#the ruby slipper cafe
scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 13, Uncomfortable - Pt. 5
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Self harm.
Word Count: 2k
Previously On...: I can't even. Betrayal. Just, ultimate betrayal.
A/N: And we are back to our regularly scheduled programming! Nola was great! I had Lavender-Lemon beignets at Ruby Slipper Cafe, and holy shit! They were heaven on earth! 10/10, would eat again!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch
Tumblr will not let me directly tag the following: @marcswife21 @erelierraceala @jupiter-107 @doublejeon @hiqhkey @unaxv @brookeleclerc
“Pocket! Oh my God, Pocket!” A concerned voice broke through your haze. You hadn’t even realized you were curled up into the corner of your shower until Wanda stepped forward, turning off the now ice-cold water and was crouched down before you, wrapping you in an oversized towel sheet. “Honey, what have you done to yourself?”
She gently padded at your skin, the soft white cloth coming away spotted with your blood where it had touched open wounds.
“I’m fine, Wands,” you muttered through chattering teeth, your entire body trembling against the freezing tile. “I’m fine. You don’t need to be here.”
“Like hell you are,” she retorted, her usual calm demeanor shattered at the sight of you. “You’re hurting yourself.” You felt her cool, slim fingertips trace gently over the lines of your harshly scrubbed welts. “Honey, what happened? Why would you do this to yourself?” Her gaze flicked around the bathroom: your discarded robe, the streaks of bloody water slowly circling down the shower drain, your ruined skin under her hand. She gingerly removed her fingers from your arm and you instantly missed their warmth. “What did Barnes do?”
All you could do was shake your head as you shivered.
The look Wanda gave you was brutal in its pity. “Oh, honey,” she whispered, enveloping your body into a fierce hug. At the contact, the last of your defenses broke, and your sobbing began again, a tidal wave of pain rushing through you as you clutched her to you.
When your sobs had subsided, Wanda pulled back from you, putting your face in her hands. “Can you get up, sweetie? We need to get you off this floor or you're going to freeze.”
You nodded, and with her assistance, managed to stand. Once you had yourself steady on your feet, Wanda’s hands began to glow red. “I just need to get you warm, okay?” she asked. When you nodded, she let her magic flow around you, and you felt your skin warm and dry, and your towel turned into a long, plush bathrobe. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?” she asked you hopefully as she led you back into the main room and deposited you gently in the corner of your couch. All you could do was feebly nod in return.
“I think we’re going to need some reinforcements,” Wanda said as she pulled out her phone, sending out a quick text. “Now, you just rest here and I’m going to start cleaning up the bathroom, okay?”
Before she could walk away, you reached out and grabbed her arm. “How did you know to come in here, Wands?” you asked. “How’d you know I needed you?”
She cast you a soft smile. “Bucky called me. Told me you’d had a fight, that he’d really fucked up and asked me to check in on you.”
You nodded. At least he was capable of doing something right.
“You wanna talk about it?” she asked gently. You shook your head, but took her hands and put them to the sides of your head, giving her unspoken permission to view the memory directly from your mind.
Wanda looked at you. “Are you sure?” she asked. You nodded, wanting her to understand, but not wanting to have to explain how absolutely betrayed you felt, to relive the pain of it. You felt the familiar warmth enter your temples as Wanda’s fingers began glowing once again. Unlike the last time she had sifted through your memory, this left you feeling hollowed out and empty inside.
“Are you shitting me?” Wanda asked in surprise when she’d finished, her fingers returning to their normal hue. “Is he a fucking moron?!” You couldn’t help but bark out a quick laugh at her response; it was rare for Wanda to ever use profanities, especially in reference to another person, let alone another member of your team, but it was nice to know that you weren’t alone in your assessment of Bucky’s actions.
Before either of you could say anything else, your bedroom door flew open and Natasha came bursting through. “I swear to God, Wanda, this better be a legit emergency, because I was just about to—” She paused at the sight of the two of you sitting facing each other on the couch, expressions forlorn.
“What did I miss?” she asked cautiously.
“Come help me clean the bathroom, Nat, and I’ll explain.” Wanda stood and held out a hand to Natasha. She turned back to look at you. “Rest a little bit. We’ll be right in the other room if you need us,” she said before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Nat cast you a confused look before following Wanda into the en-suite and you sighed heavily. You were exhausted and you couldn’t believe the turn the night had taken. Where were you even going to go from here?
The worst part was, the only person you wanted to talk to was Bucky— not the Bucky who had said those horrible things, who had betrayed you, but the Bucky who had been your best friend, who you had trusted with all the dirty details of your past, who you thought understood you better than anyone else in the world.
Where had he gone, and who was this stranger that had taken his place?
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to keep the tears from falling once again.
“Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?” Nat shouted from the bathroom. In seconds, she was storming back into the bedroom and out the door. “I am going to kill him,” she muttered to you before leaving, and a few seconds later, you could hear her banging on Bucky’s door across the hall.
“Oh dear,” Wanda said, coming out of the bathroom. “I should have anticipated that reaction from her.” She came to sit beside you as you both listened to the muffled shouting as Nat ripped Bucky a new one.
A wicked smile tugged at Wanda's lips, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, I did warn him. Barnes can't say he didn't see this coming."
You managed a weak chuckle and leaned back against the couch, feeling a little more grounded now, surrounded by your friends' protective wrath. It was oddly comforting, even if all you wanted was to be left alone to deal with your own heartbreak.
"He'll survive," Wanda said dismissively, her fingers absently tracing winding paths in the plush fabric of your robe. Her gaze drifted back to you, her expression softening once more. "The more important question is...how are you doing?"
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly, your eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. How were you supposed to answer that? You felt like your heart had been ripped open and then stomped on, then fed back to you.
"Better than Barnes," was all you said, eliciting a choked laugh from Wanda.
"That's not much of an achievement, sweetheart."
"I know," you replied softly, eyes still fixed on the ceiling. "But it's the best I can do right now."
She smoothed your hair. “Would you like me to help you sleep, love?” You nodded, grateful for the assistance she was offering. 
She took a glance at your bed. “Oh,” she said once she saw its stripped state. “Well, that won’t do.” She raised her hands and conjured up a luxurious bed set, with silk scarlet sheets and a downy scarlet duvet. “There,” she said, sounding pleased with herself. “That’s much better.”
You looked at your newly transformed bed in awe. “Is that, like, going to disappear at midnight or something?” you asked, transfixed by what you had just seen happen. 
Wanda laughed softly. “I’m a witch, sweetie, not a fairy godmother. It’s permanent. Dry-clean only, but permanent.”
You exhaled, beyond impressed. “If I were you,” you said, awestruck, “I’d be using my powers for all kinds of evil.”
“I sincerely doubt that,” Wanda said with a smile. She waved her hand and conjured up a satin scarlet sleep set. “Why don’t you go change and I’ll turn down the sheets?”
You nodded, picking up the night clothes she’d created for you and headed to the bathroom to change. When you came out a moment later, you saw Wanda had conjured herself a matching sleep set. “You didn’t think I was going to leave you alone at a time like this, did you?” she asked. “We’ll make it a slumber party, and Nat’ll get a matching set when she comes back.
“Thank you, Wands,” you said, rushing toward her and embracing her. 
“Of course, sweetie,” she said, patting your hair gently. “That’s what friends are for.”
You held each other for a moment, lost in the comfort Wanda provided. You were so grateful to have friends like her and Nat. 
