#the silly little woonhak to my jaehyun
minkkumaz · 1 year
guys i love @woonhakist and our silly little conversations ^_^
me to her
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taesanluv3r · 1 month
a date and five older brothers
kim woonhak x reader
idol!woonhak x non-idol!reader, established relationship <3 bnd members being annoying older brothers to their woonagi TT cuteness and fluffiness and so so so so silly!!!! lowercase intended, pls excuse any spelling mistakes/grammatical errors! enjoyy
wc: 2,868
"ugh, why does it have to be raining cats and dogs today of all days?!"
kim woonhak groans loudly in frustration as he stares out his dorm's big glass window, large droplets of water smacking against it just as loud. jaehyun snickers from behind the boy, "what's wrong with a little rain, woonagi?" he asks, a smirk playing on his lips as the nickname for the younger boy leaves his mouth. "oh, you must be forgetting, hyung" taesan begins, grabbing the attention of all the members in the room with them. "our baby has a date with his girlfriend today~ doesn't he?" the five members of the boy-group apart from their youngest one shared a laugh, finding the way woonhak's ears and cheeks turned a bright red just so hilarious.
"but with the rain like this...we won't be able to go anywhere! i should just call her and-" the kim boy was cut off by the ringtone blasting out of the speaker of his phone. "speak of the devil" sungho said, grabbing the boy's phone and handing it over to him. "everyone be quiet, our baby has a vewy impowtant phone cwall" leehan teases in a baby-like voice, causing riwoo to laugh out loud before earning a silent 'fuck you' from the blush-y woonhak.
his hyungs sat and listened closely as their maknae picked up the call, pressing the device against his ear. "hey, what's up? i was just about to call you" they watched as the boy's previously annoyed face softened into a kind and smiley one. a wide grin grew against his lips as he talked with his girlfriend on the phone, nodding as if she could see him and then laughing at some of the things she said. "i know, it's way too crazy out there to go out...it sucks though, this is my first day off in like forever!" woonhak whined, slumping himself down on the couch. "yeah...i guess so, but i really wanna see you today..."
as the boy continued to converse with the girl, the rest of the boys noticed the way his eyes got sadder- as if he really was that upset about the rain and the change in their date plans. "maybe she should just come over here, looks like he really wants to see her" taesan whispers and riwoo nods. "i agree. wait let's suggest that to him"
"woonhak! hey!" jaehyun calls out just loud enough to be heard but not so that the girl on the other line of the phone could hear him. the younger boy furrows his eyebrows so as to ask 'what?!', using his shoulder to keep the phone pressed to the side of his head and throwing his free hands in the air in question. "wait, wait" his hyungs say, pointing their pointer fingers up in the air as they did so. the confused maknae watched as sungho got up, coming back a second later with a piece of paper and a pen. the other boys gave him a thumbs up before beginning to scribble something down on the paper. "mhm, i'm still here...hold on, i think the hyungs are trying to tell me something...wait" woonhak tells this girlfriend, squinting his eyes to try and make out what sungho had written so insanely small on the sheet.
"invite....invite? invite her over here...?" the boy said out loud, "oh! oh! invite her to come over here?!" he exclaimed this time, receiving a bunch of nods and silent claps from the group of boys who began to cheer, treating this whole thing like a game-show episode. liking the idea, woonhak excitedly jumps up from his seat. "yes! so you wanna come over here? we could just like...watch a movie or something..." the older members chuckled to themselves, looking at the way their youngest smiled happily. "okay! great then, i'll text you the address, see you soon...bye! love you too"
"aw~ did you hear that, guys? he lo~ves~ her too~" riwoo teased as soon as the boy hung up the phone and woonhak rolls his eyes again, bending down to pick up a small pillow from off the couch and throwing it straight at him. "ow! hey, you should be thankful we came up with the idea to save you from being sad all day" the other boys nodded, "exactly, everyone say: thank you taesan-ow!" another pillow floating through the air, directed at taesan this time. "she's coming over in a few minutes...YOU GUYS NEED TO BEHAVE. PLEASE." the boy yells sternly, eyes narrowing like a hawk. they laugh, getting off of where they were sprawled out on the floor and walking closer to their maknae.
"relax, woonagi~ when have we ever embarrassed you?"
half an hour goes by in what felt like five seconds to the boy who was so busy making sure the dorm was spotless before his girlfriend walked through the door. "guys what do you think of my outfit?" woonhak asks, spinning around to give the members a 360 view of his clothes. sungho laughs, "relax a little! it's not like you guys are going to a fashion show!" leehan agrees, "yeah, i think your sweatpants and white t-shirt will be fine" jaehyun laughs from the kitchen where he had been sent to wash his dirty dishes, "what are you stressing for, hakie? she's just coming over to your dorm, no big deal" oh, but it was a big deal. a huge deal. at least to the young loverboy it was.
just as he was about to yell at his hyungs for not taking him seriously, the buzzer by their door made a sound. woonhak's ears perked up, his feet gliding smoothly against the slippery floor as he ran over to it. "hello? it's me, yn" her voice cracking through the poor quality of the intercom made the boy's whole body warm. "hey! yeah, let me buzz you in" he replied, pressing the small button beside the speaker.
not even a minute passes before there's a knock on their door. "let me get it!" taesan says, not giving woonhak enough time to even argue before walking past him and over to the door. the other guys snicker, finding joy in bullying their little brother. "hey-oh! hi, taesan" they could hear her voice so clearly now, "hey, yn! nice to see you again- come in, woonhak's been dying to see you all day he was literally almost about to cry when it started raining and-" taesan never finished his sentence, "hyung! can we not?!" he whined, pouting and crossing his arms over his chest as he did so. a female giggle entered his ears as his girlfriend finally came into proper view.
