#the problem isn't new slang
ravenlocksentwisted · 8 months
My mom, to another adult: Its's a POS, is what it is.
Me: Mommy, what does POS mean?
Mom: ...
Mom: ok it does mean piece of shit, but you can't say that
Reply to an artist's post: I want to eat this /pos
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 month
Wiggly 🧠🪱 Wednesday
@runninriot decided to call me out at the perfect time 😘
eddie munson knows he has to leave hawkins. he decides to go as far as humanly possible, even though he'll miss everyone, even though it's the biggest risk he's ever taken. even though it might not work out. he buys a one way ticket to london and doesn't look back.
okay, he does look back a little. he calls wayne every friday and dustin every sunday. he calls the band once a month, planning it specifically for when he knows they're all together so he doesn't have to pay for three separate international calls.
but one thing he never does is call steve.
here's the thing: maybe if he'd been smart, and just said goodbye like a friend does, maybe a pat on the back or a quick hug, he could.
but he'd done something stupid when he said goodbye to steve, something he told himself he wasn't gonna do, but did anyway. he kissed him. right on the lips, on his doorstep, tears in his eyes.
and steve didn't understand because eddie just told him he would be taking a road trip. he didn't know it was goodbye.
dustin tells him steve asks about him all the time now. wayne says that harrington boy shows up every weekend to see if he's back yet. gareth even mentioned seeing him around town, wearing one of eddie's shirts.
but he's in london, and he's got a job, and a flat, and he's even managed to make a friend or two. if he went back, even for a visit, he knows what would happen. one look at steve and he'd abandon the new life he's living and commit to a lifetime of dealing with hawkins.
so he stays. and he finds comfort in living somewhere just foreign enough that he has to learn new slang and polite customs. he manages to avoid steve for nearly a year.
but dustin is a snitch, and wayne doesn't let eddie stand in his own way, and eddie comes home after a shift to steve harrington standing at the entrance to his building.
"did you come across the ocean to get away from me?"
it throws eddie off, hearing steve think the problem was him. as if eddie hasn't considered steve being the whole reason to go back this whole time.
"i came across the ocean to keep myself safe, to keep everyone i care about safe."
"so you kissed me knowing you wouldn't be back? and didn't call or anything."
eddie pushes steve inside.
steve's mad, but he lets eddie keep touching him. steve's mad, but he lets eddie hug him for minutes, silent as he wraps his arms around him, too. steve's mad, but he holds eddie when he starts crying and apologizing.
eddie's dumb, but he isn't dumb enough to let steve walk out of his life the way he walked out of steve's.
eddie's in love, always has been, probably always will be. and steve might be too.
steve stays the night. and then the week. he had no return flight planned and eddie doesn't push.
he does call robin twice, and then calls dustin to tell him he thinks he's gonna stick around in london for a bit, see what this place has to offer.
eddie listens from the table, where he's planning his groceries around what steve wants to cook for them next week.
he smiles as steve ends the call, comes up behind him, and wraps his arms around him, kissing the top of his head and then his neck.
"you wrote mountain dew twice, baby."
"because i want two of them."
steve laughs and it's the only thing eddie was truly missing here.
and now he doesn't have to.
i'll tag a few people who i would like to live inside their brain for a day: @wormdebut @little-annie @thisapplepielife @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @pennyplainknits
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the-ace-with-spades · 4 months
From the just hold my hand scenes that (probably) won't be written
Ice can't talk, he hasn't been able to for a while, not long after the diagnosis even, but since his last surgery, he knows he will never be able to again.
He and Mav learned sign language as soon as this became a possibility — they attended lessons together, sometimes online, and they practiced with each other, until they became fluent enough to communicate daily using sign. It became faster than Ice writing whatever he wanted to say and so it became primarily how they talk if it's just the two of them — by the time Bradley enters their life again and brings in a whole new husband and four (and counting) kids into it, they use sign language every day casually.
Bradley and Jake's middle daughter, Ronnie — Ice is her favorite, has been since the day they've met. Mostly due to his calm and soothing demeanor and just the aura of safety he has to him, but also because she's a quiet kid who doesn't talk much — she has a bit of a speech development problem that isn't too worrying at her age but has to have an eye kept on it — and often gets buried under the hyperactivity of her older sisters who talk a mile a minute or under her baby brother who craves attention and often gets it because he's cute as a button when he's clingy. But Ice always took the time to pay attention to her even if she was quiet or if she was not doing anything, even if it was just sitting next to her or holding her or basically looking at her expecting her to show him what she was doing or what she liked. People outside of her basic family (her parents and her memaw) rarely get her as much as he does.
So she's maybe a little clingy about Ice.
And you know, when it kind of settles that Mav and Ice are going to be in their life, Bradley promised himself he'd at least try to learn sign. He's terrible at it, he's always been not that good at languages and despite having the finger flexibility that a lot of learners struggle with, he just doesn't have the muscle memory that lets him have a smooth learning.
When Ronnie sees him practicing at home and asks why he looks like grandpa Mav when he talks to grandpa Ice and he explains that it's how Ice speaks (which Ronnie never thought about because she's a kid and she thought grandpa Mav could just understand Ice so well without speaking out loud because he loves him so much, the same way her parents did with her), she gets obsessed.
Next time Bradley takes the kids for some playtime with their grandpas (while Jake and Bradley have some me-time together...), Ronnie gets all shy when Bradley says the well-known phrase of, "Go say hi to your grandpa," and she signs to Ice.
It's just a little clumsy "Hello, grandpa," the simple wave of a hand looks a bit too much like a salute and maybe she adds a third tiny arch as the sign for grandpa finishes but Ice gets it and it gets everyone — especially Ice — a little teary-eyed as well.
[Also, sign language often has the same kind of insider linguistic slang families have when using spoken languages (you know, your sister once calls the terrace door windwoor when she's five and your whole family still calls it that even though she has kids of her own and a corpo job now... this but with hand signs) and I love the idea of Ice encouraging her to make those mistakes and then having them become only their inside vocabulary that no one else gets]
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 3 months
Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 8
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
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Monday Morning
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Kiyana walked into work that morning feeling like shit was going to hit the fan. Her date with Eli was… wonderful.. It took a while for her embarrassment to go away from Josh showing up and showing his ass but after getting over that they had a great time. If she was being honest, she could see herself settinging down again with him. She had a soft smile on her face as she walked over to the nurses station after checking in on a patient. 
Kiyana jumped as Debra plopped down on the chair next to her. “Spill the tea, tell me everything.” Kiyana laughed at her use of slang that she definitely learned from one of her grandchildren.  Kiyana smirked and contented to chart, laughing when Debra reached over and turned off the computer monitor. 
“Debra!.” She chortled, turning her chair to she was facing Debra who flagged her off.
“It was only the monitor, your work is good.” Debra rolled her eyes. “Spill!” Kiyana rolled her eyes aswell before telling Debra all about her and Eli’s date, minus her ex-husband showing up, she did not want to relive that, at all.  
Kiyana told Debra all about her evening with Elijah, how he took her to The Grand Marlin, how they took a nice stroll on the beach after dinner and when Kiyana told Debra that she and Elijah had gone back to his place, Debra’s eyes were as wide as saucers. 
“Wait, stop” Debra whispered, leaning in closer to Kiyana so none of the other nurses could hear what they were saying. “You guys didn’t… you know.” Kiyana bit her lip before she responded to Debra. 
“No, I mean we didn’t go all the way, if you know what I mean.” Debra’s eyes were still wide but there was now a smirk on her face. 
“Oh, I'm catching what you’re throwing.” she responded, making Kiyana laugh. “Was it good, better yet, was it better than your ex-husband?” 
“Oh my god, Debra!” Kiyana mutters as she placed her head in her hands, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.  Debra stared at Kiyana as she awaited her answer. “Oh my god” Kiyana muttered again “it was good, but no, nowhere as close.” 
