#the riley drama the bullying the disappearing from school everything
drusjer · 6 months
lever hillerska alltid kvar. a young royal.s verse. tw for drunk driving, car crash, and emotional abuse.
Fredrik-Adriaan "Fedde" Hafström. Second year. Son of Markus Hafström, a Swedish noble and childhood friend of Queen Kristina, and Princess Sarah of the Netherlands, a Dutch socialite-turned-royalty.
Fred's parents divorced when he was ten. His mother returned to the Netherlands and, within a year, was engaged to the heir apparent to the Dutch throne. Fred has three royal half-siblings, two of whom he has never met due to his rocky relationship with his mother. Intelligent and studious, Fred is Hillerska's top student.
The first year's hazing was a violent affair for Fred. Refusing to be humiliated and abused, Fred threw a punch at Viktor, the third-year student in charge. The punch triggered a short but nasty brawl. It was 2 vs 1. Fred vs Viktor and his friend. Riley Langebro, an older student, managed to break up the fight, but not before Fred had already caused permanent damage to Viktor's left eye. Though everyone had sworn to secrecy, a twisted account of the incident was spread throughout the school, painting Fred as the hateful instigator and Viktor as the innocent victim.
Riley "claimed" Fred by adding him to his circle. Infatuated, Fred let Riley pull him into his world of alcohol and drug-fueled parties. Even though they slept together many times, Riley was adamant that he wasn't sure if he was queer and guilt-tripped Fred into keeping their relationship a secret. One night, while at a party celebrating the start of their second year, Riley baited Viktor into a car race. Fred jumped into the passenger seat of Riley's car in an attempt to stop Riley from driving drunk but failed to stop him. Also drunk, Viktor veered into a ditch. Riley pleaded to switch seats with Fred before they called for help, worried he would get into trouble for driving under the influence. Viktor died a week later from his injuries.
Viktor's death weighed heavy on Fred. He began to miss school and isolated himself from the few friends he did have. His mental health only became worse when Riley revealed that he had intentionally caused Viktor's crash. Fred's father eventually withdrew him from the school, citing health reasons as the cause.
Fred is back at the school and repeating his second year when Wille starts at Hillerska. He's the main subject of gossip at Hillerska due to his disappearance from the school and fall out with Riley --- until the Wille and Simon video leak.
Random facts:
aspiring marine biologist.
he is on the rowing team. august and vincent ignore him most of the time. they tolerate him because he's one of the best rowers on the team.
he is often seen sitting alone, but sometimes he will hang around zafiya and bree, two quiet first years whom he has become very protective of.
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insallia · 4 years
glee for the fandom ask thing
thanks for the ask!!
1. favorite female character - quinn fabray
kinda obsessed with self-aware queen bee characters. she had potential to have a really interesting storyline after season three where we learn about her time at yale and the ways in which it differed from her high school experience (ex: maybe her superiority complex disappears as she struggles to adapt and blend in with other yale students, this is why she dissociates herself from glee club), but alas glee never liked its female characters enough to give them fantastic or fleshed-out storylines unless your name was rachel berry.
2. favorite male character - kurt hummel
he evolved so much as a character and really became more certain of who he was as the seasons progressed. although he started off as a stereotype meant to cater to the amusement of glee’s straight audience, in later seasons he becomes his own, three-dimensional person with aspirations and struggles and emotions and a story other than being gay. i also firmly believe he was the most abused character in the show (his mother died, his dad almost died, was hate-crimed, incessantly bullied, initially rejected from his dream school, friends kind of ignored him at one point, boyfriend broke up with him at least five times) and he deserves love.
3. favorite season - season two
personally i think this season had a reasonable balance of being fairly grounded in reality (for glee’s standards) yet keeping a pace that wasn’t uninteresting
4. favorite episode(s) - 2x16 (original song) and 2x20 (prom queen)
i really loved klaine’s arc in season two and both of these episodes really highlighted blaine’s love for kurt which, at this point in their story, wasn’t very evident yet. i thought that the new directions’ performance in 2x16 was spectacular and 2x20 reminds me so much of hsmtmts’s homecoming episode which holds a near and dear place in my heart.
