#the reason why i brought my blows up a building and kills the hostages jokes to a way lower level than some months ago is bc rn
the-acid-pear · 6 months
Socializing is a constant war 4 me in between wanting to just be myself but also trying to do what others do which often means imitating them to a T bc otherwise I feel like I'm not doing enough and I'm falling behind and low-key that if I do so then I bring nothing to the table therefore can be easily replaced but shhhh 🤫 don't tell this to anyone guys I'm still a sigma who experienced no trauma at all
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wackybuddiemewbs · 3 years
Random Buddie Fic Snippets - Shadow
AKA, it's me, back on my regular bullshit. This is part of a fic that continues to ghost through my Word files, mocking me relentlessly. And now I pass the mocking on. Bon appétit. Basic idea is that Buck disappeared after the lawsuit without a trace. For mysterious reasons.
Eddie breaks into a run the moment he parks the car. He still can’t believe it that some asshole tried to blow himself up on a plaza in bright daylight, the same plaza Chris and his friend from school went to on exactly that day. His ears had been glued to the radio throughout the drive as he got announcement after announcement, one more horrifying than the other.
“The man has a bomb belt.”
“He has taken a hostage.”
“A young woman.”
“Special forces have been blocked due to traffic.”
“A man stepped in.”
“They struggle. There is a knife.”
“There is blood.”
“Both men are going down.”
Eddie shakes those thoughts off, pushes them as far back as he possibly can as he runs through the masses of people gathered around the plaza. Because apparently, even a guy with a bomb strapped to his chest will get peoples’ attention more than it will get their survival instincts to run the hell away from a bomb.
He runs into Deborah, the mom of Christopher’s friend, nearly misses her, then halts. His ears are whooshing, his heart is pounding so hard he can feel it in his throat. She keeps rambling on about stuff he doesn’t care about. And if he wasn’t a first responder who knows better, Eddie would want to shake her right now to just say it straight: Where is Christopher? Is he okay? Because that’s the info he needs to know how to get his feet to work again.
If this were Buck, I’d have all info in the first three seconds of…
Eddie stops himself. Buck is no longer with them. He left, which is why his son is at the plaza with Deborah and her two kids rambling on.
At last, at last, between the many sorrys, Deborah can finally bring herself to say that Christopher is fine, which makes even less sense to Eddie. Because if he was fine, then why wasn’t he with her? Isn’t she supposed to be watching him?
“He’s by the ambulances. He wouldn’t leave.”
Eddie isn’t sure he says something in reply to Deborah before he starts running again, though he reckons she won’t hold it against him. Even if she does, he doesn’t bother to care. Eddie needs to get to his son. Maybe Christopher was hoping to see some familiar faces. Maybe he’s waiting for his dad to jump out of one of the trucks.
Eddie can finally slip through the onlookers to the ambulances. Just as he takes off running again, he can hear Christopher shouting shrilly. While his son screaming is not exactly calming, it makes Eddie breathe a little easier. He is alive. He can hear him. Everything else, he can fix.
Eventually, Eddie finds his son sitting on top of a gurney halfway rolled into the back of one of the ambulance cars. Next to him stands a very frustrated paramedic, trying to reason with Christopher to climb off the gurney and let go of the someone actually lying on the gurney. Though Christopher holds on as if his life depended on it.
What is going on here?
“Christopher!” he shouts as he approaches.
The paramedic turns around as he sees him come near. “Hey, you are from the 118, right?”
“Yes, Eddie Diaz,” he confirms. “That’s my son. Is he okay?”
“He is fine, he just won’t let me load up the guy I’m supposed to take to the hospital,” the paramedic laments, pointing at his son holding on to the person’s lower leg like a little monkey to a tree branch.
“Christopher! I”
“I told you that you can’t be in the way of paramedics working! They got to help people who are hurt,” Eddie says. While he doesn’t want to upset his son, he knows that there is due order, and Christopher is disrupting it.
Eddie motions past the opened door of the ambulance car.
“I am not letting go of Buck!”
Eddie blinks, tears his gaze up, forgets how to breathe all over again.
“Hi, Eddie.”
Buck is on the gurney, shirt cut open, his side bandaged, seeping some blood. The guy who went in after the bomber took the hostage – Evan Buckley. His former colleague, former best friend, the guy who’d told him instantly if Christopher was okay, who never would have left him out of sight – until he did. The man who disappeared after the lawsuit. The man he hasn’t seen in over a year.
He can tell that this is actually Buck. Just that it isn’t. He looks nothing like the always cheery, smiling guy who lit up any room he entered. Sure, the face is still the same, Eddie would know that birthmark anywhere. And yet… there is no spark to his blue eyes. His hair is cut as short as it will go. Eddie can tell that he has even more muscle to him than he used to, even before the firetruck exploded and he was in top shape. But what makes it so much worse is to see the distance, the way he can’t seem to hold on to Christopher but tries to gently keep him away. Because nothing in this world would prevent him from letting that kid close to him.
At least we all thought. But that man is full of surprises, we learned. Even more so now.
This is Even Buckley, but he looks like a strange version of himself dropped off in the wrong universe.
Like a ghost.
Like the ghost Chimney said he saw in that burning building the other day.
Could it be…?
“Could you please talk to your son?” the paramedic interjects, pulling Eddie out of his thoughts abruptly. “I get he’s scared for your friend, but we can finally get moving again after the traffic was re-navigated and he needs to go the hospital.”
“I already told you that the guy didn’t hit anything vital, Jack,” Buck scoffs. Normally, Eddie would say that this is Buck as he knows him, but there is that edge in his voice all of a sudden that puts him on that same edge. The words come out just the same way, the voice is the same, but they ring hollow, they never make it to his eyes.
“He knifed you, dude.”
“I used to like you until a hot second ago, man.”
“Buck?” Eddie asks simply. The younger man’s eyes instantly flicker back to him, and Eddie can see his sudden discomfort as he bows his head.
