#the tails and vector duo was pretty interesting
0vergrowngraveyard 3 months
i don鈥檛 think i have any strong opinions about the spring broken comic ngl 馃槶
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akarisandraws 8 months
What's your big opinion on every Sonic character don't skip any detail
Dude, do you know how many sonic characters are there?
Like a lot. So im gonna keep it on the main ones LOLL
Maybe i'll add to this tho. We'll see.
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Sonic: He's my favourite character of all times! Such a funky fella. I love his way of thinking, (as in everyone deserves second chances and freedom is important) and of acting, with the whole attitude. He gives me a sense of freedom that i haven't felt from any other media at all! Its quite impressive honestly. I could write pages upon pages on how Sonic as a character is like the peak of literature in my eyes, but this post would get way too long. In summary tho, i like almost every aspect of Sonic the Character.
Tails: The baby! I also really love tails! I think his role as a sideckick is very endearing, and is a great balance to sonic in all possible ways. One problem with modern Tails, though. He's portrayed as a coward. And like??? That's not who he is?? Like C'mon sega.
Knuckles: He don't chuckle!! Final part of team Sonic, and Sonic's first rival! I really like the knucklehead. But as is the norm, Sega screwed him up badly on Boom. I despise that they're supposed to be the same Knuckles. Because they're not. I like Boom Knuckles, as his own character, but granted, Boom is an acquired taste.
Amy: Honorary part of team sonic! I love her! Mostly on the IDW Comics. I think they handle her excellently in there. I know that Amy is a hated character by the fanbase because most say that her only purpose is to be the "girl character love interest" and i can agree up to some point in some games, but in IDW she's sooo much better. We stan IDW Sonic.
Shadow: Yet another case of Sega making character assassination. Shadow's like, one of the most complex sonic characters there are, If not THE most complex one. And i love that! Though im very sad that Sega hasn't been able to replicate that SA2 Magic quite as well. Will SonicXShadow (heh) give him justice? Stay tuned.
Rouge: MY GIRL!! Ok so controversial opinion, Rouge's my second favourite sonic character, just because i think its hilarious that she (once) was the leader of team Dark. So She commanded a killing machine and An alien experiment. What a girlboss! 10/10 Character.
Omega: Gotta be honest, not much of an omega fan. But i really like his dynamic w/Rouge and Shadow. It's pretty sweet that they become friens :)
Cream: The other baby! I think she's the sweetest character. Like fr. I really want to see her more often on the games! Though i get why in recent games she hasn't appeared. Suddenly the adventures got way too serious. Still want her back in the games though!
Blaze: Fire princess! I fr am so salty that she isn't as much in the games. Like, what gives? She's such a successful character (With good reason btw) and you arent like, putting her in the stage?? outrageous. But yeah, i really Like Blaze. Her contrast and similarities with sonic are great! They make a great duo too.
Silver: The sweetest most unhinged boi in the sonic canon. I find it very funny that in his first appearance he was all angsty and stuff, but now he's full on optimism and sunshine. I love the juxtaposition on that behalf. Boi is cute but he can mess you up.
The Chaotix: Oh i love the found family trope. Espio's my fave for sure. He's the funny ninja, what else do you want? Though Vector and Charmy are great too. Vector has such a cool ass dad vibe. And Charmy... is Charmy. if yk yk.
AAAAND I think i'll leave it there. Should i include someone else? lmk.
Thanks for the ask!
