#the solid white one with a single bulb confused me at first cause I was like ‘when was I in such a white forest?’
POV: You’re tiny underneath/in a Christmas tree
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cherripeach · 4 years
Chapter 7
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Prologue 14-18: i have the power of god and anime on my side
Chapter Summary: So a normal anime battle, right?
Warnings: Curse words, kinda jokes about death
Words: 3.4k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
Walking through the mirror portal was like walking through a fever dream on drugs: directions weren’t a thing and every color was being blasted through your eyelids into your eyes and once you opened them because the colors calmed down, you think you saw a talking cat who smiled and waved at you in there.
All three of you with Grim on your hip stumbled out of the portal to this new forest area.
Problem with the forest was nothing was moving. No noises from birds. No wind blowing the trees. No crunch of the leaves on the ground by any animals. No footsteps. Nothing.
Your eyes surveyed the land and only found the forest deserted. Even the little cabin in front of you did not look like it had been touched in years. There were holes in the roof and cobwebs all over the house. And there were no lights on in the entire house.
You and the color duo had the same thought and locked eye contact with a cringe on each of your faces, absolutely not ready for anything.
So you began your journey with Red in front of you and Blue behind.
Blue looked around the forest, and then looked back to you and Grim, “So this is Dwarf’s Mine...It used to be prosperous, thanks to magic crystal mining but…”
Grim spoke up, “Uuuuhh.. Feels like something could jump out…” and slipped further into your arms.
You held on a little tighter to your cat and voiced your opinion, “Feels like someone died or something... “ You paused and decided to get this moment over with, “What are your names again? Like full name…”
Red just rolled his eyes and turned to face you, “Are you actually kidding me? You're such a dumbass…” He rolled his eyes and faced forward and continued to move forward to only mutter, “Ace Trappola, loser.”
Deuce pulled up by your side and sympathized with your struggles, “It’s okay. I’m Deuce Spade,” and he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, “I’m not really good with names either, and I have to ask all the time.” A small smile appeared on his face.
Ace grabbed back your attention while announcing his founding of the house you already knew about, “Oh, there's a house back there. Let's go ask them about the mine”a
You were not for this, “You sure that house isn’t haunted. I’m not okay with going into a haunted house and dying with people I’ve barely met.”
Ace was not in the mood and twisted his head to stick out his tongue at you, “Shut it, dumbass.”
You four finally got to the door of the cottage or cabin, and you realized that the cottages looked a lot like the Dwarf’s House in Snow White which you really should have put together when Deuce called the area the ‘Dwarf’s Mine.’
Once all three of you stopped at the door, Ace, the genius he is, decided to knock on the door as if anyone would answer. He even called out to those inside, “Good evening..” until he realized that no one was home, “I guess it’s abandoned …” Then, his next great idea was going inside which totally is not a crime of breaking in and entering, “It’s a mess in here.”
Grim jumped out of your arms to get into the cottage and began his exploration which landed him right in a spider web where he spit out pieces onto the floor,“ Puwah! I got a spider web in my face.. Peh! Peh!”
Ace moved over to the table, “Aren't the tables and chairs on the small side? Are they for kids? One, two... There's seven! So many!”
“I don’t know about you, but I think that dwarfs might have lived here,” You had to make a sarcastic remark at his lack of judgement.
But of course none of them heard you or acknowledged you until a light bulb flashed over Deuce’s head while he brought up something similar to you,“This was probably a lively home when Dwarfs' Mine flourished.”
Your face fell while you could only shake your head at the audacity (of this bitch), look away from him, and mutter, “Well, no shit, sherlock.”
Ace brought your attention back to the task at hand, “They did what they had to. After all, magic crystals are found inside coal. For now, let's go check it out.“
And so all three of you ventured out of the cottage into the forest. Heading through the forest, you discovered something when looking at the sky: The Neverland Star was in the sky. You had to ponder for a minute if what if you actually were in a world where all things that happened in Disney Movies existed. You pushed that aside the moment you thought of it and laughed because ‘Naw, there’s no way that could happen and certainly not to you. You weren’t some Y/N from a fanfic where their parents sold them to Harry Styles.’
