#the tablet-drill thing he used to create it is standard issue
random-iz-stuff · 2 years
So, like, what's up with Zim's computer? You said the Control brains are like it but with a slightly greater level of sentience. And, like, are directly connected to the database thing. How much access does computer have? To like, the database and stuff. what can it do. What can't it do. Do other invaders get similar computers?
Zim’s computer is one of the closest things to standard issue invader equipment he has. It’s an older model that would have been used during Operation Impending Doom 1, but because Zim took the entire thing down before it could even start, Zim’s computer was never used and got shoved into storage until the Tallest found it and gave it to Zim for Operation Impending Doom 2.
The other invaders have Model 2 base computers while Zim has an old Model 1.
Base Computers are sentient the same way SIR units are sentient. They’re normally incapable of free will and are only capable of using their intelligence on whatever their owner tells it to do, along with keeping the base running smoothly, but are granted free will and unrestricted sentience if the mission is in critical danger.
Base computers are capable of viewing most of the irken database (things like the height chart and most government data is hidden) but they cannot make changes or edit the database like a control brain. Same goes for if an irken plugged themselves into an invader’s base computer. The computer can see parts of the PAK and find things like errors and defects and things that need fixing, but can’t interact with the PAK besides downloading and uploading small amounts of data, like reports or blueprints.
Zim’s computer is also slightly defective. Over time, as it sat in storage, the unrestricted sentence that’s normally only given when the mission is in jeopardy slowly became more available during times when the mission isn’t in danger, and when Zim started using it, it sped up the process. At the start of the series, it had the almost same amount of limited free will that a regular computer would have, just a little bit more than normal, but by the end of the series, it was almost fully sentient at all times.
Model 1 base computers are programmed to recognize when they become defective and purge their own systems when those defects start affecting their efficiency. The invader is then supposed to replace the old computer with a backup. That’s why Zim’s computer suddenly went down during Invasion Of The Idiot Dog Brain. Their access to the emergency free will systems hit the point where a purge was deemed necessary.
Zim didn’t have a full backup computer, but he did have a backup hard drive with a copy of his original computer on it and overwrote the automatic purge system so they wouldn’t delete themselves again, because he doesn’t have another model 1 base computer that he can replace his main one with, so a copy of the defective one is going to have to do.
Real invaders use model 2 base computers, which can detect any defects that they have and automatically fix them with some downtime. No system purge required.
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yurioniceficlets · 7 years
All About Steve Jobs You Must Know
Early Life
Steve Jobs was conceived in San Francisco, 1955, to two college understudies Joanne Schieble and Syrian-conceived John Jandali. They were both unmarried at the time, and Steven was surrendered for selection.
Steven was received by Paul and Clara Jobs, whom he generally thought to be his genuine guardians. Steven's dad, Paul, urged him to explore different avenues regarding gadgets in their carport. This prompted a long-lasting enthusiasm for hardware and plan.
Read more about Last Words By Steve Jobs
Occupations went to a neighborhood school in California and later selected at Reed College, Portland, Oregon. His instruction was portrayed by astounding test outcomes and potential. In any case, he battled with formal training and his educators detailed he was a modest bunch to instruct.
At Reed College, he went to a calligraphy course which interested him. He later said this course was instrumental in Apple's different typefaces and relatively divided textual styles.
Steve Jobs and Apple
In 1976, Wozniak created the main Apple I PC. Occupations, Wozniak and Ronald Wayne at that point set up Apple PCs. In the earliest reference point, Apple PCs were sold from Jobs guardians' carport.
Throughout the following couple of years, Apple PCs extended quickly as the market for home PCs started to wind up progressively critical.
In 1984, Jobs outlined the principal Macintosh. It was the main industrially effective home PC to utilize a graphical UI (in light of Xerox Parc's mouse driver interface.) This was a critical turning point in home figuring and the standard has turned out to be enter in later home PCs.
