#the similarities between his situation right now and Daniel last year must not have escaped
rickybaby · 1 year
sometimes i wonder who is more delusional, us daniel girlies who believe he's getting the seat or other people who think he has no chance...
for the sake of contracts and legality lets just talk about 2025, why do they think redbull/at did all these things? just because they like daniel???? obviously is to suss him out/prepare him for the redbull seat, it's logical to me, they're not a charity
there’s no certainty in this sport so we might as well be delulu and have some fun with it but people just want to begrudge us for the fun we’re having 😌
you’re right, why would redbull go all out for Daniel if they’re not at least considering him for the seat in 2025. Helmut is a fickle old man but Daniel is definitely part of Christian’s plans because he’s the one who got away, he’s the one Christian didn’t think would leave. why else would he meet Daniel in a hotel room when he was still in the mclaren horrors and then have dinner with Daniel and tell him AT first and then we’ll see? And despite whatever everybody else might say about Daniel’s comeback, Christian’s definitely been appropriately impressed because quote unquote the man literally said Daniel’s ticked all the boxes performance wise in Hungary
and yeah if you’re redbull, who do you put in that second seat in 2025? Sure a lot of driver contracts end in 2024 but Charles or Carlos (redbull’s already despatched him to renault once, they’re not taking him back) or Alex are unlikely to go there. Would they put Liam in that seat when realistically he’d have only one year in f1 at that point when they’d done the mistake of promoting a driver too soon twice already? Would they put Yuki when Honda is leaving a year after and Honda seems likely to take him with them? Would they put Lando? Sure helmut has a hard on for him but zac brown has a bigger hard on for him and will pay him 80mil to get him to stay even tho he most probs would still be winless at that point (also helmut please tell me how a guy, who was crying over the radio last weekend for team orders to get past his rookie teammate, actually fit at redbull).
Daniel is realistically their only choice for 2025
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queen18xo · 4 years
First chapter of my Mcdanno fan fiction.
There is an extended moment of silence on the other end, an uneasiness settling over Steve as he waits for the caller to talk. "Hello, Steven McGarrett this is Sargent. Duke Lukela with the Honolulu police department." The man on the other end of the call responds, his voice sounding weary and weathered.
Steve's mind flits through possible reasons the captain of the Honolulu police department could have for calling him. However, he finds himself at a loss. "How may I help you, Captain?" He questions his voice laced with an unusual amount of uncertainty and concern.
Sargent. Duke Lukela draws in a deep, shaky breath as he readies himself to reply. " It is with regret that I must inform you that late last night your father, Detective John McGarrett, was shot in the line of duty and was unfortunately pronounced dead on arrival." Lukela finishes his voice steady and professionally detached; however, after many years of learning to read people, steve finds that however hidden it may appear he can still detect the grief in the older man's voice.
Steve stands stock still his exhales turning from slow and steady to harsh puffs of hot air as he struggles to digest the information relayed to him. "What happened?" He answers voice cracking with sorrow as his eyes burn with unshed tears threatening to spill. He examines his memories of the man desperately trying to figure out how this could have happened. His father was one of the finest detectives Honolulu police department had; he was simply not the type to make an error like this. His deep jade green eyes narrow calculatingly as he attempts to piece together the slew of information that has been laid before him.
His thoughts are interrupted as he is brought back to reality by the police captain on the other end of the phone. "I'm sorry, but I am unable to disclose details at this time as this is still an ongoing investigation." Steve nods, although the other man is unable to see him. Steve begins to anxiously pace the secluded room he escaped to for privacy, trying to figure out where he goes from here. Does he go back to his home on O' ahu? As far as Steve is aware, there is no one else capable of getting his fathers affairs in order. It's not like he can entrust the task to Mary, hell he didn't even have the slightest clue how to get in contact with mary.
"Okay, thank you for informing me I will return to O' ahu. please let me know if I can be of assistance." Swiftly ending the call, Steve strides determinedly to the office of Luitenant Joe White. Once he arrives in the sizeable office of Luitenant White, he implores the man to place him in the reserves. He asks to be placed on an immediate flight to Honolulu national airport, informing his Luitenant of the gravity the situation he has found himself. Without pause, Luitenant White grants his request promptly sending him on his way to the landing strip where he will be transported from the base to Honolulu.