"you're so cute, woonhak"
yn ln smiles, her eyes disappearing and the spots below her cheeks dipping into deep dimples. her clothes almost match her boyfriend's, a pair of grey sweatpants that were just the right amount of baggy paired with a plain white tank-top and a baby-blue mini cardigan layered on top. the boy smiles from ear to ear, unconsciously opening his arms out for her to run into. she laughs, stepping closer and welcoming herself into his warm embrace. "i missed you" yn says, melting into his chest. "i...missed you too" he stutters a bit, his face growing red when he remembers the rest of the people in the room with them.
"aw~ so sweet" jaehyun coos, interrupting the couple's wholesome moment. "ah! i'm sorry i haven't even said hi to you guys yet. hi, it's nice to see you all again- sorry i came over like this, with the rain and all it's hard to go anywhere...i hope you guys don't mind that i'm here" the boys chuckle, finding the way she worried so sweet. "it's no problem, yn! you can come over anytime, i'm sure it'd make our woonagi so very happy~" riwoo said, moving to pinch at their maknae's cheeks teasingly. "hyung! stop!" the boy whines again, making his girlfriend smile. "woonagi" she repeats the nickname. "i like that...it's so..." she trails off, looking up at him. "so fitting"
after about an hour, all awkwardness had been thrown out the window. the couple were now cuddling comfortably on the couch, the rest of the boy-group sprawled out on the floor or on the coloured bean bags. all their eyes focused onto the rom-com that played on the television- well, all eyes except woonhak's, who's gaze lingered on her face. he found the way her eyes sparkled and the way her lips remained slightly parted as she breathed way more interesting than the movie they were supposed to be watching. his hands found their way to rest on her head, his fingers dancing through her hair as she nuzzled her face closer to his chest.
over on the floor beside the couch leehan looked away from the screen for just a second only to catch a glimpse at their youngest member's loving gaze. he almost laughed too loudly, tapping taesan's shoulder to show him the real life scene unfolding before them. he snorts before flipping out his samsung to snap a silly picture, making a mental note to tease the boy for it later.
the pretty dialogue from the rom-com, paired with the pitter-pattering of harsh rain and the soft strokes of her boyfriend's hands in her hair must've been the reason why the girl had suddenly felt a wave of sleepiness crash over her body. for it didn't take long before yn ln had peacefully fallen asleep in kim woonhak's arms. he noticed it right away. the way the weight of her body got a little heavier as she relaxed into his touch, the way her breathing matched his own, and the way she stopped giggling over the stupid jokes from the movie. it only took a single look down at her slumberous face to confirm his speculations. it was so perfect. this whole moment was so perfect. spending his first day off in a while with his girlfriend, snuggled up in the comfort of his dorm- and best of all, his hyungs seemed to be too engrossed in the film to be constantly making fun of him! nothing could go wrong now...
must've spoken too soon. the boy's sudden cuss made the others turn to face him, seeing for the very first time in all their lives: a sleeping girl, comfortably laying on their so-called baby brother. "what's wrong?" jaehyun asks, confused as to why the boy looked so stressed out in the moment. maybe the young boy had never had a pretty girl fall asleep on him before. or maybe he was cussing out of pure cuteness aggression. or maybe he was just so happy right now it stressed him out. or...or maybe...and most realistically...
"i need to piss but if i move i might wake her up...what do i do?!"
the chorus of hysterical laughs that emerged from the group of boys were almost loud enough to wake the girl up from her slumber. woonhak had to press a finger to his lips and tell them all to be quiet. "god...you're so stupid, woonagi...just carefully get up and go!" riwoo whisper-yelled, still calming down from the fit of laughter he just had. the boy rolled his eyes for possibly the hundredth time that day and then he sighed, looking down to the girl on his chest, softly stroking away her hair that covered her face. woonhak took a deep breath, "okay..." he told himself, carefully lifting yn's head up with both his hands. he shifted away quickly, replacing his body with a pillow before placing her back down to rest.
he let's out a breath, mentally patting himself on the back as if he had just taken part in the most difficult olympic sport know to man. the other members laughed to themselves, silently making fun of how serious the boy looked just now. woonhak flipped them off in annoyance as he passed by them on the way to the bathroom.
the boy comes back about two minutes later, sighing in relief when he sees that the girl remained fast asleep and untouched on the couch. he tries his best to crawl back to the spot he was sitting in earlier, lifting yn's head off the pillow and back onto his chest. however, this was easier said than done and it seems the boy's movements were far too rushed, causing the girl to awake from her slumber.
"shoot" he says as she begins to sit up straight, her hands moving up to rub at her sleepy eyes. "sorry, i didn't mean to wake you" woonhak says, smiling sheepishly when she lets out the sweetest yawn he's ever heard in his entire life. yn shakes her head, "no, it's fine. how long was i asleep for?" she asks, stretching out her arms. "well, you missed the rest of the movie" he replies, scooting closer to her. "yeah, but so did you" taesan butts in from where he laid on the floor. the maknae boy furrows his eyebrows, "what do you mean? i was totally watching the movie!" leehan snickers, "if by movie you mean staring at your girlfriend then yeah, you were totally watching!"
yn giggles at the bickering boys, "that's so not true!" woonhak whines as his girlfriend moved to lay against him again. "oh, but it is! i have proof~" taesan teases, waving the opened photo he took on his phone around in the air. the other boys laughed at the way the boy's ears practically fumed with anger. "let me see" the girl on his chest requests, grabbing the phone from the older member's hand.
"aw!" she cooed, zooming into her boyfriend's loving expression on the image. "you're so cute, woonhak" she said so sweetly, her eyes moving from the phone screen and over to his face. the anger on his complexion disappeared into a look of pure love. yn pushes herself upwards a bit, just so she was inches away from his face. "my woonhak" she said once more before leaning in to press her lips against his. he smiled, kissing her right back softly...and then again and again a dozen more times all over her face, seemingly beginning to forget about his hyungs that sat and watched.