“For the love of God, either you take your son, or you take him inside so we can drive!” Jack shouts.
“We’re going with you, Buck!” Christopher screams, holding on even tighter.
Eddie decides right at that moment. Okay, he doesn’t really. His body does as he grabs Christopher and gets him off Buck’s leg under much protest. Jack loads Buck inside – and then Eddie climbs in with Christopher in his arms right after. He ignores the protests coming from buck all the same.
“Fuckin’ finally,” Jack groans, setting everything up.
“Language,” Buck scolds. “There’s a kid here. Also, you just turned out to be my least favorite paramedic, Jack. Just so that you know.”
“I’m not here to make friends,” Jack says as he slams the door shut.
“With that attitude, you are sure as hell ain’t getting any,” Buck shouts after him.
“We are ready to roll!” Jack calls out, tapping his hand on the side of the car as he makes his way to the front.
“You know you’re just making a fool of yourself, dragging a guy to hospital, even though all you’d have to do is disinfect and stitch, yeah?” Buck tries to reason, but Jack isn’t having it, “Not taking any chances.”
“Buck,” Eddie tries again. It seems to be a little magic trick, as Buck’s attention instantly return to him. Though it’s a piss-poor magic trick, really. Because Buck won’t even look at him. Can’t, for some reason. Instead, he keeps his head fixed on some of the equipment on the other side of the ambulance.
“Trust me, I didn’t plan on this,” he says feebly, some of the tough masquerade momentarily slipping.
“How are you in LA?” Eddie wants to know. He can see the shift in Buck instantly as he rounds his shoulders. “Plane.”
“Will you at least look at me?”
Buck turns his head. Eddie tries to read the emotions, but it’s like he gets the door shut in his face before he can take a look inside. And that even though they used to know each other so well.
How did we come to this?
“Buck, we haven’t see you or heard from you for over a year,” Eddie tries to reason. “Some more information than having come here by plane would be appreciated.”
“As I said, didn’t plan on this. Though of course I’m always happy to see Chris…,” Buck says, managing the smallest of smiles at Chris still snuck in his father’s arms. “Though I would have hoped for… different circumstances.”
“So you wanted to come see us?” Eddie asks.
Buck doesn’t answer, which is answer enough for Eddie.
“What were you thinking, going after that guy anyway?” Eddie can’t help but ask.
Buck shrugs at him. “Just had to. Will say though, that he brought a knife to a bomb fight came as a surprise. Thankfully, he was just as surprised to me bringing fists to a knife fight.”
“Why are you being that reckless, huh?” Eddie can’t help but scold. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed.”
“Yeah, or I could’ve watched as anything within a periphery of half a mile would’ve blown up,” Buck retorts. “Easy equation to my mind, really.”
It shouldn’t be that easy, though, Eddie thinks to himself bitterly, but he doesn’t say it. He has a million questions, but they won’t come. Because he knows Buck won’t give those answers. There is a wall between them that wasn’t there before, not even when Eddie was overcome with so much anger over Buck’s behavior about the lawsuit.
So he just sits back, makes sure that Christopher stays secure in his arms.
Once they arrive at the hospital, things set back into motion fast. Buck has a small moment of victory when he’s getting wheeled inside, arguing that Eddie won’t get the doctors to let him pester him like Jack did.
Joke’s on Buck in the end when Eddie talks to the receptionist because he forgot to update his emergency contact list, in which Eddie is very much included.
“See you in a bit, Buck!” is all he says as Buck is wheeled away.
And Buck shows him the finger as he is taken away, well aware that Christopher can’t see as he is resting against Eddie’s chest.
After that, Eddie makes himself not at all comfortable in the plastic chairs he loathes with a burning passion. He gets out his phone, hoping that he can get through to Maddie at least. Maybe she will have more luck trying to give Buck a piece of mind, but as he checks his phone, there is no signal. No calls, no internet. Looking around, he can see that the same issue applies to many people waiting – and the staff as well.
While Eddie still doesn’t believe in all-powerful universes, he will have to say: Well played, universe.
An hour later, Eddie is none the wiser and Christopher asleep next to him in the small room they were brought to, as this will be where Buck is supposed to come back to after his tests and examinations are finally over.
Christopher could provide at least some context to how they ended up like this. The kid is too smart for his own good at times, it turns out. He caught sight of Buck when he took on the bomber and saw that he got hurt. And since hurt people go to ambulances where people like his dad save them and make them better, this is to where he went. And he would threaten Deborah with his crutches, which Eddie will have to lecture about later. Once he found Buck, he just crawled up the gurney and didn’t take no for an answer.
Another fifteen minutes later, Buck is wheeled into the room, looking tired and pissed and just a bit more like the guy he remembers, the man who hates being in hospitals with every fiber of his being.
For a time, they just sit in silence. It is Buck who can’t take it anymore in the end, and snaps, “You can stop staring. I already have a puncture wound, don’t need to get stabbed by the evil eye now, too.”
Eddie shakes his head. “How are you still joking about this?”
“Because I still find myself utterly hilarious.”
“We didn’t know where you were for over a year. No message. No nothing,” Eddie accuses.
You disappeared. You left. You left the 118 behind. You left your family behind. Maddie. Christopher… me…
“And that you know I’m in LA right now was not part of the plan, I told you.”
“Why wasn’t it?” Eddie wants to know.
Buck shrugs, his voice non-committal. “I made the cut. I’m the bad guy. I know. Rules of the game.”
“I’m just trying to understand, Buck.”
“There’s nothing to understand,” Buck argues. “I had no intention to run into you guys. I went away. I didn’t want to cause further upset by coming back. I didn’t choose to be here. It was because of the job.”
Speaking of…
“What job is that anyway?”
“Water slide tester,” Buck replies, his face perfectly blank.
Eddie snorts, shaking his head. “Piss off.”
“I slide around the world.”
