#the special relationship between d and their goalie
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ratatatastic · 9 months ago
mikksy intermission interview!! mikksy intermission interview!!
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his face when he heard the phrase "wild sequence" to describe the 10 seconds of insanity that was almost self goal to actual goal
love when he tries his best not to smile but then his lips quirks up a bit you cannot hide your amusement sir!
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"uhhh i think it was such a great pass [by lundy]" getting mikksy to compliment himself, an impossible task, man is skilled in the art of misdirection like hell youll ever catch him saying good things about himself when he can praise someone else god forbid it really
that uhhhhh like ooooo his mind went so blank he did not agree with that at all
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edmonton oilers @ florida panthers game 2 | 6.10.24
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likeshipsonthesea · 6 years ago
If you're doing prompts, 19 and 24 for nurseydex
for au mash up 19. Summer Camp AU and 24. Soulmate AU
okay so in this universe, as per any soulmate universe, soulmates are A Big Thing. the way that soulmates work–let’s have some fun here– when you touch your soulmate for the first time, they leave a color in the spot they touched you. it has to be skin-to-skin. this will become important later.
so in this world, since soulmates are such a big thing–almost everyone finds their soulmate, the only typical cases that don’t are people that die young or people who are aro, though there are platonic soulmates and poly and such, bc we’re inclusive here boyos– but because they’re so big and common and everything, there are a lot of industries around them
psychics and palm readers have specialized skills to tell you what your soulmate is like, bio-medical companies sell drugs that tell you how long it will be until you find your soulmate (sketchy, but people are desperate) and the weirdest one, imo, is the send-away summer camps for children to find their soulmates young.
yeah. weird.
there’s science to back it up, saying kids who kind their soulmates at younger ages live longer, healthier lives, and the matches between those soulmates is much stronger and, now, with the advent of social media, kid soulmate findings always go viral
so now onto our story; nursey’s parents all have very big work summers coming up (his parents are one of the few poly soulmates in the world, his dad is aro and platonically bonded to nursey’s mom and mama, who are v gay and v in love, and they all live together happily in a beautiful brownstone) so they ask him what he wants to do for the summer and he shows them the brochure for the Summer Soulmate Camp in the rural part of maine.
why did nursey choose this one? he’s a romantic and thinks the greenery is the perfect place to fall in love, it won’t be too hot for the summer, he can go swimming, and they have a hockey rink. it’s perfect.
(also, sidenote, i imagine he’s about ten or eleven here, dex is the same)
so though nursey’s parents are a little hesitant, they also want their son to be happy, so they buy him all the gear he’ll need, drive him up to maine, and kiss him goodbye on the first day of camp.
nursey takes to the camp immediately–the food isn’t great, very bland, but the people are so nice and there’s so much to do and he can’t wait to find friends, even if he doesn’t end up finding his soulmate. his roommate is a great guy–named chris, but goes by chowder– and he’s so enthusiastic and he tells nursey he plays goalie in hockey so when the day comes to join the hockey group on campus, they both head down to the rink, bouncing and excited.
this is, of course, where dex comes in.
dex, a sullen, tiny, perpetually frowning little dude gets matched up with nursey for d-man. despite nursey’s initial hesitation at such a little guy being a d-man, dex soon shows his worth by checking the opposing forward hard.
“will, buddy, we’re not checking in this league, okay?” the coach, a well-meaning woman with smile crinkles next to her eyes.
dex stares up at her. “if i’m not checking anyone why am i even here.”
there may or may not have been an expletive in there somewhere. we’re not going to mention it if you won’t.
and you might be wondering, “hey why is dex being such a dick” or maybe you’re just like “mm in character” (ur wrong but whatever) but here’s the story. these summer camps are usually reserved for people who have the money–there’s only so many spaces and aside from the soulmate thing, they still have a bunch of amenities and it’s for the whole summer. by all rights, dex shouldn’t be here.
but then last winter happened, and he fell down during hockey practice, and the doctor explained to the poindexters–little mama p standing tall, resolute, her husband holding onto her waist in support, dex’s older brother j, finally not wearing an asshole’s smirk– that dex was sick. badly.
and see, dex is fine. like, the chemo sucked and his hair falling out sucked and everyone looking at him like he’s a weak little useless fucking– it sucks. but that was months ago, and it’s sort of in remission now, and though the doctor says it’s probably going to come back and they’ll have to do another round of chemo– dex is fine okay. the buzzed hair doesn’t look too bad and he’s stronger now, he can play hockey again.
but the cancer scared his parents, and his extended family, and though they all believe in the natural meeting of your soulmate, they all silently agreed that dex didn’t have the time to wait. the only thing sadder than dying young was dying without a soulmate.
so they scrounged up the cash through all the branches of their family tree and sent dex to Summer Soulmate Camp, and now here he is, angry and isolated and ready to check any rich prep kid that looks at him funny on the ice.
as you can imagine, nursey and dex don’t get along well at the start.
dex isn’t much into soulmates and doesn’t keep his opinion to himself, and nursey is so wholeheartedly romantic that he can’t imagine not thinking about your soulmate every day. “they’re the one person who can make you the best you can be,” nursey says, one day after practice, and dex scoffs.
