#the pillow went into the bag and honestly I spent the rest of the time walking around the mall patting it and going kekeke to myself
starcasticallyyours · 2 months
I just bought myself a big puffy RJ pillow at the Miniso outlet and you would not believe the significant amount of cheer it has brought to my day
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How they are Handling your Disappearance. Hello all, get ready for some more Nightbringer Angst! This is a little drabble (bullet point style) of how I think the "Present Day Demon Brothers" are handling your sudden disappearance. Honestly I hate thinking too deeply about NB, it brings me to tears. I can't even imagine the pain and anxiety the brothers are feeling without knowing where their beloved human went and why. Anyways, grab your tissues and I hope you enjoy! Feedback and reblogs are super appreciated!
Taglist: @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @sassykattery @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar @siofrantic
Part 2 : Side Characters
Part 3: MC Returns
Rose divider by @/firefly-graphics
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They’ll always remember the exact day and time you disappeared. It was their day off from RAD, and you had been in the Devildom since Solomon had brought you by for some training sessions. You practically begged the sorcerer to allow you to visit the House of Lamentation, and Solomon happily obliged. You really didn't have to convince him too much, though. The brothers were so happy and surprised to see you again so soon, and they had planned on taking you out for dinner that evening. Except you never showed. They spent hours searching for you. Those hours easily turned into days. Then the days turned into weeks. There was no trace of you left behind. Where did you go?
He’s terrified. He doesn’t know why or how you disappeared, but he feels responsible.
He spends every waking moment looking for signs of you. Trying to piece together what or who took you from him.
Knows he has to be strong for the rest of their brothers.
But when he can no longer feel your bond with you through the pact, he feels the unbearable weight of despair crack through his usual stoic demeanor. 
He cries. He hasn’t cried like this since their fall.
Lucifer hardly sleeps. His brothers notice the bags under his eyes. How he no longer cares what he looks like in front of them. 
He becomes distant again, shutting himself in his room or study. 
If you thought his hatred for Solomon was strong before, it’s infinitely worse now. 
He doesn’t know who else to blame, so the silver haired sorcerer becomes his reasoning for your disappearance. 
The eldest demon has his hands around Solomon’s throat, Mammon and Beel having to pull him off. 
“Lucifer are ya nuts?! We gotta have him alive if we have any hope in finding MC!” Mammon had scolded him as he became limp in Beel’s strong grip.
Solomon promised he’d bring you back.
He better not dare to show his face back here until you are with him, safe and sound. 
The normally confident and self assured demon becomes silent. Angry. Afraid. 
 Aside from their initial searching for you, he doesn’t leave your room. 
He can’t feel your pact with him anymore, and it sends him spiraling. 
He buries himself into your pillows, inhaling your lingering scent.
It’s faint, but he takes what he can get
His eyes are puffy and red from crying, and he can’t stand sitting around doing nothing.
He goes out every night, flying over the Devildom, searching.
When he can’t, Mammon sends his familiars out searching for you too, exploring the areas that he can’t reach. 
The ravens are good at finding things, and if they can’t find you, then he’s screwed. 
Each time they come back with nothing. 
Occasionally, they bring him Grimm they’ve found or a valuable piece of treasure. 
But you’re the only treasure he gives a shit about right now. 
When he goes to retreat back to his room, he runs into Lucifer. 
He looks terrible. 
But Mammon can’t blame him. He probably noticed his swollen face and unwashed hair, too. 
He sends you texts every day. Even if you don’t get them. 
Normally he’d be grossed out by his own sappiness, but he doesn’t care. 
He needs you.
MC, wherever you are, just know I love you. So goddamn much. Please come back.
I miss you.
I hope you’re thinking of me, too. 
Leviathan always told you he wouldn’t know what he’d do without you. 
But he really didn’t want to really experience what life would be without you!
Is this some cruel joke?!
It’s got to be! One of his alternate universe video games went wrong again right?
Except it isn’t. You’re actually gone, and he actually has no idea what to do with himself. 
He cries. Alot. 
To mask his tears from his brothers, he spends a lot of time in his fish tank with Henry 2.0. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loves Henry, but he longs for you. His soulmate.
He sends Lotan to search the Devildom seas, far and wide. He had asked him to listen for any information of sightings of you. 
 But so far, there’s been nothing. No word. No trace of you.
He lays curled up in his bathtub, a laptop balanced on his lap as he watches anime to try and distract himself from you.
But oh no, is this your favorite episode?! He turns it off, shoving the laptop away and fresh tears falling down his cheeks. 
I’m so useless, he thinks. The Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy, and I can’t even find a human!
Levi’s self depreciative behavior gets worse.
He blames himself for not being with you when you disappeared.
He begins picking at his skin and nails, an old, nervous habit resurfacing from back when he first fell into the Devildom. 
His brothers do what they can to reassure him, but it’s no use. 
He needs you. Please come back home soon, MC.
Satan’s temper tantrums are back.
He didn’t ever think he’d revert back to this, but now that you’re gone….
Accidentally lost his temper and in a wrath filled frenzy blew through the wall in the living room. Lucifer threatened to tie him up. 
Normally the prideful demon would have just done it, but something about his older brother was different nowadays.
He feels it too, he thought. The pacts are gone.
Spends sleepless nights in the library reading any book he can find about curses.
Did you become invisible? He had no other explanation.
Was it the work of some demon on the street who decided they didn’t like you that day?
He’s frustrated because he feels like he doesn’t know anything.
He knows nothing of your sudden disappearance
Like Mammon, he sends his cats out looking for you. Any sign of you. 
But they also bring back nothing but a dead mouse here and there. 
Normally he’d be delighted by their gift to him, but it’s lost its appeal.
When he’s worried about you, nothing else matters. 
Lucifer did allow him to keep a cat in the house though. 
Also uses his personal connections from all three realms to look for you. 
But it’s no use. 
When he’s not in the library, he’s shut away in his room. 
His brothers think for a moment that he’s disappeared as well, but they find him asleep on his bed, his cheeks tear stained and a book on his chest. 
Please come home, MC. I need you.
Asmo’s love for you rivals the love he feels for himself. 
Now that you are gone, he feels he has no love left to give for anyone.
He feels empty. 
The Avatar of Lust takes pride in his appearance, always making sure he’s presentable and looking his best. 
But not knowing where you are and if you are safe or not is driving him mad. 
His brothers haven’t seen him this way in a long time. 
Asmo’s eyes are puffy and red, his cheeks and nose raw and swollen from the endless tears. 
He spends hours in the bath, thinking of anything he may have said or done to cause you to leave him like this. 
He takes up the habit of sleeping a lot. He wasn’t sure how Belphie could do it all the time. But now he understands. 
Asmo can also throw a good temper tantrum. 
The day he realized he could no longer feel your pact with him sent him over the edge.
But afterwards he felt embarrassed, even though his brothers will never blame him for expressing his feelings for you. 
When Solomon leaves to go find you, he feels hopeful, putting all the trust he has in your master to find you.
But it also hurts. He hasn’t left Solomon’s side since your disappearance, taking comfort in the bond he still has with him.
He’ll never take it for granted again. 
MC, I can’t take this! If you can hear me, please come home, my lost little lamb… I love you…
Beel is quiet. 
He’s another one that feels responsible for your disappearance.  
His heart is aching, and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. 
Thankfully, he has his twin by his side to reassure him. But it’s not enough. 
He needs to know where you’ve gone. 
He needs to save you. 
Beel’s appetite is all over the place. One minute, he can’t stop eating and the next, he’s not hungry at all. 
His brothers got really concerned when he didn’t eat for 2 whole days.
The only hunger he feels is the need to figure out where you went. 
Not only is he worried about you, he’s worried for his brothers. 
He knows they are suffering too, especially with the noticeable absence of your pact. 
Beel has always been protective of them, after all.
He stops going to the gym. He doesn’t feel like it. 
Instead, he cuddles up in bed with Belphie, holding him close with tears silently rolling down his cheeks. 
Beel you’re squeezing too hard, he hears his twin mumble. But he doesn’t care.
He’s almost lost his brother before, and now your disappearance has him terrified. 
Please, don’t take anyone else away from me. 
I love you, MC, please wherever you are, stay safe…
Belphie’s temper is a short fuse. More than usual, anyways. 
He doesn’t want to talk to anyone but Beel. 
He tries to retreat to the attic to get some peace and quiet from his brothers losing their collective shit. 
But he ends up drowning in a wave of memories as soon as he walks through the door. 
He collapses on the bed and hugs his cow pillow to his body as he sobs, his body curling in on itself. 
Dammit MC, look at what you do to me…you need to come home…
When he isn’t sleeping, he helps soothe the rest of his brothers to sleep. He sees their dreams, knows the thoughts that are keeping them awake.
He wants to help, but figures this could be the only way he knows how. 
He doesn’t feel your presence at all, though. 
That must mean you aren’t anywhere nearby, or even in the same Realm. He knows your pact with him is gone. 
He felt it break the day you disappeared. 
But sometimes he feels a flutter of something in the place where the mark used to be. 
He can’t explain why. 
Belphie often finds himself slipping into bed with his twin at night. 
They were inseparable before, but even more so now that you aren’t around. 
I can’t lose him too, I have to stay by his side, he thinks. He snuggles into Beel’s chest as his brother holds him close, afraid he might disappear too at any second.
He misses the days when you were nestled comfortably right between the two of them. 
You need to come back MC, you’re our missing piece. 
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mattatouilletkachuk · 4 months
Can you combine 8 & 9 from your off-season prompt list for John? 😂
An Abrupt Wake Up || John Marino
Prompt: 8. “You snore. Loudly.” & 9. “I don’t understand how I slept so good last night.”
WC: 1k+
A/N: I know I’m a slow writer but I had to post something for John’s birthday!
Summary: Making your relationship official during the hockey season was amazing, however, the off-season sheds some light on some things you didn’t know about your boyfriend previously.
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Despite officially dating John for five months, now. You had never actually seen him get a good night's sleep. You spent the night over at his place and he’s slept over at yours so by now you thought that you understood his bedtime routine and weird sleeping idiosyncracies.
You were wrong.
For some reason, it hadn’t occurred to you that John would sleep differently during the off-season than during the regular hockey season. He had always seemed like such a light sleeper. Coming back from a game or a roadie and just passing out and waking up a few hours later still in the same position he fell asleep in. This Summer you had quickly come to realize that he wasn’t getting really sleeping, if he was getting anything it was a power nap.
You had only come to this realization this morning as you watched him sleep and listened to his air horn of a snore. When he invited you to come home with him to Boston this Summer, you thought it would be peaceful and relaxing. There wouldn’t be any nerves because you had already met his family during the season. You couldn’t have predicted that your eyes would be bloodshot and that you’d have bags under your eyes after the first night. It wasn’t your preferred method of staying awake all night because of John, in fact, you’d rather stay awake with John, but that wasn’t the case.
Your eyes shifted over to the clock on the bedside table and you realize that now would usually be the time that you would wake up and get ready for the day. Instead, you wanted to grab earplugs and hide under the thick comforter and sleep until the sun went down but because that wasn’t an option at the moment you decided that John would just have to be awake with you.
There wasn’t much thought put into it before you leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed one of the decorative pillows and came back up and hit him in the face with it. Had you not been so grumpy from your lack of sleep you probably would have felt bad or at the very least chucked the pillow across the room to get rid of the evidence.
With one final deep and guttural snore, John sat upright in a panic, blinking his eyes several times before they finally adjusted and landed on you.
“Did something happen? What’s wrong?” You almost felt bad.
You shrugged your shoulders and adjusted your pillow before you snuggled into it. “It’s time to wake up. You said you wanted to hit the gym early.”
John rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock, similar to the way that you did you few moments ago. As he stretched you used it as an opportunity to steal some of the comforter that he was using.
“I actually feel well-rested,” his voice was deep and heavy and you usually would have pulled him back into bed for some morning fun before he went off to the gym but now you just wanted him to go lift weights or run on a treadmill for a little while while you slept the day away. “I don’t understand how I slept so good last night.“
John’s last few words made you peek your head out from under the blankets and finally take in your boyfriend. His curly hair which you loved so much was a mess and he was rubbing at his eyes. Despite your previous frustration and your current exhaustion, your heartbeat sped up as you looked at him. For the first time in months, he did, honestly, look well-rested and although it was at the cost of your own sleep you still smiled knowing that this Summer you were probably going to see a new side to John. A side that the hockey season had no room for.
