#the singularity dbd
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thepastelspace · 11 months ago
Got back into Dbd recently, playing the singularity is HECKIN FUN!
So i decided to draw the poor fella, he fell and can not get up! But he will not accept help from an infinitesimal worm >:[
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He has been laying there for an hour...
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cadkeyper · 1 year ago
I think the unknown, the dredge, and the singularity should have the nastiest gay (?) sex known to man, woman, beast, or creature
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knightbun · 2 years ago
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As a follow-up to my other robot post that made it big, I made a favorite character bingo exclusively about characters that are robots/AI/etc. It was fun! There were a few I wanted to include but didn’t end up doing so, this was mainly my personal favorites. Feel free to fill this out, I wanna know how many of these guys people know
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kingdonghyeok · 5 months ago
Dredge will do whatever Hux wants🤫
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barcodeboyz · 2 years ago
dead by daylight concept: an outfit for the Singularity where it’s his regular outfit except he came across a sticker book
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unrelenting-darkness · 8 months ago
i love my Killer mains
some are the manifestation of fear itself, a horrid thought given shape, albeit a twisted one which could only be described as nightmare fuel, the very primal fear of man wearing a grotesque skin
and then there's just some guy and a couple of angsty teens
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emperor-of-hearts · 2 years ago
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I want this thing and dredge to have the meatiest nastiest sex possible
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gothghostiie · 2 years ago
I looove your writing omg
Could I request something about The Singularity realizing it somehow doesn't hate or even dislike the reader? Totally not love. No way. It's not even gonna entertain that idea. Robots can't feel love! ...Right?
Gender-neutral or masc reader is fine with me!
thank you 🥹
made this into a (not so) little drabble, hope u like it!!
cw: gn!reader, canonical violence
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You were trying to be as quiet as you could, your heart was racing and you were out of breath. it was close and you were the last one. The others had already died on hook or in Hux's grip. your last chance was to find the hatch if you didnt want a similar fate. Right now you were crouching in between some plants, hands shaking - and then you heard it. the mechanical whirring, the heavy clunking of it's steps getting closer to you. You had managed to hide from it pretty much the whole game, despite a few glimpses you caught of each other and you knew that probably made it angry - if it can even feel emotions like that.
You were so in thought for a moment that you didnt realise Hux had been hovering behind you, looming over you with the sharp blade raised in the air, waiting to strike. Only when you heard some sort of breathing behind you it doomed over you, making you turn - and just the second you turned around it struck down. It ripped open your shirt, leaving a cut over your stomach, making you groan in pain as you glanced up at it with fear. That was it. there was no way out now. You stared up at it, eyes pleading for mercy if it even knew something like that.
Hux was standing still, its sensors processing your every movement, whey noise and the way you were looking up at it. It had you, finally. After hardly seeing you the whole trial it finally had you, the last pathetic human... but something didnt seem right. it stared down at you, and something just... stopped it. for what felt like ages you two just stared at each other, you not daring to move and Hux slowly bending down. The backside of its blade brushed underneath your jawline, pushing it up as Hux eyed you over, scanning your face closely. All you did was hold still, somehow the fear subsided as it seemed.. intrigued?
A mechanical whir came from it, its face close to yours. "Leave." It didn't have to tell you twice. You slowly stood up and started trembling backwards, nodding at it as it watched you.
"...thank you.." you said softly, before running off, the hatch just a short sprint away, letting you escape.
Hux was left standing there, trying to process what it did. There was some sort of feeling inside it and not the usual hatred it felt for the pathetic human beings that it usually had, no. it was... the exact opposite. It settled down into the leftovers of the spaceship, still having a hard time processing these new feelings it had. Never before did it not feel any hatred towards a human being but you? it didnt even dislike you one bit. "Impossible." Hux muttered to itself, staring into the void. "I cannot feel attraction. It's impossible." Was all it could repeat tight now, as if trying to convince itself.
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tempural · 1 year ago
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More ko-fi doodles! Thank you for helping us hit 110% - I'll keep finishing these up and taking more til the end of this month.
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slashersgostabbystabstab · 1 year ago
Tell me what are some things you'd like to see for Hux in the future of DBD. Cosmetic wise, lore wise.
