collar of her robe even more tightly, keeping it closed to me.
Eighteen isn’t so young, I remind myself. Not here, not in this place.
“Don’t stop,” she whispers, and that’s all I need.
Beads of moisture cling to the dark curls between her legs. She smells like the Capitol, flowers and spun sugar, but when I put my mouth there all I taste is salt and wet and girl. Her hands scramble for purchase, first on the covers, then in my hair, and she pulls with more strength than I expected. Not as sharply as Sabina, but enough to smart. That’s been done to me so many times that I know it means more and now and harder—though by the way Annie’s thumb brushes over my cheek, I think it might also mean please.
No, eighteen isn’t too young for this, but I might be.
I can feel her looking: eyes on me, on my body, on the things I’m doing. Just like before, when she peeked into that bedroom and watched Sabina getting her money’s worth, and it stirs something ugly and angry in the pit of my stomach. So I pull away, let my mouth part from her with a goodbye kiss cruel enough to make her whine and tug on my hair, to say my name again. No question this time, just a soft plea.
I’m sick of being on my knees, and really, there’s no reason I can’t do what I want. No reason at all. When I stand, Annie’s eyes go to my chest, flickering across the stripes Sabina’s fingernails left behind. I strip off my pants, and her gaze lowers, lingers.
Beneath the robe I find her pliant and panting. Skin damp, nipples hard, breath coming fast and shallow. Greedy, grasping, her touch falls with selfish hunger, and in this Annie isn’t unlike my other lovers. Long legs wrap around my waist, anchoring me to her. She’s warm and wet, whimpering in a way that might sound pitiful if it wasn’t making me so hard. I press against her, teasing. Those little mewling noises grow stronger, tighten together into a full-throated moan.
“Have you ever done this before?” I ask.
Annie shakes her head, then says, “Almost, once, but…”
Her eyes go distant, and she’s about to slip away from me. Retreat to some inner place where her district partner still lives and loves, but I’m not going to let her mind wander, not now when our bodies are tangled up together. I kiss her, our first, and that’s so backwards that I almost laugh.
Beneath my mouth Annie takes a deep, gasping breath. Then she peppers kisses everywhere she can reach. My brow, both cheeks, the tip of my nose. My lips, again and again. The curve from shoulder to neck and the hollow between my collarbones. When her quick tongue darts out to trace the shell of my ear, I shudder. The drugs must have finally worn off, because I feel myself warming for the first time tonight. “Finnick,” she whispers. “I love you—”
I can’t stand to hear that, not from Annie. So I kiss her quiet, slip a hand between her thighs, and slide two fingers inside of her.
“You’re wetter than home,” I say, and it’s true. More so when I curl my fingers, beckoning her forward—closer to me, closer to coming. “Were you like this in the ballroom, when I touched you?”
“Yes?” It comes out a question, eager but unsure. Annie’s not fluent in pillow talk, and something about that sends a jolt through me. All at once I want her, need to fuck her like I’ll die if I don’t. Under me she’s subtle curves and rocking warmth. Open legs, cradling my hips as I push inside—and then I feel her. Tight, slick heat, stretched around my cock, gripping me, pulling me in.
Annie whimpers, but whether that sound is pained or pleased I’m not sure, can’t tell and barely care. “Yes,” she says, even though I never asked. Why didn’t I ask?
In the beginning I go gentle and steady. Then I slow our rhythm, stretch out the slide of skin on skin, and tell her to beg. Love me becomes have me, you can have me becomes fuck me.
For a moment all I can feel are handcuffs snapping closed, grabbing fingers and greedy cunt. I’m angry all over again but still aching, and Annie knows, because her hands untangle from my hair and dart down to cover her ears. But I catch her wrists, drag them over her head and let my weight do the rest.
I spread her arms apart, wide as they’ll go. Pinned, she’s a butterfly behind glass, pretty and splayed. Annie must like being caged better than I do, because soon she shivers beneath me, coming and crying at once. Back arched, small breasts thrust forward, toes curled and legs taut; she’s lovely like this and so tight it almost hurts.
On the low tide of our touch she says those three unwanted words, passes them from her mouth to mine like a hard candy secret.
“Don’t,” I say.
The camera loves me too. I’m sick to death of love.
But then my climax creeps up on me, sharp and sweet, and I can’t think anymore. There’s nothing but Annie beneath me, her body tight and wet around mine.
In the soft moment right after, I feel something new. A warmth, quiet and gentle, as Annie looks up at me with heavy-lidded green eyes. That love she promised is raw and open as a wound.
It’s terrifying. And tempting, which is the scariest part of all.
The knot around her throat unties easily, and I take a green sea glass token with me when I go. It’s all she has left of the boy who loved her, who died at her side. Stealing it is cruel, but I don’t do it out of spite or jealousy. The reason is simple: my patrons always pay, and Annie is no exception.
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lotusss-flowerbomb · 5 years
But I Hate You (5)
Florian Munteanu x reader
Warnings: Smut
A/N: Thanks everyone for reading. I’m always super nervous about posting stories and y’all always make me feel good about sharing my thoughts. THANK YOU!!
Word Count: 3,873
He'd ghosted you. Or at least, that's what it felt like. He walked out of your apartment days ago with a promise to call you and you hadn't heard anything from him since.
You half listened to Kay go on and on about her and Michael's anniversary dinner.
"Hey, are you listening?" She nudged you.
"Hmm?? Sorry," you shook your head, "what'd you say?"
"I asked what do you think Mike is up to? He never plans things and he planned a party for our anniversary. We usually just celebrate quietly."
"He planned the entire thing? By himself?" You query.
"Yeah, he told me to just make sure I show up."
"Kayla, he's going to propose to you." You said in a matter of fact tone.
"What? No," she sat up in her chair. "No... You think??"
"The party planning should've given it away. He can barely plan his day without you and now he's doing an entire party by himself?"
"Yeah, but he's so low key and private. He wouldn't do that in front of everyone...would he?" She asked you. "I mean, what if I say no?"
"Are you going to say no?"
"What?! Absolutely not, I've wanted to marry that man the moment he asked my name. Do you remember?"
"Yeah, I remember you ditched me to hang out with him," you rolled your eyes. "Speaking of being ditched, have you seen Florian?"
"Not for a few days, why? You finally ready to tell me about the sex you two had?" She pulled her sunglasses down on her nose and peeked over the rim.
You sat up in your chair and looked around. You would swear she was loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear even though the next house was miles away.
"Why do you think we had sex?"
She just stared at you. Why do you constantly try to lie to her? It's useless.
"It was amazing, okay? It was the best sex I've ever had and then when he dropped me off, he fucked me against the wall and then disappeared." You spilled.
"So, he just left? No phone calls or anything?"
"Nope. He got a call and he was all grinning and shit about it and then he said he'd call me and left." You leaned back in your chair and sighed.
"Oh bitch, we need to investigate. Who was he talking to? What was he saying?" She leaned over into your space.
"I don't know Kayla," you snapped, "he was speaking in German. Maybe he was talking to one of his little model chicks and he's been with her the last few days catching up."
She was quiet for a while and then blurted, "Bitch please, we about to find out what's up. Don't nobody ghost my best friend." She grabbed her phone, but you took it from her before she could make the call.
"Absolutely not, you will not call him and make it a big deal. If he's finally gotten what he was sniffing around for then congrats to him for putting on a show as if his feelings were real. It's the way the game is played." You shrugged.
"You sure? Because I'll call him right now and —"
"I'm sure," you cut her off. "Now, what we should actually be worrying about is what you're going to wear to your engagement partyyyy." You sang.
"You really think he's gonna ask?" She changed her tone.
"I really think he's going to ask."
You both squealed with excitement and decided to go shopping for a new dress. She convinced you to buy one too, because according to her, her best friend had to look just as good in the photos.
When you walked into the house, the party was in full swing. You were headed in Kay's direction when Florian caught your eye. You hadn't seen him in the few weeks you'd been back from vacation, but he did text you a few times after you’d talked to Kay about it. You'd been keeping your replies very short with him thinking he was only trying to save face.
He was dressed in white slacks and a white dress shirt. Damn, he looked good. You gave him a half smile and waved. He immediately stopped his conversation and came over to hug and kiss you.
"You look beautiful."
"Thanks. You look quite nice yourself," you returned the compliment. A beat of awkward silence passed between you. "I should um, go find the happy couple." You lifted the bag in your hand to hint at giving them their gift.
"Oh yeah, of course." He grabbed your hand and led the way. You weren't exactly inviting him along, but you followed him anyway.
"Hey," you hugged Kay and then Michael.
"It's about time you showed up," he said to you.
"What? I wasn't informed that I needed to be here at a certain time and the party only started an hour ago."
"Heeeeyyy!!!" You heard a voice beside you and before you knew it you were being swept off of your feet and spun in a circle. "Look at you," he took your hand and twirled you around, "girl, you look good!" Steelo, Michael's other best friend, said. You hugged him just as excited to see him.
Florian loved Steelo like a brother, but his blood immediately started boiling when he put his hands on you. He never took his eyes off of you and you cleared your throat when you noticed him watching.
"Excuse me, I think it's a good time for me to start drinking," you announced.
"Yeah, get a drink. Matter of fact, everybody grab a drink. I wanna make a toast." Michael said.
Everyone grabbed glasses of champagne and gathered around the couple.
"Thanks everyone for coming out tonight," he began, "this is a very special night for us and I wanted to make sure that our closest family and friends were here to help us celebrate." He turned to Kay to address her, "Kay, you've put up with me and everything that comes along with this crazy lifestyle for the past three years. You've been my rock and you've made me a much better man. I couldn't ask for a better partner for my team."
Everyone aww'd at his sweet words. He dug in his pocket and bent down on one knee. The entire room gasped and Kay's jaw hit the floor. He grabbed her hand and kissed it before opening the small black box to reveal a 3ct. pear shaped stone.
"Oh my God, YES!" She yelled.
"I haven't asked you yet," he laughed.
"I'm sorry, go ahead."
"Kayla Rose, will you please be my wife?"
"Yes, yes, yes!!"
He slid the ring onto her finger and stood to kiss her. Everyone clapped as they kissed. You ran to her and gave her the biggest hug.
"Let me see that rock," you grabbed her hand. "Damnnnnn!"
"I know right? I wish I could marry him right now. I don't want to wait." She said looking down at her finger.
