#the sage and licorice are coming too
New species I’m getting this year!
Antennaria rosea (Rosy pussytoes)
Arisaema dracontium (Green dragon)
Asplenium scolopendrium (Hart’s tongue)
Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub)
Carex aurea (Golden sedge)
Claytonia virginica (Fairy spuds)
Echinacea pallida (Pale purple coneflower)
Equisetum hyemale (Scouring rush)
Iris setosa (Bristle-pointed iris)
Linnaea borealis (Twinflower)
Lonicera canadensis (Canadian fly honeysuckle)
Lonicera involucrata (Twinberry honeysuckle)
Osmunda claytoniana (Interrupted fern)
Passiflora incarnata (Maypop)
Pediomeleum esculentum/Psoralea esculenta (Breadroot)
Polystichum munitum (Western sword fern)
Triglochin maritma (Seaside arrowgrass)
Vaccinium macrocarpon (Large cranberry)
Viburnum acerifolium (Maple-leaved viburnum)
Viola pedata var. bicolor (Crowfoot violet)
Species I’m trying again this year after failed past attempt(s)!
Antennaria neglecta (Field pussytoes) Was planted in late summer and I was kept from watering it adequately.
Argentina anserina (Silverweed) No idea why they didn’t survive where I put them, but try, try again, elsewhere this time.
Artemisia frigida (Fringed sagebrush) First time ended up being white sage brush instead; second time plug was on its last legs on arrival, died soon after.
Chamaenerion angustifolium (Fireweed) Going to try this in yet another spot.
Dennstaedtia punctiloba (Hay-scented fern) Supposed to be aggressive! Mine was not. Maybe the one I get this year.
Dioscorea villosa (Wild yam) Planted the tuber but it never came up.
Glycyrrhiza lepidota (Wild licorice) Squirrels...Dug it up and broke the stem.
Lupinus polyphyllus (Big-leaf lupine) Leafed out nicely for its first and second year and then just didn’t come up again after its second winter.
Maianthemum racemosum (False Solomon’s seal) Squirrels! Dug it up and broke the stem.
Pteridium aquilinum latiusculum (Western bracken fern) I put it in a dry shady spot, as recommended, and it died.
Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed Susan) SQUIRRELS!!! Dug it up and while I was visiting home and it dried out. Couldn’t revive it.
Silene acaulis (Moss campion) Sunny, wet, amongst rocks. Check, check, check, but they keep dying on me.
Sisyrinchium montanum (Blue-eyed grass) Two places tried, two place died. I shall try a third place this year.
Viola pubescens (Downy yellow violet) FUCKING. SQUIRRELS. Dug it up while I was at work and left it to scorch and dry out in the sun. Couldn’t revive it.
Species I’m getting again because I’m fairly sure mine didn’t make it
Apocynum cannabinum (Hemp dogbane) It might not have gotten enough sunlight thanks to the white mulberry that grew over. I’ll try it in a different area.
Sagittaria latifolia (Duck potato) It may come up after all but I don’t want to take the chance of planting too late if it doesn’t.
Sparganium americanum (American bur-reed) Not sure why, but we’ll try again this year. And I may yet be surprised.
Symplocarpus foetidus (Skunk cabbage) It’s possible it’s just young and takes longer to come up than it would if it were more mature, but I don’t want to take chances since there’s only one place I can get them at.
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betteradvice · 12 days
Pregnancy and Makeup
Safe Use of Cosmetics During Pregnancy: What Every New Mom Should Know
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Pregnancy is a time of joy, anticipation, and, let’s face it, a fair share of concerns. As your body changes and you prepare for the arrival of your little one, you might find yourself questioning everything – including your beauty routine. Is that face cream still safe? Can you color your hair? What about that favorite lipstick? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Many pregnant women grapple with these questions, wanting to balance their desire to look and feel their best with the importance of their baby’s health. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of using cosmetics safely during pregnancy, covering everything from skincare to hair care and makeup.
1. The General Safety of Cosmetics During Pregnancy
Let’s start with some good news: most cosmetic products are safe to use while pregnant. In many countries, strict regulations ensure that cosmetics sold must be safe for use by the general population, including pregnant women. This means you can continue to enjoy many of your favorite beauty products without worry. However, it’s essential to remember that pregnancy can change how your body reacts to certain products. Your skin might become more sensitive, or you might develop allergies to ingredients that never bothered you before. This is why it’s crucial to:
Always read product labels carefully
Follow usage instructions precisely
Be aware of any specific warnings on labels
Perform patch tests before using new products
While the vast majority of cosmetics are safe, some ingredients are best avoided or used with caution during pregnancy.
2. Skincare Ingredients to Avoid During Pregnancy
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When it comes to skincare during pregnancy, knowledge is power. Here are some ingredients you should be cautious about:
Retinoids (Vitamin A derivatives)
Retinoids are celebrated for their anti-aging and acne-fighting properties. However, high doses of vitamin A have been linked to birth defects. While the amount in topical products is generally considered too low to cause harm, many doctors recommend avoiding retinoids during pregnancy as a precaution.Safer alternatives: Look for products with bakuchiol, a natural ingredient that offers similar benefits to retinoids but is considered safe for use during pregnancy.
This skin-lightening ingredient is often used to treat melasma and other forms of hyperpigmentation. However, it has a high absorption rate, which means it can enter your bloodstream and potentially affect your baby.Safer alternatives: Try products with vitamin C, kojic acid, or licorice extract for brightening effects.
High concentrations of salicylic acid
While the occasional use of products containing low concentrations of salicylic acid (like in face washes) is generally considered safe, high concentrations or frequent use of this ingredient should be avoided.Safer alternatives: For acne-prone skin, try products with glycolic acid or lactic acid instead.
Certain essential oils
While many essential oils are safe, some – like rosemary, jasmine, and clary sage – should be avoided during pregnancy as they can stimulate contractions.Safer alternatives: Lavender and chamomile are generally considered safe and can provide relaxation benefits.Remember, if you’re unsure about a product or ingredient, it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider. They can offer personalized advice based on your specific situation and health history.
3. A Safe Skincare Routine for Pregnancy
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Now that we’ve covered what to avoid, let’s talk about building a pregnancy-safe skincare routine. Here’s a basic routine that should work for most expectant mothers:
Cleansing: Use a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser to remove dirt and makeup without stripping your skin.
Toning (optional): If you like to use a toner, opt for alcohol-free formulas with soothing ingredients like chamomile or aloe vera.
Serum (optional): Look for serums with pregnancy-safe ingredients like hyaluronic acid for hydration or niacinamide for brightening and oil control.
Moisturizing: Choose a nourishing moisturizer suitable for your skin type. Many women find their skin becomes drier during pregnancy, so you might need a richer cream than usual.
Sun Protection: This step is crucial! Pregnancy can make your skin more susceptible to sun damage and hyperpigmentation. Opt for a mineral-based sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the active ingredients.
Eye Cream (optional): If you’re concerned about under-eye circles or puffiness, a gentle eye cream can help. Look for ones with caffeine or vitamin K.
Remember, pregnancy can change your skin type, so be prepared to adjust your routine as needed. Some women who previously had oily skin might find it becomes dry, while others might experience pregnancy-related acne for the first time.
4. Hair Care and Coloring During Pregnancy
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Many expectant mothers worry about hair care, especially when it comes to coloring. The good news is that hair treatments are generally considered safe during pregnancy. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Hair Coloring
Most research suggests that the chemicals in hair dyes are not highly toxic and are safe to use during pregnancy. However, to err on the side of caution:
Wait until after the first trimester to color your hair
Opt for highlights or balayage, which minimize scalp contact
Choose ammonia-free or vegetable-based dyes
Ensure good ventilation when coloring your hair
Always perform a patch test 48 hours before coloring, even if you’ve used the product before
Other Hair Treatments
Perms and relaxers: These are generally considered safe, but the strong odors might cause nausea in some pregnant women.
Keratin treatments: It’s best to avoid these during pregnancy as they often contain formaldehyde.
General Hair Care
Shampoos and conditioners: Most are safe to use. If you’re concerned, opt for natural or organic products.
Hair sprays and mousses: These are generally safe, but try to use them in well-ventilated areas to avoid inhaling fumes.
5. Makeup and Cosmetic Procedures
For many women, makeup is an essential part of feeling put-together and confident. Happily, most makeup products are safe to use during pregnancy. However, here are a few things to consider:
Makeup Products
Foundation: Look for non-comedogenic formulas to avoid clogging pores, which can be more of an issue during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
Lipstick: Be aware that you might ingest small amounts of lipstick. Opt for natural or organic brands if you’re concerned.
Eye makeup: Replace products like mascara and eyeliner more frequently to avoid potential bacterial contamination.
Self-Tanning Products
The active ingredient in most self-tanners (dihydroxyacetone or DHA) is considered safe for topical use during pregnancy. However:
Avoid spray tans, as the effects of inhaling the product are unknown
Always perform a patch test first, as pregnancy can make your skin more sensitive
Cosmetic Procedures
Facials: Most basic facials are safe during pregnancy. However, avoid chemical peels or microdermabrasion.
LED light therapy: This is generally considered safe, but consult your healthcare provider first.
Botox and fillers: These are typically not recommended during pregnancy.
The Importance of Moderation and Natural Alternatives
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While we’ve established that most cosmetics are safe to use during pregnancy, it’s worth emphasizing that moderation is key. Your skin absorbs what you put on it, so it’s wise to be mindful of the total amount of products you’re using.If you’re looking to minimize your use of synthetic chemicals, there are many natural alternatives available:
Coconut oil can be a great moisturizer for both skin and hair
Aloe vera gel can soothe irritated skin
Cocoa butter is excellent for preventing stretch marks
Green tea can be used as a gentle toner
Remember, “natural” doesn’t always mean “safe for pregnancy,” so always check with your healthcare provider if you’re unsure.
Navigating the world of cosmetics during pregnancy doesn’t have to be stressful. By being informed about ingredients to avoid, establishing a safe skincare routine, and making mindful choices about hair care and makeup, you can continue to pamper yourself and feel beautiful throughout your pregnancy.Always remember that every pregnancy is unique, and what works for one woman might not be suitable for another. When in doubt, consult with your healthcare provider. They can offer personalized advice based on your individual health profile and pregnancy progression.Pregnancy is a special time, and you deserve to feel your best. With these guidelines in mind, you can enjoy your beauty routine with confidence, knowing you’re making safe choices for both you and your baby.
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elenasunshinemagazine · 8 months
How to feel comfortable in the autumn-winter season?
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Why is it important to change your diet and lifestyle in different periods of the year?
Because our body reacts to the changing seasons, whether we want it or not. Dry skin, sleep problems, joints, nervousness, stuffy nose, inertia, low metabolism are the body's reactions to the environment. All these symptoms are signs of a violation of the balance of the internal and external environment.
It is interesting that a healthy body strives to maintain this balance, since it feels the most resource-intensive state here. We intuitively change our behavior patterns from season to season, following changes in nature. So, in autumn and winter, we want to sleep more, eat hot and high-calorie food, spend time at home with our loved ones.
This is the time when we come to our senses, remember traditions and pay tribute to our ancestors. Active communication with loved ones and interesting people adds to our happiness. The brain receives positive signals from all sensory systems and produces the same endorphins.
Therefore, friendly gatherings in a pleasant company actively affect our mood. This behavior gives us health, supports the nervous and immune systems and saves energy.
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If we behave in this way in the summer, most likely we will get a blow to the energy sector. Nature itself gives energy and we actively spend it. The cold season, on the contrary, is a time of energy accumulation. This is peace, mental stability, enhanced nutrition of the body and spirit.
Our inner mood and positive thinking affect the body as a whole, with its immunity and diseases, and the psyche, with its mood. Therefore, an important skill of such thinking is to find positive moments in any situation.
What is important to remember in autumn and winter to preserve energy and health?
This is a time of change and sensitivity, the combination of which gives us mobility, creative mind, ease. Thus, the keys to good health are: nutrition, warmth, hydration, peace and grounding.
Food Stunt:
Proper balanced nutrition is the key to a good mood.
Eat more foods with the following flavors: sweet, sour and salty.
50% raw and 50% cooked food.
In the morning and during the day-a hot drink with lemon, ginger.
In the evening-a light soup. Do not eat too much at night!
Use baked vegetables in salads more often.
Soak the nuts and seeds to reduce their dryness.
Be sure to use warming spices and herbs every day.
Add ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne pepper to the smoothie.
Bright root vegetables: pumpkin, beetroot, carrot-will warm the body and give a feeling of inner warmth.
Eat in a relaxed atmosphere, at the table, and not on the run. Avoiding:
Bitter, tart and astringent tastes.
Dry and light food: chips, snacks, bars.
Cold drinks and food from the refrigerator.
Heavy and fatty foods
Stimulants: excess coffee, strong tea, as well as alcohol.
Fruits and berries.​ Fresh figs, plums, ripe bananas, grapes, apples and pears are better baked, cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, viburnum, rowan, hawthorn, rosehip.
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Vegetables.​ Potatoes , carrots, beets, onions, leeks, pumpkin, eggplant, turnips, sweet potatoes, zucchini, string beans, avocado, fennel, cauliflower, pepper, rutabaga, radish, garlic, various herbs, seasonal mushrooms.
Cereals. ​ Basmati rice, quinoa, amaranth, oats, millet, pearl barley, buckwheat.
Seeds. Seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia.
Fermented foods. Kimchi, sauerkraut, miso paste, apple and coconut vinegar
Legumes. Mash with rice (kichari) or red lentils (a little), tofu, hummus.
Oils. ​ Ideal — ghee, sesame, almond. Sometimes coconut.
Herbs. Licorice, chamomile, basil, cilantro, sage, tarragon, thyme.
Spices. Fennel, black pepper, coriander, cinnamon, cloves, anise, cumin, cumin, licorice powder, asafoetida, turmeric, fresh ginger root, mustard, nutmeg.
Drinks. Ginger tea, licorice root tea, warm water with lemon, rosehip infusion warming teas, berry teas (sea buckthorn, lingonberry, cranberry). You can also use spices for tea: cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, cumin, fennel.
Natural sweeteners. Stevia, dates, organic honey.
Nuts. almonds, walnuts, slightly salted salted pistachios, pecans, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds.
Keep your body warm, avoid hypothermia and wind. Warming baths with ginger powder and soda, sauna, steam room, hammam. In addition, the body produces hormones of happiness and joy – endorphins during active training. Well, running for happiness?