“Sorry to interrupt ya’ll.” One of the new nurses Arin, spoke up as she hung up the phone. “But we have a new patient coming into room 302. EMT’s said her contractions are 8 minutes apart, but she still wants to be admitted.” Kiyana nodded and stood from her seat to go get the patient’s room ready.
“We’re not done talking Nurse Jackson.” Debra called out after her and Kiyana made a yeah-yeah motion with her hand before walking away. Just as Kiyana finished putting a new sheet on the patient’s bed, the expected mother-to-be was rolled into the room. 
“Hi, I’m Kiyana. I'll be your nurse today.” She says as she walks over and helps the patient into the bed. 
“Nice to meet you.” The patient says, wincing in pain as another contraction hits her. Kiyana offers her hand so the patient could squeeze it. “Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem.” Kiyana smiles, “I’ve been in your position four times, I know them contractions hurt. Can I get your name and date of birth?”
“Alexis Daniels.”
'What a small world, Daniels isn't really a common last name.' Kiyana thinks as she logs into the computer to chart Alexis’ vitals.
“December 15th 1989” 
“Perfect, and what is baby boy's name?” 
“Me and my husband still haven’t fully agreed on a name yet, but I like the name Carter.” 
“That is such a cute name. It was my top choice for my youngest as well, but me and my - we went with Kairo.” Kiyana said, smiling at Alexis as she chided herself in her head for almost getting too personal with the patient, not everybody needed to know she was a divorced mother. “I can still put Carter in the chart or we can just call him baby Daniels until you and your husband come up with a name.” 
“Baby Daniels, is perfect. This is our third child but first boy and he really wants to be a part of the naming decision.” Alexis breathed out as another contraction hit her, she then cursed and threw her phone down next to her. “Speaking of husband, can you do me a huge favor.?” 
Kiyana stopped typing and turned her attention to Alexis. “Sure, anything you need.” 
Alexis smiles. “My husband actually works in this hospital, he’s a surgeon on the trauma floor. Do you think you can page him for me? He’s not answering his phone.” Alexis says, holding up her phone and Kiyana felt her stomach twist at Alexis’ words. 'Just a coincidence,' Kiyana thought. 'Just because her last name is Daniels doesn’t mean shit.'
“Mmhm, keep telling yourself that.” That other voice called out, making Kiyana frown. 
“Sure, I can.” She finally responded, plastering a smile on her face. “What’s his name?” 
“Elijah Daniels.”  Kiyana digs her fingernails into her thigh to stop herself from cursing. She was hurt. She felt sick to her stomach as she thought about what she and Eli did last night. 
“Shit, you got such a pretty pussy ma’” Elijah breathed out as he used his index and middle finger to spread her lips and suck her clit into his mouth. Kiyana moaned, lifting her hand to his head before frowning when she realized there was nothing there for her to grab on to. That thought quickly leaves her head as he thrust two of his fingers in her
She felt betrayed and played. Then she started to feel sick to her stomach. ‘Oh my god,’ She thought ‘I'm no better than that woman Josh was sleeping with.’ 
“Kiyana, are you okay?” Kiyana snapped out of her flashback, her voice shaking with anger as she responded back to Alexis 
“I’m fine. I’m gonna go page your husband for you.” Kiyana turns her back to Alexis and storms to the nurses station, snatching the phone off the hook she - as calmly as she could - pages Elijah to the labor & delivery floor. 
“Dr. Elijah Daniels to labor & deliver, Dr. Elijah Daniels to labor & delivery.” Debra arches an eyebrow at Kiyana. 
“You missed him that bad?” She jokes, laughing then stops as she feels the anger radiating off of Kiyana. “Sweetly what happened?” 
“That asshole is married with children! His wife is the patient in 302.” Debra’s jaw dropped open. “I feel so freaking stupid.” She hissed out just as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, revealing a cheerful Elijah who was smiling brightly as he made his way towards Kiyana. 
“I knew that was you, are you okay? Is everything good?.” He smiled, and Kiyana struggled to maintain her composure, because at that moment, all she wanted to do was to smack that smile off his damn face. The more she looked at him, the angrier she got. 
“I don’t know, you tell me.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Your wife is in room 302 waiting to deliver your third child.” She felt a sick satisfaction flow through her as the smile slowly left his face. Debra quickly decided to leave them alone, deciding it was time to go check on her patient. 
“Wait, I can explain.” Kiyana held her hand up, cutting him off. 
“I don’t wanna hear shit you have to say to me Elijah. Think about how your wife will feel once she finds -'' Elijah gripped her arm and pulled her down the hall, away from the nurses station. 
“She aint finding shit out, Kiyana. What I do ain’t none of her damn business.” When she tried to pull her arm away, he gripped it tighter, “You don’t know what I'm capable of Kiyana. You’re gonna go back in that damn room and help my wife through her discomfort and when the time comes, help deliver our child okay?!” He sneered at her, when she didn’t respond he squeezed her arm until she cried out in pain. 
“Ow! Stop. Okay! Okay!” She cried out in pain, feeling her tears sting her eyes. Elijah let go of her arm and straightened out his lab coat. 
“I’m gonna go check on my wife. I’ll see you later.” He brushed past her, leaving her rubbing her arm, where she knew she would be bruised, pulling his wedding ring out of the pocket and sliding it onto his finger. 
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i'm gonna go into hiding now
🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @empressdede @harmshake
@theninthwonder @alyyaanna @nbanenefrmdao @badbitchcentralinc @abadbitchblogs
@raya-hunter01 @msbigredmachine @dietothemusic @paigereeder @amandairene88
@woahthatshitfat @tian-monique @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @allmyn1ghts @wrestlingprincess80
@reignsboy19 @cyberdejos2 @saintaquarius @bebesobrielo @scarlettnoir01
@alichesmi @xiamnetshonetpot @hunnidmilly @jeyusos-girl @li-da-savage
@qveenmikaelson @black-yn @mzv11 @shantinextdoor @sheydnni
@zillasvilla @thatone-girly @xmonetsworld @jeysbae @kill-the-artiste
@simpin4pixels @mindairy @that-one-anxious-mango @mersers-moonypadfoot-prongs @vebner37
@trashbin-nie @adoreesun @meggylynnloves @shayaaaaaaa @angiedawn02
@rianasixx @bookuce
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short-honey-badger · 5 months
Helo I was wondering if you could fo Law x reader with the reader having an heart disease,so like breathing problems and possibly heart attack? With cpr
Thanks in advance
I couldn’t find your rules
*I hope I did your ask justice! I'm not very well versed in medical slang, but I did some light reading and tried my best!❤️*
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Law liked to keep you by his side. Mostly because he enjoyed the company of his partner, but also so that he could keep a close eye on you. They'd joined his crew a year ago, and it was two months later that he learns that you have a heart condition. Every now and then, your heartbeat would change pace, either too fast or too slow.
It'd scared the hell out of your captain the first time you'd gone down, seemingly fine one second, and then swaying on your feet the next, hitting the deck before he could catch you. Law had scooped you up and booked it to his office, and then activated his devil fruit to find the heart of the problem.
You'd woken up halfway through his examination, eyes wide as you watched your new captain study your heart in his hands. He watched the organ jump in his hand and begin to beat at an irregular pattern. Law had turned on you and pointed at the heart cradled delicately in his hands.
"You have a condition called arrhythmia. You'll have to stay close to me from now on so that I can keep an eye on you. If your heart isn't pumping your blood correctly, it can lead to you passing out," He glared at you over that and then continued.
"Lack of oxygen is cause for CPR, and in worse cases, it can lead to a heart attack. I like you, _. So I'll take care of you."
The only thing you could do that day was give a teary nod. You knew that something had been wrong, but nothing that serious. From then on, you rarely left Trafalgar's side, and with that closeness came a budding relationship.
