#the specialist will review your medical history
sciivfhospitaldelhi · 5 months
When Should I See a Fertility Specialist?
Struggling to conceive can be an emotionally and physically taxing journey for many couples. Understanding when to seek help is crucial to managing and overcoming fertility issues. If you find yourself in this situation, consulting a fertility specialist may be a significant step forward. Here is a guide on when you should consider seeing a fertility expert, and how to find the best options available, especially in a bustling city like Delhi.
Recognizing the Right Time to Seek Help
Age Factors:
Women Under 35: If you have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, it might be time to see a specialist.
Women Over 35: It is advisable to seek help after six months of trying, as fertility naturally declines with age.
Irregular Menstrual Cycles:
Consistently irregular or absent menstrual cycles can indicate ovulation issues, a common cause of infertility.
Medical Conditions:
Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or thyroid problems can affect fertility. Early consultation with a specialist can help manage these conditions effectively.
Male Factor Infertility:
If there are known issues with sperm count, motility, or morphology, seeking specialist advice is crucial. Male infertility contributes to about 40-50% of all infertility cases.
Recurrent Miscarriages:
Experiencing multiple miscarriages is a strong indicator that you should consult with a fertility specialist to identify any underlying issues.
Finding the Best IVF Doctor in Delhi
Delhi, being a major medical hub, offers numerous options for fertility treatments. However, choosing the right specialist and clinic is paramount for a successful outcome.
Research and Recommendations:
Start by researching the best IVF doctors in Delhi. Look for doctors with high success rates, good patient reviews, and those who are known for their expertise and compassionate care.
Visit Leading Clinics:
SCI IVF Hospital in Delhi: Renowned for its advanced technology and personalized care, SCI IVF Hospital is one of the top choices for many couples. Their team of experienced doctors and embryologists work together to provide the best possible outcomes.
What to Expect at an IVF Clinic in Delhi
When you visit an IVF clinic in Delhi, such as SCI IVF Hospital, here are some steps you can expect:
Initial Consultation:
During your first visit, the specialist will review your medical history, conduct necessary tests, and discuss potential treatment options.
Customized Treatment Plan:
Based on the initial assessment, a personalized treatment plan will be created. This plan may include medications, lifestyle changes, or advanced fertility treatments like IVF.
Support and Counseling:
Fertility treatments can be emotionally challenging. Leading clinics like SCI IVF provide counseling services to support you through the process.
Advanced Treatments:
Clinics in Delhi are equipped with the latest technology for treatments such as IVF, ICSI, and genetic testing, ensuring high standards of care and better success rates.
Conclusion Deciding to see a fertility specialist is a significant step. If you have been struggling to conceive, experiencing irregular cycles, or dealing with medical conditions that affect fertility, it may be time to seek professional help. In Delhi, excellent options like SCI IVF Hospital offer advanced treatments and compassionate care, helping you navigate this challenging journey with confidence. Take the time to research and find the best IVF doctor in Delhi to ensure you receive the highest quality of care on your path to parenthood.
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starry-eyes-love · 6 months
Too Young to Die- Part 1
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Part 1 of 3 part Mini Series
Pairing |  Massage Therapist Joel Miller x F!Reader with Autoimmune disease, no outbreak, AU (I changed up his timeline a bit).
Summary | You were referred to Dr. Joel Miller, a massage specialist, to help manage your joint and muscle pain with autoimmune disease.  What you didn’t know was that Joel was an insanely attractive man, and that you’d be coming undone underneath him before your first appointment was even over with. 
Series Warnings | 18+, Minors DNI, Smut!
Age gap (he’s 47, she’s 29), language, Smut (with a capital S, watch out!!), daddy reference, f!(fingering), squirting, female reader has autoimmune disease, Joel is a massage therapist, slight reference of medical stuff, reader verbalizes anxiety with treatment, fluffy Joel, soft Joel, sexy Joel, terms of endearment, Joel asks her out on a date at the end.
A/N:  This one is completely self-indulgent and has been sitting in my draft folder since before Christmas. I have autoimmune disease, and treatment hasn’t worked much for me in many areas, so I know some of the troubles and struggles that the reader here has. Not everyone who has autoimmune disease may experience these symptoms, concerns, or struggles. This will be only a three part mini series. Very smutty with story building throughout. Enjoy! 
Word Count:   9.1K (we’re establishing a story here)
Fuck you were wrecked, seconds away from crashing through, or into, a brick wall with an orgasm, you thought.  This felt different though, so much different than what you’ve ever experienced before. “Joel, fuck, pressure, it’s a lot of pressure and I’m, fuck, I’m, I’m-” “Come f’me sweetheart. Come on baby, fucking soak my fingers.”
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Joel Miller sat in his office of his massage studio, looking over the referral paperwork that Dr. Samson, an autoimmune specialist, had sent him. A female patient was being referred to him for treatment of musculoskeletal pain and tenderness.
“Patient has reoccurring musculoskeletal tremors of unknown origin that come and go. Bilateral joint swelling seen in all extremities with positive inflammation noted in laboratory test results and X-rays. Arthritis and arthralgia positive in all joints. According to the patient, anti-inflammatory and arthritis medication only works slightly for pain. Recommended gentle massage therapy to see if joint lubrication and increased joint mobility is plausible, and if pain and muscle tremors will cease. Immediate referral requested.”
When Joel glanced at the bottom of the form a week ago, he had seen that the referral had come in three weeks prior. Now today, four weeks after the initial referral, he was finally able to see you for the first time.  When he had inquired with his secretary as to why it took so long before he saw you, she had said that there was a problem with your private healthcare insurance. Delaying treatment was never something that Joel Miller prided himself on. In fact, he was usually the opposite with trying to get his patients in for their first appointment within a week following their referral. Joel, having been a contractor in his previous life before becoming a massage therapist, knew the difficulties with treating joint and muscle pain. The goal was to never delay treatment as it would lead to widespread body inflammation. And once inflammation fully set into muscles and joints, it was harder for someone to find relief of their discomfort. 
You were Joel’s next scheduled patient to arrive in 20 minutes. As he waited for your arrival, he went back over your X-rays, lab test results, and dictation notes from your autoimmune specialist.  He had already reviewed it previously, but now he was refreshing himself on your in-depth history as he took some last minute notes of things that he wanted to ask you for this particular session. He had booked your first appointment with him to be about 2 hours, instead of the usual hour.  Joel always conducted very detailed exams with his patients. He was also very knowledgeable in understanding autoimmune patients, especially knowing that each person was unique. He wanted to tailor a program that was going to help you specifically.
Joel Miller wasn’t just your average run of the mill massage therapist, he had a specialty license in massage. He specialized in patients with pain, joint stiffness and swelling, inflammation, autoimmune disease, injuries, etc. People usually only came to him by doctor referral, which usually meant two things. First, he prided himself on taking his time to get to know his patients and how he could help ease their suffering and pain. And second, he typically charged more money for his services.  Most massage therapists would charge people a fee based on how long they performed their massage, Joel charged by the session.  The maximum time he would give a client with his hands was 1 hour, but he’d pencil in 1.5 hours of time with them just in case they felt pain.  Sometimes he’d have to stop and let patients breathe and relax for a minute before he started massaging their muscles again. Joel had a lot of training and education in the technique that was required, and many patients walked away from him stating that they felt a lot better.  By glancing at your history he didn’t think that you’d be a one time only patient.  He thinks that you would benefit from regular massages with him to help treat your inflammation and pain.
“Mr. Miller, your 10 AM appointment is here,” his secretary, Ashley, said.
“Thanks Ashley, I’ll be out in a minute. Please take her back to Room 5, and I’ll be along in a minute.” He replied, still studying the notes from your doctor and making notes for himself of the things that he wanted to focus on with you for your first appointment. 
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When you had arrived at the address for your first massage, you felt a sickly feeling in your stomach.  Your doctor had reassured you that Mr. Miller would be the person to help you feel better. But just like all the other promises that your primary care provider gave you, and how none of them worked the way that you hoped, you were very skeptical at this new treatment option. Nothing helped you feel better, and you were beyond frustrated. It took you a bit to convince yourself this morning to come here, telling yourself that Dr. Miller was an expert at this, and that you should give him a try. What could hurt, you thought. Worst case scenario, it didn't do anything, which sadly was the norm for you these days. 
For the last several years, your body had been poked and prodded more times than you would care to admit. Each time there was a promise of a better understanding or discovery of why this was all happening. But with each test, came more conflicting and confusing results, and you were exhausted from it all. You have been giving more blood for the sake of medical testing than what you’d think was truly normal. As ridiculous as it sounded, you felt that if Dracula was actually a real being, that he would be impressed with the amount of blood that you've donated for the sake of medical science.
With shaky hands, you got out of your car, locked it, and then entered the facility. When you entered you noticed that the space was calm. There was pale muted colors that covered the walls, colors that often helped people relax. But it did nothing for your nerves. You were shaking and not wanting to do any of this anymore. You felt like you had a huge lump in your throat, and that you couldn't fully swallow. Of all the things that you had to be afraid of in this world, you were the most afraid of medical treatment. Yet, that was the one thing that you were blessed with in having to always do. ‘Thanks body for betraying me with autoimmune,’ you thought.
As you walked up to the registration window, you found the secretary typing away on her keyboard while looking at her computer screen. You tried to settle your nerves before opening your mouth, but you felt like you were drowning in a pool of despair. Anxiety was getting the better of you again, and you felt like you wanted to run away and hide from everything. But where could you go when autoimmune always seemed to follow you, especially with the pain that came along with it.
“Um, excuse me,” you said meekly, after standing at the window for a brief moment. 
The secretary continued to type away, not looking at you nor acknowledging your presence. You went to clear your voice again when she abruptly stopped and said, “what can I do for you hun?”
“I- uh, I have an appointment, with um, with Dr. Miller I think,” you said softly.
“Oh, hun it's just Mr. Miller, or Joel for short. He doesn't like being called Doctor. He always says he has a doctorate degree in massage, not in medicine. Yet they're kinda the same thing if you ask me.” The secretary said, shaking her head with a slight laugh. You stood there in silence, looking at her as she continued to ramble on. You were trying to listen to what she was saying, but all you could feel was your heart racing in your chest at the prospect of once again meeting a new person with the promise of helping you.
After listening to the woman who you thought was named Ashley ramble on for 15 minutes, as that was the name that you noticed on her name tag, you were finally sitting down in the general waiting area. You were slowly trying to calm down and relax while staring outside and watching the birds hunt for bugs in the grass. You didn't know how long you were waiting there, just staring outside, before you heard Ashley call your name again to take you back to Room 5.  You didn’t know what to expect when you entered the room, but what you saw shocked you.
The room was softly lit, with soft music playing in the background, music that you liked. You also heard running waterfalls, sounds that came from the little fountains scattered all around the room. There was also a hint of cinnamon and slight vanilla aroma in the air, your favorite scents that would usually calm you. You tried racking your brain as to how, by chance, these scents and sounds were present when Ashley said, “it was on your intake survey. Your favorite classical music, scents, and sounds. Joel's very thorough, focusing on relaxation as much as muscle and joint relief.”
You stood there shocked. You thought those questions were just asked of people to try to ease the tension of how you were going to let a stranger put their hands on you. You had no idea that your answers would actually be taken seriously. Usually doctors, when they’ve asked those questions, never really did anything with the answers. Well, Dr. Miller was definitely different. It was at this moment that you were grateful that someone actually listened to you. You just hoped that he would continue with the same dedication while speaking with you, and not ignore what you said like everyone else seemed to do. You were frustrated with the medical field.  You’d tell them something hurt, or something was happening and they only looked at your lab tests and X-rays and made decisions based on that, never actually listening to what you were truly telling them.  You had only been in the room for maybe 5 minutes when you heard a gentle knock on the door, and the entrance of who you only could have suggested was Dr. Miller.