As if you’d conjured her with your thoughts, the door creaked open and Nat slunk through. She made a face at the sight of the two of you in your matching sleep sets and scowled when Wanda raised a glowing hand, transforming her clothing to match.
“We’re having a slumber party, Natasha,” Wanda said, as if that perfectly explained why she’d given Nat magic pajamas. 
Nat’s expression softened. “Of course we are,” she said, coming over to the two of you and wrapping her arms around you both, effectively sandwiching you between her and Wanda.
“I hope you didn’t physically disable Barnes,” Wanda said. “Not that he didn’t deserve it, of course, but we’re already a man down.”
Nat snorted. “No physical violence needed,” she said, pulling back from the hug. “He’s beating himself up enough as it is.” She turned to you. “I don’t like saying this, because you know how much I hate the way he’s been treating you since Carthage showed up, but he knows how badly he fucked up. I’m not saying you should forgive him– you’re the only one who can make that decision, but once you’ve taken some time to process everything, I think you should talk to him.”
You swallowed and nodded. You couldn’t fathom doing it right now, but you knew you’d have to eventually. 
“That’s a lovely painting,” Wanda said, nodding her head toward where Twilight in the Tropics sat on your desk, and you were grateful for her for changing the topic. “Where did it come from?”
“Looks like a Stark Apology to me,” Nat said, then chuckled when you nodded. 
“Let’s get you to bed, Pocket,” Wanda said. “It’s been a long night and you must be exhausted.”
God, but you were. Every fiber of your body ached as you crawled into bed between Wanda and Nat, the new, magic silk sheets feeling delicious against your skin, and the duvet enveloping you like a cloud.
“Now, about that painting,” Wanda said, raising her hands again. “I think you deserve a little show after everything you’ve been through tonight, don’t you?” As her hands glowed, the lights dimmed and the painting lit up and came to life, as though you were looking through an open window onto the living scene as Frederic Church had painted it in 1874. The moonlight rippled on the water, the wind whispered through the palm fronds, and the sounds of a tropical night filled your room. It was breathtaking. 
“Holy shit,” Nat said in a hushed, revenant voice. 
“Thank you, Wands,” you whispered, squeezing her hand on top of the duvet. “This is amazing."
“Let it lull you to sleep, sweetie,” Wanda said, squeezing your hand back. “Goodnight, Pocket. Good night, Natasha.”
“Night, Wands,” you said, feeling a small smile touch your mouth. “Good night, Natty.”
“Night, Wanda,” Nat said, stifling a yawn. “Night, Pocket. Tomorrow will be better. I promise.”
<- Previous Part / Next Chapter ->
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thefreakandthehair · 2 years
That last anon seemed off lol
Literally any partner should support you having a great time especially if you have the opportunity to meet your favorite artist/actor!
Btw I'm not sure it's your first time to Nola but if you haven't I hope you can eat at Ruby Slipper Cafe. Do the waitlist beforehand!
I hope you have a great time and a safe flight!!
thank you so much! <3 I'm giving the benefit of the doubt there but you're absolutely right- your partners are supposed to be supportive of you having fun and doing things that you enjoy (so long as it's safe and doesn't harm anyone but that's obvious)! it goes both ways: if he got the chance to meet his favorite artist or actor or actress, bet that I'll become an Instagram Wife real quick to get videos and photos of him being happy!
and thank you for the recommendation! it is my first time, so I'm excited to see what I get into!
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jupiter-moonchild · 1 year
If my brain was in a fish, it would drown.
Here's a life update, seeing as I've been away for ... years.
I just logged out one day and didn't come back. No idea why. I did the same with Twitter, but I've hopped back on there over the last few months.
I don't even know where to start so it's going to be a ramble.
15th Dec 2017 my mum died, then 15 April 2018 my dad followed her. Dad died of a broken heart. And I'm not being romantic about it, his heart had some weird fault that caused a valve or a vein or something to burst, and nothing could save him. He was in the icu for almost 24 hrs before he finally died. I saw him before he lost consciousness, I told him I loved him, he said "I love you too, baby."
What followed was a shit show.
Family members (dad's side) who I will not name were awful to me, while I was still scrambling from the financial hit of two funerals on top of each other.
Other family members (mum's side) were left reeling from the loss and again, like when my brother died, I was in charge of holding it all together. I was literally falling apart while keeping them together.
Grief is a weird thing. I was already diagnosed with clinical depression back in 2003, and stupidly they thought they could just throw some tablets at me and make it go away. It made things worse. I stopped taking them.
For me, depression feels like standing on a flat shore with a rising tide. I can't move and sometimes the depression is only ankle deep, which I can deal with it.
Sometimes it's up to my waist and I still deal with it but with less confidence.
Then there's the times it goes over my head and I can't even swim.
Add in the grief of losing both parents just 4 months apart, and you have a fucking tsunami that I have no way of swimming away from.
Go me, drowning like Alice in Wonderland in her own fucking tears.
I didn't even get any ruby slippers out of it. I feel swindled but I don't know who by.
In other news, I have to move house. My landlord (long time friend) has had a financial hit himself and has to sell the house I've been renting from him for the last 19 years.
So, I've had strangers walking around in my home, measuring walls, talking to the estate agent, all while I sit on my sofa freaking out because "Ew, people".
I literally can't think of anything worse when you're a house bound hermit. Oh wait, maybe a mariachi band when you're trying to sleep is worse, but only a smidge.
On the upside, I'll be moving in with my boyfriend, in Hastings.
The downside is I'll be many miles away from my son and my best friend. Like, hundreds of miles.
Thankfully they have cars but it's going to be a wrench for me.
Also, wifi is a bit ropey down there, I can see me going to a lot of the internet cafes just to get a decent signal.
It's not all doom and gloom, at least I will be with my boyfriend, and his mum and his brother and his niece.... they live on a farm with alpacas. I've already decided I'll be making videos of the alpacas and how nuts they are. Also, I'll be near the sea.
When my depression was bad, my boyfriend would take me to see the sea, because he knew it was the only thing that seemed to help.
It's going to be a while before I move, as I still have to pack and I've not been given a date to vacate yet, so I'm in limbo, only packing the things I don't need straight away.
Boxes are all over the places and I keep putting throws over them to make them less annoying.
I really hope this is the last time I have to move.
In my life I have moved 13 times, this will be move number 14. Most places, I didn't stay for longer then a few years.
This has been the longest I have stayed in one place.
So yeah, It's been a rollercoaster without the fun and without the candy floss. Today I managed to get febreeze in my eye, so that was fun, Not!
I also dropped my Bobble-off on my foot and now I have a massive bruise. Go me, let's see if I can manage to yeet myself off the bed again because that's also become a regular thing thanks to my spine being a bunch of dried spaghetti.
Did I also mention I'm disabled, so the shit I have to deal with when I go to the shop can vary from someone calling me a 'dirty cripple' all the way to someone trying to steal my walking stick.
Thankfully, the people in Hastings are nothing like that, so that's another thing to look forward to.
To save myself from going completely nuts during lockdown, I logged back into youtube, then last year, I made a new channel for gaming.
I joined a minecraft smp and we make stupid minecraft videos.
My old 2006 account had a hideous name, which I have now been able to change to something less stupid. I have three channels. One is archive films, one is gaming and the other one is just general day to day weirdness.
Last year I stepped outside my comfort zone and went with my boyfriend to see Aurora. She is truly amazing. We saw her at the Brixton Academy, which is now under threat of closure.
I remember the first time I saw Muse, it was at Earl's Court, and that venue no longer exists.