5. favorite cast member - amber riley
i haven’t done too much research into the cast but from what i’ve seen amber riley seems to be a genuinely good person. she’s been very active in the black lives matter movement and i thought it was admirable of her to ask people to shift their attention to blm instead of the lea michele drama when asked about it. once again i don’t know everything so if there’s something i should know about her then please lmk and maybe i’ll reconsider!
6. favorite ship - i don’t know anymore ???
when in comes to glee’s relationships, there is always something glaringly wrong with each one. i would say klaine but they broke up way too many times for them to have a healthy relationship. i would say finchel but finn ignoring rachel for months after she left for new york was,, inconsiderate to say the least. i would say brittana but their criminally underdeveloped relationship made it hard for me to root for them. as for glee’s dozens of miscellaneous relationships i don’t have too much of an opinion on them (i did kind of love quinntana and blam though, even though i liked their friendship alone)
7. character you would die protecting - probably kurt hummel
see above (#2)
8. character you can’t get around to liking - will schuester
someone should’ve taken away his teaching credentials. that’s all i’m gonna say.
9. character that grew on you - santana lopez
in the beginning, santana seemed to me as just a jealous mean girl stereotype. as time went on, i really liked how there was a driving force behind her aggravation towards others, that being frustration revolving around her sexuality, which didn’t necessarily justify her actions but at least made them understandable (in case you couldn’t tell i love a well-rounded character). her one-liners also brought a sense of self-awareness to the show, as it was a way for the writers to acknowledge many of the characters’ extremes of their personality (even if it was on a more offensive level).
10. ship you’d let burn in a dumpster fire - blainofsky
if they were going to do a revenge ship, it should’ve been seblaine. understandably it wasn’t their fault that grant gustin was busy at the time of filming, but blaine and karofsky dating is so frustratingly ridiculous i can’t believe the idea went through so many writers and directors who went “this seems like the most sensible decision to make for our two-time emmy-winning tv series”
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in-it-for-the-anime · 7 years
How “Girl Meets World” Helped My Best Friend & I Through Our Trauma
My best friend, who we’ll call F, has been my best friend since second grade. She and I discovered the Disney channel shows Girl Meets World & Best Friends Whenever, and decided that we could relate to the two main characters. I was Cyd/Riley, and she was Shelby/Maya.
To begin the story, though, we’ll have to start before GMW existed. In fourth grade, I met this girl, who we’ll call B. She became my best friend since F and I weren’t in the same class. I was too young to realize this at the time, but B didn’t have a very good home life. My mother realized this and tried to alert the school of it, but they never did anything.  Anyway, B would always come over to my house and do things with me.  We were inseparable. In fifth grade though, everything changed. We transitioned to middle school, and B became the popular kid. One of my so-called friends, K, began bullying me, and isolated me from B. I felt so alone and hurt from it that I tried to isolate myself from everyone. But guess who stuck by my side? F. She tried her hardest to make me feel better.
Finally, I confronted K and B with the help of a guidance counselor.  K got mad at me after that, but B sincerely got bad. She wrote me an apology note and even got me gifts. But despite our reconciliation, I still wasn’t close friends with her. The first half of sixth grade passed. B was there for a while, but suddenly she disappeared. I didn’t know where she went. Eventually one day one our other friends brought me and F into the girls’ bathroom to tell us what had happened: B had tried to commit suicide.
I was devastated. What was even harder for me was when she came back from treatment. Her group of girls were waiting for her in the girls’ bathroom. I hugged her and told her that I loved her I loved her. We went down to the cafeteria for lunch. She didn’t eat anything, even when I offered her my Oreos. I started having lunch in a teacher’s classroom from then on, avoiding seeing B and the deep cuts on her arms that were covered in gauze. I was glad when B went back to treatment, because she needed it. She was diagnosed with anorexia. I remember kids making a sign to put on her locker saying they missed her and wanted her to fight it. It took everything I had to go up and sign that poster.
Fast forward two years later. B came back to school, but that was fine because I had switched to a private school. I refused to make friends because I didn’t want to be there, and frustration and overwhelming amounts of schoolwork drove me to self harm for a good three months, but that’s not really an important part of this story. I did karate, and I found out that B was also doing karate. Her class was right before mine, so I ended up hiding in the bathroom to avoid seeing her and then I’d cry in the shower when I got home every night. Eventually I stopped doing karate because it was too much.
