#the squire scribbles
lonesome-squire · 6 months
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My unhealthy obsession with the witcher meets my mediocre obsession with wc
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orbiorbster · 1 year
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back on Broadway yet again
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fishoutoflovebeach · 2 months
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behold... eepy fish [wip]
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hellpupp · 2 years
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playing a game at work, where i pick a three-color paint chip and try to write a decent haiku that uses the names of the paint colors.
this one's inspired by Sir Damien, the Pious 🌊
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apomaro-mellow · 28 days
King and Prince 29
Part 28
“Summer will be upon us soon”, Nancy said while scribbling away on some parchment.
“Mhm, that means a new crop of squires, ready to start their trials”, Eddie was lounging on a chaise, playing with a mess of thread in his hands.
“You know I can’t give Lucas any special treatment. Not because he’s my brother’s friend, nor your paramour’s protege.”
Eddie turned over onto his stomach to look at Nancy sitting at her desk, his eyes sparkling. It wasn’t quite the reaction she had been expecting. He had heard her, right? That she wouldn’t be giving anyone preferential treatment? She never did.
“You think Steve and I could be paramours?”
“....I swear you only hear half the words I say.”
“I heard you loud and clear. I just don’t think Lucas will need a leg up or anything like that. But your thoughts on me and the little prince would be news to me.”
Nancy let out a breath. “I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with you pursuing him.”
“The ‘but’ is so loud you might want to get your intestines checked.”
“But, you should know you’re playing with fire. Even if he’s been unofficially disowned, he’s still a prince. One whose family has wished for our destruction. If this goes to your favor and you are wed, have you thought about what your subjects might say?”
Eddie stopped fiddling with the thread. “I have. And I’ve decided that while I am open to hearing concerns, I’m not giving up on him. Anyone with a problem with that can take it up with me personally.”
“Hm. I thought as much. Just don’t, you know, burn the whole kingdom just for him.”
“Do you really think I’m that far gone?”, Eddie asked.
Nancy thought about how she’d seen Eddie around the training grounds more and more and how that had everything to do with Steve taking Lucas under his wing. And because of that, she deigned not to answer.
“You really think I’ll pass?”, Lucas asked, panting as he put his wooden sword away.
Steve was wiping the sweat off of himself with a cloth. “I think you’re one of the most passionate kids I’ve ever met. You’re on your way to mastering swordplay and archery. You’re going to ace this.”
“So like, are you planning on actually marrying Eddie?”, Lucas asked.
He wasn’t the only one curious. Everyone in the castle was abuzz with this new development and of course, the news began to move from within the walls to outside of it. The gossip traveled and everyone had their own spin on it. The king was courting a young man was what everyone got right. But as to the identity of that man, people couldn’t quite agree.
He was a prince, no a duke, no an earl, no he wasn’t from the aristocracy at all. He was in his thirties, no his twenties, no he was only fifteen because he was around the children of the castle often, no he was, but as a mentor so he had to be at least a few years older. He was very handsome, no he just looked okay, well their immortal king had written so much about his appearance so he must be ethereal. The king had written a few, no many, no an entire tome’s worth of letters courting him.
“Either way, can you imagine it? A royal wedding?”
Jason could hear some woman prattle on with his mother while he wrapped up a few chops in the back.
“I can’t even imagine what that would look like”, his mother replied. “King Edward has never done anything like this.”
“He must truly be in love. And if the rumors are true, he’s a real bonafide prince.”
Jason slammed the meat down onto the counter, jolting them both. “Has anyone figured out which kingdom?”
“Oh, this is all just gossip, Jason”, Mrs. Carver said. “If His Majesty is truly courting with foreign royalty, it would be for the good of our kingdom.”
“Well how do we know it isn’t completely selfish? How do we know he didn’t just snatch someone up?”
“He wouldn’t do that.”
“Or how about this? If they are a prince? How do we know his intentions are pure?”
“Oh you’re being paranoid”, his mother said placatingly. She muttered something to the lady about him recently breaking things off with a lover and the woman nodded sagely before grabbing her order and leaving.
But it wasn’t as simple as all that to Jason. He alone, knew the truth of what was happening and yet he had to hear misinformation everywhere he went. In his own family shop, on the streets, even in the tavern. The very place he had met Steve one night and while he was trying to drink himself to numbness, he had to listen to a group of guys sitting at a table, trading rumors about Steve’s true identity.
“He’s not what you think he is”, Jason finally spoke up, pushing his drink away.
“What’s the butcher’s boy going on about?”
“The man our king is trying to tie himself to”, Jason clarified as he stood up from the bar and walked over to their table. “He’s a lying snake.”
“And what do you know about him?”
“I know him too well. Met him right here, even talked to him at this very table. He looked sweet. Until he wasn’t.”
The men scoffed and that riled up Jason enough to raise his voice, garnering the attention of the other patrons. Even the musician in the corner stopped playing. Emboldened, Jason continued.
“His name is Steve. And he would come into town. He would, he would spread his legs and break hearts and damn those he left behind.”
“Ahh, he’s just a spurned lover”, someone commented.
“That’s how it was at first!”, Jason quickly regained control of the conversation. “I thought I was just another person on his trail, to be left behind when he moved to the next town because that’s what he led me to believe. That he was just a traveler. But then he gave me this letter. This letter told me everything and now I know the truth.”
When no one interrupted him, he kept going, telling them of the kingdom that Steve had come from. That he was a Harrington, someone who had actively pushed against their borders and that wasn’t enough for them. People began to leave, not wanting to hear the drunken ravings of a man who had been dumped.
But the seed had already been planted. And the longer this courtship went on without an official decree, the more doubt began to spread among the people. The story turned from their wise king finally giving his heart to someone, to an invasion in the form of a seduction.
“Why else would he be going after our king, huh?”, Jason posed the question to a crowd that gathered outside the butcher shop. “He was literally walking these streets, stringing people along, he could’ve had anyone. But he goes for the most powerful man in the country. Nothing he ever did made sense to me but when I got this-” He brandished the letter, crumpled but still legible.
“This made everything so much more clear. Within those walls”, he pointed to the castle, “Is an imminent danger. Today it’s just him, tomorrow it could be his whole army at our doorstep.”
Eddie was pretty good at keeping his ear to the ground. So he could tell almost immediately when the rumor mill began to turn against him and Steve. He hadn’t wanted to make an official announcement and thus thrust Steve back into the royal spotlight too soon. But what was happening was getting too much to ignore.
