#the reason he works as a good parallel to asgore in this sense is because he breaks asgores dychotamy and forces his own
kooki914 · 8 days
What are asgore and spades favorite colors
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#deltarune#asks#drawings#asgore#spade#king of spades#spade king#asgore dreemurr#spadesgore#technically#king spade#no one asked but i want to elaborate#asgore describes colours in pairs not just because it might be the only colour theory he knows#but because thats also how he generally just sees. people and their traits#as if everything needs something to compliment#hence why he feels so out of place and useless to himself when hes not married/in a relationship#the way he describes yellow and purple are a good way to describe him and toriel in undertale#royal colours that are tied to hope but they only shine when theyre constracted against the grim tragedy that shaped them#with blue and orange it kind of describes sans and papyrus especially with how their comedic timing works#like when youre alone with sans in mtt resort the tone is a LOT more somber - colder#but when papyrus is by himself hes all jumpy and shit and he hardly seems as down to earth as he does with sans around#and red and green imo are the most important in analysing asgore specifically bc his weapon is red#but his shirt colour in post pacifist and deltarune is pink - literally a softer version of the cruelty we KNOW hes capable of#he describes it as just sort of -fitting- with the greenery he surrounds himself with and i think that mostly has to do with what he WANTS#all the plants and the greenery are ALIVE but almost toxic. meanwhile someone else most prominantly associated with red is rudy#the guys whole gimmick is having a bright red nose#its like asgore surrounds himself with the colour that would compliment the person he wants#or literally wearing their colours a la him and toriel having the same shade of blue on in undertale#and spade? hes just emo. he likes black because its a lack of colour - a lack of light#the reason he works as a good parallel to asgore in this sense is because he breaks asgores dychotamy and forces his own
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alphatale-premier · 2 days
What inspired you to make the one to take the role of King Multiverse be Asgore instead of Sans, opposed to Lavender's rendition on it? While the parallelism of Asgore being already a king as is being there, I am sure there are more details and reasons to it.
Probably because abbreviating King Multiverse Sans doesn't sound too good in hindsight.
There are more details, mostly to do with the parallelism as you suggested, though conceptually it was to simply strip the role away from Sans, as there are no traits he holds to befit a King, if that makes sense. Asgore, while not only being a King, also has traits of authority and concepts regarding the "greater good" notion, which altogether works well for KM. There is that final point too, yes.
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fantasychica37 · 4 years
Possible full names for the Dreemurr kids
Birth name Charles (if pronounced “char-a” - there’s probably a similar girls’ name if Chara’s AFAB) or a name like Caroline (GLaDOS parallel!!!!)/Carol/Carrie/Carolyn (if pronounced “care-a”), alternatively Chara is AFAB and Greek and Chara was their birth name (Chara’s a Greek girl’s name apparently, it means “joy”!!!!!)
Chosen middle name Togore or Goriel (so they can be named like Asriel was as they’re as much Toriel and Asgore’s child as him and because those names both have the word “gore” in them - and Togore uses the opposite name elements as Asriel and is “toe gore” which I think they’d enjoy, but with “Asriel” and “Togore” being perfect opposites Frisk is a little bit of an awkward third wheel, although “Astor” for Frisk is a good solution, see below)
Alternatively their birth surname was Astor (they’re white and Astor is a European name) which they keep as their middle name so they can be named like Asriel and their name can be Chara A. Dreemurr (Chara, a dreamer) but that would take away the only middle name idea I have for Frisk so maybe not
Frisk - birth name Francisco/Francisca/Francesco/Francesca/Franziska Lee/Astor, chosen name Frisk Astor Dreemurr
Those first names all have the consonants in “Frisk”, possible origin of that name, also they mean “French person” and “France” is from “Frank”, a name of an ethnic group deriving from a type of spear they used, but the English form, Francis, is associated with a very peaceful and good saint - so either a peaceful loving person or “people of the spear”, which is the choice we make as we control Frisk
Astor because it’s a real last name that’s also a combination of Asgore and Toriel’s names, as though it were destiny (I headcanon that Chara grew up with abusive parents and Frisk was given up for adoption as a baby and grew up in the foster system and only knew lack of love, not active malice, so Chara was angry and hated humanity but Frisk was desperately determined to do anything to make friends - so Frisk might have cause to keep the surname Astor because they don’t hate their birth family since they never knew them and by keeping Astor they can be named like Asriel.) Also, if Chara’s middle name is Goriel, Frisk can be their opposite in middle names just like Frisk and Chara are opposites in many thematic senses. If Chara’s middle name is Togore, Astor is a combination of the first elements of “Asriel” and Togore” with an extra letter added, just as Frisk is a combination/mix/middle ground of Asriel’s and Chara’s worldviews with stuff added that enables them to break the barrier and break everyone’s old flawed mindsets. Finally, Frisk’s name would be Frisk A. Dreemurr (Frisk, a dreamer).
