#the rule of thirds
dieletztepanzerhexe · 8 months
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ricoka · 11 months
I try to improve my knowledge about art and drawing all the time but for some reason, no matter how often I learn about it, I retain nothing about composition
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enlightining · 2 months
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egophiliac · 6 months
You are a coward (affectionate) for not giving Azul a meowth with Scuba gear and the move payday
counterpoint: Psyduck can learn Payday via TM, and Azul with a Psyduck would be hilarious.
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redavexat · 8 months
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adriles · 2 years
Wow some of you are really mad at me. Probably b/c i maimed & killed your friends, brothers, fathers, and sons on the field of battle. Thats ok though. Im fated to die soon
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firephoenix23 · 2 months
The Final Color Code
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Okay here is the final color code. I will be honest I didn't solve it all but here is what it says
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inkisionary · 10 months
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deadshadowcreature · 1 year
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Some practice ✍️
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hungryblackbird · 9 months
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this shot uses movement and and visual appeal so well that you dont even notice scanlan and grog pissing in the left third at first
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arttsuka · 4 months
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Jedediah and Octavius
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Some wips (but I forgot to take pictures of most of the steps) + the 'clean' version (basically without the hearts because I posted this on Instagram too and people I know irl follow me there 🥲)
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tswwwit · 1 month
I'm very curious (you don't have to take this seriously if you don't want to) but how exactly would Bill find out about how bad OG!Bill is doing? Like, is there an interdimensional bookstore that sells this book? When he's getting his bi-monthly demon gossip magazine at this shop does he just see that book there and double-takes? What's happening there? And what is Dipper's reaction?
I'm not sure if Familiar Bill learns about it through the book, but let's think about that!
Since the book displays differently for everyone - I imagine Familiar!Bill just gets dozens of pages of 'LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LETMEOUTLETMEOUTLETMEOUT' until he claps the thing shut.
Showing Dipper doesn't have much better effects; he just gets the ol' 'PUT JALAPENO PEPPERS IN YOUR EYES' treatment.
Once you put the book aside - I figure Bill finds out through the regular interdimensional rumor mill. Whispers along that strange network of various versions of oneself, carrying mentions of the strange twists and turns of fate.
That day has has Dipper wondering why Bill took one look at his phone, blanched, then started being waaaay too affectionate.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 5 months
we as a fandom talk about lt colonel war crimes a lot and it's great i love it but i don't think we talk enough about doctor war crimes
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carson commits SO many crimes in the show and we as a fandom do not acknowledge his beautiful crimes enough. he was doing illegal gene manipulation in the third fucking episode and doing experimentation on prisoners by the seventh. he also takes any and all opportunities to point a gun at someone and i for one think we need to acknowledge how absolutely fucking iconic that is of him. absolutely incredible i love him so much
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hii please can you do family hcs for soap, graves and rodolfo (sorry if thats two meny) like as in having kids being married and stuff x
Hey! I don't write about children, so I wrote general marriage HCs for the lads :-)
Marriage HCs for Soap, Rodolfo and Graves
Soap: As soon as you’re engaged he’s never taking that ring off again. It’s a small but lovely reminder that the two of you are bound together forever. To be frank, he loves the feeling of being married to you. His bonnie and him are finally married, what more could he want? He’s actually a surprisingly good husband, always taking care of you and getting you whatever you need. Insists on going on vacation with you for a week to ten days once a year. It’s his way of unwinding. Plus he really wants to see the world with you, make as many memories as possible as well. Very dutiful too, if you ever tell him to do something then he’ll do it. Rarely ever does he complain. After all, his beautiful spouse needs him, and what is more wonderful than that. If you’re not allergic to them, then he insists on getting a dog with you. They’re loyal, they’re sweet, they’re adventurous. They’re kind of like him and he jokes about that too. If you love Soap then you’re going to love a dog as well. However, sometimes he gets a bit overwhelmed with love for you and will just hold you tightly for a bit. He doesn’t talk, he doesn’t even move, he just holds you and takes in your warmth and your scent. Once he’s almost done feeling sappy, he’ll sigh, put your face in between his hands, give you a big smooch and tell you how much he loves you. It gets especially bad once you’re married. He can’t help it, though, he simply adores you.