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Warming oil massage. The massaging movements themselves ground and soothe an anxious mind, moisturize joints and soothe sensitive digestion. Before going to bed, do a self-massage with warm sesame oil or at least spread warm oil on your feet. You can also do a facial massage with almond oil.
Movement. Do not miss the morning exercise: it will warm up the body, prepare the systems for work and add cheerfulness. Cardio: running, cycling, swimming, trampolining, dancing, aerobics, walking.
Yoga. Active yoga is good without overexertion (complexes of medium length).
Meditations of all kinds. Take some time to be alone with yourself, breathe and enjoy. Concentration on the breath calms thoughts, regulates feelings. Just 2-5 minutes – and you feel more balanced.
Aromatherapy. Use sweet, heavy and warm oils: basil, cinnamon, citrus, clove, frankincense, lavender, pine, sage, vanilla, nerol, jasmine. Oils can be used to flavor the air in the house, as well as to lubricate body parts. If this is a concentrated essential oil, then it should be diluted with some basic one, otherwise you can get a burn.
Daily routine, regime, planning. Start waking up, going to bed, exercising and eating at the same time.
More bright and saturated tones. Creating a warming atmosphere.​ Wear cozy clothes in warm colors-red, orange, yellow. In the same colors, it is desirable (if possible) to choose the tone of the apartment and workplace. Gray and brown colors can be used, but deep black is best avoided.
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Comfort and peace. The day becomes shorter, and your energy level decreases. This is natural. We resist because we are surrounded by a society that is hungry for stimulation and action. Try to spend the afternoon in peace, or at least some time before going to bed.
If you have trouble sleeping, reduce your contacts with gadgets two hours before lights out. But there should be more hugs and caring touches in autumn and winter.
When you wake up in the morning, wash your face, do exercises and have a delicious and healthy breakfast. Arrange a meeting with friends on the weekend, plan a trip to the gym, buy a plane ticket, if there is such an opportunity. Play your favorite song on the guitar, and when leaving the house, hug your loved one and wish him a good day, take an umbrella and smile at the rain.
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whiskeynovember · 1 year
gee, what did you do today?
i did a big chop of the tomatoes. they were becoming too much to handle. i could very well do a little more pruning, but I'm finished with them for the day.
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took the forks out of the serrano pepper area and came to terms with the fact that they will NOT grow. i don't know why they did so well the first time around, even though they died after sprouting because of those fucking cutworms.
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imagine all the happy, healthy plants I'd have if critters didn't get to them...
*my poor honey melon sage is toast. nice roots... but toast.*
moved the sage, mint, and lime balm to bigger pots. moved the holy basil to a slightly larger pot as well.
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a very small Korean mint seed is sprouting. the Korean mint that the fucking 🐛 got to isn't doing so bad so far, but I have a feeling I'm gonna see a decline later.
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lemon balm is stable, and the licorice sage is doing fantastic.
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found a worm on the Cucamelon. 🙄
the poha berries are doing excellent. pineberries are hit or miss. lots of long beans. the dill seems to want to grow everywhere ORHER than the pot.
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I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I can only do so much. it's a learning experience and not everything's meant to work out.
oh, the only marigold growing roots is the orange red one. the yellow and orange are just kinda dying.
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... 😔
it's whatever, honestly.
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The tomatoes are moving to the new house today
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Some Sweet and Spicy for @meowsaidmissy featuring Papa III x Reader
Also check out this and my other work on AO3!
Among the Flowers
-Definitely NSFW below
You walked as far as you could away from the Abbey, wearing your blush-hued puffed sleeved dress, high waisted and adorned with a delicate edge of lace and ribbon–one of his favorites. It was perfect for a warm spring day like this and best of all it reminded you of him. When you finally made it to your destination, you slumped down in the middle of the field of flowers. The wind swept through them in waves around you. The scent of licorice and sweetness from the moonshine yarrow and purple cornflower thick in the air.
It had been a rough day at the Abbey and you needed peace. Nothing in particular had happened to upset you, but the flower fields were a place you felt most yourself while he was away. Your lover was off on tour and you were ever so upset with Sister Imperator for keeping you behind. Distraction, I'm not that much of a distraction, you huffed while closing your eyes under the warmth of the sun.
A bit of wetness from tears began to emerge from behind your closed lids, as you finally gave way to your sadness. You longed for his touch, the taste of his mouth, and the feel of him inside you. The weeks and months since he’d left had you yearning more than ever, becoming more painful as time passed.
The sounds of the chirping birds and Primo yelling at the rabbits for eating his sage, once again, became a low hum to your thoughts of him. Suddenly you hear stirring, the sounds of the flowers being disturbed by someone drawing near.. The surprise made you spring up, flower petals flying in all directions as you did. You rubbed your eyes because what you saw in front of you must surely be a dream, maybe you'd fallen asleep in the field?
Staring back at you was Terzo, your lover. He was dressed in a black suit and a purple tie, his hair slicked back from his face. "What troubles you, fiore mio?" he asked you. Hearing his voice made you sure of it, he was really there. You immediately ran to him, embracing him fully. Terzo pushed back a bit at the force of your hug, but then encased you in his arms, holding you close enough to hear his heartbeat–syncing with yours.
"I missed you so much." you sniffled, nudging your head into the space between his neck and shoulder–taking in the familiar scent of his cologne.
"I missed you too sorella. I needed to come home. Being without you…it was too much..."
"So your home now, for good?" you asked, praying to Lucifer he would not leave again. Terzo pulled your chin up delicately, raising your gaze to meet his eyes. He smiled sweetly at you, watching you shed tears for him.
"I am sorry amore mio, I will need to return. The tour is not over yet, but after this time I promise I will never leave you again." he explained as you nodded in acceptance, after all what choice did you have? Terzo traced his finger tip along your bottom lip, looking over your body with love and lust in his eyes. "You know what it does to me when you wear this dress. How easily I can just…" he started as his hand traveled down your dress and then up under it.
“Ah…" you moaned, as Terzo pushed your panties to the side so he could let his hand slide past your wet folds to the warm spot inside you he had been craving to fill. His mouth gently pressing into yours, him pulling back for a moment to speak–you, already breathless from his touch.
"Yes, that's it…good girl sorella. Show your Papa just how badly you missed him–missed his touch." Terzo hummed into your ear, kissing along the line of your neck as he worked his fingers inside of you. You felt your body completely melt at his touch, coming undone so easily as it always had when you lay within his arms..
"Oh Terzo–Papa, I need you." you cried, as he brought his thumb across the bud of your swollen clit, still teasing your folds with his fingers–covered in your slick.
"I have been thinking about sinking my cock inside you all day sorella. Your perfect cunt wet and waiting for me–and here we are." Terzo groaned, his fingers leaving you to hastily undo his pants. He needed to be inside you just as much as you'd been aching for him. Terzo motioned for you to lay back in the flowers and he dropped to his knees hovering over you. You caught sight of his cock, it was hard and glistening with your slick from want was still on his hand used to ready himself.
Terzo pulled up the length of your dress to your waist, revealing your soaked panties to him. He licked his lips and cocked an eyebrow at you, his intentions worn plainly in his expression. “I am going to reward you for your dedication to me tesoro, I will give you all of me, would you like that?” he asked, praising your affections for him.
“Yes, Papa…please take me.” you mewled, widening the space between your legs for him.
“Very good, that’s my girl. I crave you, mia bella dea. I swear your beauty makes these flowers jealous.” he said, as he trapped your lips with his. He moved his tongue between them, finding your tongue waiting. The two of them, dancing together in lustiful competition.
Terzo slipped off your panties, painfully slow as he made a space for him between your thighs, staring down at your wet cunt. You were clearly aching for him to come inside. He wasted no time in running his cock through the slick along the length of your foldst. The feel of him against you, teasing and making you mad with desire. He then pushed through your entrance, your cunt reconforming to his cock as he got diligently deeper inside.
You took him fully to the hilt and Terzo let out a deep growl. “Oh sweet Satanas, you feel so good around me sorella… made perfectly to fit your Papa.” Terzo said, his breathing labored and his mouth hung open. He thrusted gently at first, his pace gaining speed and intention, as he began to lose himself in the feeling of you surrounding him on all sides. You wrapped your legs tightly around him, pressing your calves hard into his back, not wanting him to leave you for a second. Both of you feeling that synchronized heartbeat thumping away inside–such sweet ecstasy.
With each movement of his cock inside you, you writhed and moaned. He was pressing right on the spot that made you see stars, and how incredible it was to see them during such a bright spring day. He grabbed onto your hips, his fingers pressing deeply into your soft flesh. Pushing himself in as deep as he could get, driving you absolutely crazy as he moved in and out. It wasn’t long before the warmth from inside you was too much for him. After having abstained without you for so long, he could barely contain himself.
“Mmm…sorella, I am not going to last long, tell your Papa what you want. Tell me you want me to cum inside you.” he whined, holding off his release–but just barely.
“Yes Papa, I gonna cum too, cum with me, inside me…ah..” you cried, feeling his cock swell inside you. His movements became faster and more erratic as he chased his and your orgasm. You felt a build up of pressure inside, finally feeling it burst within you, sending chills down your spine and quivering throughout your body. Terzo felt it too and now there was no holding it back, feeling you cum sent him over the edge and suddenly he made one hard and deep thrust inward exploding, sending his hot cum deeply inside you.
He brought his mouth down to kiss you, you lifted slightly to meet him. Both of you, incredibly satisfied but breathless. Terzo laid beside you, happy and watching you as the both of you tried to catch your breath. He picked a cornflower blossom from the bunch next to you and pushed back your hair, placing the blossom behind your ear. “Ah…fiore mio, how much I love you. I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how much.” Terzo sighed, looking directly into your eyes.
You smiled back sweetly, still coming down from your release. “I love you too Papa.” you replied, as Terzo pulled you into the crook of his arm embracing you, as you both lay among the flowers.
fiore mio- my flower
mia bella dea- my beautiful goddess
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Cater Diamond - Full of Lies
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You can unlock this story by getting Cater’s SSR Scary dress
Big thanks to Rym and Apollo for proofreading!
Translation under the cut
Chapter 1
Main street
Cater: Oh? A message on MagiCam? Who would've thought it was that girl! How nostalgic~ The picture those ghosts took at Ramshackle dorm made our college's Halloween event trend -> Jumping onto the bandwagon and posting a lot -> Huge success for Cay's follower-catching strat! So far it's been going well but… Mixed within the comments and DMs of my new followers are a lot of old aquaintances. Even some classmates from middle and elementary school are here.
Cater: "Hey! It's been a while! Oh, would you like to come to our college? Cay welcomes every single one of you! You can always come over to hang at NRC's Halloween event!"
Cater: And now some emoji full of feelings!  (^○^)♪ (ゝω・)☆ d(’v`*)b
Cater: Everyone is really so casual and easygoing~ Well, it's easier on me, so I'm not complaining.
???: HEY!
Cater: Where did that loud and rowdy voice come from? I've got a bad feeling about this…
Front Gate
Sebek: Humans, don't crowd around the young master! Get out! Leave!
Boy A: Hey, what are you doing, sweptback bro! Don't interfere with our Draconia Challenge.
Boy B: We're putting our lives on the line to show our bravery by uploading a picture of us touching The Malleus!
Boy A: Huh, since when did Malleus disappear?! It's that sweptback bro's fault.
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Boy B: Don't be so angry. After all the effort of having a sweptback, let's show the world a huge smile on that face!
Sebek: For humans of your social standing to use the name of the Lord of the esteemed Valley of Thorns in vain…Besides, my hair is swept back like this so I have an unobstructed view to find those like you who behave rudely towards my young master! You shall receive punishment for insulting the Draconia… no, for insulting the young master. My thunder shall shock you all to bits! HAAAAA...
Cater: Okay, stop! I'm part of the Halloween Committee. It's forbidden to fight. Why don't you try talking to this lad if something's up?
Sebek: Don't interrupt me, you frolicking human! I will shock you to bits as well!
Cater: Won't you create a scandal for the Draconia family if you were to harm an ordinary human with magic?
Sebek: W-Well… You're right. Besides, didn't you just say you were part of the Halloween committee? Both the young master and master Lilia are both performing the same duties… They ordered me to listen to the orders of the other committee members. Ok, I shall talk this out.
Cater: Even though you are crossing your arms and puffing your chest out, you are being apologetic right? Anyway, these are our college's precious guests. They have no intention to harm Malleus.
Sebek: These magic-less weaklings were making a spectacle bothering Young Master with a toy. I cannot forgive that!
Cater: Malleus is like super famous, and he's an admirable being, right? So just for this festival, it should be fine to interact with our guests as a little fanservice right?
Sebek: Stop messing around. The young master is a dreadful being who makes everyone kneel and bow down to him. AND THAT'S WHY I WILL NEVER LEAVE HIS SIDE AND PROTECT HIM ALL MY LIFE!
Cater: You're just obsessed!
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Boy A: Hey, interfering our Draconia Challenge aside, what are you two squabbling about?
Sebek: Hm? You humans are still here? I told you to leave.
Boy B: Huh? You've got some nerve, talking rudely to us like that!
Cater: Come on guys. Why don't we take some pictures together since it's finally Halloween! We, Heartslabyul are those who rise from the soil in the darkness, the underlings of the night~
Boy A: Wow! Now that you mention it, you do look real good for the camera!
Cater: Cheer up everyone and gather! Let's decide on a pose~~~ Happy Halloween~
¨*shutter noise*
Cater: (Ugh… This is exhausting)
Chapter 2
Kalim/Cater/Lilia: *Sigh*… I'm tired….
Cater: This year's Halloween was exhausting. Mainly due to our guests being rowdy..
Kalim: It was fun entertaining the guests, but I was really troubled because Jamil got in a foul mood.
Lilia: Even we, three most gentle boys, have been worn down. The other students must be at the limits of their patience.
Everyone: *Sigh*…
Cater: Now that you say it, by chance all the members of the light music club are also part of the Halloween Committee. Let's have our usual relaxing tea time while also discussing some countermeasures.
Kalim/Lilia: Agreed~
Cater: I got this! Trey's home-made pumpkin pie! It's moderately sweet, so it's my favorite!
Kalim: I have kunafa. It's a cheesecake from the Scalding Sands. It's delicious when it's hot!
Lilia: Oho, these are all sweets befitting of Halloween. As the last one, I have prepared this. Licorice!
Cater: You're always bringing the same thing! You know me and Kalim don't like that.
Kalim: The smell makes my nose shrivel up~
Cater: But you know, since it's black, it does feel like Halloween. Oh, right, let's take a picture together. It's super charming to be in costume and have themed food.
