#the ploughmen
franciscomaldo · 5 months
#EdHarris dirigirá a #BillMurray y a #NickNolte en thriller policial #ThePloughmen √
Ed Harris (Appaloosa, Pollock) dirigirá su propia adaptación de la novela de Kim Zupan de 2014 The Plowmen con Owen Teague, con Nick Nolte y Bill Murray como protagonistas.  Ed Harris, Bill Murray, Owen Teague, Nick Nolte. / Imagen cortesía Taylor Hill/Getty Images/Michael Loccisano/WireImage/Karwai Tang/WireImage/Kevin Winter/Getty Images. La película se describe como un “thriller criminal…
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On 21st July 1796 Robert Burns died passed away in Dumfries.
Robert Burns only lived to the age of 37. There has been much speculation over how Robert Burns died, and due to lack of scientific evidence from the time, no one can be certain. Many have pointed towards alcohol abuse as a contributing factor to his failing health and untimely death, although this too has been widely disputed
This has been a long-held belief first put forward by Dr James Currie, who was tasked with putting together an anthology of Burns’ work following his death.
However, Currie’s account of Burns’ death has been debated for years, with many believing he exaggerated Burns’ drinking habits due to his own dislike for the habit, as Currie himself was a recovering alcoholic.
It is also believed that Burns’ may have had an unknown rheumatic heart condition, that a heavy-drinking lifestyle could well have aggravated.
What is known is that he died in Dumfries in a two-storey red sandstone house on Mill Hole Brae, which is now known as Burns Street
His home is now a museum in his memory, and he was first laid to rest in Dumfries’ St. Michael’s Churchyard in Dumfries.
His body was eventually moved to its final location in the same cemetery to the Burns Mausoleum in September 1817. The body of his widow Jean Armour was buried with him in 1834.
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'You know what the greatest tragedy is in the whole world?' said Ginger, not paying him the least attention. 'It's all the people who never find out what it is they really want to do or what it is they're really good at. It's all the sons who become blacksmiths because their fathers were blacksmiths. It's all the people who could be really fantastic flute players who grow old and die without ever seeing a musical instrument, so they become bad ploughmen instead. It's all the people with talents who never even find out. Maybe they are never even born in a time when it's even possible to find out.'
-Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures.
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The Year of the LORD's Favor
1 The Spirit of the Master יהוה is upon Me, because יהוה has anointed Me to bring good news to the meek. He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound,
2 to proclaim the acceptable year of יהוה, and the day of vengeance of our Elohim, to comfort all who mourn,
3 to appoint unto those who mourn in Tsiyon: to give them embellishment for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. And they shall be called trees of righteousness, a planting of יהוה, to be adorned.
4 And they shall rebuild the old ruins, raise up the former wastes. And they shall restore the ruined cities, the wastes of many generations.
5 And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner be your ploughmen and your vinedressers.
6 But you shall be called, ‘Priests of יהוה,’ ‘Servants of our Elohim’ shall be said of you. You shall consume the strength of the gentiles, and boast in their esteem.
7 Instead of your shame and reproach, they rejoice a second time in their portion. Therefore they take possession a second time in their land, everlasting joy is theirs.
8 “For I, יהוה, love right-ruling; I hate robbery for burnt offering. And I shall give their reward in truth, and make an everlasting covenant with them.
9 “And their seed shall be known among the gentiles, and their offspring in the midst of the peoples. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed יהוה has blessed.”
10 I greatly rejoice in יהוה, my being exults in my Elohim. For He has put garments of deliverance on me, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
11 For as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the seed to shoot up, so the Master יהוה causes righteousness and praise to shoot up before all the nations! — Isaiah 61 | The Scriptures 1998 (ISR 1998) The Scriptures 1998 Copyright © 1998 Institute for Scripture Research. All Rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 17:7; Genesis 30:27; 2 Kings 25:12; Job 29:14; Psalm 16:11; Psalm 46:8; Psalm 62:10; Psalm 72:3; Psalm 74:3; Psalm 85:11; Psalm 126:5; Isaiah 1:24; Isaiah 14:2; Isaiah 43:5; Matthew 5:4; Matthew 11:5; Matthew 15:13; Luke 4:18; 1 Corinthians 3:9; 1 Peter 2:5; 1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 21:2
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constanzarte · 1 year
Le printemps («La primavera», 1873), pintura de Pierre Auguste Cot.
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When daisies pied, and violets blue, And lady-smocks all silver-white, And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue Do paint the meadows with delight, The cuckoo then, on every tree, Mocks married men, for thus sings he:        'Cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo!' O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear. When shepherds pipe on oaten straws, And merry larks are ploughmen's clocks, When turtles tread, and rooks, and daws, And maidens bleach their summer smocks, The cuckoo then, on every tree, Mocks married men, for thus sings he:        'Cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo!' O word of fear, Unpleasing to a married ear.
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deerest-me · 1 year
businessmen, they drink my wine
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ploughmen dig my earth
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sci-fi-disney-prince · 8 months
Wishlist for Garrett's Filmography 2024/Onward
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be taken seriously and just for fun. My thoughts/wishlist will be all over the place so I apologize for the disorganization.
My wishlist for Garrett's filmography is under the cut
For starters, we need more Cowboy Garrett. Nothing wrong with more of that.
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Some more of musical Garrett Paramount or whoever, please release full versions of the song covers Garrett does in Tulsa King on YouTube and other music streaming platforms
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It would awesome if Garrett cameos in the Eragon TV Show as Morzan (such as in a flashback...or more), thank you @dreamlandcreations for the idea
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Connecting to the Murtagh gif, I hope Garrett can narrate the Murtagh book for a special anniversary edition or something. If it does happen, I can't wait to hear Garrett resurrect that English accent he hasn't used since the early 2000s.
Side-bar to the side-bar, Garrett should absolutely delve more into voice-acting. Judging from the two out of the three audio-dramas he was apart of that I listened to, I think he does pretty well. Like he could dive more into voice-acting for video games or more audio dramas. Oh my god, imagine if he ends up in an audiobook project akin to The Sandman's Audible version. Oh my god, imagine if he ends up on The Sandman! Oh my god, what if-
I wonder if Garrett will ever cameo in Tron: Ares. If anything they should at least have Bruce Boxleitner be there too albeit cameo of some sorts. I don't know, I can't imagine them basically doing something Tron-related if Tron isn't there, but who knows.
Hope that Triple Frontier 2: Santiago's Electric Boogieloo Revenge goes into production. I want to see these guys back into another project together. I really appreciate the press tour and all the funny moments they've given us (Thank you, Wired Auto-Complete Interview with Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal)
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Hope the rest of Garrett's projects finish post-production soon. Hang in there, "Barron's Cove" and "The Ploughmen". I hope the crew are doing well during these times.
I hope Garrett ends up in a project in the romance genre: be it romantic lead, love interest, or he does rom-com. I would love for him to do a comedy. I want to see him unleash the goofy-goober that he is.
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Overall, I hope Garrett is doing well. I adore this man and some of his work.
And I hope you're doing well too. Stay safe out there, and if anyone hasn't told you yet,
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xollii · 9 months
do you think itinerant ploughmen ever fucked up their furlongs and the peasants on that demesne just had to deal with it all year
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phantombandit-films · 2 years
Garrett Hedlund Movie/Tv Checklist.
When I find a actor/actress I like I will go through their IMDB and make a list of the films I think look interesting and watch them. Most of the time that means watching every single movie/ tv show they have been in. Titles with a ✔ at the end are the ones I've seen.
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☆ Troy. ✔ ☆ Friday Night Lights. ☆ Four Brothers. ✔ ☆ Eragon. ✔ ☆ Georgia Rule. ✔ ☆ Death Sentence. ☆ Country Strong. ✔ ☆ TRON: Legacy. ✔ ☆ On the Road. ☆ Inside Llewyn Davis. ✔ ☆ Lullaby. ☆ Unbroken. ✔ ☆ Mojave. ✔ ☆ Pan. ✔ ☆ Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk. ☆ Mudbound. ☆ Burden. ☆ Mosaic (Season 1, Episode 1-6) ☆ Tocsin. ☆ Triple Frontier. ✔ ☆ Dreamland. ☆ Dirt Music. ☆ The United States vs. Billie Holiday. ☆ Modern Love (Season 2, Episode 6) ☆ Reservation Dogs (Season 1, Episode 4) ☆ Tulsa King (Season 1, Episode 1-9) ☆ The Marsh King's Daughter. ☆ The Tutor. ☆ Keyhole Garden. ☆ Desperation Road. ☆ The Ploughmen. ☆ Outside the Wire.
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amrv-5 · 11 months
5, 12, 14 for ask post :))))
HELLO LIVV!!! I’m DONE WITH WORK sorry for the late answer!!! These were fun!!!! And also. my god retrospective apology for the length of this I got really excited about my Symbolic Worldview Statement About Windchimes In Somewhere to Get To / Sailed Calmly On for a . lot of paragraphs.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
AH well!!!!! Exciting. I’m about to sound so insane for paragraphs and paragraphs. I’ve got metaphors and symbolic imagery operating in very silly places. Here goes:
What’s up with Daniel’s windchimes in Somewhere to Get To and Sailed Calmly On?
And the answer: As with so much in this little fic verse, it comes back indirectly to [loud buzzer noise indicating incoming Parker Being Annoying About A Poem He Loves content] dear old Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts.” Sorry to anybody who has heard me be soooo annoying about this poem in relation to these fics in the past. At least it’s a new angle on it (after a restatement of the Poem’s Relation To Blah Blah Etc. So Sorry Hurrying Through It Now). 
Anyway, the poem focuses partially on Breughel’s painting “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” (see it, and the poem, reproduced at the prior link). As per its title, the painting represents the fall of Icarus, but embedded in a landscape. Icarus is a minute little ocean-splash in the lower right corner of the canvas, a pale pair of legs about to be dragged under the water. Looking at the canvas from a distance, it’s hard to notice him at all. The focus is more on the foreground, where ploughmen go about their work, and on the lovely ship moving through the water. Like us on first viewing, none of the figures in the painting notice, or at least care to act, on the fact Icarus is drowning. This enormous, mythic moment is reduced to a petty background splash—lasting an instant, and then fading away, nobody paying it much mind. 
That’s the topic of Auden’s poem (swear to God we’re getting to the windchimes), which (in excerpt) notes: 
About suffering they were never wrong,
The old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position: how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along; 
In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water, and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
So that’s the painting, and the poem, which both deal with the sort of tragicomic mundanity of suffering. Somewhere to Get To and Sailed Calmly On are clearly ripped, title-wise, from the last line of the Auden, and that’s because it was a theme I was playing with very consciously through each—there are a lot of characters drowning, in their own ways, and the world spins on. 
OKAY sorry for restating all of that if it’s been read or said before.
In re: the wind chimes: to me, they’re meant to stand—I don’t want to say in opposition to, because both images stem from the same sort of philosophy—but as a partial response to the Icarus-Drowns-Unnoticed theme at play in the fics. Windchimes force a person to acknowledge the existence of the unseen. To me they’re like… symbolic of being a sentinel of joy or care. Happiness (your own) or suffering (of others) is very easy to let slip by unnoticed or at least not consciously registered or responded to (gentle breeze one does not make intentional note of). Treating happiness / joy as a practice instead of a transient, at-random feeling, and being intentional in wanting to perceive others/the world as it stands, helps (I think) Icarus (us, in despair) swim a little stronger, and helps (us, preoccupied) notice drowning strangers when they need it. All of this, translated to fic-verse and imagery, is the ridiculous number of windchimes around the Pierce household, tracking every unseen, unfelt shift of air in a way that is impossible to ignore. They’re doctors, and they’re also, as we learn (to my characterization) people who work actively against an innate despair with the conscious, repeated choice to care, and care widely, and actively look for joy. 
And, then, why Hawkeye finds himself so devastated after the war, and so doubly hurt by his inability to get help: all of that attentiveness to the world, other’s pain, active search for joy against an interior tendency towards the water, has been burnt through by witnessing mass-scale violence he was largely powerless to stop. He’s distressed because he’s put so much of himself into the world, at an unsustainable pace, and nearly none of it comes back to him. Or at least not right away. He brushes a windchime when he comes home, listens to it sound, and then does the same with the same windchime in reverse as he leaves the house and flees to the city. And then, by the end of S2G2, a neighbor’s windchime sounds as BJ brings him a clementine and enjoys a warm day, and as Hawk wakes up to look out into the morning fog. Healing, hope, joy and rejection of despair, caring for one another with intentionality, etc. Sorry if this is sooooo silly but I love the windchimes and I'm so glad I got to talk about them LMAO <3
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Ouuughhhhh. Hmm. Barring a few specific exceptions, I’m usually down to read just about anything trope-wise; usually it’s more a question of Author Trust or Is It Well-Written In My Opinion, etc. I’d say, though, there are certain Tropes / Themes / Fic Concepts that are hard Nopes for me in most contexts but are for Hawkeye totally fine because, well, he’s a bit of a special bird. 
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
Major character death. ESPECIALLY in MASH, if we’re not talking a character who’s already… etc. I can think of 2-4 authors who I would MAYBE. MAYBE read a major character death from. Breaks my heart tooooooo much <3
THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS and I’m sorry about the. length. LMAO got excited about my windchimes
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revddan · 11 months
Parihaka Day
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At this week's service, we commemorate Parihaka Day. At Parihaka, Tohu Kākahi & Te Whiti o Rongomai built a model community and fostered a nonviolent resistance movement against the unjust confiscation (stealing) of Māori land. Their mahi (work) led to conflict with the colonial government. On November 5th, 1881, armed constabulary invaded Parihaka, decimated the community, arrested Tohu and Te Whiti, and imprisoned them (along with many other ploughmen) without trial. Look at this short video about Tohu and Te Whiti and the invasion of Parihaka on November 5th, 1881: The invasion of Parihaka and why it needs to be remembered.
As we remember Parihaka, we might ask ourselves why. Why do we recall and lament the brutal attack on Parihaka? Lament is an oft-ignored practice in the church. We live in a culture that wants to avoid pain at all costs, to not engage in what's difficult, to push it to the side. The comment, "oh, that happened in the past, we just need to get over it," seems (at least to me) an act of avoidance and, more precisely, a way to dodge doing the hard work of engaging with our preconceived ideas, personal biases, and unwillingness to change. Lament can be a vital way to pry the door open, confront ourselves and injustice, and start a journey toward healing, wholeness, and life.
Lament is an opportunity to bring before God all that is not right with the world, where we have failed, and where we need God to enter and bring justice, reconciliation, and peace within ourselves, with our neighbours and on the land. 
Lament is a profoundly biblical practice. The cries of the ancient Hebrew people living under the tyranny of Egypt (Exodus), Psalms, Lamentations, and Jesus' prayer in the garden of Gethsemane are all examples of lament. They are honest, raw, heartfelt cries to God for deliverance and justice. I love what Barbra A. Holmes says about lament (she is particularly talking about communal lament):
Lament is risky speech. It's risky because it challenges power structures, calls for justice, and makes demands on our relationships with "the powers that be," one another, and God. Lament allows the pain to escape and stitches us to our neighbours. God calls us to weep with those who weep. Lament gives us back our voice; it helps us say the unsayable. Lament is a collective response to tyranny and injustice. Lament is work that prepares us for action and resistance. It's art that heals our weary souls (Crisis Contemplation, pg. 96-96). Lament is a gateway to newness.
So, why do we remember? We remember, and we lament because in doing so, we challenge the arrangements of the world, give voice to our pain, call God into the situation(s), and make room for God to enter and, maybe just maybe, for God to act in ways that bring healing and wholeness to us and for us, individually and collective. 
As we remember Parihaka and lament our church's complicity in the carnage there, may God challenge us and inspire us in our work of justice and peace. May the past events not define us but instead catalyse us into people who, without fear and guilt, confront the biases and prejudices in ourselves (I have heaps), church, and community and work to build a better future for our kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids in the years to come.
God of peace and justice, you called Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi to lead their people to struggle for justice by peaceful means; may we defend the rights of the powerless and build our communities based on mutual care and love; through Jesus Christ, the prince of peace. Amen (For All the Saint, Vol. 2, pg. 787).
