#the reasons is PO- *gets removed from the premises*
bubba-draws · 11 months
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I will post nicer ultrakill art when i know how to draw armors and robots
my take on how they look underneath the helmet/cloth, tbh i prefer more the fact they dont have a "canon" appearance (ferryman maybe if u think theyre just a skull??? and we've seen skulls???) but i wanted to draw this for uhhh,,,, personal reasons :)
Picture notes under the cut! (in case is too hard to read)
Starry eyes when Ferryman
Anime looking mf
Curls? they float
Love the gap moe of scary looking guy but his face is soft
Weird mix of bone & skin (didn't destroy all of it)
Eyes covered bc of the thing no one in hell got eyes
I like the white dots but it reminds me of... him (lower opacity sans undertale pic)
113 notes · View notes
nineliabilityrisk · 1 year
you know i’m in love with you, right? HENRY
" you know i'm in love with you , right ? "
[[ oh dear god. okay. here we go (/pos) this was probably not the direction you were expecting it to go but i uh. my brain. it took it and ran ]]
-- [ asked by @trapton ] --
The words froze Henry in place, swirling emotions in his mind coming to a screeching halt before roaring back to life tenfold.
He and William had been arguing for the better part of an hour — over what, Henry couldn't tell you. Mainly because there was no real 'what'. Henry'd just been shut in his office working himself to death for the past sixteen hours because he didn't want to go back home to an empty house and William had found him sobbing at his desk and it had just escalated from there.
He didn't want to fight — didn't have the energy to, what with the lack of sleep and the pounding headache and the gaping hole in his chest — but William had just kept on pushing. Asking him why he was still there. Why he stank of alcohol and sweat and why he looked like he hadn't slept in a week. Threatening to forcefully remove him from the premises if he didn't go home willingly.
Henry had thought he would understand, at least a little, having lost a child of his own, but he just didn't seem to get why Henry was so reluctant to return home. Why he didn't want to step back into that big family house that used to be home to him and Charlie and her mother.
It was so quiet there, now. It threatened to drive him mad. There was a reason he wasn't exactly eager to go rushing back. Not when the photos of all three of them still decorated the walls, the mantle. Not when he still couldn't bear to face them long enough to take them down.
The part that William hadn't seemed to get about all of this was the isolation Henry faced. They'd both lost their children, yes, there was no denying that. He knew good and well that William had loved his youngest like an extension of his own body. But he hadn't been left alone to grieve. To wallow in his misery. When he wasn't with Henry at work, he had his wife and remaining kids to return home to. Even if they were in no state to provide comfort, they were still there. He had the sound of family life continuing on in the background to chase away some of the grief. The guilt.
Henry, on the other hand, was the single father of an only child. Charlie was all he had. No close relatives, siblings, cousins — Hell, his reclusivity meant he hadn't even had any friends to turn to besides William.
William Afton, the only person Henry had left in his life. The one who, unbeknownst to him, had orchestrated events for years to guide him to this conclusion. The sole reason he was so reluctant to leave the building — the knowledge that William was still here, somewhere, had been the slightest bit soothing, had been enough to keep Henry from diving too deep into that part of his mind that kept telling him it was his fault. That Charlie would still be alive if he had just been there. If he wasn't always so preoccupied with work. If he'd just spent more time with her, like she'd asked him to.
... The man who wouldn't stop fucking fussing over him. Okay, maybe Henry had snapped at him. So unlike him, he knew that, he knew he would regret every single word coming out of his mouth later, but he was tired and hurting and he'd had enough of William's prying words. Of his insistence upon taking care of him. He didn't want to be taken care of. He wanted to stay shut in his office and drink himself into a stupor and pass out on his desk and wake up the next day and do it all over again until maybe he forgot why everything hurt so much, and William wasn't letting him do that.
"Why do you care so much?" he'd snapped, voice as firm as it could possibly be despite his tears. "I'm a fucking wreck, William. I just lost my fucking kid. She's dead. Because I wasn't there to watch her. 'S my fucking fault. What– what do you care about how I cope with it? 'S not like you were any better." A low blow, he knew that, knew Will didn't deserve it, but he was too far gone to filter himself. "What stake could you possibly have in this? Why won't you just leave me alone?" Because that's all I ever am these days. Alone. Don't leave me alone, I don't want you to leave me alone — just don't make me leave. I can't leave. Can't go home. I need to be here. With you.
Words gone unsaid — at least he hoped they had. The look William gave him after his outburst, though... Was it pity? Concern? Judgement? He feared he'd said more than he should have, until–
"You know I'm in love with you, right?"
Henry's intoxicated brain couldn't decide if he wanted to kiss the man or punch him in the face. What the fuck was he supposed to do with that? Like, genuinely. Because, well, there was the answer to his question, but ... "That was the worst timing you've ever had for anything in the entire time I've known you. Don't even–" he held up a hand to silence William, the other coming to pinch at the bridge of his nose. Fuck, his head hurt too much for this– "no, no, hush. No. You've actually got to be kidding me. You're an asshole, William. You don't get to use that as — as leverage, or whatever. Not right now. Genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with you."
Despite his words ... that was something he'd been waiting to hear from William for God knows how long now. The shock had been enough to knock the fight out of him, and now he just felt... Lost. Why wasn't he listening to Will? If Will ... he couldn't even think it, but if he actually cared like that, seeing Henry like this must've been tearing him to shreds. Resisting, refusing his care... He wasn't only hurting himself. He hadn't even been considering the other side of this situation.
"I'm... Sorry. About all this," he eventually muttered, dipping his head. "And we'll... Talk about that. Later. When I'm not... Like this. But I — I still can't go home. You can't make me. I can't be alone right now, Will." It wasn't an outright request — he wasn't bold enough to make one, not when he wasn't even sure what he wanted in the first place — but he hoped William would pick up on it. He needed ... something. Needed Will to stay with him, no matter what. If it was here, or at home, or wherever the hell, he didn't care. He just didn't feel stable enough to let William out of his sight at the moment.
8 notes · View notes
The Norwegian
My greatest fear in telling this story is that he is actually Finnish and I'm just tossing cold white people into one category. 
So this starts on a beautiful day when my cousin moves into her apartment with absolutely no furniture or doors and is sleeping on the ground on some towels. Things should only get better, theoretically. Less theoretically, the next door neighbor is a rich Norwegian who lives off investments and has a penthouse and claim to the entire rooftop. The rooftop needed to be acquired because how else is he going to stand up there and spray pedestrians with a hose? Then he would have to additionally trespass to make local news for nuisance crimes.  Whereas the roof terrace ownership takes the edge off his anti law approach.  And so it's his personal battlement, and so checkmate.  Anyone walking your dog down below, hide yo kids, aminals, wife etc.
We call this trash money, I and other poor people standing at a safe distance, willing and eagerly available to criticise others for support and justice.  It’s notable that I suffer from such extreme accuracy, all the while, looking in at a somewhat biased angle. It’s a gift. So here is the rest of truth according to history and science: 
He is dedicated to the nightlife with aggressively high spirits and she wasn’t yet used to his regular rounds. Julia considered banging on her door incessantly at 2am while on LSD terrorism.  It’s not her fault, she was just new to the building.  She said that she thought he was going to kill her, but it was unclear from her story as to how.  After all, certain deaths are worse than others, and without knowing the method this piece of information is very subjective and heading towards irrelevance. Soon after she calls the police and when they arrive he, ever so dubiously, vanishes. Yes, exactly like Zorro probably. Perhaps galavanting in some other, now afflicted and suddenly less fortunate, part of the building. His reception among other neighbors was coincidentally the same, and  the po got hit heavy that night. He was apprehended, it was tragic. The game over came too soon for one, but too late for most as he had urinated in the hallway, but no one cared that he had so much more urine.  
A day later he shows up at her door. Julia now thinks he is going to kill her more than last time. And her blood will soak deeper into the hardwood because she got him removed from the premises. Oppositely, he brought her flowers to apologize and explained that he indeed remembers nothing being that he was “tripping balls” with the LSD.  But he is really sorry and they are cool, and furthermore: best friends. Yay!
His friendship maintained its roller coaster like pace by lowering a rope ladder to her window as a kind gesture in the middle of the night. He wanted to give her easy roof access, and I know no greater generosity. She was like “no thanks”. He was insistent.  In the end she did not exit the apartment via rope ladder from the 7th floor. It could have been for safety reasons, or she was just tired, or didn't do drugs or idk I would have gone.
Still pals. He often stops by around 3 am because he is trying to further immerse her in his personal life and she just has to meet this great friend of his that dropped by with a bag of choice weed. After banging on the door for 20 minutes she answers and plays hard to get like “I gotta work in the morning”. But he sees right through that and continues to bring by different friends during peak hours of nocturn traffic. He at some point, as a token of his appreciation, paid for a house cleaner for her. I only bring this up because later in his absence, and you know “the show must go on”, she had to be extracted. Yes, by Julia’s human rights intervention . Yes ,because she was frantically screaming rape and murder. And the cops are back and not surprised. She had to get him on speaker to give police permission to knock his door down in that fun SWAT way. He definitely was cool with it and they tore in and rescued the girl. After which my cousin received many flowers and a lengthy letter about how she saved a life and is a hero. Still has it. 
Many times she was scared that she was gonna die, through direct fire or entanglement, but it definitely was not from boredom. I guess he lives meagerly though, all his money went towards the game. He really only ever bought the essentials: bread, rope ladder, a hose, some LSD and carbonated water. Nevertheless, his adjacentness did lower the price of the apartment, and now he is gone and possibly dead so it was worth it.
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odoocomm · 3 years
Odoo HRMS Solution: Perfect For All Sizes of Company
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All-Rounder Human Resource Management Solution
Odoo is a complete ERP system that has business management applications like CRM, sales, purchase, accounting, invoicing, inventory, manufacturing, e-commerce, POS, human resource management, and many more. Not only you can avail of Odoo on-premise and web-based but also Odoo offers mobile applications. A wide range of mobile apps including CRM mobile app, employee management mobile app, inventory mobile app, etc. the most used one. Due to the ease of use and reasonable prices, small to mid-sized to large companies, all can use the Odoo mobile applications. In this blog, I am going to point out the key human resource management mobile applications.