After a year at my new school, I began to like it. I made friends, but I didn’t have a ton because I wasn’t very good at socializing. Throughout my five years there, I struggled with being underweight and anxiety, but that’s not necessarily a part of the story. In tenth grade, F, who was still my best friend, revealed to me that she, similarly to B, was not having a good home life. Her mother became an alcoholic and was violent towards her father. Her brother threatened their mother when she got mad and threw a glass bottle at them, shattering it. “I wish I knew what happened to my mother. I wish I knew what made her like this,” F told me. Her mother had also become a drug addict, and this caused F a lot of pain. So she turned to self-harming.
It hurt to see now two of my friends going through self harm (I know I did it once, but I don’t really count that).  Her boyfriend, who I’ll call Farkle, because he’s a lot like him, was a huge support through it. Luckily, F, her brother, and her father moved out of their house and in with their grandparents. F started going through counseling and recovered, much to my relief and happiness. It was around that time (I’m pretty sure) that we started watching Girl Meets World.
It became our favorite show. I loved the discussions and lessons in the show, I loved the way it made me think about things. It made me realize things and I felt like I was learning something. F and I saw ourselves in Maya and Riley and their friendship. “I can relate to Maya because she comes from a broken home,” F said.  I could relate to Riley because she was insecure and cared about Maya like I did with F.
F said that the episode that helped her the most was “Girl Meets Forgiveness.” It inspired her to forgive her mother, who she met in counseling and talked to for the first time in a year. “I was terrified,” she said. “But I did it. After watching that episode, I realized that my mother’s stroke wasn’t her fault. But that’s the only reason I forgave her.” I was glad that that episode helped her, even though Maya didn’t forgive her father in that episode, F forgave her mother. She’ll occasionally text her mother now and then.
Senior year hit me hard. I was terrified of applying to college, but I did it. Also, there was a new teacher who was young, he was 23, and everyone immediately liked him. Like F, I found out that he had experienced domestic violence in his house when he was young but had semi- made up with his father. He had gone to Harvard so he was really smart. He was also black, the first teacher of color I ever had. He knew how to keep us engaged in class. A lot of kids, including me, went to him for advice. Let’s call him Mr. H.
The private school I went to was a Christian school, but was open to all religions. We were required to take a religion course. This year, our religion course was more or less a philosophy course. And to be completely honest, it reminded me of the GMW discussions and the lessons taught in Mr. Matthew’s classroom. Let’s call my religion teacher Mr. 2H.
Well, in Mr. 2H’s class one day, we watched a video on how to deal with the loss of a loved one.  All I could think of was B, even though she was very much alive. I expected the feeling to pass, but it stayed with me. It weighed me down for months. It was so bad I even had a nightmare. In school, surrounded by kids I felt isolated from, I felt like B was inside me, making it hard to breathe, like her ghost was possessing me and wanted to get out of my body.
One day after school I asked to meet with Mr. H. I told him what was eating at me, and I cried in front of him. He tried to talk it out with me. From then on, I went to him for a lot of things, mostly about how I felt trapped by B. B followed me on Instagram, and I felt like that was something that would happen on a TV show to add more drama. Honestly the whole situation felt like an adult version of Girl Meets World. I told Mr. 2H what happened, too. He suggested that I felt guilty for not helping B, and I realized that he was right. “If you need to talk, my door is always open,” he assured me. “I hope you can get past this guilt. It’ll take time, but it will pass.”
One thing I learned about Mr. H was that he had grown up on Boy Meets World. I told him about Girl Meets World & that F and I identified with Riley and Maya. “Why?” he asked. “She dealt with things with her mother,” I answered. “She came from a similar background as Maya.” I told Mr. H that if I was Riley, then he was Mr. Matthews, since I always came to him for advice. My belief was further solidified when he gave a talk on love and told us about how his mother had ovarian cancer when he was in high school. He accepted his role as Mr. Matthews.  I didn’t really have a character assignment for Mr. 2H yet.