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So - finally played Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog after being unable to play it on my old 'puter and I might just dump my thoughts here
Already getting it out of the way: NiGHTS CAMEO ON THE CASINO YIPPEE -
I swear I dunno how I did not get hyper-frustrated with the DreamGear stretches (it's probably because the music has Advance trilogy vibes and my soft spot for the Advance trilogy kicked in too badly for the frustration to come in)
Besides the interest in caves and lack of interest in books, MC is one of the most relatables main characters ever, for real
As someone who has Tails and Amy as her Sonic comfort characters, seeing them interact plus their individual moments/moments with the rest of the cast plus their outfits was a good time
Knux wearing a hat is always welcome in this household
Vector & Espio and Rogue & Blaze were pretty fun duos! - I unironically and half-unapologetically enjoyed Espio's poetry
The temptation to ask the Chao Band to play I Am All of Me was brief but too real
I was also tempted to answer that Shadow likes Honey Bee but ultimately did not go with it - also... I guess Shadow likes chocolate flavor
I know some stretches of it were corny, but Sonic comforting the MC before the endgame stretch felt genuinely heartwarming to me. ^v^
Okay - I knew Eggman was gonna screw things up, but I did not expect the Train to be doing the heavy work because it was feeling abandoned by the Conductor. That last scene between the two... dang.
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blackhakumen 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1042: Another Round, Santa Baby?~ (Sonic X Crash)
10:54 p.m. at the Crocodile's Residence's Living Room........
Vanilla: (Watches the Kids Sleeping Together on the Living Room Sofa With a Bright Smile on her Face) Awww~ Look at how cute our babies are bundled up together, Vector-Kins~
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly With his Arms Crossed Together) I know, right? Our kids are pretty cute as hell if I do say so myself. And look at this.
Vector points at Tails and Coco sleeping woth one another with the later covered up nicely around her fox friend's two, fluffy tails.
Vanilla: (Starts Gushing Some More at the Two Sleeping Duo) My goodness~ Those two look so precious cuddling up with one another~ (Turns to Vector) Do you think they'll make a cute couple one of these days?
Vector: (Shrugs) I think so. Those two kept saying they're only just friends, but give 'em a few more years. (Smirks Teasingly) They'll be all lovey dovey with one another in no time.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Right. But now with that out of the way....(Sticks her Hand Out to Vector) Shall we complete our Christmas shopping for the year, my dear husband?~
Vector: (Place his Hand on Top of his Wife's) Let's.
Few Minutes Later at the Time Square's Grand Market, Hats' Section......
Vector: (Examines a Backless, Burnt Like Hat Resembling That to Jotaro Kujo's) I don't get it. Like, how the heck did that Jotaro guy was able go on his weird, bizarre adventures wearing this messed-up looking thing on his head all day?
Vanilla: (Walks Towards her Husband While Pushing a Buggy With Five Boxes of Candy Inside) Maybe he put something on his hair that helps it stick together?
Vector: Maybe. Cheese been a fan of the guy for longest now, so he might know the real answer better than any of us.
Vanilla: Ooh! Which reminds me. Vector, we need to find a pair fighting gloves for Cheese to wear.
Vector: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Fighting gloves? Honey, have you seen all the times that Chao beaten all of Eggman's robots at ease? And at approximately fifteen seconds nonetheless!
Vanilla: ('Sigh') Yes, yes, I'm aware of the impressive feats. I just don't want our baby boy to start getting his hands broken. Or....rather his arms. I think?
Vector: (Shrugs) Eh. Fair. Here's hoping we can find his size.
Few Minutes Later at the Electronics Section.......
Vanilla: (Picks a DVD Up From the One of the Shelves with a Little, Cartoonish Looking Bee Grinning on the Cover) So this the Bee Movie Charmy wants for Christmas this year?
Vector: ('Sigh') Yeeup. The boys and I saw on the big screen a long while back and the kid is only one in the entire audience who actually likes it surprise- surprise.
Vanilla: Was it really that bad?
Vector: It was more weird if anything. The bee factory, bee military, the honey trial that happened at one point down the line, there's even this whole subplot of a woman having a romantic relationship with that bee on the cover who, mind you, is hell of a lot smaller than Charmy is in their universe.
Vanilla: I...see. (Smiles Sheepishly) Well, I guess our opinions doesn't really matter all that much iif he still likes the movie himself, right?