Steve sits wringing his hands anxiously, finding a calming sense of security in the unceasing hum of the jets engine. He stares blankly ahead his eyes fixed on the feathery soft-looking clouds passing below him; he gazes unseeingly as the vibrant shadow speckled azure blue sky slips away below him. For the first time since his earlier phone call, Steve allows himself time to begin methodically assessing his thoughts. The task is seemingly impossible as he tries to work his way through the disarray of his confused mind.
The first thought he finds crossing his mind is as heart-wrenchingly sad as it is straight forward his father, the man who raised him is, in fact, dead. The man he knew was a cold, emotionally detached detective whose work was commonly more vital to him than his family. The last time he saw John McGarrett was shortly after his mothers funeral, she had been killed in a hit and run incident. Instead, of consoling and comforting his two reasonably young and devastated children, he threw himself fruitlessly into his work, attempting to ascertain the identity of the driver responsible for her death.
Now the man Steve knew was a man who had been in an innumerable amount of dangerous and customarily life-threatening situations. Steve was more aware then most that eventually yes he would lose his father, and although the news of his fathers passing is heart-rending, he finds himself rather disconcerted over the kind of person that could take down John McGarrett. Before becoming a detective for Honolulu police department, John McGarrett was a highly decorated navy seal he advanced through the ranks undergoing some of the most physically demanding, ruthless, mentally exhausting military training ever documented. With that in mind, Steve knows no ordinary man would have the capability to take his father down. Now that begs the question just what kind of a man was he dealing with.
Steve is instantaneously awoken from his torturous dreams as the jet touches down on the long expansive of asphalt that makes up the private runway provided by Honolulu national airport. Finding himself off the plane, his body now unsheltered from the blazing heat of the late afternoon Hawaiin sun McGarrett makes a hasty retreat to the shaded runway exit.
As he takes a moment to compose himself and acclimate to his new surroundings, he hears heavy, fast-paced footsteps approaching from his right. Squinting directly into the intense beam of sunlight he catches the incomprehensible shadowed silhouette of what appears to be an impeccably dressed male. Steve mentally curses the fact that he has barely had 5 minutes to situate himself before being approached by someone who it is quite clear is here on some form of urgent business. This is not the first time that Steve McGarrett has been contacted in such a manner. However, from previous experience, he knows it would be unwise to decline anything they would request of him. However, that does little to dissipate his growing anger over the fact they couldn't even allow him the courtesy of a shower before proceeding to annoy him.
The stature of the man standing before him is not that dissimilar to that of his own body. However, the other many does have a couple of extra inches of height, and instead of his sandy brown locks and jade green eyes, the man before him has dark, dull brown eyes and well-tamed jet black locks, deep purple bruising below his weary eyes. Although Steve finds his interest piqued by the man that does not dissuade him from levelling the man with an icy glare, lips pressed tight into a solid line advertising his displeasure over the circumstances. "Steve McGarrett?" the man questions cocking one groomed eyebrow.
McGarrett nods his assent gesturing impatiently for the man to continue. " My name is Adam Noshimuri, and I am here on behalf of the FBI crime syndicate task force." The man states pausing to ensure what he is saying is falling on deaf ears. Steve once again simply nods to the man not wishing to bare his emotions to the stranger just yet. He is catching on to the fact that McGarrett would not be responding to him adam presses on swiftly. " This division has been specially created to track and bring down major crime families. We have reviewed your impressive resume and in light of your fathers recent passing at what we suspect to be the hand of none other than Daniel Williams we would like to offer you the job as head of this new task force." adam finishes with a solemn smile.
Steve's face hardens as his previously bright eyes darken their colour becoming similar to the ocean during a storm. "What could this guy possibly have to do with my father?" he asks unwavering in his anger. Steve struggles to place the name Daniel Williams, reasonably sure this is his first time hearing the name. He desperately searches his memories in a futile effort to produce any type of connection between Williams and his father. Drawing up empty, he sighs in resignation.
Adam holds firm under the stormy gaze of the navy seal. "it is believed that your father was murdered by Danny Williams, head of the Williams family mafia. However, we are still unsure as to the reason why." he states calmly. Steves mulls the information over. He knows the only reasonable answer to the job offer would be to say yes. At least if he accepts the offered job, he would be able to investigate his father's death, something about it still not sitting right with him.