“Good day, I'm Dr. Miller but you can call me Joel.” He said while holding out his hand for you to shake. You shook his hand, and as you did, you felt how rough his hands were. They were calloused and strong, very sturdy hands. Not something that you'd expect to see from a massage therapist. This intrigued you, as you've always loved a man with rough hands. 
After you introduced yourself, Joel walked over to the small desk in the room and sat down on the rolling stool. A typical doctor stool that you’ve seen countless times in exam rooms. He grabbed a piece of paper and then sat there for a moment writing a few notes, things that you thought were probably dealing with your medical file. After a moment he finally looked up at you and then asked with a slight Southern drawl, “How are y’feeling today?”
“I- I’m ok” you said meekly as you slowly looked over Joel. Joel was a gorgeous man, clearly in his later 40s with chocolate brown curly hair. He had a mustache and a slight beard by his jaw, one that had a slight sprinkling of gray in it. He also had glasses on his face with gentle eyes behind the glasses, ones that you could easily get lost in.  He was wearing a simple white t-shirt, framing his broad shoulders perfectly. He had a slight tan on his arms, and hands that once again you couldn't wait to touch you. By looking at him, you didn’t think that massage was the only thing that Joel has done in his life. Something told you that he had spent many years doing hard work with his hands. As you continued your exploration, you then noticed that he was wearing a nice pair of black pants that hugged his hips perfectly. As you continued, you saw that Dr. Miller was definitely someone who was a decent sized man in the bedroom, seeing the soft bulge in his pants as he sat down with his legs slightly spread on the stool by the desk.  You couldn’t help yourself but you stared at his package, wondering what it’d look like outside of the confines of his pants, and what it would feel like fully aroused inside of you. The longer you stared, the more you felt heat rise up the back of your neck. When you noticed the awkward moment of him looking at you, clearly having asked you a question that you didn't hear, you shook your head slightly, looking down fully at the floor while saying “sorry” out loud.
“It's ok darlin',” he said, giving you a small little smirk at the fact that he caught you checking him out.  You were hoping that he didn’t see what you were checking out the longest though.  You didn’t want to explain to your massage therapist that you were fantasizing about his package, and what types of moans or grunts he’d make while fucking your brains out. 
Joel continued to talk to you, explaining why you were here, and how his services could help you.  You were only half listening to him, embarrassed about how you had behaved previously. Joel was devilishly handsome, the type of guy that you were into. You were, however, internally scolding yourself at the importance of having proper social etiquette, and not eye fucking your massage therapist, which is what you were doing every time you looked at him.
As Joel continued to talk with you, he slowly moved around the room, grabbing different things off from the shelves. He instantly noticed your meek and shy attitude, even though he had caught you checking him out earlier. He had to admit, you were very cute, but Joel was a professional. He couldn’t allow himself the joys of thinking about you in a different sort of way.  Nevermind, that if he wasn’t your massage therapist, he would definitely want to explore those other possibilities with you. What he did notice though was how you turned inward at the mentions of pain, autoimmune disease, and how your doctor said you didn’t have much abilities to do activities that your peers could do.  You were 29, and he knew what the world did to 29 year olds who didn’t, or couldn’t, do the same things that their peers could. The world would ignore you. Joel, himself, remembered those days when he was 29 and worked construction when Sarah and Ellie, his daughters, were younger. All his friends went out partying after work, when he went home and raised a 10 year old and a 2 year old all on his own, Sarah and Ellie’s mom were already out of the picture. Joel was lost in his own head, remembering those earlier days, when all of a sudden he heard you speak up in an irritated tone.
“Mr. Miller, no disrespect, but I don’t think you understand what it’s like to not be able to do things that most 29 year olds can do.” You didn’t think he understood. So once again you found yourself trying to explain to a medical professional how much autoimmune has negatively impacted your life at such a young age, and how agitated you were at the fact that no one seemed to help you or listen to you. Joel, being the attentive man that he was, sat across from you on the stool and listened to every word that you had said.
Once you were finished, Joel took a deep inhale, then followed by a long exhale and then said “I am so sorry that people haven’t listened to you, or have taken you seriously about your concerns with your body. You’re right, I don’t know what it's like f’ya as I’m not you. But, I do know what it’s like to not be able to do everything a 29 year old can do. I may not have autoimmune, but I had different responsibilities that didn’t allow me the joys of doing everything that I wanted, including the joys of being with a beautiful woman like yourself at that age. That’s why I want to help you.” 
As soon as Joel called you beautiful, he saw your reaction. You started to blush on your cheeks from the compliment. You felt flattered by the older man that was in front of you. Meanwhile, Joel internally scolded himself at how his statement wasn't proper patient-doctor etiquette. Joel had vowed to himself that he wouldn't cross that line again, especially with you, no matter how drop dead gorgeous he thought you were.
Joel began to run a few tests with you, checking your reflexes and testing your mobility. You didn’t say anything else to him after his statement. You felt embarrassed by your actions and assumptions that he didn't care or understand, when you could clearly see that he did. The longer you looked at him, the more you could see that he was someone who truly did care about helping others. You silently wondered if his treatment would actually help.
“Dr. Miller?” you asked, wanting to scratch the itch of your curiosity in understanding the treatment that he was suggesting.
“Joel” he said as he pushed on your shoulder blades. When you winced he said “are you tender here?” as he pushed on the same spot again, but this time with a little less force.
“Yeah. I’m tender there, and everywhere,” you said with a hiss as he moved his hand down to your biceps.  “It’s tender inside every joint, and sometimes muscles. Winter’s in Minnesota aren’t too nice for people like me,” you said, head hanging low as a tear slipped down your cheeks.  
You felt Joel stop testing your joints and muscles, hands still on your arms when he placed his finger gently under your chin, slightly tilting your head up so you could look him in the eyes. After a moment he said, “Well, we’ll try to rectify that now won’t we. Massage is more than just relaxin’, it helps a lot of people in ways that can-”
“Can it cure me?” you said, interrupting him, with wide eyes. “Cause if it can cure me, I’ll do anything. But don’t tell me that it’ll work miracles. Don't get my hopes up and then have it fail. I-I can’t take it anymore with all of the disappointment” you said, closing your eyes to take a steadying breath as tears gathered at your waterline.  It has been a very long and exhausting road these past three years with your autoimmune journey. You found out early on that your body couldn’t tolerate medication, and nothing else seemed to work. 
“I can’t promise that it’ll do miracles by curin’ ya, but I can promise that I’ll try my best to make you feel better. How’s that?” Joel said with a tender voice, trying to soothe your emotional discomfort of years of failed treatments. Joel remembered reading the last line of your referral by Dr. Samson which had stated;
“No treatments have been successful. Patient has voiced wanting to stop trying autoimmune treatments, stating that she didn’t feel like it was working. Patient was informed that if she decided to fully stop taking immunosuppressant medications, that the end result would be major organ damage that could lead to death. Patient agreed to try one more treatment for pain, stating that if the treatment didn’t work, then she’d stop autoimmune treatments altogether and ‘let whatever happens, happen’.” 
‘Fuck,’ Joel had thought when he first read that last line in your medical file. Someone giving up, especially at such a young age, didn't sit well with him. Being 29, your entire world was still in front of you.  You had a lot more years and possibilities of life in front of you. Giving up wasn't something that Joel did, and the fact that you had voiced wanting to stop treatments to your doctor bothered him immensely. Truly, it wasn't necessarily the fact that you had wanted to stop treatments that upset him. It was your willingness to allow death to potentially consume you that truly got to him. You were too young to die.
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20 minutes later, you were lying on your stomach with a sheet covering your lower half. You were completely naked, scolding yourself internally that you didn’t wear underware today with your pants. Joel was slowly massaging your back, trying to work out the knots that he felt in your muscles.  As his hands continued to work out the knots and tension, you felt an overwhelming sense of relief. His touch was not only skilled, but carried a reassurance that echoed through your body. You felt safe with him, safe in a way that you haven’t for a long time.  You felt like if you were near him, that he’d take all the bad in the world away for you. And if you were being honest, this comfort was something that you haven't felt in a very long time from anyone.
"You're doing great, darlin’," Joel whispered, sensing your vulnerability and turmoil you had been feeling. Joel could tell that you were working through something major in your head, just like most of his patients did. Most of the time he focused on trying to distract people from their internal thoughts, giving them a break when they were here.  But there was something about the silence between the two of you right now that he felt like you desperately needed.  Every time he’d open his mouth to ask you a question, he’d feel you tense up, and that was the last thing he wanted you to do.  So he slowly worked your sore muscles and joints, giving them the tenderness and affection that they needed, while allowing you to stay seated in silence. 
Throughout the session, Joel maintained an empathetic connection with you. He explained each technique when he’d switch it up, providing you with the most gentle sense of comfort. He’d tell you what he was going to do, if he moved down your body or up, giving you moments to breathe when he felt like it was too much. But most of all, he gave you that warmth and unawkward silence that you craved. He wanted you to just live and feel, to just be in the moment with him.
As Joel's tender touch continued, you felt a warmth spread throughout your body, slightly dissipating the pain that had lingered there for so long. His words became a comforting melody, echoing a promise to you of relief. “You’re doing so good f’me, gentle breaths in and out, there y’go.” He said, encouraging you to stay centered and remain in the moment. That was the key in pain relief, staying grounded and living within the moment. When we just allow our body to feel, and not force anything, we can find peace and calmness. These feelings of peace and calmness are what leads us to having pain relief.
As Joel moved down to your lower back, you let out a hiss in pain, followed by an “ouch that hurts.” 
“What hurts darlin’?” Joel said, slowing his deep strokes on your lower back, right above your tailbone area.  He doesn’t remember reading in your file that you had lower back pain, so this was something new that caught him a little off guard.
“Right there, low” you said, hissing again as he pressed his finger into the lower part of your back, on your left side, by your hip.
After you hissed a second time, Joel immediately stopped and walked around to the other side of the massage table. He gently pressed on your lower back and hip joint on the other side, saying, “how ‘bout over here, does this hurt?”
“No, not as bad,” you said. “It's my left side, god that hurts.” You said, as he reached over and lightly pressed on your left side once again.
“Ok, let’s try somethin’,'' Joel said, moving completely over to your left side now.  “I’m gonna hold up the blanket, where you still are covered, and I want you to flip completely on your back, okay?  I wanna see if your pain continues in a different position.”
You nodded your head and then gently felt the blankets pull off from you. Joel was completely looking away from you, giving you privacy as you turned to lay on your back instead of your stomach.  When you finally settled, you told him that you were ready. He then informed you that he was only going to uncover your left leg, to the mid thigh region.  As he did, he explained how he was going to test your leg's range of motion to see if it was your hip joint that had caused you pain. 
With only doing simple joint motions with your leg, Joel noticed that nothing was painful.  When he bent your knee, pointing your knee outwards towards the left, followed by gently lifting your leg higher, to open up your pelvis more, he didn’t see any outward signs of pain from you. 
“If I do this, does it hurt?” He said, placing a little weight on your leg.
As soon as your knee got about level with your pelvis you hissed again. Joel tried pushing down on your pelvic joint to determine where it hurt, but all you did was whimper.  The pain wasn’t coming from your joint, it was coming from someplace else deep inside of you.  When he returned your leg back down he said “I’m sorry darlin’, I can’t determine where your pain is coming from. Have you had it-”
“Just forget about it” you said, turning your head to the opposite side, closing your eyes as you felt the tears start to stream down your face.
