#the rebel: the thief who stole the people
dangermousie · 1 year
Watching My Dearest and finding out it’s written by the writer who wrote the amazing The Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People reminded me how much I loved the latter and then how much I loved the soundtrack so here you go.
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aellyne · 1 year
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Let's go to hell together [...].
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kdramaspace · 7 months
🔁 please consider reblogging to increase our sample size.
feel free to leave suggestions for characters you’d like to see in the tags! as always, if you’d like to submit a potential POTW question, you may send in your submissions here.
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helenofsparta2 · 1 month
Headcannon: Percy is immensely popular among nature spirits and "minor" gods
Oceanids & Nereids
It starts small.
The Nereids and Oceanids are naturally curious about him when they find out about his existence, that’s already canon:
She (a nereid) nodded. “It has been many years since a child of the Sea God has been born. We have watched you with great interest.”
Suddenly, I remembered faces in the waves of Montauk Beach when I was a little boy, reflections of smiling women. (The Lightning Thief, chapter 17)
Later, at the latest by the time Titan’s curse happens, nereids and oceanids see him save ocean creatures from fishing gear, or whales stranded on beaches, or him helping mermaids with hanging nails. (Titan’s curse, chapter 7)  We see him be considerate and respectful to nereids through his interaction in the fourth book at the ranch.
She looked like she was ready for a fight. Her fists were balled, but I thought I heard a little quaver in her voice. Suddenly, I realized that, despite her angry attitude, she was afraid of me. She probably thought I was going to fight her for control of the river , and she was worried, she would lose.
The thought made me sad. I felt like a bully, a son of Poseidon throwing his weight around.
I sat down on a tree stump. “Okay, you win.”
The naiad looked surprised. (The Battle of the Labyrinth, chapter 9)
It’s pretty good established in the books, that smaller gods and spirits don’t get treated with respect most of the time, especially not from heroes of old like Herakles and the Olympian gods. The reaction of the naiad adds to this sentiment, so we can pretty easily conclude that the way Percy treats them, is relatively rare.
In-between the books, Rick often sprinkles in some interactions between Percy and naiads, which further underlines their positive opinion of him:
I looked over the edge of the boat and found a couple of naiads staring at me. They looked like regular teenage girls, the kind you’d see in any mall, except for the fact that they were underwater.
Hey, I said. They made a bubbling sound that may have been giggling. I wasn’t sure. I had a hard time understanding naiads.
We’re heading upstream, I told them. Do you think you could-
Before I could even finish, the naiads each chose a canoe and began pushing us up the river. (Titan’s curse, Chapter 14)
Satyrs & Dryads:
The satyrs know that he, Clarisse, Annabeth, Tyson and Grover were the ones, who returned the golden fleece to camp half-blood and so, have stopped satyrs from getting killed by Polyphemus. During the battle of the labyrinth, Percy is the one who extinguished the fire and stopped the trees and dryads from getting burnt to death. Not to mention that he is best friends with the guy, who discovered Pan and has the title of Lord of the Wild.
“Minor” Gods:
The non-Olympian gods, like Hecate, Nemesis, Eros, Hebe and Morpheus were probably curious about him, even wary, but nothing more at first, until Percy managed to stop the civil war between Zeus and Poseidon at the age of twelve.  
We know that canonically, this already earned him the respect of many different beings:
As I walked back through the city of the gods, conversations stopped. The muses paused their concert. People, and satyrs and naiads all turned towards me, their faces filled with respect and gratitude, and as I passed, they knelt, as if I were some kind of hero.” (The Lightning Thief, chapter 21)
By the time the war with Kronos further escalates and they join his side, this obviously changes again. From this moment on, Percy is their enemy, and probably nothing more for most of them.
But then, they lose, and probably expect the worst of consequences.
Gods who have crossed Zeus have suffered severe punishments before. Prometheus was bound to a rock, with an eagle eating his liver every day because he stole fire from the gods, gifted it to humanity and tricked Zeus, the titans were banished to Tartarus after the Titanomachy. After some of the gods rebelled and tried to overthrow Zeus, Hera got hung in the sky with golden chains, where she cried out all night in pain, while Apollo and Poseidon were forced to work as labourers for King Laomedon of Troy.
They probably expected to get thrown into Tartarus with the rest of the Titans, get stripped of their immortality, or worse. Instead, however, their children finally receive cabins at camp half-blood and they themselves receive full amnesty.
All because Percy Jackson, this 16-year-old teenager, decides to change the entire thousand year old status quo on Olympus.  
He could have wished for anything after their victory over Kronos and the titan army. The choice was not between the oath he made the gods swear and him becoming a god. He could have wished to be left alone, or to never have to do a quest again, or live a happy, and peaceful life away from the pain and wars until the end of his days, or literally anything else, but he didn’t. He made the active choice to make Olympus fairer, and to create equality among the demigods, without even thinking about it for too long.
No one can convince me that this, and his already mentioned other actions, didn’t earn him the respect of huge parts of the mythological world.
Not even Rick himself (no matter how much he may try in his new books)
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boykingmaven · 6 months
Powerless ( Lauren Roberts ) PLAGIARIZED Red Queen
LAUREN ROBERTS PLAGARIZED TF OUT OF AVEYARD !!! Detailed explanation and evidence below !
From the world building , to the scenes, to the character traits. She didn’t miss a thing !! I got so angry while reading this book. 80% of this book was written by aveyard, and the other 20% was stolen from Ms Suzanne Collins herself. At this point it isn’t inspiration when you have THIS MANY similarities & straight up plot lines copy & pasted.