So it terrified Law any time he saw a change in your behavior. You've been lethargic all day but unwilling to rest. You assured him that you could continue your duties, and foolishly, Law had believed you. Two hours later, the doctor heard and thud and turned in his desk chair to see you on the floor.
Trafalgar dove out of his chair and press his fingers to the side of your neck. Your pulse was weak, but there. He cursed quietly and fisted his, keeping his palm just below your sternum and shifts to his knees. Law counts out loud.
"One, two, three..."
Before pausing in his compressions and dipping to pinch your nose and blow into your mouth. He does this three times before he rises and goes back to counting.
It takes longer than Law likes for you to finally come to, coughing harshly, and sitting up with a raspy gasp. Law helps you sit up, moving to sit behind your back so that you can rest against him. He rubs your back, and quiet reassurances fall from his lips.
"That's it, baby. I've got you."
You gladly let your boyfriend take your weight and try to regulate your breathing, "Sorry, Law. Guess I should have listened to my doctor, huh?"
Trafalgar huffs behind you and bends to press a kiss to the top of your head, "We do know a thing or two."
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the-froschamethyst4 · 6 months
Husband Of The Year
𖤐Pairing: Retired! Soap x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Smut, fluff, language, Scottish slang, teasing, P in V, fingering, feminism, breadwinner Y/n, male wife Soap, kissing/making out, groping, nipple play, male masturbation,
𖤐Summary: Soap had retired from the Military a few years ago, and when he got married to his wife he started to become the best husband of their lives.
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Y/n was coming home and her husband Soap had just made dinner for the both of them. He poured out some red wine for Y/n and poured some whiskey in a glass for him. He saw headlights pull into his driveway knowing it was his wife.
He goes to the front door, opening it and then seeing Y/n get out of her car and sees her husband.
"Hi, mo luaidh (my darling)." Soap says, placing his hand on her waist. "Come on," he says guiding her into the house.
Once the door was opened and Soap moves down and removes Y/n's heels from her feet. His hands were gentle on her ankles and his fingers gently caressed her calves up to her thighs.
"What did you do?" She asked.
"Nothing...am I not allowed to cook for my wife?"
"You are allowed to," she smiles at him.
"I always cook for you, mo luaidh (my darling)." He kisses her knee and then stood back up.
"What did you fix?"
"Your favorite," he says, guiding her to the dinning room and showing her the meal he made for her. "Red wine too," he says.
"Thank you, John, I'm gonna change and come back down," she says. Soap nods and sits at the end of the table.
Y/n soon came downstairs in a light purple silk nightgown that stopped at her mid thigh, Soap's eyes widened as Y/n's hair was a bit messy as well, doing it on purpose teasing Soap.
He smirks leaning back in his chair, he stood up pulling her chair out for her to sit, she does and he pushed her closer to the table.
"You look gorgeous, mo luaidh (my darling)." He leans down and kissed her temple.
"Thank you," she smiles at him as Soap went to his chair.
"How was work?" He started to make small talk with his wife.
"A mess," she says.
"How so?"
"We have an employee that calls in almost everyday, her excuse is pulling the 'I'm sick' card when she isn't sick, it's because she doesn't want to work and it's very obvious, she has come to me many times complaining about work, and then saying she'll call in because 'she's stressed out'...stressed out about what? Watching videos on your phone? She doesn't work!" Y/n was an exclusive director for the company she works at.
If she could she would fire this woman, but it's not her call. It was obvious that the woman gets under Y/n's skin a lot. Even the General Manager has an issue with this woman and they've both talked to her and the CEO about her.
Soap usually hears a lot about this woman and how she is basically a problem for the company. All that woman has to do is order products make sure they come in on time and calls people to let them know their products come in, but she never does it half of the time and sales people have to do her job for her, which pisses them off.
"I bet, what number is this?"
"23 and counting," Y/n says annoyed by this woman. Y/n eats her dinner as Soap just listens her her rant and enjoy her company.
"You're lucky you don't have to deal with someone like her," Y/n says.
"Well, I dealt with people like that in the Military."
"Really, how come you never told me?"
"Just never brought it up," he chuckles. "But I can tell you about the one who was released early from duty."
"Tell me!" She says, leaning on her hand to listen to her husband talk.
Soap tells her about a new recruit coming to the Military and two days in was released from duty because of bad conduct making him go to court because of his stunt.
"Yeah, you never told me that," she giggles.
"Again, we've never talked about it," he says. "Not only that it was a while ago, when I went to Russia for a week, I kind of forgot about it till now," he says as he moves his fork to his mouth.
"I see."
"Anything else going on?" He asked her.
"We...fired a girl," Y/n says.
"Fired someone?! What happened?"
"Remember that one girl I talked about when I caught her in the bathroom with a male employee?"
"Oh yeah!"
"Well, she was caught in the male bathroom...masturbating and we called a meeting with her, with all managers and directors and...the CEO decided to fire her."
"H-How the hell did she get into the males bathroom without getting caught going in?"
"I'm not sure, the person who caught her doing it was the director of Marketing, she left the door unlocked and was caught."
"Holy shit-did you bring up the time you caught her?"
"I did in the meeting after we fired her, we discussed the times we caught her and how we hid it till we called a meeting with her," Y/n says.
"Your company is a shit show."
"Oh I know, we try our best to control it, and it seems like a shit show when the CEO leaves for anything, and his assistant tries to control everything when he's gone," she pokes at her food.
"Anyways enough work talk. You done, mo luaidh (my darling)?"
"Yes," she says as Soap stood up taking his and hers plate to the sink. She stood up and walked to her husband. Her arms go around his waist.
"Mo luaidh?"
"I'll be upstairs," she says, walking away and Soap watches her walk away.
Soap turns off the lights downstairs and walk upstairs through the hallway and at the end of the hall was his shared bedroom with the light on. He pushes the door open seeing his wife still in her silk nightgown, she was on her stomach reading one of her books, she looks over her shoulder and smiles at her husband before putting a bookmark in her book.
She rolls over and look at her husband placing her book on her nightstand.
"Come here," she says with her arms open and Soap crawls on top of her. She kissed the top of his head and he kisses her neck. "John?"
He starts to move down kissing her neck, chest, between her breasts, and then her stomach. His hands groped at her breasts, his hands move under her nightgown and his fingers played with her hard nipple.
She lets out a soft moan as he was gentle with her. Ever since Soap's retirement, he treats Y/n like she is the last thing on Earth, their sex was amazing because of Soap and how he would make her feel, and how he started to figure out what she liked during sex.
They tried new things they've never tried before, or they would do things they both knew they got off.
Soap then moves down pulling at her panties, pulling them down and off her ankles, he tosses them somewhere in the bedroom. He then starts licking his lips and then starts licking between her wet folds.
He kisses between her folds. He spits on her clit and rubs a few minutes earning moans from Y/n, her hand holds his wrist as he then shoves his middle and ring finger inside of her.
Her back arches with the pleasure overwhelming her. Soap smirks at her and then starts licking and sucking on her clit. His tongue flicked against her bud a few times, moans filled the room, he used his free hand and pulled his dick out.
He pumps himself a few times. He loves her moans, her back arching because of the pleasure. She used her hand to help him. He moans letting her do all the work.
He kept licking her and kissing her slit. Her hands pumping him quickly and teasingly slowly down. She'll pick up the pace just to hear him moan and the vibrations from his mouth against her clit made her feel good.
He then moves his mouth and fingers and she whines when he moves away. Her hand wasn't touching him anymore. He pulls his boxers off and then starts aligning himself up at her entrance.
She smiles placing her hands on his neck bring him close to her, lips touching as he first starts out slow and easy, them both rocking back and forth against each other.
Their make out session was soft and easy, but back rough with her biting at his bottom lip as he pulls away and groans when feeling her teeth pull at his lip.
His thrusts were rough and sloppy. The same with his kisses, they were sloppy and messy. Y/n's moans filled the room and skin slapping as well.