I really opened up that year. I wrote a poem for my Creative Writing class about B, and that helped relieve a lot of the weight off my shoulders. My classmates supported me, and it was honestly the best feeling in the world. Mr. H and Mr. 2H and my Creative Writing teacher were all very proud of me. And F, despite the fact she was still at my old school.
A little bit more than halfway into the school year, I found out some terrible news: Mr. H had been fired. He had (supposedly) been in a relationship with a student, but no one knows the truth. It hurt. A lot. I felt so betrayed. We got a new teacher to replace him. The first few weeks of Mr. H being gone, I felt lost. Like before, when I was dealing with repressed emotions from B’s situation, I turned to my fantasies. I daydreamed about the Hetalia characters, mainly Germany and Prussia, and how’d they’d react if I was Germany’s girlfriend and what they’d do to help me about my situation. I liked to think about America inviting B over to his house so I could talk to her and how our conversation would go. I imagined that F and I had time travel powers like Cyd and Shelby from Best Friends Whenever, and me begging her to let us go back in time so I could be there for B, and her saying no, that you can’t move backwards to go forwards. This time, I pictured telling Prussia about Mr. H’s betrayal and what he’d say to me. It was really stupid, I know, but it helped me cope.
I finally realized that Mr. H wasn’t Mr. Matthews, but he was Shawn Hunter- he came from a broken family and made mistakes. I was on the phone with F telling her about it when that fact suddenly hit me. “Omigod, you’re right,” she said.
As the year went on, I recovered from the shock of Mr. H. I spent a lot of time with Mr. 2H, though. I told him about GMW but he never heard of it (he’d never watched BMW either) but that was okay. Towards the end of the year, we had to write senior speeches. I made the decision to put everything out there- all my struggles with B, with F, my anxiety, my own self-harm, my weight issues. I wasn’t going to leave anything left unsaid. I read my speech in front of the entire religion class. It left some people in tears, though I don’t know why. I got a lot of hugs. One girl named S was related to the teacher who I went to everyday for lunch in sixth grade to avoid seeing B. S cried when I mentioned that and threw her arms around me. I got hugs from a lot of people.
That weekend, F slept over and we watched Girl Meets Forgiveness. I wanted to see the episode that helped my best friend come to terms with her mother. What I didn’t expect was to be able to relate to it myself. The things Maya’s dad said, like, “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything. There’s nothing you could have done”, really struck me as I thought of what happened six years ago with B. But I nearly burst into tears as Mr. Matthews asked, “Maya, did you forgive yourself?” Seeing Maya hug him and start to sob made me realize that I had finally let go of most of the guilt that still hung onto me. It was what I needed to hear. At school I told Mr. 2H about the episode that had helped me forgive myself. He was proud of me for finally letting go. Mr. 2H came to my graduation party, even though it was like 45 minutes from his house, just to see me. He got to meet F. Even though I didn’t have Mr. H anymore, I was glad that I still had managed to find someone to support me.
Girl Meets World was a big part of my life. My yearbook quote was from the show: “That’s the secret of life.  People change people.” Even though Mr. H didn’t turn out to be who I thought he was, I still appreciate the life lessons he taught me. He made me feel valid that I could call witnessing B’s pain traumatic for me. He helped me realize that I shouldn’t try to repress things anymore. Now that I graduated, I have a character assignment for Mr. 2H: Mr. Feeny.  I told F and she totally agrees. She and I already have Mr. Feeny, Shawn, Riley, Maya, Farkle, and our friend E is Smackle. We might have our Lucas, but I’m not sure yet.  Hopefully in college next year, I’ll find my Mr. Matthews. Girl Meets World might be over, but me, F, and our friends are ready to take on our own world.
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yuniesan · 7 years
Girl Meets Season 4 - Episode 26
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Girl Meets Season 4 - The Continuing Saga of Riley and her friends as they tackle their Sophomore year in High School. The ups, the downs, and everything in between. What will their sophomore year be like? Read and find out.
Episodes [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
A/N: Well this is the last Episode for Season 4
26. Girl Meets I Love You
Lucas left Riley's house an hour after she had stopped crying, he went home and decided to write something for his other half, a letter saying sorry for what he was about to do to his life. He knew that in order to fix Riley, and himself in this world they would both have to transfer to a different school. One that was far from where they both went, even if it meant commuting on a daily basis so that she could heal away from the bullies, and the people who had hurt her.
