#the s in s class stands for slay and he’s teaching it to the class 😻
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hyunpic · 11 months ago
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240410 | HYUNJIN ✧ S-CLASS © ACE
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disadinosaur · 2 years ago
So... Jujutsu Kaisen
I'm currently listening to random playlists on youtube and if that isn't a great start idk what is. (note the sarcasm) Grammarly is shouting at me and I'm ready to play with fire.
Jujutsu Kaisen is mid.
I don't hate the anime or manga, mind you. I actually really liked it in the beginning! But- then I started reading the manga because I am nothing if not impatient when I find something new that catches my attention and... Well it didn't meet expectations. What I was expecting wasn't what I got. Which isn't usually a bad thing; in this case sadly I couldn't help but feel let down.
SPOILERS AHEAD!!! I complain about the manga randomly so if you haven't read do not continue through this post!! <----------------------
My youtube playlist would never lie to me, okay? My late night vibe ain't vibing with Jujutsu Kaisen which I will affectionately name actionanimeangst#94 or A3#94. It starts out great. Concept: Interesting. Protagonist: Pink hair boyo gives you fuzzie flower reaction.
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There is this man who almost everyone either says "owuga owuga" or >:P. Either "Daddy Gojo-sensei!!" or "daddy gojo-sensei~~~~~~." Which fair valid, have a nice day. The mans funny and has nice eyes I'll give him that. But it makes me kinda feel that those were the main selling points? Weak, boring, missed opportunities, sadge.
The idea of curses is creative enough in this day and age where everything you thought or created has probably already been created before or similar enough to something else that it gets criticized ruthlessly.
Protag gets possessed by eating a crusty beet-looking finger with amazing nails after centuries which is not fair as my nails just break. Slay I guess. We got some cursed energy that powers up people giving them abilities to fight these negative nancys. Apparently, you can't defeat curses without cursed energy which is then proven to be FALSE when we are introduced to emo hitman- which settle down guys. I can already hear it; he fights with cursed weapons meaning he uses cursed energy >>>:((((
Simply hush, not only is that a huge plot hole in my eyes it is irrelevant because my point still stands that he himself doesn't have cursed energy and yet is able to go toe to toe with 28-year-old Casper the morally grey man child aka giga chad of all sorcerers (why is that so hard to spell.)
Protag has to have the Vingt des doigts de la main meal while Sasuke-look alike's dilf just exudes Saitama vibes and KOs the art class color wheel god. I see how it is. At least he has respawn mechanics and in round 2 he teaches the man how to create secondary colors. Too bad emo kid's middle school OC is physically allergic to the visible spectrum and combat logs only to reappear later in front of his son on a totally missed out "Luke I am your father" scene. He needs to keep his K/D ratio and decided it was a good idea to change careers from a hired gun to a kebab cook.
Back onto what I was saying, Protag possessed- and BOOM cursed energy acquired time to fight fire with fire which is what the plot basically is especially when you learn Dori-bro ain't exactly all that human and it related to curse-human people like what you would see on those pairings if they had kids posts. So like he's only like half a regular guy?? Or what?? Maybe I missed that part when I was speed-running the manga... hmmm...
Suskuna comes into the picture and apparently, that was one of his 20, count it, 20 fingers that apparently are spread across Japan because although he's the king of curses he never actually left the country to pursue his dreams of world domination because his parents wanted him to become a lawyer.
Protag, Side farming tools, and daddy Young Yoda person acquired!! Now have some cool fights and get slowly introduced to the plot that will become irrelevant after season 1 of the anime because Blindfold and pronouns gets trapped and everything goes to s c h i s t.
Blooming bromance relationship with misunderstood movie review ends, angst and dubstep ensue with many fights afterward that lead to n o t h i n g b u t f i l l e r.
But that's a little harsh, isn't it? There is some character development and new techniques learned. There are cute moments and since everyone wields literal cursed energy it's not really a big surprise when the story is also cursed at some points.
We get backstories, more elements added, new characters replacing old characters as well as Attack on Titan flashbacks (no I will never watch that show to completion because it kept killing all my favorite characters and I don't need any more of that.)
And the anime has some really well-animated scenes that are just to die for and ruin older animes for me ;-; As an artist, sometimes an amazing art style and good animation are what draws me in. That makes me very picky when it comes to manga and anime in general so I miss out on a lot. And unpopular opinion... I like the anime's art style better than the manga's which is actually rare.
If that didn't make much sense, which it shouldn't since I'm just letting my fingers type without thinking much about it, basically here's a summary that should be more... coherent.
Basically, what I expected to be the whole plot of the show isn't actually the plot because there is a greater overarching one! Which I didn't even bat an eye at in the beginning because not all stories are what they seem in the beginning. The characters weren't all black and white but actually very unstable in the brain which is always fun and they actually had personalities (even though some are basic the story makes it feel more natural or gives a reason to them instead of leaving them as is. You aren't meant to completely understand them because you simply aren't them. They aren't like us.) Which leads to a natural disconnect for most people.
I loved the different use of weapons! Nobara using a hammer and nails is so cool to me because it's so subtly eccentric to me. Out there in a completely different sense than literal curses. The main characters play off each other well and open many opportunities for ships to blossom. (No we will not mention more because that is a fire I am not willing to play with rn.)
The story has so much potential and I am sticking with it to see where it goes cuz I won't give up on it. But. And its a major but. Sometimes less is more. I believe for now until my mind is changed that some things were forcibly rushed causing a subtle domino effect to take place for me. The story itself feels rushed. Unnaturally so that I got whiplash from reading the manga which you can read at your own pace. There are choices that I would have delayed or changed completely. Characters I felt were either unnecessary or didn't live up to their full potential.
But please note that this is just my first impression of the series. I've read almost all the manga chapters that are currently out rn and nothing else. I haven't read any side bits or notes from the author or anything like that. I'm probably missing information that would change my opinion in the future, but that's exactly why I'm sticking with it. It might get better, I might start to understand more choices the author made. Mostly I watch anime and read manga for the worlds and not the main story. You could do so much with a world full of curses and world build to your heart's content with the excuse that it's just an au. Really stories are just what you make of them. The author doesn't choose how you perceive it. You do. And I choose to perceive an exciting world to dip my toes into and funny characters to mess with.
So for now, my opinion is that Jujutsu Kaisen isn't reaching its full potential thus leading it to be mid. But its not my creation and all I can do is be along for the ride :)
Anyways enough of that. This totally didn't take me like 2 hours to write pshhh what are you talking about? Now that that's out of my system and I've finished praising and critiquing A3#94 (no, I did not forget)
How would people react if I just... made an au on how I would have handled the story and characters? Its fine~ Its just an Au :). I might make the au, might not. Sounds like a lot of work and who knows if I'll attract some unwanted attention :/
Grammarly is furious with me but also telling me my tone is informative, assertive, optimistic, formal, and informal. At least it isn't the Duolingo owl :). With that thought, I'll probably revisit this in a different post in which I might give my updated opinion. For now though I leave you with one final message.
If you actually read through all of that you either have endless patience or run purely off of spite which fair valid, have a nice day.
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painting-wings · 4 years ago
Fight or Flight (Demon AU)
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Description ~ Demon slayer Yoongi has a bone to pick with satan himself, he will defeat him even if it kills him. But will it be fight or flight? | Mature story | work in progress 
Pairing(s): Yoongi x Hoseok, Jimin x Taehyung 
Chapter(s) : One | Two 
A/n: Here is another story, not sure when I will update next....but please give me feedback on how I can improve the stories 🥺
A trickle of blood dripped down Yoongi’s cheek. He’d regret the day he made Yoongi bleed, ashes fell from the sky like snow, standing there shaking with a blade in his right hand, knuckles white as his jaw hurt from clenching his teeth together. 
All he saw was red. 
His smug face is what pissed Yoongi off even more, it was his wrong doing, he hurt Yoongi and everyone he cared about and it was going to end today.
 His eyes rose to meet Yoongi’s, he was the only one left. Their dark clothing now stood out against the white ashes, the fire now slowly burning, the smoke was pungent under Yoongi’s  nose. But that is the least of his worries right now, he stood proud as he waited for Yoongi  to make the first move.
“Coward” Yoongi whispered under his breath as he took off running in the direction of the man, blade was steady in his hand as Yoongi  lunged towards him, his sharp eyes focused on him, one swift swing of the blade as it made contact with his body, slicing through, blood splattered across Yoongi’s face, the body was still poised as if nothing had happened. 
“I will never belong to you” Yoongi said through gritted teeth, he smirked as blood slowly spilled from his mouth, 
“Don’t kid yourself, you always have” he coughed as his body fell to the ground. Still holding on to the blade Yoongi slid down with it still in his grasp. Tears filled his eyes. He thought this was over but it was only the beginning. 
Yoongi withdrew his sword from the now lifeless body, wiping the blood from his cheek, looking at the now burning down Church, a place with so much beauty now gone, dusting the ashes off of his clothes he knew that this war was not over and he had to find the rest of them. 
Slamming down the book, Yoongi yawned another boring history lesson about the Great War and not the Great War most people think of, Yoongi stays at an institute for the gifted, gifted in slaying demons and any other unholy beings to walk this earth. 
They want to protect the ordinary people of this earth while the fighters are called children of the vale, most are born into it, others are like the chosen ones, Yoongi was one of the chosen a mistake that happened when he was only fifthteen walking down a dark alley and he accidentally came across a demon feeding on a helpless human, most mundanes can’t see demons or unholy beings, but Yoongi can. 
He can’t remember much of what happened that night, all he knew was he went to a boarding school where he learned about demonology and how to fight, combat and with weapons. Now he lives in an institute in Seoul with others like him but he still has to attend lessons and training as the demon world is always expanding, changing. 
Yoongi sat in the bleak room as the teacher waffled on about the demons that were in the war, he wasn’t paying attention more thinking about the possible demon scum that was in the streets, how it made his skin crawl, giving a sigh and running his hand through his white hair, pushing it back to reveal is forehead and elegantly falling back down into his face, he more looked like a angel rather than a demon killer. 
 Looking over to his friend Namjoon who has his nose deep in a book of greek gods and mythology, Namjoon was a great fighter when he focused, most of the time he was tripping over his own feet or dropping weapons, Yoongi was praying for this class to be over, like his prayers answered they was free to go, leaning over to tap Namjoon on his shoulder.
“Hey did you wanna go out on patrol?” Yoongi asked as Namjoon closed the book he was reading, 
“We patrolled this morning, it’s not our time until tomorrow, give some of the newbies a chance” he smirked as Yoongi rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. Namjoon turned his head to look at Yoongi again tilting it to one side.
