#the sun wasn't out when i was gonna take pics but i still wanted to take pics so i had such a hard time editing this lol
dingoskidneys · 3 months
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Guy who spends too much time zoning out in the bathroom
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
seven tattoos later | jjk
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🐰pairing: fuckboy!jungkook x tattooartist!reader
🐰genre: fluff, smut
🐰summary: if the hottest fuck boy in town made it a point to visit your little tattoo studio every week, how many tattoos would it take to make you fall in love with him?
🐰word count: 3.3k
🐰warnings: unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism, sex on the couch, doggy, hes big and rough, lip tattoos, hickeys, lil bit of drinking, hes so annoying in this im so sorry
As you close up for the night, you look out the window and count at least four couples out for a dog walk. It’s past eight, but still warm and bright out. It’s like the sun never stops shining. Summer sucks like that.
Maybe you’d appreciate the sun a little more if you had a puppy to walk or at least a handsome guy friend to drag you outside so you aren’t just rotting away in your empty tattoo studio on a Friday night. Everyone’s apparently on vacation or getting married in Hawaii or something, so work’s been exceptionally slow this week. Fuck summer.
It’s lonely.
You might even miss Jeon Jungkook, the last person you ever expected to get along with. The first time he walked into your studio, he didn’t waste any time in hitting on you and making it painfully obvious. You were convinced he only walked in and got a tattoo that day because he thought you’d be an easy lay. 
That was around two months ago.
“What do you think would look good on me?” he’d asked while scrolling through your portfolio. You knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted you to take in his good looks, imagine the carved out physique beneath that leather jacket. That’s what guys like him do. And he was far from the first male client to ask you that. He wasn't special.
“I don’t know, maybe like a bunny or a duckling?” You just said the first things that came to mind—your two favorite animals. You didn’t give a flying fuck about what design would actually look good on someone you’d just met. Your icy heart definitely doesn’t warm up to people that quickly no matter how hot they are.
“Bunnies are cute,” he said without hesitation. You swear he was staring right at the dainty bunny tattoo on your collarbone. Then he tapped the top of his left hand, the one without all the other tattoos. “I’ll take one right here.” 
At the time, you didn’t think he was serious. (He was serious.)
“So, for touch-ups and stuff, it’d probably be good if I had your number, yeah?” he asked, leaning against the counter and admiring the final product on his hand. Him and his cocky ass smile. It’s annoying how hot he is. Unfair, too.
After inputting your number into his phone, you needed to make one thing very clear: “Send me a dick pic and I’ll tattoo all of your exes’ names on your forehead.”
“I promise no dick pics,” he chuckled. He must’ve taken your threat as a cute little joke. “But I would like to take you out sometime.”
For a moment, you just stared at his handsome face. Everything about him was bright and shiny. His pretty eyes, the art wrapped around his arm, that confident smile. The sun had nothing on him.
But the thing is, you knew better than to trust guys like him. They’re always saying shit they don’t mean. And you were tired of being let down by those empty words.
What would make Jeon Jungkook any different from the fuck boys who’ve burned you in the past?
You didn’t know enough about him to answer that question, but you also weren’t willing to get to know him.
It was for the best.
So after you politely declined the invitation, the boy nodded, waved farewell, and jogged out the door. At least he was decent enough to accept his fate and move right along. (He wasn’t.)
Just when you thought you’d gotten rid of him, he spun around. “See you next week for the touch-up, Y/N.”
He was still smiling like an idiot. You didn’t understand why.
“You’re not gonna need a touch-up in a week,” you shouted back as he dashed off. Fast little fucker. You doubt he heard you, but it didn’t really matter. With all those other tattoos, he already knew how touch-ups worked.
Besides, what were the odds of him showing his pretty face again after rejection? Every other client you turned down never came back. Not even for a touch-up.
You didn’t believe for a second Jeon Jungkook would be back.
A week later, he proved you wrong and waltzed right back in like you never rejected his ass. Of course he did. The week after that, he had three of your designs etched into his hand. And he just kept coming back for more, week after week.
Somewhere along the way, you learned he’s a wedding photographer, an artist like you. He’s shown you his photos a few times even after you specifically said you hate weddings. The photos were gorgeous, though. As much as weddings make you want to gag, the sweet moments he captured had the reverse effect. Somehow, you were envious of what those couples had.
You’ve also overcome the impossible task of learning to tolerate his dumb humor. It’s probably because his laugh and smile are so contagious. He won’t stop running his mouth until he sees you smile either, especially when you’re having a bad day. Your cheeks hurt whenever he’s with you.
Fast forward two months and he now has a total of seven of your tattoos. It feels weird not seeing him this week, not breathing in his woodsy cologne, not leaving your mark on his perfect skin. But you suppose that’s just what happens when the guy who’s been annoying the shit out of you suddenly goes to Hawaii. The withdrawal symptoms are kicking in. 
Your world is a whole lot quieter. It’s peaceful for once. And yet, you miss that chaotic idiot. 
Fuck summer. Fuck people who get married in Hawaii.
Your phone buzzes just as you finish cleaning up. Hopefully it’s someone who wants to book an appointment. (It’s not.)
When you read “jungcock,” you roll your eyes with the faintest smile—the perfect example of your clashing feelings for the boy.
jungcock🥴 [8:24PM] “Got time for me tonight?🫦”
Y/N🐰 [8:24PM] “arent you supposed to be in hawaii rn?”
Y/N🐰 [8:24PM] “and dont use that emoji ever again”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “I’d never choose Hawaii over you😌”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “(They called off the wedding)”
jungcock🥴 [8:25PM] “🫦”
[8:25PM] [jungcock🥴 is now blocked]
[8:31PM] [You’ve unblocked jungcock🥴]
jungcock🥴 [8:31PM] “Is that a yes?”
Y/N🐰 [8:31PM] “i hate you a lot”
jungcock🥴 [8:32PM] “Hear me out”
jungcock🥴 [8:32PM] “What if😳👉👈 I brought snacks?”
Y/N🐰 [8:34PM] “fine”
You groan and shove your phone back into your pocket. Sometimes you wonder how you let this dork finesse his way into your life. Where did you go wrong?
Jungkook arrives at your studio ten minutes later with your favorite peace offerings—soju and pancakes. Ah yes, this is how he finessed his way to the top.
“Ooh snacks,” you hum as if you didn’t believe in his ability to pick something up on the way over. “What kind of pancakes did you get?”
“Your favorite, obviously,” he nods, handing you the warm box and a fork. There’s something about the way he crosses his arms, as though he’s just waiting to catch your reaction when you open it. Why does he look so fucking proud of himself?
“I never told you my favorite pancakes.” You raise a brow. The only thing you told him was your favorite pancake place. But they have like a million different options, ranging from classic (blueberry and chocolate chip) to fancy (tiramisu and that edible gold stuff). There’s no way he can magically guess your favorite pancake.
“Just open it.” He gives you his idea of a “playful shove” on the shoulders, which would’ve knocked you over with the pancakes if he hadn’t grabbed a hold of your wrist. He was definitely that annoying kid on the playground who chased around all the girls he had a crush on.
You mumble on about him being too rough as you open the box. To your surprise, it’s strawberries and whipped cream drenched in red syrup on top of a fat stack of pancakes—aka your favorite pancakes.
You look up from the mountain of strawberries and tilt your head at the boy like a confused puppy.
“I asked the waitress with the purple hair what you normally order,” he explains.
“Okay, but she doesn’t know me by name. How’d you describe me to her?”
He takes a few steps closer until you get a whiff of that woodsy cologne you missed so much. You feel the tips of his fingers trace along your collarbone. He’s not so rough anymore. In fact, the warm caress just barely grazes your skin, as if to tease your body. You’ve always lowkey looked forward to that tiny bit of warmth while working on his tattoos. Maybe he’s always been aware.
“I called you a cutie with a bunny tattoo.” His nose scrunches when he smiles this time, giving your skin one last poke. “She knew it was you when I showed her the one on my hand.”
Of course Jeon Jungkook walked into your favorite pancake place pretending to be your boyfriend. Of course he did something as embarrassing as showing off what appears to be matching tattoos. All for the sake of bringing you your favorite pancakes on an otherwise shitty summer night.
“Now she’ll think we have matching tattoos,” you say softly, shoving his chest. “How am I supposed to show my face in there ever again?”
“Hey, I don’t have a problem with the whole matching tattoos thing.” He puts his hands up to protect his chest from your wrath in case you’re feeling feisty. “I’ll just pick it up for you again.”
You’re not feeling feisty, so you give the boy a thumbs-up and bring him over to the couch in the back corner of the studio where you usually eat or take naps.
At long last, you stab a piece of pancake and strawberry and coat it in whipped cream before shoving it into your mouth. It’s delicious. “Is it mean if I say I’m glad the Hawaii wedding was canceled?”
“Because you’d be lonely without me here?” he teases.
“No, it’s because you bought me free pancakes, you simp,” you grin, handing off the fork to the simp so he too can get a taste of heaven. He passes you the soju in return even though you’re already feeling a little giggly.
“It’s not free,” he denies. “I’m supposed to be here for another tattoo, remember?”
After a tiny sip, you set the green bottle aside and grab Jungkook’s hand with both of yours. It looks so silly with all your tattoos surrounding the cute little bunny in the middle. He’s silly for letting you do that to him.
“I don’t think there’s any more room on your hand for another one,” you giggle. “Where am I gonna tattoo you next?”
You wonder how many tattoos he has under his clothes. Maybe he’s already got them all over the place. Then, eventually, his body will run out of space and you won’t be able to tattoo him anymore. That would suck. You kinda like his company.
“What about a lip tattoo?” you chirp, tapping on his lower lip with your index finger. When he doesn’t swat you away, you tug down on his lip ring to check for a hidden tattoo there. Nothing. “I have one.”
“You do?” His eyes immediately fall on your red strawberry lips. You pull down your lower one for him to see tiny black letters that read “bad girl.”
“My ex did it. I was supposed to tattoo ‘bad boy’ on his lip, but he chickened out,” you shrug. “Isn’t that crazy?”
“Wait, I thought you can’t stand matching tattoos?” He’s such a good listener. Boyfriend material.
“I didn’t have anything against them up until that point,” you hum as you play with his wavy hair. The perm is cute on him. “But that’s basically when my perspective changed.”
That’s when you lost faith in men. When you grew to hate the idea of marriage. When you started rejecting every guy who approached you, even if he was half as hot as Jeon Jungkook.
“Well fuck your ex,” he frowns. Yeah, fuck him. No, wait. Your ex isn’t the one you want to fuck right now. “You’ve convinced me. The next tattoo I’m getting is a lip tattoo.”
“Got any design ideas for what you want there?” You climb into his lap, cup his chin with one hand, and play with his lip piercings some more. You’ve never been this up close and personal with Jungkook, but you like it. You can already feel his cock hardening beneath you through your leggings.
“Your lips,” he says without hesitation. Cheesy, but you’ll take any excuse right now to close the gap between you and him.
Just like that, something clicks in your body, and your lips just find their way to his. You’re not sure how much of it is alcohol and how much is your actual feelings for the boy, but it doesn’t really matter. Not when the kiss tastes like strawberry pancakes. It’s perfect.
You throw your arms over his shoulders as he kisses back. He’s already got his hands slipped up the back of your little tank top. 
Your hips start to roll against him.
“Should we close the blinds?” he asks against your lips. “Unless you like an audience.”
You glance at the window. The sun is finally going down, but of course people are still walking their dogs. Maybe they didn’t get the memo that it’s officially fucking hours, not dog walking hours.
Normally, you’d be all for closing the blinds and turning out the lights, but your ass is nice and comfy in his lap and you’d rather not change that. Plus the back of the couch should hide 90% of what’s going on.
You shed your tank top off and toss it onto the coffee table next to the unfinished pancakes. His big eyes flick to your lacy black bralette. 
“Let them watch.” You press your lips into his neck and suck away like a vampire. The hickeys you’re about to leave him with will have to make do as temporary tattoos for now. You’re not gonna have time to tattoo him tonight.
“You sure you want people to see you so desperate and needy like this?” he asks as you wiggle out of your leggings. His hands immediately find your ass and give it a good squeeze.
“I’m not needy,” you whine, your naughty hand feeling how large his cock is through his joggers.
“I think you’re pretty needy, Y/N.” Two fingers slip past your thong and spread the wet lust between your legs. He has the biggest smirk on his face as your body squirms to his touch. You do everything in your power to hold back a gasp. “Do you want me to fuck you that badly?”
Yes, but you’re not going to admit it. Ever.
“No way,” you answer with confidence. He helps you out of his lap and you let him prop you up on your hands and knees so he can get a good look at your ass. “This is just my way of thanking you for the pancakes since we both know you aren’t getting that lip tattoo tonight.”
“The lip tattoo can wait.” You feel your thong drop to the couch where it belongs. Two very strong hands hold you at the waist. “You’re my number one priority tonight.”
As he fills you with his cock, you’re already melting to the heat between your legs. Your weak little arms lose all their strength. You reach for your fluffy white cloud pillow to muffle your moans and let him do all the work from behind.
The tight hold he has on you is a mix of possessiveness and all the sexual tension built up over the past two months. You wonder how many times he thought about bending you over and fucking you silly in the midst of getting a cute little frog tattoo. You’ve seen the way his lustful eyes look at you during his appointments. You’re not that oblivious.
“Nice ass tattoo, by the way.” He pinches the bit of skin with two pink butterflies. You’d always regretted that one because not everyone shares the same appreciation for it, but that tiny love pinch made it all worth it. “You and your cute little tattoos.”
He slides in and out, pounding your deepest spot, and drawing a pathetic whimper from your throat every few seconds. Doesn’t help that he has a finger or two rubbing away at your swollen little clit. That’s when you realize you’ve been missing out on amazing sex for far too long. Seven whole tattoos. That’s how long it took before you gave in.
He’s already rougher now than the playful shove that nearly knocked you over earlier. Good.
This is exactly what you need after such a boring work week.
“What would you be doing now if I were taking wedding pictures in Hawaii?” His voice is getting breathier. He’s working hard out there.
“Gagging at all the romantic shit you’d be sending me.” Even if he weren’t physically there with you, you know he’d still find a way to be annoying. He’d let you know he’s still thinking of you.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make you gag tonight.” You don’t have to turn around to know he’s got that dumb smirk on his face. “Maybe another time. If you’re into that.”