“Would you take this seriously for one second?” Eddie demands. He can’t believe this guy sometimes, many times. Can’t he see the damage done? Can’t he see how out of line it is to joke about it?
“I think I’ll pass,” is all Buck delivers. And it pisses Eddie off to no end.
“So that’s all I get? After all that’s been?”
Buck licks his lips, folds his arms over his chest, winces at the strain against his aching stomach. “Yup.”
Eddie can’t even say he is angry. Okay, he is angry, but one good look at Buck’s face and he can see how the mask is slipping. He sees pain there, thinly veiled by his quipping. He notices the longing in Buck’s eyes whenever he allows himself to look at Christopher dozing peacefully, only to pull away as though he got electrocuted for letting that emotion happen.
Just what is it with the man he used to know so well? How could they become strangers in the course of a year?
Eddie doesn't get to finish the thought as a doctor motions inside. Buck’s attention instantly bounces over to the dark-haired man.
“Hello Mr. Buckley.”
“What’s the news, Doc?” he asks.
“Good news for you, actually,” the doctor says. “You are free to go.”
Eddie shakes his head, as though he was trying to get water out of his ears. “Wait, what? What of the test results? Is there tissue damage? Is it ruled out that there is no internal bleeding? Won’t you keep him overnight? Did you even look at his medical history? He’s on blood thinners…”
“Haven’t been for almost half a year,” Buck argues.
Eddie blinks at him. “What?”
“… Surprise?” Buck holds up his hands, pulling a face.
“Still!” Eddie shouts, turning back to the man in scrubs.
“It’s really more of a nick,” the doctor tries to assure him.
Eddie has seen the bloody bandages. He knows that this is bullshit. Just what is this doctor doing?
“Told you. AndJack,” Buck chimes. “Joke’s on both of you.”
“He got stabbed. With a knife,” Eddie argues, still not quite believing it that he has to point that out to a medical professional.
“I saw. And we treated it. Just needed stitches and a shit ton of antibiotics.” He hands Buck a clipboard to sign some things.
“A shit ton. Could you be any more precise?” Eddie asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Chill. Doc will know what he’s doing,” Buck argues, though Eddie pays him no mind. His eyes are now set on that pathetic excuse of a medical professional and Eddie is ready to throw a fit, if he has to.
“We need to keep the beds clear for emergencies,” the doctor adds, as though that was in any shape or form reason to release a man who just got stabbed. With a knife. After he was on blood-thinners – apparently – half a year ago.
“It’s workday, I know you aren’t…,” Eddie tries, but Buck interjects, “Doctor’s orders. Gotta listen to the experts, c’mon.”
He looks back at the doctor standing beside the bed, handing the clipboard back. “Okay, all signed. Thanks, Doc.”
The doctor studies it for a long moment, then nods his head.
“You are seriously just going to go?” Eddie asks, not quite believing what’s happening.
“The doctor said I could.”
“Look, if it puts you at ease, I will get my colleague in here to speak to you to get a second opinion while I take Mr. Buckley here to get his medication. Then you can rest assured that all is as it should be,” the doctor tries, his tone now mild.
Nothing is as it should be. Absolutely nothing.
This whole situation is abnormal. Buck shouldn’t be in hospital. He shouldn’t act like this. He should be spooning Christopher on the bed, cuddle him and kiss his head. He should have asked for Maddie by now. The 118 should be on the way here. Buck should still be working with them, with him. They should have movie nights on Fridays and Buck should babysit Christopher at least once a week. They should watch games together and doze off on the couch. Buck should ask for juice and burritos. Eddie should be making arrangements so that Buck can spend the night over at their place, so that he isn’t alone after such an event. There should be a spark in Buck’s eyes. He shouldn’t feel like a ghost. None of this should be. And yet, it is.
“Show the way, Doc,” Buck says, cutting through the silence. Eddie looks up.
“I’ll just get you a wheelchair, hold on.”
Buck sits up. Eddie doesn’t miss how the air leaves him for a moment, but he still pushes on. Eddie rounds the bed, extending his arms to steady Buck, but the younger man just holds up his hands, gritting his teeth.
It’s no demand. It’s not aggressive. It’s a plea. And a desperate one.
Eddie holds up his hands to give Buck space as he folds his legs out of bed, ignoring every instinct inside himself to hold on anyway, if only to calm the tremor in Buck’s body the way he used to do it when he saw him this upset.
“I’m sorry for all this,” Buck mutters, not looking at him. “I’m glad Christopher is safe.”
“You know, just because you didn’t plan on seeing us, you still can.”
“No, I really can’t. Thanks, though.”
“Ah, you’re already up, Mr. Buckley. See? He’s doing great. Will be as good as new in a matter of days,” the doctor chimes as he comes back inside with the wheelchair. He helps Buck settle in, though Buck is basically doing it entirely on his own.
“We’ll be right back.”
Eddie watches as the doctor wheels Buck out of the room, out into the busy hallway. He tries his phone again, still no luck. Though he could really use some support here. Because none of it makes sense to Eddie anymore.
“Coast’s clear,” Neil says, peering around the corner.
Buck hits the other man in the arm, hard.
“Hey! What’s that for?” the other man whines, pulling back into the storage room he maneuvered him into at Buck’s behest written on the clipboard.
“You didn’t have to put on an act as a doctor, you jackass,” Buck grumbles as he pulls the hoodie over his head, ignoring the pain flaring up in his side.
Just a nick my ass.
“I watched enough Grey’s Anatomy to know my way around,” Neil snorts. “I totally pass as a McSexy.”
“He’s an ex-Army medic and first responder, dude,” Buck argues. “Also, you are not McSexy, you’re McSaggy.”
“Ah, so it’s the ex-ex!”
Buck hits him again.
“You slut!” Neil laughs. “I guessed you had a thing for Latinas.”
Buck hits him again for emphasis, though he knows it’s all lost on a guy like Neil. He also knows he shouldn’t be surprised by the guy anymore. But the moment he rolled in with the white coat and the toothpaste smile, Buck will have to admit he was shocked. Though that was basically his modus operandi throughout the day. First the bomber, then Christopher, God, Christopher, and then Eddie.