“if you’re not good enough on your own, how the hell is your soulmate being chained to you gonna make it any better?”
they also argue about money things, but mostly brand names that dex doesn’t know, or international trips nursey doesn’t realize is a luxury. to be fair, none of the other kids know this either–nursey at least tries to listen
(he’s too young, really, to understand how his blackness has affected him in a similar, possibly more visible way. later on, he’ll read books about slaves “given permission” to marry their soulmates from masters, the interracial couples that ended in mobs driving the black man out of town–or worse– and the history of black soulmates being restricted and demeaned and made to feel less than. now, now he only notices being the only mixed boy in the room some of the time. now, at least, is a calm before the bliss is broken.)
but the thing that comes along with all of nursey and dex’s arguments is that they come to know each other better than anyone else at the camp. even chowder, who tags along with them all the time when he isn’t following after the girls’ volleyball team (he hasn’t touched farmer yet, so he can’t know, but he really likes her smile and she’s the best at doing handstands), even he doesn’t know how nursey feels about books the way dex does, after the late-night talk around the bonfire when nursey got rambly and giddy and dex just.. listened
and it takes a while before dex talks about the cancer. back home, everyone knows, but here he could pretend. nursey doesn’t tell everyone–dex almost expected that he would, but that was more on him than nursey– but he listens and nods and doesn’t pity dex, respects him maybe, cares, but no pity.
and that night, sitting on the end of the dock in a rare unsupervised moment, nursey nearly reaches out to hold dex’s hand in comfort, and dex nearly hugs nursey when he says, “fuck cancer” in the most emphatic, simple, comprehending way dex has ever heard, but neither does. they’ve learned, in this culture, the importance of touch, and both boys are too scared to find out, to break that last barrier. this could be enough. this should be enough.
the rest of the summer is spent in a haze of friendships and salt water and trees and scraped knees and laughter, and all of them swear that they’re gonna text, call, facetime, whatever. they’re going to keep this up. they’re going to be friends forever
they’re not allowed phones at the camp, so they write down each other’s numbers– just dex’s, actually, because he’s the only one who can remember his home phone number– and nursey and chowder swear to call when they get home and give dex their number (chowder also has farmer’s number, now, and her mark–smudgy and bluish purple on his shoulder from where she tackled him trying to spike the ball in a game on the beach last week. his, teal, is on her palm almost in the shape of a heart)
on the day of pick up, dex’s family shows up first–closer– and he and nursey are forced to say goodbye. “i guess this is it,” dex says, hefting his duffle bag strap onto his shoulder.
“no it’s not,” nursey insists. “i’ll call you. i will.”
“yeah right,” dex says, but he’s smiling anyway, and something about the moment–two boys, from such different worlds, somehow so similar in all the important ways, stand in front of each other, having never touched but knowing every little thing– something about the moment makes it so, suddenly, being soulmates doesn’t matter.
they’re friends. no matter what their colors say, that can be the most profound relationship they ever have.
“see you, nursey,” dex says, impulsive, and reaches his arms up to hug nursey close. nursey, startled, wraps his arms around dex. the hug is so unexpected, so quick, that neither of them feels dex’s forearm brush against nursey’s neck, neither of them notice the spread of green–on dex’s arm– or orange– nursey’s neck
later, after dex’s dad pulls in the driveway of their house, dex shoves open the door he’d slumped against when he got in the car and absentmindedly goes to wipe off the mossy-green stuff on his arm only to see it and freak
nursey, since his is behind his head, isn’t the one to notice his mark. it’s only when he’s going up the stairs in front of his mama that she yells something about “papito why didn’t you tell us you found your soulmate?” and nursey drops all of his bags and races up the stairs to the bathroom to try to use a hand mirror and the bathroom vanity to see the sunset dex left on his neck
but here’s the drama, right, nursey goes for his bag to find dex’s number and call–and he can’t find the paper it was written on. he scours his stuff to no avail. his parents call the summer camp, but they legally can’t give out information, and nursey doesn’t know the name of dex’s town and– you get where i’m going. they can’t find each other. they lose touch.
and both boy wonders what could have been, dex wonders why nursey didn’t call (probably develops a complex, whatever) and nursey wonders why dex never tried to look him up, and nursey hopes that dex’s cancer didn’t come back and dex hopes that nursey is still the romantic he’s always been, but they don’t see each other for another seven years.
what happens then? well, these hockey nerds go to take a tour of this cool college called samwell and, well. the rest i’m sure you can figure out from there.