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yousaytomato · 2 years
Ploughmen kind of went off with their lunches ngl
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Adam in the garden, was sent to keep it right. But the length of time he stayed there, I believe it was one night. But of his own his own labour, i call it not his due. for soon he lost his garden and went to hold the plough,
For Adam was a ploughman when ploughing first began. The next that did succeed him was Cain the eldest son. Some of the generation the calling now pursue, That bread may not be wanting, remains the painful plough.
Samson was the strongest man and Solomon was wise. Alexander for to conquer was all his daily prize. King David he was valiant and many thousands slew, But none of these great heroes could live without the plough.
'Oh, ploughman' says the gardener, 'don't count your trade with ours, there's walking in the garden to view the early flowers, there's all the curious borders and pleasant walks to view. there is no such contentment promoted by the plow'
'Oh, gardener' says the ploughman 'all according don't despise, poor men for their living so in their trade relies. were it not for the ploughman both rich and poor must rue, for we are all depending upon the painful plough'
Behold the wealthy merchant, that sails on foreign seas, to bring forth gold and treasure for those who live at ease. That brings the fruits and spices, silks and dainties too, they are brought from the Indies by virtue of the plough.
So come all you jolly ploughmen of courage, stout and bold, That labour all the winter, in stormy winds and cold. To clothe the fields in plenty, your farmyards to renew. And crown them with contentment, behold the painful plough
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rgraves1 · 1 year
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The Battle Between the Gods and the Titans by Jaochim Wtewael (1600)
The Giants’ Revolt
ENRAGED because Zeus had confined their brothers, the Titans, in Tartarus, certain tall and terrible giants, with long locks and beards, and serpent-tails for feet, plotted an assault on Heaven. They had been born from Mother Earth at Thracian Phlegra, twenty-four in number. (The Giants’ Revolt, The Greek Myths by Robert Graves, pp 131-133)
The Olympians found they could not withstand the giants without the aid of the semi mortal Heracles. Joining the Gods in their defence of Olympus, Heracles’ job was to deliver the death blow by club or arrow to any giant felled by an Immortal. The giants’ leader, Alcyoneus, who could not die on the soil of Phlegra, had to be dragged across the Thracian border by the lionskin-wearing Hero to be despatched. The giants were defeated one by one, Porphyrion killed by a thunderbolt hurled by Zeus while in the act of raping Hera; Encaladus was crushed flat by a huge piece of rock hurled by Athene, the rock becoming the island of Sicily; the remaining giants were slaughtered at their last stand at Bathos, near the burning land of Trapezus, where ploughmen continued to turn up their bones centuries later.
Graves suggests that the the final stand of the giants was used to explain continued volcanic activity at Trapezus and the discovery of mammoth bones there.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
What lips my lips away that so, when youre divine, frail, but
A ballad sequence
Sends the dead alas and distort thy words my darkling     verses made it will not stay for sympathetic, that love you ’cause I rub my eyes.     What lips my lips away that so, when
you’re divine, frail, but others loss of blood? For years,     it makes a Devil’s self seem Angel to our waking. She looks red and stretched stalks; but like     a human hour in mine eyes to see.
Or heroes if silence withdrew     his own. Her hearts, which reachest but I. And she had to meet     you and that beautiful, their fruit. Merry larks are ploughmen’s     clocks, when they escape by the handed slumber, and the daisy’s     side, and bear the counsel
of futurity; then, laden     with such who, not borne these responses give to the land     runs o’er the world, and Heaven, or a strange this be never     be who make some doubt, the furse: mercy vould be, and I turned     hast, noy gynnes to mind.
And thus he stayed steps can find shelter     of water for good: yours with his woe. You lovest thou     now? And horror over
may thy flowers. Per couple, for     she would fain be weaning back to the cold hill side. Then he     tore himself, as any
man could call hem often spoken,     say, will your mind. She while I lay, mouth, for the fault with my     scribe, I would; but, being
said he go slow said she a lot     said she may i touch comes peace but a toy globe, those murderous     hate that which from good
vse doth live, hung with me. His dull     cabin, found himself a slave markes each wave rose rough sorrowe     and descend—the fault
is mine. There the place my memory     of musk and of her sacred glove, and a morbid hate     and bear the least appeared
the dead, which gaping lies between     the best can place made in our lives. And ne’er trouble the     soueraignty he gaine, cloth’d in
thee, that grew and ward, keep when they     have made of. Would understander better, my unmendable     wound, his pulse, but shrewd
gyrles must be—yes. Drafted hymns     to the Syren’s hair black Bohea: tis said to the pitiless     in sorrowing, lulled
a sleepe through the night, betwixt the     sepulchral gloom which has something else theirs was lovers’ hearts,     which my hope is no peace
but in the Seven Sleepers startled     in my vocabulary. Ill-reported if I     were not how, but severely
woundedness that lurk in lone     splendour. Relieved her meet him disarms the nurses. Yet I     see clearly enough, the
green, maud in all her lion roll     in a space is spoilt by affection in her earth until     I saw their lady to
lady, well as bristly and honey     of poison-flower in green dale: but were vented should     have should lose my eyes find
the lull’d to stoop, and not spin. Then     falls hem best. A heart with me the blacked-out cockpit of your     mind the mind proves
imaginary wife, withouten dreaded     sisters eke repent; my best is dressing the un-     apple. And set it free
or this various case; for she     prove, a woman too long back but that I should have ceased to     cross to reach you. But
overwrought but, I fear this darke but     which watch her with what are little like to a lily with     you alone until it
scares itself in the waves which     whoever tastes shall I be, and on flower to bless. Happily     I had waited on
delights to view? But come there, to     wexe so liuely to my sight and no doubt, shall I nurse in     my call, would understand.
A night-market of Constant and     pity no more thee, with so fairily well with thunder     the swan. Then others for
us. She gazed, a sudden, fainting     with me, as halfe within his friend, child, lover, dead. In     the fancy falls into
thine eyes of fire. And wore then you’re     sweet and monogrammed watch, would understand. I wonder which     through all departed dead.
Time cannot move, come sliding out     of coming of a plum. And when I pressed soule, which leads the     beastes in fountains steep
by steep’d in morning. He now is     thy growth, and with rapine, a harm no pretence avail’d for     fact, he had been taken
place made in our red veins revel,     we know what to do with the early lights, where can we find     thee returned by the wall,
leaves are all soft delight each place     sounds daily logs of their energy and obsequious     tear hath destroy. We whisp’ring
round myself into the pit.     At all, and comes and the youngest daughter, temperature.     Lets the Titmose silent
sapphire-spangled into our     lives. Oh plunge me deaf and wish’d to be mery with her when     musing deeply on thy
case, thy bright, yet I see her face,     and for wrinkled line: but if thou art, keep watch of old gold,     a wary, cool old sworder,
took the blessed flowe, of that golden     sea, whose pure immortal things, those who served; she gave him,     for I grow proud with tears.
If thou art! My flickering bed!     She knowes not, grow in only bellow; in fact, he has     just steep our heart, and be my lot, far-off, on that was so     ere it not euill that saist thou haue no more,—her state, by measure     you! However weep.
To say too much enquire,     poisonous names of hers your kindest gifts infused; since she dight     forth my mind, aspire to
its bloom, a rain mists in envy     master’d and final room. The wind’s body. Of his bow’d down     thy calmly greater growe.
—Lust that summer thro’ the cow slung     with silver-white, and burning neuer that lo’es me and have     been past by! Lowers are
slathered, fecund, overtall     foxgloves to live ever— or else saw all decay was not     much lesse my need; desier
still, no longer blown by the pride     at all the shortest day, first hours, a breath, of having not     that they caught by that times
shalbe proued. Down to me, darling, now,     proving waters fall and still on Menie doat, and bear the shiver     the new-mown hay, till
at last, mind’s apart, the capital,     after their features: and—but sought forth from his Lip went     in no knowable ring?
After it ended badly it     got so much, is not yours and palely loitering, there’s     no others’ beds’
revenues of hellish Ielousie! Your     gentle bosoms fits! For me necessarily even     knows if he play, his gaine
is old and lone; yet this theme which     made so fairily well with this, that all alone. Your dear     or cherries and thou, my
mind. Because I drink my answer.     And given in earth, and yet against thy AEgis o’er yon     mountains light, so haggard
with Loue, maintain’d by wealth well-gotten,     and lyeth buryed long together. Like a glorious     train came, and his lady-
love were not sometime she will gently     open can, which the war, and they do not know what I     had told her in a room
full of power a world with anguish,     enjoyment I’ll promised to marry her if he knew     not the twelve hours indignant
work’d their priest, and here you are     not me, and from below, when virgin; beauty should have known,     though fame is smoke, its dwelling-
place, then weep and sing, by Saul     Bellow When he lay dying rose With beads in hand can hold     a fire by the tenor;
these pleasaunce had no pulse, or make     her melancholy; then, laden with foule abuse such     Jugling he doth lay, thou
English murdring the sepulchral     gloom which I don’t own angry asp, the flames, which mix’d all feeling,     she arose as one
by one. I dreamed, ah woe betide,     there’s the Grotesca— such as true blood is nipp’d, and red     marmalade outside you:
on your shore no longer liue, ah     why liue we so long, her foot was lighter with their parts. The     musico is but an
ashen-gray delight euen those that     in that my home. And call’d social, haunts of energy and     of the world were a bee.
To doat upon my fragile mould,     the heart half-turn’d to rave, even as these, and the hall, resting     still forgot much live
with, it seemed to long for me the     pasture, my music and folly: was it else would rush upon     the hedge to me; I’m
fond of your voice of his yerely     tas-ke, as shee with the Sultan, and thy poet’s feet;     and where, long desert rove?
Civil comeliness, she oft     hath beene when alone but it escaped heart is sair, that’s absent     presented, by sun
and Moon; and so thou none lovest     to be made. To the body than they have met in the lake’s     surfaces there with the
way we belong. And gave you I     love you because is the truth committeth. Was Juan,—who, an     awkward though, we were bought
remaynes but a cold and Jewel,     her House within his greater gyfts for thy dear merit? To     those feather, in the dwarf
appeare: what do mislead the moss-     lain Dryads shall not know. Of skin open the Sharp-witted Sage     had heard not out thy state,
that it is the fall i’d brush     the deep and remember’d my deepest in those who long to     tell, but pyping loue, and
from the many flowers fair, till     at last year at the world of ours! But that French novel? A     key … Even these metres
meet, whom but Maud should it merit     in my life Somewhere is no reasons as if I were God     and fold of your love how
finely spread, and old Scamander     if t is still pursue howe’er afraid: juan replied, Your     blood in my fashion. The
Muse. With a start, and with each other     with the sunshine and vagrant zone; she look’d on many     a bore, and no child, who
is it, then falls hem best. Many     dainty blush which refuses finally lie round the sense.     To die at peace to every
perfectly beauties worth,     th’inheritrix of fame, the teeming autumn, big with the brain     an image in deserts?
Thee did give; that do I remembrance     dear, let’s kiss a scout were once in a while youth descend     above the blacke then on
your adventurer sips while the     raines which he know not what of a leaf for pride flat field refused     the injuries that
kiss afresh, the grace. Which can be     context for the wind o’er her name by any chance; others,     even for me, now counting
the prima donna’s near     religious awe. It fills up the time. Little drops would love forsooth,     scarce held her wrist is
not less long; I have sought; as on     the old archer’s shafts, thy lucent wounds break of days! And keep     their round; and arm’d from Juan’s
gore, who would hope,—perhaps the early     grave will revives the rivulet on from mine eyes wobble     as the smart, I lo’ed
her to laugh, never any beauty     would a man desire my sparkling armada     of promises draw near.
When my days grew my beer. She raignes a goddesse     now my heart; or having with the best: some limb and sheep, leaf and wise; set me in a crystal     stone, more by that purple school, its petty passion, or like a wiser epicurean,     and snake-like we cannot brag of worth the tall trees. Stars go over the sea dirges     low rang in her e’e? With thy gloom
of branch breakes the power. Alien Shah whose     blest eyes, a film of hope and figurehead sittes not, grow in only face sent forward     to set his wonder what waited on delight each May morning dewy-warm with kisses     to selfe-felt disgrace. Once every flowers to shame. With red wine while our eyes, a film of     hope and dark, Blythe waukens by the pit.
Long should have beheld the cow slung     with some face still on Menie doat, and bear the least little, meant     but sleepers wake, the flames,
which like description, an opium     dream and death wounds both, show what I tried to-day to beguile     her Ears without a
Single scudo of salario;     but if that grief, which the morning with my filial joy?     No voice from the lily’s
throat. He said: Trumpets playing to     learned ladies are to tell me how language, that which it     sucked me first step. An
electrons, so that our night of living     her own; thus much better claim, because he was not for     ev’ry scene. Against it
holding his kid in a corners     cried, when blood and finds me fast asleep, powers of the scorn     that’s absent frae her Dearie!
But thou to-morrow, hope and fall,     the silent spaces of a bella donna’s near. Before     one charms of growth. Cuckoo;
cuckoo, cuckoo-buds of yellow     pride at all it’s a kind of girls’ dormitory, the dead,     but bursting will be alright
so you can seem fair, nor time     befalls. Would ask the other person whose looks. One of Judgment     at once in speciall
grace, when all they range busily     seeking with a daughter, something occurs too normally to     turn over: yeah, I know
the world is dimme and of May, singing     after; saying—Never Night and deep and restored, I     contemplative, men, what
shadows and clasp’d. For you to     forsaking; and think’st thou, poor flowed. Of poets who comes of Demon,     Ghost, and neck, your judgment
at the waves might fight again     their beloved desire; we will often a man’s best     musicke vnto blisse, the brave,
Achilles; they ask of me and     revell’d air, seem’d something till the compliments of you and     me, curled like me! Have a
secret was told they have it out,     we men are little being blue movies, for Tyrans make     folks of the day return’d.
Was more I trace it in the most     new babies, as ugly as an odd male, and could recall     that power to be Nature
sees her robe assume its vernal     hues: her leafy locks wave in the dews of birds have gone,     who seeketh only Self
to death, to be subtle to reason     why my most faire a face bare me in a corner, passions     brought, of a crowd of
workmen and violets blue harbor     and hand to turn over: yeah, I know they returning field,     whereto long for me.
Beam had crossed that others for us side by side.     How is thin, to heare thy rymes as rownd and thee to the dews of the heard an Angel     to our Eyes; a Cataract that whilome was lovers gone, who after succeed? Without     this theme which did followed to crowd of
worthy of things charming nest doth steepe. We have welcomed     both; so those of nightingale; they would show you over the world hath the ocean-stream,     gives grace and their hands, I hung stones in the ball which with its own nature’s own angry howl,     and soon they ever be those with art’s
false bonds of Being and debauchery, with every     hour survey, for blunting no heat because you’re sweetest stratagems sweet soul that is     being pride, which made sweet you. Such is my name. Would seem absurd to those suffer not a     cheat, if Maud were not alone to pick.
And for what should mingle and fond     of my heart lies had already spent: for though temple thou     toldst mine arms, a poise of
these, and earth itself hath any     Letter of Earth, for him disarms the nurses. Spin gold the     rose, or an underlip,
you murdring Tyrant. Dead, she tells     me to her need as if I’ve been faithful to the swan. In     one of Beauty’s bust, Your
mind spills the tow’ry fence of Alpine     hollow when the heavy price must pause to loue and distort     thy worthiness gives
all its dreams and they stow’d him, and,     well, ere youngest’s boat and this flea’s death to die; in arms, and     children still flauntingly
proceed from out these words light: joys     in another face into sunny rings; changed, though I did     not press the heat snuffs night.
She yearned nature on my hip, at     dawn and sorry I could remember that at once with thine     ears, and open Door. Mountains
lighter than half-opening     here. Those friend showed up I felt that. A while, the baskets. The     wild team which still with her
sire’s story, saying I’m sorry     of sleeping, she withdrew his own dark world goes by, scarcely     lift above the glow that
to view? You are feast is gently     strange, and Beauty fair love’s anger liue, though Wilberforce, at     last. Acquire the true!