Regardless of the numerous imaginative accomplishments of Jobs at Apple, there was expanded erosion amongst Jobs and different specialists at Apple. In 1985, expelled from his administrative obligations, Jobs surrendered and left Apple. He later thought back on this episode and said that getting let go from Apple was a standout amongst other things that transpired – it helped him recover a feeling of development and flexibility, he couldn't look for some kind of employment in a huge organization.
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Come back to Apple
Occupations propelled Apple toward another path. With a specific level of mercilessness, a few ventures were summarily finished. Rather, Jobs advanced the improvement of another rush of items which concentrated on openness, engaging plan and develop highlights.
The iPod was a progressive item in that it based on existing convenient music gadgets and set the standard for versatile advanced music. In 2008, iTunes turned into the second greatest music retailer in the US, with more than six billion melody downloads and more than 200 million iPods sold.
In 2007, Apple effectively entered the cell phone advertising, with the iPhone. This utilized highlights of the iPod to offer a multi-practical and touchscreen gadget to end up extraordinary compared to other offering electronic items. In 2010, he presented the iPad – a progressive new style of tablet PCs.
The plan logic of Steve Jobs was, to begin with a crisp slate and envision another item that individuals would need to utilize. This appeared differently in relation to the elective approach of endeavoring to adjust current models to purchaser input and center gatherings. Occupation's clarifies his reasoning of an imaginative outline.
"In any case, at last, to something this muddled, it's extremely difficult to outline items by center gatherings. A ton of times, individuals don't comprehend what they need until the point when you demonstrate it to them."
– Steve Jobs, BusinessWeek (25 May 1998)
Apple has been appraised No.1 in America's most appreciated organizations. Occupations administration has been depicted as helpful, in spite of the fact that c-laborers likewise state, Jobs could be a hard drill sergeant and was sensitive. NeXT Cofounder Dan'l Lewin was cited in Fortune as saying of that period, "The highs were staggering … But the lows were unbelievable."
"My activity isn't to be simple on individuals. My employment is to take these incredible individuals we have and to push them and improve them even." – All About Steve Jobs [link]
Under Jobs, Apple figured out how to surpass Microsoft with respect to share capitalization. Apple likewise picked up a pre-famous notoriety for the improvement and presentation of pivotal innovation. Meeting in 2007, Jobs stated:
"There's an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I adore. 'I skate to where the puck will be, not where it has been.' And we've generally attempted to do that at Apple. Since the absolute starting point. Also, we generally will."
Regardless of, developing sick wellbeing, Jobs kept working at Apple until August 2011, when he surrendered.
"I was worth over $1,000,000 when I was 23, and over $10,000,000 when I was 24, and over $100,000,000 when I was 25, and it wasn't that critical in light of the fact that I never did it for the cash."
– Steve Jobs
Employments earned just $1million as CEO of Apple. Be that as it may, share choices from Apple and Disney gave him an expected fortune of $8.3billion.
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Individual life
In 1991, he wedded Laurene Powell, together they had three youngsters and lived in Palo Alto, California.
In 2003, he was determined to have Pancreatic Cancer. Throughout the following couple of years, Jobs battled with medical problems and was regularly compelled to assign the running of Apple to Tim Cook. In 2009, he experienced a liver transplant, yet after two years genuine medical issues returned. He worked discontinuously at Apple until August 2011, where he at last resigned to focus on his breaking down wellbeing. He passed on because of entanglements from his pancreatic disease, enduring heart failure on 5 October 2011 in Palo Alto, California.
Notwithstanding his prior enthusiasm for Eastern religions, Jobs communicated assumptions of free-thought.
"Now and then I have faith in God, now and again I don't. I believe it's 50-50 perhaps. Be that as it may, as far back as I've had disease, I've been contemplating it more. What's more, I wind up trusting more. I sort of – perhaps it's 'cause I need to put stock in a the great beyond. That when you pass on, it doesn't only all vanish."
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