"Word? Do you mean that?"
"Hell yeah, I mean it."
He signaled for two of the servers to open the back doors. When the yard was revealed, it was already set up for a ceremony. The officiant was standing under the circle arch already waiting.
Kay couldn't hold back her tears. She couldn't believe that he'd put all of this together. An engagement and a wedding in the same day. Just then her father, mother and sister walked through the doors. She ran over to hug her family. He’d secretly flown them in for the ceremony. Seriously, he'd thought of everything.
"You ready?" He asked proudly.
"Wait! We need 10 minutes to fix her make up," you grabbed her and jetted up the stairs.
When you finally got Kay to stop crying, you fixed her makeup and headed back down for the ceremony. You came down to discover three teardrop bouquets of white roses, cornflowers and lisianthuses. All three of her favorite flowers.
Michael was already at the alter waiting with Steelo by his side as his best man. You walked out next by yourself and then Florian and Kay's younger sister followed. Soon after, Kay and her father came walking down the aisle.
As the ceremony started you noticed Florian staring at you. You kept trying to ignore it, but you couldn't stop yourself from looking across at him. Your heart was beating into overdrive and you could swear that there were actual butterflies in your stomach.
The officiant finally gave your friend permission to kiss his bride. You all cheered and watched them enter their home as husband and wife for the first time.
"I'm gonna get some air. I'm worn out," you said to your dance partner of the night.
"You good?" Steelo asked.
"Yeah, just hot," you assured him before slipping out of the back door. You sat down in the front row of chairs that were used for the ceremony and rubbed the back of your neck.
"Too much dancing?"
You jumped at the sound of Florian's voice. You hadn't heard him come out behind you.
"Yeah, had to take a break."
"So uh, what's the story between you and Steelo?" He sat next to you and pulled your legs onto his lap. He removed your shoes and you wiggled your toes. It reminded you of the first time you'd gone out with him.
"There is no story. He's like family."
"Do you grind on all of your family?"
"Just the ones I'm not actually related to. What's with the questions?"
"I thought I made it very clear how I felt about you and then you're all over another man all night. Do you know how bad I want to break his face?" He quizzed. You could tell he was upset, but his voice was calm and even. That made your pussy wet.
"You're the one who left without a word Florian. We have sex and then you get a call from one of your little girlfriends and you run off."
"What are you talking about?" He scrunch his face in confusion.
"Before you left, you got a phone call and then said you'd call me. I didn't hear from you for days and then you send me a 'wyd' text like you hadn't just ghosted me and when i hint at seeing you, you’re too busy."
"Oh... I can see how that looks bad, but I have a reason." He paused.
"Now would be the time for you to share your reason with the rest of the class, Florian."
"I know, I just enjoy watching you get annoyed," he smiled.
"I don't have the patience for this," you tried to move your legs, so you could go back inside, but he held them in place.
"Wait, I'm kidding," he moved his hand up and down your smooth skin. "The call I got was from a florist. Some of the flowers in the bouquets are exclusive to Germany and I had to track down a shop that actually carried them." He inched his hand higher up your thigh.
"Still doesn't explain why you stopped talking to me," you slapped his hand to keep him from going further, but he didn't stop.
"I couldn't talk to you or I was going to tell you everything and if I told you then you'd tell Kay." He'd slipped his hand under your dress and brushed his fingers over your clit. "I couldn't have you ruining the surprise, iubi."
He moved your dress up around your waist and pulled your panties to the side, smiling as he rubbed his thumb over your clit.
"Flo, stop," you said instinctively widening your thighs. "Someone could come out here and see us."
"I just want a taste," he leaned down and sucked your clit into his mouth. He flicked his tongue over your sensitive nub and released it with a satisfied moan.
You sat up and threw your leg over him to straddle his lap. Cupping his face in your hands you pressed your mouth to his. He immediately parted your lips with his tongue.
You could feel him hardening beneath you and your hips moved in a circle. He grabbed two handfuls of your ass and pressed you down onto him even more.
You moved back just enough to unbutton his slacks.
"What about someone seeing us?" He raised a brow.
"What about it?" You pulled his dick from his pants and let a ribbon of spit stream from your mouth. You rubbed it and made sure it was coated before he grabbed your hips to lower you down onto him.
"Ooooh, fuck!" You said simultaneously.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and swiveled your hips in a figure 8 motion. Your toes were pointed and digging into the ground helping you keep your balance.
"You feel so good, iubi." He spoke into your throat. His nails were digging into your bottom so hard you would no doubt have marks when this was over.
"I missed you. I missed this dick so much."
You heard the music from inside get louder. Someone had opened the door. You halted your movements, but Florian never stopped pumping his hips.
"Ayo, we're getting ready to cut the cake. Can y'all stop kissing long enough to join us?" Michael yelled across to you. He didn’t seem even a little surprised that the two of you were hugged up together.
"Yep, we'll be right there," you said quickly. Florian sped up and held you down when you attempted to stand. "Fuck, Flo, you're gonna get us caught."
"I thought we no longer cared about getting caught?" He growled.
"Yoooo, let's go! You know she's not gon cut this cake without you there!" He yelled again.
Your pussy clenched. You were right on the edge of an orgasm. The thought of being found out exciting you. Florian growled again. He was close too.
"Fuck." You heard his voice just above a whisper.
"I'm cumming," you yelled. "Right now! Right now!" Your body shook.
Florian grabbed you around your waist and coated your walls with his seed. He laid his head on your chest as he tried to control his breathing.
"Aight," Michael said and turned to go back inside completely oblivious to the double meaning of your words.
You and Florian looked at one another and laughed.
"We should probably get in there before he sends her out here," he said. You nodded in agreement.
You fixed yourselves up before heading inside. He stood behind you with his arm wrapped around you while you watched your friends cut slices of cake.
"Don't smash cake in my face," Kay said while picking up her piece.
"Girl, ain't nobody gon smash cake in your face."
Kay took a bite from the piece Michael was holding and then immediately smushed her piece all over his face. Everyone in the room gasped before erupting into laughter. She leaned in to kiss him and tell him how cute he looked.
"I'm sure you had that coming," you chimed in.
"Same way you got this coming," he said before flinging the cake in your direction. You ducked out of the way and it hit Florian.
"Bro!" He swiped at the cake.
"You really need to work on your aim," you laughed.
Kay grabbed a handful and smeared it all over him again. "That’s for trying to hit my best friend!"
"You are my wife you're supposed to be on my side." He grabbed his own cake and put it all over her.
Some people started leaving the room, they did not want to be involved. Others stayed to record, some getting hit in the process. Florian and Steelo grabbed cake to throw and you joined in. Five adults, having a cake fight at a wedding. What a sight to see.
You and Kay ducked down as you were outnumbered.
"I see you two made up," she said to you.
"We di—" before you could finish your sentence you were being pulled from behind the island by your foot. You heard Kay yelp soon after.
The guys had snuck around and grabbed you. "Give me one good reason why, I shouldn't do this?" He threatened you with more of the confection. You curled your finger for him to come closer, so you could whisper in his ear.
"Because my panties are soaking wet from my pussy leaking your cum." You licked icing off of his face.
He dropped the cake and pulled you off the floor.
You were in the bathroom cleaning up when Florian pushed the door open. He picked you up and set you on the counter top.
"No, Flo, we can't have sex in here. Stop it," you pushed against his broad chest.
"Why not?" He kissed your neck and then your lips.
"Because I need to shower. I have cake in some very unpleasant places thanks to you." You said in between kisses.
"Tell me where and I'll make sure to get it all."
"Stooppp," you giggled.
"Fine," he grumbled with one last kiss. "But we can finish getting cleaned up at my place," he grabbed your hand helping you down.
"Hey there, love birds," Kay walked in.
"Hello, Mrs. Jordan how can I help you?"
"Hey, can you watch the house until we get back? We've planned for wheels up in like an hour." She didn't actually wait for your response. She just tossed you the key ring and turned to leave.
"Wait, where the hell are you going?" You both followed behind her.
"On my honeymoon," she said as if you were just supposed to know that.
"How long will you be gone?"
"Girl, I don't know. Just make sure all of these people get out. As a matter of fact," she stood on the couch, "hey everyone, I'd like to thank you all for being a part of this special day. I just want you to know that I love you and appreciate you."
Everyone aww'd collectively, but you knew what was coming next.
"Now, with that being said, my husband and I are getting ready to go on our honeymoon, so... Y'all gotta go." She continued.
Thankfully, everyone just laughed it off and gathered their things to leave. It was only a small party, so it didn't take long for them all to file out. The staff had already left and she informed you that the cleaning crew would be by in the morning. You hugged your friends goodbye and watched them leave.
Once everyone was gone you and Florian looked around the house and then at each other.
"Should we clean just a little?" You asked him.
"No," he quickly said.
"It's not even that bad, we could have this done tonight and cancel the crew for tomorrow."
"No." He grabbed the keys and pulled you out of the door. You both still needed to get cleaned up, so he drove you to his place.
"I'll use the guest bathroom," he pulled out a t-shirt and shorts for you and then turned on the shower in the bathroom attached to his bedroom.
You thanked him and undressed. You made a mental note to never participate in such an activity ever again. There seriously was cake in places cake had no business being.
When you exited the bathroom, he was already in the bed and scrolling social media.
"About time," he said never looking up from his phone.
"Save your dramatics, I wasn't even in there for long." You climbed onto the bed. He only wore a pair of gray sweats. Your tongue snaked out over your lips as you eyeball his dick print. No underwear.
You climbed on top of him. His body instantly started reacting to you. He tried to pretend like he was unbothered by you and kept scrolling on his phone.
Cute. You thought to yourself and laughed.
You pulled your shorts off and threw them at him. He moved them off of his face and continued his scrolling and double tapping.
"Okay, so do you want to play with this pussy or do I have to do it myself?" You asked as you rubbed your already slick lips.
His dick was full on hard now and he couldn't resist watching you play with yourself.
"Touch me, Flo. Please?" You slid two of your delicate fingers inside of your pussy.
"No, I've had time to think about it and you let another man touch you earlier, so I don't think you deserve it."
"Aw, baby, you're jealous?" You pumped your fingers faster and moaned.
He palmed his hard member through his pants. His resistance becoming more and more nonexistent.
"I promise I would never give him your pussy, baby." You pinched your nipple through the shirt. "Ooh, yes," you mewled. Your orgasm was near.
