#the same season she said i could use her gifs as i pleased
livwritessometimes · 3 months
Opposite - Pierre Gasly
: Pierre Gasly x Singer!reader
: Pierre’s new relationship leaves Y/n questioning their time together
: Series Masterlist
: Main Masterlist
: Author's Note - finallyyyy got time to write this part!! Also let me know if you guys want a taglist for I'm Pretty When I Cry Series (I have a few people who want to be tagged in Pt 2 for loml and Enough For You)
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liked by pierregasly and 84,946 others
👤: pierregasly
Yourname: "Hey dan- I mean Bonjour" "Oh you mean, Au Revoir! Goodbye Humphrey, we're leaving" "where are you guys going?" "Paris"
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pierregasly: It absolutely did not take Y/n 30 minutes to find this particular episode from gossip girls, just so she could use it as her caption
-> Yourname: Uh as if! guys let me tell you Pierre was just as invested as I was, if not more while watching the episode
-> pierregasly: shhh don't expose me 🤐
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liked by Yourname and 102,721 others
👤: Yourname
pierregasly: Terrorizing the streets of New York with the biggest baddie who wears a bow!
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Yourname: say all you want about the bow, just know when we get caught and they take our mugshots, we know who's gonna look good and who's not 💅🏻
-> alpinef1team: Please don't get arrested, we can't have our driver behind the bars before the season starts 😅
-> pierregasly: ...🥲
User39: Y/n and Pierre try to write normal caption challenge failed 🙅🏻‍♀️
-> User44: I love them constantly bullying each other 🥰
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liked by pierregasly and 92,731 others
👤: pierregasly
Yourname: Rolling into the Dutch Grand Prix in style!
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pierregasly: 🩵
User77: OMGGGG P33333!!! Let's goooooo
User98: Best good luck charm Pierre could ask for 🍀
*liked by Yourname*
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liked by Yourname and 106,931 others
👤: Yourname, alpinef1team
pierregasly: You get P3 and then all of a sudden you are tackled to the ground by some crazy fangirl 🙄 but jokes aside I could not have done this without your support, a huge shoutout to my amazing team and equally (if not more) amazing fans!!!
view all 87,673 comments
alpinef1team: YESSSS! So Proud 💪🏻
alpinef1team: Best crazy fangirl to have around in the garage
-> Yourname: ...stop 🙈
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liked by pierregasly and 98,673 others
👤 : pierregasly
Yourname: Happy birthday to the weird guy from my flight who likes to sleep with his mouth open...He's quite the character!
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pierregasly: I can feel the love radiating from this post 🤭
-> Yourname: Guys that weird guy from my flight is back and now in my comment section
-> pierregasly: Jokes on you I'm inside your house
-> Yourname: 😨
User41: You guys are so cuteeeee! never stop bullying each other 🫶🏻
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liked by Yourname and 95,731 others
👤: Yourname
pierregasly: Happy birthday to my crazy fangirl!! Here's to more years of bullying you 🥂
view all 86,821 comments
Yourname: Aa Ha there we have it folks, he just admitted he bullies me! My lawyer will get in touch with you Mr. Gasly and just so you know I'm getting the custody of @/alpinef1team 's admin
-> alpinef1team: Mom pick me up I'm scared, Dad is binge watching Gossip Girls again!!
-> pierregasly: wow! my own team i against me
-> alpinef1team: 🤭
User09: I will never get married if they break up
-> User712: Girl- same 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
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Y/n paused for a moment. The 10 minutes she had spent selecting every single photo she had with Pierre felt like eternity to her. So lost in her thought, she did not notice a drop tear roll down her face. It is funny how things can change so easily; how a lifetime worth of promises comes with an expiration date. "You will heal; I mean, look at how far you've come from where we were before," said Gracie, Y/n's best friend and probably the only person she had told about her breakup. For the rest of the world, Y/n and Pierre, 'the most playful couple', were still together, spending their vacation in some city filled with love and laughter.
It was Gracie who suggested that it's bout time she deleted their photos. I mean, it has been 2 months already; there is no point in holding on to something, someone who no longer wants to do anything with her.
She knew she would be fine. I mean, isn't that's how it's supposed to go? You hurt, you heal. It was simple, so why was it that hitting the delete button felt like the most difficult task in the world? Swallowing the lump in her throat, Y/n finally pressed the button, which in an instant erased the French man's existence from her life. Goodbyes are hard, especially when you did not see them coming. Y/n never dreamt of a future where she and Pierre wouldn't be together; sadly for her, that was the reality she now had to live in.
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francisca.cgomes added to their story!
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seen by Yourname and 65,821 others
Sitting in front of her dresser, Y/n was busy getting ready for the night. She saw the news about Pierre seeing someone else flood her Twitter feed. It's okay; it's not like he owed her an explanation or the fact that they broke up 4 months ago. It's perfectly fine for people to go out and explore the dating pool again. Hell, even Y/n had been on a few dates, none that got past the second date. What bothered her was the fact that Pierre was seen with his new girl in Paris. She still distinctively remembers one warm afternoon in July, where both she and Pierre were cuddled up on the couch watching some random movie to kill time. It was then that he told her, "I'm so excited for next week," he had said as he pulled Y/n closer to him. "And why is that?" she had questioned with a hint of amusement in her voice. "Paris holds a very special place in my heart, and a long time ago I decided that I would only take the people closest to my heart there," he said. "And you are very special to me, ma chérie," he added. It was always like this: cheeky comments and flirtatious replies were what made their relationship theirs. 
So seeing him take Francisca Gomes to Paris felt like a direct hit. Here she was barely able to hold onto a new date, and there he was going to the city of love with his 'special person.'
Y/n had just finished applying a sheet mask and decided to watch some videos on YouTube while waiting for her timer to go off. Scrolling through the home page, her eyes landed on an interview with none other than Francisca or Kika, as everyone on the internet had called her. "Kika Gomes on Balancing Life as a Model, a Student, and the Girlfriend of Pierre Gasly" read the title. She knows she shouldn't; she knows that no positive outcome will come from this video, but ignoring all the warning signs, Y/n clicked on the video. Her room was filled with the voice of Kika and the interviewer. Sometime after the introduction and general questions, Y/n stopped paying attention to what was being said in the interview. That was until she heard the interviewer ask Kika about her and Pierre's relationship.
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On that reply, Y/n let out a dry chuckle. 'When you know, you just know' how basic. Of course she would think that; why would she mind them moving in 'too fast'? She's got nothing to lose. It was Y/n that had to suffer over them 'moving in too fast.' But no one paid attention to that, because she was not the one he was in love with, not anymore, at least.
Sometime later in the interview, the host asked Kika to play a game, answer a few questions, and take part in a challenge. After about 5-6 questions, the host announced the challenge: 'Get Pierre to text you back in 2 minutes; if she fails, she has to perform a dare.' With a scoff, Y/n said, "Good luck with that." She knows there is no way Pierre would reply within 2 minutes; he never did that during the entirety of their 2 years together, and there is no way he's gonna do it now. She saw Kika type a message to Pierre before hitting send and answering yet another question. It had barely been 30 seconds; the girl on the screen barely finished her sentence when the ding from her notification filled the studio. Y/n felt her heart drop; there was no way it was him; he had never been so quick before. Ya, Y/n was sure it was not him, but then what Kika said made her doubt a lot of things about her relationship with Pierre.
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That reply was quick; that's what bothered Y/n. No, scratch that; that was one of the things that bothered Y/n about this new relationship. The girl in front of her could not have been more different from Y/n. She was taller than her, younger than her, and a lot prettier than her. They could not have been more opposite of each other. It made Y/n question whether she was even Pierre's type all along. Was that the reason why he broke up with her? because she was not like the usual girls he would go for? because she did not fit his standard of beauty? Before Y/n could spiral down any further, her phone started ringing, startling her and cutting off her long chain of thought. Looking down, she saw that it was her manager who was calling her. She looked at the top of the screen to check the time: 11:24 p.m. It was odd for her manager to call her at this hour. Confused,  she answered the phone, "Hello?"
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liked by gracieabrams and 120,371 others
👤 : gracieabrams, taylorswift
Yourname: Word on the street that two best friends are on their way to traumatize a whole lot of people at the ERAS TOUR!!!! YES you heard it right, my boy Mario and I are officially joining the wonderful, absolutely stunning Taylor Swift at the Eras Tour.
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gracieabrams: AHHHHHHHHH
-> gracieabrams: OH MY GODDDDDDDD
-> gracieabrams: I HAVEN'T STOPPED CRYING
-> gracieabrams: I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS
User66: @/taylorswift I think you broke Gracie
gracieabrams: WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY MARIO?? Where did you get that photo from????
-> Yourname: I have my own ways 😌
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liked by gracieabrams and 99,722 others
Yourname: Best believe I'm still bejeweled, when I walk in the room....Yk how that saying goes ✨
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Yourname: Also for everyone wondering where I got that cowboy hat from? I made it with TAYLOR SWIFT 🙌🏻
-> User83: Please tell me you have matching COWBOY HATS????
-> Yourname: You bet your ass we do 👏🏻
gracieabrams: Well ofc a diamond's gotta SHINEE~
-> Yourname: see Gracie gets it!!
taylorswift: Howdy partner <3
-> Yourname: I see you everyday yet when I saw the notification that you commented, I almost called my mom out of excitement!!!!
*liked by taylorswift*
-> taylorswift: 😂
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liked by Yourname and 173,982 others
👤 : Yourname, taylorswift
gracieabrams: Oh nothing just a girls night in with my 2 besties 👯‍♀️
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Yourname: I'm just gonna go ahead and say it I'm the best bartender out there!
-> gracieabrams: I was gonna say something sarcastic but I don't think my 7th glass of Margarita would let me 🫢
User87: Alt caption: Taylor Swift getting traumatized for 15 minutes straight from witnessing Y/n and Gracie fighting with each other every second of the day
*liked by taylorswift*
After one too many drinks, Y/n, Gracie, and Taylor were all chilling at the rental Y/n and Gracie were sharing. The night was filled with drinks and laughter. With soft music playing in the background, Y/n looked around at Gracie and Taylor, both texting their boyfriends, giggling over their phones. A content look on their faces. Even though Y/n smiled at the sight, a bitter taste filled her mouth. Excusing herself, she went to the bathroom. After being together with someone for 2 years, it's easy to forget what it's like to be single again. It's been 6 months now since they broke up. Y/n knows she shouldn't miss him, because it was obvious that he clearly wasn't missing her. Looking in the mirror, she saw her blonde hair and blue eyes staring back at her. She wondered was it her eyes? Did he just want someone who had darker eyes all along? Y/n knew Kika's features so well, that one might think of her as an obsessive fan, and maybe she was. Definitely not a fan though. Maybe she was obsessed with Kika; what was it that she has that Y/n doesn't? Way beyond her senses, Y/n, in her drunken state, pulled out her phone and opened Instagram to post a story of herself.
Yourname added to their story!
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seen by User40 and 65,821 others
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liked by User22 and 101,282 others
👤: pierregasly, francisca.cgomes
Formula1WagsUpdates: Pierre Gasly's partner, Kika Gomes, was spotted at the Miami Grand Prix. The couple were seen entering the paddock together. Some fans spotted the two being extremely affectionate, with Pierre's hand never leaving her back. Ever since the couple started dating, fans have noticed a change in Gasly's demeanor. Some say he has become more of a gentleman ever since Gomes entered his life. All we can say is that we love every moment we can get with the adorable couple.
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User22: They are so cuteeeeee
User09: I'm not gonna lie Pierre has STEPPED UP as a boyfriend!!!
User87: I think it's kinda sad that they refer to Kika as Pierre Gasly's girlfriend and not just by her name. Honestly feel they would have never done that had it been Y/n here.
-> User60: I mean she is his girlfriend! how else should anyone introduce her????
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liked by gracieabrams and 99,722 others
Yourname: Red is the color of the season! and no it's not because of my recent obsession with strawberry jam 🍓
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gracieabrams: A lot of nonsense coming from someone who just finished their third bottle of jam this month
-> Yourname: Shhhhh don't say that out loud my trainer might hear you
taylorswift: The treats turned out to be soo goodddd!!
-> Yourname: I did have the best baking partner after all!!
User44: ummm is no one gonna talk about the last photo???
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liked by charles_leclerc and 299,722 others
pierregasly and francisca.cgomes: The best new beggenings anyone could wish for!! Meet our baby boy Simba 🦁
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francisca.cgomes: My son 🩵
-> pierregasly: you mean our son???
-> francisca.cgomes: NO MINE
alexandrasaintmleux: Leo and Simba playdate when???
-> francisca.cgomes: Just say the time and place and we'll be there
-> User30: Ikrrrrrrr!!! he really is ready to settle down 🥰
What are you supposed to feel when your ex moves on with his life? How should one even react when they see him show more commitment to his current relationship than he did to yours? Y/n wondered, What was even the point of feeling like this? I mean, shouldn't she be happy? She has got everything she could have asked for: a job with her idol, performing night after night in front of people who love her and her music, and spending every second of her life with her best friend by her side. Y/n had everything, but somehow she still felt empty. 
He got a dog with her. Y/n still remembers the day when she suggested they get a pet together. "Come on, Pierre, look at this puppy; he's perfect!!!," Y/n had beamed while showing Pierre a photo of the dog she had seen at the shelter. "He is cute, but you know we can't get a pet," Pierre had said. "We're not even home most of the time, and the constant travelling won't help the dog," he had reasoned. Dejected, she sat back down on the couch, opting to delete the photo. What's the point of keeping it when she knows she will never be able to adopt the puppy?
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liked by gracieabrams and 102,882 others
Yourname: Been thinkin' lots of thoughts 💭
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gracieabrams: hmmm how tho? because last I know i'm pretty sure it's empty up there, like spider webs and shit 😌
-> Yourname: I had ordered Taco Bell for us but looks like you won't be needed it anymore 🙃
-> gracieabrams: Y/N NOOO! I swear I was just kidding 😭
-> User09: Not a single day goes by without us getting Gracie and Y/n acting like kids 🤦🏻‍♀️
User33: Did she just...post lyrics?????????? and that angsty ones?????
-> User86: Shhhhhh!! It can't hurt you if you refuse to acknowledge it
It was finally done. Y/n had just finished her album. She's not gonna lie; this album was probably the most difficult one to record. Especially the last song she recorded. After pushing it back for months, she finally did it. She got in the recording room and poured her little heart out. What surprised Y/n were the tears that came while she recorded the song. It's not like she was in love with him, not anymore, at least. Y/n had finally accepted the fact that no matter how much she questioned the reason for Pierre leaving her and choosing Kika, she could not come up with an answer that would have given her some closure. She had gone through every possible scenario in her head; what could she have done differently to make him stay? But while doing all this thinking, Y/n realized that no matter what she did, he would have ended up with her. Maybe he was holding out, waiting to find someone opposite her, someone who fit his description of "perfect," a match "made in heaven." 
It was time she let go of this chapter, no matter how much it hurt her, it was time to say goodbye to all the possibilities of them.
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liked by gracieabrams and 172,874 others
Yourname: I'm so excited to announce my brand new album, 'Emails I Can't Send'! This album contains exactly what the title says. There will be a lot of times in life where you find yourself in a situation where you want to say things or question things, but you can't because that's just how things have to be. This album contains all the things I wish I could have said. I hope you enjoy the little piece of my heart that I'm sharing with you! Keep it safe <3
view all 111,621 comments
gracieabrams: I am so proud of you!!!! words can't describe how proud I feel right now 🫂
*liked by Yourname*
taylorswift: I have been to the studio...and let's just say you guys are in for a ride!! 🎢
*liked by Yourname*
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Tags: @slutforpopculture | @emmynotawards | @be-your-coffee-pot | @bloodredlolipops | @papaya-twinks | @a-beaverhausen | @rayaharper
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agendabymooner · 11 months
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summary: lewis was known for his year-end parties. the grid would be shocked to find out what else he was known for.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), use of explicit language, pwp, lewis and reader on their sneaky link behaviour, p in v penetration, doggy or whatever pierre said, filthy, dom!lewis energy, fucking in a club bathroom vibes, utter nonsense— just lewis being filthy as fuck, drivers being drunk (max, charles and lando), bit of a twist at the end but not really???
rec music: disco tits by tove lo
note: shout out to @daaiissyyyyy for listening to my recent fever ramble at 11 pm— she gave me the thought to write for lewis after giving this music prompt eheh. i’m sick of sf23 and w14 so now i’m just writing ✨fuckall✨ enjoy xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out!
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lewis was known for a lot of things: his sense of fashion, desire to make panty-dropping songs, his impressive record in formula one and of course…
the extravagant parties that never failed to live up to everyone’s expectations. 
now this was the first time he’s hosted a big party in his new york penthouse since his previous championship win before covid — 2019.
and 2023 was the most frustrating season for most drivers and lewis hamilton wasn’t an exception to that; after all, most teams splurged as much money as red bull did with their cars yet the crown was handed over to max and the austrian team in a gold plate. 
because of the same results every year, the brit couldn’t find himself to care much about it anymore.
instead, after the abu dhabi race he texted the group chat and invited them over for a party he was going to host after the prize giving ceremony. 
yet, when the drivers came over to his penthouse with their girlfriends and their peers — the host was found nowhere in sight. 
tove lo’s music boomed loudly as sweaty bodies hit the dance floor. the world champion - max verstappen - was chatting with the ferraris and lando about whatever the fuck he was planning to do during the break. most drivers were dancing and drinking. 
yet, amongst the sea of intoxicated and desperate people, none of them were lewis.
he was known for his parties. but what they didn’t know was that his parties were nothing but excuses to feel the adrenaline rush pump through his bloodstream without taking the drugs for it.
because he was upstairs in his room, thick cock spearing inside someone’s cunt as the woman screamed silently. her manicured nails clutching the sheets under her as drool escaped her mouth, her head down while her ass was arched up. 
lewis grunted as he lustfully traced down her spine and smacked her ass. “god, fuck! such a good pussy, doll.” 