Lee because it can be either Asian or European in origin (and black and Native American people can have European surnames), thus giving Frisk the maximum number of possible ethnicities - I’m confident the reason Frisk looks ambiguous is that they’re supposed to look like you but 4′10″ and with a certain hair length - and also because when people hear Lee they think Asian and it’s a joke about how Frisk’s appearance, which was designed to be perfectly ambiguous, also happened to wind up looking like if a racist person drew an Asian
Also Lee because 1) if they made Lee their middle name it sounds like a first or a last name so is the perfect middle name and 2) if their middle initial is I or A (Astor, perhaps) they’re Frisk A. Lee or Frisk I. Lee which sounds like “Friskily” (a la the joke about Chara’s middle name being “Cter”, which I will include in this post as soon as someone proves to me that “Cter” or “Ter” (middle initial C) is a real name somewhere in the world)
Kris: birth name Kris P. Lee (”crispily” - the thing about “Lee” being for multiple ethnicities and Kris looking ambiguous applies here as well as to Frisk) or Kris P. Bacon, with Kris probably being a nickname for something; chosen name Kris Togore Dreemurr because Kris would also enjoy “toe gore” and because there is no third Dreemurr child Kris can have the opposite middle name of Asriel without blocking anyone out
Asriel - birth name Asriel Dreemurr, chosen name Asriel Chris Dreemurr
Middle name Chris to fit in with humans on the surface who have middle names - especially human royalty with long names - and to expand his name after he’s been through so much and grown so much, and to pay tribute to Chara and Frisk as “Chris” is like a combo of their names)
Alternatively the long form of “Chris”: Christopher or Christian (so all his names don’t come from other people - he chose a middle name that was part derived from the names of other people but also part unique), and here’s a rationale behind each name
“Christopher” is “Christ-bearer” and Asriel bore a heavy burden to give the monsters salvation
I as a Christian often joke that the reason Asriel isn’t suffering a soulless eternal fate worse than death in Deltarune is because God’s in Deltarune (there’s a church) and God would never let anyone be a zombie in lonely torment and unable to be truly happy for eternity, and I guess the corollary of that is that if Christianity was in Undertale Asriel could be saved, so!
Even without that line of reasoning, the reasoning behind “Christopher” would be an endless reminder of Asriel’s suffering, which he may or may not want (some people wish for scars to prove they survived, while other people wish them gone, for example), and a Christian is someone who believes in hope and mercy and love and that things will always get better, and in miracles.
For example (not that Asriel knows this - he doesn’t know his world isn’t real, thank goodness), you could be faced with people who want to kill you and be nice to them instead of attacking back, and by a series of miracles have it always work - and then find that because you were nice to everyone it will by “chance” set off a series of events that leads to enough people being together in one place for the villain to have enough power to absorb enough souls to break the barrier and get you your happy ending! (I also think that if Asriel and Chara were saved, it would be because Asriel used all that soul power to do it! I mean it’s the power of a god, right? And don’t gods create souls and give people life in most religions?) The creator of the world made us the promise that the angel Raphael made to the boy Tobias (yes that was his name I’m not making this up) in some apocryphal Old Testament book: “Do what is right and no harm (well, no permanent harm, even if you die 128 times like me) shall come to thee.”
The Dreemurr children in every universe try to get free king suite or whatever tickets to the fancy hotel called the Waldorf-ASTORia because of this (and in Undertale, it’s because they’re actually royalty so they deserve the king suite and free room service, right? No? Darn it)
(@askroyalchildren, I’m not trying to say my ideas are better than your middle name ideas you came up with, but what do you think?)
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argentdandelion · 5 years
Things Anti-Monster Politicians Could Do (Mild)
(Mild) → (Moderate) → (Severe)→ (Extremely Angsty)
Note: This series assumes Mt. Ebott is in the U.S., based on Vegetoid’s description: “Not monitored by the USDA”. This presumably stands for the United States Department of Agriculture. However, most of the article would apply if Mt. Ebott were in other countries, too.
The anti-monster politician would ignore or dismiss monsters’ specific bodily or cultural needs, or make it inconvenient for them to fulfill particular needs. Loopholes, alternatives and workarounds to the policies are obvious, but discouraged or inconvenient.
Tactic 1: Gyftmas is Not Valid
Tactic 2: No Magic Lessons
On a slightly stronger note, anti-monster politicians (AMPs) could, rather than creating species-segregated schools, strategically adjust school rules and requirements.
AMPs (school superintendents, principals) could ban bullet patterns inside a school. In principle, this makes sense: humans could get hurt, and for particularly crowded schools, a lot of humans could get hurt at once. The AMPs could (at risk to sounding reasonable) ban bullet patterns on school grounds, so monsters can’t even do it at recess or shortly after being released from school.
School superintendents could make curriculum options that conspicuously omit magic-expression, even as an extracurricular. One plausible-sounding excuse for why they wouldn’t teach magic is due to a school being majority-human (but still close to Mt. Ebott), and humans being unable to use magic or find it as appealing or useful as monsters.