(excerpt from the aftermath; a frequent fight
“i can’t believe you lost my number”
“i can’t believe you gave me a mark i can’t even see”
“i can’t believe you wanted to go to a summer camp to find your soulmate when you were ten”
“i can’t believe you didn’t–”
“nursey, dex, please can we just pick a place to eat and go?” poor baby chow
boys; “well, i had cancer, so i think i should get to pick–” “hey, you can’t pull the cancer card every time you want to eat at the grill, it’s not fair!” “i lost my hair, derek!” “so? you shave it all the damn time–”
chowder’s stomach rumbles. he texts chowder frowny faces and she sends back a cry-laugh and a wink. he gets no sympathy for his plight.)
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heresyourchecksir · 7 years ago
What are the 95 fics you would recommend forever? Inquiring minds want to know! (Since I recognize many on the list you posted for the anon and loved them (and saw some new ones), and now I want to know them all! ^_^ )
Are you sure? Are you really sure you want the whole list? All 95 fics?
Too late, you’re getting them now. Once again, under the cut.
First things first, I took off the 27 I posted in this post, so really you’re only getting 68 fics in this post. Secondly, if you read a fic and really like it, please leave a kudos and a comment! Comments mean a lot to authors! Thirdly, if you like a story, click on the author’s name and see if they’ve written other fics you might like! There’s a lot of great fics by these authors that I didn’t include as well. On to the fics!
The Canadian vs The Fourth of July and Football by @benjji2795 (General) Words: 5,896 
His mama didn’t mean anything by it, inviting Jack to come to Georgia for the 4th of July. She didn’t know about his feelings for Jack or that he was trying to use this summer to put some kind of emotional distance between them. But all the same, he couldn’t help feeling irritated with her when he opened their front door to a pleased-looking Jack Zimmermann.
Hope that you don’t run by milou407 (General) Words: 3,004
Every day after school, Jack Zimmerman and the rest of the Samwell hockey team end up in the diner where Eric Bittle works. This is what happens after that on one special day.
Guns and Ships and so the Balance Shifts  by NowMakeThemKiss (General) Words: 476 
Jack hates it when Bitty listens to his music loudly, until one day he doesn’t mind it so much.
Catfishing for Dummies by @andquitefrankly (Teen) Words: 12,001
Eric Bittle hadn’t planned on signing up for online dating. It was just something that had happened after a drunken night with his friends. He also hadn’t planned on messaging the super obvious catfish masquerading as Jack Zimmermann. And he definitely hadn’t planned on possibly falling in love with him.
Smells like Updog by @onesaltydemon (Teen)  Words: 8,764 
Honestly, just read the whole Count Jackula series. This one just happens to be my fave.
Bitty can’t help but notice something strange with his d-men, especially after he asks Jack to turn him.
learn what joy means by @biblionerd07 (Teen) Words: 6,089
5 times Jack thinks I love you, +1 time he says it out loud.
Your Words on My Skin by @dizzilytwirling(Teen) Words: 8,562
Soulmate AU where markings appear on your skin after you fall in love. Sometimes it’s pictures, symbols, a name, maybe meaningful words your soulmate says to you.
Give It Thyme by IBoatedHere (General) Words: 8,635
They have an herb garden.
Maybe I’m Waking Up by @idrilka (Mature) Words: 157,904
Jack signs with the Falconers, graduates, and leaves. It’s the hardest thing he’s ever done. What comes after is even harder.
I hear sympohnies in my head by @lilbookofkell (General) Words: 14,165
Eric listens to a lot of music. Life is never so bad that it can’t be fixed with baked goods and the right soundtrack, and he’s really good at providing both, if he says so himself.
Can I get a Wingman? by @omgtrashplease (General) Words: 2,806
Jack wants to introduce Bitty to his new teammates, but fears that they won’t get along. As it turns out, he should have been worried for the opposite reason.
Alicia and Bob (I&II) by @adventuresinsuburbia (General) Words: 1,182
A short ficlet about Jack telling his parents about Bitty - the conversation mentioned in Junior Year #13 - Riverside.
Weekender by @wrathofthestag (Teen)  Words: 34,075
Honestly, wrathofthestag is another author that everyone should just go and read all of their stuff. Go do it.
Jack hates conventions – the crowds, the noise, the forced socialization, but it’s a work thing that must be done. Enter Samwell Hockey Player, Eric Bittle, who attends the convention with a group of friends. Suddenly things begin to look up. Jack and Bitty meet at Falcs Fest. Flirting, shenanigans, and love ensue.
Won’t Watch You Walk Away Again by @zimmermaenner (Teen) Words: 71,59
Bitty was never friends with Jack Zimmermann at Samwell, but after he graduates, he keeps running into him.
Enchanted by @ziimmermanns (General) Words: 14,212
OMGCP Enchanted!au – When Prince Eric runs away from a wedding and falls into a magical well, waking up in a strange world of flashing lights, cars, and skyscrapers, he’s a little overwhelmed.
