#the presence of Xiumin made me sobbing
losttareellka · 1 year
I was a K-pop stan from 2016 until, I guess, 2020 (maybe?). I was a huge EXO stan, and even after leaving this whole thing and not being in touch with any news about them, I still adored them as very talented singers.
I was really upset with the release of 'Don't Fight the Feeling,' the quality of the music video (it's painful to watch, sorry), the size of the album, and the song itself. All of it was very upsetting to me (although I liked 'Runaway,' though). It seemed to me that SM just doesn't want to work with EXO seriously and focus on NCT and aespa.
But I accidentally discovered this comeback and watched the 'Let Me In' music video, and now I am really excited. I liked everything about it—the song, visuals, OT8, all of it. The atmosphere is just incredible. Now I have hope that SM will not abandon them in the near future. It would be such a loss for all of us.
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
tagged by ; @trashforyugyeom ty !!! ily aNd i'm so excited for yours liKE OML - Jade
Rules ; write down a snippet of your current WIPs // some of these are wips from the last time i did this bUt they're from different parts - Jade
there are prob going to be a lot here combining both of our wips sO this'll be under the cut ! (i'll do this later on my comp lol)
Dating Luhan || Admin Jade
He looked over, curiosity shining generously in his dark chocolate hues. A small, contented smile would grace his features, blossoming over his cheeks as a carnation in its peak - beautiful in all its glory. "Okay," he agreed, leaning back, "you have a deal. If I lose, I'll go with you." He smirked, "If I win, you owe me a favour."
Beautiful ; Seongwoo || Admin Jade
As he stared onward, watching the sky that looking mockingly gorgeous as it got further and further away -- he felt numb, yet his body burned in regret. As the air passed him, his hair moving about his face messily, he didn't think of the nearing ground. His mind, distraught and fuddled, could only think of you.
Walk You Home ; Haechan || Admin Jade
Donghyuck could feel his sun kissed skin burn under your gaze. His heart raced fervently, for his entire being went still in your presence. "You do?" he questioned, his words coming out unclear and nervous. It was unlike him to be like this, yet he could only see himself staying as such. Elation mixed with astoundment changed his thoughts, made him feel warm underneath his collar.
Dating Xiumin || Admin Jade
Minseok looked wide-eyed at his living room windows, the rain drops cashed upon the glass leaving a blurred pattern to project itself in the room. Sounds of tree branches thudding against his house sounded almost silent compared to the thunderous rain as it stomped on any surface it could touch. You sighed, glancing at your watch. 11:28.
I Loved You ; Sungjin || Admin Jade
A feeling of concern washed over you, a deep frown painting itself onto your features as you watched him from afar. You felt horrible, but some part of you felt relieved. He was slowing freeing himself from the cage he had walked into. You couldn't move, even as he began to walk toward you, his head facing down in obliviousness. As his steps drew near, you sucked in a deep breath.
Cheerleaders ; Wonpil || Admin Jade
"You nerds," you laughed, a euphoric grin overcoming your features. "I can't believe you guys!" Wiping away an amused tear from both eyes, you couldn't help but let out a sob. The boys' once happy expressions became still, watching as you shook. Your mind was buzzing, your hands shaking, and your legs weak. You could already feel the bruise making itself known upon the skin of your knee.
Through The Looking Glass ; Daniel || Admin Jade
It felt like your world was stopping. You began to panic, unsure and scared. The people around you, friends and family, slowed down as if someone had pressed a button on a remote. Soon, everything changed. You were no longer in your dining room, eating dinner with your loved ones. You could hear crickets chirping and cats putting and mice scurrying about. You tried to walk forward -- anywhere, really -- but you couldn't. It was if if you were glued to the spot.
Angel With A Shotgun ; Jimin || Admin Jade
"Jimin," you warned, haste in your voice. "Don't do it. Do not pull that trigger." To your disappointment, Jimin didn't even spare you a glance, narrowing his eyes at his opponent warily, his arm outstretched and his finger pressed against the trigger. Your heart beat quickly, hammering against your chest as you took small steps toward the man. "Jimin," you tried again, sounding desperate, "please, put the gun down."
Racing ; Minho || Admin Jade
Minho froze. His eyes widened underneath the bright lights. Everything grew quiet, his ears automatically tuning everything out. He could only watch as your limp body got carried out. He saw people, their mouths moving quickly, their fingers pointing in every direction. Yet, he couldn't hear them. He couldn't focus, his hands slowly letting go of the bouquet in his hands. "[Y/N]," he gasped, barely audible.
Steal The King’s Crown ; Daniel || Admin CJ
“You tell me, dear,” Daniel spat. Hearing the smile in his voice, you kept your head down. Tears filled your eyes, as the picture of Jina, bloodied and weak, etched itself into your memory. “You’re a monster, Kang Daniel,” you wailed, jumping up from your seat, “a deeply disturbed monster.” Slamming the door on your way out, you heard him laugh. It was a loud, languid sound, that haunted anyone whose ears it pierced. You shuddered, but kept walking. “I know, (Name),” his wry reply penetrated the walls, “aren’t I just the worst.”
Dating Rocky || Admin CJ
His glances went unnoticed, but it didn’t bother him. They always did. He knew you weren’t ignoring him. You were just too naive to register what he was getting at. He wanted to go to the next level. He wanted to be more than just friends. But, his wants were selfish, because Park Minhyuk had fallen helplessly and hopelessly in love with you. 