Vector: ('Sigh') Yeah, I guess so. Still weird.
Few Minutes Later at the Books Section..........
Vector: (Takes a Look at a Book that Reads "Ninja Powers For Dumbies" on the Front Cover) Huh. They actually made a about ninjas. Doubt any of this is accurate, buuut I'm sure Espio would find some use out of it. (Turns to Vanilla Behind Him) Got any more books to give him, dear?
Vanilla: (Pulls Up One of the Books He Has in her Hand) Just a few cookbooks and ingredients he'll might be interested in.
Vector: (Walks Over and Reads the Title of the Book Vanilla's Holding Up in Particular) "The Essence of Ramen Dishes"?
Vanilla: He's been taking a lot interest in making us ramen lately that I figured I would give him a book on how make different varieties of them.
Vector: His ramens are pretty tasty.....You think he'll might make a restaurant business out of this one of these days?
Vanilla: (Smiles Softly) I can see that as a possible future for him, so long as he's safe and happy.
Vector: Amen to that. (Gently Pulls Vanilla into a One Arm Hug) You're a good mom, you know that?
Vanilla: (Heart Begins to Melt as She Happily Hugs Vector Back) And you're a wonderful daddy~(Gives Vector a Loving Kiss on the Lips Before Raising an Eyebrow at Him) But do you mind telling me how we have bunch of dessert related coombooks in our buggy right now?
Vector: Uhhh...... (Shrugs With a Sheepish Smile Crept Up on his Face) Cause....I love you?
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly Before Hugging her Husband Again) Love you too, you silly crocodile~ Now, how about we wrap this night up by getting our baby girl her best gift yet?
Vector: Yeah, it that cute looking pony bike she's been asking for, right? We can get that for her no problem.
Few Minutes Later at the Bicycle Section......
The crowd of adults begins to fist fight one another for the pony like bike as Vector and Vanilla watches the action unfolds in the mid distance.
Vector: ('Sigh') Never mind. Guess we're gonna have to deal with THIS crap now, unfortunately....
Vanilla: (Frowns Deeply at the Scene) Why couldn't they just talk it out instead of pointlessly hurting each other?
?????: Because that would assume that they would have common sense.
The couple to see the evil scientist, Dr Eggman, standing right next to them.
Eggman: Which they clearly don't. (Takes a Loud Sip of his Drink)
Vector: Eggman, what are you doing here?
Eggman: Christmas shopping obviously. I got almost everything on the list. The only thing I need to do now is to find something that would peek interest to my little girl back home.
Vanilla: (Eyes Widened in Surprise and a Bit of Disbelief) I'm sorry. But....are you implying that you have a-
Vector: (Eyes Widened in Complete Disbelief) DAUGHTER!?
Eggman: (Smiles Brightly) That's right. (Shows the Couple a Photo of His Daughter Smiling Sitting Next to her Father and Robot Brotherings While Wearing a Black Vest) Her name is Sage Ivo Robotnik. A power A.I. I created a while back whom I've now treated as one of my own ever since.
Vanilla: ('Gasps') Oh my gosh, Vector, she looks so cute and squish~
Vector: Yeah. She....actually looks good in this photo, doc. In fact, the entire family portrait as a whole looks nice.
Eggman: Why, thank you! I cannot tell you how long it took me find a decent photographer take our pictures. (Rolls his Eyes) And don't even get me started on the payment fees.....It was a nightmare to pay! ('Sigh') But I suppose all of that doesn't so long as my little angel is satisfied.
Vanilla: (Clasps her Hands Together While Gushing Over the Doctor's Words) Awww~
Vector: (Almost at a Loss For Words) Wow. You're.....really taking the whole parent role this seriously, aren't you?