The more you followed the terrible forest path the less the path could be seen; years of no use made the path basically nonexistent. But the mine was the worst: broken pieces of wood and metal were thrown about like it something happened when it was closed, grass was growing from the train tracks, and not a single forest creature was in sight.
Grim studied the vibe for a minute and freaked out, “W-we're gonna go in that pitch black cave!?” He could only cling back onto your cloak for protection as if you could protect even yourself.
“Scared? Lame.” Ace rolled his eyes and emerged first from the four of you in horror at the mine.
Grim threw your cloak back in your direction and crossed his arms, “Naaanh!? I'm not s-scared at all! I'm taking the lead! You guys, follow me!“ Grim pranced to get in front of the three of you and entered the mine.
Everything was going well until two ghosts emerged from within the mine, creating chaos from the four of you.
The ghost’s could only reply to your chaos with, “Heeee hee hee! Our first visitor in ten years!” from one and, “Make yourselves at home. For eternity!” from another.
And all three of you raced away from the ghosts.
Ace could not help but panic, “This place is haunted with ghosts, too!”
Deuce tried to handle the situation, “We don't have time to deal with them one by one. Let's go!”
But Ace is Ace, “Don't think you can just order me around. If you hadn't done something so idiotic, we wouldn't be in this mess.“
“You wanna talk about who started it? It's cause you wouldn't clean!”
“It started when that furball burned the Queen of Hearts' statue!"
Grim tried to save his dignity, “Ffgna! That's what you get for making a fool outta me!”
Deuce set the objective again to the two idiots, “All of you! Do you understand our situation right now? We're all expelled if we don't get back with a magic crystal by tomorrow morning!”
You just couldn’t stand the arguing of these boys. They were worse than children arguing over a favorite toy.
Ace flicked his hand at Deuce and voiced his attitude, “So stop patronizing me. It's really ticking me off.”
“Will you all just shut up and run? Is it that hard to comprehend in your tiny brains that this is a situation where we could all I don't know..d i e? Either get your asses out of here and follow me or I’ll leave you in here.” You grabbed Grim and put him back on your hip.
“...on’t….ive….wo....” A ghastly voice spoke from far in front of your group.
Everyone jumped.
Ace peered around the cave only stopping to lock his frantic gaze onto yours, “W-who said that...”
“St...one....sssss.....mine..” The voice murmured.
“I think it's... getting closer…” Deuce whispered-yelled at you.
“Stone.... IS MIIIIIIIIIIINNNEEEE!!” A creature with a broken glass head with tar or a substance like gasoline leaking out of the broken area. The creature had a red coat with a belt and a brown hat on top of its broken glass head.
All three of you jumped with wide eyes and open mouths and screeched, “I-It's heeeeeeeeeeeree!!!!”
You with Grim in your arms, Deuce, and Ace all scrambled to get out of the cave with the monster, pushing and shoving the others to get out of the way and get through. You ended up tripping on a rock
A new section of the cave came into view while the monster was still chasing after your group. And even after you three sprinted through the cave, you did not stop until the monster’s footsteps could not be heard from behind you.
You three came to a halt and you let Grim stand up in order for you to place your hands on your knees so that you could take a break and breathe after the run you just had. The other two boys followed your same form and let out large puffs of air.
Deuce stood back up while still exhaling air, “What the heck is that thing?!”
Grim clutched your cloak as he hid under it this time, “Ffgnaaaaaaa!!” He almost pulled your pants down, “Crowley didn't say anything about that!! Let's get outta here!” He tugged your cloak in the opposite direction of the cave.
Ace fixed himself and thought out loud, “It’s so nasty,” but he placed his hand on his chin and finished with, “But didn't it mention a 'stone'!?” He did peace signs and moved his fingers up and down to signify he was quoting the beast.
Grim’s mouth flew open wide while he voiced his opinion of the monster with a solid, “Eehh??”
He was lost in his confusion until the monster appeared behind him again, “St....one, won't....give...!” The monster seemed pretty strung up about this stone which made you pause for a minute and think. Why is this monster here in the first place? And why does this monster need this stone? Is it like its source of magic like the chandelier or something?