Soap kissed her neck, jawline and the back to her lips. Y/n's nails then dug into his muscular back. He groans when feeling the sudden pain digging into his back, but he ignored it, he was on a mission to make his wife feel good.
He looks down at her, her face all red and his ears were filled with moans. Y/n then dragged her fingers from his back to his shoulders and then down to his buff chest.
Y/n felt herself close to coming. She let's out another moan and then tightened around Soap's cock, he moans feeling her tighten around him.
"Come on, mo luaidh (my darling), cum for me," he groans as she did what he asked, she ended coming on his dick, he pulls out and watches as cum leak from her clit slowly.
He bends down and starts licking her clean. Her hands held the end of her silk nightgown lifting it up as Soap was cleaning her up.
The retired Sargent, sits up on his knees smiling down at his wife and picked her up taking her to the bathroom.
He places her on the sink and starts a bath. Making sure it was hot and then placed some bubbles in the bath, Y/n removes her silk nightgown placing it on the floor and Soap picks her up and placing her gently in the bath.
"I'll be right back," he says, kissing her lips and heading out of the bathroom, she could see him snatch a clean pair of boxers and hurried to put them on.
She messes with the bubbles in the tub and cupped them in her hands and placed it back on the bubbles. Soap comes back with two glasses and the red wine he poured before.
He gives her one and then held the other, he leans on the side of the tub to watch his wife, his head resting on his arm, she talks to him and he listens.
"Do you want wash you?" He asked.
"Yes," she says as he grabs a loofa and puts her body wash on it. He starts to gently rub it on her arms, shoulders, she gently stood up. He then washed her stomach, back, between her legs, thighs and butt.
30 Minutes Later
Y/n was on the bed with Soap holding her against his chest as she reads her book and Soap was watching TV on a low volume so Y/n could read her book.
She flips the pages with one hand and then other played with his arm hair as his left hand rested on her thigh and the other resting against her stomach and that hands rested close to her butt and he gently tapped her side to a random beat.
She closes her book, placing it on her nightstand and then looking at the TV to see what Soap was watching. Soap has been on a kick on watching old documentary's about old military planes, and wars that had happened in the past.
"What's this one about?" Y/n asked.
"Old planes and Vets stories about war," he says.
"Oh," was all she said as she cuddled up to Soap closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Next Morning (6:00AM)
Y/n had woken up to her alarm, groaning as she turns it off, she rolls over to face Soap, he was big spooning her, his eyes closed and he looks peacefully sleeping.
Y/n kissed Soap's lips and got out of his buff arms, she gets up like normal, brushing her hair, and starting her shower getting in and washing her body and hair.
As the water run, Soap wakes up and hears the water, he rolls over seeing the bathroom light on and the door cracked trying not to shine the light on him as he slept.
He stretched up and got out of bed. Heading downstairs to then make tea for Y/n and himself some as well, Soap doesn't drink tea as much as Y/n, she only drinks it to be calm before she works.
Y/n walks downstairs seeing her husband making the hot tea, she was in a towel around her body and another holding up her hair. Soap smiles seeing her.
"How was your shower?" He asked.
"Fine," she yawns as she was handed her mug taking a small sip. Soap walks behind her placing his hand on her hip kissing her temple as she sipped from her mug again.
"Go get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast," he says as she walks upstairs getting dressed and taking her damp hair out of the towel.
Soap had made her some waffles and she ate before going back upstairs to do her hair, make up and grabbing her purse and heels.
"Okay, I'll see you later, John."
"I'll see you, later mo luaidh (my darling)." He kissed her lips and he watched her leave for her work.
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zyonsay · 9 months
can you write a fic with toto?? cuz it's A NEEED FOR ME
Bustling Night TW
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: You and Toto go on a date!
Reader: Male
Warnings: Toto del Rey?!
Now playing: 'Lolita' by Lana del Rey
AN: Hey there dear Anon! Thank you for the request! When i first read this request, this reel came to my mind immediately haha
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So for this one i only made a one shot because im not really a Toto person (he's precious tho), but nevertheless i hope you enjoy. I accidentally wrote it for a male reader, until i realized you didn't specify the readers gender- I hope this isn't a problem, otherwise reach out and i'll make it genderneutral!
Also, i always thought his german was SO WEIRD and just a few minutes ago i found out that Torger Christian Wolff is in fact austrian. I was so convinced that he's an Alman (European Slang for 'german person') , but it makes sense that his german sounded silly to me lol. Austrians are so unserious and i can't get over it lmao
His big hand was snaked around your waist, as bright flashes danced before you. You and your husband Toto stood on a stunning carpet while being photographed for the press. The FIA had planned an extravagant Gala Event for all the Formula One associates.  
Your hair was combed nicely, and your dress shirt hugged you perfectly. Toto was smiling sweetly while he secretly gawked at you from time to time. A loose strand had made its way on his forehead, you gently brushed it back and pressed a quick peck to his cheek. The city was alive, and you couldn’t wait to get out and about after the event. Of course, you would’ve liked to stay longer and enjoy some drinks and maybe embarrassingly dance when the party started, but you and your beloved partner made a reservation at a fancy restaurant.
Before anyone could notice, you two had snuck out of the building, breathing in the fresh night air. A few Cars were rushing by, and it felt like the nightlife was breathing and bustling. The valet handed Toto the keys to his steel grey Mercedes Benz 300 sl, nodding gratefully he handed the young man a suspiciously high tip.
He opened the passenger door for you, before hopping behind the steering wheel. He glanced over at you, still smiling like a schoolboy. The Austrian slowly snuck a hand on your thigh, making small talk with you, as the car swiftly rushed through the lit-up city streets. It didn’t feel overwhelmingly lit like New York, but homier and more romantic. The windows of the car were fully open, and the wind played through his dark hair.
The moon hung in the sky like a sweet melody and its light accentuated Toto’s sharp features, his eyes seemed to shimmer with adoration.
Once you arrived at the restaurant a smell of delicious stone oven pizza hit you. The walls of the restaurant consisted almost fully of big, beautiful windows and on the inside, there were stunning Bordeaux red curtains. There were various nicely dressed couples sitting on the terrace, while sipping coffee or chatting the night away.
Your lovely partner pulled you inside, checking the reservation with the hostess. She was a short, sweet looking woman with curly blonde hair. The lady then guided you two towards a table next to one of the big windows, telling you that your server would be with you shortly. Toto gripped your hand with his bigger one, giving you a gentle kiss on the knuckles.
“I love you, Schatz”, a sweet grin spread across his face as you chuckled.
“I love you too.”
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twoyara · 21 hours
Karens never existed
As a non-white woman, I don't understand why this slang exists at all. No, I'm not here to show how cool and smart I am, it's just a logical conclusion. Are white women can be racist? Yes. Can they be fascists? Yes. Can they be rude and loud? Sure. But, as you all know very well, there are already names and terms for these things. You don't need to invent some new ones for it. Oh, and like, all other women of all races and ethnicities can't be like that or what?
The problem isn't that they're rude or racist, is it? The problem is that they are confident middle-aged women who know how to stand up for themselves and their rights. Because, my God, how much humanity hates women who try to stand up for their rights. All this nonsense about radfem didn't come out of thin air, y'know
Even if white women are scandalous, so what? White men aren't scandalous? They aren't loud and racist? Why isn't there any popular slang for white men? Why aren't there a ton of memes about them? Videos making fun of them? Forums and articles? Because no white woman has as many rights and freedom as a white man
How stupid is it to think that white women are somehow protected from patriarchy and think that they somehow have more rights than all other women. And even better if they're rich. But history by a bunch of actresses and models proves that neither money nor white skin will save you from rape, sexual harassment, sex trafficking, kidnapping, murder. The only thing they're protected from is racism. I doubt that either. If white person came to my republic, they'd be greeted with racist comments (sad truth)
NO WOMAN IS SAFE AS LONG AS THERE IS PATRIARCHY IN THE WORLD. The term exists only to once again demean and ridicule women. That's all. Eat it up, chew on it, slurp it. Idk just stop being so dumb
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call-me-cheese · 6 months
Hello there! I was wondering if you could do Alastor with a reader who has a thick southern accent? It can be romantic or platonic, it’s completely up to you! Have a good day/night!
