#the roots of ambition.
strxnged · 2 months
TIGHNARI: # the roots of ambition.
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CHAPTER I. In which you meet the Forest Ranger of legend, a former student of your Darshan, who causes you to interrogate your life choices.
Word count. 2.4k. Genre. Found family, gn!reader.
Table of Contents. / Next chapter.
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By your age, Eleazar should have affected more than the tips of your fingers. The cureless, Withering-born disease crept from the farthest limbs towards the organs and mind at a gradual but unstoppable pace. Only with the frequent treatment from Nilotpala Lotuses and immersion in the rainforest could your body find the strength to delay the progression of ash scales and numbness across your body. Still, as you knelt at the foot of trees with your hand wrist deep in miniscule roots and a magnifying glass grasped carefully by the other hand, you wished vainly that you might be able to feel the bumps of the fractaling extensions with more sensitive appendages than your own.
You were focused on as much of the texture as you could gather with your palm and knuckle, leading you to ignore, at first, the rustle in the leaves around you of much more than a squirrel or bird. You were faintly aware and had been reminded by peers many times that with the way you became mesmerized by whatever microorganism you found yourself immersed in the “mind” of. However well-meaning the scares they would pull on you to snap you out of it, staying aware of your surroundings really wasn’t a lesson you had yet learned.
A clear voice, however, was enough to rouse you from your trance: “Pardon our interruption.”
You took in a breath—the first you had taken for awhile, you realized—and then stood, turning around.
Three Forest Rangers had gathered a few feet behind you. On the left, a shorter girl tilted her head at you, purple eyes shyly gazing out from beneath green bangs. She had one hand clinging to the sleeve of the middle figure and the other to the corner of her own shawl. To the right of the middle figure, another Forest Ranger leaned against a tree with his arms crossed, looking vaguely interested in you and your circumstances. He also looked like he’d had enough time standing there to make himself comfortable. In between the two was the presumed speaker. He wore a colourful adventuring outfit with a distinguished sash and puffy striped pants. Above lime-streaked dark hair, two fennec ears were erect, alert. Something about this person felt familiar.
“Apologies,” you said, “I didn’t notice you three at all.”
“You’re in a very dangerous area,” the middle one continued. “Not having noticed us is an augurous sign for your safety, so we’d be happy to escort you to somewhere safer if you are willing. Especially since you don’t appear to have a Vision.”
You made no movement to leave. “I have to stay here. It’s for my research.” 
He smiled gently. “My name is Tighnari. You may know me as a fellow Amurta scholar, however tainted my reputation and relationship with the Akademiya may be.”
You told him your name.
“It’s lovely to meet a scholar who loves to get dirt under their fingernails like myself,” he said. “But I’m sorry, it’s just too unsafe for you to hang around here. We’re here to start clearing the nearby Withering Zone.”
The relaxed Forest Ranger stood up straight and interjected, “Gener— Er, Forest Watcher Tighnari, I think it’s about to clear us out first.”
 Sure enough, several scorched animated fungi were emerging from the trees a few yards behind you. You quickly knelt at the roots you had been inspecting a minute before and took a rushed but measured sample of soil, sealing it in a jar of water. You set the jar in your bag, threw the bag’s strap over your shoulder, and ran.
A braver, more well-rounded researcher might be able to pull out a shortsword or a bow in this situation, as the Forest Rangers were doing, but you were not the type of person who could dabble in a lot of skills. Running came more naturally, and either way you would need to abandon the site. Climbing trees, too, was a handy skill, though both of these you were bound to lose in a few years.
That was why you had to hurry.
Dashing past the many trees and up a slight incline, you kept an eye out for a climbable tree. Just a few good, strong lower limbs, and you’d been out of monster’s reach in no time. There one was—you leapt—you reached—you pulled—and slumped your body against the trunk, legs on either side of a limb. 
Finally, you peered back the way you came to see if you’d been followed, or if your friendly hecklers had slain every enemy. You noted with a sigh of relief that all seemed serene for a second. That was, until a Dendro-variant fungi flapped its fleshy wings up the hill towards your hiding spot. You began plotting your next escape.
A flurry of green darts surrounded the fungi and enshrouded it in glowing mist. Discombobulated, it made a clean “bonk” sound as it hit a tree not far from you. The darts hit the monster then, striking it repeatedly until it stirred no more. You observed the forest watching for the next threat that would be destroyed by thin air, or perhaps for your hero.
“Let’s try this again,” Tighnari’s voice said—but this time from very, very close by. You whirled your head to see him smiling a little smugly from a limb above you. How had he— “Your research—does it really compel you to put yourself in such a precarious situation?”
