#the rng roster rp
RNG: Really Not Good
((This starter is so long that it’s actually four “status” posts (as in I’m not RPing with them, they’re just lead-up) and then a post with the actual starter. Wild. I’ll try to get the starters in full up by weekend so I have all of spring break to RP.))
TobiKomi Enthusiasts’ Forum > Sugar Rush > Thread: Roster RNG Accomplishment!
YourLocalMoppet2012: “Hey, all. I know we’ve known for awhile that you can manipulate the random number generator the game uses in order to fill the roster with whoever you want. We also “know” that it can only be done tool-assisted. I put “know” in quotation marks because… well… I think I’ve managed to do it in real time? LOL… Anyone wanna see?” [+103 reputation]
HerosDutyAllStateGuy: “Yes, please. VERY interested in recording this in our archives if true.” [+19 reputation]
katzwithtatz: “OMG YES” [+4 reputation]
YourLocalMoppet2012: “Ask and ye shall receive, then.
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Watch out, I kinda had to grind for several hours to get it done, and that video is the whole thing” [+43 reputation]
tobikomi_mlg_number1: “oh please, that’s still an emulator, there’s no way to tell you didn’t just tas it” [+1 reputation]
katzwithtatz: “shut up dude, you know i’d be the first to support actually understandable claims but she has a face cam, my dude, pretty sure this is live and in person” [+5 reputation]
HerosDutyAllStateGuy: “tobikomi_mlg_number1-- Stop. Those types of comments are welcome and supported when there’s evidence but you have none here. You’re getting to be a contrarian just for contrary’s sake on most of your posts. Don’t make me ban you again.
To YLM2012-- THAT IS SO COOL! Thanks for sharing! Will write up some stuff for our wiki soon! You’re right up there with PancakeGuy1997 now!” [+12 reputation]
YourLocalMoppet2012: “LOL. Thanks. If someone wants me to attempt it on actual hardware I can head to the local arcade. Anyone who wants to come out to Litwak’s off Route 83 in southern California is welcome to come watch on Friday starting around noon. Though I might need to bribe the old Stan man to be allowed to play the game long enough uninterrupted to get this done.” [+23 reputation]
tobikomi_mlg_number1: “lol, too far to travel just to witness a lie, hmu when you’re near Dreamland in Brown Valley, Wisconsin, dude” [+0 reputation]
HerosDutyAllStateGuy: “You know mention of Kent Zborski--even the sly kind you tried--in this subforum is expressly disallowed. I’ve hit you with Mod-It Martha’s Magic Banhammer for a week. Use it to become a better person.” [+3 reputation]
HerosDutyAllStateGuy: “Also, wow. I think this is the fastest I’ve seen something progress from TAS to real-time to potentially console verified. Anyone who goes, let me know! Preferably with video! (I usually say that so we can confirm no tampering but I’m actually just super interested. This is big!)” [+9 reputation]
OfficialGarlanHulse: “I’ll probably be there anyway since it has the Fix-It Felix game I’m the most used to, but I will watch if I can pry myself away. Maybe if I run out of energy drink. Or quarters. Arcade firsts are nothing to sneeze at, so I’ll be honored if I get a chance to see one right here” [+6 reputation]
fourfreequartersonyourbirthday: “I’m so there!” [+2 reputation]
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((RP ideas I’m curious to try at some point with negative implications for the ending (uncut spoilers, though they’re tagged-for):
That RNG thing I mentioned before. It’s been long known how to manipulate the random number generation to cause specific racers to appear in certain slots on the roster the next day, but it’s only ever been accomplished for Sugar Rush Speedway (1997) in TAS (that is, by going frame-by-frame in an emulator). Few, if any, believe it to be capable of being accomplished in real-time by a human being. One poster on a certain forum says otherwise and will be going to Litwak’s Arcade to prove it--anyone who wants to watch and verify can come. They haven’t seen Vanellope lately; maybe they’ll try to get her on the roster...
Vanellope not being there to reset the game. More specifically, I don’t think the reset in the first movie was specifically because she’s a glitch but more likely because there is code written into her block that will check the game’s code’s integrity when she crosses the finish line in a race after [x] amount of time (i.e. if it’s been a week or more since the last check or something). It was only so visible and far-reaching before because of the extent of the changes to the code/game by that point in the movie. In this case, little things get broken or glitchy for some reason, just a bit, and it starts becoming noticeable. But they have no way to properly run the reset code without Vanellope.
Probably other stuff?
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