#the sassy sarcastic side of Hiccup never gets old
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000marie198 · 2 years ago
"But that's ridiculous!"
"Are you calling your father ridiculous?"
"Of course not. I would never call my father ridiculous. I'm calling my chief ridiculous."
The sass on this kid! XD
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whipashwhipash · 8 years ago
Spray Paint
Betty took her finger off of the trigger on the spray paint. Her right ring finger was cramping up from the pressure and was turning dark blue because of the toxic paint. She took a step back and gave her work a small smirk and nod in approval.
Jughead had told her that he was living at the drive in for the pass few days, and of course she had instantly invited him to stay at her place. Gratefully, he declined. He couldn’t stand the wrath of Mama Cooper. She was so pissed of that Mayor McCoy was selling the drive in, she decided to make her mark. For Jughead, and for herself. She needed to get rid of the ‘perfect girl next door’ image that she had.
She had spray painted two very large words on the side of the projection booth, and yes, they were along the lines of ‘F U’. But you know, in full words. She had also painted a rather large crown on the side, which was a very famous symbol in dear old Riverdale.
“Hm. Nice.” Betty mumbled, gently lifting her shoulders up and down. She put the nearly empty can of spray paint into her pastel backpack and started re-tying one of the laces on her scuffed up white converse. Until she heard it. Blasting sirens, coming from the parking lot. The newly-painted wall of the projection booth was lighting up with blue and red, and so was her face. “Shit.”
She grabbed her backpack from the dusty ground and completely forgot about the dangling lace off of her shoe. She was sprinting to the forest next to the drive in, hopefully getting rid of her scent. She reached the edge of the tree line and made the mistake of turning around, coming face to face with Sheriff Keller. Well not him exactly, but more like face to face with a bunch of police cars. And she knew Sheriff Keller would be in one of those cars.
5 minutes later she was sitting in the back of an overheated cop car. She was staring out the window, thinking about what her mother will do when she gets to the station. She was snapped out of her gaze when the Sheriff slammed the front door shut. She shifted her position in the back seat so her forehead was no longer leaning against the cold glass of the window.
“So, Ms Cooper. What made you want to spray paint the drive in? I thought you were a fan of it.” Sheriff Keller started, pushing the key into the ignition.
Betty scoffed at his stupidity. “Of course I liked the drive in. My boyfriend worked there. Did you know that?” she asked, crossing her slender arms over her chest. Before the Sheriff could start, Betty cut him off. “And I didn’t do it because I didn’t like the drive in. I did it because the drive in was shutting down, and my boyfriend was living there. He was living there! And nobody gave a damn about it. So thats why I did it. Because this town is so messed up that they get rid of one of the most important pieces of land. And I thought that the town needs to know what I thought about it.” Betty said, face red with anger.
Sheriff Keller acted like her rant didn’t even affect him. “So you also drew a crown. I think we all know what that means. Did Jughead Jones put you up to it? Was he a part of this?”
Betty rolled her eyes and scoffed again. She couldn’t believe that these were the questions she was being asked. They literally found HER with a can of spray paint at the drive in, and the paint wasn’t even dry yet. “No. Jughead was not apart of this. It was all me. Did you not listen to what I just told you?” Betty said, voice raising with annoyance and anger.
“Well were at the station. Get out.” Sheriff Keller said, more tension in his voice then when he found her at the drive in. Betty waited for him to come out and open her door. She placed her dirty white converse on the concrete of the parking lot and got out of the car. She was turned around by the Sheriff and was handcuffed behind her back.
“Is this all necessary? I only spray painted something on a wall thats going to be torn down in like three days.” Betty said, but letting the cold cuffs surround her wrists without a fight.
“You were acting up in the car. Decided it would be best. You never know what could happen.” Keller said, holding the small Cooper girl by her wrists.
Betty scoffed again. Sheriff Keller was making Betty crazy. “And now you’re going to ask me if I'm on my period. For the record, no. I’m not.” Betty said, rolling her eyes.