He knew of it, even before his council brought it to his attention. He was pacing about in a sitting room, Robin, Nancy, and Jeff there as he figured out how to bring it up to Steve, and how to move forward. Of course, as if summoned, Steve pushed the doors open and stomped in.
“Have you heard what they’re saying about you?!”
“I have”, Eddie said. “As well as what they’re saying about you.”
“It can’t stand. He can’t talk about his king that way. That isn’t why I gave him that letter!”
Eddie came over to Steve, clutching his hands. “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look with the fire of righteousness blazing in your eyes?”
Steve would have been embarrassed to say how fast he melted if it wasn’t for the fact that it came with how warm Eddie’s gaze was on him. It almost made him forget why he had come in here in the first place. 
“As I was s-saying, you can’t let this stand. You can’t keep letting him spread these lies about you.”
“What lies? You came from another country with the sole intent to seduce your way to my throne”, Eddie teased, bringing Steve’s knuckles up to his lips.
“Is that how it happened? Because I remember carting a package and dumping it in the dungeon”, Nancy piped up.
“I remember you handing him off to me with little regard”, Robin added.
Jeff started, “And I seem to recall-”
“Now those are lies and slander that I will not allow”, Eddie said. “I have always treasured you above all, my sweet.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Don’t try and change our story, I was there for it. I will say, I think I’m getting to my favorite part…”
“Hey your faces need to be six inches apart at all times”, Jeff reminded.
“We are such good chaperones”, Robin shook her head.
“Eddie, let me do this for you”, Steve said, taking a step back from him.
Eddie’s brow raised. “Do what?”
“Fight for your honor.”
Part 30
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love-toxin · 2 years
Fruity four and princess reader au. Where you’re supposed to be this sweet good pure thing, and the four are literally defiling that image every night as you let them through the window at the same time
ok so.....i am having ideas <33
dirty princess
(cws: high fantasy/royalty au, slightly bratty princess!angelface, fantasy au fruity four, forbidden love trope, sneaking around/secret relationships, lots of chastity talk, f/f oral, unprotected sex, anal, tribbing, masturbation, spit, a bit of dom/sub dynamics, the sexy thrill of (potentially) getting caught.)
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You're so pretty and sweet, it's a wonder if people don't fall in love with you when they first meet you. With your parents often tending to whatever royal duties that keep them busy, you're left to wander and do as you please for the most part once your lessons are finished for the day. As long as you have a guide, you're allowed to roam the city streets around the castle as well, so you make friends quite easily and that's how you end up meeting the four of them--the people you would never expect to become the loves of your life!
Nancy's a writer and a storyteller, who teaches the children in the poorer villages round the outskirts of the kingdom how to read and write. She's a bit tight-lipped but sweet, gentle and charismatic once she opens up a little more. She holds you in such high regard, a single meeting by chance has her breath caught in her throat and a haze over her whole world--from then on, she finds herself staying awake late at night to scribble furiously in her diary, penning uncountable snippets and stories and observed details of you that she can't allow herself to forget.
Steve is a bit more of a familiar face, as he's a fresh-faced knight on the king's royal guard. Moved quickly on from a squire thanks to his family's wealth, he's still quite new and inexperienced as far as combat goes, but he's confident all the same. He's so surprisingly gentle, he's got a warm voice and such pretty brown eyes, he's mesmerizing. You mention once as you pass by that he's too pretty for battle, that you wouldn't doubt him if he were to don a duke's attire--and he laughs, and when you laugh right along with him, he knows it's love.
Robin is a new love, a new body in the sea of people that crowd the streets when you come walking by. She's a trobairitz, often on the road as she ventures from kingdom to kingdom, carrying along her instrument and her thick leaflets of music bound together with a rough cord. She's poetic and bright and speaks at length when she's left in silence, and she's beautiful, her profession keeping her preferences subtle even when she's singing her sweet love songs to a woman as fair as the princess. With one song performed in your court, and two pairs of eyes meeting from across the patterned floor, you're hooked, and so is she.
Eddie comes from much more humble origins. Lives above a tavern he shares half of with his uncle, often spends his nights wrestling drunks off of their stools to send them stumbling off towards home, and playing a bit of music when the air is quiet and he has a moment to step away from the counter. You had met him by pure accident, the tavern far from the safety of the castle's reach when you had gotten lost one night, your guide having darted away for a moment and left you by your lonesome without even realizing. He had chuckled at the sight of you wandering in, cloak pulled tight but your naïve eyes betraying all your innocence as you sidle between drunks and cheering patrons as they sing and dance on the tables in a stupor. But when you'd whimpered out your need for his help, he had dropped everything to do so, leaving the bar in his uncle's capable hands as he brought you back to the castle gates--and nearly had his head lopped off when they thought he had been the one to kidnap you.
It had been shocking to learn that they all had connections to each other, even moreso to find that they considered themselves friends--but not nearly as much to discover that the love you felt for them, that you thought was selfish and a complete fantasy, was actually requited. That and more. Much more.
Because what most, if not everyone doesn't know, is that you are not the pure-minded princess that your people so adore. While your heart is soft and kind, your desires are something that command you into acts that certainly don't befit the daughter of a king and queen. You can be greedy, selfish, even depraved if given the chance, and by god do your lovers ever give you the chance to act on those urges.
Robin and Steve are easy. They can slip into the castle on the smallest excuse, Steve is usually stationed on the grounds anyways, and all Robin must do is let you pull on your parent's and advisor's arms to let your favourite entertainer back into the ballroom for a show. All she's expected to do is perform, which is what she's best at--and when the other members of the court have their wine in hand and have dismissed the young princess to go entertain herself for the afternoon, you're pulling Robin into your chambers for a private showing with nobody available to come interrupt you. She's always so tender, her lovemaking slow and scattered when she can't decide where to focus, what parts of you she likes best and that need the most attention. She just loves every bit, she has to strip your layers off and take her time in showing you the kind of love you never thought possible....including when she pulls your legs apart and straddles you between them, her bare chest a sight to behold as the trobairitz sings your praises and rides your sweet clit until you're gasping for breath. She just can't get enough, can't stop herself from bending your knee back and humping her cunt into yours, so wet her skin shines and glistens with arousal as she urges you to cum every time she does. Even if she has to get down and finish you off with her tongue and her fingers, she will make it so--most times she's intentional with it, using her own sensitivity to justify spending hours with her face between your legs to make up for all those lost orgasms.