“Okay. I checked, you can use the stairway…,” Neil tries to say, but Buck cuts him off. He’s tired and not up for faux tactic talk. “Dude, I know that hospital better than I’d like to. Just tell me where to in the parking lot.”
“Towards the back. Black sedan.” He tosses him the keys. “And you won’t be driving.”
Buck rolls his eyes as he stuffs the keys into the pocket of the hoodie. “No shit.”
“Wanna bid adieu to lover boy?” Neil asks, though not really.
Neil always says one thing, means the other, then says what he means, then he doesn’t. On most days, Buck enjoys Neil’s company. He’s at least fun to talk to, when he isn’t being a little bitch about it. The guy keeps a calm head in any situation without a stick up his ass. But right now, everything in Buck hates him. Though even that, Buck knows, is just projection.
It’s myself I hate.
“I did over a year ago,” Buck answers, whether to assure Neil or to remind himself, he isn’t quite sure. “Let’s just get moving.”
Buck looks back out the hallway to see Eddie still standing in the doorway, fuming. He hates to see him like this, to leave him like this, but it’s just another thing to add, in the end. To all the hatred Eddie and the others are entitled to feel. Because yes, Buck is the bad guy in this. He knows it’s true.
It’s what he left behind, 413 days ago.
It’s what he won’t ever go back to, no matter the amount of days passed.
“Coast still clear?” Buck asks.
Neil checks, nods. Buck takes his cue and ducks out of the storage room, swiftly making his way to the staircase.
He leaves the comforting thought behind that maybe, someday, Eddie will forgive him this, all of this, and remember only the times Buck wasn’t there to wreak havoc in his life.
Buck finds the car with ease and he climbs in with not as much ease. Because his side is burning and he needs to sleep. He rather sleeps through nightmares than live through them.
Neil emerges a few minutes later, laughing to himself as he gets into the driver’s seat.
“Nice of you to make me call him a taxi,” Neil points out. “The lines are still dead, as could be expected, but I could get through with the super fancy, not at all fancy-looking phone we got.”
Buck noted that down on the clipboard as well, of course. It’s the damn well least.
“He left his car at the plaza,” Buck almost whispers.
Neil starts the engine and pulls out of the parking lot, eyes fixed on the road. “You okay?”
“I was stabbed, so I’m bloody terrific.”
“Good, then you’ll be delighted that we’ll be staying a while longer,” Neil informs him.
Buck leans his head back. “You’re fucking me, right?”
They had a plan. Just two weeks. Just this case. They had the network down. They should have been done with this guy thanks to whom he took a knife to the stomach today. That should have been it. He should have a flight booked out of here, away from the eyes haunting him in his dreams, the questions that burned on Eddie’s lips, though he wouldn’t say them. Because he never does.
“For as long as you don’t turn out to be a hot redhead with no appendages between the legs, no, I’m not fucking you.”
“How long?” Buck sighs. It’s not like he has any illusions about it: He will have to tay for as long as it’s demanded of him.
Rules of the game.
“At least another two weeks,” Neil lets him know. “The big boss man agreed with your assessment about how the network operates. And apparently, there’s been additional intel that just came our way. Get this: The pack leader is supposedly in town right now.”
“Fuck,” Buck curses. He hoped that that person’s appearance would be as far away from L.A. as is humanly possible. His prediction was that with the evidence gathered here, they could narrow down the pack leader and then move before the network spread any further. But the pack leader is here for a show, and it will blow.
“Big boss man also said you get the rest of the week off to heal up, coz you actually belonged in hospital”
“No shit,” Buck snorts, trying to find a comfortable position he knows he isn’t going to get.
“But so long you take it easy, you should be fine.”
“I appreciate the care,” Buck snorts.
“Oh please, I don’t care a rat’s ass about you. You’re just damn good at the job, is all…,” Neil says jovially, but then adds in a smaller voice, “Couldn’t help but notice, though.”
“Notice what?”
“You didn’t kill the guy.”
“Damn, you’re observant,” Buck scoffs.
“We are trained to shoot first, ask questions later.”
“I thought I could talk him out of it. And I did, after he stabbed me, fine. But no one turned to human confetti.”
“Precisely. You had a gun on you, of course you did,” Neil argues. “You could’ve just taken the shot.”
“Risk would’ve been higher for him to release the trigger, had I taken the shot. I had to get close anyway. Like that, I had a chance to wrestle the switch from him,” Buck replies. “Also, that means we have two witnesses now we can squeeze out for information regarding the pack leader. Normally, we only get to pick up their pieces.”
Neil shrugs. “Just saying, don’t slip into old habits. You’re no longer a firefighter. You see a bad guy? You kill a bad guy.”
“I didn’t hear you,” Neil huffs.
“Don’t be a bitch and drive, damn it.”
“I mean it, Buckley,” Neil adds, grinding his teeth. “I have no intention to get dragged into your problems. You can’t turn the switch? You gotta go.”
Oh, and how much Buck would love to. But even if Neil may hate his guts, Buck is where he belongs, where he belonged long before he could fool himself into believing that his place was in a firehouse with red furniture and a house wherein the most adorable kid lives and plays video games.
Even if I wanted to, if you wanted me to, there’s someone who wants me to say. And he calls the shots. Rules of the game.
“I made a call based on the evidence and my experience,” Buck reasons, because it’s still true. He took a risk based on what he knows himself capable of.
“Good, just checking.”
“There’s no need.”
“There better not be. We have a mission to fulfill.”
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itoshit · 3 years
Time passed, I didn't even know how many hours I stayed here, laying on the floor. But then I realised. Why would Vee leave me? Except for the obvious that is. But she could have left me on so many occasions. So why now?
And then I remembered. Natalie.
This bitch.