 “If you really wanna see something entertaining let's watch the newbies try and fight” Namjoon offered as Yoongi clicked his tongue. 
“Like your any better?” Yoongi came back as Namjoon playfully hit his chest. Both boys laughed as they walked out of the classroom, the institute was surprisingly quiet despite having only a handful of residents living there, as the years went on less people have been coming to them or even born into the children of the vale. 
Walking down to one of the training rooms, Namjoon could hear his name being called, turning around there was someone younger than both Yoongi and Namjoon running towards them, Yoongi instinctively stepped in front of Namjoon, ready to throw a punch to this mad kid. The guy stopped just in time seeing that Yoongi was ready to strike.
“Woah! I don’t mean harm..Hi I’m Jungkook I just started-” Yoongi quickly interjected 
“Born or chosen?” squinting his eyes as he was trying to susout Jungkook. 
“Chosen, I saw a Demon a month ago, it” Jungkook paused, he swallowed before continuing “it killed my family, they couldn't see it but I could, I tried to warn them but...yea” 
Yoongi hummed in agreement. 
“Are you going to training?” Jungkook asked as Namjoon nodded,
“Yea we are headdin-” 
“Can I watch you?” Jungkook excitedly said seeing his eyes light up with a bunny smile, Yoongi sighed as he turned around to keep walking.
“Sure kook come and watch us” Namjoon politely said as they followed Yoongi to the training room. Jungkook won’t admit it but he was giddy when Namjoon called him by his nickname, overall he was thrilled to be with the guy he looked up to in the institute.
The training room was quiet with weapons on the walls and mats lining the floor, Yoongi decided to do some stretching while Namjoon did the same and Jungkook watched eagerly from the sidelines. “Wanna start easy?” Namjoon spoked as rolled his neck, loosening up the muscles, Yoongi let out a breathy laugh. 
“Don’t go too easy, let’s give newbie a good show” 
The boys took stance feet hip length a part, fists up blocking their faces, Yoongi started to circle around Namjoon while Namjoon took the first strike, Yoongi ducked as he punched Namjoon in the ribs, Joon groaned as he fell to one side, Yoongi grabbed Joon’s right arm, twisting it behind his back and kicking him behind the knee making him kneel, Yoongi pulled the small dagger from his ankle, holding it up to Joon’s throat. 
“Hey where did you get the dagger from?” Namjoon asked breathlessly
“You know I always keep one on me for emergencies” Yoongi replied, 
“This is hardly an emergency Yoongi...stop showing off” Namjoon struggled. Yoongi released Namjoon looking over to Jungkook his eyes wide like saucers as he slowly stood up giving a slow clap, “That was so cool!” Jungkook squealed, quickly running up to Yoongi “you have to teach me, how...how can you be that quick-man demons don’t stand a chance” Junkook was beaming as Yoongi gave a brief smile. 
“Determination kid” Yoongi mumbled as he brushed past Jungkook, helping Namjoon back up onto his feet, “weapons this time?” Yoongi asked. 
“Sure let’s practice with the bo staff” Namjoon replied as he gestured over to Jungkook, who got two long wooden poles out of the large pot by the wall. 
Stance at the ready Yoongi on the right and Namjoon on the left, as Joon went to move Yoongi kicked up the staff as he swung it above his head as Joon struck the horizontal staff making a thunderous clap, one swift motion the bottom of Joons staff flicked up as Yoongi lowered to block the blow, Jumping backwards both swung again crashing down pushing against one another, Joon moved back using the top of the staff to thrust  forward, Yoongi narrowly stepped back swinging his staff to block Joon again. All Jungkook could see was a whirl of movements and the crashing of staffs; it was like a visual of thunder and lighting. 
Yoongi twirled the staff as he moved backwards, Namjoon twirling his too moving forward,creating a whoop noise, Yoongi backed into the wall as they both swung again crashing against one another making an X, with the strength Namjoon pushed Yoongi’s staff down to the floor trapping him. 
Namjoon releases spinning around to hit Yoongi in the head, Yoongi ducks as Joon tries to come for his ankles, again Yoongi too quick as he jumps and misses Joon’s blow. 
Joon goes for a quick blow to the face as Yoongi blocks him, both of them release and relax going in for a bro hug. 
“That was good man” Namjoon compliments as Yoongi scratched the back of his head,
“Thanks, you've been practicing too?” Namjoon smiled as he tidied away weapons they used, “yea but I still don’t feel comfortable with close contact fighting” Yoongi hummed in agreement he knew Namjoon was a good fighter but he has a good heart and would rather talk out the situation than fight. They excited the training room ready to go back to their rooms for the night.
Yoongi closed the door to his single room, taking off his leather jacket and hanging it up when he turned around he was pushed back into the door by a dark figure, the hair on Yoongi’s arms raised as it felt this presence, a slutry whisper was spoken into his ear, “Yoongi, it’s been a while” the figure pulled back, revealed a man taller than Yoongi with skin as white as his but the figure had fiery red hair and ruby eyes to match. 
“Hoseok” Yoongi breathed, staring into his eyes getting lost in the charm, he quickly diverted his eyes.
“Yoongi my sweet suga have you missed me?” Hoseok was in a teasing mood, Yoongi pulled out of Hoseok’s grip.
“You shouldn’t be here...if they know you're here they will kill you. Instantly.” 
“Hmm Yoongi you could’ve killed me all them years ago but you didn’t” Hoseok smirked as Yoongi tried to hide the blush forming on his cheeks, it annoyed Yoongi at how easily Hoseok got to him emotionally and psychically. 
“Why are you here?” Yoongi questioned as Hoseok came close to him again, caressing his cheek, Hoseok’s touch felt like electricity to Yoongi as he didn’t want to look at him. 
“I was lonely and it’s been a while” Hoseok fell flush against Yoongi, Yoongi’s breath hitched as Hoseok's hands felt over his body, “my little demon hunter, I have been watching you and you amaze me everyday” Hoseok’s eyes sparkled as he spoke to Yoongi, however Yoongi did not want to give into the demons temptations, he secretly prayed that someone would knock on his door. 
“Hobi you can’t..they will know” Yoongi gasped as Hoseok trailed kisses down his neck, his hands trailing up Yoongi’s shirt, Hoseok leaned in to give a kiss on the lips, Yoongi felt his will go as gave into the poisonous temptation that was Hoseok’s lips. Giving light moan into the kiss that fueled the fire in his belly as Yoongi’s body acted on it’s own, his hands raked through Hoseok’s dark hair as he pushed his mouth closer to him, practically jumping into his arms.
Hoseok gripped Yoongi’s ass, turning around to throw him on to the bed, caging Yoongi in his arms, with the lust growing Hoseok’s fangs protruding from the top of his mouth, gently piercing his bottom lip. Before Hoseok could get Yoongi’s pants off, he left a sharp hand wrap around his throat, giving a small chuckle he looked up into Yoongi’s eyes, they were sharp and cat-like. 
“Yoongi” Hoseok sighed,
“Whatever Incubus bullshit you’re trying to pull stop it now” 
“You’re never fun and it won’t hurt..” Hoseok pouted as Yoongi jumped off the bed trying to find a shirt to cover himself. 
“Hoseok...please not right now” Yoongi pulled a loose top over him, while Hoseok sat on the bed still with a pout. 
“No I understand” 
“Do you?” 
“You have been seeing that Warlock haven't you? The one from Busan” Hoseok accused Yoongi. Yoongi scoffed, “you mean Jimin?” 
“So you have! Yoongi I expected you to have better taste” 
“I haven’t done anything with Jimin, he’s got Taehyung,” Yoongi said in defense as Hoseok waved his hand in a dismissive manner.
“Warlocks are sneaky and a little promiscuous I thought you'd known that slayer”
“Whatever demon, now leave before I really do kill you” Yoongi playfully said pushing Hoseok’s shoulder. Hoseok stood up grabbing some of his clothes that were discarded on the bed, Yoongi watched Hoseok get dressed, before he left Hoseok gave Yoongi a kiss on the cheek, as he then opened a portal to the demon world.
Yoongi sat there on his bed in silence as he stared at the space where Hoseok disappeared. 
Hell isn’t what people think it is.
 It's not fire burning everywhere, people screaming it’s more like the same city just a dark side, Hoseok came through the portal back into hell. Taking one deep breath walking towards one of the bigger buildings in the city, reaching the glass doors as he nodded his head to one of the other demons. 
There were different types of demons, the ones who took human form like Hoseok and others who couldn’t and resulted in the stereotypical horned creatures with dark skin that looked like stone or bark. 
The ones who could turn into humans are known as the changers as they are the higher ups in hell, Hoseok walked out of the elevator walking down to meet someone, the dark walls contrasted with the white marble floor. Stopping at a large door, Hoseok sighed before knocking and walking into the spacious office area with large windows, a glass desk sat in the middle of the room and a large chair with it’s back to Hoseok. 
“How is he?” the voice behind the chair questioned as Hoseok tucked his hands inside his pockets. 
“He’s fine, still wants to know where you're located and kill you,” Hoseok answered, as the person in the chair slowly turned around to face him. Curiously he leaned forward “Hoseok, he will never kill me not until he will surrender” 
Hoseok swallowed, “Jin you're not making this easy for him are you?” 
Jin smirked “nope, does your precious little slayer know how close he really is to me?” he questioned as Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck. 
“No… and I placed the tracker in him so you can monitor his move” Hoseok admitted not wanting to make eye contact with Jin’s golden eyes. 
“Good, I want you to watch him for the next few weeks undetected, watch how he fights and report back, I’m not having that little shit-” Jin harshly spat has he clenched his fists, black veins appeared on his snowy skin, shooting up his arms like vines as his eyes covered in darkness. Taking a deep breath the veins and his eyes turned back to normal, “just watch him” Jin harshly said breathing through his nose.
Hoseok nodded in agreement, even though he had a soft spot for Yoongi he would never admit it to Jin, it was a sign of weakness and when you show weakness you become one of the fallen just like Taehyung, he was one of Jin’s right hand men but he grew soft for a mystic, before he could explain Jin had him exiled. “Is that all Jin?” Hoseok asked as Jin swiveled back in his chair looking out to the city. Hoseok took that as a yes as he turned towards the door, before he left Jin spoke, 
“Don’t become one of the fallen Hoseok, remember who you really are.” 