Oh, almost forgot. 2017 I smacked my head on a doorframe and had to have my eyebrow glued back together at the hospital. I got a concussion from the impact which they said should go away after a few weeks, but it never did. Post concussion syndrome. Basically I have brain damage, and someone could show me a photo of me in some random place and I'll have absolutely no recollection of where it was taken. I have DVDs on my shelves that I have no memory of even buying let alone watching, so that's gonna be fun to watch.
To top it off, menopause came along and slapped my ovaries into the back of the net. "Here, you're having memory trouble, have a dose of this malarky to fuck you up as well." Why not?
If you thought puberty was bad, wait until you get the old menopause boot to the arse. One minute you're like "Aww pretty flowers" the next you're "I WILL FUCK YOUR ANCESTORS UP!" There's no in between.
Well, that's that for now, I'll be popping back in here again to vent spleen about the shit that's going on in my awkward life.
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jminter · 2 years
Picks of the Week - February 1, 2023
We roll into February, with Valentine's Day coming soon and plenty of activity in the picks of the week... Arts: There's just a few more days to take in the creative line up PuSh International Festival of Performing Arts brings to the city - it's timely, honest, politically active works of dance, music, theatre and multimedia programming continues until February 5th.
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Race Horse Company - O'DD credit: Minja Kaukoniemi Concept & direction: Rauli Dahlberg Choreographer: Jarkko Mandelin ?On stage: Rauli Dahlberg & Miro Mantere ?Production: Race Horse Company Lighting design: Jere Mönkkönen & Eero Alava ??Music & sound design: Miro Mantere Set design: Rauli Dahlberg & Jere Mönkkönen Costume design: Viivi Raila & Janni Turtiainen Dine: The city’s most flavourful festival, Dine Out Vancouver Festival, also wraps up in a few day, book fixe prix menus from 350 restaurants from Abbotsford to Ambleside before February 5th. Chocolate: Continuing until February 14, the 13th annual Greater Vancouver Hot Chocolate Festival is brewing up and a bigger and better festival than ever, with visions of hot chocolate flavours from cafes, bakeries and eateries to keep us warm on winter days. Voice: Friday, Early Music Vancouver returns to Christ Church Cathedral to Raise, Raise The Voice an evening with award-winning countertenor Reginald Mobley and the Pacific Baroque Orchestra Internment: At The Arts Club Theatre Company until February 12th Forgiveness, based on the acclaimed memoir by Mark Sakamoto, tells the powerful story of his family’s harrowing experiences during World War II.  Wolves: The Arts Club Theatre Company brings another World Premiere Silver Commission Production to the stage, with The Cull opening at Granville Island Stage, running until February 26 Arts: Oxford Properties unveils its 100 Amigos Art Exhibition, featuring 100 12?x12? works by local artists curated by local graphic artist Pablo Zamudio, hanging in the newly renovated MNP Tower (1021 West Hastings) lobby for public viewing (and purchase) through February 19.
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Horton: Until February 11th at Burnaby's Michael J Fox Theatre, Align Entertainment is presenting Seussical The Musical, based on Horton Hears A Who and the many children's stories of Dr. Seuss. Ice: With temperatures below freezing it's the perfect time to hit 'the ice' at Robson Square Ice Rink open until February 28th for your old-fashioned outdoor skating family fun, with skate rentals just $5. Ring: It's Wrestling Night at Rogers Arena, as the Vancouver Warriors play host to Saskatchewan Rush with a post-game wresting match at centre-turf. Lunar: Lunar Fest and Lantern City celebrations pop up all around the city with sites downtown, Granville Island, and West End- Robson Street until February 20, 2023.  
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Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience in Surrey February 1 to March 5, 2023 Photo: Timothy Norris Masters: As opportunity to interact with a Master’s great works, in a new exhibition, Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience opening today February 1, and running until March 5, 2023 at the Agriplex at Cloverdale Fairgrounds in Surrey. Fly: You don’t have to go far to visit Asia as guests to Fly Over Canada can experience spectacular Taiwan from above as Soar Over Taiwan takes flight only until February 12th.  Saddest: Produced by the Firehall Arts Centre and Victoria’s Puente Theatre, acclaimed Portuguese-Canadian playwright Elaine Ávila’s play, FADO – The Saddest Music in the World returns to The Firehall stage until Sunday, February 5 Listen: The Cultch Re/Play season continues on digital, with the audio-only play The Year of The Cello  online now. Jazz: The Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, has an amazing line up of Jazz @ The Bolt, curated by Jazz Impresario Cory Weeds, bringing a line-up of renowned artists from across Canada and around the world to join the best of Vancouver’s talent February 4-5
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Advance: Also at the Shadbolt Centre, Ruby Slippers Theatre’s Advance Theatre Festival (ATF) showcases new plays written and directed by female identifying and gender non-conforming artists who also identify as BIPOC (Indigenous, Black or Person of Colour). This week features; Aki Yaghoubi's Parifam - Wednesday, Feb. 1, 8pm, Yvonne Wallace's ReZonance - Thursday, February 2, 8pm, Jessie Lang's Surrender - Friday, February 3, 8pm Read the full article
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jsw029 · 2 years
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The last time we were in New Orleans, there was a huge line outside of the Ruby Slipper every time we walked by. Naturally, I had to see for myself what it was all about. Definitely lived up to the hype. I generally don’t even like biscuits and I loved theirs. The Peacemaker—Mix and Match of Two Benedicts—Eggs Blackstone ‘The O.G.’ and Chicken St. Charles, Pig-Candy Bacon Bites, and Seasonal Mimosa Flight When: Breakfast Where: @rubyslippercafe – New Orleans, LA Who: Lynn Amount Spent: $86.59 Amount Spent YTD: $11,787.17 #myterriblediet (at Ruby Slipper Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZrzHEutOV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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getoutofthisplace · 6 years
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Dear Gus,
Sam and I lost this morning, but then we took our brides to the Ruby Slipper Cafe and had a monstrous brunch with a maple bacon bloody mary or two, which we could legally walk around with, so we kind of won, too. We went back to the tennis center to watch our teammates play.
Mobile, Alabama. 3.16.2019 - 12.02pm.
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icleanedthisplate · 6 years
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The Trifecta, Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes (Shared). Ruby Slipper Café. Mobile, Alabama. 3.16.2019.
Trifecta: Taste of the Ruby Slipper Cafe featuring one serving each of Eggs Cochon, Chicken St. Charles & Shrimp Boogaloo Benedicts
Pancakes:  Our classic buttermilk pancakes with cinnamon & brown sugar filling & cream cheese glaze
NOTE TO SELF: Always cut a deal with Liz to share pancakes. That’s the move. You should also trade your half of the Chicken St. Charles for her half of either of the other two. This was a good meal, even if I don’t count the two maple bacon bloody Mary dranks.
Currently ranked 1st of 17 March meals.
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the-afro-belle · 8 years
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New Orleans!!! The Ruby Slipper Cafe is opening their newest location this Wednesday, February 1st at 7 a.m. 2820 Magazine St. We attended the soft opening today and it was AMAZING. They're open every day for breakfast, brunch & lunch. I had the Chicken St. Charles & @aambam had the Chicken St. Charles & Shrimp Bougaloo. The Bellinis were the best I've ever had. Visit @therubyslippercafe on IG and Facebook for all the info. Tell them Ashley sent you!
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nola · 7 years
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The Great Battle of New Orleans
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sims2bellaswan · 3 years
pas de deux - La Festa degli Innamorati [Risotto Nero x Reader]
Valentine’s Day approaches... 2 bonus chapters for the pas de deux AU! Not considered canon to the actual fic nor are the 2 chapters intertwined in any way.
