#the principles of contrasting shapes have something to them
Any tips or guides on how you draw such wonderful mechanical/toy-like characters? It feels robust but not overwhelming, love it.
Thank you! So a lot of it is just knowing how to slap the joints on a normal humanoid body. If you research stuff like figma action figures and real life robots, you'll quickly build up a mental library of mechanical joints that correspond to different body parts. Many things that apply to robots apply to toys and things, though it always depends.
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Once you have this library built up, you can kinda just do Whatever. Answered a similar ask a long while back that goes into more detail as well.
Some robots are much more detailed than this though, and the main inspirations I have for Normal Robots in particular are from Portal 2, particularly in Atlas and P-Body; the trick they use is having all the mechanical bits (usually pistons) being colored black and dark-grays, with the shells and casings being white or some other contrasting color.
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This is an excellent way of having your cake and getting to eat it as well, because the colored casing draws your eye, and you get rewarded with taking in all the finer mechanical bits without getting distracted by them first.
This main principle is what I use for Kaita, who has mechanical parts, but often shows more subtly in her neck and torso/abdomen.
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If you just quickly glanced at this closeup of Kaita from this older bit of art I did here, you'd probably not completely realize she's a robot, but seeing the strange geometric shapes etched into those areas might clue you in. To reiterate: while robots like Kaita are more complicated than toys, they share a good deal of mechanisms for stuff like rotating the arms, turning wrists, etc.
It's also just kinda a character design thing in general, is using strong shape language and going for something... toyetic. Which sounds redundant, but you'd quickly understand what I mean when you look at something like, say, Fortnite characters, or the designs to Ben10 aliens. They're not toys, but they all kinda have that Look to em, and they look like that not just because they do in fact have merchandise, but because that kinda blocky look is really readable, and excellent for action scenes and poses. Just that blocky shape language and strong color-schemes can do a lot of heavy lifting on even the simplest designs.
My main inspirations are Sonic and TF2, which I feel is weirdly obvious when you look at someone like Victor if you look at the blockiness of his body and the way I stick to a limited color palette. As-is he wouldn't fit in either universe visually, but you can kinda see how the design principles bleed into how he looks now.
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tofupixel · 2 months
Thank you for getting me to finally try pixel art! I‘ve always wanted to get into pixel art but I never knew what to start with and always ended up procrastinating. Your blog and the post you made on learning pixel art were what finally pushed me to give it a go. It was really helpful and I managed this little animation in Libresprite.
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I definitely want to improve and your art is like the ultimate goal lol. Do you have any tips or instructions for how to get better or on what to focus on in the future? I‘d appreciate any kind of criticism/input you are willing to give! How do you manage to make such gigantic and beautiful landscapes?
thank you!! and i'm so happy you decided to give it a real go, you're doing great already!! the rendering on the body and the pink shading is really nice.
i can help a little with animation stuff but i'm not an expert, ill write something out about backgrounds at the end
i hope you don't mind but i edited the sprite a little, just to illustrate some stuff
🤺Animation stuff
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i added an extra frame near the top of the arc so it slows down. this is called ease or slow in/out and usually happens at the beginning and end of movements. u can do even more slow but this is just a quick version
i also removed the middle frame (where the tail is straight down) to make the swing appear a bit more powerful. this could be the principle of timing in the same video. you can exaggerate smears if you do this, its up to you!! lately i tend to exaggerate stuff a lot, things arent super noticable in motion
i also got a good bit of advice from nickwoz that helped me, basically when you begin to animate, it really puts the rest of the sprite being still into focus. try to think of how you could animate other parts of the body, even subtly. and sometimes if individual pixels stay still they can catch the eye in an unintended way as well, just keep it in mind!!
if you want to learn animation more, you could take a look at duelyst sprites, they have incredible idle and ability animations, i study them a lot
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heres one i downloaded a long time ago. i recommend just downloading stuff you like and looking at it!! i have a huge collection of pixel inspo. slowing animations down can really help you understand whats going on. its just a bunch of simple elements put together that makes it look so good.
🌿 OK lets talk about landscape stuff
it looks like you have art experience already, but im gonna talk as if youre a complete noob cos it might help some other people who read this!! ur doing great 👍
❓ how to learn: study (and practise a lot)
what i mean by study: draw it, copy it, try to understand it. you can try to change characteristics about it. changing the angle or lighting can help u understand how something works in 3 dimensions.
sometimes it takes time, dont worry, you will figure out your own style through doing studies, its all a process
❓ how to draw landscape details?
study pixel artists and how they do it recommendations: fool, slym, jubilee, deceiver
also please look at real world references!! you got to build that visual library
❓ how to learn composition?
study traditional artists or animation. i did a ton of studies of ghibli backgrounds which i think helped my growth a lot recommendations: arcane, studio ghibli, traditional painters
im gonna break down a piece as well and maybe that will help. this is one from 2022 but its still one of my most popular and its pretty simple too!!
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if we remove all the fancy stuff what we have is actually really simple. just a few large, overlapping shapes that all point towards our focal point. it's the brightest area with the most contrast and many edges point into it.
go to pinterest or google and just search "pretty landscape" or "mountains" or something and you can see what i'm doing is nothing special or unique!! break it down into bigger shapes to begin with, its just different areas of material mostly.
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and heres how you can make any landscape from any colours. purple sky or mountain? orange grass? ok !! it all works, it doesnt matter. i just blend the colours.
when parts of the landscape are in the distance they become closer to the sky colour as there is more "sky" in between you and it. its called atmospheric perspective. so if the sky was red, the clouds would fade towards red.
OKKK i dont know what else to say so i hope that helps!! honestly 90% of what i do is intuitive and hard for me to really explain, so you dont have to know The Rules, you just kind of pick up stuff as you go.
GL and thanks so much for showing me your art!! please keep going!! 💕💕💕💕
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bixels · 1 year
I'm so in love with everything about your art!! I wanted to ask something about your MLP human designs in particular. all of them have really lovely and interesting face shapes/details. even though all the pony designs have the same head molds (save for eye shape), all the unique characteristics you gave them just... look RIGHT. is there a particular method or design principle you used? thanks for your time!! I can't wait to see more of your work!
It's all about shape language and how they inform a person's read on the character.
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I talked about this before, but each of the Main 6 were paired together so I could design them in contrast with each other. For RD, I wanted her short hair to have a wind-swept look, as if she's constantly running. So bare forehead and hair spiking out at the bottom. She contains lots and lots of sharp lines and shapes to give her the look of a speeding arrow.
Felice, on the other hand, droops down a lot to reflect her solemn, shy disposition. I didn't want her hair to be perfectly straight though, as that'd suggest she spends a lot of time fretting over it and isn't outdoorsy, so I made it a bit of a tangled mess too.
