#the rebellion looks sus because THEY DONT
kadextra · 11 months
what I’m sad about the rebellion is that they don’t physically show up like man I just wanna see some guys, some new silly guys!!!! who’s giving the missions? why is every chair always empty. and hey masked person I know you exist pspsps appear for conversation you can literally talk like a regular person. maybe one day
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ishikawayukis · 6 months
porque mucho hablo, pt. 2 JAJAJAJA
y si he visto incluso Nami y Zoro shippers que igual que con Perona yo digo wtf they couldn’t act more like siblings y’all?? yo entiendo que hay dinámicas tan fuertes que en fanon se vuelven shippeables (zosan, zolu, FROBIN<3, namivivi, etc.), but there are some dynamics that just scream platonic imo, pero pues quién soy yo para juzgar?🍵 JAJAJAJ
si el peor arco para Sanji fue Fishman Island people are just haters JAJAJAJAJA I MEAN, en la vida real obvio un tipo así yo digo “llévenlo a terapia” but this is literally an anime of adventure AND COMEDY!!! man was stranded for two years on a remote island without women, ofc the silly joke for the womanizer/helpless romantic will be he loses his marbles when he sees a woman again ://// hay cosas que yo siento que la gente toma muy en serio cuando solo son for comedic reasons y otras cosas que si son un poco más preocupantes and don’t even bat an eye like, what’s wrong with y’all
okay, confieso que yo si pensé “será que Crocoboy era Crocogirl o tiene un pasado vergonzoso que Ivankok sabe?” JAJAJAJA BC ANYTHING CAN APPLY- he could’ve worked for the rebellion or have been an annoying little kid raised by Ivankok, idk anything- pero que sea la mamá de Luffy: amigos, busquen terapia JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ LIKE WTF THEY DONT EVEN LOOK ALIKE AND HE TRIED TO KILL LUFFY
no fr that was such a plot twist to me AND THEN SABO FREAKING COMES BACK???😭🫶🏽 y no sé si recuerdas a un personaje llamado Grount? I saw him and I was ready to hear he was Luffy’s cousin or something LMAO yo lo vi y dije “por qué parece Luffy con un mohwak?” JAJAJAAJA a este punto estoy lista a escuchar que cualquier personaje puede ser familiar de Luffy
yo, me quedé con la teoría de Corazón de que “will of D” se refiere a que son enemigos de los dioses y los “dioses” son los celestial dragons porque solo esa teoría entendí JAJAJA Sengoku took the time to explain another theory to Law and I zoned out like, can’t someone just say it directly I don’t get it
my yapping under the cut LMAO
FROBIIIIIIIIN oh you're an intelectual for real. y exacto entiendo q a todos les gusten dinámicas distintas y q vean esas dinámicas de una forma diferente pero zoro y perona?? romántico?? q es lo siguiente q van a decir luffy y ace? por favor JAJAJA
TU LO ENTIENDEEEEEES, o sea yo lo veo en el animé y también pienso llévenlo a terapia por favor este hombre lo necesita, pero literal si estás viendo un video de sanji en tikok o cualquier cosa así todos los comentarios son "ok but fishmen island" ok what about it huh, you're telling be you would be better surrounded by some gorgeous gorgeous mermaids? stinky liar. y sí pq pa mi el hecho de q quería ver a gente desnuda sin su consentimiento es harto peor q ay no se desangró pq es un estúpido, but to each their own i guess we sanji enjoyers are still thriving LMAO
i'm honestly on board with the theory of croco being trans, makes sense what else could he own iva. but then they start with the crocomom and i'm like......... i know we're all allowed our headcanons and stuff but this one literally came out of nowhere LMAO
SABO COMING BACK MADE ME CRY SO MUUUUUUUUUUCH, luffy was ready to kick his ass only to realize who it was and that whole scene is just so well done. and i LOVE that sabo ended up being the one eating the mera mera fruit because who else if not him. a este punto pueden decir q cualquier personaje es familiar de luffy y ya ni me sorprendería (a menos de q sea crocodile ese lo sigo poniendo en duda ajajaja)
no te voy a mentir, the will of d es una de esas cosas q aún no entiendo bien y q a esta altura tengo miedo de preguntar AJJAJ antes de q viera one piece un amigo literal me explicó q significaba y yo literal mirándolo con la misma cara q luffy pone cuando law se pone a explicar sus planes
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Jake Reviews Stuff: Steven Universe: The Answer
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Happy pride everyone and naturally, it just wouldn’t feel like a celebration of pride in animation without one of the frontrunners of LBGTQ represintation in Children’s television, as well as quality in storytelling in general: Steven Universe.  Since your seeing this you probably know the gist but as my idol peter parker would say let’s do this one last time:  The story of Steven, a 14 year old, though he dosen’t look it, boy with a boundless amount of love, compassion and empathy,  lives in beach city with his borderline homeless dad , surrogate moms and surrogate until we find out they actually are kinda related sister: Garnet, a fusion of two gems in love and thus the sum total of both them and their feelings, Peal, an emotional but loving gem who grew from a servant to Rose’s right hand, sometimes lover, and confidant, and Amythest, a gem born long after the war that brought everyone else here who acts like a 20 something or teenager half the time. Steven soon finds himself fighting alongside themt o protect earth both from the monsters caused by the final battle of the war his mother fought to save earth from distruction and let her army live life how they choose, and the gem homeworld as it starts to take an intrest in earth again. And as the fight goes on Steven also starts to see just how flawed his family is and how much they haven’t moved on from his moms death and finds himself forced to help them past it while grappling with his mom’s terrible and complicated legacy, everyone expecitng him to basically be her, and what it means to be a  being that’s truly one of a kind.  I absolutley love the show: it’s not without flaws; Characters tend to be ingnored for seasons or episodes at a time,some arcs are really weirdly paced and the slice of life episodes can be jammed in the weirdest places. But the show’s strength: a devotion to having emotional resolution be even more important, and sometimes just as powerful animated and framed, than fighting, though the show’s fight scene’s are incredible, incredibly deep characters with fully fleshed out arcs and growth, and a love for tackling deep, heavy subjects through metaphor or even directly, taking on things such as gender identity, societal conformity, ptsd, grief, gender identity and many many more with grace and weight and helping kids with them in the process.  The show is also the frontrunner for LBGTQ+ representation in cartoons in the 2010′s. While other shows had bits nad pieces, series creator Rebecca Sugar was the one responsible for making Marcline and Princess Bubblegum ex-lovers and making it obvious as possible without saying it because standards were bullshit, Steven Unvierse decided to say fuck subtley and thus had PLENTY OF gay content: Garnet is a fusion of two women and the embodiment of their love and relationship, and when the two show up their very affectionate with one another to the point of bullcrap censorship in less tolerant countries such as india and russia, while Pearl out and out had a CENTURIES LONG romantic relationship with Steven’s mother who was explictly pansexual, and that’s just the main cast!  