Eggman: Of course I'm taking it seriously. I mean, yeah, it's a challenge, a very exhausting one at that.....(Takes a Deep Breath While Speaking) But it's fine. I knew what I was getting myself into the moment I made Sage from scratch and I intend keep moving with this responsibility going forward. Ooh but speaking of which, would it be fine with you two if we set up a play date for the kids in the near future? The last thing I want is for my girl be coped up in a laboratory all day.....
Vanilla: (Turns to Vector For a Brief Second Before Turning Back to the Doctor with a Simple, Happy Nod) It would be an honor, Doctor. We could start the play date on the first week of the new year if you like. There's just one, teensy favor I need from you first.
Eggman: (Smiles Brightly) Spendid! A-And sure! What sort of favor you two need at the moment.
Vanilla: (Places her Hand onto Eggman's Shoulder) Oh it's nothing too grand~ Just wanted to let you know that- (Suddenly Gives Eggman a Dark, Menacing Glare as She Starts Squeezes his Shoulder Tightly With her Nails) If you ever try to kidnap me and/or bring harm to my family again, I'll find and I will beat and burn you and your entire legacy down to the ground in body bags, got it?
Vector: (Crosses his Arms at a Very Terrified Doctor) Better take her words to heart, doc. Saw her got provoked once. (Shakes his Head a Bot Slowly) Not a pretty good sight.
Eggman: (Starts Sweating Bullets as He Begins to Let Out a Gulp) Y-Yes. Dully noted, 100%!
Vanilla: (Immediately Went Back to Smiling at the Doctor) Wonderful!~ (Lets Go of Eggman's Shoulder Before Sweeping the Dust Off of Him With her Hand) I'm so glad we came to an agreement.
Eggman: Yes. (Chuckles Awkwardly and Nervously) Me too. And don't worry about Sage. She's a very kind young lady for the most part, so I'm sure the your offsprings will take a liking to her instantly. (Turns Back to the Brawling Crowd) As for the crowd in front of us.....
Eggman pulls out a highly tech mini blaster from his buggy and freeze the crowd in each of their place. Leaving the bicycle itself unharmed.
Vanilla: (Gasps at What She Just Witnessed)
Eggman: (Whirls the Blaster Up and Back Down to the Buggy With a Satisfied Smile on his Face) There. Problem solved.
Vanilla: (Immediately Turns Back to Eggman With a Glare on her Face) Doctor Robotnik Eggman! You didn't have to freeze them solid like that!!
Eggman: On the contrary, Mrs. Crocodile, I did. They were getting too crowded and noisy for my liking.
Vector: Yeah and besides....(Picks the Bicycle Up and Carries It With Him) At least we don't have to worry about fighting tooth and nail to get our baby carrot's gift.
Vanilla: ('Sighs in Defeat') That's true. And this is the final gift on the list, so....(Reluctantly Shrugs) Mission accomplished I suppose....(Turns to the Frozen Crowd) They won't be frozen forever, will they?
Eggman: (Flail his Arm Down) Oh relax, will you? (Starts Walking Away With the Married Couple Following Pursuit) They won't stay like that forever. Give it a few minutes or so and they'll be unthaw in no time. Probably. I haven't used this blaster for the longest time now, so i don't have slightest clue how long the freezing process will take.
Vector: Ah geez...
Moments Later at the Market's Parking Lot.......
Vector: (Let's Out a Sigh as He Gets Into the Family Van Along with Vanilla) Finally. We're done shopping for the year.
Vanilla: And we didn't have to spend anything too expensive this time around. Thank goodness for that.....
Vector: Tell me about it. (Places his Hand on his Forehead) I still can't get over the fact that Eggman of all people, is being a parent. And a fairly decent one at that......
Vanilla: (Smiles Sheepishly) I'd be lying if I say that didn't took me out of the loop for a second there. But I'm sure there isn't for us to worry about so long as he treats her well.
Vector: ('Sigh') Yeah, you're right about that. I still got my eye on him though.
Vanilla: (Giggles a Little) Of course you do, dear. ('Sigh') But alas, Christmas morning is upon us. And I suppose that means you're going to play the role as Santa again, aren't you?