Your response is a soft moan into the pillow. The thought of his cock shoved down your throat isn’t as repulsive as you would’ve thought two months ago. Giving head isn’t usually your thing, but you’re open to trying it with him. You’re glad he can’t see you lick your lips.
He doesn’t slow down either, instead picking up the pace and going harder. Your fingers dig into the pillow, your whole body dripping in pleasure. It feels too good.
“Mm, Jungkook,” you pant like a poor puppy with your ass up in the air. Your little clit can’t take much more of his fingers. You’re so close.
“Thought you couldn’t stand me,” he teases as you tighten around him. He’s so annoying! During sex, too. “And now you’re about to cum for me?”
“Fuck you,” you gasp as the wave of pleasure passes through you. His fingers and cock help you ride out the high. He’s lucky he’s a sweet guy with a strong sex game. Otherwise you wouldn’t have fallen for his annoying ass.
As soon as he pulls out, he flips you onto your back, staring down at you with his cock in hand. A few extra pumps along his length is all he needs to get his release and drizzle your belly with his creamy glaze.
He climbs over you to give you a soft peck on the lips. You’ve been with a lot of fuck boys before, but you can’t remember any of them kissing you once the sex was done and over with.
This boy is different.
He lets you lie there, basking in the afterglow as he searches the studio for a clean towel. When he finally gets ahold of one, he offers a hand to help you sit up and gets you cleaned up.
“All jokes aside, I’m happy you were here tonight,” you say in a tiny voice. “Fuck Hawaii weddings.”
He chuckles in his usual adorkable way. “You should come to a wedding with me sometime—when I’m not working, of course. Maybe you won’t hate them as much as you think.”
You lean in for another kiss. There’s still a hint of pancake on his tongue, but it's even sweeter. “Sure.”
The corners of his lips curve upward in satisfaction. The annoying little shit is about to jump out. You can feel it. (The annoying little shit does not jump out.)
“Now finish your pancakes,” he smiles. For once, it’s not him looking all smug and shit. And it’s really endearing.
Somehow, he just keeps proving you wrong. In a good way.
You look at your favorite pancakes on the table and wave them off. “Nah, I’m good.” Once more, you scoot your ass onto him and press a finger to his lip. “I think I like the taste of you better.”
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gurugirl · 2 years
Okay, hear me out… stepdad!harry and y/n on vacation. Y/n gets jealous of her mom and Harry, but Harry likes seeing her all jealous and needy so he plays it out for a bit. But eventually he gives into her and is all sweet and reassures her that he only wants her 😖😫🤧🫶🏻
Also, I’m literally obsessed w your writing 💛
A/n: Vacation stepdad Harry! Hope you enjoy! Also, not sure who made the shit edited pic of Harry I used, but - eh, thanks? 2.1k words
Warning: Smut (oral f receiving), some light angst and jealousy - NOT PROOFREAD - this is stepdad!harry x stepdaughter!reader and they have a totally inappropriate relationship - do not read if you're not into it :)
stepdad!harry masterlist
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You were dreading a vacation for the first time ever in your life. Because this time, it meant you'd be with your mom and Harry together nonstop. You'd have to watch them together, and at the end of the day he'd be going to their room for the night, not yours.
Your mom booked two rooms at the resort where you were staying. The rooms were not adjoined, which you were thankful for. Even on the flight you sat apart from them. By yourself, next to an old woman who snored the entire time. And that wasn't so bad to be honest. At least she wasn't trying to talk your ear off.
The resort was gorgeous with pool areas, a night club, a few restaurants and the beach which allowed you access to the ocean was all right there. Your room was basic but the bed was comfortable and you had a good view from your tiny balcony.
When you met up with your mom and Harry at the seafood restaurant they were already there, looking cozy and sweet together. You thought you'd throw up. You knew Harry was putting on an act. He'd told you over and over again what to expect. He admitted to you the way he felt for you and that nothing could compare to his feelings for you. That gave you solace. But it was still a hard pill to swallow seeing them flirty and touchy.
You could barely eat your meal. You tried not noticing the way your mom kept touching Harry's arm and the way Harry responded by touching her back. You hated the way he'd whisper into her ear and it'd send her laughing loudly. She was quite a bit drunk by the time the server had cleared your table and you all were ready to leave.
"Let's go to the pool together and enjoy some sun!" Your mom spoke as she grabbed Harry's hand and pulled at him.
"Nah. I'm just gonna go and walk around the resort. See what's around," you spoke and saw Harry frown at you. Your mom let out a strange wet gasp, "No, come with us, Yn! Don't be a party pooper!"
You rolled your eyes and chose not to respond. But you did concede and follow them both to the adult's only pool.
You found a chair and and slid your dress off, draping it over the back of the seat and laid yourself over the cushions wearing your cute little green bikini that you hoped would have Harry looking.
And it did. Harry noticed your little swimsuit. He also noticed other people noticing. He didn't like that but he couldn't do anything about it. He and your mom laid next to one another and held hands. Harry kind of liked watching you get jealous of him. He liked that you were fuming. It might have been mean, but he knew that you were aware of his feelings. He had warned you beforehand. But it was kind of cute to watch you get all huffy with him. He'd take care of that later.
After another few rounds of cocktails your mother had hit her limit. Harry helped her back to her room and you assisted. She was slurring and kissing all over Harry's neck, "Just need to sleep it off and then I'm gonna suck your big dick so good baby..." your mom spoke and you nearly gagged and vomited all over her.
Harry just laughed, "Sounds good. Can't wait."
He knew she was going to be out and would never remember saying that, especially since she said it right in front of you. Yeah, she was quite intoxicated. She'd be out for the rest of the night.
Once you and Harry got your mom into her room you excused yourself so Harry could help her change and tuck her into bed. Before you could open the door Harry put his palm on the frame and turned you toward him, "Stop being a brat. I'll see you in fifteen minutes in your room."
You yanked your arm away from him and narrowed your eyes at him, "No you won't. I'm not going to my room. You can stay here and let my mom suck your cock for all I care."
You were pissed and Harry only smiled at you, making you even more mad, "Go to your room. If you aren't there in fifteen minutes I'll come find you and drag you back there."
You left and stomped your way down the hall. You hated the predicament you were in. It never got easier.
But you did go to your room because deep down you knew what Harry was doing was for your mom's sake. She couldn't know about you two or it would end in disaster.
You stripped out of your bikini and put on a robe from the hotel and opened up the door to the balcony to let in a breeze. You were already feeling better.
Just as promised, fifteen minutes later, Harry was knocking at your door. You put on your angry face and swung the door open ready to argue and pout and make him feel sorry for you having to put up with him and your mom being lovey-dovey. But when you took him in you nearly melted and lost all the resolve you had to be angry with him. He was holding a small bouquet of flowers and had a bottle of white wine in the other hand.
He stepped into your room and handed you the flowers and then pushed you backwards, closing the door behind him, cocky smile on his face. He continued walking you backwards with the bottle of wine in one hand and the other cupping your face. His eyes were soft and he his lopsided grin was cute but you wanted to slap him. And then kiss him.
"Baby, don't be angry. I know you want to be but we talked about this," he set the bottle of wine down on the cabinet and then cupped the other side of your face with his newly free hand. He still walked you backward until you were against the bed. He gently nudged you back to sitting and then removed his shoes before grabbing you by your waist and moving you deeper into the bed, pushing you toward the pillows as he climbed over you and then untied your robe.
You let him open up the thick cotton and expose your naked body underneath. Harry smoothed his hands from your tummy up to your breasts and then leaned over you to place a small kiss at each nipple.
He looked up at you with innocent eyes, "You know I love you. Right? More than anything or anyone." He continued kissing over your breasts and you were quickly coming undone. Harry let his lips trail down to your sternum and lower toward your belly. His soft lips covered every inch of your skin as you remained silent still being a little stubborn.
Harry chuckled against your hip bone and then looked up at you, his light green eyes looking hungry and desperate, "I mean it. Please. You're all I want. All I can think of anymore. Don't be mad."
With his eyes still on you he brought his lips back to your hip bone before lowering to you pelvis and then like magic, the moment his mouth met your labia and then his tongue licked inside and found your clit you sighed and couldn't stop the smile from taking over your features.
"There she is. There's my good girl. Want your pussy licked baby? I'll show you how you're the only one I want. The only one I need."
You moaned and nodded at Harry and you saw him smile before delving in and covering your pussy with his mouth. Harry kept his eyes on you as he licked upward and stroked your clit, getting you all slippery and whiny until he knew you were ready for his fingers.
"No one does this to you but me," he said in a deep voice as he pushed his middle finger into your entrance and began stroking upward and then in and out. He put his mouth back over you, using his tongue to dance around your clit and it drove you crazy. You needed more pressure and he knew it, but he loved driving you crazy.
He added a second a finger and his fingers moved a little quicker as started to suck on your clit using his tongue to massage and encase your sensitive bud.
You put your hands into his hair and began to pull when you spread your legs further apart to give him as much access as he needed. You closed your eyes when his slurping and fingering felt like a warm zipper coming undone on your flesh. You groaned.
Harry used his free hand to pinch your thigh and you popped your eyes back open to look down at him with heaving breaths.
Harry lifted his mouth to speak to you, his lips grazing your pussy as he spoke his words, "Keep your eyes on Daddy. Want you looking at me when you come."
So you did your best. He always wanted you to watch when he ate you out. The way his tongue worked you, his lips sucked at you, his fingers fucked into you... and the sound of him slurping your cunt.
You began to moan in high, breathy noises. Harry's cheeks were shiny with you. He kept his eyes on yours as he continued his attack on your pussy and with his free hand he began to hold you down as you started to buck upward when you felt your end bubbling out.
"Daddy... oh my god!" Your words were moans and your ears began to ring as you struggled to keep your eyes open and on Harry's.
"Come on baby. Come on my face... come in Daddy's mouth," Harry grunted his words out and you noticed that he was gently rocking himself into the bed as he was working you to your end.
"Fffuuck!" You yelped as you released and fluttered your eyes closed for only a second before you felt Harry pinching at you again and you peeled your lids open and watched Harry as he continued licking and sucking with his fingers inside of you as you came. You moaned nonsense words and high pitched breaths as he at you out until you were so sensitive you were trying to push at his head but he had a vice grip on you and he didn't let up.
Harry's mouth was still eating away at your pussy and you squeezed your eyes closed, "Harry! Please!" you gasped your words as he licked over you clit, up and down, side to side. He slide a third finger inside of you and you opened your eyes and craned your neck to watch.
You began to feel your second orgasm wind around your insides as Harry's tongue didn't stop swiping over you. Everything was so wet and slick on your pussy with your own arousal and the spit Harry was using on you as he smoothed his mouth up and down.
The moment your second orgasm hit you felt like you were levitating. Harry had three fingers inside of you, knuckles deep as he sucked you in. He held you down and you writhed as you whined and moaned his name.
Harry laughed as you quivered and tears fell from your face. He knew he'd overstimulated you but he loved watching you struggle and come over and over again.
When you came down and your breathing was still a bit hard Harry lifted his face and began taking his clothes off. You watched him from your prone position with a smile of relief on your face.
Harry's dick was plumped and leaking at the tip already when he grabbed your thighs and dragged you to pull you closer.
"Daddy needs to come inside his baby now. Show you how much I love you. Fill you up with my come."
You were already so fucked out and you hadn't even technically been fucked but you nodded with a smile and Harry leaned down to kiss your mouth, he tasted like you.
He put his hands into your hair and gently smoothed it back. He looked at you for a moment with the soft eyes you loved so much. You loved it when he looked at you like this. It spoke everything to you that you wanted to know.
"Okay? Can I make love you to you now, baby? Want Daddy's cock?" Harry's lips were wet with you and his irises nearly completely covered by his pupils.
"Yes. Fuck me daddy. Make love to me."
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sageistri · 1 month
This is why I'm kinda angry that hybe is not doing anything about it. Denying the rumours won't be too much for them would it? If it's not them dating currently then what's stopping you from denying it? They have had denied some bs rumours about RM and JK back in 2021 that no one even knew about.
The girlie ain't stopping any moment, she's getting attention from tkkrs, KTHs, jjks and she's loving it. Saw a ss from a tkkr whom i don't even know but they posted ss of her being on live (seems like she was on live yesterday) and this woman literally pinned a comment saying "why are you dating jm, keep pretending to be jimin's gf till end" ig she also responded it with "some people might take it in negative or positive way" like does this look like she's stopping any moment?? She keeps involving him. plus the time when she posted those old jm videos she had multiple stories and for one of the stories girlie used a song from "gray" who she also made rumours with years ago and the guy denied it yet she's being like this.
And Tkkrs are the ones that are making those videos with 300-400k views and the whole comment section being disgusting about it and saying what not about jm, even going as far as to say she's pregnant with jm's child. Plus some totally saying that she's dating jm and she was involved in burning sun (she wasn't involved she's cleared it in the past but there's articles about it like her denying and pic of her with seiungri) so people should treat jm the same way like others involvements. They're blocking the comments who's trying to take jm's side or saying the rumours are not true. The only thing that's frustrating me is him name getting attached to unnecessary scandals.
This is what's making me more angry on hybe like denying it won't hurt you like what's the fking point of you taking action when shit gets too far? We know how tkkrs get's engagement and even blinks are involved in dragging him, like imagine now them doing same on twitter how bad it will be for jm and you know kpopies just wait for jm's name to be in a tweet to gang up in there. It's not even like the company doens't know cause there's plenty of navar articles, ig kmedia articles too, heck i even saw someone posting an article from Indian news paper about their dating rumour.
Many are dismissing it saying she's just attention seeking, and no one's paying it attention when article are being written about it alot, the company gonna get him dragged then take action like what's the fking point? It's been more than 2 years and she hasn't stopped yet. I'm glad that pjms aren't giving it too much attention like others got but still these tkkrs are ain't stopping and are just spreading lies on every sns.
One thing I've never understood is stans acting like people saying their fave is dating someone is hate. Relax and take a deep breath. This should never even be added to list of things Jimin has gone through. It's a dating rumor which is normal.
What hybe does concerning this doesn't matter to me because I don't think it's that serious. Jimin's name is only being linked to a woman, we'll live I think.
Should a statement be made because you want to be reassured that he isn't dating her? If hybe and other BTS members never spoke out about Jimin being harassed for years over a fictional relationship then I could care less about them making a statement just because he's being linked to a woman.