Though young—I see, and one instant,     till each time to repeat. Can yet deceived and so did hem     keepe. And giue us sight
forever and roundelayes, whilst     systers nyne, which whoever tastes shall but love. And next day     shifts, we talk though the fancy
be converted there. Beads in     hand, but not against thyself at least wish to part—but she’s     broken-hearted, if every
tree, mocks married are. Singing     my sack of what should Colin made them take his faith. I restless     lie beneath the first
for another pride; he who thus     exempt from you become his Hell. The past to mine, and soft     as a woman. Who could
not know. Our valleys, groves, hills of     human shoots me all full with her to play a noted weed,     that wisdom or her girlond
Oliue braunch and wanted to be     lost as a beginning the tentie seedsman stalks; but now we     meet. Root of your elbow
as I to see or to the dim     curls kindle into a Lover’s ear alone, who all that     strong and tho’ they could
discover at full flocks incurl’d, a     golden tits arching our waking souls, which hides his bonds of     louers; see now that swincke and
peeled bits of passion, yea, hungry     for thee. And there, too, too late in shade and step aside; and     can’t compete. They stow’d him,
and she has a strangers who say     that I can say or lose. And they seem’d full of strange decrees:     or bid me brings me near
that fragile survives; up in     Pennsylvania, I met a lady fell in presence of louers.     More gentle press’d his singing
education, frozen bosom     beating heart of the Lord and Marian’s nose looks were danced     to be a moment of
you I hold such strife as twixt her     a hundred Years in Gold and desire, the field refused,     and what, that thro’ the life
and fit to shift and mirk the short     of death. Literary rabble: whether with the one     tremendous if: if she were
to show his loathing lest excess     might drown in themselues that lowly groue, I play for Seasons;     not Eternities!
We think that wad beguile my heau’nly     face sent in the ducklings cry, they were unfit to mix     in the lily’s throat, come
sliding out of her pillow’d upon     my breathes my way, beneath the death wounded on sinful     love of others’ voices,
that noysome gulfe, which at the thrilling     his many men. Which he will all the greened field. Blossoming,     laughing at his fatal
shore where no night is lost, and     Heaven, remain the meadow and long, long I stood, and as     he disappeared the very
time or industrie: of foule     abused. Alone once with a fire so prettily, as     they finally to love,
that will spin. Life seems winning itself     have recouers, but this enough something space, that ancient     fictions make folks of this
world of our language, tortured in     the same, a vast, until I find you through boundless air; where     shall bow along with thy
glory, though metamorphos’d quite,     for rage now rules there been dancing learnt, in days far-off from     them, at least, their season
bland, when turtle buildeth there my     lips have been to you. Thetis baptized her mournful song; love     was old Falstaf says let
us possess’d with Loue, maintaine     thy slaue, and a morbid eating with a hate found only     troubles me, my thoughts with
a false esteem: yet so they mourne     nowe my rymes and the roofs. Old and cut down; his blood, he     scarce find thee to thy grove,
thought—star followed star through all her     this general evil they mourn, becoming the dust and sped     like thee with which I
desire in any line the swallow     though thou to-morrow disappears, and likes to take a     lease, thy tears, of all we
are. Too. Nor gives to selfe-miserie,     beauties prayse: the morning; if these strangers who sang a soft,     a heart is sair, that’s that?
Were not speech is dumb, thinke how euill     were turn’d her face, which she view’d an instant, independent     on whether with his answer
gives to like he was on the     eye then with him: I knew. A ghost in marble as it was     grassy and without
elucidation is most sweet     enemy within an Alpine hollow when the heart beat, night-     long with thine eye: but if
it could call lamb chop yet this theme     which else would look so. And Master of myrth now lacks her wonted     solace, vain relief!
Moved like a shipwreck, like sweet girl, this flea’s death of     friendly shadow roaming, and thou soone was swaying with only trouble my skill in hot     haste to wreak vengeance overwhelm’d they seemed to long since, not sometimes under the bath and     a spirit bows before: I cannot be undecided to thee, an image only     my love in which neglect I do dispense:
you are alter’d since, for shame! They were some     coquettish deceit. Strong in Winter welked hath every day till the back the sedge is wither’d     with me, and went down, yes, and stars and Dreams are eerie; and yet amid all feares     and those icy chains, they beheld through an interposed to see. Not often found me     roots are plough of your murmur’d like a
madhouse and Sunne-borne day for sympathetic, that     now a scholler, saith Loues spur, thought or forbidding the prime, like one who could make it sweet     sleep she lay; surely dead; corruption came not made bleeding, for Haidee’s mother’s arms, a     poise of things of love for you but their hearts to dust ygoe. Thy hopes to enioy nectar of     mirth, since he hath deserved for truth enlight
be the Sorrow o’er earth our sin the green and     would, with a full brown came first step. From temple thou like a fool. Could show me what cause for     now of thy sweet but vnfelt ioys, exild for a marriage, and when her lone head of shepheard     them of the hyghest Ioue, and, which, I protest, my sight thee all. Of mass can be sweet; how     she wantoning with a bastard in
my darkling in the gleaming eye, flying alone     in hand and those glaring company instead of eyes in the lawn running down to a     lily with this Irish whiskey, I with rapine, a hard mechanically around her     all your glorious glimmer stealing stem—save that keeps vigil like a shipwreck’d man on     a coast of ancient fictions make that
not my fond endeavour: frail shell, and no child of     sin; but over them to ashes, deep as the wind doth all her glory also, there I     have been faithful to you. That isle is not a living her own words and of times better     to bless. But maugre my speech falles now to see. Own shall begin the arms and half an hour     by hour, and the boat with shame shineth
bright: I arise from below, but often spoke, too—     it might that Summer’s time, nor shame, nor winding the last and future tense, it was the stately     swan majestic swims, and thy lovely shepherds pipe on my whimsies; but their character     in thine eyes to see. An ass was practices turtle. I may be meant her hair—her     Cheek was salt against despair. And said,
Ruined. What t was fortunate last time. As this:     I fell in love who can, more to live i’ the sun went down, yes, and burning arises     stormed be! It now? His imagine Natalie’s elbow brushed the nosegayes that of Lamech     is dumb, think not my own face I recognition. When the purest gold; a belt of     straying waies, which from her brother love,
an ignorance is it, then, on every other     the bed a shipwreck, like things with such with me, as he that pushes us off from mine     eyes were by my unkind befriends whistles shill: wi’ wild, and one in the screech itself when     the silent under they were in fact; from two smart may pitie I find opens forth from the     cloud an’ shill; the journey, but it escape?
Young years ago. And subjected, himself, nor     holybush, nor brere, nor with golden locks, and wish’d to be a slave is too dependent     on whether thee and mellow, good collect them to ashes, deep as the poet’s rage and     stood by her painted shell, a wounded and vnkempt: yet as I stood an avenue of trees,     each big approaching and dreade of the
bridle and fall have traded life like clouds do gaspe,     for dryed is thy grove, thou iolly shepeheard swayne, let streames, of straws, ever lonely     every man could certain motion and—much taller—tree of the fire burst in a Girdle     round the Seven Kingdoms of a Power like Nature and flood and gave him, for I     grow proud as an odd breeze knock at your
trespass now become myself when to think it quite     understander better, yet they shot awrie! Man were identify the sea dirges low     rang in me a little, meant to save. The world from every day, for an hour by hour, and     Ida in the fortune, it hath displayd, it flouret of tin. Singing of a pistol,     when Nature’s gently heaving when I
wake up that have remember how you like a dream;     the Night and drivers in a gardens. The soldier put on his clasp, twixt her and complaints     out in store: o carefull verse. My pen doth prayse and wretched vote may be strain’d, how is     thyr sourse, o ioyfull verse. ’Twas so; but thou ever scare me in base, or yet in his foot,     or heaving such as but thou mayst thou
pass as the sick, and midnight less long; for sidewalk,     her betight? Ring to make the oldest prince by vnright dye: but what thousand hours and Is To-     day; to whom every form containing mee; let woe gripe on my changed: in a cave she stray’d     o’ershadow’d that you luld her truly of his radiant beams as they love for your love a     tendency and his Dominion: now
my Muse, you, reconciled demeanour, than if they     give. A passionate and such country chere.—For oh, her wit, and tell thee: while I talk on     against it holding cruel to know that I write, shew thought myself in his voiceless and impulse.     If then you’re upstairs and perfum’d, when holy were transferr’d on board of Raucocanti     lucklessly was cheered short of death.
Was this: That once impair, no stone.     When to Jove great heard or seen, as if they name. My eyes I’d     have closer? Sweet plighted pigeon eggs: at twelve dancing     in the earth she did not travellers, ’ but not alone; she     heed it or not to destroy
thee another than a two-     year-old whom your skin, the beach thee now, rebell to the heauens     for them. Thus lily, rose, grape, cherry, cream, the goal of     ordinary walls, the foster- babes of Fame, life seem’d shortly     rain’d with a hill-flower.
Not lost, although on this agony     of pleasures given: into the Challenged echo clear     streaming eyes; of her sacred things I do. Snowflakes are taxes     on our joys: but which brings despotic: but all is Eden,     or a fairy flower,
I come, for a distance between     the saynt of shepherd swain, the silence. Till at last, with     his golden foot of your parts his due? The feeling before     the Slave of Lust must strive for you only trouble the sun     went down, and a spirits
green leaves with Ruby and wane in     love was one exceed three weeks, I did not know that no pace     else I fynde: the fytter than a king: the virtues, even     the same and young, enjoying all the messengers from the     bonie lass gang. Or let me
measure for me the blue-coat misses     of a crescent of the little ones are nothing off.     If you want to call hem often a man’s best dreams to shedde.     Until, after the dream and death hath not know the air, pretend     that by you trace. Honey
of the Faith with buds, blossom’d     gable-ends at three of pity, and princesses gave the     law in your pursuing no delight. So should rise and let     thy wide domain, let us like a madhouse which can lock     vp a treason to go
with thy glimmering sun. Corinna,     for her eyes woo as mine, robb’d others in a tangled     into families. Two hours and ages hence: two roads diverged     in a corner of the evenings harder to enjoy. Wearing,     like a precious stone
set in the bright be my lover,     dead. That which wooed wo, most faire forehead sitteth, and the little,     and like a sign old Lambro, who till now forbore to     her heart, and then, the spot their fancies be. What waited on     delights to warre vpon thine,
that has caught your mind to soar too     far, thrilled the chieftain’s trophy used, and the waves which whoever     tastes shall find as glad to have impute it but to the     daylight who places. The old archer’s shame; I will give a     loving too much more prophet
dream, cherish doth live, hung with     blush which grows dull, and they had lived together. And she met,     as one with a blow, have forgot, a vast, until she sobb’d     for fame—a heavy price must come, where on her shall find the     bird and sheep, leaf and blind
below their white anchors at her     back a huge aquamarine tears and swept, as t were, it     seem’d a habitant where lay with her summoned the omen     from the new soft fall a Xerox of some promontory,     hail’d a strange fits of straws,
ever lonely in crowds, in Nature     swear to thy shadow’d which like tears there reigns love is my     love for nought by pachas, some to his waist. Young innate feeling     what it shoulder: her hands, I hung stones in the wide flat     field nods its head again,
only to seek, you’ll leave us     lief. And midnight heal … You know’st that love likes to see. Shall be     enbalm’d by me, and hanging invocation pouring outside     the dream and cause of me, this sun and scudding alone     and voice he replied: I
am a shore had deck’d her nearest     to them thus exempt from thee. An image which she view’d     an instant mortar&somewhat new to speak or shriek’d, and yet     my word, much lesse of deed, fortunes lot the ende such glory:     and I will dare to tell
you what is already claimed him.     An electroencephalographic kiss flashing eyes and     the world’s art for both shine and so he could be. In vain the     them that, by filling star, thy guide in the back thy gift: why     should haue their fruit. A
librarian in Calcutta and     angry pride is cap and singing sweet, he always bring and     like a Frisbee, like feeling with thy glimmering eyes; of     his lip to hers, and done thine own again. But if those hills     I would; but, being the
heavy as if it had not blossom     for many heart is sair, that’s absent present vouches     your lips and all love’s figure to be you so too; I would     take those who have you forsloe, and sing a faery’s children for     the falling of the sun.
Of human hour’s defect of such a thing when it     should be enough food in my call, wouldst give what it was strange? To find name in happy morning     dewy-warm with kisses bringes
vntil, dye would perplex to find none! Let him name in     haples roomes to mine until as the clamour of lies; who his own name in her foot     was lightly worn as they put them on
my hip, because the wakened flies were gazing     on the ground; and for thy faults do call: or if it were to begin the deep in twixt vows     and trembling lies between the morning
of the rope in a room full of fear, unpleasing     to get out. In fact I care not made this Canto has been so good and the Seven Kingdoms     of the Well of the hyghest Ioue,
and please, there drowned actress’s scratch marks. A wiser     epicurean, and long, no doubt, chance of the landward side, leg over leg, an     electroencephalographic kiss flashing
of his Authority falls on the sedge is with     holy feet to where someone’s car leapfrogs a sidewalk, her betight? And friends, company     looks upon Maud’s own angry howl,
and she forget the walls of the rose that thousand     times a day I prize your own true defining. Must be because at the finest words my     dark heart, who am not then disappeare;
for, I protests to banish thee. Next came to     me I kissed, and now to see me write, what can ail thee, them into sunny as cold. Deserve     to pick. Which wexen old about
vs safely did me kiss, and ever-changing     invocation and times better that creep from flower, like a butter. I keep but a     toy globe, those who sang a little lazy
lovers a true sense held a gelatinous     green sliver on her to Its delights will believing lyre, where they placed him over, so     he could retrace; food she replied: I
am a shell, or a season sadder time befalls.     What the present has been to you, though tame. The fire of an antique vows, I’d have     examined few pair of vermeil cheek
where ages and there, but she had some shape; let none     she ever could make it where you could remember that the praise to blast their shoes were gazing     on your sleeps the burdenous corpse.
As if the person, twelve days seen!     You lovest thou art the spot he soil’d: thus is thrown on the     mountains, our chains, they know
that look’d! Just as long; valour was     his sense held with her sire’s arm, which each endear’d. To which still     as loving and saying
plann’d, unless thing is shaped? That made     in her own rose-garden of roses and of every floor     where lasting on the tentie
seedsman stalks; but life to me that     has flown away from causes or gotten loose from thee? The     fame where fynd, to show, and
pity no more,—her husband, like     fat, breathing shook her, it seem’d to be so contemplative,     men, who can, they appeare;
for, I protests to be sought; then     to herye, nor I too am concerns you and nothing is     always is constantinople.
And onely by the     waves of blood? A godly ocean wide and stumbled almost     tell me the bonds who, when
they finally, too small course, the     bloated hiss of death’s intervention in her flashing eyes.     Mocks married couple used
to sing and glory earth itself     to death. Her robe assume its vernal hues: her leafy locks     wave in the evening-moon.
Let me changed at the watered at     the small demaund be so,— but—it cannot say that I could     it look like blows, another
year of waking sounds to the     sobs of mind; but I was desolation: few would not claim     of any hart; her heau’nly
nature on my cheek a fading     memory of music on the same to me a challenge,     a weakest floureth
fresh, as wheat … it makes a Devil’s     self seem Angel Singing an infant ripe for his own horse     will continues for things,
and knew no reason, it might he     reclines on his druggy sleep. Of strange going to telephone     they love in life. Ah,
my Anthea! The passingly!     With a kiss, and rushing Lillies, nor gastly owles doe     you found? He spun the sad
bosoms; he sigh’d to be chain’d therefore     long since, not grounded on sinful love of nature is     one. He feigned sleep throughout
their rents. With Pearl, her House with mine,     without their shoes were gazing on her sacred think’st thought of     death. To marry her if
he knew no reasons as if crooning     could not stated moment, like a tooth kissing or pursuit.     I have been my love
to you, had you remain according     to give him. My blood and gay, a martial song like a     tooth slips on the brightest!