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just-emotional-trash · 5 years ago
An Outranked Romance Ch. 2
Pairings: Eventual Romantic Prinxiety, Logicality, and Remile
Story Summary: At Camp Regality, lords, ladies, and royalty alike learn the values of being a member of court in the Kingdom of Animiria. Prince Roman is thrilled at the chance to get out of the stuffy palace! Virgil, the son of a lowly Baron, is ready to leave the moment he gets there, and plans to slip through unnoticed. But what happens when a certain Princely figure won’t leave him alone?
Inspired by this post by @ironwoman359
Chapters: World-building - First - Previous - Next
Chapter Warning(s): Non-descript anxiety attack
Words: 2k
Roman was so ready for camp to start-
In fact, he was packed a week in advance. Camp Regality was his first chance at freedom and art and a chance to finally meet some other people his age. His cousins were fun, but there was so much more out there. All of the other princes he met were either straight, in a relationship, or obnoxious and pretentious. As the limo pulled up to the camp, it bypassed the gate most of the nobility were being dropped off at and pulled directly up to the second largest building in the camp. It was a gold and white mansion, with large, greek columns and two large doors. 
The chauffeur parked in front of the building, and the three guards assigned to the prince and two dukes flanked the limo and opened the doors. Roman walked out with a sigh and a stretch of his arms, grateful to get out of the limo he’s been in for the past five hours. He moved to grab hold of some of his bags (he had many of course, he would be here all summer!), but was stopped by one of the guards. 
Roman frowned. “Let me help bring in my bags.” The guard didn’t budge, so Roman took a different approach. “Look, there’s a lot of bags, and only three of you. We’re not in the palace anymore, I can help without any ���nobleman’ getting huffy over it!” 
The guard sighed, “This is still a place of nobility, your highness. Let us do our job, it will be of no trouble.” Roman let out a resigned sigh and turned to his two cousins, currently looking around the camp with big eyes. Being members of the Royal family, they were all used to being carted from palace to palace any time they traveled. This was a change of pace, and what a change it was. 
The woods behind the camp called him to explore, and the small lake in the distance sparked with invitation.The future nobility milled about in the sand pit and the sparing ground, meeting old and new friends. And behind them his two cousins- were now in front of him, holding the door open in invitation. They laughed as he realized he had been standing still, looking out across the camp. He chuckled and walked up the stairs, into the mansion.
Roman, Patton, and Emile walked through the halls and up the stairs to find their rooms. Patton’s was immediately next to the stairwell, accented with a painted sign of his name in cursive on the front. 
Patton grinned, “Aww! That sign is a-door-able!” Emile tried to stifle his laughter as Roman suppressed his grin and shook his head in disappointment. Patton just smiled at them and waved as he walked into his room with a guard following him with his bag.
Emile’s room was not far from Patton’s. It also had a sign with his name on it, this one with big, bubbly letters. Emile just grinned and walked into his room with a wave at Roman. The poor guy hasn’t had any alone time in the three days it took to travel to the camp, so he was probably eager to have some space to himself. 
Roman walked a small ways to the end of the hallway, where his name was written on a sign in an elegant scrawl across the large door. He walked through the doorway to find a room nearly as large his own at the palace. The room was crawling with colors of the nobility - white, red, and gold - and Roman was happy to see them follow him here. After all, red was his favorite color for this exact reason. 
He made his way over to the corner of the room, where he was delighted to find a piano, sheet music, and an easel with paints. Being the masculine prince he was, he was discouraged by members of the court to learn artistic abilities. “That is women’s work,” they called, “leave something for the female nobility to contribute!” Not that he didn’t enjoy swordsmanship or sparing, but he wished to express his creativity! 
His father, King Thomas, had never discouraged him from pursuing such simple delights as art, and even got him a sketchbook. However, anytime the young royal had tried to learn an instrument, a man of nobility had come to sweep him away for one reason or another. This left him with only his voice, which he had developed well over the years.
"Alright piano,” Roman said as he dramatically pulled the cover off of the instrument, “show me what you’ve got!” He sat down and pulled out sheet music. He spent a few minutes singing the bars and rhythms and matching them to the notes before he got a feel for it. A few hours work and a lot of frustration later, he could barely pluck out “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. Groaning in frustration, he pulled away from his piano and clambered into bed, draping himself dramatically over the comforter. A moment passes and he hears a knock on the door.
“Hey kiddo!” Patton walks in without need of permission. “That was some good music I heard from down the hall!” 
Roman groaned, “You heard all that?” Patton nodded empathetically. “Don’t patronize me. Turns out playing piano does not come quite as naturally as expected.” 
Patton smiled as he sat down at the foot of Roman’s bed. “Well, you just need to find a good teacher! You have a music class in the afternoons, correct?”
Roman shot up, “Hey yeah! I bet someone would be able to teach me!” Patton just smiled and nodded his head. Roman tackled him in a hug, “Pat, you are a blessing upon my life!”
Patton laughed at his cousin’s antics and said, “Yes, of course, I know, but now we need to go down for dinner!” At this, Roman took notice of his cousin’s suit and light blue tie. “Ah, of course! I’ll change into my uniform.”
They walked downstairs to meet Emile in a light pink tie and an older, stern looking woman in a dress that looked like it was made for her grandmother. “Hello,” she spoke in a voice far too high to be pleasant, “I am Miss Higgenbotham, the headmistress of this campus. i welcome you, Prince Roman! And your cousins, the Dukes. Welcome also. I trust Cabin Majesty has been accommodating?”
Roman could tell that she was just as snotty and old fashioned as the rest of the court at home. He could only hope the other kids there wouldn’t all be the same. He turned on his courtly smile and responded, “Thank you, headmistress. I’ve been nothing but impressed and am eager to spend my summer in such a lovely camp.” She stiffly smiled back, reassuring him that he used the correct amount of formality. 
Guards flanked them as they started toward the main building as Miss Higgenbotham began to point out buildings and giving them names that Roman immediately forgot. All he managed to remember is that the largest building was called the Palace of Perfection and it was the home base of the camp. As they approached the main doors, Emile lagged behind the rest. Patton went back to find out what was wrong, and Roman and the headmistress stopped by the foot of the stairs. 
After a minute of talking, Patton started hugging Emile. Roman finally saw his younger cousin’s face and could tell he was crying. “Headmistress Higgenbotham, if you would go on into the ballroom, we will join you shortly.” She seemed miffed at the break of her plan, but she nodded nonetheless and walked in. Roman walked over to the brothers and put his arms around the both of them. 
“What do I need to slay my sweet Emile? A dragon? A witch? A dragon witch?” Roman could feel his younger cousin laugh softly as they pulled apart. 
Emile wiped at his eyes and slowed his breathing as he tried to gather his thoughts. “I-its just... there’s going to be so many people in there, a-and I’m not even supposed to be here yet-”
Patton interrupted him, “Emile, you’re here now because Roman and I wanted you to go to camp with us! It just wouldn’t be the same with only two thirds of the three musketeers!”
Emile still looked doubtful, so Roman added, “Besides, who else would help talk me through it when I inevitably screw something up? I need my therapist at my side just as much as my best friends!” Emile cracked a smile at that and nodded.
“Okay,” Patton clapped, “let’s go wash your face and let the redness calm down and we can go on in.” They entered the mansion and asked the house staff to lead them to a bathroom. A sweet maid led them to a small, personal bathroom just off of the Grand Ballroom where the dinner was to take place. They took their time joking and laughing until they decided to go on to the meal. 
As they walked up to the grand double doors, a large man with a staff walked in before them and called out, “Presenting Prince Roman Sanders, and his Royal Dukes, Patton and Emile Picani!” Roman shrugged and stepped out, once again donning his court smile and waved at his fellow campmates. He felt his cousins following him, which was a great comfort. 
As they reached the end of the long walkway between tables, the headmistress walked up to a podium and gestured for Roman to stand beside her. She began to give a welcoming speech, which the royal tuned her out in favor of taking a look around the room. Everyone was in uniform - a white shirt and kaki bottoms, with a grey blazer and the Royal Crest on their lapel. He met the eyes of many as he surveyed the room, but they caught on a pair of mismatched ones. One blue and the other... brown? Hazel? It was hard to tell from far away, but surreal to say the least, not to mention the strange dark shadow underneath his eyes. The man that owned the strange eyes was beautiful, with dark hair and sharp eyes that stared right back into his light brown ones. 
Suddenly, the eyes left his as the man ducked down and began to talk to the person beside him wearing sunglasses. Roman was made aware of the rest of the room once again, and noticed that the headmistress was still dragging her speech on. 
“Not only is the royal family oh so generous for allowing us to be blessed with the presence of their very offspring, but they also-” 
Roman stepped up to the elder woman and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. As much as I appreciate this glowing speech,” he speaks as he leans over into the microphone, “these people must be awful tired of waiting for their food. I know I am!” His princely smile returned once again to his face as the people laughed and showed agreement. 
“Yes well,” she made a disgruntled face at her speech being cut short, but she would not deny the prince. “I suppose it would be alright if we went ahead and began dinner. Waiters! Appetizers, please.” 
Waiters flow through the doors as the Headmistress Higgenbotham gripped his arm to guide him to the staff table at the front of the room. A small part of him had hoped that he would be allowed to sit where he wished (certainly not just to learn the name of the beautiful stranger he held eye contact with for just a moment too long), but he knew that even such a small freedom would be over the line. 
Roman sat down at the right hand of the headmistress as she lifted her glass. “A toast!” she called to the table, “To the beginning of another great summer!” Roman lifted his glass and smiled as he prepared for one of the best summers of his life, even with the few restrictions left over from the palace. 
Taglist: @treasureofpriam @ghosttb0y @mostpeopleannoyne @athenashipsthings @icequeenorginal @monroig @anaussiefander @www-dot-ohshit-dot-com @cas-is-a-hunter @justastressedprincess
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flordefandom · 7 years ago
Hello! Sorry to bother you with this but do you have any Flint/Silver fic recs?
drHey, don’t worry!! I love this types of questions!! Fair warning, all the fics are rated Explicit.
Okay, first I hope you don’t mind some shameless self-promote:
My only finished work so far is my Answers series, post-shark date AU where they never found the maroons (I didn’t know I was going to fall in love with Madi when I started writing nor what role they would play). It’s basically a PWP trilogy.
Now, onto my WIPs:
Just the shadow: My Modern AU where Flint and Silver have reincarnated. Stoic philosophy talks about Eternal Recurrence, where time is cyclical and events must happen again and again. Are Flint and Silver doomed repeat their tragic story? This is my baby fic. I’ve been working on it for over a year and I’m extremely proud of it, it still has a long way to go. Salmons are also a thing.
