#the reason he doesn’t have these is probably prosthetics or future stuff idk
gothamsfinestdummy · 1 year
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Brain just say he’s cute :/
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madeofsplinters · 4 years
for the symbols ask, would you mind all of them that you havent yet done for vader? you have very good opinions on him and i would like to hear them
Aw, thank you! Although man that is A LOT of Vader headcanons left to do :D But I like writing random stuff about him, soooo... Sad:
Vader still remembers all the Jedi younglings' names.
I mean, what in Darth Vader's life *isn't* angry/violent? Lol. The particular way that he uses the Dark Side produces a really fucked up feedback loop: he's angry and in various forms of pain all the time, which produces an energy he can channel into violence, which produces self-hate and further pain, which produces more energy. Lather, rinse, repeat.
A lot of Palpatine's work with Vader is simply about managing this loop and adjusting as necessary. Giving him enough outlets for his rage that he doesn't just combust where he stands and start breaking things he isn't supposed to; tormenting him enough, and giving him the tools to self-torment, so that it never quite subsides into peace.
This isn't the only way of using the Dark Side, but it's a common one for Sith warriors; both Maul and Kylo Ren use something similar.
Disabled people can, too have sex - it just takes a little more creativity. Vader has plenty of creativity, as well as magic super powers. If he doesn't indulge in such things - which, honestly, in canon he probably doesn't - then it's due to psychological factors: a conservative upbringing and ascetic lifestyle, unresolved grief for his wife, self-hate, depression, not wanting to let anyone in that close, etc.
Anyways if I see one more "BuT hIs DiCk DoEsN't WoRk" post here on Tumblr dot com, as if that body part is all that sex boils down to, I may actually scream.
Living Quarters:
When he's meditating in his stupid lava fortress, Vader senses the Dark Side nexus underneath him as if it's a living being, a kind of elemental lava spirit. Sometimes he talks to it in his head. (Is it "really talking" back to him? Is he just carrying out a strange symbolic drama in his own head? Don't ask - if you don't intuitively understand how a spiritual experience can be both these things at once, then you're not on Darth Vader's level.)
His favorite thing about the lava river is that it isn't Palpatine. Vader of all people knows how destructive lava is, but lava is direct and straightforward. It doesn't lie to him. It doesn't play games on purpose just to jerk him around. It just flows on and burns what's in its path, and there are days when Vader finds that both relatable and soothing.
Vader has a weakness for partners who are older than him, brave, smart, outwardly stable (the insides may vary), have a cute accent and strong negotiation and leadership skills, feed him attention in measured amounts, and are convinced they know better than him about everything. Padmé and Tarkin (and Obi-Wan, for that matter) all fit this type...
I mean, Vader doesn't really have friends, though. He is capable of forming really intense attachments to a few specific people, and tolerating others because of their competence, but anything in between those ends of the spectrum? Doesn't really compute. Vader does not chill or hang out or make pleasant conversation, not a lot of room for friends here.
Even as Anakin, he was a little like this. It was harder to tell, because his social circle was a lot bigger then - there were way more people in the "would die for them" circle, and way more who he went out of his way to be nice to, even if they weren't exactly close. But all of these social relationships involve some kind of power relation. Anakin has masters and fellow generals and an apprentice; he has favorite loyal troops and a favorite droid; he has a Supreme Chancellor who is being very nice to him for some reason. These are all people he works with, or who want something from him; he doesn't really have anyone he hangs out with just for the sake of hanging out with them. Padmé is the closest he gets to that, and even with her, he’s acting out a romantic role in the way that he thinks is expected of him so that he’ll deserve her love. (And doing a bad job of it, because Anakin is awkward, but never mind.)
Anakin has a huge heart and many attachments, don't get me wrong. But I don't think he's ever fully grasped the idea of a social connection that doesn't revolve around one of the people involved being useful to the other.
(I already did a “workshop/tinkering” one, so here’s a “flying” one...)
Vader's special experimental prototype TIE fighter is in constant need of repairs because of how recklessly he flies. It's not even that he crashes into things - it's just wear and tear because you're not actually supposed to yank the throttle that hard every damn time you turn the ship, Lord Vader, seriously how are you not passing out from those g-forces.
Vader is genuinely confused why the techs keep complaining. Podracers are used to having to rebuild their entire pod after every race. By that standard, he's doing great.
Tiny little bb Anakin wasn't actually any angrier than normal, at least by the standards of traumatized child slaves. Like, he was about at par. There were plenty of angrier ones. You couldn't have looked at him, in comparison to the other child slaves doing similar jobs in Mos Espa, and said "oh yeah that one in particular is gonna have anger and attachment issues."
