#the predator — kokichi 🎲
mxfia-kingpins · 1 year
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The street was dead silent as you came around the corner, pausing when you overheard a conversation between two very sinister individuals. A girl was smoking a cigarette, and bouncing around from side to side, and a boy was leaning against the stone wall behind them.
"Oh, heya, Kichi! What're you doing here? This is usually Ibuki's corner!"
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"Don't call me that. My name is Kokichi. Nicknames are reserved for my partner and my family. And you are neither of the above. And as for what I'm doing here, I'm waiting for a client who wants a contract killing. What's your excuse?"
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"Out here selling drugs, just like every other day! I can always pick up on who wants some goodies versus who'd just rat me out to the feds! Besides, watching 'em zoink out makes Ibuki's day full of laughter!"
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"Whatever. Hey, give me one."
The girl nodded and reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. She pulled one out of the box, and threw it to the boy, who quickly caught it. His reflexes must be on point in order to catch something so small so easily.
"God, that'll be better. I won't want to vomit half as hard."
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"Hm? What do you mean by that?"
The girl tilted her head, swaying a little bit as she tucked her arms behind her back in a display of faux curiosity.
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"Nevermind, it's nothing. Just let me focus on whacking someone and get in the zone before you ruin what relatively good mood I was in before this godawful conversation."
He lifts the cigarette to his lips, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and lighting the end of the object as he takes a long drag.
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"Hm? Ibuki thinks she's super fun and not awful! Kichi-Chan is just a big ol' meanie who's too focused on his crime career to even think about just letting loose and having fun!"
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"Shh. Quiet. We have an audience."
He rounds the corner, facing you as the girl follows him. The second they spot you, the boy scowls and the girl appears giddy.
"Gah, great."
The boy reaches into his back pocket and aims a pistol at you, while the girl draws a knife from her jacket with an elated expression.
"Right, well. Can't have this getting back to the feds. No hard feelings. So... any last words?"
Perhaps he can be reasoned with... What do you do?
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @i-spy-with-my-lethal-eye @pizza-for-my-friends @king-babyface @pink-cross-nurse @lil-yandere-darlin @sleepless-v3 @pr1nce-0f-lust @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer and anyone else, the mod sucks at tags. ;w;
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
🎲 hopefully this isnt too dark but that anon is now reminding me of Zistopia,, and the original plot where Nick wanted ro make a safe haven for predators and i just think Kokichi and DICE fit that so much, like Nick and Clawhouser were friends! Nick had a whole crew going on ready to make his plan work, but he kept getting rejected by banks to take a loan until he got into some shady business O(-( Kokichi,, as Nick in Zistopia,,x my AUs be wild
yoooo i remember seeing those cut scenes, i always thought the Movie could have been better with them
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not-bcring · 2 years
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"Happy Birthday, Kokichi! I hope you'll have a nice day today. If it’s okay, I actually wanted to give you some gifts! Ah, they’re in my bag right here, one moment... “  Taking off his bookbag, Shuichi takes out a dessert box, along with a gift box, and sets them down on the table in front of Kokichi. “Here you go... ”
Inside the dessert box was a purple velvet cake slice, topped with blueberries and whipped cream, with buttercream frosting. "I ah, made you a purple velvet cake. I-I hope you’ll like it!”
And then in the gift box, consisted of a pair of dice block bracelets. One was white, while the other was black. “I saw these in a store and thought you might like them, so I wanted to get them for you! Ahh I wasn’t sure what color to get, so I just went with both, heh heh... but yes um, hope these gifts are okay... !” (Happy Birthday, Koki~! 🎂🎲)
-  ✩   「    @ahogedetective ​   」   ✩
「 ☆ 」   One would think that someone like Kokichi would make a bigger deal out of his birthday. With how much attention he seeks from others on a daily basis— soaking it in, both good and bad, like a sponge —it’s odd that he’d be so quiet about today. Not that it’s entirely unknown to others at school, but the little leader seems almost reserved upon it. For Kokichi, anyway. His jokes and pranks not holding quite as much lighthearted impulsivity. As if he’s meeting a quota to avoid suspicion, going through the motions but finding not nearly as much joy in his mischief as usual. Simply waiting for the day to be done so he can return to normalcy.