Even without specific regulations, AMPs could influence hiring decisions for human-only/human-dominant schools so they just happen to never hire magic-expression teachers, or block attempts to teach magic-expression because “it’s not part of the curriculum”. They could even block merging magic-expression lessons into art or communication classes. Alternatively, AMPs could mandate only monster-specific/monster-dominant schools need to teach magic expression, or specifically block all but monster schools from teaching it.
In total, these regulations wouldn’t endanger monsters, but only give them a sub-par species-specific education if they attend human-dominant schools. They could find workarounds, such as tutors, separate schools or parents teaching them, but it would be inconvenient.
Tactic 3: No Monster Food in Cafeterias
AMPs could suggest “accommodating monsters with magic food” (e.g, cafes, school cafeterias) is financially onerous for businesses, making monster food availability lower. They could also disguise not supplying monster food as personally not liking the cuisine or considering it unappealing to kids. After all, Chinese food is just more of a crowd-pleaser than, say, Lebanese food. Still, this would be absurd since monster food largely mimics common American foods.
Not supplying monster food would be extra inconvenient in cafeterias, because children have less of a choice in what schools or businesses they attend or work for than what cafes they visit. Even without official policies or justifications, AMPs could simply not supply any monster food, ever, in cafeterias. It would be very suspect because some schools do import food outside typical catering, and monster food would likely be healthier, tastier, or cheaper than human food. This is especially true when serving normal food a small percentage of humans are allergic to, but monster food is “made of magic” and might not contain allergens at all.
Since monsters apparently need to defecate if they eat physical food, AMPs could make this worse by forbidding them from entering student/employee bathrooms. Some possible excuses are: “so many unsupervised students/employees in one place could kill them”, or “we aren’t sure if our toilets can handle your waste”, or “monsters defecating is gross”, or “since you’re an “it” or “they”, you can’t go to the girls’ bathrooms or boys’ bathrooms) But, AMPs could suspiciously never supply a single toilet for monsters in the whole building to address the “waste” concerns, despite the existence of handicapped bathrooms/specific stalls that also serve a tiny minority. AMPs could also discourage, if not outright forbid, them from using the single-stall teachers’ bathrooms as a workaround.
Now, to make this even worse, AMPs could suggest, without any basis, that monster food is nutritionally inferior or reacts poorly with the human body. They could then use that to discredit monster-run food shops. (a la monosodium glutamate and anti-Chinese xenophobia) They could even fabricate or fudge the results for a study on monster food’s effect on humans, then use the fake results to support banning monster food from restaurants. While monsters can still eat physical food, shifting their diet to have drastically more physical food at once will surely lead to mass digestive troubles and possibly nutritional problems. (It would also sabotage humans, since monster food could be really handy in some situations.)
Tactic 4: No Body Accommodations
Taller monsters, such as Asgore, need bigger models of cars to safely fit in cars and/or comfortably drive. Smaller cars are generally more fuel-efficient, and harm pedestrians less in case of a collision. So, AMPs could make suspiciously-timed subsidies for smaller cars, outright ban big cars from cities or parking garages, or have buyback programs for bigger (and potentially monster-suitable) cars.
The AMPs could also suggest physical accommodations of any sort (e.g., entry ramps for legless monsters) would be expensive and useless. However, his particular tactic would probably cause humans with impaired mobility to team up with monsters, since they also need or greatly benefit from similar ramps. Indeed, this is classified as “mild” partly because the tactic could anger or greatly inconvenience humans, and so nudge them into making political alliances with monsters.
Workarounds for No Magic Lessons
Workaround 1. Gerson is hired to teach (human) history. AMPs figure he’s just teaching (human) history, and on the face of it he’d be a good history teacher. But Gerson just happens to make asides on monster history when it parallels human issues, and just happens to give demonstrations of bullet patterns in monster history, or re-creates artistic patterns throughout human history using his own bullets.
Workaround 2. A monster P.E. teacher (e.g., Undyne) notices the rule says “students can’t use bullet patterns inside school/on school grounds”. The monster demonstrates bullet patterns for the students to actually practice later. Better yet, the monster P.E. teacher takes one step outside the school’s legal property (e.g., a surrounding field, in the parking lot, on the roof), shows off bullet patterns, and has students take turns stepping just outside official school property to demonstrate. The monster teaches them how to express bullet patterns in an athletic way to justify it being part of athletic curriculum. Or, the monster realizes it’s still legal for P.E. teachers to play dodgeball with students (which can hurt), and so does “magic ball” instead, controlling bullet damage so it does exactly as much damage as getting hit by a dodgeball. (The monster P.E. teacher could probably say, “Frisk survived because they were so good at dodging! Knowing how to dodge magic attacks will keep humans safe in human-monster conflict!”)
Workaround 3. One reason/excuse for not teaching magic at a majority human school is the fact humans can’t use magic, and it not being important in human society. However, a function on Frisk’s monster-made cell phone changed their SOUL to Yellow mode, allowing them to emit bullets like a monster. (if in a very simplified fashion) Monsters providing SOUL mode technology or magical objects that emit bullets means humans wouldn’t feel left out in magic expression classes. Furthermore, of course human children would want to learn how to use magic in some way, even if it took years of practice. If humans with yellow SOULs can naturally emit bullets, that would cause an even greater faux pas to AMPs. People would probably argue they’d want to cultivate their abilities, and not providing magic lessons even as an extracurricular is discriminatory to Yellow SOULs.