But I genuinely believe that it’s thanks to Steven Universe that children’s animation is as LBGTQ+ positive as it is now. SU wasn’t the first to have gay leads but it was one of the few kids shows with the balls and, at least in the us, network support to explictily have gay characters as some of the main cast, and I feel the show’s success softend execs at CN and other companies to let more representation too. Since SU”s airing, most CN shows have had gay content great and small, Nick has had gay parents and a bisexual lead, not to mention the korra ending kicking it all off, and Netflix has said hold my beer, having not only multiple gay main characters, but having the finale of she ra be built on a decleration of love between two women saving the universe and being the climax of the entire series.  Not that those crews likely still didn’t have to FIGHT for most of that, i’m not bilind and NOelle Stevenson has outright admitted she had to be sneaky about catradora for season 1 as to not get it shut down, but I feel SU”s sucess and Rebecca and crew’s own likely fights put the various studio goon’s reflector shields down and got more representation into children’s media. And that’s a wonderful thing.  So naturally the show was a lock for this month and for coverage here.. i’ts just given the show’s heavily seralized nature and the fact it dosen’t really have any long romantic story arcs. Sure ther’es plenty of romance, but it’s mostly either in the past or between an already married couple that’s also a person. The show’s arcs were more focused on worldbuilding and character building, which I do prefer and will be doing one in July.  But it did make it tricky to find an episode to spotlight the character I wanted to spotlight: Garnet Garnet is easily my faviorite character, with pearl a very close second: she has a great dynamic, is a decent if flawed mother and leader, and is also damn funny with her deadpanned reactions to things being utterly divine. As well as whatever the hell this is. 
The problem is I also wanted to spotlight the parts making up her: Ruby and Sapphire, their relationship etc as they themselves are fantastic and i’m 100% convinced were the inspriation for one mr mc skat kat and one paula abdul’s magnum opus in steven’s unvierse
The problem is most rupphire episodes are tangled in bigger arcs. They debuted at the end of the invasion arc, they had the baseball episdoe together shortly after another arc, and their wedding is tied up in the reveal rose was pink diamond and the reception is crashed by the climactic battle with Yellow and Blue that sets up the final arc of the whole series. But thankfully season two gave us The Answer to my problem.. ironically named the Answer, basically Garnet Year One as Garnet tells steven how she came to be, a story so beauitful they made a storybook out of it.. and it’s my honor to present it here after the cut. 
We open at the Barn... as a refresher at this point the Gems and Steven have been staying at Greg’s old family farm in order to have the  space and suplies to build a drill to stop the cluster from hatching and destroying earth, with Peridot reluctantly working with them. So as such Steven’s sleeping there when Garnet wakes her.. and in a notable departure for her it’s san’s shade, which shows her adorable excitment as she wakes Steven. Turns out it’s his birthday! And.. I don’t really begrudge the show for takin ga break for two episodes to celebrate it: besides being the only time steven went up a year, on screen, it was a nice break from the peridot/cluster storyline for a second, and this and the following episode are pretty great and both add a lot to the world as a whole. It’s why i don’t MIND when SU takes a break from the plot, as long as they do it for good reason. 
IN a great callback steven asks if garent’s going to tell him she’s a fusion, as Jailbreak revealed the reason she hadn’t yet is she was saving it for his birthday, which is a good joke and a great callback. Garnet cheerfully tells him know but has clearly found a backup: While steven knows she’s a fusion now.. she never told him how she came to be and how ruby and sapphire met after all.  So we journey back about 5000 years to, as we’d learn much later with the pink diamond reveal, the start of the gem war. Earth was to be the next great colony, as we’d learn next season for pink diamond, but something was in the way: The rebel rose quartz and her brutal right hand pearl were causing tons of distruption, so the rest of the diamonds had come to snuff out the rebellion personally.  So that’s where Ruby and Sapphire came in. Sapphire is a higher class gem, and befiting her caste is a precog, with Sapphires brought in to tell the diamonds the future so they can either make sure it happens or change it’s course. Garnet neaturally has this ablility too but vastly improved to see multiple timelines. She’s proper and distant.  Ruby meanwhile is a shy, if more intellgent then her peers grunt soldier. Rubies as we learned here are basically made in groups to fuse. To homeworld, Fusion is simply a tactic to create a slightly stronger gem out of three other gems, and basically creates one giant person. In Contrast up to this point the series has shown fusion as something important to the crystal gems and requriing more work: It requires all parties to be in sync to even happen much less stay together, and requires an emotional connection; Freindship, romance, kinship... whatever it is it’s needed to hold the fusion together. It’s part of what MAKES garnet so impressive: Garnet is a permafusion, only unfusing either when her two halves are needed. or when thier personal conflict is so great they CAN’T stay fused. It also means due to said emotional resonance and combining the best traits of two gems rather than creating just one big gem, that the crystal fusions we’ve seen are vastly more powerful and versitale.. evne if they dont’ speak much because Rebecca made the mistake of getting big artist to do the role and apparently refused to just you know.. recast? It’s something that always baffled me. There’s no shortage of talented poc performers who can sing out there.  Anyways, that’s part of what makes this intresting: up till now, we’d only seen one form of fusion.. we hadn’t seen what homeworld thought of it and used it for, and to the show’s credit it was hinted back during the return arc when Jasper called fusion a “tactic for making weak gems stronger”, since as far as homeworld used it, that’s what it was and it’s a stark contrast to the crystal gems harder to maintain but much more intresting and unique fusions. 
We’ll get more into this later. The two front rubies argue about whose going to punch people whie our ruby just points out the obvious: Their just going to fuse into a really big ruby and punch together. This gets her shoved into sapphire, which despite not being her fault gets gasps and monocle pops from the gems around them. And it’s about time I dug into the episodes unique animation style: instead of the usual, only a handful of characters, the rubies, sapphire, and later rose and pearl, are animated normally and even then, at least for the first half, are brightly lit in their primary colors, while the rest of the gems present are just barely animated sytlistic shadows. It’s a really intresting choice and a clever way to save on budget, while still looking gorgeous. 