Standing up again, I went for my room. Opening the drawer and taking my gun out, I put it in the holster. Turning around, I looked at the bed. It was undone this morning and now, it was perfectly clean. Did Vee do it? As I was going to check my pillow, my phone rang loudly, startling me.
What the hell do-
It's me, Ran. I've one good new, and a bad one. What do you choose first?
The bad one.
The girls have been kidnapped by the Yamaguchi-gumi and-
I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to. I tried so hard to keep Vee safe, I did everything to make her live. And the first time that I'm letting her alone, she gets kidnapped??
BUT. The good new is that we found their hideout.
Tell me
Wait I-
I. Said. Tell. Me. Ran
Hearing his sigh through the phone, I tightened my grip on it.
Come, we're getting ready
Hanging up after his words, I tried my best to stay calm. I really did.
But then, something switched. I can't even remember what happened, but the moment I regained consciousness, the whole place was destroyed. Mirrors were shattered on the floor, broken chairs were laying here and there, the bedsheets were all torn apart. But strangely, I relaxed quickly, taking deep breathes.
Those fuckers will have their head ripped off their bodies.
What happened? I need the full explanation.
Now all sat around the wooden table, I was looking over the informations given by Ran. The other executives looked stressed as fuck, because they probably knew that if something happened, I would kill them all.
Natalie and Vee left your apartment only an hour after you went outside. According to the security cameras, Vee has been dragged all the way out of your building.
She didn't consent then
Turning to Koko, Ran smiled a bit while looking at the papers.
No she didn't indeed. They took a cab. Following the city footages, they arrived at an intersection and a car drove right into theirs. The taxi driver died directly, and the girls survived. But, one member of the Yamaguchi-gumi took them.
Sanzu didn't look particularly distressed, but the man never gave a shit except for his pills.
What else?
Our meeting got interrupted by the door opening, revealing my advisor,  Takeomi Akashi, accompanied by a very familiar face.
Amico mio! Glad to see those injuries of yours healed quickly! I told you we were going to see each other again!
The guys seemed astonished by Dante's apparition but I wasn't. We stayed in contact, and he told me the Yamaguchi-gumi would plot something. Guess he wasn't wrong.
Dante. Come sit with us
So, what's the plan hm? Gonna blow some brains out yeah?
Grinning at me, Dante shook his gun in a playful manner.
That's the plan yeah
Laughing loudly, he patted my shoulder. Turning to Ran, he nodded.
What I was saying. Natalie's father is dead, as you all know it. The most logical explanation for her move is-
She thought we were toying with her. We didn't inform her about her father and she probably came up with this because of that. She supposed we didn't know much and she decided to find him by herself
But corpses don't speak, her father won't come back
Listening to Rindou and Takeomi discussing, I turned to Dante.
Did you bring your men?
Of course! La Cosa Nostra isn't joking with allies.
Standing up and slamming my palms against the surface, I looked at my executives one by one.
Get ready to go, we're gonna show them what Bonten's members are made of
Bellissimo! Let the war begin!
It's starting to look like a movie now 🥴
I woke up tied to a chair, mouth gagged. The déjà vu was a bitch. A hostage once again, this time at the hands of my friend. My eyes burned. The entire time we had been looking for the mole and I had brought it right to Bonten’s doorstep. I was so stupid, I thought to myself in that chair, tears pooling beneath my lash line. Natalie was pointing out my weaknesses this entire time, using them against me while she was weaponizing them whenever it pertained to Mikey.
Mikey. I thought about how he was so quick to question Natalie about why she was such a bitch to me that day she came to the hideout all bruised up. He was angry at her for mistreating me even then. Did he know what happened? Was he coming? As if I had summoned it, the image of him pointing the gun at Nat popped up into my head. He’d be sure to pull the trigger now.
A door creaked open to my right and a tall man emerged from it. He grinned upon seeing me. Good morning, Sunshine, he beamed, leaning close into my face. I titled my head back, away from him. Oh don’t be like that, Vee.
Venus, I hissed.
Natalie was right. He whistled. You don’t like strangers calling you by your nickname.
The mere mention of the traitor sent rage flooding through my body. Where is she?
He beckoned his head near my back where I couldn’t see, and moments later Natalie came walking into the room. Small bandages littered her arms and face, a plaster on her nose, but otherwise she looked fine.
Are you proud of yourself, Nat? I asked. Usually I’d be crying but I was too angry for tears. I wanted to rip her throat out, carve out her insides. Maybe Mikey was rubbing off on me more than I thought? Do you feel accomplished?
More than I ever have sitting like a duck in Bonten. Manjiro can’t even run an organization. I was foolish to think he could find my father.
Don’t speak his fucking name. The venom in my tone surprised us both. Do you think you’ll live after what you did? That he’d let you walk away for what you did to me?
You overestimate yourself, Venus. You’re nothing to Mikey but a one night stand that he just got to fuck again. I tried to pretend like her words didn’t hurt. Like the possibility of them being true didn’t sting. See how quick Senju came along? That’ll be him a week after you’re gone. Don’t think for a second your pussy’s so good Mikey’d start a losing war for it.
I fought off her hurtful words with ammo of my own. This isn’t just about me though. You disrespected Bonten. Spit in the leader and Second in Command’s faces as you betrayed them, after they saved your life no less. Do you really think they’d let that slide? That you’d get to run off with your dad after this and live a happy life? I laughed. You’ll be running the rest of your life, Natalie. That’s if you make it out of here alive.
She stormed toward me and slapped me with blazing eyes, my face turning at the impact. I slowly turned my head back to her. For your sake, I hope he’s alive. Maybe never being able to live in a place for longer than a week will be more bearable if it’s with your father.
Natalie backed away from me like I was poisonous, face horrified. The consequences of her actions must’ve just settled in. She stormed out of the room, leaving me with the unknown man again.
