#the stark were to busy killing/raping the free folk to care about the white walkers but you guys are not ready to talk about it🤷‍♀️
starryrosebud · 2 years
Something that never stops “amusing” me is how some North stans/Stark stans(look I like some starks,Jon/bran/Arya/cregan) love blaming only the Targaryen, an Essosi family,that only move to Westeros for 400-300 years, for not actually paying attention to the “northen threat”…. Like what about the starks?! The white walkers and northern tales are from their culture! Did they forget it ?? Or everyone is going to forget that just after the long night the stark were to busy warring to actually care about the nights watch?!
For real I just want the Westerosi to be extinct at this point… less house Velaryon,Celtigar,Longwaters and plumm, the rest can perish.
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