#the tartaglia and xinyan event if you didnt know
cannolicorgi · 1 year
Every day I go to sleep and dream of a genshin with Labyrinth Warriors as a permanent game mode and then I wake up and cry
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ac-liveblogs · 3 years
1/ Bit of anticlimax today. Taishous emotional fulfillment was nice, even if I wasn't super invested, and I'll carry Megane koshou for fun every now n then. Let taishou touch some grass vicariously. I also admittedly like how he was unintentionally fulfilling his purpose the whole time by enabling teyvats biggest fight slut. But childe had basically no real reason to be there bc Scaramouche had no involvement. We didnt have to fight scara, probs resource heavy, didnt even have to see scara,
2/ but some scheming on his part for dramas sake woulda been nice. Especially since there's still two days left. I get the feeling its just gonna be a fun training arc, but mhy could have threaded a narrative in there if they tried. He could have been corrupting the domain with evil magic idk. Or even training up himself for whatever reason. As it is tartaglia just spent six days eating old radishes and following a dead lead, then peaced out. At least he found his happy place.
Yeah, this event really didn't have much going on here. On Childe's end, you could at least contrast him with Shiki Taishou - Shiki concluding that Harunosuke's single-minded determination wasn't the greatest, Actually, and what that might mean for Childe going forward was... there, I guess. Not that anyone had anything particularly interesting to do or say to each other in this event - Childe dropped some really worrying monologues, Xinyan tried to relate Shiki's existential crises to her being kinda unpopular, no one reacted to any of it in any way beyond :) or :/
MHY really... cannot do conflict, at all, can they? Not interpersonal conflict, like say - Xinyan or Childe disagreeing on how Shiki should move forward. Or actual conflict, like that whole "oh no if we don't solve this before Sara and the Tenryo Commission get here [x] will happen" fizzling out off-screen. They really just wanna dump their lore and do the bare minimum with everything else, huh.
You know, there's something to be said about FGO's events and probably a lesson to be learned there. FGO's events introduce at least one new character and learning about them, their goals/what they’ll do to achieve them/how they’ll achieve them and the way they relate/respond to other cast members (and vice versa) is the entire point of the event. Sometimes they're your ally, sometimes they're the villain, sometimes you get one of each and get to watch them play off each other. The stories are written based around what the characters themselves do or think or want, or who would have something interesting to contribute.
Sometimes servants cause problems on Accident, sometimes they do it on purpose, sometimes they were dragged into it the same as you - but that distinction also informs what you learn about the characters. But tl;dr, the events are built around us learning about the characters. 
Genshin on the other hand takes some Lore and writes the story around us learning it, with some other playable characters there to facilitate the story being told, and then just sprinkle nuggets of information about the characters throughout the event that will hopefully pay off later while hoping you thought the lore was cool enough that you wouldn't notice fuck all actually happened. So, the events are built around us learning the lore.
and they don’t even have the decency to make the lore about the playable characters!
you know what would have been a little fun? if childe reactivated the domain because he wanted to fight forever and that caused a mess. and probably tie him in better than "well i thought this random domain that popped up might have something to do with scaramouche"
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