#revolt of the giants
rgraves1 · 1 year
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The Battle Between the Gods and the Titans by Jaochim Wtewael (1600)
The Giants’ Revolt
ENRAGED because Zeus had confined their brothers, the Titans, in Tartarus, certain tall and terrible giants, with long locks and beards, and serpent-tails for feet, plotted an assault on Heaven. They had been born from Mother Earth at Thracian Phlegra, twenty-four in number. (The Giants’ Revolt, The Greek Myths by Robert Graves, pp 131-133)
The Olympians found they could not withstand the giants without the aid of the semi mortal Heracles. Joining the Gods in their defence of Olympus, Heracles’ job was to deliver the death blow by club or arrow to any giant felled by an Immortal. The giants’ leader, Alcyoneus, who could not die on the soil of Phlegra, had to be dragged across the Thracian border by the lionskin-wearing Hero to be despatched. The giants were defeated one by one, Porphyrion killed by a thunderbolt hurled by Zeus while in the act of raping Hera; Encaladus was crushed flat by a huge piece of rock hurled by Athene, the rock becoming the island of Sicily; the remaining giants were slaughtered at their last stand at Bathos, near the burning land of Trapezus, where ploughmen continued to turn up their bones centuries later.
Graves suggests that the the final stand of the giants was used to explain continued volcanic activity at Trapezus and the discovery of mammoth bones there.
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sophiaphile · 11 months
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Roald Dahl's Revolting Recipes
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tiixij · 3 months
I didn't want to put my oc tags on the post itself so:
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Conversation that happened right before Yekavnet(age 14) was crowned the Girl King of Vasahlia
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carmenpeach · 8 months
really wish blocking tags didnt make the phrase appear in big fucking font in front of my face. there would be so much more i would block if it didnt greet me with "PHRASE THAT IS ANNOYING SO BIG YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT" god i hope someone dies
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miami2k17 · 1 year
pics of the titanic or any manmade object/shipwreck are so disgusting to me and ive had to see so many of them lately im truly fighting for my life
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