#the syllabus says the class will mainly be taught in spanish
fridayyy-13th · 1 month
hooooo boy. i've got my Spanish class today, which i feel deeply, woefully underprepared for (first two years of Spanish classes were hindered by the other teacher at my junior high quitting on the first day, leaving my teacher juggling two sets of students alongside a long-term sub, so we only got through half the material that first year, and spent the entire second year playing catch-up. Spanish III, which i took voluntarily, went okay, but Spanish IV, also taken voluntarily, was an AP class i really struggled in. and, bc i took it, i got dropped straight into Intermediate Spanish without a placement test, and i'm two years out of actively learning the language, though i've tried to keep up with what i know. which is definitely less than i should know for an intermediate college class.)
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