"awwww~~~ woonagi! give hyung a kissy too" jaehyun teases, puckering his lips out and tapping his cheek. "yeah~ i want one too~" riwoo follows. woonhak groans, throwing his head back in annoyance. yn laughs, "you guys are so silly...and you're so cute, did i say that already?" the girl smiles, pulling her boyfriend by the collar of his shirt to kiss him again. "disgusting" sungho says, shaking his head as he gets up to head to the kitchen. "yn~ give me a kiss too!" taesan says jokingly, "hyung!" the maknae complains, but much to his surprise the girl turns to blow his group-member a flying kiss.
"hey! that's not fair. you're not supposed to give them flying kisses- you're my girlfriend!" the pout on his face melted all the girl's insides, it took her every muscle in her body to not stuff him in her pocket at that very moment. "ugh, you cutie!" she practically squealed, tackling the boy down so that he laid on his back on the couch. "i love you! i love you!" she repeated, peppering his face with little pecks. "ah! okay, okay i get it! alright i love you too! stop! they're gonna make fun of me!" with a little more convincing from the boy, she finally stopped. allowing him to sit back up, his insanely flustered and stupidly red face in full display for everyone to see.
"our baby...so in love" jaehyun teases for the last time, woonhak had given up on arguing and just chose to accept the fact that his brothers were going to make fun of him for as long as he's dating yn- which he hoped was for the rest of his life.
"you guys seriously need to stop bullying the poor baby" yn giggled as she spoke, pressing a kiss to the side of her boyfriend's cheek. woonhak scoffed, "and you need to stop calling me a baby too! i'm fully going to be eighteen years old!" he complained, still pouting. this time, the whole room just shook their heads.
"nice try, but that's never going to happen...baby"
"thanks for coming over, yn" woonhak says, wrapping the girl in a final hug. "thanks for inviting me over. it sucks we couldn't go out like we planned but there's always another time! and i had a lot of fun today" yn replied, her voice muffled by the contact with his clothes. "get home safely and i love you" he said, leaning down to kiss her. she smiled softly, "i love you too! i'll text you when i'm home and also goodluck with all the comeback preparations and stuff! all of you"
"BYE YN! COME BACK SOON! WE'LL SHOW YOU ALL OF WOONHAK'S TRAINEE VIDEOS!" - "hyung!!!!" - "we'll show you all his baby pictures too!"
"okay, bye yn! please leave now before they say something worse! i love you"
the end.
ahh first fic in a while 😭 hope u guys liked this silly little thing <3 i love woonagi so so much!! ALSO who else can't wait for bonedo comeback!! 19.99 🤤🤤 anyways reblogs n feedback r very appreciated. love, kona.
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uriwoos2 · 2 months
How Leehan would ask their crush out and omg the rest of the members being his wingman (esp Taesan)
thank you sm for this cute little req! I'm giggling and kicking my feet over the scenario already hehe! (´,,>ω<,,`) ♡
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˗ˏˋwingman bnd headcanons! pairing: leehan x gn!reader. overview: leehan has a crush and goes to his friends for advice! genre: fluff, crack (kinda) word count: 2.9k warnings: none. ♡ note: not very confident abt this one.. not sure if this is exactly what u wanted but agghhh here it is! (sorry for the wait btw!) chose to write this only w legal line, so there's no woonhak (as they're in university). hope you enjoy dear <3 likes & reblogs r very appreciated ! . . . @onedoornet
𐚁๋࣭⭑ okay firstly, imagining leehan with a crush is the cutest thing! it first started out as slight interest, after he saw the person across the campus a couple of times. his eyes kept meeting theirs and it just made his heartbeat all rapid and weird. and before he knew it, he was thinking about them before bed each night, making up silly scenarios, and looking forward to seeing them in the daytime. he'd be such a cutie in love ( ᴗ ̫ ᴗ )
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he went on like this for a while, thought he'd be fine with just catching glimpses of his crush in the hallways, daydreaming about them and simply admiring them from afar.. but he became more smitten by the day, the ache in his heart only grew and he didn't know what to do with these feelings anymore, eager to know their name, and to turn the made-up scenarios into reality.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but the problem was that he just didn't know what to do! being inexperienced when it comes to crushes and confessions, he felt so lost :( even though he's generally pretty confident, he didn't feel the same when he thought of the person. he wanted to impress them!! and he felt as tho he had to try extra hard to do that. still, he has no idea what to do..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but what does he have his dear friends for?! I think it's logical that he'd go to the one he's closest to first, taesan in this case, to share his troubles with him and ask for advice! knowing he would never expose his little secret, and under no circumstance would he judge him for it either ofc!!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but somehow, it just so happens that everyone else in their little group miraculously knows about his debilitating crush. (riwoo caught on pretty quick, then jaehyun coaxed it out of him just to go announce it to sungho) so.. a group meeting it is! ٩̋(ˊ•͈ ꇴ •͈ˋ)و an emergency one too! *boynextdoor assemble* hehe
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like just imagine them sitting around this exact table discussing ways for ihan to get his crush to like him back. I'm not okay 😭😭
𐚁๋࣭⭑ so back to the serious business.. we have leehan all deep in his feels abt how much it hurts to long for this person he doesn't even know, almost on the verge of crying as he speaks.. while jaehyun has tears in his eyes from holding in his laugh for so long.. what a pure menace. unable to sit still for like 10 minutes, gosh… he actually just thinks leehan is adorable and ridiculous at the same time, finding the situation quite silly. he thinks leehan should muster up the courage and just ask them out, rather than crushing on them secretly.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he'll eventually burst into a hearty cackle at a random moment, which will inevitably earn him a stern look from sungho, urging him to shush up and listen. I can't w these guys srsly..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ now, sungho.. he's so into the story, he's already plotting his scheme and thinking of ways to help out the poor guy. since he remembers seeing this person in some of his classes, he plans to observe them silently, in hopes of gathering some useful information. he even proposes the idea of slipping secret love letters into their bag.. ૮ ⇀‸ ⍝ა (this will have jaehyun snickering and riwoo shaking his head disapprovingly) he's just channelling his inner superspy, let him be u guys. 😭
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he'll desperately try not to come off as a stalker, but someone needs to tell this man that, unfortunately, the sheer size of his broad shoulders really limits the amount of potential hiding places...