On Steve's end, it's only a bit harder, and he has to work his way up to getting his time with you. To prove himself wouldn't be enough without your parent's approval, they must see him excel in order to approve him as one of your close guardians. That last one that cluelessly abandoned you in the streets has left a space open that needs to be filled, however, and with a well-worded letter from his family to the head of the royal guard, Steve has a chance to show his responsibility and loyalty in keeping the precious princess safe. They're all so happy to see him thrive, aside from those who were gunning for that same position--but they don't know that the man keeping a close eye on the princess's safety is also the one decimating her celibacy on every night shift he has. Twice a week he's tasked with spending an overnight stay outside your room, and twice a week he's lured inside by your moans once everyone's gone to bed, and is met by the sight of the beautiful princess with her fingers playing between her legs as she hums his name. At first it stays that way, with you touching and him watching. But soon enough he can't bear it, can't bear your teasing as you beg to know what he would do if he were allowed to break your chastity--and he answers you with his fingers soaked in spit, avoiding your forbidden fruit in favour of working open that loophole he knows you have. Bedding a virgin princess as her sworn protector would be the fastest trip to the gallows imaginable--but is it really breaking your vow of chastity in a hole that can't be impregnated? Surely not, neither of you think.
Nancy's infiltration is harder, but still possible. You've got a teacher already, the best the kingdom can offer for your education, but you soon wonder if you can convince them of the need for a more creative outlet? Nancy's a poet and a prodigy, surely you could stomp your feet a bit and beg for the most popular storyteller in the city to come and teach you a bit about her craft? You feel it might work and it does with time, eventually you're ending your usual lessons with your professor packing up and leaving, while Nancy shuffles in and sets her materials down on the table in front of you. She has books and essays and journals to show you, diaries of such prolific people and stories with such rich and diverse history--and while she reads them to you with the text open in one hand, her other one fists itself in your hair as you wiggle your sweet tongue inside her cunt. She's surprisingly disciplined about her chosen area of study, enforcing homework and extra reading and even tests if she feels the need, which also means punishments and rewards for jobs done well and ill. A punishment could be a spanking, or a bit of spit in your open mouth, and a reward is usually one of your choosing--and the one you usually choose is to lick her pussy from top to bottom and inside out, while your headmistress teaches the rest of her lesson from whatever book you have lined up. You always give her a good cleaning for your own job well done, anticipating the same when she finishes early and has a bit of time to return the favour. But it's mostly a habit because of the thrill of getting caught, when you know the advisor coming to escort Nancy after the lesson will be approaching the door to the schoolroom--and what better high than to feel her viciously eating you out with her fingers plunged inside you, tongue sloshing through your wet folds before she sucks down on your clit in a desperate attempt to make you cum, while those footsteps get closer and closer down the hall outside?
Eddie is the only one who doesn't need to slither his way into your lodgings, because you come to him. It's such a dangerous route, the most likely way for you to get caught when you're sneaking out of the castle alone, but you don't care. When you get to the tavern in the middle of the night and slip in through the back door, Eddie's always got a drink and a room for you upstairs where you can be alone, with no eyes following your linked pinkies as you follow him up the steps. Eddie's different, he's filthy--he's crude and rough and crass, he spits and cusses and smiles at you with the knowledge that he's corrupting you with his presence alone. You sip that foul mead that has your head feeling dizzy and warm, and he's already fondling you before his bedroom door is closed. The chatter is loud and boisterous but muffled under the floorboards when you're laid out on his bed, and unlike Steve in particular, Eddie doesn't care about preserving your mock virginity. He fucks you, deep and raw like he's making his one time with a princess count, and he always leaves marks he knows you have to hide--including the cum he leaves spilling out of you when he's done. He's sweaty and unwashed and stinks of ale and smoke, he's grimy and slimy and licks your clean skin from your throat to your pussy, marring your tits with his teeth and wetting his lips with your slick when you grab those curls and hold on for dear life against his tongue. Hes disgusting and depraved, he's fucked plenty before and he'll fuck many more times if you ever stop seeing him, but he's yours. You have his heart, he says, and if you deign to break it he'll have to resign to suffering through the rest of life, knowing he lost the one he truly loved. Such romantic words for a lowborn cur without a drop of noble blood inside him.
It's an awful way to live, a pathetic excuse of behavior for such a high-bred woman of the royal family--that's what the court would say, and all the nobles that cycle through the castle doors to greet you, all while smiling those vile thoughts away as they dream of their sons or daughters being in your place. You may be spoiled and beautiful and rich, but you're in love, and the ones that share your love return it tenfold back to you at every chance. They're the very few you share your life with that aren't vying for your attention because of the material things you can give them, rather they want your time so they can spend it talking to you and listening to your woes, uncaring as to how huge your inheritance will be or how powerful they could get if they married into royalty. They're just lovers, through and through, and you'll do anything to make sure that those tender hearts of theirs never have to become fighters for your sake.
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holmesillustrations · 10 months
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Vote for your favourite, the top 9 will proceed in the bracket. Since theyre all different shapes and sizes, make sure to click into the full views!