“lew- lewis, fuck,” she cursed him in a foreign language that he couldn’t care to understand, her eyes rolling back as he continued to fuck her from behind. “i feel so full, oh~ god~ yes- yes- keep fucking me like that.”
“like this?” she let out a pitiful whine when he moved and roughly hit her sensitive spot with his cock.
her head was pushed against the mattress as she whined, his cock rubbing against the spot repeatedly while she inaudibly babbled. 
he demanded firmly, “you gotta tell me how do i fuck you, baby, otherwise i’m not gonna—“
“—fuck! yes, keep hitting that spot please,” she cried out, tears threatening fall from the pleasure she felt. 
in the moment of grunting and whining, no one downstairs could hear them as they fucked like rabbits in heat. thank god for the party that lewis had paid for. if anyone ever found out, they’d immediately assume that he only hosted this just to get her away from everyone. 
her walls clenched around him as he moaned aloud, “this pussy is so good— so tight f’me, princess.” 
the tip of his cock hit her cervix as she cried, “please lewis, please— wanna cum~”
“mmh~ god,” lewis groaned loudly, his deep lusty voice echoing inside the room alongside the slapping of their skins and her moans. “gonna cum soon, baby— gonna be a good girl and cum with me?”
“mhm yeah,” she nodded. 
“good because— ah~ keep doin’ that- i’m- ah fuck!” lewis grunted as his thrusting slowed. she came, too, her walls clenching around him still as she reached her climax and the sense of euphoria washed over her. 
lewis’ face was beaded with sweat and pleasure, leaning forward for a brief moment to keep his composure. his cock remained inside her as he pulled up her head and tangled his tongue with hers. 
he sighed, the sound of contentment covering up her quivering breath as he smirked mischievously.
this was a celebration, indeed.
this, however, was a celebration for the two of them only. this was how she rewarded him for putting up with this season, and lewis simply accepted her reward without hesitation.
after all, not everyone in the grid got to get a taste of her. if everyone found out, they’d be jealous. for one driver, they’d be furious— but lewis couldn’t find himself to care right now.
“lewis!” ten minutes later, charles, max and lando found the older british driver in his minibar. 
lewis looked at the trio with curious eyes as charles started, “have you seen max’s sister?”
lewis’ eyes narrowed for a brief moment, “max’s… sister?” he then looked at max with a questioning look.
“yeah, my eldest sister— i brought her tonight. you’ve met her earlier, remember?” the world champion asked lewis with the naivety that everyone else carried in the room. 
oh, lewis had met her, alright. 
he met her tonight. and the races before tonight. and the summer break. and almost everyday. not that the world champion had a knowledge of it. 
lewis let out an ‘ah’ as if he realized who the dutchman was talking about, “that sister! i think i’ve seen her—“
“mon sœur!” my sister! charles exclaimed, slurring out his words as he pointed at the direction of the staircase. “wait… max’s sister!”
there stood max’s sister, who looked less frazzled and fucked out than what she looked like ten minutes ago.
lewis almost chuckled. she’s quick to pretend like she hadn’t had a cock inside her just about now— that’s what lewis loved about her. she knew when to play pretend. 
max’s eyes narrowed at his sister while she approached the group. she immediately glanced at lewis, who merely smirked at the sight of her. max continued to pester her, “where the hell have you been? we’ve been looking for you for an hour!”
“bullshit,” lando called out with a laugh, “you were fucking singing disco tits the entire time! stop lying to everyone!”
the woman’s head cocked to the side as she smirked at her little brother. max’s face flushed red and shoved lando, “shut up.”
“well, i’m here now— and you’re drunk,” she pointed at max. “we’re going.”
“already???” max whined. “fineeee~”
“alright well,” lewis finally spoke. “it’s nice having you lots here. i’ll catch up with you soon, yeah?” but his eyes remained at the sight of her as he smiled. he wasn’t even talking to max or his friends— but her. 
she smirked too (not that the three younger men noticed) and nodded, “absolutely. we’ll catch up with you soon, lewis. thanks for the invite.” 
and it wasn’t even fifteen minutes later after the verstappen siblings departed when the knighted driver received a text.
the better verstappen 🥰: thanks for the invite, lew 💗 i hope the compensation paid off
lh 🫶: you know that times spent with you are worth more than one shitty season my love 😉
lh 🫶: def made things better after abu dhabi tho. what do you think about going to san marino and bora bora for the long break?
the better verstappen 🥰: for you? i’ll keep excusing myself from max’s family vacation plans baby
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♡   moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1
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d-targaryenshoe · 4 months
Books And Looks - Luke Thompson
Word Count: 1006
Summary: Some say even well-known actors can have a crush on authors, can they not?
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city as the cast of Bridgerton wrapped up another long day of filming for season four.
Jonathan, Claudia, and Luke Thompson found themselves at their favorite pub, unwinding with drinks in hand.
“To another successful day!” Jonathan cheered, raising his glass.
“To another successful day!” echoed Claudia and Luke, clinking their glasses together.
They settled into a comfortable silence, the camaraderie of their shared experiences providing a soothing backdrop to the evening.
After a few sips, Jonathan leaned back in his chair and sighed.
“It’s going to be strange going back to normal life after this,” he mused. “I’ve gotten so used to the hustle and bustle of the set.”
Claudia nodded. “I know what you mean. There’s something about the energy here that’s hard to replicate in the real world. But I am looking forward to seeing my sister again.”
“You have a sister?” Luke asked, intrigued.
They’d spent so much time together on set, yet there were still many things they didn’t know about each other’s personal lives.
Claudia smiled warmly. “Yes, she’s a few years older than me. We’re very close, even though she’s quite the introvert.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “An introvert? Doesn’t sound like anyone in your family.”
Claudia laughed. “You’d be surprised. She’s a famous author, but she avoids the spotlight as much as possible. Her books have a huge following.”
Luke’s ears perked up at this revelation. “A famous author? What’s her name?”
Claudia hesitated for a moment, then said, “Y/n Jessie Peyton.”
Luke’s eyes widened, nearly spilling his drink in his excitement. “No. Are you serious? She’s one of my favorite authors in the world! I’ve read all her books at least twice.”
Jonathan chuckled at Luke’s sudden burst of enthusiasm. “Looks like you’ve got a superfan on your hands, Claudia.”
Claudia shook her head, laughing. “Luke, she’s very private. She doesn’t like the spotlight, and she doesn’t do meet-and-greets.”
Luke’s expression turned pleading. “Please, Claudia, you have to introduce me. I promise I won’t make a scene. I just want to tell her how much her work means to me.”
Claudia sighed, seeing the sincerity in Luke’s eyes. “I can’t make any promises, Luke, but I’ll talk to her. We’ll see what happens.”
Over the next few weeks, Luke didn’t let up.
He would bring your name up in conversation whenever he could, his admiration for your work shining through.
Claudia found it endearing but was also protective of your privacy.
One evening, after another long day of filming, Claudia received a call from you.
You chatted about your lives, and inevitably, Luke’s name came up.
“Luke Thompson?” you repeated, surprised. “The actor?”
“Yes, the very same,” Claudia replied. “He’s a huge fan of your work, y/n. He’s been pestering me non-stop to introduce you two.”
You laughed softly. “Well, that’s flattering. I didn’t realize my books had such an impact on people. Maybe… maybe we could arrange something. A small, casual meeting. No big deal.”
Claudia smiled. “I think that would make his year, y/n. Let me know when you’re free, and I’ll set it up.”
A few days later, Claudia walked onto the set in full 'Eloise' with a secretive smile.
She had arranged for you to visit, and she couldn’t wait to see Luke’s reaction.
As they broke for lunch, Claudia spotted Luke and Jonathan chatting by the catering table.
“Hey, guys,” she said, trying to keep her excitement in check. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”
Before Claudia could answer, you walked onto the set, looking slightly out of place but wearing a warm smile. Luke’s jaw dropped as he recognized her.
“No way,” he whispered, his eyes wide. “Is that…?”
Claudia grinned. “Luke, Jonathan, this is my sister.”
You stepped forward, extending your hand. “Hi, Luke. Claudia’s told me a lot about you.”
Luke shook your hand, trying to keep his composure. “It’s such an honor to meet you. Your books have had such a profound impact on me. Thank you for your incredible work.”
You blushed slightly, clearly not used to such direct praise. “Thank you. It means a lot to hear that.”
Jonathan, sensing the significance of the moment, clapped Luke on the back. “See, dreams do come true, mate.”
You all laughed, the initial tension easing into a more comfortable atmosphere.
You spent the rest of their lunch break chatting about your books, the writing process, and life on set.
Luke found himself captivated not just by your words but by your presence.
There was a quiet strength to you that drew him in, and he could tell you felt a connection too.
As the days passed, your visits to the set became more frequent. You and Luke would steal moments to talk, sharing stories and laughter.
It was clear to everyone around you that there was something special brewing between you two.
One evening, after a particularly long day of filming, Luke and you found yourselves alone on set.
The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over everything.
You sat on a bench, enjoying the peaceful silence.
“You know,” Luke began, “I never imagined I’d get to meet you, let alone spend so much time with you. It feels like a dream.”
You smiled, your eyes reflecting the fading light. “Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn’t it? I never thought I’d enjoy being on a set, but here I am.”
Luke took a deep breath, gathering his courage. “Listen, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I’d love to get to know you better, outside of all this.”
You looked at him, your expression softening. “I feel the same way. I’d like that very much.”
You shared a smile, the unspoken promise of something more hanging in the air.
As the first stars appeared in the night sky, Luke reached for your hand, and you didn’t pull away.
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targaryenimagines · 5 months
The Khaleesi’s Queen
Dark!Daenerys Targaryen x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 2,559
Summary: Daenerys doesn’t like to be interrupted; not when she has everything she could ever want within her grasp.
Warning(s): G!P Daenerys, slightly rough (and possessive) sex, oral (R!Receiving).
Author’s Note: Changed up the prompt, which I hope is okay Tried to figure it out the first way, but I wasn’t doing it any justice in the slightest. I suppose this can be seen as a continuation of My Khaleesi, but it can be a stand-alone too. (This is told mainly through Dany’s POV, if you’d like me to make a partner through the Reader’s just let me know!)
Series Masterlist
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“Do you take me as some sort of fool, Councilor?”
The question is asked in an airy tone, one that a person would use when making a remark about the weather or the coming crop season, but the fiery undercurrent, like iron piercing through the sky, kept the man it was directed to in place. Violet eyes locked on dark brown, a message clear within them: Speak. Now. I’m running out of patience.
“O-Of cou-course not, Your Majesty,” the man stumbles, trying to alleviate the situation. “I-I just wished to tell y-you what your ancestors used t-to do.”
A sneer works itself across a beautiful face. “Yes,” she drawls, disgust clear in her tone. “But those same ancestors didn’t have the bond I do with my son.” Rising from her chair, Daenerys pins the cowering man in place with her gaze. “What will you have me do, Councilor? Have sex with my queen on the back of my son’s back in hopes of creating another?” She takes another measured step closer. “Do you think I’m unaware of what’s being said about me? That I’m oblivious to the gossip and rumors being spread?” Daenerys is a mere five feet from the man now. “Everyone within the Seven Kingdoms knows about my bond with my children, but you choose to council me into doing something that’d be sacrilegious in their eyes? That’d create even more discord within the land?”
Daenerys pauses then, tilting her head as she surveys the cowering man— from his balding head down to his recently polished shoes— and her gaze darkens further.
“So, I have to ask, do you take me for a fool?” She reiterates. “Because you must if you think I wouldn’t question you or your motives.”
He shakes his head, practically throwing himself at his Queen’s feet. “I-I swear to you, Your Majesty, I’m just a lo-lowly scholar. Ju-Just trying to help.” Fear weasels its way down his spine when he felt her lean closer to him. “I-I swear it.”
A breathy chuckle echoes across the room, barren of any form of amusement. “Oh? You swear it?” Crouching down, Daenerys forces the man to look into violet eyes. “I must believe you then.”
Snapping her fingers, the shadows around the edges of the room come to life as figures clad in obsidian black step from them, silver spears glinting under the light.
“Grey Worm.” The Captain of the Queensguard steps forward, back dutifully straight. “Nādīnagon zirȳla.”
At once Grey Worm, and another Unsullied, step forward and clasp the now begging man under his armpits and begin dragging him from the room. His cries for mercy falling on deaf ears: “N-No. Ple-Please, Your Majesty! Don’t do this. Please.”
Dark oak doors close with a resounding bang, cutting off his pleading.
Silence settles once more over the office, save for the faint crashing of waves against the surf outside and the cries of gulls. If Daenerys closed her eyes, she could almost imagine she was back in Essos. Back when things were simple but infinitely more complex. Settling back into her high-backed seat, Daenerys lets loose a soft sigh.
“Did you just have that man executed for telling you something you didn’t wish to hear?” A teasing voice breaks through the silence, the warm cadence of it bringing a smile to Daenerys’ lips. Looking down, she’s met by the sparkling gaze of her wife. “Or did you have that man executed for interrupting us?”
Huffing out a laugh, filled to the brim with adoration, Daenerys pulls you from your kneeling position, placing her hands on your hips once you’re comfortably straddling her. “I didn’t have him executed, ñuha perzys.” She places a delicate kiss to the corner of your lips. “I just wanted to have him leave my presence in a timely manner.”
You nuzzle closer to her. “And to do that you had to scare him? Are you certain it has nothing to do with his untimely entrance?” Wiggling on her lap, Daenerys has to bite back a groan as your familiar weight bears down on her growing erection. One that had found its home in your mouth a mere twenty minutes before— only to be unceremoniously ripped out when the man had knocked, requesting an immediate audience. “I know how you get when certain things don’t go your way.”
“Careful,” Daenerys warns, nipping at your exposed neck. Delighted in the way your breath hitches at the slightest bit of pressure to the small area underneath your jaw. “It’s not polite to tease your Queen.”
Rocking your hips more, you quip back. “It’s a good thing you’re not my Queen then.” Dipping your head, you press a heated kiss to her lips, groaning when her hardness hits just the right spot through her tailored pants. “You will always be my Khaleesi.”
The sound of the title, the first one she had ever truly earned, falling so sweetly from your lips, when the taste of you was still heavy on her tongue, brings a small snarl forth from deep within her chest, rumbling out across the relative stillness of the room. Standing, Daenerys grips you tightly by the waist and deposits you on her desk, uncaring of the various baubles that fall off due to the action. She easily finds her home between your thighs, pressed flush to your beautiful form.
“A Khaleesi is very different from a Queen,” Daenerys purrs, pressing another heated kiss to your lips. Running her tongue against the bottommost one, a husky sound of contentment being made when you let her gain access to the warm heat of your mouth. Fighting for dominance, one that she easily wins, Daenerys plunders further into your mouth, running her tongue along the roof of it, savoring the taste of you. Once she starts to become impeded by the lack of air, she pulls back and nearly comes undone at the wanton expression across your face— kiss swollen lips, lust darkened eyes, a delicate sheen of sweat along your brow. Exquisite. “A Khaleesi takes without question. A Khaleesi is rough, making sure her claim is known, but a Queen is soft, gentle.” Driving her hips into you, Daenerys snarls. “Are you certain you want a Khaleesi instead of a Queen?”
Throwing your arms around her, Daenerys is pressed firmly down, both your fronts flushed together. “Yes,” you hiss, nails digging into her shoulders. “I want my Khaleesi to claim me. To show me that I’ll only ever belong to her.” Your hips cant once more, trying desperately to get some friction. “Show me what a Westerosi Queen could never accomplish.”
At the mere thought of you being claimed by another, at anyone else having the privilege of seeing you come undone, Daenerys’ world view narrows to only you, only bringing you pleasure, so that you’d never think about leaving her.
She’d turn this world into nothing but fire and ash before she’d ever let that happen.
Nostrils flaring due to the possessive fire roaring within her chest, Daenerys takes in the delicate symphony of scents that wash over her due to the action: the sweetness of your bath oils mixed with the heady scent of sweat and the musky undertone of your arousal, strong despite the layers that separated her from the source of it.
“Lean back,” she growls, pressing one last deep kiss to your lips before she began to make her way down your body. Nimble fingers tearing at the buttons and fabric that she comes across, tongue and teeth lavishing the newly exposed skin with attention, until you’re lying delicious bare, save the last bit of your smallclothes, across the dark wood of her desk. The sight of your laid open, and waiting, for her brings a jolt of arousal straight through her body, but she didn’t wish to satisfy her own needs. Not yet. For now, she’d remind you that she’d only ever be the one to give you this sort of pleasure, that no one would ever be able to replace her. Daenerys settles onto her knees between your thighs, rubbing her nose lightly across the patch of darkening fabric at the apex of them. “Don’t even think about cumming until I say you can.” Violet eyes rise to meet your own, expression stern. “Do you understand?”