Vector: Yeah, but.....(Turns to Vanilla With a Smirk on his Face) Not without help.
Vanilla: Not without hel- (Immediately Gasps Loudly by that Statement) Wait. Y-You don't mean-
Vector: I got your costume up and ready for you in my detective office. So with that in mind....(Gently Picks Vanilla's Hand Up in a Propsal like Fashion) Would you do me the honors of being my Mrs. Claus-
Vanilla: YES!~ (Immediately Pulls Vector into a Tight, Loving Hug)
Vector: ( Chuckles Lightly While in her Wife's Embrace) Sheesh, Vanilly!~ I know you wanted to play the role, but I didn't think you be that excited for it.
Vanilla: I couldn't help it~ Her sweet, mother hen characteristics were practically made for me. Granted, I.....am not really sure what her usual lines are...(Quickly Puts On a Determined Look on her Face) But I'll do my very best to do her proud!
Vector: (Smiles Sheepishly) That's good and all, but try not to stress over it too much, alright? You'll do just fine.
The Next Morning......
'Door Opens'
Santa (Vector): (Walks in the Living Room Carrying a Large, Red Sack) HO! HO! HO! HO!
Kids/Cheese: SANTA!/CHAO CHAO!
Cream: (Eyes Begins to Sparkle at the Sight of the Man in Red) You're visiting us again, this year!?~
Santa: Better believe it, Little Cream! And joining me on this fine Christmas Morning is none other thaaaaan.....
Vanilla: (Happily Presents Herself in Front of the Doorway While Wearing a White Wig and Red and White Dress) Mrs. Claus!~
Cream: ('Gasps') Mrs. Claus is here too?~
Mrs. Claus: (Walks Into the Living Room) That's right, my sweet darling. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it last year. I had to make sure the workshop is in good shape while Santa was away delivering presents.
Cream: There's no need for you to apologize for that, ma'am. (Walk Over and Gives "Mrs. Claus" a Loving Hug) We're just so happy to finally meet you in person.
The rest of the kids soundly agrees as they join in on the hug fest, making the woman in red heart melt and tear up at how precious each of them are.
Mrs. Claus: Oh my sweet little angels.....(Happily Pulls The Gang into a Big Hug) I'm so happy to see you all too!!~
Santa: (Watches the Group in the a Bit of a Short Distance, Standing Next to Espio) ('Sigh') This is sweet. (Snickers a Bit) And ironic that I'm getting my thunder stole by my own wife of all people.
Espio: Considering her absent last year, It's only fair that she takes the limelight of attention for once, Mr. Claus. (Raises an Eyebrow) Or should I say Vector?
Vector: Already figured me out, huh?
Espio: I already knew it was you last year. I just choice not to say it outright.
Vector: (Ruffles the Top of Espio's Head) Appericate you for doing that. Which reminds me.....(Turns to Espio While Pointing at Him) I need a favor from you.
Espio: (Slowly Raises his Eyebrow at Vector Again in a More Suspicious Like Manner) ....What sort of favor exactly?
Vector: Well, I've been thinking, since I've managed to get your mother to play Mrs. Claus, we might be in need of an elf-
Espio: No.
Vector: Oh come on, man! I can't blow my cover by asking one of the kids to do it for us. You're the only person right for the job!
Espio: (Groans While Giving Vector an Unconvinced Look)
Vector: Please? You can be the silent, assassin bodyguard or whatever. You don't even have say or do anything if you don't want to. Promise.
Espio: (Stares at Vector a Few Seconds More Before Letting Out a Sigh of Defeat) I'll see what I can do.
Vector: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks man, you won't regret it. Ooh! And I also got a lot to tell you about Eggman too.
Espio: You do? What about him exactly?
Vector: Well...
Vector Starts whispering the details into the chameleon's ears until eventually.....
Espio: HE WHAT!!!?
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