Murmuring curses under his breath, wishing just for one his life could be simple. Even in death, his father can't make his life easy. "I will accept your offer to run the task force. However, I refuse to do anything until I have at least showered." Steve answers curtly motioning for Agent Noshimuri to lead the way trailing behind him at a sedate pace.
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Strange Love
Part 2/?
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Damian Wayne!Older x Reader
Words: 1712
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/L/N) - Your Last Name
Summary: An aspiring young novelist captures the attention of a certain billionare.
Two weeks have passed after Wayne Gala. During this period you caught yourself on a thought of meeting Damian Wayne again multiply times. You wanted to properly apologize for being abrupt to him. You found this rude and were blaming yourself for not thinking before saying. But you had no time for actions. Working on editing your book wasn't something easy and fast in doing.
It'd be honest to say that Damian have thought about you too. When he saw you at first he thought about you like a one night stand but in a process of your conversation he had changed his mind. How you spoke about him buying forgiveness reminded Damian about his past. The weight on his shoulders has renewed. And it was hard not to notice. Especially, when it was his birthday week and his friends were around.
“So, are we going to have a party in manor or somewhere else?”
“Is that really the most bothering thing to you right now, Jon?”
“No, but considering the media mails which are constantly asking about that, you must be bothered with it. Or are you planning a getaway on your birthday?” a playful smile appeared on Jon`s face. “If the answer is yes, I`m in.”
“What? Got tired of being on front page?” now it was Damian`s turn to smile.
“You know I'm always ready to pose but I did actually get tired of being the… how they say? “The less expected friend of Damian Wayne”. I hate it.”
“I love it. And no, I'm not planning any getaway.”
“What a pity. I've already thought about all possible ways how I could exploit you on my father`s farm.”
“Seriously? With your powers your farm could take the first place in some stupid farm competition.”
“There is no farm competition held.”
Damian skeptically looked at Jon saying with his eyes: “Really?”
“Okay, maybe there is, but we don`t take part in it.”
For some minutes there fell silence between young men. Damian and Jon have been friends for more than ten years. Jon was the first friend for Damian and he was more than just grateful to him for that. Even when he became a part of Teen Titans Jon still was a true friend to him. Damian, in his turn, was a person with who Jon could share his life and he didn't need to hide his superhero side from Damian.
“I'm renting a penthouse with a rooftop in Gotham Hotel” Damian was the first to break the silence.
“Cool. I gotta prepare a smoking suit or what?” replied Jon without any enthusiasm.
“Don't bother. It doesn't matter, you'll still be my friend even if you wear a sack. Wear what you want.”
“Well, then be ready for newspapers` headlines which say that your friend is a homeless.” at this time Jon joked.
“Like I wasn't ready before.” Damian mumbled.
“What? You brought this on yourself, Wayne.” with these words Jon jumped on his friend pretending to fight him.
At this very time when the man you thought you had deeply offended had fun with his best friend you were having a little break after arguing about the book cover with the chief designer of Simon`s publishing house. These two weeks you felt unbelievably exhausted. You had no sleep, no rest.
“I talked to Daniel and convinced her to take your idea for the book cover.” Simon entered the room where you were half sitting-half lying.
“Oh, you serious? It`s my book, so I decide what goes on a cover. And if Daniel is a designer she should has a better understanding at her job.”
“Touche, (Y/N). She's a genius designer, you're just being nervous.” Simon responded to you with his calming smile. “Maybe a little party will cheer you up, how do you think?”
“What party?” you asked with no intentions to go anywhere.
“You don't know? It`s Damian`s birthday. Not to brag but I'm a usual guest on his parties even with my age. I think he just feels the immortal youth of my soul.” Simon proudly informed you.
“I honestly didn't know about his birthday coming. And I'm not surprised I'm not getting the invitation.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Um, I kinda offended him last time we talked. But I wouldn`t have time to go there anyway”
“(Y/N), firstly, I think Damian have forgiven your little mistake, secondly, you are going to that party, and thirdly, if you go there, you'll have a chance to apologize.”
“How can you be so optimistic, Simon?”