*shutter noise*
Cater: #TheBestHalloween #SelfmadeCostume #HomemadeTreat #LightMusicClub #NRCHalloween
Kalim: The best? Didn't you say you were exhausted earlier, Cater?
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Cater: I never said it wasn't exciting and for things like SNS, isn't it better to exaggerate a bit?
Lilia: As expected of you. We live in a period where everyone is connected all around the world. It is most wonderful to spread happiness instead of complaints.
Cater: Oh. The picture I just uploaded got an amazing response! 
Cater: Another message from that girl. Was she the kind to keep track of people's activities?
*ringing noise*
Cater: This time it's a call. (How persistent…)
Kalim: Cater, is it from one of your friends? You can pick up if you want.
Cater: Hm~… More like an acquaintance from the past? But it's alright? We're at a very important meeting, after all.
Lilia: We are only eating sweets, taking pictures and uploading them to MagiCam though…
Cater: It's the age of social media where everyone can keep in contact at their own pace, you don't have to go through the pains of having to response in real time to a phone call.
Kalim: Do you have that many people who want to get in touch with you? You're so well connected Cater~
Cater: Well, if you look the amount of aquaintances I have, that might be true? My dad's a banker. The bank he works at has branches all over the world. Therefore, whenever he transferred to a different branch, our entire family would move with him. We moved once every two years, so I kind of feel like a pro at quickly packing things?
Lilia: Commonly said, you are a family who moved a lot for the sake of the breadwinner.
Kalim: So the reason why you have so many friends is because you have travelled around the world since young.
Cater: Yeah, the girl just now said we are friends as well. Having to change schools frequently, I got to meet more people compared to someone staying at one place. From the best to the worst… a lot of people. However, they all had something in common.
Kalim/Lilia: …?
Cater: If I left there, they remained there. That's why I'd rather have a casual and happy time with everyone than to deepen a friendship. It’s like a circus troupe, you know, having fun hanging with people all over the world and then leaving. That's why MagiCam is the best! People from my school from three years ago contacted me out of the blue. My social circle is expanding as well. Cay is getting popular!
Kalim: Even if they're far away, you don't have to hold back you know? I got it! I'll lend you my magic carpet, so you can visit your friends whenever you want.
Cater:… I expected no less of you, Kalim. I'll take you up on that offer next time.
Lilia: I feel like I understand you.
Cater: Hm?
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Lilia: The relations between humans are eternal. They are things that cannot be severed. In a new place with no trace of your existence, new relations will continue to be forged. That in itself is nature. However, I think the more precious a relation is, the more lonely it becomes. Why does it feel that way? I have lived a long life but the reason is still unknown to me. But just as Cater said, there may be a perfectly logical explanation for not getting too attached to one person in particular.
Cater: Lilia, what got into you suddenly? What I wanted to say was-
*ringing noise*
Lilia: Hello, this is Lilia speaking? What business do you have?
Cater: He just casually picked up the phone during our conversation.
Lilia: Oh, Sebek. What is it? You are so loud. Right now, I am in a meeting with Cater and Kalim. WHAT?! MALLEUS?!
Kalim/Cater: ?!
Chapter 3
Hall of Mirrors
Silver: Stop pushing. It's forbidden to enter the Hall of Mirrors.
Man A: Huh, really! I came all the way to the Isle of Sages to see Malleus Draconia.
Man B: We are doing the Draconia challenge now! Why can't we enter~
Girl C: He’s inside right! An actual Draconia, the Actual Malleus!
*Lightning and thunder*
Silver: It's a rare event that Master Malleus is participating in. He also agreed to interact with the guests... For it to come to this... Everyone, it’s better if you leave. You have angered master Malleus.
Man A: I paid a lot of travel expenses, did you know that? This is the price of fame.
Exterior Hallway
Cater: Did the visitors who wanted that  MagiCam glory end up angering even Malleus himself?
Sebek: Yes. At first he was gentle and calmed me down when I got angry… but a fool grabbed Malleus by the horns and made fun of him by saying "Look! It's a bicycle from the olden days!"
Lilia/Cater: Gh!
Cater: I don't know if they're brave or just reckless. Were the dark clouds and thunder rampaging in the sky above the Hall of Mirrors due to Malleus' anger? You don't think he overblotted, right…?!
Lilia: Do not worry. Using that amount of magic power shall not make him overblot. He is simply irritated. Back when he was young, mountains would be destroyed by his lightning whenever he threw a tantrum.
Cater: Hahaha… that's on a totally different level. I guess it was a good idea to have Kalim fetch the professors.
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Sebek: Upperclassman Vil noticed something was up and isolated the young master. He also casted a defensive spell so the tourists wouldn't be harmed. And it seemed that Upperclassman Jade is persuading the angry young master with some unique methods... Even so, those humans who can't seem to understand the gravity of the situation keep stirring up the young master, they're uncontrollable.
Lilia: This means we must use our last resort. We must put in effort to suppress the onlookers and avoid the worst situation.
Cater: Wait a second, Lilia. I thought of something. It's not like people there dislike Malleus or anything. Despite that, it doesn't mean that they like Malleus as well... They're just interested in trends. Just like my old acquaintances.
Lilia: ?
Cater: First, I'll take a picture of Lilia, who's wearing the same clothes as Malleus!
*shutter noise*
Cater: Next we use something catered to influencers. We'll elongate Lilia's picture with a photo editing app!
*swiping on phone*
Cater: Now we just add some text to finish it up. And then upload a cropped version to MagiCam!!
*Phone SFX*
Cater: #AWildMalleusAppeared #DraconiaChallenge #UnexpectedlyAtSportsGround #NRCHalloween
*Phone SFX*
Hall of Mirrors
Man A: H-Hey. Look at the Draconia challenge tag.
Man B: It seems he's at the Sports Ground now. As expected of Malleus. He's much faster than we are!
Girl C: Okay. Everyone, let's move!
Everyone: YEAH!
Silver: What happened? Master Malleus should still be in the Hall of Mirrors.
Cater: Fu. With this, I hope the storm has passed…?
Vil: Good grief. Accidents are an unavoidable part of stage plays. Letting yourself get influenced by the guests is so amateurish. My work here is done. I will return to the dorm to straighten up my appearance.
Jade: My, that was a close call. Malleus is extremely powerful. I persuaded him to the best of my abilites, trying to get him to understand. But there was no one to turn to if it had failed. Well then, I will also return to my station. I wish everyone a wonderful Halloween.
Malleus: I caused many disturbances between different racial groups during a mere school event. I should restrain myself more…
Sebek: The young master has done nothing wrong! It was the fault of those inferior humans!
Silver: The young master told us to avoid hostility between fae and humans. Why are you getting more hostile?
Lilia: Malleus. Did you forget our promise from long ago? Call for us when the tranquility in your mind is disturbed.  Even if we are not related by blood, we are still a family. Got it?
Malleus: Lilia… My apologies. To everyone.
Everyone: …
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Cater: ….Family…huh.
Lilia: But just as Cater said, there may be a perfectly logical explanation for not getting too attached to one person in particular.
Flashback ends
Cater: (That was full of lies. For a guy who grew up and lived in the same place, he never had to deal with rebuilding relations over and over…He would never understand my worthless and meaningless feelings.)
Cater: Hello, Trey. What's up? Huh? Are we doing our rehearsal for our night show at the stamp rally now? And Deuce, who is also part of the Halloween Committee, was at his wit's end due to the lack of manpower. So Ace is helping him out? Darn, Ace is definitely going to extort me for a favor later!
Cater: Argh! And is Riddle on the verge of a rampage? I'll be back soon, Trey. Please calm him down! I am currently at the site of the biggest crisis yet of this Halloween Week! No, for real! I'm not lying. That's why you don't have to be so cold to me, 'kay? URGH, TREY, YOU'RE SO CRUEL!
Cater: Now that Diasomnia's turmoil has settled, let's change the mood and continue on with work. In any case, we’ll still separate after the fourth year… It would be different if I repeated a year though. Anyway, I should just enjoy the moment to my heart's content! I'll surprise everyone with this charming skeleton costume! I'll show them what I'm capable of!
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Cater: Happy Halloween!
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edie-k · 4 years
Living Legend (R/Hr, PG-13)
Title: Living Legend
Summary: Harry confronts his legacy as The Boy Who Blocked
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine; just having some not for profit fun.
So, based off discussion of this awesome piece of art shared on the Romione Discord, I wrote this fic. It started as very tongue in cheek idea and ended with some heart. 
Harry entered the crowded pub and glanced around. He’d been held up almost an hour completing paperwork at the Ministry so he expected he was the last one to arrive. It didn’t take long for him to focus on the boisterous group in the back and he made his way towards the table with a grin. 
“Hey, there he is!” said George, with a raise of his glass and assorted greetings joined in from the rest of the group. 
“Oi, thank God, you’re here Harry,” said Seamus. “These two,” he said, gesturing at Ron and Hermione, “are getting gross.” 
Hermione gave an indignant snort and Ron glared at Seamus but he was smirking. Harry laughed as he dropped into the empty seat next to Ginny and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He glanced around the table at the crew - George, Angelina, and Luna were already seated at the other end and Dean was plopping down on the other side of Ron, next to Parvati. There was still an empty seat with a half drank glass in front of it and glancing around the room, he spotted Neville at the bar. He gratefully accepted the mug his girlfriend had slid in front of him. “And what do you expect me to do about the two of them?” he asked, as he took a swig of his drink. 
“Break out some of that cockblocking magic you’re famous for,” said Seamus. The entire table burst into laughter. Harry was so shocked that he momentarily choked.  
“Honestly Seamus!” said Hermione, although she looked much more amused by the comment than Harry would have expected. 
“What in Merlin’s name are you talking about?” Harry asked. 
“Do you not know what cockblocking is? The term seems pretty self explanatory but it’s when-” 
“I know what it means, Seamus,” growled Harry.”I just don’t know what you mean.” 
“I believe that’s his colorful way of talking about the fact that you were the main obstacle preventing Ron from progressing beyond friends with Hermione,” suggested Dean. 
“Uh, in the name of gender equality, he was also the main obstacle preventing Hermione from making a move on Ron,” said Parvati. Dean tipped his drink in her direction in agreement. 
“Human birth control, if you will,” suggested George. 
“The opposite of an aphrodisiac for the two of them, if that’s a thing,” said Ginny. Harry gapped at her, startled by her comment.  
“It is, it’s called an anaphrodisiac,” Hermione supplied.   
“Oh, that’s interesting. What things are considered anaphrodisiac?” asked Angelina. 
“Alcohol, right?” said Dean. 
“Not in my experience,” said Seamus, wagging his eyebrows. 
“That’s not what Cara Johnson told Padma,” said Parvati. 
“Alcohol and tobacco and some other elements that go into pain relieving medications and potions. There was also recently a study around licorice of all things.” 
“Red or black?” asked Neville, who had just returned from the bar with a fresh pitcher. 
“Hmm,” said George thoughtfully. “Licorice wands but droopy. There’s a Wheeze in there somewhere.”  
“Dabberblimps are also said to have an impact on sexual desire but I think that’s more due to the smell,” said Luna. 
“No, wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait,” said Harry, completely aghast. “Are you all saying it took Ron and Hermione two years to get together and it was my fault?” 
“Look, Harry, no one should be saying you were the main obstacle in it. Hermione and I certainly could have done more to rise above it,” said Ron in what he thought was a consoling tone. 
“Honestly, everyone at this table could have done more,” said Neville, gesturing to the group who nodded in agreement. 
“But it is fair to say that Harry carries most of the blame,” said Seamus. 
“Outside of Ron and I,” Hermione clarified. 
“This is unbelievable,” said Harry. 
“Look, Hermione and I have talked about it and there’s no hard feelings. It all worked out in the end.” 
“You’ve talked about this?!” Ron shrugged. “Hermione,” Harry turned to his friend with a pleading tone. “You are the most rational person I know. You can’t seriously agree with this?” 
“I pluck up the courage to ask Ron out and you created as much noise as possible and practically threw a bowl across the room before I could clarify it was a date.” 
“It was awkward!” 
“Are you saying we’ve never done anything awkward for your sake?” Ron chuckled. 
“No but… come on, it was obvious that was a date!” 
“I told you I thought she asked me as a friend and you never said anything!”   
“Wait,” said Angelina. “Harry, there was a misunderstanding between them that you knew about and you didn’t say anything to clear it up?” 
“It was awkward!” 
“Not only that,” said Hermione. “I asked him why Ron was angry with me so I could fix it and he knew why but he didn’t tell me.” 
“It… was awkward,” said Harry weakly. “And! And! The reason Ron was angry with you was ridiculous. You had snogged Krum two year ago. I didn’t want to make him look stupid.”
“Yeah,” said Ron dryly. “You really kept me from looking like an idiot in sixth year. Cheers.” 
“I’m sorry,” Parvati said, shaking her head in disbelief. “Are you saying that if you had one awkward conversation, we would have avoided the entire debacle that was Lavender and Ron?”  
“Yes,” said Hermione. 
“Pretty much,” said Ron. 
Parvati turned to Harry. “Potter, there are hours, days, WEEKS of my life that I will never get back that I spent dealing with that nightmare.” 
“What, do you think it was a picnic for me?!” 
“No! That makes it worse!” cried Parvati. 
“Well, what was I supposed to do?” exploded Harry. “Just go up to Hermione and say, ‘Ron is jealous as hell that you kissed Victor Krum  You should go talk to him and get this sorted before Slughorn’s party’?”
“YES!” shouted the entire table.  
Harry noticed that Ginny had joined the chorus and rounded on her. “What about you? You could have stepped in just as well as I could have!” 
“I was mad at Ron and for good reason!” she retorted. “But yes, I could have done more. I’ll admit, part of it was that up until the point that you kissed me, I was a little worried that you were doing it because you had a thing for Hermione. I was worried that if I helped get the two of them together, you would totally spiral.”
“I thought that was why you were doing it too,” said Dean. 
“You did?” said Ginny with a smile. “You never told me that. I guess we were pretty compatible back then.”
“Hey! Am I not getting dealt enough blows?” said Harry indignantly and the table laughed. 
“Harry was never interested in Hermione,” said Luna with a tone of declaring the matter settled. “I did suspect he fancied Ron though.”
“Wha- okay, Luna, no,” Harry sputtered. “So I’m apparently responsible for the dumbest fight the two of you ever had but-” 
“Not responsible for the fight but you showed a lack of accountability in resolving it,” clarified Hermione. 
“Fine. So why didn’t you get together after Ron and Lavender broke up? You didn’t kiss until the final battle. How was that my fault?”  