Your mouth gaped at him.
“From how quickly you run and climb, I expect that is the case,” he added.
“The forest is dangerous,” you deflected. “It’s not hard to wind up in that sort of situation, with Withering Zones popping up everywhere.”
“I’ll grant you that,” he said. “Your methods could use some guidance, though.” At the raise of your eyebrows, he added, “I’m sure it isn’t your fault. The Amurta professors aren’t what they used to be. What you need is someone to guide you in the field. Someone to tell you to wear gloves when collecting fungal mycelium samples. The oil from your hands is enough to taint your samples beyond recognition. If you’d like, I can lend you some.”
The last thing you would want to do would be to wear gloves and fully barrier your fingers from any remaining sensation, so you ignored this, and eyed him up and down. “You’re really Tighnari, huh?”
“Well, I think so. Unless I’ve consumed a very, very psychoactive mushroom recently.”
You slowly got to your feet, balancing on the limb with a hand to steady you rested on the trunk. Tighnari, sitting casually on the next limb, was at about eye-level, so you could peer into his hazel-green gaze.
“Then, you were a former student of Sage Naphis. Is that so?”
“Yes,” he confirmed, “upon my graduation, he encouraged me to join the faculty. I’d had quite enough of the Akademiya by then, so I politely declined.”
“That seems about right. He thinks the Forest Rangers are in good hands.”
Tighnari looked incredulous. “That’s all?” 
“No,” you admitted. “Actually, he gets somewhat sulky when he brings you up. ‘An unfortunate loss,’ he says. He likes to tell students to beware the persuasion of the forest-dwellers.”
He laughed. “Will you heed his warning?”
Before you could reply, you heard a girl’s voice. “Master, we eliminated the last of them!”
“Thank you, Collei,” Tighnari dropped from the tree, landing eight or so feet below you with ease and addressing the green-haired archer from before. “Let’s set up camp, then, the sun’s threatening to disappear. To the river!”
“To the river!” The third Ranger echoed. As he and Collei proceeded, Tighnari hung back, peering up the tree at you.
“If you’re anything like me, Y/N,” he said, “field research has a way of making you forget the meaning of hunger. Let us take care of you for the night.”
You humphed. “No, you’ve taken quite enough care, thank you. I must heed the warning indeed, and I’m hardly hungry.”
Your stomach, in defiance, growled loudly.
Tighnari smirked, waiting patiently. You climbed out of the tree.
“You can’t force me to stay here with you guys until the night is through. Unless you want to help me filter my sample.” 
“We could if we had put something in your stew,” Tighnari joked. At your sour look, he apologized, “Sorry. You were asking for it.”
“I’m confident the General Watchleader would be more than eager to look at mushrooms with you all night,” the third Ranger, whose name you had learned to be Amir, said. “He’s a little strange in that way.”
“Come now,” Tighnari said. “I was getting to that. How many times do I have to ask you to please not call me that, especially in front of strangers?”
“Strangers!” you cut in. “Surely you three are not still wary of me.”
Amir raised an eyebrow at you. “You are certainly strange. Maybe in the way Tighnari can appreciate, though I’m far removed from the whole mushrooms scene.”
“Are you?” you queried.
“I much prefer the study of medicinal herbs.”
“Oh, that’s not so independent of fungal ecology.”
“Maybe not,” Amir conceded, “But fungi are just so complex. There’s no one way to define them, so where do you even start?”
“As I was saying,” Tighnari said. “There’s a great many things I still wish to understand about fungal mycelium, and it would be my utter pleasure to work with you in your research.”
“I—I didn’t ask for help with my research as a whole. Just the sample would be more than enough help.”
“Do you think you would like more help?”
You pondered this. “I… I am limited in my capabilities. I don’t make the best project partner. I like to… work at my own pace, which tends to fluctuate.” You bit back any words that might directly indicate the seriousness of your condition. The actuality of your terminal disease. People acted—differently—once they found out about the Eleazar. You liked the thought of these new, adventurous friends, especially while they didn’t know about your prognosis.
Tighnari sucked air through his teeth. “That damn Akademiya. Shame on them.”
“Sorry?” you said.
“I just—” he shook his head, disappointed “—can’t get past the way they treat students. Not half a thought for real, field safety, and a hell of a lot of energy put into murdering the autonomy of passionate learning. It’s rare that I meet a student these days who has any self-respect left at all. Do you sleep at night, Y/N?”
Your eyes widened. No, you didn’t, but you weren’t about to say so.
“My apologies,” he said. “You’re trying to dissuade me—but it isn’t your fault. What I mean to say is that you would benefit from stepping a little further away from those sage pricks—forgive my language—and accordingly stepping deeper into the roots of your studies.” 