Employee Management
Employee management is a critical component of all kinds of organizations, whether they are dealing in manufacturing, distribution, or education, the healthcare sector. Workforce management or human resource management involves multiple processes such as recruitment, attendance, leaves, project, payroll, appraisal, timesheets, offboarding, and so on. Odoo's employee management software mobile application enables the HR department to work from any location and keep a tab on each employee's activities including attendance, leave status, performance, salary, and more.
The Odoo employee management software mobile platform encompasses core workforce management applications such as the attendance app, recruitment app, leave app, payroll processing solution, and more. Furthermore, this mobile app platform offers a robust employee self-service portal, where an employee can see their leaves and attendance status. This transparency helps companies to keep their employees satisfied. The Odoo employee management software mobile application helps you create employee profiles easily. You can simply capture and store the employee and information associated with them, all in a single place. The centralized employee data will give you a complete view of all the workforce in a single place. All things considered, this app will let you manage all the contracts, timesheets, evaluate performance, manage appraisal, track and handle leaves and attendance, and more.
Project Management
Everyone wants that their projects will be delivered timely and they will get a positive response from their clients. But to make all these things true, you will need to manage, control, and monitor all of your projects carefully. But, manually handling projects, tasks, and other activities is a difficult, time-consuming, and tedious process. To get rid of cumbersome processes and gain maximum output from a project, you will definitely need a project management software mobile application.
Easily deliver predetermined expectations on time. In other words, achieve deadlines and milestones within the given time frame. With Odoo project management software mobile app, you can manage multiple projects at once. Also, it doesn't matter where your company or client is located, you will get online or offline support. Handle each project from one location within a single system. Odoo project management software app is capable of working on the customer tickets immediately. It can be customized as per your organizational requirements to make your project management effective and convenient.
You can manage all the tasks, sub-tasks, and other activities on the go. This open-source project management application is mobile-friendly, you can use it on tablets, smartphones, and laptops. Also, keep track of each project and employee's performance by integrating the timesheets app.
Recruitment Management
Hiring employees with great capabilities and skills is still a difficult task for most companies. Every organization wants the best talents in the industry, but to make the entire recruitment process successful, they need smart recruitment software. Odoo recruitment management software is one of the greatest systems that make hiring simple and seamless. It removes tedious and time-consuming processes and automates key functions of recruitment. Also, track each applicant with our advanced applicant tracking system.
Hiring the best talents leads to enhanced productivity, better business performance, and ultimately it affects business revenue. Easily publish jobs on your websites and other online job portals, get job applications, and gather applicants' data. Further, you can start the screening process, shortlist the eligible candidates for interviews, and schedule interviews, all in a single system. Furthermore, define the stages of the interviews as per your needs. Manage and organize the applicant's pipeline for your open job positions and organize activities accordingly.
Attendance Management
Know each employee's details associated with their presence and absence in the organization. Know all of your workforce check-in and check-out time. If anyone consistently comes late, take appropriate actions. All things considered, attendance management is important in many ways, it also shows how an employee performs. Also, how much time they are spending in the workplace, and how responsible or sincere they are about their work, and so on.
Odoo attendance app helps companies to handle employees' attendance in real-time. You can have attendance reports in real-time. Also, get daily, weekly, and monthly reports to know every employee's attendance routine. Get every employee's details, who logged in to the company office, and at what time. The sign-in and sign-out functionality gives you the number of hours an employee works in an organization. Odoo attendance app enables you to know everything, from arrival time, exit time, and time-duration of breaks to the details of those employees who are consistently late.
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asadghanifes111 · 3 years
6 Keys to Choosing the Right POS System for Business
In an industry as fast-paced and innovative as the retail industry, it is crucial to invest into a Point of Sale system that can keep up. The modern POS systems have evolved into tools that help in streamlining and improving the retail processes. This is the reason why in every grocery store you visit; you’ll find a grocery POS system helping the grocery store owners improve their sales and business processes.  Before purchasing a POS system, though, it is vital to evaluate the software for your retail store. There are certain key factors you should consider as you compare your options. Consider how the new system will affect your customers, your employees, and your sales. Make a list of the features that you require for your business and run a demo test on every digital solution you have short-listed. These are the key areas you especially need to focus on, as you conduct your tests:  Customer Experience:  The primary goal of running a business is to keep your customers happy. And so, you need to have a POS that provides excellent customer experience and keeps them satisfied. A POS can improve your checkout speed, always provide accurate billing and store customer purchase history. Plus, they can make payments through multiple payment methods using a POS!  Staff Experience:  Your staff expects to work on up-to-date, fast and efficient software, as they do in their daily lives in the form of smartwatches, smartphones, tablets, etc. When they are greeted with poorly designed, slow, and outdated software at stores, they can get annoyed and frustrated easily. So, you should have a POS software that is easy to use and understand, doesn’t require a genius to navigate it and provides an excellent user experience. HowMuch POS is an excellent, user-friendly software that is used by hundreds of retailers in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. So, if you are looking for a POS in this region, go for it!  Portability:  You can’t be available at your business 24/7, but with could based POS software, you can have access to your business data whenever you want, from wherever you want. You can update your inventory, view customer insights, create promotions and much more from the comforts of your home. It’s especially very useful for retailers who have to conduct business meetings off sights. They can easily monitor how their staff is doing by looking at the sales during the day through the portable POS.  Security:  When all your data is stored on-premises, on one location, on one system, there is a lot of security risk. If your device is damaged or hacked, all your data is at risk. The modern POS software is cloud-based, meaning all their information is available on a virtual repository that can be accessed from any device with the correct credentials. So in case, the smartphone with mobile POS app is stolen, it can be removed from the network and the data of the store is secure on the cloud.   Reporting and Analytics:  Retail stores generate a lot of data on a daily basis through their customer transactions. But, to fully utilise this data, you need to have a system that generated real-time reports and have an interesting reporting feature. This reporting feature should also allow you to narrow down your results by using different matrics. Once you can view these reports, trends can be devised that let you make knowledgeable and profitable business decisions.  Inventory Management:  Retailers have very thin profit margins. So, it is crucial to have a POS system that makes managing inventory simple for you. You should be informed when your stocks are running lo and when you are overstocked. You should also be able to enter your inventory in bulk and update it in real-time. When you have your inventory managed, you can better communicate with vendors when it comes to ordering placement. So, invest in a POS like HowMuch that makes inventory management easy and effective.
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Property Clean Out House Apartment Clean Out Property Eviction Clean Out Junk  Trash Removal Service And Cost | Wichita KS | Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/property-cleanout-near-me/
Looking for property cleanout service or junk removal in Wichita KS? Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving professionally provides local property clean out services in Wichita KS. They offer budget-friendly prices. Check them out today. Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving is a junk removal and cleanout company located Wichita KS. They provide junk removal and cleanout services for properties houses apartments retail stores warehouses school offices! Cost of Property Clean Out? Free estimates! Call today or book Property Clean Out online fast!
Property Clean Out Estate Cleanout Furniture and Junk Removal Wichita Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving Property Cleanouts service
Furniture and Junk Removal from Houses Apartments and Commercial Properties From One Piece to a Truck Load   Whether you need to get rid of one piece or have a multiple items to remove. We are here to help...... • Sofa • Dresser • Mattress • TV • Fridge • Washer • Dryer • China Cabinet • Wallunit Our Professional Crew can remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics. We remove Window Treatments, Carpeting & Clean Out Closets as well...  We put all your unwanted stuff in bags and boxes for proper disposal.  Everything is placed in our trucks.  Then we  Broom Sweep the premise and haul everything away........
WE CLEAN OUT & HAUL AWAY FURNITURE & JUNK FROM ANYWHERE House     Apartment     Basement     Attic     Garage     Yard     Office     Warehouse Our Professional Crew has the training, tools and experience to safely remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics.  We recycle what ever we can and dispose of everything else in an environmentally safe and proper manor. If you are giving away furniture, or need to move it to another location, We can help with that too. We are also Licensed & Insured Movers, so we can also deliver furniture and appliances within the Wichita area as well.  Visit our moving services website for more information.
ESTATE LIQUIDATION We also purchase entire estates. If you have items that are still of value, you may receive cash for them or they can be applied to reduce the cost of the entire cleanout. Our Fixed Price Flat Rates are Very Reasonable There are no hidden costs CALL US FOR A FREE ON-SITE ESTIMATE! Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving
House and Apartment Cleanout Need to clean out an apartment, a house or even your office? The Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving have heard it all: You find yourself with a house where the kids are grown but your home is still filled to the rafters with stuff. Or you are forced to rent a storage unit to make room in your apartment just to walk around. Or you are trying to handle an estate cleanout for a deceased loved one and don’t know where to begin to get rid of years of possessions. Or your tenants have left, but not without leaving you a mess to clean up. When it comes to furniture, junk, furniture, rubbish or waste removal, call us right away.
We’ve been helping your neighbors cleaning out and clearing years of possessions, making room for an uncluttered future.
Our experienced, licensed and insured crews will show up, on time, and efficiently and thoroughly clear up that junk from your garage, old furniture in the attic, junk from your basement and that storage unit stuffed so full, it is threatening to split its seams.
We will sort, bag, dispose of everything that can’t be recycled (we are very environmentally responsible) and even arrange for charitable donation of those items from a home or estate clearance that can be sent to organizations like The Salvation Army or Goodwill, to benefit those less fortunate.
You needn’t worry that we will just take your things, as some companies do, and illegally dump them—garnering you, as owner or Realtor, extra headaches. We videotape what is done with everything we remove from your home or apartment to put your mind at ease and we call the day after the job is completed to make sure you are completely satisfied.
Same day appointments are available and we also offer heavy cleaning services to make your home spotless or to get the unit for which you are landlord ready to rent again as fast as possible.