~ Angel <3
Alastor x reader(platonic)
а/n: Thanks for request Angel! I hope you will like it, I am not very in themes like this, but I tried my best!
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·       To begin with, Alastor lived in New Orleans, meaning he did deal with different languages as well as accents, so he doesn't have any direct problems with that
·       But he's also a radio host with an obviously set voice, and for his profession to have a speech that isn't quite right is not okay
·       Does he care about it? Most of the time, yes, but there's one exception, his name
·       HE asked YOU to call him "Al" because this type of twisting is simply not acceptable
·       Does it bother you a lot? Mmmmm, no
·       «Alustuuuh" you approach him with the most idiotic smile, just annoying your friend
·       "What do you want?" he slowly turns to you with a killer look, just hoping it's really important
·       "Hmm, nothing, just to see if you can hear" you liked to annoy Alastor, he's too suited for that, so with a "Cheshire cat" expression on your face and a crazy laugh, you run away at top speed
·       Sometimes he swears he hates you
·       He really hates you
·       He doesn't
·       Sometimes he corrects you just like that
·       Sometimes he randomly asks how you would pronounce certain words
·       Rosie also suffers, but less
·       He cursed the people (Lucifer) several times with your expressions
·       You're his official second-in-command for creating chaos
·       Now some phrases from the south are spreading, so I think in hell as well
·       If you've known him for a relatively long time, then sometimes you'll get summaries of changes in slang expressions in hell
·       As I've said before, you don't pronounce names quite correctly (you can actually pronounce them correctly, but it's not that fun at all) and he willingly uses it
·       Sometimes he borrows expressions/pronunciations from your vocabulary and uses them for the same purposes as you
·       He also irritates people (Lucifer)
·       You're annoying people together
·       It's fun to spend time with him
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I hope you enjoyed)
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houseofchalamet · 2 years
Dating Timmy - Random Headcanons
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He always eats and leaves crumbs in the bed, so... enjoy that🙃
When he's sick, you bring him anything he wants, cuddle him, and rub his back.
And he does the same for you.
When you can't sleep at night, he'll sing to you. Whatever song you want.
Except Statistics.
And Yeet.
Sometimes when you shower, he'll sit on the bathroom floor like a puppy because he just wants to be with you.
His love language is physical touch, so he always wants to kiss and hug and cuddle.
It doesn't even have to be romantic touching, it can be something as small as your knees brushing while you're sitting next to each other. Just so he knows you're near him.
When you sit on the floor and do your makeup in the full length mirror, he'll sit and hug you from behind. Sometimes he'll rest his head on your shoulder and watch you through the mirror. It's especially cute early in the morning, when his hair is messy and he's blinking at you sleepily.
Sometimes he'll let you put some blush or lip gloss on him. He's adorable.
He knows you love his hair, so he lets you do whatever you want with it. Pigtails, braids, buns... One night, he let you straighten it.
You then realized that you'd made a huge mistake and forced him to wet it so it would curl again🫣
He holds your undershirt down for you when you take his your hoodies off.
You're both very private but your relationship definitely isn't a secret.
You're both extremely busy, but you try to have date night at least once a week.
It doesn't always have to be going out somewhere; sometimes it's just sitting at the table and playing a board game, baking something, or watching a movie in bed.
Just as long as you're together.
He likes to match his outfits to yours.
On the red carpet, but also just in daily life.
He's not a jealous person because he trusts you so much and he knows you'll never do anything to hurt him.
So he loves showing you off.
He's always weird about sharing his problems because of who he is; he feels like other people have it so much worse and he should just be grateful and not complain.
So he just acts like everything is fine, even when its not.
And of course, you know him better than anyone, so you know when something is bothering him.
It can take a while to coax it out, but eventually, he'll be honest and you can help him work through it.
He feels like you always know the right thing to say. He loves that about you.
You're more "online" than he is and you like to see what people say about him. His fans are so hilarious and creative. He likes it when you read funny tweets about him. He can see all the good stuff posted about him without having to sift through the hate; you're his own personal filter.
You get him into shitty reality TV.
He doesn't see the appeal at first, but after a few episodes, he's picking sides and needing to know what happens on Real Housewives of New Jersey.
Speaking of TV, he's very good at guessing the Masked Singers.
Like he gets it right almost every time.
Sometimes when you're sad, he'll do Pennywise's dance from It to make you laugh.
It never gets old.
He has a hundred notes in his phone with random things you've said. It's usually just a song or snack you mentioned in passing and he wants to remember it for later investigation.
You both start to use the same slang, phrases and references. You're literally the same person.
And sometimes no one else gets your references but you and Timmy. So one of you will say something and you'll both just die laughing while the rest of the room looks at you like wtf..
He's very good at taking Instagram photos and he loves to gas you up.
"Oooohh damn, you're so hot. Yes, do that! That's my (girl/guy)!"
The whole time he's looking at the phone and giving you the thumbs up like a proud mom videoing her child's dance recital.
He likes to open your car door for you.
He can be forgetful when he's stressed out.
"Timmy, your phone is in your hand."
"Timothee, your sunglasses are on your head."
No matter where you are, you like to watch the sunset together.
Sometimes you'll sneak a quote of something miniscule he said in a movie or smth into a normal conversation and he'll cringe.
Him: "Teresa is going to prison on RHONJ😧"
You: "I can do prison."
Him: "eufheufh why are you like this?"
You're his person🥺
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pygmi-cygni · 14 days
writing tips - appropriate phrasing
it's really difficult to differentiate between your voice and the appropriate voice for your story.
But it really affects the quality and atmosphere. Like the person who requested this post (@ryns-ramblings) mentioned, Fourth Wing is a good example. Fourth Wing uses slang like 'getting laid' or 'smashing' in a juvenile tense, even though the characters are adults and the setting is supposedly in a very medieval era - aka, in a time where this language wasn't used.
Though you don't need to write in Olde English, understanding character voice and context is crucial. I have posted about this before in my 'character continuity' post but I'm happy to explain again.
When writing a character or a story that takes place in a setting different from modern day or in a way that is intentionally separate from expectation, you have to keep the language consistent. It's part of the difficulty of writing characters of different ages - understanding how their use of language will change depending on their maturity.
Fourth Wing - still a nice story, I'm not hating - doesn't do this very well. Overall the book is still sorta good but this issue really hampers the maturity of the text. Especially in this case, when the author deals with adult violence and content, the use of immature language and underdeveloped research removes a lot of the important context.
The result? A novel that reads as juvenile and is shallowly entertaining.
But this isn't a book review so I'll regroup to the writing aspect.
When you choose to write about something mature, you need to handle the language appropriately. You are introducing your audience to something that is likely upsetting or controversial. Research becomes essential in order to prevent misrepresentation and sloppy explanation.
Colleen Hoover is another example. She writes at about a YA level (14-18) of comprehension, but her content is mature adult (19+). This is a problem, as discussed at length in the media, because younger adults are exposed to what she's writing but not with the caution and proper handling of tricky subject matter (i.e abuse).
I also talked about this in this post.
How to avoid this:
research. research research research. Look up interviews with people that have experienced what you're writing about. Read journal entries, news clippings, as many direct sources as possible. If those are unavailable, get access to multiple perspectives, explanations, and authors. Combing over one single source gives you a lot of one-sided info.
Examine yourself as a writer. Do you feel like you have the tools and the awareness to write about that topic appropriately? If not, discuss with other experienced writers about how to approach it carefully.
Beta readers/draft editors that aren't friends or family. Absolutely share your work with loved ones, but that friendly bias might erase helpful feedback.