He did stand out from the other kids, though, on account of just being a weird little nerd. He built a whole droid and a racing pod by himself and his master didn't even make him do it! He keeps talking about how he's going to be a Jedi and fly all around the galaxy and save the planet and marry a queen, when everybody knows there are at least three good reasons why that's wrong. He thinks random customers who come into his shop are his new friends! Anakin is just... weird. Off in his own little world. The other local slave kids know not to be too mean to him because he will always help you out in a pinch, and he is really good with machines, but other than that, I dunno, would you wanna hang out with Mr. I’m Gonna Be A Special Jedi?
Shmi sees this dynamic happening, but there's not much she can do, except to give Anakin all the love and reassurance that she wishes he was getting from his peers.
Idk the Wookieepedia says that Vader can eat nutrient paste out of a straw in his mask if he wants to, but he doesn't want to because it tastes awful. So my questions here are (a) considering everything else they have to do, how can the suit's recesses possibly fit enough nutrient paste inside them for Vader's needs, and (b) seriously we're how many years in the future and we can't even make a nutrient paste that tastes good? We haven't even hit on "bland"? For the Emperor's chief enforcer, whose personal care budget is virtually unlimited? Yeah no, I'm calling canon error on this one. He can't eat, or it's too much trouble to get food into him with the other life support, so he's tube-fed. That's my headcanon.
Vader is very muscular. (This isn't really a "head"canon? He's literally played by a bodybuilder? But some fans disagree, so, eh.) He was already tall and strong when he was Anakin, but the suit adds height and it adds a LOT of extra weight that he has to be able to carry around with him literally every time he moves.
His recovery process after Revenge of the Sith involved having to learn how to move again, with new prosthetic limbs and horrifying new chronic injuries, basically from the ground up, and having to do it well enough that he could sword-fight Jedi Masters to the death, and he had to put on a ton of muscle in order to do that.
Palpatine was very strict in the nutrition and exercise regimes he imposed for this purpose. I have a sneaking suspicion that steroids were also involved.
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thornescratch · 4 years
Alright, I'm here with mandalorian thoughts. So, up until now we've technically been following Din, but like really, we've been following Din and Grogu. So now there's 3 options: We follow just Din, we follow just Grogu, or they somehow end up together end and we follow both again. I think it's reasonably obvious we won't follow Grogu, because uh, it's called the mandalorian... (1/?)
It, to an uninvested disney exec, seems logical to follow just Din. We've set him up perfectly for another plot arc. He's got the darksaber, his covert is dead or scattered; there's definitely a story that can be made there. But I hope that they won't do that; because they'll probably quickly realise that people aren't all that in invested in just Din alone. People are here for him and Grogu. (2/?)
So, we're down to one logically option: somehow reunite Din and Grogu. But we have problems here. The one that first comes to mind is Luke. I looked up how the young luke thing was done (given the credits have Mark Hamill), and it's all CGI, not good makeup or prosthetics and a bit of CGI, or a double and a bit of CGI. That means having Luke is time consuming (because of all the CGI needed) and expensive (Mark Hamill + people doing the CGI). So logically, you want to cut down on Luke time
But if we cut down on Luke screen time, how do we reunite Grogu and Din? Yeah I dunno about that one... Maybe Luke decides he can't take Grogu? Or maybe that isn't actually a problem. The other slight problem is that Mark Hamill talked about this as a cameo, not as a cameo before a proper role. (Maybe there's stuff out there saying he's confirmed for season 3? idk I didn't really look).
Other thoughts I have: I can't imagine Gideon just being left. This can't be a tidy end to his arc. He's coming back. If he doesn't, what's the 'bigger, badder' enemy? Also, we haven't actually seen Luke leave the ship. We know 1 additional ship of dark troopers arrived. Do we really believe there's only one? Also there's still those TIE fighters out there.
So, my predictions are: We start on the ship again. Luke and Grogu go to leave. More dark troopers, or the TIE fighters, or both, or something else arrive. Luke returns to the bridge with the rest. They fight. Din either leaves with those two, or takes Grogu with him. Something happens and either Gideon reveals he's been working for someone and they're on their way, or he gets free or gets rescued. And then idk, I'm not that good at predictions
Now watch me be completely wrong about everything I just said...
I’m with you in that Grogu and Din and their relationship is not just the heart but also the bread and butter of the franchise, so I doubt they stay separate the entire season. (And since I think Disney is hopefully cognizant of the optics of implying that their cutest merch moneymaker gets brutally slaughtered by Kylo Ren some years down the line, I also doubt they go down that path to indicate that’s his future.)
I also agree they’re not likely to have a ton of Luke Skywalker because of the difficulty of the CGI needed for his appearance and because I don’t think they’re quite ready to pull the trigger yet on recasting him with a younger actor like Sebastian Stan or any of the other names tossed around. I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that they would recast-- they did for Han Solo, after all, though that film was a bit of a dumpster fire-- but you’re talking about one of the most iconic characters of the franchise and fans already have, uh, strong opinions about how the character was handled in the most recent franchise sequels. Maybe whenever Luke does show up it’s in holograms or whatever; you could probably fake a bit more of the appearance that way; the deepfake wouldn’t look quite so uncanny, then.