Take Me in Your Arms and Leave the Rest by @omgericzimmermann (Mature) Words: 15,548
After an injury takes Jack out of his short-lived NHL career, he’s left drifting. So he buys a house and decides to rebuild it. Fortunately, he’s got a cute neighbour to keep him company.
when it’s over (you’re the start) by @whoacanada (Teen) Words: 13,404
Have I mentioned that I love whoacanada and all their writing?
Jack goes to sleep in Providence next to his boyfriend and wakes up in Montréal to discover he’s been in a coma since 2009. Refusing to believe Samwell, Bitty, and the Falconers were all a dream, Jack tracks down the real Shitty, Lardo, Ransom, and Holster to find they’ve shared the same group hallucination for years. Now, they’re on a mission to find Bitty, the love of Jack’s non-existent life, and the only member of SMH they can’t seem to get in contact with.
Remembering You by @abominableobriens (Mature) Words: 8,855
Sometimes, significant events have a way of shouting their importance before they’re even over. They’re like, flashes of memory before total darkness.
Revenge is best served @ by Perpetual Motion (General) Words: 1,894
The ESPN hockey anchors take a cheap shot. Bitty takes one back.
Of Pasts and Presents by @kenthoney  (Teen) Words: 4,193
Jack has a type. Which is apparently anyone related to the Bittles.
Penalty Box by QueenOfBrooklyn (General) Words: 1,468
This is what happens when Jack Zimmermann, hockey start, is left alone to babysit.
New Skin by @rransom (Explicit) Words: 6,6104
The world tells Jack that he’s been living the dream. His doctors tell him that he’s so lucky things turned out they way they did. His parents tell him that he is so happy. If only he could remember why.
Puck  by runswithsourwolf (General) Words: 1,696
How Jack Zimmerman unintentionally de-throned Kitt Purrson as hockey’s favorite cat.
nothin’ says lovin’ like somethin’ from a coven by @zombizombi (General) Words: 13,474
Bitty and Jack meet for the first time under interesting circumstances. What do the cards hold for their future?
Until Your Father’s at the Table by @alphacrone (Mature)  Words: 25,122
Ten years after Samwell, Eric Bittle runs into Jack Zimmermann in a sports bar in Boston and rediscovers the most important relationship of his life.
In A Crowd of Thousands by @murrayhewitt (General) Words: 1,690
Samwell was not the first time Jack and Eric’s paths crossed.
The Courtship of Eric Bittle by @gracewatsonauthor (General) Words: 2,747
Jack Zimmermann has decided that he’s going to court Eric Bittle. After reading a very informative WikiHow article and asking Shitty for advice, he feels like he’s prepared.
I Know Now by @17piesinseptember (General)  Words: 5,704
A study-group is organised by several team members, the true purpose of which is to set up Jack and Bitty. Week after week, Jack and Bitty find themselves alone together at the study group. Their relationship grows.
ENGL145, Creative Fiction Writing by i_kinda_like_writing (General) Words: 5,068
When Nursey sees the option on his list of classes, at first he doesn’t even think about it. He is a poetry guy, he likes obscure metaphors and overwhelming imagery. And he’s good at it, so he doesn’t have any reason to branch out of his comfort zone. Then he makes his schedule and realizes that all the English electives he wants to take are during practice or when he already has a scheduled class that’s fulfilling a credit. All that’s left over is Creative Fiction and Straight White Guy Novels Only (he may be paraphrasing the second one a little.) So Nursey checks the box next to ENGL145, Creative Fiction Writing. That’s the start of it, really.
You and me and me and you by @ahausonfire (Teen) Words: 3,211
Friendship with Dex was never in the cards. Just. It wasn’t an option. Not when every glance between them and every thought declared was laced with vinegar and disdain. Not when the mere thought of sharing space with Dex off the ice had Derek’s shoulders tensing up into knots. So, no. Friendship with Dex? It should be unthinkable. It should be impossible. It should be the harbinger of some kind of apocalypse or something. And yet…
Even When We’re Ghosts by @bkmarchand (General) Words: 6,400
As most things are, this is Chris Chow’s fault. He doesn’t look like an instigator for trouble, with his perpetually cheerful smile and the way he tends to drop everything so that he can try and solve problems. Even Islanders fans wouldn’t call him a troublemaker, with his reputation for waving at babies and sitting with his legs swinging on top of his goal. Only those who know him personally can see it, the sly smile when a plan starts to come together, that look of faux innocence when he sarcastically tells you he has no idea what you’re talking about. William Poindexter is currently mowing the grass shirtless, sweat dripping down his back, and it’s all Chris Chow’s fault.
A Metaphysical Inheritance by @mcbangle (Teen) Words: 2,302
When Dex discovers a strange note from former goalie John Johnson in a mysterious book, his life changes in ways he never could have predicted.
Monster Haus by @dexondefense Words: 15,186 
This is technically a series, but it’s too good to not recommend. The tag for it has some things not on Ao3.