Nodding, almost frantically, you spread your legs further, giving her more room to maneuver within. Taking advantage of the additional space, Daenerys mouths over your soaking center, tongue flexing against the sodden material that kept it covered from her, as her hands clasped your hips to keep you in place. The sound of breathy moans and pleading whines from above her sending a delicious thrill down her spine.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" The question is rhetorical, she doesn't expect you to answer, but the questioning keen in response brings a soft smile to her lips for the briefest of moments. Pressing closer, Daenerys finally tears at the last barrier keeping you from her, the sight, and the scent, of your glistening center causing her own mouth to water in renewed hunger. "I crave you, ñuha perzys. More and more with each passing moment. I crave to bring you as much pleasure as you can withstand." Daenerys places a delicate kiss to your throbbing clit. "I crave your taste." Lowering her head, she dips her tongue teasingly into your entrance, savoring the flavor that could only ever come from you. "I crave the sounds you make as I ruin you."
Without preamble Daenerys buries her head between your thighs, thrusting her tongue as far into you as she could reach, the keening cry of pleasure tearing itself from your lips music to her ears. You pulse around her tongue, inner muscles flexing, as you try to pull her deeper into your depths, the feeling a reminder of how exquisitely tight you always are for her, something that brings another jolt of arousal coursing through her, making Daenerys aware of the throbbing between her own legs. Forcing her thoughts away from her own need, Daenerys consumes you, tongue lashing across your clit before diving back into your slick hole, hands gripping your hips tight enough to bruise as she keeps you in place, despite your clear desire to chase whatever friction you could find. Your desperation for her, the clear need you had for her, almost made her take pity on you, almost allowing her to let you fuck her tongue, but the only thing you'd be cumming on in the near future would be her cock -- nothing more and nothing less.
Taking notice of the heightened pitch of your cries, the growling rasp building within your moans, Daenerys knows that you're close, that you're almost cresting the peak of the pleasure she's giving you, which means, with a small bit of reluctance, Daenerys tears herself away from you, tongue running along her bottom lip, savoring the remnants of you upon it. Your responding whine allows for a satisfied smirk to grace her beautiful face, soothed that you clearly wanted her as much as she wanted you.
Maneuvering quickly, Daenerys didn't have time to deal with all of the buckles that she wore, not to mention her boots, she simply opened her zipper and shoved her tailored pants as far down as they would go, her erection finally free once more, poised to claim what had always belonged to her. Rubbing herself against your wet heat, Daenerys arches a brow. "Do you want this?" It was the last warning she would give you before she claimed her wife completely, as a Khaleesi should. "You still have time to choose your Queen."
With a heaving chest, and narrowed eyes, you spit back. "The only woman I could ever want is my Khaleesi." You hook your legs around her hips, arching against her. "So, fuck me."
Not giving you a chance to rethink your words, not that she believed you would, Daenerys thrusts into her wife, the slick channel greeting her like an old friend, the feel of it causing a deep snarl to rumble from her chest. If she could manage running Westeros from right here, then Daenerys would never leave, but the times that she could make herself at home between your legs once more were that much more important to her when she could manage to find the time -- her devotion to you superseding all else barring the devotion she had to her son.
"Yes," you hiss, nails digging harshly into her clothed back. "It feels so good, Dany. So good."
Lowering her head, Daenerys harshly bites the sensitive spot just below your ear, tongue soothing the burn that no doubt appeared due to the action. "You're so beautiful." She nuzzles against a slightly older mark she had left a few days prior, quickly going to work to make it as fresh as the one she had just left. Slamming with more force into you, delighting in the sharp keen that's torn from your lips, and the way you flutter around her, due to the action, Daenerys finally detaches from your neck. "The most beautiful woman I've ever seen and you're all mine."
Nodding frantically, you arch against her lithe body. "I will only ever be yours, Dany." Taking her by the face, you press a needy kiss to her lips, all tongue and teeth as you pant against her. Clearly trying to stem off the encroaching orgasm. "I will only ever want you."
"And you'll only ever have me." Legs beginning to burn due to the power behind her thrusts, and the familiar fluttering within her belly, telling her that she wouldn't be able to last that much longer, Daenerys tugs at your bottom lip. "Cum for me, my queen. Cum for your Khaleesi."
As if a switch had a finally been flipped, your body arches completely off the desk, arms and legs slightly spasming, as your inner muscles tighten completely around her, and a fresh wave of wetness coats you both. The feeling coupled with the delicious sight, causes Daenerys to come with her own groan of your name, her hips still softly thrusting as she leads you through the last waves of your own orgasm.
Once you stop shaking, for the most part, Daenerys leans forward and places a delicate kiss to your brow, still firmly planted inside of you, nuzzling against your sweat-stained temple. "You were wonderful, ñuha perzys, but don't think that I've had my fill of you yet." She runs her hands down your sides, rubbing gently across your lower abdomen. "I still have to put my heir in you."
With a delightfully tired smile, you run your fingers through sweat-matted locks, the silvery-gold still looking radiant despite it all. "I love you, Khaleesi."
Violet eyes flutter shut at the title, the affection in which it falls from your lips, warmth suffusing itself within her chest because of it. Cradling your face delicately between her hands, Daenerys confesses. "I love that you still call me that."
You huff out a laugh, pressing a light kiss to her inner wrist. "Even if we're in Westeros now, Dany, you will always be my Khaleesi. No matter what."
"And you," Daenerys replies, adoration clear within her tone and gaze. "Will forever be my darling Queen."
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barcaatthemoon · 5 months
Could you do one for Lia with this prompt please.
“I could have anyone I want yet… Yet you fucking exist.” 
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reputation || lia walti x reader ||
it was easier to be a player than let yourself fall in love again. that was what you had been telling yourself for years, and for a while, it had worked. you went from club to club on loans and transfers. at each club, you had several flings, to the point of earning yourself a startling reputation.
everybody always knew who you were before you got to any new clubs. there was a good chance that no matter where you went, you had an ex or a friend of an ex on the team. it was pure luck that you managed to find a team willing to overlook the things that people said about you. especially one as big as arsenal.
it was your first long-term contract in over seven years. each season brought on a new club, occasionally two. arsenal was very clear about keeping you on their team. you were a talented player, and they wouldn't let rumors ruin the absurd amount of money they had paid for you. it was more than what you had made anywhere else, all for the promise that you'd behave yourself.
"is it true?" katie mccabe asked as she dropped down into the seat next to you at lunch. the two of you knew each other from briefly playing with each other in scotland. you liked her, especially the way that she played things aggressively. it was hell when you were opposite to each other, but you respected it anyway. "did you really, um, get around like that in perth?"
"come on mccabe, aren't you above the rumor mill?" katie shied away a bit, but not completely. you knew that she easily could have asked around. a lot of the girls you had slept with in australia knew caitlin and steph. there had been a brief thing with caitlin whenever the two of you had been on the same team before she came to arsenal.
"come on, nobody else is saying anything. this just isn't what i expected when you joined." katie tried not to let her disappointment show through, but it did.
"well, maybe she's changed," lia piped in. you hadn't even noticed her approach the two of you. she was always around whenever one of the girls tried to probe you about your past relations and interactions with other players. it was obvious with a few girls who you had slept with, especially in the wsl.
"lia, i'm not saying (y/n) isn't different now. i just want to know if she really got around as much as they say," katie said. at this, lia slapped the irishwoman on the back of her head. you stifled a laugh as katie finally left the two of you alone.
"they aren't this bad with other people, i swear," lia promised you. you knew that, most people weren't. you seemed to bring it out in most people, but lia had never asked you about your past. that was one of the reasons that you had fallen for her, even though you swore that you would never fall in love again.
"it's fine. you get used to it after a while. i think that you're different though, which is nice. thank you for that," you told her. lia blushed as she grabbed onto your hand. outside of work, the two of you had been spending a lot of time together. lia lived pretty close to your apartment, so you had a good excuse to always hang out. lately, things had been shifting a bit from friendly to romantic. it wasn't much, just small gestures, but it was enough for you.
"sometimes i do wonder why you haven't found a girl yet. i mean, you could have anybody you wanted if you tried," lia said. she had heard several of the girls talk about hooking up with you. not to mention the night she spent comforting leah whenever you rejected your captain's offer for dinner and drinks.
"i could have anyone i want, yet..." you trailed off as you pulled lia in close enough to whisper, "yet you fucking exist. i don't want to even think about anybody other than you. it's put a damper on my reputation, i think mccabe was disappointed."
"let her be, i like it when you're not just acting how everybody else wants you to. screw your reputation," lia said. she pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose. there was a smile when she pulled back, but that was nothing compared to the look in her eyes. it should have made you want to run away, but you couldn't run from lia.
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kamaluhkhan · 7 months
ENVY — part ii of we'll write sins not tragedies
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pairing: luke castellan x nemesis!reader (she/her pronouns) word count: 1.6k summary: luke is getting tired of keeping your relationship a secret, you get a new sparring partner, and silena beauregard wins a bet. warnings/disclaimers: jealous!luke, suggestive but no smut, biting + some blood bc of course author's note: i had to include some friend group shenanigans and silena x clarisse moments ♡ i'm imagining that this takes place during tlt/season 1 of pjo when the kids are on their quest, and the characters are slightly aged up to 20/21 years old....anyways, enjoy and feel free to reblog + comment :)
♪ "i bet on losing dogs" by mitski
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"rumor has it that lee wants to ask her out." 
silena tilts her head towards the other end of the ping pong table, where you sit next to lee fletcher, a pair of wired earbuds and an mp3 player shared between you as everyone waits for the senior counselor meeting to start. 
luke clears his throat. “why would he want to do that?”
in theory, it shouldn’t bother luke: how you and lee nod along to music only the two of you can hear, how your shoulder presses against his ever so slightly, how he seems to lean into you even further. 
you and lee had always been friendly, but since when did you become such close friends?
“hm. let’s see. she’s strong, gorgeous, the right amount of dangerous, and perfectly single.” 
again, luke pretends that he doesn’t feel something ignite in the pit of his stomach. 
as far as everyone is concerned, you and luke are friends, too. 
the rush you both got from the whole secret relationship thing was fun, but, gods, sometimes luke wanted nothing more than to show everyone you were his and he was yours. 
“sounds like you’re the one who wants to ask her out.”
silena rolls her eyes. “please. i’m a happily taken woman.” clarisse turns to them as if she knew she’s been referenced. silena blows her a kiss before adding: “can’t really say the same for y/n, can we? i think her and lee would make a cute couple.”
chiron finally enters the room before luke has a chance to respond. he sits through the whole meeting, jaw clenched, hands curled into fists. 
throughout the day, luke reminds himself that he’s the one you’re with. and silena’s theory that you and lee would make a good couple?
ridiculous. laughable. unimaginable. 
later, during swordfighting, you and lee practice together. any time luke is leading a session, you usually pair up with silena, but she seems to have twisted her ankle. not enough to warrant a trip to the infirmary, just a seat on the sidelines. 
luke has no doubt that she’s trying to work her daughter of aphrodite, matchmaker magic. 
between teaching the younger campers, luke glances at the two of you, yours swords colliding and limbs occasionally intersecting. luke demonstrates a new technique, eyes sliding over to you, positioning yourself behind lee and correcting his form by gently adjusting his hips. something bubbles in the pit of his stomach.
gods, if he could switch places with lee fletcher.
you square up for another round, but the fight is over relatively quickly. even with the advice you seemed to have given lee, you manage to get him on the ground, straddling his waist while you point your sword at his chin. you smile down at lee, canines sparkling in the afternoon sun. 
luke remembers what silena had said earlier, about you — the right amount of dangerous.
out the corner of his eye, luke can see silena gazing dreamily at the pair of you, no doubt overjoyed that a new romance seems to be blossoming. 
overjoyed is certainly not a word luke would use for himself now, as you lift your shirt to wipe the sweat from your brow. for a split second, your entire torso is visible to everyone. including lee, whose eyes seem to linger on the tattoo on your ribs for a little too long.  
luke tells the kids to pair up and practice before walking over to your side of the arena. 
“hey,” you exhale, dropping your shirt and smiling at him.
luke doesn’t waste any more time, though, and crashes his lips onto yours. 
he thinks you start to melt into the kiss, but then you bite down on his bottom lip — hard. 
“ow!” he turns away to spit out some blood. “why did you —”
“you just landed me two weeks of extra laundry!” 
 if silena looked overjoyed before, she’s ecstatic now, practically skipping over to where you stood, her ankle miraculously healed. 
“aha! i win — again! that’ll teach you to question a daughter of aphrodite, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.”
luke, slightly lightheaded, has no clue what is happening. things don’t get any clearer as chris, clarisse, and beckdorf join you. 
chris shoves luke’s shoulder. “bro, you just cost me 30 drachmas!”
“seriously, dude,” beckendorf shakes his head. “you couldn’t have kept it in your pants for, like, a few more days?” 
“okay, but lena totally cheated,” clarisse huffs, stabbing her spear into the ground. 
“what! how?”
“you used lee to make him jealous!” the boy in question waves at you awkwardly before walking off to the archery range. 
“i did not cheat. i had a strategy, and just needed to add some drama to move things in my favor,” silena reasons. “besides, all’s fair in love and war. i’m sorry you had to find out this way, baby. ” 
she plants a kiss on clarisse’s cheek, which does make clarisse’s lips turn up ever so slightly, despite the accompanying eye roll.  
“okay, is someone going to tell me what’s going?”
you sigh and swipe your thumb over luke’s bottom lip, wiping away more crimson liquid that had emerged thanks to your bite. 
“i found out a few days ago that our lovely friends placed bets on when we were going to tell them about our relationship.”
“wait….” luke looks around at everyone. “you all knew? since when?”
“the whole time.” you grin sheepishly. “apparently, we weren’t as subtle as we thought we were.”
“you weren’t subtle at all,” beckendorf corrects, hands fiddling with some spare bolts he kept in his pocket. 
“love is difficult to hide,” silena defends, like you’re her favorite couple on a reality dating show. “the amount of times you’d both show up late to the dining pavilion together, with your clothes and hair messed up was enough to give you away. not to mention, the way you look at each other.” 
“yeah, like two idiots in love,” clarisse mockingly agrees with silena, who jabs her in the ribs playfully. clarisse gestures to her orange camp shirt. “by the way, these aren’t designed to hide hickeys. there are children here to think of.”
“be thankful you don’t have to hear them on the roof of the hermes cabin every night. it’s a wonder any of us get to sleep.”
"oh, and then there’s the showering at weird times and then smelling like the same body wash —” 
“moving on,” you interrupt, much to luke’s appreciation. “when i figured out what they had going on, i wanted a piece of the action.”
luke looks at you, teetering the line between frustration and awe. “so, instead of telling me about this bet and finally having everything out in the open, you got in on it and kept me in the dark, just to get someone else to do your laundry?”
“you know how much i hate laundry,” you shrug. “besides, like you wouldn’t do the same if you had been in my position.”
“well….” you raise an eyebrow. “yeah. i would,” luke admits. 
despite everything, luke is a son of hermes. he’s pretty sure that’s part of why you love him: for his mischievous grins and vices that were woven into his dna, imposed by the fates themselves. the urge to gamble, steal, sneak around, all the lying — everything you couldn’t help but indulge in, as well. clearly. 
you smile, and pull the front of his shirt towards you, kissing him like you’re proving a point. if luke wasn’t so preoccupied, he could have heard silena squealing in delight. 
“ow!” you groan as luke bites your lip.
luke smirks. “karma,” he teases, relishing in how you pout for him.
“get a room,” clarisse grumbles. 
“preferably not in the hermes cabin, please,” chris cringes, and this time luke is the one to shove his shoulder. 
it’s a little too silent in the arena, and luke realizes it’s because you’d all just given them quite a show. a few campers were watching eagerly, while others didn’t seem to be phased in the slightest, only taking advantage of the lack of supervision to goof off. luke tells the campers to keep practicing; you tell your friends to give you and luke some privacy. 
“40 drachmas that they’ll break up at the end of summer,” chris offers, and luke really wishes that he’d shut up. 
“nah, i think it’ll be sooner,” clarisse adds. “maybe right after the solstice.”
“i don’t know, guys. i have a good feeling about this one,” beckendorf says. “i think they’re gonna last.”
“thank you, charlie. i think they’re soulmates,” silena muses.
luke watches as the corners of your mouth turn up slightly, listening to your friends as they walk away. 
“so.” he hooks a finger through one of your belt loops to get your attention again. “everyone knows.”
“everyone knows.” you smile at him. “so, what do you think, tiger? are beck and lena right — that we’re gonna last?”
he can sense that there’s something more behind your teasing inflection. you’re gnawing on the inside of your lip, discreetly picking at your nail polish. 
even with the front you put up, sarcastic and cutthroat and sharp as your celestial bronze knife, you still had a heart. and here you were, looking at luke like he had already stolen it, and you didn’t care. 
you were just waiting to know if he would break it. 
but, luke doesn’t have the heart to tell you how this is going to end. 
how could he? he’d given up his to you, years ago.
he can keep pretending, for now, so he will. 
“i’d bet my life on it.”
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ferrstappen · 1 year
what happens with the kids? l Max Verstappen x reader
a/n: *sigh* I'm so done with this season bc I just know we'll be getting the same podium every other career and my tifosi dreams are just crumbling... also can we please just talk about that driver introduction like?????
anyway, this is based on this request I got the other day! thank you for requesting and sorry it takes me so long write the requests, but uni is kicking my ass <3
genre: angst oop
pairing: Max Verstappen x female reader. Lando Norris x reader but not serious.
warnings: divorce, kids, not proofread.
summary: Max really didn't have to find a girlfriend that soon after the divorce, and the fact that his girlfriend had a daughter of her own, didn't really help your case.
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It's safe to say you never really saw it coming. or maybe you did, but tried to ignore it as Mila and Luca had just celebrated their third birthday, with the second half of the season looming over your household, Max said the the words you never thought you'd hear.