𐚁๋࣭⭑ anyway.. so, taesan. he is the one that listens the most intently and quietly, soaking up all the information. considering that leehan's been holding all of this in for so long, he'd need to express his feelings openly, he'd need someone to listen well. (it's why he went to dongmin in the first place) and he does indeed fit this position perfectly!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he's not one to say much in the moment, just waits for him to let it all out. (but it's also cuz he has absolutely no idea who leehan's talking about and doesn't have anything to say.. 😭😭) so he's just there for moral support (for now!)..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ moving on to the most thoughtful one of the bunch, who's softly stroking leehan's back as he sniffles and hiccups through his confession.. riwoo! who will be responsible for arranging a lunch date! ✩ a role which he assigned to himself. haha. since everyone meets up to have lunch together on most days anyway, riwoo thought it'd be a good idea to invite leehan's crush along sometime!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ now let me tell you abt the silence that settles around the whole table at this statement. it would have them speechless. cuz. that's a bold statement sanghyeok!! very good.. very nice.. we're making some real progress here! *cough* jaehyun *cough* sungho.. but the question is.. how do they invite the person without it being weird?..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ fear not! bcuz riwoo has a solution for that too LOL 😭😭 riwoo, surprisingly, got to strike up a conversation with this person somehow, and bond over their favourite desserts in the single class they shared.. an interesting way to make a friend, but leehan doesn't care abt that rn!! riwoo can actually get him a date w them!!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ his heart is yippee-ing so hard rn. u don't even know…
𐚁๋࣭⭑ and just like that, they'd end up at a cafe near their uni, sat and waiting.. and waiting… (jaehyun) calling riwoo a liar, yada yada. leehan is busy hyperventilating and fidgeting from the nerves, even though he himself isn't sure if he'll actually get to see his crush today.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ taesan, despite being unsure as well, still gives him an encouraging pat on his leg, just in case. none of them believe that the person will show, even sungho is doubtful, scrolling on his phone mindlessly. but riwoo, who organised this whole thing, is relaxed, and unprovoked by jaehyun's remarks.. that's why he's the only one who actually helps ihan calm down, telling him he'll do just fine in a reassuring voice <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ imagine the surprise on all their faces when the person actually shows up.. and boom! leehan's heart drops to his stomach. in contrast, there's a smug look on riwoo's proud face hehehe. Ꮚ˘ ꈊ ˘ Ꮚ he's a man of his word after all!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but there's more. taesan's eyes go wide partly bcuz the person actually showed up, and mostly cuz he's actually friends w them 😭 no because.. this is too hilarious, picturing leehan's dumbfounded expression when he drops this enormous bomb on him.. *insert jaehyun losing his mind giggling in the corner abt this whole thing* taesan is friends with his crush??? this information would've been useful like, at least 20 minutes ago.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ anyway, taesan won't disappoint any further though! he'll introduce leehan to them himself and try and get the two comfortable w each other. he'll actually be doing the most! you can imagine how awkward first meetings can be, but taesan is determined to eliminate all of that awkwardness and get them talking!! he's on a mission! ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎⊹ hehe
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he'll keep going on about his awesome best friend, telling stories and complimenting him nonstop. he'll never ever! bring up an embarrassing story either, he's a true friend hehe! not just then, but any chance he gets after their little lunch date, he'll be insufferable w his praise! he's just super passionate abt helping ihan successfully woo his future partner ^^ (he's sure they'll end up together) and he finds them to be a perfect match too! so, he's trying his best to get them to like him back!! what a sweetheart <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ as soon as their date comes to an end, expect leehan to be all over taesan interrogating and bombarding him with endless questions. but he's more than willing to answer them! thanks to TS, leehan will have all the basic info abt the person, their interests, their favourite artists, their hobbies, who they're friends with, places they like to hang out and such.. what a helpful guy!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he's kind enough to even relay some messages to the person, about how leehan said it'd be nice for them to come have lunch with all of them again.. and he obviously exaggerates, complimenting them in leehan’s stead. he's a sneaky kitty! ( ˊᵕˋ ; ) hehe but he doesn't go overboard ofc!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ donghyun's crush tagging along their lunch dates becomes a regular occurrence at some point, as they gradually warm up to one another. leehan's heart could burst at the tiny interactions they share. everyone keeps nudging leehan to talk to them, and to finally ask them out, saying it's not that serious, that it's just a date. but it is that serious for poor ihan, when his heart is about to jump out of his chest at the mere thought of his crush. he wouldn't know how to handle it if the two of them were to be left alone. he's so in love gosh.. 。 ˚. ૮Ꮚ ´͈ ⁄⁄`͈꒱ა
𐚁๋࣭⭑ they would all encourage him to take the next step in their own ways! taesan would try and talk him into it, while riwoo would take a more straightforward approach, and save seats for leehan to sit next to his crush, just so they can be closer hehe. sungho would randomly go off abt some cool new place that's opened recently, telling leehan to go check it out with him sometime. (the mastermind has a plan!) and jaehyun, I can kinda imagine him spilling a little bit of his drink (supposedly) accidentally on leehan's crush, just so leehan can have an excuse to help them out. tbh ihan would just look at him with a confused/irritated expression, as myungjae winks at him.. he's trying his best okay?