What a cat fight. You’re feisty, Vee. And you’re right. Natalie isn’t going to live long. And do you want to know a secret? Her father didn’t either. We killed him almost as soon as we took him as a hostage. He’s been rotting from before Natalie started working for us. My stomach dropped at the ease in which he described their barbarism. A part of it sunk for Nat. She bet her life on a dead man. I’d have never thought you had that in you from what Natalie described.
And what else did Natalie say about me?
That you were Mikey’s plaything, close to him in fact. It’s a part of the reason why we brought you here. See, we want to know more about Bonten. And what better way than to ask the woman who sleeps with its leader?
I looked at him bewildered. Did Natalie really think Mikey told me stuff about Bonten? I’m sorry to disappoint, but if my pussy’s not good enough to start wars over it’s certainly not good enough to have Mikey divulging top-secret information to me.
See. He clicked his tongue. I don’t quite believe that. But it’s okay, he began, walking over to a metal table and picking up a knife. Natalie also told us about certain injuries you obtained in Mikey’s care. His hands grazed my thighs, and even though they left no stitches, I tensed exactly where the wounds once lay without meaning to. Right there? Now what if I just—
He shoved the entire knife into my thigh, sending a searing pain running through my entire body. A blood curdling scream erupted from my throat.
Can I let you in on another little secret, Vee? We’ve been recording this VoiceMemo on your phone the entire time, he confessed, leaning close to my face, which was now hot and wet with tears. Uh huh. Survived the car accident. We’re gonna send this to Mikey right now. So let’s give him a parting scream for the road, aye?
And as much as I didn’t want to, I couldn’t help the wail that shook my vocal chords when he yanked it out.
Mikey, I sobbed internally. Please help me.
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diyunho · 8 years
The Joker x Reader - “Broken”
After you got shot in the head you were in a coma for a while. When you woke up you were quite broken and The Joker doesn’t like broken things. Getting rid of you seems like the perfect solution.
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The Joker immediately turned when he heard the gunshot. You felt the sharp pain for a split second before you blacked out. J opened his mouth in disbelief, wanting to say something but for once he was speechless. He just stood there, stunned, watching Frost as he killed the security guard being heroic enough to attempt a small rebellion on his own.
“WHAT…THE FUCK??!!” The Joker’s voice finally echoed in the building while stomping towards you. Some of the hostages on the floor whimpered in fear, knowing that it won’t end well after what just happened.
“I thought you were watching everybody!” he pointed at his henchmen, mad as hell, kneeling so that he can turn you around. J saw the nasty bleeding head wound and he lost it:
“Kill everybody!! NOW!!!!” He lifted you and your arms went limp, hanging down on the sides of your body. “God dammit! Frost, let’s go, you drive!!” Blood started soaking his purple coat and he squeezed you closer to him, trying to wake you up.
“Hey, Princess, open your eyes! Open your eyes!“ No answer came and he took a deep breath, grinding his teeth, not even discerning the screams coming from the slaughter happening behind him.
He got in the back of the van with you and realized he wasn’t even wearing a shirt that night.
“Frost, give me your jacket!” he impatiently demanded and wrapped it around your head as soon as he got it. Jonny started driving and the Joker kept on wiping the blood off your face with his bare hands, not realizing he got all over his cheeks and hair too. “Baby doll, can you hear me? Don’t make Daddy mad; open your eyes, hm?”  he kept on trying to reason with you, nervously biting his lips.
“Where to, Boss?” Frost shouted, driving so fast he was afraid he will get unwanted attention, the last thing that was needed that night.
“Our doctor, Frosty, where else???!! “ The Joker snapped back at him, irritated about the question. “I don’t care who else we need to get, I want her fixed!... I don’t like…b-broken things…” he muttered the last words to himself, stammering with anxiety, still trying to clean you up.
*** You were in surgery for 10 hours. It was a clean wound, the bullet wasn’t inside: it pierced the left side of your head, above your ear, slightly under the skin surface which was very lucky but still created quite a lot of damage and brain hemorrhage. The best doctors that Gotham’s underworld uses were brought in to help you. J didn’t care about the money they asked or the supplies needed. What was he going to do with all his possessions if his Queen was dead?  It wouldn’t matter, it would be no fun.
The Joker was told there was no way to know when you will wake up or if there will be any nerve damage following your recovery. They didn’t have the courage to tell him you might never wake up. Afterwards, you were taken to the penthouse and one of the spare bedrooms was transformed into your own medical ward. The doctors took turns in coming and checking up on you, changing your bandages, updating your IV medications and the blood tests were coming back pretty good, except for the fact that you wouldn’t wake up.
Since J couldn’t sleep without you, he moved the bed in the master bedroom to your room, this way he could at least doze off for a few hours. All those beeping noises from those machines you were hooked at annoyed him to death but he learned to ignore them after a few days.
The Joker talked to you all the time, sometimes falling asleep waiting for an answer that never came. Most of the times he was answering for you.
* “Hey, Y/N, do you remember when you told me you were pregnant and I panicked, almost pushed you off the balcony? Lucky you told me you were joking before I did it, huh? “ and he started laughing maniacally, ending it with a deep growl, pleased at the memory. “Good times, Doll…”
* “Oh my God, I’m so bored!” He would roll his blue eyes in your face.” Would you wake up, Pumpkin? Let’s have some fun, I’ll take you for a ride. Wanna blow up something? Hmmm? Deal?” J cupped your face, caressing it with his thumbs until he got fed up with that too. “Jeez, Doll, why are you doing this to me?” he would finally rest his head on your tummy, pouting, not liking the fact that you were still like that after 3 weeks.
* “Princess, do you remember when I got angry and I shot you in the leg and you stabbed me? You were soooo pissed,” he snickered, kissing your hand. “We almost killed each other that day.” His crazy laughter filled the room again. “Ahhhh, good times, Doll…” he sighed, delighted at that treasured remembrance.