I’ll give you a book description, you tell me if it’s red queen or powerless:
Poor girl is a thief for a living, and has a little sister that is a seamstress. Poor girl meets one of the princes by stealing coins from their pockets. (She thought he was a normal guy, but found out later exactly who he was)
After a public event witnessed by many people, Poor girl from the slums is invited to live in the castle. There are two Prince brothers, one is the heir , the other is the spare and they’re both pining for her.
One brother (the one she stole from) asks her to the ball, while the other brother whisks her away in the middle of the night for a private dance lesson to teach her how to dance with his brother.
Girl decides to join a rebel organization while living in the castle. The rebel organization is led by people who don’t have any magical abilities as a way to take down the oppressive monarch who only values citizens with magical abilities. While at the actual ball, a rebel organization BOMBS it.
At the castle, there is also a “mean girl” who is pining for these brothers and treats the FMC like crap.
Towards the end of the book, the main character is stuck in an arena fighting for her life. The rebel organization bombs this as well! Thus giving her the ability to escape the castle and the escape arrest for working with said rebel organization. The main character is also exposed for being a “red/ordinary”.
Finally, the story comes to a close with the brother ( who she went to the ball with) turns on her and orders her to be hunted down.
(Yes, the correct answer is BOTH, because these things happen in the exact same order in BOTH books!!!) 🤡
*I would also like to include that both worlds feature a genetic mutation in SOME humans which ended up giving them magical ability.
>In red queen we have “silvers” who have silver blood and special abilities, the “reds” have red blood and the peasants of society
>In Powerless we have the “plague” which made people sick, some got powers (the elites) , some stayed normal (the peasants of society).
>Mare is a red blood individual who pretends to be a “silver” in order to survive in society and at the end is exposed for being “Red/Normal”
>Paedyn is a ordinary who has to pretend she has powers to survive amongst society and at the end is exposed for being “Ordinary/Normal”.
In red queen, The silvers also do not have babies or intermix with the reds as they want to keep their bloodline pure and powerful, and do not want magic diluted.
In Powerless, the Powerful Elites kill or deport their ordinary people who did not develope powers because they want to keep their bloodlines pure and powerful , and do not want magic diluted.
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Bracket A Round 1 Second Half Results!!!
This round was incredibly tense and filled with both sweeps and near-ties, but it has ended and here I am again with the results!!
Poll 17
Eris the magical girl successfully defeated Mars Candlesmith with 60% of the votes against Mars' 40%!! Even a cat with long fluffy fur isn't a match for this goth with disabled & trans swag!!
Poll 18
Crisis Castelli the thief truly stole the competition - he got nearly 57% of the votes, but with 43% Caleþa and his eternal party but up a formidable fight!!
Poll 19
In the biggest sweep of this round, Scrangle the eldritch pokemon trainer beat Hadriel the rebelling angel by getting nearly 84% of the votes against xeir 16%!! This poll also gained the most votes - an amazing 665 of them!!! That's more than double what the other polls got!
Poll 20
Ellie the fish wife unfortunately lost against Echo the game console and only got 42% of the votes against its 58%!! I guess it's true that water and electronics don't mix!!
Poll 21
Sevil Neveah the centaur mayor of hell completely demolished Albach and his bag of shinies in the second biggest sweep of this round - over 82% against not even 18%!!
Poll 22
Aurora the star archivist just barely managed to beat Bone Doe our beloved skeleton with nearly 53% votes against their 47%!!! As this was the closest result of this round, I will be offering them a chance to team up! what do you think, @queensqueercourt @leondevilart ?
Poll 23
River the awful bisexual has swept against Null the plush rabbit with the power of a morbius reference and cool death powers! She got over 76% of the votes against Null's not even 24%!!
Poll 24
Tau the sky:cotl oc lost against Order from destiny2 with a bit more than 46% of the votes to Order's 54%. I would like to personally wish him luck in dealing with krill in the future <3
Poll 25
A yellow sweater, two leaves above their head and two pieces of crossover art with other people's ocs wasn't enough for Name to win against Providence the purple beast - Name didn't manage to get even 40% of votes against Providence's 60%
Poll 26
Vailëquerma Angollëion the elven priest won against Cassandra Capgrass despite a lot of cool propaganda with a whopping 73% of the votes!! People seem to love someone who's willing to perform weddings if asked!
Poll 27
In a battle of two dnd characters, Aspen Wildwanderer managed to beat Citalopram 'Tal' Frynne by a bit more than 10% of the votes! Apparently even representing his whole former adventuring party wasn't enough to win against someone with the potential to ascend to godhood!
Poll 28
Travela 'Travi' Varo the human form of an airship didn't manage to tie with Finch the little ghost BUT I have been bribed with art so I am allowing them to go forward as a team!
Poll 29
Serendipity Johnson the sexy failgirl won against Toby the quail boy with the power of propaganda, but was still 0.5% away from 69% of the votes. She would be too powerful otherwise.
Poll 30
Redacted the gigantic evil hot woman got redacted out of the competition by Chameul Canopus Asteriou the magical girl and only got 36% votes against her 64%!! It was artfight's fault.
Poll 31
Andrea Hugo Sage won against Vanda "Valentine" Îndrăgí with nearly 58% of the votes!! I guess the response to "who doesn't love an angry bisexual woman in leather?" is "our voters, apparently"!!
Poll 32
Jaimi Mire the young fire witch lost against Fig the little fairy by a little less than 10% of the votes!! We wish her all the best on her mission of finding her mom!
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thekatea · 1 year
My Dearest
Watched: 02.09.2023
Ever changing layers of happiness and sadness, pain and survival.