Deuce had a cry of “Eureka!” by proclaiming about the magic crystals, “So there really are magic crystals left!”
Grim’s response was plain, “N-n-n-n-n-nope! Nope! I'm a genius, but I can't beat that thing!” He was still clutching onto your cloak while pointing at the monster.
Deuce curled his fist up, “But we'll be expelled without it.. I'm going!” and he threw it up in the air.
Ace’s wide eyes locked with yours, “You’ve gotta be kidding!?”
“Well, if we are gonna do this and get this stone, we gotta do this right.” You threw your hands on your hips and your lips twitched up.
Deuce now had both of his hands in fists while proclaiming, “I cannot, under any circumstances, be expelled!”
The monster was not hearing any of it, “Leave! Leave!! Leeeeeaave!!!”
And so the three and the monsters began to fight. Grim had to jump out of his hiding spot, and he would spit fire at the monster every couple of steps that the monster was taking. Ace and Deuce kept hitting the monster with common attacks that they knew. But you realized something sooner than they did.
So you yelled at them, “Idiots, nothing is working. Get your butts out of here if you want to live!”
They, of course, would not listen to you and continued to fire their attacks at the monster, and even when Grim noticed the attacks weren’t working and informed the others with a “I-It's not working at all!” they still continued to fight.
It was only when you found a sparkly light at the end of the tunnel did your scream of “Dudes, there is a crystal thing here!” spurred them to listen to you.
Ace turned and found the crystal just as you did, “Behind that thing! At the end of the tunnel, something...”
Deuce nodded, “That light, is it a magic crystal!?”
And once the monster hollered at the group of you again about how he “WON’T GIVE” your group the crystal, you made the assumption that there was at least one crystal left.
Grim turned back to you and called for the others to get out of the mine as soon as possible because there was no way they were gonna win now.
You grabbed Grim once he made grabby hands at you and started to dash down the mine in the opposite direction of the creature.
You three ended up making it back to the little cottage before you stopped.
Grim panted even though he was on your hip the entire time, “Is this far enough?”
Ace was still stupefied, “Ooooww.. What in the world was that? No one said anything about that!”
Deuce was also lost in confusion, “It didn't seem like any old ghost.”
Ace sighed in defeat, “Let's give up and go home. I'd rather get expelled than fight that thing.”
Deuce looked incredulously at Ace, “Wha!? Don't screw with me! I'd rather die than face expulsion! There's a magic crystal in front of us and you wanna go home!” Deuce gripped Ace’s collar and pulled the boy in front of his face.
Ace scoffed, “Ha. You talk big for someone worse at magic than me. Go alone if you want. I'm done.” Ace pushed Deuce’s hands off of him and started walking away from the direction of the mine.
Deuce snapped, “Oooh, that right? Then stay right there cowering like a spineless coward!”
Ace’s face swiveled around, “Huuuuh?? Coward?? Who exactly are you talking about?”
Grim’s hands tigented around your shirt, “U-uuuh... Deuce. Did you switch up your character?” His head tilted to the side.
Deuce coughed, “Huh! A-ahem! My bad. I lost my composure a bit.”
You decided that if any time is good, now is the perfect time for your opinion, “Okay dudes, let’s use what we have. We know that magic can help us in this situation, but being a dumbass won’t. All three of you need to actually use your brains and remember that you don’t have to do this alone.” You placed your hand on your chin, “If one magic alone does not work with our level, maybe magic combined could work. There is always the power of friendship if we really need it.”
Ace’s eyes narrowed in either disgust or confusion, “Well, yeah we can only do small stuff that we are good at. That’s why we have schools for magic, so that we can practice a lot to use magic just as it comes to mind. You’ll screw up if you lose your cool.”
Your eyes sparkled, “So what you are saying is I’m right and that we do need to work together as you are all inexperienced magicians that can barely do anything!” This was just what you needed.
Ace continued and ignored you, “Shut up. Stuff you're good at, you can go off instinct.”
Deuce voiced his decisions, “At any rate, I'm going in there. I'll figure out how to beat that thing and come back with a magic crystal.”