Paget Eliminations
Other Artist Eliminations
Full captions and details for each illustration below the cut:
All Sidney Paget illustrations are for the Strand Jul 1891 - Dec 1904
"Then he stood before the fire." Scandal in Bohemia Characters: Watson, Holmes
“Lestrade shrugged his shoulders.” Boscombe Valley Characters: Lestrade, Alice Turner, Watson, Holmes
“She went straight to her uncle.” Beryl Coronet Characters: Mr Holder, Mary Holder, Watson
"He burst into convulsive sobbing." Blue Carbuncle Characters: Ryder, Holmes, Watson
"I got one in with my stick." Cardboard Box Characters: Alec Fairbairn, Jim Browner, Mary Browner
"Good heavens! What is the matter?" Reigate Squires Characters: Cunninghams, Watson, Col Hayter, Insp Forrester, Holmes
"Fast asleep in his box." Naval Treaty Characters: Percy Phelps, Commissionaire Tangey
"He scribbled the appointment on his shirt cuff." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Dr Mortimer, Holmes, Watson
"Really, sir, this is a very extraordinary question." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Watson, Laura Lyons
"My first movement, Watson," said he, "must be in the direction of Blackheath." Norwood Builder Characters: Holmes, Watson
"Holmes examined it in his minute way." Black Peter Characters: Hopkins, Holmes, Watson
"Holmes picked up the key and looked at it for an instant." Golden Pince-Nez Characters: Watson, Hopkins, Holmes, Prof. Coram
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dearabby1990 · 3 months
Chapter 35: Best friends day out
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You’re finally done drying your hair & add a little makeup just to brighten up your face a bit & spray some of your favorite perfume. Heading downstairs towards the living room you noticed how oddly quiet it is for a house full of guys only to be met with gareth relaxing on the sofa watching Miami vice he notices you & sits up “hey goober the others went out shopping for god knows what you know how Eddie gets when he wants something so I figured I’d stay behind maybe we could have a best buds day beings it’s been awhile since we hung out just us two figured we could grab a bite & hit the record store or something” you smile and plop on the sofa next to him “sounds good fluff & stuff” you giggle & toss him your car keys & you barely let anyone drive your baby it’s a 1961 Chevy bel air not as spiffy as the one you all had for prom but still you cherish it beings it was your moms car putting lots of love & care into it replacing parts with Eddie’s help & she just got a new paint job as a gift from your love he knows how much you love light purple so he went ahead & had jimmy paint it all for you. “Really?! I can drive Paula?! Sweet!!” You laugh and you both take off to the car “man this is so fuckin cool jame!” He starts up the engine & the radio pops on you dig through your cassettes & pull out Billy Squire & show it to him “oh fuck yeah pop it in!” “Alright this is gonna be the best day ever!” My kinda lover comes on & you & gareth are singing & using your bottle of cola as a microphone laughing having a ball “oh I have an idea gare bear watch this” you flip the switch to drop the top and his eyes bulge from his head “no fuckin way this is so bad ass!” You both have the wind in your hair & not a care in the world your glad you got to spend time with gareth you both haven’t had fun like this since middle school. He pulls into the parking lot & you notice he took you to your old fave spot his parents would take you guys here before the end of the camping trips before your parents would pick you up. An old 50’s style malt shop with the best milkshakes & burgers Indiana had to offer waitresses on roller skates 🛼 glide up to your car with a note pad & pen “welcome to Marybeth’s malt shop my name is Dolores I’ll be your server what can I get for y’all this fine afternoon?” She says with a megawatt smile teal dress white apron pink skates blonde hair in a high ponytail chewing gum gareth knows me well enough to where he knows what I always get so he orders for us both “yes can we get 2 bacon cheeseburgers an order of cheese fries & 2 black cows” (old school drink gross but very popular it’s cola & ice cream like a root beer float) “sure hun anything else for you & your lovely lady?” “Oh we’re just best friends but that’s all thanks” she winks at gareth “I’ll be right out with your drinks” she skates off. You start laughing hysterically “WHAT?!” He’s confused as to why you think something is so funny “she was totally checking you out man as soon as you said we’re friends her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree” you start laughing again “bullshit she’s just being nice it’s her job!” You try to calm you laughing for a minute “okay we’ll see about that” he turns to you “what does that mean?” “Ohh you’ll see” she comes skating back with your drinks “here you both go here’s some straws is there anything else I can get you both?” You look at gareth and smirk “actually Dolores my friend here has an extra ticket to guns & roses & needs a date & you’re so beautiful maybe you two can go together hed need your number though” his face is red he looks like he wants to kill you “really?! Yes I’d love that!” She scribbles down her number and hands it to gareth and skates back off into the restaurant “how the fuck & I don’t have an extra ticket to shit Jamie what the hell?!” You pull out an envelope & pass it to him “this was supposed to be a part of your graduation gift but I can see you need it now more then later” he rips it open to pull out two front row center seats to guns & roses & flies across the gears to engulf you into a hug.
You both eat your lunch talking of ideas of what to look for in the record store. “I still can’t believe this shit what a day & it’s only the damn afternoon not only did I get a date but I have tickets to the hottest concert in Hawkins this month thanks to you jame thanks for hanging with me today” he nudges into your shoulder you chuckle “no problem fluff & stuff but let’s hurry I have to get something for Eddie at the record store as part of his graduation gift OH! Before I forget I wanna throw a graduation party for Eddie & hellfire but I want to surprise him you think you guys could help me out?” “You don’t have to tell me twice I’m here for whatever ya need”. Pulling into a parking spot you both bolt into the record store grabbing the new Iron Maiden album for Eddie knowing he’s been wanting it for quite some time. Gareth finding all he was looking for “so what else did you get him for graduation?” You smirk at him “well… I was gonna keep this a complete secret but since I know you’re good at not spilling the beans I’ll tell you since it involves us all.. so I have an account from when mom passed I haven’t touched a red cent at all I have it for future decisions but I wanted to splurge a little so I went ahead & got us all tickets to fly out to Detroit for a few days not only to go on a trip but two concerts I got us all tickets to see Kiss & 6 days after that we go see… METALLICA!!” His eyes bug out of his head “I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!” He’s swinging you around the store almost taking out a whole display you’re cracking up. “I love ya too gare bear but remember secret!” He nods like a mad man “my lips are sealed promise.. oh man this is gonna be so fucking cool!!” You both head to check out it’s almost dinner time you’ll have to head back to start cooking sundown isn’t too far away. Hopping in the car you & gareth had a ball & have to try and make time for all your friends from now on.
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themotherofblood · 2 years
Did I Take It Too Far
Tywin Lannister x Reader
Tears of Gold - 27
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The sun had found it’s way to the Red Keep this morning, allowing for some warmth in the chilled cold morning winds. You’d sat out in your gardens alone this morning since your sons had decided to sleep for longer. Your plants luckily hadn’t withered yet, many at court believed it was your good heart and some whispered rumours of greenseers and black magic.
You’d basked in the warmth of the sun as your uncle sat across from you, scribbling away at the many parchments of poetry he wrote for his daughters. He’d even written in for you, a slightly macabre one, it spoke of blood and lost time yet symbolically beautiful.
“Your husband has named me judge, for Tyrion Lannister’s trial.” Oberyn wiped the ink from his hands.
“So I’ve been told. I suppose you have earned your vengeance. Even though it is the wrong Lannister.” You shrugged, still packing soil in the clay pots.
“Would you rather I kill your husband?”
“Uncle…” You shook your head at his antics.