BEST PO COMPANY IN WICHITA KS WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CLICK HERE CONTACT US: Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (316) 500-7551 CLEANING CALL (316) 448-5733 JUNK REMOVAL & MOVING CALL (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Wichita, KS Open Monday to Sunday 7 Am – 11 PM Located in Wichita, KS 67211 WEB: https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/
SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:  Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KSColwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178 #junkremoval #haulingservice #handyman #moving #Wichita #Kasnas #residencialjunkservic #commercialjunk #officejunkremoval
OUR SISTER COMPANIES IN WICHITA KS: WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING (316) 448-5733 https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/
WICHITA JUNK DISPOSAL (316) 448-5146 http://wichitajunkdisposal.com
JUNK REMOVAL SERVICES OF WICHITA (316) 448-5089 http://junkremovalservicesofwichita.com
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AONE JUNK REMOVAL OF WICHITA (316) 448-5146 http://ajunkremovalwichita.com
WICHITA JUNK REMOVAL COMPANY (316) 448-5733 http://wichitajunkremovalservice.com
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Property Clean Out House Apartment Clean Out Property Eviction Clean Out Junk  Trash Removal Service And Cost | McAllen TX | RGV Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://junkremovalmcallentx.org/property-cleanout-near-me/ Looking for property cleanout service or junk removal in McAllen TX? RGV Hauling Junk & Moving professionally provides local property clean out services in McAllen TX. They offer budget-friendly prices. Check them out today. RGV Hauling Junk & Moving is a junk removal and cleanout company located McAllen TX. They provide junk removal and cleanout services for properties houses apartments retail stores warehouses school offices! Cost of Property Clean Out? Free estimates! Call today or book Property Clean Out online fast! REQUEST A QUOTE TODAY
Property Clean Out Estate Cleanout Furniture and Junk Removal McAllen RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Property Cleanouts service
Furniture and Junk Removal from Houses Apartments and Commercial Properties From One Piece to a Truck Load   Whether you need to get rid of one piece or have a multiple items to remove. We are here to help...... Sofa Dresser Mattress TV Fridge Washer Dryer China Cabinet Wallunit Our Professional Crew can remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics. We remove Window Treatments, Carpeting & Clean Out Closets as well...  We put all your unwanted stuff in bags and boxes for proper disposal.  Everything is placed in our trucks.  Then we  Broom Sweep the premise and haul everything away........
WE CLEAN OUT & HAUL AWAY FURNITURE & JUNK FROM ANYWHERE ​ House     Apartment     Basement     Attic     Garage     Yard     Office     Warehouse Our Professional Crew has the training, tools and experience to safely remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics.  We recycle what ever we can and dispose of everything else in an environmentally safe and proper manor. If you are giving away furniture, or need to move it to another location, We can help with that too. We are also Licensed & Insured Movers, so we can also deliver furniture and appliances within the McAllen area as well.  Visit our moving services website for more information.
ESTATE LIQUIDATION We also purchase entire estates. If you have items that are still of value, you may receive cash for them or they can be applied to reduce the cost of the entire cleanout. Our Fixed Price Flat Rates are Very Reasonable There are no hidden costs CALL US FOR A FREE ON-SITE ESTIMATE! RGV Hauling Junk & Moving
House and Apartment Cleanout Need to clean out an apartment, a house or even your office? The RGV Hauling Junk & Moving have heard it all: You find yourself with a house where the kids are grown but your home is still filled to the rafters with stuff. Or you are forced to rent a storage unit to make room in your apartment just to walk around. Or you are trying to handle an estate cleanout for a deceased loved one and don’t know where to begin to get rid of years of possessions. Or your tenants have left, but not without leaving you a mess to clean up. When it comes to furniture, junk, furniture, rubbish or waste removal, call us right away.
We’ve been helping your neighbors cleaning out and clearing years of possessions, making room for an uncluttered future.
Our experienced, licensed and insured crews will show up, on time, and efficiently and thoroughly clear up that junk from your garage, old furniture in the attic, junk from your basement and that storage unit stuffed so full, it is threatening to split its seams.
We will sort, bag, dispose of everything that can’t be recycled (we are very environmentally responsible) and even arrange for charitable donation of those items from a home or estate clearance that can be sent to organizations like The Salvation Army or Goodwill, to benefit those less fortunate.
You needn’t worry that we will just take your things, as some companies do, and illegally dump them—garnering you, as owner or Realtor, extra headaches. We videotape what is done with everything we remove from your home or apartment to put your mind at ease and we call the day after the job is completed to make sure you are completely satisfied.
Same day appointments are available and we also offer heavy cleaning services to make your home spotless or to get the unit for which you are landlord ready to rent again as fast as possible.
BEST PO COMPANY IN MCALLEN TX RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CLICK HERE CONTACT US: RGV Cleaning Company Best Commercial Residential Cleaning Company Janitorial Services in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 587-9628 JANITORIAL SERVICES CALL (956) 587-3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587-3003 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (956) 587-3484 HANDYMAN CALL (956) 587-3487 MOVERS Located in McAllen, Texas Websites: cleaningservicesmcallentx.org rgvjanitorialservices.com rgvhouseholdservices.com SERVICE AREA 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572 #cleaning #McAllen #Texas #junk #movers #handyman #JanitorialService #Commercial #Residential #CleaningCompany
RGV CLEANING COMPANY (956) 587-9628 http://cleaningservicesmcallentx.org/
RGV JANITORIAL SERVICES (956) 587-3486 http://www.rgvjanitorialservices.com/
RGV HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (956) 587-3487 http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/
VALLEY JUNK REMOVAL (956) 587-3003 http://www.valleyjunkremoval.org/
ROOFING CONTRACTORS OF MCALLEN (956) 587-5023 http://roofingmcallen.org/
RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING (956) 587-3410 http://junkremovalmcallentx.org/
HANDYMAN MCALLEN (956) 587-3488 http://handymanmcallen.org/
A1 CLEANING OF MCALLEN WESLACO (956) 429-3412 www.mcallenhousekeeping.com
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lnkhauler · 3 years
Property Clean Out House Apartment Clean Out Property Eviction Clean Out Junk  Trash Removal Service And Cost | Lincoln NE | LNK Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://junkremovallincoln.org/property-cleanout-near-me/
Looking for property cleanout service or junk removal in Lincoln NE? LNK Hauling Junk & Moving professionally provides local property clean out services in Lincoln NE. They offer budget-friendly prices. Check them out today. LNK Hauling Junk & Moving is a junk removal and cleanout company located Lincoln NE. They provide junk removal and cleanout services for properties houses apartments retail stores warehouses school offices! Cost of Property Clean Out? Free estimates! Call today or book Property Clean Out online fast! REQUEST A QUOTE TODAY
Property Clean Out Estate Cleanout Furniture and Junk Removal Lincoln LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Property Cleanouts service
Furniture and Junk Removal from Houses Apartments and Commercial Properties From One Piece to a Truck Load   Whether you need to get rid of one piece or have a multiple items to remove. We are here to help...... • Sofa • Dresser • Mattress • TV • Fridge • Washer • Dryer • China Cabinet • Wallunit Our Professional Crew can remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics. We remove Window Treatments, Carpeting & Clean Out Closets as well...  We put all your unwanted stuff in bags and boxes for proper disposal.  Everything is placed in our trucks.  Then we  Broom Sweep the premise and haul everything away........
WE CLEAN OUT & HAUL AWAY FURNITURE & JUNK FROM ANYWHERE House     Apartment     Basement     Attic     Garage     Yard     Office     Warehouse Our Professional Crew has the training, tools and experience to safely remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics.  We recycle what ever we can and dispose of everything else in an environmentally safe and proper manor. If you are giving away furniture, or need to move it to another location, We can help with that too. We are also Licensed & Insured Movers, so we can also deliver furniture and appliances within the Lincoln area as well.  Visit our moving services website for more information.
ESTATE LIQUIDATION We also purchase entire estates. If you have items that are still of value, you may receive cash for them or they can be applied to reduce the cost of the entire cleanout. Our Fixed Price Flat Rates are Very Reasonable There are no hidden costs CALL US FOR A FREE ON-SITE ESTIMATE! LNK Hauling Junk & Moving
House and Apartment Cleanout Need to clean out an apartment, a house or even your office? The LNK Hauling Junk & Moving have heard it all: You find yourself with a house where the kids are grown but your home is still filled to the rafters with stuff. Or you are forced to rent a storage unit to make room in your apartment just to walk around. Or you are trying to handle an estate cleanout for a deceased loved one and don’t know where to begin to get rid of years of possessions. Or your tenants have left, but not without leaving you a mess to clean up. When it comes to furniture, junk, furniture, rubbish or waste removal, call us right away.
We’ve been helping your neighbors cleaning out and clearing years of possessions, making room for an uncluttered future.
Our experienced, licensed and insured crews will show up, on time, and efficiently and thoroughly clear up that junk from your garage, old furniture in the attic, junk from your basement and that storage unit stuffed so full, it is threatening to split its seams.
We will sort, bag, dispose of everything that can’t be recycled (we are very environmentally responsible) and even arrange for charitable donation of those items from a home or estate clearance that can be sent to organizations like The Salvation Army or Goodwill, to benefit those less fortunate.
You needn’t worry that we will just take your things, as some companies do, and illegally dump them—garnering you, as owner or Realtor, extra headaches. We videotape what is done with everything we remove from your home or apartment to put your mind at ease and we call the day after the job is completed to make sure you are completely satisfied.
Same day appointments are available and we also offer heavy cleaning services to make your home spotless or to get the unit for which you are landlord ready to rent again as fast as possible.