I went into this drama with a lot of trust and hope. Hwang Jin Young amazed me once with Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People, and I was ready to be amazed again - and she did not disappoint.
Set around the year 1636 during the Qing invasion of Joseon, the story centers around the themes of social structures and expectations put on different social classes, inequality of genders, women solidarity, the role of the royal family, all mixed with a beautiful, well paced romance that keeps breaking your heart and mending it back together - the sweetness and the angst perfectly balanced.
The story opens with what one could describe as open ended closure - showing us the future, but just a direction of where it all went, vague frame of the characters’ fates, while leaving enough uncertainty to keep you curious and striving to make your own interpretations and theories.
The core of the show are its characters. Yoo Gil Chae is exactly what I always wanted to see from a strong female lead - realistic depiction of pure survival based on wits and determination instead of unrealistic superhero like skills. She is introduced as a naive, egocentric and slightly delusional young woman, who thinks the whole world centers around her. Her bold attitude and cunning nature is truly refreshing, even if at times cheesy.
As the drama progresses, she shows an enormous amount of emotional strength and wits. The same cunning nature she used to seduce men, she then used to keep others alive. Even though her whole behavior and demeanor changes in a matter of days, it feels organic, believable and right - all the development happens on top of already existing traits she had.
And then we have Lee Jang Hyun introduced as a resourceful casanova dressed in a veil of mystery, surprising everyone with his skills, insightful understanding of politics and unconventional takes on matters of loyalty, patriotism, marriage and love. A man who seems too perfect to ever exist. A man who can make viewers' hearts flutter with sweet teasing and playful flirting, but also sincere confessions and yearning gazes he gives Gil Chae. A man who is willing to try to stop the war for the woman he cherishes.
Compared to Gil Chae and Jang Hyun, who present this opposition to accepted social norms and values, we have Nam Yeon Jun and Kyung Eun Ae, whom I would describe as prisoners of their upbringing and expectations put on them.
Yeon Jun, the loyal subject with an idealistic idea of protecting the royal family when needed. Eun Ae, the perfect pure woman who protects her chastity. His worth lies in his devotion to the king, her worth lies in her purity that should be given only to her husband. Both characters were truly sad to watch and fascinating to analyze.
What more has the drama to offer? First of all, the amazing, and at times painful to watch social commentary, often presented in the format of contrasting scenes intertwined with each other. Patriotic moments put against complete defeat, happy celebration in contrast to upcoming invaders, inconvenience of the royal family opposed to dying subjects. Sometimes just seconds, passing moments that stay with you long after you finish watching.
What adds to the gripping storytelling is the more realistic depiction of war and how gruesome it can truly be for commoners. All the scenes of the invaders attacking villages, killing all the men, the horrifying fate of the women, struggles of the slaves and pain of the ones thought to be the enemies of the Qing. People trying to survive, people trying to get back to normal, even if the peace was not fully obtained.
Everything created ever changing layers of happiness and sadness, pain and survival. How the tragedy hits us harder thanks to the happiness we previously witnessed, and how we appreciate the joyful moments, remembering the pain the characters went through.
All that emotional impact was possible thanks to the phenomenal performances from the cast. While watching Namgoong Min in this drama, I accepted that I will stay single for the rest of my life. My standards in men reached unobtainable levels all thanks to his portrayal of Jang Hyun. You wish to be in mortal danger so he can save you, while also making you want to protect him. The perfect balance of confidence and vulnerability, playful nature and sincere love, bravery against the enemy and the fear of losing people he cares about.
Ahn Eun Jin was the perfect choice for Yoo Gil Chae. An actress skilled enough to present the pure innocence, cunning nature and mature strength in a way that it never felt contradictory. I ended up adoring the character’s little schemes, feeling the pain she was feeling and rooting for her with all my heart in times of hardships and danger.
Lee Hak Joo and Lee Da In had an extremely hard job of presenting characters whose usually praised traits became their flaws. A delivery that at times makes you feel a whole ra(n)ge of emotions. Love them or hate them, but you for sure will not be indifferent.
From the production standpoint, I cannot describe how happy I was with the styling of the characters during the turbulent times. The raw perfection of the imperfections. No porcelain like white skin. The blemishes, imperfections, dirt and sweat - all adding to the realism of the story.
And then we have the touching soundtrack. Only With Heart full of feelings of hope, the innocence of pure love hidden in Road To You, The Painted On The Moonlight filled with longing and the desperation in Unforgettable Love.
Realistically speaking, words cannot describe how much I love this drama. It took complete possession of my brain, heart and soul. It gives you sweet moments that will make you grin from ear to ear and scream into the pillow. It breaks your heart times and times again, and yet you will feel grateful for every tear it made you shed. It introduces uncomfortable topics and scenarios that will make you contemplate your own beliefs and ideas. It served me everything and I could not ask for more.
Is the show flawless? No show is. But if you ask me to name any flaws, I would struggle, because all the tiny issues I might have had seem so miniscule and insignificant it would truly feel like looking for something to criticize just for the sake of finding any negativity. One thing that bothered me slightly in the later episodes: there were some unclear time passage issues, the contextual hints of how much time passed were not always clear and it affected the understanding of the characters, their motivations and emotions. It was not extremely hard to figure out, but it did require a bit more analysis and thinking.
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unnursvanablog · 1 year
my honest reactions when I looked up the writer of My Dearest and seeing Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People in the writing credits
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deafblindshorty · 2 years
Watched Moon Knight for the 60th time
I noticed some similarities the Moon Knight system has with both Poe and Rey from Star Wars.