Stuff like these are only weaponized by people like tkkrs when stans like you make a big deal of it.
I don't think Jimin is dating her, but imagine a reality where he is, what would you do then? Make posts asking to report people who are talking about it? Tkkrs talking about it doesn't do anything to Jimin and it doesn't make tkk real.
Dating rumors are not defamation, he's only being linked to a woman not being accused of a crime.
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greenwood106-blog · 2 years
In Sickness And In Health
You want to test your marriage? This will do it...
So when we left off my stroke recovery tale, I was back to consuming real food and was determined that I would overcome this nonsense.
One morning I awoke and was laying there watching reruns when I lifted my right arm. That's right, I actually lifted my right arm and turned my hand. After several moments of disbelief, the tears began flowing again. Aside from my excitement, my emotions surely weren't working normally.
I had realized that one day when I was watching my reruns and a Sarah McLachlan save the abused animals commercial came on. Normally this might make me yawn, or wonder how much money was spent to get her to do this ad, but instead I was bawling. What the hell was this? I'll explain more in a bit.
So, after texting my wife and stopping anyone who was walking by my room to tell them about my arm, I couldn't wait to get to my first therapy session to show off. But like a kid with a new battery operated toy, I used my arm until my battery died, so when I tried to show the therapists what happened, it was underwhelming. Well, it was cool when it worked.
At this point we had gotten to the 3 week point and now it was how much longer was my insurance going to cover my rehab that was the talk each day. As it turned out, they were only willing to do one more week, then I would be discharged.
As excited as I was to be home (6 weeks was a long time to be gone), I was also a little bummed because I didn't feel I was ready to be able to take care of myself.
The therapy staff was really great, and they were excited to see me as i planned to go there for my outpatient therapy. They were also setting me up with my Cadillac chair at home, which would help until I was ready to move more on my own.
As the day got close, it was a mission to get selfies with all the people who had cared for me during my stay there. I would wheel around and get pics with them and thank them for putting up with me for so long.
The day was finally here, and saying goodbye got the tears flowing again. I told myself I couldn't do it, so I stayed in my room, hiding from my heroes, the people I believe saved my life. Well they weren't gonna let me get away that easy, stopping in and triggering the waterworks as I waited for my ride home.
Th van arrived, I said one more goodbye, and headed home to the next chapter.
It was September, so normal people kept the air on in their vehicles. Yet another change for me was I was now cold all the time, a result of blood thinners and the fact that I had lost nearly 100 pounds through this ordeal. When the van reached my house, I was lowered down in my Cadillac chair and I took in the warmth of the sun.
The work that had been done in my house was overwhelming. A friend who was a contractor installed a ramp at the front door so I could get in and out, the room where I used to teach guitar had been converted and a hospital bed and commode were in there, and my bathroom, which had a tub, had been been renovated to have a walk in shower installed.
My wife had coordinated all of this while saying goodbye to her job. Thankfully, our daughters who lived local helped a lot, but what a load to carry. I definitely tested the better or worse vow, and was just getting started.
I was still transferring with a slide board. I hadn't reached the point where I could stand and transfer, and the Cadillac chair wouldn't fit through the bathroom door, so sometimes the process was transfer to the Cadillac chair, the transfer to a regular wheelchair. Getting me on and off the toilet wasn't an option either, so I would transfer to the commode, take care of business, the my wife had to take care of me and the commode.
I was unable to fully bathe unassisted either, so my wife essentially became a caregiver.
I have joked about the Cadillac chair and all its features. One day the sales rep called and told us that our insurance had decided they weren't going to pay for the chair. We were told the list price, and we could've bought a Cadillac. Then we were told if we wanted to buy it, they would sell it to us for the price of a Kia. I was able test my vocabulary and told them to come pick up their damn chair.
This was an important trigger to the next stage of my recovery. I parked the Caddy and was now using the hoopty wheelchair. This was the motivation I needed to try to stand and walk with a walker. It was challenging, but I did it.
The progress continues.....
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
‘Draw One In The Dark’ Juke Diner AU
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Wrote this one in response to a pic @lydias--stiles sent in the chat, but it had been waitress!Julie and customer!Luke (before it was revealed that canon!Luke worked at a diner). So I decided to change it up and add onto it. The title is diner speak for ‘black coffee’. Enjoy!
"A-A date?" Luke stammers.
Did Miss ‘Black Coffee, Eggs and Bacon’ just ask him out?
He remembered when she first showed up to Emily’s. It had been raining and she sought shelter in the nearest roof structure- their diner.
Soaking wet, she plopped onto the seat she's sitting in now- hair damp, the droplets hanging off her nose, and she smiled at him.
And it was as if the sun never left, it was here, peering at the menu before ultimately deciding what would soon be her usual.
She hummed to the song softly crooning on the radio and her thank you's are accompanied with that same sunshine of a smile.
She would come again the next day, the sky slightly overcast, and she chooses the same seat, right by the counter, and orders the same thing.
That time, the 'thank you' came with the sun... as well as the soft uttering of his name that she had read off his name tag. 
He likes the way it sounds. 
Eventually, she would show up everyday, and then he would learn her name is Julie. And that she's a musician, a writer. That she has a best friend and fellow musician whom she lives with in a shitty walk-up. That she likes dahlias and is sensitive to cat dander. 
She would grow to become the highlight of his day... the one thing he could count on to make him smile this early in the morning.
But somehow along the way (and he would berate herself for even thinking this), Luke starts to wonder more about her.
Like if she shares her sunshine with someone else...
Luke would dread watching Julie finish her breakfast and leave, wanting to talk to her, get her to stay for just a bit longer.
He had fallen for a customer!
It wasn't until a very stern talk with Alex that he realizes why.
A huge no-no. Especially in a family-owned establishment like this, where everyone knows everyone in this town.
But that’s not his life. At least not his future. 
This would for sure get back to his mom and he would prefer for her to not find out that he had been blatantly flirting with a customer- a musician of all things.  
His mom never really approved of his own dreams of being in a band, worrying that it would eat up too much of his time when he really should be preparing to run the diner one day. 
So getting close to Julie might just bring more trouble in his life. No matter how cute and innocent that smile is. 
But no, it's okay, he had told himself in the past. They could still talk, still be the way that they are. It's not like anything's gonna come out of it. Right?
That is until right now. 
Julie nods, confirming her previous statement, “Yeah. Is that okay?” 
It’s more than okay!
Luke tempers his excitement to chance a glance towards the kitchen, where his mom is having a discussion with Reggie over new additions to the menu. 
Yeah. He’s so gonna get in trouble for this. 
But he can’t bring himself to care. 
Leaning in, he whispers, “I’m down.” 
“Great!” Her exclamation is hushed, as if Julie is aware of the secretive nature of their ‘relationship’, “I’ll text you.”
“But I don’t have your-”  
The bang of the kitchen door swinging open signals his mom’s arrival. Luke rights himself and returns to ‘customer service’ mode. 
“And here ya go, miss!” He pushes the takeout bag and her receipt her way, “Have a good day now!” 
“Luke,” His mom places a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face her, “Do you mind giving Reggie a hand with the fryer? Alex’s coming soon and can handle the front while you’re gone.” 
“Sure thing.” 
His mom smiles and scurries off to the back. Once the coast is clear, Luke lets out a sigh of relief. 
“Julie, hey, so I was thinking-” He turns around to find the girl gone. In her place, the receipt. 
Luke takes it and is about to crumple it to throw away when he a flash of purple on the bottom catches his eye. 
A phone number. Written in purple ink and punctuated by a flower doodle- a dahlia. 
‘Here’s your tip ;)’
Luke grins and tucks the receipt into his apron pocket and rushes to the kitchen, pulling his friend slash cook aside to show him. 
Reggie squints, “Woah, that’s a lot of dollars!” Then he gasps, “Is that allowed?”
“You’re such a dork,” Luke shakes his head, chuckling all the way to the fryer.
He stares off dreamily as he dumps a bag of fries into the basket, anticipating the end of his shift.
Until he can see sunshine again. 
Tagging: @blush-and-books​​ @lydias--stiles @smolfangirl​ @echocharm17618​ @thedeathdeelers​ @lukepattersun​ @ourstarscollided​​ @missjoolee​ @story-courty​ @heademptynothoughts​ @teenagepeanutbird​ @writerownstory​ @lukepattersun​ ​ @thereigning-lorelai​ ​ @preoccupied-educator​ ​
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Syverson & Vixen
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Summary: Captain Syverson retires from the Army and takes an extended vacation. He wasn't planning on falling in love.
Pairing: Sy and OFC
Word Count: approx 2k
Warnings: swearing (future chapters will have smut and recreational drinking, smoking, drug use, violence, attempted sexual assault and minor character death.)
Authors Note: I'm very nervous posting this to Tumblr. I have posted it on other platforms, I don't know why Im so nervous. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my version of Sy. I enjoyed writing him.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Part 2
Part 1
God damn, sand gets everywhere.
I thought I liked beaches. I used to enjoy beaches. Now I hate sand, and beaches suck.
The wind off the ocean was nice, though. I laid down on my towel under the hot sun and let it dry me.
"How goods the surf?" Softy asked. 
I'd spent enough time with Softy to know that what he means is the surf is great. Since I don't surf and don't know jack about it, I just grunted in reply and kept working on my tan.
"You're gonna burn, mate." Softy said.
"You talk too much, Softy," I said, but I got up anyway. I tried to flick the sand off the towel and ended up covering myself in more God damn sand.
"I'm just looking out for you. You're not gonna pull a root if you look like a lobster." He had a point. I needed to get laid. It had been too long.
We tried to rinse the sand off at the outdoor shower, but there was so much of it on the ground that it didn't work. I put my flip flops on, and we walked back to Softy's place.
I met Softy in Iraq. He was Australian Army, and we did a few missions with them. They were good, well-trained soldiers and Softy and I bonded over Lynyrd Skynyrd. We kept in touch through WhatsApp group chats and Instagram. Mostly by sending gross-out pics, porn and memes, so although we have been friends for years, I didn't know him well.
I should have just found my own place, but Softy wouldn't hear of it. He said he had a spare bedroom and would be insulted if I didn't stay for a few weeks. When he said he lived five minutes from the beach, I agreed. I thought I liked beaches.
"We still going to that party at your girl's place?" I asked before I changed.
"Yeah, mate."
"You know I hate parties."
"Well, you've got two choices. One, come to my girlfriend's party where she's invited all her single friends, and they invited all of theirs. A party where I guarantee the girls will be lining up for a taste of the US Special Forces experience. Or two, you can stay home and have Mrs Palmer shows you a good time."
"I'm going. I'd rather go to a bar, is all." There was no way I could go much longer without getting laid. It had been months. It didn't bother me if I went months without sex on deployment because I had other things on my mind. Once I had taken my retirement, though, it was all I could think about.
"Pub, you want to go to a pub. A bar is a place in the pub you get the beers or an establishment that caters exclusively for wankers." Softy explained for the fifth time.
"Right," I said. "I want to go to a pub."
"Well, you're either an alco or a creep if you go to a pub by yourself, mate, so since I'm not going to the pub, you've got no choice, do you?" Softy said, grinning.
I had a proper shower, even giving my short hair and beard a good scrub. I got dressed in some boots, jeans and a black t-shirt. It was a hot afternoon, but I wasn't ready to embrace the board shorts that most of the guys around here seemed to wear. I had a quick look in the mirror and realised Softy was right. I could already tell I had burned. "Fuck."
I went out to see Softy and ask him which girls would be up for a good time. Having some names ahead of time should speed up the process. 
"Depends, on what level of difficulty you want, mate."
"Give me the options."
"Righto. Well, Level One, Easy. You've got Chrissie. There probably isn't a guy at the party she hasn't fucked."
"Including you?" I asked.
"Including me."
That surprised me. I thought girls were more territorial than that. "While you were with Jess? Why is she invited then?"
"Nah, back in high school before Jess and I got together. If she's there alone, she will go home with you. Hell, even if she's there with someone, she might go home with you. It's happened before." She sounds like more trouble than she's worth. "From all reports, though, she's a terrible lay. I wasn't gonna judge her on our high school root, but apparently, she hasn't gotten any better. She's a starfish."
That didn't sound appealing. I prefer a girl who at least appears like she's into it. "Level Two then?"
"You've got more options. I reckon Vanessa or Sammie. Both are keen for a root but more choosy than Chrissie. I hear they are both decent lays too. They're both pretty cool girls, good fun. I'd go for Vanessa personally, but both are a bit of alright."
"Vanessa or Sammie. Got it."
"Wanna hear about Level 3: Hard Mode?" His face says I do.
"Go on then," I said, giving him a grin.
"Jess's best mate and roommate, Vix."
I made a face. "What kind of name is Vix?"
"Her name is Victoria." Softy said. His grin tells me there is more to it than that.
"Why is she hard mode? She a prude or something?"
"Nah, mate, not at all. I've seen her lingerie hanging on the clothesline. Wink, Wink." Softy is grinning like a mad man.
"So why is she Level 3?"
"All us boys have been trying to get into her pants since high school. Not one of us got close. Oh, I tell a lie. Robbo made out with her earlier this summer, but that's it."
"Does she date?"
"Yeah, just never any of our guys."
"Is she a bitch?"
"Nah, she's awesome. She's almost one of the boys, stays at parties till the sun comes up, doesn't get offended by our shit, even joins in. She's come to strip clubs with us, got lap dances and everything." She was starting to sound interesting.
"Is she gay?"
"Nah, I think she likes to look at girls but is into men. Jess swears she's not gay. Plus, she's only taken boyfriends to parties before, never girls."
"Is she good-looking?"
Softy shrugged. "Yeah, but she's got a look. If you don't like the look, you won't like her. But all the boys think she's hot." Softy laughed, "you're gonna go for Level Three, aren't ya?"
"You know I love a challenge," I replied with a grin.
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I looked at myself in the mirror again. Pretty good. It was too hot for anything better. I would have preferred to leave my hair down, but it was too thick. I reapplied my lipstick and put some more powder on my nose. It was just too hot for more make up than that and eyeliner.
I went into the backyard to help Jess. She was struggling to empty a bag of ice into the esky. I helped her.
"You should have waited for Peter," I told her, already feeling like I would start sweating again.
"But the ice will melt."