He stopped you from moving and then slowly pulled your fingers out. He stuck them into his mouth basking in your essence before diving in between your thighs. He spread your legs wide and made circles on your clit with his tongue. He stuck two fingers into your slick cavern and curled them to hit your g-spot.
Just as you were about to cum, he stopped, pulled himself up and roughly thrust into you so hard you lost your breath.
"Fuuuuck, what are you trying to do to me?" You dug your nails into his back.
"Break you," he spoke low in your ear.
Your flood gates opened without warning. Your thighs tightened around his waist. He kept fucking allowing you to ride out your orgasm.
"My god, I fucking love you!" You yelled as another orgasm erupted from your core.
Your words provoked his volley and once again he released inside of you with a mewl that rumbled deep in his chest. He stayed on top of you unwilling to break the bond you currently shared so soon.
After a few moments of the silence only being cut by the sounds of your beating hearts and quick breaths, he was finally going soft and moved off you.
Just like last time, he went to the bathroom for a wet washcloth and came to clean you up first and then himself. When he was done, he propped himself up on the headboard and you sat up to snuggle up under him.
"You said you loved me," he finally said.
"I know," you traced his collarbone with your finger.
He hooked his finger beneath your chin, so you'd look up at him.
"Did you mean it or was it just in the moment?" His heart was pounding rapidly. He was afraid. Afraid that the answer you gave was not going to be the one that he was hoping to hear.
"I meant it," you told him.
His smile was wide as he pulled you onto his lap. He planted kisses all over your lips, face and neck. He finally stopped to press his forehead to yours.
"I'm gonna make love to you all night long." He promised.
"No, gym junkie, I'm gonna be sore," you pushed against him. You fell onto your back and his large body hovered over you.
He stared down at you with those big hazel green eyes and poked out his lip. "But I love you," he confessed before connecting your lips once more. You spent the rest of the night tangled with another just as he promised.
A/N: I am fully aware that people can’t spontaneously get married, but eh, it’s all fiction.
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yourcoffindoor · 4 years
A Spike in My Heart: Part 2
Pairing: Vampire!Gerard Way x Reader
Prompt: Request from Anons- “ Hey sweetie I love your work so much ❤️ Can you please write pt 2 of vampire Gerard? Something where reader wakes up, angst and fluff? “  and “ VAMPIRE GERARD PART 2 WOULD BE SO NEAT AAAAAA “ (lol <3)
AN: As always, hope my story does the job. Enjoy!
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Everything was black. Voices washed over you like gentle waves in a calm ocean, and among them was a familiar male voice that you couldn't yet identify, but somehow understood he was speaking to you. 
Don't leave me, it said. Don't leave me, over and over, and you cut through the darkness looking for the source of the voice so you could tell him you never would. You're right here, why can't he find you and take you where there's light?
You weren't sure now if you were asleep or dead, dreaming or in purgatory. At times you could feel icy hands on your forehead or resting for a moment on your cheek. You seemed to drift in and out of consciousness, sometimes hearing those around you, before falling back into nothingness.
If this was sleep, you often dreamed of Gerard. The setting was always the same-- You were attending some sort of formal function, both of you dressed to the nines. You always were taken aback by how handsome he was in his suit, and you told him so, certain he would blush if it were possible for a vampire to do so.
He would pull out a slim box and offer it to you. 
"A present." he informed you shyly. Inside was a stunning garnet necklace far more extravagant than anything you had ever owned before. The crimson gems were cut in a teardrop shape and gleamed as they caught the light from seemingly every angle.
He offered to put it on for you, and you eagerly agreed. His hands moved slow as they brushed the hair from the back of your neck as if savoring the sensation. It took a moment to secure the clasp, and you thanked him when he had accomplished his mission before asking how it looked on you.
The dream always ended the same. Gerard stepped in front to get a look at you, and his expression quickly changed from admiration to horror, tears welling in his hazel eyes.
"What is it?"
"I'm so sorry!" he would say repeatedly. "Y/N, please, I'm so sorry!"
Confused, you looked down and saw a trickle of familiar deep red run down your chest. You turned to find a mirror and screamed as you saw your reflection. They necklace was gone, replaced by a ring of bite marks and steady streams of blood.
It was from this dream that you finally jolted awake, finding yourself tucked neatly in your bed. You looked around to find no one, but noticed a chair had been brought to the side of the bed, a sign that someone had been caring for you.
 You heard movement just outside your bedroom door and listened as a muffled argument carried on. 
"You should have never starved yourself to that point." an unknown male voice hissed. "It's fucking dangerous, Gerard."
"I realize that," he lamented bitterly, and you longed to reach for him and to tell him it was ok.
"You need to come to terms with what you are. It's not going to change." 
Gerard's voice was low, defeated. "And how do you suggest I do that Frank? I feel like a parasite."
"Y/N doesn't think so."
"And look what I did to her!" His voice rose, filled with anger instead of self pity. "Look what happens to people I love when I'm honest about what I am!"
Frank was silent for a moment. "You love her? Have you told her?"
"No," Gerard replied, voice grim, "and now I might not get the chance."
You felt a warm flush bloom on your pallid cheeks upon hearing Gerard confess his feelings. You noticed that there was a glass of water left on your bedside table by your caretaker, and you reached for it in hopes of calming yourself down. Instead your shaky hand sent the glass tumbling to the floor, silencing the discussion outside your door with a loud splash and shatter.
The bedroom door opened immediately and Gerard rushed in, planting himself by your side. He reached  his hand towards you instinctively, but quickly drew it back, as though he was afraid he would do more harm than good.
"Y/N," his eyes were filled with relief, "I'm...I'm so glad you're awake."
You instead reached towards him, clasping his hand in yours. "Thanks for looking after me. How long has it been?"
"Almost two days," came a voice from the doorway. You looked over to find a man leaning against the door frame, arms folded. "See, I told you Y/N would be fine." He gloated to Gerard before turning his attention back to you.  "I could hear your heartbeat from the front door. Kept telling Gee you weren't a goner."
Gerard looked mortified, much to your amusement.
"Thanks for your input, uh... sorry who are you?"
"Name's Frank. Gerard's band-mate, fellow bloodsucker. Hope you don't mind my being here. Gerard called me over for help."
You smiled softly. "Not at all." 
Gerard cleared his throat, glaring at Frank who stood smirking in the doorway.
"Guess I should give you guys some privacy," he said, turning to leave, but quickly stopped in his tracks. "Oh yeah, are you gonna tell her what you told me?"
"Jesus Frank, she just woke up!"
Frank shrugged. "You're right. Give her a good five minutes to breathe before you tell her you're in love with her."
Frank laughed to himself, closing the door behind him.
It was quiet for a moment, but the silence was heavy with words that were aching to be said. Gerard fidgeted with his fingers, trying to prevent them from reaching for you again. 
After a moment, he suddenly stood up. "I should get you a new glass of water, you must be thirsty."
"That can wait," you insisted, grabbing the edge of his shirt before he could disappear, "Stay with me."
Slowly he returned to his watch post beside the bed. You decided to break the ice.
"I'm not mad. I'm not scared. And I'm feeling better by the second. You don't need to be worried."
"Easier said than done I'm afraid," he forced a soft laugh, his crooked smile expressing more sadness than he intended.
"Were you sitting there this whole time?"
"How could I be anywhere else? I had to make sure you were going to be ok. You seemed to be having some intense dreams, you were tossing and turning."
You decided against burdening him with the details of your nightmare. "Doesn't matter now that I'm awake. Besides, I don't even remember what they were about."
Gerard tucked a strand of unkempt black hair behind his ear. "Well, anyway, at one point I felt your forehead and it seemed warm--well warmer than usual to me--and I was worried you were getting a fever, so I called Frank over here for help. He's good in situations like these. I mean, not that I've been in this situation before...I was so worried, Y/N. But he kept telling me you were fine, that I definitely did overdo it but you also probably just had a bad reaction--"
You cut off Gerard’s awkward rambling with a tight embrace, catching him off guard. His body was tense, but soon melted into your touch.
"Thank you," you murmured, your head on his shoulder.
"I don't know if thanks are necessary...since I caused the problem." he mused softly. "Y/N, you don't deserve to be dragged into a life like this."
"Gerard, is it true? What Frank said?"
His eyes widened. "Huh?"
"He said you're in love with me. In fact, I may have heard you say it myself just outside the door there."
Gerard nervously tousled his hair with one hand, as if he were hoping to find the right answer within it.
"Its true. I know its a lot to process and...we only just went over the whole vampire thing...you don't need to feel obligated or anything. But Y/N, I've never felt they way I feel about you before. Not for anyone or anything. I thought I couldn't have normal things like a relationship...but being with you makes me feel like there's a chance for happiness."
He had looked away in the course of stumbling through his off-the-cuff confession, gazing instead at the floor. His nervous, awkward affection only served to endear him to you further.
"Then listen. I told you before, I don't care what you are. I love you. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I want you to know that I'm in this with you now. And if you let me in, we can figure it all out. Together."
He turned to look at you, eyes warm with affection. "I'll never let it get out of hand again. I promise. There'll be no repeat of this."
"There is one part I'd like a repeat of."
You hoisted yourself up on the bed and leaned in towards Gerard, gently planting your lips on his, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You lingered there for a moment, savoring the kiss and the rush of endorphins that came with it.
"Feel free to let that get out of hand as often as possible."
Gerard grinned, and lay down next to you in the bed. You spent the next moments holding each other in silence, knowing that you had eternity to figure out whatever came next.
taglist: @honimello​
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x-ratedkpop · 5 years
Come Here Baby, We Can Stay Up. [Baekhyun]
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Request: Non-existent, I was inspired based on the amazing songs Diamond and Stay Up on Baekhyun’s first studio album, City Lights. Please stream it motivates Baekhyun and shows him support!
Song I recommend: Diamond & Stay Up by Baekhyun
Author’s notes/Warnings: Raw sex, wear a condom kids. There are no major kinks and I simply just want to say thank you for waiting on me for so long and I’m truly grateful you all stayed with x-ratedkpop we are blessed to have you and we wish to stay here for a long time. Please stream Baekhyun’s album, I will love you forever.
Author’s apologies: Now I apologize in advance as this fic is leaning towards African-American women but it’s an easy read for any woman.