“Just giving you the option darling.” He smirked at his jokes.
The trial often scared you, you knew it in your heart and soul that Tyrion had not killed Joffrey, for one thing; he had nothing to gain from it, other than petty vengeance which brought you too the other fact; Tyrion was far too cunning to leave suspects if he truly murdered his nephew. Your husband however wanted to see none of said facts, he was biased and the seven hells know he wanted Tyrion dead.
“My lady, my lord, there has been summons for a council meeting.” Podrick bowed infrint if you and Oberyn.
At the behest of Tyrion, you had taken Podrick as a squire for Fredrick, he might finally teach the boy how to fight. However his loyalty made you want to command Fredrick in knighting him.
You walked with Oberyn to the council meeting, he helped you up the stairs of the tower, needing to take short breaks in between. Your husband much aware of your condition appeared to have no ill regard towards your tardy appearance. You sat onto your chair, letting if a sigh of relief as you rubbed your growing belly, Cersei as usually held a disapproving glare towards the members of the council.
“There is an urgent matter to be discussed, my lord.” Lord Varys spoke first. “The Targaryen girl in the East seems to have survived, she is also rumoured to be travelling with three baby dragons, and her last whereabouts are reported to be Qarth.”
“Then we hire better assains for the job, I'm sure the master of coun can facilitate for such an amount.” Cersei looked at you with a sneer on her face.
“Last I was told, she was a child? I don't she has grown in the past summer. What are the five and ten? A child!” You shook your head in disapproval.
“She has two advisors at her side and a small horde of Dothraki,” Varys informs the council,
“And Dragons.” Cersei added
“Baby Dragons,” You corrected her “It would be years before they’d be large enough for her to ride.” You claimed, highly irked by being asked to facilitate the murder of a child.
“What of Mormont? Was he not spying upon the girl for the crown.” Tywin questioned
“He seems to be loyal to her cause, my lord.” Varys informed your husband.
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The subject of the murder of Daenerys Targaryen was dropped for your sake, you were sure they would try to sway you once more to hire assassins; from your knowledge the girl held her household in Qarth with no intentions of conquering Westeros.
Your husband’s head however, she would be just another name in the hordes of people that wanted Lord Tywin Lannister dead.
You had proclaimed for another lunch, much to discuss about Tommen’s ascension as the Tyrell’s fell into yours and Tywin’s scheme of increasing their support and dowry. Margerey would be set to wed the boy after an appropriate mourning for her unconsummated marriage.
In attendance were you and your husband sat at the heads of the tables, Cersei along with Tommen and your uncle Oberyn with Ellaria. An effort to dwindle the turmoil between the families. A smaller yet awkward conversation ensued with hard tried responses, you hoped no one would begin talks of politicking; the best way to begin yet another argument within the Martell’s and Lannister’s
“She was to sail to Essos, before…the wedding.” Oberyn snidely remarked, enjoying his third cup of wine. His tolerance to it was rather unmatched, he would put Tyrion to shame
“Essos is it?” Tywin looked to you, giving you a civil nod to elaborate further.
“We have a family manse there, Summer Shore. In fact, you should take Myrcella there. I’ve heard the waters there are glorious.” You smiled at your uncle.
“A whore’s city no doubt?” Cersei grumbled as she sipped on her goblet, looking at Oberyn unimpressed.
“Our ancestors had the palace and city built.” You defended, sounding offended at her remarks.
“A woman wasn’t she? A Targaryen courtesan?” Cersei sneered, clearly making attempts to undermine your blood
“Some believed she was a Queen, riding a three headed horse.” Oberyn glared at her.
“The histories are a fickle thing, my lady. Some believe the Mad King had bed every lady for the vassal house.” Ellaria japed, clearly making a remark about Joanna. That is where Tywin drew the line as his hand clenched into his goblet. Clearly the mistreatment of his late wife at court was a highly sensitive matter.
You had found yourself in your own chambers later in the evening, sipping onto a tea laced with minuscule amounts of milk of the poppy. You entire body had began to ache yet again, still battling the effects of your sixth month. Your handmaidens had been rather helpful with your sons, it hurt your surely about not being able to mother them yourself and yet your body would give out from the council meetings and the reports from the city watch.
“The aches have returned?” You husband’s voice boomed from behind you, the grimace on your face turned to a pained smile, shuffling your feet off the chaise of him to sit. He waved you off, letting your feet rest on his lap as he reached forward to rest his palm against your bum.
“I have called for advanced surgeons from Essos.” He looked over your pained state.
“We have Pycelle…?” You frowned and yet remained grateful at your husbands efforts to remedy your discomforts.
“That old stout seems to be incapable of determining your condition, he says you are well which any daft person could give you one look and know that you are suffering.” Tywin complained, as his other hand rubbed up and down your calf.
“My mother laboured for my birth too,” you reassured him, however you to feared the birthing bed this time. “I have enough fight in me to put King Jahereys’s seed to shame.” You japed
“Dear god, I have three that I can barely tolerate, two that insist in throwing food at one another and you want another eleven?” Tywin scoffed, the corners of his lips curling up.
“I apologise for what my aunt said at the lunch.” You face fell into an apologetic gleam, as your reached forward to rest your hands atop his palm.
“She had not mentioned something I haven’t heard a hundred times over.” Tywin dismissed you sympathy, fussing over a cushion and placing it behind your back.
“Which brings me to…” Tywin shakes his head in frustration “You are to remain abed during Joffrey’s tombing and Tommen’s nuptials.”
“What! I can’t- Tywin those responsibilities would fall to me considering Cersei ever works.” You huffed in annoyance.
“No- this is my final word Y/N, other than council meetings and if you wish to promenade. No further responsibilities other than looking after yourself.” He commanded, your pleading eyes unmoving of his decision.
“What of the trial? I am on the council.” You argued.
“You are unwell, other might foolishly drown in your pretences; I do not.” He shook his head, much of his frustrations radiating off of him.
“I know, it helps me to think otherwise,” you reasoned “For I know if I sat here toiling in pain my mind will begin to believe the tragedy bestowed upon me.”
“And what is that tragedy?”
You gave him a look of knowing annoyance, he was clearly aware of what your were insinuating and yet pretended to be deaf.
“If this babe should- if I would survive.”
After months of considering the possibilities you had finally voiced your fears, nipping at your lower lip ad Tywin’s frown deepened.
“Nothing is going to happen to you, or this babe.” He proclaimed like his word was gospel.