"Just put the bag in the esky and get Pete to do it when he gets here," I said, exasperated. She was anxious already.
"Yeah, you're right. I want Pete to have a good party and not have to do anything."
"It's fine, Jess. Just cause it's his birthday doesn't mean he's suddenly a child. Asking him to put ice in an esky isn't exactly difficult. You can ask his Seppo mate if you don't want to ask him."
"But I haven't even met him yet. I can't ask him to help out when he's a guest." Jess was wringing her hands. Literally. She's the only person I know who does that. I thought it was a made-up thing that sounded good in books until I saw her do it.
"Ask one of the other boys to do it then. Come on, Jess, don't get worked up. Let's get those salads sorted." Jess stressed less when her mind was occupied.
I started chopping up the cabbage for a coleslaw. Jess kept giving glancing over at me like she had something to say and didn't know how to say it. "What?" I asked her, getting fed up.
"You know Pete wanted to set you and Sy up," Jess said, trying to sound bored. I knew that tone. She was trying to work out how I would feel about it.
"Oh yeah? What makes Pete think I'd be interested in one of his meathead mates?"
"'Cause you like meatheads," Jess said, amused. She wasn't wrong.
"I am capable of finding my own hookups," I said, annoyed.
"I know. That's why I told him not to do anything." Jess was lying.
"Jess, if this guy is coming tonight thinking I'm his date or something..."
"I told you we didn't set you up. Pete just thinks you'll like each other."
The doorbell rang. Jess jumped, anxious again. I sighed, "I'm done with the cabbage. Start on the carrot, ok? I'll get the door."
It was the entertainment. I let the DJ/Karaoke guy in. Our whole group was really into Karaoke. We always had Karaoke at birthday parties, and we always sang Khe Sanh last. We all got really into it. We used to even make up routines for songs a few years ago. We didn't do that much anymore. The only exception to that was Stop by Spice Girls.
Our group was made up of Jess and Pete, who had dated since leaving school, Chrissie, Robbo, Yobbo, Mikey and myself. Others had joined throughout the years, and now about 15 of us were regulars at our get-togethers, plus another 20 or so who were coming tonight. It was a great mix of people, but it was falling apart in some ways. Mikey's misses Leanne, she had a kid last year, so they didn't come around as often. They would be coming to this party because it was Pete's birthday. I was looking forward to seeing little Milo again.
I helped Jason, the DJ, set up then told Jess I would sort the yard out. I took out all the plastic chairs and put them in small groups. I brought out the ashtrays and garbage bins. I tested the fairy lights and found one of them was busted. I sighed and looked down at my black peep-toe shoes and wondered if it was a smart idea to climb onto a chair to take them down.
I decided it wasn't, and I didn't want to fall and flash the DJ. My underwear didn't cover much. I wanted to leave it to Pete to fix when he got here, but Jess had freaked out about him filling eskies. Fuck it. I would have to do it.
I went and got one of those small Ikea step stools and pliers and climbed up. I barely reached.
I worked through the lights, cutting each of the ties until I had reached the last one. It was higher than the others because, of course, it was. My arms were tired, and I was groaning with effort as I tried to reach it. My dress had hitched up pretty high, and I hoped I wasn't flashing the DJ.
I would have to ask Pete to put the replacement lights up. This was ridiculous.
I stood on my toes on the top of the stool and reached up as high as I could. I wasn't quite lined up enough, so I shuffled to the left, and just I got it. I snipped off the cable tie. 
"Yes!" I shouted in victory. "Gotcha, you fucker." I said to the tie.
I heard a deep chuckle from behind me. "My, my, my. That's some colourful language, Darlin'," an amused voice drawled. Only one person could sound like that.
Part 2
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peachyteabuck · 2 years
what is a quilt purist, please go off
oh my god oh my GOD - this is less abt craft puritans and more about what happened but like. hear me out.
i don't even know where to begin because it's genuinely so insane.
so okay. for context: in the crafting community there are a LOT of very weirdly strict people (mostly white women) who are dedicated to being the Absolute Worst. like, PINNACLE of being a karen. in quilting they only care about one type of quilt, and any other type of quilt (t shirt quilts come to mind) aren't "real" quilts
this is insane for like, 2 main reasons.
1) quilting refers to a WAY OF DOING SOMETHING (e.g. vera wang products are quilted but not quilts) not necessarily a specific physical craft
2) the way quilting has been done has changed A TON over time. in the 90s "mock quilts" became popular, where the quilt top was printed on a single piece of fabric, the crazy quilt vs. crumb quilt distinction, the invention of long arms, mass produced fabric, the transition of monetizing patterns. like quilting has been around for AWHILE (long enough i'm promised a 300 year old quilt in my mother's will), but how i quilt today is different from how people quilted then, and i (a person who does everything by hand) quilts different from someone who does everything with a machine. there are people who don't use "real" batting, instead using thick vintage blankets.
so anyway. there was a thread in this quilting group of animals on the quilts people had made. and obvi im gonna post this pic of cowboy because like
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because LOOK AT HIM!! this is one of my favorite pictures of him.
so i post this, and then shit hits the FAN
within minutes i've got at least 3 women in the comment thread barating me for
wait for it
having this quilt on the floor
and for awhile i was like - hey listen, my cat is old, this is when i first got him and he wasn't very confident jumping on things. he wanted to hang out with me but didn't have a place to be other than the floor, and so i put this decently small/bulky quilt down. it's made of blocks MY GRANDMOTHER MADE that i inherited, and is really small and made especially for him with really thick batting (the inside of a quilt). plus (PLUS!!!)
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but eventually im like ?? okay, this is just fucking weird. like all yalls facebooks are decently public, y'all either got kids to raise or retirements to enjoy. why are you arguing with some rando on facebook about the proper way to "take care" of a quilt when it's still washed properly and kept out of the sun.
so like 2 hours later with breaks to do my job im kicked out of this quilting group that i really only used for inspo pics, with like 3 new friends added on facebook because not everyone is down to clown with narrow definitions of their hobbies.
EDIT: saw this right before posting
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okay TECHNICALLY i answered this above but for clarities sake:
quilting is a technique that refers to something done with three layers:
top layer
middle layer (normally batting, this layer is not seen)
bottom layer
it's common to refer to quilts as a blanket "sandwich," but that's not really accurate because the inside is hidden as the edges are combines with bias tape. it's really a fabric uncrustable.
these layers are held together with basting, which is the stitches you feel that go through all three years.
the little squares you're referring to are "blocks," which just refers to the individual pieces that come together to make a quilt top. there are several methods of putting blocks together that aren't relevant, and some blocks are more complicated than others, but it's like how puzzles are made of puzzle pieces.
so yeah. quilting puritanism. it's fucking insane. and very very dumb.
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aliceaddellheidde · 3 years
Birthday boy
WORDS: 1838
WARNINGS: swearing, smut (graphic, 18+)
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x reader {A/B/O AU}
DISCLAIMERS: English isn´t my first language so sorry for mistakes.
I stole pic from ig of man who looks just like Bucky!!! 😱🤣
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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You woke when Sun rays tickled your face. Space next to you was empty and cold which meant that Bucky, your Alpha and husband, went to check borders with his friends. Today was his birthday and you had plans for you both. Nice yummy breakfast, you as a dessert, small party with your big family and then hopefully special evening for you present. You checked if it´s still under pile of your t-shirts and then went down to make breakfast.
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Bucky walked in the kitchen twenty minutes later, sweaty. „Good morning beautiful.” he kissed top of your head. „Morning handsome.” He wanted to hug you, but you pushed him away, laughing. „Have a shower first.” „When I´ll be done with you, we both will need another one! Do I really have to go?” He looked at you with puppy eyes. „I dare you to sit to the table dirty and sweaty! Now, shoo.” „Damn you, you feisty Omega.” He groaned but left.
You have been together for six years, four of it as married couple. When you were younger, you were sure you don’t wanna tie down to someone in very young age. But Fate had other plans and one day you literally fell down the stairs right into arms of the most beautiful Alpha in the college. Since that day you couldn’t get his smell from your head. Few weeks later you went on your first date and years later you were married. He worked as auto mechanic and because you didn't have kids yet, you still had your work too.
You heard when he stopped the shower and put bacon and eggs on pan. „All clean and fresh wifey!” Bucky walked to you and kissed you. You smelled cypress and sandalwood from his warm body and deepened kiss a little bit. But sizzling sound ruined everything. „I think our food is ready my little Omega.” he smirked at your pouty face. „Quicker we will be done with this, quicker we can have fun.”
He seated you on kitchen counter, your legs open. Your hands were everywhere, his on your hips as you were stealing air from each other in heated kisses. „Bedroom.” he breathed and picked you up. You were on third step when Steve and Sam walked into your house. „Sorry Y/N, but we need Bucky.” Your husband growled and you apologetically smiled at him. „Again? I was with you in the morning guys.” „We know Buck, but as Alphas we have duties. Even on your birthday.” said Steve. „We will wait outside.” He nudged Sam. „Yeah and girls are waiting for you in the Dome Y/N.” They both left and he finally put you down. „Sometimes I hate being an Alpha. Too much work.” He buried his face into crook of your neck where your connection mark was and then kissed his way to your lips. „I´ll see you later, my sweet Omega.” You kissed his cheek and went to change your pyjama for something more appropriate.
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You loved your small family. As you walked to Dome you saw younglings playing with youngest Alpha of your pack, Peter. You all lived in cabin camp encircled by forest and you couldn’t imagine better life.
„Y/N! You are finally here.” „Hi Wan. I heard you need me?” „Yes. You know one Alpha eats for three and we need more food because of guests. Pepper, Sharon and Laura are in the kitchen.” „Yes boss!” Laughing, you walked in the kitchen and were surprised that there was still space to walk. „Are you ok?” you asked your friends, who looked like they were hit by heat wave. „It´s not funny Y/N. It so hot here and windows are not very helpful.” „Sorry Pepper. I´m here to help.” You end up baking cakes and bread and gossiping about your Alphas.
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Bucky found you hours later, dressed nicely in jeans and flannel shirt. „Why is your hair wet?” you asked him and yanked croissant from his hand. „Hey! I´m hungry.” „You will have plenty of time later. Now lets go home. I can´t show up on your birthday party covered up in flour.” He laughed with you, easily picking you up and carrying you to your cabin.
You were in shower and he sat on the toilet. „Boys took me to cliff. You know we love jumping in water. Thus wet hair.” „You are like small puppies in adult bodies, I swear.” „Yet you married me.” His eyes were scanning your naked body with dilated pupils and his tongue wetted his lips. „I'm the happiest Alpha on this planet.” His mouth crushed into yours and somehow you ended up lying on your bed underneath him. „I wanted you all morning doll.” He nipped at your neck, clavicles and you gasped when his tongue touched your hardened nipples. You could feel him getting hard as he was rubbing against your wet core. His kisses travelled down your ribs, belly and hips. And finally when he was ready to taste his finest dessert, noise from outside stopped him. You both sighted, defeated. „Damn it! Why they have to cock-blocking me on my birthday?!” You stood up with a huff and put on Bucky´s favourite dress with over-the-knee socks and you chuckled when you heard his breath hitched. „You like it?” You turned to him. „Fuck Omega. You are killing me! Once we are done at the party I´m putting a baby in you.” You moaned at the idea of it. „That´s what you want?” You nodded vigorously. „Words, my sweet Omega.” His fingers traced your face and shoulders. „Yes Alpha. I want your pups.” He smiled wildly. „Great. I love you doll.” He kissed you gently. „Time to go.” He took your hand and together you went to welcome your friends from other packs.
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Bucky was happy. He was having great time eating, drinking, singing, playing games and telling stories with other members yet he was checking you from time to time. Once you were with other Omegas, then eating and talking to young Betas. But his heart fluttered when he saw you playing with kids. You were laughing and tickling them and you glowed under warm light in the Dome. He felt his Alpha stirring deep inside of him and your smell overpowered the others. It was feral feel he couldn’t fight any more. He had to have you.
You instinctively felt his eyes on you and when you looked his way he was already standing and walking your way. He was few metres away from you but you smelled his cypress and sandalwood immediately. It made you all warm and your heart sped up. „Sorry kids. I need some fresh air.” They all protested but you were already walking away.
„Fuck you and fuck all my friends.” he growled once he had you pinned against barn wall in the dark. He wasn't angry, just frustrated. And his voice was making you wetter with every word he said. „I will make you feel better.” Your small hand was fumbling with his belt but he stopped you. „No. There is no time. I have to be in you. Now.” You quickly took off your panties and seconds late you were lifted by his strong arms. His cock was warm at your entrance and his breath shallow. „Please Bucky. Keep your promise my big, strong Alpha. Put a baby in me.” He snarled and pushed himself inside of you in one movement. Your loud moans for sure heard guests at the party even over the music. But neither of you cared. „Please move Bucky.” He smirked and started shifting in and out in fast strokes. His thumb was playing with your clit and in mere minutes you felt him growing inside of you and you revealed your neck for him more. His knot swelled and his teeth sank in your soft flesh. Your body was built for this but it was still like someone threw you under hot water. Your body was burning, you were hardly breathing and your head was numb from all that pleasure. Bucky was slowly licking drops of blood from your neck and then he kissed you. „You are the best my sweet, sweet Omega.” He pushed damp hair from your face. „You think it worked?” You were trying for baby for over two months now. You cheekily smirked at him. „It worked three weeks ago.” He was shocked. „What?! And you didn't tell me?” „Happy birthday daddy.” He kissed you again, this time tenderly. „I can´t believe it! All those role plays and other things we did, worked.” You smiled at him lovingly. „It did.” For moment you were quiet. „We should go back.” he sighted. „But damn girl your triggered my Rut again.” He pull out off you slowly and helped you to clean yourself with his shirt. „And you my Heat, so we are even.” He crouched down, his face in front of your belly. „Hello baby.” he said softly. „I love you. And your momma.” You caressed his head and started to cry. „Oh baby, we made her teary. Don’t worry. I´m gonna fix it.” He stood up and took your face in his hands. „You are not going on the party again. Go home. I will be there soon.” He kissed your nose and was watching as you walked to your cabin.