In short, RD's features are sharp and point upwards, Felice's features are round and droop downwards. (Think Joshua tree vs. weeping willow.)
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For these two, I specifically wanted to include non-Western facial features, as I found I haven't really included them in my character designs up until now.
Pinkie's bold and loud, so I gave her bold eyes, bold eyebrows, a bold nose, etc. I worked on Thea's nose for quite a bit and ended up abstracting the shape a bit to look more cartoony, borrowing from Pixar's Soul's character design notes. In cases like these, I recommend finding ways to simplify features and break them down into easily-recognizable shapes and forms (Cartoon Saloon are masters at this). The less visual noise, the easier their expressions are to read! And it's generally more fun to draw.
In short, diversify, exaggerate, and simplify. Figure out what works for you and get a little wacky with it. Character design is all about finding a balance between maintaining your voice and vision and creating something unique and lively.
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ptr-sqloint · 2 months
may a poor little wee boy ask how your colors / anatomy became so good? what are the practices? i might die of the plague soon so your secret will be safe with me
well the obvious answer is lots and lots of practice, but i'll do my best to give more specifics
alright so for anatomy:
it's pretty straightforward: i look at naked people( a lot of naked people)(including myself) and draw them. It helps a lot to make it more interesting by adding gore and/or being horny about what i'm drawing
It doesn't have to be neat or good it's just to get familiar with the shapes
Looking at how other people draw anatomy helps too. Medical anatomical illustrations are a great resource & i have a big skeleton poster right above my desk where i draw
for colours:
uhhhhhhhh man. uh.idk. i look at other people's art (including photography,film, anything visual) and if i find something i like a lot, look at how the colours are used. maybe make a palette from that and make art using it
a basic understanding of colour theory , especially types of contrasts is also very useful
to figure out a piece's colour palette i use photo references:
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and i make my palette by colour picking from the images (and then messing with the colour balance and adding a colour blending mode layer if i think it's not coherent enough
it's a bit less straightforward for traditional art but the same principles apply
ALSO!! thumbnailing!!! especially if i'm indecisive or i have no idea where to start. I make multiple of them with diff colours and mess with them till one of them looks good
(keep in mind that i'm still learning myself and i don't have any formal art education so take all that with a grain of salt)
also here's a shmowder for your plague issue
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theamityelf · 5 months
Who all has who in the mini thh au
Great question!
Hajime- Kyoko
Both forgot their talents, both kind of on the abrasive side. Kyoko will be frequently sneaking out to investigate stuff on her own, which stresses Hajime out because he gets in trouble if he loses her. Built-in conflict.
Nagito- Makoto
Lucky students, and I love imagining the drama of Makoto necessarily being present for everything Nagito gets up to and trying to stop him and maybe succeeding in talking him down from some stuff. And just the idea of Nagito talking while they're in the cabin together each night, saying his usual weird stuff about talent and hope to Makoto while Makoto is all the way in his terrarium and so he can't reply loudly enough for Nagito to hear. So maybe instead he breaks something, just to make enough noise to interrupt. Honestly, there would just be so much going on with them.
Chiaki- Celeste
The gamers, lol. Chiaki would do her best to indulge Celeste's vibe, and I think that could be very fun, because she really does not know how. They reach a point of common ground when Chiaki starts making bets with Celeste about the outcome of her video games, and getting the other senpais and kouhais in on it.
Teruteru- Yasuhiro
This matchup was by default, but Hiro not liking smoke does add some tension.
Imposter- Junko
Imposter and fashionista are super compatible talents, and imposter and analyst are super compatible talents. Both of them read people and put on personas. They would see right through each other.
Mahiru- Hifumi
Both have visual art talents, and Mahiru would whip him into shape.
Peko- Mukuro
The loyal warriors. Very similar vibe. They would be very polite and impersonal to each other. Protecting Mukuro is secondary to protecting Fuyuhiko, of course, but having to care someone so similar to herself, but tiny and powerless, might be a very moving experience for Peko.
Hiyoko- Sakura
Both masters of a particular physical art form. Sakura's steady presence, both respectful and demanding of respect, would be a good influence on Hiyoko. Oh, she would still be super rude, but her interactions would shape up differently and she'd eat a more balanced diet, lol.
Ibuki- Sayaka
Musicians. Sayaka, being more on the calculated side, would be interesting to have as the person whispering in Ibuki's ear. She might try to convince Ibuki to do something she wouldn't normally do. It most likely wouldn't work; Ibuki is very independent. But Sayaka is pretty resourceful, and as a side note, one might think about the despair disease...
Mikan- Kiyotaka
This one was also kind of by default, once the more obvious ones were sorted away. Personality-wise, his bold presence contrasts with her more meek disposition, and she would be really proud of that. Taka argues with bullies! He cares about making sure everyone behaves. She loves him. She loves that someone so principled depends on her. Also, important note: When murders happen on the island, usually the kouhais are left alive. (Though murdering specifically the kouhai so that the senpai gets killed as punishment for losing them is also potentially a thing. Most people would consider it too low a blow to murder someone who's four inches tall, but still. Worth considering. The kouhais' role in this adds a new dimension to the kinds of murders that can happen.) When a murderer is executed, their kouhai is also left alive. Mikan always volunteers to take in the unattended kouhai, because she just really likes this dynamic. (If the Undead AU is Nagito's best timeline, this genuinely might be Mikan's, lol.)
Nekomaru- Leon
Because sports. I could have had Akane and Nekomaru trade, but this was the alignment I chose. (Anyway, if one of them dies, the other will take care of their kouhai, so there's a good chance Akane will have Leon later on.) Nekomaru is a good enough coach to make Leon actually enjoy practicing baseball. Just, you know, tiny baseball. Or, he's a good enough coach to identify what Leon likes and dislikes about baseball and direct him to excel in a way that emphasizes the aspects he likes.
Gundham- Toko
Another "by default" one, where breeding animals and writing romance novels are kind of close if you squint. The idea of Toko being in the care of someone like Gundham is actually super heartwarming; he would make sure she has everything she needs, he would tolerate any lashing out on her part in the same way he does the bites of his Four Dark Devas of Destruction. Toko would be very unused to being so cared for and accommodated that way. If Gundham dies, Sonia will take Toko. Which...would be interesting in a lot of ways, starting with Sonia's enthusiastic interest in serial killers and Toko's romantic obsession with Sonia's assigned kouhai.
Fuyuhiko- Mondo
Both gangsters with a need to present as strong. Fuyuhiko takes it farther than Mondo does (to the point where Mondo is often protesting the things Fuyuhiko says), and they butt heads a lot, but they also have each other's backs.