AU where everything is the same, except they’re all monsters.
wasted on you by @oluranurse (Mature) words: 20,803
Derek Nurse thinks that if he never falls in love with another redheaded asshole named William, it’ll be too soon.
everything I do, I do for you by ericaismeg(General) Words: 3,669
Lardo is stupid in love with Shitty, but how can she tell him that? She’s just one of the guys, and he’s her best friend in the whole world. Then he asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend for a weekend with his family. Things are about to get complicated, and she’s not sure how much longer she can hide her feelings.
Rainstorm, Reason to Try by @kent-parsons-cowlick (Teen) Words: 11,778
Shitty had always been Shitty and Lardo had always been Lardo even before they got to Samwell.
Hide and Seek is a Dangerous Game by @nickbonino (Teen) Words: 3,269
Chowder suggests they play hide-and-seek. It has interesting consequences.
Twisted and Turned and Somehow Ended Up Here by@theonesyouthinkyoulove (Teen) Words: 8570
Hockey was never a thing for Alicia Zimmermann. She was a West-Coast girl from the United States – if there were any sport she would be interested in, it sure would not be hockey.
Russian Invasion by DisraeliGears (Teen) Words:��3,228
Jack comes for a visit, and has a surprise guest for Ransom.
Team Roach vs Team Attic Round Two: Battle of the Doughnuts  by bellagerantalii (General) Words: 2,344
Dunkin’ Donuts may be dropping the “Donuts” from their name, and the New Englanders on SMH are shook. Obviously, this means a battle royale between Dunkin Donuts and Tim Hortons.
Diced Tomatoes by @randomoranges (General) Words: 2,406
She has always been task-driven. To-do lists are her friends. She’s always sworn by them. Always. And maybe, somewhere along the line, she’s convinced herself that if she gets every chore crossed off, Jack will get better.
A little loving in between by @welovewebseries (General) Words: 17,751
Oh, Derek, Baby, the day you were born you gave us every Valentine’s Day present we could ever ask for,“ Grandma had said. She’d reached out to touch his jaw, tilting his face up to look at hers. “Our sweet, lovely boy.”Derek had smiled, let her kiss his face and then resumed watching the people walk around with their gifts. He hoped their recipients felt as happy and loved as he did.[Derek’s birthdays through the years. My contribution to Nursey Week 2018].
Alma Mater by westernredcedar (General) Words: 1,394
No one expects Alicia Swanson to go to college. She chooses that herself.
Specific Authors
These ones are listed by author rather than ship because it was easier to rec them this way.
It Drops with the Gravity of Rain (Teen) Words: 16,906When Nursey calls, Dex almost doesn’t pick up the phone.
chiaroscuro (Teen) Words: 6,542“Nu, habibi,” Derek’s mother says to him gently, as they leave the registration table. “Are you sure about this? Hockey is a rough sport. It’s going to hurt, sometimes.”Derek, all of eight years old, squares his shoulders. “That’s okay, Ammi,” he says. “I’m not scared.”(They warn him that hockey hurts. They don’t warn him that depression hurts worse.)
above, beneath, betwixt, between (No Rating) Words: 6,574It doesn’t start on a dark and stormy night. Later, Dex will think: that’s what lured them into the false sense of security. It’s hard to imagine your new room being haunted when you move in on such a nice day.
The two that were here apparently no longer exist. Sorry folks!
heavy lightness (feather of lead) (Explicit) Words: 29,847The rivalry between the men’s hockey teams of Samwell and La Croix universities is long standing, thoroughly indoctrinated, and often bloody on and off the ice. With his future professional career at risk, La Croix captain Jack Zimmermann knows he needs to distance himself from the feud. Meeting Samwell’s undervalued winger Eric Bittle while crashing a party, definitely isn’t in his plans. Quicker than anticipated, though, it becomes clear that there’s more than just hockey on the line - for both of them.
The Road Leads Back to You (Mature) Words: 56,394Jack Zimmermann is an established hockey player. He’s three years in to his NHL career, has had the A for the Falconers for two and a half, and is ready to make winners out of the new group of rookies. He pulls one under his wing, affectionately nicknamed Poots, and it should all go as planned. But say Jack accidentally discovers that Poots has a boyfriend. And say that Poots wasn’t a very good boyfriend. And say, for arguments’ sake, Poots’ boyfriend definitely deserved better. Jack is maybe, possibly, totally fucked.
always, always, always on my mind (Mature) Words: 8,767The app is ubiquitous, a dating service that dictates the type and length of every relationship it finds for its users. For Jack Zimmermann, it hasn’t been a real problem - until he is Matched with Eric Bittle for a week-long fling, and is left feeling like he’s missing out on something bigger.
Mixing It Up (Mature) Words: 40,869Bakery AU!Eric Bittle, of Bitty’s Bakery, is very excited to have been chosen as a contestant for the Food Network Challenge. He’s even more excited to find out that he’s making a cake for the NHL new-Cup winners, the Falconers.