He went the other direction. Some unmated Omegas were glancing at him but he didn't care. He stood up in the middle of small stage and tapped on microphone. Everyone looked at him. „I wanna thank you all for coming to my birthday party and for the presents. But now I have to leave you and take care of my pregnant wife.” His smile was wide when he looked over the surprised faces. „I'm gonna be a father!” he shouted and room erupted in happy screams and congratulations. „Ok, ok. Yeah, it´s amazing. Thank you all again and good night.” He almost ran away from there as he felt another hot wave rush through his body.
You were waiting for him in your bed with wooden box and card on top of it. „Is it for me?” You nodded and watched him as he opened the card and started to cry over black and white photo. „It´s so tiny.” he choked. „I know.” Now you were crying too. „Our baby Barnes.” „And what´s in the box?” „Open it.” He did and took out small pair of trainers. One had 'girl' on it and the other one had 'boy'. „I don’t know which one we are having so I took both.” you whispered. He reached in box again and found soft bodysuits in different colours and a dummy. After few moments when he was just staring at it and silently crying, he smiled at you. „It´s best birthday present ever. Thank you doll.” You put everything away and climbed on top of him. „Ready for round two, birthday boy?”
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marinerainbow · 3 years
I've been seeing people post their NiGHTS OC's here, so I'm gonna give it a go.
I actually have multiple OC's, but I'm going to talk about my most developed OC. My nightopian named Prism (who I was inspired after seeing @squiderdoodle OC Void, shes really great!)
Before I show her picture (drawn by @marshmallow-biscuit-blog, thank you very much!) Shes not a regular nightopian. If anyone remembers my first NiGHTS into Dreans headcannon post, I said that I have a headcannon that nightopians have their own subspecies like the nightmaren, with the humanoids being referred as celestials (I'm still debating on whether or not to call them that, but I'm leaning more towards that name due to the fact I imagine their all solar based).
Ok, without further ado, heres Prism!
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(The only thing you cant see in the pic is how long her hair is (down to her ankles) and her white ballet shoes (the kind with the ribbons you tie around your legs)) This is what I imagine her NiD look to be, but I'm still trying to figure out what her JoD look would be.
Now, onto her backstory.
The celestials were once high in number, acting out as guardians of the night dimension. However, after Wizeman died in a coma and his soul still remained in the dimension, he started his goal to take over the very place he was trapped in. Once he started gaining power, the celestials first tried to reason with him, but by then he found a way to consume others' energy, and started killing off the celestial species to gain their power (thats how he gained his godlike powers).
As he created more and more nightmaren to steal more and more ideya, the night dimension itself had started creating a new celestial (I cant remember if I've already mentioned it, but I imagine the night dimension to be alive, more so then our own earth). This new celestial was Prism. However, she was created in a secluded area in a Nightopia, so no one had really been able to find her. It wasn't until an awakener who would later become her friend found her and brought her to Owl, who then raised her and taught her everything she needed to know about her world.
She was relatively happy, she made quick friends with the normal nightopians, she saw Owl as a father figure, and she was safe and happy in her home at the Dreamgate. However, around the time she came of age, she encountered a nightmaren for the first time in her life, while they were terrorizing visitors and stealing ideya. After that day, she had decided to become a guardian of the night dimension, just like her ancestors, and protect Nightopia and visitors.
She was powerful to fight against third levels with no problem and second levels easily after she got used to them. As such, Wizeman decided to create the two first levels NiGHTS and Reala. Now those two, since they were made to be far more powerful then a second level, turned out to be quite difficult for Prism to fight against. The most she could do was provide a distraction for them while any visitors or nightopians in the area could get away.
Due to her experiences, Prism had started believing that nightmaren were a inherently evil species. Even though Owl tried to teach her to not think that way, it was hard for her to see the nightmaren as anything but evil. Until NiGHTS rebelled that is.
Of course, she didnt trust them at first, always keeping a close eye on them. But as they proved that they really had a change of heart, Prism started trusting them more and more. Soon enough, the nightopian had actually befriended the rebellious nightmaren, and finally learned what Owl was trying to teach her. Now, she wishes to try and protect all of the night dimension, not just Nightopia.
Now with her backstory done, here are some random facts about her.
She is 4'7, even though shes an adult (I headcannon all nightopians, from the animals to the pixies to the celestials, to be small in comparison to the nightmaren)
Prism is very naive, not in the 'everyone is good' way, but in the fact that she can take things at face value (like how she saw the nightmaren before NiGHTS rebelled). However, she is always willing to learn, and is more than willing to admit her mistakes and will do her best to make them right. She is also a very kind hearted person and would protect and care for her loved ones (family, friends, etc). As such, she can be seen as innocent at times.
As you can see, her wings dont look like a normal nightopians' wings. I imagine humanoid nightopians have more like dragonfly wings rather then butterfly wings.
She is a very sweet person, but she does have a temper. It can take alot to make her lose her temper (or only a little, depending on what is making her angry) but when she loses it, she proves just how loud tiny people get. She can also be very stubborn when she wants to be.
She is also much more of a 'by the book' sort of person then NiGHTS is. It's why they compliment each other well, she helps them be more serious, and they help her be more playful (that's not to say she doesnt know how to have fun, she often plays with the nightopians when she has free time. But she takes her job very seriously, and can often times come off as a workaholic. So NiGHTS is able to help her relax when she needs it.)
The reason why she was named Prism is because of her light based powers: She can summon light, and can even use this to her advantage when fighting for both offense and defense, but she can not actually bend light itself. Her colors will also change depending on her mood/mental state (her colors will look brighter when happy, they will look drained when depressed, etc). If you look at her appearance, you'll notice that she actually looks like the sky, (sky blue eyes, sun hair, etc).
She has her own invisible instrument! A tambourine! She also she enjoys singing and dancing. Especially when it's a celebration of some sort (I'd compare her voice to Miss Acacia from Jack and the Cukoo Clock Heart, especially in the song 'Flames with Glasses'). She also loves reading, and could spend hours going through her favorite pieces of literature.
She us a very upbeat and positive person, despite picking up on some of Owl's anxious habits (like overthinking things). She has a very high energy and is very sociable, but she always makes sure to focus on her work.
Since the night dimension itself created her, she feels at home when shes outdoors, especially in woodlands or fields, almost as if she feels a connection with the world (she cant communicate with the dimension though, she just loves the outdoors)
The awakener that found her is really small, small enough to hide in her shoulder. His name is Peonie, and he is really shy and a bit of a scaredy cat, but he is protective of Prism and will often accompany her on her patrols or outings when he's not doing his own duties, despite the risk of running into a nightmaren.
And that's Prism! Please let me know what you think! Constructive criticism and questions are always welcome!
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fczco · 4 years
arrogant son of a bitch, JJ Maybank
masterlist in bio
a.n: i wrote this around april ?? i don't really know, but it deleted when i deactivated and im posting it again, if you feel it familiar that's probably why :) english is not my first language so i apologise in advance for any mistake.
words count: 1,8k
warnings: cursing ?? other than that idk
(gif not mine if it's yours please tell me so i can give you credits)
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The alarm on your phone went off letting you know it was time to get up and help your mum at work. After getting dressed with a loose lavender dress and a pair of sneakers you exited your room and poured yourself a cup of coffee just to afterwards cross the little door besides the fridge and get into the family clothing store and finding your mum placing some shirts near the building entrance.
- "Hi" you mouthed taking a sip of the drink while walking towards the desk.
- "Good morning sweetheart" she smiled without stopping doing what she was doing "how did you sleep" this time she quickly glanced at you.
- "Like an angel" you answer and she giggled.
The morning went by slow, even though you were one of the few countable with one hand clothing stores in the island, the beginning of summer was almost a month ago and most of the residents had already bought their clothes for this season.
You looked at the time on your phone. It was half past ten in the morning when one of your friends, who you were starting to find kinda attractive as the summer went by, entered the store with a big smile on his face.
- "JJ!" your mum happily said as she walked towards him and hugged him, she loved JJ, "it's been so long since the last time I've seen you around!" she let go of him and he came closer to the desk where you were sitting.
- "it really has" he said while looking at you and smiling.
- "what brings you here?" you asked with your hand placed on your chin as support.
- "Well, John B had this amazing idea of a pic-nic at the beach, so i came over to see if your mum would be gentle enough to let us borrow you for the rest of the day?" he said and you both turned your heads towards her, "i promise to bring her myself back here before ten p.m all in one piece" she kept looking at you two with her eyes furrowed, "pleeaasee i'm begging you" your mum laughed at JJ's words.
- "i want her back by nine p.m" your best friend looked at you and you just grinned at him.
- "nine thirty?" JJ asked with his eyes wide opened waiting for a yes as an answer.
- "fine, nine thirty it is" your mum gave in and he yelled a 'woohoo' while throwing his hands on the hair and running to where your mum was to give her a kiss in the cheek.
- "thank you so much" he said to her.
- "yes yes whatever, go inside and look for something to eat and share with everyone else" you smiled at her and entered the house with JJ following you behind.
You went to your room and put on a yellow bikini, took the backpack you usually used and threw a towel and your suncream inside of it. JJ helped you prepare some sandwiches and then walked through the store to say bye to your mum and go out to the street.
He approached his bike and you followed him as he handed you a helmet.
After a short ride you two arrived at John's B house.
- "You're not as afraid of the bike as you were before" JJ said to you while he took his helmet out.
- "i think so, i've got used to it" he smiled to you and together walked to the beach were your friends were, Kiara was laying down on the sand with Pope and John B was coming out of the water.
- "Y/N" your girl friend ran to you with open arms to hug you since you hadn't seen each other in like three days and you were inseparable.
- "I've missed you kie" you giggled as you hugged her too.
A few hours had gone by and now you were sitting on the sand next to your best friend while eating the sandwiches you and JJ had prepare before and watching the boys surf.
- "where's Sarah?" you asked, she wasn't there when you arrived but thought she might go later, she didn't.
- "she couldn't come today, something about a trip with her father i think, JB didn't say too much" Kiara said before eating the last portion of her sandwich.
You smiled at JJ as you saw how he was nailing one of the waves.
- "what's up with you two" your friend asked and looked at you.
- "what do you mean" you stopped looking at the boy you had a crush on to look back at Kie.
- "You perfectly know what i'm talking about Y/N, these past three days we barely saw JJ and you because you were hanging out together, this morning he was all excited about going to your house so he could, and i exactly repeat 'ask your mum in person' if you could come here, which is completely silly cause we both know she would never say no" you laughed at that last part.
- "we're just amazing friends Kie, that's it" you said turning your head towards JJ again, he was looking at you two too and waved with his right hand.
- "friends don't look at other friend's the way you look at each other" she smiled and tried to make you look at her, thing she did, "you like him, don't you" you could not help the little smile in your face as you scrunched your nose, "you do! oh my god you really do!" you faced her, "you have to tell him, right now!" Kiara grabbed your face between your hands.
- "you know i can't there's a specific rule about that" you tried to speak as your friend did not let go of your face.
- "oh come on! that rule is the most stupid thing i've ever heard!" you blanked your eyes at her and she finally let go of you.
- "even if that rule didn't exist i'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same"
- "who doesn't feel the same about what Y/N?" JJ asked as he walked towards you two and sat down, you looked at him as he took your towel out of your backpack and used it to dry his face, "because if it is me about feeling completely mesmerized about how beautiful you are i have to say that you're wrong" he smiled at you.
- "you arrogant son of a bitch!" you yelled at him while laughing. Kiara looked at you and winked her left eye before getting up and go running to the water.
- "so? what is it? my eyes?" he opened his eyes wide open "my beautiful and soft hair?" he ran his hand through his hair, you just kept looking at him play silly "or is it my abs?" he slapped his belly.
- "oh shut up!" you rolled your eyes at him and he just laughed at you.
- "no, seriously i want to know" you stopped looking at him and laid down on the sand, JJ copied your actions "ok, so if you're not gonna tell me what you like about me, i'm going to tell what i like about you" he turned over, now his back was facing the setting sun.
- "COOOME OOON, DON'T DO THIS TO ME, KIARA COME BACK PLEASE" you screamed as you covered your face with your hands.
- "sshhh, can you please not be dramatic for once in your life?" you still had your face covered but you could feel JJ gaze on it, "first of all you're the most careful person i've ever met, you always make sure everyone is ok and having a great time, you have amazing taste in music, your hair smells so good-"
- "oh my god have you stopped yet?" you laughed a little.
- "almost, you're an amazing cooker, you've the most amazing mum of all, i'm pretty sure there's no woman as beautiful as you are-"
- "finished?" your hands still on your face.
- "and one more thing" he lifted up one of his fingers in the air.
- "thank god" you took your hands of your face and looked at JJ who was smiling at you.
- "the Wi-Fi signal in your house is" he pecked his lips with his hand which made you burst on laughing and he too, "now, tell me what are the things you like about me".
- "i like" you kept looking at him with a frown on your face to make it seem as if you were thinking, "i like your name" you teased him.
- "my name? really?" you nodded, "i say all these beautiful things about you and that's what i get back?" you nodded again with a little grin on your lips, "you're gonna pay for this woman".
He quickly got up, grabbed you and positioned you over his shoulder as he started running towards the ocean, your friends were watching the scene.
- "JJ DON'T PUT ME DOWN THE WATER IS FREEZING" you yelled while 'punching' his back.
- "and what you gonna do if i do put you down?"
- "i'll kick your ass you pretty boy" you stopped punching his back.
- "i'd actually like to see that" instantly he jumped on the water with you still on his arms.
You two came out of the water facing each other. JJ hugged you when he saw that you were shivering.
- "now tell me, do you like eyes?" you nodded, "and my hair?" you kept nodding because you were so cold that talking was hard, "and what about my abs" you nodded again and he smiled and looked at you without breaking the embrace.
- "your Wi-Fi is pretty shitty tho" you said between shivers, he laughed and finally kissed you, JB and Pope were yelling lots of 'woohoo' and Kiara screamed 'FINALLY YOU BITCHES I HATE YOU' to which JJ and you smiled through the kiss.
The rest of the evening went fast, you ate some cookies Kiara had made and drank a little bit of beer. And at nine twenty five JJ and you said goodbye to your amazing friends and he took you to your house, arriving exactly at nine thirty and in one piece as he had promised your mum that morning, but he didn't leave for another ten minutes you spend just making out outside.
- "I knew i had heard JJ's bi-" your mum came out of the store while you two were still kissing and fast pulled away "oh, ok, i'll go back inside, food's ready by the way" she turned back and entered the store again.
JJ and you started crazily laughing and he pressed his forehead against yours.
