#the second wing's feathers are also done I'm just not laying them out since like. can't even get them both in the one photo
thatrandombystander · 7 months
This has taken me. So long.
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Please appreciate my weeks of measurements, wire cutting and straightening, fabric ironing and basic size cut, ironing again and glueing, ironing YET AGAIN and cutting and trimming to size and shape.
I am. So tired of this and hope the next steps (working on attaching the feathers to the frame) won't be as tedious for me....
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pseudocyance · 2 months
Foam headwing ear cuff tutorial
i made a couple pairs of headwings for mcyt cosplays and thought I should share a tutorial on how to make then since it's really easy
You can wear these with glasses!!
I'm making Watcher wings for this one but you can use this to pretty easily make wings with just one per ear
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What you need:
A couple of sheets of thin craft store foam in the colors you want
Jewelers wire or floral wire (I used floral wire)
wire tools(optional)
A few sheets of thin white paper
Hot glue
I think I cropped out all of the scisors/wire cutters but a tw for those still
Edit: also a tw for possible trypophobia, the last image has googly eyes and that might be uncomfortable
start out by doodling the design you want and getting the wing shape right
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Since my design was pretty complicated I loaded it into procreate(coloring in like i did is optional) on my tablet so I could trade onto a bigger paper
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Trace onto a sheet of paper. This is when you can start sizing it up correctly to fit your head. (I'm watching SPN btw)
Cut them out and reshape as needed
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Now, very important, draw on the down feathers area. This is what's going to have the wire under it. You can also do three layers like I did with the Grian (red, yellow and blue) wings. I did two for this one because it needed to be lighter due to the three wings.
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Lay our your template(s) onto a sheet of foam. I found that taking a mechanical pencil and dragging it across the foam. It creates a really nice groove for you to cut along.
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Cut out the top area. I used a slightly darker shade of purple.
This is where you want to cut the feather shapes into the upper area if you want to. Just little angled triangles.
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Bend a wire along the top area. Take the bent wire and put it on the lower foam peice. Hot glue at the base of the wing where the wire sticks out. BEFORE IT DRIES STICK THE TOP PART ON TOP. You then go through and hot glue the rest of the wire and top section down after adjusting wire as needed.
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If you're doing multiple wings like me then glue them together here and make sure you like the angles. You can also bend your wings using the wire for further adjustment.
Cut the wire that's sticking out
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Hot glue another peice of wire on, only attaching it on a small section. Put this behind your ear and bend it around. The sections coming around your ear should almost touch after cutting off excess.
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Put a bead of hot glue on the end of the wire. WAIT AT LEAST 30 SECONDS and then lightly squish it in to form a ball. This is just so the wire doesn't stab you. You should do this on both ends.
Here are all of the ones I've made so far
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I also gave into my intrusive thoughts and added googly eyes to the Watcher ones a few days later
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And yes those are Torchy earrings
WE'RE ALL DONE!!! Send me asks or reply to this if you have any questions and I can also send more pictures if needed. I hope this gets spread around a bit since this is exactly the sort of tutorial I looked for when trying to make these and I think others will find this useful. This can be used for any fandom, cosplay or costume. You don't need to credit me but feel free to share that I was the inspiration
Ty for following along! <3
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shiftgear-engineer · 11 months
🎥: a video
"You ready little guy?"
[An excited *Rotototo* can be heard]
"Alright, good. Hey, I know you couldn't stick around for the examination so I'm filming this to show you later. Hope that midterm went well for you, by the way,"
[They are leaned over an examination table. There's a soft looking patterned blanket thrown over the flat surface and a rather confused looking Pidove sitting between their arms.]
"It's good you brought this little guy in when you did. He's got a broken blood feather. Now, I know that sounds scary, but feathered pokemon get these all the time during molts. Sometimes they break and bleed, but it's perfectly treatable and doesn't need any sort of long-term medical aid to take care of. I can actually just...could you hand me those...? Yeah those. Thanks."
[A rather worried looking Audino slowly shuffles in from off frame. She hands what looks like some sort of small pliers to Axyl and takes a step back. They set them to one side and wrap the confused looking Pidove in the blanket, leaving only one wing protruding.]
"Now I don't want you doing this by yourself at your age, but I'm going to demonstrate how to remove a broken blood feather so you know exactly what they'll be doing at a Pokemon Center if this happens again."
[They lay the bird pokemon down and spread the wing out. There's an obvious red patch on the light grey underside of the wing. The Audino pushes a stepping stool over to the opposite side of the table and stands on it, carefully holding the wing in place.]
"Unfortunately this is going to hurt just a bit, but if you've ever had to get a shot it's like that. Quick and easy. What you do is...grab it real close to the skin right around...yeah there's good...and pull it in the direction it's growing from. Don't try to-"
[There's the sound of distressed cooing.]
"Shh, shh, hey! It's alright! You're doing good! It'll just be one second and it's all done, ok? Ehm, yeah like I was saying. Don't try to twist it out or yank it out. Just go steady...firm..."
[There's more distressed cooing accompanied by the Audino gently soothing the Pidove. Suddenly, there's one high pitched squeak and Axyl stands up straight again, a red feather held between the pliers. They press down on the red patch and seem to be counting to themselves quietly. After a minute or two, they slowly lift up their hand and smile.]
"Aaand there we go! All done! Good job, buddy! You did so good! Yes you did!"
[They set the tool aside to scoop up the blanket-wraped Pidove, petting it's head and speaking quietly to it for a moment. The bird pokemon seems to still be a bit distressed, but starts to calm more while being pet.]
"So...yeah. That's how we handle blood feathers. I'll be monitoring him until you get back. Thankfully it doesn't seem like he lost too much blood since he's so alert, but broken blood feathers are very bad for small bird pokemon like this since bleeding too much can be very dangerous to them. His feather was pretty easy to get out, but if he gets one again or it breaks under the skin, get him to a Pokemon Center immediately. I'd also let him relax a bit before you take him out to battle or anything like that. You need some time to get spoiled after all that, don't you buddy?"
[The Pidove coos and shuffles a bit to make itself more comfortable.]
"Yeah, let's get you set up in the quiet room so you can chill. I'll bring you some snacks and more blankets too. Your trainer's gonna be so proud of you for being good, yes she is!"
[They start to step around the table, still speaking affectionately toward the Pidove, and make a "cut" gesture with their hand.]
[The video ends]
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