Self Reflection (Teen) Words: 29,218Bitty is in Annie’s, bent over his textbooks and wondering, not for the first time, why he decided to take French as a language (oh yes, it’s because so many old recipes are written in French, he’s going abroad there to study food history, can’t wait for the summer; half of fall and then winter semester until he goes, but that doesn’t help him now does it) , when he hears someone clear their throat.“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”Oh boy.Eric doesn’t even bother lifting up his head. “Sorry, not a girl and not interested.”
Ethics of Journalism (Teen) Words: 9,564When Dan Erikson is assigned to write an article about Jack Zimmermann’s years in college, he thinks he knows what he’s getting into.
Shitty, Year 3 (Teen) Words: 7,786As Jack starts playing in the NHL, he hears from Shitty less and less. Which is wrong, of course. When Jack realizes, he sets about fixing it.
Here Comes the Dreams (General) Words: 26,416Sometimes it seems like Jack can’t go anywhere in Providence without being hounded for autographs, so he’s relieved when the people who work at the coffee shop in his new neighborhood don’t seem to recognize him.
Braced Myself (Teen) Words: 24,984Jack knows better than most, how life’s biggest changes come at you hard, fast, and out of nowhere.
Sure Thing (General) Words: 10,733Five times that members of Samwell Men’s Hockey team were unusually perceptive and one time when they… weren’t.
Just Spit It Out (General) Words: 2,392Jack can’t believe he just heard the words on his soulmark from the mouth of the gorgeous new waiter at the diner he frequents. But now the pressure is on - what if he says the wrong thing back? Can you screw up meeting your soulmate?
Will Wonders Never Cease (Teen) Words: 56,840Eric has landed his dream job: social media manager for the Providence Falconers! Not only does he get paid to tweet, for an NHL team at that, but it’s a job where he’ll be able to make good use of his magic - when nobody’s looking, of course. Everyone on the Falconers is a joy to work with… with the notable exception of Jack Zimmermann. Eric understands that Jack doesn’t like social media, but he could certainly be a little more polite about it. Luckily, Eric has support from his Samwell buddies, as well as his best friend - a man whose face he’s never seen, and whose name he doesn’t know. They met on an online forum where witches can gather anonymously, since it isn’t safe for them to advertise their existence in a world where magic isn’t trusted. They’ve been friends for years now, but Eric is only just starting to realize that he might have deeper feelings for someone he can never meet face-to-face.
Chicken Soup for the Bud (General) Words: 3,577Bad Bob shows up in Providence to nurse his son back to health when he hears that Jack has the flu.
The Heist (Teen) Words: 4,868Bitty uncovers the details of an elaborate (and successful) heist while searching for the missing key to the Haus basement.
How Come Aquaman Can Control Whales? (Teen) Words: 14,035AKA a dystopian The Martian AU that literally no one asked for but I am, for some reason, committed to writing.
That Thorns Have Roses (General) Words: 5,358Jack buys Bitty a rose from one of the clubs on campus. It isn’t until later that he realizes what that might mean. So of course, he tries to cover it up by buying roses for the rest of the Samwell Men’s Hockey team.
Unknown Author
Here I am, Baby (General) Words: 35,562You’ve Got Mail- AUEric Bittle is devastated when the massive corporate bakery, Zimmermann’s, opens around the corner from his small pie and coffee shop. He vents his frustrations to the anonymous IG user he’s been talking to, and falling for, all the while waging war against Jack Zimmermann’s corporate take-over. Little does he know the face behind the anonymous IG account, and little does he know what will happen in the future.
Over Heels (General) Words: 2,552Jack’s fingers brush through Bitty’s hair and they’re quiet for a while until Jack says, “I really do wanna marry you some day, Bits.”Bitty blinks, his eyes feeling a little hot and a little wet because at no point in his life—not when he was younger, not when he left Georgia, not when he met Captain Jack Zimmermann—did he ever think he’d get something like this. “When you ask, I’m going to say yes.”
Quand On Est Tous Les Deux (Mature) Words: 16,161When he wakes up in a strange country, surrounded by a language he doesn’t speak, and no memory of the last several years, Eric Bittle isn’t sure how he’s ever going to get back to Georgia. But at the hands of the village baker, Eric finds hope in the most dreary time of his life.
A Wall Around Me (Mature) Words: 59,630When Eric Bittle’s scholarship is threatened, he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. He can’t go home, and he can’t afford Samwell on his own. Then help is offered from the most unexpected place–Hockey Legend, Bad Bob Zimmermann. Bitty knows things like this don’t come for free, he just never expected he’d have to “look after” Bob’s equally famous son, Falconers’ captain, Jack Zimmermann.
