#the sender
hungry-hobbits-art · 6 months
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March Madsen (2024), Days 21 - 25
21. The Sender - Dallas Grayson 22. Kidnapped in Romania - Mihai 23. Chasing Ghosts - Detective Harrison 24. Prepare to Die - Sheriff Hansen 25. Road of No Return - J. Marcone
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miedoasalirdenoche · 11 months
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The Sender, 1982
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real-russ-jackson · 10 months
Day 7 — shirtless
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espantajerias · 10 months
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The Sender (1982) Roger Christian.
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wrensflight · 2 years
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clemsfilmdiary · 2 years
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The Sender (1982, Roger Christian)
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marsti · 9 months
"i wanna get better at drawing [body part] but i dont want people to think i have a fetish" stop worrying. youre an artist. everyone already knows youre a pervert of some kind.
EDIT: this post massively breached containment. look at my art and by all means feel free to speculate on what fetishes i do or do not have.
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the-scarecrow-of-aus · 2 months
Dante's (anti-) Truck-kun service
Clockwork gives Dante a part time job.
He travels across the multiverse preventing dimension jumpers from interfering with other timelines and altering their futures.
In a nutshell, whenever a powerful entity forces people out of their home dimension, Dante comes along to return them home and deliver a cease and desist to the entity.
Usually it's just the occasional stopping of 5th or 6th dimensional creatures like bat-mite by smacking them back through their portals with a clockwork approved fenton creepstick.
He finds his most common task however, is taking the flash family out at the knees whenever they time travel to change something. ("Ah my legs!" "GET crowbarred bitch!!)
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laurapetrie · 11 months
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I was Elvis's doll, his own living doll, to fashion as he pleased. The more we were together the more I came to resemble him in every way. His tastes, his insecurities, his hang-ups — all became mine. My sole ambition was to please him, to be rewarded with his approval and affection. When he criticized me, I fell to pieces. - PRISCILLA PRESLEY
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1day1movie · 2 years
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The Sender (1982) Roger Christian.
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miedoasalirdenoche · 11 months
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The Sender, 1982
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real-russ-jackson · 10 months
Day 27 — swimming
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
touya 🥰🥰
✮ tags ; gn + afab!reader, some titty worship, crassness from touya, vague but established relationships, fucking against a wall, 18+
✮ wc ; 1.6k
✮ a/n ; i have no clue how to write this guy im sorry. i tried my best though
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Touya has a tell when he lies.
You'd never tell him about it. The minute he becomes aware is the minute he stops—and the minute he stops is the minute it makes reading him harder than it needs to be.
(You're good at reading Touya though even without the help. You've grown accustom to reading between the lines after all these years spent together. If you hadn't, you doubt the two of you to be together.
Understanding when whatever means please stay and when you're alright means i love you are necessities. The life line to the fragile relationship you call lovers)
It's not every time he lies. It's only when he has something he's embarrassed telling you and when all attempts at shamelessness result in obvious failure.
You try not to let it show your excitement on your face. He'll get pissed at you. He has a habit of being sulky when he's being teased.
You pull back from a kiss, breathless. You smile at him lopsidedly, fingers around the collar of his jacket as his hand sneaks up underneath your shirt. Calloused skin draws along your belly, up your sides and make you shiver.
Touya is always intense but there's something different today. His hand as your leg hitched up and he's grinding into you with such obvious fervor that it's making it hard to breathe. He chases your mouth the minute you pull away, frowning hard as you bite back a smile.
You're trying to contain yourself. Really. "Did you... miss me, Touya?"
It's there. His tell. A hand on the back of his neck and a look to his left. It happens quickly, gone as just soon as you see it. "Fuck no," And then as if to prove a point. "My dick might've, I guess."
He goes into kiss you again and you appease him and allow it. You let him touch you to his hearts content and keep your amusement to yourself at the obvious desperation. Sex is the one place Touya can't hide from what he wants, though he very often tries anyway.
He's practically frantic as he pushes you further against the wall. His mouth moves along your neck with searing intensity. He's handsy. Grabbing, biting, sucking - he leaves marks where he wouldn't care to normally, all over your neck. Your core is syrupy and hot, like spun sugar melting over the flame of Touya's longing.
He moves quickly, letting your leg down in process. Unbuttoning your jeans and pulling them down to your thighs before doing the same for himself. You haven't moved from the door away but it's obvious Touya has no intent of doing so either, until he makes you cum at least once.
"Touch me," He voices it as a demand despite himself. Despite the obvious lust in his voice and the way he's looking at you. You wonder if he's self-aware about the face he makes when he's needy. "C'mon. 's rude to keep me waiting."
So you do. Pushed up against a wall with nothing but body heat like two teenagers all over again - you cup his hard cock, delighting in the way he shivers at the touch and moans into your mouth. You stroke him from in front and let him touch you in return. He strokes your clit at first but moves on quickly to fingering you, slipping further into your panties without taking them off. He likes how the sticky fabric clings to his scarred hands.
(You've learned over the years that Touya likes the mess. He likes when there's evidence of your intimacy in all the places you've ever fucked. Some of it is tried and true perversion.
But like the marks he leaves on your sternum and the bruises on your hips from his hold - you think that Touya likes lingering in your life in whatever way he can.)