I think we need some time apart to figure out some stuff.
At first you didn't really process it. Why would you possible need time apart? The twins were so young, you needed all the help you could get and things were good.
That's what you thought.
He said it was hard to continue your marriage if you couldn't keep him company or support him the way you used to, before having kids. Maybe he was oblivious to the disbelief showing on your features, trying to comprehend if he really needed to be reminded of your two young children, who had strict hours. You didn't feel the need to remind him that just three weeks ago Mila had to go to the emergency room for an allergic reaction, and a week before that, Luca was questioning you about why his dad wasn't around as much.
Max rubbed his left hand on the nape of his neck, obviously trying to ignore this part of the conversation, seeing as you eyes became teary and your eyes tried to find his blue ones, but he avoided them at all costs.
Then, it was time to bring the kids to a race, Austria to be specific. It was strange to walk without him on the so familiar space, holding Luca and Mila's hands, making your way to the Red Bull hospitality where Max was supposedly waiting for his family.
During the walk, you were greeted by most people from every team; engineers fist bumping the twins, Lando and Max Fewtrell giving you a side hug before trying to talk with Luca and Mila. Yet, when you reached your finishing point, Christian Horner's eyes opened widely, like his mind was trying to process something.
The Red Bull team principal was clearly distressed as he walked towards the three of you, greeting you as usual, but offering to take the twins for a quick tour, telling you there was a new snack bar the engineers had created and they should get to know it.
It didn't take long to realize the brit knew something you didn't.
A feeling you couldn't explain sank on your stomach. Your cheeks were already flushed, palms turned sweaty and suddenly your subconscious was trying to convince yourself that it couldn't be that bad, whatever it was. The world shook and your vision slowed down when you noticed a gorgeous black-haired woman, leaning against your husband as he laughed at something she said.
Your trembling legs managed to silently take a step back, trying to hold back the tears as you left the room, watching as Christian was still entertaining the twins, following you as the kids noticed you.
"Christian, can you please call Max to tell him we're here?" Somehow, with some divine strength, you were able to get the words out, ignoring Christian's glare as if he was trying to ask if you were okay.
In a matter of seconds, Max had joined you, receiving Mila and Luca with open arms. He wasn't aware of the fact that you already knew the reason he wanted a time off wasn't because he didn't get to see you, or that you couldn't make the effort to travel with the kids.
Just as Christian had suggested, the kids went with him as Max directed your way to a secluded space. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it sure wasn't "I want a divorce"
He blinked. Once. Twice. "What do you mean you want a divorce?"
A snicker left your lips, was he trying to play dumb? You knew Max Verstappen as the palm of your hand. You knew him better than yourself.
You didn't need to see him kissing the black-haired woman, or holding hands, or even touching her.
Max's eyes, your husband's eyes, expressed everything you needed to know.
It wasn't important that he berated you for dropping this news right before Red Bull's home race, that his eyes tried to find yours but were unable to, as your crossed your arms as if that would protect you from the heartbreak and sudden change of plans; from a happy couple, a merry marriage and joyous family, to a life of weekends separated, of preparing their bags on Friday night, of being civil for the sake of the twins during their birthday...
And because you knew him so well, the relief that flashed through his blue eyes didn't pass unnoticed by you, because it wasn't him who said the words. He was guilty, but he didn't take the shot.
Your girlfriends always joked about his friends always were the first ones to reach out after a break up, making you laugh until text messages and Instagram DMs started rolling in: Red Bull engineers and mechanics, Lando Norris, Martin Garrix, among others.
Hey! I heard about you and Max, just wondering if you are okay and want to meet up some time?
It didn't take long to accept one of their offers, having messy nights with a British driver and multiple people from the paddock, but it was never meant to be more. and it absolutely wasn't, but it was early Sunday when the concierge called to inform the arrival of Max and the twins. Of course you didn't hear, Lando's body pressed against you as his soft snores invaded the bed you once shared with Max.
and obviously, Max being as restless as always, decided to just take the direct elevator to the penthouse overlooking Monte-Carlo. That's what made Lando open his eyes, very widely, as you hastily walked him towards the walk-in closet so that he could get dressed and not be seen or heard by Max.
Not that it mattered, but you were capable of putting family peace in front o making your ex-husband jealous.
"Hello my sweets!" Mila and Luca made their way into your arms, not caring about their backpacks making things a bit uncomfortable. "Did you have a good weekend?"
Luca started blabbering about papa's new place, the dishes Max's girlfriend cooked for them, and the incredible time they both had with Sara, the daughter of Max's girlfriend. There obviously was a bond between the three children, both arguing about how Sara liked them more than the other.
Max hadn't had the time to greet you or ask about your weekend, his gaze fixing on an orange hat.
"Since when do you own McLaren merch?" Max questioned you, pointing the foreign object, the logo being unusual on the household.
Ignoring how your heart skipped a beat, feigning ignorance your body turned to where Max's finger was pointing. "Oh, I don't know? I think someone gave it to me at one of the races. Long time ago, though."
That's when both Max and you noticed the twins were gone, probably on their bedroom unpacking or searching the kitchen.
Max took a couple of breaths, his eyebrows scrunched and eyes trying to find yours, not even attempting to hide his feelings. "Are you hooking up with someone from McLaren, (Y/N)?"
Your eyes widened, then took a step back trying to see if you heard him right. "Why would you even ask me that?"
Max shrugged; "I have a right to know, in case they end up sharing time with M and Luca. I can't control how everything works during the week so I'd like to be kept in the loop."
This time it struck like lightning, the fury and anger and disillusion your heart was carrying. "You have no right, Max. Absolutely no fucking right to be kept in the loop about what goes on in my life,"
Max didn't flinch at your tone, "I didn't say about your life, I'm aware that we are divorced, I'm talking about Mila and Luca,”
"I always think of them, they're the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing when I go to sleep. They're always on my mind and never leave, and I would never do anything to hurt them or even cause them the tiniest bit of disappointment. You have no right to come here and tell me you want to know about what goes on in here, because you are the one who chose to leave us in the first place," You vented, with Max's blue eyes fixed on you he was trying to keep his composure, but you knew he was uncomfortable.
"We are not having this conversation now, (Y/N). It's over, now it's just about the kids," Max added with a slight roll of his eyes.
"When are we having this conversation, then? When are you going to tell me that you wanted to separate because there was someone else already? that I wasn't enough for you? not even our kids were enough to make you doubt your decision to leave me, and it feels terrible and I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to feel the same because I'm shattered, Max." The words felt like someone was ripping your heart out of your chest, leaving you vulnerable as the thoughts became real, they were out there, but then it was followed by a bittersweet relief of not holding back anymore.
He noticed the tears and hiccups as you tried to make the point. His eyelids trembled as his hands meant to reach out to yours, pull your body to his, squeeze your waist and kiss your hair while assuring everything was going to be just fine.
That was the moment he realized that wasn't his place anymore, probably would never be again. Max didn't even think about that while signing the divorce papers, he didn't bother to show up to anything, sending a lawyer to do whatever was needed, and now it was hitting him like a ton of bricks.
His realization was cut short as the kids came running, Luca placing the McLaren hat on his head, ignoring Mila's voice telling him it wasn't daddy's team.
"I think this is when you leave, Max,"
You managed to keep your voice from quavering and erasing every trace of a tear, telling the kids to say goodbye to Max.
Yeah, this wasn't what Max had in mind for his Sunday morning.
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Country Rose 3
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Warnings: age gap, power dynamics, creep behaviour, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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You go down and find Martha in the kitchen. She smiles so brightly as you appear and offer to help her finish the corn. You can't help a sliver of glumness. Your mother never was so happy to see you. No, it's her disappointment that pushed you accept the job  to move away to the middle of no where. 
The more you think about it, the more you doubt yourself. To what end are you putting yourself through this desolate purgatory. It might be novel and peaceful now but you always tend to grow bored with the familiar. It's the very reason you flunked out of college. You couldn't do the same day over and over.  
"What are we making with the corn?" You ask, hoping the conversation can ease the tension, not just with Martha but in your mind. 
"Oh, I got some potatoes to roast and some beef. Homegrown," she explains, "you do a lotta cookin', sweetheart?" 
"Mostly out of boxes," you laugh, "but I'm willing to learn. How are you roasting the potatoes? Quartered? Sliced?" 
"Oh, you are so darned helpful," she brightens and gently taps your arm, "you can grab the sack just there," she points to the pantry door, "and give em a scrub before you cut em. Anyway you like. I'll pick out some seasonings." 
"Sounds like a plan," you agree. 
You set to work. You haul out the heavy canvas bag with a grunt and barely get it on the counter. Martha hands you a metal strainer, dented from years of use, and you fill it, rinsing the skins in the deep sink. 
"Clark said something about school," Martha says, "you'll learn a lot more out here." 
"Oh, yeah, dropped out," you turn and pick up the knife she set out with the thick board. "You know... just wasn't for me. My mom didn't want me sitting around and to be honest, I hate doing nothing." 
"Lots to do around here," she assures. 
She doesn't seem sad at the statement. She seems excited for your help. You're almost relieved as you expected cow dung and horse flies. 
"I'll be sure to carry my weight," you promise as you start chopping.  
"Mm, how sweet you are," she trills, "I see why Clark brought you here." 
"Uh, yeah, I'd hate to let him down. And it's a far way from home." 
"Why, you're grown. Not really meant to be home, is it? Finding your way like we all do," she hums and fills a pot with water, covering the corn cobs. 
Before she can attempt to lift it, you're at her side, "let me, please." 
"Oh, dang, you are just like, Clark," she mutters  "I'm not out to pasture just yet." 
"I know, but... it's heavy even for me," you assure her and show your effort as you carry the pot to the stove. 
"Mmm, still my house," she frowns and backs up. "Well, when I was your age, me and Jonathan were married for a while. Couple years but... no kids. Not til Clark came along." 
"Oh? How old were you when... when you had him?" You ask out if courtesy. You peek at her. You're not sure of her age and you're not bold enough to guess. Clark has to be at least in his mid-30s. 
"Oh, yes, about his age now," she answers as if reading your mind. "He's mine. Ours. Not by blood. Could never... you know..." she looks grim as she lowers her chin, "all the same, me and Jonathan never saw him as anything but ours." 
"Adopted?" You wonder. 
"Think we were meant to wait for him," she perks up, "anyway, how can I be sad with such a good son? Don't ya think?" 
"Yes, Clark is very nice," you agree. 
"Sweet boy," she preens, "strong, gentle, smart." She clasps her hands together, "I'm sure I don't need to say it." 
"Mm, uh huh," you murmur, not really sure what she means. 
“I know a lovely idea,” she says, “I have the meat marinating so why don’t you take him some of my sun tea? It’s his favourite.” 
“Ah, um, sure, I can do that.” 
“And take your time. You don’t gotta stay inside all day,” she chimes. 
“There’s a pitcher in the fridge. Put some ice in before you rush off. Have some yourself if you like.” 
You take the task as an opportunity to see more of the farm You pour a glass of the dark iced tea and add a few cubes of ice. Martha watches you go with a bright expression that leaves you a bit uneasy. It’s just her way, you guess. Maybe it’s a part of her condition. Clark mentioned she wasn’t quite herself. 
You head out and stop at the top step of the porch. You realise, you don’t know where to look for him. Instead, you look out at the fields and the barn, and the meeting of blue and green off on the horizon. It’s beautiful. You think this is what it feels like to have your breath taken away. 
“Hey,” Clark startles you as he appears. “Dinner already?” 
“Um, just tea, your mom sent it out,” you come down the steps to meet him. His skin glistens in sweat that dampens the edges of his shirt. The fabric clings to the thick muscles beneath.  
“Thanks, you have any?” He accepts the glass and gulps deeply. 
“Not yet, maybe with dinner.” 
“How’s ma doing?” 
“Fine, fine. I’m just helping her. She seems happy.” 
“She would be,” he shrugs, “always wanted a daughter. Spoiled me for sure but I know. She would’ve done well with one.” 
“Yeah, uh, but she loves you.” 
“Well, yeah, but every mother wants a daughter,” he says, “what about you? How are you settling in?” 
“Um, good. It’s... different.” 
“For now,” he says, “but you’ll get used to it.” 
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mikashisus · 2 months
Light In The Darkness
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summary: venti isn't often vulnerable with you, but the one time he is is when he needs a whole lot of reassurance. and you have no problem giving him just that: expressing just how much he means to you.
pairing: jealous!venti x gn!reader
cws: slight angst, hurt/comfort
notes: originally posted this a few hours ago but quickly realized that i made a mistake bc the req was for a jealous mc instead of venti 😭
so instead i’ll post two versions!! this one is the venti version, and the mc version will be posted hopefully tmrw!
wc: 2k
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A bard was well-versed in all things poetry. It was their job to serenade those around them.
It was no surprise to you that your lover’s angelic voice touched the hearts of many. After all, that was his job— to sing and dance and play the lyre throughout all corners of the world, gaining popularity as he did so.
Sometimes, you thought the popularity got to his head a little. All those compliments and love struck looks from both men and women alike definitely stroked his ego to a degree.
He could do without all that praise, you thought, watching from afar as your lover sang a classic tale that was well known in Mondstadt. He gets enough praise from the church.
You were well aware he was the Anemo Archon. It was easy to put two and two together after taking a glance at the statue in the center of the city.
Tapping your fingers along to the classic tale, you failed to notice the figure of the Traveler approaching your all but empty table. Aether and Paimon greeted you eagerly, their faces a welcome sight after not having seen them in months.
A smile broke out onto your face instantly. You returned their sentiments, and the three of you fell into idle chatter about their recent journeys. Before long, you were laughing loudly like you always did when Aether came to visit.
He and Paimon were no strangers to the City of Freedom. They often stopped by for a visit around the festival seasons, though this year they had missed the annual Windblume Festival because of a music event in Inazuma.
You hounded them for missing the festival, though it was all lighthearted fun. You told them about Venti’s performance during the Windblume Festival, and how he gained the hearts of many afterwards.
“Wow, sounds like the Tone-Deaf Bard is doing as well as ever.” Paimon’s deadpan expression made you chuckle.
“Indeed. I think he could do without having his ego stroked all the time, but he really is an amazing performer, so I guess it’s alright.” You said.
Paimon huffed and crossed her arms. “Still! He should at least be a bit humble!” She tossed a glare in his direction. “Who knew the Anemo Archon could be so greedy!”
You sighed, a laugh tumbling out of your mouth. It was good to know that Paimon was the same as always. Aether looked just about ready to leave Paimon here, what with all her grumbling and complaining. You were happy to see them in good health.
An hour later, the two were bidding you farewell, claiming they had to knock some commissions for the Adventurer’s Guild out before sundown.
“Take care of yourselves, alright? If you need us, you know where to find us. Please do stop by sometime soon!” you told them with a smile, “Venti bought a vintage recently and we’ve been saving it for a special occasion. It would be the perfect time to break it open!”
“Sure thing!” Aether nodded with a kind smile. “See you around!”
You watched them leave with a small smile on your face before you directed your attention back to Venti. The bard was entertaining a group of drunkards, singing an old Mondstadt tale. It was one you’ve heard only a handful of times.
In the past, it was extremely popular in Mondstadt. However, as the years came and went, it grew to be forgotten amongst the people. As you watched Venti light up with life and rile up the patrons he was singing to, you realized he was doing his best to bring back those old, forgotten melodies.
The door to the tavern creaked open, and from your table near the bar, you could see Diluc take a huge sigh. That could only mean one thing…
“(Name)! Why, it’s quite the pleasure to see you here.” Kaeya’s smooth and charming voice entered your ears.
“Well if it isn’t Captain Kaeya!” You beamed, standing from your seat to give him a nice big hug.
It had been a few months since you’ve seen him last. The last time you saw him was four months ago when he left for Fontaine to speak with a few merchants there on behalf of the Knights of Favonius. Since then, your days were a little duller without his presence.
Though, the void left behind by your best friend was quickly filled by the affections from your lover.
Kaeya chuckled, the sound buzzing in your ear as you kept your head to his chest. “Miss me while I was gone? It’s not like you to get all emotional.”
You pulled from the hug and slapped his arm playfully. “Of course I missed you! Can I not miss my best friend?”
The two of you began catching up as Kaeya called for a few drinks. Diluc sent him a glare as he placed the drinks down on the table, warning him not to order too many, before he retreated back to the bar.
The more you talked and laughed with Kaeya, the more you realized just how much you missed him. It felt like the two of you were kids again, when the both of you were training to become knights and didn’t have to worry about anything at all.
All the while, a shiver ran down your spine as you felt the weight of divine eyes peering at you from afar. This was a feeling you commonly had; whenever you were on a commission for the Adventurer’s Guild, or more importantly, hanging out with Kaeya.
The feeling of a divine force watching you so closely was a little frightening, but knowing where the source was coming from made it less scary and more intriguing.
You knew what your lover’s divinity felt like by now after having been around him for so long. It was a slight pressure on your shoulders, a shiver running up your spine, and a soft breeze that mysteriously came from nowhere. It was quite ominous, though you supposed that word described him perfectly.
In these situations, you knew he was staring at you and Kaeya with that adorable pout on his face and waiting for the right time to pounce on you like a cat. Then, he’d drag you away and the two of you would cuddle and you would whisper words of affection in his ear to assure him how much you loved him and only him.
And so, you waited for the moment he’d interrupt your conversation.
Kaeya was always the type of best friend that made you laugh until your stomach hurt, and playfully flirted with you just because. He was loyal to a fault and not as honest as you wished he could be. But he had always been there for you, a light in the darkness when you needed him.