Ace rolled his eyes at Deuce, “However, judging by the chandelier incident, you're a complete idiot. You couldn't land a single hit earlier, but now you'll 'figure it out'? It's going to end the same.”
Deuce’s eyes narrowed at Ace, “Come again!? You think…”
Grim tugged on your cloak to get your attention, “Here they go again. Can you stop it?”
A sigh came out of your mouth to launch you into your rant, “Will both of you put your dicks away and calm down? For Pete’s Sake, I really thought your brains would be bigger than your dick, but now I’m just assuming that your brain is nonexistent…” Your hand ran through your hair, “Please, I beg for you to listen to me for one second. Get your head out of your ass and realize that you, all of you, need to work together as a team and think with your heads to defeat this monster. Capiche?” You closed your eyes and smiled as wide as you could.
Both of the students looked at you like you just told them that the world would end, and ended up yelping after their eyes met yours.
Grim covered his ears with his paws, “Waah. Why are you shouting all of the sudden?”
You opened your eyes and obtained a resting bitch face, “Either you suck it up and realize that you can’t do anything alone or you can go try again and maybe you’ll have a good short death.” Your smile appeared back on your face.
Deuce deflated, “Guuhh... B-but... What exactly should we do?”
“We have to have a plan for this to work,” You knew you had to put your head together.
Ace still had disgust in his eyes, “Strategy? You mean get along and work together. Ha! That's cold. You have no problem saying lame things with a serious face, huh.”
Deuce bobbed his head, “Disagreed. No way I'm working with this loser.”
Grim shook his head, “But... I feel like it's way lamer to get expelled on the first day of school.”
Ace stuttered, “U-uh, that’s…”
Deuce stared at his shoes.
“So, are you finally gonna listen to me?” You smiled and ran your hand through your hair.
Ace groaned, “....haaaahh.. Fine! We just have to get it done, right! So, what's your plan?”
And all three of you then had a discussion about what you were going to do to defeat the monster. Neither of the males had any ideas, so it depended all on your ideas. Later, you three ended up at the opening of the mine with confident looks on your faces, empty stomachs, and worn out bodies.
Grim, shaking next to you and gripping the end of your cloak, gazed up into your eyes, “You... really think it'll go as planned? I'm sca... no, just nervous.”
“Hey, Grim,” You pet the top of his head right next to his ears, “Nothing bad will happen to us. You just have to believe in yourself and everyone else.”
Ace slapped you back, “Haha, you're too stiff. Just go with the flow. Let's get this over with!”
All three of you strutted into the mine as if you knew what you were doing, but you didn’t.
Grim jumped in front of you and waved his arms all around, “Hey, beasty! O-o-o-over here!”
The monster ended up sprinting at you which makes sense because before it ran at you, you cupped your mouth and yelled, “Hey, whore, bet you never passed elementary school!” And then stuck out your tongue at the monster.
Grim sprung up and went in the opposite direction you did screaming, “Gah! It’s coming!”
While you tried to doge the monster, the monster growled, “Grrr!There... thief... too. Won't give... Mine... Mine!!”
The monster’s growls and shrieks soon turned into wails and cries. You paused your run to observe the monster who was in the middle of fighting Ace and Deuce because Ace decided to punch the monster in the monster’s face of glass. (Grim ended up cheering at Ace’s punch) This monster you had now learned was not mad at you but was probably attached to the mine and especially to the crystal with how the monster’s screams turned to cries.
(‘Great character analysis!’ You thought while patting yourself on the back.)
You surveyed the outfit of the monster once more, and you learned that it was much more familiar than you thought.
A light bulb went off in your head because the outfit looks like one of the seven dwarfs outfits, and, of course, now when you need it you forgot what they all look like.
You had to get everyone’s attention, especially the monster’s, “Hey hey hey! I’m gonna steal the crystal if you don’t run after me!”
The monster stomped after you out of the mine and into a big meadow roaring, “Go away! Go away!!!”
And with a wave of your hand, the three magicians in your group did a grand attack. All of them were yelling their movies like basic anime heroes.
(‘Am I in an anime?’ flew through your mind for a second, but your slowly pushed it down)
You knew that this was your only chance because the monster was stuck in all of their attack, “I’ll go get it, don’t worry!”