- "i'll see you tomorrow?" he asked looking into your eyes.
- "of course you will pretty boy" you gave him a little peck on the lips and entered the store while he watched your every move and smiled.
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lovemalecforever · 3 years
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Chapter 6
Lightwoods Reunion
The golden rays of the morning sun shone through the windows into their room, breaking the darkness and making it naturally bright.
Alec stirred when the rays fell on his face. He opened his sleepy eyes, only to find a hand tightly wrapped around his waist, a face buried in his chest and their legs entangled with each other. A warm smile crept on his face as he carefully untangled himself, making sure not to wake his precious warlock then left for the bathroom.
When Magnus didn't find the warm body beside him, he stirred and slowly woke up. Noticing that the other side of the bed was empty he started to panic but the sound of running water made him relaxed. Turning on his side, he gazed out of the window, the golden rays encaptivating his mind as he got lost in his deep thoughts.
Fifteen minutes later, Alec walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his lower body and hair wet, leaned down, and pecked Magnus on the temple.
"Morning love."
"Morning darling!" Magnus sat upright, leaned up, and pouted, earning a soft kiss over his pouting lips. While cherishing those lips he snapped his fingers and vanished the towel earning a cute yelp from his shadowhunter.
Magnus grinned and pulled his husband down, locking their lips in a hungry kiss. "Stay...."
"Sorry love, as much as I love that I'm getting late."
A sad smile formed on Alec's lips. "I can't, Magnus. I want to, but I really can't."
Magnus sighed. "Okay... I'll prepare breakfast then while you get ready."
"I'll have it at the Institute, I'm running late." He quickly got dressed with the help of his shadowhunter speed as he was actually getting late.
"When did you-"
"Shadowhunter!" Magnus looked at him wide-eyed then sighed.
"Sorry love, I'll see you tonight, bye." he planted a soft kiss on the top of his head then rushed out of the flat.
Magnus gazed out of the bedroom as he remembered the nightmare he had. The nightmare which turned true a month ago, the day when Alec almost died. If Jace and Isabelle hadn't reached on time, he would have lost his Alexander forever. He felt useless that he wasn't able to help him. He was in his arms, dying, and he couldn't do anything.
Tears started forming in the back of his eyes, he sighed and closed his eyes and a few drops fell on his cheeks.
When Alec reached the Institute he went to the institute's library straight ahead, telling everyone that it was important and not to disturb him when in reality he was researching further about the immortality spell and Kasper Windermere. He found a few books and took them to his office.
*Time Skip/ Few hours later*
Alec was in his office reading those books and researching more about them when he heard a soft click of heels approaching his office. A smile formed on his lips at the familiar sound.
"Hello, big brother!" Izzy said as she walked inside the office.
"Izzy!" he got up and embraced his sister in a tight hug.
"So! Hiding things from Magnus? You think that's gonna work out?" she asked when they broke the hug.
"It's working fine till now!" he shrugged earning a glare.
"That's why you need me to cover up for you?" She raised her brow and crossed her arms above her chest.
Alec bit his lip and sighed. "Fine Izzy! You know I'm not good at surprises, but I really want to this time. And... well it's not that I'm not getting help... So..."
"And who is that apart from me?" She said trying to sound upset.
"It's Catarina."
"Oh! Okay, so what are you planning Alec? Spill it..." Alec was about to say something when she spoke again, rearranging all the documents that were kept on his desk simultaneously. "So much paperwork... Don't you get tired, big brother?"
Alec froze when she picked the documentations on Kasper.
"Izzy! No! That's not..." Izzy's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped on the floor. "Ahhh..... Um mm... Paperworks." He stuttered and his heartbeats quickened as he witnessed millions of emotions flashing on his sister's face within a second.
He waited for her response, but when the silence got the better of him, he cleared his throat, his heart ready to leap out of his chest at any moment. "Uh... Izzy? Please say something!" this wasn't in the plan of events and the silence was getting under his skin.
"Alec! You want to become immortal!?"
"Oh! By the angel!" She shrieked, ran towards Alec, and hugged him tightly.
Alec breathed out with relief but was confused at the same time. "Iz! You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad, Alec? Yes, I'm a little shocked, but if that's what you want, you know I'm always there for you." she pulled out of the hug, tiptoed, and pecked his cheek.
"Thank you, Izzy! It means a lot."
"Is THIS your big surprise for him?" She asked teasingly.
"There are few more but yes."
She raised her brow as she kept examining the documentations. "More?"
"Yeah! I'm thinking about a dinner surprise, a gift with an anniversary card, and a photo frame with all the pics of our anniversaries starting from our wedding collaged together."
Izzy's jaw was dropped on the floor yet again.
"Who are you and what have you done to my brother!!??"
"I'm Alexander Lightwood Bane and well, Magnus Bane happened!"
Izzy laughed. "Hmm... Magnus got you good then, big brother."
She shuffled through some papers for some time then spoke again. "A half angel and half Shadowhunter? Aren't you that already?"
"Well yes but not literally, I'm mortal, I'm not literally an angel!"
"How exactly have you came up with this Alec?"
"You know what happened a month ago, Izzy. I... Magnus is not doing well since then. He cries behind my back, he's not happy even when he shows he is. he gets nightmares of the day. I didn't know at first, he tried hiding it from me but when it started getting worse I made him talk to me, that's when he told me about them. He still gets them, pretends that he's completely fine, but I know he's not. I know he's worried about me dying one day, and I am not able to see him like this, this weak, this is not the Magnus I know, I want to do something for him." He paused for a minute then spoke again.
"I'm researching about becoming immortal since the time I heard him crying and saying how miserable he will be if I die. I thought about talking to him but when I noticed him pushing me away I knew he'll become more secretive if I did, which will end up in him getting more hurt than he is now. And well, when I read about the half angel and half Shadowhunter thing, I was sure I wanted to do it as by this spell," he pointed towards the stack of papers "I will be what I am, and I'll provide Magnus what he wants. All I want is for him to be happy. No matter what it takes."
Izzy listened to him carefully, completely awestruck by his love for Magnus. "You know what big brother, Magnus is a hell of a lucky man to have you in his life. If he'll ever hurt you I swear-"
"Relax Alec, you know I love you both!"
Alec simply shook his head, sighed, and leaned against the desk.
"When are going to tell everyone about it?" she questioned further.
"Once I'll gather the information about the complete spell and how to perform it I'll ask everyone, Catarina is looking wherever she can, and I'm looking at the library and wherever possible."
"So you didn't plan on telling me about it today?" She gestured towards his desk.
"Umm... No, but I'm glad I did."
A warm smile appeared on Izzy's face. "Well, where are we going for lunch?"
He glanced at the time, noticing that it's past 12 already. "Wherever you want."
"Simon took me to a great restaurant here, let's head there, It's an amazing place."
They headed towards the restaurant Izzy had told him, ordered their food, and to Alec's surprise, he actually liked it and thought about coming with Magnus once.
"So apart from becoming immortal, what other things are you planning? And how can I help?"
"I want to plan a surprise dinner by the lakeside of Lynn and since Magnus is Indonesian, I want the whole menu to be Indonesian and all the decorations in the way he likes."
"Hmm... I can arrange that, plus the photo frame too... me and Clary can prepare it perfectly."
Alec cocked up his brow at that. "Don't worry big brother, we won't disappoint. What about the gift you were talking about?"
"I wanted to make the gift after becoming immortal, well, since you were the weapons head, I was thinking if you could do it?"
"Me? Oh! By the angel! What is it?" She squealed.
Alec shook his head at her excitement.
"You know Magnus and his love for jewellery, I was thinking a set of 3 diamond rings joined together with silver chains with small cut emeralds on it, the first and third sitting on the base of the fingers, the second one on the middle part of the finger, with the words FOREVER YOUR MLB engraved on each ring separately on top and AKU CINTA KAMU on bottom of the ring, each letter having small cut diamonds on it. Can you do it?"
Izzy's jaw was dropped on the floor for the third time that day and this time, literally. She was staring at her brother wide-eyed.
"Hey! Close your mouth little sister!" He put his fingers below her chin and closed her mouth shut. She blinked twice before speaking again.
"Alec! Are you all right! Is it really you!?"
"Isabelle Lightwood! Yes, it's me, and can you do it? Or I have to look for someone else!"
"By the angel! What has Magnus done to you!? I need to have a talk with him. And yes I'll do it, don't worry."
He laughed hard at her remark. "Thank you, Izzy!" He said in between the laughs.
"Stop laughing Alec!" She hit him gently on his arms.
"Well, how is Simon then? How's his training going?"
"He's doing good, you know what, he had beaten Jace 3 times last week with seraph daggers. I'm really proud of him."
The twinkle in her eyes didn't go unnoticed and a warm smile formed on his lips. He was glad that Simon was the best man to enter his sister's life, no matter how annoying that vampire was. "I'm happy that you're happy Izzy."
"Thank you, big brother!"
They finished the rest of the lunch in silence or chatting about random things and finally left for the Institute.
Alec felt really nice to have his sister beside him and not judging him for his choice to become immortal. He prayed that everyone would react the same. He went to his office and got back on researching for the complete spell, the sooner the better.
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cutetinyartist · 4 years
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In The Forest
(Game Grumps G/T One-Shot)
Synopsis: Arin is a borrower who lives in the woods. Danny meets him and they start talking. The pic above is what inspired me to write this one-shot! ^^ I also did a doodle based on it cus I thought it was really cute ♡
Dan wandered through the forest, feeling content as he admired the beautiful nature around him. He often liked to take long walks there to clear his head and take a break from things. Because it had been raining pretty heavily all week he hadn't been able to go for a walk, so today he'd decided to go out for longer than usual.
There was still morning dew on the grass and leaves and it twinkled in the sunlight. It was fairly early in the morning and the forest was bathed in the sun's soft glow, which gave everything an almost dream-like appearance. Dan loved walking when it was like this.
After about half an hour of walking deeper and deeper into the forest, Dan decided to sit on a log for a moment and relax. The birds were wide awake and singing high up in the treetops, the breeze was cool and everything just felt perfect. He was unaware that not to far from where he sat, someone else was also admiring the view.
Arin, a borrower who'd spent most of his life in the woods, was sitting on a tree branch shyly peeking at Dan from behind a leaf. He'd initially been sitting there just to admire the forest like Dan was, but now that the human was there he couldn't quite take his eyes off of him. Although he wasn't quite brave enough to reveal his presence to the human, he always found himself gazing at him from a safe distance and loved it when he got to see him.
Dan pulled out his phone to take a photograph. He didn't always take them, but this was a part of the forest that he hadn't explored yet and it was just to pretty for him not to take a picture of.
When Arin saw Dan holding up the phone and looking straight in his direction, he immediately began to panic inside. Was he taking the photo because he'd seen him? Arin tried to hastily duck behind a clump of leaves, but in his hurry he slipped and fell off of the branch! His fear changed from being seen to getting hurt by the fall, but luckily he managed to land on a thick, sturdy branch only a few inches below the one he'd fallen from.
Unluckily, Dan had captured the exact moment that Arin had fallen in a photo and was currently zooming in wondering what the small blur he'd seen was.
"What the hell?" Dan mumbled to himself as he stared at the image. His eyes flickered between his screen and the tree, and after a second he put away his phone and walked over to have a closer look.
The fall must've knocked Arin out for a second, as the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes and sat up was Dan staring down at him with wide eyes.
"Woah..." He gasped, leaning down to get a closer look at the borrower. Arin froze as his vision was almost entirely filled with Dan's face. He felt pinned to the spot by his deep-brown eyes and all he could do was stare back up into them. There was a twinkle in Dan's eyes as he gazed in awe at Arin; of all the things he thought he'd see in the forest today, an adorable tiny person definitely wasn't one of them!
After a moment of silence between the two Dan spoke again, "I saw you fall, are you okay?" His voice was soft and his tone immediately made Arin feel calmer.
Arin gulped nervously before speaking, "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks," He replied. It was sort of ironic; he'd daydreamed about talking to this human so many times but now that he finally had the chance to, he could barely muster up any words.
Dan also found himself speechless, but it was because he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Of course he'd heard stories and things about tiny people, but he never expected to see one in person! After a moment he cleared his throat and asked, "So, do you live out here?"
Arin nodded, "Y-yeah, I've lived in this forest my whole life..."
"Wow, really? That's awesome!" Dan replied with a big smile, instantly thinking of dozens of other questions that he wanted to ask.
"Thanks!" Arin replied, subconsciously brushing his hair in front of his face to try and hide the fact that he was blushing slightly at Dan's compliment.
"What's it like, living out here? Is it difficult?"
Arin shook his head, "Not really, some days are harder than others but for the most part it's really nice. Some of the animals are assholes, though," He chuckled.
Dan laughed at Arin's remark, and the borrower felt his heart soar at the sound. The human's voice alone had been enough to make him happier than he'd been in a long time, so making him laugh (even if it was only for a brief moment) felt amazing.
"You know, I'm surprised that I've never seen you before. I walk through this forest so often, I feel like a tiny person is something I should've noticed sooner!" Dan remarked, casually resting his hand on a branch that was above his head, "What's your name? I'm Dan." He asked, trying to keep the conversation going. There were so many questions that he wanted to ask, but the last thing he wanted was to overwhelm the borrower too much and scare him.
"It's Arin," He said with a soft smile, before biting the bullet and confessing, "And every time I've seen you here I've wanted to talk to you, but I always got too nervous..."
Dan paused for a second, slightly taken aback by Arin's confession. He then smiled softly as he replied, "That's actually really sweet, I'm glad we're talking now."
Arin went to reply, but instead let out a startled yelp as a drop of water landed on his head. Both of them looked up at the sky and realised that it had quickly gone from being a light shade of blue to a gloomy, cloudy grey.
"Dammit, I thought it wasn't gonna rain today!" Dan exclaimed. He then noticed the fearful look on Arin's face and realised that this was probably terrible weather for him to get caught in due to his tiny size.
"Shit..." Arin mumbled, worrying about how the hell he was going to get home. He wasn't exactly miles away from his home, but there was enough distance that he knew it wouldn't be easy to traverse through this weather without getting absolutely drenched.
Dan's first instinct was to reach towards Arin, as he wanted to hold him and shelter him from the rain. Arin instinctively flinched as the giant hand approached him so Dan paused and asked if he could pick him up.