No more words were said between the two of you as you fell lightly in and out of sleep and John got ready to go to the gym. It was only after he laced up his shoes and grabbed his gym bag that he came over to give you a kiss goodbye. You smiled softly at the touch but immediately frowned as you remembered something.
“You snore. Loudly.“ It’s quiet and had John not been inches away from your face he probably wouldn’t have heard it but he needed to know. You weren’t about to let him leave and have him be clueless.
“What?” Confusion was written all over his face as he stood up. It wasn’t hurt or anger but you wondered if the confusion was because of your timing or if he really didn’t know he snored. Surely he had to know, an atomic bomb would be quieter than him.
You pulled the covers up to your chin and closed your eyes as you said, “You have got to give a person a warning when you snore that loud. It’s common courtesy. It’s like if you offered me orange juice and I said ‘yes’ but you gave me a glass of orange juice but with pulp.”
When he remained silent you cracked an eye open to look at him. He found it humorous and even while you were close to falling asleep, you were also itching to hit him with a pillow again. “Warning is all I’m asking for because last night I learned that when you aren’t playing hockey you moonlight as Thomas the Train.”
John’s laughter filled the bedroom. It wasn’t just the sleeping that felt different. It was his entire being, he slept harder, laughed louder, and in general seemed lighter. You loved this man but you bit your tongue. It wasn’t the right time for you to confess your feelings. Not right now.
“While I’m out I’ll pick up some noise-canceling headphones or earbuds for you,” he finally says as he leans down again to kiss you softly on the lips.
You give him one last peck before pulling back and smiling up at him with what probably seems like a dreamy expression but you couldn’t care less.
“Okay, I’ll see you later, Johnny.”
“I’ll see you later, baby”
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 22)
Uzi did finally get that baby bag.
It wasn't much, a glorified swaddle made from a purple blanket that wrapped around her torso so that Tera could rest at her side without pulling while she walked around. It had been almost scary, she'd seen new mothers walk around with them all the time when she was younger.
And now… here she was, baby strapped to her side as she went home. Home as in, her dad's apartment, her apartment, or maybe not anymore, after today.
N had gone off to pick up the newly made crib early that morning, yes morning. Neither of them had needed to go outside for a least a week, and they're schedules were starting to cycle back into what other drones would consider normal.
But even then it gave them a little time to talk about how raising Tera was going to work.
Her room in her apartment was too small to raise a baby in, it was almost too small for her, with stuff just shoved unceremoniously wherever there was room. It was too messy, and dangerous! Her railgun was still in peices on the couch, and while it was broken there were still several parts that could discharge and hurt someone.
Which left N's apartment, which had plenty of room, as it was nearly empty, he'd brought in the very little stuff he owned (blankets, pillows and plush toys) but all of that easily fit in the bedroom with plenty of room to spare.
Plenty of room for her stuff.
And that thought on it's own made her fluster, they'd spent plenty of nights together, especially recently. But it had always been under the pretense that she'd be going back home eventually. That she didn't live there.
Robo-god she was about to see her dad. Her dad which had zero context for what she was about to unleash on him. That her and N were together now, that he had a granddaughter, that she was… moving out.
So much had happened this week. Hell, so much had been happening almost every week. And all of it was stressful, wether it be life threatening or just life changing, it seemed like after years of nothing happening, it was all catching up with her with everything happening at once.
“Doorman?” A voice she recognized, a voice she really didn’t want to see, preferably ever, but especially not right now, with Tera awake and babbling from her bag.
“What is it Lizzy?” She deadpanned, not bringing any attention to the baby strapped to her side even though that was clearly what caught the other drones attention, her pink eyes locked to the bag in surprise.
“Oh shit, that was actually your kid?” Lizzy immediately asked, making Uzi roll her eyes as she remembered that Lizzy was the one that had initially exposed her.
“Yup. This is Tera.” Admitting it at first felt strange, like her tongue had wanted to reject it, but it quickly settled into contentment, yeah, this was right. And honestly, trying to make Lizzy feel bad about something felt too good to say anything else.
“I had wanted to keep some things private, but somebody took a picture of us bringing her home.” Yeah she wasn't going to let Lizzy get away with that without a jab or two, she'd caused a bigger headache than what was already happening, and Uzi was itching for some revenge, even if it was just light teasing.
“Oh come on! Like you wouldn't have done the same thing.” She snapped back, although she sounded less bratty than usual, although wether that was V's influence or the fact a baby was present was unclear.
“Snapped a picture, totally, blackmail is blackmail, immediately post it to every inbox in range… No.” She replied, not wanting this conversation to last much longer than it had to, she didn't particularly like Lizzy, her being a main source of her suffering for a long time.
She just needed to get that jab in.
Lizzy just scoffed, looking her up and down and crossing her arms as if searching for something, probably something else to mock her for, Uzi found herself rolling her eyes again, turning to walk away from her and the conversation before Lizzy started talking again.
“Sorry or whatever, I thought you were just babysitting or something. Didn't think it'd be a big deal.”
Holy Shit, was Lizzy apologizing?
“Uh.” Honestly Uzi wasn't sure how to respond, she'd wanted her to feel bad sure, but she wasn't sure if that was even possible, and she'd never in a million years think she'd be hearing Lizzy apologize.
“Yeah, sure.” Is what came defensively out of her mouth as she walked away, Tera blew a raspberry at Lizzy from the bag, giggling when she got pink hollow eyelights in return.
Okay, so maybe she could keep her edginess and still be motherly figure to Tera, that hadn't occurred to her as an option, a part of her thought she'd become a different person, and maybe she was around N and Tera behind closed doors, but here? She didn't feel soft, she felt like she always did, slightly bitter, like licorice.
She passed more drones on her way, some didn't seem to notice her which was absolutely fine with her, but some definitely did, stopping and staring at the neighborhood goth carrying around a giggling baby in a cute little purple swaddle.
She could understand why they were staring, it was quite the image, but it didn't mean she had to like it.
Tera on the other hand was loving the attention, each set of eyelights on her produced another laugh and some rolling that had Uzi holding the side of the bag so she wouldn't roll out onto the floor.
One drone was a little too obvious for Uzi's liking, staring at the bag like it would suddenly come to life and harm him.
“Hey! Stop staring and mind your business!” She turned to the guy, who immediately looked scared out of his mind, his purple eyelights hollowing as he nodded.
“Yes ma’am sorry!” He raised his hands before scampering away with his tail between his legs, if he had one, that is.
She smirked a little before moving on, it was a powerful feeling, to scare someone off, and it was satisfying as well, she didn't like the way he was looking at her baby.
She finally, finally reached where she wanted to be, well not wanted, she wanted to be anywhere else. But where she needed to be.
She knocked. Which was weird because it was her door, she had the key to get in whenever she wanted. But it still felt like the right thing to do at the moment, she heard shuffling from the other side of the heavy steel, great, her dad was home.
Her dad, the one who'd left her to die, the one who left her alone to cry herself to sleep after her mother died, the main reason her core had such heavy shielding protecting the softness inside. Why her first instinct to any problem was to yell at it, or turn to science to better choose violence.
She held a lot of resentment towards him, something she'd shown time and time again, a part of her wanting to hurt him the same way he'd been hurting her. But she could never bring herself to hate him, not when she did still have memories of him being a halfway decent father, holding her when she'd have nightmares, giving her piggyback rides, being the first one to teach her about mechanics, and give her her first toolset.
“Coming!” Khan shouted, he'd been drafting of some blueprints. Not of doors, but of something for N, if he wanted it.
A cap for his tail, made out of solid steel and form fitting, so it slid right over the needle, it was just a concept for now, he didn't have the exact measurements of his tail and he wasn't even sure N would want something like that, he seemed to have good control over it. But if Khan had a tail with a stinger, he'd want to make sure his infant daughter couldn't accidentally grab it, just to be safe.
So really it was gift for Tera, but, nonetheless.
He opened the door, surprised to see his daughter of all drones knocking, she never knocked, she lived here!
“Uzi? Why'd you knock? Did you lose your key?” He tilted his head in confusion before his eyes followed the strap of the baby bag, he blinked, and tiny purple eyelights blinked back.
“I-is that?” His voice almost immediately turned warbly, he didn't hadn't ever seen Tera before, he didn't realize how much she looked like his daughter, at least when she was also a pillbaby.
“That's Tera Dad, can I- can I come in?” Her voice sounded muted, not like the fiery rebellious drone he'd come to know as his daughter, he moved out of the way wordlessly, eyes still trained on the tiny droneling at her side.
She was giggling at him, rolling madly in an attempt to escape her confines, Uzi dipped her arm into the bag and lifted her up into her arms.
“Stop squirming Jellybean, or you're gonna fall.”
Tera was just happy for the attention attempting to roll more even though she was trapped in Uzi's hands. She sighed.
“Sorry, she has a lot of energy.” She smiled warily at her dad, who looked like his core had been ejected and thrown halfway across the room.
All he could see was his wife, the first month or two they had Uzi and she was a cryer, there were no moments of silence in the Doorman household, if Uzi was left alone for even a millisecond she'd begin to wail which meant either Nori or himself would have to be with her at all hours.
And Uzi shared her mother's stress lines, looking a little bit worn out but satisfied and happy, eye's shining with so much raw affection for the child in her arms that Khan knew, without another word spoken, that he had a granddaughter.
“That's quite alright dronelette…” He managed to force out the words, hopefully without sounding too strained, he wanted Uzi to feel comfortable enough to talk to him, to tell him things. Even if she thought he didn't like it.
And a part of him didn't, she was 18, not quite even an adult yet but her birthday was coming up soon. And dammit she was still his daughter, watching her grow up this much in such a little amount of time was harrowing, and only reminded him of how much he'd missed while wallowing in his grief.
Another part of him was almost giddy, a granddaughter, a granddaughter, it was honestly something he never even hoped to have, Uzi had never been one to make freinds, much less romantic connections.
“Yeah- uh, this is Tera, N's daughter.” She repeated, obviously nervous and tired. Khan wondered if N looked equally run down. And if perhaps Tera was the same level of clingy Uzi had been.
“I wanted you to meet her, since I've been spending so much time with the both of them…”
He could only bring himself to smile and nod, but wanted to freeze as Uzi came toward him and outstretched her arms, he clumsily stepped forward and took the tiny droneling into his arms, core stopping for a moment.
“She learns names pretty quick, oh, and she's a hugger, so uh, beware.” She warned, still seemingly nervous, he was sure he'd know exactly why soon, although he had a feeling he might already know.
Khan looked down at the baby, which felt like lead in his hands as she smiled up at him, weirdly silent considering all the babbling he'd just heard.
“Tera, this is Khan.” Uzi spoke softly to the baby, standing beside her father as he looked like he was about keel over. “He's my dad.”
Tera's smile grew bigger, although she didn't attempt to say his name, perhaps more than a single letter was too much for her. Instead she blew a goofy raspberry, rolling around in his arms for a moment before rolling into him, giving him a hug.
Tears sprung up in his eyes as something in his core snapped, he held her closely, and a sniffle escaped his voice box before he could stop himself.
“Dad?” Uzi sounded slightly worried for him, she'd known he'd might have some kind of reaction to seeing Tera, but this was a little more then she'd expected.
“I-I'm alright! I just-” He blinked away the tears and tried to steel himself, thoughts running a mile a minute. “I see why you warned me. Hah…”
“Yeah… you should have seen V, you could see the exact second her core melted.” Khan only could nod, the droneling now pressed up against him made a chirping noise, happy and content at any love given to her.
“But ah…that's uh, not the only reason I came here, just to… introduce you to a droneling that… that you're not gonna see often. You are gonna see her often, A-at least I hope you do, C-cause she's not just N's… she's-she's mine… too.” She rambled and sputtered as she tried to find the words to say, Khan felt himself smiling as she continued, she was expressing a want to have him around, that he wouldn't be mad. That'd he'd want to be-
“She's your granddaughter… dad.” She finished, looking more stressed then ever, like he could ever possibly tell her that he didn't want to be in her life anymore.