Let's start with Marc and Poe:
-Both Poe and Marc ran away from home at 16/17 (Marc was WAY more justified, but still)
-Both joined shady groups (Poe, the Spice Runners of Kijimi, Marc, Bushman's mercenary gang)
-Both were left for dead in a desert
-Both have a high kill count (but so do a lot of fictional characters, actually...)
-Both went on "fetch quests" and ended up losing the thing they were questing for (The map to Skywalker in TFA and the Wayfinder in TROS/the scarab leading to Ammit's tomb)
-Both have similar witty banter ("So who talks first?"/"What are dancin'? We fightin'? What are we doin'?")
-Both are badass drivers (Well, pilot in Poe's case)
-Both kept secrets from their friends because they were ashamed of it.
-Both have issues with jealousy (Poe with Zorii in Free Fall, BB-8 and Leia in the ST [Rey "stole" his droid and his mentor]/Marc with Layla)
-A little dark, but... both were indirectly responsible for the death of a family member (Poe ran away from home, his father, Kes tracked him down and he ended up bitten by a poisonous alien creature. We still don't know if he's alive, but still... And Marc brought his brother into a rainy cave where he drowned)
-Both tried to rescue prisoners of their respective gangs, but were sliced up/shot (Poe in Free Fall, Marc in his backstory)
-Both tried and failed to convince their respective higher powers of threats (Poe tried to convince the New Republic that the First Order is a threat, Marc tried to convince the Egyptian Ennead that Harrow is trying to release Ammit)
-Their love interests (Past love interest in Poe's case) have a family friend who is a bit on the criminal side (Layla has Lagardo who is a forger, Zorii has Babu Frik who is a black market droidsmith)
Poe and Steven:
-Both dealt with a bad boss (Holdo/Donna)
-Both kept messing up their comrade's respective missions because they weren't told everything
-Both...ah...were "mind raped" by their respective villains (Well, Poe was. Steven's scales were read by Harrow)
-Then Steven was kidnapped and questioned about the MacGuffin by the same villain like Poe was
I don't know enough about Jake to make any similarities.
Poe even has a few things in common with Layla:
-They both want to follow in their late parents' footsteps (Rebel pilot/archeologist)
-Both were calm and helpful when their friends couldn't figure out an escape plan (Steven in Summon the Suit when they barracaded themselves in a room in Harrow's cult lair/Rey in the short story Through the Turbulence in Stories of Jedi and Sith)
-Both made badass rescues of their friends from the bad guys (Layla in Summon the Suit, Poe in TROS)
-Both made friends with (Well, I assume Marc and Layla were friends before they got married) people who have ties with people responsible for their parents' death (Marc worked for Bushman who killed Layla's father. Rey (who hadn't even been born yet, but still) was Palpatine's granddaughter. Poe's mom fought the Empire as a pilot. She eventually developed bloodburn and died of it)
-Both went to their old shady friends for help against the big bad which ended badly (Layla reached out to Mogart, an artifact thief which lead to an all-out battle. Poe reached out to Zorii, which lead to her wanting to turn Rey in to the First Order for a bounty, then her planet was destroyed.)
Rey and Marc:
-Both wear white hoods (Marc's Moon Knight suit, Rey's outfit in TROS)
-Really minor, but, both caught red pieces of fabrics and had shocked looks on their faces (Rey caught a marker ribbon and was suddenly struck by a vision, the teen cultist Marc was holding over a ledge cut his scarf that Marc was holding and threw himself off).
-Both had connections with people they hate, but they eventually helped them. (Rey had a dyad connection with Kylo/Marc was Khonshu's avatar)
-Both have secrets they're ashamed of (Marc blames himself for his brother's death and his mother abused him, Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter)
-Both ran out on their friends because of their shameful past and because their mother-figure died (Marc ran out on Layla and Frenchie because of Khonshu after his mother died, Rey left her friends because she's a Palpatine after Leia her mother figure dies)
-They were killed by evil cult leaders (Harrow shoots Marc dead and Rey defends herself against Palpatine and is killed)
-Both returned to life and healed with help from people they hated and had connections to (Khonshu healed Marc when he returned to life, Ben gave up his life force for Rey)
-Both engage in a beam-of-war with evil cult leaders (Rey deflected Palpatine's lightning with by crossing two lightsabers, Marc deflected Harrow's...uh...beam with his arms crossed.)
-While engaged in battle, their friends rush to help, but they both push their friends back (Finn rushes to help Rey while she's fighting with Kylo but Rey force-pushes him back/Layla rushes to help Marc with his beam-of-war with Harrow, but Marc pins her to an overturned car with one of his crescent darts)
-Both have golden weapons (Marc's crescent darts, Rey's golden yellow lightsaber, which she didn't get until the end of TROS, but still)
-Palpatine drained most of Rey's life force which was painful for her, Harrow starts to disintegrate Marc, which was painful for him.
-Both were forced to face their pasts by their enemies (Marc by Dr. Harrow and Rey by Kylo)
-Both looked helplessly up at the losing battle (Marc looked helplessly at Ammit defeating Khonshu and Layla under fire. Rey looked helpless at Palptatine shooting lightning at the Resistance fleet)
-Both have a surprising twist at the end having to do with a new name ("Meet my friend, Jake Lockley." (Marc's third alter), "Rey Skywalker.")
Rey and Steven:
-We see their daily routines when we first meet them.
-They have friendless backgrounds
-They have bad bosses
-Their lives were upended and they were dragged into the main conflict
-They stole a vehicle and were chased by the bad guys (and the owners of said vehicles run after them yelling "That's mine!")
