#the sheriff is a sweetheart and ive missed him
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Hi friend!! I'm so happy you're opening up requests again, I love how they're always related to the season. Ya know it, for our handsome Sheriff Bracket I'd love to request 6 and 28 please? thank you!!
friend, like i said i was waiting for your requests !! 😊 had a feeling i'd be able to be sweet on the sheriff again, it's been a while and i've missed him 💗 this is actually half inspired by another ask you sent me a while ago and it fit kind of perfectly here 👀📚 enjoy, as always 💗
[☀ requests for summer prompts are still open, and will be all month ☀]
sheriff brackett (sentimental and polaroid photos)
Work very rarely stopped for the Sheriff. Despite Haddonfield being relatively small, and relatively quiet in that picturesque suburban way that small towns usually are, there had been few days you could remember where the Sheriff hadn't been run ragged, sorting out juvenile delinquency or neighbourly disputes.
To thank him for all his hard work, you thought you may as well keep the house in order. The Sheriff was perfectly capable of household upkeep, you knew that already, but the large home hadn't had a deep clean in a while and, with the summer winding down, you decided there was no time like the present for a clear out.
The bedroom was the last room on your list, and as you dusted and rearranged, it was then that you came across it. A large, shabby cardboard box in the bottom of the closet.
As you pulled it forward, trying to figure out what was in it and if you could just leave it as it was, you noticed the spine of a book poking out. It was plain and, you realised as you pulled it out, was not a book at all.
It was a photo album.
Flicking through the pages, you paused when a handful of polaroids fell into your lap. They had not been properly put away, pressed between the pages to keep them safe when the photo-holders had been filled up.
You place the photo album to the side, wiping the sweat from your brow. The sun was still high in the sky outside and it did not help that you were surrounded by yours and the Sheriff's winter clothes.
The pile of polaroids, you realised, were very old indeed. A few had dates scribbled onto the margin, 1978, '79, '82. The same people were the subjects of most of the photos. It took looking at several photos to recognise one of the subjects.
Looking down at the 1978 photo. A summer's day it seems, by the bright exposure. A young man, squinting against the sun with a cigarette held between his teeth. His hair is a wild halo of frizzy curls around his head. You can see the blue waistband of a pare of Levi jeans just above where the photo cuts off, but his chest is bare.
That's your Sheriff. The years may have passed but you could recognise those eyes anywhere. Those sharp cheeks and lithe muscles that, even now, you could feel beneath the newfound softness he had acquired.
God, you thought, he was handsome. Is handsome. There's something timeless about your Sheriff, something that cannot be lost through age.
You claim it was the dust of the closet that was making your eyes water, and not at all the sentimentality of finding these forgotten keepsakes of long gone summer days. Summer days you were so desperate to let the Sheriff relive, to live through with him.
To take your own polaroids and have someone find them, years from know, and think about the couple in the, how happy then look, glowing beneath the sun on a long forgotten summer day.
#sheriff brackett x reader#sheriff brackett#rob zombie's halloween#halloween 2007#friend. thank you once again#the sheriff is a sweetheart and ive missed him#thats why i love every new prompt season
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Haddonfield, Illinois
Rosalita craned her neck to see the time. There was no clock in the supply closet, no light now to see a clock if there was one, the power had gone off shortly after Sheriff Brackett had left her here. When that lightning hit, she thought. She knew the lightning had something to do with it. The Sheriff's daughter, who lay in a hospital bed that took up virtually all of the room in the storage closet, had an IV hooked up to her arm. On the pole that held the IV was a little box with all sorts of buttons and blinking lights and gauges of a sort. Rosalita of course, had no idea what it all meant or was for, but the box had a little display screen that cast a soft blue-green glow inside the closet, and gave her the only light she had. On the bottom right corner of the box was the time. 05:46. Next to the time was a battery symbol, it was red and flashing...just like the same kind of symbol on the box on Rosalita's IV had been as well before it died about thirty minutes ago and went dark.
This one is gonna die too and soon I'll be in the dark, she thought to herself in her native Spanish, looking down at her newborn baby which she cradled in her arms. The Sheriff had left her, the baby, and his unconscious daughter more than an hour and a half ago. He said he was going to see “just what the hell was going on”. A part of her hoped he'd gone ahead and found it out—or was going to find it out soon— so she could get out of this god-forsaken closet. Another part of her hoped he didn't.
She knew what was going on.