He walked downstairs texting Riley saying that they had to meet, his sister was in the living room watching television. He realized that he didn’t even know the girl’s name and that bothered him and he didn’t want to know, mainly because he was afraid that if he changed too much of this world his other self would be troubled by all of the changes.
Leaving his house he walked off towards the nearby park looking for Riley, as he walked around. She was going to meet him soon but when he looked at his watch he realized that she was late, which was something that normally didn’t happen with his Riley. He walked towards Riley’s house and up the ladder to the bay window only to see her fighting with her parents as they tore up her room.
“What are you doing?” she screamed at them.
“We heard that you we on drugs,” her father said. “So we’re going to go through everything until we find them.”
“I’m not on drugs, I’m not on anything, why are you doing this to me?” she yelled back at him.
Lucas noticed how her older brother was standing in the corner of the room, for some reason the guy irked him. He kept his eyes on the storm brewing inside the bedroom, as Riley tried to push her parents out the door.
“Here they are dad,” Elliot said walking up with a bag Lucas had seen him pull out from his back pocket.
Her mother looked at her disappointed. “Riley why were you lying?”
“I wasn’t,” Riley screamed as she looked at her brother in disbelief. “Those aren’t mine.”
“Then why were they in your room?” her father asked her.
“They weren’t.”
“What if Auggie had found them, do you have any idea what would have happened?” her mother said.
Lucas had had enough of what was happening and pulled the bay window open climbing into the room and pulling Riley behind him.
“What the hell are you doing her Friar?” Elliot spat out looking Lucas in the face. He hadn’t noticed before because he had only seen the older boy from afar but he knew that there was something wrong with him.
“I’m here because you’re accusing Riley of something she doesn’t do, or had any knowledge of because her asshole brother wants to cover his own ass,” Lucas said his Texas side on the surface almost willing Elliot to push him. Lucas didn’t need drugs to have an edge, he already lived with anger simmering on the inside.
Elliot got in front of Lucas standing within an inch of his face, “You don’t know shit,” he spat out.
“I know enough,” he said in regards to how Riley is treated. “If you believe a rumor and drugs that came from nowhere, then you don’t deserve to have her as a sister,” he turned to her parents. “Or a daughter.”
Taking Riley’s hand he pulled her away from her family and through her bedroom towards the front door. Auggie was standing in the hallway smiling at Riley as they walked passed him, from that alone Lucas knew that Auggie knew what was happening, but was too young to figure out the implications of what Riley was doing to herself, and what his brother was doing to himself.
“Lucas where are we going?” Riley asked as they walked out the door. Instead of taking her downstairs he took her to the roof where not too long ago, he and his Riley had shared a moment after the dance. When he stopped, he tried to reign in his anger against her family, they weren’t these kinds of people, they were better than that but something happened along the way that changed them and he hated it. Then he realized what it was, the brother Elliot wasn’t in his world and he was the one person in Riley’s life who had shaped her everything.
“Sorry,” he said once he calmed down. “You know, about how sucky your family is, I think the only one in there that really sees you is Auggie.”
“What do you mean?” she asked him curious about what he was implying.
“When we were walking out he was the only one on your side, I think he knows that something is happening, but he’s too young to understand. He really loves you though.”
“Why are we up here?” she asked after processing his words, he knew she was holding back but she was still the strong girl he knew.
“It’s not kidnapping if you’re still home,” he said knowing that the Matthews would try and get him in trouble in this world. Especially since he broke into their house and pulled their daughter away after getting into a heated argument with Riley’s brother.
“I don’t think they know what hit them,” she said smiling at Lucas, a real smile for the first time since they met. The same smile that lights her up and makes her his Riley.
They sat at the edge of the roof watching the sky change color, Lucas holding her hand hoping that she wasn’t too mad at what had happened. “I was wondering if you ever thought about changing schools?” he said to break the silence.
“I originally applied for a different school, it was in one of the outer boroughs but my parents were against it, they kept saying I was too young to go to a school so far away, even if it was a subway ride away.”
“Maybe it’s time for you to transfer,” he said smiling at her. “You and me both, a new beginning, even if it’s in the same city we could find ourselves away from the drama, from everyone’s criticism, we could reinvent ourselves.”