However, hearing Shuichi’s voice calling out his well-wishes is decidedly NOT normal. At least, not in Kokichi’s opinion. Unable to understand why the detective, of all people, would be so adamant on making the trickster’s day better. They are natural enemies, after all. One of the reasons why Kokichi likes Shuichi so much. Predator and prey, destined to play on opposites side until one claims a final victory... or grows tired of the never-ending dance. Purposely confused expression doesn’t give away Kokichi’s inner ponderings, the little liar donning a mimicry of the curiosity he actually feels. Even when showing the truth, there never fails to be a careful filter over it. To ensure that he doesn’t reveal more than he means to.
Cocking his head, big eyes blink quizzically as the boxes are freed from the confines of Shuichi’s bag. Allowing his lips to form a smile, prideful as he sticks out his chest with the self-assurance of someone who HADN’T been waiting for the day to be over, Kokichi chipperly says,  ❝  Nee-heehee! Leave it to the Detective to be smart enough to realize the importance of today! These offerings should do nicely—  ❞  Opening the dessert box as he boasts, Kokichi can’t hide the surprised widening of his eyes at the sight.  ❝  It’s so... pretty.  ❞  He breathes, momentarily forgetting about his audience as he takes in the sight.  
❝  You... actually made this for me?  ❞  He murmurs, every detail suddenly seeming more purposeful. Trying to find the meaning behind each choice, knowing that he’s overthinking it. As he overthinks EVERYTHING. Yet, also hoping that he’s not. For reasons he refuses to delve into, the gesture bringing a troublesome hope into his chest that he knows to shy away from.
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One might think it’s a silly reaction over a slice of cake... but those people have likely been given far more presents than Kokichi has in his life. Let alone one that he hadn’t known actually existed. It’s not like he’s eaten a lot of PURPLE velvet cake before. Plus, those blueberries look like they’re nice and juicy. Perfect for literally popping in his mouth. Abruptly realizing that he’ s showing far too much appreciation for a simple act of kindness treat, he hastily jokes with a glance at Shuichi,  ❝  It’s not poisoned, is it? Because that’d be a pretty dirty trick...  ❞  Shrugging nonchalantly as he opens the next gift, Kokichi continues his distracting tirade,  ❝  I’d have to respect it, but it’d still be annoying to deal with a poisoning today.  ❞
With an overdramatic gasp of excitement at the next sight, figuring that overly-enthusiastic is less damning that the gentle admiration of before— yet both are still positive reactions, to avoid making Shuichi feel like he’s not appreciated —he pulls out the dice bracelets and turns them over in his palm.  ❝  Oh, Shumai- you shouldn’t have~  ❞  He playfully quips, fluttering his lashes as if he were just gifted a pair of priceless diamond bracelets. Snickering at his own joke, Kokichi then studies the blocks more earnestly, running a nimble finger across the smooth surface.  ❝  Yes, I think this will suit me just fine.  ❞  Not entirely talking about the bracelets, a pointed look is aimed up at the detective. A smirk on his face, Kokichi internally laughing about an inside joke that only he’s privy to, Kokichi grabs onto Shuichi’s left wrist without warning.