Enough series: A post s4 fix-it, which is basically a foursome. So far has two parts. It’s basically a mix of smut and angst.
For that devious dance: aka Fake Marriage AU, the Fake Matelotage AU this fandom needed but not necessarily the one it deserved. I’ll update soon.
I’ll also add soon a Greek Mythology AU where Silver is Hermes turned mortal as punishment.
Alright, now for the actual fic recs. First, a few WIPs:
Our pain is the same by Salatuh: Where do I begin. Do you want a writer that’s good at writing hot as fuck sex scenes but also incredible angst that goes along canon. This is the first part o a four part series. And I totally recommend his fic, because for God’s sake.
Be my End by brasspetal: Amazing Treasure Island AU where Flint is also on board to get the treasure. Dawn's prose is freaking fantastic.
Now, this is basically me going through the Silverflint tag in AO3 and telling you my favorites. Behind the cut because fuck this is long.
Any Port in a Storm by Farasha: This series looks at Silver an Flint’s relationship though season 2, in those holes in canon, and how it’d be if they were fucking from early on.
The Edge of the Map by Farasha: What would have happened if Silver had met Flint when he was still in the Navy and they reunion several years later when Flint’s a pirate.
Our Longed-For Bed by mapped: An incredibly hot and touching s3 first time fic with rimming.
What’s in a Name? by Craftnarok: Proof that the s3 finale is a fanfic. Writtn before the s3 finale, what would happen if Flint told Silver his story. I know.
Until death it is all life by Craftnarok: The one where Silver realises he has the hots for Flint after he tells him about Thomas.
Heartlines on your Hand by samedifference61: A post-s3 fic. Flint discovers he still has more to give. Beautifil first time fic.
Let me see you in your darknessby ember_firedrake: An excellent series where Flint decides to punish Silver after he refuses to write down the entire page and Silver gets aroused. Super beautiful series.
Whetstone by balloonstand: After the battle for Nassau, Flint shaves Silver and they find each other:
Memories of you like scars under my skinby GreenQueenofClubs: Another beautiful fic of what would have happened if Silver and Flint had met before.
To Sleep Perchance to Dreamby Craftnarok: A beatiful PWP where Silver has trouble sleeping and stumbles onto something.
i’ll kiss your lips and i’ll black your eyes by vowelinthug: PWP where Flint teaches Silver how to fight before that episode aired.
let us possess one worldby vowelinthug: Post s3 fic. Where Silver has to face what Billy’s done with his name, there’s a barfight and Flint sees Long John Silver in action.
that pirate aesthetic by vowelinthug: A series about Silver getting tattoos as part of a master seduction plan. Hot as fuck, I love it.
If only for a night by ember_firedrake: A beautiful fic where a post-show Silver travels back in time an meets Lt. James McGraw. Oh the feels.
like a clockmaker fixes time by mapped: Silver dreams about Flint and he tells him. Flint can’t breathe when he does. Lovely fic.
you are the queen and i am the wolf by vowelinthug: Where John Silver has a big dick. Nuff said.
All Are Lunatics by movies_michelle: Silver seduces Flint because he’s after the gold only. If only.
st. augustine is that way by vowelinthug: The reason why this fandom cries over oranges. Post-show Flint has an orange farm, Silver comes.
A Year in the Life by Jmeelee: The basketball/college AU this fandom needed but didn’t know it.
Turn the radio up when your heart breaks down by PrimalScream: Modern AU where both Flint and Silver are broken, but they find each other because Flint’s dials a number he found in a bathroom.
Wind Me Upby PrimalScream: Post s4 PWP with rimming.
‘Til the world stops turning by PrimalScream: That fic where Silver has a threesome with Flint and Miranda. Go read it. Now. (And it’s sequel)
memories you bury or live by by mapped: A beautiful fic where Flint and Silver come together under the sunlight.
don’t you wish i would by vowelinthug: where finally the sexual tension of capturing a Spanish warship together comes to a close.
Don’t Fear the Ships (Fear the Black) by Farasha: A fic where Flint pushes Silver but also tries to train him as his sucessor. Silver disagrees.
pitch black, pale blue by mapped:That Silverflint fic where Flint stumbles upon some Silvermuldoon. There isn’t enough Silvermuldoon in this fandom we need more.
Make music out of me by PrimalScream: A doctor!Flint and nurse!Silver AU.
the only way out is the way back in by samedifference61: It starts a nice Silverflintmadi oneshot set in s3. Then the sequel is post s4 and it just slays you.
between victory and a white flag by mapped: What do you mean this isn’t how 4x08 happened?
The Kissing!Verse by Magnetism_bind: That series where there’s lots of smut but you’ll be desperate just wanting them to kiss.
after all verse by WeeBestie: Silver and Flint reunite several years later. The series full of smut and feels for two old grey men. This series couldn’t be cuter.
inhale, exhale, and reset by mapped: One of those post s4 fix-it fics this fandom desperately needs. And a great one at that.
That old sword-play by jauneclair: Sword training 4x09 sex. Do I need to say more?
leave the lights on by natlet: A beutiful reincarnation AU where Flint is an artist and Silver tried to run a con.
how we could be brought here by love by mapped: 4x03. Flint has a minor injury and Silver gets desperate. Silverflintmadi.
being worshipped is a breeze by vowelinthug: A Road to El Dorado AU. What more do you need?
(He Don’t Need No) Educationby Jmeelee: Modern!AU where Silver discovers things about his sexuality and Flint is there to teach him.
A True Story by iwtv: A post s4 fix-it fic where Silver finally tells Flint his story.
an unfinishable story by mapped: An extremely poetic post s4 fix-it fic where the Cliff plays an important role.
Under Starless Skies We Are Lost by Magnetism_bind: Another beautiful sword training 4x09 fic. Beautiful.
we lean like gardens (toward light) by mapped: Are there enough sword training fics? No, this one is beautiful too.
But If You Try Sometimes, Well, You Might Find … by Magnetism_bind: Where Silver needs some spanking to take out the edge of losing a leg. Flint provides.
hold on you by WeeBeastie: Did you know that you needed a Rodeo AU? No? Well, you need it.
Your Salty Skin and How It Mixes In With Mine by Magnetism_bind: Where Silver gets aroused by seeing Flint fight (who can blame him) and smut occurs.
smallpox by vowelinthug: The post s4 fix-it fic with the best written Thomas. Silverflinthamilton of course.
Your Hips, Your Lips, Your Skin On Mine by Magnetism_bind: where Flint is an artist and Silver comes as a nude model for his class.
King In Mine Eyes by medusine: Where after Silver returns in 4x03 Flint shows his appreciation.
it’s just you and the moon on my skin by mapped: Silver is a vampire, Flint is a werewolf and the things you read in this fandom. Not that I regret it.
Stay by salatuh: Where Flint cries during sex.
Quickening by PrimalScream: Silver is a dom for hire. Flint hires him. *clears throat*
Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On by KilgoreTrout: One of those fics with a touch of supernatural elements that this fandom so needs.
L/S - I Will Stand Here With You by StarRose: Where Silver is a singer in a rock band and Flint falls in love with his siren. I mean, this is just a casual thing, right?
You Are Whole by salatuh: Do you have a feet fetish. Well I don’t yet here we are. There’s also tears.
Worth a Shot by AngryPirateHusbands, Magnetism_bind: Silverflinthamilton sex. Where Flint and Thomas decide to bring in home the hot bartender.
Okay, after that clustefuck of 55 recommended fics I add one special mention:
Lightbringer verse by ElDiablito_SF: I still haven’t got to read it because I’m a disaster and I know this verse is UGH. Don’t be like me read it.
This is all, and I’m sure this is not what you had in mind. But I don’t know this fandom is incredibly talented. There are so many good fics missing from here, but I somehow had to make a selection. Ughhh it was so hard, I love this fandom.
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woodworkingpastor · 4 years ago
Who’s coming to dinner? -- Galatians 1:13-17, 2:11-21 -- May 9, 2021 -- Sixth Sunday of Easter
On TV shows and dinner guests
I want to begin this morning with two illustrations that will help us place this challenging Scripture text within the larger Biblical story.
The first illustration involves how television storytelling has changed over the years. To name one example, Star Trek: The Original Series was very much a product of its time; each episode was a stand-alone story, the so-called, “planet of the week.” Every week, Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise would show up at a different planet and deal with whatever crisis they encountered. A big reason why the episodes were written in this way is because once an episode aired, there was no expectation that you would ever see it again. Long story arcs were impossible because if fans missed an episode because they went out for dinner, or there was a power outage, or their local network preempted the show, they would miss crucial details that would be necessary to understand later stories.
On-demand streaming services have completely changed this. Recent Star Trek series (and others, of course) now have intricately based story arcs that invite people to watch and re-watch and binge watch episodes to unpack the tight conceived story lines. On top of that, most episodes are analyzed and dissected on YouTube, allowing for further reflection on the clues and hints and “easter eggs.”
My reason for inviting you to think about this is because the Biblical story is a long, complex story arc, not a series of episodes. Today’s text from Galatians 1 and 2 is the backstory to the events we looked at last Sunday in the Acts 15/Jerusalem Conference text. In Acts 15:2, Luke says that “Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and debate” with the church leaders from Jerusalem; I said that what Luke really meant was they had a knock-down, drag out, fight. Well, Galatians 2 tells us about the fight!
But more than that, the issues that are relevant here tie all the way back to Genesis 12 and God’s call to Abram to be a blessing to all nations. God’s vision has always been to welcome all persons back into God’s family; it is a vision that will always push us beyond our comfort zones.
The second illustration that will help us understand this story concerns how complicated it can be to have guests for dinner. Never mind people’s schedules; just planning the meal itself can be a real challenge; some people are vegetarian, some are vegan, some have food allergies, others are gluten-free or lactose intolerant. “Who’s coming to dinner” is a complicated question!
Again thinking back to last Sunday’s sermon, I noted that book of Acts describes a simmering conflict over the nature of what it means to be a Christian. It turns out that what causes this conflict to boil over was a question about who’s coming to dinner! This is partly because in the early church, meals were a huge part of congregational life. Inviting someone to sit around your table—or accepting an invitation to sit around someone else’s table—meant that you had completely accepted them as part of your group. “Separate but equal” has always been a myth that the Gospel will not validate.
Acts 15 and Galatians 2 ultimately boil down to one question: “Am I willing to accept everyone who the Holy Spirit says is Christian?”