When they had heard the gunshot, she had known right away it had come from Ole' Bitch.
The only thing Sparky Warner may have loved more than his shotgun was draining the cans of Coors Light he used to shoot with it...certainly not Rosalita. He abused his wife almost as much as he had abused the cans. At least when he was done with Rosalita he just rolled ahead on over and went to sleep, but with the cans, he liked to line them up on a log in the back yard and either take pot-shots at them with his .22 or sometimes, if he was in the real mood for some fun, he'd obliterate them with 'Ole Bitch'.
“I named it after your mama,” he had told her once as he pulled it from the back of his work van.
Rosalita knew who the shotgun blast was for too.
Whitey Grey had done a bang-up job on the new roof of the Warner home last year. Sparky had been real appreciative too, and knowing Whitey to be a stand-up guy, and having felt sorry for him because he had been on the outs with his high-school sweetheart, he had been all too willing to give Whitey some odd jobs here and there around the Warner castle in exchange for some cash from time to time.
“Chelsea Keane has always been a fucking bitch, ever since high school” Sparky had belched, crushing an empty beer can in his hand and tossing it off the front porch. “I'm surprised you stayed with her this long.”
Whitey had looked into the hole of the can of his own beer. “I've always loved her man. Ever since we were in six grade. I've always felt she was the one for me.” He had taken a swig. “You know, like my soul mate.”
Sparky had fished a cigarette out of his mouth and laughed, punching his friend in the arm. “You gotta be kidding me with that pussy shit.” He had said, putting a flame to the end of his smoke. “Naw man...you stay here with me. Make that bitch feel what it's like to miss you.”
“You think so?” Whitey had asked.
“Fuck yeah. Besides, I got tons of shit around here you can do in exchange for crashing on the couch.” Sparky had replied, the cigarette bouncing in his mouth.
“Your old lady won't mind?” Sparky had asked.
“Who do you think wears the pants around here motherfucker?” Sparky had exhaled a plume of smoke. “You see,” he had said, pointing the cigarette at his friend. “That's your problem. You always let that bitch run you over. You think I ever let my woman boss me around?”
Whitey changed the subject, “What do you want done around here?” He had asked.
“You're a handy motherfucker...lots of shit.” Sparky had smiled. “These gutters haven't been cleaned a month of Sundays. I've been meaning to pressure wash this driveway. I got siding on the side that's fucked up and could use replacing...and shit...that well in the back has been compromised by about three autumn's worth of leaves.”
Whitey had shrugged and taken another swig of beer. “That sounds cool.”
“Yeah!” Sparky had taken another drag, “And you know...odd job shit. Like bring the salt pellets in from time to time. That shit's heavy and God knows my old lady can't do it.”
They had laughed together at this. Rosalita had watched and listened to this conversation out of the window while she was doing the dishes. She remembered it well because moments after her husband had berated her to his best friend, she had sliced her finger on a steak knife under the soapy water. It had left a small car on the inside of her left index finger.
Rosalita felt that place in the darkness now, thinking.
Yes, Whitey had done a real good job around the house.
After all, Sparky was real busy. His little electric company hadn't taken off the ground as well as he had liked, and he found himself a corporation of one, working seven days a week, twelve hour days.
Anyone with half a brain would have known how this was gonna play out.
One of Sparky's job's on a Tuesday morning had re-scheduled. Rosalita had never found out why. Sparky had come home at ten o'clock in the morning to find Whitey Grey in his underwear making pancakes for Rosalita, who was also in her underwear...well...at least from the waist down. If it wasn't for a well-timed right hook by Whitey and an even better timed smack with the pancake skillet by Rosalita...Whitey and Rosalita would have probably gotten a taste of “Ole Bitch” right then.
Rosalita and Whitey had gotten a room at the Extended Day down in Russellville for awhile, after six months they snuck back into Haddonfield, renting a little apartment two blocks from the Bypass near Orange Grove. By then, Rosalita was sporting a little belly that everyone in town knew wasn't Sparky's doing, and word of mouth travels fast in a little Midwestern town.
So far though Sparky hadn't caused any trouble. Hadn't even called.
That didn't stop Rosalita from knowing that the shotgun blast had come from “Ole Bitch”. She knew it as well as she knew that the sun was gonna come up over Little Egypt tomorrow morning from the east and set over the corn fields and hills to the west tomorrow evening. She knew it deep down in the marrow of her bones and the bottom of her soul and had now fought for the last hour and a half to shake the image of Whitey Grey, the father of her newborn baby, laying dead somewhere in the hospital with his brains splattered all around.
