#the questions he's asking 😂😂
queseraone · 3 months
Watching The Eras Tour with my five-year-old son, and he's mesmerized. Start 'em young 🤭
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juniperarts · 11 months
PS: Sorry if I came as too much, I just ADORE your art so much and I really need more of it😭😭😭❤️💗💖💖❤️
I already adore that boy and want to draw him all the time and this is just FUELING ME TO DO SO DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'RE DOING??
I've been trying to be ... chill ... with my appreciation towards him but now you're giving me the enablement I need to do the opposite.
You better take responsibility 🤣
Nah but fr I'm glad you enjoy my stuff with him! It feels like there aren't as many artists fixated on Pav as they are with, say, Hobie or Miguel so I will do my best to provide more art/comics of him!
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One of the (many, many) things that I adore about Andy, is how when you meet him he is so absolutely lovely and present with every single person. Whether you're showing him a piece of art that you made or a tattoo of one of his characters or just rambling about how great you think he is, he's so good at being in the moment, and it really feels like you're the most important person in the world when you're standing in front of him. 💖
I could barely look at him the first time I was so nervous, so I forced myself to look at him in the eye the second time, and oh my god he is so gorgeous and just the sweetest, and the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles at you?? Dear lord it takes your breath away (not to mention that they are an insanely bright shade of blue it's difficult to describe)!
It just seems like he truly appreciates meeting every single person, and enjoys knowing that something he's done or made touched you in some way - which I completely understand since hearing that people loved something you created really does give you such a rush!
He is a sweet baby angel and must be protected at all costs. 🥰
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mean-scarlet-deceiver · 5 months
Was checking Tramway Engines for one of the asks and remembered this, I've meant to post it for ages. What an insight to the engine/driver dynamic. Into the engine/driver code, even:
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"I warned her," fumed Toby. "I told her just where to stop. 'I can manage,' she said, and called me an old fusspot." "She's young yet," soothed his Driver, "and..." "She can manage her trucks herself." "They're your trucks really," his Driver pointed out. "Mavis isn't supposed to come down here. If the Fat Controller..." "You wouldn't tell, would you?" "Of course not." "Well then..." "But," his Driver went on, "if we don't help clear the line, he'll soon know all about it, and so shall we!" "Hm! Yes!" said Toby thoughtfully.
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successionable · 1 year
matthew macfadyen confirming he doesn't actually look at his own face when he watches the episodes:
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spacedoutman · 3 months
Kissblr QUESTION. If you were a truck, who would be the car passing you on the highway?
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nicoscheer · 4 months
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A bunch of clips from the gig
Standing next to me
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au-mashup-party · 19 days
The Glitchy Anomalies of Xirustale: weakest to strongest!!!
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Purple= Not that strong, but still in the top list.
Blue= Decently strong, slightly stronger, meaning they can put up a decent fight and come out alive.
Dark Green= Average (meaning they are not dangerously strong, but they aren’t pathetically weak either)
Light Green= Very strong, and has the potential to be even stronger someday.
Yellow= Super strong, can basically defeat you in one shot. Call for help.
Orange= Unbelievably strong, run as fast as you can.
Red= DANGEROUSLY strong, pray to whoever you believe in. That’s all you need to know.
Names: (from strongest to weakest)
1. Emperor Xirus Corrupto (Triplet and brother of Xelter and Xiro)
2. Xelter Corrupto (Triplet and brother of Xiro and Xirus)
3. Xiro Corrupto (Triplet and brother of Xelter and Xirus)
4. Xina Corrupto (The Triple X’s cousin)
5. Short Circuit (Son of Hacker Error!505)
6. Surivx (Virus with an added “x” spelled backwards and apprentice of Xirus)
7. Zegative (apprentice of Xirus)
8. Glitchforce (stealth guardian of the multiverse)
9. Hacker Error! 505 (Villain loather and father of Short Circuit)
10. Onvipoint!Frisk (glitchy corpse)
11. Wendy Lulu (youngest apprentice of Xirus)
12. Corrupted Chara Doll (just a doll who resembles the first fallen human :3)
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james-p-sullivan · 10 months
where’s Mike Wazowski!?
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”I’m on the cover of a blog!”