Workaround 4. Humans can, in fact, use magic after monsters return to the Surface, and monsters teach them how to use magic.1 The fun and utility of humans knowing how to use magic encourages human-monster integration. While Tactic 2 suggests magic classes are of little to no use in purely human/human-dominant schools, the school with one or multiple magic classes in GlitchTale seems to be human-dominant.
Workarounds for No Monster Food at Cafeterias
Workaround 1: Monster students just bring bagged lunches. Alternatively, for teenagers allowed to go off-grounds for lunch, there could be a monster restaurant for cheap that’s very close to the school.
Workaround 2: Internet personalities who specialize in recording eating food or visiting restaurants make a point of eating monster food. They could even repeatedly swear or say really funny things to make the videos super-popular.
Workaround 3: Monster food-engineers supply magic-food equivalents to common allergen-containing foods, like oysters or peanut butter, allowing allergic people to taste what they’ve been missing out on and feel “normal”. The video would be highly “wholesome” and saccharine in a way that would make it super-popular, like unexpected puppies.
Workaround 4: An actual Chinese restaurateur makes a satirical video comparing monster food xenophobia to historic Chinese-food xenophobia.
Workaround 5: The fact monster food converts to energy (presumably upon being swallowed) heals HP (presumably minor injuries, in non-video-game terms), and probably doesn't contribute to weight gain 2 means it would be popular among humans, who might pack some monster food in their school lunches. Monster food's popularity and convenience among humans would just highlight AMPs' absurd monster-food restriction.
Made with the help of Batter-Sempai, CinnamonAzzy and Ihasafandom.
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Related Works Chara's Stomach Rumbles (a possible side effect of eating only monster food) The Perils of an All-Monster Food Diet (More detail on problems with eating entirely monster food. Still doesn't justify banning monster food from cafeterias, however) Undertale Character Heights (listed chronologically. Part 2 to 4 covers how human-designed objects and buildings are ill-suited for extra-wide or tall monsters)
The fan works GlitchTale (Season 2) and Endertale feature this. In GlitchTale, humans regain use of magic very quickly, suggesting they've kept theoretical knowledge on it, even if they couldn't actually use it. In Endertale, Frisk learns magic over three years. ↩︎
In the fanfiction Long Road (specifically Chapter 4), monster food is popular among humans for similar reasons. ↩︎
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northlandian · 6 years
Deltarune Parallels and Opposites to Undertale
(And other useful information)
This is everything I found in DR that is seen/related to/opposes UT, as well as other general information. List will be updated as more is found.
The creation of the world: 
Naming the save file just like at the start of UT. 
The red soul just like Frisk has. 
A Gaster-esque opening. 
States near the end that “No one can choose who they are in this world”, which is the opposite of UT’s belief of always being able to choose. 
Ends with an awakening sequence similar to Frisk awakening in Waterfall in UT following the memory presented to them of Asriel finding Chara.
Exact same as UT while on the surface world. 
Once in the Kingdom of Darkness, becomes different with new features, but reverts once back on surface.
Narration of Actions: 
Still there, but unclear who.
Green and yellow striped shirt just like Chara. 
Short hair like both Chara, Frisk, and even the humans in both opening stories in UT and DR. 
The name “Kris” is an anagram in “Frisk”. 
Does not have a lot of personal belongings and gets worried when you try to throw away their ball of junk.  
Likes chocolate like Chara did. 
Not usually talkative. 
Has been with the Dreemurr’s at least since they were very little. 
“Does not look himself” at the moment according to Toriel. 
Ex-wife of Asgore. 
Mother of Kris and Asriel. 
Teacher, like she always wanted to be in UT. 
Still loves to bake pie. 
Her theme song plays in her house. 
Still very cautious. 
Does not like Asgore for whatever reason.
Brother of Kris, son of Toriel and Asgore.
Not seen in game - he’s at college
Crayons in the drawer: 
Similar to crayons in drawer in Home in UT, except no colour green.
“It’s only you” compared to “It’s you!” and “Still just you, Frisk”.
Famed historian, just like in UT
Wrote “The History of Humans and Monsters”. 
Died and has a tombstone in the graveyard. 
Used to work at the school. 
Used to know Kris.
Hair stuck in the drain: 
Same as Home in UT.
Toriel’s chair: 
Same as in Home in UT.
Seen on the drive to school.
Police officer, just like she was on the surface in UT, however, she has both eyes. 
Does not know of Alphys, and likely does not know Sans or Papyrus.
Teacher, however, does not know Undyne. 
Prefers “Mew Mew 2” to the first one, opposite of UT. 
Still loves instant noodles.
Pretty sure she lives in an alleyway
Still has hard-boiled egg. 