Sapphire, while refusing Ruby’s help getting up, is understanding if monotone, but as w’eve seen in the present, tha’ts mostly just a side effect from seeing where everything’s going, and likely the reason garnet’s own emotional process is much like that; Stoic but willing to emote when necessary. Sapphire however has a reason for brushing her ruby off: the reason she was called here.. Blue Diamond.  This is intresting as it’s not only the first time we HEARD of blue, as before this we only heard of Yellow, who’d make her proper debut at the end of this season, but the first time we saw a diamond in any way shape of form. Sure we had murals and such, but given the lack of info about the diamonds this early on it was impossible to tell whow as who and the only giveway there was more than was diamond was the symbols: the era 1 symbols in temples and at the arena showing all 4, hinting at pink, and the modern one shown in jailbreak that was a triforce. We do only see Blue in a hood, covered by her palquin and her voice done by Garnet, but it’s still the first tiem we’d see any of the diamonds in any onscreen form. The Garnet voice is also notcable as every other voice in the flashabck, including characters who aren’t either part of garnet or the same gem type as part of her, is normal.. it’s only blue Garnet does a voice for.. and a clever way of covering for the fact they likely hadn’t cast her voice actress yet. It’s also notable for the introduction of Blue Pearl, who silently stands by her Diamond teh whole time.. it’s weird thinking back to the fact that this was the first time we’d really SEEN other versions of our main cast: other rubies and another pearl. Sure we knew they were all part of one type or another with the obvious exception of garnet.. but this episode is notable, and weird to think about giiven how many variants we see as the series goes on, for being the FIRST time we see this on screen. 
Sapphire reveals that while she, and two of her rubies, will poof the rebllion will end here, and Blue is releaved to here this, thanks sapphire and dismisses her. As Garnet explains, Sapphire had no issue with this as she simply saw her life as one straight line: No choice no, option: Fate would just come as it may. Sapphire also muses to Our Ruby on the fact that she finds this planet a wonderful place for a colony.. and that she wishes she could’ve seen more of it. While Our Ruby says theirs more time, Sapphire, while appricating the sentiment gently shoots it down.  This little moment is interuptted however as Rose shouts out, signaling her and Pearl’s arrival. The battle has begun. And I do like the clever use of storytelling here.. not in presetnation but in what we’d learn muchhhh later with the big reveal: To a first time watcher, we just thought that it was only rose and pearl for story purposes or it was a small attack. After all the rest of the characters we’d seen were just shadows, so I, and I presume many others just assumed the rest were off screen or failing that this was just a small strike. As we’d learn once we got the full story of Pink Diamond becoming rose.. it was indeed JUST them, and only them at the time. it’s probably why in the future sapphire saw the rebellion ended her: Pink while powerful had to reign it in as not to be found out and pearl, while as we see her is already utterly badass and an ace with a sword as she mows down Quartz soldiers, is still one gem going up against a literal army.  Another noticable thing, that hints at when this takes place is the fact that when Rose takes down the fused rubies, poofing two of them and leaving ours to flump to the ground.. she uses her fists. At this point her iconic sword is well established and it’s assumed it was just left out for artistic purpose.. but since we meet who made it next season with Bismuth, it’s another clever hint this is before there was a proper army. Bismuth wasn’t a gem yet so Rose/Pink just had her natural strength and shield to protect her, which wasn’t nothing, but the sword probably made it far easier to hold back. 
And thus we come to the moment of truth: Pearl has come back and is about to mow down sapphire.. when Ruby realizes just waht Sapphire meant and waht she’s about to do and thus.. the future changed. Ruby tackles her out of the way. And Garnet is born. 
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I absolutley love Garnet’s cotton candy design, both as a sensible evolution, as this is a garnet formed in a moment of passion and accidently versus the one we see in the present or even in flashbacks: a person formed by choice and love and thus having a more stable form. Naturally, Rose and Pearl are baffled by this.. and it’s even more understandable.. as the above mentioned pink diamond origin episode explained.. they had never SEEN this kind of fusion before. While i’m sure this isn’t the first time this happend in gem history, any others were likely killed as soon as it were over or went into hiding as we saw with the off colors. And Pink being sheltered and Pearl being created for her, probalby simply never thought of something like this existing. But they also realize this never before seen to them miracle is their cue to skidoo and book it out of there.  Naturally Blue is pissed and the court are disgusted as the two defuse and both have about the same reacation. 
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Before Blue can murder Ruby for you know, doing her fucking job, Sapphire ttakes her by the hand and books it off the sky arena and the two plummet to earth  while ruby screams no a lot. The foundation of any good relationship. 
They float down to earth.. because she’s Mary Poppins Ya’ll. Ruby reveals why she’s upset: Because as she sees it, there’s dozens of her. She’s not WORTH this. Sapphire has no reaction because for the first time, she has no idea what the future brings, what it means and the future she saw was just shattered. She’s frozen. 
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Jokes aside I really love that pun. Ruby worries and quickly scoops her up bridal carry style and quickly finds the two a cave. In the cave the two light that flame get that and Ruby continues to freak out over what happened,  upset with her self that she’s supposed to save sapphire.. with Sapphire gently reassuring her “you already did.”  It’s also intresting as it shows even garnet, or at least half of her, had to go through what peridot did.. it went down a bit easier since exile happened right away, but Ruby still had to shake off the homeworld conceived notion that she was WRONG for saving sapphire simply because it lost them the fight and got them fused and all that. It’s also a nice metaphor for someone whose been told, for a nightmarish rainbow assortment of bullshit resaons, that being gay is wrong only to discover they are and having to realize there’s nothing wrong with who they are. 
After a breif flash the two finally talk about their fusion, with Sapphire being suprised considering she figured fusion wasn’t anything like they experinced.. only for Ruby to chime in that sh’es RIGHT: Their fusion wasn’t anything like Ruby’s normal “me but bigger’ fusion.. they lost htemselves.. and both clearly enjoyed it, expressing it through having a third eye for ruby and more than one for sapphi 
We then get the utterly adorable musical number: “Something Entirely New”Which takes the so far mildly subtle “This is like two people who had sex with the oppsite gender for the first time “ metaphor.. and just makes it texual as the song basically screams of two people talking over an unfamiliar sexual experince, but in a cute, well done, and intentionally awkward way that’s still approraite for the kids. it’s a real beautiful song and also shows the burgoning couple bond on earth. This is important as a previous episode had garent and out and out say that love takes time and work, accurate and that love at first sight simply dosen’t exist.. and we also see she practices waht she preaches as the montage does show some time past and even before that the two genuiely bonded. Sure they FUSED on the spur of the moment.. but actually loving each other took time and bonding. 