Understanding language
You know how teens talk. You've heard children babble, you've listened to older folk tell stories. There are explicit differences in grammar, range of vocab, and sentence quality. If you don't write those differences, the characters all sound the same.
Pay attention to common phrases you've been using and how they fit with the story and the characters. Like I said, it doesn't have to be Olde English, but a woman isn't going to be joking about sex with her boss.
Kids won't be quoting Ray Bradbury in the 30s cause he wasn't published yet. Little contextual timelines that add a lot atmospherically.
happy writing! xox comment for more!
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waistdoll · 1 year
I am new to jirai kei, but I just wanted to know some tips and other things I should be educated on in the subculture 🩷 I just don't want to come off as ignorant because Im new 🫶 so do you have any tips or things I should know? ⁠♡
TW: harmful behavior, s*x work, mentions of self-h*rm, i will try to talk about the differences, the stereotypes and the reason behind them, having the "jirai kei" as a main subject.
୨ৎ if you want to know more about the girly kei style you can ask me too!! like brand recommendations, tips on buying from japan, japanese clothes size, makeup, etc.
but please, keep in mind that:
• jirai kei 地雷系 (lifestyle) and dark girly kei (style that some of the jirai girls use) are two separated things and you can be jirai without using the style and you can use girly kei without identifying as jirai.
tl;dr: the western / social media vision of jirai is totally wrong. jirai kei in Japan isn't a style at all; jirai kei is a lifestyle that is seen as "unhealthy".
the term jirai kei came from “地雷系”. translates to “landmine-type”, not the literal meaning as “landmine”, is a japanese slang for "trigger" "red flag" “地雷を踏んだ”, meaning “i stepped on a landmine”. in reference to a person, a “landmine” is someone that’s so easily triggered over minor things that they keep exploding on others with abusive behavior, so you need to be as careful as if you were walking around a minefield.
this meaning has been around for about a decade, primarily used in dating advice articles about how to recognise “red flags” in a partner.
"but OP, it isn't a style?"
in those dating stereotypes, even the most arbitrary traits were considered red flags and wearing dark alternative fashion is already enough to have someone considered a potential landmine, the style in question is called dark girly kei. (style used by many jirai kei girls)
around 2020, jirai kei didn’t have any associations with any particular fashions or interests, but when a popular japanese makeup vlogger started a “psycho girlfriend” dress-up challenge and called the final look a landmine-type cosplay. she contributed to the stereotype that the landmine-types were often fans of dark girly fashion, every influencer was getting in on the trend, and cosplaying as a landmine-type psycho girlfriend, generally also tagging with “yandere”, then a lot of influencers did the challenge and lots of girlykei brands started to use the "jirai kei" terminology to sell more.
"why would someone call themselves jirai knowing that it means "psycho woman" in other words?? wouldn't it be romanticizing?"
popularly, there's a lot of people who call themselves jirai kei knowing about the difference of jirai & girlykei because of their mental conditions, i, myself use jirai kei to feel a little better about my mental state and to connect to other people who struggle the same as me, even if they stopped calling themselves jirai they wouldn't stop their unhealthy behavior, they're not mentally ill because of jirai, they're jirai because of their mental illness. the spaces for real mentally fucked people in the internet are so few, these people that are called "psycho bitches" exist and they shouldn't feel bad about being like this, they are the people who most struggle with all of it and it's their business if they want to call themselves it. telling people to not use the jirai kei term will not stop them to engage on harmful behavior, at the end those people are still mentally ill and have more problems than the terminology they use. might be thinking the "jirai antis" are some sort of saviors or something like that, if you really want to help those people don't blame it in the community and style they've found themselves.
all jirais don't have the same behavior even if all of them have a fucked mental state, some of them might be posting self-harm for validation, some are obsessed with their s/o, some doing sex work for attention, some of us has violent thoughts and bpd, some of us are just neurodivergent, or have depression, etc, is a form of venting/expression, and venting ≠ encouraging someone.
some info:
• the term hadn't changed its meaning, please don't act like it's some sort of "feminist movement" or even empowering.
• part the association of girly kei with harmful behavior is related to "toyoko kaiwai" (トー横キッズ) who's around Kabukicho, many of the members have been wearing various dark j-fashion styles before the "psycho girlfriend dress-up challenge" became a trend. they're credited as the reason for why those styles are associated with the landmine stereotype to begin with. they're been connected to under*ge pr*stitution, dr*g ab*se, public self-h*rm, murd*r and theft.
they are around age 9-24, (firstly known as toyoko kids, but like, there's a lot of adults in this) they're often privileged children who were convinced to get away from home by bad influences. and many members have died or been hospitalized as a result. for more info search the Japanese spelling on any japanese news site, or their signature hashtags on social media:
recently, their former leader “Howl”, died by suicide while waiting in custody for a trial, (<- click for more info) -> (also here) for convincing minors to run away from home in order to “work” for him and dress in a way he finds attractive.
all these minors he "convinced" are victims, you can use the style without agreeing with this behavior and be jirai without agreeing with this, they're all manipulated children and it isn't their fault.
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
Y O U + M E
Part 1
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Soooo!!! Last nights South Park was everything I wanted but didn't know I needed!!! Kenny with his hood I mean,,, I am deceased. I'm having some serious writer's block, so please feel free to send me requests, HCs too!! I wanna get to know you all, and thanks for all the love on my previous fics. I normally hate my writing so knowing you guys like it is amazing!! This fic contains string language, angst, toxic thinking, obsession and sexual themes. ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP!! If you guys like this fic I can write more parts!! Loosely based on the Netflix show YOU!!!
Kenny hasn't been with another girl since the last time, and that was not something he wanted to repeat. That was until his eye was caught by you, and he couldn't tear his eyes away.
You were new here, family just moved to town and you had transferred to South Park High, and he was determined to know more about you.
It's not an obsession, he isn't obsessed, is he? So far he knew your name was y/n, you had moved here from the UK, so quite a far away from home, you were shy, trying your best to fit in, you were alternative in how you dressed, Kenny has already touched himself thinking about you, and he swore it was the best wank he'd ever had! It was clear to him that you were thirsty for that kind of attention, blushing as other boys talked and flirted with you, and his blood boiled, you would be his, who the fuck did these other guys think they were? How dare they even look at you in that way!
Although he didn't blame them, those short skirts, tight tops with too much cleavage and today was the day that Kenny's resolve broke, he could no longer watch from the sidelines, you were wearing the shortest shorts he'd ever seen with knee high socks and a lace bralette, no bra! God he was going insane. You had a flannel shirt tied loosely around your waist and Doc Martin boots on, and god you had tattoos! He swore you were so angelic looking it was sinful, and he knew he had to talk to you, before someone else could shoot their shot. You would be his. He was damned sure of it.
One problem though, how to approach you without creeping you out? You didn't know him, but he knew you, you were both meant for each other, you just didn't know it yet, but how to catch your attention. He'd have to think, and fast.
That was before his perverse thoughts were interrupted by the harsh ringing of the bell.
"Fuck." He muttered under his breath, slamming his locker in annoyance before making his way to English class, plopping down on his seat, lost in his own thoughts as the rest of the class filtered into the room.
He was once again distracted from his thoughts about you by the scent of your perfume, his head rising as you both met each others gaze, you smiled at him, as he gave you a gapped tooth smile back.
Trust the teacher to ruin his shot!
"Quiet class! I have a lot planned for todays lesson so let's cut to the chase, I have paired you all up for group work, you will be working in pairs! This is an analysis of the prose we have been reading, and I expect a presentation and a written essay that both of you must present to the class next week."
She turned her back, writing on the chalk board who was paired together, and Kenny swore his heart skipped a beat when he noticed he was paired with you. He's never wanted to fist bump the air so much in all his life, but he didn't want you to notice him geeking out over you.