He winced as he remembered all the times he did indirectly. Leaving her alone so he could throw himself into another project, neglecting the one person he still had as family simply because she looked too much like Nori to look in the eye.
And she really looked like her now.
He looked back down at Tera, at his granddaughter, and felt himself begin to tear up again. She was smiling at him, babbling and cooing up at him as he launched forward and hugged his daughter with all his might.
He felt her tense, then, thankfully, she relaxed, mindful of the child as she curled up in his arms much like she did when she was little, and she'd needed comfort from a nightmare. He felt her visor press against his chest, breathing shaky, like she herself was about to cry.
How could he have left her, how? What kind of parent was he that he left his own daughter? What kind of man?
And how could she have ever forgiven him? He knew he could never forgive himself.
“I'm sorry dronelette, I'm so so sorry.” He cracked out, petting her hair, he felt some kind of pressure on his back, her hand most likely, and she almost laughed, though it sounded pained.
“I'm still… so angry at you.” She admitted, slowly, though not pulling away. And he felt more pained steel settle in his core, he deserved this… whatever she needed to say. If she needed curse at him, to hit him even, he'd deserve it, although he hoped she wouldn't in front of Tera.
“But I missed you more.”
And thats all it took for them both to sob like newborns, her face burying into his shoulder as she let years worth of coiled pain escape her, despite all she'd done, how much she'd grown, she was still 18, still much a kid herself.
And they remained like that for some time, at least until Tera got uncomfortable being sandwiched between them and began to fuss, which finally ended the long overdue hug between father and daughter.
“H-here, give her to me.” She stammered out, either slightly embarrassed or still a little emotional, and Khan did as he was told, handing daughter back to mother.
She rocked her until she stopped fussing, and Khan led them both to the couch with his hand, still recovering himself.
She flopped on the couch like she carried the entire weight of the world on her shoulders, Tera held gingerly until she was placed between them do she could freely roll around, which she did happily.
“I'm assuming that means N is my son in law now?” He chuckled out, trying to lighten the somewhat oppressive mood that had settled over them. She blushed heavily, sputtering out a surprised response.
“We're not- he's- uh… He's my… boyfriend now yeah.”
He laughed, even though he saw it coming a mile away, he thought he might be more upset about it then he was, but N had more than proven Uzi was his priority, even over himself at times.
“And you need help moving your stuff out?” He continued, smiling through the small amount of pain the thought caused him, she was growing up, but if that hug had shown him anything, she still needed her dad, and he couldn't ignore that, he wouldn't, not anymore.
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Battle Scars and Love Confessions
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This is my own work! Please do not repost or translate without permission! Minors DNI or you'll be blocked, thank you!
Tachihara Michizou x Female Reader Smut
Word count: 3,208
Warnings: Pet names, cursing, female and male receiving oral, 69 sex position, probably slight OOC Tachihara
Y/N and Tachihara have been on a important mission for Mori scouting another ability organisation when Tachihara becomes injured trying to save his partner. As she helps patch him up feelings are revealed and it leads to a spicy evening spent together.
Y/N and Tachihara Michizou have been on an undercover mission for weeks scouting out a rival organisation for Mori however it turns out they've been being watched themselves. The organisations ability users landed an attack on the duo which led to Tachihara receiving a cut across his chest while trying to protect Y/N. The pair have finally made it to her apartment where they can tend to his wound.
"Fuck... Can you help me with this Y/N? It hurts so fuckin' bad" Tachihara grunts out as he applies pressure to his chest to stem the bleeding. "Shit shit... One second" She hisses out as she rushes them into her apartment, setting Tachihara down on her sofa as she gets out her first aid kit "I need to clean it alright? So it doesn't get infected" She looks at him for a moment before applying some alcohol rub to a clean cloth and starts to gently dab at the open wound.
The man sucks in a breath through gritted teeth "Shit... Thanks..." He sighs softly as he watches her work, feeling grateful for her help. His eyes wander over her body as she works, admiring how beautiful she was despite being covered in his blood. It made him feel even more helpless than usual. Y/N nods her response trying not to focus on the fact that her crush in half naked in front of her as she focuses on cleaning the cut as best she can without interrupting the start of the healing process "You doing okay? Other than you know... The obvious?" She asks carefully while working "Yeah," He answers honestly, not wanting to burden her any further than necessary. "It's just really painful." He winces slightly as she cleanses the wound.
"I know I'm sorry" She frowns as she finishes up, throwing the bloody rags into a rubbish bag before wrapping a clean bandage around his chest "You need to be more careful next time" She scolds him gently "Sorry" he mumbles quietly, embarrassed by his own brash actions. He tries to ignore the throbbing sensation from his wound, focusing instead on thanking her once again for taking care of the injury. She sighs softly before rubbing his leg gently from her place on the floor "You don't gotta apologise just... Please be more careful. I don't like seeing my best friend hurt" The woman before him smiles sadly "I will" He promises solemnly, trying to reassure her that he will not end up in this situation again.
Nodding she moves to throw away her used supplies "You gonna be able to get home in this state? I kinda feel like you should stay here tonight so you've got someone watching you" She suggests joining him on the sofa "Thanks" he says gratefully as he watches her move around the small apartment "You can take my bed and I'll stay here on the sofa" She grabs and spare pillows and blankets laying them down on the floor "There's no way I'm taking your bed! If I'm sleeping in your bed then you're staying with me!" He protests firmly, sitting up quickly grunting a little in the process at the pain in his chest and grabs her arm pulling her towards him "We both need some rest after our mission and all the bullshit we went through today" He tells her stubbornly.
She flushes at his words "We can't Tachi... You'd see me in a vulnerable state, What if I'm an awful person to sleep beside and I hurt you" She giggles nervously "Aww come on..." He whines playfully, leaning back against the sofa "It won't kill us to spend one night in the same bed" The ginger haired man winks at her teasingly, hoping to ease her worries about being alone with him in such close proximity. "O-Okay if you're sure you don't mind" Y/N gulps down her nerves at being in a bed with the man she's had a huge crush on since he joined the Port Mafia "I think I've got some of your old clothes stashed here somewhere from previous missions".
He nods happily as he waits for her to find something comfortable for him to wear, as he sits there silently watching her search through the closet he tries to ignore how hot she makes him feel "Do you have anything you want to talk about since we're alone?" He asks softly, curious about her thoughts on their relationship, he's never been sure if the woman before he reciprocates his feelings. She finally finds him some comfy clothes to sleep in and let's him change in peace before tilting her head to the side as she thinks once he rejoins her "Like what Tachi?" He smirks at her question, his heart skiping a beat when he sees her looking at him admiringly.
"I don't think I've got anything to ask you, how about you? Do you have any questions for me?" She smiles at him reassuringly. He looks at her blankly for a moment before huffing out a shaky breath "I was thinking about us"
"Us? What about us Tachi? I'm confused" She looks at him with her brows furrowed, he blinks at her confusedly before frowning "You truly don't know?" He clicks his tongue as he watches her nod "Y/N I LIKE you... I like like you" He stutters out turning away from her as he blushes a dark red he didn't think he would have to spell it out for her like that.
Her eyes widen slightly as she lets out a shaky breath "O-Oh... I didn't realise" She mutters as she blushes as dark as her male companion "Well that's good because... I like you too" She looks down away from his eyes as he takes a deep breath before looking back at her "Well that's a relief" He chuckles as he shakes his head "You gonna let me take you out when we're next free, like on a date?" He smiles at her hopefully. Y/N smiles blindingly at him and nods enthusiastically "I'd love to go on a date with you Tachi!". He grins widely at her enthusiasm before nodding "Good! Then we'll make sure to plan something special for our first date~" He winks at her playfully as she giggles watching the man she admires so much "Is it gonna be awkward that we're spending a night in the same bed?" She bites her lip as she looks up at him.
He laughs lightly at her comment "No way, we're both adults after all." He says with a smirk "Besides, who would ever want to sleep alone anyway?" He leans his arm against the edge of the sofa behind them and puts an arm around her shoulder affectionately pulling her closer "That's true I'd much rather sleep beside you" She curls her arms around his neck playing with the baby hairs that sit at the edge of his hair line. His face lights up as he hears this and wraps his other arm around her waist "So what are our plans tonight then?" He asks softly as he moves a hand down to rub her thigh gently while smirking at her "Well I suppose that's up to you Tachi" She grins mischievously at him before pulling his face down to gently kiss his lips.
He kisses her back deeply savoring every second of their passionate embrace before breaking off the kiss and smiling lovingly at her "What do you say we take this to the bedroom" He looks into her eyes to see her reaction "I'd really like that" She kisses him again slowly and passionately as she climbs into his lap to deepen the kiss, Tachihara can't help but release a small hiss as she bumps against his chest but recovers before Y/N can realise she momentairly hurt him. He returns her kiss eagerly wrapping his hands around her waist as they continue making out on the couch until finally he lifts her up and carrys her to the bedroom where he pulls away leaving her breathless.
Tachihara pushes her back into her bedroom wall sliding himself in-between her legs as he kisses her roughly stroking his left hand along her side as his right hand holds onto the wall as she grunts softly at the pressure against her back "Fuck Tachi... I want you" He groans softly at her words as he feels himself start to harden against her "Fuck baby... You don't know how long I've wanted to hear you say those words" Y/N nods knowing she feels exactly how he's feeling and grips the back of his head pulling him back to her lips as she slips her tongue into his mouth while pushing her clothed pussy against his groin, he moans softly as he feels her press herself against him.
Tachihara wraps his hands under her thighs and lifts her off to wall to throw her gently onto her bed "I'm going to have you screaming my name by the end of tonight" He smirks devilishly at her from the edge of her bed. He stands above her looking down lustfully as she beckons his over to her with her finger. Tachihara crawls onto the bed and stops when he's finally on top of her with his thighs caging her own in. Y/N reaches her hands up to his shoulders caressing his soft unmarked skin "I've wanted you for so long Tachi".
He leans forward kissing her deeply before breaking the kiss and staring deep into her eyes "You're mine now, forever." He says firmly before moving lower to kiss her neck gently. She smiles and repeats his sentiment back "I'm yours and you are mine Tachihara Michizou" She tilts her head backwards a little to give him more room as he starts to gently suck marks into her neck in-between kisses marking her as his own while she keens for him. He continues to mark her body slowly making sure that every inch of her was marked by his presence leaving no part untouched or unclaimed. His cock twitches slightly in anticipation of claiming her completely.
Hayley's upper body is now littered with bruising marks and soft bites as she pants softly "Stop teasing me" She whines out to him while spreading her legs open and pulling at her t-shirt, he chuckles lightly biting down on her shoulder blade "Am I taking too long baby?" He teases her playfully as he starts to strip her body of her clothing then removing his own. He appreciates her body for a moment eyes lingering on her pert nipples before leaning forward to take one of her sensitive buds into his waiting mouth
As his lips wrap around her hard nipple she lets out a soft whine at the contact "Please Tachi" She threads her fingers through his hair while he hums happily against her nipple as he licks and sucks at it sending shivers down her spine. Her pussy gets wetter by the second from just having her breasts played with. The feeling of being teased drives her crazy. He pulls away smiling at her "So needy aren't we?" He asks with a smirk stretching across his lips, she nods her head while pouting at him "Just want you" She wraps her arms around his neck, pushing him back on his haunches as she climbs into his lap.
He grins widely as she straddles him wrapping her legs around his waist. He looks up at her capturing her lips in an aggressive kiss full of tongue and heat pushing all of his untold emotions into her through their kiss, Y/N grips his neck to steady herself as she starts to grind herself down against his covered member "I can't wait to feel you baby" He groans loudly as he feels her grind against him. It sends chills throughout his entire body. He reaches up grabbing onto her hips holding them still so he can continue kissing her deeply. He breaks off their kiss panting heavily so he can slide her panties down, giving her needy pussy a little tap against her clit.
Her hips jerk slightly at his ministrations as she rolls his boxers down taking a second to admire his pretty cock springing out to meet her, precum already starting to seep out the head of his cock, his breath hitches as he watches her gaze over his length. A small moan escapes him as she gently wraps her hand around his length giving him a few short pumps "Who's teasin' now Y/N" He grunts as he tips his head back at her light touches, Y/N then suddenly climbs out of his lap to lean down and give his length soft kisses and licks.