As the song ends, the two dance romantically,deciding to be Garnet for good as we get some nice callbacks to jailbreak: the two hum the tune to stronger than you, now revealed to be their song and spin similarilty to the way they have when they’ve fused, a nice callback that also add’s weight to those previous moments.. and thus two become one and Garnet is reborn. 
Garnet narrates as her past self gets used to her strange new form.. and just as she does she falls down a ditch. Eh could’ve been worse. 
Garnet finds herself face to sword with Pearl. Pearl backs off a bit once she realizes who their dealing with, and Garnet panickedly offers to unfuse.. only for Rose to enter. Garnet narrates them as Rose Quartz and her terrifying renegade pearl. 
Truly a force to be reckoned with. Rose dosen’t care about her own feelings though “What you feel is bound to be more intresting” It’s a good moment both because Garnet , up to this point hasn’t had to think about what they are or how they feel.. but more notably... no one but the two gems makingthem up ever cared, not before they were garnet and after all the homeworld gems wanted was to kill her. We also get a great line from garnet: “Why am I sure that i’d rather be this than anything else and that i’d rather do this than anything else i’m supposed to do? “  Rose’s response.. to give a giant grin while saying welcome to earth. As Garnet continues to question things, Rose tells her to never question this, never question what you are... which is a damn good message for a kids show to give out. The metaphor is crystal clear: no matter where you are on that beautiful lbgtq+ rainbow: NEVER be ashamed of who you are, never question it.. just enjoy it. Be who your meant to be and love that person. It’s a damn good message and one badly needed in a medium that for way too fucking long was SCARED to tell messages like this: Of sponsors, of foreign markets, and of idiots like one million moms. it took people like rebecca and her crew to say “fuck that”, to say that queer kids NEED these kinds of stories to know they aren’t alone, they are beautiful how they are. They shoudln’t have to wait to find out what they are.. is okay. And that’s beautiful. 
As Rose Tells Garnet that she is the answer, and as we cut back to the present, Steven asks what the answer is. Garnet simply answers: Love. And we close on one great exchange Steven: I knew it Garnet; (wistfully) So did I. 
Final Thoughts: While I remembered the episode being good, hence part of the reason I choose it I forgot just HOW great this episode was, especially post reveal. The art direction is goregous, shot like a fairy tail and rightfully so since this episode is told as one, the story is heartwarming and erica and charlene really act their hearts out as ruby and sapphire while Estelle kills it as both present garnet narrating and past garnet, a garnet ENTIRELY diffrent from what we’ve seen but acted beautifully. It’s espcially noticable since unlike the other two lead gems, we obviously wouldn’t see more garnets like we would amythests and pearls, so unlike her contepraries estelle really didn’t get to flex her vocal range as much playing alternate versions as the seasons went on, with this being the closest she got.  The episode is beautiful, has a wonderful message, and is just utterly charming and is agian why I DON’T mind that every su episode dosen’t advance the plot: Sometimes it dosen’t need to. And even so this one ended up being WAY more important than I remembered, introducing blue diamond and turning out to be MASSIVELY important once the reveal kicked it: For it was Garnet, and the love dthat forged her that changed Pink’s direction. Before the rebellion was simply a way to stop the occupation of earth and would’ve been snuffed out if not for ruby’s actions.. but seeing garnet, seeing how earth and being free from homeworld’s restraints could positvely impact someone.. it changed rose. Besides bringing her and Pearl together, it also made her realize just what her rebellion could bring to people and what a gem could be and even more how precious her future home was. By forming in an act of Love, garnet changed the entire future of gemkind. By staying that way she did so once more. And that’s beautifully. overall an underated, even by me, little masterwork with once again a damn fine message.  We’ll get back to SU soon enough, as I plan to cover the series first full arc as we meet peridot, and see into the souls of our heroines. But first Pride isn’t over yet, and I have one last card on the table as we todd it up a bit with my first look at bojack horseman. Like this if you enjoyed it, comments subscirbe etc etc and don’t be afraid to comission a review for 3 bucks, and until we meet agian, later days. 
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SU Finale watch
Everything’s Fine
Sneaking back into his room?????
Uh oh the Connie call
Steven Universe: Master deflector
Diamond eyes.... :(
Oh man Garnet taking off her visor :((((
Aw he still stops to fix the donut
WOW His hair gets fixed but the rest of his body doesn’t
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OHHHH A Sapphire and Aquamarine!!!
“A strict no-plant-friends policy!” omg
I love that they aren’t showing us what Pink Pearl’s eye looks like
Ohhh I love the building designs here
lmao “Lookin’ good Steven” Bismuth please
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need me someone who will give me full armor for a wedding gift
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“I didn’t mess anything up” aw poor Steven 
“help Steven” oh boy Steven
“I can keep messing up and fixing things forever, and you’ll never have to know or think about it or any of it!” yikes
“You have no idea how bad I am” YIKES....
I Am My Monster
And here comes monster Steven
GREG, I’m saying this as nicely as I can but PLEASE SHUT UP
whoops so much for that
“Sorry Steven!” Aw Peridot
Aw how’s it feel to use those chains on Steven Lapis :(
“AW you know who would be great at that? Steven” AMETHYST YOU”RE HURTING ME
“You forgot your foot thong thingy” SPINEL.......
They need all of them!!!
I’m shocked White is still willing to connect with him after that last incident
uh oh what’s that??? 
“If Pink hurt you, it was because I hurt her” OUCH
“This isn’t the time to make this all about YOU!” NICE CONNIE
Aw that was unexpectedly sweet 
I’m glad Garnet was first one to grab him in a hug
The Future
Wow way to break his stereo
Boogle maps doc....
Aw even Pearl tried some
39 states????
Oh good I’m so glad he finally got a therapist
Are they all going to different corners to flip out in private
Or maybe they’re gonna plan a sendoff for him
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Now Lapis needs a therapist
“I like this one so much!” PERIDOT
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Steven’s expression here....he finally looks like he knows he’s loved and appreciated
JASPER JASPER!!!! I’m so glad
“I’m coming with you!” JASPER PLEASE
I can’t believe she’s living in Little Homeworld now
“Maybe I need a round two” STEVEN PLEASE
HE GAVE HER HIS N64.............
