#the struggle is reeeaaaaal
baylardian-1 · 2 years
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Abandoned on an alien planet to be forgotten, the stars just out of reach.
Alice showed me this song and it's very Janeway Resolutions inspyyyyyyy. :3 WE WERE SAME WAVELENGTHING THE VIBES AND IDEAS, THESE ARE JUST MY THOUGHTS BUT I REALLY OWE HER SHOWING ME THE SONG FOR REEEAAAAAL SHE KNOWS MY TASTE TOO WELL Q______Q <333333333 I just had to poop out my thumbnail idea fast cuz I don't have a lot of time in the day to do digital stuff. I owe the plat wife so much AHOOOOHOOOOO;;;;;;;; I'm not sure if I'll ever touch this up, I genuinely hate coloring and (IN MY OPINION) I lack a lot of crucial skills pertaining to brushes and lighting and whatnot. :U
But anyway hahaha I love Janeway's internal struggle she deals with while stuck on New Earth. Like the idea emphasized here is that she won't have a legacy for Starfleet to remember her by and it's eating her up inside that she's irrevocably failed as a captain and will never be seen among the greats while she's trapped on a planet with no ship and no crew. In context to the song I was visualizing the gradual progression of her time on New Earth with Chakotay (and their kiddies heehee) starting with her contempt and longing to be back out in space fulfilling her mission to get home, and gradually finding peace with both herself and her circumstances.
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
hey! hope this works as a distraction but what got you into it and writing in the first place? and whos your favorite, who resonates most with you? im sorry and i get how youre feeling, and also sometimes typing sucks when youre stressed so uhh ,,
hi lovely <3 i first got into it back in 2017 when i heard that there was a movie coming out, but i wanted to read the book first, and i really enjoyed reading it! i watched ch1 when it came out and i also really liked it, but never really got into the fandom and tbh kinda forgot about it…. but when ch2 came out, i rewatched ch1 and then immediately watched ch2 after and idk what was different the second time around but i just completely fell in love with the losers club! i really wanted to join the fandom this time around, so i did, and well here we are :)
i first started writing a reeeaaaaal long time ago, i think i was in like grade 5 or 6… my friend and i used to write stories with each other all the time and as i got older it was just something that i really enjoyed doing. i started specifically writing fanfic when i was 13 i think, and that’s mostly all i’ve been writing ever since shsksjdns i started writing puppy love pretty much immediately after watching ch2, because i just really wanted to write some fluffy reddie and teenage losers :’) (tbh i was only planning for it be a reddie prom one shot, or maybe a few chapters, i wasn’t planning on it to become an actual long fic shshshsh)
i think my favourite loser is….. ahhh i can’t choose sjsndbsn! it’s been a while since i read the book so i can’t really remember their book characterizations, but i just love them all in the movies <3 (although 1990s eddie will always be dear to me….) as for who i resonate with…. i think probably richie or ben. with richie, when i was watching his struggle with his sexuality and self acceptance… oof i’ve been there. and with ben, i could really relate to him with his feelings of feeling out of place and alone (until he becomes friends with the losers ofc), i’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for him.
aaahhh sorry for such a long answer :> but thank you for the ask! it definitely kept me busy for a while and made me focus on responding instead of worrying about other things… <3 <3
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dunedan-estel · 3 years
I am so tired but I need to draw these chains around Aegis for my idea of 'chains to bonds' as strength to work ejejjrjr.
this is what happens when you struggle to get to sleep one day until 1am and wake up at 5am feeling like you literally jsut closed your eyes, then actually get good sleep for two hours...
the exhaustion after one day of recovering is reeeaaaaal.
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Dedue and Ashe have an ending together??? I’M IN LOVE??