“I do study roots.”
Tighnari scoffed. “Oh, my. Cyno would like this one.”
Collei, who had up until now watched the conversation with silent, interested eyes, let out a giggle. Tighnari beamed at her tenderly, and you sensed that she was a little more family than apprentice to him.
“Cyno?” you asked after a moment. “You mean, the General Mahamatra?”
“Cyno tells the most awful jokes,” Collei explained excitedly. “He especially likes puns. Ooh, they’re so terrible!”
Tighnari’s tone was dripping with sarcasm as he said, “Yes, and those closest to him earn the pleasure of his attempts to lighten the mood.” He smiled more sincerely. “He’s a dear friend to me, and a valiant protector of the law. He’s also the reason Collei came to be a part of our team.”
Collei’s expression returned neutral.
“She’s a complicated Eleazar case. We can only take care of her as much as she lets us,” Tighnari explained. “But she’s found a home here in the forest. Gandharva Ville wouldn’t be the same without her.”
You nodded, trying to keep your face detached. You felt the implication of the words—the unbearable, inevitable future of when Gandharva Ville would forever be transformed by their loss. 
You hadn’t met many other cases in your years. Those who you knew with the disease were either miserable or hiding their misery with saccharine charades. You felt all the empathy in the world for them—but you couldn’t stand their haunting company. A part of you expected that that was how others felt about you, but it was no matter when the majority of your company were emotionless and eternally mysterious microorganisms. 
“As you may or may not know, Eleazar symptoms can be better managed in the forest. Nilotpala Lotuses, a useful treatment for the skin conditions that develop, are also far more accessible away from the city.”
“I’ve heard something of the like,” you replied. ”I wonder why the disease behaves differently.”
“If there’s one thing I hope they’ve taught you,” Tighnari said, “it’s that context matters greatly for all types of ecology and health.”
You agreed.
“And for learning, as well.”
You supposed so.
.”Don’t you think you might learn more—learn better—living safely immersed in the subject matter?”
Didn’t you think so, lying sleepless beneath the stars later that night next to the three of them? Didn’t you think so with the timer in the back of your mind counting down the remaining moments of your life? Didn’t you think so, hearing the ground move beneath your head—so much more alive than you could ever dream to be?
In the night, the loud silence of a million living things was sliced through by one human’s cries. Collei, suffering night terrors associated with clear physical pain, woke Tighnari and Amir from their quiet slumbers. You lay frozen, listening alertly, as Tighnari talked her back to sleep with descriptive details of flowers in the area, of birds soon to beckon dawn, of histories encoded in botany and zoology. Collei had calmed down and nodded off again, but the General Watchleader kept on until you could not hear him any longer. Your thoughts animated and blurred together, and you were lost in green dreams of life.
In the morning, you told Tighnari that you did, indeed, think so.
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Table of Contents. / Next chapter.
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galedekkarios · 7 months
minthara telling gale that he's afraid of so many things and sceleritas fel telling durge that astarion is so afraid... they really put crack cocaine in bloodweave fr fr
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throwntotheair · 1 year
There's something about Ambition's desire for Pleasure, but only through the "correct" channels - only through great strife that strikes me as interesting
It's almost as if Ambition requires Justification for Pleasure because to acquire Pleasure without Justification - without earning it, without deserving it....
That kinda reeks of a guilty conscience...
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shallowseeker · 1 year
At some point, I remember Rowena having these...giant Macleod family paintings. As far as Rowena is concerned, that's a rich-people thing. But that's not who Rowena's family was.
Did Rowena have it painted....later?
In the finale, Sam is the same as Rowena.
As Sam lies dying, he's overshadowed by a gigantic Winchester family portrait. But that's not who Sam's family was. Hell, even if they'd had a portrait, it wouldn't have looked that...yuppity uppity.
It seems my theory of Sam photoshopping a bunch of shit to create a false narrative for Dean II grows stronger by the day...