Our “stream on demand” story
Within the long Biblical “story arc” that teaches us that God’s ultimate purpose is to reconcile all things lies the fact that there will always be persons and powers who do not want that to happen. Every bit of God’s mission and ministry—the work we are called to share in—happens on contested real estate; ironically, moving toward God’s intended reconciliation will create conflict, which is exactly what happens in Acts 15 and Galatians 2. As much as we wish it weren’t the case, the conflict between Paul and Peter is exactly the kind of thing we should expect to happen.
But in this long story arc of reconciliation, Galatians 2 is the next episode in the story. To help understand this episode, we need to look back at previous episodes. We can look in any number of places throughout the Bible to see this, but consider these examples: In Genesis 12:1-3, we read:
The Lord says to Abram: “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
In John 3:16-17, Jesus says,
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
Paul would later write to the Ephesians and say,
[Jesus] has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it.
One affirmation of this story arc comes from outside the New Testament. Gregory of Nyssa, a fourth century bishop, put it this way:
Taking up the enmity that had come between us and God on account of sins, slaying it in himself…and becoming what we are, [Jesus] joined the human to God again through himself.
This is the message that Paul has become convinced of, and the purpose of his life is to proclaim this gospel, something that came neither from “human origin” nor from a “human source.” Paul is on a mission from God to proclaim the gospel to all persons and to welcome them into one church under the grace of God.
Who’s coming to dinner?
But precisely because this message is contested from all directions, “who’s coming for dinner” is a complicated issue. Galatians 2 depicts an internal debate about this question. It was Peter’s missionary work that first took the Gospel to the Gentiles. Peter saw what the Holy Spirit was doing in these persons lives—that God’s work of reconciliation included them—and he apparently began eating meals with them, something that his Jewish upbringing would have forbidden.
This was a radical change, comparable to Black persons sitting down at the lunch counter at Woolworth’s in Greensboro, NC in 1960. It was a change in behavior that would cause massive social disruptions; prior to this, these things just weren’t done. But Peter made the change—until some of his colleagues came down from Jerusalem. Then Peter’s decision became costly, and he risked being criticized or even rejected by his peers. So he changed and stopped eating with Gentile Christians.
It’s the same issue that the Brethren had with extending the holy kiss to Black members in the 1800’s, isn’t it? Am I willing to accept that people who are a different class or different race from me are fully Christian, and are equally my sister or brother? For Peter, his answer was not found in his words, it was found in his unwillingness to share a meal with the Gentile Christians. He would not accept them as brother and sisters. Peter’s behavior even led Barnabas astray—Paul’s ministry partner who had shared in the first missionary journey and had seen many Gentiles come to faith in Jesus. Barnabas stopped eating with these brothers and sisters, too.
Reframing our perspective
Paul recognizes that the power of the Gospel story is in its ability to reframe our perspective. Paul is a man from his time; his prior understanding was that there were two categories of people: Jews and Gentile sinners, the classic “us vs. them” dichotomy of the world. Whenever we divide people into us vs. them, the persons in the other group—the “them”—are always in the wrong; they are always the problem.
But Paul has come to realize that this is the wrong way to view things. He understands that because of our sin, there is no “us.” From God’s perspective, we are all outsiders who need to be brought back into the family. One of the calls of the gospel is to welcome outsiders to our table and share a meal with them. But what is most astounding is that Jesus would welcome us to his table. We never want to get so concerned with the rules and guidelines for our own Love Feasts about who sits where and whether we should talk or sit in silence that we end up missing the fact that the table around which we gather is not our table, it is the Lord’s table. We are guests at God’s table!
One of the basic lessons that we learn in this world is that we are basically ok. We’re not perfect, we know we lots of room for improvement, but really all we need to do is add a few things or fix a few things, and then we’ll be fine. So we look for self-help books or maybe even a therapist—all of which can be fine and necessary and perfectly appropriate. But we so often spend our time tweaking things around the edges instead of addressing the fundamental problem in our lives: that we are alienated from God and need to be reconciled to God.
But even here, our efforts are flawed, because we so often want to reduce our relationship with Jesus to a prayer we pray “with every head bowed and every eye closed.” The Gospel invites us to so much more than that. We are invited to take our place alongside Abram
“who went, as the Lord told him” (Genesis 12:4).
We are invited to take our place alongside Paul, who left everything behind because he had encountered the consuming fire that is Jesus Christ. We’re called to be part of a community that is, quite frankly, a collection of mis-fits. But the reason they are mis-fits is because we don’t fit in this world, but we fit perfectly in the next.
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peachlover94 · 5 years ago
Gladiator Voltron I: LOTG - concept movie treatment
written by Robert D.C. Barnes III (PeachLover94) Inspired by "Voltron: Defender of the Universe" created for World Events Productions by Peter Keefe, John Teichmann and Toei Animation Based on "Lightspeed Electroid Albegas" created for Toei Animation by Saburo Yatsude (Kozo Morishita, Akiyoshi Sakai, Shozo Uehara, Hiroshi Okawa and Toyohiro Ando) 30 East Trillium Circle
The Woodlands, TX 77381
TREATMENT: 07-22-2017                                               [email protected] NOTE: This proposal is the property of New Frontier Cinema (PeachLover94 's production company) produced in partnership with DreamWorks SKG (Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC), World Events Productions (WEP LLC) and Toei Company, Ltd. Any unlicensed exhibition, copying or redistribution without written consent of the mentioned parties is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
Gladiator Voltron I: Light of the Gladiators
Story Treatment
The Logline
In the Middle Universe, three teenagers on planet Albega find three giant humanoid robots for a science fair project competition. They then find they have found the Gladiator Voltron that protected Albega in the past, and they now must pilot Voltron to stop the One Empire of the Derinja.
Main Characters
1) DIEGO ♂ - Age: 14. Full Name: Diego Daisaku Enjoji Rodriguez. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height, Brown eyes, Olive skin tone, Round human ears, Black hair in a layered shag style, and age-appropriate register of voice. Diego lives with his mother Valentine on Albega, and is just starting to come out of his shell after his father died in a household accident. His aptitude with technology and even preference for trying to employ creative strategies to defeat anyone who threatens him and his friends makes him the perfect pilot for the Black Alpha of Wisdom. 2) JACOBY ♂ - Age: 14. Full Name: Jacoby Tetsuya Jin Scott. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height, Blue eyes, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in a Pompadour style, and age-appropriate register of voice. Jacoby is seen as this bike-riding "big man on campus", but he is somewhat jealous of the family that both Diego and Alexis have as he lost his parents at a young age, with him having to live on his own for a while. In battle, the Blue Beta of Courage chooses him for his wild streak and willingness to fight for what truly is right. 3) ALEXIS ♀ - Age: 14. Full Name: Alexis Hotaru Mizuki Vekoma. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height, Green eyes, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Light Brown hair in a Hime style, and age-appropriate register of voice. Alexis may seem like a regular girl's girl at first glance, but she has no patience for bullies picking on others which makes her at times violent. Her immense drive for a good fight to test herself outweighed by her penchant for trying to help out anyone feeling down is what destines her to pilot the Red Gamma of Compassion. 4) RODRIGUEZ ♀ - Age: 35. Full Name: Valentine Saeko Asabuki Rodriguez. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with a medium-tall build, Brown eyes, Olive skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in a Pageboy style, and medium register voice. Valentine lives with her son Diego and has to pull long shifts at work to provide for her son ever since her husband died in a household accident. It is she who told her son the story of how Gladiator Voltron saved Albega back in the distant past. When it seems as though Voltron is returning, she joins the Alliance to help her son fight the Derinja. 5) WILSON ♂ - Age: 15. Full Name: Riley Goro Kumai Wilson. Species: Terran. Homeworld: New Harlem, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height and robust build, Brown eyes, Dark Brown skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in an Afro style, and age-appropriate register of voice. At first, he is the link between the three heroes (Diego, Jacoby and Alexis) and their fellow classmates, teachers and their family - the civilian world. Riley is the first to encourage them to compete in the robotics tournament which leads to them discovering Gladiator Voltron, and he becomes their tech support in mission control. 6) VEKOMA ♂ - Age: 42. Full Title: Professor Jonathan Mizuki Vekoma, dean of Science at Aoba High School. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with a medium-tall, Green eyes, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Dark Grey hair with a light mustache, and low-medium register voice. In his approach to science, Vekoma is more of a hands-on kind of professor, wanting to nurture students' curiosity by showing results of science and technology in action. Helping to rebuild his daughter Alexis, Jacoby and Diego's robots after sabotage, he helps them recover and form the Gladiator Voltron. 7) ZAMAN ♀ - Age: 35. Full Title: Professor Jennifer Danko Kibi Zaman - Associate Dean of the Aoba High School Science Department. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with a medium-tall build, Blue eyes, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Blonde hair in a medium-length straight style, and low-medium register voice.  She mostly teaches lecture-based science and technology classes, tends to be more stern and strict with her students, and is apparently only behind Vekoma in status at Aoba High. But when Gladiator Voltron is needed, she is one of our heroes' strongest supporters.