First things first, spoilers uh for Blue Lions sort of??? Secondly, yes, there isn’t anything even remotely romantic in the verbiage of their ending- it’s mostly about Ashe opening an inn and restaurant that specializes in Duscuran cuisine and how he tries to bridge the gap between the Faerghusians and the Duscurans through his food and tolerant teachings, and Dedue frequents the place and they’re just super great friends and honestly that’s so fucking sweet???? That’s so sweet!!!!!! But like…. What if… They fell in love too? Like, they were close friends and emotionally supported each other through a lot of hard times and they just understand each other’s grief and and motivations so well, that it could be the basis of such a wonderful loving relationship!!! Giant gentle warrior man and his tiny pure House/Inn Husband??? YES PLEASE.
-Duscuran cuisine requires a lot of hand-ground ingredients, like spices, herbs, and such, also using this method to make a lot of their native tea blends; and Ashe- being a poor little white boy who has never used a mortar and pestle in his entire life- is trying his hardest to get it right, and when Dedue sees him struggling, what does he do? He comes up behind him, takes him gently by the wrists, standing reeeaaaaal close, leaning over him… And teaches Ashe to properly grind spices. :) Dedue speaks quietly, gently, guiding Ashe through the motions, and Ashe is like “O, I c,” but is like blushing ear to ear.
-Duscurans ate lots of fish, so most of what Ashe knows to cook (and is most comfortable with) are fish dishes, but Dedue is slowly teaching him recipes with other proteins, like poultry and legumes. Dedue also brings Ashe fresh fish he catches himself sometimes, and those times, Ashe works his hardest to cook his best!! He’s so grateful!!
-Ashe sometimes gets really emotional and anxious while cooking… When that happens Dedue will give him ample hugs, and then sit him down with cookies and tea, and then he’ll go do all the dishes for Ashe while he calms down. Ashe doesn’t like it when Dedue does chores for him, because he’s an honored guest when he’s here!!! But Dedue just chuckles and continues doing whatever it is, and there’s nothing Ashe can do about it.
-Dedue has a room permanently reserved for him at the Inn. It is one of the nicest, prettiest ones in the whole place, with a huge bed and windows, and faces the small garden out back~ plus, he can see the little converted greenhouse that Ashe lives in at the back of the Inn property from there!
-That said, Dedue really doesn’t have that much free time, what with all his work as Dimitri’s vassal and all, so it really is special when he has the time to come visit Ashe at the inn- and it’s an extra special occasion when he’s actually able to spend the night.
-Also, what little garden, you say? Well, a little garden Ashe keeps and grows fresh veggies and herbs in the back of the Inn’s property of course! He’s so super duper proud of it, Dedue coached him through all the basics of gardening, and now it’s Ashe’s pride and joy. He’s recently began growing flowers this year, and he puts fresh flowers in all the bed and dining rooms in the inn- even in Dedue’s room, whether or not the man is staying in it, because he never really knows when Dedue will drop in and he just wants to be ready!!!
-Ashe has begun writing his own recipes, and compiling his own cookbook from them! He’s been working on some Duscuran fusion recipes lately, which he’s been trying out at the Inn restaurant, to much success. Dedue is always a willing test taster, and offers suggestions and praise as he sees fit.
-Dedue just… Adores Ashe’s wholehearted, genuine nature. Ashe is always so kind to him, is so excited to see him; how he tries so hard, how deep and completely he loves things. As a creature of absolute emotions himself, he enjoys these emotions being given back to him in such depth… Willing, wholly, without asking for anything in return or taking anything away.
-Ashe feeds all the stray cats that come around the inn, and eventually adopts a big fluffy old blind one as the inn’s official mascot, and names it Christophe. Though grumpy, the cat loves everyone, including Dedue, who is absolutely beside himself every time he gets to pet him!! Since Christophe can’t see, he’s not afraid of Dedue!!
-Though Ashe does like to talk, they can also sit in very companionable silence, sipping tea and working on their perspective things~ recipes or Inn work for Ashe, and paperwork or perhaps a sewing project for Dedue. They take turns being the one to make the tea/snacks!
-Through some unorthodox methods, namely a lot of wheedling and puppy eyes, Ashe finds out Dedue’s favorite foods and sets about learning to cook them. It takes a lot of work, a lot of late nights and expensive shopping trips, but seeing the tears brought to Dedue’s eyes eating a bowl of one of his favorite childhood meals… So worth it.
