#the sleep outside your door fic🚪
dr-shortsighted-owl · 2 years
Tagged by the brilliant @fiona-fififi and @rewritetheending - Thank you, tea and love to you both.
So with poker!buddie not being undercover now I need to think of how I could change my 6x13 wip; so for now have some 6x12 coda… the ‘sleep outside your door’ fic 🚪
Eddie likes to think he keeps a tidy house.
Sure, being a single dad means he occasionally lags behind a bit on the mountain of laundry that he swears just magically appears when shifts on the bounce leave him bone-tired and achy.
A mix of uniform, gym kit, and lounge wear in two slightly different sizes, Chris's endless motif shirts, and more than one hoodie that definitely doesn't read ‘Diaz’ on the back.
But hey, he’d only been pairing Christopher’s socks - the ones with bright patterns and dinosaurs that still give Eddie a little glimpse back into the child he had once been - hours earlier when Buck had knocked on his door almost on cue.
Tagging: @hippolotamus @alyxmastershipper @mellaithwen @spotsandsocks @spaceprincessem @elvensorceress @chaosandwolves @thekristen999 @ajunerose @the-likesofus @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @buddiefication @bigfootsmom @achillesbuck @buckleysbee @loveyourownsmiilee @jobairdxx @thosetwofirefighters
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luvsellie · 3 years
I havn't seen a lot of fics with this idea, but imagine Druig in college. (Tis I, 👑)
I can see Druig pursuing something like psychology/sociology (his powers obviously help here), but I think what would be most interesting about him would be the clubs/activities he joins. He would definetly join advocacy groups and have an event to attend pretty much every week (we love a man who fights for the people). I also feel like he would join a cooking/culinary club just because he got the urge one day (have you seen this man? He eats in like every other scene 😂)
Now, I wasn't going to just drop this and run, I got some college relationship headcanons too 👌
No matter what you pursue, Druig will make sure to read up on your major/minor/concentration and make an effort to really understand why you're passionate about it. He will also happily read or go over any paper, presentation, or project you're anxious about or need some practice on. Even though he loves you to bits, he will give his honest opinion if you ask for it and it has really helped you weed out mistakes before submitting any work to even your strictest teachers. He will also surprise you with treats or a small gift if you do especially well on your exams. And even if you don't, Druig's there for you, giving you study tips and reassuring you that the education system is flawed, he would know, because he was there when it was established.
If you play a sport, you already know he's cancelling all his plans to be there for you, clapping and cheering the entire time. He also takes very good care of you outside the school setting like making sure you're sleeping/eating enough (sometimes he even brings you some snacks from his cooking club) and taking you for weekend trips somewhere quiet to get your mind off of your stressful schedule. This man also gives the best massages ever, his hands (though slightly calloused from YEARS of fighting) work absolute miracles on your tight/cramping muscles. His hands seem to just fit perfectly in the frame of your body, gentle, but kneading with purpose. Warning: these massages have lead into numerous seggsy sessions so use with caution🤭
If you're not in college, he happily makes time to visit your work whenever he has time. He doesn't care if it's the middle of your shift, he will visit whenever he wants (usually with a small gift or lunch for you two). His knuckles tap a familiar pattern whenever he visits and his head pokes out goofily from your door, his deep smile lines and sparkling eyes never failing to make you grin. Despite your insistence to stop mind-controlling the front desk, he swears to you that they just let him in. He's definetly tried to get frisky with you at work (let's not get into what's happened on your desk 😳) and whether you agree or not, he makes sure to give you a million kisses before he leaves. He almost always picks you up from work too, casually leaning on the hood of his car, his eyes gleaming as he eyes you over the rims of his aviators. Everyone at your job is jealous, but you couldn't care less, he's yours and you've both made that very, VERY, clear.
and THE END AHHHH i can clearly see him leaning on the hood of a car 🚪🚶‍♀️IN HIS LEATHER JACKET TOO OMG
pls feel free to send me these whenever they just pop into your head bc i will fangirl with you babe
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