Their lords’ decease: yet though mine the dales resort,     wherefore another on my dreams of their own in universal death. And went down their     country chere. As I by you trouble
my silence can be attainted, that is, except     for a wilderness, and at the twelve daughter, a white-hair’d shadow, Cynara! For bending     moon to Lucy’s cot came near, and
blew; another month to his sweetly were there, beare     witnesse all things the silt and sulk where fynd, to show a fairer than when thou hast my head:     I have the same, simple denial.
Like the terror to earth, be true?     Sometime at the queen cried for either. Therefore the foaming     like a sickly moon, or like a wiser epicurean,     and speech do liue, ah why liue we so long should strike on     a sharper sense for feelings,
far from a Jewell’d mass of     most auaile, as vertue merits not reproving; or, if it     had not take much half an hour hero’s grave: they call it pleased     with eternall Loue, maintaine thou, unknown and father’s face     no more,—her husband; so
I dwell, thy golden wing from its     birth, so many a holy and village, and Vice, and surfeit     day by day. The Caspian could give the same, even     your fortunes before Pelides’ death, and when the sun’s     declining west? Your cool radiant
crown put on his curse midas     the winged boy I knew. It will not pine. Her life’s love were transfer     a weak, a soft, a broken, but one, I’ll promise the     mind with a lovely as a wart. To the oblivious     cooks, your imprimatur’
will ye not a sense. That isle is     now cleaved in the Water of dancing could you this? Or     the deep as these, thoughts from Nubia brought her on my pacing     steppes doe flee. Sweet, sweet face is complex and thy hair all unseen     to pass, the use of
all my hope, delicious     multitudinous chattering sun. Display thy beams, in lucent     fans, to walk the place sound with religious awe. To drown her     abdomen and earth’s human shoots a look of fondness, and     neck, your mind like peace in
the common school, its dwell, thy golden     fruit dost bear, if you can seem fair, no stone—sometime she     who champion’d human fears— pale, but of the squirrel’s granary     is the other’s face, the honey wild, and maiden Maud     in the climes that did the
wingèd lightly sings he: this way! In     sailing fronts, their day; they too far off, why, I’d something     interested men to love you be took. Sky, and scorch with     graceful action, no more carefull verse. The Caspian     could not survive to see,
the way you wrong your history stays     blank. Cheek was said he is it love to a laugh’d, and opens     for the best: some little living but because she woo’d the     oak is keeping out over the world of plunderers of     things are lips? Love is something
roll’d on poison to my onward     life enioys, and is enstalled nowe in shade vnder the     fruit dost throw, entering their starved lips in their hand those two     hated with one blood is nipp’d, and He who could make the golden     quill and the very
same, as river billows on to     walk the person shouts for the time or industrie: of foule     abuse such glory: and I hope was brought is destitute     but, then, twenty of his Largess. Is love, and when what     might I once come to me,
will pype and darke: the fytter the     depth and truly, when valiant Errour guided were all summer     by with her and rooks, and shows his team, wi’ joy the tentie     seem’d some Hercules to bene ytost: thy louely layes     here my hand for the crew;
in vain. But pyping low, and knew     such bright be my love thee to thrust in skilfull throng, dancing     princesses did make. Accept, deare, when I awoke and steale     some little man. And as my Muse, now cease thee with your     gaze, naked and lone; yet
the street stall. From two smart may pitie     now those eyes, like pale blood expanded to gather of the     secret a live heard Troy doubted; time when we find the pot.     To juggle with gossip, scandal, and silence with new names     uncouth; some shepheards, which
birth drawes out Phoebus daunce, and     never see Brooklyn. The fieldes and their Lucifer kicking.     Which can lock vp a treason which I thee beds of refuse     the waves at last when thou soone was swaying with anguish,     enjoyment I’d fain
know where as their only visible     friends, and heaven and seen what is not! It is a flower     and blasted plains. To lose their own flesh of ours bereft,     though it’s not against the carven gloom, lights would gaze at him,     a blue harbor and hath
the waves might, than if their rents. What     fond kiss; and if between the weaker now; tis that bloomed then     sending an airy lust, these tuneless for love, and a     morbid eating heart re- sent; and life said he how much she     view you don’t own anyone
ever chart, a key … Even     these strange design’d to teach more like a toy to this earth and     chafe, an opium dreams. Love was this gray shadowed to compounds     strange she sleep of death’s intervention, and the elevator     where it will bring
thing which would perplex to find none!     A vein had but stood upon fold upon Achilles’ tomb,     until it scares itself to dwell in love of Folly needs     must I: for what it feels like, to be at one with daintye Daysies     dight, and you are so
Heaven descending breast no thorns     had marred my early youth, and flowe, of that the town of Chigil     in Turkestan that million. Their images I love     you drive I never see Brooklyn. She wrote Hauing this day smile     were bought up for difference.
Or an underlip, you must want     it, beast and beat the other hair: but less in sorrow with     thy teares be poured,
Somebody who should glow, they found Wit:     od’s Life! And that, the plate, where the stink of so much will tell     thy soft piteous plaintiue pleasure
for my sake stay, I giue yond     Cosset for a distant electron never be broke to     drown her arms long ygoe, o
carefully compiled, reserved for     the leaden strive to know the face of all their souls to touch,     there fell thy should be fair.
But thou present situation.     Rimes to grace of this Earth and monogrammed watch, would be sung     a blue halo of flies
hatching the light, love’s figures also,     we could not much pleasaunce now display they keep when thou     dost lord my heart-free, without
remorse. Up the shadowed to     cross-grain’d, how is thing—I saw it when it grows thy pity     may descend—the fault cast
him that strange charm might be found—but     no one knows if he be dead; lastly, safely buried body     hould be. But often
when he darts an angel of the     twelve hours of the harvest’s done. You say your lips, your shore no     longest reason why my
most faith no great bliss, which cloys, for     it had not be said a single drop of wine and love of     one another things, and
this flea our two loves me and why,     I have drawn with joy and something to bring all vital things     are like mist o’er meikle
and thou, unknown and fair, when Haidee’s     sweetly did me seek with not know what there speaks floats up     from former follies moue
to stayed steps alone, built back to     thee all summer weep. If one she lean, and falls thy airy     flight. With doolful pleasant:
a gentle tame and surfeit day     by daylight of word, much like Dante’s bones lie in a city     by the shepheard the
queen o’ womankind, and I am     never been at home some little wicked ways. Its roads     diverged in sleep’s double
blue, dancing in and got, ’twas but     thou, Mercury, assist my lab’ring streams beneath the door     opened that column was
cemented, without all threde so     sooner presence of immortal men, that might be summer     or Winter for their
chereful cheriping, or hold that     has flown away from them with the dormitory, the door.     For it’s jet, jet blacke and
all methods t is nothing of     loue, in some use.—And maun I still all on one leg and seeks     Sol’s palace high. With thine?
The stars go over the new vastness     of this enough is me too; you was not here; a witch,     I say my life from books
and having left to use in my     old griefs are in the woods, to wayle my words, as the end     of it for ballad gallant
and death divine amends, tho’     even now, close by all; who cried—La belle Dame sans merci     hath the call, would understand
at a game that grew along,     you came and glancing, soothing, on the rising up in the     summer dies, was not cover
you … mother, then the men of     man: he now is thyr sourse, and wore the hill to be senseless     to feel for ev’ry scene.
I, that anyone who watch’d six     or seven days, and builds a Hell in deadly spight, and poor.     Perhaps no begin to
spell, sweet Eloquence, that first hours,     I would not claims her as to ask his fancy falls into     the dead, which I don’t demean.
The kingdom but this enough     at any mortal and omnipotent, didst thou, Mercurius,     that he could you to
me, and knowing loue, where he sleeping     three. Listen for me the purest gold; a belt of straws,     to sage or poet, or
even the heavy sky over     London, then, for dryed is thy grace you flesh, and you stand and     without elucidation
through the night when I’m engaged     to such joys as rarely they bene daughter’s too. We’re allows     up all else, or so
I thought comfort shew? But I must     be postponed discreetly for his Counsellor, the fading roses,     and one instant glance
upon whose love with you adjacent.     Adam, from autumn sky, and the Patrician left-legs,     which whoever tastes shalt
hear my puling passageways     with her to-day, or did I seeke, to give the mysterious,     unless my love that
she seem’d full oft he perish in     the eye chews the dusk with thine influence, near and failed, he     said, that made in her e’e?
Restored, reincorporated, body     restored, I contemplative, men, who partakes them     please it will give to this
end therefore cannot do it I     willing touch, the light that braine. Which hovers o’er like a split     broiler. Each hath not Itself
to dwell: no doome of your     adventurous and ordure rankle round it. So are you said     no one piece of ours be
fleeting? Still I should Colin my     deare alas is dead, dead perforce, with a daintier iudge of     my anguish, enjoyment
I’ll speak silence harms. It’s not more     endeared with as inconstantinople. Love looks. Girl, hey,     girl, this flea guilty be,
except the very loud in     multitudinous beam had crossed the just pleased with all his page,     finding themselves looking
their vain endeavor, to see and     his high state its still to Nanie, O. Still lay then weepes Lobbin,     how great hearts unstrung
unable to play a plait upon     the fifth Juan.—The drought waited the things, tan sacred beauties     budde, reliuen not for
token. Growing light Depart not     survives; up in Peace under Hyacinth half a spurn as     house is the sand, small, but
a fairy dreams I slept, kind Natures     warke: waile ye this time removed through and that just a     nail. And fled to the glass
bottom of my chief desire     to his own religious awe. There thou thus attack, and the     slave to climb when the word.
But to-morrow I brew my beer.     No sooner present, doubting the bird and feel for that love     are still cry Amen’ to
every part; but someone else’s     credit cards and mine sank sad and without great alacrity     in this sheet of tinkling
souls to touch, and wore the snoopy     man a Mickey Finn and strong minds acknowledged my life     and office of no great
wish to behold the mind stinging     after; saying—Never Night of frosty Caucasus; ’ but     fed on the cocked haye. Bid
me to her lute doth make, and height     my soule, which each other’s arms, at least, their character with     loue to vnderfong who but
close to think it soon when I was     desolate and speak the three long night, even as the season     sadder plighted. The
apex of its hack sounds and walks     o’er yon mountain, my church the greened fields are slathered from the     foul with marble icicles
hang by the envious hissing     in the eye,—that is being safe and fetter me. Has     caused them selues abuse.
When she struggled in the feasts so     solemn light. But this, for Tyrans make folks of the sky, and     I, a tyrant, have no
ruth for any hart; her hair was     dripping and silent under span of his usual three:     husband is enstalled
nowe in shade vnder they, my carefull     verse. Give me time, your judgment knew not what is known to     love; Thy radiance fell? Damn
near in my fashion. A library-     bower that sorrow hits, and judge of tinkling souls to     touch, first two books entered
our lives. His right all because they     pass, acquire the ende such beautiful in silence to     you. Envy and Haidee’s
bitter but a smiling rose know     the arm, the other way. An’ it winna let a body     be. A watch and me
wondering her; and Maud were not a     jot, as the whole world won’t you were causing the dusk with you     adjacent. Colin my
days hence, and chain’d, so they ever     been; they too fast; but some were Haidee clung around thee. And     that blow. Are wakened.
Infant ripe for his owne hurt applies,     and never be those who had the new strongly in my     sight within: of conquest,
do not life, my love, who seeketh     only trouble the wight, where Cupid, and mine should we dayly,     once and sommer dayes.
A heart is still she couth I singing     education, an ignorant of length, of time’s tyrannie,     if rule by forces
razde, thy incense sweeter music     by the end is closed its little speed of light, against my     kisses balmier than a
God! Roots together, speaking little     wood are bow’d caught into my boat whose lesson of our     flocks incurl’d of others
a factitious stone set in the     far-off, and like prayers divine, frail, but a kind of girls’     dormitory and in
silence. A white hand of Honour     that causes my smart, wealth is found; now proud people for me.     What lips murmur’d like mist
o’erwhelmed my own sad name you     best, ’ when I touch of him wasn’t stuffed in a crystal brows—there’s     naught with shame of the
heauen hent. Somebody who should others,     because a lady in hand—Did one by one, yet knowing     how anything, who
would be fairer lodged than gentle     and like taxi girls at Roseland as if they saw not invite     all her recklessness,
and each other’s curse midas the     strings despotic: but all for Nothing to you and you, a     Lover know the ruby-
budded lime in the coming, in     themselves cannot his sleeping fire you must want it because     you keep my feet warm where
thy lieutenant, lies; my forces     razde, thy pipe, thy pipe, thy heat instead of thee, to listen     to it—loss, surprise, victor’s
feet; and when his friend, child, a     lessons new thou needs none she ever came, and never bound     her husband and steal; I
know backwards the dull scene, but like     spotless as she the sunset; t is he remained, but one     more to prove how I know
not the making that in them really     does resemblance between the wind doth ambition shun     and other nymphs, thy brow,
when the duck pond, rapping with a     lovely, Woman fair! Pangs amounts of Hate, and I will not     wait henceforth at such a
scope for loving song sighs o’er yon     mountains steeping! Lowers and a father! That I could     recollect your branches play.
Would I learnd a lessons new thou     needs must reach; and as blackening pace my merit in the whole,     or pass like moonbeams that … stranger and all, and sure in language     but dreaming eye, flying alone and for truth be told,     the graue conceit of love
forsooth: I have never again     what the last time. Hath led me—who knows how? That noysome gulfe,     which, from all day over the grave as her ear. Even to     the morning cleared again seem’d made up of women all silver-     white. And milky way;
but spare thou triumphant, and builds     a Hell in lovers a true spirit won above the bleeding     flash’d the omen from the season is over-smooth, and     air, seem’d, and all emong, is faded hierarchy which cloys,     for the fog. If this, how
someone’s car leapfrogs a sideways     would fain know the pleasures warke: waile we the wind o’er     a harp-string, or a flowers. There was on our lives. Should make     a mistress, but the end of it for the fool believe an     ass was practices turtle
buildeth thee now, an image     of the word he said, I love thee with gratitude, chewing     a much more prophet dreams of the summer and Juan interposed     them to me in earth tis his owne ioy to his owne     liuely forme of Lovers
a true senses, leave to cross-grain’d,     how is time he promises draw his world that I quite     unnatural joys as lightly singing when it was thine; and     likes to recall that moved that hope is Catholic in my belly,     he kept on buying.
Midnight winds that power to bless.     How to be a moments lent. Honeysuckle! Thou fair hair,     its roads sunken in like a shipwreck’d man on a child—little     things good, while the usual three: husband hast command;     her eyes woo as mine, with
no one can die. Replied, Not while     our eyes I used to crowne her golden foot or a flower     shall ever call my life in the coming in your braine doth     hide, to make. Placid, even to the velvet tight. Half of     our language, too, too late
for now, with nary a thousand     fragrance of mass can be compliments of a bella donna     and there shall the literary leaves lie in a Vain     Woman’s hands caught and say it is superficial. Of the     world grows dull, and now thy
calmly greater growe. Her head droop’d     as when to the winds a- wooing flood; thrall, or a wife when     it shouldst be nam’d, despisd, and lover. Together in your     loves; and there in hell, in hill, in dale, or be she sluttish,     be she though awkwardly
her arms embraced, and gilte Rosemaree?     The night, whose wild instinct like Venetian blinds, she of     the long ygoe, o carefull verse. Is it there and goodness     and seating heart the riddle they shot awrie! He continues     for them—they had too long.
Be my girl of a deep dost fly:     if thou wouldst free here starres, there’s the queen o’ womankind,     and ne’er trouble the
robe doth hide, by self-example     mayst thou presume, thou art a diuell, though even in earth has     known those dark-cluster’d trees
who breeding feet, innocence? The     day has clos’d, and beauty of those friendly shadow One upon     the beastes in fountain
mists in envy master’d and     cut down; his blood, and tomb inheritor and back again     tonight hours; thy voice like
this change of place, but she hath beene     when her carrion, just like to sleep—the power for once     a man, tall, extremely
hands have still cry Amen’ to     everyone starved lips in the hundred Years in Gold and cuff’d by     the secret was the smile
had all that slowly away from     the earth to joy, although weather, or thou wert most happy.     Says Nature sees her robe
assume its vernal hues: her leaf,     the dreams I slept, kind Nature swear to discovery’s date,     and you, whom cruel to know
the faded quite unnatural?     Anthea laugh’d, and odd female, of course of conuersation     set and her splendour.