-Ashe is very aware of the imbalance of power in their relationship, and tries his hardest to do nice, helpful things for Dedue whenever he can… He wants him to see him as a man, not just a little brother, or a student.
-Their pining goes on for a stupid amount of time…. A truly stupid amount of time. Ashe gets caught up in his crush, which motivates him to work harder and try new things, but he would he hard pressed to make the first move, the poor little anxiety bean. He wants to be worthy of Dedue… But like, gets so caught up working towards that that he doesn’t exactly take his own feelings into account… Just gets so caught up in getting there. For Dedue, there is a little sadness on his side, namely in his pining for Dimitri… He wishes him happiness with his new life (take your pick of Dimitri ships) and is more than satisfied to serve at his side for the rest of his days, but…. Well, he doesn’t like to think about that ‘but’. His feelings for Ashe are tender, but initially quite familial, though they begin to change after the war, seeing the upstanding young man Ashe has become. He sees the little crush Ashe has on him fairly early on and finds himself… Very flattered by it, and while a little startled by the depth of his own feelings, Dedue accepts them wholeheartedly.
-Hand holding. Lots of hand holding and knuckles brushing and finger stroking… All before they’ve actually gotten together, even!! Also, warm hugs and Dedue resting his chin on top of Ashe’s head! They are the type to hug hello and hug good-bye every time! Ashe has to get up on his tiptoes, and he just BURIES himself in Dedue’s scarf like he never wants to leave… Or wants Dedue to leave. :(
-When Ashe gets sick one time after having to go outside in a storm to cover up his garden, Dedue rushes to his side as soon as he hears about it!! Though he doesn’t end up being able to stay for more than a day, he makes him tea and soup and does his laundry and runs the inn for Ashe that day. Initially, people are a bit surprised, perturbed even, to see a giant Duscuran man behind the front desk and cooking in the kitchen, but things go over surprisingly well!! Everyone raves about his cooking, and at the end of the day, everything works out for the better! Though he cannot stay, and Ashe is still sick, Dedue prepares him a traditional Duscuran root stew and leaves it in the icebox for him to warm up when he’s feeling better, and holds Ashe’s hand and kisses him goodbye on the forehead. Ashe thinks this might have all been but a fever dream but then he finds the pot of stew, and the note attached….
-Ashe’s bed is too small for the both of them, initially.  As is his table…. most of his little house tbh is too smol for the both of them. But! He works really, really hard and saves up money to buy a HUGE new bed, big enough for both of them to cuddle and wrestle and roll around in! Though they take most of their meals together in the inn’s kitchen or dining room, they do like to have a space they can relax together, so they spent a lot of time flopped on Ashe’s brand new bed and have like five million pillows for cuddling dkjngdjgndj. Christophe the cat joins them in the cuddle pile and it’s just… pure bliss. The only thing about the new bed is that it doesn’t have a headboard anymore. It got broken because… uh, reasons.
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rycbar-horcrux · 6 years
lexi likes to think she’s being reeeaaaaal subtle about becky but 😏 granted i don’t blame her but this is the second time this week she’s sought out miss straight fire. perhaps someone has a soft spot for the man?
Mayhaps indeed, let’s review. First she goes out of her way to talk to her. Trying to give some… helpful advice, only to end up frustrated as she was rebuffed. She was all ‘fine, do what you want, see if I care!’. Then that video from elimination chamber. I’m still not over it, it was so random and flimsy. ‘Speaking of fire’, she totally set herself up for that one there. Totally going out of her way to bring up Becky, she just can’t resist that ‘I told you so’. Plus, ‘It’s a shame really…’? 
I’m not saying that struggling to reform Lexi doesn’t know how to interact and convey her feelings, but…
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pulchpop · 6 years
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Commission for the lovely @toxicpais ! ( ˘ ᵕ ˘  )˚♡ 
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