“Didn’t Ron tell us Harry tried to break up that kiss too with some sort of snide comment?” George said to Angelina.  
“Snide comment?” Harry asked disbelievingly. “I reminded them that there was a war going on. THERE WAS LITERALLY A WAR GOING ON!” 
“It was coming to a natural conclusion,” Hermione said, rolling her eyes. 
“So that was really the first time you two kissed?” asked Dean. “Because when we uh, met up that spring, it seemed like something was going on.” 
“Well, we certainly made some progress to understanding we were on the same page,” said Hermione. “But things were complicated.”
“It was miserable and it really would have been pretty awkward to start something with Harry around all the time,” said Ron.
“Good call,” said George. “After tonight, I think we all know that Harry’s boggart takes the form of awkward interactions.” 
“At the point we found Dean and Luna, we both knew it was inevitable but we also had to finish helping Harry,” said Hermione. 
“Plus, you want to talk cockblock? Harry has nothing on Griphook,” said Ron. Dean nodded sagely and Hermione wrinkled her nose in agreement.  
“Finished helping me? You weren’t picking up my dry cleaning, we were saving the world!” 
“Harry, you are taking this way too personally,” said Hermione. “We don’t think you were truly trying to keep us apart but your desire to stay out of our relationship and your mild self-absorption caused a lot of complications.”  
“I don’t know why someone would take being called self absorbed personally,” George remarked and Ginny snorted. 
“Hermione, you don’t get it. You’re letting him off the hook too easily because you’re a woman. A man does not prevent a friend from getting laid. It’s basically an Unbreakable Vow that’s entrenched in our DNA,” said Seamus. 
“Ugh,” scoffed Parvati. “I honestly don’t know why we hang out with you.” 
“No, really,” insisted Seamus. “Take tonight as an example. Dean and Neville. You two are solid mates, yeah?” Both men nodded. “Right, so Dean goes up to the bar to get a new pitcher. Who comes up to wait on him but Hannah Abbott. Suddenly, Neville needs a glass of water. And what happens next?” 
Neville turned red. “I uh, I went up to the bar to ask Hannah for a glass while she was waiting on Dean.” 
“And as soon as Neville appears and starts talking to Hannah, I gave him a nudge and say ‘I have to hit the head. Can you bring that back to the table?’”
Harry scoffed. “How does you sticking Neville with the tab help him?” 
“You never did read that book I gave you, did you?” said Ron, incredulously. 
“I didn’t take a piss, I came back to the table so Neville could chat up Hannah. And?” 
Neville gave an embarrassed smile. “I’m taking her out tomorrow,” he admitted. 
“Ha!” Seamus punched the air triumphantly. “One friend getting another friend laid. It’s beautiful.” 
“It’s a first date,” Neville protested. “We’re not going to-” 
“We’ll work on it,” Seamus assured him. 
“Ron’s never tried to get me laid!” Harry shouted desperately. This comment was met with general revulsion. 
“Whoa! Come on,” said Dean, his face contorted. 
“That’s his sister,” said Neville. 
“For fuck’s sake man,” said Seamus disgustedly. The idea that Seamus was disgusted with him made Harry even more defensive. 
“Hermione is like my sister!” insisted Harry. 
“To be fair to Ron and it pains me to do so,” said Ginny. “Ron really only got in our way that one time after we broke up and as pissed as I was at the time, I think it came from a genuinely good place.”
“And I had no idea you liked Ginny until you snogged her right in front of me!” said Ron. 
“You never said anything about Hermione until we were in the woods!’ 
“Oh, Harry, really?” said Ginny with pity. “I don’t think that’s the way to go.” 
“Yeah, okay, but - hey, what about that one time with Cho?” Harry said accusingly to Ron. 
“I called Cho out for being a bandwagon fan one time when I was 15 and now I’m doomed to a life of interrupted shags,” Ron appealed to the room. 
“You’re together now,” said Harry weakly. 
“Despite your best efforts,” joked George. 
“And yet you haven’t relinquished your title as The Boy Who Blocked,” said Ron. 
“You do have extraordinarily bad timing,” said Hermione.
“Back to Seamus’s original point, you two are pretty gross.”
“I’m sorry, are you saying that I still am-” 
“In a much more literal sense now,” said Ron. Hermione gave him a playful smack on the chest. 
“Give me an example!” Harry insisted heatedly. 
Ron and Hermione exchanged a look that was familiar to Harry but he didn’t recognize. “Harry, it really isn’t a big deal,” said Hermione reassuringly. 
“Well, last weekend, right?” said George. “At Shell Cottage for Fleur’s birthday. You wanted to get Ron so he could try those beignets Gabrielle brought and we told you they would be back soon but you insisted on walking down the beach and…” 
“Yeah, and I found them past the alcove and - wait,” Harry stopped suddenly. “Is that why you were-?” Harry made a gesture too vague to interpret but Hermione squirmed in her chair and Ron inhaled sharply. 
Harry’s jaw dropped. “And last month when Ginny and I were over to listen to the Cannons’ match and you were so weird when I came in the kitchen to see why the snacks were taking so long…and Thursday? Hermione is that why you…” He trailed off as Hermione bit her lip and looked away while Ron rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Oh my God,” said Harry incredulously.  
“Harry, we’re so sorry if we made you uncomfortable,” said Hermione, sounding sincere for the first time all night. 
“Oh my God!” Harry repeated louder, this time, disgusted.
“We were making up for lost time, which you have a part in,” Ron pointed out. 
“Oh my God,” Harry said a third time, his tone full of realization.
“Are you okay Harry?” asked Ginny gently. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he said distractedly. A quiet set over the group within the roaring pub. 
“So Neville,” said Angelina in a voice full of forced cheer. “Where are you taking Hannah tomorrow?” 
“Oh, you should take her to this great new place in Hogsmeade. Padma and I had lunch there last week and the dinner menu looks amazing,” Parvati said. 
Harry looked glumly at his drink, barely noticing the glances his two best friends were exchanging. 
“Harry?” came a familiar voice from the fireplace. 
It was the next morning. Ginny was off to practice and would be staying the evening with her team, as she did the day prior to every match. The standing tradition was that on these days, he had lunch with Ron and Hermione. As much as he loved Ginny and knew that Ron and Hermione did too, he liked having time as just the three of them. 
But he had cancelled this morning, citing a hangover and crossed his fingers that Ron would be able to persuade Hermione to leave him be. 
No such luck. 
He heard a whoosh, followed by a second. “Harry?” 
He sighed. “In here,” he called quietly from his armchair. Both of his friends popped around the corner. “Couldn’t hold her off?” 
Ron sank into the chair across from him, threw his legs on the ottoman and grinned. “Actually, I didn’t even try.” 
Hermione tapped Ron’s feet and he scooted them over to give her enough room to sit on the ottoman. “Harry, why are you avoiding us?” 
“‘m not,” he mumbled. “Just drank too much last night.” 
“You got there after everyone else so you missed the first two rounds of shots Seamus forced on us and I only saw you refill your glass once.” 
Harry shrugged. “I had a couple drinks when I got home.” 
“Look, we didn’t mean to upset you. Like Hermione said, we had a few before you got there and we were just having a go,” said Ron. 
“Yeah but it was true,” said Harry sullenly. 
“Well,” said Hermione, flattening her skirt nervously. “Yes, all of those things happened. But it was a long time ago. We’ve been together almost three years now. And we were certainly exaggerating a bit to have some fun. So there’s nothing for you to be upset about.”
Harry straightened up in his chair. “You don’t get it! Since I started at Hogwarts, you two have been the most important people in my life and you still are, plus Gin and Teddy. And you cared about me and you two always tried to do what you thought was going to help me and be best for me and last night I realized...I didn’t do that for you!” 
“Harry, you know that’s not true!” said Hermione. 
“Yes it is! I thought about how Cho and I couldn’t even look at each other anymore and I didn’t want that to happen to you two. It was always best when it was the three of us and I didn’t want anything to mess that. You were right, I was so self absorbed!” 
“Harry,” said Ron, rolling his eyes. 
“Of course you were,” said Hermione dismissively. 
“Okay, now I am regretting letting you come over here,” said Ron. 
“We all were!” she said, rolling her eyes. “Harry, Ron and I were so wrapped up in our own drama sixth year that we didn’t realize the depth of your fixation with Malfoy until you had practically murdered him!”   
“Well, whose fault is that? There would have been no drama had I said something! And all our friends think I didn’t say something because I was in love with Hermione. I mean, you must have thought that too,” Harry said miserably, gesturing to Ron. 
“I never really thought you were interested in Hermione but I was terrified Hermione would fall for you,” said Ron.
“What’s wrong with me that you didn’t think Harry would be interested?” said Hermione in a teasing tone that was clearly meant to lighten the mood, flicking Ron’s foot.  
“Absolutely nothing. This git doesn’t know what he’s missing, thank God.”  
Harry ignored them. “Had we cleared that up the year before, we could have avoided a few devastating weeks during the hunt, yeah?”  
“Harry, there’s no way I’m letting you take responsibility for what the Horcrux said or for me leaving you two,” Ron said. 
“We’re certainly not re-litigating any of that,” said Hermione. She turned and looked at Ron. “But when we were talking about all of this at home last night, we both agreed that once we were on the run, we made conscious decisions to not start anything until the war was complete.” 
Ron nodded. “It’s true, I felt the same.” 
“Great, I did it again,” Harry moaned. “You two were worried about me instead of enjoying your evening.”
“Harry, we still enjoyed our evening-” 
“Twice,” interrupted Ron. 
“But you’re our friend and we are always going to worry about you,” Hermione finished, paying Ron no mind. “It actually made me realize that we maybe could have had a relationship and taken care of you.”  
Harry groaned.
 “Harry, you took care of us too,” Ron said. “I mean, in the end, you didn’t want Hermione and I to stop being friends because you knew that would make us just as  miserable as you. And you weren’t wrong. And I don’t know, maybe this was all just the way it was supposed to be. Maybe Hermione and I are better because we got all the petty shit out before we were together. Maybe the three of us are better friends because we focused on that for so long. So we’re okay, if you’re okay.” 
Harry sat silently for a moment. “I’m going to try to be better about the .. you know, blocking. But seriously, I know we have a bit of a don’t ask, don’t tell on the subject but you could have clued me in,” Harry complained to Ron. 
“Fair enough,” laughed Ron. 
“Or you could not shag at parties.” 
“Just… if you suddenly don’t see us, wait at least 10 minutes before you come and look for us,” suggested Hermione. 
“Oi! 10 minutes?” said Ron, offended. 
“Harry,” Hermione sighed. “It is apparently very important for you to know that Ron satisfies me sexually.” 
“I assumed that once I figured out you were willing to do that for him there on Thursday,” Harry said. 
Hermione blushed. “You’re making that sound much worse than it was. And you keep biting your tongue!” she finished, pulling her legs up and shifting back so she was sitting in the chair next to Ron. 
“I didn’t say anything!” Ron said, although he looked very pleased with himself. “Now, can we please go get lunch?” 
“All right, you two figure out where to eat. Give me 10 minutes and we’ll go,” Harry laughed, standing up from his chair. 
“Harry, have you learned nothing? Make it 20,” said Ron. 
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b-lessings · 3 years
Assalamu alaykum honeyyyy🤍
How is ur jumuah? :)
After school I'll enjoy my photography course🌝 and I'm wearing my favourite outfit (no gown tho T.T just sum very baggy pants. But alhamdulillah its QARFI BUNN PANTS THAT SHADE IS THE COLOUR OF L O V E AND P I N I N G NOBODY CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE even tho once I see another beautiful color I'll say the same thing about it, which I suppose is a metaphor for how easily I get attached to people? Lol) and i feel cute🥺🤍🤍🤍
Alhamdulillah ala kulli shay, I also feel in the mood to make tea or soup or a tisane for somebody. Moroccan green tea with mint, sage and rosemary is my favourite blend of tea, while when it comes to tisanes its anise + licorice and maybe also chamomile, if I'm nervous. What are your favourite blends? Sorry if I send too much asks, if it annoys u don't feel like u owe me a reply, promise?
Have a good day!
- 🤍
In case you haven't seen or read anything cute today, here is some amazing positive energy to lift up your mood ✨
Hiiiii love hiiii! I missed you and your asks ( and no it's never annoying c'mon don't you ever say that 🙄🙄)
Hmmm, looks like someone had a lovely day 🥰 Alhamdulillah. May Allah swt bless you and put sakinah, joy and satisfaction in your heart sis !!
Umm, I am not really fan of teas (that's one of two non-north african things about me lol) but I like to drink verbena tea when I am sick, cinnamon tea and lemon for my diet (hate it tho), and fennel seeds tea for my tummy and on my pms, I like to add honey to it too * chef's kiss *
Take care of your beautiful self, sweet one 🤍
Fi aman Allah 🤍
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societybabylon · 4 years
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Across from her, Harry’s eyes glittered dangerously. He looked tired but wild, like there was something lurking under his skin that only revealed itself in the dark.  
It was at that moment that she realized how little she knew him.  
“I remember waking up on that day, the day of your birthday,” Harry said, still cast in darkness. “I remember seeing the tattoo for the first time. I was terrified and angry, but I wondered…what if? What if we didn’t deny the bond?”
Lifelong enemies Allie and Harry are devastated when they learn they are soulmates, so they form a pact to never act on their bond. Unfortunately, fate has other plans for them.
[read on ao3 here]
“Do you want to know your fate?”
Allie watched the old man place a crystal ball on the table in front of him. The bauble was unassuming and slightly dirty. Honestly, Allie wouldn’t have been surprised if it were made of plastic. It, like everything else in the cluttered store, looked cheap and fake. But then again, what did she know about the world of psychics? That’s why she was here, after all: she wanted answers about her future.
It was the day before Allie’s thirteenth birthday, and she was at a fortuneteller’s shop. Her friend Becca had insisted they come here to celebrate her impending soulmate reveal. Perhaps, Becca said, they could get a little insight into who she would be paired with.  
Allie’s world revolved around soulmates. When two people were ideally matched, an unbreakable soul bond tied the pair together. And two rules applied to all soulmates:
First, the bond was manifested in a tattoo. Everybody had their partner’s name written on their body somewhere. These tattoos didn’t require needles or ink; they showed up on their own, as if by magic.
Second, the tattooed names didn’t appear until the thirteenth birthday of the younger person in each couple. On that day, both soulmates would wake up to find themselves marked with their other half’s name.  
Assuming Allie’s soulmate was older than she was, there was only one day left until she learned who she was bonded to.  
Allie gazed at the crystal ball. Behind the fortuneteller, a pink neon sign buzzed an electric tune. The lights cast a dim glow throughout the small store.  