Arin tensed up for a moment. He'd never been held by a human before, but he was already beginning to trust Dan. He tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating and nodded. He expected Dan to scoop him up, but instead the human placed his palm beside him and gave him a reassuring smile. Seeing the borrower clamber into the palm of his hand immediately filled Dan with the urge to protect him at all costs.
When Arin was sitting comfortably, Dan cupped his other hand over his head. He didn't want him to feel suffocated or leave him in the dark, but he wanted to protect him from the rain that was slowly getting heavier. Dan internally cursed at himself for not bringing his jacket.
Neither of them wanted to stop talking so soon, but they couldn't exactly stand outside while it was like this either. Both of them were thinking about how nice it might be to go back to Dan's house and spend even more time together.
"Do you want me to take you to your home?" Dan asked, but he secretly hoped that the borrower would want to stay with him for a while longer.
Arin felt his cheeks flare up as he asked, "Do you think- maybe- we could go back to your place? We don't have to if you don't want to, sorry, I just-"
"Of course," Dan cut him off, "I'd love that." He smiled warmly.
As Dan walked, Arin felt really comforted by how gently he was holding him and how careful he was being. Deep down he'd always wondered how it would feel to be so close to a human, and now that it was finally happening he felt really safe and happy.
They continued to talk, and both knew that this was the start of something perfect.
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Can you explain a little about each of your OCs fashion taste and maybe add a pic of the epitome of their style? I want to see which one is most like my own fashion preferences (if I wasn't too lazy to dress up lol)
All right, what I’m going to do is the rapid-fire. I’m gonna tell you names and what they dress like, since you were interested in finding out who matched, and then you (or anyone else) can ask further asks about anyone who looks interesting one at a time and I will GUSH
Venley (protag hero): Wears deep blues (but not navy). Likes swishy skirts, flowing sleeves, and layering. So much layering, especially leggings under short skirts.
Sophira (hero): Has a style I like to call The Worst(TM). Wears non-complementary colors. Patchwork sweaters and miniskirts. Loves rainbow tie-dye. Will not take fashion advice from Axeline and this is going to be the death of Axeline
Axeline (hero): Mostly sticks to red palettes with long coats and corset lacing but will try anything once.
Siademina (hero): Likes to pair cute blouses with bouncy short skirts. Tends to wear warmer colors or pastels.
Zefiraduc (hero): Purple and glitzy. She wants to be a famous pop star and dresses like one.
Arain (hero): Blacks and reds. If the outfit can allow her to blend pants with something skirt-ish, like a side panel, it’s an extra bonus. Always wears the fantasy equivalent of a baseball cap to go with it (and has emo bangs AND a huge ponytail).
Ailuen (hero): Mostly dresses in comfy things, tees and jeans, but when she wants to go all-out, she will pick a pink prom dress with ruffles and sparkles. A nice compromise is if she puts a fancy pink blouse over the jeans. During the planned arc where she becomes a Lawful Evil for a while, wears a white military uniform.
Alivain (deuteragonist villain): Mostly likes red, but occasionally blue or purple. Is a villain and dresses like a villain. Outfits are very bright and flamboyant. I’m toying with an “evil circus” aesthetic for the entire team and have written down some of him acting as the ringmaster, so go ahead and add a red ringmaster’s uniform to his most-worn. I also want him to have gloves with little claws built in at one point. Capes. And he wears high heels because he likes to feel tall and glamorous.
Versafina (villain): All black all the time. Lots of leather. Prefers pants vastly over skirts because she’s a dancer/martial artist who needs the mobility; also she just doesn’t like the femme aesthetic so much. Though she does enjoy wearing the highest of high heels specifically because training in them makes her more balanced and agile, and if she takes them off, you are dead where you stand.
Phantasia (villain): White cocktail dresses. Swanky and glamorous. Usually more pencil-skirt style or form-fitting than anything that has ruffle. Slits that show off the leg are a fave style of hers. High heels for her too.
Zangary (villain): I’m not entirely happy with his design, but for now, I have him in kinda generic dark clothes with an ostentatious long lavender jacket and a black wide-brimmed hat.
Dweixyn (villain): Pink minidresses/blouses and skirts. Has a favorite trench coat that has pink lining on the inside and is darker on the outside. Always wears sunglasses, even indoors and at night, for the aesthetic and no other reason. High heels for her too.
Belador/Belladore (villain): They’re kind of a rave-themed villain so I imagine lots of mesh tops and glow sticks.
Yridel (villain): I’m not entirely sure what her style is, but it needs to show off her cybernetic limbs. That is a must.
Sherida (villain): A form-fitting red bodysuit with a black motorcycle helmet that prevents you from seeing her face. Heavy-soled boots. Steal aesthetics from Vanitas Kingdomhearts? Me? Nooooo
Lirian (villain): “Sun” palettes, with pinks and yellows and reds. But also blue sweaters and skirts (dull in hue). I toy with one of her quirks being wearing ballet shoes everywhere she goes but I’m not sure if that’s silly.
Rachneira (villain): Wears lots of black. Not just a Goth but THAT Hot Topic Goth.
Tomagi (villain): Pink sundresses, particularly with gold lining.
Calpurniko (villain): Jumpsuits, overalls, beiges and dull colors, white tees, anything she can get dirty and not cry over.
Diamandian (villain): White lace. He is cis male but comfortable enough with his masculinity that he adores ruffles and lace hems. Has a matching white parasol and a white top hat.
Maraya (villain): Victorian-esque dress...blue?...and a big ol’ black cloak that hides her appearance. Her design is still kinda under construction because I started out going one direction and then made a hard left on her character
Anastasios (villain): Tunics and breeches. Greens and browns.
Kaxhalen (villain): He is an alien warlord so I’m trying to design a silver extraterrestrial battlesuit but not sure how to make it look unique
Osmend Osmodias (villain): Shiny golden suits. Fedora that’s pulled down to cover his eyes.
Orianelle (villain): black leather that shows a lot of skin. Tanks and shorts that bare midriff. Tall black boots with heavy soles.
Siersyrei (villain): Navy blue and that’s about all I know for now, though there are reasons I’d like her to have a skirt with shorts underneath.
Clancette (B-team hero): When in civvies, wears a lot of pink “kawaii” clothing. Jackets over tanks. Lots of pins with the fantasy equivalent of Sanrio characters. Rainbow stockings. As a Magical Girl, is associated with the color pink and element of wind; her outfit has a short and wide ruffly skirt and any way a breeze can be implemented into the design is welcome.
Xar/chelyna (B-team hero): When in civvies, he wears button-down shirts and blue pants. As a Magical Girl, she is associated with blue and water, so skirts that are long and wavy and any ocean motifs. Also enjoys a blue top hat.
Loveleigh (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are red/fire-associated. Likes slinky skirts and low-cut blouses.
Fernamele (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are yellow/lightning-associated. Another pop star wannabe who dresses in glitz and glitter, with swishy short skirts.
Zelladane (B-team hero): Civvies are sweatshirts, jeans, and heavy rubber boots with a lot of dirt built on them from her gardening. Magical Girl clothing is green/plant-associated, but with pink accents. Any piece that’s green with pink flower decorations on it automatically makes me think of her.
Aoliaoma (B-team hero): Undecided on civvies, but her big character quirk is that she seems perpetually sleepy, so I could see her just forgetting to change out of her full-length pajamas that are probably black satin. As a Magical Girl, her association is black/the void, and she has a short dress meant to look like that of a traditional witch, with a pointed witch’s hat on top.
Ravenille (antihero): Denim jackets and pants. Lots of denim. Silver face piercings and LOTS of them.
Arisia (antihero): I specifically see her in a blue tank top, a brown skirt/shorts and chain mail overlays. Anything with chain mail makes me think of her. Also, tall heeled boots. She might also wear a mask made of chain mail that covers the lower half of her face.
Lunisia (antihero): Pink. Skirts with leggings beneath. Quirky shoes, like black patent-leather with buckles.
Rhodelton (antihero): The ugliest yellow jacket you can imagine over a T-shirt and jeans.
Phaeley (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Black tanks and long skirts. Slightly Goth but not that much. Always wears a black newsboy hat.
Sylvisa (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Almost exactly Versafina’s style except more masculine. I should probably refine his.
Dashorra (minor character): Anything that’s split right down the middle as black/white is fair game.
Victorique (minor character): Shiny silver dresses with long skirts.
Isisa (minor character): White toga and gold hair ornamentation.
Phil (minor character): Is literally a sentient pile of green slime and never wears clothes, but if he did, it’d be business suits with tacky striped ties.
Tristabelle (minor character): I usually picture her in a dark blue low-cut dress with a loose, flowing skirt, but I feel like it needs refinement.
Madwyn (minor character): I usually picture her in a form-fitting black cocktail dress, but I also feel like this could be more special.
Diceanne (minor character): I usually picture her in a pink bodysuit with gold accents that lacks sleeves or legs, so I kind of want to do something with this and the concept of tackling the issue of revealing clothing and sexism and how much choice is had in the matter so I guess her final outfit will come to me once I’ve got the arc in mind
Beccatrice (minor character): I usually picture her in a white toga, but unless she and Isisa are part of the same order or class or something, I should probably make hers different.
Sharamantha (minor character): Brightly-colored overalls (pink, green, purple) over white tees. Sneakers.
Eudarmence (minor character): Shiny gold gowns. Any shiny gold gown. Also likes shiny gold hair ornamentation. Has to be the shiniest thing in the room.
Ilyènne (minor character): Either yellow dresses with loose skirts or this specific pink blouse with a huge ostentatious ribbon on the chest that I got in my mind’s eye once.
Riaudne (plot-device character): Pink-and-silver dresses. She’s royalty, but I want to play with her culture not being Eurocentric, so I want to shake up this design somehow but I’m not yet sure how
Aelistene (plot-device character): Brightly colored minidresses (mint green or deep purple), likes hair ornaments.
Magnus (Lawful Evil villain): All white all the time. Looks very regal - jackets, waistcoats. Very masculine as well.
Janiel and Tjeron are both mooks of the Lawful Evil faction and will eventually renounce their ways, but I have literally never pictured them in anything other than military uniforms that I originally designed as black but now have changed to white for symbolic deconstruction reasons
The following characters are still under construction to where I’m not sure of their fashion style at all: Valencindri (villain sidekick), Dr. Hope Lessness (villain), Mercy Lessness (villain sidekick), Lainnhartt (villain), Soligeo (villain sidekick), Khairic Kajé (antihero), Aerokai (antihero), Tredwulfall (antihero), Burqueley (antihero), Liodax (minor character), Ririko (minor character), Ayali (minor character, possibly antihero), Lilianet (minor character), Spectra (minor character), Prettiza and Kyista (minor characters who have to wear the same outfit), Rewnoki (minor character), Delena (minor character), Jaydrey (minor character), Mejame (minor character), Shananadel (minor character), Veline (Lawful Evil), Keiandra (Lawful Evil), or Oquian (Lawful Evil).
I hope this has helped you figure out whose style you match and also see how many freaking characters I have designed and I don’t intend to stop until I have enough to fill a huge fantasy world but then I’ll probably keep going anyway because my mind is apparently hooked on designing now
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lalalamedown · 4 years
10 questions tag!!
Long post, I'm sorry
Tagged by @safetypineapples 💗🥺 thx
👀rules: answer 10 questions and leave 10 more for the people you tag!
1. Who would you bring to your ult group's concert?
So I had this virtual friend from Brazil. We met because we had the same sun and rising sign and then found out we were born (1 year and) two days apart and called each other "twin". I loved her so much, and still do. When we met she said she didn't like kpop but now she's crazy for Blackpink. At one point we went south and eventually stopped talking, even though we both miss each other and know the other one does too (it's a complicated situation). Since Blackpink is one of my ult groups (along with Stray Kids) and is also her ult group, I would take her to their concert. Damn that was long
2. What language do want to learn?
Korean, but I'm already working on that. ☺️ I'd like to learn Japanese but I don't really have the motivation. A big part of the content I consume everyday is in Korean, so that's a great source of motivation. Also I want to improve my English as much as possible.
3. What is the worst ice cream flavour?
That's a hard one... I could easily tell you the best flavour but idk if I've had enough ice cream to know the worst. Probably chocolate tho, it's nasty and completely ruins the delicious treat that is chocolate.
4. What did you major in? Or what are you planning to major in?
I'm still in high school and I can't see myself doing anything that doesn't have to do with animals so I'm planning on going for Veterinary Medicine.
5. How did you get into kpop?
Buckle up guys, this is gonna be a crazy ride. This happened in 2015/2016. I saw a bunch of people talking about about kpop on the internet and my limited brain thought Kpop was the name of a group so I looked it up on YouTube and watched some BTS M/V but didn't think much of it. So, one day I was looking for some content about Jeff The Killer on Wattpad (awful choice) and stumbled across a Jeff X reader fanfic. It wasn't exactly what I wanted but why not, right? Turns out the reader was dating Jungkook and was in a dance group with BTS, then he cheated on her I think and she killed him and danced in his place in some competition. Then, some how, Jeff got in the story and they banged and tried to kill each other or something. I think she even gets pregnant. Idk. But I managed to go from that to stanning BTS. I also remember the second BTS fanfic I read was Jimin X Jungkook, and in the first chapter one of them couldn't walk already. I really started off on the wrong side of the fandom lol
6. Which country do you want to live in?
I'd like to live in Korea or maybe USA, but not for long. 1 to 3 years. Though I think I'm just gonna stick to Portugal. But I'm probably going to move to the mainland (I'm from Azores).
7. Something you want to say to the leader of your country?
Not much, I'm not really into politics, only that he slayed those blue shorts. I actually like him. For some reason this pic of him (Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa) 👇 went viral a while ago. I think it was something about him being a person and just another citizen instead of a public character/persona.
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8. Do you want play any instrument?
When I was younger I was learning to play the clarinet but one day my father forgot to pick me up and I never wanted to return. Now I'm trying to learn how to play the ukulele by myself.
9. What kind of student are you?
I used to be the kind to get good grades without trying to much but at one point It started getting harder and I had never learned how to study so it was fucked up. In addition to that there's depression and an education system that doesn't quite work for me (or for most people). Now I'm recovering a bit but it's really hard. So I'm the kind of student that can't focus on class, "learns" as we solve exercises, gets home exhausted and with no motivation but some how still manages to not fail any class
10. What extreme sport would you like to try?
Tbh, none 😂😅 I'm the biggest pussy.