Gradually, over time, Venti filled that spot of being your light in the darkness, but no one could replace your best friend.
You and Kaeya had been inseparable in your youth, along with Diluc, who tagged along with you both. So, naturally, your bond was quite strong. It stayed that way between both of you even after he told you the truth of his origins.
As he opened his mouth— a teasing smile on his lips that made you realize he was about to ask how you and Venti were doing —your lover in question slid his arms around your neck and dug his face into your collarbone.
You caressed his arm lovingly and placed a kiss to the side of his head. You sighed, a dopey smile pulling at your lips. He was no doubt faking being drunk to pull you away from Kaeya.
“Hi my love,” you said sweetly, “did you drink too much?”
He grumbled into your skin, and that was enough to confirm he was only doing this because he wanted your attention all to himself. It made you laugh loudly, your chest bubbling with life as the sound rolled out of your mouth.
Venti couldn’t help but smile. He loved the sound of your laugh more than anything, especially when he was the cause of it. He adored bringing you happiness and joy. He adored hearing your melodic laugh. He gripped you tighter, not wanting to let you go just yet.
“Well, I think this is where our fun ends, Kaeya,” you told him with a smirk, “I should get this one home.”
He returned your look with a knowing one of his own. He was very familiar with Venti’s antics by now. “No worries. We’ll continue catching up another time. Be safe on the way back to Springvale.”
You ruffled his hair like you always did when you were children. “We will. Stop by sometime, you’re no stranger.”
Standing up, you removed Venti’s arms from around your neck and relocated them to your waist, knowing he wouldn’t be letting go anytime soon.
Outside, the chilly nighttime air was refreshing on your hot skin. You ran your fingers through Venti’s hair and let out a content sigh.
“You know,” you started, a teasing lilt in your voice, “if you wanted my attention so badly, all you had to do was ask.”
Venti looked up at you with that adorable pout you were always so fond of. You cupped his face in your hands as he let out a small whine.
“Were you jealous, my love?”
Stubbornly, he looked away. “No—“
“Uh-huh, sure. I know how you get when you’re jealous.”
He bit his lip before all his worries came tumbling out of his mouth like a broken dam. “How can I not be? Kaeya’s always flirting with you and making you laugh! Sometimes I don’t know whether or not the way you smile at him is… is for something else.”
Venti was not one for being vulnerable. He absolutely despised sharing his true feelings, and preferred to bottle things deeply inside his person. For him to tell you how he felt in this moment was a huge step forward.
It not only meant he trusted you deeply, but it also made you realize that the effort you were helping him put in with his emotions was working. It touched your heart, but his words broke it all over again.
You kissed him, sweet and slow like he always enjoyed. When you pulled away, you placed your forehead on his and smiled.
“For you, I would go against the heavens and sooner make myself an enemy of the divine. I’d follow you to the edge of the world— hell, to the far reaches of the universe just because I love you. My heart and soul are yours, Barbatos.”
You could see it: the way he tried so hard to mask his sadness and how much he tried to avoid letting any tears spill. He inhaled shakily, squeezing his eyes shut in another attempt to deter his cries.
In the end, it was all futile, as the tears fell from his eyes like waterfalls anyway. This time, you waited for him to make the first move, and he did.
After a few moments, he searched for your lips and brought you into a slow, passionate kiss. It was a kiss that told you how much he appreciated your words, as well as one that so very obviously conveyed his undying love.
When he pulled away, he let out a small, sheepish laugh. “I’m sorry for that, love.” His cheeks were red with embarrassment.
“Don’t be,” you told him softly, forcing him to look at you, “Never be sorry for that. Thank you for sharing how you truly feel.”
He was eternally grateful to have you, someone so patient and understanding. He smiled, pressing a kiss to your palm that was on his cheek.
“I love you. To the far reaches of the universe and back.”
Hand in hand, you returned home, laughing all the while as he shared stories of the night’s events. Amidst the wind, he could hear both your hearts beating in unison.
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notes: this was not supposed to be 2k words, this was supposed to be less than 1k but u guys know me by now, i always end up writing more when it comes to venti 😭 if u’d like to join my disc server to chat and hangout, u can do so here!
© 2024 mikashisus. do not copy, repost, or translate my works to any other platforms.
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outsideratheart · 10 months
Queen of what now? (Mary Earps x reader)
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A/N: I’m sorry this took so long. I hope you guys like it! Also, I’m going through a big Mary Earps phase right now so this was very fun to right.
Were you there to support friends, accompany a team mate or to see someone who has been on your mind for the last 104 days? You knew it was the latter but if someone one were to ask you would say a mixture of the first and second.  
“I can’t believe you came with me. You have to be back in Barcelona tomorrow” Jana asks as you leave the hotel. 
What she said was true. You picked up a calf injury during the El Classico which made you unavailable for the international break. It did mean that you could go to England but only for the night. 
“It’s Wembley and I’m here to support Keira and Lucy” was it a lie? No. Was it the whole truth? Absolutely not. 
“If that’s true why aren’t you wearing one of their shirts?” 
The shirt you chose to wear, the England one, wasn’t on show but Jana saw you put it on before leaving the hotel. Now she was digging but you didn’t bite. 
“Because I didn’t swap shirts with them” 
Your answer seems to please the young defender because she didn’t continue her interrogation. Instead the conversation steered towards the game and how it would end. Jana, here to support Jill, favourited the Dutch but you knew the difference a home crowd could make and when you put those fans in Wembley stadium, England become a different team. You also have the upmost faith in the woman between the sticks, the same one that would captain the team. 
You walk down Wembley way, taking in the atmosphere and stopping for as many fans as you can. 
“You quite popular for someone who beat England in the final” Jana remarks. 
“I’m still not used to it and I can’t say I’m a big fan of the attention” 
Your performance throughout the season with Barcelona and during the summer at the World Cup earned you the most coveted trophy in football: The Balón d’Or. Since then you had been exposed to a spotlight, one which wasn’t always welcome. 
It was cold in England, in fact to your Spanish blood it was freezing. The moment you entered the stadium you got a hot chocolate and went to your seat. When Mary joked about you coming to game she told you that she would put some tickets aside for the family section but when Leah saw that you were at Wembley she invited you to watch the game from one of the boxes with her and Millie. 
You didn’t really know the defender well but you appreciated the invite. The first half was less than great so not a lot was said. You could tell the two blondes were getting stressed but Jana was loving it. 
The moment the ball crossed the line for the second goal you knew Mary would punish herself for it. 
“Mantén la calma” you wish she could hear you. 
“Oh Mary, keep your head up” Leah says from beside you. 
“She will blame herself” you add. 
“She is. I know that because she’s my team mate. How exactly do you know what she’s thinking?”
“A guess” 
The look the Arsenal player gives you lets you know she doesn’t believe you but the whistle is blown for half time before she can question you further. 
The people is the room seem to split up for the half time break. You stick with Jana who is obviously having more fun than the rest of the box. 
“Dial down the celebrations J, we are in an England box” you whisper to her during half time. 
“Jill’s winning though” Jana says innocently. 
“Maybe save your celebrations until after the game when you are with her” you raise your eyebrows playfully. 
“Fine” she agrees to keep her cheering to a minimum not that it makes a difference because the second half is in England’s favour. 
You can’t believe what you are seeing. First Georgia Stanway scores then Lauren Hemp scores two minutes later. As a football fan you were taking it all in. 71,000 people were on their feet as they celebrate the possibly of a come back. 
When Ella Toone scores in the 91st minute you can feel the stadium shaking. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
The whistle blows and you see the blonde beside you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“That was quite the performance by your team Leah” it was a compliment but in a professional way. 
“It was. I take it you are here to see Lucy and Keira?” Leah asks.
“No, ella no es” Jana says from your side. 
“Cállate” you shake your head whilst being thankful that Leah didn’t speak Spanish. 
“The girls, as well as some of the Dutch team,” Leah looks at Jana as she says that part “are going to a bar called Three Lions. I’m not sure if you have plans but I will let the security know to expect you” 
“Gracias Leah. I have something I need to do but I’ll come” 
“Me too” Jana also accepts the invite before turning to you once Leah has gone “Jill already invited me. What do you have to do? Nobody knows you are in London” 
“Somebody does and I want to see her before anyone else. If anyone asks just tell them I had a call” 
And that is what is what Jana does. By the time everyone arrived to the Three Lions bar news has spread that you attended the game. You, as planned, texted a certain goalkeeper and asked her to meet you at a different part of the stadium. Her reply wasn’t words, it was a thumbs up to your message. 
The way she walked towards you told you everything you needed to know. Her gaze was on the floor with her shoulders hunched. 
Much to your surprise Mary is the first to talk. 
“I can’t believe you came” she stands less than a meter in front of you but doesn’t move closer. You may have been talking every day but you hadn’t seen her in person since the final and you desperately wanted to hug her.
“You asked me to” 
“I did but you weren’t sat in the seats I sent you tickets for and you’re injured so I thought that maybe you had to stay in Barcelona” 
“People saw me and it became a bit much so Leah invited me to watch the game with her in the box” 
“Does she know —“
“No. She assumed I was here to watch Lucy and Keira. I didn’t correct her” 
Here’s the thing. Nobody knew about you and Mary. The reason why things were so good between you was because there was no pressure to label it, no interference from your friends and no need to force anything. 
You saw the way her face dropped and you knew her well enough to know the reason why. 
“I’m wearing your shirt” you un tie your coat and pull your hoodie down revealing the green England shirt “they may think I’m here for my team mates but I’m here for you Mary” 
“You picked a bad game to come and watch” 
“Don’t. Don’t tell me it wasn’t my fault” 
“I wasn’t going to. I know better than to tell someone how to feel after a game” you grab her hand a pull her towards some seating where you pull her down next to you “What I was going to say is that moments like that are a tough pill to swallow but it was a mistake and the best players in the world make them” 
“I let the team and the fans down. I let my family and you down” 
You hated seeing Mary this distraught. She was normally so full of energy and confident. This wasn’t a side you were familiar with. 
“You didn’t. There are people in that room over there” you point the bar behind you “that are proud of you and as for me, well you could never let me down Mary. I swear to you” 
Mary couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face. In a moment when she was down, you managed to lift her up. When she feels you reassuringly rub her thigh she leans onto your shoulder. 
“You’re quite a big deal here Mary. I saw young girls wearing your shirt and many people wearing scarfs with your face on. I didn’t know you had a nickname” you took a pause as you try to remember what the green scarfs said. 
Mary sees you struggling to remember the fan given nickname so she helps you out. 
“Mary Queen of stops” her mumble is barely audible. 
“Queen of what?” You didn’t hear her. 
“Stops. The fans call me Mary Queen of stops” 
You only hum in response. Maybe you knew what the fans called her but she needed to hear it too. If for no other reason than to reinstate some confidence. 
When Mary stands she holds her hands out to help you up. You walk side by side but she stops before you get the door, far enough that you both are still out of side but close enough that her nerves are building.
“Will you take this off?” The keeper tugged at the drawstring on your hoodie.
“But it’s cold, no?” 
Mary felt ridiculous for suggesting it yet she didn’t want to give you her reason. As embarrassment flushed her cheeks, Mary’s gaze found every part of the room that wasn’t your face.
“It’s stupid, forget I said anything” 
She doesn’t wait for you to respond and instead walks towards the bar. She assumes that you are right behind her but it is only when she opens the door for you does she realise that you haven’t moved.
“Mary” with you stood rooted in place it leaves mary with no option other than to return to where she was mere seconds ago “Are you cold? Is that why you want me to take it off. Here, you can have it” without further question you give Mary the hoodie.
“I’m not cold. I want them to see you in my shirt. I want them to know that you came here to support me and that you still do”
“They will have questions”
“Let them ask, It doesn’t mean we have to answer them” Once again Mary leads you to the door put again she stops “Can I wear this?” She holds up your hoodie that she is still carrying.
You nod your head and the smile that appears on her face must be infectious because you are soon grinning ear to ear.
When you enter the bar you try your hardest not to attract any attention but Mary’s absence seems to have worried her team mates and her family because she is pulled away from you. 
You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t want to stand by yourself so you search for the three women who you actually know. Lucky for you the three of them are together with the addition of Jill, Beth and Viv.
“Nice shirt” Lucy nudges you.
“Was it a gift from our keeper or—“
“We swapped” you saw no harm and you hoped that telling the little truths might get you out of revealing the big ones.
You wasn’t really involved in the conversation taking place between the English and the Dutch. Something that Jana was quick to pick up on. You watched Mary from a distance as her parents pulled her into their arms, something you desperately wanted to do earlier. 
“Go see her. It’s why you’re here” Jana detaches herself from Jill’s hip to talk to you. 
“She’s with her family” you say just loud enough for the young defender to hear you. Whilst doing so you turn around so it isn’t obvious that the goalkeeper is the only person you are interested in. 
“She is but she is looking at you, oh she want your attention” 
Jana was telling the truth because when you turn back around Mary is calling you over. You shake your head, now wasn’t the time for her to introduce you to her parents. Mary on the other hand thought differently because before you can run away she is walking towards you, grabbing your hand and leaving you with no choice other than to follow her. 
“Mary, no”
“Y/N, yes” 
You suddenly felt nervous. Not necessarily for meeting her mum and dad but to find out how she would introduce you. It wasn’t a conversation you have had yet and you weren’t ready to hear that she didn’t feel the same way as you or even worse she felt nothing at all. 
“Mum, dad. This is Y/N, she is—“ 
“The woman that you won’t shut up about” 
Mary cheeks flushed red but she didn’t deny it, in fact she confirmed it. 
“It is, she is. She is also the reason why I was late” 
Her parent give you both a look, one which isn’t warranted. It does let you both know that they think something else happened and that is the reason for you both arriving later than everyone else. 
“We were talking” you were quick to correct their thoughts. 
“She calmed me down” Mary slightly squeezes your hand as a thank you. 
“Well Y/N, we know how hard on herself Mary is so thank you being there. As her parents it makes us very happy to know that she does let someone in and listens to them”
The woman in question simply listens to what her parents were telling you. Is that really what she had done? Had she let you in without realising? 
“She is a good person and she needs to learn that she cannot blame herself for what happens on the pitch” at this point you turn to Mary “We play a team sport. Win or lose, we do it as a team. She isn’t alone” 
You mean ever word you said. You spoke as a player who knew what Mary was feeling but the last part you said sincerely. As long as Mary wanted you around then she wouldn’t be alone, ever.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Mary asks.
You say goodbye to her parents and go to the emptiest spot at the bar. 
“I just met your parents” you cannot help but laugh a little.
“Was that ok? They wanted to meet you after I told them about you”
“What did you tell them?” You take a look around. You were surrounded by people, maybe a more private setting was best for the ‘what are we’ talk.
“That I met a girl in Australia. When I was at my lowest she showed up and got me to smile through my tears. Every day I look forward to talking to her, I wait for her texts and our FaceTimes are the best part of my day” 
You looked at Mary with a foreign feeling in your gut. You could compare it to butterflies but that didn’t seem like justice. When she moves forward to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear you don’t flinch. In fact you welcome to closeness.
“Carino, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to kiss you now” Mary’s tone is confident but the look on her face didn’t convey the same confidence.
“I won’t stop you but look around. People are —” The woman standing opposite knew exactly what you were going to say but she didn’t care. Her focus was on one thing; you. 
Everything with Mary has been new but the way she kissed you felt familiar, as if this wasn’t your first kiss. Your body was screaming for you to deepen the kiss, to strengthen the connection but you knew you would have to wait. Mary obviously faces the same conflict only she has given in to her desires. You have to push her away when you felt her tongue on your lips.
“Mary, we can’t do this here” 
“But I want to” 
She leans back in for more but only gets a peck on the lips.
Mary felt frustrated but she really couldn’t complain. She had been dreaming of kissing you for months now and every scenario she came up failed in comparison to the real thing.
“Will you come back to the hotel tonight? We don’t have to share a room. You can stay with Keira or Lucy” 
“I have a very early flight in the morning Mary” you wished you could stay but you needed to go home and you could not miss your flight.
“I know but please, I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet”
“I don’t want to either but I can’t” Mary’s head dipped in disappointment and it wasn’t a sight that you liked “Maybe I could spend a few hours there and then go back to my hotel”
“You have yourself a deal” Mary was happy to compromise.
Later on you went back to the hotel where the England team was staying. As imagined you were subject to a lengthy interrogation by her team mates. You answered most questions and then played the ‘I don’t understand the English’ card when you didn’t want to answer certain ones. You barely left Mary’s side the entire night which only made your departure worse. She was adamant on walking you to your car and you didn’t fight her on it.
“Thank you for coming tonight” Mary says as she opens your door for you.
“I had fun” you absentmindedly run your finger of your lips as you mind wanders to the multiple kisses you and Mary had throughout the night “I have come to London, now it’s your turn to come Barcelona”
It wasn’t a bad deal. The sun was shining in Barcelona, whereas it hasn’t been seen for days in London. 
“I’ll be there as soon as my schedule allows it” Mary hated that she couldn’t just hop on a plane and come see you.
This was the hard part. You and Mary could find time to text, call and FaceTime but in person visits were difficult due to your schedule and the year the two of you had. You were only able to visit because of your injury and as much as you knew you would miss Mary, you didn’t want her schedule to become clear for the same reason.
“Until then we will make it work. We have done so far and look where it has lead us”
“I certainly didn’t think my night would end with me kissing you”
“It hasn’t”
Mary leaned forward and quickly stole a kiss.
“It has now”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her antics. 
