#the potion that you make via brewing While Gay [actively]
cerealmonster15 · 10 days
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jamiazu / ashenviper week day 2: potionology!!!
Ummm teacher why isn’t their nefarious concoction’s smoke cloud turning into a skull and crossbones like the rest of ours 🤨
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bloodline-rpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, Ange! We have accepted your application for your OC, Claudia Devereaux (FC Tasya Teles.) Please create a new blog (not a sideblog) for your character and send us the link via ask box as soon as you can. Along with your link, please let us know what lyric you’d like for us to use for Claudia in her bio. Welcome to Bloodline!
Name/Alias: Ange
Age: 30
Preferred pronouns: she/her/hers
Timezone: EST
Level of activity: Low on weekdays, medium-high on weekends. I work full time plus hours, so my Monday-Friday can be exceedingly busy.
Character’s Name: Claudia Angelique Devereaux
Desired FC: Tasya Teles
Character’s Age: 28
Character’s Species: Original Witch
Character’s Sexuality: Gay. Very, very gay for pretty ladies.
With a name as notorious as Devereaux, Claudia has never resented that her cousin holds the heirship. In fact, despite being the eldest of their generation, her position as fourth in the line of succession has been more a source of relief to Claudia than one to ever ponder or contest.
Two months after reaching her majority, Claudia’s mother married a handsome young man from a respectable, if significantly less well-known, witch family. Their marriage wasn’t the kind that inspires fairy tales, but they enjoyed each other’s company, and by the following summer, the Devereaux family welcomed the first-born daughter of the new generation: Claudia Angelique.
For the first eight years of her life, Claudia carried the heirship with little recognition of what such a position entailed. She received the traditional Devereaux education in magic, tradition, and the rites of familiars. At the tender age of four, a particularly bad night terror took the family by surprise when Claudia’s midnight screams were accompanied by flames licking up the walls of bedroom. From then on, her magic showed a particular fondness for the element of fire. Rituals involving the sun and candles have always come easier to Claudia, and she finds her body and magic more in tune during the warm, sunny summer months than the dark, oppressive cold of winter.
Much like her hair color, the disdain for the wolves was passed down from grandma and aunt and mother, but in the quiet moments with her father, Claudia learned a touch more compassion for their beastly protectors. Her father knew well enough not to speak out against a Devereaux woman, but passed along his thoughts to his only child that perhaps they might have a better relationship with the wolves if they were to work with them, instead of heralding over them. As a child, the difference in her parents’ views meant little; Claudia wasn’t allowed to interact with the wolves beyond their need for her protection anyway.
Unfortunately, her father was caught in the first wave of the witch hunts. Whether they took his body or burned it when they torched the shop they found him in, Claudia was never able to find out. Even with Claudia’s blood, they were never able to retrieve any remains to bury back on the family estate.
Being unable to place her father’s spirit to rest is one of the few things for which Claudia harbors true resentment.
After his death, studying magic became more of a survival skill, a way to learn how to fight and protect rather than how to just connect with the earth and her innate powers. Claudia studied the use of fire as a weapon; if the hunters would use it, so would she. She snuck behind her mother’s back to get her hands on texts of holistic spells, dabbling in the study of herbal witchcraft, healing, and protective spells beyond the original family’s old rituals.
It took nearly a year for her mother to catch her brewing a potion for luck in the kitchen tea kettle. After threatening to tell her Aunt Brigid about the incident, Claudia promised to stop her studies and stick to the family magic – that their skills and the wolves had been enough to protect them for centuries and it would be enough to protect them now.
But like any young woman forbidden from a new lover, Claudia only found ways to be sneakier. By the time they relocated to Carden Manor, Claudia had a holistic herbal kit hidden in the handles of her hairbrush and hand mirror. She kept spell pages hidden between the pages of old books.
If a war is coming, she intends to be prepared for it.
Claudia is often the type to be mistaken for serious, when she is merely quiet and composed. Being an only child fitted with such a heavy set of expectations meant years spent with books rather than people. As such, while her opinions run wide and deep, she is unlikely to be the first to speak up in a crowded room. Her friendships are few, but strong, and her loyalty burns hotter than a brush fire. She will go to the ends of the earth for those she deems within her circle, and she is headstrong enough to follow through. She’ll play by the rules, but honor her own, working within the system to get what she wants. It’s easier to manipulate both people and rules than to outright break them, after all.
Tradition has never mattered as much to Claudia as it does to her family. While she knows the words, the ceremonies, and the meanings, she’s always felt suffocated by the weight of her name, as if the very word tradition means limited. She hasn’t been given the space to be loudly progressive, but her beliefs find themselves chafing more and more with the ideals she’s been raised to uphold. What is the point of avoiding a type of magic if it might save witch lives? Why treat the wolves with such revulsion if they’re expected to give up their lives for witches?
I would love to explore Claudia interacting in various situations that make her navigation the conflict between her family-held and internal morals. Interacting and learning from witches of various backgrounds and having that come to a head with her family (particularly if it’s after Victoria’s turned) would be an amazing long-arc story line.
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