He wasn’t sure if it was the lights or just the aura she put off but everyone was attracted to one woman in the room. She’d been invited by mutual friends from the area, she was a teacher in Seoul and no one was sure how she knew people this high up but she sure was a beauty and any one in the room would be grateful to learn English from her. The event called for casual dress as it was a release party for Baekhyun’s first solo album that broke records before it’s release which definitely called for the celebration.
“So I’m apparently not the only person who sees her.” Chanyeol whispered in Baekhyun’s ear their eyes not leaving the beautiful individual in the room. “No I’m pretty sure we all see her.” Their manager spoke grabbing his drink from the table, “and she the only black girl here.” He mumbled taking his shot back before roughly slamming the glass down with a throaty groan. “She sure is one fine woman, I give you that.” He added before calling for the waiter, everyone around agreeing with the statement.
Baekhyun was just stunned by her, he didn’t mean to stare but how could he not. He’d never really see anyone in this proximity as beautiful as her and he was seriously trying to figure out if it was her or if it was just the lights in the room. He tried to play it off as lights and the alcohol buzzing through his system. She was dancing with her friends, her curly hair was bouncing against her shoulders and her teeth shone brightly with the smile she wore.
Then all of a sudden the entire atmosphere changed and Baekhyun then realized what she was wearing. The hum came through the speakers and he realized the DJ had thrown Diamond into the playlist and everyone instantly changed to this sexy aura, including her. Her hands ran along her skin like silk, in the streets a lot of people don’t wear clothes like her, it simply showed too much. The deep neck showing her cleavage, the hem cutting off at the middle of her thighs, the thigh high boots made it even more ethereal. The dress was a simple white and the jean jacket hung low off her shoulder, Ariana Grande style.
Someone slipped behind her but neither Baekhyun nor she had a care in the world who the man was. Matter of fact, she even came closer to him, grinding against him, it was almost lewd how she rested her head back against his shoulder and he was either kissing her neck or just resting there for the aesthetic. “Damn Baekhyun, do you want her up, you’ve been looking at her for the past three songs.” One of his friends had commenting pushing him slightly, “matter of fact I do.” He responding standing, his legs moving to the stairs jogging down to the dance floor.
Once down, everyone was congratulating him on the album and it success. Just before the chorus had started he tapped the man’s shoulder asking to slip in which he kindly agreed seeing who Baekhyun was. They exchanged places and as Baekhyun took a look at her from upclose he concluded that it was definitely her, it was her that captivated everyone. Not the alcohol in his system and definitely the lights, if anything the light complimented her and the alcohol in his system probably did too.
She smelled like something sweet, he couldn’t quite place a finger on it but her perfume coated him and he couldn’t help but rest his hands on her waist just as the chorus started. She swayed her hips so deeply and sensually that he instantly found himself in Heaven and he knew he wouldn’t leave from behind her as long as the music stayed sensual like this. Her hands soon found themselves on top of his lifting them slightly before pressing one flatly against her stomach and intertwining the other with her own. Her now free hand had reached back to wrap around his neck, resting there as she ground her hips against him. His head ducked down to rest in the crook of her neck, not kissing her but simply resting there taking her in as he rolled his hips into her in return.
‘Come here baby, come here baby,’ he sung softly into her ear causing her to let out a breath almost too sexual for Baekhyun to accept. “I felt you watching me Mr. Soloist.” She mumbled loud enough for him to hear her and him only, once again she took him for surprise as her korean sounded almost native. “I couldn’t help myself, not when you look as good as you do.” He quipped back his hips rolling slowly as if he was thrusting into her and she chuckled softly. “You’re going to have to try harder, just because you’re the man of the night doesn’t mean you can be the man in my bed tonight.” She spoke turning around wrapping her arms around his neck, one hand dropping to caress against the necklace her wore that lay against the exposed part of his skin.
“So you’re telling me I have a chance?” He spoke raising a brow, he took his time to really take her in aswell, she truly was beautiful and the smile she wore was even more beautiful. “Work for it like you worked on that album.” She whispered softly as the chorus came round once more, he head leaned back, her curls swaying as she did. Baekhyun’s hands rested atop her back and against her lower back keeping her steady as she dance against him, both of them still lewdly grinding against one another but who else wasn’t. ‘Diamond you do, you got me shinin’ when I’m with you.’ He sung as they danced with one another, if she wanted him to work, he’d work and he’d go all out.
His fingers crawled up gripping the soft locks in her hair, her mouth fell open a smile somehow still on her face as her tongue sinfully ran against her teeth. The song came to an end and she lifted her head looking directly into his eyes just as Ice Queen began to play. It was like the DJ could sense the sexual feelings between the two of them, “you’re very trust of me, what if I was a crazed fan?” She tilted her head as he pulled her closer, “then at least I’ll know the face I’ll have to sue when pictures of me get sold to dispatch, wondering if I could get a name too.” He mumbled a smile playing on his lips as he joked with her, his hand falling from her hair back down to her hips.
“You’re funny Baekhyun, looks like you’ll be taking Y/N home tonight.” She winked her thumb caressing over his cheek a dark lust taking over her dilated pupil. He painfully continued to dance with her until the song ended and he quickly left the floor, her in tow towards the back door, “tell them I’m leaving, I’ve done enough talking, it was a family issue or something.” He spoke to the security guard by the door, digging in his pockets for his keys, unlocked the door to the vehicle.
“Didn’t think we’d be leaving so fast Baekhyun.” She teased buckling herself in as he pulled out of the lot, “we’ll I couldn’t wait— I’ve been wanting you since the moment I saw you and it wasn’t that hard to spot someone so ethereal in the crowd.”
The ride to Baekhyun’s apartment had then been cut quiet, comfortable but sexually split. He wanted to touch her so damn bad and as soon as they parked in the lot he stepped into action, kissing her as soon as they stepped in the elevator. His hands all over her, he’s touch every inch of her tonight because he’s never get the opportunity to touch her again. The bell dinged and they surely kissed and felt up on one another all the way to his door and to his bed.
She looked even more ethereal here, her hair sprawled around her, her dress rode up just a bit and her lips swollen from the intensity of their kissing. “I’m real, you can touch me to make it last longer.” She laughed as he unzipped her boots, kissing her ankle and down her calf as he reached for the other, “such a womanizer,” she teased as he did the same, each kissed peppered softly as he looked at her. He leaned down to kiss her enticing lips but her foot against his chest stopped him. “Take it off,” she spoke resting on her elbows as he stood unbuttoning his shirt for her.
Trying once more to kiss her, he was stopped once more, “pants too eager beaver.” He chuckled, unbuttoning his pants, kicking them off to the floor before crawling into the bed, pressing their lips together, his fingers gracefully pulled her dress down her legs, the stretchy material gracing him as he didn’t have to do much work. Her breast were the first thing he experienced, they didn’t sit perky, they weren’t the fake looking ones either, the perfect teardrop shape he loved so damn much. He stomach was next, if wasn’t toned, nor was she out of shape she had something to hold onto and that excited him, next her thighs, he had no words she was glorious from head to toe.
His finger trailed back up her legs, raising goosebumps along the way, ‘Diamond you do and I’ll be shining with you’, he sung softly tapping her thighs a gesture causing her to open her legs to him and he was blessed with the glorious view that she wasn’t wearing panties under the dress, he wasn’t even sure how he didn’t notice when he removed the dress.
He muttered a quiet ‘fuck’ under his breath as his finger drew against the slick wetness her back arching from the light yet sinful touch. He couldn’t help but slip a finger inside her wetness, his tongue darting out to attack her bundle of nerves. Her fingers quickly wrapped around thick bundles of his silver hair, rolling her hips into his touches, her moans sung to him. She wasn’t loud nor was she quiet but the right volume to have the empty room sound like a recording studio and she was the talented artist in the booth.
He added another finger to her pleasure causing her grip in his hair to become tighter and her thighs to encase him in the place between her legs, “baek—baekhyun, fuck,” she panted her eyes shut closed, face contorted in pleasure and he looked up watching her breast rise and fall her nipples hard without even being touched. He continued the abuse to her walls, fingers fucking into her so slow that she couldn’t help but fuck herself against them.
He wanted to pull back and watch her but she tasted of blissful nothingness. Her arousal began to slowly seep from her entrance and along his fingers, “please— need you,” y/n choked out whining for the need of pleasure as he pulled back finding his way back to her lips, becoming even more turned on as she tasted herself on his lips. ‘Tell me how you want it, tell me how you need it,’ he sung to her removing his briefs, shock taking him over as she turned them over. “Pick a song Byun and stick to it.” She commented, rubbing herself over his cock, her arousal coating him and making him throb at the same time before she gripped him, stroking him twice before placing him at her entrance.
“No,” he spoke, gripping her hips and pulling her down, his mind had instantly thought of a condom but he’d quickly forgotten the thought as she rode clenched around him with a loud moan her nails digging into the flesh on his chest as she looked at him. “I saw your face, don’t worry, I’m not rich enough to care for a superstar’s baby, birth control is on both of our side’s.” She chuckled, pressing her nails deeper into his chest as she rose slightly and sunk back down around his girth. Now, Baekhyun wasn’t overly large or overly girthy but she could say he stretched her well and reached a place in her stomach that hadn’t been touch in many years by her previous partners and fuck was he just as ethereal when he groaned and moaned out in pleasure.
She rose and sunk a few times before gaining confidence and began to slowly bounce against him setting the pace. The headboard had began knocking against the wall, annoying and waking the neighbors for sure and the pure thought of that had her hand gripping her breast and picking up speed in the way rode him.
He was in Heaven, pure bliss surrounded them as she began to glisten from the thin sheen of sweat coating her body. His hands gripped her thighs, rolling his hips at the same pace of her thrust but he needed and wanted more, he wanted to enjoy his experience with her as he knew if possibly would never happen again so he found himself laying her on her back and fucking into her and not softly either.
He was ruthlessly, pounding his hips into her and the sudden pace change had her nails digging into her forearm and leaving bright screaming streaks of red angry marks along them that his stylist at the photo shoot in two days would definitely fuss a him about. Her legs wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his lower back as she tossed her head from side to side with each thrust.
The way she moaned yet screamed his name had him giving his all to please them both. Her walls were the only thing he wanted to be in right now and his phone angrily ringing in his pants on the floor wasn’t a worry nor was the neighbor banging on the wall that separated them. Pulling him down to her chest, y/n bite into Baekhyun’s shoulder, it was something simple but the bite had Baekhyun’s hips stuttering in her.