BEST PO COMPANY IN LINCOLN NE LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CLICK HERE CONTACT US: LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Lincoln`s famous junk removal hauling services! CALL (402) 875 7271 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING CALL (402) 875 7305 HANDYMAN CALL (402) 590 8095 MOVING Open Monday to Sunday Lincoln Nebraska WEBSITE: https://junkremovallincoln.org http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com/ https://lnk-hauling-junk-and-moving-lincoln.business.site SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588. Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178. #junkremoval #movingservice #cleaning #commercialjunk #residencialjunkremoval #lincoln
LNK JUNK REMOVAL (402) 590 8090 http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com/
LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING (402) 875 7271 http://junkremovallincoln.org/
LINCOLN HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (402) 875 7274 http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/
LNK CLEANING COMPANY (402) 881 3135 http://www.servicelincoln.com/
LINCOLN JUNK REMOVAL (402) 413-1090 http://lincolnjunkremovalcompany.com
LINCOLN JUNK DISPOSAL (402) 413-1092 http://lincolnjunkdisposal.com
A1 JUNK REMOVAL OF LINCOLN (402) 875 7271 http://a1junkremovaloflincoln.com
A1 JUNK REMOVAL & DEMOLITION LINCOLN (402) 413-1090 http://lincolnjunkremovalservice.com
PRICE MOVING & HAULING LINCOLN (402) 590-8095 http://moverslincoln.com
LNK MOVING COMPANY LINCOLN (402) 590-8095 http://lnkmovinglincoln.com
Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Lincoln NE | LNK Hauling Junk & Moving https://junkremovallincoln.org
LNK Junk Removal | Junk Removal Services near Lincoln Nebraska | Best Junk Removal Hauling Company Lincoln NE http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com
0 notes
the-abqhauler505nm · 3 years
Property Clean Out House Apartment Clean Out Property Eviction Clean Out Junk  Trash Removal Service And Cost | Albuquerque NM | ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/property-cleanout-near-me/
Looking for property cleanout service or junk removal in Albuquerque NM? ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving professionally provides local property clean out services in Albuquerque NM. They offer budget-friendly prices. Check them out today. ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving is a junk removal and cleanout company located Albuquerque NM. They provide junk removal and cleanout services for properties houses apartments retail stores warehouses school offices! Cost of Property Clean Out? Free estimates! Call today or book Property Clean Out online fast! REQUEST A QUOTE TODAY
Property Clean Out Estate Cleanout Furniture and Junk Removal Albuquerque ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Property Cleanouts service
Furniture and Junk Removal from Houses Apartments and Commercial Properties From One Piece to a Truck Load   Whether you need to get rid of one piece or have a multiple items to remove. We are here to help...... • Sofa • Dresser • Mattress • TV • Fridge • Washer • Dryer • China Cabinet • Wallunit Our Professional Crew can remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics. We remove Window Treatments, Carpeting & Clean Out Closets as well...  We put all your unwanted stuff in bags and boxes for proper disposal.  Everything is placed in our trucks.  Then we  Broom Sweep the premise and haul everything away........
WE CLEAN OUT & HAUL AWAY FURNITURE & JUNK FROM ANYWHERE House     Apartment     Basement     Attic     Garage     Yard     Office     Warehouse Our Professional Crew has the training, tools and experience to safely remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics.  We recycle what ever we can and dispose of everything else in an environmentally safe and proper manor. If you are giving away furniture, or need to move it to another location, We can help with that too. We are also Licensed & Insured Movers, so we can also deliver furniture and appliances within the Albuquerque area as well.  Visit our moving services website for more information.
ESTATE LIQUIDATION We also purchase entire estates. If you have items that are still of value, you may receive cash for them or they can be applied to reduce the cost of the entire cleanout. Our Fixed Price Flat Rates are Very Reasonable There are no hidden costs CALL US FOR A FREE ON-SITE ESTIMATE! ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving
House and Apartment Cleanout Need to clean out an apartment, a house or even your office? The ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving have heard it all: You find yourself with a house where the kids are grown but your home is still filled to the rafters with stuff. Or you are forced to rent a storage unit to make room in your apartment just to walk around. Or you are trying to handle an estate cleanout for a deceased loved one and don’t know where to begin to get rid of years of possessions. Or your tenants have left, but not without leaving you a mess to clean up. When it comes to furniture, junk, furniture, rubbish or waste removal, call us right away.
We’ve been helping your neighbors cleaning out and clearing years of possessions, making room for an uncluttered future.
Our experienced, licensed and insured crews will show up, on time, and efficiently and thoroughly clear up that junk from your garage, old furniture in the attic, junk from your basement and that storage unit stuffed so full, it is threatening to split its seams.
We will sort, bag, dispose of everything that can’t be recycled (we are very environmentally responsible) and even arrange for charitable donation of those items from a home or estate clearance that can be sent to organizations like The Salvation Army or Goodwill, to benefit those less fortunate.
You needn’t worry that we will just take your things, as some companies do, and illegally dump them—garnering you, as owner or Realtor, extra headaches. We videotape what is done with everything we remove from your home or apartment to put your mind at ease and we call the day after the job is completed to make sure you are completely satisfied.
Same day appointments are available and we also offer heavy cleaning services to make your home spotless or to get the unit for which you are landlord ready to rent again as fast as possible.
BEST PO COMPANY IN ALBUQUERQUE NM ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CLICK HERE CONTACT: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 Website: http://www.albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico #junkremoval #hauling #moving #trashremoval #cleaning #newmexico #Albuquerque
0 notes
orbemnews · 3 years
Masks Off, Mahi Mahi On. Restaurant Workers Are in a Race for Vaccines Over the course of the pandemic, some of the most dangerous activities were those many Americans dearly missed: scarfing up nachos, canoodling with a date or yelling sports scores at a group of friends at a crowded, sticky bar inside a restaurant. Now, as more states loosen restrictions on indoor dining and expand access to vaccines, restaurant — who have morphed from cheerful facilitators of everyone’s fun to embattled frontline workers — are scrambling to protect themselves against the new slosh of business. “It’s been really stressful,” said Julia Piscioniere, a server at Butcher & Bee in Charleston. “People are OK with masks, but it is not like it was before. I think people take restaurants and their workers for granted. It’s taken a toll.” The return to economic vitality in the United States is led by places to eat and drink, which also suffered among the highest losses in the last year. Balancing the financial benefits of a return to regular hours with worker safety, particularly in states where theoretical vaccine access outstrips actual supply, is the industry’s latest hurdle. In many states, workers are still unable to get shots, especially in regions where they were not included in priority groups this spring. Immigrants, who make up a large segment of the restaurant work force, are often fearful of signing up, worrying that the process will legally entangle them. Some states have dropped mask mandates and capacity limits inside establishments — which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still deem a potentially risky setting — further endangering employees. “It is critical for food and beverage workers to have access to the vaccine, especially as patrons who come have no guarantee that they will be vaccinated and obviously will not be masked when eating or drinking,” said Dr. Alex Jahangir, the chairman of a coronavirus task force in Nashville. “This has been a major concern for me as we balance the competing interests of vaccinating everyone as soon as possible before more and more restrictions are lifted.” Servers in Texas are dealing with all of the above. The state strictly limited early eligibility for shots, but last week opened access to all residents 16 and over, creating an overwhelming demand for slots. The governor recently dropped the state’s loosely enforced mask mandate, and allowed restaurants to go forth and serve all comers, with zero limitations. “Texas is in a unique position because we have all these things going on,” said Anna Tauzin, the chief revenue and innovation officer of the Texas Restaurant Association. The trade group is pairing with a health care provider to set aside days at mass vaccines sites in the state’s four biggest cities to target industry workers. The industry has taken matters in its own hands in other places, too. In Charleston, Michael Shemtov, who owns several spots, turned a food hall into a restaurant worker vaccine site on a recent Tuesday with the help of a local clinic. (The post-shot observation seating was at the sushi place; celebratory beers were tipped at an adjoining pizzeria.) Ms. Piscioniere and her partner eagerly availed themselves. “I am super relieved,” she said. “It’s been so hard to get appointments.” In Houston, Legacy Restaurants — which owns the Original Ninfa’s and Antone’s Famous Po’ Boys — is running two vaccine drives for all staff members and their spouses, moves the owners believe will protect workers and assure customers. Some cities and counties are also tackling the problem. Last month, Los Angeles County set aside the majority of appointments for five mass sites two days a week for the estimated 500,000 workers in the food and agriculture industries — half of whom are restaurant staff. In Nashville, the health department has opted to set aside 500 spots daily for the next week specifically for people in the food and hospitality industries. It is possible that restaurants will be able to require their workers be vaccinated in the future. Updated  April 7, 2021, 1:41 p.m. ET Many business sectors were battered by the coronavirus pandemic, but there is broad agreement that hospitality was hardest hit and that low wage workers sustained some of the biggest blows. In February 2020, for instance, restaurant worker hours were up 2 percent over a previously strong period the year before; two months later those hours were cut by more than half. While hours and wages have recovered somewhat, the industry remains hobbled by rules that most other businesses — including airlines and retail stores — have not had to face. The reasons point to a sadly unfortunate reality that never changed: indoor dining, by nature of its actual existence, helped spread the virus. A recent report by the C.D.C. found that after mask and other restrictions were lifted, on-premise restaurants led to daily increase in cases and death rates between 40 and 100 days later. Although other settings have turned into super-spreading events — funerals, wedding and large indoor events — many community outbreaks have found their roots in restaurants and bars. “Masks would normally help to protect people in indoor settings but because people remove masks when dining,” said Christine K. Johnson, professor of epidemiology and ecosystem health at the University of California, Davis, “there are no barriers to prevent transmission.” Not all governments have viewed restaurant workers as “essential,” even as restaurants have been a very active part of the American food chains — from half-open sites to takeout operations to cooking for those in need — during the entire pandemic. The National Restaurant Association helped push the C.D.C. to recommend that food service workers be included in priority groups of workers to get vaccines although not all states followed the guidelines. Almost every state in the nation has accelerated its vaccination program, targeting nearly all adult populations. “Most people in our government have considered restaurants nonessential luxuries,” said Rick Bayless, the well-known Chicago restaurateur, whose staff scoured all vaccines sites for weeks to get workers shots. “I think that’s shortsighted. The human race is at its core social and when we deny that aspect of our nature, we do harm to ourselves. Restaurants provide that very essential