Still wants to go to college
Same breed of monster as Gryffot, however, embraces festivities. 
Has a father named Rudy Holiday in the hospital. 
Her mother is town mayor.
Sister of Catty. 
Works at QC’s diner.
Either related to or same breed of monster as Snowdrake. 
Still likes to joke.
Has a father who lives in townhouse complex (probably Snowdrake).
Possibly the same Susie that is known as “Suzy” in UT, daughter of Clam Girl’s neighbour. 
Was predicted in UT that fate would have us meet her. 
Almost eats Kris’ face, but decides not to, stating “Kris. You’ve got a good mother… it’d be a shame to make her bury her child.” alluding us to Toriel having her son die in UT. 
Doesn’t let us answer a yes/no prompt, stating “If you haven’t gotten it by now…Your choices don’t matter.” again opposing UT’s beliefs. 
Reminded me of Undyne at first with destructive personality, but turned out not so bad (Undyne’s still nicer).
Found at Alphys’ desk.
Roses are found in UT in Hotland near one of the puzzles, where you can stop to smell them, possibly some relation to Alphys.
Supply Closet: 
Actually trap to get to the Kingdom of Darkness
Reminded me of the trick Sans plays on you to get into his room in UT (and Papyrus also claimed Sans was tricking you through time and space - however still not the same, as this wasn’t a trick).
Sound effect similar to the Barrier in UT
Save Point: 
The light only you can see, claims it’s second nature (meaning save points are already a thing) 
Same mechanism as UT, still restores HP, however, it’s silver instead of gold. 
You also save over Kris’s file to the creator's name (yikes) once in the Kingdom of Darkness, but this reverts once back on the surface. 
Saves are not related to Determination, but more so access to the light (as you are a lightener). 
Usually says “The power of ___ shines within you.
Characters still have it, however more than UT when at LV 1 (90 compared to 20)
Endgame goal: 
Want to go home, same as UT.
At first looked like the Riverman from UT, however, is actually an anagram for Asriel. 
Somehow knows the names of Kris and Susie from the moment he sees them. 
Claims to be the Prince of the Kingdom of Darkness, similar to how Asriel was the Prince of the Kingdom of Monsters. 
Knows the legend of the Deltarune. 
Believes that Kris and Susie are the Heroes of the Legend, the Delta Warriors, and that they have the courage to save the world. 
As a prince, they don’t have any subjects(?) and they have been waiting their whole life for the Heroes to arrive(??). 
They’re a pacifist, just like Asriel. 
Obsessed with baking, just like Toriel. 
Contrary to the beginning and what Susie tells us, they tell us that our choices are important, that we can get by without fighting, and that we are capable of getting a “happy ending”, just like we can in UT. 
When they take off their hood at the end, it’s revealed that they’re a Boss Monster, the same breed as the Dreemurr’s.
The Legend of the Deltarune: 
Same emblem as the Deltarune in Undertale. 
The foretold prophecy prophesied by time and space of two Hero’s of Light that come to the Kingdom of Darkness, similar to how there was a Prophecy in UT symbolized by the Deltarune that a human would arrive to the Underground, and the Underground would go empty. 
Claimed in UT that the legend and true meaning of the Deltarune had been lost with time. 
The legend told was known as a legend of Hopes and Dreams, about light and dark. As told in the story, the light seemed to represent those on the surface, and dark representing those beneath. It is told that the Light and Dark coexisted in peace for millennia. However, the legend states that if this peace were to one day break, catastrophe would occur, with the world cracking beneath, and consequentially ending. It says that once that begins, only then would three heroes emerge; a human, a monster, and a Prince from the Darkness. They would have to seal the fountains and banish the “Angels Heaven”, thus saving the world. The fountain of Darkness that gives the land of Darkness form currently stands in the kingdom, but another fountain has since appeared on the horizon, beginning the shift in tides between light and dark. 
This entire legend is similar to the war between monsters and humans in UT, if we compare the light to humans and the dark to monsters, as the light is above while the dark is below, they begin to clash, and there is a prophecy of a person/people who can end it. 
It’s unknown if the legend has any relation of the legend of Mount Ebott. 
Somewhat similar to Papyrus (not as nice though…claims to be the bad guy at first) where they love puzzles, leave warning signs, don’t have friends at first, trying to please a higher up, (the King/Susie, and Undyne in UT). 
Similar aesthetic in his face. 
Represented by a spade, same as his father. 
Refers to Kris and Susie as clowns. 
According to him, if the fountain is not sealed, the world will be consumed by eternal darkness.
Training Dummy: 
Same idea as UT except looks like Ralsei
Still described as the culmination of your being. 
Holds your will, compassion, and the fate of the world.
Same mechanics, but with a bit more (defend, spells, TP). 
Names still turn yellow when ready to spare.
Claimed to be unnecessary by Ralsei, just like in UT. 
When practising for the first time on the dummy and you get a good hit, you’re asked by Ralsei, “Have you done this before or something…?” alluding us to the fact that we’ve done it before in UT.