"Please sit next to your partner and get started straight away!" You teacher said to the class, and you moved your seat beside Kenny's, you both sharing a desk.
"Hey, I'm y/n, I'm new here from the UK so sorry if some of what I say doesn't make sense, our slang is hard to forget." You laughed, and Kenny nodded.
"Most people can't understand me either." He mumbled, his hood up. Let her see your face, idiot! His brain almost screamed at him as he unzipped his coat, taking his hood down, and it didn't go unnoticed by his friends. They knew he was hot on your tail, and what Kenny wants, he gets.
Your mouth was wide as you studied your partners face, a blush on your cheeks. He was hot, his fluffy blonde hair sitting messily atop his head, his pale skin and subtle freckles and that adorable little gappy smile. Fuck! You'd only moved a week ago and already you were crushing on someone.
"I'm Kenny. We can meet at the park after school and work on our project if you're up for up it?" He offered, you would definitely be turned off if you seen how his family were and what his home was like, and he was not losing you because of his parents and their usual neglectful bullshit.
"Or you could swing by my house? I'll get us coffee and order some pizza?" You offered, twiddling your pen between your thumb and forefinger, trying to avoid direct eye contact out of fear of blushing in front of him.
"That sounds a million times better, thanks." Kenny replied, a small smile on his face, he took this opportunity to sneak a quick look at your cleavage, and he swore he could make out the shape of your hard nipples through your bralette, and were those piercings?! Fuck, what were you doing to him? Don't get hard, Jesus Christ don't get hard!
"Can I have your number? So I can send you my address?" You asked, offering him your phone to punch his number into.
And he gladly accepted, typing his number on to your phone, and while you were distracted talking to Wendy he quickly installed a tracking app on your phone, just so he could know where you were at all times, to keep you safe of course.
"There you go." Kenny replied, holding your phone out to you as you took it from him, smiling at him.
"So... tell me a little about you, Kenny?" His eyebrow quirked at your sudden question. Were you wanting to find out more about him because you were partnered with him and just being friendly? Or did you ask because you were interested in getting to know him, because he wanted to know everything there was to know about you.
"I'm eighteen, I've lived in South Park for my whole life, and I've always been known of the poorest kid of the school, thanks to Eric over there." He said, nodding his head in the direction we're the older boy sat, you could hear him laughing at his own jokes, he seemed like an ass.
"I have a brother and a younger sister, Kevin and Karen. Just a warning though, people here love to gossip, so if anyone is bothering you, let me know." Kenny said kindly, his eyes not tearing from you once, it was as if you two were the only people in the room, god how was he going to control himself when he was in your bedroom, just you two.
"So tell me a little about yourself, y/n." Kenny inquired, and he was genuinely interested, soul mates needed to know all there was about each other, and he was determined to know you, he just hoped that you'd let him.
"Um... I'm eighteen too, I'm an only child, live with my mother, but she has some... problems, y'know?" You said, and Kenny knew exactly what you meant, his parents were the crème de la crème of drug and alcohol addicts, so he knew fine and well what she meant. Maybe they moved here for a new start.
"You smoke?" He asked curiously.
"Yeah, you smoke weed?" You asked back, a small smirk on your face.
"Fuck yeah, I've dabbled with a lot of drugs, I mean, I've been exposed to them all my life." Kenny said, his eyes staring at his table, then back to you.
"I'll buy pizza and get us coffees if you bring the weed, deal?" You asked, putting your hand out to the blonde boy in front of you.
"Deal!" Kenny said, a smirk on his own face as the bell rang for the end of class.
You began packing up your things off your table and into your bag and as you bent down to grab your pen that had fallen on the floor, Kenny thought his eyes had popped fully out of his head. He stared at your ass and your thick thighs and my god how he wanted his head between them.
When you stood back up you finished packing and turned to see Kenny was waiting on you.
"If you wanna grab lunch together you can come with with me?" He asked, a small smile on his face, and boy did he hope that you said yes.
"That sounds lovely. Thanks, Kenny." You replied, throwing your back pack over your shoulder and beginning to walk out of the classroom with Kenny.
You could feel the eyes of other girls burning into the back of you as you both walked down the corridor, chatting together and making jokes as you both erupted into laughter.
Even though he was fully fixated on what you were talking about, Kenny was dazed, he was deep in thought, and it was all about you. About how your shirts hugged that perfectly round ass, how sensitive your nipples would be, what piercings would adorn them, did you have any tattoos that he couldn't see? His mind swirled.
As you both entered the cafeteria, he smiled and waved at his friends, before leading you over to introduce you.
"Guys, this is y/n m, she's new here. Y/n this is Eric, Kyle, Stan, Jimmy, Craig and Tweek." He said, pointing to each individual as he said their names, and you smiled.
"Hey guys, hopefully we can all be friends." You said, taking a seat between Kenny and Kyle.
"Kenny, how did you manage to get this pretty girl to befriend you?" Stan blurred outright, his cheeks going red as he averted both of your gazes.
"Um, we got partnered up together in English and it looks like we have a lot in common, and Kenny seems really nice." You said as the rest of the group nodded as if in sync.
"That makes sense." Kyle said to no one in particular and Kenny was in his own world again. You thought he was nice? He was making a good start, now he had to get you to fall in love with him, and he was pretty sure he knew how.
The rest of the day was pretty much standard procedure as far as Kenny was concerned, you had texted him, telling him to come over at 7pm.
So he had some free time on his hands. And he knew exactly what to do with it.
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messinwitheddie · 1 month
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Mr. Casarez "...And a fruit cup. Do you make dessert pizza this early...? Really? Great. Could you add a--"
Nny "He's STILL ordering... who does this guy think he's feeding?"
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Mr. Casarez "Myself, My Wife and two boys who really need to eat."
Noise "And me, asshole!"
Mr. Casarez "Just take home whatever you can't finish. Or I'll eat it."
Squee "Sounds good. Thank you. Is it really killing you to be nice?"
Nny "To him? I think so?"
Squee "Well, die with grace, ok?"
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MW "Ooel Oi!"
Nny "Did that goddamn bird just call me noodle boy?"
Squee "No-- I mean, I'm pretty sure this type of parot can't talk."
Nny "You--"
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Mr. Casarez "The food should be here in 40 minutes."
Nny "Wonderful! I'll get started on the carpet while we wait so this day is over with as mercifully soon as possible! Kindly keep your aerial shit cannon away from me and my belongings. Thank you."
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Nny "I will working with my headphones on, so don't bother me until the food is here. Appreciate it."
Mr. Casarez "Ok... I'll do my best, but I can't promise anything."
Squee "I'm sorry about Nny. He really is trying to make up for all the crap he's pulled on you. He just-"
Mr. Casarez "Don't be sorry. I'm grateful for the help around here. It takes 4 times as long to clean her enclosure myself. Do you want to give My Wife a shower out back? She would really appreciate it."
Squee. "Sure, no problem."
Mr. Casarez "Ok, I'll get the hose."
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[Out back]
Squee "They just left her locked up in her enclosure when they moved out? That's horrible. "
Mr. Casarez "You don't know the half of it. When I moved in I found her covered in her own shit, her water bottle was dry for who knows how long, she was half starved and plucking out her own feathers from stress."
Squee "Awww..."
Mr. Casarez "Why do people take in pets just to mistreat them? I'll never understand."
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Mr. Casarez "Whoever lived here before me must have decided it was too expensive to keep her or it was too much of a hassle to move her. I couldn't afford to take her to a vet so I had to check out a bunch of books at the library about exotic pet bird care. I only knew how to take care of chickens. It was hard. I'm a very slow reader, even in Spanish. It paid off; she's much healthier now and she trusts me."
Squee "That's impressive, Juan."
Mr. Casarez "I've always loved birds. I was afraid to handle her at first though. Loud noises scare me and she's very noisy... and bitey, but now we're inseparable. It breaks my heart I won't be able to keep her much longer."
Squee "Why not?"