* J thought you need more tattoos, it was about time he gave you another one. He tattooed “Wake Up” all around your right hand wrist, like a bracelet, and a lot of “I love J” and “Sleepy Head” going up your arm just like bracelet charms . “You like it, Pumpkin?” he brought it closer to your face and when you didn’t react he just replied, proud of himself: “I think I did really good.”
* He pushed the girl he brought from the club inside and she was so scared she was shaking like a leaf.
“ Y/N, if you don’t wake up in 5 seconds, I’m getting a new girlfriend!” J shove her right on your bed. “ 5,4,3,2… 2 and a half…1…one and a half…Doll, come on!!!... Zero!”  Nothing. “Get the hell out of here!” he pushed the girl and she run out of the room so fast she almost fell when she opened the door. “Shit, that didn’t work,” he passed his fingers through his green hair, sulking. Another week went by.
* The Joker brought in a target matt and hanged it on the wall in front of you. He liked to place his gun in your hand, holding it with his, aim and shoot at the target. “Perfect, Y/N, this way you don’t lose practice. You’re such a good girl,” he would kiss your knuckles, smiling and then frowning when he realized you didn’t even know he was there.
* First time you opened your eyes was after 4 more weeks. It was late at night and J was on his laptop,still awake, looking at all the naughty pics you always sent him. He noticed the movement and jumped out of bed, not really believing you’re awake.
“Jesus, Princess, it was about time! I’m sooo horny,” he whispered in your ear and grinned when he noticed your chest going up and down in a silent, faint laughter.
“…My… poor… baby…” you barely uttered, struggling to reach his pale face and he purred, relieved, firmly holding your shaky fingers on his cheek since you couldn’t do it on your own. “…What…happened?...”
At first, you had a really hard time using your left side of the body. You had bad days and good days. On your bad days you used one of J’s canes to walk around. He used to hide it and watch you struggle, scoffing:
“You don’t need a cane, Doll. Just walk, you’re fine!”
You held on to the wall, fighting really hard to keep your balance.
“I do need it, give it back!”
“Nope,” he simply stated, observing you from the couch until you got to your old room where he still kept the target matt so you can practice shooting again. It almost brought you to tears when you kept on missing; such an embarrassment for a skilled assassin. But it was so hard to control your left hand that kept on trembling. The Joker always sneaked to watch you since you kept the door opened and it made him uneasy to see you were so distressed. And it made him even tenser when he noticed he still liked his broken Doll.
First time you were able to have sex again after your recovery was… challenging. (And to be honest, many more times afterwards.)
He started complaining after 5 minutes :
“Christ, Y/N, your hand is twitching around my neck, it’s freaking me out! Stop it!” and he kissed you again, annoyed.
“Well, baby, I can’t control it, you know that! Especially when I get…excited,” you panted, adjusting your head on the pillow.
“Why are you excited?” J snickered. “Hey, keep your legs around my waist, you know I like it,” he moaned in your ear, kissing his way down your neck.
“I can’t, my left leg keeps on sliding down, I can’t even feel it anymore. I’m sorry, baby,” you arched your back, giggling, amused on how worked up he was about it.
“Can you get on your knees, Doll?”
“I doubt it,” you fakely sobbed, wanting him to shut up and make love to you.
“Can you get on top of me?”
A snarl coming from you gave him the answer.
“Can we do it against the wall?”
You slapped his side, aggravated.
“Jeez, woman, what can you do?!” You covered his mouth, impatient.
“I’m just gonna lay here, ok? That’s all I can offer for now. I’m…helpless so you can totally take advantage of me,” you winked, uncovering his lips so you can kiss him.
“Hmm, I never took advantage of a …ummm…incapacitated person before,” The Joker smirked, suddenly liking the idea.
“Good, because I thought you like challenges,” you laughed, content he is finally satisfied.
“Ohhh, Daddy never backs out from a challenge, Pumpkin,” he gave you that devilish look and pulled your hair while pinning your hands above your head. “This way you don’t freak me out with your twitchy hand.”
“Jerk…” you moaned, lifting your head so you can kiss his Jester tattoo.
“You wait until you see what Daddy has in store for you and then we’ll talk about it...yes?” he closed his eyes, enjoying feeling you again. It made him so ecstatic.
After 3 more months you are better, but not fully recovered.
He tosses his gun on the floor and urges you to get it.
“Come on, Princess, be sexy for me. Bend over and grab that gun! I’ll pay you!” and he pushes the pile of hundred dollars from his desk on the floor. 
“Are you serious?” you lift your gaze from your phone, not knowing if he meant it or not. You’ve been fighting a lot recently and his behavior towards you changed.
“Yes, do it,” he hums, putting the map aside and rolling away on his chair so he can see you better.
“ ‘Kaaayyyy,” you do as asked, and half way through your left leg gives out and you land on your knees.
“Wow, that’s pathetic!” he hisses, and you feel your face burning. “Seriously, I don’t even know why I keep you around: you’re crippled, you can’t kill for me, you’re not great in bed anymore and I’m sick of waiting for you to recover. As you are fully aware, I don’t like broken things, hence it’s time for you to go,” J barks at you and you just watch him, stunned.
“W-what are you talking about?! I’m so much better and I am getting better. I AM NOT crippled!” you almost yell, struggling to get on your feet, not understanding what’s going on.
“You’re useless, that’s what you are!” The Joker raises his voice, having a hard time controlling his temper. “I want you out of here!”
“Are you serious?!” you ask, furrowing your eyebrows, thinking about his cold behavior lately. That’s why, he’s just sick of you.   “After…all these years?”
He sarcastically grunts, crossing his arms on his chest:
“Is that supposed to mean anything to me?! OUT! Don’t make me repeat myself; you can stay tonight so you can sort out the things you want to take.”
“I…I don’t need anything, I have my own stuff,” you reply, backing out slowly, trying to swallow the lump in your throat and maintain your equilibrium.
“God, you’re soooo pitiful, still can’t control your body. How am I even supposed to be with someone like you?! The King of Gotham needs perfection, not trash.”
You gasp, feeling your heart beating faster and faster.