Dark Dollars (D$) instead of Gold (G$).
Still exist, same mechanics, but different. 
Unlike in UT, the “sell” mechanic actually does something, as you can actually sell stuff in all shops.
First merchant. 
Claims that Lighteners used to be god-like protectors to Darkener’s, but then one day they locked them away in this “prison”. 
Alludes to this not being the only point in time where the land has fallen into chaos, but that “we don’t need to know about that”. 
Knows that there is only one end outcome. 
Was responsible for locking up the “Strange Prisoner” (Jevil). 
Claimed that Jevil met a strange man and that suddenly his view was “Darker, yet darker” - reference to Gaster and his journal #17.
The King: 
Similar to Asgore, as he wanted revenge on the Lighteners for locking them up. 
Opposite in the sense that he does not believe in pacifism. 
Similar to Flowey in that he deceives you to think that he wants peace in the end, only to hurt you when you’re vulnerable.
Represented by a Spade, same as Lancer
The Kingdom of Darkness: 
Used to be ruled by four kings from card castle (one presumably Ralsei’s father, if he really is a prince? This is unclear) but that recently a “strange knight” appeared, and three of the kings were locked away. The remaining King is now in power with his son, Lancer. 
According to Ralsei, the Darkeners can never truly be fulfilled unless around lighteners.
Monsters are not made of magic, because Lancer refers to them having blood. 
Sans is the only monster in UT who has the possibility of having blood, so he could possibly relate to this.
Teleportation Doors 
The method of transportation in the Kingdom of Darkness. 
Can be found in UT as the door to Sans’s room in Undertale (they literally look the exact same). 
According to the person who fixed it, the door just randomly appeared and they don’t know how.
There are blueprints that Lancer and Susie create in their plan to thrash Kris and Ralsei that could correlate to the ones found in Sans’s workshop.
Corner Kris, Ralsei and Susie in a Flowey-esque style.
Death Screen: 
The death animation of the soul shattering is the same, however, it is the voice from the opening screen that addresses you, not Asgore, claiming the future is in your hands if you continue. 
If you die, and you choose not to persist, the voice treats it as if the world continues on without you, saying “The world was covered in darkness”, leaving you on a black screen, something that could never happen when you die normally in Undertale, because you always continue there.
Same battle background as the background during the opening screen. 
Speaks in repetition similar to Gaster, therefore there is a possible connection (ex. “Chaos, chaos” compared to “Darker, yet darker”). 
Uses an attack that looks like Reaper Bird, one of the amalgamates in UT. 
True Pacifist: 
Gives unique ending where you can say bye to all the characters you met, just like in UT.
Gaster Followers: 
Regular monsters living regular lives.
Not discoloured
Hots Fireguy: 
Guy found in a book in the library that wants you to remember his name. 
Similar to Heats Flamesman found in UT.
Rudy Holiday: 
Father of Noelle. 
Likes the festivities. 
Claims Noelle is scared of Santa, which contradicts UT, because Christmas is supposed to be a time where monsters remember and praise Gryfott, the same breed of monster as Noelle and Rudy, as he was tormented and forced into looking festive by bullies.
Either he or one of his associates is in the hospital. 
Owns a pizza place (Peeza’s). 
Owns a brand (ex. shampoo found in Kris’ house).
In UT works in the MTT Resort, now works in Town Hall.
Politics Bear: 
Still likes politics.
Works in town hall.
The Amalgamates: 
All have died and have tombstones in the graveyard. 
QC’s Diner: 
Looks like a replacement Grillby’s.
Kris used to go there with his family, but after “stuff” happened (presumably the divorce) Kris only went there with Asriel. Once Asriel went off to college, Kris stopped going. 
Green Fire Girl: 
Found in QC’s Diner.
Ice Wolf:
Found in QC’s Diner.
Still talks in 3rd person.
Core Worker: 
Found in QC’s Diner.
Now wears large top hat instead of hard hat (since there’s no Core to work in).
Works at ICE-E’s Peeza, similar to how they worked at a burger place at MTT Resort in UT - both crappy fast food restaurants.
Still calls you “Little Buddy”. 
Still hates work. 
Still wants to be an actor. 
Says, “Enjoy your freedom…while it lasts”, which relates to what he was saying about being trapped in his job, but also hints at the fact that monsters were trying to achieve freedom in UT. 
At first, come off like he knows you, calls you “kid”, but when you say “great to see you again”, he says he’s never met you before as he’s new to town. 
Introduces himself the same as he did in Undertale. 
If you ask to be friends, you get his number while in Undertale you can only get Papyrus’. 
Only knows of Alphys and Toriel so far. 
Still likes to stand around and do nothing. 
Still very observant of your actions (ex. how long you take to answer a yes/no prompt). 
Asks you to hang out with his little brother tomorrow (presumably Papyrus) because he needs friends. 
Owns a grocery store.
Sans’ House: 
Lives in the same house except no Christmas lights. 