The psychic seemed over-the-top to her, not that she would ever tell Becca that. The man sitting across from her seemed more like a crackpot than a sage. His greasy hair hung in his face, so long that it nearly obscured his eyes. He reeked of licorice and burnt lavender. But they had already paid the man his fee, so they might as well hear what predictions he could conjure up for them.
“Do you want to know your fate?” he repeated. “Once you learn it, you can’t go back.”
“Yes,” Allie said. “I’m ready.”
The fortuneteller muttered a few unintelligible words and stared deeply into the crystal ball. “Hmm...it’s foggy, but some images are starting to come into focus. Ah, yes. I can see it now.”
To Allie, the crystal ball looked exactly as it did before.  
“I see money stained with blood. Tears and white bedsheets. Two bodies, submerged in water. A cellphone is ringing, but no one is picking up.”
“Okay,” Allie tried to figure out how to respond to this prophecy. She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting, but she certainly hadn’t thought he would list such unpleasant images. “But what does that mean?”
“These images foretell rejection and denial. You will learn who your soulmate is tomorrow, but you will be unhappy when you learn who you have been paired with. This bond will confuse you and bring you unhappiness. Yes, I definitely sense rejection and denial.”
Allie was stunned. “Do you see anything else? Like, happiness and love, maybe?”
“I cannot see specifics,” he responded with contempt. “That is not how my gift works.”
Of course the fraud fortuneteller wouldn’t be able to see specifics. She had shelled out good money for him to ruin her day. She protested, “But—”
The man cut her off with a dismissive wave. “Do not disrespect my craft. Just because you demand answers of me doesn’t mean that I’ll give them to you. I only see what the universe shows me.”
Allie glanced back at the crystal ball, which was still maddeningly clear. There were no bloodied dollar bills, no ringing cellphones. The fortuneteller could have invented any story he wanted. He could have reported that he had seen her in a happy relationship and with a successful career. And yet he deliberately chose to give her a bad fortune.  
“You must see something good in the crystal ball, right?” Becca murmured. She had been quietly listening in on the conversation between Allie and the psychic for the last fifteen minutes, mostly content to observe. “I mean, it can’t all be bad.”
“Actually, it can,” the man snapped. “I do not control your future. I merely pass on the messages that the universe sends me.”
“So you’re saying that rejection is my fate, and there’s nothing I can do to change that?” Allie said.
The man nodded eagerly, as if glad that she was finally catching on. “Precisely.”
“And why should I believe that?” Allie usually wasn’t so confrontational, especially with adults, but this fortuneteller was an exception. What did he know about her soulmate? Nothing.
The man scrutinized her frowning face. His lips went thin with irritation. “I think we are done here. I’ve told you what I saw. It’s not my problem if you don’t like the truth.”
Allie nearly scoffed. He read tea leaves and tarot cards for a living. He probably got pleasure out of ruining his customers’ days. Staring into a crystal ball and mumbling about dark visions wasn’t the truth, it was a cruel joke.
At least, she hoped it was a joke. There was a part of her (a part she tried to ignore) that worried that his predictions might come to pass. She pictured the images the man had mentioned—blood, tears, bodies in water—and she saw death. She shivered at the thought.
“Thanks for the crystal ball reading,” Becca cut in before Allie could offend the fortuneteller even more. “Well, we should probably go. My mom’s waiting for us outside.”
The fortuneteller wasn’t even listening. His attention had strayed to a stained, crumpled box of cigarettes that sat by his side. He picked one cigarette from the pack and sparked it with a pink lighter from his pocket.
Allie felt anger on her tongue, ready to be sharpened into spiteful words, but she could see that Becca was anxious to leave. She smothered her fury for her friend’s sake. “Yeah, thanks for the fortune.”
She stood up and walked out of the store with Becca. As the wooden door swung shut behind her, she turned around to give the fortuneteller one last glance. Thick smoke swirled around his head. His eyes were closed as if he had already forgotten that they were there.  
What did a man like that know about her fate?
The next day, Allie woke up at five in the morning. She was too giddy to go back to sleep. Despite how horribly the visit to the fortuneteller had gone, she was still excited by the potential of finding out who she was bonded to. She’d been waiting her entire life to see her soulmate’s name tattooed on her.  
She checked her wrists, a common spot for soulmate marks. They were blank. Her arms and legs, too, were bare. In fact, every visible inch of skin was unmarked.
Don’t worry, she reminded herself. It’s probably just hidden under some clothing.
She lifted the edge of her pajama shirt and walked to her mirror to get a closer look at herself. As she scanned over the planes of her stomach and saw more blank skin, she felt growing disappointment. It seemed that she hadn’t gotten her tattoo after all. Her soulmate was probably younger than she was, which meant she would have to wait until his thirteenth birthday to find out who he was.
But then she spotted a scribble of black near her waist. The writing was scrawled across her left hipbone in messy, boyish letters. She bent down to get a closer look at the words.  
Harry Bingham.
She gasped.  
Harry Bingham? No, it wasn’t possible. Harry had been her sister’s sworn enemy since preschool, which meant that by default, she and Harry were also enemies. Almost every time they had a conversation (a misfortune she did her best to avoid), he was arrogant and entitled and cruel.  
“No, no, no,” Allie said to herself. “This can’t be real.”
She paced her room, trying to rationalize why she was paired with Harry. She and Harry were nothing alike. It should have been impossible for them to be soulmates.  
Maybe this was some sort of cosmic joke, or the universe’s revenge for the times she’d been a bad person. Or maybe, while she had been sleeping, her sister decided to write Harry’s name on her as a prank. All those explanations were more logical than the thought that she might actually soulmates with Harry Bingham.
“This can’t be real,” she repeated.
But the ink was underneath her skin. As much as she wished that she could blink and watch the tattoo vanish before her eyes, she knew the mark was permanent. It would stay on her body forever, reminding her of the boy she’d been chained to.
When she took her shower later that morning, Allie tried, in a half-crazed stupor, to wash the name from her body. She scrubbed with her loofa until her skin was raw and red. But Harry’s name was still printed on her hipbone.  
After the shower, Allie dressed hastily, as if covering the mark would mean that it no longer existed. She even considered stealing a bottle of concealer from her sister’s room and smearing the makeup over her hip, but she feared that Cassandra would catch her in the act. Her mind was racing for solutions, and yet she was paralyzed by inaction.  
She curled up on her covers, her hair still damp. She was too stunned to cry. Instead, she just stared at the walls, trying to decode the mess she had landed in.  
By ten, Allie knew she could not hide in her room any longer. She crept downstairs to the kitchen, where her dad was flipping pancakes and humming along to a pop song. Cassandra and her mom were setting the table for breakfast. They had even put out a vase filled with her favorite peonies.  
“Morning, birthday girl,” her mom said.  
“Morning,” Allie replied, faking a grin. Her lower lip trembled from her anxiety.  
“I’m surprised you woke up late,” her dad said. “I remember waking up at the crack of dawn on my thirteenth birthday. I was so anxious I almost got sick. And then it turned out that there wasn’t even a tattoo on me!”  
“Sorry, dad, but even my birthday isn’t enough to get me to wake up early.” Lie. 
“You ready for breakfast?”
“Of course.” Another lie. Truthfully, she was terrified. She knew her family would use breakfast as an opportunity to spring the dreaded question: do you know who your soulmate is?
Her dad plated the golden pancakes and coated them with pats of butter and gooey, sugary syrup. He brought the food to the table, and they all sat down to eat.  
Allie shoved pieces of pancake into her mouth as if she were Joey Chestnut on steroids. She hoped that if her cheeks were stuffed with food, her family would let her eat her breakfast in peace instead of poking her for information.  
Across from Allie, Cassandra was only on her second bite of breakfast. She had cut her pancakes into delicate, precise slices and had taken care to ensure the syrup was evenly distributed. Even when taking sips from her orange juice, she was polished.
Perfect Cassandra, Allie thought. She would never be bound to someone as awful as Harry.  
“I remember my thirteenth birthday,” Allie’s mom said in between bites of pancake, seemingly clueless to the turmoil tearing her daughter apart. “I woke up and saw your dad’s name on the inside of my arm. But I had no clue who he was! Your generation is lucky to have the internet. You can Google your soulmate’s name and immediately find out who they are. We were in the dark about our soulmates until we met them in person.”
“Unless you knew your soulmate before you turned thirteen,” Cassandra pointed out. “Like, if you were paired up with someone that went to elementary school with you. Then you wouldn’t need the internet to help find them.”
Allie almost choked on her juice. That comment was uncomfortably close to her reality.
“I suppose that’s true,” her mom said. “That’s very rare, though. Your dad and I met when we were twenty-two, and we met earlier than most.”
“Well, I think it’s better not to use the internet to find your soulmate,” Cassandra declared. She said this frequently, especially when she was asked why she didn’t have social media. “I think you should meet your soulmate naturally, as you were supposed to.”
“So, Allie,” her mom turned to look at her. “Do you have any news for us yet?”
Allie went red. This conversation felt intensely wrong. Worse than the “sex talk” her parents had given her when she was eight. Although she had never considered it before, she wondered why her family felt like they were entitled to this information about her body and her future. Their society had bought into the idea that everyone should wear their soulmate tattoos like a badge of honor—but shouldn’t people be allowed to keep this information private?  
Allie was ashamed of her mark. She didn’t want to admit that she had been paired with West Ham’s most obnoxious idiot.  
“I don’t have a tattoo yet,” Allie lied, desperately hoping that her family would buy her act. “Guess he must be younger than me.”  
“Oh,” her mom said, clearly a little surprised. Her mom and her dad shared a look. “Well, that’s okay, honey. I’m sure you’ll find out who he is soon enough. Your thirteenth birthday doesn’t have to be all about finding your soulmate. You’re so young! You can worry about that later. Today’s still going to be a great day. ”
Allie almost laughed. Her parents thought she would be upset because she hadn’t gotten her tattoo. If they knew the truth...
“Yeah,” Allie said, grateful that her family didn’t prod further. And then she told her greatest lie of the morning. “I don’t really care about soulmates, anyway.”  
After breakfast, while her parents washed the dishes, Allie went back to hiding in her bedroom. She buried her head in the covers of her bed and let her emotions swallow her.
Harry Bingham, she thought again. How on Earth could I have been paired with Harry Bingham? We’re nothing alike.
She startled at the sound of her door swinging open. It was her sister. Cassandra wore a small, close-lipped smile that set Allie’s nerves on fire. Allie realized immediately that despite escaping the breakfast interrogation, she hadn’t escaped her sister.  
Cassandra sat down on the bed.
“You know you can knock, right?” Allie asked sharply.
“Sorry,” Cassandra said, entirely unapologetic. “So, who is it?”  
It was unlike Cassandra to be so upfront. Usually, she was the more reserved one, always telling Allie to calm down or be more patient.  
“It’s nobody. I told you, I didn’t find a tattoo on my body.”
“I know you’re lying,” Cassandra said. “I can hear it in your voice. You can fool mom and dad, but you can’t fool me.”
Anxiety shot through Allie. She thought that her performance at breakfast was Oscar-worthy, but as always, Cassandra saw through her lies. “I don’t want to tell you, okay? It’s none of your business.”
“I told you the second I found out who mine was.” Cassandra emphasized her point by sticking her wrist, which was encircled with blank ink, in Allie’s face.  
Allie could feel her panic growing. Her sister had a point, but Allie couldn’t possibly tell her the truth. How could she?
Allie imagined speaking Harry’s name aloud. She pictured her sister’s reaction, her mouth gaping wide and her eyebrows raised in shock. Cassandra would stutter out a kind response. She would try to make her congratulations sound convincing. Yet no matter what was said, they would both know the truth: Cassandra hated Harry, truly hated him. And that would never change.  
No, Allie could not tell the truth.  
“Just tell me.” Cassandra pushed. “I’m your sister. You can trust me.”
Allie’s eyes filled with stinging tears. “I do trust you, I promise. But I can’t tell you. Please, Cassandra, please just take my word for it. Please.”
Her sister looked bewildered. Allie knew Cassandra had never seen her beg like this before.  
“Fine.” Allie could hear the hurt in her sister’s voice. “You have to tell me one day, though. A soulmate’s not the kind of secret you can hide forever.”
Maybe not, Allie thought. But I can try.
When Allie arrived at school the next day, she was determined to corner Harry and confront him about the tattoo.  
As it turned out, she didn’t need to search for him. While she was walking down the hallway, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her behind the lockers into a tight nook. It was Harry. Anger blazed in his eyes. He held up a cautious finger to his lips, shushing her. “Don’t say a word.”
Allie nodded. He stared at her suspiciously, as if he was worried that she would start screaming.  
“I think you probably know why I wanted to talk. I’m guessing it was your thirteenth birthday yesterday, Pressman. I don’t know what else could explain the tattoo I woke up with. And to think that I thought I would have a soulmate I liked.” The bitterness in his voice was unmistakable. “You probably prayed every night that you would end up with someone like me, huh?”
He was infuriating. She couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to think that she would ever be interested in him.
“You think you’re so special, don’t you?” Allie said. “Harry, you’re pretty much the last person I’d want to be bonded to.”
“Believe me, the feeling is mutual. You think I want to be part of your shitty family?”  
That was one step too far. She was half considering throwing a punch at him. She could do it if she wanted; in this nook, they were hidden from the eyes of their teachers and classmates.
“You’re an asshole,” she spat.
Allie wished she could vaporize him on the spot. How could she have been chained to such a callous jerk?  
She thought of clever retorts she could say to him, insults that would permanently puncture his inflated pride. Though Cassandra was usually in the spotlight for her intelligence, no one could beat Allie’s wit. She could trade barbs with the best.
Allie considered those rumors that she had overheard about his parents’ loveless marriage. Yes, that would be a fertile site for insults.  
She opened her mouth, prepared to escalate the argument. But she stopped herself before she could say anything.  
What good would fighting with Harry do? At the end of the day, she would still have his name written on her hip.  
Looking at him, she found that he, too, appeared to be at a loss for words. Though he still wore an angry sneer, his eyes were sad. It seemed that they both came to the same realization: they could hurl nasty words at each other for hours, but it wouldn’t fix their situation. If they wanted to overcome their bond, they’d have to work together.
“We’re stuck with each other until we die, aren’t we?” Harry let out a deep sigh. His furious mask cracked, and Allie glimpsed genuine misery and anxiety on his face.  
For a moment, neither of them said anything.  
Then, a brilliant thought struck Allie. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of it before. “We don’t have to be stuck with each other. There are plenty of soulmates who reject the bond.”  