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Slipping on the white bracelet, the color stark against his black sleeve, Kokichi does the same with the black upon his own. Dice standing out against his white clothes, Kokichi proudly holds his wrist beside Shuichi’s.  ❝  There! Now whenever you look at your wrist... you’ll have no choice but to think of me.  ❞  It’s said triumphantly, as if Shuichi has wandered into some grand trap. From the pleased beam of Kokichi’s smile, it’s not that hard to believe... Lightly poking Shuichi’s band with his finger, he teases with a cheshire grin,  ❝  And no taking it off! ‘Cause if you do, I’ll have no choice but to kill you...  ❞  A beat of silence before he laughs,  ❝  Don’t worry! That’s a lie!  ❞  
...  ❝  Or is it?  ❞     「 ☆ 」 
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Could I request pregame ouma with an S/O who has autism? I could use some HCs for that about now ehe,,
I may have gone a little overboard due to me liking this character, I wrote a lot more than I'd usually do
He's one of my top 10 comfort characters, sorry Scooby move over
Pregame Kokichi w/ Autistic S/O
- Let's be honest, he's probably high functioning aspersers himself, he just hasn't been diagnosed due to his parents being both in denial, not that they have the time to really take him anyways
- Doesn't seem to find anything you do to be strange, even when you're stimming (He stims by playing with his hair, which he does every time he gets nervous)
- He's happy that you're more honest than most people, he hates liars after all
- He understands the way your brain works can be extremely frustrating, due to the fact that you can be misunderstood so often, he can understand most of what you talk about though
- The immense levels of creativity you have makes fun date ideas for the two, sometimes you two just sit around and draw for a few hours
- He'll help you with reminders if you happen to have a bad memory / If you have a good memory then he's watching his mouth a little more, he doesn't want to end up saying anything mean (not that he would, he just gets a little paranoid)
- Appreciates that you don't really seem to be all that interested in most materialistic things such as status, and don't seem to get as obsessed with brand name stuff like some people do (them fucking $500+ Yeezys don't interest you)
- While there's not much he can really do when you get picked on in front of him other than comfort you after it's over, he sure as hell is going to play some nasty "pranks" on people that choose to make you unhappy for something you can't control
- You can say some things that will catch him completely off guard, he has no idea how you do it, but it happens
= (Exs.)
"You think Kaito may be gay and is just taking that out on others due to his homophobic family?"
He'll give you a shocked look after making the connection himself.
"Oh my god..."
"Have you ever wondered what it'd like to be psychic?"
"Beloved, I'd rather not hear the thoughts of half the degenerates in this school."
"What does "degenerates" mean again?"
"Let's not get into that right now."
"What would a shark be like if it could walk on land?"
"Never thought about it before."
"We should make one."
"Genetically create a land shark."
"Wouldn't that cause us to have just another predator?"
- Knows that you can sometimes feel out of place when not with someone you know. You want to go somewhere but no one else seems interested? He'll go with you, no need to be alone
- If you're one to easily obsess with things you like, (video game characters) he'd be doing research on them so he can indulge in your interest more
- He tries not to be sarcastic around you, he knows most of the time you probably will take him seriously if you don't hear his tone (My brain sucks, I take everything seriously)
- If you pick up one of his stims, he's going to freeze up a little, he isn't used to people mimicking him without making fun of him for it
- Adjusts to your low/high energy days pretty easily
- If you happen to have ADHD as well, he's going to avoid giving you a lot of sugar, no need in making you even more hyper
- He pretty much keeps you out of trouble, you do the same for him
- Carries around figit toys for when you can't concentrate, he uses a few of them when he gets bored
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mxfia-kingpins · 1 year
Kokichi Ouma — The Brains
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Name: Kokichi Ouma
Age: 19
Birthday: June 21st
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male Lean)
Height: 5'1
Weight: 97 lbs
Personality: Kokichi Ouma is a master of lies and deceit, and has committed most of the more deplorable acts of the mob. He's the one responsible for the human trafficking ring, as well as the main hitman of the group, and he's best known for always completing his mission, even at the willful cost of his own life. Nobody knows what his true motivations are, but the only people who are notoriously spared by the cruel criminal is said to be children under fourteen. Anyone else should run before he gets his hands on them...
Role: Trafficker & Contract Killer
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"'Cause I'm a liar, liar! And only that is true!
After all, fire, fire, is something I pursue!"
- Mcki Robyns-P, 'Cause I'm A Liar
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