Kazuichi- Chihiro
Both STEM. I feel like Chihiro would be constantly blushing about everything Kazuichi says and does, and they would also be fascinated by his work. I think it would change his whole deal for the better, if he had the constant company of someone like Chihiro. I think he would be less comfortable openly bugging Sonia if there was an underclassman sitting in the fold of his beanie.
Akane- Aoi
Athletes. Their personalities would go really well together, and Akane would be so serious about making sure Hina is okay, getting enough exercise, eating enough food, etc. It's like she has a new little sibling. Like I've mentioned, she would get a fishbowl from the market so Hina can swim when they're in the cabin. (When Hina has trouble scaling the side of the fishbowl to get in, she would teach her a few parkour tricks.) She would take her to Mikan every time she hurts herself exercising.
Sonia- Byakuya
Heirs. And it's really funny to imagine Byakuya being his cold-blooded self while he's sitting on the shoulder of someone really nice. I also like imagining Sonia trying to make a luxurious enough living space for him. Using her own jewelry to decorate, a silk scarf for bedsheets, etc. She's very proud of her handiwork.
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blackflash9 · 3 months
Unwavering Faith: Aveline and the Colonial Assassins (Analysis)
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Over the years, I've come to notice a dual parallel and theme between the premise of AC Rogue and the side title, Liberation:
The loss of faith. Despite its intentionally ambiguous portrayal of the Assassins, Liberation compellingly explores their flaws, contradictions, and hidden layers through characters like Agate and François Mackandal respectively. This, in turn, profoundly impacts Aveline's mental state and her faith in her sect of the Colonial Assassins and their Creed.
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Mackendal, in particular, was a very fascinating character not just in the historical context, but in what he encompassed for the ideals and values of the Assassins when pressed to their logical extreme in using their Creed as a policy for aggression, violence, and unrestrained use of power. An example of this is how he aimed to poison the colonists in Saint-Dominique.
The Mackandal Rebellion (1750-1758) | Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)
What's interesting is that despite his atrocities, Mackandal didn't think he was a traitor of any kind to the Brotherhood or what it preached. Much Like Altair who didn't believe so when he killed his Mentor. Neither did Pierre Bellec when he killed Mirabeau in Unity. Mackandal, in fact, firmly believed he was an Assassin, even truer than the Colonials themselves. From his perspective, he didn't kill "innocents." He just didn't see any of the "white masters" at the time as remotely innocent. Clearly, he was wrong from any other point of view, but it doesn't make him less of an Assassin. After all, the Creed does allow it if you want it to.
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In some regards, he shares a sharp contrast with Adewale himself. Both men are shaped by their brutal experiences as slaves, embodying contrasting conclusions with the Assassin's Creed. Mackandal, corrupted by deep-seated anger, employs ruthless and indiscriminate methods such as poisonings, reflecting a radical approach that often causes collateral damage that ultimately catches up to him destroying himself and his Brotherhood. In contrast, Adewale, motivated by a strong sense of justice and compassion, remains steadfast in his convictions and humanity for himself and others. As a result, Mackandal's legacy is often treated as a cautionary tale, while Adewale retaining his morals and principles through the Creed is still remembered and admired by even individuals like Evie Frye an entire century later. This duality between them underscores the larger internal struggle that individuals within the Brotherhood face in response to both oppression and their endless fight for and to preserve freedom. This era of the Assassins, especially, is faced with this dilemma where the very freedom that they fight for is often short-lived, imperfect, nuanced, and bittersweet. 'Laid to Rest' Transcript
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Connor: "My father is dead. Charles Lee now leads the Templar Order in his place. I see now why ours is an eternal war. For each piece taken from the board, another is placed upon it. Back and forth we go. Across the world. Across the ages. Some days, mine feels an impossible task, but I cannot afford to be consumed with doubt. The people need me. Now, more than ever. I must stop the Templars. I will kill Charles Lee." Connor's Forsaken Epilogue Soliloquy Connor: "So many voices, each demanding something else… It has been hard at times, but never harder than today to see all I worked for; perverted, discarded, forgotten!"
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This brings us to the inner turmoil and duality that Aveline struggles with over the course of her story. Who is she really? Why does she fight? Is it even worth the effort to fight at all in such an unjust world?
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"I trust my own hands," I believe, is Connor expressing his adherence to individualism above all else. For him, it signifies the realization that even the people and institutions you serve can be flawed or have misguided intentions, and you must trust your own judgment. This mindset makes Connor an embodiment of the Creed and its ideals—an approach that Aveline also adopts. Her persistent fight for choice and freedom, despite the hypocrisy, corruption, and fallibility within her own order, makes her dedication as an Assassin truly compelling. Because Aveline is more than just an Assassin. She is a liberator.
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 11 days
In the summer of 2015, back when he was still talking to traitorous reporters like me, I spent extended stretches with Donald Trump. He was in the early phase of his first campaign for president, though he had quickly made himself the inescapable figure of that race—as he would in pretty much every Republican contest since. We would hop around his various clubs, buildings, holding rooms, limos, planes, golf carts, and mob scenes, Trump disgorging his usual bluster, slander, flattery, and obvious lies. The diatribes were exhausting and disjointed. But I was struck by one theme that Trump kept pounding on over and over: that he was used to dealing with “brutal, vicious killers”—by which he meant his fellow ruthless operators in showbiz, real estate, casinos, and other big-boy industries. In contrast, he told me, politicians are saps and weaklings. “I will roll over them,” he boasted, referring to the flaccid field of Republican challengers he was about to debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library that September. They were “puppets,” “not strong people.” He welcomed their contempt, he told me, because that would make his turning them into supplicants all the more humiliating. “They might speak badly about me now, but they won’t later,” Trump said. They like to say they are “public servants,” he added, his voice dripping with derision at the word servant. But they would eventually submit to him and fear him. They would “evolve,” as they say in politics. “It will be very easy; I can make them evolve,” Trump told me. “They will evolve.” Like most people who’d been around politics for a while, I was dubious. And wrong. They evolved. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Trump told me the following spring, as he was completing his romp to the 2016 nomination. We were talking on the phone, and Trump had just wrapped up a rally in Anaheim, California. Former Texas Governor Rick Perry had recently endorsed him, despite dismissing Trump earlier as a “cancer on conservatism” and “a barking carnival act.” “He made a statement saying something like I’m ‘the smartest guy ever to run for office,’ ” Trump told me (Perry didn’t say exactly that, but close). “How do you get from ‘cancer on the party’ to that? I get it, I get it; it’s how politicians are. But I couldn’t do that.” Trump accepted Perry’s support, and then promptly taunted him. “He was going [around] saying the worst things about me!” Trump said at the Anaheim rally. “I have never seen people able to pivot like politicians.” “It’s happening with all of them,” Trump said. “Lindsey Graham just called and was very nice … even though he used to say the worst things.” (Graham had called Trump, among other not-nice things, “a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot” and “a kook.”) Soon enough, the last holdouts would come around too. “It’s just so easy, how they do that,” Trump said. As went individual Republican politicians, so went the party. Reince Priebus, the chair of the Republican National Committee in 2016, would become frustrated with Trump over his obvious scorn for his organization. Still, Priebus would gamely try to assure me that the GOP was shaped not by one man but rather by a set of traditions, principles, and conservative ideals. “The party defines the party,” Priebus kept telling me. After Trump won the nomination in 2016, “The party defines the party” became a familiar feckless refrain among the GOP’s putative leaders. House Speaker Paul Ryan vowed to me that he would “protect conservatism from being disfigured.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told the radio host Hugh Hewitt that “Trump is not going to change the institution,” referring to the GOP. “He’s not going to change the basic philosophy of the party.” In retrospect, this was hilarious.