“I need to go now”
“I know. Call me when you get back to your hotel” 
Once in the car, Mary watches you drive away. There is a pain in her chest as she already misses your company. You do end up FaceTiming her that night although it is different now. Seeing her face on the screen was nice but it didn’t compare to being with her in person. Still, you enjoyed your night with her and on the other end of the line Mary was already planning her trip to Barcelona. If the two of you have learnt one thing that night it was that you both wanted each other and you were willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.
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adoredawn · 4 months
✧˖° — adventures in babysitting
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pairing: joe goldberg x fem! reader
type: imagine (1.6k+ words)
requested: no
summary: joe and love decide to get a babysitter for henry after dottie’s breakdown. who would’ve thought she'd spark joe's interest?
warning(s): one-sided pining (-ish). rushed plot / dialogue. no use of y/n.
note(s): not my gif. not my divider. this takes place during season 3! i’ve seen sooo little joe love on here, so i thought i’d write some! i haven’t written a full fledged fic in nearly 4 years, so please bear with me while i try to regain my skills. reblog & comment if you enjoyed it / want a part 2!
adoredawn’s masterlist
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“if you want to make some calls to any previous parents i’ve worked with, there are some cell numbers i can give you,” you said with a smile, looking between the husband and wife before you. you sat opposite them on a plush loveseat as they were side-by-side on their gray sofa adorned with decorative pillows.
“oh that doesn’t seem necessary, we’ve heard great things.” love grinned as she patted joe’s knee lovingly. “cary and sherry just could not recommend you enough!”
you giggled and shook your head, smoothening out your summer dress. “i did have my hands full with those twins, that week and a half was a wild one…”
there was an uncomfortable silence. the house was eerily quiet for a toddler to be living in it, though it was his nap time. your eyes drifted down to what trinkets littered their coffee table. coasters, a book on home décor, and toddler toy keys.
as you had walked in earlier, you noticed their home was eerily clean. a family portrait of the three was already hung in a hallway and other pictures were framed on bookshelves and end tables. their home was modern, yet vintage at the same time. it felt like a showroom, but one you could call home.
you could feel their eyes on you, studying you, as you gazed around their home.
joe cleared his throat and sat up straighter, love looked at him expectingly and you mimicked his movements, snapping out of your thoughts. “so… how soon can you start? how’s your schedule?”
you opened your mouth to answer, reaching beside you to grab your purse and look at the calendar on your phone, but a cry rang from upstairs.
love sighed, “sorry about that, i guess nap time’s over! i’ll go get him and we can introduce you.” she sprang up from her seat and made her way up the staircase, glancing back once to eye joe.
joe watched as his wife traveled up the stairs to soothe their toddler, and as he turned back to look at you, he caught your stare. you momentarily forgot what he had asked, flustered. “oh-uh, well i can start as soon as you need. i’m available all week really. i’m taking a break from school for a semester.”
joe seemed to perk up, and leaned forward, forearms resting on his thighs. “huh, what’re you studying?”
“education, with a focus on advanced literature in secondary education”
he licked his lips and you couldn’t help but watch. your hands balled into fists in your lap, crescent moons forming in your palms from your nails digging in.
“you enjoy reading?” his voice buzzed lowly with curiosity and you nodded softly.
“mhm, i plan on being a high school teacher or a professor once i graduate.” you paused, looking behind joe at the staircase, and wondering what was taking love so long. you shook your head slightly, focusing your attention back on joe, trying to remain cool. “do you read?”
“i do. i was a bookstore manager for some time.”
“really? that must’ve been fun-“
“here he is, say ‘hi’ henry!” love came down the stairs carrying henry on her hip. joe turned and watched them both come down, reaching for henry once love had sat beside him again.
you waved at little henry, and he barely paid you any mind, focusing on his mother and father. love turned him around to sit facing you, where you could see that his white pajama onesie was covered in blue moons and yellow stars.
“henry, say ‘hi,’ bubba!” love encouraged him, grabbing his arm to wave at you, causing you to smile and wave back. she looked up from him, to you, a serious look on her face. “do you want to hold him? he’s not very fussy around newer people.”
you hesitate, looking back and forth between love and joe, as if asking for permission, even though love has already granted it. meanwhile henry babbled, spitting drool over his onesie. “sure sure, i’ve got him,” you said confidently.
you stood and bent over the coffee table separating you from the couple, reaching for their toddler. as love passed him to you, henry giggled, flailing his legs and flapping his arms while he’s in the air, causing the three of you to also begin laughing.
you felt joe watching you as you held henry, and you tried your best not to return any glances, wanting to maintain your focus on henry.
you sat back on the loveseat, bouncing henry on your lap a few times. “hey, henry, how’re you doing, buddy? i’m gonna be your new babysitter.” you tell him your name, chanting it as you point at yourself a few times. he looks at you and smiles, grabbing at the bottom hem of your dress and tugging.
you couldn’t help but feel like you were being watched as you had henry in your lap. of course you were being watched, you told yourself. joe and love just wanted to make sure they would be leaving henry with someone who knew what they were doing. and you very much did.
after a few minutes of holding henry, he began to stretch his arms out, pleading to go back to his parents. you held him back safely as he whined and yearned to reach the other side of the coffee table.
joe grunted an “i got ‘im,” before he walked over to you and picked henry up off of your lap, his hands brushing yours. you felt a pang in your heart as you touched, but squeezed your eyes shut in an attempt to ignore it.
once joe got a hold of him, henry began to shriek. joe tried to calm him down, patting his back and rocking him side to side, but he didn’t let up. love quickly got up from her seat and took henry from joe, patting his back.
“it’s okay, forty, it’s okay, momma’s here…” love soothed him, and whispered “sorry!” she sat back on the couch, trying to calm him down.
joe ran a hand through his hair, frowned, and sighed. you watched him with a frown, and he caught your gaze, to which you stood and stuck out your hand. “it was really great to meet you you both.”
joe took your hand in his and shook, smiling softly at you. “it was nice meeting you, miss... i’ll walk you out.” you blushed lightly as he recalled your name and turned to love and squeezed her shoulder goodbye. she muttered a soft “bye” and you rubbed henry’s back and said bye to him as well.
joe kissed love on the cheek as she settled henry down and followed behind you. you reached for the doorknob, and joe followed suit, his fingers brushing against yours again. they lingered for a second, and you turned to look up at him as you retreated your hand.
he smiled gingerly as he grabbed hold of the knob and twisted the door open. you’re both greeted by the gorgeous california sun and birdsong and you take a step outside. you turned, expecting to say your final goodbyes, but joe followed you out.
“thank you, again, for coming out to see us and meet henry. i assume love already gave you our numbers?” he asked as he closed the door behind him. he leaned against the door frame with both hands in his pockets and quickly looked you up and down.
you nodded, “yeah, it was no problem. and she did. do you have mine?” you began pulling your phone out of your purse before joe spoke.
“yes, i can send you a text to make sure it’s the right one?”
before you could agree, joe pulled his phone out of his back pocket and began typing. soon enough, you heard a familiar ding! from inside your purse, and went to read the message:
Hello, you.
you smiled, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, “i’ve got it, thanks.” you turned away to leave before stopping abruptly. joe had already turned to leave as well, and faltered as you came back. “sorry, uh, i was just wondering when would i be starting?”
joe stuck his tongue in his cheek, in thought for a moment, and you took this time to fully drink him in. he had one hand in his pants pocket, the other rubbing his chin. his dark curls fell perfectly over his forehead, and you wanted to brush them away to get him to look deeply into your eyes. his gray sleeves hugged the curve of the muscles on his arms so right, that you nearly melted at the thought of being trapped in them.
you couldn’t be thinking like this, you scolded yourself. you'd never suddenly gotten this rush of feelings when meeting someone before. he’s happily married with a kid that you’ll be taking care of. get. it. together!
“how about monday? i’ll be home for a few hours, and i don’t think love would mind if i stay and show you henry’s schedule.”
you nodded eagerly, “absolutely, just let me know when to get here. thank you, again, for having me!” you waved goodbye as you trekked down their concrete walkway and to their white picket fence toward your car. you covered your eyes from the sun and once you made it to your car, you searched for and waved at joe from across the street.
joe waved to you and watched as you settled into your vehicle. he didn’t take his eyes off of you until your car had driven out of his sight, eager for the weekend to fly by and see you on monday.
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I don’t really pay much attention to the actors’ interviews but I would say I understand where Charlie Vickers is coming from when he says Sauron doesn’t love Galadriel, in the human meaning of the word (because he’s a God). I would also like to point out that, since the showrunners have established that Galadriel and Sauron’s connection will remain at the core of all 5 season of “Rings of Power”, Charlie probably doesn’t want to either spoil things or doesn’t know what the future holds for his character. Just leave him be, please. I know why journalists bombard him with “shipping” questions but it’s kind of tiring, I would be so done if I was him, too. Charlie is doing an amazing job bringing Sauron to life, he deserves all the awards.
With that being said, I don’t agree with the “Sauron isn’t capable of love” argument that gets thrown around a lot. I think this comes from a deep misunderstanding of his character; and Charlie understands Sauron very well, and that’s why I think he just doesn’t want to spoil things. Sauron/Mairon has the ability to love, like all other Maiar do. This is not lore-breaking at all.
Mairon was created by Eru as a Maia of Aulë, the Vala (God) of smithing and handiwork, yes. He was among the most powerful Maiar. Eru created him to be good and trustworthy, but also to love several things: crafting, creation, beauty, order and perfection, and to dislike wastefulness.
Melkor/Morgoth used Mairon’s love of order and perfection to corrupt him, and turned it into an obsession with domination, control and power. Morgoth corrupted his goodness and loyalty into evil and treachery (turning him into “the great deceiver”). His love of beauty corrupted into ugliness, by the breeding of the Orcs. Mairon’s greatest virtues became his downfall. Tolkien wrote about all of this.
And who better embodies the qualities of “beauty” and “perfection” than Galadriel herself? Her beauty is the stuff of legends, and everyone is at awe when they first meet her. Her very gold/silver hair inspired the most legendary jewels in existence: the Silmarils. The light of the Two Trees of Valinor shine on her hair and eyes. How could Sauron/Mairon not love her? That’s the question. She’s the materialization, the physical form, of everything he was designed to love.
Which explains this expression over here, when he first lays eyes on her:
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Galadriel represents the redemption Mairon/Sauron seeks and wants (but cannot have), after Morgoth’s defeat. His desire to heal Middle-earth from Morgoth’s work and his love for Galadriel are intertwined, and one of the same. Whenever he gets compared to Morgoth, it triggers him; it’s a reminder that both redemption and Galadriel are out of his reach.
However, since Mairon was corrupted by Morgoth, his love is also corrupted. I’ve said this many times, already. This is the dark side of love. Obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, insatiable lust, suffering, heartbreak, and hatred blend in the midst. And this is why I think he fell in love with her when he was on his “repentant era”, because we saw the contrast between S1 and S2.
And we saw many of this play out in both S1 and S2, already. His reaction to her rejection of him (the need to punish her)? Him obsessing over her, stalking her from afar. Him being possessive to the point of actually forcing them to bind together because he wants her at any cost? And this will probably only get darker from here on, as Sauron goes deeper into evil.
There is no fluff here (that was S1). The doves are, truly, dead, moving forward.
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agendabymooner · 10 months
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summary: toto shows his appreciation for his pregnant wife. (part two-ish of something intoxicating)
💌 re:moony's planner request: "reader actually getting pregnant after toto fucked her out after a long neglect and him being really exited for this chapter in their life."
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), use of explicit language, insecurities, pregnant!reader, body worship, breeding/impregnation kink, creampie, i did not proofread this lol
note: i am not sure if this was meant to be a fluff or a smut request so i decided to 🤷‍♀️ make it a smut 🤷‍♀️ enjoy xx (also! please don't hesitate to give me your opinion!!!)
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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he didn’t think that she could get any sexier than she was before. but alas. 
here she was: her figure, her sweet sweet figure, had a small protrusion on her stomach that indicated a sign of life within her. she was the most attractive woman to have ever existed, and, when they learned that they were expecting, there was a growing sense of protection and primal desire within toto that he couldn’t even explain.
he couldn’t help it; his cock wouldn’t stop from making itself hard after looking at her body. she was growing a life, for fucks sake— and she was doing so in the most amazing way possible. it was making toto hornier than usual. 
but she wasn’t aware of it. in fact, she often voiced out how her skin continued to stretch and showed marks as the baby progressively grew.
her insecurities, ones that continued to grow as much as her baby did, were something she hid away from toto. she didn’t want to make them a big deal considering that he was already stressed enough during this season.
she often spoke to lewis’ physiologist, angela, about this kind of matter and hadn’t approached anyone else as she continued to spend her time at the paddock. if anyone else knew— they’d immediately tell toto. that would mean that she was burdening her husband with this matter. 
toto hadn’t meant to walk in the conversation, but he couldn’t find himself to refrain from listening when she and angela spoke while in the garage.
“the baby’s growing real fast,” angela told the woman with fascination, “i reckon he’d have long legs like his daddy.”
and instead of offering a happy laugh, the woman let out a small pitiful chuckle as angela then asked, “oh no. don’t tell me—?”
toto’s wife sighed, “i dunno. i’m supposed to be happy— and i am! ‘s just—“ she placed her hand over the stomach and rubbed the bulge soothingly. she continued, “i don’t feel like this is me. my body— dunno. it’s silly, don’t you think?” 
“it’s not,” angela reassured the woman. “it’s normal to feel that way. you have to understand that your body is growing a baby and that they require a little more space than food usually does.” 
“i shouldn’t feel bad,” the woman said with a solemn smile, “i’m very excited, really. this is my first kid— this is toto’s first kid. but at the same time i feel like i’d lose his attention the moment this kid pops out and i don’t have the body i used to—“
“hey, hey!” angela gave the woman a warning look, “enough with that. you look absolutely divine— toto would be stupid if he doesn’t appreciate your body and what it’s doing for his son.” 
toto stood behind the door and continued listening. he wasn’t sure if he was upset at his wife for not coming to him sooner to talk about her feelings. but he was certain that he was upset at her for thinking that she wasn’t worth being appreciated because of her body. 
he had to do something. he could still do something as a loving and appreciative partner while she did all the hard work. 
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and that’s what he did. he couldn’t help himself when she came out of the bathroom with nothing but a slip dress on that night. the way her silk nightwear accentuated her curves made toto’s cock twitch in his trousers. 
he couldn’t help but sink down to devour every part of her. at first, she wondered what prompted him to act like this— to act so… primal and overly worshipful. but as soon as his mouth attached itself to her tender skin and fragile figure she was long gone, a gasp escaping her lips while she begged for him.
and who was he to deny his pretty, fragile wife? he would be damned if he hadn’t done anything to make her feel loved— he’d give her the world, should she demand it. 
she whimpered quietly as toto thrusted into her cunt gently, her eyes close to tearing up because of how toto treated her like she’s bound to break at some point. 
his hands travelled down her body as he groaned softly, rhythms of his hips slapping against hers were adagio as toto’s thumbs played with her stiff nipples. he hummed, “so eine hübsche frau.” such a pretty wife.
“you should see yourself, schatz,” he growled, his cock bottoming out in her as she let out a loud moan. “you’re growing my baby— our baby. haven’t seen something so beautiful before. fuuuck~ you are so sexy, it makes me want to fuck more babies into you.”
she sobbed desperately, “ngh~ i- toto.” her heels dug into his hips harder as she lifted her hips up to meet his halfway through. “want you.”
“‘m here, liebling,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead as his pace turned up to presto as they both let out endless sounds of pleasure. the tip of his cock reaching her cervix as he began pounding into her relentlessly.
“please fuck me harder,” she begged. “wan’ you to fuck me.”
“i will,” he shushed her, “but i can’t help it. this body of yours- fuck- makes me want to take it slower. you’re so beautiful like this- all pregnant with my baby.” he nipped on her tits as he hummed in satisfaction.
“makes me want to give you more after this one comes out,” he said darkly, kissing her hard as he began to fuck her harder. “gonna give you more and make sure these tits are full of milk.”
“mm, fuck- toto~” she cried out, feeling too overwhelmed by the pleasure and excitement she had gotten out of his words and his actions. 
her cunt clenched around his cock as he chuckled sweetly and said, “oh? you want more kids then? you want to be my pregnant little wife full of my babies?” 
she only nodded frantically. toto continued to fuck her until a loud strangled noise escaped her lips.
“o- oh, fuck. ‘m cumming,” she announced, holding him closer as his thrusts became harder and faster as they both reached their highs. 
“god— fucking hell, schatz,” he muttered hastily, groaning deeply in her ear as he said, “i’m gonna cum. where do you want me?”
“i- inside, toto- fuck!” she cried out, her body shaking as her walls throbbed around him. “cum inside me, please!”
toto’s hips stuttered for a brief moment as he let out a groan, shooting his cum inside her cunt as he thrusted slowly before stilling.
with a breathless sigh, he slowly pulled out of her and watched his cum escape her hole and drip down the mattress beneath her. he looked at her fucked out face lovingly as he gave her another kiss. 
god she really was fucking divine. he wouldn’t be surprised if she was pregnant again shortly after giving birth to their firstborn. 
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1 @savrose129
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ashwhowrites · 11 months
Eddie Munson x reader, maybe they're best friends and have feelings for each other but they don't confess their feelings. Christmas is near, so reader wants to take to opportunity and make a move, maybe she wears cute but sexy clothes and Eddie's in awe, and when they want to exchange presents reader's like I'm your present or smth like that (basically idiots in love, fluff to smut? Please!!)