And Sparky was now coming for her.
Her and her baby.
Can't think about that now, Rosalita thought, looking down at her newborn baby boy. The Sheriff said he'd figure out what was going on, and he'll figure it out.
Sheriff Brackett had been the top deputy dog in the town as long as Rosalita could remember. If pressed she would say that she had always trusted him, and she would just plain have to trust him now.
The display screen on the Sheriff's daughter went dark. Rosalita couldn't see her hand in front of her face...let alone her baby.
Oh please God. She thought. Let somebody find me in here.
And then she caught herself.
Anybody but Sparky.
#halloween#halloween franchise#michael myers#horror#horror writing#haddonfield#horror film#fan fiction#fan writing#spooky
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Shelby’s Sweetheart: The Disappearance of Asha Degree
**Edited March 14, 2020
In the year 2000, the world breathed a collective sigh of relief upon our survival of Y2K. N*Sync had released their iconic single, "Bye, Bye, Bye", setting the tone for the new millennium of pop. AOL merged with Time Warner and forever implanted the memory of a dial up tone in everyone's heads. It was a year of change--a new decade, a new century, and a new millennium. It was also the year when 9-year-old Asha Degree left her Shelby, North Carolina residence, never to be seen again.
Asha Degree was described as a shy child. She was part of a tight knit family that valued God and hard work. The Degree children were raised to be self-sufficient--instead of being two trouble making latchkey kids, they let themselves into the apartment after school and were finished with their homework by the time their parents were home. After all, being the star player of her basketball team, she needed to keep her grades up.
Though Asha was young, she had promise. With a supportive family, good academics, and being a superstar in sports, no one could have foreseen that she would leave and never return.
The night Asha disappeared; an intense storm was upon Shelby. The southern heat was gone for the winter and the rain lent to the chill of the night. A car accident happened near the Degree home, knocking out the neighborhood's power. This changed the routine--Asha and her brother O'Bryant would have had a bath before bed. Iquilla, her mother, would just have to wake them up an hour earlier than usual, but instead it would only be O'Bryant that morning. Howard, her father, claimed that he checked on the children at 2:30 am, both were in the room asleep. But remember--there was a power outage. That power outage makes this case harder to track. The times differ with every iteration of the story.
O'Bryant was a light sleeper and heard Asha shuffle twice in the night. Once was to go to the bathroom and the other, he assumed she was changing positions in bed. But by morning, she was gone. Howard's information leads us to believe that she left after 2:30 am and O'Bryant lets us know that they were put to bed for a bit before she left as he was able to sleep.
That morning, Iquilla frantically searched for Asha. She asked her sister if Asha was nearby at her house. She asked neighbors what they saw. Not Asha. Had someone taken her? The apartment had suggested no. No signs that anyone had forced their way in to snatch a little girl. To confirm? She had packed a bag. Iquilla took inventory and noted some of her clothes were missing, and most of all, a Tweety bird purse. She left on her own.
It had been known she was afraid of dogs. Her shy and cautious nature coupled with that made it hard to believe she would leave on her own, into the turbulent storm of a pitch-black night.
When the news hit that a little girl went missing, locals took notice. Someone had seen something, and it was odd to say the least. Early morning February 14, 2000, a little girl dressed in only a white long sleeve shirt and white pants was seen walking along Highway 18. It caused curiosity, someone came back around to check on her, but Asha had become frightened and took off into the woods. This event was the last confirmed sighting of her. But her movements could still be tracked.
Candy wrappers and one of her favorite bows were found in a shed. Perhaps she'd taken shelter during the storm. Another interesting find? A photo of a girl on the floor of the shed who remains unidentified to this day. Why did Asha have this photo? Did she and this girl decide to meet up? Who is she and is she alive to this day? The shed is where the story lapsed. Asha was gone.
In August of 2001, 26 miles away, a case that was fading would be back in the media. Terry Fleming, a contractor in Morganton was working a construction site. He broke ground and made an odd discovery. It was a trash bag. Something was in it. A second trash bag, but there was something in that bag. The backpack, belonging to Asha Degree.