Tachihara moans softly as he watches her tease him. He places one hand behind her head keeping her close as he lets out another low growl at her actions "Fuckin' tease" He mutters out as she smirks against his throbbing length, she moves herself back up to face him and gives him a light peck on his lips "I have an idea baby if you'll let me" She bites her lip and waits for his response. He smiles into her lips and nods "Whatcha thinkin' baby?" The woman in front of him smirks as she pushes him down onto the bed leaning over him as she gives him one last kiss before turning over to have her back facing him. She bends herself down as she hovers her pussy over his face while his cock bounches up to reach the edge of her face.
He grins as his hands wrap around her thighs pulling her pretty pussy closer digging his nails into her plush skin "I like how you think babygirl" He gives her a moment to adjust her position before he drives his tongue against her sticky lips, Y/N gasps as she feels his hot tongue prod against her waiting soppy pussy before she's reminded of her position when Tachihara pushes his hips up prodding her mouth with his length.
Y/N lets her tongue dip out of her mouth as she slowly starts to lick against his length teasingly before wrapping her lips around the head of his cock sucking greedily, his breath hitches as he feels her lips wrap around his shaft, he groans loudly feeling himself growing in her mouth "Mmm fuck yeah..." He pants heavily as he tries to keep control of himself from being too eager to please her. His tongue licks quickly against her slit, he licks up the entirety of her pussy before reaching her throbbing clit.
Her body shutters as she finally feels his tongue brush against where she really needs him, she hums lightly against his throbbing head letting the vibrations hit against his skin before she starts to take his length into her waiting mouth, licking against the underside of his cock while pushing her hips back against his face desperately. He moans softly as she takes as much of his thick cock into her mouth as she could he could feel her throat muscles tighten around his shaft as she sucked him off eagerly wanting to please him so badly.
His tongue slides harder against her hole dipping inside before licking up around her clit as he circles his tongue against her little bud making Y/N whine and moan against his length increasing her pace as she bobs her head up and down, the man beneath shudders slightly as he hears her whimper and moan loudly onto his dick, he felt her throat tighten even more around his shaft as she bobbed faster on his cock trying to get every last drop of cum out of him, his hand grips her plush thighs even tighter as he pulls her as close to his face as he can while he devours her sensitive pussy.
Tachihara starts to leave red marks on her pretty skin and he grips her so harshly getting pussy drunk on the taste of her essence, Y/N can hardly handle the sensations as her thighs start to shake from the stimulation. As she slobbers on his length she feels his cock throb against her throat while he thrusts up to fuck her face as best as he can from his position. He groans loudly as he feels her choke on his cock, his hands gripping her thighs tightly as he slammed himself deeper into her tight wet mouth fucking her face hard as he can feeling himself getting close to blowing his load as he pumps his hips faster while she takes it like the obedient little slut she is.
Y/N can feel his cock throbbing harder and faster once he starts to near his end as she realises he's close she feels him suck her clit into his mouth leathering wet licks and sucks to her abused button with determination to make her cum with him. He moans loudly as he feels her body tense up on top him, he knows that if he doesn't stop rocking his cock into her mouth soon then he would shoot his load straight down her throat, but instead of slowing down he keeps thrusting until finally he can hold back no longer and releases his hot sticky seed deep down her throat as she gulps every last drip down her slutty throat, making him moan loudly "Y... Y/N!".
She moans at his taste as she glady licks his sent cock clean, moaning loudly as he works her clit harder and faster as her thighs tremble from at attention "C'mming! I'm cumming Tachi, don't stop fuckin' me with your tongue!" She cants her hips against his face uncontrollably as she grinds her pussy down against his tongue as he works her through her organism, gripping her shaking thighs and slowly licks her throbbing slit as she comes down panting heavily.
He smiles happily as he hears her moans, knowing how much pleasure this was giving her, feeling her juices run over his lips as he continued licking her pussy, tasting her sweet nectar as he felt her orgasm wash over her, squeezing his head between her legs as he licked her cunt making sure not to miss any of her sweet juices, greedily sucking it all up.
She moans as she flops down on top of him while catching her breath "I've never cum so hard in my life" She giggles as she notices her limbs are starting to feel heavy from keeping the position up for so long. He chuckles softly as he pulls away her pussy, gently rolling her onto the bed before laying next to her still breathing heavily while looking at her and smirking.
"You didn't think we were done did you babygirl?" He bites his lip as he pulls her close to his body "I'm nowhere near being done with you" She can't help the shiver that licks up her spine with anticipation as she smiles at her lover.
Tonight was going to be a long one and she couldn't be more excited for it.
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stars-of-kyber · 2 years
For your sleepy prompt - 35. Kate/Anthony
Prompt: “I can’t sleep if you’re not here to cuddle with me.”
I loved this prompt, honestly. Thank you for asking for it!
You cannot convince me that Anthony and Kate wouldn't be that one couple that would move their relationship really fast.
I have to say, this was not where this story was going, but then the characters went wild and things just started to happen. They make decisions I just make the words, really.
Anyway, to the story! Enjoy the fluff
The absolute first thing Kate Sharma noticed about Anthony Bridgerton was that he was very unfairly handsome. The second was that he looked really tired. As time passed and their relationship evolved from outright dislike to harmless banter to friendly flirtation to not-so-friendly flirtation, and then to something else entirely, Kate realised that Anthony constantly looked tired. 
The purple bags under his eyes were just another fixture, as much a part of him as the brown hair and his slightly arrogant, very protective nature. More than once she had stared at him while his eyelids slowly dropped in the middle of the noisy pub on a Friday night. And she was looking at him in the first place because she sometimes worried he was really exhausted, not because she was checking him out, thank you very much, Edwina. 
He also drank coffee by the buckets. Kate had seen him drinking out of the hand-painted thermic cup that had been a Christmas gift from Hyacinth more times than she actually had seen him consume water. 
Initially, Kate had assumed he was just like most playboys and had spent his nights partying away. Hell, she’d seen Benedict and Colin’s drawn-out, tired faces after a night of heavy pub crawling more than once. But as she got to know Anthony Bridgerton and not just his gossip-built public persona, she started to wonder if he was working himself to an early grave. His usual answer to her texts in the middle of the night was “Working, you?” and he’d send it from his study in Bridgerton House, from his home office or from his real office where Kate was shocked to find out sometimes spent the entire night. 
The man was just not getting any sleep done. 
Yet, by the time they finally stopped dancing around each other long enough to actually get together and he’d spend the night at hers or vice-versa, Anthony seemed to sleep fine, even if a bit restlessly. It was rare a night where she’d get up in the morning and he wasn’t there, even if sometimes he was already awake, his sleep-rumpled hair a delicious mess and his sleepy eyes belonging just to her. She’d even woken up to him actually sleeping. He looked younger, more carefree in his sleep, with his lips slightly parted and his cheek pressed to the pillow. A few times, she’d dragged him to bed, in the very literal sense, after he lost track of time, his head immersed in a long contract that was demanding attention or a problem that actually belonged to one of his siblings. But most nights, they’d fall in bed together, and fall asleep there, their naked, sweaty bodies tangled into each other under the sheets.  
Kate had never made anything of the fact that the more nights they spent together, the more well-rested Anthony looked. Their siblings and friends even commented on it, joking that if they’d known that getting a girlfriend was what was going to make Anthony actually get some restful hours of sleep and stop being a moody, brooding oaf, they’d have pushed the two of them together ages ago. And she’d just laughed it off. They just were two people that had long work days and their nights were the only time they could properly be together. 
She’d never really considered she might be the reason for it. And then Brussels happened. 
They had been together for four months when Anthony had to go away for a week for a business conference in Belgium. On the first day, they face-timed before bed and everything seemed fine. On the second day, he looked a bit more drawn out, but Kate just assumed it had been a long day of work, a different bed or stress about travelling. By the third day, she could no longer dismiss his exhausted looks as something normal. 
“Babe, you look like shit.” She told him the moment he opened his camera in their facetime. 
“Missed you too, Katie.” He chucked good-humoured, his laugh turning into a sleepy sigh as he rested comfortably against the fluffy hotel pillows. 
“I missed you too, silly.” She rolled her eyes, being gifted one of his rare boyish smiles, the one very few people got to see, before it was covered by his hand when it turned into a yawn. “Anthony, when was the last time you slept?” 
“Last night.” 
“How many hours did you sleep last night?” She narrowed her eyes at him, who, in turn, was very suddenly interested in something in the corner of the room. 
“And the night before that?” She pressed, watching as he fidgeted with the bedsheets like a child caught doing something wrong. 
“A… little less than that.” He admitted.
“I’m not really tired.” To contradict himself, he failed to hold back a loud yawn. “It’s nothing I’m not used to. I’ll be fine.” 
“It won’t be fine. You’re not invincible. You need sleep.” Anthony opened his mouth to reply, but she cut him off before any sound could come out. “If you tell me you’ll sleep when you’re dead, I swear to God, Anthony Bridgerton…”
“I wasn’t going to say that.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
“Did something happen at the conference?” 
“No, everything’s fine.” He leaned his head back more comfortably against his pillows. “I watched a random boring lecture that I don’t remember the topic of and then I had back-to-back meetings. They went well. Ah and I ate a cone of chips. Very nice chips really.”
“Then why aren’t you sleeping?” 
“Seriously, Kate, can you let it go, please?” 
“No, Anthony, I can’t let it go!” She hated the harsh way the words came out, yet she knew something was wrong and he was once again trying to dance around it. “Not when I’m worried about the love of my life in another country, a place he’s never been to, working himself to the bone on three hours of sleep.”   
“I’m the love of your life?” The bashful smile on his lips seemed to wash away every single trace of exhaustion off his features for a moment, his eyes crinkling at the corners and Kate never wished so much to be near him, either to hit him or to kiss him senseless.  
“Yes, you are. Now don’t change the subject!” 
“Look, I’ve survived a full week on an hour of sleep each night before. Even more than that really.” He ran his hand through his hair, tugging at the ends. “I’m just a bad sleeper, alright? I’ll be fine” 
“No, you’re not.” Anthony’s eyebrows drew together in confusion as he watched her from across the screen.  
“You’re not a bad sleeper.” She set up in bed, propping her phone on a pillow to free her hands. “I’ve slept next to you a lot for the past four months. I’ve watched you sleep countless times.” 
“Yeah, well. Apparently, I can’t sleep if you’re not here to cuddle with me.” She stared at him dumbfounded, trying to understand if he was being serious or messing with her in order to get her to let go of the subject. His tone sounded just around the border between playful and serious to make her frown at the camera. 
“That’s just…” 
“I mean, it’s…”
“I get nightmares, alright?” He cut her off, the tip of his ears turning pink and he spoke looking up to the ceiling, his words fast and hard, as if he was forcing them out. “Or at least I used to. When things were bad, they’d wake me up shaking and sweating after an hour or two and then my head was full to fall back asleep. So I’d work since I always have so much to do. And this way I wouldn’t feel guilty about wasting time I didn’t have tossing and turning in bed.” 
“Anthony, that’s not…” 
“I know, I know! I get it, alright?” He sighed, clearly frustrated with himself and Kate had never felt so angry at the thought that she couldn’t just wrap her arms around him when 400 kilometres separated them. “Every doctor I go to tells me it’s stress and some even gave me sleeping pills, which just made me feel worse because the dreams wouldn’t go away, I just couldn’t wake up from them.” 
“What changed?” Her voice was softer now, almost a caress, desperately wanting to comfort and hold him close. 
“I don’t know.” He just shrugged dejectedly, still not meeting her eyes. “I just don’t get as many nightmares when I’m with you.” His shrug was too self-deprecating and she hated it. Hated the way his shoulders sagged and his face twisted with self-loathing. “Or when I do, I just turn around and pull you closer and I manage to fall back to sleep.” His gaze still wouldn’t meet hers, but he suddenly smirked. “Maybe it’s your snoring that lulls me to sleep.” 
“I don’t snore.” She scoffed and it ripped a chuckle out of him. 
“If you repeat that enough, maybe you’ll believe it eventually.”
“It’s Newton.” 
“I’m sure it is, babe.” She rolled her eyes at his sardonic snort, trying, and failing rather spectacularly to hold back a grin. But the light behind his eyes was too dim and he was still not looking at her. 