service. It can be done safely, but to minimize the risk for our staff, we should be prioritized for vaccination.” Texas did not designate as early vaccine recipients any workers beyond those in the health care and education sectors, but is now open to all. “The state leadership decided to ignore our industry as a whole as well as grocery workers,” said Michael Fojtasek, the owner of Olamaie in Austin. “Now because our state leadership has decided to lift a mask mandate while not giving us an opportunity to be vaccinated, it has created this really challenging access issue.” He has switched to a takeout sandwich business for now, and won’t reopen until every worker gets a shot, he said. Many restaurant owners, however, said that they are going their own way with the rules, and customers often lead them there. “There is a lot of shaming that goes on if you open up and you don’t have your tables six feet apart,” said Don Miller, the owner of the County Line, a small chain in Texas and New Mexico. Moreover, his places continue to require masks and keep them at the hostess station for anyone who “forgets.” Most of his young work force, however, will likely wait a long time for a jab. “I think it is important for them to be vaccinated,” he said. “It hasn’t resonated with them as it hasn’t been available to that age group.” The restaurant industry has many more Latino immigrant workers than most other businesses, and some fear registration for the vaccine is complicating reopenings. Many workers at Danielle Leoni’s Phoenix restaurant, the Breadfruit and Rum Bar, declined unemployment insurance, and have shied from signing up for a shot. “Before you can even make an appointment you have to put in your name and date of birth and email,” Ms. Leoni said. “Those are questions that are deterrents for people trying to keep a low profile.” In Charleston, Mr. Shemtov was inspired by accounts of the immunization program in Israel, which was considered successful in part because the government took vaccines to job sites. “If people can’t get appointments, let’s bring them to them.” Other restaurants are devoting hours to making sure workers know how to sign up, locating leftover shots and networking with their peers. Some offer time off for a shot and the recovery period for side effects. “We don’t want them to have to choose between an hour or pay of a vaccine,” said Katie Button, the owner of Curate and La Bodega in Asheville, N.C. Still, some owners are not taking chances. “If we go out of business because we are one of the few restaurants in Arizona that won’t reopen, so be it,” Ms. Leoni said. “Nothing is more important than someone else’s health or safety.” Source link Orbem News #Mahi #Masks #Race #restaurant #Vaccines #Workers
0 notes
awhilesince · 4 years
Saturday, 29 November 1828
11 25/60
Bowels right ever since I ceased to notice the continuity – at Hoppus’s measurer (1/2 hour) till 7 1/2 –  from 7 40/60 to 10 wrote 3 pages and the ends small and close, to my aunt – breakfast at 10 10/60 – came upstairs at 10 40/60 – 
In the letter to my aunt mention the additional difficulty (some time ago) about Northgate title deeds – Lower brea ready to leave 6 yards in front of the house – to be begun next spring or as soon after as possible – In treaty with Joseph Wilkinson about the coals bought of Dr Drake – know not how the matter will end – going to try to get back the Pump servants‘ pew – mention all the railing done and doing some walling and setting stones at Mytholm wood – about 2/3 of the Cunnery plantation (or Coneyry spelt properly) now to be dignified with the name of wood, felled, and replanting with oaks – so much wood dead and worth little, and so much wanted for railing shall only get about £10 towards expect – 3 new hedges to be planted – Benjamin’s wellfield Wellroyde brow, and upper Cunnery – must do the rest of the Cunnery wood the next time of coming over much most on that account be at this time of year – the whole of the Clough to be planted and there to be one day a pretty walk – thorn planted near Allen Car well – Skelfler title not yet completed – Mr Robinson daily expected here – mortgage could not be transferred – would only perpetuate blunders – so new mortgage deeds made – 
‘my father seems better satisfied with me and my alterations there I fancied him at 1st; and we are getting on very well – His ideas of the picturesque are not of the highest order – would you believe, that he took up, and had planted in the hedges, as many of those beautiful single thorns in the upper fields, as they could remove? I have told him I would rather give him 5 pounds a piece to let them remain – and he will spare the spade in this kind of things in future – one of his plans, you know, was to straighten the course of the brook! After all, so long as he does not put his plans in execution, I cannot help smiling – what would have become of us all, if my uncle had done differerently?’ 
mention the history of Yorkshire coming out, to be published at Leeds, in one shilling 8vo octavo, and (proof plates 4to quarto) 2 shilling nos numbers, and the man’s coming to take a view of Shibden for the work – Dr. Belcombe died at 1 p.m. Monday the 17teenth instant – account of the funeral – M– (Mariana) to stay till next week and spend one day or 2 here on her return – ‘Her health very delicate – I know not quite what to make of it’ N–s (Norcliffes) going to Bath on the 2nd next month – Norcliffe to be in Paris this winter – shall at least spend Xmas Christmas in England – satisfied now Mrs B– (Barlow) is in Paris – she will give my not all necessary assistence – if not furnish with money will send it over – as to the apartment – 
‘perhaps you had best make sure of where we are for 3 months longer – you will know, on my return, that I had better ‘reason’ (allude to MacD–’s (MacDonald’s) sister at Tobermory saying, they had never sent for MacD– (MacDonald) to be with her mother, but she had ‘so good a place (thought it a pity – they may not always think so) then you can now imagine for determining to take back with me a woman servant – as for upper slower, you will soon see the inexpediency of such distinction – the work of each will be ascented; and each ought to be a comfort to the other – MacD– (MacDonald) has nothing to fear – nothing to lose, but surely something to gain – we will by and by setting all this, it being premised, that one of them must always in the anteroom – It seems Madame de R– (Rosny) did not forget her promise, tho’ made in such a manner, that if she had forgotten it, I ought not to have found great fault – I will thank her on my return’ – 
mention Miss Margaret Crompton’s intended match and the news of Mrs N–’s (Norcliffe’s) last letter – all right again at Crownest – Mr Wiglesworth’s affairs so bad, will hardly be anything for his grandchild – (worth £17.000 when dissolved partnership with Mr
Thompson – Gill, and his servant and mistress Caroline cheated him) – other local news Mrs Veitch very poorly but better – ask my aunt to ask Mrs B– (Barlow) to as Madame Galvani 
‘to tell me how and what to write to the Directeur généneral de Douanes at Paris, to get the duty on the plate I wish to take over, remitted’ – 
mention the rate of Duty and terms of Deposit – (vide Birmingham’s letter) – mention the quantity of plate packed up – from 10 40/60 to 11 1/2 wrote the above of today read over my letter and wafered and took it down forJohn to take to the post at 12 – to Madame Madame Lister place neuve de la madeleine No 2 Paris’ –
cut my nails Dawdling over 1 thing or other – wild, windy, rainy day – went out at 12 1/4 to the Coneyry Wood – the men gone to Dinner – very wild and rough and rainy – walked about – musing about planting 2 or 3 trees next west corner Lower Cunnery – down by Benjamin’s – on planting about 5 trees (at 10 yards distance) there – then to the new brook when the Godley road is to cross it – why have a brridge – from 18 to 20 feet  deep of cutting – why not slope down to it on each side? – this would save a bridge and we might the most casually get rid of the road altogether – mention this to Mr Waterhouse – and that I should be glad if could help me to manage getting that piece of ground of Mr Emmett’s, cut off on this side, at a reasonable price – went back to the plantation and found the men there (Throp and the 2 wallers) at 1 20/60 – Calculating the expense of planting Bairstow supposing 9 Daywere all trenched at 2/6 per rood acorns dibbled in at 6 inch distance in trenches 1 or 1 1/2 feet distance at 1/. per rood – and afterwards cleaning (hoeing or cartting up as one would here turnips) at 6 d pence per rood – would let the hill on fire before beginning to trench, let it lie all winter, and sow or dibble in in March – Reckoning the walling altogether at 15/. per rood, and allowing £70 for walling, at a rough calculation, said the thing could not
be done, and the trees upheld (cleaned) for 3 years under £300 – the trees from William Keighley we are now planting are of 3 years growth – In nurseries, keep the acorns and other tree seeds over winter and sow in March – make a spade breadth trench by running along the spade and this taking up the earth about 4 inches deep – in this drop the acorns pretty thick and cover about 4 inches deep – the acorns soon come up – some do, and some do not transplant oaks, they have such a long root – If planting in a poor soil and high, bleak place prefers planting in spring to now – the plants in that case often rot and die by being so long in the ground without vegetation – gave Nathan and Robert each £2 on account – Mosey and companion were here this morning, but the day so bad, they went away before dinner – left the plantation about 3 1/4 – met John, and sent him to help to finish the trees laid out and there till the men to go home – came in at 3 25/60 – very wet – changed even to my dressinggown – William Keighley junior came at 4 3/4 – paid him his bill – 2200 oaks putting in at £4 instead of 40/. or 42/. per thousand – ‘to felling wage’ at 1/. in the pound 20/. (having valued the sycamores here at £5.2.0) – I saw he was not at 1st., quite right at this having got the wood but I took no notice – will come and prune, and cut off the upper Cunnery hedge for me –thinks I do right to rail it – He is all for planting in spring, and drought comes, almost sure to droughted – wrote the last 24 lines of today which took me till 5 5/60 – 
from 5 1/4 to 6 40/60 wrote 3 pages and the ends, read over and sealed my letter to IN Isabella Norcliffe – nothing particular – said I had left the miniature (likeness of myself by Millet) – at Lawton, so could not now send it to Fisher’s – would send it in a parcel from London – IN (Isabella Norcliffe) – to write and give me her address in Bath as soon as they are settled – ‘You would, of course, think the death of an excellent and ‘lamented friend Dr Belcombe a happy release – they all seem to bear it as well as could be expected’ merely added that Mrs L– (Lawton) seemed to fear her mother would bear up less well by and by there now – M–’s (Mariana’s) health so delicate, know not what to make of it – ‘I often think on the subject with much and painful anxiety’ – no doubt, she can get things over from France, but must pay for them pretty dearly – will ask Birmingham about it – make no promises about Mac D–’s (MacDonald’s) gown – going to France and coming from there makes all the difference in the world – shall take even plate, books, linens, etc. etc. putting return to make for the permission of the Directeur général des Douanes to take over plate duty free, to have anything found that I had not fairly named – should be here over Xmas at least – sent off my letter to IN– (Isabella Norcliffe) (Langton hall, Malton) by John at 6 50/60 at which her dinner – dozed a little afterwards –
came up to bed at 9 40/60 – speaking of the Cunnery, my father would not build a farmstead there, but portion off the land to Benjamin Bottomley’s, Pearson’s, John Oates’s, George Naylors, and Charles Howarth’s – about 40 Daywere thus to divide amongst them – Mrs Robinson told them some time ago they said nothing now of any more building at Lower brea – an improvement in machinery – could get all done by this means at the mile – would set about it next spring – wild, windy,
rainy, rough day – the wind abated and very heavy rain all the evening – 3/4 hour studying Hoppus’s measure –
1 note · View note
lincolnservices · 4 years
Property Clean Out House Apartment Clean Out Property Eviction Clean Out Junk  Trash Removal Service And Cost | Lincoln NE | Lincoln Household Services
Looking for property cleanout service or junk removal in Lincoln NE? Lincoln Household Services professionally provides local property clean out services in Lincoln NE. They offer budget-friendly prices. Check them out today. Lincoln Household Services is a junk removal and cleanout company located Lincoln NE. They provide junk removal and cleanout services for properties houses apartments retail stores warehouses school offices! Cost of Property Clean Out? Free estimates! Call today or book Property Clean Out online fast!