-Companions of one of their co-leads find them (BB-8/Layla)
-They have connections with someone they hate (Kylo Ren/Marc)
-They cope by pretending (Steven pretends his mother is alive and they have a good relationship/Rey pretends that her parents are still alive and are coming back to her)
-They are both frozen at one point (Rey was frozen in place by Kylo, Steven was frozen in sand)
-They are both kidnapped and interrogated about the MacGuffin (Rey and the map to Skywalker and Steven and the scarab)
-They are both encouraged to use their respective powers, but can't (Poe encourages Rey to use the force when she had trouble accessing it in Through the Turbulence, Steven... well, Layla think's he's Marc, still, but she encourages him to summon the suit.
-They both use their friends' advice to channel their skills to help said friend who's in danger. (Rey takes Poe's advice to channel the force to save him from giant aliens in Through the Turbulence, and Steven channels Marc's skills in order to save him from the dead in the Duat)
-They both figure out how to get to the MacGuffin by studying ancient text (Rey with the ancient Jedi text and Steven with his Egyptology books)
-Both have arguments with their co-leads (Steven and Marc and Rey and Poe)
-"Huh. I like this." (Said by Steven in Summon the Suit)/"Whoo! I like this!" (Said by Rey in The Last Jedi)
-They were both killed by an evil cult leader (Rey by Palpatine [sort of] and Steven by Harrow)
-Their co-leads get mad at them for "Stealing" their companions (Poe is mad Rey stole BB-8 [in Through the Turbulence], Marc is mad at Steven for kissing his wife)
-They are both forced to face the truth about their pasts (Rey by Kylo and Steven by Harrow)
-They learn horrible truths about their families (Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter and Steven's mother was abusive to Marc)
-They both accept their connection with the person they hate and fight side-by-side with them. (Rey accepts her dyad connection with Ben and force-transfers a lightsaber to Ben and Steven accepts he's an alter and fights alongside Marc switching out occasionally)
-They are both "very British" (They have British accents and all)
-Both their journeys came full circle (Rey slides down a sand hill on a desert planet, Steven wakes up to "A Man Without Love" playing.)
-There's a twist that has to do with their name ("Rey Skywalker"/"Jake Lockley" (Steven's third alter))
Finn and Marc:
-Both rescued prisoners from their respective evil gangs (Poe from the First Order, the archeologists from Bushman) and they ended up dead (Poe was thought to be dead)
Finn and Steven:
-Both dealt with mean girl bosses (Phasma and Donna)
-Both tried to get away from their co-leads' mission (Steven tried to run from the Scarab mission and Finn tried to run from the Resistance)
-Both developed a strong attachment to their female leads (Finn and Rey/Steven and Layla)
-Both lose their trust in their companion because he kept a dark secret from him about their criminal past. (Steven doesn't trust Marc because of his mercenary past and he slightly mocks him about the room full of dead people being Marc's room. Finn mocks Poe about his spice runner past)
Finn and Layla:
-They both rushed after their friend to help them in battle but were forced away by them (Finn goes after Rey who was fighting Kylo, but Rey force-pushes him away. Layla rushes to help Marc when he was fighting Harrow, but Marc pins her against an overturned car with his crescent darts)
-They're both extremely protective of their friends (husband in Layla's case)
-They channel the same power their love interest/friend has and it helps them win the day. (Layla accepts being Taweret's avatar, Finn uses the Force)
Whoo! That was long and took half the day!
There was also a C-3PO vibe from Steven ("Oh. Sorry." Said when he fronted as Mr. Knight during the battle at Mogart's in ep3) and a K-2SO vibe from Marc ("Doesn't sound bad to me.")
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mysageukinbio · 2 months
Some JPN sub resources
All these shows are supposedly available subbed in Japanese on Amazon Prime JP. All are rips from the DVD releases, so some shows you'd expect to be in 16:9 HD are in 4:3 SD instead.
Ladies in the Palace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeiy_tfT0JY
The King's Woman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4A8fXrXc1o
Jang Gil San: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO1DozvNJFI
Seo Dong Yo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2UxN0P7WNY
Yeon Gaesomun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on4G9kUf5Ms
Iljimae: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SV5FXaUv4I
Jejoongwon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFXATDe-oiQ
Warrior Baek Dong Su: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llZgA2kMx68
The Great Seer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJs5HRE_Qrw
Rebel: Thief who Stole the People: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCl42tjttSs
Nokdu Flower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKcsqmMOuA
Lovers of the Red Sky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xiF0jyq308
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dangermousie · 17 days
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My Country is steeped in class in the way very few sageuks do nowadays - to be fair most of them nowadays are fluffy ahistorical confections - but in a way few did in the old days of adult sageuks either.
The few other sageuks I can think of that took on class as head on were Slave Hunters, Hong Gil Dong, Rebel the Thief Who Stole the People, Return of Iljimae, Maids, The Nokdu Flower and, in a different more domestic way, Bossam. It is not a common topic.
But MCTNA takes it on and on and on. It never disappears. Hwi's priorities are those of a man who is one mishap away from death by starvation for himself and his sister. He can't climb up the Maslow hierarchy of needs because he hasn't gotten out of the bottom level of having enough to eat.
The way Hui Jae, who has clearly never had to skip a meal in her life, genuinely does not get it, is genuinely angry at his lack of revolutionary ardor - is so realistic. As the old saying goes, where you stand depends on where you sit. She is not evil or lacking in empathy - it's just everyone operates with in-built perspective from their position.