It seemed the case couldn't get any stranger. Why was Asha's bag 26 miles away from where she was last seen? And more importantly, who had buried it with such an obvious intention to preserve it? The case went stale once again and has remained that way. In 2018, law enforcement finally released some small details in hopes of reinvigorating the case and having someone with information come forward. A book titled "McElligot's Pool" from Fallston Elementary Library and a New Kids on the Block t-shirt were deemed vital in cracking this case. Anyone with a connection to these items is urged to contact the Cleveland County Sheriff's office.
My take? This case is confusing. It feels wrong in every way. It's never good when a child goes missing, but there's no possible suspects. By all accounts, it looks like Asha left of her own volition. It's the backpack that leads me to believe in something more sinister. For it to be 26 miles away from where she was last seen, it had to have ended up there by some other means of transport. Despite Asha being an athlete, it is impossible that she could have travelled that far on foot in the conditions of that night. The burial? Oddly meticulous. Someone wanted to protect this--possibly to unearth again--so they wrapped it in 2 trash bags. My mind travels to trophy behavior.
Trophy behavior is exhibited by killers that want to relive their crimes. They keep something from the victim, a body part or one of their belongings, and they relish in what they've done and that they're the only one that knows about it. Asha's case is still that of a missing person. Her body has never been found and in fact, not everyone believes it's a body we're looking for. The Charley Project classifies Asha as "endangered missing". This is a term usually reserved for people who are presumed to have met with foul play or have conditions that require medical attention. Other outlets report that law enforcement is operating on the idea that Asha is alive.
As for the 26 miles away? We may have an answer for that, but it's incomplete. In May 2016, police revealed they were looking for an early 1970's Lincoln Mark IV or Thunderbird after obtaining information that a girl fitting Asha's description had been seen getting into one around the time of her disappearance. We can't know if it was Asha that had been seen getting into the vehicle. Someone had tried to approach her which led to her fleeing into the woods. If in fact it was her, who was driving the car? How did they get the shy Asha to let her guard down and get in? Did they bury the backpack?
No suspects have officially been named and while some names took residence on the suspect list, they no longer live there. Donald Preston Ferguson was convicted for the rape and murder of 7-year-old Shalonda Poole in Greensboro, North Carolina. Shalonda's case bore similarities to Asha's which caused police to focus on him for her disappearance. He was involved in search efforts for Shalonda, exhibiting similar behavior to a person that collects a trophy. He liked seeing the pain and chaos he caused. While he was ultimately discredited, I think police could be on the right track. While it was unlikely that Asha met a predator on the internet as her family didn't own a computer--she still could have been groomed by someone in the close circle of the Degrees.
Harold and Iquilla have been cleared as suspects and fight for their daughter to this day. But maybe someone they know doesn't share the same intention. The shy and cautious Asha packed a bag to leave. How did she get a photo of an unknown girl? This says that Asha could have been in contact with someone that encouraged her to make her escape that fateful night, perhaps another child also groomed by an adult? As mentioned with Donald Ferguson, it's not unusual for a killer to aid in search parties or involve themselves in the case. A neighbor of the Degrees keeps Asha's memory alive with a small "shrine" dedicated to her in his front yard. He claims Asha was like the neighborhood's baby and it's like he lost someone too. It's easy to see this as a concerned neighbor, but the level of concern can strike people a certain way. Is there something behind his concern? So far, law enforcement has deemed no. All the public knows is that Asha is gone. We don't know who took her, or if she was even taken.
On February 14, 2020, her parents will have another anniversary of their marriage, and 20 years without their daughter. The case of Asha Degree is still open.
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SPN 8x06: “Southern Comfort”
THEN: Garth Fitzgerald IV. Sam retired because he met Amelia and they had a normal life. Dean was in Purgatory. Benny’s his new friend, whom Sam immediately distrusts.
Kearney, Missouri.
RIP first victim. Decapitated.
Oh shit, here we go.
“You want to talk about Benny? Fine. Let's talk.”
“Okay. How about he's a vampire?”
Don’t talk to Dean like he’s 5.
“Don't pretend I don't get it. I know you had to do what you had to down there.” No, Sam doesn’t get it. He didn’t just “do what he had to do”. Dean genuinely befriended Benny after going through Purgatory together.
“And what about my friend, Amy? She was what? 'Cause you sure as hell didn't have a problem ganking her.”
Amy had been killing people.
Benny hasn’t killed a single person since coming out of Purgatory.
You spent ONE DAY with Amy. Dean spent a year with Benny.
“He tell you he's not drinking live blood, or something? And you believe him. Wow. Okay.” HE KNOWS, HE’S SEEN BENNY DRINK FROM HIS BAGS.