You spent that night curled in your own bed, shuffling and huffing unable to sleep, even Tywin read through nearly the end of Joanquil and her knights as you struggled to find slumber. Somewhere along the night, his body had caved to his exhaustion, you stared at his face as you mindlessly rubbed your belly, afraid of future possibilities.
You did not want to lose this child however you did not want to lose your life either. You’ve barely lived, barely fought for your ground, barely loved someone and mothered his children. You thought of your sons, wondering if the birthing bed did indeed take you. Would Tywin be cruel to them as well? Should the child that might rip through your womb survive, would he torment it too?
You had to live, for the sake of this child and your sons. You had to will strength into your body for the gods could only ponder on the question of what Tywin Lannister might become after losing yet another wife.
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So part two of this
continuing from where the last post left off....
FIRST, Ballister gets a headache because once they sat together to brainstorm about what to do next, he has to stop Ambrosius and Nimona from arguing half the time.
One idea was to send Ambrosius back to infiltrate the institute and find records of possible suspects and Ambrosius shot that down because he said the first thing the director will keep him busy on doing is to find Ballister to arrest him.
They argued when Nimona called him lazy for not wanting to do it.
Nimona's idea was to go around now killing off any known murderers because if they go off on a killing spree to wipe out all murderers, they're bound to kill the Queen murderer too.
Ambrosius shuts this down too because he cannot just fucking condone murder just because the victims are murderers "There's a system!"
"The system sucks! And you suck! Him, for instance..."
"Did you really just go there?!"
Ballister tried getting in between them and at one point gave up and just let them get it out of their system. Meanwhile, he scribbles on a notebook about how many "shots fired" each of them got. Like...
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Then break off the brainstorming session for some brain charging in the form of eating whatever food Ballister had stocked. Ambrosius goes to complain to Ballister.
"Bal, are you sure about this one? I mean, you said you didn't know who could have done it and how do you know it's not this thing?"
"Well, 'Charming' definitely isn't one of those 'many things' you mentioned..."
"Fucking shove it."
"Point proven. Bal, seriously, she could be a parasite that mind controlled you to stab the queen!"
"Okay, can you guys, like, be cool? And Ambrosius, I didn't stab the Queen, the sword... THAT'S IT, IT WASN'T MY SWORD. I knew it felt off."
Then Ballister recalled that it was the Squire who gave him the sword and that he could be the murderer, or someone working for the mastermind if the Squire was just an underling.
"I knew that homewrecker was sus!" Ambrosius goes off in listing why, but no points are valid. He's just jealous.
So Ballister's like "Babe, I love you but like... We're not married yet?"
And Nimona kinda deadpans, "You thought your sword felt off and didn't bother checking it? Bruh, a whole lot of shit could've been avoided if you just went 'Homie, naw, this ain't my gear."
Ballister had nothing to say to that and just told her to shut up.
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lonesome-squire · 6 months
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Full post of my pfp. i might change it soon to match more of the ~medieval~ vibe this blog is gonna have, but we'll see...
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orbiorbster · 2 years
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um um uum. normality
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fishoutoflovebeach · 5 months
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im just gonna put these here
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high-fantasy-sw · 7 months
Concept Doodles Part One
Wherein I dump my Concept Doodles for the High Fantasy Star Wars AU
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Costume Lineup for Anakin, featuring stick figures
In TPM his padawan robes are supposed to look rather large on him. He's scrawny and undernourished at this point.
In AotC, his leater books are lighter than his robes and his sash is dark blue
His gauntlet represents his mechanical hand and is an enchanted golden glove (Clone Wars 2003 anyone?)
His enchanted Vader armor keeps him alive but he's constantly in pain; he's practically in a living hell
Force Ghost robes are identical to his RotS robes but in light shades now
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Attack of the Clones Arena Outfit design for Padme
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Attack of the Clones Movie-Poster-Redrawn-for-the-AU WIP (I have one for TPM as well but for some reason it won't render right now)
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Vader Helmet Closeup (does i accidentally make him kind of look like Shredder? ...yes. yes i did. i swear it was an accident)
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Adult Ahsoka concept sketches (ft modified Lekku and Montrals)
Notes: Now she wears a headpiece with horns; the horns are wrapped in the same braids that frame her face
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Ahsoka concept sketch (since reworked but for posterity i may as well include this)
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Ahsoka and Rex ft me being out of practice in drawing Clone Faces
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Padme and Satine portraits, and a focus on Padme
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Luke and Leia portraits ft an outdated Leia design
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A New Hope doodles ft an Old Ben and a slightly more updated Leia doodle
Notes: He [Ben] actually hasn't aged that much since RotS. After all, he's only 50 years old (remind me to cross-reference the mini umbrella au that all my star wars stuff falls under). The main changes are the copious amounts of silver in his hair and the sun damage to his face
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A case study of the post-Phantom Menace traumas and anxieties of a soon-to-be-knighted Squire Kenobi (and anakin who is already in the tonsure for some reason but don't read too heavily into that; i just wanted to figure out what his padawan robes would look like because this was before i did the lineup)
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A silly scribble of Qui-Gon and Mace
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bucketsofmonsters · 10 months
To Kill the King - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
find the full book here
“Leo can we please talk about what just happened because that was weird,” Everand pleaded with him.
“That’s Sir Leo to you, my boy.”
It didn’t feel like the most relevant thing at this exact moment, but Leo had never been great at priorities anyways. “Yes of course sir, sorry sir. I just mean, the princess deciding to save us, did that not strike you as odd? Why would she do that, what does she gain from it?”
Leo gave him a patronizing look as he said, “Now I know you’re quite young and… we’ll say inexperienced but trust me, there are many young women who…”
“No, not… sir she was staring at me the whole time.”
Leo threw back his head as he guffawed. “You always know how to make me laugh, Everand. That’s why I keep you around. Now go tend to the horses, I have to figure out where I fit in in this place.”
“But sir I don’t know where the…” Leo walked out of the room before Everand had the chance to finish his sentence. “Where the stables are, not that you care. I’ll find them myself, it’s fine.”