HIS UKULELE.....she immediately subspaces it lmao
STEVEN..........that’s killing me
“Well bust my britches it’s Steven Universe” GARNET....
“I hope that one day you can help me plan my own” IM SOBBING
“Is that petty?” “You’re allowed to have feelings. Even petty ones” Aw I love Greg
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AW...........Makes me wonder if Greg was the first person to suggest the trip to Steven
“Don’t you think it’s a little Ritzy for me” LMAO
“Steven I don’t think I can get up” SAME
THEY SMOOCHED....I’m glad they didn’t make a huge deal out of it
“I’ve already planned over 363 versions of it” GARNET........
“We are a part of all of them” AW.....I’m so glad
OH........THAT’S WHY THE END CREDIT SCENE LOOKS LIKE THAT.......OH.........................................................
GOSH.........I don’t know what else to say except I’m so proud of Steven
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paragonrobits · 6 years
I understand your point about non-human aliens. BUT ALSO I really like Tenchi Muyo and Steven Universe where they are explicitly very human and pretty.
THAT IS A FIAR POINT AND TO BE FAIR, Tenchi ladies are super cute and adorable, and I am 10000% percent in Love with Rose Quartz. I am a simple man, i see a very large eight foot plus lady with a sword bigger than I am and she has at least a veneer of paragon alignment, or is trying to get near that, i fall in love. its just how it goes
that said, I would dispute that SU’s gems are particularly human? I mean, sure, they look human (and for a while i thought we had been made in THEIR image, but the time frame is all wrong for that; by the times Gems showed up in canon, human civilization had already been established in Mesopotamia, assuming that it was a short amount of time from gem landfall to rebellion), but...
Gems are deeply weird and alien. Those physical bodies? are masses of hard light. They dont age, they dont sleep, they dont feel hunger or any kind of need, and they cannot sexually/physically reproduce. Following this to the possible psychological ramifications suggests a lot of extreme differences between humans and Gems. childcare is a big part of our psychology, but it simply doesn’t exist for Gems. Gems do not have the capacity to parent or even understand it. The Diamond, as I see it, are not Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz’s mothers in any way, but senior members of her production line. They wouldn’t understand the comparison, and would probably be offended.
Gems in general have a big fixation on function, psychologically speaking. They view themselves as nothing BUT their purpose. Even the Crystal Gems define themselves by a purpose THEY choose, and suffer severe psychological trauma and stress when they feel they’re not good at that duty.
While I would prefer the aliens of those series look more genuine alien (while still being Pretty), it doesn’t work against the aesthetic and tone of the series? Like it works perfectly fien within those shows, because they have a very light and soft sci fi aesthetic, so you don’t necessarily need to be too bent on things being perfectly logical, evolutionarily speaking?
(now when you get to shows like Star Trek, which DO at least try to be more scientifically plausible or have it as a big deal, that the human chauvinism really becomes irritating.)
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arcanetheorist · 7 years
SU Theory: It was an accident
Okay I'll be honest im someone who didnt buy into the idea that Yellow shattered Pink immediately. I figured she was a red herring, and that white would end up being the culprit. Main reason is Yellow clearly cared about Pink (no i dont think she was lying in Whats The Use of Feeling Blue) and Pink was clearly the youngest diamond. Yellow had nothing to gain by killing her, and I dont think theres anything that would drive her to purposefully murder Pink. Unless it was an accident. We know from Blue Zircon's revelation that the culprit had to have been a diamond. We know Yellow was very eager to get the trial over with, and that she became VERY flustered when accused. We know that Pinks entourage all say that Rose killed her with a sword. We know the crystal gems all say Rose did it and that even Rose herself claimed responsibility. And finally we know Rose's sword is physically incapable of shattering gems. Now, lets assume that Yellow accidentally shattered Pink. What would the timeline look like? - Yellow meets Pink, they get into a argument or something which ends in Pink being shattered. - Yellow realizes what she just did, and more importantly what will happen if Blue were to find out she was responsible. She covers it up, silences the witnesses, and blames it on Rose, saying she killed Pink with her sword (not knowing, of course, that the sword is incapable of shattering gems). - Yellow meets with Rose in secret and a deal is struck. Rose will claim responsibility and, in exchange, Yellow will withdraw homeworlds forces and leave Earth alone. This is a really important part because it explains why Rose took the blame and how the rebellion actually managed to beat Homeworld. It also fits perfectly with what Garnet said in Bubbled: "She didnt always do what was best for her. But she always did what was best for Earth." - Yellow breaks the deal by activating the corruption weapon with the other diamonds and planting the cluster. - Yellow further attempts to cover up her crime by bubbling all other Rose Quartzes and tries to convince Blue to move on. - Steven goes on trial for the murder of Pink Diamond, Yellow seems surprised when he admits his guilt and is in a hurry to execute, then becomes increasingly flustered as Blue Zircon debunks her claims and ultimately accuses her, at which point she snaps, taking out both attorneys and putting out a kill warrant on steven. This hypothesis feels like the most solid one we have right now as It answers a lot of questions that other theories dont. I believe Pink Pearl will be the key witness in this case, and we wont know what really happened till she shows up. Until then, this is what im betting on.
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shyfluffymage · 7 years
OC: Diana
after a lot of convincing from my good friend @scribble-breeze, i’ve decided to post my OCs on here. buuut i’m still very scared so it’s gonna be under the cut.
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So this is Diana.
Fandom: Steven Universe
(Spoilers for SU just sayin’)
I’m quite scared of posting this tbh and you’ll see why soon. So, she’s half-human half-gem like Steven and the daughter of White Diamond. See? This is why I was scared of this but like... she’s a thing and i really like imagining a universe with her in it. Since we have no info on WD, I just let my imagination go and it produced this. (Also, contrary to popular theories, I imagined that WD is very short for a Diamond( Maybe 5′7) but has immense control over her height and can appear as tall as the other Diamonds if need be.This is just mostly world-building for this post. 
: (This info is what WD left in a diary for Diana so some events are not explained)  WD didn’t know that the Earth was actually full of unique life. The other diamonds hid it from her and told her it was barren but was made of good materials for a gem colony. They knew she would object to using the Earth if they knew. She didn’t bother going to check considering the amount of planets they usually colonize with no issue, she thought Earth would be the same. The other Diamonds continued to lie to her about the reasoning behind Rose’s rebellion. She was told that they were rebelling because they didn’t want the Diamonds in power anymore so she dismissed it as treason. .