“Anthony, why didn’t you tell me?” Her voice was as soothing and unjudging as she could make it while she watched him fidget on the screen. 
“What? ‘By the way, you seem to have fixed this old sleeping problem I used to have and I can’t sleep when you’re not around anymore?’" His little laugh carried no drop of humour in it. “It’s a bit too much to throw at your girlfriend of four months, don’t you think?”
“You know it’s not like that.” She scolded gently. “You think I wanted you to see me during a storm?” 
“It’s different.” 
“It’s not.” She left no space for refutals in her words, even if he tried to open his mouth to say something else. “You refused to leave when I asked you to. You watched me go through a full panic attack, crying and shaking included and then you forced me to open up about it, something I’ve never done to anyone before, mind you. And I sat there through it all wondering when would be the moment that the coin would drop and you’d realise that I was too broken and not worth the effort.” Now she was the one letting the humourless, bitter laugh out. “And now you refuse to let me go through it alone and you’ve made it so much easier to sit through a storm that I haven’t had a full-blown panic attack in months and I’m dreading the moment you’ll undoubtedly leave and I’ll be forced to go through it all alone again.” 
There was silence for a few moments as he processed her words and she was half afraid she had said too much, gone too far, farther than what their relationship was ready for. It was just so much easier to talk when it was Anthony listening. And then he cleared his throat.
“Maybe it’s not so different, after all.” He was finally looking at her again, his tired eyes tentative as he watched her reaction to his statement. 
“I told you it’s not.” She scoffed, throwing her hair over her shoulder and praying he would not catch on to the relief that was too plain in her face and the way her heart was pounding in her ears. But it was Anthony she was talking about, he always noticed.
“I won’t leave.” His words, soft and reverent, sounded like a promise. 
“Yeah, well, neither will I.” 
Anthony fell asleep first, watching Kate across the screen until his eyes dropped on their own volition. Kate stayed on, watching over his slumber as a guardian angel, dead set on ensuring he’d have some peace until she herself was lulled by the soft patterns of his breathing. 
When she woke up the next morning and noticed the call had ended some three hours after it had started, a plan had already begun to bubble in her mind.
Kate worked the hem of her overcoat nervously between her fingers as the lift moved slowly towards her destination. In the beginning, her plan sounded like the most brilliant thing she had ever come up with. She managed to get the following day off, purchased a train ticket that was just a bit out of her budget and then contacted Anthony’s assistant. She had enough practice communicating with him that it had been relatively easy to convince the man to get her the room number without saying a word to his boss. He had also offered to call the hotel and let them know she was coming.
Then in the middle of the afternoon, she boarded the Eurostar at St. Pancras with an overnight bag and she had about two hours for her mind to panic and come up with every possible thing that could go wrong with her impulsive idea. 
By the time she stepped on Brussels-Midi Railway Station, Kate had convinced herself Anthony absolutely did not want her interrupting his business week and that he would not be happy with her suddenly showing up to his hotel room with no previous warning. He took his job seriously and liked order in his life. He wouldn’t appreciate her ruining his plans.  
Alas, she had already gone too far to go back now. That and there were no trains back home until the following morning. She had checked. 
The elevator pinged and the metallic doors opened to a nice carpeted hotel room. 
What if he had gone out to dinner or was still stuck at a meeting? She could always let herself in with the magnetic key the woman at the reception had given her, but wouldn’t that be a little bit too much? Would he enjoy walking into his room to find her in his bed? It had happened more than a few times in the past, but it had been at his house, during a normal week and he was usually aware she would be there. 
In the end, Kate spent over five minutes talking herself into knocking, her heart pounding against her ribcage.
 It took less than a minute for the door to open and there was Anthony. He was wearing sweatpants and a dark long-sleeved shirt that really shouldn’t look as good as it did, a few locks of his carefully combed hair were sticking out, the shadows under his eyes even more pronounced in real life than they had been in the call. And apparently, she had rendered him speechless, his mouth hanging open as he took her in, his eyes raking through her carelessly tied-up hair, her rucksack, the key card clutched to her hand and her travel-worn clothes. 
 “Hi.” She wished she felt as confident as her voice sounded while he continued to watch her. “Are you gonna let me…”
He pulled her into his arms before she could finish her sentence, the door slamming shut behind them. Kate forgot what she was saying, hiding her face against his chest and enjoying the warmth of his embrace.
Anthony was fine. He was not angry. He was glad she was there. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked, his awed voice muffled by her hair. 
“I realised I’ve never been to Belgium and my boyfriend mentioned they have nice chips so I thought why not.” The chuckle Anthony let out sent warmth through her body. “Also, he hung up on me in the middle of the night and that’s kinda rude, don’t you think?”
“I can’t believe you’re here.” Anthony stepped away just enough so he could see her face, lifting his hand to tug away a stray curl behind her ear. “Don’t you have work tomorrow?” 
“You see, there’s this thing I found out that exists recently. It’s called time off.”
“Never heard of it.” His eyes shone with a glint of misfit that had her giggling. 
“Yeah, it’s a first for me as well.” She sighed contently, letting her head drop to his shoulder. “You’re not mad I’m here, right?” 
  “Mad?” He tugged on her until they were sitting on the bed face to face his hand cradling her cheek. “Kate, that might be the nicest thing someone has ever done for me. And I love any reason to be close to you.”
 Kate straddled his lap, her thighs bracketing his legs as she brushed a feather-soft kiss to his lips. 
“I meant it, you know?” She whispered against his mouth. “When I said you’re the love of my life. I’m not going anywhere, you can’t get rid of me now.”
“Sometimes I think it’s impossible to love someone as much as I love you.” He spoke as if it was a confession. “I have to keep reminding myself not to rush things, we’ve only been together for four months. It feels like my heart’s known you forever and I want a lifetime with you. All of it. The good, the bad, everything.”  
“I want that too.” Kate brushed her nose against his, her heart threatening to burst with happiness. She couldn’t believe she almost talked herself out of this. Of dating him, of having him in her life, of coming to his hotel. 
“Move in with me.” He whispered into her neck. 
“What?” She pulled back to stare at him with wide eyes. 
“When we go back, come live with me.” He was looking at her earnestly, seriously, not a trace of a joke in his expression. “I’m done pretending I don’t want to spend every moment I can with you. I want your clothes in the closet and your mug collection in the kitchen cupboard. I want to get home to you every night and go to sleep with the smell of your shampoo surrounding me. Hell, I even want your stupid chubby dog that likes eating my socks.” 
“You’re sleep deprived.” She said, trying not to allow her hope to overtake her. Because this life he was describing? It was all she’s ever wanted.  
“I am.” He admitted without a trace of shame. “But I am known to be very much eloquent and clear-headed, even when sleep-deprived.” He pressed a kiss to her hand. “Move in with me, Kate.”
“Let’s make a deal.” She mumbled, fighting the smile that threatened to take over and failing miserably when he flopped down, pulling her with him until they were both laying down, their noses almost touching and their limbs tangled around each other. “If tomorrow after you’ve had a good night of sleep, you still want to…”
“I will still want it.” His tone bore no doubts. 
“If you still want it, I’ll move in with you.” 
“You will?” The smile that bloomed on my lips was almost blinding. 
“Yeah, I will.” There was no time to say anything else, not with the way Anthony’s lips collided with hers desperately. His arms held her close, her chest pressed against his, while her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging on it softly. 
Kate laughed when the heated kiss was interrupted by a yarn. She pushed away from him until he grunted dejectedly and allowed her to wiggle out of the bed. 
“Come back here.” He mumbled with his head resting on his folded arm, his gaze trailing her movement greedily around the room. 
“I’m just going to change.” She leaned over him, pressing a peck to his lips and stepping away before he could drag her back to the bed. “And then we’re going to sleep.”
“I have a better idea.” He smiled wickedly at her. 
“No. You need sleep.”
“I need you.” 
“We’re sleeping, Anthony.” She told him, with her hands on her hips with her voice that bore no arguments. “And if you’re very nice, we can have shower sex in the morning.”
“I can be very nice.”
“I’m sure you can.” She laughed, tossing her hair behind her as she moved towards the bathroom. 
“Kate,” She turned to find him watching her, the previous playful heat in his eyes replaced by loving tenderness. “I’m so glad you’re here.” 
“I’m glad I’m here too.” 
Anthony was already asleep when she stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes Kate smiled to herself, crawling under the covers and into his waiting arms. 
This was the life she wanted. Sharing her space, her time, her thoughts, even the scariest with Anthony. Going to sleep with her leg between his, waking up to his messy hair and sleepy smiles, getting home from work to him. Laughing at his exaggerated exasperation towards Newton, bantering about silly things, arguing when he was being obtuse or she was being stubborn. She wanted to be the one to hear him laugh and to be the one to hold him when he cried. 
No, Anthony would never lose a minute of his sleep again because of nightmares, not if Kate had any say about it.
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our-time-is-now · 1 year
September 17, 2019 (4): I’m here… you can let it all out…
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.  
Attention! This play includes transgender topics. For more details see our interjection.
Tuesday, 6:44 pm:
David: *really got the okay to go home during rounds this morning and was super happy* *has planned everything with Alex, Hans and Matteo and then started to pack when his mother arrived, who helped him with the rest - especially with the things that were further up in the wardrobe* *was happy to have her to himself again and made her tell him what she thought of the flatshare, Hans and Linn* *they had a pretty emotional moment where she told him that she’d really like to spend more time with him and that she’d like to come more often* *had just gotten his bearings again when Alex arrived and then he spent half an hour with Alex and his mother before she went back to Lychen* *then had to spend what felt like an eternity waiting for his discharge papers and they were finally able to leave the hospital around 1 pm* *really has some trouble getting out of Alex’ car again and feels a little pathetic that Alex really has to help him with it* *gets his bag and food basket carried by Alex and takes a deep breath when he’s finally at the flatshare and especially in their room* *immediately gets ordered to the bed by Alex, before he disappears to the kitchen to make coffee and a few sandwiches* *uses the time to enjoy that he’s really back in their bed again and sniffs Matteo’s pillow for some time* *then gets up again to unpack his bag, but gets a punishing look from Alex for it when he comes back to the room, therefore goes back to bed, after Alex has arranged the pillows so that he can sit comfortably upright leaning onto them and first has some coffee and sandwiches with him* *then they decide to watch some Netflix and forget the time a little while doing so* *is a little surprised when he suddenly hears the apartment door and when a moment later, Hans is standing in the room and throws himself onto the bed to join them: “Awww, I was so looking forward to having you back! Am I allowed to hug you or does that break something?!”* *grins and sits up a little straighter* Everything’s good - you can hug me carefully… *gets a hug and then follows the conversation between Alex and Hans in amusement, where Hans makes sure that Alex has taken good care of David* *eventually interrupts Hans and assures him again that Alex did everything right and is glad that Hans is finally satisfied* *then hears him tell them that Michi will also be here soon and can see him hesitate, but finally invite Alex to stay for dinner, as well* *talks to Alex some more after Hans has disappeared to the kitchen to start cooking, until Laura comes home, who is really honestly happy to see him, as are Linn and Michi, who eventually come home from work shortly after 6* *gets a little nervous when it’s approaching 7 pm and is quite glad that Linn and Laura disappear to their rooms after they greeted him and that Michi has disappeared to the kitchen to join Hans* *then hears Alex, who also says that he’ll look if Hans still needs help and knows exactly that he only does it to allow Matteo and him time to reunite just the two of them* *eventually can no longer stand being in bed, gets up, sits down on his desk chair and spins back and forth on it* *then finally hears the apartment door and Hans calling loudly from the kitchen: “Oh, my butterfly! You’re right on time! Dinner will be ready in a minute!”*
Matteo: *has rushed from the station to the flatshare so that he can immediately turn back and catch the next train* *runs up the stairs and then throws the apartment door open* *goes inside and can hear and see Hans* Man, Hans, I don’t have time. And what are you doing here anyways? I thought you went to the movies! Oh, whatever… I have to leave again straight away… *doesn’t hear Hans’ answer, because he’s already on his way to his room* *really only wants to quickly grab the letter and leave again* *opens the door and wants to go to the desk* *but stops in his tracks when he sees David sitting there* *feels like his heart has skipped a beat* *can only stare at him* What… how… what are you doing here?