Are there any changes you'd make for him in game, buffs or otherwise :3
Honestly cosmetic wise, I want to see basically anything at this point. Hux is one of the charcaters that unfortunately keeps dealing with the short end of of the stick when it comes to skins. I understand that his design does limit people to making anything for him but come on, he's still worth a try. Sure the cosmetic he got from the fit is nice and the "you are what you kill one" is a pretty great Portal reference, but I'd appreciate more cosmetics that aren't just recolors. (I am excited however because there it was hinted that he might get a cosmetic that's him before Gabriel burnt him!!!)
However, I would like to see something candy related for him. I wanted to design it and enter it in a future DBD Design contest but I'd rather not lose the rights to something that precious to me. I'll make sure to draw it one day however and hope people like it like that Valentine's Deathslinger cosmetic I made years back X3
Lore wise I would really like to see what went on with the production of the Hux-A7 units. Just interested in what the process was there, but it also makes me wonder if anything went wrong with #13(aka Hux himself) considering how he is the only unit the strayed from the rest of the group. It's like there was something off about him and he ventured out elsewhere before being zapped by the alien crystal. It would be nice to see what life was for Hux A7-13 before he became aware.. Like I'm curious to see was he already technically active before the departure date? Was he only ever powered on when they arrived to Dvarka? How long has he lived for? (This is also for...fanfic purposes because of that one specific fic I've been wanting to write involving Gabriel lol please ask me about that because I have been itching to write it along with the next part to the Praetorian fic but need to get the smut out of the way first)
Okay so in game...oh geez let's see:
Something seriously needs to be done about the EMPS. It's insane how easily a survivor alone is able to control Hux's power. Not even add-ons are enough to discourage the use of EMPS. Now imagine all four survivors carrying an EMP each, it's hell. And the fact that you can have the EMP on for 45 seconds is a crazy fact alone; you can get some serious distance in that time period and have disabled so many biopods already because you also have to take into consideration its radius!).
I do think the EMPs should become limited like Wesker's and Nemesis' respective items, or they should at least hold some kind of punishment like what Skull Merchant's drones did(aka receiving a tracker when disabling her drones). Like have some of his add-ons be built in maybe?
Or if not limited at least do something like with Xenomorph's turrets. The EMPS continue printing the second you take one, the turrets at least make you wait after you've taken one. And after 3 have been taken from the same control station you have to wait for that stuff to be remade.
OR at least give him more biopods. Once again, you can take out some many biopods + slipstreams in 45 seconds)
Yes there are add-ons that kind of do that but even then they're sort of useless (the only one I can think of is Live Wires which I like to use but what's the point when everyone is on the opposite side of the map and they've dispersed or finish their gen by the time you got there?)
His add-ons I feel really do need some buffing because the only one Singularity mains really consider using is the Soma Family Photo which makes you faster when in Overclock mode but still reduces your timer for it. And that's ONLY if you succesfully slipstream to a survivor of course(I say this because I still have some trouble with it)
His add-ons really rely on having survivors slipstreamed and that's pretty hard to do when they can constantly remove the temporal slipstream
I don't care if I'm called biased for this but I do not believe Hux needs a nerf of any kind. Slipstreaming is something that takes a good while to learn, I'm still learning how to do it properly myself. I think Overclock mode is a decent reward for a successful slipstream (and it doesn't even last that long???). It just sucks that there's some asshole out there trying really hard to make him the next "chess killer" which hopefully doesn't lead to an unecessary nerf.
There's more I'm sure of it, but this is what I can think of at the moment. I'll add more after I get bullied as Singularity again lololol
Also this is more at gameplay itself rather than Hux's ability and such but they need to lower his chase music's volumeor something. I personally rely a very lot on sounds and I lose survivors often while playing Singularity because of both his music and his mechanical whirring.
And also his hook??? I never really miss attacks when I play as killer but there's something about Hux's blade that makes me miss because I always think I'm much closer than I apparently am.
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ghostie-goo · 4 months ago
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The previews just ended 🍿🍫
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daily-singularity · 6 months ago
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Never underestimate the pathetic charm of the survivors
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handhelld · 4 months ago
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Finished up my mini stickers of the whole DBD killer lineup!
Available on etsy!
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bumblebi713 · 9 months ago
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happy one year to sci-fi in dbd-- and to end transmission, my favourite dlc chapter!
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barcodeboyz · 2 years ago
I’ve only had The Singularity for a day and a half, and if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
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unrelenting-darkness · 8 months ago
new Singularity cosmetic LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
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