As the sun rises over the genteel morning, the dew settles on the grand displays of flowers. The sun begins to warm the quiet cafes, which set up their outdoor seats and special menus all across Rome. A cool wind does all but threatens the day’s festivities; couples bundle up together rather than miss the holiday. 
You wake up unceremoniously. While the shimmering sun accompanies the tauntingly sweet birds, you roll out of your sheets with a certain… Je ne sais quoi. You toss your blankets back onto the bed and trod, quietly, to your kitchen. 
The unseasonally warm morning brought the sweetest news: Valentine’s Day, the day of lovers, has finally come back. And, like every year, you got too wrapped up in working to make plans. The sizzle of breakfast breaks your downtrodden train of thought, as you begin to cook. 
Breakfast is finished rather quickly and with little time spared, you get ready for your day.
The company is just as cheery as the rest of the city, decorated in reds and pinks and advertising specials on tickets for the coming shows. You grimace, avoiding the sudden urge to gag or roll your eyes. 
Maybe Valentine’s Day wasn’t for you, but that shouldn’t stop you from continuing your day. The studio would be empty right now if you were lucky. Pushing past the door and dropping your street shoes in a pile with your bag, you immediately change your shoes. 
Though, you fail to recognize the man already in the room as you steadily pull on your slippers. And where you fail to recognize, he fails to speak up.
Risotto’s day started similarly, though your disdain is replaced by his indifference. He woke up at the same time, with no need for the holiday; let alone a reason to celebrate. Valentine’s Day was nothing special, just another day. 
This void of caring or acknowledging is what led him here. Where he was trying to get some practice in before the classes. 
Where he watches you stand from the nearly-bare wooden floor, where he watches you stretch your back out, where he watches you gracefully discover him. You’re startled back, hitting the mirror as your hand flies to calm your racing heart. 
“Signore!” You yelp out, breathlessly, “Oh my goodness, you scared me.” An awkward laugh escapes you. You want to pinch yourself for appearing so jovial now. “I can leave if you want, I’m so sorry.” You finally spit out, quickly and carefully enunciating so he can hear you beyond your embarrassed mumbles. 
He glances over you, pressed against the glass as if caged with a lion. He means for it to come off as an analytical gaze, but the way your eyebrows twist implies you took it differently. “No, it’s fine.” He says with a stifled sigh. “I don’t mind you.”
You breathe easily now, smiling at him in lieu of a response. The silence isn’t uncomfortable, quite the opposite, your shoulders fall to their natural spot as your arms extend upward and outward. 
But, both hesitate. Your foot, no matter how far you will it to go, simply will not move. 
Risotto as well, finding that he cannot force a muscle into motion just as quickly. His eyes fall to you, your nervous form that cowers from its mentor in a subtle way all your own. He longs to drop the nonchalant facade, to have you accept every emotion you bring out in him. 
You break his train of thought with another awkward laugh and ask, simply, “Could we dance together again?” 
You have no idea why you said that, honestly, it sounded stupid as it came out. You could feel the ruby red burn of shame and it made you want to crawl into yourself. The fire burns brighter and your shame pulls higher as your palms start to clam. 
He’s relieved, though you can’t see it. He’s relieved you asked and he didn’t have to. 
You catch the slight nod he responds with, much to your consolation. As your smile brightens, your feet are finally compelled to move. 
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Sunshine (Taeyong x reader + Jaehyun)
warning : death of pets, dogs
tagging @neopalette
community @multifandomnet @supermwritersnet
The empty spot next to his pillow greets Taeyong this morning. The young man wipes his swollen red eyes as he gets up to wash his face and gets ready for another boring regular day. His feet slip into the soft pairs of slippers on the ground and he shuffles his way to the bathroom. Lazily he washes his face and brushes his teeth, eyes wetting once again when he realizes his best friend is really gone. His favorite dog passed away last week and he still can’t get over it. A lot of activities remind him of the cute small angel who used to cling into his leg and follows him around, but not anymore. Ruby has left for a better place.
Taeyong checks his notification panel and closes it one more time after seeing messages from his bestfriends, family and colleagues. The wallpaper still hurt him, the last picture of Ruby smiling in his embrace, Taeyong promised himself he will stop crying when he sees Ruby’s wallpaper, but here he is still feeling his eyes tear up when Ruby is present.
He brushes away his brown fluffy hair and dresses himself up to finally walk to the office. He’s been asking the boss to let him work from home for the last week and since the boss is his friend, he could get his wish granted. But now he has to return to his regular life.
The bus ride was okay, he didn’t meet anyone annoying, instead he feels better seeing people he used to see commute with the same bus line in the morning. Taeyong plugs in his earphone and takes a look at the window. He feels better upon seeing the leaves, the busy streets and the warm sun kissing his cheeks when he steps down off the bus and walks to his office.
“Here we go,” he holds his breath for a while before finally letting it go as he steps into the tall building.
“Hey good morning Taeyong! It’s been awhile.” The front desk greeter smiles upon seeing him and Taeyong gets his morning boost already.
“Morning Jungwoo,” he smiles at the sweet guy and escapes his way to the lift.
His colleagues are all happy to see him again, everyone is considerate enough to not ask him about his dog and help him think of something else like a movie he should try watching and a new cafe he should try coming.
He concluded that today is not a bad day. He might even consider to visit the dog park, because he missed going to that park but a part of him tells him he’ll be sad remembering Ruby but another part says maybe this is the right time he tries to let the sadness go and see if he can be happy again when going to that park
So, in the afternoon, with his best friend Jaehyun, Taeyong visits the dog park near his house.
There in the park there’s a lot of people walking their dog around and the dogs are just having fun chasing balls and running around with other dogs.
Jaehyun picks a comfortable place to sit and Taeyong places his working bag down.
“So, how’s love life?” Jaehyun begins to ask him some questions all men their age ask each other about other than cars and footballs. Taeyong chuckles, “Single after the last break up.”
Jaehyun nods “Ah, still afraid of falling in love?” He knows his best friend, he knows the heartbreak Taeyong went through and he doesn’t want Taeyong to be uncomfortable.
Taeyong shakes his head “No one likes me.” to which Jaehyun snorts and hits his friend “No way! With that look, smile and gentle heart everyone is dying to have you!”
Taeyong has his eyes trembling but he laughs along to Jaehyun, that’s what his grandmother told him too but look at him being single till now.
“What about you Jae?” He asks his friend back while keeping his eyes focus on a big dog chasing a smaller dog. A small smile creeps up his face when he sees how silly the big dog looks.
“I found someone last week. We met in the bookstore, I was just looking for a cooking book and she recommended some to me, then we talked and eventually I got her number. We went for a coffee date. She’s interesting.” Jaehyun has a blush on his cheeks as he talks.
Taeyong nods “Must be nice.” He shrugs his shoulders only to suddenly hear some faint noise of a girl talking to her dog.
“Where are you going Amber,” your voice trails along your small dog that’s sniffing something on the grass then jumps to walk along the seating area like a wall but its short enough for people to sit around.
Amber, your small poodle, just keeps on sniffing and walking, as if following a trail and suddenly your eyes widen when your small poodle casually just jumps to a stranger’s lap and sniffs around his lap only to sit down and have the man pat her head.
You run to catch the naughty dog, and once you’re in front of the two good looking men you feel shy.
“I am sorry for my dog.” you bow to them but one of them, who has a sweet dimple, just laughs and shakes his head. “Don’t worry, we love dogs.” He glances at his friend, Taeyong, who is busy rubbing the dog and smiling sweetly.