“I just have a forever young soul. That's it. And now when we're done with personal stumbles I guess we can get back to work.”
You just followed his lead back to the Daniel`s office to clarify the details of the book cover of which you were already sick.
When you finally got home and checked your email first time in three days you was surprised. No. You were shocked. There was an invitation from Damian Wayne to his birthday party at Gotham Hotel. Simon was right but you truly wanted him to be wrong at that moment. You knew you weren't going there. You didn't know what to give Damian as a present and you didn`t want to show up at his party when you were feeling so guilty.
The day of Damian's birthday have come fast. You have decided to go there only to apologize to Damian and to give him a present. You thought that not coming to his party would even worsen the situation. But you wasn't about staying there and having a good time. No. No fun for (Y/N) (Y/L/N). You weren't punishing yourself, you just were too tired for this.
So you put on a pair of ripped on thighs skinny black jeans, a laced silk top with green and black floral print and a pair of high heeled court shoes with the similar print. Having left your apartment you grabbed your black leather jacket and a wrapped in black paper with a red bow wrist watch for Damian.
You already could hear a loud music by approaching Gotham Hotel. Inside the hotel there was a lift specially allotted lift for Damian's guests with a man who checked your invitation, so you knew where to go. When you finally stepped into the room you saw a lot of people partying there and what was really surprising there was no paparazzi. The more you were looking around the more concerned you become, you couldn`t find Wayne anywhere but you caught a sight of his friend as you concluded by photos from newspapers` you had read. You decided to ask him about Damian.
“Excuse me, I`m (Y/N). I can't see Damian anywhere. Can you help me?”
“Sure, I`m Jon, by the way. (Y/N)? I guess I've heard of you. Damian is on a rooftop if you need him.” the man told you with a friendly smile.
“Thank you. But where can I go on the rooftop?” you asked him with an awkward smile.
“Oh, there are stairs in the next room, you'll see it.”
“Thank you again.”
You quickly found the stairs and went up to the rooftop. You instantly caught Damian`s silhouette. He was leaning on a handrails which were put there for safety. His pose perfectly showed you his broad shoulders and how his black shirt stretched on his back showing off his muscles.
He turned his head in direction to the noise you did. Damian greeted you with a tired smile. For a second you got a need to make him happy.
“Happy Birthday” you said, suddenly not knowing what to do next.
“I guess you you brought me a present, (Y/N)” you could swear you caught little hints of tenderness in his voice.
“Yeah, so take it before I`ve changed my mind” you honestly didn't know why at that moment why you acted like that.
A funny confusion appeared on his face.
“I want to apologize” unpredictably for you it just slipped out your mouth.
“For what?”
“I said what I didn`t mean when we first met.”
“You've apologized for that then. And it wasn't that much of insult to me. So you can forget about that.”
“Oh, good. Maybe you'll take your gift already? I`m feeling uncomfortable still having it” you said it in a joking tone handing the gift to Damian.
“Sure and thank you for this.” he took it while slightly laughing. “You always dress like this for parties?”
“You always spend your birthdays by running away from people?” you replied feeling a bit offended but suddenly you caught an expression of sadness on Damian's face, so you quickly decided to change the theme. “I wasn't planning on staying actually. And you know how I dress for the parties.”
“I didn't mean anything bad. I like how you`re looking.”
“You need to be more cheerful it`s your birthday after all. I remember how my grandmother was preparing my birthdays when I was a little girl” you remembered your childhood while looking at the night sky leaning on rails next to Damian. “It felt like a real fairy tail even without any of it's attributes. I loved my grandmother, she was an incredible woman and every day with her was a happy day to me.” Some tears escaped your eyes and Damian noticed that. He was looking attentively at you and you felt confused. “Sorry, I'm emotional person. Cry at movies, cry at advertisements.”
“It's okay. I was close with my grandfather too. But we got our disagreements at one moment.”
You didn't know what to say, you just suggested him a sheepish smiled when he looked at you with all his seriousness. His explicitly outlined cheekbones looked to you even more clearly than previous time. In lunar light he looked unbelievably handsome but that wasn't in your mind then. You looked at his tragic expression and all you was beauty coming from the inside. There was something hidden deep down, something he was disguising. And you wanted to acknowledge that.
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