The way he thrusted in her didn’t stop for a time he couldn’t even calculate, even if he was tired he kept the pace, wanting to keep them both satisfied and he could feel her release coming as her nails angrily scratched down his back, her walls gripping him like a vice and her moans had escalated to breathy cries of his name. He nipped at her earlobe, as her hips rocked, an orgasm powerfully taking over her.
His thrust did slow, to accommodate her, like gentleman he didn’t want to be. His release was at it’s near breaking end, even if he had to slowly thrust into her he’d catch a round of her high. His hips snapped into her causing her to cry in oversensitivity, he continued snapping into her as she choked on air for him. “Baekhyun— fuck— please,” she moaned as his thrusted accelerated before he pulled out, stroking himself to a release. Milky opaque spurts of cum began to coat against her stomach, complimenting her complexion. And when Baekhyun thought she couldn’t get any sexier, her finger ran through his cum dragging into along her body before making it’s way to her lips, her tongue sinfully tasting him.
Both of them lay breathless next to one another for awhile before Baekhyun left the bed to grab a damp washcloth and clean her, rid her as best as he could of sex. He doesn’t really remember much of the rest of the night but he does remember her smile and laugh as she ran her fingers through his hair until he fell asleep.
The next morning, he woke to an empty bed and a sore body. His phone buzzing with an eight-thirty alarm, reaching on to the nightstand he grabbed his phone that he remembered was in his pocket last night and if he remembers his clothes were in a pile at the foot of the bed and that wasn’t there either, actually they were folded along with the towel he used on her last night in the chair in the corner.
As he fished for his phone a piece of folder paper fell to the floor and that definitely caught his attention, he almost scrambled out of his bed for the note happily opening it to read.
Hey Baekhyun,
It’s y/n, I had a great time last night but duty calls and I have to be to work soon so I’m writing this. I washed your clothes and the towel along with the other towels you had in your washroom. If you’re really interested and had as much fun as I did. Come to this address at six and we’ll talk more about it ;) and if you can’t make that just give me a call sometime.
See you later,
Y/N. <3
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euphorianyx · 6 years
My Killer My Saver ~1~
First Encounter
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Pairing : JungKook & Reader/Ji ChangWook & Reader Genre : Psychological, Dark, Smut Summary : Even though JungKook seemed normal he was insane inside. As in a true psychopath. Already commited numerous murders, he now had is eyes on you. Not knowing who he really was, you were blindly walking towards his trap. What would he do if ChangWook found who JungKook was? Being together since childhood, you were important so you had to stay alive. Would he be able to save you no matter what? What if it all comes down to a choice you had to make? Would you choose to be alive or die?
Other Chapters
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He smiled at you the same way again. The smile that has been shaking your heart every single time but you could not say anything to him. The way that white shirt covered his perfect body tightly and his perfectly pushed back hair made him look surreal.  At least he was here with you but you did not know if it was enough anymore. Though Chang Wook threw his arm around you casually.
“Ahhh I feel good today…”
The walk you shared till your Street was peaceful. The sky was clear and the night breeze felt good on your skin as you both sat on the bench.  You pointed at the sky which he followed.
“The nothern star…”
Chang Wook squinted his eyes for a short moment before he leaned back.
“It’s always the brightest…”
Like you, you thought but could not say it out loud. The silence was far from being uncomfortable. When you rubbed your hands on your arms Chang Wook noticed you were cold. He slowly left his grey jacket on your shoulders. The smell washed through you as if it was a torture. With that bright smile he checked the clock.
“Weren’t you supposed to go inside?”
You shook your head.
“Lets stay a little bit more.”
Chang Wook and you started to make random shapes connecting the stars. You did not even know how time passed by until he suddenly stood up. Saying,
“I am gone little one”
Chang Wook ruffled your hair. That was the one thing you hated to be called by him. Since you grew up together he kept you calling like that even though you became his coworker. He waved at you and walked towards his white dublex. After a deep long sigh you made your way towards your home across his. Lying down on your bed you hugged the jacket he left with you. Dreaming of him through the night you woke up early in the morning.
It was another work day so you got ready. With your mini dress and curled hair, you looked fine. The brachelet completed the outfit along with your knee high boots. When you got out Chang Wook was already walking towards his car. As he heard you, he stopped and turned around. Suddenly his eyebrows were shot up and his voice got deeper.
“Isn’t that too short?”
You stopped and looked down, confused.
“What’s wrong with it? Everyone wears things like this?”
Chang Wook tilted his head then you both got in the car. On the way when you saw this cutely designed coffee shop you chirped.
“Can you pull over? I want to buy us coffee.”
When you walked in, a tall guy stood behind the counter. He had big eyes and a delicate face with wide shoulders. He looked like a runway model in that simple black uniform. You stopped in front of him and he flashed you a dazzling smile.
“Welcome to Day&Night… What would you like?”
His voice was so soft that it could be sweet as caramel. Taking your eyes away from him for a second you coughed.
“Two pike place roasts please.”
He tilted his head for a second then murmured.
Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion you could not help but asked while waiting.
“Whats interesting?”
He slowly lifted his head to look at you.
“Your choice of coffee”
The guy in front of you said then went back to brewing the coffee. Still finding the situation awkward you grabbed the white paper cups he left on the counter.
“What would you expect me to choose?”
You blurted out, surprising yourself then bit down your lip. He seemed lost at first but gave you another smile when he realized what you were talking about.
“Vanilla or honey crunch…”
Before you could ask why he went on.
“You are delicate…Bitter tastes do not suit such a beautiful face.”
A small smile spread on your lips before you could realize. Walking out the door your cheeks were still red. You handed a cup to Chang Wook without a word. Looking at your face carefully he raised his eyebrows.
“Yah… Why are your cheeks red?”
Just as Chang Wook asked he saw the young guy inside. Rolling his eyes, his tongue poked his cheek as if he was somewhat jealous.
“Look at the little one…”
You bit down your lip.
“Don’t call me like that.”
Chang Wook chuckled while driving away from the coffee shop. You both sipped your coffees on the way to work. By the afternoon you finished the last e-mail you were supposed to send after it was finally time for lunch. You were in front of the counter and looking for the menu of the day. The voice you know really well washed your ear and you found Chang Wook standing right behind you.
“Lets get jajangmyeon.”
You agreed then you both took one of the small tables beside the window. The sunlight dimly shined on his face so you could not help watching the beautiful man for a good minute. His big eyes and lips were in great harmony with his high cheekbones. When you realized you were gawking, you shook your head.
After you were done there was a little sauce left on the corner of your lip. Chang Wook reached for a napkin and cleaned it for you. Somehow you felt this electricty radiating from his body and he looked into your eyes as if he felt it too. Then he just averted his gaze, putting the napkin down.
The ride back to home was fun with your favorite songs blasting on the speakers. You hummed along with the lyrics which Chang Wook smiled. Though the night was not that fun when the power went off. Even if you did not want to admit you were scared to be in the dark alone. Still undecided you grabbed your phone and made your way towards Chang Wook’s house. Your hand lingered in the air in front of the door. Sighing if you were doing the right thing you just shyly knocked.
Chang Wook seemed surprised when he opened the door in his black tshirt and sweatpants. You were about to explain your reason but a female voice filled your ear.
“Who is that?”
You could not help with the expression on your face so it probably said it all.
“Oh you had a guest?”
Chang Wook just confirmed you with the nod of his head.
You looked down, biting your lip.
“I didn’t know… I’ll just get going…”
He seemed like he had something to say but you did not wait. You just wanted to leave and be left alone in your misery. Your teardrops escaped as soon as you closed the door of your home. You just lay down on your bed and did nothing but cried. Under the sheets you pulled your knees towards yourself as you could not stop.
You did not know when you fall asleep but the ringing alarm woke you up with an incredible headache. You did not want to go with him but calling in sick would probably need a reasonable explanation so you just had to go.
It was one of the most awkward moments when you and Chang Wook saw each other. He just greeted you like he usually did and you returned the same but the ride was unusually quiet. You both had a lot to say but noone broke it. You remembered the coffee shop was close so it was the first time you spoke.
“Can you stop by that shop? I want to buy coffee.”
He went okay and wanted to come with you.
“Ah you don’t need to come. I will bring them.”
You hurried inside to find the barista you saw yesterday. He just raised his head to welcome whoever came. When Jung Kook’s eyes landed on you he remembered you right away. The perfect girl for his next perfect scene. He stopped in the mid-sentence.
“Oh you…”
You arched an eyebrow at the beautiful man in surprise.
“You had two pike place roasts last time…”
When he explained your eyes were wide.
“Do you remember me?”
He smiled after your simple question.
“It’s hard to forget such a pretty face…”
After he revealed, he looked down as if he was shy. You bit down your lip and thanked for his compliment. His hands on the counter he gave you a small smile.
“I did not ask what you want yet…but I guess two pike place roasts.”
You could not help with the smile spreading across your lips.
You shyly went on.
“A pike place roast and a honey crunch.”
He started to prepare while murmuring.
“You remember my suggestion.”
He directed his big black eyes at you after grabbing a papercup and a pen.
“I forgot to ask your name yesterday.”
You snaped out of deep thoughts as you almost stuttured.
He grabbed the other papercup which caused you to look out of the window to Chang Wook’s side. A deep sigh left your mouth before you whispered his name. The barista in front of you followed your gaze and left the papercup down. His long slender fingers gently pushed his back and exposed his forehead. He arched an eyebrow.
“Is he your boyfriend?”
This simple yet serious question startled you for a second. Shaking your head you explained.
“No ! He is… a friend.”
The guy licked his thin lips then looked away. Only then you noticed the small mole under his bottom lip.
“Would it be too bad if I say I am glad to hear that?”
You blinked your eyes a few times thinking how to respond. You shook your head which caused him to flash you a sweet grin. Your hands touched for a mere second while he was handing you the cups. Before you turned around you asked with your cheeks red again.
“Your name?”
His soft voice filled your ears as if it was a music.
“Jung Kook”
You walked out and got in the car with your mind still at the coffee shop. You whispered Jung Kook’s name which Chang Wook noticed. He also noticed the different smell coming from your cup.
“Is it not the same?”
You shook your head with a small smile.
“This is honey crunch.”
Chang Wook furrowed his eyebrows.
“You never got that before.”