𐚁๋࣭⭑ I can imagine the sneaky smiles the rest of the boys would exchange at the slightest things, like when the two sit close to e/o, or when they touch hands on accident, or at times when they catch leehan staring at his crush with the most obvious heart eyes.. ₍ᐢ⸝⸝› ‹⸝⸝ᐢ₎ they're having sm fun lmao.. but they're also just happy to see their friend finally talk to someone he's liked for soooo long. such cuties <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ sungho's proposal to go to this new fun place would actually strike interest in leehan's crush so.. it's a date! you've no idea how thrilled everyone would be to finally have leehan take his secret crushing further and go on a date with them!! (well plus sungho..) leehan can't really process what happened.. that sungho just casually got him a date.. well, kind of.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ I can imagine sungho helping leehan get ready for the date as he gives him a pep talk 😭😭 gosh it'd be the most adorable but hilarious thing.. he will help him choose the outfit, and won't stop adjusting his clothes like a worried mom lol. you'd think he's the one that's head over heels in love, with how worried he gets. but that's sungho for you! ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა always so caring when it comes to the others <3 <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ leehan will literally sit/stand there with a hyper focused expression, taking everything in.. like, he doesn't wanna mess it up, you know! so any piece of advice is welcome. especially when it's coming from his most trusted friend <3 he'll be nodding and listening deep in thought, as sungho gives him pointers on what to do or not to do. an adorable little duo ^^
𐚁๋࣭⭑ …and then there's jaehyun. (bear w me while I push my menace myungjae agenda pls) who just happens to be there, not because he wants to help but just turning up to be a nuisance (again). this boy strikes me as someone that will tease. and tease he will! like, he'll tell him something that'll have leehan full on stressing.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ now look.. he doesn't wanna scare him, but he can't help adding more and more to his joke cuz poor ihan's thoughtful look just brings him sm joy LOL. the way his brows furrow in worry, looking to sungho for reassurance.. ૮ ˊ͈ . ˋ͈ ა only for the oldest to just stand there shaking his head in disapproval at jaehyun’s nonsense.. just a group of sillies.. ♡♡♡
𐚁๋࣭⭑ myungjae will eventually just burst out laughing, and admit to leehan that he's just kidding and that it'll go perfectly fine.. so basically, he would joke around but he'll also genuinely show up for him! it's just his way of showing support hehe
𐚁๋࣭⭑ and then we have taesan and riwoo just sitting there, quietly observing this pure chaos.. the two kitties smile at the jokes and the bickering, entertained by simply listening to their conversations.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but when the time comes for leehan to set out, they'll be first to rush and give him words of encouragement and wish him good luck! taesan tells him to just be himself and everything will go smoothly, as he drowns him in perfume at the last minute. while riwoo just advises him not to go off abt his fish and it'll be just fine 😭😭 he tells him his looks will do the trick. which, true.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ and sungho... is nowhere to be seen. he must've slipped thru the door when everyone was busy, sly little fox he is. ૮ • ﻌ - ა when leehan takes notice of this he starts panicking, but the others tell him to go, or else he'll be late and that sungho will probably just meet them there.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ hmm.. ihan senses sth suspicious about this whole thing, but he doesn't want to make his crush wait so he complies. right before he leaves jaehyun will pipe in and ask to update them throughout the date, and at this point leehan is abt to combust from overstimulation lol so he just gets out of there.
𐚁๋࣭⭑ but it gets worse! bcuz he only hears from sungho thru text when he's already arrived. he sends him a single message saying: I'm not going, enjoy your date 😘~ you're welcome <3 …oh how leehan wishes he could magically teleport to where he is and give him a piece of his mind..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ sungho's really just doing this bcuz he wishes the best for his friend, but leehan doesn't realize that rn through his drumming heartbeat and the ever increasing urge to leave. he's kinda nervous, ngl. hah... haha . ha... srsly he's abt to pass out guys..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ in the end everything will be fine of course.. there's nothing to worry about, I mean.. it's leehan. he might mention his fishies here and there by accident but that only adds to his charm hehe ૮˃̵֊ ˂̵ ა esp if he stops himself mid sentence after.. telling his crush he's not supposed to talk about fish today 😭😭 they'd find this so cute.. nicknaming him fish boy in their mind cuz of it. I'm gonna sob..
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he's getting more comfortable w them, finding it easier to talk to them and even make jokes! seeing his crush laugh bcuz of sth he said has him melting on the inside.. lovesick baby <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ and (ik I forgot to mention this oops.. but the date takes place at an arcade, which creates a better environment for the two to have fun and get comfy w e/o!! genius sungho.) he'll try to desperately win one of those plushies for him from those rigged machines, but he'll fail :( but at least he's cute while pouting hehe
𐚁๋࣭⭑ since ihan senses that they seem to get on quite well, he'll consider the idea of asking them out again. I feel like he would be pretty regretful not to have asked them out himself, u know, in a proper way. so he'll muster up all his courage at the end of the date, when he's dropping them off, to actually ask his crush out on his own, like he'd wanted to in the first place!
𐚁๋࣭⭑ he'll just tell them cutely that he likes spending time w them and that he'd love to do something like this again sometime, that he wants to get to know them better!.. and when his crush questions if he's asking them out on a date, he'll just blush and say he is shyly.. ૮ / / / ⍝ა ofc they'll say yes!! again.. it's leehan. have u seen him? also they really enjoyed today's date too, which they'll tell ihan abt and his cheeks are burning up at this point... cuties x
𐚁๋࣭⭑ numbers and shy thank yous will be exchanged. leehan promising to text them about their next date <3 don't u guys think it'll be sweet if they give ihan a quick peck on the cheek? cuz I do. just for the sake of making his heart flutter and see him go shy again.. what a cute sight it'll be gosh :'( <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ safe to say, leehan goes to bed that day w a glowing ball of light in his chest, heart full and mind replaying moments from the date <3 baby boy's so happy. ૮₍ ˶• ˔ ต ₎ა ♡ he couldn't be happier.. already planning out their next date <3
𐚁๋࣭⭑ oh! almost forgot! he'll just send a simple text to the group chat that the date went well, cuz he's just soo exhausted.. immediately summoning the others w their endless questions smh. but that can wait until morning. also, just know that taesan will be the first to hear abt all the deets the next morning!! hehehe that's it <3
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rentenwins · 2 months
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silly little excuses (newneighbour!leehan x reader)
ch 1 • ch 2 • ch 3 • ch 4
synopsis: the boys catch onto what's happening. with a ittle jab and detective skills, and nothing that the ever-so-helpful taesan would do anything about it...