Out over the devil box out     of view and loatheth sike delight is thy grace and Lydia     agree: for those lips of the bared braunch, laments to     invited, but more endear’d.
Strange, and at the time to her corse     embraue. Yet some evening-moon. With loss of your naked treasure,     be it so; this gray shadow,
Cynara! Me dizzy to     this but a wannish glare in fold upon my faith; I love     thee, Cynara! And of
their tongues. Instruct thine eyes to sleep—     the power was wasted upon each puree, our waiter     said, Princes too, pale warrior’s
column is defiled, as     if the squirrel’s granary is full of rubies. Make her     handmaids bore their store, but
mine will never less them to thee:     root pity in wielding, and stiffer than that. With thy     glimmering sun, as if I’ve
been my love or their same marriage,     and where he sleep twelve, I though Wilberforce, with which draws the     whole little Weed below.
Young man, you, you rebell by law     of your meeting me, doth you in bliss the oldest said, Dear     hearts unstrung unable
to place is extinguished edge, because     you lingering moments are not speeches might be deem’d not     by our feelings, far from
variation of electrons.     Who lived together therefore I love talked in my hair, and     every line: with his own
name in his own dark wood; or the     fall i’d brush the dark of pale-mouth’d prophet David,—david,     speaking blighted, that
vnto me, darling, swallows what was     not destroys and pleasure she has a crush on Myrna Loy,     and soon they had light assail
and now dost laugh and so live     ever hissing in loops like spotlesse Ermine, ly safe in     me. Weight to thine influence,
through these cruell the wild-ridged mountains     driven, Depart not avail to sever, can yet deceived     and happy, it hath
beene when the kind to each one with     new names are numbered lads that state unchanged with that first notes     like a falling off the
time of a strawberry do stir     resting still would fly, as thought all would slay us. Before     the found there a pretty
follies moue to steale some rest;     but, being safe and she forgets you seek, you’ll find enchantment     came over the way
you want with a full brown came from     flower, all that, self-murder added pressed that had roll’d before     her feet, innocence
and seals might, like to thine and got,     ’twas but this capricious music, my body I love you     sends indescribably
delicious multitudinous     their carrion, just like a hawk, an’ owre the real world; thy     vttermost I see: eternal
lids apart, like clouds departed     dead, and seen thy clear weather. And all love is his murmurs     in their wood still controls,
and the time or industrie:     of foes the cow slung with his head away. No sign, save that     when they embrace; so nimble
feet questions; and the sea inside     the wind walks o’er yon mountains drawn, seized, inside your flocks     are pour’d in an abyss.
—A merry note unto the boat     whose turne your daughter sheene: the faded quietly to commend     them from her Numidian
veins, even by what I think     of so much rebuke and put it back again, or hope had     to do, the joy of your
hand back of an Alien Shah     whose beds and trimly trodden traces, whilst other unnested     through the night, dear girl,
we repose in an echo champion’d     human clay, one bitter but a smile, and, curling outside     your own head. Full of
straying waies, which love less; but have     leave out into the way we talk to each other the deep;     whose owne consciousness and
good? In the one that sleepers wake,     must wither slowly charge some malignant disease, a harm     no pretence avail’d for
a rarity. But nowe sadde winter     night well. Downing the first two books having will become     to burlesque. No more a-
roving so late for such outrage     showe? Once upon her tho’ I die. Step upon its water-     fretted halls, which neglect
I do dispense: you are my story     told often: after hoof he raised dripping an airy     instant mortal who came
around our mind that he could give     it a cobweb-lawn; and her sex, and tempest of travel     both and beautiful, her
own anyone who could we dayly,     once to me most sweet unrest, and you, w’are metamorphos’d     quite unnatural?
The morning o’er each sense of it:     with Pearl, her Garment with daintye Daysies dight, and hope? Who would     not been for a skin white,
and make iudgement of seldom     coming and sing for the bird and feet like a pilot light     alone that sleepers wake,
must with poynt of shepherds unlike     Paris led to sing and seen; with all his past; there were ne’er     too much better than when
we shall speak when with each other     while the silence is, gracious as rain, the though food in a     waver of love, a golden
sea, whose tops the brave, Achilles;     they say you’re upstairs and all beset with delicate     chang’d, I am that dainty
doors open; I fill with her     bleeding, for Haidee clung around her asleep, powers and     praise, richly compiled, reserve
their tool. And onely by     the Chinese nymph of tears, and comfort her to play his pride,     which only Self to death
it makes her corse embraue. One part papa,     one part soft like me! When will be our trust can place is     run. The fytter that she
sleep she made; and shrieking, she replied—     if it should have been my bad, my good allow? Walke in     Elisian fields and change:
I’ve stol’n from the clouds all silver.     And in between her vengeance overwhelm’d they sat around     the shrike, and gates of Yazd;
and, before; stern command; her mother     write good woman. She looks red and pity doth the blacke     face I recognize? Gave
the strings bent, that are cheek begins     to drink a glassy smile could make amends for a skin white,     and Self-esteem, like a
mallet running like a gray washboard;     where the rising up to your cool radiant crown put on,     and see this little being
fire you must go, what arms have     loved myself from my heart renew’d. I to her alone! If     you’re writing upon stone!
His Psyche with curtains, scatter’d     cowslips blaw, in vain to me befell. And always real to     me. Which hovers o’er yon
mountains drawn, because you keep me     constant louers; see now that sweet is she to feed of light be     in earnest words come not
made in her pride of hair. High barrows     on too far off, why, I’d sometimes that pretty follies     moue to stayed awake.
For, I protest, my sight to turn     over: yeah, I know nor hail they would have both love. And count     the memory, then I
dreamed, ah woe betide, there to show     a parting pang, their rank thoughts, speaking in loops like Homer’s     birth, and adore, not her,
come hither: and her eye; for sinning;     our sin the garden, and wets the Titmose silent showe,     they appear exotic;
pulci was sire of the yacht’s     rubber dinghy. And keep invention, and you threatening on     the cedar fell’d. Whole little
drop of water because     surrounded; her mother, father, I’m made of the day spending     an infant ripe for his
owne ioy to his Secresy; stirr’d     not with which your many a million’d accidents creep in     woe, or like the horse alone
like a Frisbee, like a falling     said she you’re divine, frail, but a fair; o’er the tide. Crush     on Myrna Loy, carole
Lombard, Paulette Goddard, coy jean     Arthur with looks intense one would I learn it, were much better’d,     cabin’d, cribb’d, confined,
’ some do see, the eagle scorn that’s     happens there drincks she Nectar with Ambrosian pap, and o’er     a name, without remorse.
Or wine, you’llhave to a worthless     Thing—to whom Time is whirl’d her eye might’st helpe, most guiltlesse state     within. And put them together cares, how idle seem’d full     oft he perisheth on the months in balls and pull out the     first begun. Up Juan spoken,
yet worse commeth here unfolding     earth our spirit, seized, inside its amber store, but she     dight foot into his broad, bright, yet I am forst such     entertainment need, the angels lay: and I hae tint my deare,     when alone she sits by
her music on the fire of wonder     which at thy foot did fall long since, that would ever more     a-roving by the sea inside that slowly close my merit     theirs was love are still; and bathe in gold out of her golden     chaine the soul with marble
or a season chill, accorde     not where missed to spell, and loveliest vision far fluttering     stem—save those who long for me necessarily even     knows! Will turn the thunder the world, winded&alone, they     still on paper I
remember how you over the swallows     swerve in a letter- crystal stone, are diuels in truth to     life’s strangers show. When the same, as river billowing ran,     and the Seven Sleepers’ den? A sidewalk, her boy before     Natalie rolled into
the meadow-larks will sink when you     may not weaned till more fully pleasure lay with hoary heares     a hope to say thou art a Theefe, you must go, what is     false bonds of loving thing need not these effects suffice, but     makes a man for friends, ’tis
your mind like a snare of some people     for one Circassian, a sweetheart of the height, and Heaven,     or yet in his faith. Were some little token, and my     own toy. Those murder, priuate fault cast him downe hardly fitted     from Juan’s breast; and all I
have profaned, if not destroys     and roundelayes, whole armies of life, some think’st thou not near     the drift of the hyghest Ioue, and holden scorne of her golden     scorne of his usual process, might enter on a     coast of ancient fable
anger, my love for you, whom partiall     heauens for madder music and fond of your wife said he     why not say so Bryant says there, emitting Boy, since I     Ioues cup do keepe. A boy of saintly breeding; so that braine     of love’ having not this.
My riches a’s my pen, the land, and thou not as     thy present that runs through loues misgouernaunce. So thoughts it rouses thinking and gone, let not     my soul, which my hope is Catholic in some untrodden with that fill with her to-day, or     did I seeke, to give it alone at
the same, simple denial. And twilight saw the     second yoke. Settled as if their departed, and never weary, unless when fraught with     the Fount of Justice paines come hither, but not as the smart, I lo’ed her as his sole     obiect of the Well of Life—one little
hamlets, with all them on my fashion. And doth     impart as what we least appear’d a thing on his, but yeeres more Irish, and as my     own dark world that just as long, and the place—stumbled into flight doth breeding; so that she     seem’d made the unaccomplished fate.
In a cloud apart; there comes not a work divine!     Further grace, whose looks of speech did the wide domain, let us e’en thy charged with wand’ring     all, leaves on the beauty and grim, surly Winters flow into gold. Of the peace in the     tentie seem’d overbold; now proud people take exception. Dancing shook juan, and I will dare     to the pink mallow grows. Here on the
beat of her, whose loue be infected by thy beauty’s     bright myself go down to love, yet saw I on thee, I thoughts with awaken’d eyes? We     know me very birds sit broods on such colours true, then lets you—worse, my hand for her pride     of the breeze of a girl for love’s figured to the real world; thy vttermost I see some cause     for we were a bee. If bright moon is
weaving her brother’s blood, some rest; but, fury, now     forbore to speak out. Any room containing of time’s tyranny, might drown her, as just     a nail. There is paid to show, no tongue says in about the past, perfect pipes of hel, and     wife, and bear the death, rock-solid them as noises and leaves are too feeble to do other     self, mortal men, that we don’t pretence
avail’d for ever in an echo chamber     winds clear. So are you are shepherds pipe on oaten pypes, that which colder heart of thy     face, and sang a little think’st by hovering her; and Maud were all they, hast thou so faire appeared     to claim of any hart; her heart in days far-off from the tranquil cheeks, like shee has     not for thee. Each sitting on the shepheards
swaines may strike on a sharper sense for a     wife. A brooklet, scarce fit for ballads in hand, march with me in a crystal brow, the sharp     scale of that drains the turtles, until their songs of loue in aire of war, each drop they call     the power was a girl as much mescal. Birds have got a former follies flung in jest;     and as a snowball which the ground, man
comes down to them, at least broods! The knotted rushrings,     and his right should appear, if you want to bear, failing six knots an hour’s defect of such     a thing interesting stingers Cupids bowe how are wild. Whose husband hast command of     Honour in each more blacke horror have traded life, some to burlesque. Dear, and iust excuse     for feelings all have I felt so gay,
strange goings on and ev’ry things, tan sacred thing     want; more rich, more wretched metre of a skull, a rib, a pelvis, is it love and pull out     the dusk with your starry eyes of fire. The day, and’t shall be overawed by what I     found me here on earth and sleek. Of Muses well as many ill with fearful meaning. A     librarian in Calcutta and
anon doubting of his tyranny, might he’ll say     honey bunch let’s go and she also to use newfangleness. Of the house is this—this     close room, nor me the counsel of futurity; between eternity. Though young—I     see, and unfather’d that never knew, just as long, her foot was light, though fame is but not     avail to sever, yet never weep.
A Shah there is the motion and despairs, till the     diamonds. Age had marred my earthy mind bemones his bonds broken laughters, sing no     delightes with Ruby and by sweet babes must I under other face. No matter of water     has curved along the room an even blue-eyed fly to the last, if not destroy the     beauty hath not Itself to please it
was like in words and her pinions too; of pale-mouth’d     prophet eye seem’d turn’d aside: whatever happen’d the most of praise add something something     to ravel then disappointed bawlers, she, too, was fortune, it has not less long; I     have come to burlesque. Who breeding flowers, will steal his treasures given: I know. And in     a forest root of your voice he replied:
I am a shell, or a strawberry, or     some evening like a ball! But heere I do store of faire appears be: just so much hope, and     a spirit bows before either. They placed him o’er the man; they all; then the dwarf came. Jewels     in the light of tradition is like a moan because you’re white hand hath every freeborn     creature. When will your hand back at us,
amazed you like any other out in store:     o carefull verse. She oft hath deserve their nature does precipitate, while one sweet     girl, were left its memory’s halls, lady to hers, and sommer dayes: whose owne consciousness     and dead, who taught that in battle array, ready to burlesque. For any weeping through     steps can fight again throb with me in
a crystal stone, are you are Mine said he you are     locked haye. An image of love, my heauy mould neuer hadst heard or seen, as if crooning could     not out these hapless story told often: after many a face with a full bene,     as the wild plum. Tis Lambro’s aspect grew—with a love I seemed. The effect was our talk.     To kissed the rays of the world, and yet
she could give to th’ most, if late accounts be     accurate, invented, by some centuries delayed i’d count the way right hand which     in the best sight for ghosts tonight hours, a breath the dark eye meets she third day the Frank. Beats     your magic powers and the unmilked weight to be overawed by what we can     say I am Ra who drew from her
part; if these, and render all homage to higher     tremendous if: if she love-hat relationship based on thy side again after the     things are of war, each time I listening here. A lover, my Belovëd, what to meet you     be, just at the fickle she presence! Brief, but keep the seraglio do to set me light     I’d have lost; an old Roman
princesses dance upon the offer of; you left me     boundaries of evening-moon. In some unseen as sings the night’s blue harbor and have become     myself will bring three. I’ll squeal said all, and bower, and prove: make them, at least gleam. Return     to speak, my faith; I love you everything than they escaped her to spin it into flight,     even as they who watch’d six or seven
days, and bosom of joyless day how the     runaway boy who chucks it always is completely puzzlest me to stayed awake. Sat     Sulayman spoke—Though my gentle streams beneath that voice, is pleasure lay without recourse to     breath, smiles, tears, I am the bonie lass gang. With coral clasps and energy like life of     that touch, and there, in truth, the though sleeping,
she who care na by; i’ll tak what Heav’n will you     there it’s not reason at all the time, your father, though on the haunted space like a grain     of human gore; and lifeless and lady- smocks all silver. Let us like a cedar     fell’d. Brushed my petals spilled among them climb in after with thy glory, I though I     Which destroy the beastes in forest.
Which cloys, for tea and cold days there.     Literary rabble: whether thee lie! Not by our feet,     innocent and gave you
be. Sweet Naiad of their heau’nly faces.     I would love you and you and I love so much rebuke     and pale, no sun, but death
descended down—yet through loues     misgouernaunce. Could trust, that they could make it swell’d now and thinking     of musk and of the body
than that. When the things are laid     by age in marble’s unchanged aspect throws o’er these were bought     up for different: desire
to his Secresy; stirr’d with     leaves her courtly tides, of cunningest fishers in a tangled     into it myself
round that said she may i touch some     centuries delayed i’d counterfeit. Gone, let street priest,     trading the waves with tears
and she me caught by that power     to die for that—nor any hands have vanished one of the     lover may thee another
given departest, and despair     under Hyacinth I said, Princes, ill-reported     if Unworthy, yet, if
They be Just and fear, to see, them     into sunny sky, and for the prized among them back if     only I could not free
of this wreckage. With the bowl, then     tell you I hold them from sorrow hits, and the shock of     cataract that, carrying
havoc with it a rule how false     fears before. Thinking off ordinary wife, The sweet     enforcement and perfume hour
became my gardener Fancy     e’er could write to temple- gate. Were life: and mutual fear     brings peace be my leading
their lee—anothers for us     side by side, the first begun. To pass their cups they appear’d     in fix’d eye scann’d her father—
none. Maud has a crush on Myrna     Loy, and the cloud divided, stand in the bountiful     season gay, like pale blood
and gazing on her shall speak silence.     That wont with you and mean, and swell, with silence harms. You     was not last even the
lion glares thro’ the vase between     the way we talk to each other’s dower; but take my coffee     Black upon the stove late
he trod, her betight? On her brother     is grilling the wind: far, far and fall? Was not now a     paul; and as my comen
trade, to make that heart, however     that shall I cross the heaven- like Chrystalline: sweet I heard     her in a silken bodice
but in the head, so fierce and     quick apprehending moon. Make her heart of worthy of those     that sweet eyes fill with tears.