“I am the Queen of Gotham, with or without you, not trash!”  
“Used to be Queen, Doll, now look at you: just another lost cause. Don’t test my patience, get out of here.” He points out towards the elevator.  “ Awwww, are those tears? You never cry. I told you you’re pathetic and broken, this proves what I just said.”
You shake your head, turning around and limping towards the elevator, tripping on the carpet because your bad leg is misbehaving. You hear him laugh: “Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! So useless!”
You swallow your tears all the way down when your cell rings. You see it’s your informant and you answer right away:
“When Mister J is going to his “Savage” club tonight, it will be an ambush: Sully’s men; they’ll try to kill him. Pass the word.”
“Thank you, Axel,” you mumble, turning off your phone and placing back in your pocket.
I am not telling him anything, the jerk deserves anything coming his way! You decide as you reach the basement’s garage and the elevator’s door open. Let them kill him.
First thing you do when you get to your apartment is wash away the neon green highlights from your bright red hair. It makes you feel better until the little thoughts pop in your mind: “Are you going to let them kill him?”, “Yes, I don’t care.” “But…it’s J.” “I really don’t care; his men can protect him if they can.” “But…it’s J.”
“Ughhhh,” you cover your face with the small pillow, attempting to erase any feelings you might have from your conscience. “But…it’s J…Come on, it’s J…” the idea keeps on repeating and echoing in your mind until you get up from the loveseat, exasperated.
“Shit, fine, I’m going, just shut the hell up!” you admonish yourself, looking in the mirror. “The asshole doesn’t deserve me…” you conclude, getting the duffle bag with your rifle out of the closet.
You go and place yourself on the top of the tallest building, about half a mile away from “Savage”. You watch everything through the scope, but so far nothing out of place. Your left hand is shaky again and you put so much effort into controlling it you’re starting to sweat. “Not now, please” you reason with your weak side of the body, cracking your neck. Another two hours pass by and you finally see The Joker’s Lamborghini approaching followed by 3 SUV’s.
You wipe your forehead and concentrate more, looking around carefully as he parks and gets out of the car. Suddenly, you see the four men in black suits, wearing running shoes and you know it’s them: Sully’s men trademark attire. They approach from different angles and you wait until they are fairly close to the Joker and his henchmen. They noticed the assassins too and surrounded J, protecting him. He takes out his gun, waiting, and he watches as suddenly one by one they fall to the ground, their brains splattered on the concrete.
He lifts his eyes, searching the buildings around as his goons get him to his car so he can safely leave. Three more assassins start running towards his Lamborghini and you shot again, the last one collapsing right in front of the Joker’s car. He looks up, but he sure doesn’t have the right building you’re on top of. He knows it’s you and bites on his cheek, growling, taking off with his men before the cops show up.
You wipe your forehead, exhausted, resting your head on the trigger:
“I’m not pathetic and broken.”     Did you want to prove that to him or yourself? Probably both.
J drove straight back to the penthouse, laying low for the rest of the night. He gets in bed, trying to sleep and can’t because you’re not there. He looks at your empty side of the bed and moves over, burring his face in your pillow-it smells like you. Another hour and he’s still awake, tossing and turning.
“I don’t like broken things,” he whispers, opening his eyes just to see your items scattered all over the bedroom since you didn’t take anything with you. It really makes uncomfortable realizing he feels the exact opposite of not liking you. Or so he believes.
“I really don’t like broken things,” he gets mad, exasperated, forcing himself not to think of anything.
The sound of your cane hitting the wood floor startles you and you wake up, leaning over so you can reach and turn on the lamp. You see The Joker kicking it again, and again.
“Stupid piece of crap!” he shouts, his green hair all over his face.
“What are you doing here?!” you rub your eyes, not glad to see him at all. “Get out!”
He just comes over and yanks at your hand:
“Let’s go, Doll, you’re coming back, I can’t sleep without you.”
“Screw you!” you pull back, upset he broke into your apartment and has the nerve to act like nothing happened.
“Yes, you can do that too, you naughty girl, I know you can’t wait,” he tries to yank you away again.
The evil glare you give him makes him stop and he regains his posture, sighing:
“You’re coming back; you know I can’t sleep without you.”
“I don’t care!!!!” you cover your body with the blanket like it’s going to help any. He sees your watery eyes and decides to drop it.
“Fine, then I’ll sleep here.” He goes around the bed and gets under the blanket, scooting over so he can be close to you. “Now shut up, I have to sleep, I’m tired as hell!” He places his head on your pillow, waiting for you to get down and join him. You watch him with indignation, sniffling, and kick him:
“Get out of my apartment!”
The Joker ignores your behavior and decides to talk with his eyes closed:
“I don’t like broken things…”
“I’m not a broken thing you presumptuous …” you start your rant, getting ready to kick him again when he interrupts:
“…but you’re my favorite thing. Good, I thought that would shut you up,” he grins, forcefully pulling you in his arms as you struggle to escape. “Ahhhhh, I like it when you’re feisty. Queens are feisty…” he nuzzles in your hair for a few seconds then pecs your lips and holds you tighter. “Don’t think I didn’t notice your green highlights are gone. They’ll be back first thing in the morning, got it?”
“You can’t tell me what to do!” you try to make a comeback but he cuts you short again:
“The hell I can’t! Now shut up, I’m so worn out,” he gets your left leg around his waist and holds it, this way you’re glued to him. “There, I know you can’t hold it yourself.”
When you don’t answer he opens one eye and sees you stare at him with that hurt expression on your face that makes him uneasy.
“Stop it, Pumpkin, I really need to rest,” J kisses your forehead and you whimper, upset:
“You’re such a jerk.”
“Pffft,” he scoffs, “is that supposed to be news to me? Now zip it and I mean it,” he scolds you, annoyed.
“Jerk…” you faintly mumble before closing your eyes.
He just smiles, knowing he will finally be able to doze off.
 Also read- MASTERLIST
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