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blommp717 · 2 months
If you have a solid theoretical understanding of nondualism and have experienced nonduality and existential oneness firsthand, it might be surprising for others to see your defensive and dismissive reactions when your content or delivery is critiqued. This behavior can discourage people from engaging with legitimate guides, especially if they associate such behavior with nondualistic practice.
Consider how your responses might be perceived. For instance, if a fitness coach appeared out of shape, potential clients might doubt their credibility. Similarly, if a spiritual guide reacts defensively, it might suggest an attachment to personal identity, which really contrasts with nondualistic principles.
Reflecting on this, it could be helpful to explore whether there’s an attachment to the identity of a spiritual guide that’s influencing your responses. Clear and composed communication is key to effective guidance, and addressing feedback calmly can enhance your clarity and effectiveness.
Embracing humility and acknowledging areas for growth can deepen your practice and strengthen your role as a guide. You seem dedicated to being a guide of some sort and aligning your behavior with these principles can further inspire and support those seeking advice. Don't let the echo chamber fool you into thinking that you are above constructive criticism. May you continue to grow in humility and wisdom. 🙏
Im not sure where you got this perspective but let me help clear something.
I’m not a teacher, I’m not a guide, I’m not a guru, I’m not enlightened, and no one can ever be.
“If you have a theoretical understanding of NonDualism and have experienced nonduality and existential oneness firsthand”
So what i can tell from the responses like these is theres a simple illusion that’s being blindly followed. I genuinely don’t mean it out of anything but love so please don’t take it that way. Putting it into simple terms, yes, but that’s the nature of how all already is, pretending to be the separate self is the cause of “suffering”. There isn’t more to know or do, you guys are at the finish line asking for directions to get there. Snap out of the illusion that there is a separate self.
There is no non dualistic practice, there is no journey and neither is there an effort. There just is. I don’t really care to please everyone because validation is something I genuinely don’t care for. I do this out of joy and from it, as that’s the inherent nature of what is. There is a clear line between critique towards me and ignorance, (not stupidity) but the action of choosing to ignore information. That ignorance. You most likely read my pinned post because I can’t recall anyone who responded in that way. That person doesn’t move from joy, neither do they move from the true understanding. They were still in the idea of a journey, a doing, a guru, a teacher, and thought if there is a journey and guru or teacher, there must be a right and wrong way. They didn’t resonate with what I write and decided it was wrong, more peace to them but I just helped them realize that there is no search and they can rest.
For the aspect of calmly addressing feedback, I’m not sure what I say that makes someone think I’m responding from anger, maybe it’s because my voice and tone can’t be heard but that’s just an assumption that the person moves from. I never respond in hate, I never respond in anger, what I will do is respect myself. No one is going to come on my page and make dull remarks on me or anyone who reads what I say, no one knows me, so making an assumption and going full force into it as if they have all the pieces figured out is that same ignorance again. I don’t think you act out of bad intent at all, I don’t think anyone does when I get these kind of comments. I think what is being irked or triggered is the sense that there is more. That if I heard someone tell me to do xyz, then if anyone says “there is no journey” they must be teaching a falsity.
Ultimately I really don’t care for the (as you said) spiritual guide status, (I also don’t believe in that kind of stuff) and I really hope after reading my writings no one thinks I’m their savior or guru, that’s the absolute last thing I’d want. No thing can or will ever be the source of stillness and wholeness, because that comes from being, it IS being. Not objects, not experiences and most definitely not people. I write with the understandings of what is. I guess you can call it “personal experience”. I mean you are the experience but that’s a different story. Anyways I gotta go for now, take care you guys 🌝🌚
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 2 months
Name your favorite characters and why in absurd detail (if you want, or just name them)
Well, you asked for DETAILS, so have a sort of chatacter analysis/hot mess of ramblings for #1. This has a good amount of personal headcanons that I've built up and it's not 100% based on canonical facts. Also I HAVE only played 0, Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2 (Majima saga is in progress) so I don't have all the facts. I AM NOT GOOD AT CHARACTER ANALYSIS, be warned. Also ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.
1) Majima Goro! I find his truly kind nature masked by his 'Mad Dog' persona very fascinating and sad at the same time. The way he incorporated elements of Nishitani and Sagawa into that persona is interesting and telling of how much of an impact those two had in him deciding his path.
I'm entranced by his use kansai-ben (my beloved) and his playful tone of voice contrasted with the, at times, more serious voice that sends me right back to 1988. The way he switches from an almost mockingly polite speech style to his Kansai dialect in his introduction scene in 0 instantly made me curious about his true nature and backstory.
I think his way of showing off his tattoos by not wearing a shirt so civilians don't get involved with him (that's how I interpret it) is tragic and it's obvious his past has left him with deep scars and a fear of the people he cares about being hurt. He'd rather be alone than build bonds and then potentially lose more people.
The way he still loves Makoto deeply in Kiwami 2 after all these years, and how he sings about truly not wanting her to forget him, but regardless "not minding" it if she forgets him as long as she's happy, hurts me in a whole new way. The way he sings/screams those "I DON'T MIND"s as though he's desperately trying to make himself believe what he's saying, rather than directing those phrases at Makoto in his mind, breaks my heart.
His pretty much absent fear of death sends chills down my spine and makes me wanna cry because he was already saying he's been ready to die for a long time in a flashback from BEFORE he events of Yakuza 0. I dread possibly finding out more about his past.