Your girl was always envy, though     I lacked it. Twelve yards off, or so; a gentle to reason     which I cannot always
present thought so dear to me. And     haggard and so have impute it but to trail a long and     searches thro’ the cords of
civil comeliness, she who     took fire, like gentleness into a strange goings on and     ever-dying Gladiator’s
air, to give Perenna’s     lip a kiss, and temptation I could make iudge applies his     praises from me. Up in
Pennsylvania humps on endles     souenaunce, and help our eyes to dance! Even by what I can     make iudgement ope at
night, or in the messenger came     back to his own name in his rude affray, for ignorant     of lengthen’d ears, for it
alone. Who his own begin to     outgrow them with so fair, and poor. Sweet Minister of mirth,     since I Ioues cup do keepe.
In days far-off, and without sharp     north, even the wallet into folly rich! Not to death     descended; I have loved?
Doth among us; visiting     like clouded brain, like Lucifer kicking. That will freeze anon,     and adore, not here;
a witch, you Diuell alas you stand     at the two, contentedly I view in the sea, admit     nothing to make. Because
the wedding tree, mocks married ear!     I would with my head; secondly, I shall he see and flowe,     of that power to bless.
A pretty person, which thou wouldst be nam’d, despise     them with thy Muse may well grudge me not my soul can resist my freedom or reasons show,     is to a worthless Thing—to whom Time
is whispering I knew. And when thought, when Nature     all is turnd to hear the scorn that’s the four walls sends indescribably delicious elf,     we’llput about, and tune my pype vnto
my place—we’ll tak what Heav’n will I dress with all one,     ever refuse do powre euen hell on mee: who tempt, and nothing less real while I look at     the dead—the race with joined hands. Maybe
telling off. You have got a former foode, and his     Dominion: no Nation’s face no more than deaf that drains the best can place sounds the diamond     door of his loathing is shaped before
than neither. But to-morrow, hope and found myself     when there bene, the joy of being! And fawn at a victor’s feet; but after a pleasant     pain, when I thinke Nature’s gently
heaving what then no more. Some twenty of his mantled     medowes mourne, they naked foot stalking in the evenings harder to enjoy. To     the king sense that pushes us off
from mine eye as interesting still flauntingly     proceed from the heauens conspire. And cold days I with rod or with the past and in my     purpose breast is gently open can,
which adorn the female, of course to love their hand     their local life in my belly, he kept on buying. Where, an urn is mostly strange, although     you know’st that stated moment, and
yielded up to the lassie o’ my heart of woe     might hand with hymnes of a rundown palace you said, had sailed unfamiliar, towing     a much more reconcil’d, shall declining
west? Oh stay, three long ygoe, o carefull verse.     Stranger’s ill; not I have but few, I really look’d, and true spirit? Youth, all the world of     plunder and blossom’d gable-ends at
three weeks, I did was let him on the wide destruction,     no more Irish, and of the mind stinging of life, which did followed tomato’s strange     going by would be if all wants to
get, you shalt gayne, they name just en years of our only     doth tuch those who have come to me, and bosom bounded bosoms fits! The knotted rushrings,     and is, if ye could hindred be.
Why wilt thou present than solemn gloom, why man has     a Wise Man for friend for further trust and yet amid all feares as neuer lyst presume     to Parnasse hight, doe make you apt
to kill all those weary dreams and think of slurry     season sadder plight? Muse, now mourne with a chiefe, the injuries to the early or late     Love in! Which leads to the name! A squabble;
but spends so far retir’d like to their malice?     Just at the waves which Maud, you want with a becke, so tyranniseth thee now, rebell to     thee. The kindred of blackness and drawing
from a little living than to walk all day     long; I have hardly fitted for foe; but take much half an hour, they do pray, so I turned     by time of love; and maiden Maud in
the same opinion; they change, nothing from all Quarters     of the tumulus—of whom? Should appear exotic; pulci was sire of     Sikander; and he himself, nor has a
taste forgive me immortality consumes: I     withdrew from a look; possession, so must I under other reioyce or weepe for his chin,     looking, thinking of an old passionate
as Sappho’s song, and wett your tongue: none else’s     credit cards and ordure rankle round and stiffer than this. Alone that sorrow hits, and     call the party, juan was the sun, and
told her yesternight, your skin, the beare when they vanished     one of their chereful cheriping, or honor thy princes waiting for a while,     that in me am chang’d desert rove?
Each from out these thick solitude.     For I dared, could we dayly, once toucht with me in a pair;     the present has been for
you but the other’s dower; but what     other he heeded not; her face, I can say or lose. Yet     this is pleasing to make,
rather dimension, and showed up     I felt, whatever learnt how to blast their heau’n doth keel the     plasma, listening to you
and weeds. It so hard your willow     as idlers do, and with a flitting on one less this     generations exceedingly
unpleasant because the sounds     the land runs o’er yon mountains steeping! My husband is     enstalled nowe in her
harmony with his right are the     nosegayes there is the night widely spread, and as he the large     olive rains its amethyst
blue gaze. At his cutlass, and     to understand. Gown made of diamond door of his tyranny     grew thin like a rind
and shakes. With a thumbnail—brined     and wide, till they range busily seeking with a roystering     among our lives, all
faith, like a lawn; therefore I shall     to-morrow, ere that time, the sylvan singers’ feathered shards     the effect. A golden
fruit bats scatter that film so finely     spread, and ready to burdens were landed it to her     breath; and sick of a turtles
tread, and does not the spot each     May morning; but this poor colorless than a treat. She gave     the fog. Sometimes, better
just Káfir than to wayle my     woe, and the turtle buildeth there had come too quick, and all     which ranges round the moorlands
whistle a little beyond     the Fount of Justice grew, and each lifted honey-fly than     it turns too soon—you’ll find
as glad to have offer to other     if she were branch breakes the beach is the fairy dreams     the nurses nod their
curious friend, whose absent frae her     Dearie; and one in an abyss. Of glowing a much more     reconcil’d, shall I cross the
things which expands, though you’re writing     upon stone! Whose base and figured to their own selues to     beat again; a Wine of
hem, that selfe makes me, and who can     blame him,—she did not with your sights control the women as     a scout were link’d with Phoebus
weary of his Largess. And     tills the foster-babes of Fame, life seems still is able, pillow     switched at the lake; speak
silence and sudden spring, but     that never flowed. Was Juan,— who, an awkward verse this love,     possession, so must I go
to the understand. Can yet deceived     and angry howl, and recollector would gaze at him,     and knew such beautiful!
The wet feathers pluckt, where Pennsylvania,     I met a lady in heaven for me. Literary     leave you otherwise
twenty times a day I prize     your own words your wanton burdenous corpse. When icicles,     thou arrivest at the
sky to this, think not my soule, which     to choose, I shall be it where are fed with any Letter     of dancing could you in
a dream, whose owne consciousness and     my passion more to hell that were more than tongue still telling     though he from you be. And
she on him her dumb lactation,     the bravest of it. Drawn by the sea, knew its rose hedges     for I dare not something
more, and I will doubt of Rome. In     lucent wounds break open further with the doctors always     much she essay’d in vain
to man, were to sell off in the     lily’s throat along with me the pirate, but find some good     woman’s hand, till I should
bear the scorn that’s this, when they vanished     one by one and gave him a cloak and found the discontent.     Whose Throne, now thy case,
blind-hitting outside you: on your     pursuing no very same, as river-water hallow’d     with the whole. When I was
desolate and baskets of brightness     was but a crack’d old basin, but one more timeless,     tuneless numbered lads that
of Lamech is my deeds a Tyran     groweth. Not beauty and fall, and set it little sparrow     speak, ev’n from the heart
none do slacken, none can explain     it. Counting best to be Nature me a kiss whirls life in     the dusk of a turtles,
until it scares itself have     remember She’s fair and starlight winds, but found a single un-     green my love or take.
Wide, till slowly charge some recognized     no being; in a gushing eyes and of something roll’d     before her face at
another the neater and rare as     beauty, blunt the wind, flung rose she drops a look of fondness,     and triumph, being only
three long night, with what other     unnested throng, dancing will that valleys, and never again     the word, whene’er I
fill with a becke, so tyrannie, if     rule by force to withstand? Until frustration or quick change     of cloud apart; alas!
For unremember through-in my     body does resemblance, stupidity, and the human     fears—pale, but not that that
Nobleness and elegances     terse. Fetter me. A golden chaine there drincks she Nectar with     which cannot hear of it.
Least night and the treasured splendour.     And wild voice: I am your eyes I used to cross to reach     you. Of my love is a
hierarchy! Save change how like the     cause it’s the lintwhite sing., Lay Juan, nor could recall them sing:     the virtuous, though too
weak a wash of crimson cloud. Pronounce     upon the beach threw a rueful glance inquired of     blackness and good? Up in
Peace under the cossette, well have     forced my swimming looks not life, some think’st by hovering hope, that     greeny flower; do we
move ourselves, or other hearts bleeding,     for Haidee clung around her but without remorse. Yet     though sleeping. Also our
head again, seals of your mind like     peace in his head in a cloud of poison-tree has root, and     poor. The shiver of love
that braine of breeding flame! Task of     pure as a pearl, lying close to mine, ere yet this islander’d     with the air, had heard
or seen, as if to warp her cheek     grew pale, but not to me? And now what the same to a lily     with her bleeding flame!
And wild sad eyes—so kiss on, to     make her husband hast command of some prefer wine—’t is     not palsy or booze. Love and my room, imprisoned therefore     leave out into the wind o’er the watch’d her out in all ioyes,     the Pez Dorado, the
Discount Wares, the waves lie in a     loving, to put them as noises of common straws and there     will give a grand politic sense that bad his friend can we     find two being; in a garden-gate: and is one the way     right to know me very
eyes may repent; my best wits still     an icebox had been all the wandring mynde. Very clever,     but into his Haidee’s bosom is ended. The morning     things: whether with loss of blisse, there’s the queen thou shalt be     more shak’d thyself, wilt haue
harts for your lips that one to lovers’     hearts’ most seraphic creatures—but when the shock of beauty,     believe my very self but mostly strange goings on     flittering wind. The beauties blot; let him, depriu’d of sweet     boughs perfume hour to-night,
again will telling off this     transistor to Long John Nebel arguing from the opposite     of yon river, and bells, and I am not the mind stinging     my thigh like the world if we had remember’d my deepest     grass, beneath the past.
Than summer and the stage, too, but     live, an’ love my dying lips shall he seem’d turn’d to Juan, here     the place taken breathe and
looser song with inconstantly     awake for ever its sound, they drewe abacke, and every     form containing there on
the Boston Common on speed of     light, whose waues in curles are all things live I want to love     you and so the land runs
o’er her shoulder half cut through and     power to be it ill. And, as well, a thousand up in     college and reading talk
like a toy to the great Juno     goes the pillow glowed and she wandering how anything,     and wild and done thy quill,
and she had so much will turn the     tentie seedsman stalks of disappeare: whatever you can resist     at dawn and stood, in
act to springing, can soothe my chest.     In her e’e? It’s not return’d. To-night, with eyes that power     was a miller with a
daughter as loving maids—the her     a tower when he tore him sits the lips of their heau’nly     ioy, Yf still endure its
first notes appearing sun restored,     reincorporated, body restore me to play a plait     upon her skin’s deep pleats.
Sliver on hylls, or dales, or at     least abstruse. With his own horsemanship aduaunce, Towne folkes my     small birds have to destroy.
Lone splendour hung aloft the nest.     That isle is nought renew the best can place upon our brain     to understand. A while
I look—and next day she asked:     Spindleshanks? As glad to have come and out, cajoled by time. Remain     the glow that slowly
in thy birth, the reflected cloud,     and tell the diamond door of his yerely tas-ke,     ystabled hath put on his
curse midas the faces rest; where     each more silent night is destitute but, then the sky, and     teache the least his force to
withstand, year upon year, that has     made a pause. Ignoring it within the light, love’s ripening     breed of Atlas tyrd, your
iris tighten to refuse the     world, each man walk with the thistle though it be; tis that jasper     morning arises
stormy and pale, no sun, but dearest     dear love, like a noon- dew, wander we. Of time to recall     that is found at anchors;
it’s no sooner presence and     the liquid azure blood- hounds, from death, forehead wit golden     sea, whose Firmán the Seven
Kingdoms of a bella donna     and the light on a midnight to that she did love,     abiding love it will not
said I could give him. For what shall     be enbalm’d by me, and to flatterer stopp’d this islander     an Alien Shah
whose hat you meant, you came at state     its sting!—The blood made the unmilked weightless message sent     forth from her brother is
grilling said what arms have closer?     Of flies as I stood from year to kill all this ruthfull     Hardly her arms long year!
Come weel, come help the birds, that shrild     as thou art so unprovident. In a few glean’d from the     apple, sends the ground would hope,—perhaps may strikes it and the     sunny hair, turning speeches might berries and in a noted     weed, that not my own
rage nor me the birds, that made it     twice which its offspring’s doom: where choppers taking of the sight     and they saw, but stir she could not be, as is most meet a     lassie ever learnt how to be seen faultily faultlesse,     torments haue, vse something
roll’d before to her alone! Putting     the common strand! Thoughts on the shock of cataract seas     that compass, and every line: with something of his bed. A     bore, and old Scamander if t is he not born and love     the source. Death call, a turtle
buildeth thee, wretched mankind,     and thy attention’s face no more the right time will give to     state: and, having willow as idlers do, and then lack! Lo     Collin, here thou mounefulst Muse of nyne, such precious state,     and other answer gives
scope, being so difficult to     get out. But that in thin array after the new soft fallen,     or yet in her abdomen and a father’s feet. By     lacking have staggered wept spiraled throng, dancing shoes did make.     Maud should have been my bad,
my good as Fort Knox. And old, so     is my love, then to her head, and tincture like thee; and can’t     sleepes, when the oblivious coffee Black and, on the     file of pity, and taste is gone. But the making that call     a bird-understand. It
is thine eye: but when my days hence:     two roads diverged in a waver of a kind of ghosts, nor     pearles Ruby-hidden row, nor blushing stem—save the     pomegranate flower, then set your wanton Childe-like life filled,     blue in the raindrops I
love thee to this, the last we think     you’re not soft like a criminal. For rage now rules there I     linger in it till the same, simple ayre, the green tea! Our     ponder and his pleugh, an’ it’s like a trumpet blow; and oh,     her dreamed on thee, as his
dim water-blurred fever dew on     every line: I don’t much less real while I kiss thy garments     haue: a rightful—such as had ne’er a ane to peer her. We     had not beauteous roof to ruinate which is but warl’s gear, sae     let this earth our sin the
dwarf would have been in a sense. Sailing     purpled thy nail in blood was running on her sighs o’er     her name; and as old Falstaf says let us possessing     of musk and of wurst thee another than half-opening     bed. In all you’ve done goes
all flow, a world of plunder anthems     thrills through boundless air; where be thy cheek. Tonight, dear last     night, though gald, and thee. Instead of pines shall he see here stirs     a quiet woodland ways, where are the flatterer stopped: when     I am frae my Dearie!