The War?  WD gets so curious as to why they started a war over this planet and she visits it for the first time. She sees all of the life being destroyed and becomes furious with the other Diamonds for betraying her. She holds a grudge against them for thousands of years and continues doing her duties for that time. Until she entrusts her entourage with her responsibilities and her location that they must not share with anyone outside the court. 
She goes to Earth 100 years before present day and travels the world. She meets an aspiring photographer named Brett inBeach City about 20 years before present day and falls in love with him. She wants to help him become famous so she surprises him one day by telling them she can cry little tear-shaped diamonds and wants him to use her tears to pay for a way to start his photography business in Empire City.
He is reluctant at first, but she convinces him and so he starts his new company, Crystal Clear. He goes on to own one of the biggest photo agencies in the country and often asks his now-wife to model for him in the fashion branch of his company.  They decide to have a baby despite the consequences and decide on Damien Weiss Hartlock for a boy and Diana Weiss Hartlock for a girl.They decide to spend their last fewmonths together living in Beach City as that was where they first met. 
During pregnancy, WD writes in a diary addressed to her future child. After meeting a pregnant Rose Quartz by chance, they share a long talk about what happened and come to understandeach other. WD, however, asks Rose to keep their encounter a secret for now.The only evidence that they were together was what was written in the diary and a short video that Rose suggested WD leave for her child. WD just shares a brief message and sings a lullaby that she created for her child to sing when they miss her. And Rose comes in at the end just to say that she hopes that they and her child become friends. 
Diana: Now we get into the actual character.  
Life:Her father loves her but still has a hard time dealing with the loss of WD so he buries himself in his work and left raising her to a maid he hired named Alicia.She is like an older sister to Diana and isher best support. Her father feels guilty that he is never home in Beach City so he makes sure to let her do whatever extra activities she likes. This includes singing, dancing and piano lessons. The singing lessons lead to the discovery of her sound manipulation powers. 
She is home-schooled as a result of bullying. This occurred because she accidentally fused with a boy at a school dance and was called a monster and treated like garbage because she was different. She became so depressed she developed a difficulty with speaking to most people as she feels like anything she says will be turned against her. Alicia was very concerned as Diana would vomit out of fear before going to school and there were days where she couldn’t get out of bed because of it. So, Alicia brought it up to Brett and they made plans for her to be home-schooled. 
One night, Diana was meditating and she felt a warm glow emanating from her gem. She looked down to see a light blue object in her hand. It was a light blue microphone with a crystalline spiked sphere which she would sing into. When she stood up to go show Alicia, it extended into a morningstar and she panicked further. Her father came home to explain how gem weapons work and suggested that she dropped two of her lessons to learn how to wield it and learn how to fight in general. She got rid of singing and piano lessons and kept dance. 
How did she meet Steven? Well, he was going on a stroll through nature in Beach City and suddenly he hears someone singing. They weren’t just singing any song;they were singing his Crystal Gems song. Naturally, he goes up to investigate and meets Diana. She immediately bolts away from him and cue chase scene. Finally, he corners her and tries to calm her down. Since, she can’t speak, he offers to let her use his phone to explain how she knows the song. She had heard him singing it to the gems on the beach to pump them up for a mission and she fell in love with it. They exchange phone numbers and started becoming friends!
She was hiding the fact that she had White Diamond’s gem out of fear of the CG’s reactions. She was forced to expose herself however when a monster appeared on the beach and she had to use her morningstar to help Steven. He even heard her speak for the first time since he caught her singing. She was only yelling his name, but progress was progress.  Since Diana hadn’t read the diary at this point, she could only explain (through Steven) that she was not her mother and couldn’t control or remember what her mother did. Since it was a similar case to Steven’s, they took the news as well as they could and tried to see Diana as her own person and not as her mother. 
(Further events can be asked to Diana if u really wanna know but this post is at an ungodly length so I’ll cut that segment off there. )
Personality:  Anxious, kind-hearted, fear of failure,quiet, courteous, VERY protective of loved ones, loyal, forgiving, overthinks everything, bottles up emotions and takes it out on others without meaning to, can be playful with friends.
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soriyama · 8 years
INDIE LATINO BEST MUSIC 2016 #04_Best 10 Tracks by Isaac Diaz (Video artist/Photographer) from Argentina
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続いてのガイドもブエノスアイレスから。カメラマン/ビデオ・アーティストのIsaac Diazは、アナログ的手法でインターネット時代の若者や男性像、ストリート、スケーター、グラフィティ、ヒップホップなどのカルチャーを写す。時々the fictional mapに音楽情報をたれ込んでくれる音楽愛好家でもある。ヒップホップ、シンセポップ、レゲトンなど10本のミュージック・ビデオから、彼の作品のテーマでもあるストリートの若者達の群像が見えるてくる。
The next guide is also from Buenos Aires. Isaac Diaz is a photographer/and video artist who approaches the documentary of youth, masculinity, street, skate, graffiti and hiphop in the era of the internet. And also he is a music lover and sometimes posts his favorite music to the fictional map. These 10 videos of hip-hop, synth-pop , reggeton etc. exhibit the figure of youth on street as well as the theme of his works.
El siguiente guía también es de Buenos Aires. Isaac Diaz es un artista de fotografías/video que aborda el documentar la juventud, masculinidad, las calles, el skate, graffitis y hiphop en la era del internet. También es un amante de la música y, a veces, postea su música favorita en “the fictional map”. Estos 10 videos de hip-hop, synth-pop. Reggeaton, etc, representan la figura de la juventud en las calles al igual que sus previos trabajos.