Merry Christmas season! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3 🎄
His gift
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Y/N kept her feelings for Eddie hidden for years. It seemed like there was never a moment where she could tell if Eddie felt the same. She was scared to lose him and wanted the reassurance that he felt the same. But he was impossible to read. He only got excited about music and his campaign. Those were the only two things she could tell he loved.
The Christmas season was bittersweet. She loved the lights, the activities, the music, and the traditions. But she couldn't help but hate how romantic it was. She imagined Eddie and her in every couple that she walked across. She rolled her eyes at the couples skating together and cuddled close to the fire. She wanted that and she wanted it with Eddie.
Eddie was used to girls not looking in his direction and he was used to liking girls way out of his league. When he realized he was in love with his best friend, he knew it would never work. She was too good for him and she would never settle down with a lowlife. She wanted the big house and all the kids. He'd never be that guy who can give that. So he figured he'd never try, that way he'd never get hurt.
Y/N was too scared to admit how she felt until she was seconds away from losing him.
Last night, his band performed in some tiny towns a few miles out. As always, she joined the band to support. But she also got a front row to her nightmares. A tall blonde flirting her way into Eddie's mouth. She felt so much relief when Eddie pushed her aside, but what if he did kiss her? Would he have fallen in love with her? Y/N barely dodged the bullet.
Eddie was already coming over to exchange Christmas gifts, and she decided tonight was the night. She wasn't coming close to losing him again without a fight.
She knew she was testing the waters. She thought of sitting him down and telling him how she felt, but Eddie wasn't good with feelings. He always loved to perform his thoughts and feelings, she was going to do the same. She was going to show her feelings for him in a way he'd understand.
And a way he couldn't ignore.
She paced in her empty house while she waited for him to arrive. She had the house to herself for the weekend and Eddie offered to stay. She just hoped she wouldn't run him out the door.
He arrived with gifts in one hand and his sleepover bag in the other. A bright smile on his face and a silly Santa hat.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" he cheered, Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile at the cheeriness he brought. How could she not fall in love with him?
He sat on her couch, the hat on his head as he held the gift in his lap. He eyed the shortness of her robe as she walked over. He was happy her gift was in his lap and hiding his obvious hardness.
He gulped as she grabbed the gift off his lap, a tiny smirk on her face as she saw the tent in his flannel pajama pants.
"Mr. Claus, I have a fear I'm on the naughty list." She said, planting herself slowly on his lap. She flicked the tiny puff ball at the end of his hat. The awe on Eddie's face caused her to giggle. But then she quickly tried to recover. But Eddie couldn't stop the smile that stretched on his lips.
"And why's that?" He asked, playing along as he slowly rubbed her thighs. His heart was racing and his palms were sweaty. He almost felt like he was having a wet dream and would wake up with a wet spot in his boxers.
But she didn't answer, she looked deep into his eyes as she undid her robe. The material fell off her shoulders and landed softly on the floor. Her hands yanked off his hat.
"Jesus Christ," Eddie said in awe, his voice hidden in the back of his throat. He tried to swallow his spit to get rid of the dryness in his throat. He looked into her eyes before trailing down. His eyes took in her breasts which popped out perfectly in the red bra she wore. Small white fluff material trailed over the top, matching how a Santa suit would look. Underneath the bra, slightly above her stomach was a bow that wrapped all around her. Eddie wanted to yank on it with his teeth and watch her unwrap. Her panties matched the bra.
"Nope, definitely the good list in Mr. Claus book," Eddie said, his heart skipped a few beats as she laughed.
"Shh! You're ruining my material!" She teased, she worried that the whole Christmas gimmick would be mocked. But she couldn't help but love that he was having fun with it. That it wasn't all serious, and they could laugh and smile in the middle of it all.
"Sorry!" Eddie apologized, his hands moving up to her hips. Slowly moving her body against his. He sighed in relief as her body rubbed against his cock inside his pajamas.
"What's the next line?" He choked out, he continued to move her hips, her body following along as she moved on his lap.
"How can I get myself on the good list?" She pouted out her lip and Eddie swore he was that close to creaming his pants.
"I've got many ideas," Eddie whined, his head thrown back as she moved her hips faster. Her lips attach to his neck. Her soft lips marked his neck as she trailed up to his jaw.
As she moved closer to his lips, he moved his head back to its original position. Both stared at each other as her hips froze. She flicked her eyes down to his lips. Her plan was working, but she was terrified to seal the deal. His lips were right there.
But Eddie didn't give her the choice. His hand grabbed the back of her head and brought her lips to his. She moaned the second she felt his lips against hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he wrapped his free arm around her waist. His lips were still attached to hers as he turned them around. Her back was against the couch as he settled on top of her.
He moved his hand that was on her head to hold himself up, making sure not to crush her. Not that she'd notice, she was locked in on his lips and how amazing they felt.
Once they needed air, they pulled away. Eddie panted above her, he felt electricity in his fingertips and his whole body buzzed.
"I've always wanted to do that." Eddie said, a smile on his face.
Y/N tried to say something but her brain melted. She was in awe of the way he looked so handsome on top of her. His lips were red and used. Because of her.
"Mhhm too." She said, her eyes were heavy with lust as she watched him. Eddie backed up a bit, his torso coming into view as he took off his shirt. Y/N felt herself clench her thighs, embarrassment traveling through her body when she realized his knee was between them. A huge smirk on his face as he felt her thighs squeeze his knee.
"May I?" He asked, his fingertips touched the top of her panties. His touch left goosebumps on her skin.
"Please." She whined, her head spinning as he slowly trailed her panties down her legs, throwing them to the floor. He quickly yanked off his pants, he didn't bother to take off his boxers, just taking his cock out.
"Condom?" He panted, his hand slowly pumped himself and Y/N couldn't help but whine at the sight. But she planned for this so she reached behind her, yanking the condom out of the couch cushions. Eddie laughed as she proudly handed it over.
"Planned it all, huh?" He teased, he placed the condom on, hissing as his cock twitched.
"Your present after all. I needed all the materials." She shrugged.
Eddie looked down at her thoughtfully as he pushed her thighs apart.
"Ready?" He asked, his tip slowly rubbing against her clit. He watched as her body twitched and her breathing picked up.
"Since like freshmen year." She admitted no time to be embarrassed to admit it. She wanted him and she got him.
But Eddie didn't judge, his dirty mind thought of her this way at the grade of seventh.
He leaned down and placed his lips on hers. He kissed her softly as he slowly pushed himself inside of her. Her hands gripped his biceps as he pushed himself further in. Her body clenched around him, he continued to kiss her lips. One hand on his cock to help push in and the other rubbed her hip. His thumb rubbed her skin softly. He felt her body relax, giving him the chance to push himself in.
She whined, her lips stopped moving as her body melted into the couch. He moved his lips away but kept his face close to hers. He watched every movement on her face as he thrust inside of her.
The way her eyes scrunched. The way her teeth bit down on her bottom lip. Her nails scratched his bicep as he sped up. She was a sight to see and he prayed no one saw her this way.
"Don't wanna kill the moment," Eddie said through harsh breaths, "but I'm so fucking close already." She felt amazing, looked amazing, smelled amazing and his body couldn't handle it long.
"Clit." She whined, she grabbed his hand, and moved it down to her cunt. Eddie took the hint, rubbing her clit in fast circles as he continued to thrust into her. Her breathing picked up and her moans got louder.
"Gonna!" Eddie warned, and seconds later his cum filled the condom. Y/N whined loudly as she felt the warmness of his cum inside of her. He tried to thrust throughout his orgasm, trying his best to keep thrusting for her pleasure but the sensitivity made him shiver.
"Please cum for me, gorgeous." He pleaded, his fingers still working on her clit as he slipped himself out of her. She whined at the loss of his cock but he was quick to replace it with his fingers.
His fingers worked inside of her, and his thumb rubbed her clit perfectly. He moved his head up to kiss her softly. His lips against hers as he whispered, "I love you"
She wasn't sure if it was the words alone, or the mix of it all together, but in seconds she felt her body snap, and a wonderful feeling washed over her body. Her body shook and her head flung back, Eddie's lips now on her neck.
"That's it, good fucking girl." He praised, his voice deep and low. She gasped as he worked her through her orgasm. It was the best thing she ever felt.
Once she softly smacked his hand, he pulled away. His eyes took in her cunt, the way it was soaked and pulsing.
He removed the condom, tying the top as he chucked it in the trash nearby. A mental note to throw out before her dad found it and murdered him.
He moved his eyes back to her, her eyes closed as tried to move. Eddie softly lay next to her, his arms wrapped around her.
"The best gift ever," Eddie said, a soft kiss on her shoulder as she giggled.
"I love you too." She said against his naked chest.
Y/N would like to see a girl try to hit on him now.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
could i request prompt 37 with Larissa x
We Want Who We Want ~Larissa Weems xFem CollegeAge!Reader ~Holiday Bingo
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Hi hi anon! Happy Holidays!!! Thank you for the request. I always love getting and writing them! This is my second Holiday Bingo for the 2023 season. This one is with the regal and elegant Larissa Weems. Enjoy! ❄️💋
Previous Bingo <—found here!
Holiday Bingo <—Here!!
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Prompt- Sky Resort/Winter Cabin
#37. Best Friend’s Mom troupe
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, age gap (all legal), mommy kink, kissing, grinding, fingering, thigh grinding, strap-on use, strap-fucking, multiple positions, teasing, semi-pda, flustering, light power play, light taunting, light overstimulation, implied future smut, implied eating out, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Thank you for having me, Mrs. Weems.”
You thanked the mom of your best friend as you got into the Weems’ car. They had invited you to their ski resort/winter cabin. You had been best friends with their daughter since grade school, and now you were both in college. You had been close to the whole family really, having been raised in the same neighborhood.
“Please Darling, call me Larissa.” Mrs. Weems insisted with her hypnotizing voice and her familiar smile.
Jesus… You had forgotten how much you enjoyed Mrs. Weems’ voice…
You blushed lightly and nodded.
“Of course, Larissa” you said, purposefully accentuating her name.
It was your first time seeing the Weems’ family since you went off to college last year. And so when they had found out that you were in town for winter break, the who family immediately invited you to come with to their winter resort.
And how could you refuse?
And so here you were, sitting in between your childhood bestie and her younger brother, in the back seat of Mrs. Weems’ white Volvo. The drive was a good ways away, as you were driving from Vermont to Whistler. But you didn’t mind.
The drive went by in a flash, and soon the car pulled up at the ski cabin. The time had flown by as you caught up with your bestie and her family. You talked about your college, she talked about hers, her brother talked sparsely about his school, Mr. Weems spoke a bit about his work, but by far the most capturing speaker was Mrs. Weems. Every time she spoke, the hours seemed to turn into minutes. You could listen to that woman talk for ages. And you happily egged her on to continue talking for majority of the drive. But like most things, they enjoyment seemed to fly by and come to an end.
“We are here…!!” Mrs. Weems exclaimed in an almost song-like expression, making you swoon lightly at her voice once more.
Everyone piled out of the car, and Mr. Weems immediately recruited your bestie’s brother to help him shovel the snow out of the driveway. Mrs. Weems Larissa delegated your best friend to grab the food stuffs and put it away in the kitchen.
“That leaves us, Darling. Would you mind helping me with the baggage…?” Larissa hummed in her low and musical tone.
These pet names tugged at your core far more than you remember them doing…
“I… of course, Mrs. Weems…!” You squeaked, a little intimidated by being alone with the tall blonde.
Larissa looked back at your and cocked her eyebrow at your expectantly.
“Oh Larissa-shit-Sorry right—!!” You exclaimed, your face getting red in embarrassment.
The woman’s eyes sparkled in a way that was new to you. She seemed amused… More than usual. She immediately smiled back at you when you corrected yourself.
“No worries, Dear.”
You blushed even more at the pet name, as you helped your best friend’s mom with the baggage. As you carried the luggage inside, your mouth dropped at the expansive and marvelous nature of the cabin.
This wasn’t a cabin… This was a fucking ski mansion.
Larissa chuckled lightly at your reaction.
“Let me show you around, Darling…” she hummed.
As you dropped off the baggage in each room, Larissa showed you the layout. The center of their ski resort was the common areas— kitchen, dining room, storage, living room, terrace, etc… Mr. Weems had the Northwest Wing, —This place had fucking wings—!!— The brother had the Southwest wing, and your bestie was in the Southeast wing. You dropped everyone’s bags off in each of their corresponding wings and rooms. Lastly, the Northeast wing was Larissa’s.
“The guest room that you will be staying in the Northeast wing right across from my private quarters.” Larissa informed you with a hum.
There was that sparkle in the woman’s eyes again…
“Thank you, Larissa…” you hummed right back.
Who were you to complain about being so close to such a goddess..??
You bit your lip lightly, as the woman smirked and opened your door, showing you into your room. Your eyes widened at the luxurious nature of the room, just as wealthy as the others… You placed your bags in the massive room.
And turned back to the woman. She seemed continually amused at your shock. Your gazes locked and your eyes gazed into Larissa’s for the moment. No words were spoken. You swore you caught the woman lick her lips, but part of you also swore that you imagined it. Neither of you backed down from the challenge of each other’s gaze.
Before you could think of it anymore, Suddenly you both heard Mr. Weems calling for everyone from the common space. The trance was broken and Larissa immediately swiveled towards the corridor and indicated for you to follow her back to the living room space.
You both met with the rest of the family in the living room, where Mr. Weems announced that he would be taking the children skying. He asked if you would be join them.
But before you could say anything, Larissa placed her hand on your waist and elegantly pulled you closer to her warm body. Your breathed hitched lightly at the physical closeness of the two of you. Your eyes widened and you looked to the side and up to the tall mother in anticipation.
“Actually, I will be needing her help in preparing for our holiday dinner. Plus, my Darling, I believe you don’t ski, isn’t that right…?” Larissa purred.
Her tone sounded… possessive…??
Now all eyes were on you. You gulped and locked eyes with Larissa, whose eye shored through your soul. All you could do was shake your head. She was still holding onto your waist. Your blush darkened.
“Excellent. Then it’s decided.” She exclaimed in her hypnotic tone, “You three go skying, while we prepare dinner.”
At the agreement of the rest of the family, Larissa let go of your waist. You could feel her hand burning into your clothes skin, and with that feeling suddenly gone, you instinctually let out a small whimper.
You desperately hoped that no one had caught it, and no one seemed to as no words about it were said. Mr. Weems and his children were busy running around to get their ski gear, as you just stood there frozen.
What has just happened…??
Suddenly you felt a hand against your back. You shivered through your entire body and looked up at Larissa as she guided you to the kitchen. She looks down at you with a knowing, darker smile. Before you knew it, the rest of the family had run out and left to hit the slopes before dark, leaving you alone with your mother’s best friend.
For the next few hours, Larissa had you complete menial tasks. Things such as dicing, mixing, chopping, and other cooking tasks. This wasn’t the problem.
The problem was the amount that this woman was affecting you… She was full on teasing and flirting with you. And it was fucking working.
All the pet names that she used… “Darling, would you be a doll and grab the tomato paste…?”, “That’s perfect, love. Just like that.”, “Oh Sweetheart, are you too short to reach that…?”
All the lingering touches on you… Her fingers lightly grazing across yours, Her hands squeezing your waist, her fingers tapping and running along your neck, her hands lightly massaging and lingering on your shoulders…
All the compliments she paid you unconditionally… “You look good in that, Darling…”, “You’re a natural, Love.”, “Such a good little sous-chef…”
It made you realize how much you like Larissa. And not just liked. But like like liked. The kind of like where by the time the family returned, you were day dreaming about the woman taking you against the counter… whispering filth in your ear… and making you forget everything but her.
But to be fair, you weren’t exactly being nice and fair to her either. You may have bent down a couple times in front of her after having “accidentally” dropped something… and you had no trouble purring out her name in every sentence you formed…
Then dinner came around, and you all sat down to eat. But Larissa didn’t relent. Sure, she was verbally less forward about her intentions, so that her family wouldn’t catch on. But her intentions were just as clear.
During dinner, Larissa had chosen to sit across from you. Throughout the meal, you felt her heeled foot graze up your leg, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin. You took deep breaths as your breathing threatened to become labored the higher up her heel dragged up your legs.
She gave your daggers stares every once in a while, and the woman wore a mischievous smirk the entire meal. You swore you’d get her back…
Finally, dinner ended and everyone began to retreat to their rooms. Larissa snagged you once more to help her clean up the dishes. As you were washing the dirty dishes, the woman came up behind you, placing her lips on the shell of your ear.
“Meet me in my room once you’ve changed and are ready for bed…” She huskily whispered.
Shivers went through your spine and directly to your core. You nodded and didn’t say another word. Once the dishes were done, you raced to your room. You quickly stripped your clothes and hoped in the shower, desperate to wash off all the embarrassment and blush from your frame. After your shower, you went to put on your pajamas. On your bed when you returned from the shower, you found a set of silk pjs, a button down shirt and a pair of shorts. Along with the set, there was a note.
Wear these. Only these. ~Larissa <3
You gulped and nodded instinctively. You put on the pj set, and left your room, quietly creeping across the hall to Larissa’s room.
You knocked lightly, and the tall woman answered the door. She smiled lightly and opened the door slightly for you to slip in. She closed the door behind you.
“Have a seat, Darling.” She purred with a warm smile, indicating to the edge of the bed, “That set looks marvelous on you.”
“Thank you, Larissa…” you purred right back.
You sat on the edge of the bed, finally getting the courage to look at the woman. Your eyes widened as you saw Larissa. Her pinned back hair was completely unpinned, her blonde curls bouncing freely. She was wrapped up in a thin silver, silk coverup, that accentuated her curves perfectly. She still had somw makeup on, just her lipstick as far as you could tell. Her red, luscious lips… Your mouth went dry and you couldn’t help but stare.