He's witty and charming and his confidence draws me in. He dresses how he does and meets Kiryu as Goromi and pole dances for him as well with no problems, and all in all just doesn't care what people think of him. I know it's probably because of something tragic like him having given up on life so "might as well go out with a bang", but I want to believe he feels at least somewhat liberated when he does all that.
I'm obsessed with how he wants to witness Kiryu's journey down the path he could never follow himself. And he seems to genuinely want to support Kiryu's decision to follow his own principles. Their first conversation in Kiwami tickled my brain because in that moment he seems to "lock it in" that he'll place his trust in Kiryu's unwavering will to make his own path and wants to witness it. He wants to see if it would have been possible for himself as well, had the circumstances been different. Is it truly possible to stick to such "soft" values in the cruel world of the Yakuza?
When he saw Kiryu coming back after his decade in prison, he whipped him right back into shape because he wanted to keep witnessing Kiryu's journey and also keep Kiryu's principles alive by keeping Kiryu himself alive. Because he himself wouldn't be able to live by those values, he's in way too deep, he has a reputation to uphold. So when his brother returns to kill him (if he will try to kill him, Majima himself seems to think so), it'll be an achievement worth letting Saejima back in the family. Killing a legend and all that.
Majima seems to feel like he can let Kiryu in a tad more than others. Even if it's just fighting against or beside him and openly enjoying those interactions. Probably because he knows Kiryu can handle himself in a fight and he's near indestructible physically and mentally. Kiryu is, in a way, his equal when it comes to dealing with it when shit hits the fan. He's definitely at least fond of Kiryu imo, with him giving in very easily when Kiryu asks him to help the Tojo clan survive in Kiwami 2. And also with how uncomfortable he got when Kiryu bowed his head when he was asking Majima for help.
Majima also highly values the promises he makes; he fought those invading Sengoku thugs until he was battered and bleeding and barely able to stand because he promised Kiryu he'd be there to help. Weird move from a man who seems hell-bent on pretending not to care about anyone or anything besides his own interests, hmmm? He gave his word and he KEPT it. Because he doesn't make empty promises.
I love watching him when he's "on a break" during the Majima Everywhere storyline. It truly solidified the fact that the 'Mad Dog' is a mask for me. He's all hyper and "crazy" when others are around and he really lays it on thick, but on break? He's contemplative. He looks almost sad at times. He lets the mask drop for a second. The fact that he lets Kiryu see that instead of immediately masking back up is a whole other can of worms. Point is, the Majima from before is still there, underneath it all.
The way he thinks back on his time in Sotenbori is interesting. There's definitely trauma and anger in there, but the way he wonders about how his team is doing nowadays almost wistfully makes me happy. He had SOME light to hold on to in those dark times. He truly did care for his team and was fond of them. Also... him saying it wasn't in his nature to make a living using women like that made my respect for him soar. He truly respected everyone in his team, including the hostesses.
Also, just... ugh. The Doll Girl substory. The DAMN DOLL GIRL SUB STORY. I- THAT- 😭😭😭😭 O UG H
TL;DR: Majima because he's everything to me and he makes me experience thought spirals beyond anything I've went through before. He's tragic, he's fun, he's silly, he's hot, he's confident, he's strong, he's interesting he's kind and he's just... Majima.
2) Kiryu because he's sweet and wonderful and makes me weep and I wish he'd take better care of himself and I wanna hug him and give him soup and bring all his loved ones back to life. Please let this man catch a break.
3) Nishitani because he makes me feral and I want him carnally
4) Dojima Yayoi because... I mean... DAMN. She's fierce and extremely loyal, she handled herself extremely well in an environment that was probably rife with people who questioned her ability to lead. I'd bet my left boob she faced a lot of misogyny (direct and/or indirect) during her time as a chairwoman. But she kept going, head held high, with conviction and pride. Simply incredible.
5) Haruka is a sweet angel and I wanna protect her and I hope she will be happy forever. She stayed strong and still has faith in people even after seeing all the horrors of Kiwami 1. She's so resilient and brilliant.
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mortalityplays · 11 months
honest question: do you think your experience scales up to apply to most communities in the world? People as a default, seem against the presence of organized crime in their communities and would prefer a more "official" form of management, despite that more official form, in reality, often coming in the shape of unhelpful thugs with badges. I'm not looking to discount your lived experience, but in Eastern Europe, where I live, organized crime syndicates are about as unhelpful and damaging as the police in most instances, if not more so. My folks say it's in the "spirit" of people here, that we're not community-minded enough to help eachother. I always thought that was BS, but if local gangs are actually helping the neighborhood over where you live, maybe there is something to their statement.
Like... idk. Does your experience speak to the incompetence of the system of authorities in your country, or to the very principle of authorities in general?
to be absolutely crystal clear, I also view the imposed authority of organised crime gangs as harmful and illegitimate. I'm talking about them in this instance as an illustration of the contrast between a power structure that had arisen within a specific community and one that was imposed on the same community by the state. I don't think organised crime is a good model for organising society, and in general I don't think organisational structures scale well beyond small overlapping networks of self-management.
I'm only speaking about my particular experiences of these different forms of power in a very unique time and place (that neighbourhood has since been cut up and redeveloped and I expect is very, very different now). I don't think people are fundamentally different anywhere in the world, but the material and economic forces they have to grapple with can radically change a community's priorities. I hope that makes sense.
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transgenderer · 2 years
lately ive been thinking about why i have so much trouble enjoying fiction that isnt spec fic. i think it might be...people? fiction, that isnt spec fic, is just about people. like i dont mean thats what it depicts, spec fic also depicts people, but spec fic can be *about* things other than people. mostly, it can be about things larger than people. the underlying shapes, the general principles. it reaches conclusions that are not just about humans, or when the conclusions are about humans its about the specificity of humans contrasted with a possible generality. does this make sense? idk. i feel like something just clicked
what made this click for me was thinking about adaptation, of solaris and annihilation and roadside picnic (the adaptation is called stalker). those three novels are not about people. or theyre about people i guess, but the insignificance of people is one of their central concerns. the limitations of people, in the face of what theyre *really* about, the other/more-than-human. and all three adaptations make them about people! its just more mundane boring people!
anyway non-SF can be about the other and the more than human but its rarer, i think
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
I love your WHGTB so much! I just finished it and it's awesome! You are awesome!!! :3
At the beginning of the fic, you said you decided to write WHGTB because all the "Harry raises Tom" type fics you like are unfinished.
What inspired your new fic?
How long will it last in general? I can't wait to read your new TomHarry!
Please, stay safe.
Hello! Thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoyed WHGTB and that you are excited about the new story!
When it comes to Tomarry, I always loved two tropes: Harry raising Tom & Harry and Tom studying at Hogwarts together. Since the latter is much more common and there are more completed stories with this plot, I was interested in exploring the Harry-raising-Tom scenario first. Now that I'm done with it, I can move on toward my other favorite idea!