“Hey, none of that, '' Joel said, gently turning your chin towards him so he could see your face in its entirety. “If somethin’ is hurting ya, I wanna hear about it. Help me out, where does it hurt?” When you didn’t respond right away he said, “does it hurt here” as he gently pressed on your hip bone. He watched you shake your head no.  “How about here?” He asked, moving slightly inward, towards the inside of your pelvic bone.
With a shaky breath you said, “no, but it hurts straight down, but lower and inward more.”
“Here” he said, moving down about halfway where your hip joint was, towards the inside of your pelvis.  You let out another shaky breath, closing your eyes as tears fell more from your cheeks, shaking your head no to him.  
It took Joel a second to figure it out. But when he did, he finally understood why you were crying. You were embarrassed about what was happening inside of your body. When he moved his hand down towards the lower left side quadrant of your abdomen, and gently pushed where your ovaries were, he asked, “does it hurt here darlin’?”  As soon as he applied a little bit of pressure to your left ovary area, you let out a stuttered breath, nodding your head up and down.
Joel flattened his hand on your tummy, where the sensation was, knowing what the culprit was. You were probably mid cycle and ovulating with an ovarian cyst. He didn’t remember you being pregnant, but he wanted to make sure that it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy before he ruled it as an ovarian problem.
“If I press over here, does it hurt?” Joel said, pressing on the other side in the lower abdomen. You had your eyes closed, tears lightly falling, shaking your head no.
“Ok, ok, darlin’. I know, I know. Deep breaths for me though, ok?” he said, as he watched tears stream down your face. He gave you a moment to collect yourself, before he asked his next question. 
“Is there any chance you could be pregnant?” He said, slowly stroking your tummy where a baby would be laying. He knew he shouldn’t, but somehow imagining you having a swollen tummy where a baby would lay was giving him fantasies that he didn’t even know existed. 
You let out a sarcastic laugh, saying, “no, it’s not that.”
Puzzled, Joel looked at you and said, “y’know, if an ectopic pregnancy happened, y’still could have a normal period. If there’s any chance that you could be pregnant, like having unprotected sex, or even if the condom broke, you probably should-”
“Joel, I haven’t had sex in 3 years,” you said, barely above a whisper. When you noticed the shocked look on his face you turned your head away from him adding, “guys really don’t want to have sex with a woman like me.”
“What’d y’mean, a woman like you?” He said, furrowing his brows at your odd phrasing. 
“A woman who’s sick with autoimmune, Joel.” You said, closing your eyes and trying to pull back the tears that were threatening to fall again. You didn't want to have this conversation, and you sure as hell didn't want to admit how the act of even having orgasms were difficult for you. There were just some autoimmune embarrassments that you wanted to keep to yourself, no matter how much it shattered your soul inside. You didn't feel like a beautiful, young, sexy, attractive woman that you knew all the other single 29 year old ladies felt. You felt like you couldn’t offer anything to the male race that wasn't medical tests, sickness, and heartache combined.
Immediately Joel felt irritation and anger at your careless comment of how men wouldn't find you attractive or want to be with you. Without dwelling on it, Joel did the one thing that he knew he shouldn't, he opened his mouth to speak more on the issue. He hoped he could get you to understand that not all men were like this, that he sure as hell wasn't like this.
“Darlin’, boys, not real men, are like that. A real man wouldn’t allow sickness to stop him from wantin’ a beautiful woman like yourself. A real man would enjoy making you feel good.  Real men, honey, not boys.” 
Once he said it, Joel knew that he shouldn’t have opened his mouth, especially with the look that you were giving him. You looked back at him, shocked, and taken aback by his forward statement. But he couldn’t just stand there and listen to you accuse men, like him, of not caring. He would do anything to be with a beautiful woman like yourself, whether or not you were sick with a permanent illness.
After your head caught up with Joel's statement on men, you just shook your head. You then gave him a genuine, honest to god, belly laugh. “Yeah, well, Mr. Miller, show me where a real man is who wouldn’t care about all of that.  Tell me who he is, because honestly, I haven’t found one single guy out there who’d be willing to have a real relationship with me because of this illness. And for the record, I can’t even get a guy to fuck me with no strings attached either. Not that I’d want that, cause I don’t do the casual sex thing, but still, you get it.” You said, snapping right back at him. 
It was Joel's turn this time to look shocked. He thought to himself, why the hell has no one treated you right? He could see that you were exhausted with your own body and with your own life. He could tell that you were exhausted at the reminder of what you didn't have, of what your autoimmune disease had taken from you. He wondered if you ever truly tried, or if you just gave up right away. The longer he looked at you, the more he realized that you had tried, but obviously you weren't successful.
As you sat there partially propped up onto your forearms, you felt the tears well up into your eyes once again as you watched Joel look at you. You were embarrassed at what you had said. At admitting how easy it was for everyone else in the world to have relationships, everyone except you. Hell your own family even disowned you after your diagnosis stating that it was “too hard for them to handle.” So you've been doing this on your own, all alone, for the past 3 years. Exhausted didn't even come close to describing the way that you felt. 
As you gently laid back down at this realization of loneliness once again, silently scolding yourself for opening your mouth, you accidentally hit the back of your head on the table, muttering “shit” under your breath. After a moment, you heard Joel let out another long sigh and then he gently grabbed your chin and said, “hey, look at me.”
When you looked into Joel’s eyes, he was staring back at you with concern and tenderness lacing his features. Joel saw your frustration and array of emotions, and he felt like it was important for him to take away all those insecurities by telling you that he wasn't like all those other boys you were with. With a slight smile, he gently cupped your cheek and said, “darlin’, a real man, like me, doesn’t fucking care if you’re sick or not. Men, like me honey, would take care of you regardless of the problems that you have. And honestly, it’s a damn shame that no one has ever taken their time with you, making sure your needs were met. If I was with you, I'd make damn sure you were enjoying it the entire time.” 
Joel then removed his hand and placed both hands on the side of the massage table, stepping back and exhaling through his mouth as he looked down at the ground.  He knew he needed to end this session right now. He's already stepped over far too many lines, and if he didn't watch it, he'd cross an even bigger one of showing you how a real man gave a beautiful woman pleasure.
You laid there watching the turmoil unfold on Joel's face. He wouldn't look up at you, kept staring down at the floor, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet periodically.  He had checked his watch several times, attempted to clear his throat once, and had quickly glanced out the window. You knew those signs, he was trying to find a nice way to end the session or end the conversation. The more you watched him, the more upset you got. 
After Joel stood there staring outside for a while, he finally cleared his throat again. “I- uh, I think Dr. Anderson can probably help you better, she’s very good with this type of stuff,” he said, waving his arm at you, but not looking at you. 
When he straightened up to walk away you closed your eyes and said in a soft voice, “Please, please, help me.” You wanted to keep your voice steady, but you found that it slightly cracked at the end, which made you internally scold yourself. You weren't a weak person by nature, you couldn't afford to be with a disease that was slowly destroying your organs and killing you from the inside out. But somehow you felt like you were weak, like you were just a shell of the person that you once were. At first, when you asked for his help, you didn't know what exactly you were asking for. But as the seconds ticked by, with him not answering, you realized that you were pleading for him to see you.
Without looking at you, Joel asked in a gentle tone, “what do y’need help with?” When he turned back around towards you, his eyes were closed, and he was taking several steadying breaths. He was trying to calm his nerves and to silence the war that was going on in his mind. His mind was screaming at him, reminding him that this was inappropriate patient-doctor conversation or relations. He knew he needed to stop. So it shocked him to hear himself say a little louder, “Darlin’, what do you need help with?”
You just stared up at him, searching his face to see if what you wanted to voice was okay for you to do. You wanted him, as a man, to find you attractive and to touch you. But how could you ask him to go against all of his code of ethics as a medical provider just to touch you like a husband would touch a wife, desperately and passionately.  You didn’t even know if he was married, or even in a relationship with someone else. 
As Joel opened his eyes, he looked down at you, and it was then that he knew what you wanted. You were looking at him the same way his ex-wife used to look at him from time to time. When she’d plead with him to fuck her, to silence all her insecurities in her head. He hasn't seen a woman look at him like that for almost 20 years, and it did something to him. It made his resolve crumble instantly where he said ‘fuck it' in his own head, and he gave in to his primal instinct of helping you as a man, not as your doctor.
“Baby, come on. I ain’t gonna ask y’again.  What is it that you need, honey? Tell me, and I'll do it.”
“Joel, please,” was all you could say, begging him with your eyes, trying to tell him what you wanted.
“No, now, come on. Y'gotta use your words for me. Be a good girl and tell Daddy what he can do to help you and make you feel better.”
As soon as Joel had said the word daddy, he instantly scolded himself. But when he saw your eyes glaze over with arousal at the name, he knew what you wanted. You lightly whimpered and started squeezing your thighs tight together. 
Joel felt dizzy for a moment as blood rushed fast to his cock at your whimper, his cock hardening to the point of being painful. But this wasn't about him. This was about you, about showing you that a real man, like him, could give you affection and attention like you so desperately needed. 
He walked towards you, gently placing his hand onto your thigh, lightly stroking it. He was trying to center you and help you communicate with him in what you wanted and needed. He knew all of this was wrong, but he couldn't help himself, especially when you begged him to touch you.
“Joel, please, touch me,” you said, while grabbing his hand and guiding it to below the blanket to where you were practically throbbing. 
“F-fuck,” Joel slightly moaned, closing his eyes at the feeling of you not wearing any underwear as he touched your slick velvet folds underneath the blanket with his hand. Your lips were slightly swollen, aroused, and desperately needing attention. You were making a mess on his table, slick pouring out of you from your needy little hole. You wanted Joel to help soothe the ache deep within you, to take your pain away.
Joel slowly moved his finger down to your center. Feeling your pussy spasm and clench around nothing. He rested his finger at your opening, not pushing his finger inside of you just yet, but slowly stroking it with feather-like touches. “Baby, we shouldn’t do this” he said, still slowly circling your opening, and not stopping or pushing his finger in. He needed to hear your verbal confession that you wanted this, that you wanted him. As Joel felt your hole clench a second time at nothing, he said, “baby, please, say somethin’.”
You moaned slightly while opening your hips up to allow him better access to you. “More” was the only audible thing that you could say at the moment. And that's when Joel’s resolve fully crumbled, and he pushed two fingers knuckle deep inside of you, stretching you perfectly around him.
“Fuck baby, that's tight. Ya squeezing my fingers in a goddamn vice.” He said, growling low, followed by a soft grunt.
You willed yourself to relax, to allow Joel in more. To allow him to get deeper within you, to where you knew that you needed him. To say his fingers were a stretch was an understatement. His fingers were longer and thicker than what you were used to. It was a comfortable stretch, but almost borderline on being painful. You've never been stretched out this much with just fingers alone. If you had to guess by his slow movements he was doing right now, you thought that Joel was a very experienced man, especially when he curled his fingers and found that spot deep within you that you've never found before. As soon as he hit it, your eyes rolled back in your head and you softly moaned “fuuuck.”
“There she is, right there huh, baby?” He said, angling his hand a bit more to get a little deeper as he started to stroke your g-spot with those perfected come hither movements. 
Joel was good at three things: First, he was a very hard worker. He had the perfect street smarts to own and operate two successful businesses in his lifetime. Second, he was an amazing father. Always listening and being there for his girls. And finally, he was an attentive lover. He listened, and found what worked for every woman that he’s ever been with. He knew how to fuck a woman just right, and how to bring her the most and best pleasure.  And that was something that he made sure you understood at the moment with his fingers.
As Joel continued to work his magic with his fingers, pushing them a little deeper inside of you, and picking up the pace in stroking you, you felt your walls spasm more. You let out a low moan, breathing starting to become erratic as the sensation of pleasure took over your body. You were right, you obviously hadn't had a good fuck for a long time, especially considering that you were not far from coming undone on just his fingers alone with no clit stimulation whatsoever. And if you could describe the feeling that you were feeling right now with his fingers moving inside of you, you would describe it as being ‘fucking fantastic.’