David: *hears Matteo’s reply to Hans and feels his heartbeat speed up a little when the door opens and Matteo comes into the room* *immediately feels like he’s properly back home again only now* *smiles broadly when he sees him and almost feels sorry because he looks a little overwhelmed* *gets up from the desk chair and slightly shrugs one shoulder at his question* *smiles and says quietly* There was a change of plans that I can live with quite well… like being back with you one day sooner… *takes two steps toward him and reaches his arms out for him*
Matteo: *is still staring at him as if he were an hallucination* You were… released? You didn’t run away? *then sees him coming toward him and really realizes only now that he’s really here* *quickly goes the last step and wraps his arms around him* *then laughs quietly* You’re really here… *holds the embrace, but moves his head so that he can kiss him* *immediately kisses him again and then again* *then looks at him and smiles happily* Hey… welcome home…
David: *laughs quietly and then holds his hurting stomach* *confirms* Officially released! I didn’t run! *takes a deep breath when he’s finally in Matteo’s arms and closes his eyes* *squeezes him as close as possible without it hurting* *nods at his realization and murmurs quietly* I wanted to surprise you… *leans toward him when he kisses him and smiles when one kiss turns into three* *holds the third one for a little longer and then returns his gaze happily* *grins slightly* Hey… thanks… *kisses him again briefly and then says quietly* Sorry that you had to stress so much right now… I just couldn’t think of anything else to get you to go to the flatshare instead of the hospital…
Matteo: *laughs slightly* Surprise was successful… *somehow still can’t believe that he’s really here* *runs one hand through his hair but then immediately wraps his arm around him again* *gets another kiss and smiles immediately* *then laughs slightly* It’s okay… it was worth it… *kisses him again and then beams at him* Oh man, you’re really here again… oh, that’s why Hans is here and cooks?
David: *smiles when Matteo says that the surprise was successful and slightly leans his head against his hand when he runs it through his hair* *grins a little when he says that the surprise was worth the stress and murmurs quietly* That’s good then… *laughs briefly and nods* I’m really here… and I’ll stay here… with you… and we can finally fall asleep next to each other again… *sounds wistful* *then nods again* Yes, Hans and Alex were the only ones who knew. Dr. von Fratschen already said during rounds yesterday that maybe I could go home today already. But I didn’t want us to get our hopes up too much and to then be disappointed if it didn’t work out. So I only told Alex and Hans that it might be… *lifts his hand and puts it on his cheek* *tenderly runs his thumb over it and would love to lift it up higher into his hair, but can feel that this doesn’t really work just yet* *leaves his hand on his cheek and tenderly kisses him again* *then leans his forehead against Matteo’s and murmurs quietly* Now we really made it… those two stupid separations…
Matteo: *smiles and nods* Yes, finally falling asleep next to each other and waking up together again… *then nods slightly when he talks, but is more occupied with running his hand along his back and arm and neck and letting it slip back into his hair again* *then leans into David’s hand when he puts it on his cheek* *kisses him back and smiles at his murmurs* We made it… finally… *kisses him again and then looks at him* *asks quietly* And you’re really okay? Not too strenuous? *runs his hand through his hair* What did the doctor say? Bedrest? Oh, and what about the ointment?
David: *humms in agreement and happily when Matteo confirms again that they made it and enjoys Matteo’s touches* *kisses him back and then smiles slightly at his question* *nods* I’m good… due to such a weird caring guy I learned to take some care of myself and to rest when it gets too exhausting… *briefly elbows him and looks at him lovingly* The doctor said just that… listen to my body and not overexert myself. Resting in between… but no firm bedrest… *then sighs when he mentions the ointment and slightly shrugs his shoulders* The ointment is perfect… apparently pretty expensive, that’s why it’s not prescribed and can only be bought privately… but one of the best ointments for wound healing… but I’m only supposed to start with it once the wounds aren’t quite so fresh anymore… that takes some more time… *then hears Hans calling: “I’ll give you three more minutes to make out! Then we’ll eat! Otherwise everything will get cold!”* *grins slightly and sighs* I almost forgot what it’s like to live in a flatshare… *pulls him a little closer again, kisses him and murmurs into the kiss* We still have two minutes and fifty seconds…
Matteo: *laughs a little* Has to be a pretty strong guy… *but then nods when he tells him what the doctor said* Okay, that should be manageable… *grimaces slightly when he tells him about the ointment* Ugh, so it’s a good ointment, to boot? That sucks! *grimaces slightly and then shakes his head* Oh, whatever, if it helps that’s great. You’ll just take it and forget where it came from* *laughs when Hans calls and even more so when David sighs* After three days? Oh come on… *but then gets kissed and grins* 2 minutes 45 seconds… *wraps his arms around him a little tighter and kisses him for longer* *afterwards murmurs quietly* Mi sei mancato *and then kisses him again*
David: *nods mock serious* Yes… a pretty strong cool guy… *laughs quietly when Matteo says the fact that the ointment is good sucks, but stops right afterwards because ouch, and only grins* *nods* I already forgot where it came from… but if it’s empty and if it was good then I’ll still mention that fact to my mother… *then grins a little outraged* Three days!? It was five!!! Well, okay… four and a half… *but then doesn’t want to argue about it any further and instead wants to use the remaining time to kiss Matteo* *is scared for a moment that Matteo squeezes him too tightly when he wraps his arms around him tighter, but then realizes that it’s just right, and relaxes and hugs and kisses him back* *smiles at his words and it takes a moment until he knows how he can answer* *murmurs into the kiss* mi sei mancato anche tu… molto molto mancato… *but then hears from the kitchen: “30 more seconds…”* *calls back* We’re coming! *smiles at Matteo again and then slowly lets go of him*
Matteo: *nods slightly* Yes, your mother will surely be happy… *then laughs slightly* Yes, okay, four… I suppressed that… *then beams when David answers in Italian* You see… a natural. *sighs when Hans calls and quickly kisses David again* Can you even sit on the stools? *reaches for his hand and opens the door* *but then sees that Hans has prepared the living room for dinner* *then also sees Hans and Alex coming from the kitchen with bowls and hears Hans announce: “There you are! David will pick a seat and if it doesn’t work then we’ll move to your room and he can lie down!”* *grins slightly and looks at David to see if that’s ok* Sounds good… *then grins at Alex* Hey… everything good? *only sees him nod and smiles a little*
David: *grins when Matteo says that he’s a natural* Nonsense… I just learn the really important things right at the beginning… *nods at his question about the stools* It’ll work… and if not, then I’ll tell you… *entwines their fingers when Matteo reaches for his hand and smiles slightly, because he thinks it’s cute that Matteo does it for the short way to the kitchen, but then realizes that they only have to go to the living room because Hans has set everything up there* *hears Hans’ words, smiles and sees Laura grin: “He prohibited us from already sitting down so that you’ll have free choice of seating…”* *laughs quietly and shakes his head* You could have sat down… *but then quickly chooses the spot on the couch back by the window, so that everyone else can also sit down* *sees everyone looking at him worried when he grimaces slightly while sitting down and wheezes slightly* Everything’s good… once I’m sitting down it’s okay… only sitting down and getting back up still sucks… *hears Hans sigh: “We’ll get you back on your feet… okay, I’ll serve David so that he doesn’t have to move, for the rest it’s self-service…”* *then sees Michi coming out of Hans’ room with a tray that has legs: “Do you mean that? Oh, hi Matteo…”* *sees Hans beam: “Exactly! Great, thanks!” and sees him unfold the tray and position it above him* *grins* Wow… you really thought of everything… *sees everyone else now sitting down, as well, and beams at everyone* *says a little embarrassed* Nice to be back again…
Matteo: *laughs and shakes his head* Okay, whatever you say… *nods when he says that he’ll tell him* Okay, good. *then grins when they’re standing in the living room and Laura tells them that they weren’t allowed to sit down* I like that… *but then thinks that David also puts himself in the background and plans on not forgetting about it in case they talk about the topic again* *sees David sit down and Michi come in with the tray* Hi Michi… *watches everyone sit down and quickly secures the spot next to David on the couch* *sees Hans serve David and carefully position the plate on his tray and hand him the cutlery* *then hears him announce: “Now everyone may help themselves!”* *laughs when immediately everyone starts bustling noisily to serve themselves* *leans back a little and grabs a pillow, puts it in his lap and puts the plate on the pillow* Thanks, Hans… enjoy!
David: *smiles when Matteo sits down next to him and leans his knee against Matteo’s* *then hears Linn say: “It’s nice that you’re back again… and Matteo, as well…”* *grins slightly* True, he basically wasn’t really here, either… I’m sorry that I stole him from you guys… *hears Michi: “I think everyone here forgives you. It’s normal that you want your loved ones around you when you’re at the hospital…”* *then accepts the plate from Hans and thanks him* *grins when everyone else is throwing themselves at the food and waits until everyone has their food before also saying* Enjoy! And yes, thank you for cooking and getting everyone together and so on… *sees Hans wave it off: “Poppycock, enjoy the food, guys! I’m glad that I have all my sheep together again… only Mia is missing, then we’d be complete.” and hears Michi: “You do realize that David and Laura will move out again once Mia comes back? I feel like you like to suppress that fact…” and Laura: “Oh, speaking of, David! I’m going to check out two apartments this week… if there’s a fit for us, then I’ll send you photos… once you’re fit again then you’ll just join me, okay?”* *is a little surprised that Laura has already started looking for apartments, but should have figured it because it really is sensible* *but still doesn’t really want to deal with the topic and therefore only nods* Okay, we’ll do that… thanks! *hears Hans groan: “Please just let me suppress this topic for as long as possible and stop talking about it…”*
Matteo: *grins slightly at Linn’s words but is mostly preoccupied with eating* *only perks his ears again when Laura says that she has apartments to look at* *can feel a small tug and doesn’t like that one bit* *feels like he and David haven’t really been able to enjoy living together properly because there was always something going on* *doesn’t want them to already look for apartments again* *but doesn’t say anything, of course* *is quite glad when Hans says that he wants to suppress that topic* *looks up and sees that Alex is looking over at him and that he smiles slightly when he looks at him* *then hears him say: “I talked to Mia on the phone yesterday, she told me to say a hearty hi to everyone… maybe we could take a photo for her later. Oh and Hans, she said that she has prepared a package with you know what.”*
David: *is quite glad that Hans says they should stop talking about it, because he doesn’t really want to deal with it just yet, himself* *is therefore relieved when Alex changes the topic and smiles slightly* Tell her hi back… *nods at the photo and then looks at Hans curiously when Alex mentions that Mia is going to send him a package* *can see that everyone else is also looking at him curiously and that Hans is getting a little embarrassed and has to grin* *hears him cover it up by saying: “Oh, how wonderful! We’ll definitely take a photo for her after dinner!”* *then hears Laura: “What is she sending you!?”* *now grins a little wider and says* I’d also like to know that. And why is it only you who gets something and we don’t!? *looks at Alex questioningly, who only shrugs his shoulders: “Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything - I’m only the messenger!”* *slightly lifts his eyebrows and looks back at Hans questioningly, who only says: “Maybe Mia simply loves me more than you guys…”* *sees Linn shake her head seriously: “I don’t think so. Alex comes first, then there’s Hanna, then Kiki, then Amira and Sam on the same level, and then us - also on the same level. I just don’t know on which level the other boys are… maybe I’ll ask Mia…”* *has to chuckle slightly, nods and looks back at Hans questioningly*
Matteo: *smiles slightly when the topic really changes and they’re talking about Mia and Hans and her package for him* *then smiles even more when Linn tries to put people in an order* I don’t think that Mia even has a fixed order… I think she loves all of us, just differently… *sees Linn looking at him, apparently considering it, and then sees her nod: “I like that, yes, I love all of you, just differently.”* *hears Laura choke on her drink and looks over to her in worry* *then hears Alex again: “But I still have one question: Why does it actually only say Laura in the cleaning roster on the kitchen? Did she lose a bet?”* *hears Hans laugh and shake his head: “That was Matteo, no idea why… Laura, do you know why? Did you annoy him?”*