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thenon-fictiondays · 2 years
why do i open up twitter to see a bdsm scale identifying kagiura as a bigger sadist than sasaki, why is harusono sensei coming in with the steel chair
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cashweasel · 3 months
Okay, I need to know more about Gideon and Valen. I (now) know they're OCs, but from what fandom? What are they like? How did they meet? (Of course, pace yourself if this volley of questions is too much, lmao)
HIIII omg thank you so much for your ask hehe I totally don’t wait for people to ask about them or anything djdjskskjdjd 💗💗💗💗💗💗
They’re my ocs yes! Not from any fandom just my brain lol they exist in a fantasy verse (and also a modern au that I’m very obsessed with)
Their moms are very close besties!! and when they had kids they also became besties fjdkdkdjd (so basically they’ve been besties since birth yes, besties since the womb even)
Valen is royalty and lowkey the black sheep of his family he’s loud, chaotic, charming and unhinged, Gideon is the same but emo kdjsjdjdksk (and shy sometimes) and later becomes the general of his armies
They basically go through their entire lives together and they’re very dependable on each other which is a huge part of their story. Valen has a magical disability that can be very dangerous to him and others and gideon is a victim of DV so they take turns taking care of each other and for a long time they were each other’s only friend
They grew really close which created feelings, they had their first kiss -which valen rejects and runs away from 💀- when they were teens for which gideon apologizes and responds to by building impenetrable emotional walls that lasts a lifetime all while valen is trying to gaslight him into believing Nothing happened fhdjskdj.
Several years of pining and clawing their way out of the depths of repression hell they Finally kiss for real and their happiness and planning for their future is definitely not cut short by a devastating incident or anything 👍
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I’m curious about how you found Heartstopper! Like what’s your Heartstopper origin story?
I first read Heartstopper in Jan 2021. The third volume had just won the Goodreads reader’s choice award for best graphic novel, and I was wanting to read more queer stories and more graphic novels so I thought perfect! Two birds with one stone!
I ended up LOVING it way more than I thought I would, and my timing was perfect because right around the time I got caught up with the most recent updates online, THE SHOW GOT GREEN LIT!!! I remember literally screaming and throwing my phone across the room and dancing with joy.
Flash forward to now and I’ve got brainrot from reading it 20ish times and watching it 5 times, but I have no plans of stopping anytime soon.
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xariarte · 3 months
Team Canada
Raptors/rockets (couldn’t choose one 😭)
Dillion Brooks sympathizer (affectionately)
When I saw this in my inbox, I laughed, because I knew the last part was coming for me one day. 😂����
But before Brooks takes over this ask, I’m real glad that my Team Canada posts have become a defining factor of my account! I never meant to post this much about Canadian basketball but I actually really enjoy it. And it’s definitely both Raptors/Rockets over here. 🇨🇦
And then the last part…listen, I have to explain myself. 🤣 I know I’ve been flinging Dillon Brooks’ name into Tumblr uncensored 😭. This is good timing to talk about all this because the Olympics are coming up too (and he's gonna be doing stuff, I know).
I’ll split this into a short answer and a longer one under the cut. 😭😭
Short Answer: I don’t necessarily sympathize with him all of the time — he has done CRIMES after all — but I am perpetually amused by his existence. I’m usually looking at him like, “why are you like this?” 🤨🤔 I like him AND hate him at the same time for various reasons, like sometimes he is The Best and other times he is The Worst. 
I do know that when I decided to talk about him on here, it was scary at first because he is so hated (for valid reasons). But I was like, I can’t NOT talk about how amusing he is to me! I also find it immensely funny that my posts on him always end up framing him as "some guy on the team". 😃
I will say though if you hate him, DO NOT let me or my posts stop you. He is a villainous menace. If you don’t want to see him, mute my dbrooks tag!
P.S. If you know Molly Morrison on Twitter/Tumblr, just know I highly relate to what she’s said about Dillon Brooks over the years. 😭😭
Longer Answer (aka the backstory lore of WHY): 
When I restarted my Tumblr account, I met Tumblr user siakam. One of the topics we discussed was the cursed idea of a Fred VanVleet and DB fanfic, because we thought they could be enemies thanks to their conflicting personalities. I was intrigued, but I didn’t know anything about Brooks’ personality. Sadly I do love researching things... 😭😭
This research collided with the NBA season/me getting into Rockets basketball/me catching up on FIBA content…so by accident, Brooks was everywhere. 😩 Houston had a honeymoon period with him and he took over the Team Canada run (and stole the hearts of the announcers and the photographers and the reporters and the crowd) so because of that, most of Canada now ADORES him.