Joel found himself matching your small moan with a groan of his own, especially when he looked down and noticed your pussy was dripping all over him. He slowly started withdrawing his fingers, giving you time to adjust, before pushing them back in. It was obscene, the wet squelching noises that your beautiful cunt was making for him. You were biting your lip, eyes casted away from him. He gently grabbed your chin with his other hand, turning you towards him while saying “no darlin’, eyes right here. Ya keep ‘em on me, ok?” He said, as he slowly kept pushing his fingers in and out of you. He kept up the slow pace for a bit, working you up, not wanting to fully tip you over the edge just yet. He knew that you needed this, that you needed to enjoy the experience.
“Joel, it feels- fuck, it feels, it feels,” you were at a loss for words at the moment. You were struggling to keep your eyes on him right now, fighting them from wanting to roll back into your head at the sensation of pleasure.
“I know baby. Fuck, just listen to her, she needs this huh? Your pussy needs this, doesn’t she? This. Nice. Slow. Finger. Fuck, huh?” He said, slowing down more and thrusting harder with his fingers at every word he said, drawing out your pleasure more. The longer he fucked you slow with his fingers, the more your pussy gripped him hard, sucking him in, not wanting him to leave.  You were panting, starting to squirm, getting lost in the pleasure.  Joel wanted to tease you a little longer, but he figured you weren’t used to this kind of play.  Something he intended to do next time he had you alone, preferably in his bed with you begging for his cock. 
When Joel saw you start to match his thrusts with your own, he knew it was time for him to tip you over the edge. So Joel really started to finger fuck you you now, the way that he knew women liked. When he did that, you cried out at the stimulation and surprise of his actions.
“Shhh baby, it's alright,” he said, cooing at you to quiet you down. “Now, darlin’, you’re gonna be a good girl and come all over these fingers, ok? Then you're getting a full refund today. I don't charge money to finger fuck my clients.”
You nodded your head, trying to keep your eyes open as Joel massaged the inside of your velvety warm walls, getting closer to the edge.  Your toes were starting to curl, breathing was very erratic. You were getting very close to cumming.
“And lastly sweetheart,” he said, putting pressure down on your lower abdomen, and curling his fingers in a way that he knew would make your vision go blurry, while building a firm pressure sensation inside of your abdomen. “You must communicate with me with your words when something doesn't feel good, or if you want me to do something differently. You know your body better than me honey. I don't, so help me make you feel good. Okay?”
Fuck you were wrecked, seconds away from crashing through, or into, a brick wall with an orgasm, you thought.  This felt different though, so much different than what you’ve ever experienced before. “Joel, fuck, pressure, it’s a lot of pressure and I’m, fuck, I’m, I’m-”
“Come f’me sweetheart. Come on baby, fucking soak my fingers” Joel growled in your ear as the rubberband inside of you snapped hard. When it did, your cunt seized around his fingers as you felt the gush of fluid come out of you, he made you squirt for the first time. Your vision went white, ears ringing, legs shaking from the intensity of it all.  You’ve never come so hard ever in your life, and you couldn’t help the loud moan that escaped your lips around Joel’s hand that was now covering your mouth. He continued to fuck you through your orgasm, whispering “good fucking girl” with a strained voice as he watched you come undone. His own pupils were blown wide, eyes impossibly dark with lust, wanting nothing more than to bury his cock deep inside of you, to feel you spasm around him hard like this.  But that would have to happen at a later time.  Today was about you, about giving you something that you needed, attention from a man.  You were a beautiful woman, and you deserved to have a man take care of you in this way, and other ways too, even if you did have autoimmune disease. 
Joel continued to slowly work you through your high, pumping his fingers gently in and out of you. When you finally came back to Earth, he removed his soaked fingers from your cunt and then he slammed his lips hard against your mouth, kissing you fervently. You licked the seam of his lips, asking for access into his mouth, which he quickly granted. You two were wrestling your tongues together, each seeking dominance over the other. Joel has never been kissed like this, with so much passion that he hated pulling away from you mere moments later, gasping for breath as his heart raced out of control in his chest. 
“Fuck woman, no one’s ever kissed me like that,” he said, gasping for breath. Joel placed his forehead gently against yours, eyes closed, breathing you in as his heart rate slowed in his chest.
“Do you want me to take care of you?” you asked, laying your hand gently on his crotch, feeling him buck slightly into your touch beneath you.
“No baby, I wanna do this right, take ya out first, if y’don’t mind.”
“You don't have to if you don't want to, I mean-”
Joel snapped open his eyes and stood up looking at you, furrowing his brows. He then shook his head and said “don't”, and walked over to the sink in the corner of the room to wash his hands. You sat up, chewing on your lip, overthinking things once again. After a moment of silence you heard him speak when he shut the water off.
“I'm not some 20 year old punk ass boy who only cares about getting his own rocks off, darlin'. I don't do that sort of thing. Now, if you don't want to have dinner with me, then that's fine. But I'd really like to take y’out.”
“Like a date?” You asked, looking into his eyes hopeful.
“Yes baby, like a date.” He said, standing in front of you, holding a robe up for you to take to cover your naked body up.
“Yeah, but what happens when I- when we- when it's done? Or what happens if I can't because of this- because of autoimmune?” you say, motioning your hand up and down at your body. 
Joel took a big breath in, and then slowly let it out through his nose. He then cupped your face with both hands and said, “ok, I'm gonna stop you right there. First, I don't fuck on the first date, ok, so don't worry your pretty lil’ head about it. And second, I don't give a damn if we have to reschedule. I understand you have autoimmune disease, remember I've read your file.” Joel immediately winced at that reminder, of how he has crossed every line in the sand with his actions. He didn't know how he was going to explain to Dr. Samson that his treatment wouldn't work with you and that he was going to refer you to Dr. Anderson. It was going to cost him big time, he knew that. Dr. Linda Anderson wouldn't just drop it, she'd want an explanation. But Joel couldn't think about that right now, he'd deal with it and her later.
“But Joel it's-”
“Do you not want to go out to dinner with me?” He asked, the color draining from him face. Did he read you wrong? Were you just looking for a quick orgasm and nothing more? He rubbed his neck in embarrassment, thinking he completely fucked up at your signals once again. “You-uh, you don't have to say yes if you don't want to. I mean, if I read you wrong you can- uh, no pressure to say no.” He was internally scolding himself at this entire situation, of how much he's fucked up today. His ex-wife was right, he thought, he definitely doesn’t understand what women need nor want. Proof was here, right in front of him, with your reluctance to say yes to just dinner. 
Joel turned to walk out, mumbling “I'll give you some privacy to get dressed. I'll tell Ashley to give you a refund when I see her tomorrow, don’t worry, she’s already left for the day. And you can just forget about today if you want, if I made you feel uncomfortable. I’ll sorry, I just-”
“Stop, please,” you said, grabbing his arm. “Don't leave. Everyone does, everyone leaves me. I-I want you to stay with me right now, please.” 
Joel stopped and looked at you, seeing the gears in your head turning. After a moment he said, “please honey, ya gotta tell me what you're thinking. I can't-”
“I want to go out on a date with you Joel, it's just, don't have high expectations or hopes for me, ok? Men do, and then as they get to know me they- they get mad when I don't meet something that they wanted. I- this- it’s hard ok? It’s hard ‘cause I have a gorgeous man in front of me that I've been attracted to since the moment I saw him, and all I want is for him to see me. To really see me. And I- I don’t wanna fuck that all up where you hate me, or think I’m a failure and I- I should just really stop talking.” You said, laughing at yourself and blushing at the fact that you just spilled all of your insecurities in the air to a stranger. A very hot stranger, but a stranger nevertheless.
“Honey,” he said, grabbing your hand softly. “I want all that too and, if I'm being honest, I'm a little scared of a date too as it's been a long time since I've done this. The whole dating thing, it hasn’t been a priority of mine for a while. But I wanna do it f’you, with you. We can take it slow, we can figure it out together, ok? How does that sound?” Joel then leaned in and gave you a soft, delicate kiss on your lips, one that immediately calmed your nerves. 
“Ok, yes. Dinner would be great,” you said, a tad breathless after Joel pulled away from kissing you. You took a moment to compose yourself, to will the butterflies to calm down in your tummy at the thought of getting a chance to have a date with this man.
Joel watched the blush rise up in your cheeks, and if he was being honest, it flattered the hell out of him.  That a simple gentle kiss could get you all hot and bothered, where you were blushing for him. “Ok, good,” he said, smiling. “How about I pick you up around 6pm this Saturday?”
You nodded your head, and noticed that Joel furrowed his brows at the lack of your speaking to him again.  You quickly said, “Saturday would be perfect.” 
Joel stood there for a moment, glancing over your features, looking at you intently, making sure that you in fact truly wanted this.  Once he found what he was looking for, he stepped back and gave you a small smirk. 
“Ok, darlin’. Now for life's biggest, and most important question. What toppings do y’like on your Pizza?”  Joel decided to take you to his favorite pizza place on Saturday.  When he saw you smile, he knew that he picked a good choice.
“Well Miller,” you said, while giving him your best playful smirk. “You’re just going to have to take me out to find out.”
End of Part 1
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monarchisms · 11 months
so for those unaware, rooster teeth's annual extra life stream this year (2023) will be on november 11th at 10 am central time. the stream is back to being 24 hours long, and the schedule has recently been posted on rt's social media accounts. with this context, this post is going to carry a more somber tone than the usual extra life posts i used to make. this is because of the hospital that rt gives their donation money to: dell children's medical center. most of the links going forward are to articles from news sites i read through to gather and cross-reference any public information i can find to make sure what i'm sharing is accurate. general content warning for transphobia ahead.
in late april and early may, news started coming out that ken paxton, a texas attorney general, announced an investigation to "determine whether it [dell children's] is "unlawfully" providing certain gender-affirming medical care to minors." he made a statement about it on the 5th of may, and allegedly, said investigation was sparked by a video in mid-april shared by far-right activist group project veritas. i'm not linking the video directly because the group has a history of video manipulation and general disinformation throughout its existence, and i'm not a fan of, frankly speaking, spreading their bullshit, but it's linked in the nbc article for further context.
anyways, an alleged employee in that video claimed that patients at the hospital were provided gender-affirming treatment, and started to medically transition around the ages of 8 or 9 years old. dell children's official statement was shared around a week after the project veritas video was published, basically refuting the claim and explicitly stating that the hospital "prohibits surgery and prescribing hormone therapy for the treatment of gender dysphoria for children". they also note that they were "conducting a thorough review of this situation." as a result, many patients and their parents "began hearing that appointments with the hospital’s adolescent medicine specialists had been canceled and that their providers no longer worked at the hospital", leaving families to find another health provider in the state or consider looking into out-of-state resources and doctors for a better chance at receiving care. i didn't find a source that specified if those whose were no longer at dell children's chose to quit or were involuntarily fired, but it's still unfortunate either way.
keep in mind that like rooster teeth, dell children's is based in austin, texas, and the state of texas (especially within the last year) has a history of transphobia and general lgbtphobia with laws that have been proposed and/or put into effect. one of those laws that went into effect was senate bill sb 14, which went into effect on september 1st, and outlaws minors (those under 18 years old) from receiving hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and general gender-affirming care from medical professionals, as well as disallowing said professionals from prescribing care or performing surgeries to the patients.
now, the reason i typed all of this in the first place is that as far as i know (please tell me if i'm wrong here), rt hasn't made a public statement about this whole thing, nor has it been stated that they decided to give money to another hospital, or keep everything as is. i saw no one here on tumblr talking about it, and i didn't want to keep quiet myself, so i tried to make this as thorough as possible. i made a post last year noting that you can donate your money to your local hospital or donate through another individual or organization other that rt on the official extra life website. that also applies to this year's event.
whatever you decide to do or not do, always make sure to do your research on reputable, verified organizations. if you're donating your well-earned money somewhere, be confident that it's somewhere you can trust.