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1. LIZZ - CHACAL [Chile] LIZZ - ジャッカル[チリ] https://youtu.be/vbgPN3sv1Eg
LizZは超スタイリッシュなDJ女子。IMPERIO (VOL I)は彼女の個人プロジェクトで、チリで今いちばんクールなシーンだ。「Chacal」という曲は日本語で始まり、彼女がチリのサンチアゴの通りを闊歩する。緻密なラップが洗練されたホップホップにリミックスされる。“どんどん滴っている/ 私の瞳のゴールド”
LizZ is a very stylish dj girl. This is his personal project IMPERIO (VOL I) is the coolest of the current Chilean scene. The song “jackal” begins with introduction in Japanese and she moving stylishly through the streets of Santiago de Chile. Precise rap mixes a very refined electro hiphop. “Dripping so fast / gold in my eyes”
LizZ es una chica dj con mucho estilo. este es su proyecto personal IMPERIO (VOL I) es lo más fresco de la escena actual chilena. la canción “chacal” comienza con introducción en japonés y ella moviéndose con estilo por las calles de Santiago de Chile. el rap preciso mezcla un hiphop electro muy refinado. “Dripping so fast / gold in my eyes”
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2. LARA 91K - 1YEAR (BEGGIN U x DUELE) // WTM [Argentina] ララ91K - 1年 (BEGGIN U x DUELE) // WTM [アルゼンチン] https://youtu.be/eaCs4ea0WXE
Lara 91kとして知られるLara Artesi はCoral Casinoのボーカリスト。今年アルゼンチンで話題になったバンドだ 。「1 Year」はスロウ・トラップの自伝的な美しい失恋の曲。“Beggin for your loveあなたの愛を求めている”ラテンのレゲトン・バラードを伴うこのビデオ。“Duele/痛み”それが彼女のスタイルを定義する。
Lara artesi a.k.a lara 91k is the vocalist of Coral Casino. Argentine band that this year gave much to speak. 1 year is a beautiful autobiographical song of desamor with beats of slow trap “beggin for your love” the video is accompanied by a Latin reggaeton ballad. “Hurts” that define the style of this girl.
Lara artesi a.k.a lara 91k es la vocalista de coral casino. Banda argentina que este año dio mucho que hablar. 1 año es una hermosa canción autobiografica de desamor con beats de slow trap “beggin for your love” el video está acompañado de una balada reggaeton latina. “duele” que definen el estilo de esta chica.
Coral Casino - Summer Romance https://youtu.be/f7wue14i1vg
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3. MKRNI - En Tu Lugar [Chile] マカロニ - あなたのもとで(チリ) https://youtu.be/o04p3DXRizU
「En Tu Lugar」は、チリの3人組MKRNI(Makaroni)の2017年リリースのアルバム「Hiperrealidad」からの新しいシングル。チリのクラシックなシンセポップ・サウンドの前作「Canciones」(2014) “あなたのもとで/肌が変わりそして理解する”
The new single by mararoni trio chileno “in your place” is a preview of the new album of 2017 “hiperrealidad”. A magic and traveler hit that adds to the sounds of  classic Chilean style of dancing synthesizers from his previous album “canciones del 2014”  "in your place / change skin and understand"
El nuevo single de mararoni  trio chileno “en tu lugar” es un adelanto de nuevo disco del 2017 “hiperrealidad”. Un hit magico y viajero que se suma a los sonidos de yá clasico estilo chileno de sintetizadores bailables de su disco anterior “canciones del 2014” “en tu lugar / cambiar de piel y entender”  
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4. MARINEROS - EL LADO OSCURO DE TU CORAZÓN [Chile] マリネロス - 君のハートのダークサイド[チリ] https://youtu.be/XNpg5VmyinI
“そしてあなたが興味無さげに私を見る時どうしたらいいの? だってこんなふうに思ってるんでしょう”「El Lado Oscuro de Tu Corazón」 はチリ人の二人の女性シューゲイズ・ポップデュオの最初のアルバム「Marineros」のソフトでとても洗練された美しいギターの始まりの曲。ビデオは彼らの美しい抱擁のシークエンス。
“And I do not know what to do if you look at me like you do not care because you treat me like this?” “The dark side of your heart” is part of the first album “Marineros” duo revelation of 2 Chilean girls. Who play this female pop shoegaze. Soft and very well accompanied by beautiful guitars. The video is a sequence of a beautiful embrace between them.
“y ya no se que hacer si me miras asi como si no te importara porque me tratas asi?” “El lado oscuro de tu corazón” es parte del primer álbum de “Marineros” duo revelacion de 2 chicas chilenas. que tocan este shoegaze pop femenino. suave y muy bien acompañado de hermosas guitarras. el video es un plano secuencia de un hermoso abrazo entre ellas.
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5. Adrianigual - Nunca Vienes A Mi Casa [Chile] アドリアニガル - 絶対僕の家に来るな[チリ] https://youtu.be/rznLK9cbiiA
Diego AdrianのプロジェクトAdrianigualはすでに2枚のアルバムをリリースしている。この最新シングルは彼の類い稀なスタイルとボーカルが加わり、レトロなサンプリング・ビートのダンサブルなヒット・ソングだ。「女友達は僕を不機嫌にするから。僕のクリスタルのハートは壊れてしまう」すでに彼のヒット曲"Arde Santiago"や"Me Gusta La Noche"--「空気は新鮮で、僕はこの街で迷子になる」で明確になっているように、Adrianはいつも反抗と愛について歌っている。
Already are two discs of the project of diego adrian adrian equal. This latest single adds to his incomparable style and voice. A very danceable hit retreowave beats samples. “Friend because you make me so bad. My crystal heart breaks ” that already make it very recognizable with hits “arde santiago” “the air is fresh I lose myself in the city”  adrian same singing from rebellion and love.
Ya son dos los discos de el proyecto de diego adrian adrian igual. Este último single se suma a su incomparable estilo y voz. un hit muy bailable retreowave beats samples. “amiga porque me haces tanto mal. mi corazon de cristal rompes” que ya lo hacen muy reconocible con hits “arde santiago” “el aire es fresco me pierdo en la ciudad” adrian igual cantando desde la rebeldía y el amor.
Adrianigual - Arde Santiago : https://youtu.be/bsdcbKNQmz4
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6. Dënver - Los Vampiros [Chile] デンバー - 吸血鬼達[チリ] https://youtu.be/1QluOPxY-Y0
“僕達は皆トラックの中でリズムの虜になっている/真っ先に到着していつも最後には去る” このチリのディスコ・ヒットは、FangoriaやJaviera Menaから影響を受けた、ラテン・エレクトロの良い部分やハンドクラップ、レーザーの音、のピアノが全部詰まっている。
“We are the ones who in the track we impose the rhythm / first to arrive always last to go” This Chilean disco hit. Has all the beat of latin electro Latin American. With influence of fangoria and javiera mena, palmas lassers and a beautiful piano.
“Somos los que en la pista imponemos el ritmo / primeros en llegar siempre ultimos en irnos” Este hit chileno discotequero. tiene todo el beat del latin electro iberoamericano. con influencia de fangoria y javiera mena, palmas lassers y un hermoso piano.