“Amber, what are you looking for from him? He has no dog treats.” you shake your dog's treat and that catches her attention but she doesn’t move an inch from Taeyong’s lap.
“Come here Amber, what did I tell you about greeting others?” You raise your brow and your dog just plants his chin on Taeyong’s arm and makes puppy eyes which of course melt the hearts of the three of you.
“Aww look at you, cute princess.” Taeyong baby talks to the dog while slowly picking it up to pass it to you back.
You take the dog and thank him before finally putting the leash on so she can’t run away.
“I am so sorry and thank you. Amber was not confident around other dogs, that’s why I brought her here to socialize and it looks like she loves people more than dogs.” you sit on the next empty spot.
“That’s okay, it’s cute to see her run to me.” Taeyong rubs at the dog that’s climbing up to sit on his lap again.
“Oh Amber, you really like him don’t you?” You grin at your dog and tuck a hair away from your face.
“I haven’t seen you around, my name is (y/n),” you introduce yourself.
They quickly exchange their names with you. The dimple guy is Jaehyun and the other one with brown wide eyes is Taeyong.
Both of you settle for a quick talk about dogs, you learn that Taeyong just lost his dog but he’s glad to find a cute Amber here now.
“I’m glad Amber is here now, right you cutie. I’ll see you next time around.” Taeyong grins to the dog after playing with her ears.
You smile “I live around here, I always take Amber to the park around this hour. It was nice meeting both of you, I’ll see you around.” you bid goodbye to Jaehyun who gets a call from his girlfriend.
Now it’s just you and Taeyong and he nicely offers you to buy a coffee someday to get to know each other more, now that he heard both of you are working on the same field and that both of you love dogs.
“I’ll have to bring Amber some good treats next time. She’s the one who lets me know you.” Taeyong already shows much love to your dog.
You smile back, liking how this might end. “Alright, I'll see you tomorrow for coffee and Amber will run to you again if you bring good snacks.”
Taeyong nods and hands you his phone so you can type in your number.
He saved your number and texted you a hi, so you can get his number too and check if it's a scam or not.
Both of you said goodbye and Taeyong took his bus back home. He glances to the sky, watching the cloud move with the sky and he smiles when he sees Ruby in one of the clouds.
“I miss you, but you go have fun there, I found someone that brings a smile to my face again.”
He correlates you and Amber to sunshine, the one that brightens his day, the one that brings a smile to his face, and of course back then Ruby was his sunshine. Now, he has two sunshine and that’s all he needs to be the Taeyong he was once again.
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3rdgymbros · 4 years
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𝓑𝓲𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
Name: Ruby Corentin
Nicknames: Munchkin
Name meaning: Ruby is a predominantly feminine given name taken from the name of the gemstone ruby. The name of the gemstone comes from the Latin ruber, meaning red. Corentin means "hurricane" in Breton.
Gender: Female
Birthday: 25 August
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Age: ?
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Red
Homeland: Munchkin Land
Family: None.
Quote: “Ordinary? I’ve never been an ordinary girl. I do bleed, but the pain goes away fast; how can anything like that be called ordinary?”
𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓡𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓰𝓮 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓕𝓲𝓵𝓮
Dorm: Oznitus ( a fandorm created by @gtfolingling​ )
School Year: First 
Class: 1-C ; Student no. 17
Occupation: Student
Club: Horseback Riding Club
Best Subject: Practical Magic
Special Skill: Getting into trouble, getting out of trouble, lock-picking
𝓕𝓾𝓷 𝓕𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼
Inspired by: The ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz
Dominant hand: Right
Favourite Colours: Red, silver, gold
Favourite Food: Junk foods, desserts
Least Favourite Food: Bland food, vegetables
Likes: Fashion, window shopping, vintage designs, thrift shops, museums, libraries, starry nights, cafes, high places
Dislikes: Being cooped up, boredom, people trying to control her, needles, hospitals, small spaces, the smell of incense
Hobbies and Talents: Exploring, horse-riding, trying new things, cafe-hopping, looking for fun things to do, hanging out with friends
𝓟𝓱𝔂𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮𝓼
Appearance: Despite her status, she takes on the appearance of a young girl. She has pale skin, and long red hair styled loosely after a hime cut; heavy bangs frame her face, with straightened forelocks that reach her chin. Part of her hair has been gathered into a braid, but otherwise hangs free to her waist. A black hair ribbon also adorns her hair.
Style: A very trendy girl, her casual outfits reflect her taste in fashion as well, and are reminiscent of Korean street fashion, with a feminine touch. Examples can be found here and here. It should be noted that whatever outfit she wears, she will always be found wearing a pair of red shoes.
Makeup: Goes barefaced, except for a dab of pale pink lipgloss.
Body type: Slim of waist, and slight of frame, with an average-sized chest.
Voice actress: Nakashima Yuki ( Samples of her vocals can be found here and here. )
Personality: Cheerful and high-spirited, Ruby is a playful, active and generally positive girl who always finds something to be excited or passionate about. She easily makes friends and gets along with everyone, regardless of their personality. She can be a rather chaotic individual, as she’s always searching for something fun to do, and is very easily caught up in trouble. She is also extremely curious and easily amazed, charmed by new things she discovers in the world around her.
She can be blunt sometimes, throwing out barbed remarks when annoyed and pushed past her limits; this most likely happens when someone insults her dorm and her friends. She also has no qualms with chiding or insulting someone if she feels that they are underperforming, or if they are not meeting her standards. However, if asked to, or if the person in question looks particularly upset, Ruby will apologise. 
During the rare times that she engages in battle, Ruby is brutal, and she seems almost like a different, darker, person. She becomes sadistic and cold-hearted, going berserk and destroying everything and everyone in her path. A smile will play upon her face as she toys with her opponent, her laughter ringing out high and clear over the sounds of battle. It should be noted that hearing Theo Westcott’s voice is able to snap her out of her bloodlust in battle.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strengths: Curious, loyal, optimistic, honest, brave, determined, energetic, playful, high-spirited, affectionate
Flaws: Reckless, impulsive, little regard for her own safety, blunt, sadistic in battle, sharp-tongued, has trouble understanding people at times
An immortal being, originally from Munchkin land, Ruby was worshipped by a coven of dark witches as their deity and her powers used to solidify their control over the land. Ruby would grow up in a sheltered environment; everything she wanted was given to her, but she was essentially imprisoned in the house and in her room, looking longingly upon the outside world, wishing to experience life as she knew it. 
This changed when the coven was overthrown; Ruby would then be transferred into the care of a coven of good witches, who would then raise her as their own, acting as her guardians, teaching her magic spells and social etiquette. Ruby would be later sent to Night Raven College to keep her safe from the other dark witches, who wish to use her for their own nefarious purposes once again, and so that she would be able to have a somewhat normal life. 
However, Ruby has only a vague memory of her time as a deity; she only remembers bars on the walls of her room, along with the smell of incense. 
Ruby has an immense amount of magical power, although she very rarely fights, and even more rarely, fights to her fullest capacity. She is fond of using her magic to manipulate crystals. Mages use crystal magic for its defensive power, creating walls with high resistance, and its offensive power, creating large crystal pillars to injure opponents.
Crystal Flowers: Upon casting the spell, a series of sharp crystals rise from the ground, forming the shape of a flower. The crystal is sharp enough to easily cut through the user's targets. Additionally, the user can summon the crystals in any location they desire. Due to the sheer size of the spell, the user can attack multiple targets at once.