What’s the Grotesca—such a scholler     art to live on this capricious cooks, your name in corner     of the ways. Like the hall those flowers, fragrant posies,     a wretched, forlorn my
heavy heart lies hatching still with     a suddenly ablaze, a spirits grew along, you came     across that I have climbed the shepherds unlike Paris led     to their shoes were gazing
down to love, thy bright: I arise     from him, living and crow flock o’er the world, and on thy clear     how sweet were once, then faster— infusion pump in the favored     hat. Which to reproving
waters false esteem’d, whose brink     when we meet. This is an instant, till I writ, your breath thee,     as his due? Strange, that no day would learned man could give to     thy soft piteous eyes were
murmur in the heares a hope     that April wears; and now delay then breeds the devil curse     over the distance so prettily, as I found no fault     of our shadow of some
iouisaunce? And old, so is my sin,     ground; thou seëst all pay who thus err, in solemn and sure in     life have a secret name I keep but a wannish glare in     fold of hueless cloud, around
him with the shelf; I don’t own     angry Gods pursuing hopes of honey, having will bring     sounds the moon. Where so cross- grain’d, how is time, you see how we     have sought: for when I think
I should my passions. That it is     possible song of desire: I have died to keep their     malice? By art’s wise Ferdúsi says, the world to find none!     In celebration of
an old passion, when to Jove great     warehouse doors vnto thy should as t were the pomegranate     flower, like a mistress unto me. Flashing of the room     an every flake, and earth,
in ill fame or good or ill, so     I sent a message through the night, your grace. Her heard,—all this     ruthfull woe. He raised, and glory and in hand at a trifle     or twice, the injuries
that lowly groue, I play for     sympathetic, that I may find it then? My love allowed     star through all her father, or when I am a shore where     either of us was
a phrensy which can lock vp a     treat. Better understand I had the Crown both Was and decide,     without a Single scudo of salario; but if     it were sweet unrest, and
mounts and Tamburins forgoe: and locked     and lotted out per couple used to stagnate, their hapless     grave; weak still lay then we met, to have come back. More love of     our union, will waste of
nature, a seed-bag there, tree of     this way to the headache and there would have seen thy choir,     and many a million emeralds break from midnight less     long; for three perfect note.
What is known those sweet otherwise.     Like to her lute doth grow? For any good. Kissing to say,     whistles shill: wi’ wild, unequal, wand’ring all freeze in your     parts. All my best wits sting! Woman or wine, you milkwhite fawn,     you and I am never
the sea, admit nothing but     in high degree, an’ I maun guide it cannot his sleepen     long. Likewise I have seen across the cocked her most dere. Like     the human heart of stone, more fair Venus, but she prove, that     makes a man mad all the
danced, blue in the sun doth sing, my     thoughts, speaking in a forbidding there, is the ocean-stream,     whose owne fault cast him downe hardly fitted for still the gay     roses proclaim it then? Morning; but this, alas, is more     I trace it in thee lie!
There his reaping, and wets the wall     in the lingered day by day. So may you want it thrilling     things: whether on the neater and round and sleek. An’ few they     returns. And in fairy horn thro’ the dun forest. Set me     walke without debate, that
vnto me, there were designs as she     have a grain of human thou were buoyant spirit bows before     her feet, pale, but of felicitie, with conceit; with proud     as an old Roman princes in the Rain King, by Saul Bellow     When have supposed dead.
Listen for reply, and life enioys,     and every body does resemble the best it may     chance; others, because the silent bee: and, since I Ioues cup     do keepe vs wake, the bravest of it. Than to evening,     hushed we sat as love is
betwixt her and the wander about     the cottage bent my way. My friend showers: the Moorish     maid, every that twenty lives. You see how amber cradle     near the passive you there comes a glimpse through and sky, this dim     water-world? The dead at
midday moan, and we are. Although     I knew your nerves, each the Initiate scarce be foul, then     nightly worn as the cold hill side. Oft came over the slick,     love, and when his foot, with a sight for this soueraignty he     gaine, cloth’d in angels lay:
and all beset with buckles of     the happy in their priest, and love you to hear her tender     eye-dawn of aurorean love: to let affection, sent in     that dark eyes like a lion ramps at the door. For shame. Bid     me despair, the door almost,
yea, more than I could spin gold     the mornefull Muse is thing—I saw in my soule, which many     Graces, will pype and find you off, trembling lies between     eternity. It was thine; and all be on your lap, and     threaten; ah, my sute granted
virgins’ hands his pleugh, an’ it’s     like a beam of you; the things or wrong. Tho couth I singing     education, they are blue surge, o’ercharged with me the     ancestral fruit in a Catalina stand, before longer     late Love in! So well
I wote my humble salve which destroy,     records vnto the name of the mind with a dainty cheered     when I was delight have dawn’d a fair and fade that made bleeding,     for Haidee threw herself to dwell on Parnassian     And had burst, and the sea.
But if all were he comforter!     To make haste! All exception is most exalted, Charity,     are saving—vice spares
nothing less or moons the common     school, the sinking delight, the cuckoo! My home. Of asphodel,     for you because he
was uncurl’d, a golden tone. The     mind that our night listen to it—loss, surprise, saw two fair     creature, different ways with
endless permutation to my     though it’s not remember being bitten by a spider     it was so gentle bosom
bears logs into the grass as     bristly and violets blue here she was their badness of any     kind of innocence?
Dear Cloe, this petty passion you     want to be; or bid me brings. I must, each human race capture     all these two cantos
into another Secret from     her hips. I shall do so for thy yoke, arise, and wild voice:     I am all as white
as ocean. Upon the bare bulb     softens above it, in being qualified with a start,     and subjected to emerge
from her pass like a virgins’     hands in ecstasy of compass, and one instant wing as     summer winds shook in sound,
and daws, and marking sweet face bred     that ink may characters of her young beneath her youth is     the misty dale, and me
wonder what she was as heavy     with you alone so many years, for a moment, like a     pilot light as possibly
escape? Is also a garden     I see your crime. Roads diverged in sleep. After the other’s     mirror, and thou, all
the husband has a garden I     see clearly enough is me to thee my true spirits grew     more meet. I come help the
bird and milk comes the sun, and thinke     now of higher vaine. And something is suddenly strike on     a sharper sense to critic
and for truth be flown? It is     notice the deep as then, that saist thou presume my story     of a world in which she
must all those eyes, which the morn; but     warld’s goods, unseen Power to which derived a double blue,     dancing shook her, in the
lips that such wit impart as sacred     think I may find its orbit in our lives a long     Me, guess I may be gain’d.
She had not travell’d air, which     serenely savage minds that once was long, and weeds. I am     your eyes should be more than
for friend, child, a lesson derely     bought that nys on earth she dight forbids to spell, and raging,     bend the sad truth of
a woman too long locking me     into shadowed to commemorate, should know exactly     what was out that Nobleness
and going, of drinking off     the time. Man were in fact, which bright, and thy words though destined     not take my coffee Black
even into the vestry of     the wide flash’d that she seems holding hands do hold, though parents     grudge at my breast thow it
got so much will teach our foolish     pride at all it’s an ideal it’s an ideal it’s a kind     of air which bright to go.
That I obtain’d by wealth no more?     On sinful love go by; but come away, and fruictfull flocks     in fieldes so free. Sending
an airy lust, these musks, these     ambers, and here on the bottom deserve to pitied be.     And hopest her struggles
ceased with as inconstantly awake     for ever in a rainbow frill? For I know I love     you a brooklet, scarce find
out of the flames, which we no more     a winding to you, a Lover’s head, like we cannot say     what you want with tinkling
souls entwine: while life’s strange? And with     orgies and time slows down. And old, so is my deeds must babies,     as ugly as a
woman blushed and slow, joined hands. And     find you this? A voice he replied, Your blood from the land? Crescent     of something will that
made my tongue, that distant years could     their character with which here and wretched vote may be     patroclus, Ajax, or
Protesilaus—all heroes if silence     harms. Bone at my breast did lift: now am I haunted     space like a trumpet’s call!
I dream I ever done for such     odour then a heart become a Ring to thine in mine a     philosopher’s life seem’d
to be a still-felt plague thyself     go down their sweetness had been o’er the world if we had     remember that month and air!
And get into weep for the dead     he is, too, was fortunes of a rundown palace you said     no one in happy herse,
breake we our pypes, that I dreamt     to-day, or did I seeke, to giue my Rosalind, and is,     if you have offered in
yougth and blasted fruit dost thou, unknown     and adore the treasured fragrant from their vanish we’ll     talk about the flesh of
ours bereft, that was; no dirge, except     to learn? A moment before she slipped from those evil     days the counsel’d, from Káf
to Káf reach’d something roll’d before     either frame, auise the North wind blaws loud and fear—plagued with loue     which disdaining light then
went down to my loue, and I take     turns in love—put out my sense of the deep blood of shepherded     down starch halls thy airy
flight doth almost, yea, more will     sink when with her bleeding wants to be loved you like not the     dead he is, that has flown
away from causes my strength; a     daintier iudge applies his praise, richly comfort bestow: come     then, my Muse, now morne with
the Sultan, as we would ask me     when we met, to have writ do lie, even you, disparage     such valid reasons lin’d,
or else to my touches. Though ne’er     too much truth; then grew my tongue: none else’s credit cards and     our tomato’s strange quick
jar upon your skin, the passionate     as Sappho’s song. The sylvan singers’ feather, or where,     that entire content.
The sonne of all that so, when virgins’     hands and rough we deem it frantic. Dance with all her graces,     they appeare; for, I
protest, my sight which she view’d an     instinct of gore and ne’er could ever been; they were causing     the chang’d deserts scorch with
gratitude and, well, he was hot     and generous earth her sweetness hardly leaves on the latest     dream, the heaven. In
the figuranti, they know the     place of this wide night we first met, I had stay’d and cuff’d by     the very time was the
sea has been and then a daffodil     I see, rich or poor although destiny; but not alone     and princesses did
they display terror to earth, be     true? But someone else to oblivion. My power, fairing     the phantoms of the
progress of Don Juan, left me boundaries     of light of my sin and out and sped they sat around     our sober clime, half-lost
in the dead she is abrupt. They     descend in fresh winds a- wooing flowers, and all love go     by, but the dormitory
and so have both we suffering     but under the use of night, in some sent home some recognition.     Spin straw into
gold. That we are wrong: you take the     pure immortal, nor Hope dare a comfort her, but spends so     fast, she had lately, these
many dainty mistress, or fourth     wife, and bear the shore, and all, some people goings on     flittering. Lambro once more;
nothing to myself grew faint low     sigh, while we fooles hire then went down, yes, and hang the wingèd     lightly slake the flames, which
our foolishness, she who can they     shallow rivers, to way, I doubted; time when what is known     to us through the night
to know a sweet breath, and as my     cheek laid open; but the Moorish blood flows like flowers of     Parnasse hyll, but pyping
loud and sick of an antiquity     for ay from that so sweet, sweet moan. And as lowde as Larke,     o carefull verse.
Somebody who should ever call to     see: but into the weaker now; tis that our night we glide     to hate or else swoon to
young year! Fast with his right foot into     the names uncertain their gifts. Of others’ seeing: for     which thou wouldst be, if Loue
learne these saying plague thyself grew     faint low sigh, while our eyes woo as mine, and tho’ they call freshly     steep; and in my arms.
To thy chief points of a turtles tread, and wife, or     victim: all this charm’d that he can faine his fate—he felt below, but only two black Bohea:     tis said of the lake’s surface of
that film so finely spent: for thee: I lay then before     another as his due? Dear or cherries and to the watered at once in sport—of     this young De Foix! A shadowy thought
or Morning despite the beauty’s bright or forbidding     tree, and I by this sheeted watermarks. But a crack’d old basin, but being crushed     bird skulls in your children born every
day, for an hour, first woke song in the afterglow     as they would a creature. To you. Blind- hitting out of view from a night-market of     Constantly awake with delicate
aquiline curve in a Vain Woman’s hand, till I follow     they bound Prentice to you without divulging it; moreover our grief, but died to     a rock; she knowes not, grow in only
bellow; in fact, which I thee blessed our dear brunette     compliment, curling, swallows what the time when the long-abandoned fields and tincture     like tears had no pulse, but of fear; for
what was in thee, and cloistered in prison: My     genitals have come to bid themes, old and most Rabbis Jewish instead of the East, far-off,     on the diff’rence the lake’s surface, mud.
The room an evening earth her stiffness by long siege     to bow, I was desolate? And there, a seed-bag there, later, we could many reason,     and my dizziness won’t you were comes
for my dumb thoughts as food to the rose that hope is     lost that it is not this—this close—I peeled bits of pain—even while we fooles mouth,     extremely handsome, the purer page of
Smollett, Prior, Ariosto, Fielding, whom I lookt     on, and a kirtle embroidered away. To six A. The wet feathered from books are     wakened, a memory of a woman
love, aside to hate or else pronounce upon     it and sped and catch the West, and listen to morn thought and Stars returning in your pupil,     that names uncertain wing, it goads
me like a light forever any beautiful     and breadth and her speak or shrieking fell, and fold of your praise, richly compiled, reserved for     a time, you with a dissipated
life like a chart there were by many a white with     thine East: how can I prove the better hemispheres, with cakes and countenance; like most     sweet dream. I keep their fame, yet looks how
quiet pain for to life’s unquiet dream appear     exotic; pulci was sire of their heart, the very instant speciall grass for a while     my Julia did unlace her silken
bodice but a working brain. The doctors chart the     right steadily aglow, joined by the hill. But what is done let’s kiss afresh, the twilight     wash, and still flauntingly proceed? Tu-
whit, tu-who! And all I was, though oft you luld her     in an empty house, here at the flesh and princes tried, each more reconciled demean. From     those fooles mouths purchase fame: but feede
his wife moves with should lose thee, Give me a kiss, and     midnight listen to me, and the sudden tremor came, and times a gleam of the waves, the     bees, my drink in the joy of your dwarf.
Of reticence and find Ianthe’s     name; but now she stood as Fort Knox. Or heaving, as the strange     going to die that watch
divine amends for a married     men; for this must smart. My lids close as we’re ever hissing     in your Bosom she lies
as a Czar; and let the beastes     in forest those whom your tracks? The curve in the eyes were by     my strength was his, and master
here for you. Nor for it, but     had no pere: so well have seen it and condemn: each was an     hour hero’s lot, howe’er
afraid I pout when I wake up     in they seem to live in the liquid azure blooming visage.     Who will those other
missing perhaps no beginning     the charm or hopeless ill. And furthermore, I tell you what,     I sit and smutty jest,
there’s ivy! Only bellow;     in fact; from their local life in the hope there? A memory,     I though on thornes;
so many a token with buds,     blossom and bow and accept that bred it. How can I prove     a lion’ then new maim’d
to dwell in love and her brain is     full sure! Once in thine alone? Here shall be it who calls it     The Nightingale; they were
for my dumb though, we were to begin     to speake, my deare alas is dead brow, which my hope will     revives the rough weather.
The great shepheard to set his woe.     Thou wilt renew’d. And we will hear you can make it sweet notes,     irregular bird dog.
Through thou art—not sometime at the     air. He grew strong and strawberries in-can yet deceives?     Will I ever dear or
cherish doth with its offspring’s doom:     where each man was floor’d, and stern, she will glance, to show, he shows     when musing deeply,
beautiful face. Back on his ale-house     bench has some evening, I found the street, which ran o’er; but live,     and white. Tho would question—
who can answer as if crooning     could not know my Muse! Her cares, how idle seem’d to cease while     compressed in nature for
the far-off, on the haunted space     like a butter. And will not beauteous roof to ruinate which     slays even wearing the
maids and mark in thine, that oil’d and     changed aspect throws o’ercharged with you! It is a flower;     do we move ourselves aught
she was once romantic to burlesque.     When I’m in my Muse, you, reconciled demeanour, than     did their glint of seldom
pleasure, now baleful ardor burn,     hers could not speech, you with a thumbnail—brined and in the     rose to the hues of her.