Everand took to wandering the castle, hoping to stumble upon the stables sooner rather than later. After what felt like an hour of aimless walking, Everand realized he was going to have to find someone to ask for help. Amidst his wandering he saw several busy people he couldn’t quite manage to grab the attention of before they blew past him. He was growing frustrated, determined to pull the attention of the next person he crossed paths with as he turned the corner and saw the same mage girl he’d seen earlier, minus the ridiculous hat. She didn’t seem to notice him, focusing instead on scribbling into a notebook she had pushed against the wall. He slowly walked backwards, not particularly wanting to interact with the girl who had been giving him a death stare earlier. As soon as he quietly left her possible line of sight, he spun around to retrace his steps as far away from her as possible. He rushed off, checking behind him, making sure she wasn’t heading this way and, as he looked behind him, he ran directly into something he was certain hadn’t been there before.
A dark-haired girl stood in front of him holding a big basket full of white cloths. She looked a little dazed but luckily didn’t seem too shaken up by Everand walking directly into her.
 “I’m so sorry,” he said. “I wasn’t looking where I was going. You alright?”
She waved his concern aside as best she could with a basket in both hands and responded, “I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” Then her head cocked to the side for a moment. “Were you not just walking the other way? I’m almost certain I saw you in passing.”
Well, that wasn’t ideal. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’m very lost.”
“Oh, I can help you with that. Where are you headed?”
“Uh, the stables ideally. Someone took me and my knight’s horses there when we arrived and I’m supposed to be tending to them.”
“You and your… oh you’re Sir Leo’s squire, aren’t you!”
And there went Everand’s amicable attitude. Of course she got excited as soon as she realized he knew Leo, this is how it always went. Didn’t make it any less irritating though. “The one and only. You were showing me where the stables are?”
“Right of course, apologies. They’re not far from here.”
She gave him a quick rundown of where he needed to go and he headed off immediately, not particularly keen on continuing this conversation any longer. With a rushed, “Thank you” shouted behind him, he hurried off to his destination. 
The girl’s instructions were good and he reached the stables within a few minutes. He felt his annoyance and tension leave his body as he saw Lilypad standing in a stall next to Destrier. He was glad to see they’d been taken care of and he was happier amongst the horses anyways. Leo always told him he was meant to take care of Destrier first but Leo wasn’t around and he had a soft spot for Lilypad. He walked in her stall, giving her some gentle pats along her neck. “You wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had, girl.”
“Do you always talk to your horse?”
Everand nearly jumped out of his skin as he heard someone speak from directly behind him. He whirled around, only to see the young mage sitting on a bale of hay inside Lilypad’s stall, right next to the entrance.
“What are you doing here?” And how did she get here so fast? He couldn’t actually ask her that, he didn’t want her knowing he’d seen her earlier, but she’d been further away from the stables than him and he had come here immediately after seeing her in that hall.
“Looking for you, squire boy,” she said, hopping up to her feet as she did.
“My name’s Everand.”
“I’m sure it is, squire boy.”
He let out an irritated huff but decided not to press it, there were more important things to say. “Why were you looking for me?”
She tilted her head to the side and looked him up and down. He got the distinct impression she could see right into his head and wondered if that was something mages could do. “Why don’t you tell me squire. Why was I looking for you?”
He didn’t have the time nor the patience for this. “I wouldn’t have asked if I knew, mage girl.”
“It’s Mari, actually.”
“Alright, mage girl.” To Everand’s annoyance, she didn’t seem to much care what he called her, or at least not as visibly as Everand did.
“Yeah alright, well I came to find you because you are clearly up to something.”
“The only thing I’m up to is trying to take care of my horse, thank you very much.”
Mari redirected her attention to the aforementioned horse. “She’s beautiful by the way, does she have a name?”
Everand’s voice softened. “She’s called Lilypad.”
Mari laughed to herself, trying and failing to cover it up with a little cough. “Yeah alright, I guess that’s kinda cute. Does she help you commit crimes or do you do those on your own?”
Everand snapped. “For the last time, I just got here and I have no ill intent. I don’t know why you are so convinced I mean harm but I swear to you, I don’t. If you’re so set on bothering someone, go bother Leo. He’s the one who got banished, I’m just here to take care of the horses. I could not care less about you and your stupid little kingdom. You’re magic right? Shouldn’t you be able to test my intentions or read my mind or something instead of poking around in someone else’s business?”
For the first time since they’d started speaking, Mari seemed thrown. She mumbled to herself, barely loud enough for Everand to hear, “I’m not going to waste magic on a nobody like you.”
Everand threw his arms in the air. “If I’m such a nobody, why are you so intent on following me around, huh?”
Mari rolled her eyes again. “Alright, I’ll let you off easy this time, squire. Just know if you do get up to anything you will regret it.”
Everand rubbed his temples. “I’m sure I will. As long as you’re here, you might as well make yourself useful. I’m supposed to go to the squires’ quarters after this, where are they?” He hated asking her for help but he hadn’t seen anyone else in the stables and he didn’t want to have to repeat his little trip around the castle.
“Uhhh, if you go out the backdoor and to the right you’ll see a hedge pathway, it’ll spit you out right at the squires’ quarters. Anyways, just remember I’m watching you. See you around, squire boy.”
Everand muttered to himself, “Unfortunately you probably will.”
She poked her head back through the door and asked, “What was that?”
“I wasn’t talking to you, go away.”
She snorted. “I forgot you talk to your horse, carry on.”
And with that she was gone
. . .
Everand spent as long as he could with Lilypad and Destrier, but eventually he did have to part with them and find his way to his quarters. By the time he left, the sun was just beginning to set and he headed out the backdoor, looking for the hedge pathway Mari had described. He found it pretty quickly, an opening in a massive wall of bushes that led forwards, both sides surrounded by the hedges. He assumed it was some sort of garden he’d be heading through, hoping it was somewhere he was allowed to be. 
He hurried inside, wanting to find his quarters before night fell. The pathway took a right and then another right, which confused him, appearing to loop back on itself. As he continued forwards he found a fork in the path. Wanting to ensure he didn’t double back on himself, he took a left. He’d assumed it would open up to a garden or more open path but the hedges continued to surround him. By the third fork in the path, Everand realized what had happened. The mage hadn’t told him how to get to the squire’s quarters, she’d led him into a maze. Despite her trick, he could find his way out easily enough. He’d only taken about five turns and he definitely remembered them but when he went to return to the fork in the path he’d just travelled through, it was gone. He followed the path back further but the only thing he could find was a single bend to the right that had not been there moments before, no fork in the path to be seen. 