“Yeah. I got a vampire buddy, and you turn your phone off for a year.”
“Don't turn this on me.”
You’re using Dean’s past year against him, he’s gonna turn around and do the same to you, regardless if it’s fair or not.
“Look, Benny slips up and some other hunter turns his lights out, so be it.”
“But it's not gonna be you, right?”
It is, actually, and it’s gonna be heartbreaking, so screw you very much.
At the crime house.
“Sam, Kevin's in the wind, okay, you're sulking around like a eunuch in a whorehouse, and I can't help but ask myself, when is decapitation not my thing?“ pfft.
I really don’t get the annoyance they have with Garth??? That’s always been an issue of mine concerning the Winchesters.
Look how happy Garth is to see them again! What an angel!!
“Uh, you guys have no idea how much I missed you.”
“A Texas Ranger, Garth? Seriously? We're in Missouri.” Says the man who’ll say he’s a Texas Ranger in Kansas in S13.
Garth’s multiple phones.
Ringtone #1: “Jump” by Kriss Kross.
“Since when is giving advice your job?”
“Hold up. Are you the new Bobby?”
“You shut your mouth.”
“You shut your mouth!”
I could honestly punch Sam and Dean for how mean they are to Garth. Garth’s been helping out as best as he could since three of the best hunters in the community either died or went M.I.A.
Scott Lew.
Eww. Green goo.
Ringtone #2: “Wild Wild West” by Kool Moe Dee.
“One of those things rings Hammer, I'm throwing down.” Get ready to throw down then.
“Alcott” was carved into Chester’s chest.
“Do you remember anything at all about what happened? Um... Chester dying?”
“Not really. Bits and pieces, I guess.”
I get the joke too, Garth.
A visible negative reaction to the name “Alcott”.
“Sara had one night with him, whereas I was with Chester for 37 years.” And yet you couldn’t let go of her going to prom with him?
Lunch time.
“I was in Purgatory.”
“Like the Purgatory Purgatory?”
“No, the one in Miami.”
“Man, that’s balls.”
“That's not how you say ‘balls.’"
Why don’t you cool your damn jets, Dean?
“So, how’d you get out?”
I CAN’T STAND that passive aggressive move Sam does there.
Garth went to college and then dental school.
“Where'd you think I got my first case?”
“Let me guess - Tooth Fairy.”
“...Yeah. Man, I felt terrible when I ganked that SOB.”
I love that last line and the genuine sadness when Garth says it. Bless his heart.
Scott’s asthmatic, and he’s got ectoplasm coming out his ear.
RIP Jeff. Killed by Scott.
One of Bobby’s hats!
“That's not how you wear it.” WHAT OTHER WAY IS THERE TO WEAR A HAT
Sara Alcott, now Sara Brown.
Domestic Sam flashback.
Sam and Amelia had sex.
“You asked me if I lost someone. I did. My husband. He died in Afghanistan eight months ago.”
“We were together forever. Or at least it seemed that way. Then one day, Don just enlists. Didn't ask me, just said something about wanting to do the right thing. Next thing I know, he's off overseas and I'm all alone. I got a couple letters, some phone calls, and then a knock at the door. Just like that. And everywhere I looked, all I could see was judgment and pity and just this constant reminder of Don everywhere. So I moved here... and became even more of a hot mess than I already was. And you hit a dog.”
This is one of Amelia’s better moments. When she lets go, when she lets her walls down, she’s honest and sweet.
“Easy there, flyweight. Last time you drank a beer, I had to pick you up off the floor.” Fair enough.
“You’re such an idjit.”
“Idjit's supposed to be used angrily. Okay? Not happy. If you're gonna butcher it, don't say it at all.”
“Bobby belonged to all of us, Dean – not just you and Sam. Now, I'm just taking what he showed me and trying do something with it. That's all!”
It’s nice to see Garth stand up for himself. It certainly shut Dean up.
Grudges are the connection.
Bobby’s journal holds the answer: spectre.
The Confederate Unknown Soldier.
“See, the idea was, they took a faceless, nameless soldier they couldn't identify, and they buried him here to commemorate all the soldiers who died.”
“Did you learn that in college?”
“Nope – Civil War re-enactments. Once a year, every year. Don't hate.”
I hope Garth’s still doing what he loves.
Love that sass.
Sam finds the string. That’s an important clue.