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Quirk Counselling
Cause Mimi asked me to expand, and like-
Weird place to start, but have you ever read up on the history of plague doctors?
Most of them weren’t actually doctors. The Plague sprang up so fast, the government didn’t have the time, money, or resources to hire that many doctors. All things considered, I’m not sure that many doctors existed at the time, especially when many actual doctors were likely to be the first one to get sick. Given the way people got sick, government concern was very quickly becoming less about curing the disease, and more about containing the spread, figuring out who had it. And you didn’t need to be a medical professional to do that. Apparently, the most common occupation of Plague Doctor wasn’t “medical professional” it was farmer, greengrocer, and butcher. People who weren’t making a lot of money at the time, cause being a Plague Doctor paid REALLY WELL. They were sending you to check up on sick people, and possibly get sick yourself and die. So they had to make this position look good. So, even if you died, your family would suddenly have quite a bit of money. “Plague Doctors” weren’t really about being DOCTORS, they were about confirming whether or not someone had the Plague. They worked more like census workers who gave out shitty medical advice, than anything. Seriously, read up on Plague Doctors sometime, cause it can be real interesting.
Anyway, I imagine this sort of thing is how “Quirk Counsellors” started. When Quirks first started popping up, the governments of the world would make it mandatory to see someone when they manifested a Quirk. Because most of this would be little kids, they frame it as “helping them develop”, but the reality is they want to know what portion of the population HAS Quirks and what they are. And again, you don’t need a medical degree to tell someone else your observations about a person. I imagine that all initial Quirk Counsellors were just random government agents, and had to submit their files to a government database, so it’s basically registering your Quirk status with the government. But they had to keep up with demand, so you hire anyone who applies, and you pay them well, cause you want them to like you, and you’re sending someone to check out a potentially dangerous situation, you are paying them enough to not care about the possible poison gas.
Of course, some things would have changed by present day, mostly cause so has society, but I imagine Quirk Counsellors haven’t changed much since their inception. While there can be private Quirk Counsellors, most are still government positions. Literally anyone can do the job. There aren’t any qualifications. You don’t need any kind of medical degree, you maybe need to complete an online course (maybe) that takes like six weeks. They pay REALLY WELL. You’d get all kinds of people - those who genuinely want to help but have no clue what they’re doing, those don’t give a fuck and are here for the pay check, those who are actually really good at it but suck at marketing themselves. It’s a shitshow.
I imagine there’s probably SOME regulation, but none of it is government mandated, it’s all done by the community. By review, and word of mouth. Like, Quirk Specialists are probably a thing - a Quirk Counsellor that specializes in a specific kind of Quirk type. I imagine that Specialists are probably the ones you want, because the idea is they dedicate their time to something specific, so actually know what they’re talking about. General Quirk Counsellors, who sort of do a bit of everything, are who you go to “diagnose” your Quirk, then you go to a Specialist. But even that isn’t a guarantee that you’ll get someone good. Some Quirk Counsellors network. Some don’t. Some charge you additional fees. Some will only see you if you agree to a certain number of sessions. Some reserve the right to name your Quirk for you. It is a MESS.
Oh I love this and unfortunately for everyone involved this works very well for the role of a certain OC I can’t wait to kill!
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
In this post I reveal the history and depths of the ABIM's corruption and in particular the innumerable and disturbing conflicts of interest of its CEO, Dr. Richard Baron.
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Aug 20, 2024
The unholy alliance of industry captured high-impact medical journals, federal public health agencies, professional societies (ABIM, AMA, APHA etc), and most importantly, the state medical licensing boards directed by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) are still going hard after us “dissenting” doctors.
We are unfortunately a tiny minority of the physicians in this country that very publicly called out the unscientific policies implemented by corrupted policymakers in a directed pursuit of profits and power. Their actions trying to silence us (and to scare other doctors from speaking out) are shockingly still escalating in the wake of Covid (we apparently are in the monkeypox pandemic now).
As many of you are aware, the ABIM revoked the Board certifications of me and Professor Paul Marik last week. One aspect of how insane that is is that Paul was the most published practicing ICU specialist in the history of critical care medicine when he was forced to retire. And don’t forget he has an H-Index of 110 (this is a measure of the impact of your scientific publications - a typical H-Index of a professor is 12-24 and most Nobel Prize winners score 30 or above). They still took him down.
To best understand why they would do this, I think it is important to review what the ABIM is, how it operates, and then detail their absurd attempt to paint us as misinformationists by using disinformation.
Let’s first trace my current relationship with the ABIM to today:
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pristyncarereviews · 2 months
Tips for Quick Recovery After Surgery: Advice from Pristyn Care’s Health Experts
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By optimizing and improving the patient experience before, during, and following surgery, Pristyn Care is leading the charge to transform surgical care in India. Pristyn Care is a full-stack healthcare solutions provider that is committed to making every patient's experience as easy and stress-free as possible. Their team of specialists is dedicated to providing complete support, from the first consultation to the recuperation phase following surgery. Pristyn healthcare highlights the need to follow competent medical advice since it understands the critical role that planning and knowledgeable direction play in the success of rehabilitation. This method makes surgery both effective and safe by protecting patients from potential complications and expediting the healing process.
Section 1: Preparing for Surgery
A successful surgical procedure can be a life-changing experience, so being well-prepared is essential. Preoperative consultations are extremely important to Pristyn Care because they lay the groundwork for establishing precise expectations and getting patients ready for surgery. These sessions guarantee that patients comprehend the recuperation process, are well-informed about the procedure, and are psychologically prepared for the necessary actions.
Individuals must inform their healthcare professionals honestly about any current medications or pre-existing medical issues during these conversations. The experts at Pristyn Care carefully examine each patient's medical history to customize the surgical plan to meet their unique requirements, thereby lowering the likelihood of complications following surgery. This individualized approach aids in the creation of a unique recovery plan in addition to optimizing the surgical technique. Through proactive management of these factors, Pristyn Care guarantees that every patient is surgically ready, improving operation safety and efficacy while reducing the risk of unanticipated consequences.
Section 2: Understanding Your Surgery 
A healthy recovery depends on you being aware of the details of your surgical treatment. Pristyn Care makes certain that every patient is given a thorough explanation of the surgery, including the methods that will be employed, the anticipated length of the treatment, and the recuperation period. Patients' nervousness before surgery is reduced by this transparency, which aids in their physical and emotional preparation. Pristyn Care reviews frequently emphasize how this thorough explanation demystifies the procedure gives patients a sense of control and reduces their anxiety about the impending surgery.
Gaining knowledge about the surgery process also facilitates healing. Patients can actively engage in their recovery by following post-operative instructions more thoroughly and managing their expectations regarding recovery durations and potential pain management better when they are aware of what to expect at every stage of the process. Positive comments and evaluations endorsing Pristyn Care's extensive educational initiatives attest to the fact that this well-informed approach facilitates quicker recovery and adds to overall patient happiness.
Section 3: Day of Surgery Tips 
Without enough planning, the day before surgery can be stressful. Patients are given a list of necessary goods by Pristyn Care to make sure they are comfortable and prepared. This contains essential paperwork like identification, health records, and insurance documents in addition to personal belongings like toiletries, a change of clothes, and a favorite book or entertainment gadget that can make the stay easier. On the day of surgery, these simple preparations can greatly improve comfort and lower stress levels.
Furthermore, following dietary recommendations before surgery is essential for a safe treatment. Before surgery, Pristyn Care provides patients with advice on fasting or particular dietary requirements that must be met. This frequently entails giving up food and liquids for a predetermined amount of time before the procedure to avoid issues like aspiration while under anesthesia. Patient reviews frequently comment on how useful and clear these dietary instructions were, and how they prevented any issues before surgery. Adhering to these guidelines not only guarantees safety throughout the procedure but also facilitates a more seamless and trouble-free recuperation, thereby strengthening Pristyn Care's dedication to both patient care and safety.
Section 4: At-Home Post-Surgery Care
Optimal healing following surgery depends on how well you handle your at-home recuperation. Comprehensive post-surgery care guidelines, particularly about wound treatment, are provided by Pristyn Care. Patients receive instructions on wound care, including methods for cleaning and treating wounds that reduce the chance of infection. It's critical to recognize infection symptoms, which include increased redness, swelling, warmth, and discharge. To guarantee prompt medical attention if certain symptoms arise, patients are informed about them.
Following the suggested prescription schedule is equally crucial. Pristyn Care stresses how important it is to take all prescriptions exactly as prescribed, especially antibiotics and analgesics. Effective pain management after surgery promotes comfort and movement, both of which are critical for healing. Pristyn Healthcare's care instructions are highly praised in reviews because they provide a thorough explanation of each drug's purpose and clarify each stage of the treatment regimen, improving patient compliance and recovery outcomes.
Section 5: Rehabilitation and Physical Activity
Rehab and physical activity are essential components of post-operative recovery. Personalized rehabilitation plans are created by Pristyn Care, outlining the kinds of activities that are helpful and those that should be avoided during the early stages of recovery. Light exercise, such as walking or mild stretching, is usually recommended for patients as it improves blood circulation and helps avoid problems like blood clots.
To promote flexibility, strengthen the muscles surrounding the surgical site, and ease the return to regular activities, physical therapy is frequently advised. Working with physiotherapists who specialize in post-surgical recovery is part of Pristyn Care's approach to making sure that exercises are properly completed and customized to each patient's needs and progress. The quality of life after surgery is improved and recovery times are greatly shortened when skilled physical therapists are involved. Positive evaluations frequently emphasize how adhering to Pristyn Care's structured physical activity standards has resulted in fewer issues and faster recovery times, demonstrating the efficacy of their rehabilitation plans.
Section 6: Nutrition and Hydration
Adequate nutrition and hydration are essential for successful postoperative recovery. According to Pristyn Care, a balanced diet full of proteins, vitamins, and minerals is crucial for the immune system and tissue regeneration. Pristyn Care reviews recommend that patients eat meals high in protein, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, and legumes, along with fruits and vegetables that supply essential vitamins and antioxidants. Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated promotes nutrient distribution and cellular health, both of which contribute to the healing process. 
Additionally, Pristyn Healthcare reviews advise staying away from processed foods, high-fat goods, and excessive carbohydrates as these might irritate tissues and impede healing. Pristyn Healthcare reviews often highlight these useful dietary recommendations, which greatly shorten healing times and increase safety. Following these guidelines, as noted in Pristyn Care reviews, ensures a more effective and safer recovery.
In summary
You'll recover from surgery more quickly and safely if you heed the professional counsel of Pristyn Care. Please contact Pristyn Healthcare if you have any questions or concerns about any issues that may arise after surgery. At every step of the journey, their committed team will offer assistance and direction. Pristyn Care reviews and Pristyn Healthcare reviews consistently highlight the exceptional support and guidance provided throughout the recovery process.
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themadlymaiden · 1 year
I saw a physical therapist for the first time. She took an hour reviewing my medical history, asking me lots of questions. Then she had me bend in various ways, said I was high on a scale that correlates to EDS. I’m now referred to a genetics specialist for potential diagnosis. My GP said they will ask questions to look for specific things, but I chuckled thinking “can’t they just check everything?”
It’s an ignorant question, I’m still asking at the appointment. What was your experience?