Rodolfo: He never would have thought he’d find someone willing to marry someone like him. Sure, he’s flattered and flabbergasted, even, and that sometimes gets to him. Once you’re married, he’ll try his best to be a good husband for you. Gets up before you do so he can make you some breakfast, cleans your home as long as he can be quiet, hell, he’ll even try to use the washing machine and wash your clothes. If you’re awake somehow and want to join him, he’s over the moon. There’s just something so domestic about doing house chores together, he loves it. At one point he’ll insist on going on a roadtrip through Mexico together so you can see all the most beautiful sights together. He loves his country and he loves you too, so he’d love nothing more than to combine both of those things together. It’s not optional either, he’ll bring it up again and again until you finally relent and let him plan everything. I don’t think he’d be too much of a dog person, but you could probably convince him to get a cat. He wouldn’t admit it, but he thinks they’re kind of cute. Will also try to be your cat’s favorite by feeding it some snacks here and there, just to brag that it loves him after all. One thing he’ll also start doing once you’re married is send letters to you. You don’t have to respond, but he just wants to send you something more personal every once in a while. Besides, it’s something sweet too, isn’t it? Not very many people send each other letters anymore these days. They’re more personal than a simple text message.
Graves: He’s a cocky but loveable guy most of the time, but he actually becomes a bit calmer once you’re married. Sure, he’ll still tease you when he can, but that’s just how he is. Back then, he may have told you he loves you by teasing you, but nowadays he genuinely just holds you close and gives you a heartfelt “I love you” from time to time. Not too fond of doing chores, even with you, but he’ll do them anyway because he can’t just leave all the work to you, even if he wouldn’t mind hiring a maid to do so either. Will want to buy a big house for the both of you to live in together. He has too much money on his hands anyway, so he does it anyway. It’s not going to be too remote, but it won’t be in the heart of a city either. If you’re not American then he’ll convince you to live with him in the States. It’s his home country, he’s a proud American and he wants you to be with him. He’s not too open for a pet, in all honesty. Even if he can’t really name a reason as to why. It’s not like he’s allergic or anything, he’s just not the biggest fan of pets. Most he can do is a fish. But trust me, he’d actually take really good care of that fish. It would likely be overfed, but he’d deny ever feeding it and caring for it. If he thinks you’re not around then he’ll actually talk to it about how great of a spouse you are and how lovely it is that you’re taking care of him and it. Yes, he gushes about you to the fish. If asked he doesn’t even know you have a fish, though.
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egophiliac · 11 months
I was wanting to try doing an art piece in the style of the signature spell poster art pieces you create. But I’m not really the best at coming up with a composition for such a thing.
Do you have a process for how you come up with the compositions for them?
oh, awesome! it is an INCREDIBLY enjoyable style to work in; I hope you have fun with it! :D
I'm not great at putting my thought/art process into words, so my apologies if this doesn't make a lot of sense, but I'll try! my first step is always to do a LOT of thumbnails to figure out both the idea and how I want to show it; not trying to do a real sketch or anything, just little doodles to figure out what exactly I'm trying to portray. (I also call these "garbage passes" because they're not meant to be any good, they're just there to throw things out. aha. ha. ...anyway.) I think it's important during that first stage to really focus on the idea and the layout and not to get too bogged down in the actual drawing yet!
I tend to save my final thumbnails, so I'll use 'em as examples (I posted the ones up through episode 5 here if you're interested!) (and, uhhh, spoilers through episode 5 also in this post, hopefully that won't be an issue!)
the main thing I try to think about in composition is balance -- not necessarily in terms of symmetry, but in where each element is placed and how much space it's taking up. remember, empty space is still space! it's also really important to think about the parts that don't have anything in them, as much as the parts that do!
personally, I like to divide things up roughly by both halves and by thirds -- there's a lot more in-depth info out there on why the "rule of thirds" in particular works well visually, but in short, our brains tend to focus on things that are placed closer to imaginary division lines, instead of in the exact center of an image. so even when I'm doing something that is very centered and symmetrical, I try to keep that in mind and generally aim around those for landmarks like faces/eyes (or...where they would be, anyway) and other focal points.
it's not a formula of "the character's face should be in this division of this grid" or anything, more like "our minds like to focus on these areas, let's think about how to use that", if that makes sense! and of course rules are made to be broken, art is lawless anarchy, and so on. but it can be a good starting place for deciding where you want to put things!
(blue - thirds, red - half)
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and against the finished versions, because they do usually end up changing a lot (including the empty space of the border):
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(...these actually lined up a lot better than I thought they would. :') it makes me look like I do things way more intentionally than I do.)
other stuff I just try to keep in mind is that our eyes like following arcs and paths, which can be a good way to guide the eye:
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and frame and control the focus:
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honestly, composition is one of those things I feel like I struggle with a lot, so I'm not sure how much of this is helpful or actually makes sense outside of my head. but hopefully it helps a little! it's all just stuff to think about while drawing and not anything hard-and-fast, so don't, like, stress out about making sure things are lining up exactly on the thirds or anything. again, it's more "our brains think these are the dopest parts of the rectangle" than anything else! take advantage of the cool parts of the rectangle!
NOW GO HAVE FUN DRAWING seriously though, it is always super cool that other people like this idea and style enough to want to do it themselves and for other/their own characters! thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
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