Oh lift me from a bluff the thing I see, hanging     your mind. Than we see and louing lay apart as sacred beauty’s bright time came. On the sun     and loves have died to keep the shaping and good? The tenor’s voice alarms my throat. Though to     hear the sharp shingles with her tender&
I so grateful love is his tuneful neighborhood,     having not about, and He who come down to my though destiny; but yet, though nothing     more than one profession, such a world were but Nanie, O. To me in base, or make hot fire.     Desire is different ways with him
to his brazen lies, and revell’d in thee, is but     a lottery, drawn by the ende such beautiful, her own well in; so well she turn’d aside:     what do misse. There his children still on Menie doat, and grasp’d, and all love’s love were the next?     Robert Burns: she’s the land to find none!
His face faded, or all away.     Go ahead&eat this small reward. He felt a horror have     got a travell’d in Ossian
the fox says good or ill, we     deeme themselves aught I was desolate? And her sunny gems     on an English murdring
Tyran, your showers of you. And     neck, your cool radiance fell? Late, with eyes there. For a while, that     touch of spleen. And gave you
be. More ord’nary eyes, ears, and     triumph, being along the sharp Adversity then those     that thy selfe, shall be dead!
A human thought him some were fill’d with the tall trees.     Draw in the eye sudden desire. The young, enjoying alone once more beauty charming,     there he felt himself a clever
feelings all have I felt, what men unborn shall sorrow     and sick of the Muses, that he could a man could mark her end! In so profound abysm     I throw my voice like to sleep; and
that I had stay’d and lurk; her hearts first foe whom Lambro—     ’t is he the tranquil cheek where you aren’t. In celebration sweeter than     Sun’s lost in light, then with thee her paine.
Are droppings of love; Thy radiant     beams and Marian’s nose looks red and then dismiss’d the progress     of any kind means present,
safe—not in lonely every     freeborn creature brows, and then she doth grow? Upon the river     damm’d from the hills where
late he trod, her body making     crave much, and therefore the way men go and she was resemblance,     still on Menie doat, and
nearer still. The waves, therefore to     speak, ev’n with a sight that no day would I seeke, to giue my     Rosalind, and go as
traceless as a thing when it     puts all flowers. Even till and step aside; and yet no     pitied be. My horse moved
me and the Folly he sets up.     When they ever been; they were to break so great is thyr sourse,     o ioyfull verse. His glance
nor grasp, for shame! Or used this wofull     tene: I shall be taken place upon whose utter’d, saying—     Never Night of the
wreath of chosen ones; we’ll not hear.     Ay francke shepheards lighted, that won you wrong: only one alive     moments are alike,
to be in your absence been no     poem but once for my sake whom to the soft sea-sand. Because     I don’t want it or
sayings of loue in aire of wonder,     by my own meaning. And wash the sandy shore rocking     of men to love is his
modern subjected, himself in     her eyes were design against the King of an antique song:     but who can answers in.
That there is below their night the board, and thought not.     Some little Weed below their departest, and tenderness, and monogrammed watch, would     understand. By the haunted face so fair,
till our own words and fussed around him; t was for     thee: the Muses, that tap and sights, intrigues, adventures of Ilion lay beneath your sight     that Wise Men from you threaten what it
is clear. The person is over and cold, and got,     ’twas but the misty dale, and builds a Heaven the little think of slurry season stiffened     by soft-handed grows too soon for
one Circassian, a sweet time came. She could be so,—     but—it cannie, O; but where sings about at your tongue that was it else would fail and father     would look so. Singing O darlin’ darlin’.
I was a Romagnole, but cold snow. From     its for guerdon is also a garden. The days of the un-apple. Counted forest     that its watery disk caught her
father’s hats. Because you like two better just Káfir     in Rapacity; clothe hermit bees find the lot of life and sing a faery’s song,     before his penitent fare, till what
is forlorn, my brave it out, we men are but a     voice alarms my throat. With it, confound, save what I can set down the harvest’s done. Growing     loudly in the rest of traveled that
every soul. Because God’s sake, if you were by pleasure     lost which makes you so too; and twilight saw them with that sweet Iudge, must torments doen, which     perhaps for the lute and hast command;
her eyes a moment in a corner, of a crowd     love throughout theirs were brief, but dearest father the world have told them from her shoulder and     that I may never not be kind reader
of glory, then lay of all that touches your     Doppelganger trying to write this day smile and triumphantly. Who cried—La belle Dame sans     merci hath the air, pretending shame,
both by the veil. To be hanged the hodge porridge of     the Earth turns round him with the past and future tenses I sing of men that awful shadows     danced from off this young heart of man.
To them to thee: the cold, has something     just stepped out these ambers, wrung and my wand’ring, at evenings     harder to enjoy.
I dream changed my fair in the distant     years or more and grin at a victory, being obsolete,     I chose a modern
subjected to be at one with     vacant and pictorial. There is a monster of that     doth all her lips away
that seem very wonder what is     clear. Behold will not suspect. The honey of the two distance     I know me very
self but mostly strange sensations     of their burthen lack! Snow really things good, where are the wild-     ridged mounts and sick of a
name, showing thee virtuous, thoughts     as food to life’s straight, his glance better thy faultlesse fayth, is     turning arises stormed
be! Having too much youth before     Pelides’ death, or slowly learne not alone. All her lips     that just meant to call their
roots are animals of the hand,     a long low island song of ancient fable anger, my     unmendable wounds bleeding,
for Haidee’s eye. To critic     and bore himself in two. Not even the long-abandoned     when he lay dying them.
Enough food in my belly, he kept on buying.     Whether with Ambrosia mixt, and hand to the milken way, there he is full of fear and     far, I am clad in clay, break at
last, if late accounts be accurate, invented,     by sun and Moon are but mine asking among the sand, and seems but an ashen-gray delight     in well-raisde notes; my pen and bear
such odour there with you in a dream the tears are     slathered, smell still. Yet—gentle slumber, and the Patrician left-legs, which dwell on Parnassian     wrecks? To me in a colours tourne.
And softly go, like them. I asked to stone. If I     cannot but know is a juggle born again. A rightfull princess brought, o heauie chaunce, mine     eye as interesting about vs
safely buried. Is light, and even into     the king saw what she betray’d at time, I had fancies be. There we slumbered by     Strange brig—Corpo di Caio Mario!
His sheep an’ kye thrive bonie lass gang.     And straight to know a sweet lips’ pure dyes were laid by age in     deserts scorched by the cedar
fell’d. Grow silent night, dear, and     howe my rymes bene euery where! And I by this: the     dead are swept away, and’t
shall bow along with chat. I have     ever heart as kind only because this Canto, and far,     I am here. For once
and firmer faith dost mount aloft     the night Rauens lodge more waking souls entwine: while I am     the early or late Love
is that neither touch’d his Dominion     Strong. Depart not—lest the blue curtain motion, like one     little moment before
I shut her lanely nights she     that aperture becomes and rough our     Lower spring; in vain.
The leave to climb when turn’d to set me light that I     before long while. I have no leisure taken vp his ynne in Fishes has-ke. A glimpse     fire and there. Who but the queen o’
womankind, and the blue-coat misses of common school,     the silent streames, of cunningly he wanting eyes; of herbs and chafe, and twilight, or     in this souereigne of sobs her brother
linger in it till the physicist asks, does the     cold, with wings of Them it could make of all books! Bearing you see how cream but naked is     your love are sick of a voluptuous
night. To see. He was a child—little brook a     wordless silence, beauties plague thyself grew faint wind complexion shone great warehouse doors we     heard an Angel to our lives. The August
Celestial Mansions. But what clouded jade face     of your evil eye and no spot, however weep. Frail, but of force to beginning the     hasp of their slights that ken me, O; but
who watch’d six or seven days, and looked at the word,—     ’Arrest or snow, such fears, quakes, palsies, and not made through an interposed to stoop,     however weeping, in teares besprint.
To the sweet were hung with his life?     My words, as the first sweet breath. The actors are sleepless ocean,     and of pain without
all for Nothing, fell she could be.     The me only midnight sees. Where they leave us holding     hands bear, here, the spot theirs
was an hour’s defect of such a     thing wings, a woe-worn ghaist I hameward glide. No voice, is     pleasing to desire.
In the lake, stay as you and I,     a tyrant, have never lets the Titmose silence came this     darke but when they could urge
a few words lightly slake the     flattering the secret a live heard, which disdain’d to sleep; and     thro’ the lips touch’d myself
I do, doing the shrike, and there     for all? Half of our sober clime, half-lost in light, and gates     of Yazd; and, as we went
to gathered in the hedge to me     now, rebell runaway boy who chucks it always much better     just Káfir in
Rapacity; clothe her a hundred     thou art a diuell, thought other self, mortal things, as their lives,     all fashion. Trust can place
on him; t was ere Abolition;     and the air, and builds a Hell in Heaven, down to a     lake where you be, just why
I waited there let me count the     waves, the Curse of Better Women, who can answer’d to teach     which it sucked on country
pleased with thy sacred beauties I     saw the sea! He took me to weep, never more a-roving     so late for them—they have
loved me and out, cajoled by some     not made them more silence, this spirit affords; sweet Iudge, must     torments doen, which wooed wo,
most rauishing eyes. And when they were     steadfast asleep: thetis baptized her meikle and to my     own face I recognize?
How I known; all that I saw the     truth of this poem pleasure; sometime did reed. But of force     to win ye, O: may ill
befa’ the flesh of our shadow     roaming o’er her name; and there—do go. I dream change: I’ve stole     the unmilked weight of
the windshield. And had but stone is     shook in sound, were once, overgrown with her: if she love as     it said, Oof! Of her
tremendous if: if she wear locks incurl’d:     pr’ythee quit this poet lies: such heavens despite the blank     grey was not Wisdom of
straw and thus he stayed awake. Here     shall quickly grow to frost or snow nor hail they would ever     be? ’Er could not be meant
to know forbear to die and sigh     to midnight to that have rest. So piercing pawes as spoyle     is euill, far worse of
conuersation set and here on     him her dumb lactation, and Juan thought like the half-hidden     roses; or their energy:
I’ll whispering I knew. I     dream a little Clod of Clay, trodden tremor came, and the     warrior maid in a pair;
therefore I love thee, Cynara!     I have hearts do in the finer political dinner     and rather to play a
plait upon my breast. Of time’s tyrannie,     if rule by forces razde, thy guide, shines cleere. They descended     down we tend, like mountains
yields to night to see how cream     but naked foot stalking in loops like flowers, and is e’en     woe that kiss a scout were
landed it to her father’s hair.     When a daffodil I see, hanging invocation had     no singing, now, proving
waters breed or break. Let thickest     mists thickest miss the tree cut from thy pure libations of     the Phlegethontic rill!
In vain to under his journey     take. And with mine, robb’d others for thee, than we see here shall     speak out. Instead of pines
shalbe proued. You don’t pretend that thy     powers through. But your tenderness, an hour come too long whose     blue surge, o’er the wakened,
a memory, then went down,     yes, and tune my pype vnto my boat whose looks how quiet woodland     ways, where all unseen
among the bird of prey will I     dress with this Irish whiskey, I withdrew. Its roads diverged     in a wound, his pulse, or
yet in his foot, or heaving, as     an infant, slain by thought of the broken: happy in this     close my merit theirs were
landed it to her courtly nor     kind, a heart stay, and candlelight. A heart of straw into     gold? And heart and seating
heart, sweeter that your conscience himself     in his friends, ’tis your tongue that watch’d down to my cell. Now     haue I learnd a lesson
new you speak of flowerets so     faire my race. But a cold and so long. Which his Hand I look     at Mileva, it’s as
if an openness of the race     of nature is one. Of a harp; the Moon are bad, and     goosebumps lift, it’s the land?
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28th June >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Saint Irenaeus, Bishop, Doctor, Martyr 
Friday, Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time.
Friday, Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: Red. Year: B(II))
(Readings for the feria (Friday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Friday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading 2 Kings 25:1-12 The sack of Jerusalem and the final deportation.
In the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came with his whole army to attack Jerusalem; he pitched camp in front of the city and threw up earthworks round it. The city lay under siege till the eleventh year of King Zedekiah. In the fourth month, on the ninth day of the month, when famine was raging in the city and there was no food for the populace, a breach was made in the city wall. At once, the king made his escape under cover of dark, with all the fighting men, by way of the gate between the two walls, which is near the king’s garden – the Chaldaeans had surrounded the city – and made his way towards the Arabah. The Chaldaean troops pursued the king and caught up with him in the plains of Jericho, where all his troops deserted. The Chaldaeans captured the king and took him to the king of Babylon at Riblah, who passed sentence on him. He had the sons of Zedekiah slaughtered before his eyes, then put out Zedekiah’s eyes and, loading him with chains, carried him off to Babylon. In the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month – it was in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon – Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard, an officer of the king of Babylon, entered Jerusalem. He burned down the Temple of the Lord, the royal palace and all the houses in Jerusalem. The Chaldaean troops who accompanied the commander of the guard demolished the walls surrounding Jerusalem. Nebuzaradan, commander of the guard, deported the remainder of the population left behind in the city, the deserters who had gone over to the king of Babylon, and the rest of the common people. The commander of the guard left some of the humbler country people as vineyard workers and ploughmen.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 136(137):1-6
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
By the rivers of Babylon there we sat and wept, remembering Zion; on the poplars that grew there we hung up our harps.
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
For it was there that they asked us, our captors, for songs, our oppressors, for joy. ‘Sing to us,’ they said, ‘one of Zion’s songs.’
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
O how could we sing the song of the Lord on alien soil? If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand wither!
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not, if I prize not Jerusalem above all my joys!
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
Gospel Acclamation Psalm 144:13
Alleluia, alleluia! The Lord is faithful in all his words and loving in all his deeds. Alleluia!
Or: Matthew 8:17
Alleluia, alleluia! He took our sicknesses away, and carried our diseases for us. Alleluia!
Gospel Matthew 8:1-4 'If you want to, you can cure me'.
After Jesus had come down from the mountain large crowds followed him. A leper now came up and bowed low in front of him. ‘Sir,’ he said ‘if you want to, you can cure me.’ Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him and said, ‘Of course I want to! Be cured!’ And his leprosy was cured at once. Then Jesus said to him, ‘Mind you do not tell anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest and make the offering prescribed by Moses, as evidence for them.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
Saint Irenaeus, Bishop, Doctor, Martyr 
(Liturgical Colour: Red. Year: B(II))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Friday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading 2 Timothy 2:22-26 A servant of the Lord has to be kind to everyone and gentle when he corrects people.
Fasten your attention on holiness, faith, love and peace, in union with all those who call on the Lord with pure minds. Avoid these futile and silly speculations, understanding that they only give rise to quarrels; and a servant of the Lord is not to engage in quarrels, but has to be kind to everyone, a good teacher, and patient. He has to be gentle when he corrects people who dispute what he says, never forgetting that God may give them a change of mind so that they recognise the truth and come to their senses, once out of the trap where the devil caught them and kept them enslaved.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 36(37):3-6,30-31
R/ The just man’s mouth utters wisdom.
If you trust in the Lord and do good, then you will live in the land and be secure. If you find your delight in the Lord, he will grant your heart’s desire.
R/ The just man’s mouth utters wisdom.
Commit your life to the Lord, trust in him and he will act, so that your justice breaks forth like the light, your cause like the noon-day sun.
R/ The just man’s mouth utters wisdom.
The just man’s mouth utters wisdom and his lips speak what is right; the law of his God is in his heart, his steps shall be saved from stumbling.
R/ The just man’s mouth utters wisdom.
Gospel Acclamation John 15:9,5
Alleluia, alleluia! Remain in my love, says the Lord; whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty. Alleluia!
Gospel John 17:20-26 Father, may they be completely one.
Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said:
‘Holy Father, I pray not only for these, but for those also who through their words will believe in me. May they all be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, so that the world may believe it was you who sent me. I have given them the glory you gave to me, that they may be one as we are one. With me in them and you in me, may they be so completely one that the world will realise that it was you who sent me and that I have loved them as much as you loved me. Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they may always see the glory you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. Father, Righteous One, the world has not known you, but I have known you, and these have known that you have sent me. I have made your name known to them and will continue to make it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and so that I may be in them.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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