“You don’t like playing football?”
“Not particularly, I’m more of a baseball man,” he said smiling at her. “And basketball, like the Knicks,” he watched her face light up, he knew she loved the team no matter what, even if he wasn’t entirely sure but if it made her happy he would learn to like them too. “My grades are good, but I know transferring would be a problem because I wouldn’t know where to start.”
They talked about it for a while when he got a call from Farkle, “Hey so the Matthews called me asking if I’ve seen Riley,” Farkle said from the other side. “I haven’t really talked to her since middle school but I was worried.”
“Don’t worry she’s with me,” Lucas answered, when a thought came to him. “Hey Farkle do you know if Einstein takes in students who have good grades and excel at sports?”
Riley looked up at him when he mentioned Farkle, she wondered what had happened to him, like Maya he had also disappeared from her life, leaving her alone to deal with all of the changes. She watched Lucas in awe as the two of them talked, she couldn’t figure out how it was that they knew each other.
“Farkle’s coming over,” Lucas said after he hung up the phone surprising her. “You’re parents are looking for you… but they don’t know any of your friends.”
“I don’t really have friends unless you count that cat that lives in the neighborhood. I feed him sometimes. Mostly everyone at school thinks I’m a bitch, and a slut, but I’m just quiet unless someone harasses me and then I lash out. They bullying hasn’t been as bad as before because I started fighting back.”
Lucas pulled her close and held her, he didn’t want her to go through anything like that anymore and he knew that transferring is the best thing he could do for her. Farkle and Smackle would take care of her and make her their friend.
It took Farkle twenty minutes to get to them, but he snuck up using the fire escape so that the Matthews wouldn’t see him. When Lucas saw the way Farkle looked at Riley he knew that guilt played a large role in what had happened between them.
“Hi Riles,” Farkle said sitting in front of them.
It took Riley a minute before she spoke up, “Hi,” was all she said and Lucas knew that she was trying to keep her heart from getting hurt again.
“I talked to the dean at the school and he said under special circumstances would he think of inviting the both of you into the school,” Farkle said looking at the two of them. “Lucas, you would have a sports scholarship but he wants you to work with the athletics department, so we could win something.”
“That’s reasonable,” Lucas said looking over at Riley. “What about…”
“Ah well Riley’s grades are good, and he likes her experiments from the last city wide science fair, he actually wanted to offer her a place a long time ago, but she never responded.”
“What?” Riley said looking up at Farkle for the first time. “What are you talking about I never go an invitation to go to Einstein.”
Farkle looked over at Lucas, they both knew that something had happened to that invitation, but Lucas knew better, he knew that someone had happened. Elliot.
“I’ll tell him you’re interested then,” Farkle said. “He thinks that you have a great mind and your talents are wasted at Abigail Adams, so he’ll fund a scholarship for you if it means you would go to Einstein.”
“What do you think Riley?” Lucas said knowing that getting her permission was key to this.
“I can’t live at home if I go to Einstein,” she said in a low voice, and Lucas knew the implications of what she was saying. Her brother would do anything to drag her down which would jeopardize her chances at a good future.
“We can talk to the dean, we have dorms now, my dad funded them so maybe there’s a place for you there. Smackle lives there so maybe you can be roommates,” Farkle hesitated for a moment before handing them both envelopes, “You need your parents’ permission, but everything you need for to enroll is in there.”
“Thanks Farkle,” she said and Lucas knew that he had started to slowly mend their relationship.
“I’ll go down there with you if you need me to,” he said looking at the pair.
“I think that would be a good idea especially after what happened,” Lucas said before he explained the situation including Riley’s cutting. Farkle looked shocked to learn how much his good friend’s life had changed over the years, but he promised to be there for her from that moment on.
“We can be friends again,” Riley said. “But it’s going to take a little time, I mean… so much changed in middle school but we can take baby steps to move forward.”
“I’d like that Riley,” Farkle said as they stood up and hugged. Lucas felt something tugging at his heart, almost as if he had repaired something without knowing he had done it. He wondered if it was this world’s version of him telling him thank you, but he felt something else, almost like time was running out.