“Cat got your tongue…?” Larissa teased, as she continued to elegantly stand right in your line of sight.
You gulped and blushed even more.
“I—Larissa. You look… really good…” you breathed out, your face tomato red with blush.
Larissa smirked and began to stalk slowly toward you. She stopped right in front of the edge of the bed. Her fingers delicate yet firm moved to cup your face, caressing your cheek. You instinctually leaned into the woman’s touch, closing your eyes and humming lightly in delight.
“I like my name on your tongue…”
Your eyes shot open at Larissa’s words. You gulped and looked up at her gaze. Her eyes were dark and shimmering like they were all day.
“I like it too…” you whispered in confession.
Larissa then leaned into your personal space, bringing her hot breath against your neck.
“Tell me if you want to stop, and I’ll stop, no questions asked, alright Darling…?” She breathed out.
“Yes. Don’t stop—” you let out in a gasp.
As soon as those words left your lips, Larissa mouth was on your neck, licking, sucking, and tasting your skin. You were sure that she would leave marks by the way she sucked, but you couldn’t care less right now. Larissa quickly found your sensitive spot. You craned your neck back and your eyes rolled back as your mouth opened in a silent scream.
“Ohhhhhh Larissa—” you breathily groaned.
Larissa hummed in delight at your groan. But she quickly pulled you away afterwards, making you whine.
“Tsk tsk, Darling, no whining.” She sternly told you.
Your eyes widened and you gulped.
“Sorry, Larissa”
Larissa smiled and nodded in understanding. She then picked you up with ease, making you yell lightly. She carried you back to the middle of the bed. You played on your back, propped up by your elbows, as you watched the older woman at the edge of the bed.
She began to teasingly remove her robe. You bit your lip and groaned.
“Please don’t tease…!” You pleaded with the woman.
Larissa chuckled and quickly removed her robe, revealing a crimson lingerie set.
“Alright, Darling…”
Larissa then crawled up the bed and came up on top of you. Both of your breathing were already labored. Your eyes locked once more. Before Larissa could do anything, you reached up with one hand, grabbing the woman’s neck and smashing your lips together. You groaned into the kiss. Larissa growled playfully, making quick work of grabbing your hands and holding them above your head.
“I’m in charge…” she purred darkly against your lips.
The kiss was heated and passionate. You could feel the years of built up need against the woman’s lips. Eventually, you bit had to pull away for air.
“Fuck. I’ve wanted to do that ever since high school…” you panted with a big shit eating grin spread across your face.
Larissa chuckled at your confession.
“I hear you, Darling… It took all of my restraint not to just take you in the kitchen earlier…”
Your mouth went dry and you bucked your hips up and groaned in response to her words.
“Yessss please Larissa…!”
“The walls are soundproof so if you want anything, you are going to have to scream and cry for it, Darling…” Larissa purred lustfully.
As she said this, she straddled your frame and began grinding her body against yours.
“Ohhhhhh fuck fuck” you panted, getting louder and louder, “please clothes—off Larissa—!!”
The woman still had your hands pinned above your head with the ease of one of her beautiful and manicured hands.
“Using your words, good girl…”
Shivers ran through your body at the praise, especially as you felt Larissa’s free fingers unbuttoning your pj shirt. You eyes fluttered open at this act and your mouth dropped at her unbuttoning your shirt one handed with ease.
Larissa met your gaze shortly as she continued to expose your chest.
“Not my first time, Darling…” she chuckled tauntingly.
“What, have you fucked your daughter’s best friend before?” You shot back.
As soon as the words had left your mouth, you gasped and you knew it had been a mistake. Larissa gaze met yours, staring you down. She chuckled again, but this one was darker and more wicked…
In one swift move, Larissa shifted you on top of her own lap, as she rested against the headboard of her bed. She placed you to where you straddled her one creamy thigh, and her hands were on your waist.
Your shirt was unbuttoned three quarters of the way. You gulped and looked towards the woman. She met your gaze with a smirk. The hands on your hips ground you down of her thigh, making your squeal in pleasurable stimulus. Your hips instinctually bucked against her thigh, desperate for the stimulus. The combination of her creamy thigh and the thin silk against your exposed cunt made you dizzy. Larissa continued to grind you against her thigh, not relenting. You bumped the woman’s thigh in needy desperation as she watched amusingly.
As your moans and yelps turned more incoherent, as you got wetter and wetter to the point of where you could combust any second, Larissa brought her lips against the shell of your ear.
“No, you are the only friend of my daughters who undresses me with your eyes and who acts a like a slut needing to be put in line…” Larissa darkly cooed.
“Ahhhhh mMmm fuck Larissa please—!!” You cried out breathily.
“What do you need, Darling…?” She teased.
“N-need… need to cum GOD please Larissa—!!!” You cried out, your body starting to shake from the stimulation.
Just as those words left your mouth, Larissa yanked you off her thigh, and dropped you in the spot of the bed in between her legs. You squeaked in dismay and response, almost ready to cry at how close you had been.
“No n-no Larissa please…” you immediately began to beg the woman.
Larissa simply shushed you, effectively silencing you. Her hand ran up and down your sensitive frame. You immediately leaned into her touch and purred in pleasure.
“Let’s make you purr properly…” she cooed lustfully.
Larissa then continued to removed your shirt, throwing it aside, and moving to your shorts, which were thrown aside just as easily. Her hands then positioned you to straddle her entire frame, exposing your cunt to the cold air and making you yelp lightly.
You then felt Larissa’s cold fingers cup your sex.
“Ahh ahhhhmmmm Larissa yessss please…!!”
Larissa smirked and slid two fingers into your cunt with ease.
“Darling, you are drenched.”
The words left the woman’s mouth with pride. You blushed but didn’t have it in your mind to respond, no you were too occupied, grabbing onto Larissa’s shoulders for support and desperately grinding against her hand.
“Yes yes yessss Larissa—” you hissed.
Her fingers pumped and curled inside you with ease and to no surprise to either of you.
“I’ve been working you up all day, hmmm love…? Making you such a needy girl…”
You nodded your head vigorously and groaned once more.
It didn’t take long before you were on the edge once more, and begging Larissa to let you cum.
“No, not yet.” She firmly told you.
You whimpered but nodded in understanding.
“What do you think my daughter, your best friend would think if she walked in on us…?” Larissa lustfully cooed.
Your eyes rolled back and you cried out at her words.
“Oh God No no no soooo bad—!!” You cried out, “please Larissa please need it need it so bad…!!!”
With that, Larissa pulled out of you completely.
“No fuck n-no!” You exclaimed and groaned loudly.
Larissa chuckled and firmly grabbed your cheeks, holding them together.
“Darling, You have no idea what you were getting yourself involved in… Are you still sure about this…?”
Suddenly a wave of confidence crashed over you, you lined yourself up with the woman’s clothed sex and ground yourself against her, making Larissa hiss out in pleasure.
“Give it to me, mommy… I can’t take it…” you whispered in the woman’s ear.
Suddenly, Larissa lunged you forward, flipping you back and on your back, as she towered over you and held you hands above your head once more, spreading you out like a starfish. She growled in your face, making you busk your hips up in desperation.
“Careful what you ask mommy for…”
You gulped and whimpered, still bucking your hips up for any kind of friction. Larissa then released you, and got off the bed. You immediately sat up in confusion.
“Get on all fours.” Larissa ordered, as she opened the side drawer of her bedside drawer.
You immediately did as you were told, getting on all fours so that you were facing the door. You heard Larissa shuffle to put something on, before joining you back on the bed, this time behind you.
“You want mommy to give it to you, Sweetheart…?”
Her tone dripped with lust. You gulped and nodded eagerly, wiggling your ass in the air.
“Yes yes yes mommy please—!!” You cried out.
Larissa came flush up against your behind, her strap-on dick gliding against your folds.
“Mommy’s applied generous lube on her dick, Baby… all ready to make you mine…” she growled.
Before you could respond, the woman was pushing her dick into your core.
“Ohhhhh ahhhh fuck fuck— Larissa!!” You cried out.
“Shhh, good girl… taking me so well, breathe, Darling…”
You took a deep breath, and then you could feel her dick all the way inside you, all the way to the hilt.
“Shiiiiiit…” your eyes rolled back, “More GOD MORE please mommy!!”
“Good girl.”
Larissa began rocking her hips back and forth, pulling her plastic dick in and out of you at a decent pace.
“Yes god Harder F-faster—!!!” You screamed desperately.
Your hands gripped the sheets beneath you like a vice.
“S-so close—-!! Larissa Mommy please…!!!” You screamed.
Larissa chuckled, and with one more hard thrust, you were coming on her dick. Hard. Screaming and panting.
But Larissa didn’t stop after that. No, she sped up. Tears began to fall down your face.
“F-fffuck Larissa god—!!” You screamed.
Before your mind could register anything, Larissa had flipped you back onto your back, fucking you into the mattress. Your mount opened in overwhelming pleasure.
As Larissa pounded into you and you could contain your screams, you suddenly lunged forward and smashed your lips into hers.
God were you definitely addicted to these lips…
Larissa full on moaned into the kiss, and she never relented in continuing to fuck you into her mattress. Not once. Your eyes rolled back and you screamed as your next orgasm overtook you.
Your whole body went limp after you came down from your high, and Larissa was quick to kindly help you down and off your high. She slowly pulled out of you, still a panting, limp mess. You collapsed on the bed, and Larissa was quick to throw the strap to the side and go into the bathroom to grab a warm washcloth, then coming up next to you.
“May I…?” She gently asked for permission to take care of you.
You nodded with your flushed face. Larissa hummed in satisfaction as she cleaned you up caringly. When she was done, she joined you on the bed, pulling you into her embrace.
You were beat and ready to fall asleep. You’d face the consequences of your actions tomorrow, you decided.
“Tomorrow, I’m going to get a proper taste of you, Darling…” Larissa hummed in your ear as she lazily ran her fingers through your hair, while you dozed off to sleep.
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if I can request mark grayson dating fem!reader who’s like raven from dc? Like powers and all that jazz? Also maybe can reader be mean-ish but has a huge soft spot for mark? And maybe since they’re both supers they just fly as a date? Hc’s please ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ (sorry if some of this doesn’t make sense 😭)
Hi! Yes! I love Raven! Thanks for the Request
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Raven! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: some spoilers from Invincible season 2(and MAYBE comics), Reader is like Raven, so it's kind of mean to everyone but eventually softs up, Reader has an HORRIBLE dad, comfort, Fluff.
It seems that the reader can never have it easy..
reader is the daughter between a human and a demonic entity, which precisely wanted to use her as a channel to other worlds.
Fortunately her mother was able to take her to a safe place to raise her.
reader was on the run with her mother for much of her life, learning magic, about her lineage, her powers, etc.
but at some point something went terribly wrong, related with her father.
It's something painful to remember, but after that the reader's mother...was gone. and she was alone.
reader fled from her father for years, jumping between dimensions and existential planes to evade him.
which obviously generated a lot of mental exhaustion.
But, when she was older, she finally managed to find a relatively safe place.
the earth.
a seemingly peaceful planet, advanced enough to survive, but not a wonder.
and it was infested with people with superpowers.
She would fit in well.
Or well, she would have done it if she had presented herself to the public, reader she dedicated herself to staying in the shadows, anonymous, lending a hand from time to time.
If there were problems and she was around, she would solve it.
and she was fine with that.
But she would be lying if she said she didn't crave the same thing that the hero teams had.
friends, camaraderie... family.
but it was dangerous. It was better to stay out of it.
so it was. until a certain person got in her way.
In fairness, Cecil probably already knew about the reader and tried to send a couple of agents to recognize if she was a possible threat, but they couldn't really find her after that.
Even Cecil himself had a hard time appearing to her, if that says anything.
so they simply issued a kind of bulletin regarding her, that she had magical abilities, that they didn't know if she was an ally or enemy, and that she could be potentially dangerous.
Thanks to this, the reader was even more anonymous than before, even ceasing to appear when the situation required it.
She just didn't want Cecil's attention or for them to think she was an enemy.
Reader spent much of my time hiding in Midnight city or meditating to kill time.
and it continued to appear every time Cecil's agents had a fight where there was a lot of destruction (almost all of them).
Although it was not until the Midnight City incident that the reader met one of them, Invincible in person.
Can you imagine that a reader can access the shadowverse? She was probably there when Mark and Darkwing were "fighting" and she, tired of having her meditation interrupted, simply told Mark that if he caught Darwing he would have to take him out.
and Mark appreciated the advice👍
When he left the Shadowverse and knocked out Darkwing, Reader simply went out to check that he was still alive.
Mark would recognize Reader from the previous encounters, they formally introduce themselves, but Reader leaves when Cecil reconnects with Mark. She says nothing personal, it's just for security.
After that Mark begins to try to include the reader the times he encounters her in battle, he has already seen her using magic, he knows he can help more.
Sometimes it works, and the reader ends up helping to fight certain guys like the environmental scientist, or even the bugs from Mars.
but there are other times where it backfires, where the reader ends up using her powers excessively and that shows a side...not very pleasant about herself.
like a small incident with a member of the lizard league who almost blinded her with a stratospheric device.
...and in return that member went almost crazy for a couple of weeks.
Mark knows that the reader has magic, not what he doesn't know is HOW she has magic, he just knows that it's not something she likes to talk about and it has something to do with her father (and God knows he empathizes with that).
So Mark tends to defend the reader a lot in these types of scenarios, starting a nice friendship between them.
The reader will be somewhat distant and even borde with the guardians of the globe, but Mark gives her a certain feeling of security, after all he does not see her as a threat, so she tends to be in a better mood when he is around.
(and it seems like everyone is aware of this except Mark himself😅).
Reader has joined Mark on patrol several times when she notices how balled up he gets after each fight, and she's really worried that he gets hurt so often, so she acts as an extra backup.
and somehow Mark can't help but be touched by this, aww the bad girl cares about me kind of feeling. Although of course, appreciate the support and concern.
Besides, have the opportunity to see the reader work? sign him the fuck up.
When Mark is away on "family business" (for lack of a better term) the reader is quite anxious to say the least, but tries to keep calm with meditation and doing heroic work.
Let's just say that Mark ends up influencing her to be more heroic on her own no matter what Cecil says about her :')
The reader tries to encourage Mark to open up about his trauma with his father (and more recently Armstron) even if it's not with words, simply by being there for each other.
It is MANDATORY that the reader knows Oliver, I am not making the rules (okay, MAYBE I am, but it's for plot sake), I find it funny because probably at first she would not know anything about how to handle a baby (much less an alien baby) but in reality she knows some tips for dealing with superpowers from a young age(thanks to her mom).
reader asleep with Oliver in her arms 🥺(RIP, Mark Sebastian Grayson, cause of death: excess tenderness).
Debbie probably knows the reader at first only because of the times Mark talks about her (as a very cool, intelligent, elegant, pretty girl...) and she definitely takes advantage of it when they meet formally 🤣
Mark totally dosen't wanna go to the other side of the world and SCREAM--
(reader being especially attached to Debbie because she reminds her of her own mother is my Roman empire).
If we look at the relationship as it is, it is quite nice and relaxed, a reader despite being half-borderline, she shows her best side when she is with Mark since in general he encourages her a lot.
Just as the reader supports Mark when his father comes back into his life, Mark supports the reader when her "father" tries to enter hers or bad times come back to haunt her.
They can definitely do bonding through daddy issues😅
The reader probably got quite used to reading in Mark's presence, before to help him with his studies/university in literature matters, and when he left the university simply to relax him a little. the reader's voice is very relaxing (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
and also in general it is nice to see the reader talk about things she likes like epic stories/poems, how certain magical writings work, etc. just nerding out and Mark listens.
(as the person who asked or asked the question said) there are days when they are both so exhausted by their jobs/problems that they want to be together in a quiet way, so they decide to have a flight, sometimes just flying over the city, other times they have reached reach other countries, sometimes they do races, etc.
Mark learns pretty quickly not to touch the reader's cool gadgets, one time he literally almost summoned the devil, NO JOKE.
I think the only gadget Mark can touch from the reader's collection is her cape, and it's pretty funny because it's too small for him🤣 and he tries to imitate Darkwing when he puts it on.
We all love silly guy Mark.
Mark lets himself be carried like a princess by reader, FIGHT ME--
Mark has probably wanted to at least learn the basics of magic with Reader, no, he doesn't want to use magic, he simply wants to learn to defend himself against it (especially after what happened with Armstrong) and he is surprisingly good at theory.
-"Are you sure you left university?"
-"Are you sure you never went to school?"
Yep, just like Mark influences the reader for the better, the reader ended up influencing Mark's humor😅 his sarcasm has evolved to unimaginable levels.
At least now Mark has less chance of dying now that he knows more about magic.
Honestly, the story could perfectly change a lot with a character like Raven because if Mark got lost she could simply look for him with her Chakra stone and bring him to earth with a portal.
Imagine being Mark, being super beaten up and READER coming out of a PORTAL to save your skin.
or even extend her power to other dimensions! (Raven can AND does it in some comics)
probably thanks to this Cecil is even more cautious with her and even hostile, which would open the gap even more between him and Mark (you can't expect Mark to accept that his partner goes with Cecil knowing that he will want to turn her into a weapon of mass destruction ).
very Sunshine(Mark) and Sunshine Protector(reader) dynamic.
overall a great pair honestly, they balance each other out really well and are ADORABLE together, I just hope their parents don't cause too many problems in the future..
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