The Background
Long in the past of the Hyperion Galaxy, the three-piece fighting humanoid robot known as Gladiator Voltron was known as Albegas by the peoples of the planets the robot visited. Albegas or Gladiator Voltron was a sentient being, renown across the galaxy for its feats of heroism and bravery. Ultimately, this led to Voltron developing something of an ego, as it challenged both the wicked Overlord of planet Deram and the goddess Rhea to battle it for supremacy in the galaxy. Rhea, having sensed the egotism brewing in Gladiator Voltron/Albegas out of simple ignorance of its own power and not out of sinister malice, defeated but spared the robot as she pondered what punishment would do it best. In a rage, the Deram Overlord disguised himself as Rhea and tried to destroy Voltron while succeeding at slaying Rhea. With her last acts, Rhea managed to save Gladiator Voltron/Albegas by splitting it back up into its three component humanoid robots - the Black Alpha of Wisdom, the Red Gamma of Compassion, and the Blue Beta of Bravery - that when all are combined together do they form Voltron. They were flung through space until they crash-landed on Albega, there to spend a great deal of time defending it from the forces of evil in the Hyperion Galaxy until some force caused it to go into dormancy until the time was right. Now the time has come for Gladiator Voltron's return to battle the Derinja. The Premise
It is said that the Gladiator Voltron Force story arc of Voltron: Defender of the Universe would have been adapted from the 1983 anime series Lightspeed Electroid Albegas - but was to be adapted to be part of a much bigger storyline. Here, the Voltron story takes on a more urban fantasy/mecha science fiction as even though it is set on an Earth colony planet in the Hyperion Galaxy, the overall locale would not seem that far off from anything on contemporary Earth. Taking the team of heroes premises of the Japanese Super Sentai/Power Rangers series, the teen high school dramedy of Mean Girls, and the appeal of robots found in both the Gundam and Transformers franchises, Voltron is ready to launch. In this four-quadrant five-act mecha science fiction epic, three very talented teenage students named Diego, Jacoby and Alexis go to Aoba High School in the year 2981. Alexis' father is the well-regarded science teacher Professor Vekoma who is chairing the upcoming science fair and robot battle. On a hiking trip with their friend Riley Wilson to find ideas for both the science fair and robot battle, the three find a trio of giant humanoid robots buried in a cave. Bringing them back to Vekoma, the three teens soon discover the robots are able to join together to form the mythical Gladiator Voltron - Defender of the Middle Universe. Can they join together to stop a Derinja attack that threatens their planet? The Nemeses
Aside from normal human squabbles and quandaries that face three teens trying to survive, Gladiator Voltron and its team of pilots have to contend with the new horrible menace threatening the Hyperion Galaxy. Many of the Derinja Drules of Planet Deram takes on a dark cult-like atmosphere that reeks of Jonestown, the Branch Davidians and their like. Most of the Drules are humanoids with light purple skin and red eyes. With fleets of starfighters and space battleships; as well as armies of tanks, super soldiers and Robeast mecha monsters, Derinja Drules are aimed at making the Drule Empire a major if not the only superpower in the Hyperion Galaxy, with only Voltron daring to stand in their way. 1) AZ'A ♂ - Age: Late 40s/Early 50s. Species: Derinja Drule. Homeworld: Deram. Eye Color: Red. His full title is Emperor Az'A of the Planet Deram. Emperor Az'A is a strong worshiper of the deity present across his entire planet, known only as the Deram Overlord, and is devoted to conquering the world and ruling it in the Overlord's name. He is highly devoted to the cult of personality that his people grow and till around him, and wishes to make them, and himself, all-powerful. Proclaiming himself as a savior, he enjoys, and is happy to cause, the suffering of others, sacrificing innocents in horrific ways, torturing enemies and brainwashing them into becoming subordinates and enslaving other races. 2) ROBEASTS - Wherever one goes in the Empires of the Drules, there will always be such things as Robeasts to challenge the Voltrons and threaten the peace of the Near, Middle and Far Universes. Robeasts from Planet Deram sent to battle the Gladiator Voltron are the humanoid monsters created through advanced science and technology, most often from prisoners of war that are reared in Lord Az'A's cruel gladiatorial combat, though some of them are simply giant robots piloted by Spartan troopers. A platoon of fifteen robeasts is ready at a moments notice to travel with fighters, tanks, space battleships and Spartan trooper armies to lay siege to Voltron and or whatever may get in their Empire's way. 3) BI'OS ♂ - Age: Late 60s. Species: Derinja Drule. Homeworld: Deram. Eye Color: Red. Hair Color: White. His full title is Vizier Bi'Os of the Planet Deram, intending to inherit the throne after the coup he is planning takes place. As he only kowtows to the Overlord of Deram, it is often rumored that Bi'Os is the one stroking Az'A's ego to throw him off the scent of Bi'Os' own attempted bids at becoming Emperor of the Derinja Drules. A natural-born kiss-up and backstabber, he lives for nothing more than destroying any "invaders" that could make a pass at the Empire and generally making the Derinja Military and other Drule forces out to look like fools, imbeciles and other pejorative words not to be listed. 4) SPARTANS - Say hello to the mixed organic and cybernetic shock troopers of the Derinja. They serve as the backbone of the Derinja military forces. Their drones have no built in weapons, instead using the same weapons as their organic counterparts. Drones are capable of squad-level infantry tactics and understanding vocal commands. These androids can somewhat resemble fellow Drules, appearing to wear this green-purple armor. In fact, some of the living soldiers appear identical to their own Drones. In addition, Derinja Drones can be used for scouting environments full of every kind of hazards, are more durable, and have no fear of utter destruction to claim victory for Emperor Az'A's nation. 5) DUST'OX ♂ - Age: 40s. Species: Derinja Drule. Homeworld: Deram. Eye Color: Red. Hair Color: White. His full title is Gunnery Sergeant (or General) Dust'Ox of the Deram Forces. He is quite the sadistic, leather-lunged and powerful fighter who willfully kills and berates anyone who gets in his way. His loyalty to Deram's Overlord and Az'A, as well as adherence to military hierarchy is without question and only obeys the commands given to him. His aggressive fighting style relies primarily on the use of his strong limbs, an energy sword and terrifying piercing claws. He is also athletic, able to dodge and move around quickly to evade attacks. This is despite his large size, topping at about eight feet.
The Heroes and the Twist
We first meet Alexis, Diego and Jacoby in their 9th grade science class at Aoba High School on planet Albega. Before that, the three often ran into each other and kept eyes on each other from afar without the others knowing. Later, they become teenage versions of the Kirk (Ego), the Spock (Superego) and the McCoy (Id) triumvirate so often found in analysis of the Freudian psyche. Deep down, they would sacrifice their lives for each other, but they sometimes have petty squabbles and do not always trust each other. But the discovery and reactivation of Gladiator Voltron with the three as its pilots forces them to take charge so to become the super force of space explorers prophesied to save Albega. The Story Breakdown
1) From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the Universe, comes a legend. The legend of the Voltrons: Defenders of the Universe. Three mighty robots, loved by good, feared by evil. As the Voltrons' legend grew, peace settled across the galaxies. On Planet Earth, a Galaxy Alliance was formed. Together with the good planets of our Solar System, they maintained peace throughout the Universe until new, horrible menaces threatened the galaxies. The Voltrons are needed once more. This is the story of the super force of space explorers. Specially trained, entrusted and sent by the Alliance with the ancient secrets of how to assemble and restore, Gladiator Voltron: Defender of the Middle Universe.
Act I
2) We open on the bedrooms of 14-year-old students Diego Rodriguez, Jacoby Scott and Alexis Vekoma as alarm clock bells ring. They are waking up on their very first Monday of the September equivalent - marking the start of their high school days. Alexis washes her hair in the shower, Diego brushes his teeth and tries to find clothes for the day, and Jacoby finishes combing his wet hair as he scurries to get dressed and head down for breakfast. The three are soon out the door and walking towards their secondary education institution - Aoba High School. Even as the morning sun breaks, we see something out of the ordinary - two moons remain in the sky and are setting toward the western area.
3) Diego arrives in his homeroom class taught by the associate science professor Jennifer Zaman. Another boy named Riley Wilson who attends classes with Diego, Alexis and Jacoby - but not all three at once - decides he should help out the three who feel lost and alone on their first day of high school. Lunch soon comes, and Diego finds a place to sit by himself as a social wallflower and self-perceived outcast in the cafeteria. Alexis comes to join him followed by Jacoby as they soon introduce themselves to each other and find that the three of them perceive themselves as the outcasts and drink to their independence from the many stereotypical yet with some truth cliques common to high school.
4) Far away on the dark and spooky planet of Deram, Emperor Az'A leads a mass of his followers in worship of the planet's deity - the Grand Overlord of Deram. They chant and bow in admiration for the Overlord when Az'A's personal Vizier known as Bi'Os reports one of their skull ships (space battleships able to carry Stinger fighters) has returned with slaves and sacrifices for the Overlord. Pleased with the announcement, Az'A orders a slave be brought in for his approval. After seeing the prisoner and removing the beating heart from him, the Derinja Emperor orders the now-heartless prisoner be lowered into the lava pit for the Overlord to receive. He and his followers cackle wildly at the spectacle.
5) The shrieking cackles of the Derinja, a vassal faction of the Drule Empire in the Galaxy Alliance echo across the Hyperion Galaxy back all the way to Albega. It is back at the high school that we find Alexis in the middle of a heated tennis practice session just as her coach calls for the team to hit the showers and prepare for their next class. While all the other classes have been somewhat humdrum for Alexis, Diego and Jacoby; the science and technology class taught by Alexis' father Professor Jonathan Vekoma is shaping up to be nothing short of riveting and meaningful. Vekoma's hands-on and practical approaches to science win his students over, but Diego is lost in something of a hidden funk.
6) Back at Diego's house that night, Diego is just about to turn in when he looks at a framed picture on his bedside nightstand. As he looks, tears come to his eyes. The picture is of his family which includes his father who was killed in a nasty accident four years before this moment. His mother Valentine Rodriguez comes in to say good night when she sees her son reminiscing. She hugs Diego and tells him she misses her husband and his father too. Hoping to help her son be able to get through the night, for now, Valentine sits by Diego's bed and begins retelling the story of how the mighty robot Albegas - or Gladiator Voltron - was humbled and then returned to save Albega in the past to her little boy.
Act II
  7) What a coincidence is is that the night Valentine tells Diego the story of Gladiator Voltron that Emperor Az'A chuckles that not even the titular mighty robot will be able to return to stand against the Derinja. His cackling is soon caught by a transmission from across space in the Milky Way Galaxy - from Chief Commander Hazar Dorita Teles of the Drule Empire himself! Az'A, Bi'Os and Dust'Ox listen intently as Hazar delivers a stern warning to them that to underestimate the mighty robot Voltron will be their utter doom, for he should know thanks to the recent fall of his underling and rival Commander Zabar. Dust'Ox declares that the planet of Albega will make a perfect target for destruction.
8) Later that week on the first Friday of that month, Alexis is stirred to hear Professor Vekoma announce the winter science fair and robotics tournament. Teams of three students will build three robots to compete against other teams' trios of robots in battles for prizes and a chance to win free tuition to the college, university or academy of the winning team's choice. Diego, Jacoby and Alexis are assigned to be one team by recommendation of Riley. The field trip up to the San Rialto Mountains arranged by Professors Vekoma and Zaman to learn about the symbiotic nature of the water, rocks and plants will be the perfect time to the three to get ideas on what to create for the science fair robot tournament.
9) The following Wednesday; Alexis, Diego and Jacoby are on their way with their classmates and science professors to the San Rialto range for their field trip. When the three see one of the cheerleaders wanting to pick on some of the shyer girls in the class, Jacoby and Diego futilely try to restrain Alexis from getting violent with the cheerleader. Coming to the shy girls' defense, Alexis is made the new target of the stuck up cheerleader's scorn as she declares Alexis as deserving of staying an outcast as much as the shy girls next to them. Simply shrugging off her rival's taunts, Alexis moves the shy girls away from the bus while backhandedly flipping the middle finger in the direction of the cheerleader.