Property Clean Out Estate Cleanout Furniture and Junk Removal Lincoln 
Lincoln Household Services Property Cleanouts service 
Furniture and Junk Removal from Houses Apartments and Commercial Properties
From One Piece to a Truck Load  
Whether you need to get rid of one piece or have a multiple items to remove. We are here to help...... 
China Cabinet 
Our Professional Crew can remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics. We remove Window Treatments, Carpeting & Clean Out Closets as well...  We put all your unwanted stuff in bags and boxes for proper disposal.  Everything is placed in our trucks.  Then we  Broom Sweep the premise and haul everything away........ 
​ House     Apartment     Basement     Attic     Garage     Yard     Office     Warehouse
Our Professional Crew has the training, tools and experience to safely remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics.  We recycle what ever we can and dispose of everything else in an environmentally safe and proper manor.
If you are giving away furniture, or need to move it to another location, We can help with that too. We are also Licensed & Insured Movers, so we can also deliver furniture and appliances within the Lincoln area as well.  Visit our moving services website for more information.
We also purchase entire estates. If you have items that are still of value, you may receive cash for them or they can be applied to reduce the cost of the entire cleanout. 
Our Fixed Price Flat Rates are Very Reasonable
There are no hidden costs
CALL US FOR A FREE ON-SITE ESTIMATE! Lincoln Household Services
House and Apartment Cleanout
Need to clean out an apartment, a house or even your office? The Lincoln Household Services have heard it all: You find yourself with a house where the kids are grown but your home is still filled to the rafters with stuff. Or you are forced to rent a storage unit to make room in your apartment just to walk around. Or you are trying to handle an estate cleanout for a deceased loved one and don’t know where to begin to get rid of years of possessions. Or your tenants have left, but not without leaving you a mess to clean up. When it comes to furniture, junk, furniture, rubbish or waste removal, call us right away.
We’ve been helping your neighbors cleaning out and clearing years of possessions, making room for an uncluttered future.
Our experienced, licensed and insured crews will show up, on time, and efficiently and thoroughly clear up that junk from your garage, old furniture in the attic, junk from your basement and that storage unit stuffed so full, it is threatening to split its seams.
We will sort, bag, dispose of everything that can’t be recycled (we are very environmentally responsible) and even arrange for charitable donation of those items from a home or estate clearance that can be sent to organizations like The Salvation Army or Goodwill, to benefit those less fortunate.
You needn’t worry that we will just take your things, as some companies do, and illegally dump them—garnering you, as owner or Realtor, extra headaches. We videotape what is done with everything we remove from your home or apartment to put your mind at ease and we call the day after the job is completed to make sure you are completely satisfied.
Same day appointments are available and we also offer heavy cleaning services to make your home spotless or to get the unit for which you are landlord ready to rent again as fast as possible.
Bellevue NE Property Cleanout  
Bennet NE   Property Cleanout   
Council Bluffs IA   Property Cleanout   
Firth NE   Property Cleanout   
Grand Island NE   Property Cleanout   
Hallam NE   Property Cleanout   
Hastings NE   Property Cleanout   
Hickman NE   Property Cleanout   
Kearney NE   Property Cleanout   
Lancaster County Nebraska   Property Cleanout   
Lincoln Nebraska   Property Cleanout   
Malcolm NE   Property Cleanout   
Milford NE   Property Cleanout   
Omaha NE   Property Cleanout   
Panama NE   Property Cleanout   
Seward County   Property Cleanout   
Seward NE   Property Cleanout   
Staplehurst NE   Property Cleanout   
Utica NE   Property Cleanout   
Walton NE   Property Cleanout   
Waverly NE   Property Cleanout
0 notes
Property Clean Out House Apartment Clean Out Property Eviction Clean Out Junk  Trash Removal Service And Cost | Omaha NE | Price Moving & Hauling Omaha (402) 486 3717
More Information is at: http://www.moversinomaha.com/property-cleanout.html
Looking for property cleanout service or junk removal in Omaha NE? Price Moving Hauling Omaha professionally provides local property clean out services in Omaha NE. They offer budget-friendly prices. Check them out today. Price Moving Hauling Omaha is a junk removal and cleanout company located Omaha NE. They provide junk removal and cleanout services for properties houses apartments retail stores warehouses school offices! Cost of Property Clean Out? Free estimates! Call today or book Property Clean Out online fast! REQUEST A QUOTE TODAY
Property Clean Out Estate Cleanout Furniture and Junk Removal Omaha Price Moving Hauling Omaha Property Cleanouts service
Furniture and Junk Removal from Houses Apartments and Commercial Properties From One Piece to a Truck Load   Whether you need to get rid of one piece or have a multiple items to remove. We are here to help...... • Sofa • Dresser • Mattress • TV • Fridge • Washer • Dryer • China Cabinet • Wallunit Our Professional Crew can remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics. We remove Window Treatments, Carpeting & Clean Out Closets as well...  We put all your unwanted stuff in bags and boxes for proper disposal.  Everything is placed in our trucks.  Then we  Broom Sweep the premise and haul everything away........
WE CLEAN OUT & HAUL AWAY FURNITURE & JUNK FROM ANYWHERE House     Apartment     Basement     Attic     Garage     Yard     Office     Warehouse Our Professional Crew has the training, tools and experience to safely remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics.  We recycle what ever we can and dispose of everything else in an environmentally safe and proper manor. If you are giving away furniture, or need to move it to another location, We can help with that too. We are also Licensed & Insured Movers, so we can also deliver furniture and appliances within the Omaha area as well.  Visit our moving services website for more information.
ESTATE LIQUIDATION We also purchase entire estates. If you have items that are still of value, you may receive cash for them or they can be applied to reduce the cost of the entire cleanout. Our Fixed Price Flat Rates are Very Reasonable There are no hidden costs CALL US FOR A FREE ON-SITE ESTIMATE! Price Moving Hauling Omaha
House and Apartment Cleanout Need to clean out an apartment, a house or even your office? The Price Moving Hauling Omaha have heard it all: You find yourself with a house where the kids are grown but your home is still filled to the rafters with stuff. Or you are forced to rent a storage unit to make room in your apartment just to walk around. Or you are trying to handle an estate cleanout for a deceased loved one and don’t know where to begin to get rid of years of possessions. Or your tenants have left, but not without leaving you a mess to clean up. When it comes to furniture, junk, furniture, rubbish or waste removal, call us right away.
We’ve been helping your neighbors cleaning out and clearing years of possessions, making room for an uncluttered future.
Our experienced, licensed and insured crews will show up, on time, and efficiently and thoroughly clear up that junk from your garage, old furniture in the attic, junk from your basement and that storage unit stuffed so full, it is threatening to split its seams.
We will sort, bag, dispose of everything that can’t be recycled (we are very environmentally responsible) and even arrange for charitable donation of those items from a home or estate clearance that can be sent to organizations like The Salvation Army or Goodwill, to benefit those less fortunate.
You needn’t worry that we will just take your things, as some companies do, and illegally dump them—garnering you, as owner or Realtor, extra headaches. We videotape what is done with everything we remove from your home or apartment to put your mind at ease and we call the day after the job is completed to make sure you are completely satisfied.
Same day appointments are available and we also offer heavy cleaning services to make your home spotless or to get the unit for which you are landlord ready to rent again as fast as possible.
CONTACT: Price Moving Hauling Omaha Best Moving Hauling Company in Omaha NE! CALL (402) 486-3717 MOVING OMAHA NE: http://www.moversinomaha.com/ CALL (402) 590-8095 MOVING LINCOLN NE: http://www.moverslincolne.com/ CALL (402) 590-8092 JUNK REMOVAL OMAHA: http://www.omahajunkdisposal.com/ CALL (402) 810-6325 HAULING: http://www.junkremovalomahane.com/ CALL (402) 590-8090 JUNK REMOVAL LINCOLN: http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com CALL (402) 575-9272 CLEANING 1:  http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/ CALL (402) 810-6320 CLEANING 2: http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/ CALL (402) 401-7562 HANDYMAN 1: http://www.omahahouseholdservices.com/ CALL (402) 614-0895 HANDYMAN 2: http://www.handymanomahane.com/ CALL (402) 875-7305 HANDYMAN 3: http://www.handymanlincolne.com/ Omaha NE Lincoln NE Council Bluffs IA Open Monday to Sunday 5 am to 11:30 pm EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.moversinomaha.com http://www.moversinomaha.com/
SERVICE AREA: Omaha Council Bluffs Metro Area: Omaha, Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County, including the communities of Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Omaha, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Waterloo, NE, Lincoln NE, Hickman NE, Milford NE, Seward NE and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178, 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.