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stillness138 · 6 months
for hc ask game: triss is actually coral, ngl my fav "mainstream" theory
so uh
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i don't like it 🙈
there are, i feel, two types of people into this theory: us the shitposters, and redditors who can't discern between books and games and end up taking it completely seriously.
so the idea of it is that Triss did die at Sodden and Coral used the chaotic situation to assume her identity, right?
my biggest issue with it is... Coral has no reason for doing that. She was well-known and well-respected in life as herself, she had everything she wanted, including Geralt. consensually, even.
my other big issue with it is that book Triss exists for a reason. The jealous best friend who is just spineless enough to throw the people she supposedly cares for the most under the bus when faced with a decision that would require her to take a real stand. seemingly sweet and caring, but spoiled inside. Sapko was trying to say something with her and gave her an arc that would've been undermined if it was actually someone else.
my last major issue with it, stemming from the previous, is that it diminishes the impact of what Triss did to Geralt. Coral wouldn't reminisce about him from the time during Season of Storms the same way Triss thinks about him in Blood of Elves because Triss is recounting a rape. And it was her, no one else, because again, she's the jealous best friend. Like, i'd rather Geralt didn't go through that at all, but given Triss also repeatedly tries to kiss him and whatnot after coming to Kaer Morhen... it's her, not Coral.
(in SoS, Geralt says smth like "you caught me on your flowery-peachy-magical perfume pheromones" [yeah he says pheromones, i don't know either man] and Coral goes "aint no way, actually you caught me on your elaborate mating dance when we first met" which like, you could read as she legit used magic and gaslit him afterwards but the whole, for the lack of a better word vibe, or i guess context of it comes across way different than the very much one-sided account from Triss. Geralt reads as very aware and very active in SoS. they are somewhat similar backgrounds, but i truly don't think what Sapko wrote post-saga in SoS is supposed to be the same event he described in BoE.)
however, i understand where the theory came from, because it seems to me like a similar place to the origin of W3 Dijkstra being a doppler. it serves as a bit of a cope for game Triss having like 3 different personalities early on.
that's the other side of the theory, right? that (only) game Triss is Coral?
which i definitely get, but again, there's no reason for Coral to do that. why would she be interested in all the manipulation and politics? game Triss eventually crystallizes into more or less her book personality - sweet looking, but rotten - despite CDPR's unwillingness to acknowledge her crimes in the text of the games. they still keep referencing everything else from the books, game and book Triss aren't two different characters.
as someone who takes design decisions way too literally, i truly think there's not much to it beyond Triss in W1 being written by mashing together book quotes by a bunch of different characters. it is wild and kinda funny but yeah. i'm not a fan :D
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disco-tea · 2 years
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faaun · 2 years
i feel extremely sorry for you if you are genuinely considering ending a great relationship bc your partner isn’t as “ambitious” as you’d prefer them to be. there is much more to life than school & work… & some people simply value other things, like more free time in their youth. like, you’re only 20? lighten up a little, girly… sheesh.
& for the record, adding “no offense to anyone who picked a diff path hehe!!” to the end of your rant didn’t make it any less offensive to those who chose not to/didn’t have the opportunity to go to school.
first off pls dont "girly" me, my pronouns are literally in my bio.
you found a way to completely misinterpret a personal issue(?) i am going through...amazing king 10/10 . i love my girlfriend To Death and she's so cool and so talented and she does in fact . know where she wants to go in life. and i respect that. the post wasn't abt literally anyone else except my girlfriend and I. it wasn't abt ppl who didn't choose to or didn't have the opportunity to go to school. it was about my girlfriend, who is literally applying for a degree at a university, by choice and opportunity. mein got . "lighten up" i have a wonderful gf and a wonderful passion for what i study...it's sad that u think that's sad.
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if u had never had the worry that you and a loved one are on slowly deviating life paths good for you but i promise u it isn't a form of discrimination💀
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fritextramole · 2 years
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12/99 songs that remind me of Jenny Humphrey—in (vaguely) chronological order
playlist | outtakes
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strxnged · 2 months
TIGHNARI: # the roots of ambition.
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A found-family adventure in the rainforests of Sumeru.
Summary. While chasing field research in fungal ecology for your Akademiya studies while mitigating your Eleazar symptoms, you are stumbled upon by a squad of Forest Rangers to "protect" you. The General Watchleader, as he hates to be called, takes an interest in you and your topic, and offers to help you research more safely and efficiently. However, to your horror, he starts to become more than a research partner. As you push yourself into increasingly dangerous circumstances in the name of science, what will become of the ecology of your new friends and you? ⚘
Word count. ~11k across five chapters. Genre. General audiences, platonic/qpr. Other tags. Chronic illness/disability, gender neutral reader, pretending biology hasn't always been my worst subject, discussion of death, happy/contemplative ending, Collei is in every chapter (because: of course she is!).
Author's note: Happy late disability pride month! Here's a fic that originally was meant to be "romantic" but I realized the ideas I was writing about were just about... having intimate familial relationships. Call it queer. Maybe the real romance was the friends we made along the way. Here's a story about appreciating all types of life & love! ⸙
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Posting schedule. Weekly from Friday, Aug 2, 2024. Chapters. [will be linked upon individual release]
⸙ ... ... CHAPTER III.