“Why open it up if you're not gonna take anything?” Oh, but they did.
“Sure. We won.”
Scott’s having an asthma attack. Deputy goes to get the inhaler...gets possessed by the spectre.
RIP Sheriff. Killed by Deputy Doug
Did Scott even get his inhaler?
Our next lead: Karl.
Dean’s on Karl, Sam and Garth have research.
“Hey, uh, Sam. If you ever need to talk, I just want to let you know that I'm here. About anything – you know, life, uh, Dean, you.” Garth’s a sweetheart.
“Hey. Uh, just lock up when you leave. I'm late.”
“Wait, what?”
Amelia’s probably got work, don’t worry about it, Sam.
“I know I said a lot of things last night, and I know I can't ask you to forget them. But just... Do.” And then she’s back on her bullshit.
“Because I don't need your pity. I don't need you looking at me the way they all – like that.” Is it me or is she confusing pity with sympathy?
“Hey, ump. You remember me? I stole second!”
“Karl? What the hell are you doing? Why are you doing –”
“Why am I gonna make mustard from your brain stem?! I don't know. Why did you call me out, ump?”
A theory on who the Confederate Unknown Soldier is.
“Corporal Collins of the Union shot and killed his brother, Vance, who fought for the Confederacy. Local boys.”
“Legend has it that Vance swore vengeance on his brother with his dying breath. Years later – consumed by guilt, no doubt – the corporal dug his brother up where he'd buried him on the battlefield and brought him home.”
There’s the spectre’s object: a penny.
Three Days Ago.
“Fell on Black Days” by Soundgarden. I always wondered what the song was, I always enjoyed it.
I love the montage of how the coin got passed around.
“Well, let's go through some of Sammy's greatest hits.” Let’s not.
“Yeah, I might have lied, but I never once betrayed you.” Uh, Amy.
“I never once left you to die.” Ok, can’t argue with that.
Garth putting his life on the line.
“Come on, Dean. You do not want to kill your brother. You – you've been protecting him your whole life. Don't stop now.”
“He left me to rot in Purgatory!”
“All right. All right. Maybe he did. I don't know. I wasn't there. But I'm sure he had his reasons.”
“Just like you had your reasons for Benny.”
“Benny has been more of a brother to me this past year than you've ever been! That's right. Cas let me down. You let me down. The only person that hasn't let me down is Benny.” Oof, that’s gonna stick with Sam.
“Goodbye, Sam.” :(
“How come that penny didn't jack you like everyone else? I mean, I can understand why it didn't affect the kid who took it. He's young and innocent. But, uh, everyone at some point in their life feels like they've been screwed.”
“Not me, man. I let all that stuff go with the help of my yogi, my Sega Genesis. And you should, too. You can't change the past, amigo.”
Garth’s a damn saint.
“Now, there's something I want to say to you. Stop being a idjit! With Bobby dead, you and Sam are all each other has. And that's not so bad, man. Now, you know what's coming next, right?”
Garth hug! Garth hug! Garth hug!
Ringtone #3: “U Can’t Touch This” by M.C Hammer.
“Yo, Lamar. What do we got? Wendigo? You got a flare gun? No? What about a flame thrower? Then you'd better get some sneakers, buddy, 'cause you're gonna have to run.”
I love Garth.
Why couldn’t we have ended the episode there?
“I don't pity you. Okay? I don't. You and I – we're a lot of things, but we're not to be pitied.” True.
God, how much was she drinking?
The start of their relationship.
“You and I both know you didn't need that penny to say those things.” True. Dean will reiterate that Benny’s the best friend he ever had in a later episode, completely on his own will.
“Own up to your crap, Dean. I told you from the jump where I was coming from, why I didn't look for you. But you? You had secrets. You had Benny. And you got on your high and mighty, and you've been kicking me ever since you got back. But that's over. So move on, or I will.”
Again, I won’t argue with Sam. Dean should’ve told Sam about Benny from the jump (maybe then Sam wouldn’t hate Benny so much). Dean does deflect from talking about his own past year but bringing up Sam’s. It’s been happening for months and Sam’s sick of it. I get it.
“You know what? Hear this, too. I just might be that hunter that runs into Benny one day and ices him.”
And there^ is where I draw the line. The first half was understandable but that^? I think that’s Sam’s rather pathetic attempt to say something that’s gonna hurt Dean’s feelings the way his own feelings were hurt. Like, Sam...don’t embarrass yourself.
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