And Seon Ho, while he has no issue with Hwi being this way, also does not share Hwi's practicality - he has political ambition and desire to overthrow the regime that kept someone of his birth down (ironically, the Joseon dynasty that is about to be ushered is going to be stricter on those of his birth - but how realistic that you do not know if what replaces what you knock down will be more congenial to you, you cannot fully control it - look at all the revolutionaries who end up devoured by their own revolutions.) But that is because while Seon Ho's existence is its own kind of hell (his father is monstrous in a realistic, pervasive, unceasing way that would warp anyone), he like Hui Jae, never has to worry about having enough to eat.
Both SH and Hwi yearn to address the biggest problem of their life - only it's a different problem.
One of the biggest tragedies of MCTNA is that until the end, even as he goes through hell and becomes a leader of men and a trusted and loved follower of a dynastic founder, all Hwi wants in life is peace from the demons he's acquired and enough food to eat - and yet despite those modest wishes, that world will not let him have that. He is not allowed that. Seon Ho wanted too much when he should have wanted - not less - but different - not power per se but freedom from his monstrous father not by playing his power games and trying to acquire more power. He needs to step sideways out of the narrative, not forward into it. All he needed, as he realizes too late, was a peaceful life with Hwi and Yeon - a family to love and be loved by. (Hwi's country is having enough to eat for himself and his loved ones and Seon Ho's country is being with his loved ones.) But Hwi did not want too much - he barely wanted anything, he wanted the minimum necessary to keep alive. And the world is bleak enough, the narrative is bleak enough to look at that desire and go "you cannot have it. This is still too much for you."
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aellyne · 2 years
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My parents gave me life, but someone else made me what I am now. That someone is you. I was Gil Dong the peddler, Stepstool the procurer, and a thug who sold alcohol and beat up corrupt nobles. That was what I was destined to be. I was a nobody. I was not noteworthy. But then, the day you crushed my body, the blood and tears you made your people shed… it flowed into my body. It aligned my bones and fused my flesh. Yi Yung, if you wish to stop me, you must stop.
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namube · 11 months
noraebang in hongdae. during the month of october, namu attends a noraebang competition on his own. he decides to sing magic lily from rebel: thief who stole the people (ref.) "when you give park namu a ballad, he becomes danger" - namu's friends. word count, #1,052.
this was something namu had grown rather used to doing. he loved getting the chance to go to a noraebang because singing is his passion, singing his favorite thing, and it's something he loves to do. one of the places that he got the chance to do it was a noraebang, after all. so, namu was always really sure to take the chance when he could, and with it being a competition; he was kind of excited. namu has never been someone that was competitive, truth be told. he just kind of find competitions exciting, and he would never mind where exactly he would end up on the ranking in the end, if he was being honest. he just found it to be something fun and if maybe he would need to change something about the way that he sings a song. but, in general, he always just had a lot of fun with singing - his very first love, his long-lasting long, something he's going to love forever. he was working on getting the chance to do it for a career and he was going to get there - soon, he knew it. there was nothing he'd let get in his way, for sure.
but, nonetheless, this certain saturday in october was going to be all about noraebang. but, he couldn't quite decide what he wanted to do. he thought maybe he would just do something fun, something that was high energy. he thought about maybe something a bit halloweeny - like little mix's black magic or maybe michael jackson's thriller. but, he wasn't entirely settled yet. of course, he still had some time to actually decide what he was going to do, after all. but, it's a thought that continued to linger as he made his way over to the noraebang that he was going to be singing at today. he might not even decide until he was scrolling through the choices on the main menu - that was something that seemed a lot more likely for namu, truth be told.
he had made his way there, something that actually didn't take long at all, considering namu lives in hongdae, so he didn't have to go that far. which probably made it better that namu was actually out and about by himself, even though that was something that he did rather often. either way, namu gets into the noraebang to sing his heart out. he sits down for a few moments, taking the remote into his lap. he scrolls through for a few minutes, trying to decide what he wanted to do. some of them, he sings to himself to see if he feels like singing said song, and then stores it into his brain, just incase it's something that he wants to go back to; he was simply still deciding. he'd even take a wack at a few, before stopping himself because he decided it wasn't the song that he wanted to do, one that he wasn't entirely feeling right now.
that was, however, when namu decided to go for a ballad instead. he's rather used to singing ballads, it was something that he's done ever now and again - a lot of what he uploads to youtube has been ballads, because he really likes getting the chance to showcase his vocals, truth be told. he always feels really proud of himself - then again, he feels proud of himself when he sings anything, if he's being honest. vocals really are the thing that namu is the most confident in when it comes to himself. it's something that really sits on the top of his list. he makes the decision that he wanted to do magic lily from rebel: thief who stole the people - especially because that's a song that he can sing in it's original key.
namu decides to go with that song. he warms up himself up a bit; considering he was always sure to take care of his vocals over all, before moving on to actually start. it was probably odd - to take something like this so seriously. but, it was like namu to just take singing rather seriously. no one can actually really see him put on an emotional performance, but he was still going to do it, because that's how park namu rolls! he's sure to really place the power behind what he's singing, the range that he needs, and everything else. some people linger outside of the room, though namu doesn't take notice because he's in his own little world - something that usually happens when he's singing, and he doesn't have to focus on anything else. he was just happy, happy to be singing, and singing a song that was a bit hard, but namu could handle it. maybe it was a bit extra for karaoke, and for a competition above all. but, this was really just how namu had fun, in retrospect - taking noraebang going seriously, and hitting all the high notes. he was clearly enjoying himself, even if he wasn't aware of really anything else happening, besides for his own voice filling up the room.
the song has come to an end, and he had some cheers from those that had witnessed him singing, who had managed to all guide themselves to the outside of the room - since namu very rarely fully closed a door - he never did like being closed into a space after all (unless it was the bathroom.) his ears had gone completely red, a giggle leaving his lips, and he bows towards the others thanking them. he's a bit embarrassed - but, he's happy, and he feels good. he's really not expecting any win or anything, but it's still a lot of fun, anyways. he had finished up, ready to go onto the next thing. perhaps, maybe he was going to sing a little more, instead of leaving - especially with the new friends that had lingered around now. though, he knew that he was going to have to eat at some point. but, he was enjoying himself at noraebang a little too much - though, that's always usual for namu too. there's clearly just always a love from him when it comes to singing. he loves singing so much, and it seemed that perhaps that's clear to anyone that happens to be around park namu.