Then There Was You (Mature) Words: 56,549Thirty minutes after being traded to Pittsburgh, Jack Zimmermann’s entire life changes at the front-end of a car running a stop sign. As he recovers from his injury, and grief which is far more complicated than he wants to admit, he meets the exuberant bookshop/bakery owner, Eric Bittle. As their friendship grows, and as he waits for the go-ahead to get back to hockey, Jack is forced to evaluate his future, and what he wants from it.
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sleepykalena · 7 years ago
do you have any rebelcaptain fics that you've read recently that you'd recommend?
Thanks for being patient with me, anon! I have WAY TOO MANYFICS that I personally enjoyed since I anonymously entered the fandom on NewYear’s Eve, so I will take your question literally and only touch onRebelcaptain fics that I’ve enjoyed recently.With that in mind, I’ll only be honing in on the ones I’ve read in the last twomonths, regardless of release date. And, for variety, I’ll only mention onework from a single author per rec. There are a few writers on here who I’drecommend so many more fics that I’ve read from them in this time frame, but Igotta make sure everyone gets their due exposure :D
Multi-Chapter ficsthat have updated recently:
The Imperials by @estherlyon​ 
I’ve never seen The Americans, but the dynamic between Jyn and Cassian here is beautifully written. And it just recently finished, too! Bookmarked it the second i finished reading it all.
Guau-Guau; a Random Dog Story by @imsfire2​ 
This is a modern au that has drama and fluff all in one, but it’s such a pleasant read that I can read a chapter over lunch or something. pupper!K2 is a real gem!
You give me something by @skitzofreak​ 
I don’t think I can emphasize enough how much I appreciate skitzofreak’s writing ability that is literally a love song to Jedha and a wonderful character exploration of Jyn and Cassian both as individuals and as a power couple. I’ll be making some fanart for this in the new year
This Modern Love by @odetoanightingale​
Cassian as an escort. ‘Nuff said. It hasn’t updated in a while, but the updates that have been posted are WONDERFUL. I honestly can’t wait to read more of this
The Place Between Places by spacenarwhal
This is the slowest build of rebelcaptain that I’ve ever read in my life, but I don’t actually mind it here! It has wonderful insights to their dynamic as friends to lovers, and there are a lot of interactions with Jyn and other characters in the Alliance.
Iron, salt, earth by NeonDaisies and @youareiron-andyouarestrong​  
Harry Potter au with faeries (faeries? i think it’s faeries) mixed in. Its most recent chapter got pretty intense, action-wise, and I can’t wait for the next chapter!
A car, two cops, and a stardust by @pingou7​
This modern au is such a fun read, and I like the character dynamic established between Jyn, Cassian, and Kes
A Song of Spies and Stardust by lilredsoupbowl 
GoT/ASoIaF au that first started off with a Faceless Man storyline, but chapters 2+ observe rebelcaptain through a GoT-style arranged marriage lens. Jyn is badass and Cassian is courteous, and it’s a fun time overall
A Little Roommance by @jenniferjuni-per
modern + roommate au fic! Leia reminds me of my manager at my workplace, so it holds a special place in my heart. Also, the smut’s pretty hot, so get ready to fan yourself
Fics that debutedrecently:
He’s a Goalie, She’s a Keeper by @thenewleeland​
I am an immense sucker for soccer fics, and I know that there are only like, 3 or 4 of us in the rebelcaptain fandom that are actually soccer-minded at all, so it seems like such a niche fic (appropriate, since it’s written by the Niche God), but it’s honestly a really feel-good fic that doesn’t require soccer knowledge. Even then, Lee’s really good about explaining things at the end of each of his works, so you won’t get lost, i promise!
All I Want for Christmas is…Not You by @thestarbirdfromtheashes​
This and one other holiday au are on my top list of fake relationship/holiday modern au fics! Jyn is a bitter little anger ball, and Cassian’s abuelita knows what’s up!
Heartbeats by @cowzforlife​
Modern + medical au that Diego Luna would have been in as Cassian if Flatliners didn’t waste his talent and good looks. Jyn is depicted so well in this, and the secondary characters are well-written as well! Lots of medical stuff here, but they’re explained so well thanks to the author’s knowledge in the field, so you’ll be eased into it quite quickly!
Wrap me up in nothingby you by @literatiruinedme​
Gentle fem-dom and bondage are great kinks for rebelcaptain that really should be explored more! I’ve read a couple of others before this timeframe that I enjoyed as well, but I think we should have a bit more of this because it’s so easy to headcanon hahaha
Ours by @grexigone​
Tooka cats. ‘Nuff said. Seriously, this is adorable af.