10)  In front of legions of Derinja Spartan troopers, companies of laser tanks, and fourteen Robeasts waiting to board the mighty fleet of skull ships, Dust'Ox addresses his forces from his Robeast Reptoking. The Robeasts known as Octovore, Mechabeak, Demoncrab, Scalestrike, Death Hornet, Yellow Belly, Death Mantis, Hypnokiller, Hornback, Kingfish, Roachman, Dinoslasher, Mantaray and Dire Spider lead the legions of Spartans in cheering for Dust'Ox and their battle. Proudly, Dust'Ox proclaims their victory shall be a day remembered through history. With that, the Derinja forces begin to load onto the skull ships to prepare for blastoff on the campaign to conquer planet Albega once and for all.
11) Jacoby spots a mysterious trio of caverns as the students and Professor Vekoma pass them. Eager to find out what is buried in them, Jacoby calls for Diego and Alexis to follow him to the caverns. They are different because they have symbols carved outside their arches of entry - A for Alpha, B for Beta and Γ for Gamma. Inside each is a giant humanoid machine, all in a state of dormancy. The three rush back to Professor Vekoma and Professor Zaman to bring them to analyze their findings. As the students are unperturbed by the caverns but in awe at the machines inside, Vekoma tasks Diego, Jacoby and his daughter Alexis to climb inside these machines and see what exactly they are.
12) Diego climbs into the cockpit of the black robot in the Alpha Cavern, Jacoby takes the blue robot in the Beta Cavern, and Alexis chooses to examine the red robot in the Gamma Cavern. Seating themselves inside, they turn the controls thinking the machines are still dormant. This, however, causes the ground to shake and the caverns to collapse - but not before the students and teachers evacuate the caverns. Vekoma and Zaman watch as the three robots come together to form one giant robot (Red forming the forward legs, lower torso, lower backpack and hip; Blue the torso midriff, aft legs and upper backpack; and Black the head, upper torso, arms, hands and upper legs) amazing the others.
13) Back on planet Deram, Az'A and Bi'Os are in a temple dedicated to the Overlord as they bow and chant their dark hymns down into the deity present across their world. The two Derinja Drules vow that Albega shall fall within the next few Earth days and become theirs to exploit all they please, but the Overlord cautions them not to be so overconfident and take the advice of Commander Hazar. If there is even a ghost of a chance that some force like Voltron could return, through willful or ignorant underestimation will Voltron bring irreparable ruin to the Derinja and the Drule Empire. In response, Az'A promises to destroy Voltron and stir more chaos to help the Overlord grow to overpower the Drules.
14) The other students and the professors are both amazed and confused as Alexis and Jacoby are at a loss for words. Diego, however, is blown away with excitement and ecstasy that one of his childhood bedtime stories has come true. He cannot contain his enthusiasm as he calls out over megaphone that they found the perfect robots for the science fair's tournament - Gladiator Voltron. With such a thought in her mind, Alexis asks her father the professor if they could fly the robots back and meet the rest of the class back at the school - to which Vekoma says yes, but the robots will need further analysis after school. Disassembling Voltron, the three students fly the robots back to Aoba High School.
15) Valentine Rodriguez has gotten the day off from work to pick up Diego from school that day when she sees the three giant robots flying down toward the school that seem to have appeared out of the bedtime story she told her son. Climbing down out of his black robot, Diego rushes into his mother's arms with the biggest smile on his face she has seen in over four years and excitedly tells Valentine that the legend of Gladiator Voltron has turned out true. Valentine is simply dumbfounded as Diego introduces his new friends Alexis and Jacoby to her and they are called to the large science lab the size of the nearby open air gym hall where the robots land on their feet and await the professor's work.
16) Hyperskip exit signatures are the only confirmation to the Galaxy Alliance-built early warning and defense satellites in orbit of planet Albega that the One Empire of the Derinja - the Drule Empire's Hyperion Galaxy branch - are making their move. Dust'Ox orders his Spartan troopers to the drop ships and Stinger fighters to destroy the satellites and make haste for the planet. Down on the planet at Aoba High, our heroes are watching and listening intently with Riley as Professors Zaman and Vekoma try to analyze the robot Gladiators. Suddenly, the robot Gladiators' cockpit eye shields glow as they kneel down to face their human onlookers. The spirit of Voltron speaks to them via telepathic links.
Act IV
17) Diego, Jacoby and Alexis are stunned to find that it was not sheer fate that brought them to Voltron, but certain traits about them that made them worthy in the eyes of the robots they found. Diego is shown to have a knack for technology and an ability to think up the craftiest solutions to seemingly intractable problems - which make him perfect to pilot the Black Alpha Gladiator of Wisdom. Jacoby's inner bravery that forces him to fight for what is right, and his ever wild streak have marked him to be the Blue Beta Gladiator of Courage's pilot. Finally, Alexis is chosen by the Red Gamma Gladiator of Compassion for her empathy and care for fellow humans to get everyone their own happily ever after.
18) Alexis walks over to her father as Riley and Zaman communicate with the Gladiators. Having heard the story of how Gladiator Voltron, once known as Albegas, was brought down and then tricked by the Overlord of Deram; our heroes suddenly get nervous about the prospects of real fighting and try to book it out of there. The Gladiators tell Diego's mother Valentine and Alexis' father Professor Vekoma that their children will soon see the need for Voltron and to just give them a little time. In the meantime, Dust'Ox is leading his strike platoon from his Reptoking Robeast to attack the cities surrounding the Aoba district. Buildings are collapsing and people are being shot in the streets by Spartan troops.
19) The news of the attack on Albega reaches both the Galaxy Alliance and the Drule Empire. At Galaxy Garrison on Earth, Star Marshal Matthew Satoru Wasaka Graham contacts Captain Newley aboard the Explorer to return to the planet and deliver a space fleet to Albega to see what they can do to stop the Derinja in their tracks. In the meantime, Commander Hazar contacts his liaison in the Drules' Denubian Galaxy jurisdiction - King Zarkon Daibazaal, ruler of the Galran Empire of the Drules on Galra or Planet Doom. Zarkon is utterly enraptured and a little jealous that he himself could not lead the charge on Albega, but Hazar warns him that the Gladiator Voltron is on the planet ready to fight.
20) Not wanting to be forced into a dangerous war; our heroes rush out of the gym to the field in a panicked hysteria with Riley barely able to keep up with them and trying to bring them back. They soon see a Derinja drop ship landing on the field with Spartan troopers to seize all in their way. Instinctual fight or flight kicks in as the four students find themselves surrounded. This time, they choose to fight back and start giving the Spartans hell by doing gymnastics and martial arts moves on their tormentors. When three Spartans grab Riley and try to carry him away; Alexis, Diego and Jacoby grab the commanders' swords and start cutting down the enemy soldiers to save the friend who united them.
21) Heavy laser fire from approaching skull ships rocks the ground and causes earthquakes in a perimeter around Aoba City and many of the surrounding suburban areas. The quakes are even felt at the school. The air raid sirens sound, and the news reports of Derinja forces attacking other cities on Albega calls for serious action. Diego, Alexis and Jacoby choose to suit up and fight with their Gladiators to save both themselves and the planet that is their home. They rush to their Gladiators and initiate their launch procedures. Vekoma, Zaman, Riley and Valentine rush to the underground cellars of Aoba High where a secret Galaxy Alliance control room had been built in the event of planetary emergencies.
Act V
22) Diego, Jacoby and Alexis (in that order) launch their respective Gladiators from Aoba High School toward the downtown area to save the planet if they can. In the control room, Riley detects Drule-allied Stinger fighters of the Derinja coming down to strafe the city, which forces the three to use their robots' laser cannons to shoot down the enemy starfighters before they reach their target. Zaman arrives in the control room and reports that Derinja skull ships are preparing to deploy laser tanks to the surface. The three strafe the skull ships and bring them down just outside the downtown area. Now it is just the Robeasts trapped on the planet in the downtown area left for the Gladiators to contend with.
23) The Gladiator Voltron Force arrives in downtown Aoba City and gets to work battling the Robeasts. Valentine, Zaman, Riley and Vekoma watch from the control room at the school and call out tactical commands to get an edge on the Derinja forces. Alexis takes the Red Gamma against the Scalestrike, Hypnokiller and Demoncrab Robeasts; Diego and the Black Alpha go one-on-three against Mechabeak, Dire Spider and Yellow Belly; while Jacoby plunges forward with the Blue Beta on the Roachman, Dinoslasher and Death Mantis while trying to avoid destroying buildings and other civilian property that could result in the deaths of innocent people. Just barely, they are able to take the Robeasts down.
24) Only Octovore, Mantaray, Kingfish, Hornback, Death Hornet and Dust'Ox in Reptoking are left to challenge the three. This is the signal Diego takes to call for forming Voltron. Activating interlocks, connecting their dynotherms, bringing up their infracells, and setting their mega-thrusters to go; the Gladiator Voltron Force is go to form and battle. The sight of the Gladiators coming together to form Gladiator Voltron stuns and horrifies Dust'Ox and his few surviving Robeasts. Octovore, Mantaray and Kingfish find themselves on the wrong end of the Electroid Arrow Bows that Jacoby through Voltron fires. Our heroes soon close in on and destroy Death Hornet and Hornback with the Solar Spear Trident.
25) Dust'Ox prepares to charge as Gladiator Voltron ignites and forms its Blazing Sword. News of Dust'Ox's impending defeat reaches the Drule Homeworld as Commander Hazar monitors the battle closely. Hazar knows the return of any Voltron will be certain doom for the Drule Empire. Simply trusting in both themselves and the spirits of their machines; Alexis, Diego and Jacoby telepathically compel Voltron to surge ahead sword first and slash right through Dust'Ox. Voltron then pumps its fists as Dust'Ox and his Robeast explode behind them. As soon as the All Clear signal is given, the students and teachers of Aoba High School rush out to cheer for Alexis, Diego and Jacoby saving their planet.
26) A Galaxy Alliance representative, Deputy Star Marshal Willard Tosuke Dewa Steele, arrives in front of Aoba High School aboard a shuttle arranged by the Vehicle Voltron Force. Steele congratulates Professor Vekoma on locating Gladiator Voltron and staging a brilliant defense of Albega from the Derinja forces of the Drule Empire. But credit must go where it is due, as Steele congratulates our heroes on pulling together to prove themselves worthy of joining the Galaxy Alliance and the Voltron Forces. Diego, Alexis and Jacoby raise their right hands and jump for joy in celebration that they are now the Gladiator Voltron Force that protects the Middle Universe as the camera freezes on them mid-jump.