⸙ ... ... ... CHAPTER IV.
⸙ ... ... ... ... ... CHAPTER V.
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Taglist for chapter releases. Empty, leave a reply to be added!
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rains-inky-mind · 2 years
Hi!! (Happy wbw? wbt?)
Is there any funfact connected to clothing/jewellery you'd like to share? (i.e. they burn it on special occasions, wear something super unique for celebrations, have weirdly shaped jewellery, one character has weird taste or, well, anything that's fun for you!!)
And if you don't want to share that, maybe just something about clothing in general? Gotta celebrate existence of fantasy fashion!
Hello, White Rabbit. ♡ Thank you for the ask!!
Fun Fact: Veils are not common at all in Ambition, not even for weddings and most of the time not for funerals.
When Xander died, Andy got a black dress and black lace veil to symbolize her mourning for the human casualty. The veil was also to keep people from seeing her scars. In turn, the veil becomes a symbol to strike fear into the other side.
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newleaf · 2 years
having sooo many anxieties about my future and feeling Bitter About My Circumstance. lots of cool things i am trying to work on but money is such a barrier for me. i like threw myself head first into furry stuff alot last year and the year prior as like a pandemic activity lol, ofc i still enjoy it but idk, i think being friends with someone who just casually bought like 5 fursuits in a single year was wiiiild to me and im def experiencing lasting culture shock. i would literally be improving upon myself with that kind of income and the adult cookie monster pjs gorls grew up and are buying like more fursuits than you can realistically even wear enough to get proper use out of all of them.... i am self aware enough to know im a huge dickhead for "this bitch eating crackers!"ing someone just cuz i am Working Class but ooguhgrhgughugh god
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tweedfrog · 2 years
It was Alicent's idea to use the page to manipulate Rhaenira. she a cunning woman remember that .
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the-lady-general · 2 years
X-Files does Over the Garden Wall 43 years early, doesn't think to cast Christopher Lloyd as the woodsman. More as the situation unfolds.
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impossible-rat-babies · 4 months
eyrie and y’shtola I say as I’m kicking my feet like a schoolgirl over their friendship
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meistoshi · 6 months
the way rewatching house of all things is making me once again lie on the floor thinking abt how wonky satoshi's relationship with Change is
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
i will ALWAYS be salty abt the ed-sheeranification of one ok rock (one of my fave personality-building anecdotes i explain at parties to ppl getting to know me) but the fact is that takas voice is soooo hot he could sing the words on the back of a milk carton to the tune of a t*ylor sw*ft song + id probably still listen to him. sorry
#well actually that isnt true bc i very rarely ever listen to oor anymore. theyve made so much terrible music its tainted their good shit#but like twice a year i go back thru their discography and reminisce over niche syndrome.....a guy can dream#whenever they release new stuff i always get my hopes up theyre gonna go back to their roots and they never do. saaad#but i have this weird grandmotherly love for taka whenever i see him in music videos for his new stuff im like aww how Nice :^)#wish he hadnt outgrown his emo phase but thats ok im glad hes enjoying himself and the band seems to be popular still#.diaries#i do have a big old soft spot for ambitions era even if its kinda mid. its associated w a lot of nice memories i have of my ex#if nothing else i appreciate how earnest their music was around then.... god listening now and i still know All The Lyrics lmfao#still mad they replaced the japanese vers with an english rerecord for release outside of japan tho. that was unnecessary 😐#maaann my ex had VERY different music taste to me but its sweet how many bands are rose tinted for me bc of them#like theres some stuff i would never have voluntarily listened to. but listening to them talk excitedly carved a niche in my ears#they made me a bunch of playlists for things they found that they thought id like.. i still have some of them saved/backed up#im surprised some of the ogs still exist tbh bc they unfollowed me on spotify + privated/deleted a ton of shit like a year ago#but a couple r still standing.. idk id like to think maybe they left them bc they had some nice memories too. i could never hate them man#SORRY FOR TALKING ABT MY EX AGAIN this music just takes me right back. im v glad we're not dating or in each others lives anymore#but also u cant be that close w someone for that long without them having a lifelong impact on u. or at least i cant anyway#and its nice to remember them fondly sometimes even if we were both cunts to each other. hope theyre doing alright wherever they are#god i need to start dating again its so fun i miss it so much. once im settled in the new place + i have a secure job....#i mean ik who id LIKE to date but im pretty sure that aint happening lmaooo. ill get over it i love meeting new ppl anyway#okay enough rambling im gonna go make lunch if ur reading this far ily hope ur having a nice day XOXO aaaaand post
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