(I’ve been spending way too much time on wookipedia figuring out the timelines of everything and how old everyone is, and while I’m sure Luke’s complete solemn frozen face act was mostly the CGI issues, it’s also kinda hilarious to think Grogu is his first padawan/force sensitive child pickup, and he’s been psyching himself up, all, “OKAY LUKE, ACT SOLEMN AND DIGNIFIED, BE A REAL JEDI, YOU GOTTA SELL THIS HARD, YOU’RE THE LAST ONE, YOU GOTTA MAKE THIS ENTRANCE DRAMATIC AS FUCK SO EVERYONE WILL TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY, YOU CAN DO THIS, NO SMILES. I SAID NO SMILES.” I kinda hope Grogu is the first, as that would work better, in my opinion, if he doesn’t have his school/temple set up yet-- it’s only, what, five years or so after Return of the Jedi. Given the almost foregone conclusion Grogu will be reunited with Din at some point, I kinda like the idea that Luke is just getting started there.)
I don’t think we’ve seen the end of Gideon either; though I imagine he goes on trial. Maybe he plays into the whole “Din trying to get out of being Mand’alor” by yammering about it and ruining Din’s ability to just hide the dark saber in a closet and sneak out the back.
ANYWAY. See, I’m going in the opposite direction for how they start season three; I suspect we’ll start season three with a time jump, and that way they kick the can down the road on showing Luke (and if you show TOO many cameos, they can lose their impact, though Favreau/Filoni have been pretty good at hitting the sweet spot of original SW nostalgia, Western vibes, and new shit) and they also don’t have to explain Gina Carano’s absence. I mean, she’s been fired, so they’re not gonna go right back to the bridge. Like, she’ll maybe just get handwaved as either back on Nevarro doing shit, or trying it out somewhere else.
My bet is that season three is going to be about Din either reluctantly becoming the Mand’alor, Din trying to get out of becoming the Mand’alor, or probably some combination of the two. I bet that’s the main plot line for the season, plus potential crossover with the Book of Boba Fett and maybe the Ahsoka shows. So, probably more Bo-Katan and her group, and more exploration of the different factions of Mandalorians, and maybe more on the culture.
Or maybe (I hope, anyway) they also plan to explore more with him reconnecting with his old covert, and part of the season is about him tracking them down, since now he’s technically fulfilled his mission with Grogu and I feel like it makes sense for him to return to that as his focus. Plus, with the whole helmet removal as a sort of Chekov’s gun thing, you gotta figure that’ll come up in some kind of confession/confrontation with the covert. (Of course, as stated, I doubt that his arc with Grogu is completely done, and we’ll see that come back into play.)
Favreau in this article seems like he has a pretty good handle on plotting things out in advance, so I’m willing to trust he knows what he’s doing. And those are My Thoughts on what’s ahead, I guess.
(obviously I also think Din and Luke should go through a weary bounty hunter/cheerful space twink courtship, get married, and raise a chaotic blended Jedi-Mandalorian family that could take over the universe and erase vast chunks of the sequel movies but that is a rant for another day)
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kyuubi-writes · 4 years
Original Story Idea
My first Story Idea on here, though it's actually number 18 in my notes. Hope you find this interesting. 
For future reference, these are all gonna be probably a very rambly and full of things that I've gone back and added later on.
These are also super bare bones since I'm trying to get ideas out before I lose them. If people enjoy this, maybe I'll post more. Maybe I'll post more anyway. Idk.
Title?: Mother's Garden
For a webcomic or manga? Setting: Anime-like high school, you know the drill.
Main Character Boy - Juno (Roman goddess of mothers and family. He was Mother's favorite, and she was grooming him to be the next "Mother" before he left. Mother genuinely loves him, and either she gave him this name, or he named himself that, in honor of her)/Something else (a code name/the name he uses for interaction with the outside world) Not sure what his real name is yet.
Main character dude is school pretty boy
General shoujo shenanigans ensue
Girls chase him all over the school and constantly ask him out and generaly treat him like (Komi-san) a god, but he's good natured about it and a good dude all around
A Shoujo Shenanigan - Confession
"You're are a good person Juno." Girl-with-a-crush-on-him #17 says. A bright smile on her face as she confesses.
Juno looks down at her, her short brown pigtails bound with pretty orange ribbons. She's got warm brown eyes, and looks at him as she speaks, which is more than most of the girls he's caught the attention of can claim. All in all, she's cute. He knows that she's smart too, since she's in the same advanced science class with him. (Add more stuff about 17's background that Juno shouldn't realistically know just from being her classmate)
Honestly? It wouldn't be the worst decision to actually go out with her. He knows her quite well after all.