SERVICES: • Apartment Movers • Best Moving Company • Furniture Arrangement • House Movers • Household Movers • Loading Help • Loading Unloading Labor Service • Local Movers • Local Moving Company • Long Distance Moving Company • Move Out Cleaning Services • Movers • Moving Company • Moving Labor Service • Moving Services • Office Movers • Packing Help Service • Packing Unpacking Services • Rental Truck Driver • Unloading Help
0 notes
Property Clean Out House Apartment Clean Out Property Eviction Clean Out Junk  Trash Removal Service And Cost | Omaha NE | Omaha Junk Disposal (402) 590-8092
More information is at:  http://www.omahajunkdisposal.com/
 Looking for property cleanout service or junk removal in Omaha NE? Omaha Junk Disposal professionally provides local property clean out services in Omaha NE. They offer budget-friendly prices. Check them out today. Omaha Junk Disposal is a junk removal and cleanout company located Omaha NE. They provide junk removal and cleanout services for properties houses apartments retail stores warehouses school offices! Cost of Property Clean Out? Free estimates! Call today or book Property Clean Out online fast!
  Property Clean Out Estate Cleanout Furniture and Junk Removal Omaha
Omaha Junk Disposal Property Cleanouts service
 Furniture and Junk Removal from Houses Apartments and Commercial Properties
From One Piece to a Truck Load  
Whether you need to get rid of one piece or have a multiple items to remove. We are here to help......
·         Sofa
·         Dresser
·         Mattress
·         TV
·         Fridge
·         Washer
·         Dryer
·         China Cabinet
·         Wallunit
Our Professional Crew can remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics. We remove Window Treatments, Carpeting & Clean Out Closets as well... We put all your unwanted stuff in bags and boxes for proper disposal.  Everything is placed in our trucks.  Then we  Broom Sweep the premise and haul everything away........
​ House     Apartment     Basement     Attic     Garage     Yard     Office     Warehouse
Our Professional Crew has the training, tools and experience to safely remove all your Unwanted Furniture, Appliances, TV's and Electronics.  We recycle what ever we can and dispose of everything else in an environmentally safe and proper manor.
If you are giving away furniture, or need to move it to another location, We can help with that too. We are also Licensed & Insured Movers, so we can also deliver furniture and appliances within the Omaha area as well.  Visit our moving services website for more information.
We also purchase entire estates. If you have items that are still of value, you may receive cash for them or they can be applied to reduce the cost of the entire cleanout.
Our Fixed Price Flat Rates are Very Reasonable
There are no hidden costs
 House and Apartment Cleanout
Need to clean out an apartment, a house or even your office? The Omaha Junk Disposal have heard it all: You find yourself with a house where the kids are grown but your home is still filled to the rafters with stuff. Or you are forced to rent a storage unit to make room in your apartment just to walk around. Or you are trying to handle an estate cleanout for a deceased loved one and don’t know where to begin to get rid of years of possessions. Or your tenants have left, but not without leaving you a mess to clean up. When it comes to furniture, junk, furniture, rubbish or waste removal, call us right away.
 We’ve been helping your neighbors cleaning out and clearing years of possessions, making room for an uncluttered future.
 Our experienced, licensed and insured crews will show up, on time, and efficiently and thoroughly clear up that junk from your garage, old furniture in the attic, junk from your basement and that storage unit stuffed so full, it is threatening to split its seams.
 We will sort, bag, dispose of everything that can’t be recycled (we are very environmentally responsible) and even arrange for charitable donation of those items from a home or estate clearance that can be sent to organizations like The Salvation Army or Goodwill, to benefit those less fortunate.
 You needn’t worry that we will just take your things, as some companies do, and illegally dump them—garnering you, as owner or Realtor, extra headaches. We videotape what is done with everything we remove from your home or apartment to put your mind at ease and we call the day after the job is completed to make sure you are completely satisfied.
 Same day appointments are available and we also offer heavy cleaning services to make your home spotless or to get the unit for which you are landlord ready to rent again as fast as possible.
Omaha Junk Disposal
Best Junk Removal & Hauling Service in Omaha Council Bluffs Lincoln NE!
Omaha NE – Council Bluffs IA – Lincoln NE
CALL (402) 590-8092 JUNK REMOVAL: http://www.omahajunkdisposal.com/
CALL (402) 810-6325 HAULING: http://www.junkremovalomahane.com/
CALL (402) 486-3717 MOVING: http://www.moversinomaha.com/
CALL (402) 575-9272 CLEANING 1:  http://www.maidserviceomaha.com/
CALL (402) 810-6320 CLEANING 2: http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/
CALL (402) 401-7562 HANDYMAN 1: http://www.omahahouseholdservices.com/
CALL (402) 614-0895 HANDYMAN 2: http://www.handymanomahane.com/
CALL (402) 875-7305 HANDYMAN 3: http://www.handymanlincolne.com/
Monday to Sunday (5 am -11:30 pm)
WEBSITE: www.omahajunkdisposal.com
·         Appliance Removal Service
·         Cleaning Services (Home Office Apartment)
·         Construction Waste Removal
·         Couch Sofa Sectional Chair Removal Service
·         Deck Removal Service
·         Foreclosure Cleanouts
·         Freezer Refrigerator Removal Service
·         Furniture Removal Service
·         Garage Cleanout Service
·         Garbage Trash Waste Removal
·         Handyman Services (Commercial Residential)
·         Hauling Service
·         Hot Tub Spa Bathtub Removal
·         House Office Property Cleanout Service
·         Junk Removal Service
·         Mattress And Box Spring Removal Service
·         Movers Moving Labor Packing Unpacking
·         Television Disposal
·         Tv Monitor Projection Tv Console Tv Removal
·         Washer Dryer Ac Water Heather Removal
·         Yard Waste Tree Brush Removal Service
 Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Omaha and Sarpy County (La Vista, Bellevue, Omaha, Papillion, Gretna, Offutt AFB, Springfield) Douglass County (Omaha, Bennington, Elkhorn, Boys Town, Valley, Waterloo), Pottawattamie County (Council Bluffs, Avoca, Carson, Carter Lake), Cass County ( Weeping Water, Alvo, Avoca, Cedar Creek, Eagle, Elmwood, Greenwood, Louisville, Manley, Murdock, Murray, Nehawka, Plattsmouth, South Bend, Union) including the communities of Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Omaha, Papillion, Ceresco NE, Ralston, Springfield and Waterloo, NE, Lincoln Nebraska and Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68017, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178, 68073
0 notes
bluebookweb · 6 years
What To Look For in Servers for POS Systems
Hospitality and retail companies face numerous hardware challenges in their highly competitive and ever-changing environments. They need highly-configurable and cost-effective point-of-sale (POS) systems that are secure and reliable.
In selecting the right server for their POS system, they should look for platforms with three key characteristics: consistency, long server life, and the ability to handle multiple needs simultaneously to drive down costs.
Server as POS Backbone 
A point-of-sale (POS) system means different things to different people – there is no one definitive POS configuration. Many technologies roll up into a typical solution, including networking, in-store Internet access, multi-function POS devices, customer kiosks, digital signage, hand held devices, as well as back office servers connected to a data center in cloud.
The back end server remains the backbone of the POS solution.
POS configurations and hardware tend to vary among three general application categories: table/hospitality/restaurants; retail (convenience store/grocery/chain); and medical (including dental and veterinary). In general, POS technology has shifted from closed proprietary solutions to more flexible solutions that give the retailer or restaurant owner better control and understanding of store operations. Most recently, POS solutions have begun to provide direct interaction with the customers, for example, tablets for ordering and paying.
While not as glamorous as these new tools and toys, the back end server remains the backbone of the POS solution. Depending upon the application, servers can provide multiple functions – a terminal, digital signage player, and a back office PC.
It should be noted that there is nothing innately different in a server used for a POS system than one for other industry verticals. There are some unique features, like connectivity and providing the required number of ports, but at its heart it is no different than a normal server. What makes a difference is the ability of the customer server platform to meet the required level of control over operations.
Rely on a Server Expert 
Many resellers rely on large industry players like ScanSource for terminals, handheld devices, cash drawers, printers, power products, and other peripherals. While these POS giants may also offer backend servers, resellers frequently recommend that customers instead obtain their servers from a server expert. Many resellers are uncomfortable with buying their servers from the same vendor from whom they buy their cash drawers. Resellers should be looking for servers that are not tied into any particular software or hardware. Look for a vendor that has experience building cost effective servers for all POS applications. The focus should be on close interactions with resellers and a high level of customer service that allows each reseller to customize and configure exactly what their end users need.
Sometimes an end user company wants to use RAID (array of independent disks), or perhaps they want multiple network cards because they have an internal network and a credit card network that must be kept separate. Or they want to run Windows 7 on their server and have found that larger server manufacturers do not offer servers with desktop software.
Look for hardware product managers who work with each reseller to determine the required specifications and review the server hardware configuration options available. With this approach, resellers maintain an enormous amount of control over the server product they procure. Acting as a co-developer, product managers should come up with a POS server solution based on resellers’ unique technology, sales, and customer preferences.
Cost Reductions 
For many POS end users, there is a distinct cost advantage to selecting servers that are approved to run both the desired POS software and a desktop operating system on a server platform. This can be especially beneficial for companies running on slim margins. Rather than having to purchase sophisticated servers and other hardware resources, they can combine functions into one piece of hardware and save significant dollars. The ability to provide a platform server with a desktop operating system means end users do not have to support multiple different platforms. 
This makes a lot of sense, since in many instances there is no real need for complicated servers – these are just machines that are connected. No one is logging in, there is no active directory, and no need for replication and directory services. The servers simply need to share some files. So, the server side has minimal requirements. But – and it is a big but – end users still need the reliability a server can give, since desktop computers are not designed to run 24/7, with multiple hard drives.