David: *smiles at Matteo’s idea that Mia loves everyone equally but just differently, but can see Alex lifting his eyebrows skeptically* *can somehow also understand that a little* *then hears Linn and smiles even more because that somehow fits her* *briefly looks at Laura when she chokes, but can see that she’s quickly okay on her own again and that she doesn’t need help* *was just about to say that for him, Matteo is definitely in first place, but afterwards probably everyone else, just differently, when Alex asks the question about the cleaning roster* *grins slightly but hears Laura groan: “When I talked to Matteo for the first time back at the neon party, I said that it’s a cool apartment and asked if there’s a cleaning roster… no idea why. Was just smalltalk somehow to start up a conversation with the guy my brother was constantly talking about…”* *groans* Exactly… /constantly/… *hears Hans laugh: “Feel free to admit it, my butterfly-boyfriend… it’s nice…”* *sees him turn to Matteo: “And you figured if she’s asking about the cleaning roster so offensively then she can clean by herself for a month?!”* *hears Alex: “Umm, does that mean that no one really cleaned up here properly in two weeks!?”*
Matteo: *grins slightly at Laura’s answer* Exactly, smalltalk… and what did you think you’d learn about me with this topic? *then also laughs when David immediately complains and nudges him slightly* It’s okay… *then also sees Laura grin again: “Yes, definitely constantly… Laura, this guy was really sooo cool and I was totally stupid… Laura, he has a girlfriend… Laura no, really, there’s nothing going on… Laura, we only ate a sandwich… Laura, I’m really stupid, why did I text him that?”* *bites down on his bottom lip a little* *finds it really a bummer that Laura just says all of this here* *therefore says* Well, I felt the same… I just didn’t have anyone to complain to… well, Hans a little and later the boys… but that’s just what it’s like, right? *sees Hans nod quickly: “Absolutely! If you’re in love then you need someone to let it all out to.”* *presses his lips together when it’s quiet for a moment and then hears Alex say: “You guys do realize that no one answered the cleaning question?”* *laughs slightly and then says* Well, I didn’t clean, I was barely here…
David: *grins slightly at Matteo’s question to Laura, but then looks at her a little warningly when she disagrees with him* *blushes when she really starts and says pleadingly and admonishingly* Laura, stop it… *then gets really embarrassed when she continues and would love to sink into the couch because he’s so embarrassed* *looks at her angrily, but doesn’t want to get into it with her in front of everyone, but still thinks that it’s a no-go and that he urgently has to talk to her* *is grateful to Matteo and Hans that they immediately show solidarity with him, presses his knee a little more against Matteo’s and murmurs at Hans’ words* You should just be careful that you don’t let it out to the wrong people… *finds the silence that arises afterwards pretty uncomfortable and pokes around in his food* *then hears Alex ask about the cleaning roster again and has to chuckle slightly* *is glad that he breaks the silence and nods at Matteo’s words, because he actually barely did anything, either* *hears Hans: “Well, I thought Laura does everything… it said so on the roster…” and Laura: “As if… pfff” and then Linn: “I just cleaned everything a little bit because I didn’t know if it was my turn…”* *then has to grin a little, after all, and hears Michi: “Well at least someone…”* *looks at Linn lovingly and compassionately at the same time* Oh, Linn… *then looks at everyone* Let’s update the cleaning roster… and Linn gets the next two weeks off, because she was the only one who did anything the last two weeks…
Matteo: *looks at Linn in surprise* Thanks, Linn, that’s nice of you… *only sees her smile* *then nods vigorously at David’s words* Yes, I’m also in favor of that… and I can make a new one, I’m the one who messed up the old one… *sees everyone nod and Michi and Alex only grin* *hears Michi say to Alex: “Are you also glad sometimes that you don’t live at a flatshare?”* *hears Alex answer: “I’m especially glad that I have a cleaning lady.”* *laughs slightly* Snob… *sees him shrug: “I can live quite well with that.”* *also shrugs one shoulder and then continues eating*
David: *nods at Matteo’s suggestion* I like that, thanks! *then grins slightly at the exchange of words between Alex and Michi, and also at Matteo’s comment* If I had the money then I’d also have one… *then also continues eating and talks to the other some more* *can feel that the mood between Laura and him is pretty chilly once again, but realizes after some time that he can live with that quite well right now - because he thinks that whatever is bothering or burdening her at the moment doesn’t justify her making him look like a fool in front of everyone* *still plans on talking to her as soon as possible* *then gets ordered by everyone to stay sitting there while the dishes are brought back to the kitchen, and feels a little bad that the others have to do all the work* *afterwards, he sits together with the others for a little longer, leaning against Matteo a little, but notices at some point that it’s getting really exhausting, that he has to lie down and that most of all, he has to take some painkillers* *eventually says quietly* I think I have to go lie down… *sees Hans jump up immediately and take the tray off his lap, where he had put his glass down: “Sure… you really managed quite long… can we do anything else for you? Do you need anything? Something to drink delivered to your bedside? Anything else?”* *smiles and tiredly shakes his head* No, thanks, everything’s good… *looks at Alex* Thanks again for picking me up… and for carrying everything… and for pulling me out of the car… *and to Hans* …and thank you for cooking and catering… *sees both of them wave it off and then lifts himself up off the couch with quite some pain, but tries to not let anything show*
Matteo: *is sitting together with the others, one arm loosely wrapped around David* *then hears him say quietly that he has to lie down* *looks at him proudly and is happy that he is taking care of himself* *smiles slightly when everyone jumps up and when Hans immediately coddles him* *tries to help him with getting up* *grins at Hans* I’ll take over from here… thanks… *then waves at everyone again, especially at Alex* See you… *goes to their room with David and hurries to the bed to throw the blanket back and fluff up the pillow and lean it against the wall* Is it okay like that? Or do you need more pillows? Should I get Hans’ tray for you? Reaching to your side doesn’t really work, does it? I’ll just go get it and also some water… or do you want something else? *doesn’t really notice that he’s doing the same thing Hans just did, but simply wants David to feel comfortable*
David: *grins slightly when Matteo says that he’ll take over from here, also says his goodbyes to everyone and hears Alex say that he’ll also leave now* *goes to their room with Matteo and smiles when he immediately fixes the bed for him* *then has to chuckle despite his tiredness and pain when he starts babbling and offering help just like Hans, and steps toward him* *puts his arms on his hips and looks at him lovingly* *hesitates briefly and then says* I’ll tell you if I need anything, okay? *smiles* The pillows are enough and so is our nightstand… water would be good… *pulls him a little closer toward him and kisses him* *then looks at him again and says quietly* But what I need the most is you… *grins slightly and adds* …and a painkiller…
Matteo: *takes a deep breath when David comes toward him and touches him* *smiles slightly* Yes, please… *then nods* Okay… *realizes that he must have been similarly jittery and overprotective* Sorry… but I… just want you to be okay, alright? *sighs when he says that he needs him* *then laughs slightly at his addition* Okay, water, painkiller, me… I can get all of that… *kisses him quickly and runs a hand through his hair* You go lie down and I’ll get everything, ok? *lets go of him and looks for his bag* *but can’t see it* Did you already unpack your stuff? Where are your painkillers?
David: *looks slightly worried when Matteo takes a deep breath* *doesn’t want him to worry, but knows that the situation isn’t really easy for him, either* *slightly shakes his head when he apologizes, but then nods* I promised to tell you and that I’ll take care of myself, okay? And you’re still allowed to worry… that’s okay… because I know that you can’t just turn it off so easily, anyways. But… everything’s good, okay? *then smiles when he says that he can get all of that and asks with a slight grin* You can get yourself? Very good… *kisses him back and then nods* I’ll just quickly go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to pee and then I’ll lie down… then I won’t have to get up again… *turns to the door, but then hears Matteo’s question* *points next to the wardrobe where his bag is sitting* I started… until Alex ordered me to lie back down again… the painkillers are in the toiletry bag… *knows that he should slowly discontinue using them and decided to only take one in the morning and at night over the next few days*
Matteo: *nods and smiles slightly at David*s little speech* Okay, everything’s good… and I’ll try to worry less even though I’m allowed to… *grins slightly* *nods when he says that he’ll go to the bathroom* *then sees his bag and goes over to it* Don’t you need the toiletry bag? *sees David grin and nod* *pulls it from the bag* *takes out the painkillers and then hands the bag to David, who disappears to the bathroom* *puts the painkillers on the small shelf next to the bed* *sees the MP3 player that David gave him* *takes it and puts it on the desk, because now he doesn’t need it anymore to fall asleep* *goes to the kitchen and gets a big bottle of water and two glasses* *brings it back to the room* *then goes to the wardrobe and takes out a sleep shirt for David, because they’re up high in the wardrobe* *then kisses David when he comes back in and then also goes to the bathroom*
David: *is already on his way to the door when Matteo asks him about the toiletry bag* *grins, because he’s so out of it, and takes it from him* It was a long day, I can’t think straight anymore… *then disappears to the bathroom, pees, washes himself and brushes his teeth* *thinks about how nice it is to be back here again and feels his heart swell at the thought of finally being able to fall asleep next to Matteo again in a minute* *goes back to Matteo's room after rinsing his mouth and sees that he already prepared everything and that he even got a fresh sleep shirt for him from the wardrobe* *tenderly runs a hand over Matteo’s side when he kisses him, before he also disappears to the bathroom, and murmurs quietly* Thanks… *then takes off his shirt and puts his sleep shirt on with some effort, and steps out of his pants* *then pours water for himself and Matteo into the glasses and finally takes his painkiller before lying down in the bed* *takes a deep breath and feels a tugging and burning in his belly, because sitting up for so long really was pretty exhausting, but can also feel his body slowly relaxing thanks to lying down and the well-known and familiar surroundings* *hopes that the painkiller will kick in soon and waits for Matteo with a smile*
Matteo: *comes back into the room, only wearing boxer shorts* *grins at David and then drops his dirty laundry on the armchair* *pulls his sleep shirt out from under the blanket on his side, and puts it on* *then crawls under the blanket and holds an arm out* Better if you lie down on me than the other way around, right? *sees David nod and smile and feels him lie down on him* *wraps his arm around him and kisses his head* *breathes him in and is suddenly surrounded by the typical David-smell* *thinks that he’s really here, with him, in their bed, sound and healthy and well on is way to getting better* *suddenly feels a wave of tension and stress from the last few days, and actually weeks, falling off of him and suddenly hears himself sob* *doesn’t even know where that’s coming from and quickly swallows hard* *but can already feel tears and buries his face in David’s hair*
David: *can feel his heart skip a beat when Matteo finally joins him, and smiles broadly when he holds his arms out* *humms in agreement and says quietly* I think so… tomorrow, we’ll try it the other way round… *closes the last few centimeters between them and ignores the pain when he has to strain his abdominal muscles to do so, because he knows that he can relax again in a second and even turns a little onto his side, so that he can put an arm down on Matteo’s belly* *takes a deep breath and can feel how happy he is to be back here again… in their room, but especially with Matteo, and how good it feels to know that tonight, there won’t be a night nurse coming in to kick Matteo out* *was just about to close his eyes to enjoy the moment even more when he suddenly hears a sob* *at first thinks that he misheard it, but then hears him swallow and can feel him burying his face in his hair* *can feel everything inside him constrict at the thought that Matteo might really be crying, moves away from him a little and turns his head upward so that he can look at him* *murmurs quietly and comfortingly* Hey… *ignores all the pain and stretches up to kiss his chin* *runs his hand over his stomach, until he reaches Matteo’s cheek and strokes over it* *asks a little insecurely but lovingly* What’s wrong, tesorino?