(Do you realize how many Canadian compliments I have to read about this beloved Canadian menace. NO YOU DON’T. 😭💖)
Most of what I read about his personality, which was buried underneath all the media reports of his menacing, was just…normal and wholesome? At least I understand now why the Grizzlies sideline reporter always called him her favourite player, and why all his Grizzlies/Team Canada teammates/coaching staff love him so much. 
That being said, I don’t always agree with his actions though. He chose to do things to teams/star players and he should take the consequences for those actions.
Yes, I do love trash talking, yes, I do enjoy taunting (one of my favourite trash talking quotes is from Donovan Mitchell actually). He did a lot of things to GSW that went too far for me at times. I feel like the intense wave of hatred from last summer was good for him because it brought him down to earth (his ego is still sky high though). He’s been a bit better on the Rockets, more willing to admit his mistakes. But still. Sometimes he doesn’t play basketball and it pisses me off. 🤬
Anyway, apologies for the long paragraphs, but I did have more to say and I couldn’t squish it into something brief. 💔 If you did read all of this, I hope you enjoyed the extra xariarte lore! 💖
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bee-boppin · 3 months
Being in a Latin class makes the tumblrized ides of March so frustrating fgsjdgsj take five minutes and read about the historical event you're talking about it's so well recorded.......
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theflyingfeeling · 8 months
hellooooo 💖💕💘💕 would you mind sharing the ideas for the twitch chat bingo? mine are way too bitchy lmao 😅
mine's probably gonna be even more bitchy than yours because unfortunately I also understand the FInnish kids being annoying 🥲😂
for a 3x3 bingo grid, my 'squares' would be
"where's Rilla"
"please speak Swedish"
"please play the ER/piss break song" (he's GONNA you don't have to ask him 😑)
just spamming in general, usually about something literally no one else cares about (sorry but it's true)
"are you coming to *random city*"
something about Karl the studio ghost (yes yes that was a funny inside joke at the time but it wasn't THAT funny)
questions that have already been answered many times in the stream
FREE SPACE (okay I couldn't think of one more 😂)
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
△ Salvadore, tell me how you felt about your violin teacher
He has made a mistake.
The magic in this room isn’t a simple pretense to tease the weak-minded and be pushed aside with the barest minimum of willpower. Even his combination of unwavering self-discipline and knowledge about mental barricades doesn’t suffice to shake it off. And they have no intention to open the barrier behind the door until his time is up.
Salvadore straightens his posture in his seat.
My violin teacher was a remarkable man I regarded with the utmost respect, artistically and personally too.
Not true enough.
The smooth, well-considered answer doesn’t leave his lips. Certainly, it is not a lie, not at all. However, the magic won’t allow anything less than an unadulterated truth.
The unwelcome heat in his face contrasts with the icy threat in his stomach.
Looking at you in complete silence, keeping his every reaction in check to not give away the smallest thought, he considers to just stay this way until they will be forced to let him out of here.
But there is a push, an invisible pressure, pulling, dragging and …
“He shaped my whole life.” The words come out without his intention. He doesn’t have any control over them and the realization terrifies him just as much as the statements falling from his lips: “When I was a child, he protected me, he guided me, he listened to me when my family viewed me as a mere annoyance. He was the only one who loved me.”
His eyes widen in shock, his skin is burning and still the words keep coming:
“– A paradox, a feeling strictly forbidden in his philosophy, in his codex he taught me. And still …, despite his later betrayal, despite the incomparable pain of the loss it caused, a part of me holds on to the belief that it must have been more than one of his schemes. Throughout all of my childhood and later my teenage years, he has been there for me. His talent with words, his music, his intriguing knowledge, the mysteries surrounding him, his captivating lessons, his passion and tenderness, his voice, those golden eyes looking right into my very soul: Of course, I deeply admired everything he did, everything he was, of course, I loved him fiercely, of course, I developed a state of … infatuation, and the yearning urge to be more to him than a mere student, a mere apprentice, more to him than a naïve child.
In the eyes of a lonely boy – an outcast in his own home –, he became his mentor, his friend, his father, his first love.
I’m not entirely sure if he is aware of the more inappropriate parts of those dreamings. Knowing him, he recognized each and every last detail. But he never embarrassed me by showing it.”
Salvadore closes his eyes in humiliation. When he opens them again, they search yours with cold contempt. His voice is hard and sharp as a blade, his words only his own again: “Are you satisfied?”
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