What inspired me in general:
1) The grand and gloomy atmosphere of Hogwarts of Tom Riddle's time, where he is still a brilliant, intelligent wizard slowly building his empire. His canon school years always intrigued me because they are wrapped in mystery while being arguably the darkest and the most complex period in HP history. They unfolded during the time of two large wars, giving birth to the greatest and darkest wizard of all. The politics, the knowledge, the blood that must have accompanied this process - it's fascinating. For some reason, those years give me a feeling of dark romanticism, something I don't feel in Harry's Hogwarts days.
2) The idea of Tom, with his already-shaped vicious, elitist views, becoming infatuated with the worst possible person who threatens everything he has managed to build and who's destined to possibly kill him. Choosing Harry above his more powerful, more influential followers; being obsessed and protective of him even though they represent two opposite sides and killing Harry would be the smartest choice. I love the idea of enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies-who-are-in-love-with-each-other :D
3) The thought of Tom's frustration and resentment over having to return to the orphanage year after year, being forcibly torn from the world where he feels like a king, thrown into the circumstances most of his fellow Slytherins cannot imagine - an aspect he has in common with Harry that will unite them further. The horror of the bombing of London Tom likely experienced at least partly, something that's never elaborated upon in the books but which I always felt strongly about. The way it could have fuelled Tom's hatred toward anything related to Muggles even more, building a contrast with how Harry might react in the same circumstances.
4) The endless manipulations and machinations Tom can come up with to get what he wants, countered by Harry's stubborn determination to oppose him. The power plays and the constantly shifting power dynamics, the equal dance of obsession - since Harry and Tom are of the same age, they'll be on a more equal ground, and their conflicts will reflect it. The increasing number of Tom's allies and worshippers put against Harry's contempt and criticism, which will frustrate Tom into losing his fake composure and make him succumb to his more natural temper.
5) The shaky foundation of the wizarding world of that time that canon Tom could have conquered if he made smarter choices. The society was terrified and uncertain, and I love imagining what Tom's large-scale confrontations with Harry could do to it.
In short, I'm inspired by the idea of Harry and Tom growing to be powerful young leaders who are in love and obsessed with each other, but who refuse to compromise their principles and are prepared to fight to achieve their goals. Who will duel each other in the afternoon, destroy their followers, and then lose themselves in each other in the evening. WHGTB Tom was a variation of a child Tom who was raised by Harry, which affected his views and values; this is the CoS Tom who already has one Horcrux, whose views are set in stone, and who doesn't plan on loving anyone. The idea of world dominion is rooted in his mind and Harry is the last thing he expects.
I love the moral ambiguity of this scenario. After all the development, Tom would rather kill any follower who disrespects or harms Harry as opposed to eliminating Harry himself, despite knowing he is the biggest threat to his rule. Harry, in turn, would rather risk people who trusted him than execute any plan that could result in Tom's destruction. What their obsession and possessiveness will push them to is fascinating to consider - there are so many potential arcs in this plot.
This is approximately how I imagine their relationship to have gone in canon if Harry ended up travelling to CoS Tom's time. That version of Tom would not be easily swayed - neither would Harry. They would clash violently, they would hate each other, but they would also be inevitably drawn together because of everything they have in common and everything they see in each other.
The expected count is 23 chapters for now, but it can change in both directions since the size of my updates is always unpredictable! My characters don't like listening to me :D
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sweetsundazed · 1 month
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design + editing: the ramble
i.e. why design is oftentimes important to editing and especially edit composition
*note, not guaranteed to be helpful or even comprehensible *also note, i am by no means a pro at either im just some guy
to start off, there are two important aspects of design id like to cover, principles of design and elements of design.
what are principles of design? the principles of design are pretty much "design rules" and while the idea of "rules" may sound off putting to some, especially since typically when you think design you think creativity, theyre very important to having a strong piece. honestly id think of them less as rules and moreso as "guidelines" to help you create. not knowing the principles of design wont stop you from making something pretty, but knowing them will likely help you know how to better put together your edits. furthermore, knowing these principles will also help you figure out how to break them. the basic "main" principles of design are kinda funky in the way that many sources will give you many different, yet similar, answers as to what they are. generally speaking though, youll end up hearing about balance, contrast, movement, white space, proportion, emphasis, unity, pattern, and some others too!
what are elements of design and what are they used for? the elements of design are core parts of really any sort of visual art. they help artists convey a certain mood or atmosphere, help draw the viewers eye to a certain part of the piece, or even just help to express/bring out emotion. using the elements of design help to also create a composition that looks pleasing to the eye. the seven elements of design are color, line, value, space, shape, form, and texture
i'll only really be going in depth about balance and white space in this post. if youre interested in learning more about some of the things i dont elaborate on i heavily encourage doing your own research! theyre interesting to learn about. of course you could always send me an ask about it too, but theres no guarantee ill explain it well.
ill be starting off with balance. balance is pretty straightforward, it really is just visual balance. basically youre making sure you have an equal distribution of weight on the image through an imaginary line straight down the middle. improper balance is what often creates that feeling of emptiness that looks off with some edits. because the edits contents arent visually balanced our eyes are picking up on that and are going "hmm somethings off.." try to not leave a large, empty gap on your edits (like on banners). also try to make sure that both sides have a good balance of heavier, more eye-catching elements and lighter, less bold ones.
white space is the empty space on your canvas. it might seem unimportant and you might feel the urge to just cover it all up, and sometimes doing just that works out, but white space can be very important to the overall appeal of the image. if an edit is too crowded it can be too overwhelming and viewers may not have an idea as to where they should look. the spacing of the elements in your edits is important. this also relates to balance! with white space you want to make sure the ratio of white to black space is balanced/consistent throughout the entire edit. the white space of your edit is also a tool, so make sure to utilize it to help draw focus to the main part of your edit (usually a character youre editing)
anyways i hope this was helpful for someone. of course you can take all of this with a grain of salt if youd like to, its not my edits and you can do whatever you want. happy editing!
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shmowder · 3 months
Twyrin is a bop, it's like the Alone in the Town from Silent Hill 2 of Patho 2. When those sad clown noises kicked in in Haruspex Is All Alone... I really like that one.
My favorites from P2 are Useless Science (Victor + Yulia's houses), Deep Dreaming (Maria + Saburov's (I think?) houses), Childhood Grave (Nutshell), Doctor's Dead, and Mourning of the Gone (I have no idea when these two play), along with most of the Theodor Bastard tracks.