Crystal Shield: A crystal barrier is manifested, protecting the caster from harm.
Unique Magic: There’s No Place Like Home. When this magic is activated, the user can manipulate space by creating portals. In battle, it can be used to return attacks back to an opponent, to move allies into advantageous positions, and to warp enemies out of battle or into attacks.
Theos Westcott (gtfolingling): Ruby is completely undeterred by his reputation and powers, seeing him as her dorm head and a good friend as well. Her smiles come free and easy when she’s around him, and she tries to rope him into joining in the activities and fun, inviting him along to partake in her mischief. Ruby will even listen to his muttering, nodding along, and adding her own input whenever she can. On nights that she has trouble sleeping, Ruby will pad out of her room to see if Theo is awake and gaming; if he is, she’ll plop down beside him with a yawn and keep him company into the early hours of the morning.
Evett Easten (gtfolingling): Ruby sees him as an older brother figure of sorts, pouting when he tells her to stop fooling around. Outwardly, she’ll claim that his nagging is annoying, but she inwardly finds herself relishing in the attention, and the feeling of being cared for and looked out for. She often comes to him to request help for household chores, or to ask him questions about the school, and humans in general. She’s also learned a few curse words, thanks to being around him for lengthy periods of time, though she doesn’t use vulgarities as frequently as he does.
Mika Norwurde (gtfolingling): She enjoys accompanying him on his pranks, and often partakes in the chaos that he creates, laughing right along as she watches the situation. Ruby finds it easy to get pulled along into his pace, and considers him a good friend, along with a partner in crime. Many of his videos and pictures feature her, either in the background or as the main attraction.
Primrose Ochre (toadodoki): Seeing as how they both hail from the same land, it is inevitable that Prim has heard rumours about Ruby. Ruby, however, has no memory of her time with the dark coven, and can’t quite understand why her dorm mate is so wary of her, though she does her best to befriend Prim, being quite persistent when she wants to be. Ruby also does her best to watch out for Prim, and is all too eager to fight in her place, or stand up for her if need be, knowing how unassertive she can be.
Madoc Vandris (xvi-jumper): She finds herself being unable to relate to his family struggles, but at the same time, a small part of her finds herself sympathetic and understanding. His calm presence might even rub off on Ruby, who is practically a ball of energy at the best of times. She would also probably enjoy watching him use his magic, and watching him bring objects to life.
Lilia Vanrouge: She feels a sense of familiarity with him, but can’t fathom why; though, unbeknownst to her, Lilia has seen her before as well, during her days as a deity. She finds his company pleasant enough and can be seen in the Diasomnia dorm with him, as they talk late into the night.
Malleus Draconia: The most powerful mage in the school, this fact has not escaped Ruby, who is eager to pit her powers against his. Other than that, she is on rather good terms with him, considering how often she visits the Diasomnia dorm.
Much like Lilia, there are pictures of her in the history textbook; although she looks wildly different. Her eyes are dark and sad, and she seems a lifeless doll, dressed in gold silks trimmed with lace, and her hair pulled back into an elaborate knot at the base of her neck.
Her most prized possession is the black ribbon she’s always seen with. She promised that she would be good whenever she wears the ribbon, and, as such, takes it off before embarking on mischief.
She has the ability to convince people into doing things by using her cute “puppy dog eyes”.
She is also bad at doing household chores and cooking.
She is also bad at doing household chores and cooking, although she claims that Lilia has been teaching her how to cook.
She likes collecting hair ribbons, even if she doesn’t wear all of them. 
Her shoes are all in varying shades of red.
She is afraid of ghosts.
She enjoys leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Her body is also very flexible, and she is capable of doing somersaults and backflips with ease.
Due to her immortal status, she places little concern on her own welfare, seeing as how she can heal quickly. That being said, she has no qualms about using her own body as a shield if need be.
Theos and Evett both call her ‘Munchkin’, to which Ruby responds with puffed cheeks, and an angry pout.
The nickname has started spreading around the school, much to Ruby’s dismay. However, she absolutely refuses to answer when other people call her that. Her other nickname is “The Smiling Monster”, owing to how she always smiles, even in the thick of battle.
She has trouble sleeping at night; she can never remember her dreams, only that she wakes up frightened, on the verge of tears and drenched in sweat.
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thesimperiuscurse · 4 years
FINE. All of them for EVA. Jerk
NO U. aight i’m gonna answer these for the start of chapter 6, two weeks from the end of chapter 5. 
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zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please! 
ready to kick ass, make the most of her work day, determined for upcoming regionals and exams. nothing is yet to trouble her.  
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? 
the faces of her family. they are what she loves most in the world. 
lemon; what’s your comfort food?
in winter, her mom makes rich and creamy soups with veggies from the garden. pair that with soft buns fresh from the oven, and it’s guaranteed to comfort eva on the coldest and dreariest days.  
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song? 
classic justin timberlake songs, like cry me a river. 
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of! 
just yesterday i found a new one for eva, an electronic artist named kloud. there’s one song in particular, humans, the lyrics and intense beat of which she’s super vibing with.    
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
the family villa in malibu. cherry and gabriel made sure to raise their children in a happy, secure, peaceful home. no repeat of their own turbulent and traumatic childhoods. 
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home?
again, her family. 
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend. 
eva doesn’t have a best friend. all the people she’s really close to are members of her family. she’s always been far too ballet-focused to maintain deep relationships with anyone outside of her family. however, she’s now growing very comfortable with sasha, piper, misha, and mako. they’re all quite bantery with each other. 
golden deep; what’s your favorite season? 
summer. always. 
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off? 
her day off is sunday. currently — she wakes up at 8:30, has a slow breakfast with piper in the cafe, checks in with the academy physiotherapist at 11:00, and the rest of the day is loosely scheduled for gym, procrastinating maths homework, kickboxing, visiting family, playing her guitar, or watching netflix.   
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad? 
she has a super strong support system in all her family members, but her mom in particular. cherry is always checking up by call whether her daughter is happy and healthy. 
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? 
slow mornings. eva can’t wake up before eight, and if she’s forced to, she’ll get cranky. she wakes up when the sun does. 
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything? 
not binging, but she’s slowly working through sex education on netflix. 
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)? 
right-brained. she can’t analyse for shit, unless she’s working something out using empathy and emotional intelligence. like misha, in that sense. 
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? 
she’s not one to enjoy the silent purity of art galleries. she prefers to explore nature and breathe in the ever-changing beauty of the earth. the sight of the sea always brings her peace. 
english red; what animal do you relate to most? 
probably a dumb but very cute and energetic dog.
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent?
scottish? she finds limmy’s show hilarious.  
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? 
for summer boyfriends: hot surfer boys, tall and athletic, that have a big smile and laugh, laidback yet adventurous, sunkissed with messy sea-salted hair. in other words, mako ain’t it. for a significant other: she hasn’t thought about it. a serious romantic relationship is not in her interest for now.  
scarlet; describe your current crush/es. 
no crushes. or at least, she hasn’t realised she has one yet. hehe.  
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like? 
eva doesn’t actually go on proper dates. she can’t be bothered with awkward conversations and formalities. she might grab an icecream with a guy, surf and play sports, or go to a bonfire beach party together.    
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like? 
hook up with him, i guess. 
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date? 
if it isn’t clear by now, eva gives absolutely zero fucks about traditions or ‘rules’ around dating. her relationships are in friend-with-benefits territory, and she goes straight for what she wants.
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now?
the family puppy, senor papperino. her siblings send her a million pictures of him as he grows up. a bittersweet joy.  