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Six Guidelines For Selecting The Right Health And Nutrition Supplement
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Balanced nutrition is actually the base of good health, yet along with hectic timetables as well as processed foods items, it may be challenging to get all the essential nutrients from our diet regimens alone. This is actually where nutrition supplements play a substantial duty in filling those voids as well as assisting overall wellness. Not all supplements are generated equal, and also selecting the correct one needs cautious factor to consider. Within this short article, our company will definitely discover 6 crucial ideas to help you make educated choices when deciding on the best appropriate health and nutrition supplement for your necessities.
Six Strategies For Deciding On the Right Nourishment Supplement
Opting for the right health and nutrition supplement can be an intimidating task, thinking about the vast array of alternatives readily available in the marketplace. To help you create a notified selection, listed here are six tips to take into consideration:
1. Pinpoint Your Particular Targets
Before you begin your seek a nooLVL supplement, it's important to pinpoint your certain health and also health objectives. Whether you aim to enhance power amounts, boost muscle mass recovery, or even assistance general well-being, understanding your objectives will definitely assist you narrow down your alternatives and find the most ideal supplement.
2. Study the Components
It is actually opportunity to dive in to the elements of the nourishment supplements you're considering the moment you've determined your goals. Seek items that contain high-grade and also natural elements, free from any sort of unsafe ingredients or even fillers. Pay attention to crucial elements like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and anti-oxidants that straighten along with your health and wellness targets.
3. Check for Qualifications
To guarantee you are actually deciding on a reliable and also safe product, check for accreditations from credible associations. Try to find supplements that are actually accredited through 3rd party screening firms like NSF International or the USA Pharmacopeia (USP). These accreditations suggest that the product has been actually carefully tested for pureness, effectiveness, and general premium.
4. Read Client
Customer assessments may deliver valuable knowledge in to the effectiveness as well as dependability of a CarnoSyn supplement. Search for recommendations from individuals that discuss similar health and wellness targets to all yours. Reviewing real-life expertises can easily help you make an updated choice as well as discover a product that has actually functioned properly for others.
5. Consult with a Medical Care Professional
Just before including any type of brand new supplement to your diet, it is actually important to speak with a certified healthcare specialist. They can easily evaluate your specific health and wellness necessities, take into consideration any kind of existing medical problems or drugs, and recommend one of the most ideal supplement for you. A medical care expert's guidance will certainly make sure that you opt for a supplement that matches your general health as well as wellness routine.
6. Match up Labels and also prices
Last but not least, match up labels and also costs to find the most effective value for your cash. While it's essential to acquire a top quality supplement, you don't need to spend beyond your means. Look for professional labels that deliver straightforward prices and also have a performance history of producing efficient products. Bear in mind that the absolute most pricey possibility isn't constantly the most effective, and also finding a harmony in between high quality and also cost is actually crucial.
Final thought
Finally, opting for the right Cognizin supplement needs a combo of understanding your targets, researching components, checking for licenses, reading consumer evaluations, finding qualified tips, as well as contrasting rates as well as brands. By following these six pointers, you may create a notified decision and also pick nutritional supplement that will definitely assist your adventure in the direction of much better wellness and also welfare.
When producing your option, don't forget to focus on efficacy, quality, and also security. A well-chosen health and nutrition supplement can be an important add-on to your way of living, aiding you accomplish your health and fitness desires efficiently.
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ppttherapyppt · 1 year
Physical Therapy Clinic in New York City
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome - Joint instability
Joint instability is a common symptom in various subtypes of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). It occurs due to the inherent weakness and laxity of the connective tissues, including ligaments and tendons, which are responsible for providing stability to the joints. Here are some strategies to manage joint instability in EDS:
Physical Therapy: Working with a physical therapist experienced in managing EDS can be highly beneficial. They can design an exercise program to strengthen the muscles surrounding the affected joints, which helps provide additional support and stability. The focus is often on low-impact exercises, such as swimming or cycling, to improve muscle tone without excessive joint stress.
Joint Protection: Learning proper body mechanics and techniques to protect the joints is important. This may involve avoiding or modifying activities that put excessive stress on the joints, using assistive devices like braces or splints for added stability, and learning techniques for joint relocation in case of dislocations or subluxations.
Strength Training: Strengthening the muscles around the affected joints can help compensate for the inherent joint laxity. Resistance exercises targeted at specific muscle groups can enhance joint stability and reduce the risk of dislocations or subluxations. However, it is crucial to work with a knowledgeable physical therapist or exercise specialist to ensure exercises are appropriate and safe for your specific condition.
Joint Bracing or Taping: External support, such as bracing or taping, can provide additional stability to the affected joints. These devices can help limit excessive joint movement, reduce the risk of dislocations or subluxations, and provide proprioceptive feedback to improve joint position sense.
Lifestyle Modifications: Making certain modifications to daily activities can help reduce joint stress and minimize the risk of injury. This includes using ergonomic tools and adaptive equipment to decrease joint strain during tasks, pacing activities to avoid overexertion, and practicing good posture and body alignment.
Orthopedic Consultation: In some cases, orthopedic consultations may be necessary to assess joint stability and explore potential surgical interventions for severe joint instability or recurrent dislocations. Surgical options may include ligament reconstructions, joint stabilizations, or other procedures aimed at improving joint function and reducing instability.
Remember to consult with a healthcare professional experienced in managing Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome to determine the most appropriate strategies for your specific situation. Each person with EDS is unique, and a personalized approach is essential for effectively managing joint instability and minimizing associated risks.
EDS stands for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which is a group of rare genetic disorders affecting the connective tissue in the body. To diagnose EDS, a doctor will typically begin with a physical exam and review of the patient's medical history. They may also order genetic testing to look for mutations in genes associated with EDS.
The physical exam may involve testing the flexibility of the patient's skin, checking for joint hypermobility, and looking for other physical signs of EDS, such as scarring or easy bruising. The doctor may also perform imaging tests, such as MRI or CT scans, to evaluate joint and tissue damage.
There are currently 13 subtypes of EDS, each with its own specific diagnostic criteria. A doctor may use a combination of clinical and genetic testing to determine the subtype of EDS that a patient has.
It is important to note that EDS is a complex condition and can be difficult to diagnose. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have EDS, it is important to consult with a doctor who is knowledgeable about the condition and can provide appropriate testing and treatment.
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best-voodoo-priest · 2 years
Voodoo Practices and History
Voodoo is a popular cultural stereotype based on voudon, an Afro-Caribbean religion with its roots in Haiti but with adherents in neighboring countries and the Americas. Voudon is a term that encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices, from those of the individual to those of the community at large, including a complex system of traditional medicine. Voudon is more than just a set of beliefs. It is a code of conduct passed down through generations through sayings, stories, songs, and folklore.
Voudonists share the Christian belief that the soul can leave the body during sleep or spirit possession. Christian theology views spiritual possession as an attempt by Satan or a demon to possess a human being against their consent. An invaluable first-hand spiritual experience and link to the spirit world, this possession is best used in a ceremony led by a voodoo priest or priestess.
History of Voodoo
Enslaved people created Voudon by fusing their West African religion with the Roman Catholicism they were forced to adopt by their owners, a process known as syncretism. Enslavers were mandated to convert their new African employees to Christianity within eight days of their arrival under a regulation passed in 1685 that also outlawed the practice of traditional African faiths. The Catholic Church approved of slavery because it helped convert Africans to Christianity. Enslaved people coerced into adopting Catholic practices gave them new significance, and many African Vodoo gods eventually came to be identified with Christian saints.
Voodoo Curses, Witchcraft, and its Evil effects
The evil effects of Voodoo encompass Witchcraft as well as Voodoo curse. Modern scientists and doctors are discussing the possibility of something called "Voodoo curse" in peer-reviewed medical journals, demonstrating the negative influence that belief in Voodoo can have on its adherents. The theology and philosophy of voodoo can be all-encompassing and dramatic. This culture has captivated and alarmed outsiders alike.
Witchcraft, an evil effect of Voodoo, involves getting haunted by spirits. Innocent and malicious spirits (kings, heroes, the reach, the righteous poor, obedient servants, etc.) roam freely after dark when the underground gates swing wide open, inspecting the souls of all citizens and keeping tabs on their actions, thoughts, and whether or not they are careful to instill cultural norms in their offspring. Spirits not only protect communities from harm but also oversee daily activities. It is in their hands to prevent droughts, floods, and the spread of deadly diseases.
Spirits would send wicked ones to torment a disobedient individual because while they can cause pain, they can only humiliate a person if he has disobeyed the wishes of his forefathers. As a form of punishment, they might make you sick to your mind, prevent you from taking a shower or medication, restrict you from sleeping in a bed or staying in your own house, and cause you to hear voices belonging to people he knows are dead. Some spirits have the power to direct their target to commit suicide.
Voodoo Priest and Priestess
A Voodoo Priest, or Houngan in the Vodou sect of the religion, is a respected religious and spiritual leader, educator, and role model for other Voodooists. The role of the Voodoo Priest is multifaceted, requiring him to uphold social order, treat the sick, and instruct his disciples in the ways of the religion. In addition, voodoo Priests perform numerous elaborate rituals essential to the faith. Similarly to how a Voodoo Priest is a male healer and leader in Voodoo, a Voodoo Priestess is the term used to describe a female healer and leader in Voodoo.
Voodoo Healing and about our services
It is essential to look for a good voodoo curse removal service. As well-respected voodoo specialists, we would use various methods to restore your health and happiness, including meditation, hypnosis, and rituals, so that you may lead a fulfilled and joyful life. In addition, we have access to some of the most skilled Voodoo practitioners and witch doctors, who will make quick work of any Voodoo spells performed upon you. The best part is that we have been doing Voodoo healing for years.
Voodoo is a significant part of the lives of millions of Haitians, and many people benefit from it. However, the practice also has far-reaching and effective negative consequences for the Haitian people. Most voodoo rituals are theatrical, epic events that fascinate and sometimes terrify onlookers.
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greatlakeso · 16 hours
Choosing the Right Orthopedic Specialist in Michigan
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Dealing with joint pain or injuries can be challenging. Fortunately, Michigan offers a variety of orthopedic specialists to help you navigate your path to recovery. Understanding your options can empower you to make informed decisions about your health.
What is Orthopedic Care?
Orthopedics focuses on the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. Orthopedic specialists treat a range of conditions, from fractures to arthritis. Whether you are an athlete or simply experiencing age-related wear and tear, an orthopedic doctor can help restore your mobility and improve your quality of life.
Searching for "Orthopedic Near Me"
When you search for “orthopedic near me,” you’ll discover numerous clinics and specialists in your area. Finding the right one is crucial for effective treatment. Start by looking at online reviews to gauge the experiences of other patients. These insights can help you identify clinics with a good reputation for quality care.
Additionally, consider the location and office hours of the clinics. Convenience is important, especially when you need ongoing treatment. A nearby clinic with flexible hours can make a significant difference in your overall experience.
The Role of a Shoulder Surgeon
Shoulder pain is a common complaint, affecting many people daily. If you experience persistent discomfort, it’s wise to consult a shoulder surgeon. An orthopedic shoulder surgeon in Michigan specializes in diagnosing and treating shoulder problems.
Common conditions treated include:
Rotator Cuff Tears: These injuries can limit your ability to lift your arm and perform daily tasks.
Shoulder Arthritis: This condition can lead to stiffness and pain in the joint.
Shoulder Instability: This can occur due to dislocations or repetitive injuries.
A skilled shoulder surgeon will perform a comprehensive evaluation, often using imaging tests like X-rays or MRIs. Based on the diagnosis, they will recommend the best treatment options, which may include physical therapy, medication, or surgical interventions.
If surgery is necessary, it may involve repairing damaged ligaments or even performing a shoulder replacement in severe cases. Choosing an experienced surgeon can significantly enhance your chances of a successful outcome.