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7. TOMASA DEL REAL - TU SEÑORA feat. TALISTO  [Chile] トマサ・デル・レアル - 君のレディー feat. タリスト[チリ] https://youtu.be/FjNutfto9fk
“そしてもし私と一緒に来てくれたら、星が出るまであなたが臨むことをしましょう” チリ北部のレゲトネラ(女性レゲトン・アーティスト)Tomasa Del Real。おしりと砂漠の熱。スウェーデンのTalisto (Gonzalo Vargas)をフィーチャリングしたこの曲は今年のヒット作のひとつだ。このブルネットの女性アーティストはダーク・レゲトンのネオ・ペレオ(トゥワーク)をまったく新しいムーブメントを生み出した。「あなたが踊るのを見ていた、それが好きなの、あなたのせいじゃない!」
“And if I tell you to come with me. We will do what you want until you see the stars ” Tomasa of the royal regetonera of northern chile hips and desert heat. Makes this featuring that was one of the hits of the year. Collaboration from sweden with talisto* gonzalo vargas. This brunette generated a whole new movement of dark reggaeton neo perreo “I saw you dancing, I like how you move, is not you guilt!”
“Y si te digo que te vengas conmigo. haremos lo que tu quieras hasta ver las estrellas” Tomasa del real reguetonera del norte de chile caderas y calor del desierto. hace este featuring que fue uno de los hits del año. colaboración desde suecia con talisto* gonzalo vargas. Esta morena generó todo un nuevo movimiento de reggaeton oscuro neo perreo “te eh visto bailando, me gusta como te mueves, la culpa no la tienes!“
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8. Alex Anwandter - Siempre Es Viernes En Mi Corazón [Chile] アレックス・アンワンテール - 僕の心はいつも金曜[チリ] https://youtu.be/pTUWwUUa1WE
「Siempre Es Viernes En Mi Corazón」は、深い詩情と政治的メッセージを含んだポップな歌詞のAlex Anwandterの最新アルバム「Amiga」からのヒットソング。この曲はアルゼンチンのバンドMiranda!のボーカルAle Sergiとのコラボレーションだ。Kelley Polarを連想させるダンサブルなストリングとシンセサイザーと手拍子が多用されている。 “僕はいつだって自分が知るこの世界をすべてを壊したいんだ”
“Always is Friday in my heart” is the new hit of the album “Amiga” by Alex Anwandter the album contains pop lyrics with deep poetry and political message, while still being danceable. This song is a collaboration of alex with ale sergi singer of the band argentina “Miranda”. The danceable violins anwandter have a reminiscent of kelley polar*  accompanied by synthesizers and claps that explode in this song “I always want the total destruction of this world that i known”
“Siempre es viernes en mi corazón” es el nuevo hit del disco “Amiga” de alex Anwandter el disco contiene letras pop con profunda poesía y mensaje político, sin dejar de ser bailable. esta canción es una colaboración de alex con ale sergi cantante de la banda argentina miranda. Los violines discotequeros de anwandter que recuerdan a kelley polar acompañado de sintetizadores y claps que estallan en esta canción “siempre quiero la total destrucción de este mundo que eh conocido”
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9. C. Tangana - Antes de morirme feat. Rosalía [Chile] C.タンガナ - 死ぬ前に feat. Rosalía[チリ] https://youtu.be/RxKVWs_qYBk
C. Tanganaは僕が大好きなスペインのミュージシャンの一人だ。彼はポップとヒップホップとフラメンコをミックスしている。「つまらないことのために正しいことなどしたくない、僕には時間がないんだ」Rosalíaをフィーチャリングしたこの曲はかわいいジプシーのラブストリーになっている。「死ぬ前に、僕達の境界をなくすために君とやりたい」
C tangana is one of my favorite Spanish musicians.He mix pop hiphop and flamenco. “I dont wanna to do the right thing. For that fucking shit, I dont  have time. ” With Rosalía This duo of Spaniards make a cute couple featuring a gypsy love story. “Before I die. I want to fuck you to erase the limit between me and you ”
C tangana es uno de mis músicos españoles favoritos el mezcla pop hiphop y flamenco. “yo no quiero hacer lo correcto. pa esa puta mierda ya no tengo tiempo”” Acompañado de rosalía este dúo de españoles hacen una linda pareja un featuring con historia de amor gitano.“antes de que muera yo. quiero cogerte hasta borrar el límite entre los dos”
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10. Las Bistecs - CAMINANTE [Spain] ラス・ビステクス - 歩く人 [スペイン] https://youtu.be/LEo4LQNUj2o
「エレクトロ・ディスガスティング(不愉快なエレクトロ)」というスペインの社会に反抗する歌詞のエレクトロポップの新しいジャンルを装ったLas Bistecsは、2016年の新発見だった。スパニッシュ・ウェイブに続いて、彼女達のヒット曲「HDA (history of art/芸術の歴史)では、スペイン語圏の国境を越えてメキシコから南米大陸まで到達した。詩人のAntonio Machadoも取り込んでいる。「歩く人に道はない。歩むことで道は出来る」
Las Bistecs is the steaks this year revelation. Without pretending to be. Generate a whole new movement “electro disgusting” electropop and letters protesting towards the Spanish society. Following the Spanishwave essence. With his hit “HDA history of art” crossed the limits of Iberoamerica arriving from Mexico to all Latin America. that in fact takes part of a poem of Antonio Machado*. “Walker there is no way. It is made way to walk ”
Las Bistecs este año fueron revelación. sin pretender serlo. generan toda una nueva movida “electro disgusting” electropop y letras contestatarias hacia la sociedad española. siguiendo la esencia spanishwave. con su hit “HDA historia del arte” cruzó los límites de iberoamerica llegando desde mexico a latinoamerica. la cancion que en realidad toma parte de un poema de Antonio Machado. “Caminante no hay camino. Se hace camino al andar”
Text by Isaac Diaz, Introduction and translation ENG/JPN by Yuko Shoji
[the fictional map presents INDIE LATINO BEST MUSIC 2016 CONTENTS]
01_Camilo Castaño (Graphic designer, El Amarillo) [CO] 02_Vic Paz (Music researcher/El Club del Ritmo) [MX] 03_Rodrigo Piedra (Editorial director of IndieHoy) [AR] 04_Isaac Diaz (Photographer/video artist) [AR)] 05_Jon Jacobsen (Artist, photographer) [CL] 06_Yuko Shoji (the fictional map, graphic designer of Karera) [JP]
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