Sheriff Keller pushed her forward, making her start walking towards the brick building. She reluctantly started walking, shuffling her feet just to annoy the Sheriff. He pushed against her back again and she actually started walking. She knew that if she made the Sheriff more annoyed she would be in even more trouble.
They made it into the station and Betty was instantly thrown into a holding cell. “Do you want a phone call?” Sheriff Keller asked, holding onto one of the bars of the cell.
“It was only spray paint, but yeah sure. Why not.” Betty said, slouching her back onto the white painted brick wall. She stood up and walked towards the corner of the cell. The Sheriff gave her the old phone and she dialled the one phone number she had memorized.
“Uh, Hello?” she heard her boyfriends voice croak from the other line.
“Hey Jug.” Betty said, looking at the Sheriff, indicating she wanted to be alone. He gave her a small glare before leaving to go into the main office.
“Betty what’s going on? Why are you calling me from the police station?” Jughead asked, nervousness obvious in his voice.
Betty chuckled into the phone. “Jug don’t worry. It’s no big deal. Just come down to the station, I’m bored and I want someone to talk to.” Betty said, wrapping the cord around her finger.
“You sound super chill for someone who has just been arrested.” Jughead said, and Betty could still her how nervous her boyfriend was through the phone.
“Trust me Jug. I’m fine. Just come down to the station.” Betty said. Before Jughead could argue again Betty cut him off. “Ok, see you soon! Bye!” She said into the phone before hanging up.
She went back and slumped onto the metal bench, leaning her alone mussed up ponytail on the wall. She closed her eyes and felt her body fall into a deep slumber.
For maybe three minutes.
Then she was woken up by an out of breath, beanied boy wearing a denim jacket. His hands were gripping the bars so tightly his knuckles were turning white, chest heaving. Betty guessed that he must of run here once her got her phone call.
Betty got up from her spot in the cell and walked towards her boyfriend. The one that was almost crying because his girlfriend was behind bars. She grabbed his hands and brought him down to the floor so they were both sitting in front of each other, holding hands between the bars.
“So why are you here?” Jughead asked, taking deep breaths and sobs in between his words. Once Betty explained everything that had happened, Jughead’s head was placed in between the bars of her cell, but he wasn’t upset. He was laughing.
“So they put you in a cell because you were being sassy?” Jughead asked, trying to talk in between his laugh-induced hiccups.
Betty chuckled at her boyfriend, hands still holding his. “Yeah, pretty much.”
Jughead lifted his head from between the bars and smiled. “Well, it’s a nice change of scenery.” He said, giggled escaping his lips.
“It’s a prison cell.” Betty said, seriously. She let go of Jugs hands to rub her eyes in defeat.
“I was being sarcastic.” Jughead said, reading through the bars to grab her hands again.
There moment was broken with Sheriff Keller, Veronica and Hermione Lodge entering the room. Betty and Jughead both instantly stood up, wanting to know if she was allowed to go home.
“Your free to go.” the Sheriff said, unlocking the cell door.
Betty rushed out and ran into his boyfriends arms. His arms were wrapped around her shoulder. “When did you guys get here?” Betty asked the Lodge girls.
“Jughead called us. He thought that you might not want to be seen behind bars by your mom.” Veronica said, looking lovingly at the pair.
“You bailed me out?” Betty asked.
“Yep. It wasn't that much though. We really just didn’t want you to face the wrath of Alice Cooper.” Hermione said, wrapping an arm around her daughter.
“Thank you guys. So much.” Betty said, looking from the two long raven haired beauties to her short raven haired beauty. The two girls smiled at her, as Jughead gave her a kiss on the top of her head and mumbled something into her ear.
“No problem Bets. But next time, tell me if your planning on trying to run away from the law.”
Hey Guys! This was for the #MJJ3WritingContest ( @mrsjugheadjonesthethird ) which is a writing contest that she did because she has 5000 followers! congrats again! I hope you all enjoy it! Its written before they found out that FP was arrested 
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