“I guess.” Harry scrutinized her. She could tell he was considering her suggestion. “But how would we make sure that we’ve rejected it permanently? I wouldn’t want you falling in love with me five years from now, Pressman.”
Allie rolled her eyes. “Harry, it’s us. There’s literally no way we’re ever going to be friends, much less…well, you know.”
He nodded. “Okay. So what are you thinking?”
In her mind, a plan started to fall into place. A simple, perfect plan. “We both have to promise that we’ll never speak of this…this bond to anyone else. Ever. We have to keep it a secret until the day we die.”
“Like a pact?” Harry asked.  
“Yes, a pact. Except a pact isn’t enough. We have to do more than that. Before we turn twenty, we both have to agree to get our marks covered up.”
Harry seemed much less certain about this suggestion. Covering up soulmate tattoos was technically illegal. Most tattoo artists outright refused to do it, and those who were caught in the act could face up to a year in jail time. Eventually, however, he conceded, “Okay, fine. I can agree to that. But you need to swear on your life that you’re going to get yours covered up, too. This is a two-way street, Pressman. If I’m going to jail, so are you.”
“I swear on my life I’ll...,” Allie paused, considering her words. “You know, I feel like we should have some official pledge or something. For example, I, Allie Pressman, swear on my life that I will never mention that my soulmate is Harry Bingham. I will do everything in my power to keep my tattoo hidden.”  
Harry snorted. “Who do you think you are? The queen? Let’s just shake on it and call it a day.”
Allie glared at him. “Just say the damn words, will you?”
“Fine. I, Harry Bingham, swear on my life that I will never mention my soulmate is Allie Pressman. I will do everything I can to keep my tattoo hidden. Yada yada yada, you get the gist. Can I go now?”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you were the one who pulled me behind these lockers in the first place.”
Just like that, it was settled. Their soulmate marks were a secret that they alone would keep. And they would never, ever act on their bond.  
For two years after that, neither Harry nor Allie spoke about the curse they shared. They didn’t interact in the hallway or the classroom. They both pretended that the other didn’t exist, and they were both happy with this arrangement.  
While her classmates celebrated their budding relationships or dreamed of the day they met their other half, Allie fantasized about getting a new, large tattoo to cover up the one on her hip. She was fifteen now; there were only a few more years until she could write Harry off as a memory.
Sometimes, she heard murmurs about him in the hallway. Sometimes, it seemed all of West Ham High School wanted to know his soulmate’s identity. Between his looks and his wealth, Harry was considered an ideal match. But no one was ever able to discover whose name was on his body.
Harry was hardly a factor in her life, much less her soulmate. He was a problem that she had solved, and she was content to let him stay that way.  
Mid-October during her sophomore year of high school, Allie planned a trip to Manhattan. Her aunt, who lived in Virginia, was having a weekend getaway to the city, and she had invited both Allie and Cassandra to join for the last day of her vacation.  
A week before the trip, Allie reminded Cassandra (who was swamped with homework as always) about their aunt’s visit. “Do you want to come?”
“What day are you going?” her sister replied.
“This Sunday.”
Cassandra frowned. “I can’t. I have to study for a math test that day. My grade is on the edge right now, and if I do poorly on the exam, I’ll get a B+ in the class. I can’t risk it. Trust me, I would go if I could.”
Allie understood. She knew her sister wanted to go to Yale, and she had seen the statistics. The admissions rate was around six percent. Even for the best of students, Yale was a reach. Allie was a bit sad—the city was always more fun with Cassandra by her side—but she wasn’t a child anymore, and she didn’t need her sister to accompany her everywhere.
“It’s no problem,” Allie reassured. “Just let me know if there’s anything that you want me to buy for you while I’m down there.”
Allie went to the city alone, bringing only her black purse and her cell phone with her. She arrived at Penn Station in the early morning. Aunt Carly, decked out in her characteristic prints and bold colors, was waiting for her.  
“Allie!” her aunt hollered. Her obnoxiously bright orange-red lip gloss matched the color of her handbag perfectly. “It’s been so long since I last saw you. You look taller—have you grown?”
Allie gave her aunt a tight hug and laughed. “Since August? No, I don’t think so. Same height as always.”
“Any boys?” Her aunt asked with a wink.
Allie’s chest tightened. She hated that question, truly hated it. “Nope, no one yet. But I’m happy being single.”
Luckily, Aunt Carly dropped the subject, and moved on to talking about a list of all the clothes and books and trinkets the two of them would be splurging on throughout the day. There was no budget, it seemed; Aunt Carly acted as though her pockets were bottomless.
They spent the first part of the day shopping on Fifth Avenue and hopping into trendy boutiques. Aunt Carly bought dozens of clothes with dizzyingly high prices. By the time they went to eat lunch, her aunt had seven large shopping bags in her arms. Allie was more frugal; she had bought one bag’s worth of clothes.
After lunch, they spent their time exploring Manhattan. They meandered through the streets, grabbing snacks in between people watching. Allie loved the vibrancy and anonymity of urban life.  Here, she shed the labels that followed her in West Ham.  
After ending the day with burgers and fries at the Shake Shack in Grand Central Station, her aunt prepared to board her train back to Virginia. Her tiny frame was dwarfed by the assortment of large bags and suitcases she carried with her.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay walking back to Penn Station?” Aunt Carly asked. “I wish we had arranged a train for you from here. The walk is so far.”
“I’ll be fine,” Allie promised. “You don’t need to worry about me.”
“Actually, you know what?” Aunt Carly pulled her green wallet out of her purse and grabbed a couple of twenty-dollar bills from its folds. “I just don’t feel comfortable with you walking all that way. Take this money and take a cab. Please, do it for my peace of mind. I would feel much safer if you did.”
“Okay, I will,” Allie said, knowing full well that she was lying. “Have a safe trip home!”
Allie watched as her aunt took her bags and boarded the train. As soon as Carly was out of sight, she pocketed the money for herself. That money could be useful for another day. And, she thought, there was something kind of peaceful about a solitary night walk.
She left Grand Central and pulled up the directions to Penn Station on her phone. It was dark outside, but the way was straightforward enough, so she put away the phone and let herself fully absorb the city. She was mesmerized by the myriad of people who surrounded her. It was truly electric.
Allie peered into clubs where the night was only beginning, and where men and women knocked back liquor like it was water. She walked by a row of cramped food trucks, where the heavy scent of spices soaked in through her lungs and warmed her to the core. Compared to West Ham, New York City might as well have been another planet—a wondrous, delightful alien world.  
She must have taken a wrong turn, because she realized she had walked halfway down an alleyway she didn’t recognize. The near-omnipresent city crowd had disappeared. The only sounds were the quiet hum of cars on busy streets and the plinking sound of water dripping from a drainpipe onto the street.  
Allie suddenly felt very, very small.
She couldn’t have gone too far from a main street. So she told herself that she shouldn’t be worrying, really. All she had to do was walk through to the other end of the alley. Once she was back on a major road, she could pull out her phone again and check for directions.
Allie walked down the narrow street, thinking, for the first time, that maybe she should have taken that cab after all. In polluted Manhattan, there were no stars to light her way. The drainpipe’s dripping water drummed an eerie rhythm—plink, plink, plink.
Behind her, slow footsteps made squishing sounds on the wet pavement. She glanced over her shoulder quickly. It was a man, tall and blonde, strolling nonchalantly toward her. He seemed to have emerged fully formed from shadow. His eyes traced over her with feigned disinterest, only to light up when he set his sights on her purse and shopping bag.  
She picked up her pace. The footsteps behind her sped up to match her strides.  
That couldn’t be a coincidence. A host of horrible nightmares burst into her head. Assault, murder, robbery...
She needed to walk faster.
Allie started scurrying down the street.  
So did he.  
When Allie glanced over her shoulder again, she could see the man closing in on her. Terrified, she broke into a sprint. But just as before, he mirrored her actions, and from the sound of it, he was a faster runner than she.  
A cold hand wrapped around her wrist and yanked her back mid-run. Allie tripped and went tumbling to the ground. The palm of her left hand scraped across gritty gravel, tearing her skin open. Blood oozed out from the cut and dribbled onto the street.
Allie stared up at the man with wide, stunned eyes. He whipped out a black glock from the pocket of his oversized jacket. His hands shook as if he had never pointed a killing weapon at another person before. Up close, he looked young, perhaps only one or two years older than her.  
Adrenaline jolted through her body, waking her up from her dreamy wandering. The pain of her injury receded as she focused on the weapon in front of her. This could be life or death, she realized. She had taken one wrong turn and ended up against the barrel of a gun.
“Give me your bags,” the man demanded.  
“Did I fucking stutter?” And indeed, though his hands shook, his voice was calm.
The man jerked his gun in the direction of her purse and shopping bag as if his threat hadn’t been clear enough.  
“Okay, okay,” Allie said in rushed breaths.  
She took off her bags with her wounded hand and held them out to him. She stifled a cry as her purse’s handle bit into her skin. Her blood smeared over the metal, streaking it with red.
In a swift move, he snatched her belongings from her fingers. It amazed her how deftly he could move while still managing to point his gun at her.  
He quickly pulled her wallet out of her purse and rifled through paper bills quickly, including the money that her aunt had given her for a taxi. In the dim light of the alley, she could see her blood glistening on his fingertips, marking up every paper bill he touched.
He shut the wallet with a snap. His eyes darted nervously to each side of the alleyway, presumably checking to ensure no one had seen him rob her.  
“Now, close your eyes and count to thirty,” he ordered. For added intimidation, he waved his gun at her again. “And count slowly.”
Allie nearly whimpered with fear, but did as he said. She let her vision go dark. Without her sight, she couldn’t help but imagine his finger on the trigger, ready to kill her. She wasn’t putting up a fight. It would be an easy crime.  
“One. Two. Three…” she counted.  
But the shot never came. She heard the muffled thunk of fabric meeting heavy plastic, and then the squish of his feet as he sprinted down the alleyway. In seconds, she could no longer hear him at all. The city had swallowed him up. She was alone again.  
Allie opened her eyes and slowly rose from the ground. She winced as she plucked jagged pieces of gravel from her hands. She could still feel cold fear curling in her chest, although that emotion was quickly being replaced by the panicked realization that she had just lost her money and her ticket back home.
She was lucky about one thing: he hadn’t asked her to empty her pockets. Her phone was still tucked snuggly in the back pocket of her jeans.
Allie dialed Cassandra’s number. It was past midnight, so there was a high likelihood that her sister would already be asleep, especially since she had a test the next day. Her parents, notorious for going to bed early, would certainly already have dozed off.  
The line rang and rang, but Cassandra didn’t pick up. Then: Hi, you’ve reached Cassandra Pressman. Leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.
Since her sister’s phone had gone straight to voicemail, she would have to rely on someone else. She went through her contact list one by one, praying that at least one of her friends would pick up. Will, Becca, Gordie, Bean: none of them answered her calls.
The blood on her left hand had started to clot. Her cell was rapidly running out of battery. She needed someone to pick up.  
She scrolled through her contacts again, calling people she barely knew. She even called Elle Tomkins, who she had spoken maybe a total of three words to. Over and over, she was met with disappointment when no one picked up.
Allie was quickly running out of options when she came across a person she had tried to push to the corners of her mind. Her finger hovered over his name in her contact list. 
Harry Bingham.  
It seemed wrong to call him. Wrong, when he was constantly at Cassandra’s throat. Wrong, when they had done everything possible to ignore each other since she turned thirteen.  
You know what? Allie thought to herself. Fuck it.  
Before she could stop herself, she called him.  
He picked up on the second ring. “Hello?” His voice was thick with sleep.
“Hey. It’s Allie.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s the twenty-first century. I have caller I.D. What do you want?”
Ugh. Though his rudeness was no surprise, it still irked her. But at this point, it seemed like he was her only hope, so she tried to suppress her irritation. “Can I ask you a favor? I know it’s a lot to ask, but I have no one else to turn to and I’m scared and I don’t know what else to do.”
“Shit, Allie. Just spit it out.”
“I’m stuck in New York City. A man mugged me and took all my money and my ticket back home. I wouldn’t have called you, except I’ve already tried my family and all my friends. Can you come get me?”
There was a long pause on the other end of the line. In her head, she pictured him lying in bed, half-asleep and sneering at her. She imagined that he was hovering his finger over the red button on his phone, ready to end the call at any moment. Knowing Harry, he would probably hang up on her and go right back to sleep, and in the morning he’d forget that she’d ever called him.  
“Hello?” she said, breaking the silence. “Harry? Are you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m still here.” He sighed. “You’re going to owe me for this, Pressman.”
Relief rushed over her. “So you’ll do it?”
“Yeah, I will. Might be a couple of hours before I can get to you, though. I’m going to have to take an Amtrak or something, because my dad will get pissed if I start racking up miles on my car.” The trains from West Ham to Penn Station took an hour and a half minimum, and since fewer trains ran at night, the next train to the city probably wouldn’t be for a while. “Do you have somewhere safe to stay until then?”
“Um, I was just planning on waiting around at the train station.”
“Jesus Christ.” He cursed under his breath. “You so owe me for this. Alright, walk to the Waterwhite Hotel. It’s only two blocks from the station. Tell the person at the front desk that you’re a friend of the Bingham family. They’ll let you wait in the lobby until I show up.”
A cool rush of relief flooded her. “Harry? Thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it. Like, seriously. Don’t mention this to anyone.”  
Harry arrived at the Waterwhite a little over two hours later. His shirt was rumpled and he looked like he desperately needed two shots of espresso. Allie had never seen him look so disheveled. He must have come immediately after she called him.  
Allie was waiting for him on a modern, dark blue couch in the hotel lobby. She watched as he walked over to the tall brunette working the reception desk. He smiled and said something to the woman. Her previously bored expression turned happy, and she pointed to where Allie was sitting. Allie could see him thanking her with one of his classic Bingham smiles before walking over to where she was waiting. Even bedraggled, he still somehow managed to charm.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said. If he noticed her state of distress—her grimy shoes, her still-bloody hand, her tired red eyes—he did not comment on it.  
She nodded. “Thank you, again, Harry. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here.”  
He didn’t respond. They walked to the train station in near silence. The clacking of her shoes on the pavement was the only sound either of them made on the way there.
When they reached Penn Station, Harry paid for her Amtrak ticket back to West Ham in cash. This, too, was a near-wordless exchange. She thanked him. He merely grunted in response.
After waiting for thirty minutes, their train arrived. Unlike most trains out of the city, this one was near empty, occupied only by sleep-deprived workers commuting to their morning shift and a few odd stragglers.