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rlfen · 1 year
웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)
웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴) 링크<<
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웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)
웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)
웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)
웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)
웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)
Lim Kkeok-jeong was from Yuyang-dong, Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, and was born as a butcher. However, it is said that he was not a butcher who slaughtered animals, but a butcher who made living tools out of willow or reeds. His bandit activities were in the southern region of Yangzhou at the time. This is the current Namyangju-si area.
It is difficult to know the exact moment or time when Lim Kkeok-jeong became a thief, but it is presumed that it was influenced by the class discrimination he had to웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴) experience as a butcher and the confused political situation at the time. During the reign of King Myeongjong, when Im Kkeok-jeong acted as a thief, King Myeongjong's mother, Queen Munjeong, was still young, so King Myeongjong's mother, Queen Munjeong, took control of the concubine. It was a time when people were in dizziness and officials were corrupt, making people's livelihood difficult.
He said that the living tools made of reeds were made by obtaining reeds from the Hwanghae-do area, a웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)nd that the Hwanghae-do area turned into agricultural land with the development of land reclamation technology. It is said that the tyranny of the powerful families who scrambled to develop the reclaimed land began as a system that recognized ownership of the land was implemented when reclamation was successful, and small farmers in the vicinity were said to have lost their land and became wanderers. #
In the Joseon version of Maengkkongi Seodang, it is mentioned that when the Eulmyo Invasion occurred in Jeolla-do in the 10th year of King Myeongjong, he participate웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)d in the war and made a great contribution, but there was no prize because he was a butcher.
When the public sentiment became vicious, Lim Kkeok-jeong instigated dissenters similar to himself and stole property from government offices and private houses i웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)n various places, mainly in Hwanghae-do and Hamgyeong-do. At this time, it is said that the notoriety was so great that when Lim Kkeok-jeong appeared in a village, people carrying luggage were afraid to go out on the road, and traffic was cut off. 2.2. Expansion[edit] After 1559, the gang of bandits led by Lim Kkeok-jeong grew in power, raiding government offices in Hwanghae-do and Gyeonggi-do, killing officials, and plundering property. In the 171st episode of KBS' 'History Journal', aired in 2018, there was no record of thief activities related to Lim Kkeok-jeong, but there was no record of bandit activities such as distributing wealth to웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴) the people. Some people speculated that the reason why some people responded to Lim Kkeok-jeong was because they were afraid of Im Kkeok-jeong's retaliation and because Im Kkeok-jeong's group dealt with the officials who were harassing them instead.
It is known that he raided government officials and nobles and distributed the plundered property to the people, but this is a story made later and is not true. In or any other records, there is no record of Lim Kkeok-jeong's activities as a b웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴)andit, such as distributing wealth to the people. Lim Kkeok-jeong did less evil than Hong Gil-dong, but Hong Gil-dong killed every person he met to stop his mouth [2].
The group of Lim Kkeok-jeong gradually grew bolder and appeared in various regions, turning Joseon into a lawless world. They expanded their range of influence and appeared in Kaesong, and in 1560 they even appeared in Hanyang. In cases where members of the gang or their families were caught, they stormed into the government office, smashed the building down, and rescued the captive members.
When the situation reached this point, the bandits under Lim Kkeok-jeong were no longer regarded as mere웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴) bandits, but as 'nationality', i.e., traitors and dissident forces (rebels) disturbing the country. The government sent 500 soldiers from Pyeongsan-bu and Bongsan-gun to subdue Im Kkeok-jeong's group gathered in Pyeongsan.
However, Lim Kkeok-jeong defeated the government army, killed the military officer, and plundered the war horse. In the end, Myeongjong personally issued a royal command웹하드 어디가 좋냐 (노제휴) to appoint commanders in five provinces, including Hwanghae-do, Gyeonggi-do, Pyongan-do, Gangwon-do, and Hamgyeong-do, to capture Lim Kkeok-jeong, and ordered all government offices to take a break from minor tasks and focus on catching Im Kkeok-jeong. 's notoriety grew.
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brucethewannabebard · 2 years
We all, at least outwardly, want to do the right and just thing. We strive towards it, and our souls really do rebel against those of us who don’t until they either change or become monsters. So we try to be kind to those around us, to seek to right the wrongs we see. Most of us fall short often, and all of us fall short eventually. After all we are only human. But we use terms like justice and morals and right like they are interchangeable. Which of course leads us to thinking that the opposite of one is the opposite of them all. the opposite of right is wrong, the opposite of a just action is an unjust one. An unjust action is then by this simple mistake also a wrong action, and a just one is always the right. 
Where this falls apart is in the third example I gave. The moral aspect. We can argue semantics all day about how morals are gray areas, fluid, determined by society, the usual philosophical debates, but that isn’t really important for this. See regardless of if you view morals as an absolute or as a nebulous ever changing mess doesn’t change the real crux of the problem. Because morals determine what is right. Justice is based on what is fair. But the moral thing is often not the fair thing. Which is usually fine. Most people can use good judgement to tell when to use which and never actually take time to think on it long enough to realize that they are not the same thing. 