“I guess we should talk to our parents,” Lucas said looking at Riley. He missed his life, his version of it at least, but most of all he missed the sunshine that was Riley Matthews, and if it took forever he wanted this Riley to have some of that sunshine come back into her life.
Riley took his hand and gave it a quick squeeze before walking through the door, Lucas didn’t let go of her hand once knowing she needed his strength. Farkle followed them downstairs, hesitant to go through the door into her apartment but they had to do this together because Riley needed them to have their strength to do so herself.
When she opened the door Lucas saw her parents pacing, but Riley didn’t say a word as the door hit the wall next to the fireplace. Lucas hadn’t noticed when he rushed them out earlier, but the apartment was more modern chic than the colorful home he knew the Matthews lived in where he was from. They were more money driven in this world.
“Riley where have you been?” her mother asked as she walked over to them. Before the woman would could rip her hand away from Lucas, he pulled her behind him and stood in front of the woman who had believed her liar son over her daughter.
“You young man are going to prison for kidnapping, I’ll make sure of it,” the woman said to him which only made him smirk, Riley gasped behind him but he squeezed her hand.
“You can’t send me to prison for kidnapping, we never left the building,” he said looking her straight in the eye. “You just didn’t look hard enough.”
“You have a lot of explaining to do young lady,” Riley’s father said standing next to his wife.
Lucas felt Riley grip his hand but noticed when she stood tall and walked in front of her parents. She wanted them to see her and he knew it, she wanted them to know the truth of it all.
“Okay,” she said standing firm next to Lucas. “I’ll explain everything… ELLIOT,” she yelled out for her brother. Auggie rushed into the living room and sat at the bay window as Elliot walked into the room.
“Oh good the delinquent brought you back,” Elliot said with false bravado as he walked towards her, but once again Lucas put himself in between the two of them. “Get out of my face Friar.”
“Oh shut up Elliot,” Auggie said from the bay window. “I know what happens here better than anyone and I know you’re as bad as they come.”
Lucas couldn’t help but smile at the smallest Matthews, the kid was smart alright. His family looked at him as if he had grown a third head which only made Lucas smile even more.
“He’s right you know,” Riley said. “Auggie is always watching, we’re his older siblings, we’re supposed to protect him because that’s what siblings do. But you don’t do that do you Elliot?” Riley moved away from Lucas, letting go of his hand to stand face to face with her older brother. “In fact, you were the reason I was getting bullied when I started at Abigail Adams, because you wanted to break up with your girlfriend so you made me do it for you. Or when you wanted to date the head cheerleader, you started the rumor that I was having sex with her boyfriend, or when Missy Bradford got pregnant because you couldn’t put on a condom.”
Her parents stood there stock still while Riley continued to spit out her tirade. “It was you who started the rumor that I slept with every guy I could, because you didn’t want anyone to look at you like the bad guy. It was you who told everyone in school that I slept with the football team before a game so that they would have the luck to make it to the championship. You dragged me to parties because that way if you got caught you could blame it on me, and I’m guessing it was you who ripped up the letter from Einstein Academy so that you wouldn’t lose your buffer. But I’m done with this, I’m transferring, go deal with your own shit.”
“Riley what are you talking about?” her father said looking between the two teens.
“I don’t know dad, why don’t you ask Elliot why he has a perfect GPA when he doesn’t even study, or why I’m in advance placement classes in his level but he barely shows up to class,” she said standing as close as she could to her brother’s ear. “No more of your bullshit.”
“We didn’t know you got accepted to Einstein Academy,” her mother said looking at her children in shock.
“Of course I’m not your golden child, maybe for once you should actually look at your children instead of ignoring them,” Riley said pulling up her sleeves showing the marks that marred her skin. “Maybe for once, you would see something that had been there for so long.”
When she was done, she walked away towards her bedroom, Lucas and Farkle followed her, neither one of them looking at them Matthews as they walked away. When they reached her room Riley pulled out a duffelbag and started shoving clothes in there, an extra pair of shoes, and her journals.
“Farkle is it okay if I stay at your house for a while,” she said once she finished. “My parents know yours so it wouldn’t be so much of an issues.”
“No problem,” Farkle said looking at the girl he had saved from drowning when they were kids. “No problem at all, there’s always room for you there.”