His breathing got heavier as he continued to move through unfamiliar territory that he would’ve sworn up and down did not exist mere minutes prior. As he travelled forwards, not only did the path seem unfamiliar but it gradually got narrower. Not liking the rapidly enclosing space he turned around but as he headed in that direction, the path only continued to get smaller and smaller as he progressed. He could feel the walls bearing in on him. He started to run, wanting to be free of the maze as quickly as possible. He wasn’t sure what was happening but he knew he had to get out so in a moment of panic he threw himself at one of the walls.
It was far easier to break through than he had anticipated and he found himself barreling through the hedge into a thankfully open pathway and slamming into something solid, or perhaps he should say someone solid, who fell to the ground with a yelp. 
“God this keeps happening, I’m sorry the maze just-” And then he looked up and saw who he ran into. The princess rose slowly from the ground, brushing off her white skirt to try and get rid of the dirt the fall had left on it to mixed success. “I am so sorry, I didn’t realize.”
He went to help her stand up properly but she waved him off and gave him a smile. “You should watch where you’re going.”
“Yes princess, sorry princess.”
“That’s really not necessary. You can call me Lorelai.”
“I can’t-”
“Oh of course you can, I insist. Wait, you’re the new squire, aren’t you? I remember you! I don’t think I caught your name.”
“It’s Everand princ- uh Lorelai. My name is Everand.”
She smiled wistfully to herself. “Everand, I like that. It suits you. You look like an Everand. Well, you look like a lot of things.”
Everand knew he should stop this conversation in its tracks but he couldn’t bring himself to. Her voice was kind and her gaze soft and he just wanted to talk with her forever. “What other things do I look like princess?”
She laughed to herself as he called her princess again but she didn’t correct him. “Well, Everand, you look very angry and very tired, and I would say that you look kind.”
Kind wasn’t one he heard often. He would hazard a guess that she thought many people were kinder than they were. That’s the thing about people with soft gazes and sleepy smiles, they liked to see the best in people. “Well, I hope I don’t disappoint you princess.”
“Oh, don’t worry, you won’t. Now what are you doing all the way in here? You just got here and you’ve already decided to try and best the maze? How brave of you. It can be quite tricky.”
“No, I didn’t mean to. I asked for directions from the mage and she told me to go through here because she was trying to kill me or something, I don’t know.”
A hand flew over the princess’s mouth and it almost sounded like she was fighting back laughter. “You’ve met Mari I see. She can be like that with newcomers, terribly sorry about that. I promise you she meant no real harm, she can just be… mischievous at times. She’ll come around though, I can feel it.”
“Didn’t mean me any harm? The maze tried to eat me!”
She nodded solemnly. “She wouldn’t have known that. She doesn’t believe in the maze. Not really. But don’t worry, I do. I think it’s just not your time to be here yet, Everand. Or maybe it is your time and the maze doesn’t like what that means. Either way, I would stay out of here if I were you. Until something changes.”
He looked around at the surrounding walls nervously. “Trust me, I intend to stay far away from this place. Right now, I’m just worried about getting us out of here.”
The princess laughed again. “Oh, don’t worry about that, I can show you out.”
“But the maze-”
“Trust me, Everand, we’ll be alright. Now where were you headed? If I know where we’re going the maze will take us right there.”
“Uh, I was going to the squire’s quarters?”
She nodded and shut her eyes very tight for a few moments before spinning around and looking at the hedges around her. “Please?” Everand could’ve sworn he heard them shifting around them.
Then the princess grabbed Everand’s hand to lead him along the path and he almost fainted. He knew that of all the things he shouldn’t have been doing, holding the princess’s hand alone in a maze was pretty high on the list. But was he going to pull away from her? Not in a million years.
She led him forwards for barely any time at all, no more than thirty paces and already Everand could see a gap in the hedges that lead out to some sort of small building. He held his breath whilst they slowly approached the exit. As the princess walked through the gap, Everand found himself speeding up, not wanting to be in there for too long while the princess was outside the maze and he was not. Suddenly he was very happy they were holding hands so the maze couldn’t slam shut with him inside. As soon as he exited, he finally let himself breathe, letting out a massive sigh of relief. The princess dropped his hand and turned to him with a proud smile plastered across her face.
“I told you I’d get you out of there!”
He couldn’t help but smile back. “Yeah, you did. Thank you.”
She dropped his hand and reached up to brush a strand of hair out of his face, one that had probably fallen there when he’d accidentally slammed into her minutes ago. “No Everand, thank you for trusting me. It means more than you know.”
Before Everand got the chance to respond, or maybe just stare at her dumbstruck, the door in front of them flew open and a kid came barreling out of the door, looking like he was barely fifteen. They seemed to be starting squires off younger and younger lately. When he saw who was standing outside of the door, he came to a screeching halt, staring with wide eyes.
The princess leaned down a little so she was closer to his height. “Hello. This is Everand, our new squire. Can you take him inside and introduce him to everyone for me?”
The kid nodded, awestruck, and the princess ruffled his hair. “Thank you so much. I will be seeing you around, Everand the squire.”
For once he didn’t particularly mind being called a squire. “I look forward to it, princess.”
She gave him one last smile and then turned and walked back into the maze. Everand instinctually went to tell her not to, that it was too dangerous, but he stopped himself. She seemed like she knew what she was doing.
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apieters · 18 days
For the oc ask game, my oc Barbara is a magical creature pretending to be a human.
Hello @scribbly-bear, Barbara sounds cool--what kind of magical creature is she? Torin Capintyre, by all accounts, is an ordinary man from the lowest ranks of the nobility of the Isles. Yet he always seems to know exactly what his distant cousin Peter, rightful Lord of the Isles, is thinking. Animals feel no fear in his presence, although that one time a bear lowered its head as if in a bow before him was certainly not what Peter expected to see. The early spring that Torin predicted--though he didn't exactly phrase it that way--came to pass, but surely such things are not unknown. There were a few times on their journey that they should have run out of food, but Torin always seemed to make the little bit they had last as long as it needed to, and knew what inns would be friendly and which hostile. And his claims that Lord Peter looks just like his distant and legendary ancestor, Peter Dragonsbane, are surely his fancy, taken from the late Lord Claas's fireside tales. Still, the confidence in which this humble squire of the Isles proclaims his right to rule the Free Kingdom of Heimar is jarring in Peter's mind. The Princes of Heimar will not confirm his election to the kingship just because he claims to speak to the gods...
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