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Knee Pain and Replacement Surgery
Knee pain is another common issue that can dramatically affect daily life. Whether caused by an injury, arthritis, or wear and tear, seeking help is essential. For severe cases, knee replacement surgery may be the best option. Michigan is home to many skilled knee replacement surgeons who can guide you through the process.
These surgeons focus on various knee issues, such as:
Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease that can cause significant pain and mobility issues.
Ligament Injuries: Injuries like ACL tears can severely impact physical activity.
During your consultation, the surgeon will conduct a thorough assessment, reviewing your medical history and lifestyle. They may order imaging tests to evaluate the extent of your knee damage. If surgery is recommended, the surgeon will explain the procedure, recovery time, and potential risks, helping you feel informed and prepared.
The Importance of Choosing a Specialist
Opting for a specialized orthopedic surgeon can lead to better outcomes. These professionals dedicate their careers to understanding specific conditions and the most effective treatments. They stay current on the latest techniques and innovations in orthopedic care, which can enhance your recovery experience.
Many orthopedic specialists work within a multidisciplinary team. This collaboration may include physical therapists, pain management experts, and nutritionists, ensuring comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs.
The Role of Physical Therapy
Physical therapy often plays a vital role in the recovery process, especially after surgery. A licensed physical therapist can develop a personalized rehabilitation program to help you regain strength and mobility. Adhering to their guidance is crucial for a successful recovery.
Physical therapy may include:
Strengthening Exercises: Targeting the muscles around your joint to provide support.
Range of Motion Exercises: Aiding in regaining flexibility and movement.
Pain Management Techniques: Such as ice therapy or ultrasound.
Managing Expectations During Recovery
Recovery is a journey, and managing your expectations is essential. Healing times vary based on several factors, including age, overall health, and adherence to rehabilitation programs. Your orthopedic surgeon will provide guidance on what to expect and how to prepare for each stage of recovery.
Building a Support System
Having a strong support system can greatly enhance your recovery experience. Friends and family can help with daily tasks and provide emotional encouragement. Don’t hesitate to lean on your loved ones during this time.
When facing joint problems, seeking the right help is crucial. Whether you need an orthopedic shoulder surgeon or a knee replacement expert, Michigan has many qualified professionals ready to assist you. Take the time to research and schedule consultations. Your health is important, and finding the right care can significantly impact your recovery journey.
By being proactive and informed, you can take control of your orthopedic health. Remember, the right specialist can guide you through your options and help you achieve a pain-free life. Your journey toward better health starts with the right support.
Great Lakes Orthopaedics 6255 Inkster Rd., Suite 103 Garden City, MI 48135 (734) 422-8400 https://greatlakeso.com
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A Parent's Guide to Choosing the Right Child Specialist in Islamabad
 Choosing the right child specialist is one of the most crucial decisions a parent can make for their child's health and well-being. With the increasing number of healthcare providers, especially in a bustling city like Islamabad, it can be overwhelming to find the right pediatrician or child specialist who meets your family's specific needs. This guide aims to provide you with essential tips and considerations when selecting a child specialist in Islamabad.
Understanding the Role of a Child Specialist
A child specialist, or pediatrician, is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of infants, children, and adolescents. They are trained to diagnose and treat various health conditions, ranging from minor illnesses to serious diseases. In addition to treating medical issues, child specialists also provide preventive care, health education, and guidance on growth and development.
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Importance of Choosing the Right Child Specialist
Trust and Comfort: Children are often apprehensive about visiting a doctor. A compassionate and approachable specialist can make a significant difference in a child's experience. Parents should feel comfortable discussing their child's health and developmental concerns with the doctor.
Specialized Knowledge: Pediatricians are trained to understand the specific health needs of children at different stages of development. They are knowledgeable about the latest medical advancements and treatments tailored for children.
Continuity of Care: Establishing a long-term relationship with a child specialist allows for continuity of care. This relationship can provide a deeper understanding of a child's medical history, leading to more personalized care.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Child Specialist
1. Qualifications and Credentials
When looking for a child specialist in Islamabad, it's essential to verify their qualifications. Look for:
Medical Degree: Ensure the specialist has a medical degree from a recognized institution.
Specialization: Confirm that they are board-certified in pediatrics, indicating they have completed additional training and examinations in this field.
Continuing Education: Check if they participate in ongoing education to stay updated on the latest medical practices and advancements.
2. Experience
Experience matters significantly when it comes to children's health. A specialist with years of practice is likely to have dealt with various pediatric cases, including common ailments and complex medical conditions. Ask about their experience in treating specific issues relevant to your child's health.
3. Recommendations and Reviews
Seek recommendations from family, friends, or your primary care physician. Additionally, online reviews can provide insights into other parents' experiences. Look for feedback on:
The specialist's communication style
Their approach to treatment
The overall patient experience at the clinic or hospital
4. Communication Style
Effective communication is critical in healthcare, especially when dealing with children. A good child specialist should be able to:
Explain medical terms and procedures in an understandable way
Listen to your concerns and answer questions patiently
Engage with your child in a friendly manner to make them feel at ease
5. Availability and Accessibility
Consider the specialist's availability, including:
Office hours and flexibility in scheduling appointments
Location of the clinic or hospital for convenience
Accessibility in case of emergencies or urgent care needs
6. Hospital Affiliations
The child specialist's hospital affiliations can impact the quality of care your child receives. Choose a specialist affiliated with a reputable hospital that offers comprehensive pediatric services, advanced technology, and a child-friendly environment. Amanat Eye Hospital, recognized as the best eye hospital in Pakistan, provides excellent eye care for children as well.
7. Services Offered
Evaluate the range of services provided by the child specialist. Some specialists may focus on specific areas, such as:
General pediatrics
Pediatric cardiology
Pediatric endocrinology
Behavioral and developmental pediatrics
Understanding their specialties can help you choose the right expert for your child's needs.
Common Pediatric Health Issues
When selecting a child specialist, it's also essential to be aware of common health issues that children may face, including:
Growth and Development: Monitoring growth patterns and addressing any developmental delays.
Immunizations: Ensuring that your child receives the necessary vaccinations on time.
Chronic Conditions: Managing conditions like asthma, allergies, or diabetes.
Behavioral Issues: Addressing challenges such as ADHD, anxiety, or autism spectrum disorders.
The Importance of Regular Check-ups
Regular check-ups with a child specialist are vital for preventive care. These visits help monitor your child's growth and development, provide vaccinations, and catch any potential health issues early on. A trusted child specialist will guide you on the recommended schedule for well-child visits based on your child's age and health history.
Finding a Child Specialist in Islamabad
1. Research Online
Start your search for a child specialist in Islamabad online. Visit healthcare directories, hospital websites, and forums to compile a list of potential specialists.
2. Ask for Referrals
Don’t hesitate to ask friends, family, or your primary care physician for recommendations. Personal experiences can guide you toward the right specialist.
3. Schedule Consultations
Once you have a shortlist, schedule consultations with a few specialists. This allows you to assess their communication style, approach to care, and overall comfort level.
4. Trust Your Instincts
Ultimately, trust your instincts when making the final decision. Choose a specialist who not only meets your child's medical needs but also makes you feel comfortable and supported as a parent.
Choosing the right child specialist in Islamabad is a significant step in ensuring your child's health and well-being. By considering qualifications, experience, communication style, and the range of services offered, you can find a specialist who meets your family's unique needs.
Regular visits to a child specialist are crucial for maintaining your child's health and addressing any concerns that may arise. Trust your instincts, seek recommendations, and take your time in making this important decision.
If you're also looking for pediatric eye care, consider visiting Amanat Eye Hospital, the best eye hospital in Pakistan, which offers specialized eye care for children and adults alike. Ensuring your child's vision is as important as their overall health, and with the right child specialist, you can be confident that you're providing the best care for your child.
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arisuchan · 2 days
Coolsculpting DC How to Achieve Your Dream Body Without Surgery?
CoolSculpting DC has emerged as a revolutionary non-invasive solution for individuals seeking to reshape their bodies and eliminate stubborn fat. This innovative treatment utilises advanced cryolipolysis technology to target and freeze fat cells, allowing for their natural removal from the body over time. Unlike traditional weight loss methods, CoolSculpting is designed for those who are already close to their ideal weight but struggle with localised fat deposits that resist diet and exercise. In this introduction, we’ll explore the benefits, procedure, and outcomes of CoolSculpting in Washington, DC highlighting why it’s becoming a popular choice for body contouring among locals.
Understanding CoolSculpting DC A Non-Invasive Body Contouring Solution
CoolSculpting DC is a revolutionary non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses cryolipolysis technology to target and eliminate stubborn fat. Unlike traditional liposuction, CoolSculpting involves no incisions or anaesthesia, making it a safer option with minimal downtime. The procedure works by freezing fat cells, causing them to die off while leaving surrounding tissues unharmed. This FDA-cleared treatment is ideal for individuals looking to sculpt their bodies without invasive surgery. As awareness of its effectiveness grows, more people in Washington, D.C., are turning to CoolSculpting for a safe and efficient way to achieve their desired body shape.
Benefits of CoolSculpting DC Transform Your Body Without Surgery
Residents of Washington DC seeking effective fat reduction are discovering the numerous benefits of coolsculpting DC.One of the standout advantages is its non-invasive nature, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities almost immediately. Patients appreciate the precise targeting of areas like the abdomen, flanks, and thighs, leading to noticeable results after just one session. Additionally, CoolSculpting is a long-term solution, with fat cells eliminated permanently from treated areas. The treatment is customizable, ensuring that each session aligns with the client’s unique body goals. This personalised approach has made CoolSculpting a popular choice among D.C. residents.
What to Expect During Your Coolsculpting DC?
Scheduling a coolsculpting DC consultation in Washington, D.C., is the first step toward achieving your body contouring goals. During this initial visit, a trained specialist will assess your areas of concern and discuss your desired outcomes. Expect a thorough evaluation that includes a review of your medical history to ensure you are a suitable candidate. The specialist will explain the CoolSculpting process, detailing what you can expect during the treatment and the anticipated timeline for results. This informative session allows you to ask questions and feel comfortable with your decision, setting the stage for a successful transformation.
The Coolsculpting Experience What Happens During the Procedure Coolsculpting DC
Coolsculpting DC procedure itself is designed for comfort and efficiency.During the session, a gel pad is applied to the targeted area to protect the skin before the applicator is placed. You may feel a cooling sensation as the device works to freeze the fat cells beneath the skin. While the procedure typically lasts between 35 to 60 minutes, many patients find it relaxing enough to read, use their phones, or even take a short nap. Afterward, there’s no need for recovery time, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately. This convenience is a significant reason why CoolSculpting is increasingly popular in D.C.
Results and Recovery Coolsculpting DC How Long Until You See Changes?
One of the most appealing aspects of coolsculpting DC is that results appear gradually, providing a natural-looking transformation. Many patients in Washington, D.C., begin to notice changes as early as three weeks post-treatment, with optimal results typically seen after two to three months. The body continues to flush out the frozen fat cells, leading to improved contours over time. Recovery is minimal, with most individuals experiencing slight redness, swelling, or tenderness in the treated area, which usually resolves quickly. This gradual process allows clients to enjoy their new shape without the drastic changes associated with invasive procedures.
Choosing the Right Coolsculpting DC Provider in Key Considerations
Selecting the right provider for your Coolsculpting DC treatment is crucial for achieving the best results. In Washington DC look for licensed and experienced practitioners who specialise in body contouring procedures. Check their credentials and read reviews from previous clients to gauge satisfaction levels. A reputable provider will conduct a comprehensive consultation, taking the time to understand your goals and explaining the process in detail. Additionally, consider the facility’s technology and whether they use the latest CoolSculpting equipment. This ensures a safe, effective experience tailored to your individual needs, giving you confidence in your body transformation journey.
