m-potterwholock · 6 years
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this is exactly how tentoo x rose dress in the other dimension and no one can tell me different
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
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This has been a PSA.
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
harry potter was such a pure child like he went to a ghosts death day party, he talked to myrtle bc she was lonely, he set a snake free bc it was unhappy, he genuinely was friends with luna even thought people thought she was weird, he attended aragog’s funeral, he met some lanky kid on the train and his immediate reaction was to buy the whole fucking trolly to share with him, and then when they got to hogwarts and malfoy was talkin shit about this kid he met a few hours ago he just went oh no u didnt ima protect this one hes just so pure feel free to add to this
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
as we all know, the best vines are the ones with dogs. here’s a bunch of doggy vines!!!!!!
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
gentle reminder
you can rest, it’s okay
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
Ok, so I was watching Peppa Pig and well……this is one of tHE BEST MOMENTS EVER. I CAN’T STOP LAUGHING 
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
I walked past two guys in town today. I’m a 20yo woman on my own, so I was all set to look dead ahead and keep ignoring them. They looked like they were going to say something to me.
But instead of crude or obnoxious comments, one of the guys said (referring to my coat), “I like that blue!! It’s a very interesting blue. It works!” 
and instead of ignoring them, I smiled and replied with “thanks!” 
that’s complimenting done right.
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
Ravenclaw/Gryffindor Relationship pt. 2
Their houses have herbology together on their first day of classes and the ravenclaw curiously prods at the dangerous plant set before each student
The gryffindor snorts in laughter when the teacher reprimands the ravenclaw for not waiting for instructions (but the gryff secretly admires the ravenclaw’s curiosity)
The next herbology class the gryff sits next to the ravenclaw and they’re immediate friends
Falling asleep in each other’s commonrooms all the time and getting caught by an exasperated prefect at 6am
The gryffindor charming paper airplanes with notes written on them to fly across the Great Hall and hit the ravenclaw in the face
The gryffindor acting like it wasn’t them when the ravenclaw turns to glare at them
Whatever the gryffindor wrote (”the back of yo head is riddikulus” because they both love that viral video) makes the ravenclaw blush but of course they don’t let the gryffindor see that
The ravenclaw pegging the gryffindor in the ear with the airplane when they aren’t looking
Whatever the ravenclaw wrote back makes the gryffindor blush even worse and the ravenclaw totally knows it
There’s a secret passageway that connects their house towers and of course they can’t resist exploring and they discover a room branching off the passageway with a cushy arm chair and books and an open floor
The gryffindor is surprised when the first thing the ravenclaw says is, “you know what would be fun?” and runs across the marble floor to slide in their socks
They do this for a good hour, laughing breathlessly and knocking each other down
Nearly every day they stow away in the room, curled up in the armchair together
The ravenclaw common room eagle knocker totally knows but doesn’t say anything
Sometimes homework gets done, sometimes it doesn’t
When they’re just mindlessly cuddling the gryff shows the ravenclaw a cool new spell they learned and the ravenclaw is amazed and wants the gryff to teach them right then
The gryff is so proud to be able to teach the ravenclaw something
In preparation for the Yule Ball they shyly agree to practice dancing in their secret room
The gryffindor comes from a upper-class pure-blood family and knows how to ballroom dance
Awkwardly cute dance lessons with the ravenclaw stepping on the gryff’s feet ensue
Spoiler alert: the gryff doesn’t mind having sore toes for the rest of the evening
The gryffindor shamelessly enjoys pulling the ravenclaw into side hallways around the castle and snogging
Also enjoys giving the ravenclaw their scarf to stay warm and tugging them in by said scarf
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
Ravenclaw/Gryffindor Friends
You know how the Gryffindor/Ravenclaw relationship is seen as “don’t do parkour on the castle stairs, there’s a 98.27% chance of fatal injury” and the Gryffindor is like “I’ll take that 1.73% chance of being fine” and the Ravenclaw just sighs? Well here’s what I think their relationship might actually be like:
Gryffindor: Hey, what’s the best way to do parkour down these steps? I’m making a vine.
Ravenclaw: *comes up with ingenious attack plan*
Gryffindor: Wow, that was so creative! Wanna hold the camera first or try it first?
Ravenclaws aren’t just smart. They’re creative. Let that reflect in a headcanon sometime.
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
Relationship/Friendship between a Ravenclaw and Gryffindor would include....