Allie slid into a seat near the front of a car. Rather than sliding into the seat next to her, Harry spread himself out on the row of seats across from her. He rested his back against the window, stretched his legs across the seats, and let his feet dangle into the aisle.
Allie pulled out her phone to check the time. 3:23 a.m. was etched in glowing lights.  
The train rolled to a start. Harry closed his eyes and slouched in his seat as if he hoped to resume the sleep he had been enjoying before she had called. When he stretched his arms behind his head, his shirt rose to expose a sliver of skin by his hip.  
She could see the start of her name, inked on him in her penmanship. Allie Pressman. She had never seen it before. It pained her to look at it, although there was an almost beautiful quality to the tattoo. Unlike tattoos done by hand, a soulmate mark would never fade or need touch-ups.
He dropped his arms. The tattoo vanished under a cascade of black fabric.  
“Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” He was looking at her with half-shut eyes. So, he’d caught her staring after all.
Maybe it was sheer curiosity, or maybe her tiredness had made her weak, but she wanted to see those words on his skin.  
Without responding, Allie lifted the edge of her top and nudged down one side of her jeans so that his name was fully revealed. The tattoo was the same as always, stark black ink against pale skin. It felt strange to have her mark exposed to the world. No one had ever seen it but her.  
Harry followed her lead. He lifted the edge of his shirt, showing his tattoo to her once more. This time, she could see the entirety of her signature, like a claiming brand on a boy who despised her.  
They sat in silence, examining each other’s inked skin with fascination.  
“It’s weird, isn’t it? Seeing your name on someone else’s body,” she said.
“Yeah, very weird.” Harry tore his eyes away from her skin. Then, with a wry smirk, he said, “Almost as weird as having to cross state lines at three in the morning to pick up your enemy’s little sister.”
“Why did you help me?” she asked, genuinely curious.  
He looked surprised at her question. “Allie, I know what you and your sister think of me, but I’m not a bad person. I wasn’t going to leave you stranded in New York.”
Allie didn’t quite know what to say to that. Harry was right—she and Cassandra thought he was all West Ham’s worst traits distilled into one human being. Could it really be that after years of hating him, he was worth redeeming?
The train swayed hypnotically on the tracks. The cabin was quiet except for a man snoring three rows away from them. She and Harry stared at each other silently, truly seeing each other for the first time.  
He seemed different in this setting, she noticed. Away from his callous friends and his detached parents, he seemed lost and sad and beautiful and kind.
“I don’t think you’re a bad person,” she finally said.
He raised an eyebrow. “Really? And what exactly do you think of me? I know you don’t like me, so don’t even try to deny it.”
Allie rolled her eyes at him. “I don’t know, Harry. I think you’re richer than I’ll ever be. I think you’re smart but overconfident. If I’m being completely honest, I don’t think about you much at all.”
Harry smiled at her. Had she ever gotten a genuine smile from him before? She didn’t think so. She was used to his cold glares and bitter frowns, so this unfamiliar expression sent a shock of warmth through her.  
“Don’t think about me at all, huh?” he said. “I’m hurt. Here I was, thinking I’d been in your dreams since thirteen.”
“Haunting my nightmares, maybe,” she retorted.  
“Ouch.” He turned away from her to look out the window.  
Guilt flared up in Allie, although she wasn’t quite sure why. “As if you care what I think of you.”
He turned back to face her. He wasn’t smiling anymore. “Why would you think I don’t care?” He sounded surprisingly genuine, completely dropping the teasing tone he’d previously used with her.  
Allie suddenly felt anxious. She was trapped on a train with Harry Bingham, and he kept subverting her expectations. Without the judgment of West Ham hanging over her head, she didn’t know how to behave around him.  
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe I think that because of a conversation from many years ago, when we both agreed to pretend that there was nothing between us.”
The train’s fluorescent lights flickered out above them. For a moment, they were plunged into the dark. The only light was the blue glow of the city outside, which bounced brilliantly off Allie’s white sneakers.  
Across from her, Harry’s eyes glittered dangerously. He looked tired but wild, like there was something lurking under his skin that only revealed itself in the dark.  
It was at that moment that she realized how little she knew him.  
“I remember waking up on that day, the day of your birthday,” Harry said, still cast in darkness. “I remember seeing the tattoo for the first time. I was terrified and angry, but I wondered…what if? What if we didn’t deny the bond?”
Allie could feel her whole body tense up with renewed stress. She was grateful that the lights had gone out—hopefully, he couldn’t see her blushing.  
Why was he divulging this to her?
Harry laughed. The sound was sharp. When he spoke again, his voice was newly guarded. “I never wanted to be bonded with you. I still don’t. But when I look at the ink on my skin, I think of you. Always. So yes, Pressman, I do care what you think of me.”
The train’s lights startled back on. In the full light, Harry studied her for one more moment. His gaze was so intense it felt like it was burning her. She searched for the words to respond to him, but they kept getting stuck on the way to her tongue.  
Before she could come up with anything, he pulled a pair of earbuds from his pocket and shoved them in his ears. He closed his eyes, too, blocking out the sight of her. And just like that, he was back to ignoring her.
They arrived at the West Ham train station at five in the morning. The sun had not yet risen, and the dark sky was speckled with tiny stars. Just a short train ride had separated her from the everlasting citylight of New York. Her shopping spree and mugging almost felt as if they were figments of her imagination, although her scraped hands and the missing weight of her purse were painful reminders that the past twenty-four hours had been real.  
“Need a ride home?” Harry asked.  
“If you don’t mind.” She felt guilty for asking so much of him. She hadn’t even expected him to answer her call, and he had ended up coming all the way to New York to get her.  
“It’s whatever,” he said. He rubbed his tired eyes and took out the keys to his Maserati.  
Harry had parked next to the station. They got into the car like phantoms, sucked of all their energy.
Five minutes later, they turned onto Allie’s street. Harry made sure to pull over three houses before hers. That way, her family wouldn’t hear the purr of his engine or see her coming from his car.
“This is just between you and me, right?” Allie asked. “Just like before?”
Harry jerked his chin in response—a drowsy, clumsy attempt at a nod, she assumed. After a beat, he said, “Right. Just like before.”
There was nothing left for her to say to him. So she just said thanks, and then she exited the car.  
He zoomed off the second her door shut behind her. As she watched the silhouette of his Maserati drive out of sight, she was struck once more by what a wild night it had been. She had been saved by her worst enemy. She had sat by him on an old train and in a luxury vehicle. She had shown her mark to him. How out of character—perhaps she had been seized by a bout of insanity after she was mugged.  
She was thankful for his help. She was also ready to go back to forgetting that Harry even existed. With any luck, their relationship would return to the exact state it had been in before: nonexistent.  
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deepspacevivarium · 3 years
anemone, mint and sage for Licorice?
anemone :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ?  where does that world view come from   ( what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc . ) ?
The world is a cruel place. There are many injustices in the world, and demons will trample over each other to get what they want.
Licorice's references for how the world works are the toxic relationship between her parents and her personal experiences with Envi. Everything is just awful and bad for her.
mint :   does your muse view themself as virtuous   &   moral ? what do these words mean to them ?
I headcanon that while the events of Dangerous Night took place, Licorice was able to stop herself before doing something she regretted. Even so, she dislikes herself and thinks that she is inherently immoral or toxic. She believes that she is incapable of being 'virtuous' or 'moral', and isn't sure how to even define those words.
sage :   what is your muse’s legacy ? what do they want to be remembered for   &   what might they actually be remembered for ?
Licorice doesn't have a legacy. She's too young to worry about these kinds of things! She's definitely too stressed about what's going on in the present to worry about her future.
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elenasunshinemagazine · 10 months
How to feel comfortable in the autumn-winter season?
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Why is it important to change your diet and lifestyle in different periods of the year?
Because our body reacts to the changing seasons, whether we want it or not. Dry skin, sleep problems, joints, nervousness, stuffy nose, inertia, low metabolism are the body's reactions to the environment. All these symptoms are signs of a violation of the balance of the internal and external environment.
It is interesting that a healthy body strives to maintain this balance, since it feels the most resource-intensive state here. We intuitively change our behavior patterns from season to season, following changes in nature. So, in autumn and winter, we want to sleep more, eat hot and high-calorie food, spend time at home with our loved ones.
This is the time when we come to our senses, remember traditions and pay tribute to our ancestors. Active communication with loved ones and interesting people adds to our happiness. The brain receives positive signals from all sensory systems and produces the same endorphins.
Therefore, friendly gatherings in a pleasant company actively affect our mood. This behavior gives us health, supports the nervous and immune systems and saves energy.
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If we behave in this way in the summer, most likely we will get a blow to the energy sector. Nature itself gives energy and we actively spend it. The cold season, on the contrary, is a time of energy accumulation. This is peace, mental stability, enhanced nutrition of the body and spirit.
Our inner mood and positive thinking affect the body as a whole, with its immunity and diseases, and the psyche, with its mood. Therefore, an important skill of such thinking is to find positive moments in any situation.
What is important to remember in autumn and winter to preserve energy and health?
This is a time of change and sensitivity, the combination of which gives us mobility, creative mind, ease. Thus, the keys to good health are: nutrition, warmth, hydration, peace and grounding.
Food Stunt:
Proper balanced nutrition is the key to a good mood.
Eat more foods with the following flavors: sweet, sour and salty.
50% raw and 50% cooked food.
In the morning and during the day-a hot drink with lemon, ginger.
In the evening-a light soup. Do not eat too much at night!
Use baked vegetables in salads more often.
Soak the nuts and seeds to reduce their dryness.
Be sure to use warming spices and herbs every day.
Add ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne pepper to the smoothie.
Bright root vegetables: pumpkin, beetroot, carrot-will warm the body and give a feeling of inner warmth.
Eat in a relaxed atmosphere, at the table, and not on the run. Avoiding:
Bitter, tart and astringent tastes.
Dry and light food: chips, snacks, bars.
Cold drinks and food from the refrigerator.
Heavy and fatty foods
Stimulants: excess coffee, strong tea, as well as alcohol.
Fruits and berries.​ Fresh figs, plums, ripe bananas, grapes, apples and pears are better baked, cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, viburnum, rowan, hawthorn, rosehip.
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Vegetables.​ Potatoes , carrots, beets, onions, leeks, pumpkin, eggplant, turnips, sweet potatoes, zucchini, string beans, avocado, fennel, cauliflower, pepper, rutabaga, radish, garlic, various herbs, seasonal mushrooms.
Cereals. ​ Basmati rice, quinoa, amaranth, oats, millet, pearl barley, buckwheat.
Seeds. Seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia.
Fermented foods. Kimchi, sauerkraut, miso paste, apple and coconut vinegar
Legumes. Mash with rice (kichari) or red lentils (a little), tofu, hummus.
Oils. ​ Ideal — ghee, sesame, almond. Sometimes coconut.
Herbs. Licorice, chamomile, basil, cilantro, sage, tarragon, thyme.
Spices. Fennel, black pepper, coriander, cinnamon, cloves, anise, cumin, cumin, licorice powder, asafoetida, turmeric, fresh ginger root, mustard, nutmeg.
Drinks. Ginger tea, licorice root tea, warm water with lemon, rosehip infusion warming teas, berry teas (sea buckthorn, lingonberry, cranberry). You can also use spices for tea: cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, cumin, fennel.
Natural sweeteners. Stevia, dates, organic honey.
Nuts. almonds, walnuts, slightly salted salted pistachios, pecans, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds.
Keep your body warm, avoid hypothermia and wind. Warming baths with ginger powder and soda, sauna, steam room, hammam. In addition, the body produces hormones of happiness and joy – endorphins during active training. Well, running for happiness?
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Warming oil massage. The massaging movements themselves ground and soothe an anxious mind, moisturize joints and soothe sensitive digestion. Before going to bed, do a self-massage with warm sesame oil or at least spread warm oil on your feet. You can also do a facial massage with almond oil.
Movement. Do not miss the morning exercise: it will warm up the body, prepare the systems for work and add cheerfulness. Cardio: running, cycling, swimming, trampolining, dancing, aerobics, walking.
Yoga. Active yoga is good without overexertion (complexes of medium length).
Meditations of all kinds. Take some time to be alone with yourself, breathe and enjoy. Concentration on the breath calms thoughts, regulates feelings. Just 2-5 minutes – and you feel more balanced.
Aromatherapy. Use sweet, heavy and warm oils: basil, cinnamon, citrus, clove, frankincense, lavender, pine, sage, vanilla, nerol, jasmine. Oils can be used to flavor the air in the house, as well as to lubricate body parts. If this is a concentrated essential oil, then it should be diluted with some basic one, otherwise you can get a burn.
Daily routine, regime, planning. Start waking up, going to bed, exercising and eating at the same time.
More bright and saturated tones. Creating a warming atmosphere.​ Wear cozy clothes in warm colors-red, orange, yellow. In the same colors, it is desirable (if possible) to choose the tone of the apartment and workplace. Gray and brown colors can be used, but deep black is best avoided.
Comfort and peace. The day becomes shorter, and your energy level decreases. This is natural. We resist because we are surrounded by a society that is hungry for stimulation and action. Try to spend the afternoon in peace, or at least some time before going to bed.
If you have trouble sleeping, reduce your contacts with gadgets two hours before lights out. But there should be more hugs and caring touches in autumn and winter.
When you wake up in the morning, wash your face, do exercises and have a delicious and healthy breakfast. Arrange a meeting with friends on the weekend, plan a trip to the gym, buy a plane ticket, if there is such an opportunity. Play your favorite song on the guitar, and when leaving the house, hug your loved one and wish him a good day, take an umbrella and smile at the rain.
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whiskeynovember · 1 year
minimal garden work today. everything looks great. i need to get the eggplants under control. i do think the spray is helping to keep whatever is making those tiny holes, but I also feel I might be too late in catching it.
*not too late. I'm trying my best.*
peppers look good. i see some flowers forming and another cherry pepper seedling sprouted. squashes and tomatoes are doing great. i put all the long beans together. there were 11 of them that grew. when I moved them over, you can see where the cut worms made attempts at chewing off the stems.
i planted one of each nasturtium seed in the watermelon and summer squash pots. companion planting. i don't expect much, so whether they do or don't, this is my last attempt. i haven't been having the best of luck with flowers other than the Cali poppies. i should maybe mark it... but also... meh.
i have some more dill to harvest. need to get a better look at my cucumbers. they're just not doing great.
the pineapple sage is struggling. i don't want to give up on it. between the cut stem and the 2 propagations, something is bound to grow.
the holy basil looks good. a few holes, but good. The Thai basil is making a full recovery. resilient plant, i love it. most of the basil seedling are doing well. the cinnamon basil is coming back from it's worm attack. a few of the licorice basil are dying out, but I'm not sure why. the lemon basil and queen Siam are thriving.