Mr. Casarez "My health isn't good. I love My Wife, but she needs an owner with more energy, a longer life expectancy and a higher income to care for her how she needs to live a good life. My social worker's son put her up for adoption on the internet for me. So far one person has contacted me. If I get a good feeling when I speak to them in person, I'll give her away. If not, I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't want to pass away and leave her trapped in her enclosure."
Squee "That really sucks, but it's sweet you tried this hard for her."
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Mr. Casarez "So, Um, just out of curiosity, why do you call him "Nny" and why does he keep calling you "Squee?" Is that some kind of new young person slang I'm unfamiliar with or--?"
Squee "Uh, no, um, not-- "Squee" is just his pet name for me. It's actually a crappy nickname the kids at school call me, but for some reason I introduced myself to him as "Squee" when my family first moved next door to him. I hate being called "Squee", but I don't have the heart to tell him. "Nny is a nickname... he gave himself, I guess? It's short for Johnny."
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Mr. Casarez "I like the sound of "Johnny" a lot better than "Nny", but I'm biased. My son was named Johnny."
[Last page
Sorry for so much dialog. I'm trying to move this story along and get to an important plot point, but I only know how to write with loads of dialog so....
I think there were at least 3 dumb spelling mistakes and I was super pissed off while drawing a few panels hence the extra sloppy, heavy linework in some of it. Appreciate anyone still following this au. Struggling to figure out exactly how I want to end this. It's meant to be a rather sad story, but I keep throwing in gags.
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gamerdog1 · 1 year
Baccano Review
Since the early days of humanity, we humans have been fascinated with storytelling. From cave paintings, to oral storytelling, to the invention of the printing press and beyond, stories have been a staple of how we share experiences, lessons, or histories with subsequent generations.
When it comes to the recounting of events, though, therein lies a problem: from which perspective is the story told? Who are history's main characters? How can we possibly get a complete look at an event (or events) from only one person's perspective?
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While most stories take a singular perspective, linear approach to storytelling, some attempt the daunting task of rounding up as many perspectives as possible, showing that there is always more than one side to every story.
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One such series is Baccano (2007), an anime based on the light novel series of the same name, written by Ryohgo Narita. Unlike most historical anime, Baccano's story is told from a dozen or so perspectives, creating a unique viewing experience that rewards audiences' close attention with a satisfying thrill ride.
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Describing Baccano's plot is a bit difficult, simply because of how much goes on in it. Its a gangster story about various crime families in New York, and their endless cycle of violence against one another. Its a horror story, about a train hi-jacking that goes wrong after a murderous monster climbs aboard. Its also a comedy about a pair of goofy criminals who mess up their plans all the time, yet still somehow get away with them.
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Yet, all these separate plot threads are interwoven in a such a way where each is essential to the overall story. Characters encounter each other in key moments of the plot, and their stories are changed because of each other. In one episode, we see a major character watching a fire break out at a factory, where he bumps into a mysterious woman. In the next episode, we see what the woman was doing before she got to the fire, and where she went afterwards. By doing this, Baccano weaves a complex story where dozens of 'main characters' can shine to their own degrees.
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Where this comes most in handy is with how the series doles out scenes and important information. Instead of showing scenes in a linear fashion, Baccano cuts up events and scatters them to the four winds, forcing audiences to put together a timeline as best they can. One minute you could be seeing a gunfight in 1932, then the next you're seeing people board a train in 1931, seemingly unrelated. I found myself trying to plot each scene on a timeline as I watched, but by episode 4, I didn't need it anymore.
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The non-linear storytelling of this anime can be tricky to anyone not accustomed to it, having a keen eye and keeping track of the three major events of the story is all you really need to understand the order of events. Each scene is book-ended with something shown in a previous episode, or relates to something that is revealed in the next episode, showing you exactly when each event takes place in the overall narrative. Its not rocket science to understand the story: it just takes a keen eye, and a basic understanding of cause and effect.
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Beyond the story itself, I really enjoyed this series, especially because of its atmosphere and setting. Its a rare treat to see an anime set outside of Japan, especially a historical series like this one. Much like Black Butler (2008), another historical anime set outside of Japan, the English dub is a treat, featuring all the old-timey accents that you'd expect for the time period. That, combined with the occasional use of slang (such as using 'giggle juice' to refer to alcohol) and references to 30's pop culture, made the dialogue flow smoothly, and feel natural for the setting.
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While taking place in the 1930's, Baccano is in no way a realistic depiction of history, something which isn't helped by it's fantasy plotline. The fantasy element of Baccano's plot doesn't ruin the show (I believe it actually makes the story cooler, though I feel like it could've been integrated more smoothly into the setting, or at least given more time to develop.
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That, unfortunately, is the main issue with this series: it really needed more time. With a plot as dense and complex as this, you'd think it would get more time to stretch out and get comfortable. 13 episodes is shockingly little, especially for an adaptation of a light novel series with over 20 books in it. It baffles me that Brain's Base (the studio behind this anime) didn't give this series a longer run, or even a second season. It certainly could do with it.
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Still, this series makes the most of its short stay, like a tourist who insists on 'doing everything' on their weekend vacation to New York City. Every character gets a decent amount of screen time and a clear goal, and that goal is either reached or missed tragically. For a show with such a short run, its quite impressive just how much information and story is packed into its 13 episodes. By the end, I felt a connection to the key players, like we'd spent a whole afternoon together (which may or may not be related to me watching most of this anime in one afternoon).
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All in all, I quite enjoyed Baccano, though I wish it was longer. The non-linear storytelling was a bit jarring at first, but didn't take me too long to understand. The characters ranged from hilariously stupid to genuinely cool, and each was entertaining to watch. At the end of the day, though, I only wish this series was longer. Characters like Ennis didn't feel like they got the time they deserved, and could've brought this series up from 'great' to 'excellent' if they had gotten more time to develop and explore.
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I definitely recommend this series to anyone who hasn't seen it. Sure, its violent, bloody, confusing, weird, and ridiculously short, but it makes the most of what it has. We can only hope for a surprise second season announcement in the near future.
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(Also this guy is the best character. I will not apologize.)
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not-rude-ginger · 5 months
It is 2am and I'm comforting my puppy who decided she hated being alone downstairs (normally she's fine about it) and I find myself thinking about the discourse regarding "unalive" as a term "the kids" use.
If I might ramble a moment there seem to be people who hate the word with a blinding passion and others who take a "let kids have their thing you jaded prick".
Personally I don't have a lot of issues with it day to day. However what I dislike about it is not the use but the origins.
Teenagers are some of the fastest communicators on the planet, a new trend can take off in 24 hours around the world. They invent slang all the time, it comes and goes with blistering speed and much of it is stupid - not negative, but silly, whimsical, ridiculous. I remember the dumbest slang my generation/school had, it was awful, but it's word play, it's a kind of folklore and linguistic experiment at the same time.
And that's the key. Folklore has no known source. You might figure out the general time it comes about, and study the trends around it, but you'll never find the first person to create it.
But with unalive, we know the source. It's tiktok and its craven determination to appeal to advertisers. It's not a fun spin on communication that sprang up naturally, it's a limitation placed on people who want to use the app, for the sake of capitalism and greedy money makers who don't care about anything but money.
That is, imo, antithetical to the concept of slang and lived folklore that develops out of specific regions and places, and that is the problem. If teens just developed it as a part of their culture and communication style, it'd annoy the people who bitch and moan about kids these days, but is community doing it's natural social thing.
The issue with unalive and other slang that comes from tiktok restrictions is it isn't coming from the ground troops and climbing the ranks, it's top down oppressive language restrictions on issues that matter that have been deemed too controversial for advertising.
Slang is natural, inevitable and something you cannot stop, nor should we try. It's also something that has been heavily impacted by the internet in how it works.
But unalive? That is not slang. It's Newspeak, and we should resist what it stands for with all our heart.
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