You stared out of the window to the coffee shop that was about to leave your sight.
“Maybe its time for a change…”
Chang Wook looked at you but you did not notice because you were busy staring out of the window. You tried to ignore him for the rest of the day but in the end you had to be in the same car. The silence lingered in the air until Chang Wook broke it.
“So little one… Did you go there again to see that barista?”
You were not expecting such a question from him. To be honest, you did not want to answer. Pulling a trick you asked why did he ask such a thing.
“I don’t know…I just thought you might…”
Was Chang Wook’s simple response to your question. If you started to talk, you could have asked about the girl from last night.
“So the girl from last night… Is she your girlfriend?”
Chang Wook remembered the talk with boss. He was called to the big room and Nam Ji Won was sitting behind his big desk. He light up his cigarette and offered one to Chang Wook which he accepted. The smoke suddenly filled the air as they were left alone. Ji Won explained the matter then.
“Chun Hei is my daughter. Someone broke into her house. She will stay with you tonight. I will get one of my houses ready and find someone else to watch out for her tomorrow. I warn you… Keep your mouth shut about her because noone knows and noone will, understand?”
Chang Wook wanted to explain but he could not say anything to you. A deep sigh left his mouth before he answered the question that almost got your heart beat as if it was rip off your chest.
“No,she isn’t”
You arched your eyebrows at him.
“But she stayed last night, didn’t she?”
Chang Wook looked away from you and locked his eyes on the road again.
All you needed was some hope but you lost it when Chang Wook confirmed she spend the entire night with him. Then you decided. If someone were ever interested in you would not turn them down.
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facadesmiled · 7 years
A REALLY LONG CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES.  repost , don’t  reblog  ! tag  10  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED.  @maxabre​ ( thank you mate ! ! ♥ ) TAGGING. Imma tag some of my new followers, so @suitshinigami​, @hackinggod​, @pareidae​, @animaltamerbeast​, @bcwtruckled​, @hypnohatter​ and also @kniifethrower​, @godschose​, @solisnumen​, @moanaialiki​, and... oh heck, whoever feels like it. You go guys. *thumbs up*
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❤ FULL NAME :  Edmund John Clemence Taylor NICKNAME : Joker ( technically his name / alias, since his real one is unknown. ) AGE : 25 BIRTHDAY : April 2nd, 1863 ETHNIC GROUP : English NATIONALITY : English LANGUAGE / S : English, some French and German. Learning Spanish currently. SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Asexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Panromantic. Has no preference to either women or men. Basically swings every which way. RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Is normally single, though is mainly dating Beast or Clopin ( @pitroi​ ). CLASS : Circuses don’t really have a set class. Though, as he was adopted by Baron Kelvin, he technically is from a high class. HOME TOWN / AREA : London, England, specifically the East End. CURRENT HOME : the grounds of the Noah’s Ark Circus. Secondary home is the manor of Baron Kelvin.  PROFESSION : Ringmaster and part time clown of the Noah’s Ark Circus, Joker leads his family and enjoys making their audience laugh. Behind the vibrant curtains, however, he’s a kidnapper for Baron Kelvin; he kidnaps children and kills anyone who gets in his way. In the Alive!AU, he works tech and backstage in general at an Opera House in London.
❤ PHYSICAL. HAIR : Ginger, hangs down a little bit past his ears when not pulled up. Tied into little braids at the back, which are bleached at the end and hang down to the top of his back. EYES : A vibrant purple colour. FACE : Very soft and gentle, with little lines around his eyes and corners of his mouth from where he’s been smiling all the time. He also normally wears makeup, though it’s mostly around his eyes. A light blue teardrop made of facepaint droops down from his left eye. LIPS : Average sized, though occasionally covered in some kind of clear gloss. A little snaggletooth can be seen peeking out from the side. COMPLEXION : Not exactly pale, but not exactly a normal white skin tone either. He’s somewhere in between. BLEMISHES : Not really considered a blemish, but he has freckles that he hides with makeup on his face, and is also peppered with them on his shoulders and upper back. SCARS : Generally all around his body. Joker has a missing right arm, obviously. Though other than that, he has a bullet hole scar in his upper left shoulder on his back from where he was shot once on a kidnapping mission. There’s also some cuts on his forearm from mishaps with his swordcane or a knife. On his back as well are general scars from where he’s been beaten, both by Kelvin and by people on the East End. And finally, there’s a small burn mark on his butt from where Jumbo’s fire got.... a little too close to him during a show. TATTOOS : N/A HEIGHT : 6′1″ WEIGHT :  Not entirely sure. BUILD : Average body size, but curvy. He’s stronger than he looks, even with a missing arm. Most of his muscles are in his legs. FEATURES : A skeleton-shaped prosthetic right arm. ALLERGIES : N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE : Pulled back by pins until it looks something like a lion’s mane. A small but hangs over his left eye, directly over his teardrop facepaint feature. The longer, bleached pieces of hair are in small braids and cascade down his back. In the Alive!AU, it’s all short and down ( a little bit past his ears, like in canon ) and the longer pieces have been cut off, though occasionally he clips back his bangs when he’s working. USUAL FACE LOOK : Smirk, casual smile, or a full blown ( often fake ) performer's smile. USUAL CLOTHING : His circus outfit, which consists of a white dress shirt, a ruffled elastic belt that hangs loose a little at the end, a grey and black diamond vest, big yellow bow, black poofy pants with grey diamonds on the side hem, black and white curly toed boots, and a purple coat that adorns his shoulders that has gold trim and diamonds on the ends of the sleeves and bottom. For a full reference, see here and here. When not in his circus outfit, he wears a normal Victorian style suit, as his other job is a butler. The only circus-y thing about this suit is a black and grey diamond bow at his neck- it’s not as big as the one on his circus outfit though.
❤ PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : Loosing those he loves, being abandoned, death, life after death, heights, people finding out what he really is, his family receiving a terrible fate of some kind. ASPIRATION / S : Getting his family ‘ over the hills and far away. ‘ Nothing else matters. POSITIVE TRAITS : Caring, cheerful, joking, helpful, consoling, sympathetic, encouraging, positive in general, complimentary, passionate. NEGATIVE TRAITS : Liar, stoic, full of self-hatred, rarely lets people in, negative in mentality, strict, oblivious, basically a living, breathing, walking facade of a human being. ZODIAC : Aries
TEMPERAMENT : Melancholic: The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others. SOUL TYPE / S : Caregiver: If you recognize yourself as a Caregiver, you may already have noticed the tendency to put others’ needs ahead of your own. This trait makes it essential that you go out of your way to take care of yourself as well as those around you. Remember that you’re no use to others if you’re not healthy or fit enough to help them. You are loyal to the extreme, and you guard those who are entrusted to your care with your life. Fighting another person’s battles can be important if that individual is unable to stand up for themselves, though you should be cautious not to disempower those in your care by not allowing them to do things for themselves. Your empathy allows you to understand nonverbal emotional signals. This ability will tell you when someone needs your help, and how best to assist them. It is common for Caregiver types to intuitively know what someone needs at any given time. VICE HABIT / S : Drinking ‘til drunk, spiraling into numb depression, holding in emotions. VIRTUES / VICES: Charity, diligence, kindness, patience. / Pride, sorrow, wrath. FAITH : Believes in God, Jesus, Angels, the Devil, ect. No set religion though, just general beliefs.   GHOSTS ? : Definitely. He believes in all manner of the supernatural. AFTERLIFE ? : Yes- and he’s scared of it. REINCARNATION ? : Yes. He feels like a spirit can choose to be reincarnated, if they so wish to be. ALIENS ? :  Maybe? In a modern verse, he probably would. EDUCATION LEVEL : Just basics- how to read and write. He wasn’t taught much else at Kelvin’s manor. Performance style education is high, obviously. He knows his way around the arts.
❤ FAMILY. FATHER : Unknown birth father / Baron Kelvin MOTHER : Karen Taylor SIBLINGS : The first tier of the Noah’s Ark Circus, and the circus in general really. Also, the children at Renbourn Workhouse. EXTENDED FAMILY : N/A. NAME MEANING / S :  The name Edmund is derived from the Old English elements ēad, meaning "prosperity" or "riches", and mund, meaning "protector". HISTORICAL CONNECTION ? : N/A. ( Thanks Yana T. :/ No I’m kidding. Really. I swear. )
❤ FAVORITES. HOLIDAY : Christmas! He loves the joy and cheer, and also giving out gifts. MONTH : November. SEASON : Autumn. PLACE :  London, since that is and always will be his home. Though, he also like Paris! WEATHER : Snow, or a brisk fall day. SOUND :  The bustle as the audience dims down to silence, in anticipation for a show. SCENT / S : Anything that reminds him of a stage. TASTE / S : Caramel! Also cheese. FEEL / S : Being warm when it’s cold outside, the slight heat from stage lights, getting tingly from excitement, joy, fluffy things. ANIMAL / S :  Any and all! COLORS :  Purple, orange, and yellow!
❤ EXTRA. TALENTS :  Juggling, cracking jokes, leading, preforming, singing, playing a few instruments- he can do a lot.  BAD AT : Opening up to people, high wire/tightrope ( he did it once- never again ), thinking things through. TURN ONS : N/A. Asexual, and doesn’t really care for it, regardless. TURN OFFS :  See above. HOBBIES : Attending all kinds of shows ( operas, orchestras, musicals, other circuses, ect. ), reading, practicing his skills, writing small poems or short stories. TROPES : Above Good and Evil: He didn’t care what he had to do, as long as he thought it would save the other children.
All For Nothing: He believed he was protecting his “brothers and sisters” back at the Renbon Workhouse by obeying Kelvin. After he and all the first-tier members of the circus die because of it, Ciel and Sebastian find the Renbon Workhouse abandoned. They assume Kelvin allowed Doctor to kill the children for his experiments with artificial limbs. Joker and the rest died for nothing.
Knight Templar Big Brother: He will do anything for his foster siblings, even kidnap children because his demented “father” makes him believe he’s protecting his brothers and sisters back at the Renbon Workhouse by doing so (although there are actually no children there anymore).
My Master, Right or Wrong: No matter how much he hates to kidnap innocent children and force them to perform in dangerous shows in which they die gruesomely; if that is what his “father” wants he will do it, since he’s still the man who saved him and his “siblings”, and the one supposedly protecting the other children at the Renbon Workhouse.