"You're going so fast," You mumble. He pauses. Pouting, he goes on anyway. It's not like you told him to stop.
"Isn't it fine? You're already so fucking wet,"
You can feel yourself throb as Touya fucks his fingers into you. He starts with one, but there's not any resistance. Aching, practically pulsing with need, a moan slips past your lips at the sudden thrusting. He slows a little.
"Show me your tits,"
You roll your eyes but you listen anyway, pushing your shirt and bra up haphazardly. You figure he just wants to see them - but your mind changes when trails kisses down your neck and wraps his mouth around your nipples wordlessly. Your spine arches into the touch, a wave of arousal slicking Touya's finger. He adds a second after that, free hand holding the small of your spine as he sucks your nipple into his mouth, making sure to pay attention to each one for a little.
He opens you slowly, stretching you until it's easy to pump his two fingers in and out.
He stares at you with unbreaking eye contact while he fucks your pussy open. It's unnecessarily intense in a way that you find on brand. You stare back unsure of what else to do, a fucked out expression definitely being reflected black in blue irises.
It's a beat after that he pulls away from you. You whine at the loss of contact but Touya swallows the sound with a kiss. His nose nudges your jaw, hot and sensitive.
"Turn around," He hums it against your throat. "I think you can take me,"
He's going too fast, you think again. He likes to draw everything out so much more. Bully you into begging for him, if the mood strikes him. At the very least he likes to drag you into his own depths and feel so needy.
You oblige him by turning around and placing your hands on the wall, cheek pressed against the cool surface. He groans, a sharp noise slipping past your lips as the familiar weight and length of his cock push against the curves of your ass.
And then he gets too close to you. Tucks his chin against your shoulder and drops his weight over your back. He's always close to you but it's rare his clinging is so open as it is now. You decide not to say anything, pushing yourself back like an invitation. He chuckles, the sound is low - the reverb adding to your wetness and making your arousal worse.
"Three week long stake-out is fuckin' ridiculous," He presses a bite to your neck. "What the hell could you need to stake out for three weeks."
You read between the lines. I missed you. You laugh.
"Dunno. Glad to be back," You reply to him in his own language. Missed you too.
There's a brief moment of pause, the ghost of a smile on your back as you feel the familiar stretch of Touya's cock against your cunt. Your hole stretches, flutters at the euphoric sensation. Your stomach flips with a restless wanting as you try not to shove yourself all the way back on his dick too quickly. He groans against your shoulder. "Perfect fucking pussy,"
"You feel so good," You whimper in reply.
"Yeah?" He whispers it against your neck as one hand holds your waist, the other snaking around to toy with your clit as he pushes into your warm, wet heat. "Tell me about it."
"Fuck, Touya,"
His dick twitches at the sound of you moaning his name. You can feel him inside of you, so deep. Your eyes flutter as fullness knocks all the air out of your lungs. He's all in your stomach. Your breatch catches and hitches with each inch he manages to slide into you.
The sensation of orgasm dulls before it crescendos back up again. Somewhere in between that, Touya moves. It's slow at first, a shallow rock of hips before he paces himself and really starts to fuck you.
The way Touya fucks you is a little like him - noisy and invasive, a hard thrust of his hips that makes your ass recoil in reply from the sheer force. You gasp, feeling lightheaded from the intensity. He's deep, too deep - all the way up into your throat. His balls slap up against your clit every now and again and there's not any real delicacy to it, though there is so much precision.
He would never voice it aloud but he prides himself on knowing your body. Knows it inside it and out. Knows all the spots and angles that getting your sweet little cunt soaking with cum, knows how to make you want him.
He always fucks you good, and maybe it's the distance - but god, today he fucks you dizzy. Your voice keeps slipping with the clap of each thrust and you can barely keep yourself upright, knees threatening to go weak on each one. The only thing keeping you upright is Touya's cock spearing into you. Over and over until you feel it build in your gut again.
"Gonna cum," You barely make the words out. "Fuck, Touya,"
"That's it," He huffs, punctuating his words with a thrust. "Say my name. Say my fucking name when you cum for me,"
You pretend not to notice the emphasis on it being for him. You pretend not to hear the shake in his voice, how shattered he sounds with each word like he wants it as much as you.
Maybe more. You'll never tell Touya that part of the reason you cum so fucking hard is because he sounds so fucking wanting when he asks you to cum. Like falling from heaven, your orgasm drags you down to Earth and makes your whole body shake on impact. Your pussy spasms hard around his cock, thighs trembling and toes curling in your shoes at you let it all out.
Touya encourages you with a few sloppy thrusts and the intimacy of your name on his lips, making you ride the high over first before he follows suit. You feel him cum in you and sigh internally knowing you'll need contraception.
"Don't go on such long fucking stake-outs," He tells you. You laugh.
"Okay. I won't."
"We're not done fucking, either."
You laugh a little louder at that and turn around to kiss him over your shoulder. You smile when he leans into so easily "Uh-huh. Sure."
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izufeels · 2 months
im BEGGING for bf texts w kirishima 🙏🙏🙏🙏
description: texts with your boyfriend
content warning: smau; fluff; “baby”; monoma hate
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sealsdaily · 6 months
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What if i hurt you
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