#the risk i took was calculated but I am bad at math
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tampire · 1 year ago
Boy Math? Girl Math? I'm NonBinary and out of the equation.
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chungledown-bimothy · 2 years ago
"i can have a baja blast, as a treat. it'll be fine"
*resting heart rate of 110 has entered the chat*
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year ago
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damphexagon · 2 months ago
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No idea what the fuck this dude was thinking would happen.
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oneatlatime · 1 year ago
The Chase part 2
Apologies for the technical problems. Battery power must be conserved for necessities, which unfortunately does not include Avatar. But the power's back on now, so!
Picking up from Toph treating a senior citizen like a snooker ball...
I do like how Mai's not shy about participating in Ty Lee's nonsense.
The way Zuko Jr. says "I'll follow this trail" is very menacing.
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We're continuing last week's cowboy theme.
This village has the same menacing single windchime as the village in the Spirit World Part One did.
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This was may more satisfying than I was expecting! It was completely unfair how easily the Fire Nation ladies defeated Sokka & Katara so getting Appa'd was a nice payoff.
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No disability unmocked this episode. Also nice stance from the lizard.
This whole scene with Toph and Iroh has the most beautiful backgrounds. I sense phone wallpapers in my future.
Forget about the visuals, every line of this exchange was golden. Two towering pillars of wisdom and emotional maturity meet for tea and not a soul goes untouched. Also a nice moment of calm in an otherwise frantic episode.
Can this PLEASE be the rock bottom for Zuko. I can only take so much more second hand embarrassment.
Fully-provisioned princess of the fire nation v. sleep-deprived half trained avatar v. starving outlaw who seems to have forgotten to bring his swords, the only weapon he's good at. Place your bets, folks!
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Zuko in a nutshell.
Ok so we're getting the whole gang back together.
The whole whole gang.
The whole whole whole gang.
How the hell did they mess up six on one?!?!
A princess can't surrender with honour when she doesn't have any!
That was kind of Katara to offer to help. I didn't expect that.
Final Thoughts
This episode doesn't let up once. Even the break with Toph and Iroh having tea doesn't do much to dispell the rising tension from the chase. The musical stinger that plays over the title card was a surprise bit of foreshadowing in that way.
That tank thing was neat. Shame about what it contained, but that's a really cool design.
Poor Appa was once again the MVP this episode. It was uncomfortable watching him get so exhausted.
It seems like the thin veneer of level-headedness cultivated by Katara over the last season or so is indeed quite thin. It was interesting to see how the different characters reacted to being tired. Sokka was alternatively amped up and completely chilled out, Aang got quiet (until he felt Appa was being insulted), Katara reverted to her early season one characterisation. It's hard to say with Toph, because we've only known her one episode (it feels like more) but I think she just got more Toph-like.
Please let this be the end in Zuko's experiment with independence. He's not good at it. He needs uncle. Points for trying, but he failed, so please bring uncle back.
Sokka low key wins this episode. He's the one with sense, the only one who stays clear-headed when it counts, and it turns out that clear head of his can defeat the pokey thing Ty Lee does.
I don't know how much time is supposed to have passed between picking up Toph and the start of this episode, but I can't help but feel that Toph really got the short end of the stick here. She did give up everything, even if much of what she gave up was not that great for her personally. And in return she got to travel in a way that completely blinds her and get yelled at. Meeting Iroh was a nice consolation prize.
Now I kind of want a story where Toph doesn't come back to the Gaang and instead goes around unleashing bending hell on the earth kingdom.
Was there no b plot or c plot this episode? Everything kind of collided in the final couple of scenes, which I did not see coming.
Frantic is the word I keep coming back to for this episode. Everything fit together nicely. I'll definitely rewatch it when I have the chance to do so in one sitting, without unforseen technical problems.
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xerith-42 · 1 year ago
Writing Advice of the day: Let your characters be cringe! Sometimes they have a genius idea, an actually coherent thought, but they completely botch the execution due to an oversight. Maybe the idea was dumb in the first place, and they thought it was the newest innovation of mankind. Sometimes they're trying to sound cool and don't realize they don't or get interrupted and lose their patience. Let them be confidently wrong! Someone asks them for a piece of information, and they say something that is factually incorrect, but they believe it and you must have a foolproof argument with supporting evidence to convince them otherwise. This isn't about characters being flawed, that's an entirely different thing, but that even in the most serious and dramatic and dark story TM, there needs to be moments where characters are just human and kind of bad at it because every human is kind of bad at being human.
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karasong · 7 months ago
when your reputation of falling for your friend’s ocs turns into “swiper no swiping” instead of “here is the marriage certificate”
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cuoredimuschio · 2 months ago
well. safe to say i Fucked it
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milfweirdal · 2 years ago
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nerditudes · 9 months ago
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I can't fuckin' sleep. I made iced tea this week-- forgor the tea wasn't decaf.
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vendettavalor · 7 months ago
// rewatched S.teven U.niverse for nostalgia/to understand what about this show made the fandom so feral and now im fighting demons not to add new muses from it-
// also I’m binging castlevania so someone stop me from adding muses from that too-
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calimera62 · 7 months ago
Ulysse: ok souvenez vous, Achilles n'est pas lié par le serment et est là de son propre chef pour la guerre, alors ne le contrariez surtout pas.
Agamemnon: *le contrarie*
Achilles: allez tous vous faire foutre *va faire grève*
Ulysse, à Menélas: est-ce que ton frère le fait exprès?
Agamemnon : Je vais contrarier l'un des meilleurs guerriers de notre camp. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait foirer ?
Also Agamemnon :
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wildestheart4ever · 4 months ago
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The fabric I risked 27 - plus shipping - dollars to get
Seriously, if I wanted to check if it was the actual Joann online store I should have bought smth cheaper lol
Good thing it was, right? 😅
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ghostlyremainss · 1 year ago
so i have two durges, one is meant to be redeemed when i get to him eventually (old man durge), the other one (scion) was a loyal bhaalspawn to the very end.
and he vibed with astarion and though they never really became Friends TM, astarion still trusted him and relied on him. they went on and beat cazador arm to arm and astarion got to ascend and be free (according to himself at least) only for scion to claim the crown in his fathers name and so astarion ended up basically trading one master for another and it just makes me sad
but yeah anyway i have feelings about them being eachothers greatest enablers and while maybe not Caring about eachother, still treating the other one as an equal... only for scion to fuck over astarion in the end.
the look of betrayal on his face when scion told him hes a part of his design and turned him into a thrall.
because of course he would want a vampire lord to do his father bidding and then bleed out for him after hes served his purpose. because thats all they ever were to eachother isnt it? powerful allies to help to achieve their goal.
nothing less.
nothing more.
and scion helped astarion, as promised. its only fair he returns the favour.
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everypanelofizuku · 9 months ago
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Chapter 16 - Know Your Enemies
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vixenfold · 1 year ago
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Ah, fuck.
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