Not So Different: To Ciel. When he begs Ciel to not kill Kelvin he states that the man is the one who saved them and is helping all their friends at the orphanage. Even if Joker and the others had to do commit horrible actions to further their cause, he still feels it’s right if it gives all the abandoned children a better future. Ciel’s response shows that he understands their need to better themselves, even if it’s at the expense of other people, and replies: “To save your own skins, you obeyed him and sacrificed others… You fought to protect your world. What’s wrong with that? In the end, "justice” is just an official line taken by those in power to serve their own ends. No one’s looking out for others. If you’re careless, you’ll be robbed. There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who steal, and those who are stolen from. And today, I steal your futures. That’s all this is.“ AESTHETIC TAGS : circuses, stages, blood over flowers,  fairy lights, autumn leaves, warm colours.
❤ FC INFO. MAIN FC: Himself ALT FC / S : N/A OLDER FC / S : N/A YOUNGER FC / S : Also himself VOICE CLAIM: Mathew Mercer ( see the BOC dub, here. ) Singing voice claim, Miura Ryosuke ( see the Noah’s Ark Circus musical, here. ) GENDERBENT  FC / S : N/A
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rionebuys · 7 years
The I love you's (Chapter 7)
It's been two weeks since the family dinner and things were buzzing with Daniel and Annabelle. Annabelle's career had been picked up massively. One of the best music producers in town found the her on you tube and was starting to make a star out of her. She was working non stop and going to huge gig every night with Daniel by her side of course. When the media saw her they went crazy at the new talent, that was until they saw her with NYC's most eligible bachelor Daniel Bowman. The media went nuclear and can't seem to leave the power couple alone. While Belle was getting famous by the minute, Daniel's business was booming. But that didn't stop him form designing a ring. Yes, the thought was still on his kind and he just started taking matters into his own hands. He was getting the ring made and was patiently waiting for it. While Belle on the other hand was so oblivious towards his plans. Daniel and Belle had been heating up by the minute. Belle refused to have sex with Daniel as she wasn't ready yet and Daniel completely understood since he didn't care about that part. But cuddling at evenings? Check. Kissing? Check. Making out? Check. Moved into one room? Double check. Yes, Belle moved into Daniel's bedroom since neither of them wanted to leave each other's side. Belle was quiet content with it. She did miss Anne and Jesse dearly. They were calling and Skype-ing every single day telling her how they were her number one fan. Things were good and happy. But you can't expect happiness without a little drama.... Belle along with Daniel came through the front door, lips locked together and a lot of giggling happening. They had just come from a red carpet event Belle was invited to and Daniel couldn't keep his hands off of her. She was just absolutely stunning in a skin tight, red, floor length dress. He wanted to touch every inch of her body and memorize it. As they got in the car Daniel desperately placed his lips on her's and never took it off. Stumbling inside, Belle let out a giggle as she wrapped her arms around Daniel, who's hands were on her hips pulling her closer. "You. Looked. Absolutely. Stunning. Tonight." Daniel said in between kisses. In answer Belle let out a tiny moan which made Daniel pick her up bridal style carrying her to the bedroom. Once there Daniel softly and slowly placed her on the bed making her lay on her back. He pulled off his tie and bent down kissing her neck. Belle sighed in content but that was short lived as a ringing noise interrupted them. Daniel groaned, both frustrated and in pain. He was growing in more lengths than one and he was in the middle of worshipping Belle's body when someone had to call. Annabelle let out a giggle as she sat up and got her phone from her purse that was on the ground. As she picked it up, Daniel pulled her back making her sit on his lap as he. Wrapped his arms around her and started to message her shoulders. Sighing in content she answered the phone. "Hello?" "Belle, darling, how are you?" She immediately froze completely, how is it that he found found her? Why now? Annabelle felt like she couldn't breathe, why was he calling? She started to hyperventilate. He didn't want her, he didn't care. So why did he care to call now? How did he even have her number? Daniel felt this and became alarmed in an instant but pulled her more into his chest. "What do you want? Why are you calling?" Daniel's hands started to tick meaning he knew. Daniel hated when people hurt Annabelle, he knew it was her father, it was not that hard to figure out by her short breath and shaking body, all he could do until she put the phone down was hold her close to him and kiss her occasionally on the shoulder letting her know he's there. "I...I miss you sweetheart." Her dad said in a disbelief voice. "You miss me? Really?" She asked in a monotone voice. She was starting to feel angry. She couldn't believe him at all. He gave her away to Anne like she was nothing, he paid for her to get out of the ouse and go to Cape Town. He never cared. "Y...Yes, look I saw you on the television and you look really good especially with your boyfriend. Barbra and I would love to come visit and all you know." Just as he said this something inside Belle snap. She was angry before, but she was furious now. She was boiling. She knew it, he didn't miss her. tears started forming in her eyes and Daniel felt and heard too because he got even more mad and stood up grabbing the phone from me while She sat frozen and in tears trying to comprehend what just happened. "Listen to me you asshole, you leave her alone you hear me? You were never there when she needed you and I am so sick of you hurting her more, if you ever call her again or if I even see you, so help me I will make your life a living hell, starting buy getting you fired!!" He yelled and threw my phone against the wall so it shattered. Daniel was boiling. This reminded him of the women that would try to get his attention. He hated it. Money lovers, he hated the sight of them. He turned back and saw Belle on the floor crying and went to her in an instant. "Baby? Oh my baby girl, its ok, he won't bother you again ok? I am here, you have me and my family, you don't need him." He sat down next to her, lifting her like she weighed nothing and Put her on his lap. He kept whispering sweet nothings in her ear as she cried on his shoulder. "Shhh its ok baby, Cry, let it out baby girl." After the incident Daniel was more than motivated to keep Annabelle safe. He had to, she was going to need him more than ever. He finally felt ready. It was time to ask her. Daniel had texted Annabelle earlier while at work, saying that he wanted to take her out for a nice fancy dinner. He was excited and got everything ready. He had arranged with the best restaurant in town on music and setting and everything he could think of just for her. She was his everything and he knew she felt the same way. He could not see his life without her. She was the light of his life and he was extremely proud of her. Going after her dreams and balancing everything well. He loved that about her. She did everything with passion and elegance. There was nothing more attractive to him. Daniel was already dressed in a black Armani suit ready for the evening, as he walked into the kitchen while Annabelle was getting ready up stairs he took out the little red velvet box and looked at the ring again. It was a teardrop shape diamond on a simple silver band. It was simple yet classic like Belle. She would love it. He quickly put the box in his pants when he heard heels clicking on the stairs as she descended. She had on a A-line, black, floor length, long sleeve dress that had a slit from the thigh all the way down. She had her hair in curls and make up done to perfection. He had black heels on as well and she just looked breath taking. Daniel stared at her and his heartbeat raced. She looked like a dream. She was gorgeous in every aspect and he wouldn't change a thing about her. Daniel breathed in a deep breath and then swallowed hard. "Y-You look beautiful." He said struggling to talk. Annabelle blushed as she looked at the handsome man in front of her. She was beyond lucky to have him in her life. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." She said shyly, no matter how long they've been together or how long they've lived together, he would always have that effect on her that made her shy. After the night before, he became her prince, her rock and night in shining armor. She loved him so much it hurt. And it was the good kind of pain. When they got to the restaurant Belle was absolutely speechless at the beauty of the place. It was all glass and stunning. Elegant and glamorous. She would never get used to the places he took her. They sat down and the table was beautifully decorated with rose petals and small chocolate balls. Annabelle stared in awe at the table in front of her. It was just to her liking and absolutely gorgeous. She looked up at Daniel who had already been staring at her with a smile on his face. Before she could say anything he took his glass filled with champagne and lifted it up making her do the same. "A toast to us, may only greater things await us in the future. And you look absolutely stunning, I love." He smiled and kissed her cheek before taking a sip. Belle was flushed and mouthed 'I love you.' To him making him wink at her. "Belle, I am really sorry about last night, how do you feel?"  Her smile instantly faded. The last thing in her mind was her excuse of a father. She didn't want to talk about him but knew that it was another rock in the road both Daniel and her had to figure out together. "I-I don't know how to feel about it, I mean, I always wanted my father to step up and say sorry, but he is the same old pretentions man I know. I feel better knowing I did my best as a daughter, but there is nothing I can do about it. I'd rather just live my life without him in it." Daniel took her hands in his and looked up at her with a sorrowful face. "You don't need him; you have a family here, with me. I won't hurt you or even dream of doing such things to you." Daniel stood up, and kissed her lightly on the lips and then bent down on one knee in front of her. Annabelle froze. Wait... he's on his knee? Why is he on his knee? She kept thinking. Daniel saw her face and he got kore nervous but cleared his throat and continued. "Belle, I thought a lot about us and our future together. You captured me with your voice and when I met you, I knew I fell in love. I know we've only dated a while, but I love you and I do want a future with you, you are all that I've always wanted. You don't need anyone else, I am here and my family accepts you. I wouldn't want anyone else to be mine and be the mother of my children one day. S-So Belle, would you do me the honour of making me happy, becoming my wife, becoming the next Mrs. Bowman?" She froze. He asked her to marry him. He asked her? Was it too soon? Was she going too fast? Was she sure? She rolled her eyes at that question, yes she was sure. She loved Daniel lore than anything. She wanted to be with him so bad. To be only his and his alone. She felt safe with him, she felt happy and most of all, loved. The love she was craving that made her heart race, the love that kept her on her toes, the love that gave her the sparks and cliche butterflies, the toe curling kisses making her float on air leaving her breathless. She had that. All her doubt faded as she came to realize that yes. She wants to marry him. Seeing the wheels in her head turn, Daniel brought her out of it. Belle almost laughed when she saw his face. He looked worried, like he thought I would say no. And he did. He was feeling like an idiot, of course she would say no, it was too fast, she was just getting her life and career on track, there was no reason to marry so soon. Daniel couldn't believe the fool he made out of himself, and in front of so many people in the restaurant who stopped what they were doing and had their eyes on them. "Please say something Belle, I-if you need time I-I can wait. I-I am so sorry, it was probably a bad idea or t-too soon." He went to stand up when Belle stopped him by pulling his neck to her and kissing him passionately. He immediately kissed back, deepening the kiss. All his worries flew out the window the minute her lips met his. Her lips was as soft as ever. She tasted of chocolates and strawberries all at once. Before it could get too heated between the two, She pulled back, breathing hard and whispered to him. "Yes" He instantly smiled and pulled out the little red box. He opened it and Belle's mouth dropped as she saw the