Requested by: @jamierainbow and @dont-feed-the-fangirl
-both thinking they’re smarter than the other but they’re actually equally oblivious to everything -the Ravenclaw accidentally tripping the Gryffindor like 24/7 because they leave their legs lying out all the time -“At least have the decency to look guilty” -“At least have the decency to look where you’re stepping” -random dance parties alone in empty corridors when the one tells the other good news -neither of them can dance -Mcgonagall sees them one time and swiftly turns to walk back where she came from while contemplating on whether or not to erase that from her memories because that’s how horrid they are at dancing -one time the Ravenclaw tripped the Gryffindor on accident again and they landed flat on the ground in front of the whole Great Hall -“Sorry did I bruise your ego” -“No just my spleen” -they don’t really pay attention at Quidditch games -except for that one time when Luna Lovegood did the commentary -because I mean that was one of the most interesting Quidditch games solely because of her -eyerolls are very frequent in this friendship -but they love each other and are inseparable -kinda being lost in their own little world together but keeping one another grounded
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
Hi. Could you maybe do a ravenclaw (girl) × gryffindor (girl) romantic realationship headcannon?
- Judging people together
- Long, deep conversations, often stretching deep into the early hours of the morning. Sometimes philosophical, sometimes emotional, often both. They are both good listeners, and love to listen to each other. They share fears, joys, plans for the future.
- With Gryffindor and Ravenclaw mixes, the relationships either burn hot and bright and fizzle out quickly, or stretch on for years, with comfortable joy and devotion.  Either way its a trip, and one that is much enjoyed.
- Long walks, or runs, or swims. Enjoying the peace of the outdoors together is nice, especially at night.
- Sneaking up to the astronomy tower after midnight. The Ravenclaw points out her favorite constellations and the Gryffindor makes up her own.
- Arguments over ‘why the HECK is your animal an EAGLE if your name is RAVENclaw!!’ ‘Because it’s cool, dammit!’
- Strolls into the depth of the library, the ravenclaw with her head in a different world as she sets book after book into her girlfriends arms until the stack is taller then her head.
- Switching wands for a day just to see what happens
- Lots of cuddles, being very attentive to what the other likes and doesn’t
- Gentle kisses to the nose and forehead and fingers
- Being in the middle of making out when one just has something to say, maybe a rant about their day or a realization they just came to. Both just look at the other endearingly as they talk a mile a minute because “ohmygosh she’s so cute”
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
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Ravenclaw x Gryffindor Relationship Checklist: 
Compassion for one another and support in each other’s dreams and goals. 
They both strive for success and learning but perhaps not in the same subjects. 
A Gryffindor could help a Ravenclaw relax, if they were too wound up about something. 
A Ravenclaw could help a Gryffindor work around a problem logically. 
There would be dates to quiet places for the two to talk and feel like they’re alone. 
There would be dates to exciting new places that the Gryffindor has always wanted to see, and wants to share it with the Ravenclaw. 
The Ravenclaw can help the Gryffindor with their homework. 
The Gryffindor can support the Ravenclaw when she may be feeling insecure about her work. 
They introduce each other to new things. 
They spend time doing the same things, but in different ways. (Tea time with different blends, reading but different genres.) 
They love each other for who they are.
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
Ravenclaw x Gryffindor
Yay! I found time, @thenerdywriter. Here’s your request:
• Going into the Forbidden Forest at night to explore. The Ravenclaw keeps a diary of all their finding and interactions with centaurs.
• Incidentally, a house elf finds it and reports it to Flitwick, who is forced to give them detention by Snape.
• While they’re scrubbing each individual stone in the wall with toothbrushes, the Ravenclaw taps one and it reveals a secret passageway. Time for more trouble…
• The Ravenclaw writes songs for the Gryffindor to perform because they don’t have stage fright, and their voice is really quite nice.
• The Gryffindor refusing to catch the snitch because chivalry and all that (their SO is on the Ravenclaw team) “Don’t be stupid, Gryffindor!” “But I love y–” *gets hit in the head by a bludger*
• The Ravenclaw reading with their head on the Gryffindor’s lap outside in the shade of a tree. The Gryffindor, between pleas for attention, throws grapes into the air and ~sometimes~ manages to catch them with their mouth.