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to?
her cousin amaya is getting married to amir next year, a spring wedding in the sonoran desert. eva’s helping her with the planning and dress design, which lilith is to create.     
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? 
a simple beach house, warm with natural light, that sits gently in nature. small, because her time spent inside is minimal. she really isn’t impressed with flashy luxuries.  
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? 
a place right by the beach. she loves malibu and would want to stay close to her family. 
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down? 
honestly, ‘settling down’ is something she’s barely thought about. she’s going to dance professionally as long as she can, maybe become a teacher like darcy, and explore her other passions, like surfing and environmental conservation. the traditional concept of marrying then having children is one that she feels may happen to her naturally, rather than she HAS to settle down at a specific point in her life. it’s just not on her priority list. 
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
the most beautiful place in the world in eva’s mind is the garden at her family home, which blooms with dandelion clocks in summer, full of fruit trees, and is right by her favourite beach. her happiest childhood memories lie there. 
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it? 
at the moment, eva’s always in a good mood, because she’s in a place where she’s working at her greatest passion everyday. she’s friends with mako now, so the only person that could really put her in a bad mood is vicky. 
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember? 
she can’t remember any of her dreams. 
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each? 
since eva doesn’t really care about getting married, that hasn’t crossed her mind. she already has a broad, loving, ‘dream’ family, and her siblings are bound to have kids, so she doesn’t feel any pressure. she would be perfectly happy spending time with her nieces/nephews instead. a cute dog is a definite, though, probably another golden retriever.  
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could? 
evangeline’s named after one of the strongest women in her life. she’s proud to have inherited the name, and hopes to live up to it.  
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent? 
grapefruit, sea salt. 
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
she’s a coffee person, but in summer, her mom likes to brew iced tea with fruits and herbs from the garden, which eva loves. 
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
lots of citrus trees. plants that can grow wild and thrive on their own. 
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog? 
i can picture eva vlogging, but in reality she’s too busy dancing for that shit. she prefers to live her life off screen, grounded in her reality.  
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
“jacked as fuck”
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
a field of tiny wildflowers on the dry coastal hills of malibu. the sun is burning bright, the sea is crashing against the beaches below, the wind is pulling wild at her hair. 
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
eva’s always striving to be more than just comfortable. her ambition means she’s already achieved an impressive amount in life, and she’s happy with how she’s moving along, but she’s forever shooting for the stars. 
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
she can’t afford to travel at the moment but hawaii, spain, greece.  
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn? 
a tiny bit of spanish, korean, and german from gabriel, but nowhere near fluently. she would like to improve her skills in those languages if she has the time.  
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
eva isn’t bookish. she just can’t sit still long enough. when she was a kid, she did love the magic slipper series, written by one of the prima ballerinas she idolises. 
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far?
her calculus textbook. she wants to set it on fire.  
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh? 
she likes cheesy 90s era movies. she’s the man always makes her laugh. 
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
an ice bath and self massage for her legs, if pointe work is particularly intense, treat any new blisters or bleeding on her feet. typical ballet things. 
umber; have you drank enough water today? 
eva is always mindful to drink eight cups of water per day. 
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent? 
amaya. she listens coolly, and provides helpful commentary. a few weeks ago, eva vented to her about mako and how much of an ‘arrogant ass’ her partner is. after she finished letting off steam, amaya asked her what the exact reasons for disliking him were, which helped eva realise her own stubbornness, haha. 
sepia; name five things that always make you happy.
perfect surf waves, a hug from her parents, adding a new piece of jewellery to her minimal gold collection, warm sunny weather, camping with her siblings.     
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received?
she’s received a lot of ‘you’re pretty’ type compliments from guys over the years, but what makes her happiest is compliments about her dancing, particularly from professionals. 
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic? 
summer beach chick, relaxed shades of sea blue and white froth, minimalist, with a rough edge.   
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful!
nah i’m too lazy to open the game at the moment. anyway, eva doesn’t really take selfies by herself, since she’s not that active on social media. 
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coordinatesofher · 5 years
NOLA (New Orleans Louisiana) is such a quirky, fun, beautiful place filled with friendly people and AHHHHmazing food. Walking around the French Quarter and popping in and out of places you will find tons of food and drinks and loads of fun! If you are in need of some local references for food, drinks, or entertainment, then you have come to the right place! Here is everything you need to know to visit NOLA and have the time of your life!
Boiled Crawfish - Technically, you can find crawfish year round. But, many local will tell you, only eat boiled crawfish during crawfish season! The rest of the year it is either frozen local crawfish or it is sourced from elsewhere.
Beignets - Cafe Du Monde - This is a must! They have been serving Beignets since the Civil War! The line is often long so if you need a back up spot, Cafe Beignet is a great option as well.
Pecan Pralines -  Try pralines or fudge at any of the little shops. Super sweet, but yummy. Loretta’s in the French Market is really good.
King Cake - If you find it, eat it! King Cake is seasonal and typically found during Mardi Gras and it is SO yummy! It is basically a mix between a donut and cake stuffed with cream. You will love it!
Hot Sauce - Spice is a HUGE thing in Louisiana! Every place in the Quarter has dozens of them to try. Some are so hot you have to sign a waiver eating!
Chicory - OK. This is not my thing, but it is very much a NOLA thing. Chicory in Coffee is huge. Personally it isn’t for me, but by all means try it.
Po-Boys - It is a sandwich stuffed with various meats usually fried shrimp or seafood. In the Quarter you can go to Cafe Masperos or Johnny’s Po-Boys or Erin Rose, but the best one in the city and where you will find me every day is Parkview Bakery! It is worth the uber ride, and it is such a great, local, backyard vibe. 
Muffalettas - Central Grocery Co. is a super famous spot for this. I don’t eat meat so I have never had it, but everyone raves about it!
Oysters - Full disclosure, I have never eaten or even tried an oyster, but I have heard that Antoine’s Restaurant or Felix’s is the way to go for that.
Hurricane Alcoholic Drink - Pat Obrien’s is famous for this, but they have them everywhere. 
Hand Grenades - These are a huge thing on Bourbon. Be warned, the sugar masks the liquor and you will be beyond drunk afterward.
Absinthe - Pirate’s Alley is the place for it. 55% alcohol makes it a doozy. Their version is the legal limit.
SnowBalls - I lived for these as a kid, and Hansens is the place in the city to get it.
World Famous Fried Chicken - Willie Maes has been on every food network show and is SUPER famous. It is supposed to be life changing chicken. Now they have created a bit of a chain, but make sure to visit the original location.
Gumbo, Jambalaya, and Étouffée - These will be served lots of places and worth trying. Best spots: Jambayala - Coop’s Place / Gumbo - Stanley's
My favorite breakfast spot in the whole city is in the Lower Garden District at Hivolt Coffee. It is the best coffee in the city including pour overs and the pastries and breakfast are all great!
If you are in the Warehouse District there is a Stumptown Coffee in the Ace Hotel which is a great option as well!
Brennans is super famous for breakfast. I have never been. But, worth pointing out. Make sure to get a reservation.
When in town, I usually eat at Sasuma Cafe. Cheap, simple, and healthy, something hard to find in Louisiana some times ;)
Another favorite of mine is Surrey’s. To be fair, I have never tried anything other than their pancakes, but I don’t need to! Their pancakes are the best!
Elizabeth’s in Bywater is a super traditional southern breakfast with smothered everything and great biscuits. It is really good and a great way to try southern food!
Ruby Slipper is also a fun spot with cajun/creole breakfast influences. It is probably the best breakfast spot to please everyone and still get to try some unique things.