Too bad she doesn't know anything about him.
Juno thinks to himself, a sad and wistful smile on his own face.
'She thinks I'm a good person.'
He shakes his head.
"I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you."
'No. I'm not. Not even a little.'
She really doesn't know him at all.
Other Shojou Shenanigans
The girls constantly try to pull him into shenanigans to get his clothes off, but no one can ever make him take off his shirt.
There's a reason for that.
He's got an extensive tattoo on his back from when he was part of an assassination organization called Mother's Garden.
It took in children and gave them a home and a family. All it asked for in return was undying loyalty
MC boy is probably the only one ever to get out and try to live a normal life.
Eventually though, his past catches up to him. He was their best agent, and had to do an impossible mission to qualify for escaping (they thought he would die, and if he didn't he deserved his freedom [like John Wick])
A Family Visit
Some of his "Brothers and Sisters" come looking for him (though NOT at Mother's behest)
[They all have number names] holds a hand out, an offering of peace, perhaps. Juno is a still as looks at his "Older Brother" from where they sit, across from each other, on the floor.
"Come home little brother." he pleads. "Mother misses you."
"If she wants me back, she can come here herself and get me." Juno remarks calmly.
He's said it once and he'll say it again (although he's starting to get tired of repeating himself).
He's not going back.
A younger girl than him and [Older Brother's number] seethes at his back. She had been grinding her teeth the whole duration of this mission. He could read it in her body that she was new.
"How dare you speak of Mother with such disrespect! I should cut out your tongue!" She nearly screams.
Juno can't escape a slightly amused exhale under his breath. This girl? This child? The very thought is laughable. (He almost wants to see her try, but he'd probably end up being mean to her and cut off an arm or something. The Gardeners would be able to put it back on of course, but they'd probably use it as a lesson in discipline. He'd been lucky enough to only ever have lost a finger, and that one was mostly his fault anyway, and against Mother so...)
As if sensing his mirth at her "threat" the red-haired "Little Sister" growls at him and brandishes a weapon.
This...is taking it too far. They are in his home, his quiet, lovely sanctuary (a garden of his very own), and this one dares raise a blade to him? He wonders for a moment if he should kill her (she may be a Child, but most of them know better than this).
Sensing the coming danger, even if the little one doesn't, someone else takes action.
An older Sister steps close to the Child (and he's decided that she is a Child, to him anyway, regardless of her actual designation) and backhands her across the face. The redheaded child looks up at the other girl with wide eyes, a reaction more of surprise than of pain.
"Mind your tongue, little sister, or it will be you who looses the ability to speak. You know not of who's presence you are in. We are in our Brother's Garden, and you will show the proper respect and reverence to Juno."
Juno senses a shift in the crowd. Ah. So only a few of them actually knew who he was when they came here. Though, glancing around out the corner of his eyes, he can tell that some of them suspected. (Hm. He'd kind of liked the anonymity. Oh well. What's done is done.)
Logistical and World Building Stuff for Understanding
Members of Mother's Garden's names are written as: Big/Little Sister/Brother # in full
Informal is just their number when speaking of them, and as Little or Older Sister/Brother when speaking to them
Those younger and who have not yet completed their training are refered to as 'Child' or 'Children' (for plural)
Calling a 'Sibling' a 'Child' is an insult to their skill
Being a 'Child of X' denotes what you were trained for after the basics in combat. You can also specialize in something
'Children of the Green' become 'Gardeners' (a nickname people have come up with, they tend to the Garden, keep it healthy and strong. I might replace all these with flower names though, and what those flowers can add to a garden) and learn how to use incredibly advanced healing tech that can reattach limbs and add biometrics and really good prosthetics
'Children of the Black' are trained in stealth and become 'Nightshade'
'Children of the Pink' are trained to teach the children non-combat related skills like languages and the kinds of things you learn in school, and maybe dance or extra stuff?
'Children of the Blue' are trained to gather info
There is only one 'Golden Child'. They are chosen to be the next 'Mother' when the time comes that the Mother decides that they are ready, or when he or she dies
There is only one 'Silver Child'. They are next in line to become Mother ONLY if something happens to BOTH the Golden Child and Mother. Once a Golden Child becomes Mother, they can choose a new Golden and Silver child, though it is often that the Silver Child goes on to become the Golden, and someone new is chosen as Silver
(Being the Silver Child to the Golden one sometimes breeds resentment, but all Children must pit the good of the Garden before their own ambition or feelings. Only Bad Children feel resentment after all.)
Bad Children are [REDACTED]
More to be added to the 'Children of the X' section
The 'Eldest' are the ones who teach the younger children how to be 'Children of X'
They would introduce themselves as 'I am Brother/Sister #, Eldest son/daughter of [color]'
Anyway. That’s all I’ve got for this world for now. Later.
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