Love love love the contrast between yandere Yulia, Victor, and Aglaya. Your characterization feels right for all of them; they're so distinct from each other but I love em all <3
The meta elements of the game are something I haven't given much thought to and I hope they're explored more in P1! Like I know technically the game is a play - Aglaya, Mark, Tragedians will address you the player, everyone's an actor, but I know there's SO much more to it that I just kinda gloss over.
Finished P2 today!! It was great. I had stacks of leftover eggs. Big Vlad said I have the heart of a dove. I found Clara less annoying this time, hooray. The conversations you have with the kids on Day 10 😭💔 I remember the last few days being emotional but wow. Both of the main endings make me sad, as I'm sure they're supposed to. That being said, Diurnal 4ever. Now, onto the Marble Nest.
Did you know there are lizards carved in to the stair railings of the Broken Heart? It's cute because Peter Stamatin's animal is a monitor lizard :)
I'm not really in the Pathologic fandom either lmao. Just someone who likes x readers who also liked playing P2 and found your blog at the best possible time and now I may have a hyperfixation and I'm genuinely excited to play P1, wonky graphics and all :) I understand where you're coming from with not wanting to get canon, fanon, and your own opinions muddled up ^^
Competent reader who already is an established, independent person in the world! Ooh I can see why you're fixated on the sword one... I like the idea of a healer who works with the Dogheads. I'm fond of the cannon one, too. Generally reader who nebulously exists to be loved by [character] is my lifeblood, you know, just a projection of the idealized self or whatever. But when the reader really feels like a fully formed person - well, it might limit the projection possibilities but it allows you to better explore *why* the character is interested in them to begin with. <- Not meant to be negative btw, I'm just getting tired and forgetting how to craft sentences 😅
What you said about noticing your anons' style and reading between the lines to determine what they might like is so genuinely sweet I am just 🥹🥹 I'm so glad you think it's fun! Somehow you managed to read my mind with Mea Columba despite me not even telling you it was my request until you were done already but truly it was like that fic was beaming directly into my soul or something <33
Don't worry, I don't feel pressured ^^ Thank you, though, and same to you of course! I don't want you to feel pressured, either. I can see this becoming an endless circle of not wanting each other to feel pressured 😂
🐿️ anon
Oh useless science is absolutely amazing! I like pathologic's tendency to subtly poke fun at its own characters in the soundtrack or environment design. It's both cruel and so delicious.
I'm happy you enjoyed the Yandere HC! I tried to give each of them their distinct vibes. Yes they are characters who have a lot in common and call be grouped under the umbrella term of "seemingly cold and smart" but they are still so different.
Each of them holds contrasting principles, value different traits and views life and other people through contradicting lenses.
Aglaya searches for the meaning of life in every nook and cranny, takes all possible answers into consideration no matter how small.
Victor is part of something bigger than himself, bigger than humanity even and thinks the meaning of life should be shaped and scouplted.
While Yulia views it as more of a string of fate situations, life is simply a long series of coincidents. Reality branching with every decision you make and this thing called free-will is simply your mind coping with living in a reality out of your own control.
I'm lucky to have had someone like you stumble into my blog <3 You really do make the game more fun for me and I got to explore so many different sides and scenarios because of you. I enjoy these talks and hearing about your thoughts.
Woo congrats on finishing P2! Eggs are really the miracle of life aren't they? forget the polyhedron, it is the eggs which solved the famine! And omfg big vlad comment is kinda 👀 that man is really a romantic at heart isn't he.
And yes I do hope you'll enjoy P1! Once the wonky graphics become the new norm, you'll get as attached to them as P2 characters- God P1 Aspity makes me want to steal her out of the game and keep her safe in my pocket for eternity.
I didn't actually know about the lizards but once you mentioned it, I started seeing them everywhere! This is the bar stairs railing picture you attached:
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But you also can notice a lizard in Andrey's concept art too! on the fan he's carrying around.
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Andrey's symbolic animal is the shark so the lizard here is definitely meant just for Peter. You don't even find the lizard in Peter's own concept art, showing his loss of identity maybe? Or how Andrey's keeping his memory alive.
It is a little sad, how much more important Peter is to Andrey than the other way around. One will always care for the other more.
A lizard and a shark, how uniquely beautiful.
Talking about siblings, Capella has the butterfly while Vlad the younger has the bear. Maria has the cobra while Khan has the hedgehog.
Yeah, the more specific a reader gets, the less inclusive they become. However, sometimes that makes them even more popular amongst reader in a surprising turn.
Maybe because it builds a story better? Like they are still a blank state in some areas but giving them one gimmick makes them stand out and pull in people who wanted to see that gimmick explored.
Think of how much of an interesting dynamic a Doctor Reader would be with Daniil or an army general reader with Aglaya.
A kin reader with the Rubin or a bartender with Andrey. What if we just throw Daniil out the window and make the bachelor role a reader insert then have it be Reader x Victor or Reader x Artemy?
The detailed ideas I previously described started as simple concepts too, one gimmick, one trait and a blank state reader. Then I filled in the blanks the more I thought about it because it was fantasy for the sake of fantasy at the time.
If I ever turn them into legit readers I'd clean them up and remove some parts. Simplify their concepts as much as possible so there is room for other people to add in their own detials.
The dogheads reader started bc I wanted a character that carries a cool sword around and thought "hey khan likes sword maybe he will let them into the polyhedron" Then it spiraled into a noble knight reader who tries to remain chivalrous but prefers the past to the future unlike the utopians.
The herbbride x reader was because I wanted to smooch a herb bride pls let pls :"(((
A plague doctor reader who is actually equipped to deal with plagues and has the cool bird mask and everything rather than having Daniil improvise.
Detective reader is a favourite, they're more of a noir Detective and a drunk loser? Think Harry from Disco elysium but a younger version who is still more put together and eager to solve crime.
I'm happy you liked Mea Columba <33 I enjoyed writing it and exploring that side of Victor.
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cornus27florida · 1 year
Floriography of the Flower Bouquet that Frederick gives to Gwen during her dinner party (Gwen's dinner party arc)
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Hello everyone!