Coolsculpting DC Myths Debunked What You Need to Know?
Despite its popularity, several myths about Coolsculpting DC persist, particularly among potential patients in D.C. One common misconception is that it serves as a weight-loss solution; however, CoolSculpting is designed for body contouring and fat reduction, not weight loss. Another myth is that the procedure is painful; in reality, most clients report only mild discomfort during treatment. Additionally, some believe that results are immediate, but fat elimination occurs gradually over weeks. Educating yourself about these myths can help you make informed decisions regarding your body contouring options and set realistic expectations for your CoolSculpting journey.
Coolsculpting DC in Washington, D.C., offers an innovative and non-invasive solution for individuals looking to target stubborn fat areas without the need for surgery. This FDA-cleared procedure uses advanced technology to freeze and eliminate fat cells, resulting in a slimmer, more contoured appearance. With minimal downtime and impressive results, many D.C. residents have found it to be an effective option for achieving their body goals. Whether you’re preparing for a special event or simply seeking a confidence boost, CoolSculpting provides a convenient and effective pathway to a more sculpted physique, making it a popular choice in the area.
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theestheticclinics · 2 days
How a Trichologist Can Treat Your Hair Loss Problem
If you're experiencing hair loss, you might be feeling overwhelmed and unsure about your next steps. Fortunately, a trichologist can help you navigate this issue effectively. In Mumbai, where hair care clinics are gaining prominence, seeking the expertise of a trichologist can lead to a tailored solution for your specific needs.
 What is a Trichologist?
A trichologist is a specialist who focuses on hair and scalp health. They possess in-depth knowledge about the biology of hair and can diagnose various conditions related to hair loss. By understanding the root causes—whether genetic, hormonal, or environmental—a trichologist can provide personalized treatment plans.
 Common Causes of Hair Loss
Before visiting a trichologist in Mumbai, it's helpful to know some common causes of hair loss:
1. Genetics: Conditions like androgenetic alopecia can lead to thinning hair and baldness.
2. Hormonal Changes: Issues like thyroid problems or hormonal imbalances can contribute to hair loss.
3. Stress: Emotional and physical stress can trigger conditions like telogen effluvium, leading to temporary hair loss.
4. Nutritional Deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients can weaken hair and lead to loss.
 How a Trichologist Can Help
 Comprehensive Assessment
When you visit a hair care clinic in Mumbai, the trichologist will start with a thorough assessment. This may include:
- Scalp Examination: Analyzing the scalp for any underlying conditions such as dandruff or infections.
- Hair Analysis: Evaluating the hair strands to determine their health and thickness.
- Medical History: Understanding your personal and family history of hair loss.
 Customized Treatment Plans
After the assessment, the trichologist will develop a personalized treatment plan, which may include:
1. Topical Treatments: Solutions like minoxidil or specialized shampoos can promote hair growth and improve scalp health.
2. Nutritional Advice: A balanced diet is crucial for healthy hair. The trichologist may suggest specific supplements or dietary changes.
3. Laser Therapy: Low-level laser therapy can stimulate hair follicles and encourage growth.
4. Scalp Treatments: These may include massages, exfoliation, and hydration to improve scalp health.
 Ongoing Support
Hair loss treatment is often a gradual process. A trichologist will provide continuous support, monitoring your progress and making adjustments to your treatment plan as needed. Regular follow-up appointments can help ensure that you’re on the right track to regaining your hair.
 Choosing the Right Hair Care Clinic in Mumbai
When searching for hair care clinics in Mumbai, consider the following:
- Credentials: Look for qualified trichologists with relevant certifications and experience.
- Reputation: Check reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the effectiveness of their treatments.
- Services Offered: Ensure the clinic provides a range of treatments tailored to different types of hair loss.
If you're struggling with hair loss, consulting a trichologist for a hair treatment in Mumbai can be a transformative step. With their expertise and the right treatment plan, you can address your hair loss concerns effectively. Don’t wait—take the first step towards healthier hair today!
By seeking professional help, you can regain not just your hair but also your confidence. Remember, the sooner you act, the better your chances of successful treatment.
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Egg Donor Cost in Mumbai: A Comprehensive Guide
Egg donation is a common practice in assisted reproductive technology (ART) that helps couples facing infertility challenges achieve their dream of parenthood. It involves using a donor’s eggs to fertilize with the partner’s or donor sperm, resulting in a healthy embryo for implantation. For couples considering this option, understanding the Egg Donor Cost in Mumbai is crucial. The financial aspect of the treatment varies depending on several factors, and being well-informed can help make the process smoother and more transparent.
Factors Influencing Egg Donor Cost in Mumbai
The Egg Donor Cost in Mumbai can vary depending on several factors, including the choice of donor, the clinic, and the type of procedure required. Below are the main elements that contribute to the overall cost:
Donor Screening and Compensation: The first aspect influencing the cost is the donor screening and compensation. Selecting a suitable egg donor involves comprehensive screening tests, including genetic and medical history evaluations. The donor is then compensated for her time and commitment, which adds to the overall cost.
Medical and Fertility Treatment Expenses: Egg retrieval is a delicate procedure that requires medical precision. The cost typically covers the medication for stimulating the donor’s ovaries, ultrasound scans, hormone injections, and the egg retrieval process itself.
Legal and Administrative Costs: In many cases, egg donation involves legal procedures to ensure that the donor and intended parents are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities. Legal fees and contracts between the parties can further increase the Egg Donor Cost in Mumbai.
Additional Procedures: In some cases, additional procedures like Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) or genetic testing (PGD) may be recommended to improve the chances of a successful pregnancy. These procedures will add to the overall cost.
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Contact Us: +91–8447592299 Email us: [email protected]
Average Egg Donor Cost in Mumbai
While the cost can vary widely, on average, the Egg Donor Cost in Mumbai ranges between INR 1,50,000 to INR 2,50,000. This amount covers all the basic aspects, such as donor screening, compensation, egg retrieval, and legal procedures. However, this cost can increase if additional fertility treatments or genetic testing is required.
Why Choose Egg Donation in Mumbai?
Mumbai is home to some of the top fertility specialists and advanced clinics in India, making it a preferred destination for couples seeking egg donation. The city offers cutting-edge technology and experienced professionals who ensure a high success rate in fertility treatments. Moreover, Mumbai’s egg donor programs are structured to provide a diverse pool of healthy and well-screened donors, giving couples the best chance of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Tips for Choosing an Egg Donor in Mumbai
Consult with a Specialist: Before making a decision, consult with a fertility specialist to understand which donor profile would best match your requirements.
Check Donor Background and Health: It’s essential to review the donor’s health, genetic background, and medical history to ensure the quality of the eggs.
Review Legal Aspects: Make sure all legal formalities are covered to avoid any complications in the future.
Making an Informed Decision
While egg donation is a valuable option for many couples, the associated costs can be a major consideration. Being aware of the Egg Donor Cost in Mumbai and planning your budget accordingly is a step toward ensuring a smooth and successful fertility journey. It’s always advisable to discuss all the financial details upfront to avoid unexpected expenses.
If you need further assistance or have questions related to egg donor costs and treatments, feel free to reach out to us:
Contact Us: +91–8447592299 Email us: [email protected]
With the right guidance and support from Select IVF, you can move forward confidently in your journey to parenthood.
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colivingaustralia · 3 days
How to Choose the Best Fertility Treatment in Vizag
Fertility issues can be an emotional and physical challenge for couples. With the rising number of fertility treatments available, finding the right one can seem overwhelming. Vizag, known for its growing medical infrastructure, offers numerous options for couples seeking fertility solutions. However, choosing the best fertility treatment in Vizag requires careful consideration of multiple factors. This guide will help you navigate through the process and find the best treatment that meets your needs.
Understanding Your Fertility Treatment Options
Before diving into the process of selecting the best fertility clinic in Vizag, it’s important to understand the various fertility treatment options available. These treatments cater to different causes of infertility and vary in complexity and success rates.
1. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most common and successful fertility treatments. It involves fertilizing an egg outside the body and then implanting the embryo in the uterus. IVF is suitable for couples experiencing a range of fertility issues, including blocked fallopian tubes, ovulation disorders, or male infertility.
2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
IUI is a less invasive option where sperm is directly injected into the uterus during ovulation. It is recommended for couples with unexplained infertility or mild male factor infertility.
3. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
ICSI is a specialized form of IVF where a single sperm is injected into an egg to aid fertilization. It is especially effective for couples facing severe male infertility issues.
4. Donor Programs (Egg and Sperm Donation)
For couples dealing with infertility due to poor egg or sperm quality, donor programs can be a solution. Vizag has several clinics offering egg and sperm donation programs that can help couples achieve pregnancy.
5. Surrogacy
For women who cannot carry a pregnancy to term, surrogacy is an option. In this process, another woman carries the pregnancy for the intended parents. Surrogacy laws in India have evolved, so it’s essential to choose a clinic that is well-versed in legalities surrounding this option.
Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Fertility Treatment in Vizag
1. Clinic Reputation and Success Rates
One of the key factors in selecting a fertility treatment clinic is its reputation and success rate. Research clinics in Vizag that are renowned for their expertise and high success rates in treatments like IVF, IUI, and ICSI. You can gather this information through patient testimonials, online reviews, or by consulting with friends and family who have undergone fertility treatments.
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Many clinics in Vizag, such as Aaradhya Fertility Center, are recognized for their success in providing comprehensive fertility treatments. Look for a clinic with consistent success rates and a history of helping couples achieve positive outcomes.
2. Personalized Treatment Plans
Each couple’s fertility journey is unique, and the best fertility clinic should offer personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. Consult with fertility specialists to assess their approach to treating infertility. Clinics that provide individual attention and tailor treatment protocols based on a thorough evaluation of your medical history and condition are likely to offer better outcomes.
3. Qualified and Experienced Medical Team
A fertility clinic is only as good as its medical team. The qualifications, experience, and expertise of the doctors, embryologists, and support staff play a crucial role in the success of your treatment. Before deciding on a clinic, research the credentials of the fertility specialists and ensure they are board-certified and have a proven track record in providing fertility treatments.
4. Availability of Advanced Technology
The success of fertility treatments often depends on the availability of advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment. Clinics offering the latest technology in reproductive medicine, such as advanced IVF labs, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), and cryopreservation services, are better equipped to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
5. Cost and Transparency
Fertility treatments can be expensive, and costs vary depending on the type of treatment, clinic, and technology used. It’s essential to find a clinic that is transparent about the costs involved. Look for clinics that provide a detailed breakdown of the expenses, including consultation fees, medication, procedures, and follow-ups. Some clinics in Vizag may offer financial packages or payment plans to make treatments more affordable.
6. Location and Accessibility
While the quality of treatment is paramount, you should also consider the clinic’s location and accessibility. Fertility treatments often require frequent visits for monitoring, testing, and procedures. Choosing a clinic that is conveniently located in Vizag can reduce travel time and stress during the process.
7. Emotional Support and Counseling
Infertility treatments can be emotionally taxing, and having access to counseling and emotional support services can be beneficial. Some clinics in Vizag offer counseling services to help couples navigate the emotional aspects of fertility treatment, ensuring you feel supported throughout your journey.
Choosing the best fertility treatment in Vizag requires careful research, consultations, and consideration of various factors. By understanding the types of treatments available and evaluating the clinic’s reputation, success rates, medical team, technology, and support services, you can make an informed decision that increases your chances of success.
If you're ready to explore your options, visit Aaradhya Fertility Center to learn more about the best fertility treatments in Vizag and how they can help you on your journey to parenthood.
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