The three of them high fified and talked a little bit about how just amazing their combined attack was. You were spirinting into the mine, tripping on some of the rocks and slipping on a puddle of muck from the monster. The crystal slowly came into view and you went in that direction.
Large, booming footsteps were heard from behind you causing you to circle around to the noise and find not only the monster racing toward you but your idiotic boys following after it.
Ace hollered at you, “Watch Out!”
The monster even though the boys were still attacking it ignored everything and sprinted straight for you and the crystal.
You had to jam your hands into the rocks surrounding the crystal and pull as hard as you can which honestly was not a lot. Your hands were soon donned with scraps and cuts from the rocks surrounding it, and finally after using a piece of metal from the train tracks behind you, you got out the crystal with the monster not on your ass but almost.
When the monster locked sight onto the crystal in your hand, a sickening screech flew through the air, “Hands ooooofffffffff!!”
Deuce, Ace, and Grim all began panicking and trying to find out what to do by actually asking each other.
However, your biggest priority was to get out of the monster’s range, so you had to do something that could get you killed possibly.
(At least unless you wanted to go deeper into the mine which honestly was a worse idea than facing the monster in front of you).
The monster could almost reach out and grab you now so you performed your amazing save: you kneeled to the ground as the monster was still running at you causing the monster to trip and fly right over you into a wall of rocks. Since the monster was now a little caught up, you stood up and rushed to get the boys who you pulled by their sleeves as they were still arguing and forced them to follow you out of the mine once and for all.
Grim surveyed your hand and ordered the others, “We got the magic crystal! Let’s skedaddle!”
Ace looked back at the monster, sighed, then turned to Grim, and shouted, “Roger!”
The monster ended up gaining focus quicker than you expected because it appeared right behind you as the exit to the cave came in sight.
Ace incredulously gazed at the monster, “You're kidding!? It knocked off all that stuff and came after us!”
Deuce cursed and then remarks, “Shoot, it’s gonna catch up to us!”
You noticed that the monster did not stop even when all of you were close to the cottage in the woods, and you knew that it was because the monster is dead set on getting the crystal out of your hands, “There’s no way it’s gonna let us go. Either we end this now or die trying, so let’s go.” You halted your run and faced the monster with your fists in the air.
Ace sighed, “Aaah, fine! Let's finish it! Don't let me down, Mr. Serious!”
Deuce's eyes flicked to yours and then Ace, “You too.”
Grim jumped in front of you, “I’ll show off my true power!”
All three of them ended up using their magic together to defeat the monster, and even though they all came out of the battle close to dead they still cheered and celebrated with each other with shouts and highfives.
A breath of relief passed your lips, “Now this is when you confess your love for each other?” You locked eyes with first Ace and Deuce.
“Knock it off!” Ace and Deuce yelped at you.
It seemed they have become so much in sync that they are even imitating each other.
Deuce continued with red cheeks, “...Ah. N-no. This is nothing like that!”
Ace added, rubbing the back of his neck, “Y-yeah, yeah! Could you stop saying weird things?”
Grim puffed out his chest and bloated, “W-we won, thanks to my genius!...It's not because we pooled our strength!”
You turned to Ace and shook your head causing Ace to run his hand through his hair and frown, “...I guess making excuses is pretty lame. I hate to admit it but we won thanks to your plan.”
Deuce slowly nodded, “... True. We got the magic crystal because you gave us level headed instructions. We can prevent our expulsion this way. ... I'm so relieved.”
You smiled at the two, “Everyone did their part, and now we can finally relax.”
Ace finished it off, “Yeah, yeah. We're all relieved. And seriously worn-out and battered. Let's go home.”
Grim pulled your coat and remarked how starving he was, but all you could think about was a change of clothes and a bath, so him eating a black crystal or whatever did not really bother you, not even when the other two boys were yelling at him not to.
Deuce let out a cheer of excitement and a breath of plain exhaustion, “Switching gears, let's get this magic crystal to the headmaster!”
Everything was finally going your way. For now.
It be very cute how my laptop now does not work
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