content: banter banter and banter!!, the bnd members <3, mild cursing, a lot of dialogue tbh, descriptions of food eating, taesan is a schemer ong, taesan and sungho are a cheeky duo, a very clueless jaehyun, woonhak n riwoo mention!!
a/n: this one is goofy... calm before the storm trust me on this one pls. if you would like to be part of my taglist to get notifs on a new chapter, please send an ask in my inbox <3 my updates are not the most consistent apologies :( but thank you for sticking around nonetheless!
wc: 1448
taglist: @haechology @jenuinne @saintriots @badaspookie @yveol @yunextdoor @lailols @rawrbamgyu @amarecerasus @pandorahearts19 @luvvhaerin
chapter 3: i got a plan
“Bro, I’m being so serious.”
“Proof or it didn’t happen.”
Jaehyun seethes at Sungho across from him. The boys were at their usual outdoor cafe table, just outside the university. It was a miracle that they would get the same table almost every week.
“Woah, woah slow down. What’s going on?” Taesan suddenly appears and nudges Sungho to make room for himself at the table.
“Sungho’s not believing a word I say—“
“Believe it or not, it’s quite easy to.” Taesan replies nonchalant before Jaehyun gets a chance to defend himself.
“Oh my god, Taesan I will kick your ass.” Jaehyun groans while Sungho almost chokes on his drink and Taesan smirks.
Jaehyun was observant, but he was amazingly dense too. He was intelligent, but a bit too much speculation causes an inability to recognise the obvious in front of him. This was one of those cases.
After you had left Leehan’s place that evening, Jaehyun went over to Leehan’s to drop off dinner from Sungho since he hadn't had the time (or the budget really) for his grocery shopping just yet. So Jaehyun, the loving friend he was, kept the boy company for the evening while he was at it.
Sungho turns to Taesan, “Jaehyun said he found one of y/n’s containers in Leehan’s kitchen. So now he’s a little curious as to how it magically made its way there.” Jaehyun had oftentimes teased you for your mismatching containers, and the one he saw in Leehan’s apartment was definitely yours. Who else would’ve owned a container with a Pororo lid?
Taesan scoffs, “Y/n probably made cookies like she did last time for us. Remember that?” Sungho squints at Taesan before he remembers, “OH! THOSE! That makes a lot more sense.”
Jaehyun waves his arms dramatically in front of Sungho and Taesan. “Hello? What am I missing? Am I suddenly chopped liver to you all?”
“You know? Y/n’s cookies? The ones they make every now and then?” Sungho says, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Jaehyun looks like he’s been smacked across the face. “Why do I not know of this? What cookies are you two on about?”
Taesan rolls his eyes. “It’s y/n’s thing. They probably made them for Leehan since he just moved in and whatnot. Nothing too out of the blue.” Taesan nonchalantly says as he eats a cracker from his bag.
Just as Jaehyun was about to protest about his apparent lack of knowledge, a silent ‘yo’ came from beside him as the figure makes himself comfy in the chair beside Jaehyun.
“Speak of the devil…” murmurs Jaehyun as he leans back in his chair, not loud enough for Leehan to hear but enough for Sungho to almost choke on his drink again. Leehan feels the stares on him as he opens his little blue container of… cookies? Dipped with chocolate?
You loved making cookies for your friends, and Taesan knew it was a way for you to blow off steam. One time last semester, during submission week, you were so stressed that you stress-baked three batches of chocolate cookies and gave a whole load of it to Taesan and Sungho. Taesan had so much he had to give some to his other neighbours, Woonhak and Riwoo, just so they'd still be enjoyed fresh.
And yet, with all the baking you've done, Taesan has never seen chocolate dipped cookies since the day Woonhak started senior high school. It wasn't long ago, but you had sworn that they were 'too messy' and you were 'never going to do it again unless it was as special' as that day.
“Aha!” Jaehyun leaps from his seat, other tables turn to look at Jaehyun’s unwarranted reaction as Leehan almost drops the cookie he had just bit into. Leehan’s bewilderment was understated: he stared at Jaehyun, then at Taesan and Sungho looking amused at his container of cookies. Sungho elbows Taesan and he slaps him back.
“Is there something on my face?” Leehan murmurs, and when no one gave him an answer he took a bite of the cookie. He looks at Jaehyun, who finally sat back in his seat after his mini freakout. Sungho swears he could see stars form in Leehan's eyes as he chewed the sweet treat.
“So y/n’s baking isn’t bad huh?” Sungho breaks the silence, Taesan barely suppresses a smirk next to him.
“Yeah!” Leehan replies enthusiastically, not quite looking up at Sungho. There was a smile that reached his eyes as he spoke, “these really remind me of these butter cookies I used to have back in Busa— wait, y/n?”
This time, Taesan actually laughs. Jaehyun looks on, confused. Leehan turns red, “Hold on... how'd you know it was from y/n?”
If he was an outsider, Sungho would think this mini interrogation was too much. But alas, what’s a little friendship without a little jabbing here and there?
Sungho shrugs and sits back in his chair, “Eh, just a little hunch.” Taesan lightly smacks Sungho's arm.
Frankly, Leehan was stunned and didn’t know what to say. So he did what any other person would do and continued to eat his little cookies and scrolled through his phone. Though the redness in his ears never really went away.