The problem comes when you are in a situation that forces you to choose between the two when both options cause damage. If someone hurts you, the just thing is for them to be hurt in an equally befitting manner. Not necessarily the same way, but an equivalent. The morally right thing is to forgive or at least accept the pain, learn, and let go. Most cases these things can be either achieved together or it is easy to go one way or the other with a clean conscience. 
Someone steals from you, and has no remorse or good reason for doing so. They get charged for the theft, found guilty and punished by law. You are now satisfied that justice has been served so you can move on and let go of the incident, though you may now be more cautious with your possessions. The just thing facilitates a version of the right thing. In the same scenario, you find the person who stole the thing was a mother with starving children and only stole as a means to make ends meet to feed them. The just thing is still to lock her up with the same punishment as the other thief. She was not wrong to do what it took to feed her children, in fact that is a morally good goal and if that was the only option then it was the right thing for her, despite being unjust. But the right thing for you is to forgive her, show empathy, and find a better solution that helps her out and retrieve your things. In this way the right thing has nothing to do with justice, and the right thing to do here is a bit more muddled as that is a complicated situation to address for most people. You have right but no justice. Conversely, to seek justice here would leave you without having done what is right. 
Same situation again, though now the cause of this woman’s plight is due to an employer firing her and ruining her career to cover up a mistake they made, thus putting her into poverty. Now the just thing is not to punish her, but to seek retribution against the true villain in this instance. That justice is not your responsibility, but ultimately punishing that employer would be justice for the wrong you received given it was the cause of the injustice against you. The right thing to do is help with that justice. In this instance the right thing would facilitate the just, which is the inverse situation of our first example. 
But these might as well be abstracts that most likely the average person wouldn’t encounter. So thinking on them is both fairly simple and detached. So let’s make it more personal. Let’s talk about a situation most people have first hand experience with. 
You see most people have a sense of justice and a sense of right that are fairly active. Mine happen to be stronger than many, the result of being a fairly liberal individual raise in a family of cops and firemen and nurses. So I have a very overdeveloped sense for helping people in both just and right ways because of the examples set for me and the credos set by the groups, even if in some cases there are many who have perverted or contradicted the credos they hide behind. Now days people see injustice happen a lot, from the way rich individuals get away with destroying lives of those around them to the systemic issues caused by corruption and bigotry within established organizations, to just some random scum bag thinking they can treat people like less than people. But that is moving with masses, whether right or wrong it is easy to convince yourself that you definitely are just and right because those around you back up your belief. It is easy to do what is just and right with public consensus. After all if everyone around you is on the same page it must be so. Thus it holds you up to a standard that you might let slip in a more private moment. 
So let us explore a very personal example that most of us have seen or experienced in some way. You fall in love with someone. You do your best to be a good person, to support them, to be understanding and communicate. You are far from flawless, but by all accounts anyone looking in objectively would see that you are being a genuinely healthy partner. Apologize when you are wrong, make amends, listen to your partner, the usual. Then despite all that, your partner cheats on you. They leave you for that person. Maybe that is it and nothing else goes wrong. Maybe they do it in a manner that upends your whole life, causing you to move, lose things from jobs to cars and whatever else you might have had. Most likely it is somewhere in that large spectrum in between. 
Most people Find themselves in one of two camps now. Either the camp of doing what is right, in which you accept the loss and just try to learn and move on, not doing anything for vengeance. Or you are in the camp of justice, in which your hurt and anger find purchase in your quest for fairness to act through the knowledge that the one who wronged you owes a penance equal to your pain. 
The first camp is less common, especially if the hurt was severe. But the right thing is in fact to not stoop to their level and try to do them harm simply because they deserve it. After all, simply because someone deserves punishment doesn’t mean it is right for you to do it. So secure in the knowledge that you are doing the right thing you drive away the need for justice, though it may take time. So you go more often than not, with the one who caused the injustice against you getting away with it. 
The second camp is the more complex one. See while there are many ways to reach the right conclusion it is often less varied in its degrees. Some people get so caught up in the idea of getting justice that they overstep and become the new offender. We are assuming a normal none abusive partner is the one cheated on in this example, no instability or unchecked rage. This can still prompt some harsh responses, though typically not any on the same level as the dangerous individuals who make news for things like this. Often times all you want for this justice is for them to feel remorse in equal parts to your pain. Not necessarily that you want bad things for them or that you intentionally are trying to harm them. But people are fallible. When you are hurt you don’t think rationally all the time, and in the heat of the moment you can say things you don’t fully mean or lash out. The fact of the matter is that you doing so is Just, to a point at least. An eye for an eye and all that. They hurt you emotionally, so doing the same isn’t unjust. But it also isn’t right. Eventually the reasonable good person who had this happen to them stops lashing out because they know that it won’t matter in the end. Justice will never be enough to satisfy this time. Only right can. So they eventually do what is right. The only real questions left are when do you give up on justice and how long does it take for you to forgive yourself for seeking it in the first place? For you knew deep down the whole time that the justice was wrong.
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nishith31 · 3 years
Top 20 Historical Korean Dramas To Watch (Period Kdramas) Download or watch
Top 20 Historical Korean Dramas To Watch (Period Kdramas) Download or watch
Top 20 Korean Historical Dramas Guys I know you also like Korean dramas like me so you came to right the place If you want to watch some historical Korean dramas whether it be a romance between king & maid, political drama, revenge of a man or exchange of bodies, here are some good historical dramas you can watch. These Kdramas are set in history period like Joseon period & the clothes are…
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