Dating Moonbin || Admin CJ
Tuesday was an unusual day. First, there was Dongmin showing up at your door to collect you for school. He never did that. Next, was Sanha showering you with compliments in homeroom. He never did that. Then, Minhyuk and Jinwoo took you to the music room to show you parts of their new choreography. They never did that. Then, Myungjun brought you coffee during your unexpected free period. He never did that. But, one thing was forever the same. Moonbin’s smile pulled you out of your reverie as he leaned against his red motorbike. “Ready to go?” He asked. You nodded happily, forgetting all your troubles as he drove you home.
tagging ; @alliwannado-w1, @hellohaechan, @jsioos, @starrywinters
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kpoponeshots · 8 years
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You x T.O.P pairing (angst) 1.025 words by Serena
Requested by anonymous:  Hi! Can I request a T.O.P or Xiumin imagine where you're too hard on yourself and when he finds out he tries to help you through it? Angst and a bit of fluff but happy ending? (I feel like asking this for both is too repetitive and I feel bad if I take too much of your time qq) Thanks so much! 
Authors note: I suck at angst. I’m sorry.  And by the way, the Harry Potter reference was intended. 
„This is ridiculous!“, you cried out. “God I hate myself right now!” You felt frustrated, to say the least, but slightly relieved after screaming out loud. Your hands were up in the air, ready to throw things around and shatter porcelain in thousands of pieces. Your brush in your hand felt like the perfect object to actually throw across the room so that was exactly what you did. It knocked over a vase and landed with a loud thud against the wooden door. There was a time for everything and now felt exactly right to be sulking about everything concerning you.
So, at least, you had a right to be angry at yourself. Another look into the mirror and you started crying. It wasn’t your day after all. Why did you have to be so harsh on yourself? It wasn’t like you needed to be perfect. But you didn’t need to feel like such a waste as well. And that was exactly what you felt like being at this very moment. A waste.
You hated yourself. And you had every damn right to be. You were miserable. Why did people like you anyway? Why did Seunghyun like you? Hell, why did your dog even looked at you? All you were was a piece of mess. A crying one at that.
You hadn’t realized the soft “Hey, baby”, that came from Seunghyun’s lips. You hadn’t at all realized that he was home already. With all your screaming and blurry vision all you thought about was yourself and how much you hated being you at times. Did you ever love yourself the way you were supposed to? Did you ever loved yourself enough? Probably not.
But right now it didn’t even matter.   “Everything alright?” His deep dark voice startled you. He peaked through the door, giving you a sly smile. He must have heard you cry. You turned around quickly, hiding your face from him. You whipped away the tears but more followed suit and it made it completely useless to dry off your cheeks at all. “What’s wrong?”, he asked, stepping into the room. “Nothing”, you answered. Of course it was a lie and of course he knew.
“I heard you yell at yourself.” His deep voice soothed you, if only a tiny little bit. You took in a deep breath and sighed. “I just… I feel miserable.” “Why?”
“Because”, you exclaimed louder than you intended. You turned to look at him, disappointment clearly shown in your eyes. “Look at me! I’m hideous.” “I am looking at you.” “And what do you see? I’m just an idiot who isn’t good with anything. I’m not even pretty enough! What the hell are you still doing here? Go and leave. Be with someone that can make you happy, because I can’t. I’m not good enough.”
He was standing in front of you before you could say another word. “Stop”, he urged. He was mad. Mad at you for saying those words. Mad at him for not making you feel as precious as you were to him and to anyone that loved you for that matter. “Stop right now. This is nonsense. I don’t want to hear you say this ever again. You are perfect the way you are.” You scoffed. “Don’t lie.”
His hands were wrapped around your face, forcing you to look at him. His expression was dead serious. He could have murdered you with that intense stare for all you cared. “Do I look like I’m lying to my girlfriend? Do you think of me that low?” “No”, you said. “I don’t.”
“If you don’t think low of me, don’t think low of yourself either.” You shut your eyes. You didn’t want him to say this. It wasn’t going to change anything. Your placed your hands on his, trying to pray them off of your face. He was stronger than you, though, so you tried in vain.
“You are beautiful and smart. You make me laugh, you make me stunned because of how great you handle things. You are the most caring person I have ever met. The most beautiful goddess that anyone can ever come across. Hell you even make me dance for you! Don’t you ever say things about yourself that are as idiotic! You are perfect the way you are. Why else would I love you? Why else would I want to marry you one day? Why else does your family miss you all the time? Why else do you think you are loved the way you are? Because you are you.”
“Tabi”, you sobbed. You didn’t dare to look at him. “I will tell you every day for the rest of our lives how I feel about you if that’s what it takes for you to realize that you’re not hideous.”   “You don’t have to”, you said. “I do. It’s my fault you feel this way and I will make up for it. I will never make you feel like you need to hate yourself ever again.” “It’s not your fault!”
He ignored you. “I just wish… I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You’d know how amazing you are if only that was possible.” You had nothing to say. You were thankful to have him, have him by your side, not leaving you in your worst moment. “I love you”, you said. Seunghyun smiled at you. “I love you too, princess. I always will.” He pulled you close and crushed you to his strong, warm chest.
He left the next minutes in silence and gave you the time needed to regain yourself, rocking you back and forth. More tears escaped your swollen eyes, more sobs were heard but he let you cry until there was nothing more to cry over. His presence was soothing. His embrace calm. Eventually, you leaned back, glancing up at him with those red eyes.
“Thank you for being there for me and for talking me out of this.” “Always.” Seunghyun kissed the top of your head, squeezing you in his embrace just a little more. “So”, you mumbled then. “You want to marry me?”
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