most beautiful white teardrop diamond ring. She was in awe. Daniel put it on her finger not wasting time, and it was a perfect fit. Both of them had a huge smile on their faces and everyone around them applaud. Daniel was going to become hers and she was going to be his for good. Taking a picture of both of them smiling brightly and the ring on Belle's finger, Daniel sent it to the family as Belle sent it to Anne and Jesse. Their phones started buzzing with congratulations, They only read one text each before putting the phone off and enjoying the dinner with each other. This was the beginning of the rest of their lives together. The media was blowing up with excitement that the two were getting married, not only that but it made it much harder to plan a private wedding. Both Claire and Sophie were going crazy with ideas, it's the first Bowman wedding fifteen years and it was long over due! Maya was on duty to keep everyone calm and their heads focused on Belle's vision. For the next eight months everything was just crazy. Daniel's company had been buzzing along with trying to plan the wedding with Belle and then escorting her to various events. He had no problem with it as he could always be by her side just where he wanted to be. Annabelle was doing extremely well in and out of work. She had to resign from her job as the music was starting to pick up massive meaning tours and gigs all around town, not to mention planning her wedding and trying to get everything done. The dress was easy, Annabelle fell in love with the first dress she tried on that was a Pnina Tornei dress. With a corset and ball gown. She didn't have to try on anything else. It was beautiful and classy as well as sexy and she knew that Daniel would flip for this dress. "I call hot and sexy and Daniel is going to rip that dress right off of you!" Sophie said going crazy for the dress. With wide eyes all four ladies looked at her and started laughing. Annabelle was glad that Anne could make it to the fitting. The wedding had really brought them all together and happy. She loved spending the planning with Anne and all the girls. "I want to make it down the isle first thanks." Belle said and shook her head, while the rest busied themselves Anne stood up and stood next to Belle looking at her through the mirror. "It's the one." Belle said and Anne nodded. "How do you know?" Anne asked with a knowing smile. "When you know, you know." Annabelle said, repeating the words Anne said to her after her first day spent with Daniel. Anne gave a wide smile and kissed Belle's cheek. The rest was decided that the wedding would be all white, grey and a soft blue. Daniel loved the color as well as Belle did. The guest list was very conservative as they only invited close friends and family on both sides. Food was all taken care of by the caterer as well as music, drinks and the cake. Everything was perfect when the day arrived. Everything was set in a total romantic way, it was beautiful and soft. Daniel was getting on his nerves as time rolled in knowing it would be soon when she would walk down the isle. The guests were seated and both Alec and Don were beside him. Earlier Daniel's mom came up to him and told him how proud his dad would be making Daniel emotional. He looked up and silently sent a prayer hoping his father was watching. Alec and Don both saw this and gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder just as the music started. Everyone stood up and looked down the isle. Because Belle closed contact with her father she asked both Anne and Jesse to walk her in. Anne shed tears when Belle flew down to see them and ask them which they both agreed to. Walking down the isle first was Sophie and Maya looking gorgeous in their light blue, floor length bridesmaids dresses, then she came. Annabelle. She was breathtaking, the dress looking sexy yet romantic on her, her hair was down in loose curls and her make up was done to perfection. She had a huge smile on her face that Daniel mirrored only Daniel let a few tears slip because of how beautiful she was. And he mouthed that exact word to her when he took her from Anne and Jesse. She blushed and took his arm facing the priest. This is what she has been waiting for, for so long. The chance to be loved and married to your one true love, and Daniel was just that. Her first love, her first kiss, her first everything. She was loved in ways she never thought possible, she loved him back and her heart swelled at every thought and everything about him gave her butterflies. She didn't know so many emotions could be felt all at once, love, happiness, heartache, passion, thrill. She just had every emotion heightened. But she loved him and she wouldn't change the person her was yesterday, the person he is today or the person he'll be tomorrow because to her, he was perfect. "Do you Annabelle Parker, take Daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poor, to love and to hold from this day forward?" The priest turned and asked her as it was her time to say I do. She looked at Daniel and he had a perfect smile on his perfect face. He was her world, she vowed to do that and more. "I do." She said And they both sealed their love, their promise, their marriage with a kiss. "I love you." She whispered to Daniel when they broke the kiss. "I love you, Mrs. Bowman." He said and she giggled kissing him again. "I'm going to miss you." Belle said as she hugged Anne. She missed her already but was so glad both Jesse and her could make it. "I'm going to miss you too sweetie. No don't hold back, you show that man what you got and love it out of him." She whispered to Belle making Belle flush. Anne kissed her cheek and then Daniel's as both her and Jesse left the wedding to catch a plane flight. Daniel looked at a flushing Belle and and whispered in her ear. "What did she say to you?" Daniel asked confused and Belle took a deep breath contemplating how this should come out. "Just that I should show you, how I love you and ruin you for me." She said with a slight smirk. Daniel gulped and looked at her with hooded eyes. He kissed her with so much passion she let out a small moan and Daniel groaned pulling back slowly. "Show me then." He said and she winked at him. They said their goodbyes making Daniel excited as well as Belle. This was it, she was going to be with a guy for the first time, not just any guy, with her husband, with the love of her life her first love. She was more than ready. She was waiting for this moment for so long and she was ready. Arriving at the airport Annabelle looked at Daniel confused, he just kissed her cheek taking her hand to follow him. They were on his private jet getting seated while Belle kept looking at Daniel for an answer. He didn't give her one, instead the captain did. "Mr and Mrs. Bowman, welcome on your flight, please be seated and put your belts on as we take off for Greece." Annabelle looked at Daniel with an open mouth smile and wide eyes. Daniel smirked at her and winked. "Greece?!" Annabelle asked looking for any sign of a joke, there were none. "Happy honey moon baby." He said and kissed her. She melted. She pulled back and squealed making both of them burst out in laughter. Daniel took her hand and kissed it. "No way! What did she say?" Daniel laughed as Belle told him about how Jesse told Anne that he was gay. Anne always thought he was just too shy and needed help. He never acted gay and in all honesty it took a lot to see that he actually was gay. "Anne was so shocked she didn't know what to say, so she smacked his head and said that he just needed a good lay. She never took him seriously up until he brought a boy home she just gave up." Both of them burst out laughing. "That sounds like something my mom would do." Daniel said and before any of them could say anything the captain spoke again. "Mr and Mrs Bowman, we are safety on our way, you may take off your seat belts and stretch your legs or take a nap." Daniel and Annabelle looked at each other and smiled. "Let me show you around yeah?" Daniel said and Annabelle nodded biting her lip. She took Daniel's hand as they walked to the back where there was a kitchen, small but beautiful, there was two other doors, both leading to a room, they only entered one that was a bedroom, very beautifully decorated with an an-suite she saw two of their suitcases already in the room and turned to look at Daniel who had closed the door behind him. They were both still in their wedding outfits and Annabelle knew where things were heading form this point. Daniel started to walk towards her but she stopped him, panicking slightly. She just needed a minute. "I'll be right back." She said and went into the bathroom leaving a confused Daniel behind. As she shut the door she took a deep breath and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was flushed. She wanted this, she wanted Daniel. This is what she's been waiting for. And why not do it on the plane, Sophie and Maya would freak of they knew, not to mention Jesse. Losing her virginity in air, that was amazing. With that last thought, Annabelle took her wedding dress of with a little bit of struggle, underneath her dress Sophie made her wear a Victoria secret piece she bought for her. It was a white corset/bra set with matching white panties, and white stockings. All made out of white. Annabelle kept her white heels on and took some of her hair pins out roughing up her hair. When she was satisfied she took a deep breath and opened the door. Walking back into the room she saw Daniel with his back towards her, he turned around after hearing the voice and Belle's mouth hung open. She stared at Daniel's body and was in awe. She had never seen him without a shirt and she loved it. He was so defined. His shirt was open and unbuttoned, his tie loose around his neck. When she met his eyes saw gasped. His eyes were hooded as he looked at her. Daniel's breath was blown away, she was as pure as an angel and she looked sexy playing one. It's been years since he'd seen or even been with a woman but he wouldn't want anyone except for her. His body was reacting to her, he started walking towards her and kissed her passionately. Pulling back he looked at her and whispered against her neck. "You're so damn beautiful." She let out a soft moan that did wonders to him. He took hold of her thighs picking her up making her gasp. "Are you sure, I can wait." He said and she shook her head pulling her body more closer to his while in his arms. "I want this. I want you. All of you. I love you." She said and Daniel groaned putting her on the bed, softly kissing her neck. Their bodies joined together bringing both of them passion, love and a satisfaction they both craved. Copyright © 2015
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can you tell me a story about a cute robot?
The cute robot was not like other robots.
At first glance, you might think she was some sort of humanoid robot, with a cute and round head made for smiling. Upon closer examination, though, you notice that her head is not actually round, but rather shaped like a teardrop, with a long thin tail like a neck. Her eyes are human eyes, her hands are human hands, and so on down the rest of her incredibly strange body.
She is not very useful. Her sole "skill" is the ability to clap her hands, and she must repeat the same phrase over and over again for any human who tries to use her in conversation. She must be constantly and impeccably dressed, to keep up the illusion that she is not a robot. And no human being would ever accept something as meaningless and pointless as a dog in their home, so she must stay outside, in the halls, or at the very least come and go through the front door of each home she inhabits.
She is an entertainment, and she's very bad at being an entertainment. Her voice is forced and mechanical, without any of the flexibility that would naturally go with speaking. She loves to keep people entranced for as long as possible, but if she has made a mistake, or just felt the smallest disappointment, her body language betrays her, and you can see her start to shut down. The more intense she becomes, the larger the expression on her face shaped like a teardrop. The bigger the look on her face becomes, the more mechanical her voice becomes, until she is repeating herself in nearly-incomprehensible spurts and gasps. Finally, she claps her hands, once, in despair, and nothing in her personality changes. She has lost all sense of identity.
The residents of the household, however, are enchanted to watch her smile and prattle on, no matter how often her performance goes astray. They make her toys, and bring her to other households to make friends with their pets. They are willing to endure her awkward attempts at human interaction as long as she can still sing and clap her hands. She is a robot, but she is theirs.
She is the protagonist of a science fiction short story. ("I like that girl," one man says.)
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