One thing I would like to point out, however, is that I alsobecame really busy in the last 3 weeks or so because of school, so I wound uptaking a bunch of fics that I was interested in reading, but threw on my To Readlist; I’m sure that there was  ficreleased in this timeframe that I’d put on the rec list if I actually hadgotten around to reading it, but couldn’t just yet. But this is what I’ve gotso far! I know that this is a question other people in the fandom were asked,so hopefully I’ve contributed a new title for you to look into. :D
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knifeshoeoreofight · 8 years ago
I was really stressed last night and was decompressing by brainstorming cheesy hockey based-romance novel titles with @werebeary and @sevenfists when I was like.....these titles are too good, I need to write fake back cover blurbs for them. So I did. Behold:
Eight Cheesy Hockey Romance Novels That Don’t Exist But TOTALLY SHOULD:
Two Minutes In The Penalty Box (Of My Heart)
Defenseman George Blaggerton prides himself on playing a clean game. He’s a shoo-in for the Lady Byng trophy for sportsmanship, until an unfair call sends him off the ice, and into the domain of the hottest penalty box attendant George’s ever seen. Now he must choose: keep his squeaky-clean reputation, or do whatever it takes to get the attention of the official gorgeous enough to make him want to give them a new reason to call it “The Sin Bin!”
Cross-Checked By Love
Joe Smith hates everything about the Alberta Aces. He hates their logo, he hates their fans, and he hates playing against them. But most of all, he hates their infuriating captain, Sebastien LeFleur. The dark, enigmatic French-Canadian seems to have it in for Joe, on and off the ice. But one night of scorching passion might be enough to change everything!
Lineys for Life
Best friends and linemates Mike “Mikey” Michaelson and Anatoly “Tolly” Petrov have been inseparable on and off the ice since they both were drafted to the Wexford Wingdingers. But when Mikey gets injured and trade rumors start flying, these two linemates will have to face the fact that there may be something more between them then on-ice chemistry...
The Back-up Goalie's Lament
Back-up goalie Mikael Nikula dreams of the day he’ll be able to really step in and shine for his beloved Baltimore Blast. And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to finally catch the eye of gorgeous first line center, Toby Carroway. Will he ever be the starter of his crush’s heart? Or will he play back up in life and love forever?
Third Period's The Charm
Connecticut Comets captain James Jameson has given his all to hockey, but hockey hasn’t given him anything back but a failed marriage and a busted shoulder. Retirement is on the horizon, and he’s lost hope that he’ll ever hoist the Cup, or hold down a lasting relationship. Enter newly traded center Gerald Knightley, who’s determined to prove to his sexy new captain that it’s never too late for love, or Stanley Cup dreams!
The Dangerous D-man
Goalie Fred McSwooney’s used to his team letting him down. The Boise Brawlers don’t make much of an effort to protect their goalie, and Fred gets the brunt of the blame for their lousy performance. However, when his team acquires brooding, mysterious Swedish defenseman Viktor Magnusson, Fred’s about to learn what it’s like when a d-man will do anything, anything, for his tendy!
Alternates and Agony/A Captain’s Courage: A Two Part Omnibus Special
Leadership and setting an upstanding example are everything to Annapolis Anacondas captain Lance Dickson. And his dedication has brought him two Stanley Cups. On ice, he’s got it all together. Off ice? Not so much. For years he's been pining for not one, but BOTH of the loyal alternate captains who've stood by him through thick and thin. Sasha Ivanov and Bo McAllister have always seemed more into each other then into their captain, however. What will it take for the lovelorn captain to step it up and finally go for what he really wants?
The Winsome Winger
Athletic trainer and masseuse Jordan Darling is content with being in the background, quietly working behind the scenes to help the Wisconsin Feral be the best it can be. Flirty playboy and left wing Xander Richards has other, more sensual plans! He’s determined to seduce the quiet man with the magic hands into becoming the next notch in his very well-notched bedpost. However, “love ‘em and leave ‘em” Xander never expected to face his biggest obstacle to a conquest yet: true love!
Hire me to write your back cover blurbs, I’m on a fucking roll
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ratatatastic · 10 months ago
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3 guesses on whos the goalie and who made the block on the puck while in the crease
edmonton oilers @ florida panthers game 1 | 6.8.24
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ratatatastic · 9 months ago
"thats why we have a bobby" "thats why we have bob" "thank god bobby was awake" ah the special relationship between the d and a goalie...
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trying to subtly get rid of the scentblockers they make you go on because its postgame and you didnt get a chance to shower yet because you got chosen to go on your second interview of the night (you will go on to do a whole third one too, woe is you) (the problems of having a runny nose because your job makes you be near ice for multiple hours a day will someone ever think of mikksy)
edmonton oilers @ florida panthers game 2 postgame interview | 6.10.24 (x)(x)
"i think im the wrong guy to answer that (in regards to the pp)" yeah he really is remember cats first game against ottowa in the 2324 season that resulted in a combined 167 pims and 12 guys getting kicked out of the game
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the bench looked like THIS
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and paul still didnt give mikksy a chance on the pp like why are you asking him about the pp if this man still could not get in on it even when there was only 7 guys on the bench like what makes you think he has any expertise about it MAN GOT PICKED LAST FOR DODGEBALL LEAVE HIM ALONE 😭😭 (x)
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