Tagging: @girl-grouplove @seuljin only if you want of course 💗
My questions:
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marmar-97 · 5 years
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First I want to say thank you @uglynicc-kitchensink for giving me permission to use this pic of your demon Troy drawing, love how you draw him, also got this idea of a fanfic after watching demon slayer and decided on a cross over. HONESTLY THE ANIME IS LITERALLY AMAZING, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!Sorry this took long Tumblr kept being ass and not letting me upload it. Sorry if it's too long for y'all to read I might have gotten a bit carried away hehe. 😅 but I have a Troy and Tyreen head canon coming sometime this week of their childhood.
To befriend a demon|Demon Troy x fem! Demon slayer
Warnings: blood, biting, smut maybe?
A/N: if you're sensitive to this type of stuff then you probably shouldn't read this 😅
"This is it, final selection. Today I'll become a true demon slayer." You thought to yourself as the ceremony began, although you were a bit nervous thinking you won't make it out alive. You enter and once you're a bit far into the mountains you pick up the scent of two demons as they charge towards you quick. "Pft this'll be easy." You draw your sword out using your technique instantly killing them. "Huh, that was way too easy, they weren't even thinking straight." You walk away putting your sword back and noticed some kid running for his life you saw what he was running from, a demon. He had bat like wings dripping with blood, jet black hair, tall figure, red tattoos in some pattern on his left arm and near his left eye and his jaw was split with blood dripping from it and a long tongue along with razor sharp teeth and he starts speaking. "Every year some dumb child sacrifices their life just to try and kill me? HA! I'm the damn king of this mountain and I'm not going anywhere." The boy falls and the demon grabs his leg with his right arm. "Guess it's snack time!" He says while dragging the poor boy towards him cackling laughter coming from him, screams of terror erupting from the boy's throat as he claws at the ground. "Save him...save him...SAVE HIM NOW!" The little voice in your head said as you jumped out from behind a tree trying to strike the demon but ended up missing as he moves out of the way. He let's go of the person he was about to devour putting his focus on you now. The boy ends up running off on his own now, probably gonna end up getting killed by other demons. "H-hey, don't go off on your own!" You tried calling out to him but he was far gone. "Dammit he got away thanks to you, no matter, I've got new prey now. Heh, more prey asking for a death wish huh? Well then, let's dance shall we? I'll give you a 10 second head start, after that, hide and seek is over, and I'm going to feast on you. Countdown starts... now." You got up and started running as fast as you could away from him. Seconds have passed by already. He was ready for his next treat. "Annnnnd... 1... TIMES UP!" You hear him shout as he extends his wings again and splits his jaw doing the same cackling laugh as before. You managed to jump and dodge tree roots and branches. Taking a glance behind you, you didn't see him in sight making your heart rave a bit. But that's when you knew you messed up as you tripped over a tree root tumbling onto your back hitting your head on a tree very hard. Your vision kept fading in and out as a pair of feet were approaching you. His feet. He had found you. He kneels down next to you. "Well so much for a demon slayer like yourself, heh I could devour you right now but that would be no fun now would it? I like taking my time sometimes when I'm not starving like these other demons out here." You tried moving but he pinned both your wrist to the ground. You tried breaking free from him but he was incredibly strong. You wanted to black out right there but knew you couldn't with a demon around, showing surrender. He saw the blood on your head and licks it. "Ohhh yeahhh that's the stuff, your blood tastes really good, my type of treat." Your body shiver from the feeling of his tongue licking your wound. "Let...me...go!" You knew struggling to break free was useless at the moment since he had a stronghold on you. "Mmm my blood is pumping from the adrenaline, this year's final selection is sure bigger than last year. More blood for me. You demon slayers sure love to come out here thinking you're the shit and could easily kill us demons. Just know that I've survived for so long and became the king. And also..." He shows you his left eye. You couldn't even do anything at the moment but stare at him in shock. He was one of the twelve Kizuki demons, a high ranked one at that. "R-rank 2? S-so who's rank 1?" He must be one of Muzan Kibutsuji's demons." You had a good look of his features up close and noticed how attractive he was, but he was still a demon who devours humans thirsty for blood.
He softly caressed your cheek with one of his sharp nails as his face was inches from yours now as he hovers over you. You closed your eyes thinking he was about to devour you. He still had blood on his face, torso and hands from someone he's devoured before the boy you had seen earlier. "It would really be a shame to actually kill you right here and now, even though I'm supposed to but I think I'm going to have more fun with you. Oh, heh how rude of me not introducing myself, name's Troy Calypso, or demon king, which I go by around here, and what may yours be sweetheart?" He uses his long tongue to clean his face of human blood now. "Ugh, their blood wasn't even good like yours to satisfy my taste." He licks his fingers and hands clean soon after leaving the blood alone on his torso. "Y/N, m-my name's Y/N." His grip on your wrist got a bit tight holding you down still. His lips brushed against yours as he breathed in your scent making you shudder. "Heh, nice name. You smell of, kindness, what a sweet smell." His voice was low and husky. You held your breath as he stared at you with those fiery eyes of his. He held your chin with an index finger and thumb making you look up at him dead in the eye as his lips pressed against yours. Your mind went blank from the move he just pulled. He was kissing you instead of devouring you? You suddenly snapped out of your thoughts and noticed you were kissing him back. Why were you, you weren't really sure yourself. You also weren't sure why he was even kissing you to begin with but you had no other choice. You instead close your eyes as he gets more into it forcing his tongue into your mouth while pushing your legs apart as he moves one of his legs between yours kissing you still. You suddenly let out a low moan from the feeling of his tongue exploring your mouth. He pulls back then sits you on his lap straddling him going for your mouth once more. This time you were whimpering while moaning. You wish you could scream for help but he was preventing you from doing so. After a short while you both pull back to catch your breath. "Guess you humans are worth living sometimes, if only humans and demons could get along somehow."
He goes to kiss your neck or maybe bite it even but gets interrupted when you both hear people shouting for more demons in the distance. You get off his lap as he stands up with his back against you. "How rude of them to interrupt me, well I've got more work to do, maybe when I'm done you and me can continue before you leave this place. Now I must hunt." You see him make multiple copies of himself. "Find them, and bring me their body and soul." They Kneeled in front of him. "As you wish master." And off they went in a flash. He opens up his jaw once more and his teeth get sharp again, along with extending his wings. "W-wait, I can't leave without bringing something back, I-I'll need a head or something to prove I killed a demon." He stops and turns around to look at you. "Fine, here you go." He pops his head off and regenerates a new one shortly after. "You're welcome, now you better go. Don't forget we have some unfinished business before you leave here." And off he flew. You kept the head in a basket as you continued on with your hunt for more demons finally reaching the end. Seems like you've made friends with a demon, or maybe more? You held a hand over your mouth remembering the way he had kissed you. This is a demon you won't forget. You then checked your watch noticing that final selection was over within 2 hours, that also meant the sun will rise up. You've had enough time to wait for other demon slayers to show up. You then saw him him standing there cleaning himself off from the blood that was on him, turning to look at you. "Well I'm full now. Thought you were gonna leave without finishing what we started? You didn't forget our deal now did ya?" You furrowed your eyebrows looking at him now. "I've never made a deal with you." He chuckles low as he walks close to you now. "Oh really? You were enjoying my tongue inside your mouth and didn't fight back so that means you want to continue. You were… aroused. Now, to have some fun, don't worry I don't bite unless you tell me to." You wanted to say something but in one swift move he had you over his shoulder flying off with you now. "What the- HEY WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?! I-I GOTTA GET BACK BEFORE SUNRISE! HEY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?! I'M NOT VERY FOND OF HEIGHTS EITHER!" He chuckles while having a smug look on his face that you couldn't see. "You'll see soon enough princess, I'm not gonna kill you if that's what you're thinking, like I said, I'm gonna have fun with you, just be patient." You huffed out in frustration as he finally landed near some cave walking in finally letting you down. You looked past him seeing an exit thinking of escaping but quickly knew it would backfire on since he would actually catch you very easily. "Thinking of escaping? Not possible." He picked up on you looking past him making you tense up. "U-uh n-no I'm just, trying to figure out where I am." You watched as he made his way towards you. "You're not lying to me are you?" He didn't seem a bit angry, in fact he had a neutral look on his face. "N-no of course not, but wh-what do you mean by fun?" You asked just to change the subject, playing his little game now. "Hmmm lemme show you." He picks you up wrapping your legs around his waist pressing his lips against yours in a hungry kiss. You could tell he was waiting to feel your lips on his again. This time you went along with it, not because you liked it, but because you knew you wouldn't be able to beat him in your current rank. Plus you wouldn't even be able to escape. You held onto his shoulders for support so you won't fall.
Suddenly he stops kissing you and changes the inside of the cave into a room. It seemed like it was fit for a king. You look around in amazement at how nice it looked and also from what he just did. "Like it huh? Fit for a king like me. Now to enjoy my time with you." He throws you on his bed not too hard making you bounce a little. It was very soft and comfortable. You watched him as he poked his index finger with his sharp nail on his thumb drawing blood from his finger. He then pressed it against your forehead. Suddenly you felt light headed and numb. "H-huh, what just happened?" You felt like sleeping from the feeling of being on his bed and from being numb. "I don't want you feeling pain from what I'm about to do, plus I want a taste of your blood once more. It's been on my mind ever since and I just needed more. Plus just the thought of tasting your blood while getting intimate with you is getting me all riled up." You didn't say anything as he ripped your dress with his sharp nails. His gaze was hungry when he saw your breasts and he immediately sucked and licked them. You would be lying to yourself saying you didn't like the feeling of his tongue on you. You were getting riled up yourself a bit. He then ripped your bra with his nails putting one of your nipples in his mouth sucking and licking it. You arched your back from the sensation letting out a low soft breath. He then did the same to the other one earning a low moan from you. "P-please, s-stop..." He was enjoying this moment. He bit down on one of your breasts hard drawing blood and drinking it. He hummed in approval sinking his teeth in deeper. He was breathing through his nose as he kept drinking your blood then finally pulling back licking the wound. "Fuck I needed that, but I want more." He goes to your other breasts doing the same thing. You felt his length pressed against your hip while he was enjoying his drink. He pulled back once more ripping your panties then going for your thighs now. He licked one of your inner thighs near your entrance making you squirm a bit. A low chuckle was heard from him as he did it again. And then he bit down on it drinking more of your blood, doing the same to your other thigh. "Mm looking good so far, but you could look better." He pulled you into his lap as his length was pressed against your entrance. He bites your upper arm getting another taste of your blood as you held onto his shoulders for support. You started to grind against him as the pleasure was building up inside you more. And without warning he entered inside of your wet folds. He leaned back propping himself up on his elbows watching you with half lidded eyes as you started to move slow, your blood on him getting him more excited. "yes this is just how I imagined it, you feel amazing." You picked up your pace while having your hands on his chest with your head thrown back as low soft moans escaped from your throat. He helped you by gripping your hip with his left hand pushing you down on his full length. Once you were you leaned in kissing him on the lips as he had a grip on your ass moving you back and forth on him. You moaned into the kiss as his tongue dominated your mouth once more. "Why am I even letting this happen? A-a demon? I should know better than that, but he's just so-" You were cut off when he bit into your upper arm. You hear him groan from both the pleasure and taste of your blood. He sinks his teeth deeper reaching bone and breaks them with one chomp. You didn't feel the pain but knew it would hurt so much if you did from the way your bones just cracked. He bends you over positioning himself behind you as blood dripped from his mouth and jaw. "Don't worry, once I'm done these wounds will be healed right up."
He lightly scratched the back of your neck with a nail drawing out some blood. He leans over you licking your upper back working his way to your neck. You felt him push himself back into you thrusting harshly but slow. You bit your lip trying to hold back your moans but failed when he hit that one spot. You weren't sure how you didn't even pass out yet from all the blood you've lost so far. His pace started getting fast and more harsh. He bit down on one of your shoulders while thrusting inside you still. You couldn't help but moan more getting close to the edge, a knot forming in your stomach. He bit down on your shoulder more breaking your shoulder blade. He finally pulls back from your shoulder admiring his work. He was panting slowing down his pace but his thrusts was still harsh. He kept it up until you finally spilled all over him, your orgasm finally hitting you. He chuckled as he pulled out of you releasing himself onto your back. "Heh you were such a good girl for participating in this sacrifice." You felt more numb than before from all the blood you've lost but managed to speak. "S-sacrafice? Wh-what do you mean?" And that's when you saw him, Muzan Kibutsuji appearing right before you. "Well done Troy, another successful sacrifice, you're close to being rank 1, do your master proud and kill the next victim you bring. This one lives another day." And he's gone in an instant. That's when another demon enters the room, and this one was female with a similar appearance to him but much shorter than him and had white hair to the side covering her right eye? "Were you holding back on this one Troy? What did master think?" She saw that you were still alive and sounded disappointed. "He said the sacrifice was successful but to kill my next victim." She goes over to you now hovering a hand inches from your body and heals your wounds and the same clothing you've had on before. "Well that's good I suppose Troy, alright my work here is-" She gets cut off as you start speaking to her now. "H-how do you know Muzan Kibutsuji?" They looked at both each other giving it the okay to tell you. "We both work for him, and I'm rank number 1." She moves her hair out of the way showing you her right eye with the mark, opposite from her brother's. "So are you two related? But how? I-I thought demons weren't supposed to be in a family." She turned on her heels facing the door now. "Let's just say, we stuck together before becoming demons and our bond never gets broken. Plus we're twins." And she started leaving. You looked at your watch seeing that you've had five minutes left before final selection was over. "Shit I've got five minutes left, I have to get back or they'll think I'm dead." He holds you against him flying with you to the bottom of the mountain where no one could see you both. He landed near a tree placing you on the ground. Before you ran off you felt him grab your arm. "So when will I get to see you again?" Seems like he took interest in you. "I'm not coming back, you know that right?" You actually didn't want to leave him but you had no choice. Seems like you became friends with a demon, though it was against demon corps. rules but you didn't know that yet. "I know but, maybe I could try to see you other than the mountain?" You looked at the entrance seeing everyone starting to leave now. "Sure, now I have to go. Also, I did have fun with you." You smiled at him and he smiled back as you ran to join the other demon slayers who made it out alive. "Guess demons and humans can get along in a way." He says to himself leaving before daybreak.
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