shamefully-writing · 19 days
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shamefully-writing · 19 days
“Pick a god and pray” they said, and you did, praying to every god you knew. And as you did this a name popped into your mind, one you didn’t recognize, yet you prayed to them all the same. In response the air stood still, like even the world had forgotten their name.
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shamefully-writing · 10 months
É semelhante com a sensação aquecida de um dia bom, do sol brilhando acima de uma cena de amor e cuidado, de amar alguém tão fortemente quanto uma onda quebrando com violência no mar.
Mas não se engane, esse é um aquecido desagradável. Como o gosto amargo que vem de surpresa no final de uma bebida doce, como o desconforto de ouvir uma frase que deveria ser amigável mas carrega certo veneno.
É um aquecido na boca do estômago ao invés de ser no peito. Como uma azia que nunca passa. É a sensação de tudo estar dando errado.
É como se fosse difícil de enxergar o amanhã, do mesmo jeito que a miopia impede de enxergar os conhecidos na rua. Assim como uma música que não dá pra ouvir durante uma viagem de ônibus, já que o trânsito e as engrenagens fazem barulho demais.
Existe. Está ali. Mas sinceramente, é muito difícil de acreditar. Como se as chances fossem acabar assim que eu abrisse os olhos pela manhã. Como se meu café fosse evaporar no instante em que eu deixar de olhar pra ele no fogo.
Às vezes eu sinto que estou chegando no fim.
Uma sensação iminente de que não haverá ano novo pra mim. De que a minha existência vai cessar no instante em que os fogos explodirem no céu.
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shamefully-writing · 10 months
it's turning so difficult to recover
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shamefully-writing · 10 months
“I should’ve been a hero instead of following my family’s legacy” a villain sighed to himself while rescuing civillians trapped under the rubbles of destroyed buildings caused by the reckless and arrogant hero who’s still telling the fakest story to his Twitch fans while striking poses
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shamefully-writing · 10 months
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shamefully-writing · 11 months
You’ve been fully blind since birth. You also just can’t make sense of why the charming Greek lady who runs the local statue garden doesn’t seem to have many friends besides you…
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shamefully-writing · 11 months
Your son/daughter has been gone for 3 years, fighting the campaign against the demon king as the head of the royal knights. You a humble farmer now have received a letter that the war has ended and now they are coming back to visit you.
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shamefully-writing · 11 months
What a feeling
Your son/daughter has been gone for 3 years, fighting the campaign against the demon king as the head of the royal knights. You a humble farmer now have received a letter that the war has ended and now they are coming back to visit you.
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shamefully-writing · 11 months
After months of unemployment, you found a job as a “postal worker.” You didn’t think that when they referred to the “Warm environment” and “capable of handling objects with care.” they were saying to “Hell” and “the souls of the damned.”
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shamefully-writing · 11 months
For most of college everyone thought you were deaf when in reality you just don’t like talking and learned sign language at a young age. You never corrected anyone until someone confessed their love for you, thinking you couldn’t hear them.
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shamefully-writing · 11 months
“What do you mean, it’s sleeping? It needs HOW much of it?! Third of a cycle, that’s practically a lifetime! I know they live longer than us, but this makes them practically immortal! Humans, why did I hire one anyway?”
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shamefully-writing · 11 months
A ghost has haunted your bathroom, a monster sleeps under your bed and a family of gnomes lives in your backyard. None of them are helping pay rent. A house meeting has been called.
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shamefully-writing · 11 months
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shamefully-writing · 1 year
Humans are born with demon counterparts to protect them.The more innocent and pure a person is the more mean fierce and terrifying their demon becomes.Today you met an 82 year old woman with the kindest sweetest demon you’ve ever met.
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shamefully-writing · 1 year
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don't leave me!
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shamefully-writing · 1 year
“How many people have died to achieve this world domination of yours?” “769.” “…What?” “769 people died to achieve my plans. I counted them, and had each of their names etched on my throne so I never forget what my victory cost the world. Now tell me, how many have you killed to see me dead?”
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