I decided to make this CPC-related post to be quite 'short' and the focused one - This post is blossoming due the simple question in the discord CPC server which as following :
i was wondering if anyone knew what flowers those were!! really curious if they have a meaning in flower language or something that could apply here (look at the top image)
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Before going further let me explain first what's "Floriography" means. Floriography is the language of flowers. All flowers hold different meanings (also all flower arrangements is beautiful in their own way! - Saffron), often based on the type of flower, the colour of the flower, or both. And floriography is the art of communicating through different flower types. Once you learn and understand the meaning of flowers, giving flowers as gifts becomes so much more thoughtful as you can convey just how you feel with a bouquet! [taken from this following link : https://www.bloomandwild.com/floriography-language-of-flowers-meaning]
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About Flower Arrangement, there's actually a craft study about it which differentiated to western style (the ones that more familiar to mass as it sold in flower shops at orders) and eastern style (which called as Ikebana). The link if want to know more about Ikebana as following:
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Ikebana (“living flowers”) is the Japanese art of flower arrangement. It is also known as Kadō (“way of flowers”). The tradition dates back to the 7th century when floral offerings were made at altars. Later, they were placed in the tokonoma (alcove) of a home. In contrast to the western habits of casually placing flowers in a vase, ikebana aims to bring out the inner qualities of flowers and other live materials within certain rules of construction and ultimately – express emotion.
Its materials are living branches, leaves, grasses, and blossoms. Its heart is the beauty resulting from colour combinations, natural shapes, graceful lines, and the meaning latent in the total form of the arrangement. It is a disciplined art form in which the arrangement is a living thing where nature and humanity are brought together. It is steeped in the philosophy of developing closeness with nature. Ikebana is a way of arranging flowers according to ancient principles. Branches and flowers are placed at specific angles to represent ten (heaven), chi (earth), and jin (man). The way they’re placed represents the strength, delicacy, and ephemerality of living flowers. Funnily enough, the word ikebana comes from ‘ikuru’ – to live and ‘hana’ – flowers: literally means ‘living flowers’.
IMHO before analyzing the Flowers, I've theorized (or more in sense, as Headcannon) that Frederick has low sense of flower selection (due to being bullied in the military school with the nickname 'Sunflower', he kinda used to think that Flowers are generally negative/mundane things - hence he never bordered to looks deeper in term of Floriography) so it might that he bought (earlier before the trip, as if it happened mid-trip it will pushed his brothers to do the same=which seem that neither Blaine or Lance do it) or brought (Frederick taking some 'random' Flowers in Plaid Palace royal garden, then preparing them himself to make some nice flower bouquet for Gwen ). Frederick's flower bouquet is accentuated simplicity but also some senses of mysteries in there (identifying+recognizing, determining than searching the floriography of the flowers of his bouquet is challenging but not by means something to disliked.. I LOVE IT!! I am not confident with the answers, but deep down I always love flowers and in my College life - I joined study club where one of the task is to determining plant names)
For myself personally I feel the latter (making the flower bouquet himself) is more in-character to him. He's dumb but has big heart + he know some things about making bouquet from all his experiences preparing party. I think it's not hard to imagine that he also the one that preparing the get-off gifts to the guests by preparing bouquets. So, Frederick probably have no thought about the meaning of the Flowers when making the bouquet but he just make sure the flower bouquet for Gwen will be presented nice. Although to answer the question, I have my own intake which as following!
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So.. if I could make the conclusion (is more theory, as I am not 100% sure) - The flowers that Frederick tried to give to Gwen during the dinner party and their meanings :
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Angel breath or Baby breath: symbolyzes Innocence
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Heather flower: Admiration, Good Luck, Protection powers
(1) The White clusters : probably Heather and Angel breath; Innocence, Admiration, Good luck, Protection powers
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(2) The Green clusters - as imho those are not leaves, it looks like some cluster of flower petals : Bells of Ireland ; Great way to ease worries (or own wedding day espc), symbolize luck
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(3) The Orange clusters - the hardest one as have many option and need to search the meaning - but if I limited to choose only one then I'll pick Pansy; The word “pansy” is derived from the mid-15th century French word “penser,” which means to think or ponder. The pansy flower meaning can differ according to the color variety. The Orange pansy flower isn’t as common as some other colors, but usually, they are going to symbolize joy, happiness, and optimism. Orange pansies are often used in salads as edible decorations. *hence silly comedy that comes to my mind: Frederick also giving those orange pansy as addition (or garnish) to the salad menu for Gwen's dinner party
So those are all there!
As always if wanna see the full conversation rather than the compiled version, just heads up to the discord https://discord.com/channels/825884625087758347/825884835481911337/1087831356811255938
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lonelyroommp3 · 3 months
I'm interested about your spring awakening ensemble thoughts! Why do you dislike them for that show? Is it because there are already enough minor named characters that already function as a 'ensemble' you think its not needed?
it’s partly that from a purely practical standpoint! for example, speaking from my specific position as an MD, there’s no need for an ensemble to fill out the sound or sing additional harmony lines because all the writing and vocal arrangement has been done for a cast of a specific size so it’s just. not necessary to bulk it out further
however my main issue is from a storytelling perspective - one of the great things about spring awakening to me is the way every teen character has at least an implied plotline or inner life. even the characters we don’t get to know in any real detail like otto or anna have a name, vaguely drawn personality, etc. and not only does this work towards fleshing out the world of the show but, more importantly, i feel it gives the impression that everybody on that stage has a story and wants and needs and desires, which i think is a really necessary reflection of the show’s central themes in terms of drawing all the teenage characters as distinct people who deserve autonomy and their own identities (contrast with all the adult characters being played by two actors, depriving them of that same level of depth and implied individuality & inner richness). so i think adding a ton of anonymous kids who, because of the way the show is written, have sweet fuck all to do cheapens & diminishes that.
i know you didn’t ask about why i have the same issue with adding an ensemble to dear evan hansen but i think my issues with that are grounded in very similar principles. with the way deh’s book is written & the original production’s approach to direction, choreography, etc it feels in many ways like a play that happens to have songs moreso than A Musical, especially in how its characters are drawn; every character exists for a specific reason to fulfill a clearly demarcated function practically and artistically, and there is no structural need for a traditional ensemble. much like spring awakening i also think the idea that every person we see physically present on the stage is a fully fleshed out person with their own hopes and dreams and struggles is massively important thematically and this element is, again, likely going to be cheapened by throwing randos onstage to fill the space. finally, i think it misses the point that what sense of an ensemble we DO have in dear evan hansen is provided by The Internet, with the virtual chorus, use of projections etc giving us the clear impression of an active and vocal world beyond the characters we see physically present on the stage but also providing enough detachment for us to view The Internet as something of a monolith, filled with individuals but who are easily shaped into an indistinguishable, sometimes bolstering, sometimes terrifying mass by the way stories and events are manipulated by and for social media. so i think that having a physical ensemble onstage risks muddying the presence and power of the internet as a major theme in the show.
who knows, maybe the marketing is being deliberately vague and the cast members marked as “ensemble” ARE just going to be lending their offstage voices & faces to a “virtual ensemble” representative of the internet (in addition to their cover tracks, of course). but considering how said marketing also keeps going on about this being a bold new reimagining of the show or whatever i think i reserve the right to be a little suspicious 😐
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