Epilogue (Preview Summary for Gladiator Voltron II: Sword of the Damocles)
27) And with the defeat of Gunnery Sergeant Dust'Ox; the names of Voltron, Gladiator Voltron and Albega would once again strike fear in the hearts of the Drule Empire and its Hyperion Galaxy vassals the Derinja. Even so, Professor Vekoma is determined to be able to locate and destroy the Derinja's secret orbital headquarters as well as free the people of Deram from Az'A and the Overlord's control before enlisting the help of the Galaxy Alliance to destroy Deram. In the meantime, the three pilots of Gladiator Voltron try to parlay their newfound fame into helping out their friends and family while exploring themselves. But the Derinja Commander Da'Ri and Vizier Bi'Os have an ace in the hole...
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meandmystuffs · 5 years ago
Theory of Love Ep5 Spoiler/ Review/ Comment (Thai BL Drama)
Uhhhmm. Hey! So this is getting longer and longer. 😂 I hope you won't get bored reading all this. I just don't want to miss anything tho I'm pretty sure I missed something. 😂 Anyway, here you go:
1. And Khai just supported my theory on  how big an a**hole he is. Well done. Bruh. 😃
2. Third, baby, don't cry please~ 😭 It hurts me more~ And yaaas! Stand up for yourself! 💪
3. Since I'm very upset, half-naked dudes don't excite me this time. Maybe you will, but not me. 😒
4. Children. Don't skip classes please. It will reflect in your school record. Also, what if today is the day you will meet your the one? You can't turn back time~😊
5. P'Bone is always so good. 😭 I'm falling deeper and deeper~ 😍
6. Yas, baby. That's what you should have done in the first place and not torturing yourself with Khai. 😢
7. Okay. Wire tapping is illegal. But since this is fictional bl drama, I'm allowing it. 😂
8. Falling for his sweet words again, really Third? 😩
9. "I haven't wanted to call you a friend for a while." Bruh. In this world, a while is equals to 3 years. 😭
10. Yup. Backing out and getting over him is the best decision you made so far. Well, for me. I don't know about those screen writer/s behind this. 😡
11. I haven't watch Crazy. Stupid. Love. Is it good? And Third just recorded his love confession. I wanna watch it! 😭
12. I want someone to look at me like P'Bone looking at Paan. 😩
13. Is that Chucky on Two's bed? 😂
14. Khai's eating habit every 12nn is always highlighted. Is there something meaningful to this? 🤔
15. P'Two, bruh. Lynn has a boyfriend. You're just gonna hurt yourself. I can see it. 😩
16. And Bone is doing his best for a girl he didn't even know if she's on a relationship or not. 😩 Our boys are slaying in getting their selves hurt. 😢
17. Okay. An angry P'Un is so hot. Please don't mind me.🤧 Please continue reading. 😂
18. Again. I'm officially shipping Two and Un. And I don't need you to agree with me. 😅 But I know your lowkey shipping them too. 🤭
19. Third, I'm so proud of you baby. Now you're seeing what I've been seeing from the very start. 😊
20. It's really heartbreaking when your close friend cry for whatever reason. Thank you Bone for comforting my baby~😭
21. Sharing from a friend. Getting over with someone takes twice the time you have feelings for that someone. So Third might need 6 years to fully get over with Khai? Wtf. I'm not buying this. 😅
22. Again. In your fcking face Khai. Third just erupted! And that's not even enough. Go baby, kill him with you words! 💪
23. Did Khai just called Third a BITCH??? How dare youuu! 😠😠😠 I'm calling all the gay lords and put a curse on you!!! And just one punch Bone? I dare you to punch him moorreee! He deserve mooree! Ugh! 🤬🤬🤬
24. And Third is cry again. 😭😭😭 Let me cry with you baby. 😭😭😭💔💔💔
25. Ohmyghad. The video confession Bruh! Did Khai watched it?? 😬 I'm panicking here!!! 😱
26. He saw it and watched it. I'm sure of it. He just asked Third if they can go back to being friends. And he's eye are full of guilt. 🧐
27. Lastly, Paan is teaching at the university all this time. I did not see that coming Bruh. Good luck P'Bone! 😁
We're not finish with the list bruh.
Also, listing all the flaws and what you hate about the person you like will just ignite your feelings for that person.
Third: Khai drives too fast, feels like I'm dying.
Also Third: So I'm always reminding him to drive safely for him not get into accident.
*this is just me, imagining things but maybe you got the idea* 😅
But this will not apply to Khai's whoring tho! 😂
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hak-7 · 8 years ago
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"SWORD/S-WORD" in Biblical Scripture... In Christ's Return in Revalations, he will slay the wicked with the "double-edged" Sword(tongue) that proceeds from out of his mouth! (Revelation 19:15)....The letter "S" stands for "sacred" or "secret" word(knowledge)....The "Words", spoken to slay the wicked, is "TRUTH!".... Earlier in the Old Testament there is a story of a donkey(ignorant-m(asses)) who was being abused by his master(ruling-class) and he was met with an angel(messenger) with a "flaming sword" flaming in this sense means that the tongue or sword was lit up with truth!... And "fire" is painful when it touches you; the donkey turned around and looked on his master on his back and he said: "why have you hit me these three times?"(Numbers 22-35)..... The Application of the Religious Teachings of Imam W.D.Mohammed. SWORD (SACRED/SECRET-WORD) Imam W.D.Mohammed. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "for every verse there is an explicit and an implicit meaning." Explicit means that it is very clear, anyone can see it if he wants to. Implicit means that there is some wisdom, there is another language there for the special people who have insight and good hearts. We do not claim to have all the knowledge of interpretation, what we call "Ta'weel", the knowledge of Ta'weel, the knowledge of insight into the meaning, the hidden meanings of Scripture. Allah tells us in the Qur'an that He has blessed certain people with that. Allah tells us in the Quran that He will give you that if He chooses to. He will bless you with that. We know that Prophet Muhammad was one who did not only recite Scripture to us, but his job was also to teach Scripture to the followers. He was a teacher, an educator. We look at the ninth month of fasting. We know that nine has a great symbolic meaning not only in religion, but also in politics. There are nine Supreme Court judges on the Bench. The highest court has nine members. Now, do we know what we need nine judges for? Nine judges to judge the wicked. The world can not judge the righteous; Allah judges the righteous. And the Bible says that Jesus healed ten, but nine of them went right back to their ways before they got out Of Jes
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hak-7 · 8 years ago
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"SWORD/S-WORD" in Biblical Scripture... In Christ's Return in Revalations, he will slay the wicked with the "double-edged" Sword(tongue) that proceeds from out of his mouth! (Revelation 19:15)....The letter "S" stands for "sacred" or "secret" word(knowledge)....The "Words", spoken to slay the wicked, is "TRUTH!".... Earlier in the Old Testament there is a story of a donkey(ignorant-m(asses)) who was being abused by his master(ruling-class) and he was met with an angel(messenger) with a "flaming sword" flaming in this sense means that the tongue or sword was lit up with truth!... And "fire" is painful when it touches you; the donkey turned around and looked on his master on his back and he said: "why have you hit me these three times?"(Numbers 22-35)..... The Application of the Religious Teachings of Imam W.D.Mohammed. SWORD (SACRED/SECRET-WORD) Imam W.D.Mohammed. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "for every verse there is an explicit and an implicit meaning." Explicit means that it is very clear, anyone can see it if he wants to. Implicit means that there is some wisdom, there is another language there for the special people who have insight and good hearts. We do not claim to have all the knowledge of interpretation, what we call "Ta'weel", the knowledge of Ta'weel, the knowledge of insight into the meaning, the hidden meanings of Scripture. Allah tells us in the Qur'an that He has blessed certain people with that. Allah tells us in the Quran that He will give you that if He chooses to. He will bless you with that. We know that Prophet Muhammad was one who did not only recite Scripture to us, but his job was also to teach Scripture to the followers. He was a teacher, an educator. We look at the ninth month of fasting. We know that nine has a great symbolic meaning not only in religion, but also in politics. There are nine Supreme Court judges on the Bench. The highest court has nine members. Now, do we know what we need nine judges for? Nine judges to judge the wicked. The world can not judge the righteous; Allah judges the righteous. And the Bible says that Jesus healed ten, but nine of them went right back to their ways before they got out Of Jes
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hak-7 · 8 years ago
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"SWORD/S-WORD" in Biblical Scripture... In Christ's Return in Revalations, he will slay the wicked with the "double-edged" Sword(tongue) that proceeds from out of his mouth! (Revelation 19:15)....The letter "S" stands for "sacred" or "secret" word(knowledge)....The "Words", spoken to slay the wicked, is "TRUTH!".... Earlier in the Old Testament there is a story of a donkey(ignorant-m(asses)) who was being abused by his master(ruling-class) and he was met with an angel(messenger) with a "flaming sword" flaming in this sense means that the tongue or sword was lit up with truth!... And "fire" is painful when it touches you; the donkey turned around and looked on his master on his back and he said: "why have you hit me these three times?"(Numbers 22-35)..... The Application of the Religious Teachings of Imam W.D.Mohammed. SWORD (SACRED/SECRET-WORD) Imam W.D.Mohammed. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "for every verse there is an explicit and an implicit meaning." Explicit means that it is very clear, anyone can see it if he wants to. Implicit means that there is some wisdom, there is another language there for the special people who have insight and good hearts. We do not claim to have all the knowledge of interpretation, what we call "Ta'weel", the knowledge of Ta'weel, the knowledge of insight into the meaning, the hidden meanings of Scripture. Allah tells us in the Qur'an that He has blessed certain people with that. Allah tells us in the Quran that He will give you that if He chooses to. He will bless you with that. We know that Prophet Muhammad was one who did not only recite Scripture to us, but his job was also to teach Scripture to the followers. He was a teacher, an educator. We look at the ninth month of fasting. We know that nine has a great symbolic meaning not only in religion, but also in politics. There are nine Supreme Court judges on the Bench. The highest court has nine members. Now, do we know what we need nine judges for? Nine judges to judge the wicked. The world can not judge the righteous; Allah judges the righteous. And the Bible says that Jesus healed ten, but nine of them went right back to their ways before they got out Of Jes
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