They walked out of her room, Lucas taking her bags, he knew that they would be lucky if the Matthews even let her out the door but he was going to try. When they reached the living room, her parents stood frozen where they had been earlier, almost as if they didn’t know what to do with what they had seen or heard. Auggie came over from the bay window and hugged Riley.
“Take care of my sister,” he said to both Lucas and Farkle. “I’ll see you again.”
Riley smiled at her brother and squeezed him, “I’ll make sure of that.”
“Riley’s going to stay at my place Mr. and Mrs. Matthews,” Farkle said looking at Riley’s parents with disgust.  “While she’s there maybe you should get your son some help before he does any more damage than he already has.”
They didn’t say anything, they just stayed there, and Lucas knew that they had all of a sudden lost everything without doing anything at all. They had ignored their children, and this was the cause of it all but Riley’s protection was going to be his number one priority.
The three of them got to Farkle’s place and all plopped themselves down on the couch, Lucas was tired, more tired than he had been during this entire journey. He wanted to go to sleep, his eyes felt heavy as he closed them. He heard Riley giggle at him falling asleep but then she wrapped a blanket over him and he knew that she was going to be fine.
  “Hello?” a voice said. Lucas walked towards it only to be faced with himself, but he was more built than lean.
“What does this mean?” Lucas said at his other self.
“I’m going back, I don’t know why this happened but I do know that being in your sleeping form, dreaming what you dreamed, that you had done something for me. Thank you, for saving her.”
“For Riley, I would move mountains,” Lucas said. “Do you know what happened while I was there?”
“Yeah, and I’ll remember it all, I’ll do good by her and maybe one day she’ll sound as sweet as the girl who’s voice I heard calling out for you. Thank you for doing what I didn’t have the courage to do.”
“I knew I had to do something, I mean you pretty much have a million pictures of her, but do me a favor, and treat her kindly, she’s fragile but tough.”
“So is yours, go to her, and tell her what you don’t have the courage to, because if you’ve learned anything from me it’s that you could lose everything if you don’t speak up.”
With that Lucas walked through the door, his other self, walking through the door on the other side, he was going home.
  Riley watched Lucas asleep on the bed, the doctor had told them that he hadn’t suffered any major injury, but he needs to rest for a few days. They said that he should wake up soon and that he had a concussion from the injury so they should keep a close eye on him for the next couple of days in case his injury got worse. He had been sleeping all night, and she hadn’t left him. Even when his parents went home for the night to grab some clothes for him. Or when her parents tried to get her to move. She didn’t want to leave.
She wondered if he was sleeping like in one of the fairy tales and that she should kiss him to wake him up. It always worked in the movies.
“True love’s kiss,” she said out loud remembering how it was the answer to so many fairy tales. She leaned down to his face noting the bruising on his eye, she kissed him there first, then on his cheek before moving towards his lips. It was slow, she felt the softness of them against hers and knew that if he could feel it he would like it too. When she pulled away she grabbed her arm making her yelp.
“It worked?” she said looking at him as his green eyes opened and looked into her brown. “Oh my god, it worked.”
“It’s a nice way to wake up you know,” he said smiling at her before wincing from the pain of his injury. “I feel like I went toe to toe with tombstone and he trampled on my face.”
“No,” she said remembering the bull. “It’s not as bad as that, I hope not, that would be horrible.”
“Riles you’re babbling,” he said smiling. “I missed that.”
“Lucas you’ve only been here since yesterday,” she said smiling.
“It feels like an eternity,” he said looking at her like she was the sun, it made her blush but she didn’t look away. “Riley.”
“I love you,” he said making her gasp as everyone they knew filed into the room before she could reply.
“Look whose up,” Zay said as he stood next to Riley’s chair. “Have a good rest Captain America.”
“Yeah Huckleberry, have a good cat nap?” Maya said but Riley started to ignore all the jabs her friends were saying.
They were having a moment and of course it had gotten ruined, but she didn’t want it to end so instead of waiting for another moment with the both of them alone she moved towards Lucas and gave him a kiss on the lips. Everyone around them started groaning, but as she pulled away she smiled at him.
“I love you too Lucas.”
A/N: That’s a wrap on this fic I hope you enjoyed it!!
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