• The Gryffindor experimenting with cooking so they can surprise the Ravenclaw, but they keep asking the Ravenclaw for serving conversions. So much for a surprise.
• The Gryffindor doing better on a test and laughing at Ravenclaw for the rest of the day. Heck, maybe for the rest of the week.
• Trying, and failing, to study for OWLs but they both keep getting distracted. “Why are you drawing a raccoon on your Potions homework?” “Because I freaking can, Gryffindor.”
• The Gryffindor pulling the Ravenclaw aside for unexpected kisses between classes.
• Switching classes for a day because why not?
• The Gryffindor comforting the crying Ravenclaw, who’s tired of homework and studying.
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
Hogwarts Houses In a Relationship With Ravenclaw-
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-Probably hated each other at first cuz ya know Gryffindors can sometimes be a pain in the ass.(i have such biased opinions pardon me)
-Power Couple Af
-Sarcastic Ass Bitches
-Pretty cheerful if you ask me
-”You don’t do it like that.”
-”as if you know better.”
-”You’re actually pretty smart.”
-”Thank you.”
-Lots n’ lots of teasing from friends
-jealousy is key
-”Why were you not sorted into Slytherin you evil snowflake?”
-So many enemies its fucking weird bro
-Little kisses down the hallways
-”First off,how dare you talk to them like that?”
-Pretty much best parents ever
-Will spread rumors about themselves.
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
How would a Ravenclaw/Gryffindor relationship would be?
As long as both members are willing to comprise on their views of ‘logic vs impulse’, it could be a very strong relationship
Infinite groundbreaking potential with the Gryffindor pushing the Ravenclaw to new heights and giving them the courage to try
The Ravenclaw stops the Gryffindor going through with some of their less well-thought-out plans or makes their plans a little safer
Sometimes the Ravenclaw realises nothing is going to stop the Gryffindor, facepalms and then narrates the impending disaster like Sir David Attenborough
Pretty good balance between the ‘Act first, ask questions later’ nature of the Gryffindor and the ‘let’s slow down and think about it first’ nature of the Ravenclaw
C-3PO Ravenclaw: Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1.Han Solo Gryffindor: Never tell me the odds.
If the Ravenclaw has a hypothesis, the Gryffindor is always like “so, we’re testing this, right?”
Could probably have arguments about the dumbest things, like the correct name for a sofa/couch
They’d have some incredible and possible downright ridiculous stories to tell about they things they’ve done together
Honestly, could accomplish so much with Ravenclaw being ‘the brains’ and Gryffindor being ‘the brawn’ 
“Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit.” - Baltasar Gracian 
Or alternatively:  “Creativity takes courage.” = Henri Matisse
That couple that can be happy just quietly doing different things near each other without finding the silence uncomfortable 
The Gryffindor is much more upfront and direct about their feelings which can fluster the Ravenclaw 
While the Ravenclaw can be quite verbose, or even poetic, about their feelings which flusters the Gryffindor in turn
The Ravenclaw disappearing for days only to be found by the Gryffindor surrounded by doodles and paintings
The Gryffindor always telling the Ravenclaw how much they adore them with a fiery passion
The Ravenclaw having to muster up the courage to try and express how they feel and they find it easiest to write a love poem, or painting, to describe how they feel
The Ravenclaw telling the Gryffindor that they read a book that reminded them of the Gryffindor 
The Gryffindor always wanting to help but the Ravenclaw ends up being the one helping the Gryffindor
The Gryffindor being enticed with how the Ravenclaw talks and acts, being completely unique to anyone they’ve ever seen before
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Masterlist: (x)
-Lauren and Kerrie
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
Each house as: a type of couple
Gryffindors: The NSFWs - so much PDA you can't tell who's who anymore, most likely to make embarrassing sexual jokes, more than likely to have their proposal end up on Youtube
Hufflepuff: The OTP - That "My sentence is not complete if my s/o isn't around" couple, cute AF, 10+/10
Ravenclaw: The Nerds™ - met at a convention, married in cosplay, named their daughter Leia, everyone is jealous of how kick-ass they are
Slytherin: The Power Couple - wink a lot, smirk a lot, diss a lot, ♫ Move, b-tch, get out the waaaay ♫
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m-potterwholock · 7 years
honestly a good partner isn’t necessarily someone who loves the exact same things you love but rather someone who is willing to listen to you ramble on and on about a particular subject that you’re passionate about even if they have little to no interest in it
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