When you knock on the door, the text is “No response…but the distant trousle of bones”, presumably because Papyrus is in there and that’s a reference to his theme in Undertale. 
No workshop found at the back of his house.
Lives in a townhouse complex with her mom.
Alleyway With Graffiti: 
Presumably home of Alphys.
Has flowers, which Alphys says are from Asgore, because he gives them away for free to everyone.
Has a spray paint of Reaper Bird, also used in one of Jevil’s attacks and seen as an amalgamate in Undertale. This could relate to Alphys’ relation to the amalgamates in UT.
Has a separate spray paint of ICE-E.
The Knock of a Beginner: 
Opposite of UT, where you are praised for your nice knock.
Lives in a home with a family next to Bratty, compared to living in an alleyway in UT.
Does not like Bratty, her best friend in UT. 
Very similar in personality to UT.
Lives in a home next to Catty, compared to living in an alleyway in UT.
Does not like Catty, her best friend in UT. 
Very similar in personality to UT.
Same house as Nabstablook in UT.
Thinks he’s a nobody, won’t even come out of his house, complete opposite of UT where he thinks he’s born to be a star.
Most likely still in his ghost form, as the only reason he has a body in UT is because he met Alphys at a human fan club (something that likely doesn’t exist in DR because of the normalization of humans) and because he thinks he was born to be a star.
Same personality. 
Divorced from Toriel for unknown reasons. 
Father of Kris and Asriel.
Same opening text when you walk in the room with him as UT, where he’s watering flowers, and then turns around to see you. 
Does not appear to be King of Monsters, but still loves his garden and waters his flowers. 
Owns 7 flowers in glass cases exactly the same as the ones that held the souls in Undertale. Each flower matches each of the soul colours, except for the red soul - a golden flower is there instead. 
Asgore’s very poor unlike in UT. 
Has a sink, and for the first time the text is different, and it says, “There is some dirty fur stuck in the drain”. 
Wears the same shirt as he wore on the surface in Undertale.
RG1 and RG2: 
Still best friends
Still says “y’hear”. 
Lives in the town lake. 
Once you’re friends, you give them their name, as they have forgotten it. 
Claims they want to tell you something tomorrow. 
Don’t Forget: 
The name of the ending song. 
The last lyric goes “Don’t forget - I’m with you in the dark”. This directly relates to Sans’ drawing in his workshop in UT, where he drew a picture of three people with “don’t forget” on it. 
We still don’t know who these three people are, but for all we know it could relate to a future chapter, where the people are Kris, Susie, and Ralsei. 
This drawing event in UT is only triggered by having the FUN value that gives you the ability to talk to Clam Girl after a true pacifist ending - the neighbour of the mother of someone named “Suzy”. 
In Toby Fox’s Q&A about DR, although the entirety of it was all facts and truths about the making of the game, he ended it with “Don’t forget”.
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noplotnostory · 7 years
Food for Thought
How Old is Papyrus? Part One
(This FfT is tagged “Reader is River Person AU”. Part Two will contain an entirely different headcanon and will be tagged “No Multiverse No AUs”.)
This headcanon actually took root in my mind when I read Chapter Five of Euryd1ce’s “Dead Ends” on AO3. This wasn’t the first time I read a fic that suggested Papyrus wasn’t just younger than Sans, but actually young himself, and yet something about a small exchange of lines in that chapter rang a bell that apparently just can’t be unrung:
“hey, it’s almost bedtime for a certain babybones….”
I probably would have waved off Sans’ line as teasing or just the author’s headcanon, but Papyrus’s defensive reaction reminded me of some of his interactions and behaviors in the timeline of the game. From what I understand, most of the UnderTale fandom agrees that Sans is older than Paps--although there are a few that think otherwise and some fanfic writers Swap the ages when they do the attitudes--but let’s go ahead and further examine the question of “how old is Papyrus?”.
A lot of the evidence I brought up in my Food for Thought concerning Muffet’s age also holds true for Papyrus:
Teenagers do not wear stripes. This actually stretched out into two points in Muffet’s post, but that’s because I went more in-depth there and counted the Confirmed Teens in Snowdin and the Possible Teens of HotLand separately.
He doesn’t have a job. I’m going to repeat myself just to make sure it sinks in properly: Papyrus--a WORKAHOLIC skeleton with a sweet, cheerful and energetic disposition who loves to help people and who’s older brother knows pretty much everyone everywhere in the Underground and has a generally friendly rapport with a decent amount of Snowdin residents--doesn’t have an actual job. His sentry station is made of cardboard and the “lazybones” older brother pays all the bills.
In addition to the Muffet-relevant evidence...well, for starters I’ll just go ahead and copy-paste from a list I already reblogged: “Monster Kid can’t tell if Papyrus is a kid or an adult.” More in the same vein as the line that got me thinking about this to begin with, Papyrus’s insistence to not laugh at his brother’s jokes and saying anime is for “babybones” when Undyne mentions it in his presence implies to me that he’s somewhere in that “big kids need to be cool” phase and probably not any older than the average college kid (to clarify since there’s more mature students nowadays, I’m thinking early twenties is the limit--and a bit of a stretch, at that).