Why did he blush when Taesan and Sungho mentioned your name? I mean, the cookies were good.
“Jae, you good bro?” Taesan eyed the uncharacteristically quiet boy next to Leehan, who seemed to be staring at Leehan’s (read: your) cookies. Jaehyun looked at Taesan, then Sungho, then the cookies again before his eyes went comically wide.
“OH I GET IT NOW!” Jaehyun says a bit too enthusiastically again as he pretends to smack his head with a closed fist, eyes squinted as he finally realised why they were teasing Leehan in the first place.
Taesan couldn’t help but remain bemused as he looked at Leehan, almost apprehensive in giving Jaehyun one of his cookies.
“Hey, don’t give me that look,” Jaehyun playfully shoves Leehan, “just one cookie I promise! y/n’s your neighbour, she could probably make some for you anytime!”
“Then why haven’t they given you any, Jae?”
“Shut up, you nerd!”
It was a given that interior design was a pain. Yet here you are, studying interior design in university, where your budget was blown for art supplies, and throwing your pride away so you could walk down the street with unnecessarily large poster boards under your arm.
“So where are my cookies?” is the first thing you hear when you stop at the stoplight on your way back home.
“Your what now?” is your reply to Taesan, who was at the stoplight before you were. You were too checked out from a long day of classes to realise it was him standing there. You threw him an incredulous look.
“Cookies? Butter cookies? Seriously, I didn’t even know you made those. And the chocolate? You hate washing dishes and yet you decide to go the extra mile and dip the damn cookies in the chocolate.” Taesan drawls teasingly in a way that he knew pissed you off the most. You roll your eyes,
“If you’re talking about the cookies he made Leehan, then yes. I made him some damn housewarming cookies dipped in chocolate. You know, get him settled. What’s the deal?”
Taesan laughs a little as he reminisces the scene at the cafe earlier, “He brought some with him today and it was the happiest I’ve seen him. Probably ever, if I’m being real. Or maybe since he's moved here.”
You glance at Taesan before failing to suppress your laugh, “Nice try. Taesan, if you’re trying to do what I think you’re trying to do—“
“Woah, woah! Who said anything about me? I’m just relaying you… some… important information. You know, maybe... to your benefit" He stage whispers the last few words.
“What’s so important about my cookies then?” This is going nowhere. You have never wanted that damn stoplight to turn green so badly in your life.
“I got a hunch. A big one. I suggest you take my advice if you want this to go… somewhere.” And with perfect timing, the stoplight turns green and Taesan walks off.
A hunch? My cookies, neighbour, Leeha—
“Taesan!" The board under your arm almost slips when you take a step forward, " Get bac—my god, we live in the same building. Come back here!”
Taesan decided you suddenly didn’t exist when he walked off (in the most friendly way possible, of course). He pulls out his phone and texts Sungho,
‘I got a plan’
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000-pawz · 4 months
hi! do you have any silly thoughts about bnd? like super specific things that no one else probably thinks about? because i have so many😭
HI OKAY some of these are niche so i'm just gonna listen them out
⭐ jaehyun is so camp counselor coded! like imagine him in his khaki shorts and t-shirt and his lil whistle help me... and the kids put his mattress in the lake when he's sleeping (this is so funny because i was a camp counselor last year and it was the best and worse experience of my life)
⭐ woonhak is the type to trip over his own shoelaces with that silly cartoon slip sound
⭐ sungho is such a "we have food at home" dad, and i also think he would have twins who are literally little monsters... he wasn't invited to the neighborhood dad groupchat because his gremlins bite people at birthday parties
⭐ leehan grey text, taesan blue text
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neomujinjja · 19 days
Not according to plan
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Pairing: Myung Jaehyun x reader
Length: 775 words Genre: Request, Fluff
Warnings: birthday setting, confession, crying / wanting to cry, reader isn't in the first half, my attempt at a poetic confession, dramatic jaehyun & reader, abrupt ending(?)
Synopsis: Jaehyun decides to confess to Y/N at their birthday celebration he planned. But things don't exactly happen as he wants, but the boys lucky convince him that he can still confess.
Note: Sorry that this took so long, Anon. But I hope that you enjoy this imagine & it's close to what you were thinking. I finished writing this before work so i apologize if the end seems a little rushed. What does everyone think of the new comeback, though?
── ⋆⋅ಇ ⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ಇ ⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ಇ⋅⋆ ──
Jaehyun smiled in satisfaction as he looked at the decorations he set up around the room. 'Perfect timing' he thought as he heard the dorm door beep open. Jaehyun rushed to the members, crowding them in the entryway. "Let me see the cake," he asked with hardly contained excitement.
"Hyung.." Woonhak trailed off, an awkward grimace on his face.
"There was a mishap with the original cake," Sungho spoke up, pausing as he passed the cake container (that apparently didn't hold his cake) over to Jaehyun's hands. "But we bought a different one that Y/N should still enjoy." Jaehyun blinked blankly before clearing his throat. He trusted the older male so it'd be okay as long as everything else went to plan.
"Okay, what about the flowers?" he turned to face Leehan and Taesan.
"Perfect, but where's the second bouquet?"
Jaehyun lowered his head, taking a deep breath to hold back his tears. "Riwoo-hyung, please tell me, that picking up the necklace went better?" He was nervous now; the necklace was supposed to be his cherry on top. Jaehyun planned on giving it to Y/N after his confession. The silence that followed increased his anxiety.
"The necklace wasn't in the store. Sorry, Jaehyun," Riwoo apologizes. Jaehyun's worst nightmare had come to fruition in front of his eyes.
"Everything's ruined. I can't confess anymore," he whispers to himself, but the rest of the boys hear it as well. They look around at each other, feeling guilty at the state of their leader.
"Hey, it'll be okay. You know Y/N; they wouldn't want a superficial moment. Don't let this stop you," Sungho says as he places a hand onto Jaehyun's shoulder.