There are many examples of POS resellers experiencing frustration with larger server manufacturers who do not know enough about the ins and outs of the POS business to be able to help them select the right server. Price and product availability may vary from month to month, or even week to week. Resellers have no control over which hard drives or video cards will ultimately end up in their servers.
Server experts should be enable resellers to lock down the precise unique configurations they are looking for, while still providing pricing competitive with major manufacturers.
Standardization Removes Risks 
Standardization means providing the fewest number of product views to cover the greatest number of solutions. Some vendors have developed solutions in which the end user customers may get three to four boxes, all using one motherboard/platform, or at most two platforms.
Standardization means providing the fewest number of product views to cover the greatest number of solutions.
One might be in a smaller case, used up front at a checkout. One might be a workstation, like a low end back office server that can also be used by the restaurant manager for other tasks. This experience means end users can get the unique configuration they need while removing the risks inherent in customizing each server – like learning that one or another USB or network card does not work as required.
A huge advantage of this approach is that the end user does not have to support four different separate computers, each on different road maps. The need to support multiple images can be frustrating, as can the need to maintain multiple stacks of inventory for spare parts. Hardware product managers work directly with Intel, motherboard manufacturers, case designers, and component manufacturers, to lay out very detailed road maps and life cycles that resellers can count on.
Threat Management and Security Concerns 
Security is one of the most important issues facing POS end users. Most are already compliant with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements, but there are many other aspects of threat management and security now being integrated into POS systems, albeit slowly.
Unfortunately, POS systems are lagging behind in security technology. The reasons are twofold: resellers do not like change and store owners balk at spending money on technology, running as they do on thin margins. Software companies have had to embrace these security measures and update their software, so they are starting to come around to the need for change. As they do so, resellers will also evolve to meet end user customer requirements.  
There is a trend towards virtualization as a way of providing a higher level of security on back end operations. Virtualization is an excellent way of securing the POS environment, especially for those with multiple locations. Virtual servers by their nature are very secure. All vendors now want to secure credit cards, using mobile payment and digital wallet services, and to do so they will need secure virtual machine (VM) servers with hardened operating systems.
It should be noted that the lack of “appetite” for buying new technology was greatly exacerbated by the 2008 market crash, which affected restaurants and retail stores very badly. After many years in the doldrums, there has been a resurgence in sales. This already seems to be leading to an increase in purchase of virtualized infrastructure, with the security improvements that go with it.
Another trend that is having a major effect on security is the move to cloud-based, rather than local, infrastructure. In the past, if someone walked into a fast food restaurant and grabbed a computer and walked out the back door, the thief would be able to obtain an enormous amount of information. Many now still have a computer on premise – but it does not house information; it has all been stored with the credit card processors.
Resellers Can Provide What End Users Need
POS resellers need to be able to customize cost-effective servers that are stable, with long life performance, and managed technology roadmaps. Look for platforms that have been field-tested with the top-selling POS software packages, so resellers have access to a variety of computer server building blocks to provide winning end user solutions.
What To Look For in Servers for POS Systems posted first on happyhourspecialsyum.blogspot.com
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Bitcoin: What Is It, and Is It Proper for Your Organization?
Free Bit Bitcoins Okay, so what is Bitcoin? It really is not an actual coin, it's "cryptocurrency," a digital type of payment that is produced ("mined") by plenty of people around the world. It makes it possible for peer-to-peer transactions instantaneously, around the world, for free or at extremely low cost. Bitcoin was invented right after a long time of study into cryptography by software program developer, Satoshi Nakamoto (thought to be a pseudonym), who made the algorithm and launched it in 2009. His correct id continues to be a thriller. This currency is not backed by a tangible commodity (such as gold or silver) bitcoins are traded online which helps make them a commodity in them selves. Bitcoin is an open-resource merchandise, available by anybody who is a person. All you need is an electronic mail address, World wide web obtain, and cash to get started out. Where does it appear from? Bitcoin is mined on a distributed pc community of users managing specialised application the community solves particular mathematical proofs, and queries for a particular knowledge sequence ("block") that creates a distinct sample when the BTC algorithm is utilized to it. A match creates a bitcoin. It truly is complicated and time- and vitality-consuming. Only 21 million bitcoins are at any time to be mined (about 11 million are at present in circulation). The math issues the community pcs resolve get progressively much more difficult to keep the mining functions and source in check out. This network also validates all the transactions through cryptography. How does Bitcoin work? Internet end users transfer electronic property (bits) to each and every other on a network. There is no on-line lender relatively, Bitcoin has been explained as an Web-wide dispersed ledger. End users acquire Bitcoin with funds or by marketing a merchandise or services for Bitcoin. Bitcoin wallets store and use this digital currency. End users may possibly promote out of this virtual ledger by buying and selling their Bitcoin to an individual else who would like in. Anybody can do this, wherever in the globe. There are smartphone applications for conducting cellular Bitcoin transactions and Bitcoin exchanges are populating the Net. How is Bitcoin valued? Bitcoin is not held or controlled by a financial establishment it is entirely decentralized. In contrast to true-world funds it can not be devalued by governments or banking institutions. Rather, Bitcoin's worth lies merely in its acceptance amongst users as a sort of payment and simply because its provide is finite. Its international currency values fluctuate according to source and desire and market speculation as a lot more people generate wallets and hold and invest bitcoins, and far more companies acknowledge it, Bitcoin's worth will increase. Banks are now trying to price Bitcoin and some expenditure web sites predict the value of a bitcoin will be a number of thousand bucks in 2014. What are its advantages? There are advantages to consumers and merchants that want to use this payment option. 1. Rapidly transactions - Bitcoin is transferred immediately above the Net. 2. No expenses/reduced costs -- Not like credit history cards, Bitcoin can be employed for free or extremely reduced costs. Without the centralized institution as middle male, there are no authorizations (and fees) essential. This enhances revenue margins product sales. three. Removes fraud threat -Only the Bitcoin proprietor can send out payment to the meant receiver, who is the only 1 who can get it. The community knows the transfer has transpired and transactions are validated they can't be challenged or taken again. This is big for on the internet retailers who are usually subject to credit history card processors' assessments of whether or not or not a transaction is fraudulent, or organizations that pay out the large price of credit score card chargebacks. 4. Data is secure -- As we have noticed with modern hacks on national retailers' payment processing systems, the World wide web is not often a protected area for personal knowledge. With Bitcoin, end users do not give up private data. a. They have two keys - a public essential that serves as the bitcoin handle and a non-public essential with personalized information. b. Transactions are "signed" digitally by combining the community and personal keys a mathematical operate is utilized and a certificate is produced proving the consumer initiated the transaction. Electronic signatures are unique to every transaction and cannot be re-used. c. The service provider/recipient never sees your magic formula information (name, quantity, physical tackle) so it really is fairly anonymous but it is traceable (to the bitcoin handle on the general public important). five. Practical payment technique -- Retailers can use Bitcoin totally as a payment system they do not have to hold any Bitcoin forex since Bitcoin can be converted to pounds. Shoppers or retailers can trade in and out of Bitcoin and other currencies at any time. six. International payments - Bitcoin is utilized around the entire world e-commerce merchants and provider suppliers can simply acknowledge international payments, which open up new likely marketplaces for them. seven. Easy to observe -- The community tracks and permanently logs each and every transaction in the Bitcoin block chain (the database). In the circumstance of attainable wrongdoing, it is simpler for regulation enforcement officials to trace these transactions. 8. Micropayments are achievable - Bitcoins can be divided down to 1 one particular-hundred-millionth, so operating small payments of a dollar or less gets to be a cost-free or in close proximity to-free of charge transaction. This could be a genuine boon for comfort shops, espresso shops, and membership-based internet sites (videos, publications). Nonetheless a little puzzled? Below are a couple of illustrations of transactions: Bitcoin in the retail environment At checkout, the payer uses a smartphone application to scan a QR code with all the transaction information required to transfer the bitcoin to the retailer. Tapping the "Verify" button completes the transaction. If the consumer will not own any Bitcoin, the community converts pounds in his account into the digital currency. The retailer can convert that Bitcoin into pounds if it desires to, there were no or very minimal processing costs (rather of 2 to three per cent), no hackers can steal personalized client details, and there is no risk of fraud. Extremely slick. Bitcoins in hospitality Resorts can acknowledge Bitcoin for room and eating payments on the premises for guests who would like to pay by Bitcoin using their cellular wallets, or Computer-to-website to pay for a reservation online. A third-social gathering BTC service provider processor can help in dealing with the transactions which it clears above the Bitcoin community. These processing clients are mounted on tablets at the establishments' entrance desk or in the restaurants for end users with BTC smartphone applications. (These payment processors are also available for desktops, in retail POS methods, and built-in into foodservice POS methods.) No credit score cards or income need to alter fingers. These cashless transactions are rapidly and the processor can convert bitcoins into forex and make a daily direct deposit into the establishment's lender account. It was introduced in January 2014 that two Las Vegas lodge-casinos will take Bitcoin payments at the front desk, in their restaurants, and in the reward store. It seems excellent - so what is the capture? Business house owners must think about concerns of participation, security and value. • A reasonably modest variety of ordinary consumers and merchants currently use or recognize Bitcoin. Even so, adoption is rising globally and tools and systems are currently being created to make participation less complicated. • It's the World wide web, so hackers are threats to the exchanges. The Economist documented that a Bitcoin trade was hacked in September 2013 and $250,000 in bitcoins was stolen from users' on the web vaults. Bitcoins can be stolen like other forex, so vigilant community, server and database stability is paramount. • Customers have to meticulously safeguard their bitcoin wallets which have their personal keys. Safe backups or printouts are critical. • Bitcoin is not controlled or insured by the US government so there is no insurance coverage for your account if the trade goes out of organization or is robbed by hackers. • Bitcoins are reasonably pricey. Current charges and promoting rates are offered on the online exchanges. The digital forex is not but common but it is gaining market place recognition and acceptance. A organization could choose to try out Bitcoin to preserve on credit rating card and bank costs, as a client usefulness, or to see if it will help or hinders sales and profitability.
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