I went ahead and moved the sweet basil over. roots were already trying to grow so I think that's a good sign. i left quite a bit of the old soil on the roots.
I'm not sure what to do in the chaos area anymore. maybe the cucamelons can go there? still have just the 2 seedlings and one looking like it wants to sprout, but u don't see the baby leaves.
sprayed everything down and then refilled the bottles with more solution.
i can't think of anything else. looks like it's just upkeep untill my new seeds come in and the cucamelons get more mature.
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dentitoxpro · 3 years
Dentitox Pro
Official Website: Click Here
Dentitox Pro Reviews: What is it?
Dentitox Pro is an all-natural dietary supplement formulated right here in the USA in an FDA-approved facility and is certified by the Goods Manufacturing Practices facility.
Dentitox Pro supplement has been designed to help people overcome the problem of bad oral health.
If you are someone suffering from cavities, sensitivities, loosening of your teeth, yellow teeth, bad breath, tartar, inflammation, etc, this formula is the perfect choice for you.
Dentitox Pro will not only help you get rid of these problems but will also make your teeth and gums so strong that you will no longer suffer from dental problems and your teeth won’t fall off either easily even while you age.
You will not have to visit your dentist as well for surgeries, root canals, etc. Dentitox Pro will concentrate on erasing the problem of its roots in such a way that it never takes place again.
Dentitox Pro has been used by thousands of people and they have all received the best results within a very short period of time only.
Dentitox Pro solution comes in form of a liquid that has been made with 100% all-natural herbs and ingredients all backed up by science. Thus, Dentitox Pro is 100% safe and effective.
Click Here to Order Dentitox Pro From Its Official Website Now
Dentitox Pro Reviews: Ingredients 
The entire Dentitox Pro formula has been made using the perfect combination of several vitamins, herbs, minerals, plant extracts, superfoods that have been combined together in a proprietary blend that works synergistically.
These herbs and ingredients have been sourced from the highest and cleanest sources from the best places on earth.
These have been proven and tested clinically and scientifically to be potent and effective.
Every capsule is made using the perfect amount of these potent ingredients so that they work perfectly for you.
Let us take a look at these superfoods and their qualities below:
Vitamin A (as Beta Carotene): Vitamin A has been proven to work effectively to help maintain the health of your teeth enamel and the gum health as well. Also, it helps the teeth to function well and protects your oral health.
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid): It is super crucial to have good oral health. It has been proven to help strengthen the upper gum layers and it also helps kill all the bad bacterias from entering your mouth. It will strengthen your gums to prevent the loosening of your teeth.
Vitamin D3: These are used to help your teeth remain strong and tight even when you age. You won’t lose your teeth easily even if you are aging.
Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 is a very important type of fat-soluble vitamin and a protein that helps push the calcium to produce stronger bones and teeth.
Phosphorus (from ionized Phosphoric Acid): When you consume the potent amount of phosphorus it helps build a block of calcium that supports the building of a strong base for your teeth. It even helps the foods to absorb well.
Potassium (as Potassium Chloride): It is proven to help the blood remain natural. It will even detoxify your blood when it reaches your bones and teeth.
Zinc (as Zinc Citrate): It prevents cavities by ensuring proper demineralization and remineralization of your teeth. It will protect your gums and will cure problems like infections, ulcers, and bad breath.
Calcium (as micro-encapsulated Calcium): It will help strengthen your enamel and will prevent erosion and cavities.
Iron: It will help your gums and teeth to stay healthy no matter how bad the condition gets. Plus, you will also be free from all the had bacterias because iron fights them and prevents them from being stored in there and forming germs and cavities. It will boost your immune system and will keep your body immune to all types of diseases and will protect oral health well.
Other ingredients: Purified Water, Glycerine, Elderberry, Ionized Phosphoric Acid, Potassium, Zinc, Citrate, Micro-encapsulated Calcium, Xylitol, Collagen, MSM, Indian Licorice Root Extract, Neem, Sage, Cinnamon, and Peppermint Essential Oil.
Aren’t these herbs and ingredients effective for your overall health? I am sure you will love the way they will work!
(LIMITED SUPPLIES) Click Here To Buy Dentitox Pro From Its Official Website While Supplies Last
Dentitox Pro Reviews: How will Dentitox Pro come into action?
As you read above, the formula has been made using all kinds of best herbs and ingredients all extracted from the best places to cure the problem of its roots in such a way that it can’t take place again.
As Dentitox Pro is not a capsule, you have to apply it to your teeth and gums directly. As you do that, the pathways open up for these herbs and ingredients to enter inside.
As they get absorbed, the entire cleansing process begins through which several natural ingredients such as Neem, Licorice, Peppermint, and other vitamins and minerals penetrate deep to nourish the health of your gums and teeth.
As soon as your gums and teeth are nourished, you will be able to make your enamel stronger and then your immune system will also be strengthened.
This will simply help your mouth to detoxify all the bad bacterias so that you will be able to have good oral health.
Since your mouth will be free from all kinds of bacterias, your teeth and gums will get rid of all the problems like tartar, cavities, and plaque. You will be able to say goodbye to the bad breath also.
Dentitox Pro Reviews: Benefits
Unlike other supplements that just erase the symptoms for a while, Dentitox Pro works for a complete result leaving no marks behind.
It will ensure that you are completely cured and it will also provide you with loads of health benefits such as:
You will have a great immune system that will keep you away from diseases and infections.
Your body will be able to prevent gum and teeth diseases.
You will have better teeth and gum health.
You can reduce bad odor and breath easily.
You will no longer have to suffer from cavities or periodontitis.
Your mouth will no longer allow plaque to build up.
Your teeth will naturally shine with whiteness while reducing the yellowness of your teeth.
You will also get rid of infections, pain, and gingivitis.
Your toothache will be gone.
You will not face the problem of chronic inflammation.
You can reduce the risk of developing ulcers as well.
Your chewing will improve too.
Your jaws will be free from all the tension.
You won’t face sensitivity while eating anything hot or cold.
You can enjoy your food.
Your enamel will be strengthened.
Your teeth won’t fall off easily.
Your gums will be 10 times together.
Your overall health will be protected.
Click Here to Buy Dentitox Pro Supplement From The Company’s Official Website
Dentitox Pro Reviews: How to Use?
Dentitox Pro comes in a form of liquid drops that are to be applied daily to your teeth and mouth. Each bottle of Dentitox Pro comes along with 30 ML of the liquid that you must use daily.
All you have to do is remove a bit of time and apply a few drops on your teeth and gums every day along with toothpaste or plain.
It will take a few seconds only. As you continue to do this regularly, you will be able to see the results within the first few weeks itself only.
Dentitox Pro Reviews: Who Can Use This Formula?
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🌱 seedling update 🌱
Despite the rain and wind, I did do some repotting today! The inside tomato plant is now in its permanent home ❤ I don't know if the tiny seedlings are going to survive, since it's really too early to repot them, but some of them weren't growing at all in the peat containers so I think they would've died eventually anyway.
I found some more licorice plants too?? The seeds came in a little papery mat, and two of them were growing underneath it and not coming through, so I plucked them out now and put them in the soil properly. (I also put two in my garden patch outside to see what happens. Presumably nothing, but we'll see lmao)
My aloe is also looking a whole lot better now! I'm glad it's bouncing back from whatever shocked it.
And I've spotted the first sage germinating!
Aside from that, I've been keeping everything inside for the past two days because of the weather. We've been having a lot of strong wind, and far colder temperatures than normal for this time of year. Weather reports for next week look more promising though, so with some luck they can all go permanently outside in a week or two.
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unklarity · 5 years
Critical Role: Caleb
“Anyone can send a message through a wire. I want to bend reality to my will.”
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I think the thing that intrigues me most about Caleb is Liam’s portrayal of him, and how, despite his narrow-minded focus on his goals, he finds his priorities and allegiance shifting almost without him knowing, affecting the decisions he makes in unpredictable ways. It makes him a constantly evolving character with sometimes confusing motivations; Caleb at the beginning of the campaign is wildly different than he is now, and yet he remains a character that is super relatable, often incredibly frustrating, and way more complicated than he seems.
I wanted to explore that change, while also showing ways in which his character stays stagnant, because I feel like it’s a duality we all have. We all have the capacity to change, and at that same we’re perfectly capable of crossing our arms and resisting that change as hard as we can. We’ve all struggled with lack of agency in different capacities. We’ve all dealt with grief and regret in ways that might seem unpalatable to others. That’s why Caleb grew on me so much throughout the campaign, I think; I saw a character that, somehow, became his own person, and a reflection of how confusing and unpredictable we all are.
Click below to keep reading and see more photos! 
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I wanted to go with an atypical box shape for Caleb, because I enjoy how it changes the way I map things out. One of my favorite other boxes was octagonal, so I was excited to try it again. In the lid, I wrote out some of my favorite spells from Caleb’s spellbook, while trying not to get too spoilery, and spilled some ink inside, because you know Caleb has totally done that with all that ink and paper he’s gone through.
Magic is such a big part of Caleb’s character, so I wanted to explicitly reference his spells and components, since there’s so much emphasis on his actual spellcasting. Here are some of the specific spell references included in the physical box, not including potions.
Spell Books from Caleb’s book holster + Inside lid with pages of spell books
Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp/Cat’s Ire - Cat paw wax seal
Haste- licorice root (in leather component pouch)
Leomund’s tiny hut + alarm spell - dome with tiny spool of silver wire “thread”
Message - little copper wire (in leather component pouch)
Chromatic orb- diamond stamp
Find familiar- Frumpkin figure
Transmuter stone
Here’s a close up of the tiny dome and of Frumpkin! (He’s so cute, I think he’s my favorite part of the box.)
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For Caleb, I didn’t worry as much about stones, just because I focused so much on physical objects. Instead, I let some stones fall into place with the themes I selected and went from there. The main focal stone, a hematite tower, was actually one of the last things that went in the box, because it was hard to pin down something that fit the theme but also the muted color palette I was going for. In fact, with the exception of fluorite and labradorite, most of the stones are earth-tones. I chose this because I wanted to represent Caleb’s origins, and his initial desire to blend in with his environment. There are earth colors, fire colors, and then that shock of blues and purples and flashy greens of fluorite and labradorite show the small changes Caleb makes aesthetically that reflect his change in attitude. 
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In the box there is:
Red tiger eye - motivation (frantic, desperation), single-mindedness
Fire agate- banish fear
Garnet - banish fears, make your desires reality/manifestation, passion, bond of found family
Hematite tower- grounding, manifestation
Fluorite- focus, intelligence
Labradorite- transformation, becoming
In the photo you can also see the transmuter stone I made and a close-up of the brass ouroboros necklace I chose to represent the necklace Caleb wears to shield himself from being found, and the Pyrite Dodecahedron I used to represent the Luxon Beacon.
Okay, next are the potions!
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There are 6 potions, each labeled with a number on the bottom. The first three are in the above photo, in order from left to right. The first one represents magic and manifestation, particularly manifesting your desires into being. It includes rosemary for protection, as one of the main uses of Caleb’s magic is to protect himself and his friends. There’s fluorite pebbles, representing intelligence and the search for knowledge, goldenrod for magic, deer tongue and acorn for power and chalk for magic circles; garnet for making your desires reality, gold dust for dunamancy, anise for time magic and using knowledge as power/to protect yourself/get what you want, and mint for trying to atone for the past. Sealed with gold wax and a cat stamp.
The second potion revolves around Caleb’s past, and how that has shaped who he is now, mainly his lack of agency, trauma, grief and distrust. There’s rue and amaranth for help recovering from trauma, sage and cypress for grief and loss, lilac for being manipulated by someone with authority over you, yarrow for breaking magical influence of others and regaining agency, black salt for being controlled, hydrangea and yellow rose for violence and death/war, and poppy for remembrance/holding on to a traumatic period in your past. Sealed with gold wax and cat paw stamp.
Potion number three is about self hatred as motivator, seeing as self-loathing is one of those Caleb traits that tends to stand out (especially his inability to forgive in himself what he forgives/excuses in others). In this potion is lemon balm and basil for self-hatred, marigold for cruelty, purple hyacinth for seeking forgiveness, yellow carnation for disdain, and peony for shame and anger. Sealed with gold wax and a magic circle stamp.
In the following photo are the last three potions (also in order from left to right), plus a tiny bottle of green crystals (which are peridot) to represent residuum crystals for past trauma, and the multiple ways in which Caleb’s past and present intersect.
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The fourth potion represents fear, fleeing, and hiding in plain sight. Caleb is on the run from people in his past, and up until recently, has been alone for a good deal of that, trying to blend in and protect himself from discovery. So, here I’ve included heather for solitude, agrimony to ward off evil, and of course, dirt, since Caleb’s initial method of choice for hiding is being so gross that no one looks at him. There’s also mugwort for fear and cautiousness, thyme for protection from negative energy and unbearable grief, nutmeg to make oneself anonymous or impossible to find, and comfrey leaf for protecting people on the run. Sealed with gold wax and key stamp.
The next potion, number five, is about Caleb’s conflicting emotions regarding the Mighty Nein, and his struggle with learning to trust other people. To me, this potion focuses on Nott, Beau, and Fjord especially, but applies to the entire group. There's a red carnation for sibling bonds (Beau and to some extent Jester), skullcap for making oaths to others (Fjord), magnolia for unwavering loyalty and trust (Nott), zinnia for remembering absent friends (Molly), lavender for initial distrust, and dogwood for devotion. Sealed with gold wax and diamond stamp.
The sixth and last potion represents growth. Funnily enough, it’s the smallest, but still important, because let’s face it, Caleb has a long way to go but he’s also come very far. Here I wanted to focus on the big contrasts between selfishness and selflessness, and the change in priorities between self preservation and putting others’ safety before your own. There’s Gum Arabic for growth and protecting others (also a spell component), jasmine for learning and opening up to new ideas, bay leaf for transformation, rosemary for harmony and exchange of ideas/information, and lavender for stability. Sealed with gold wax and tiny geometric stamp +inlaid gem.
Finally, here’s a photo of a brass book locket I stamped with the quote in the introduction, and a close-up of Caleb’s spell books and component pouch.
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Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you like him as much as I loved working on him!
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(Caleb has been sold, but feel free to message me/comment with any questions! More of my CR boxes can be seen on my website, as well as a portfolio of boxes with various themes. Website is in my bio!)
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