"Yeah, Sungho-hyung is right. Let's continue setting up and it can still be a nice moment, hyung" Taesan adds. The other members all chirp in, agreeing to the sentiment.
"Hi, Hakkie," you greeted the younger male as you walked into their dorm.
"Happy Birthday, Y/N!" he greeted back with his signature smile. Your smile grew as Woonhak led you into the decorated living room.
"Aw~" you started, "you guys didn't have to do all this"
"It was all Jaehyun-hyung's idea" Leehan says before passing a costume crown to you. You turned to the said male, your heart fluttering at his effort.
"Thank you, Jae." you walked over to him, giving him a hug and peck on the cheek. Jaehyun blushed with a silly smile growing on his face. The other boys took the moment to quietly escape to the kitchen.
"It's no problem. You deserve it all," he says bashfully. Jaehyun gently takes your hand, leading you to sit down on the coach. "I have to tell you something," he tells you, looking at your clasped hands. You nod, rubbing your thumb over his hand.
"You can tell me anything," you reassure him while scooting closer. His other hand rubs at the back of his neck before he looks up at you.
Jaehyun's cheeks are flush at your words and actions.
"I like you. Whenever I'm around you, I become a love-sick fool. I can't think because you turn my head to mush & I can't breathe due to the butterflies you cause in my chest. I'm so enamored by everything you do. And I can't bare only having your friendship, I want more." Jaehyun stopped, searching your face for any sign of uncomfortably. While he knew his confession would change the relationship but he didn't want to force anything onto you. But to his surprise, there were tears streaming down your face. "Why are you crying? What's wrong, Y/N?" Jaehyun asked, closing the distance between the two of you. He brought you into a hug, your head resting on his shoulder. His hand moving to pat your head in a comforting manner. Instead of responding, you shook your head while crying harder. "Are you okay?" he asked in concern. When Jaehyun thought of confessing, he didn't imagine there would be tears involved.
"I'm okay," your voice came out brittle as you responded. Pulling away from Jaehyun's shoulder, you tearily looked into his eyes. With the male's shirt in a vice grip, you nasally confessed back.
"Then why the tears?" Jaehyun said lightly chuckling as he did, his hand caressing your hair.
"I'm just really happy," you replied, still sniffling and tears rolling down your cheeks. Jaehyun smiled, moving to wipe them away while cupping your face. He leaned in close, space non-existent between the two of you, lightly pecking your lips with your approval. The both of you jumped as the other members re-entered with cheers and cake.
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chweverni · 8 months
PROMPT GAME! (bnd ver.)
hello hello !! im doing a silly little prompt game where the first 3 people to send me combinations from the following options in my inbox so that i can create a drabble based on it!! so basically the format will be
member no. + dynamic no. + specific dialogue
i hope this reaches a good audience so that ppl can enjoy the reads! without further ado, im just gonna list it all out! >_< (keep in mind i write sfw stuff only!)
𓇻 1. riwoo 𓇻 2. sungho 𓇻 3. jaehyun 𓇻 4. taesan 𓇻 5. leehan 𓇻 6. woonhak
☼ 1. sunshine x grumpy ☼ 2. enemies to lovers ☼ 3. academic rivals ☼ 4. best friends to lovers ☼ 5. the new neighbor ☼ 6. campus crush ☼ 7. meet cute
✫ 1. "tutor me, please!" ✫ 2. "what have you done to me?" ✫ 3. "just say it once! please." ✫ 4. "i knew it would be you from the start." ✫ 5. "didn't expect you to be here, traitor." ✫ 6. "i think i'm in love with you, and i don't know what to do about it." ✫ 7. "teach me what it means to love." ✫ 8. "i'm confused as to how i should do this. maybe you'd teach me?"
and done! please be sure that you specify who says the dialogues and who's who in the dynamic and i shall deliver the best i can!
bye bye!
in the meantime you can check out my masterlist to see if you like anything honey! <3
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slytherinshua · 3 months
my country isn't landlocked, but the city I live in is like far far far away from the coast. The nearest beach is a whole province away and I've never been there. I visited London once and we were supposed to go to a beach there, but we weren't able to 😔
YES RIGHT but I like you is so good I love jaehyun's rap in it sm
RYO 🥹 he's just a silly little guy fr idk the world is too big for him 🤏
missing iz*one (I wasn't even into kpop when they disbanded) their music really is so amazing they sang such bangers and then just left
aww that sucks ☹️☹️☹️ I heard the beaches in london weren’t the best anyway source: my best friend so maybe it would’ve been underwhelming either way 💔💔💔
he’s soooo small and squishy I just wanna put him in my pocket but knowing him he’d cause so much trouble 😞😞😞
SAME BRO LIKE I WAS NOT THERE BUT I STILL AM LIKE DAMN WHY ARENT THEY STILL AROUND :( same w x1 but maybe x1 times 10000000 bcuz the lineup for x1 was even crazier than izone
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minkkumaz · 1 year
(abt to reread the racer fic.)
I LOVE THE WEEKEDNS 😭😭😭🙏‼️‼️❤️❤️‼️
also how have u been! :)
OGMOGM I NEED TYO SEE THIS HELPP WHAT FANMEETING WAS THIS i was looking on twitter but i didnt find anything JAKSJHDBKB
my racer fic was actually foreshadowing these events ><!!
also i've been even WORSE unfortunately, i'm not as stressed with school because it's been a little easier on me this week, however i lost a friend and she like hates my guts. IM NOT GONNA GET INTO THE NITTY GRITTY OF IT BUT LIKEE
i go to school everyday in fear LMAO the whole situation was my fault, but it was blown way more out of proportion than what actually happened. but for now i will live as the bad guy because i hate explaining my perspective.
but im so excited for this weekend:( im gonna bake and relax andjust be silly all day >:3 probably crochet and DEFINITELY write. i need to write so bad. how have you been? :D
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