Pat O’Briens dueling pianos is a must! It usually has a line, but once you get in it is such a blast. They basically pack people into a room with two dueling pianos that play any song request and everyone in the room sings as loud as possible to classics and shares drinks. It can really be a blast!
Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop is the oldest structure in the city to have a bar so it is a great spot to grab a drink.
Carousel Bar - This bar is inside of a hotel. There is a carousel inside it that moves and is it’s claim to fame. It doesn’t sprinkle my donuts, but people seem to love it!
Pirate’s Alley - if you dare try the absinthe. This is a famous spot and the only place in the city to sell legal absinthe. Fair warning the alcohol content level is HIGH.
Saints and Sinners - Nothing crazy about this other than Channing Tatum owns it so the girls tend to love it. And, for that reason, it is worth pointing out.
Ace Hotel’s rooftop is a really beautiful space! One of my favorite spots. My girlfriend from Los Angels and I always laugh going there cause its definitely like the other Ace Hotels in terms of lack of friendliness and run by New Yorkers. But, still the rooftop bar is super nice!
Frenchmen Street - SUPER famous for Jazz music. Places like the Spotted Cat are where all the greats played back in the day. It is the locals version of Bourbon Street, or at least it used to be. Typically, you can find lots of live music and fun spots.
Tchoup Yard is a super fun spot and great for a day hang out. There are loads of backyard games and outdoor vibes and usually lots of locals just playing corn hole and drinking beers. It is also located right where lots of brewers have popped up which is new to the city, so it is a great day drinking spot.
Musical Legends Park is such a cute romantic spot (maybe the only one) on Bourbon. I think it is only Friday nights, but a live jazz band plays outside and for a moment you feel like you are in a European city. Swoon.
Bourbon Street is filled with dozens and dozens of bars and intoxicated people. It is not where locals tend to hang out, but if you are looking to experience this side of NOLA and have a blast doing it, just pop in and out of all the bars along the street. No destination is needed here.
Cochon Butcher and Cochon Restaurant are both really good spots in the warehouse district with great vibes and food with a local twist. (Cochon means “pig” so that says a lot about what is on the menu).
Peche is a nice restaurant as well. Peche means “fish” so there is a lot of seafood dishes here. Nice vibes. Good food.
Pizza Domenica - Great pizzas and pastas and garlic bread knots, and a nice break from fried food.
Josephine Estelle in the Ace Hotel is a great little spot. More Los Angeles type foods like anything with a vegetable (lol) than the other places listed. Plus, you can pop up to the rooftop bar afterward.
NOLA in the French Quarter is really good. Typical cajun and creole dishes that are really well done. More pricey.
Emeril’s is super famous and fancy pants. I have never been. Heard great things! More pricey.
Commander’s Palace is SUPER famous and supposedly really amazing. Never been. Hard to get a resi. Heard amazing things! Most pricey.
St. Roch is a great stop and my personal favorite place to get biscuits. There are several vendors in this space like a small market and it is a great way to try different foods in the city!
Napoleon’s House (yep, he had a house there that is now a restaurant) The food is not life changing, but it is cool to see. And, full disclosure, Napoleon died before getting to visit this house, so he never lived here, but it was built for him.
There are lots of huge plantation style homes in the Garden District one of which is where Mark Twain used to throw parties. These old southern homes are to die for.
Near there is St. Charles Ave. where 300-400 year old oak trees line the street. You gotta take a trolley ride down this street and see it. It is beautiful.
Jackson Square in front of the St. Louis Cathedral which is the most popular photo spot and dates back hundreds of years.
Cemeteries - Due to being below sea level, graves are all above ground in NOLA. And, many of them date back centuries and are well worth a visit. You can even visit Marie Laveaus (the famous Voodoo Queen’s) tomb. Across from Commander’s Palace is Lafayette Cemetery which is free to visit. My recommendation for a more historical tour would be to visit St. Louis Cemetery where notables have been buried. You have to do a tour, but it’s great. OH, and you can see the period tomb Nicholas Cage had built for when he dies. Kinda wild.
Swamp Tours - This isn’t necessarily “historic” perse other than people having been boating here for centuries and the cypress trees are hundreds of years old. The tours are a whole lot of fun and you get to see alligators out in the wild! I highly recommend doing one to see a completely different type of landscape and life on the bayou.
Museums - There are lots of great museums all within walking distance of each other. So, if you are looking for a break from Bourbon street this is your spot. The WW II museum is one of the best tin the country and a great way to spend the afternoon. There are also wonderful art museums like the Ogden and the Contemporary.
The French Market in the French Quarter is the best place to shop for souvenirs and fun little things. Most of the goods are on the cheaper side so it is fun to walk about. As a kid, this was always my favorite spot!
If vintage clothing is your thing, then Royale Street is a great place for all things vintage. There are several vintage boutiques specializing in unique period clothing.
There are loads of Local shops selling New Orleans designers like Krewe Sunglasses which are great and well worth the stop in.
Magazine Street is my favorite street in the city and it is filled with loads of shops, antiques, and great eateries. It is a great way to spend an afternoon outside of bourbon. Just take the trolley car from the French Quarter.
Casual is a way of life there. While a few trendy spots have come to town and people dress more trendy/urban in those spots, for the most part, it is casual. The city is so laid-back and truly no one will care what you are wearing.
Comfy Shoes - The streets and sidewalks are uneven and often cobblestone. Tourism causes a lot of trash. And, rain doesn’t help. So, I recommend comfy shoes like tennis shoes that you are ok to get scuffed up and wet and maybe even just toss after the trip.
Sunscreen - The heat is no joke here!
Hat for sun - A hat or even an umbrella to protect against the sun is a must in the summer and maybe even year round!
Sunglasses - As mentioned above, sun protection is a must!
Backpack - I am a backpacker type of tourist because with all the heat and alcohol you will want water and a place to store your raincoat and sunscreen, etc. Plus, like in any tourist spot, keeping your things safe and protected is the way to go!
Toilet Paper/Kleenex packets - The French Quarter is old and packed with people. The bathrooms aren’t guaranteed to have TP in them so make sure to bring some! Oh and a few baby wipes wouldn’t hurt either!
Rain Coat/Jacket - If it rains, umbrellas are quite difficult on the narrow sidewalks, so a rain coat is the way to go. 
Bug Spray - When it is too cold there aren’t mosquitoes, but GURL mosquitoes are a very real thang there, especially if you are going on a swap tour in the summer!
Cash - A lot of the city will accept credit card, but there are still quite a few places that are cash only. Quite literally some spots have been cash only for centuries. So, I recommend keeping some handy. 
While the city is without a doubt one of my favorite places, it does have a darker side not all that different than parts of Los Angeles. So, I recommend being vigilant. As a tourist, you can be a target, so while I have never had anything happen, it is a high possibility. Put simply, I would just do your best to keep your wits about you and not flash money. Stay safe!
Make sure to save this pin graphic to your Pinterest board when planning your trip to New Orleans, Louisiana!
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fractialis · 5 years
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The Pelham Hotel and the famous Ruby Slipper restaurant at the corner of Common and Magazine Street. (at Ruby Slipper Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PHq3HFUsU/?igshid=1r72nhrmy88gi
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cullenblue · 5 years
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Just Living In My Braided Hair Fantasy • #gay #gayboy #instagay #neworleans #southerndecadence @rubyslippercafe #rubyslippercafe #grateful (at The Ruby Slipper Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2hPHK3BF10/?igshid=1sqk02zdssnve
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