Meanwhile the clothes we see him wear whenever he’s not in his Battle Body and Sans reading car magazines--and actually getting him a freakin’ car in the PaciFrisk ending--tells me he’s definitely not any younger than a high-schooler. But, like I said in the Muffet post, that might not mean anything, year-wise. We don’t know the rate skeleton monsters age at or how long their “adolescence” lasts.
Even Papyrus and Undyne’s history and interactions with each other support this theory: If Papyrus was a little kid she could have told him he was too young to join, but as a teen--even if he technically is too young at the time--that excuse wouldn’t work for long. If Papyrus was an adult with work experience, he could probably be given a job in training recruits--he has amazing control over his attacks and even Undyne concedes that his combat ability is more than enough to join the guard--or trap design and maintenance.
What does this mean for AUs?
(For the sake of my sanity, I’m going to restrict this to what I’ve seen some Headcanon Blogs refer to as the Main AUs (Fell, Swap, and the combo); partially because they tend to affect characters’ long-term attitudes and behavior rather than just their immediate situations/appearance/location.)
UnderFell has a lot of interpretations--which is probably why UF!Sans BittyBones come in two different types: Edgy and Cherry--but if we apply the idea that every AU character bears the same SOUL as the original version, it helps narrow things down. (Theoretically. I mean, what it narrows down to really depends on what traits you headcanon to be a SOUL-level part of that character’s personality rather than an environment-influenced attitude.)
(You might have noticed that much like how I always tag Undyne-related posts with “Undyne the Unpredictable” regardless of the AU, Sans is always tagged “Judge Jester” (for non-punny reasons) and Papyrus is always tagged “Stubbornly Optimistic Skeleroll” (even in AUs where the optimism is more stubborn than the optimist, like a so-called “cynic” who just can’t hide their squishy side). I tag them like this because a lot of my AU headcanons are centered around the theory that those particular traits never change in the skelebros.)
Whatever flavor you prefer your UnderFell AU--sweet, salty, tsundere or sadistic--if Papyrus is a teenager, than image is everything. In tamer versions, this probably results in what is pretty much Tale!Paps going through a “tough guys are cool” phase. The more violent ones give him even more reason to build an intimidating reputation--preservation (of himself, his brother or both of them). His willingness to part with this facade--even in private--probably varies with the intensity of the AU and/or how thoroughly his Sans managed to keep him sheltered from possible danger. Or he might keep it up just to look cool regardless. It is Papyrus.
Now, when it comes to the Swap-verses (UnderSwap, SwapFell, FellSwap), I’d like to point out that I do not think the skelebros’ ages should be Swapped along with their attitudes. EvagreenEmerald does a pretty good job of explaining why Sans might take on such a cheerful and energetic attitude, even as the older brother, in “We’ll be Magnificent” on AO3. Combining this with my headcanon that Swap!Queen Toriel is more of a pragmatist than Tale!King Asgore and probably actually taking measures to prepare for a war gives Sans even more reasons to try keep Papyrus as happy and hopeful as possible.
Some members of the UnderTale fandom take notice of Tale!Paps having trouble making friends and literally using a manual to navigate social situations and translate that into Swap!Paps having some degree of social anxiety (which I find best illustrated in a fanart by platypuspapyrus whose tumblr deactivated a while back--if you know the pic I’m talking about and where I can find it again to reblog it, please let me know) and hiding it behind the calm, laid-back attitude that was Swapped from Tale!Sans. This makes sense regardless of age group.
But if UnderSwap Papyrus is a teenager, we might see some parallel of the casual, semi-detached interactions Tale!Sans has with random citizens of various regions due to having classmates, acquaintances from before the skelebros moved to Snowdin, or just from being dragged around and introduced by his more-social(?) brother whenever his Sans is too worried to leave him alone or just wants to take him somewhere and try to cheer him up (considering how much Sans gushes over Papyrus in UnderTale, I definitely see Swap!Sans dragging his Paps around for such reasons so long as he isn’t the type to get grumpier/more depressed from having to leave the house).
Also, the whole “doesn’t have an actual job” thing probably gives him more time to keep his “protect the human” promise if "shortcuts”/teleportation is an ability Sans got from a specific experience instead of something both skelebros have. Or maybe they both have it, but it takes time and practice to master and Papyrus hasn’t reached that point. There’s a lot of room for speculation on that subject.
Because SwapFell/FellSwap is essentially a hybrid AU of the previous two, poor, poor Papyrus has some combination of the experiences, insecurities and habits of his Fell and Swap counterparts. This gives him two major goals in his day-to-day life: Look scary. Panic internally. Doing so externally may be a death sentence. Socially or otherwise, depending on the AU interpretation. Aside from that--and the other things I already discussed in the UnderFell and UnderSwap portions--I just feel the need to point out that in my headcanons, his Sans always seems to be the most (over?)protective of the Sanses. Huh.
...This post ended up a lot longer than I thought it would be.
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