Matteo: *snuffles slightly and somehow thinks of himself as pretty stupid and silly right now* *then feels David move and quickly wipes over his face* *presses his lips together when he hears his “hey”* *swallows when he feels his hand but can’t look at him* *but then hears his question and looks at him, after all* *wipes over his eyes again but then has to let out another sob, just because David is so great and tender and worried and simply there* I don’t know… *sees his skeptical look* Really… I don’t know… I’m not sad… I *takes a deep breath* I… that somehow has to get out apparently…
David: *sees Matteo wipe over his face and feels a small lump in his throat when he realizes that Matteo really is crying* *is glad when he finally looks at him, after all, and tries a confident little smile to signal him that everything is okay* *tenderly slips his hand a little higher and wipes a tear off his cheek* *then hears him say that he isn’t sad and is at first a little relieved, but then also thinks that it just might have been too much for Matteo over the last few days* *nods slightly when he says that it somehow has to get out and, ignoring the pain, scoots a little upward* *kisses him tenderly on the mouth and says quietly* I’m here… you can let it all out… *tries to pull him a little closer by slipping his hand to the back of his neck, but isn’t really strong enough yet to really support and hold him the way he wants to* *therefore murmurs quietly* Come here…
Matteo: *sighs when he gets kissed* *snuffles pretty loudly when he hears his words and can somehow only nod right now* *still feels weird and somehow floaty but also heavy at the same time* *then rolls a little closer to David when he lifts his hand much too high again* *lightly puts his head against his shoulder, but is careful to not put too much weight onto him* *nudges his nose against his neck but feels like he’s getting his shirt all wet with his tears* *but feels that the crying just won’t stop and that one time, his whole body even shakes* *therefore simply keeps pressing close to David and wraps his arm around him* *thinks that it doesn’t matter anymore, anyways, and that he can just finish crying, whatever the reason*
David: *tenderly strokes over Matteo’s cheek when the tears are still flowing, before he tries to pull him closer* *is glad that Matteo turns toward him and squeezes him a little closer* *lets him cry, strokes his back and kisses his hair* *can feel that he’s also getting a small lump in his throat, simply because this overwhelms him a lot, but swallows it down to be there for Matteo* *can feel his neck and shirt getting wet, but doesn’t care about it at all right now* *is glad and a little proud that Matteo lets it out - whatever the reason for it - that he trusts him, and just hopes that he’ll feel better afterwards* *squeezes him closer when his entire body shakes and quietly murmurs some random words to show him that he’s here* Everything’s okay… *kisses his hair again and whispers quietly* I love you so much… everything’s okay… *thinks that maybe all of the tension from the last few weeks is falling off him right now and realizes only now how much this must have been for him - the move, the Voluntary Year, the weekend seminar, the surgery, worrying about him, commuting to and from the hospital - and that Matteo barely had time to take a breather and to rest* *plans on making sure over the next few days that he can relax a little*
Matteo: *had considered holding back the tears earlier* *but has now given up on that and simply sobs quietly into David’s neck* *can feel and also hear his words* *can also feel that they register with him and that they calm him down, but also that his body apparently isn’t done crying* *but then eventually feels the tears lessening, after all, and the sobbing, as well* *but remains lying down like this and can feel that, miraculously, he really feels better* *he also feels weird because of the crying, but also more relaxed* *sighs slightly and presses a tender kiss against David’s neck before slowly pulling away and looking up at him* *presses his lips together and grimaces slightly because he doesn’t know what to say* *but then sees David’s worried expression and says* I think I’m done…
David: *can feel Matteo’s shaking lessen a little at some point and also that the sobbing lessens* *simply holds him and runs a comforting hand over his back and through his hair* *has forgotten about his own pain for now - maybe the painkiller is also working by now* *eventually hears Matteo sigh and feels a kiss on his neck* *smiles slightly, but gets serious again when he slowly pulls away* *looks at him worried and tenderly strokes a strand of hair off his forehead* *then has to grin slightly when he says that he thinks he’s done and asks a little teasingly* Sure? *then kisses him and sighs quietly* *looks at him lovingly and then says quietly* The last few weeks really were a lot… it probably really just had to get out… *wants to tell him that he should take care of himself and that he has to make sure that it isn’t getting too much for him, but bites back on it for now*
Matteo: *smiles slightly when he asks so teasingly* *thinks that he really loves him very much* *nods* Yes, sure… I’m finished with crying… *then gets kissed and can kiss back better this time* *swallows slightly when he says that the last few weeks really were a lot* *would usually deny it, claim that it was a lot more for David and that he doesn’t know why he’s being so difficult* *but then looks at David and remembers his recording and that he wants to be there for him and thinks that it really should be a give and take in a relationship* *therefore nods slightly* Yes, maybe it really was a little too much… *slowly rolls onto his back again, or rather halfway onto his side and tenderly pulls David close* …still no excuse to lie on your scars… sorry…
David: *smiles when he confirms that he’s sure to have finished crying* *then nods seriously when he confirms that it was a lot and thinks in hindsight that Matteo managed to keep afloat for a really long time and that he probably would have managed it a lot longer if he had to* *growls slightly when he rolls away from him, but scoots after him and positions himself halfway on his shoulder again* *softly hits him on the stomach when he apologizes and says with a slight grin* It wasn’t about me for a change but about you… if I had been in unbearable pain I would have told you… *then looks up at him again and says more seriously* Let’s take it easier again over the next few days… only you and I after work… relaxing and chilling and resting and taking a breather and rest, okay?
Matteo: *laughs slightly when he hits him on the stomach* Yeees, sorry, sorry, okay… *looks down to him when he gets more serious and listens to him* *smiles tenderly and moves his head so that he can kiss him* Sounds fantastic… we’ll do that… *kisses him again and then looks at him tenderly* *smiles slightly and then says quietly* Ti amo, tesorino… *puts his head back again and runs his hand through David’s hair* Let’s sleep, okay? I have to get up earlier tomorrow, but I’ll let you sleep, ok?
David: *grins satisfied when Matteo apologizes, but even more so because he’s laughing again* *is glad that he agrees to take it easier over the next few days, smiles and murmurs quietly* Good… *then kisses him back and quietly sighs into the kiss* *then looks at him to see if everything’s alright again, but can see him smile and smiles back automatically* *then hears his words and can feel it getting warm in his gut and feels his heart do a little jump out of love* *beams and kisses his chin when Matteo runs a hand through his hair* *quietly murmurs against his skin* Ti amo… *humms in agreement to his question and says* Maybe we’ll still see each other… I’m still in the hospital rhythm… *then turns onto his other side with some difficulty and slight pain and reaches out for the lamp on the nightstand to switch it off* *then lies down in a relaxed position and reaches for Matteo’s hand on his stomach* *closes his eyes and grumbles slightly in pleasure* *whispers quietly* It’s so nice to be back with you again…
Matteo: *feels his heart speed up when David says “ti amo”* *then also humms slightly* Yes, well, but that was also pretty early for you… *entwines their fingers when he reaches for his hand and presses a kiss to his head again* *grumbles pleasantly* *then smiles at his words and feels how true it is* *murmurs quietly* So nice… *then scoots into position a little more and pulls the blanket up* Sleep tight, Schreibner…
David: *humms in agreement, because he also found the time at which he was woken up in the hospital unbearably early* *realizes that he’s really pretty groggy and tired but happy and content to be back here again* *tenderly rubs his thumb over the back of Matteo’s hand when he entwines their fingers* *smiles when Matteo agrees and cuddles a little closer to him after he pulled the blanket up* *sighs quietly and then murmurs* Dream of us, Florenzi… *closes his eyes and falls soundly asleep pretty quickly*
(next play)
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Today was a pretty good day. Me and James got to spend a good amount of time together but I also ended up in a weird waiting mode. But it was not a bad day at all.
James's alarm went off at 6 and of course they were on the bathroom so I was trying to find the phone lost in the bed and it was a whole moment. But we found it and I went back to sleep.
I had asked to be woken up at 830. But then I was like. No. And didn't wake up until after 9.
I felt pretty good when I got up though. I went to get dressed and James made the bed. I felt cozy and good honestly. My head was itchy and I would wash my hair tonight. But I was in a good mood.
James made me half a bagel. And we chilled for a little while. But soon we were going out on our little drive.
We went to Towson to go look at the Valentine's day stuff. But it was mostly. Gnomes?? I do not like gnomes. I think they are ugly and I don't understand why they are like the mascot for every holiday now. We even saw kwanza gnomes?? It was very bizarre. I did see a few things I liked but nothing I loved.
I msitly just had fun walking around with James and looking at stuff.
We did TJ Maxx, then Burlington (whose lighting was weird and hurt my eyes) and then bed bath and beyond. Which didn't have valentines stuff but did have Easter?? Super weird. I did have fun looking though.
We walked to the other side of the shopping center to go to Marshalls. And they mostly had gnomes. Lots of leftover Christmas stuff. I found a lotion that made me think of a frog eye pillow my mom had when I was a kid. And maybe James got me a Valentine's present that I have chosen to put out of my mind until then.
We moved the car and went to the Red Robin for lunch. It was pretty empty when we got there. And our food was very good. I had half of my burger because my stomach started hitting again. I hate how often that has been happening lately. But I tried my best to be okay. So I wrapped up my sandwich to bring home. I would have the other half for dinner.
I brought the fortune telling cards James got me for Christmas and we read the rules and did our fortune. The man and woman cards represent you when you hand out the deck and weirdly they showed up right next to each other. Spooky!!
The restaurant had a line out the door by the time we were leaving. That's happened a lot lately too. Coming to place at the right time I guess.
We went to the craft store next so I could try to get a dowel rod for an idea I had. They only had short ones in a bag. So I got it and a piece of wood to make a base for a ring stand I had an idea about. It wouldn't work that way I had pictured but it was fun to try.
James was getting worn out. And so we went home. I talked to Charlie for a bit about hanging out but the day got away from him. Maybe tomorrow. But because I wasn't sure what was happening I got stuck in waiting mode.
I tried to fight it. I cut the dowel rods and screwed everything together. But it did not work the way I pictured. So back to the drawing board with that one. At least it was fun.
And I poked around the apartment. James got ready to bike in the living room. And I lit a candle. We realized that the candle was one of those surprise ring ones. And it was red wax and we made a huge mess trying to get it out. I even thought the ring had a red stone but it turned out it was blue??? Just covered in wax and stained. It's a nice little ring though so that was a fun surprise.
I spent a lot of time in bed. Watching tiktoks. Just resting. I had some cereal. I had astronaut ice cream. I'm gonna be so sad when that's all gone cause I love it. I told Charlie we could just go get dinner tomorrow. I hope he follows through because he's leaving this weekend and I'm sad about that!! I mean I think it will actually make us closer. Like it did for me and Jess. But only time will tell.
James went for a walk. And while they were gone I just chilled.
When they got home they had dinner. And I took a shower. Washed my hair really good. And hung out with James in the kitchen while my hair dried a little and they made got chocolate.
Drying my hair continued to be annoying but I'm getting way better at it. Faster. My arms still hurt but I seem to have a better system where I can keep my arms low.
And nowe and James are in bed. They are asleep holding the Squirtle I got them. And I am a little to awake. Sweetp is being so stinking cute. I might have a little snack to try to sleep easier. But we will see.
I work at the museum tomorrow. Just for tours but who knows if anyone will want them. I have sewing stuff I can work on. I just hope it's a nice day.
Take care of each other out there. Be safe. Be kind. Goodnight!!
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seungfl0wer · 2 years
Werewolf ChangBin x Fem Reader Smut
Warning: Contains Knotting- This may not be suitable for everyone.
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This was a request from my prompts but I kinda went overboard with it so- The prompts: 40 “Mine” 41 “I can’t hear you” 50 “Don’t move”
Today was movie night with your bestie, every Friday you both relaxed from the week and just binge watched moves. You were in charge of the food today so on your way to his place you picked up all your favorite snacks. Bags in hand you head up the steps to his door, you didn’t even get to knock before he swung it open. “Y/n! I could’ve helped you with that!” He whined out.
You rolled your eyes slightly “I can carry them Binnie” he shook his head grabbing almost all the bags from you “always so stubborn with you” he teased. He placed the food down on the counter helping you unpack everything until he let out almost a squeal “You got my cookies!” You giggled at his reaction “well duh” he playfully pushed him “just save me at least one.”
You two spent a few minutes getting all the food and drinks out as bin prepared the couch. He always made it so cozy, blankets upon blankets, 20 different pillows and just anything that would be needed. Since you were in charge of the snacks bin had to pick out the movies most of the time you either watched horror movies or just movies that were “bad” to make fun of them. Today was more of a mix of horror and was that a Disney movie you saw?
You picked the movie up and giggled a bit “oh so we gonna watch frozen?” He rolled his eyes taking it from you “that wasn’t supposed to be there.” You both started laughing wondering why he even had it in the first place.
Bin settled down on the couch while you grabbed popcorn. “Come oooon let’s start the movie” he whined from the other room. You made your way back giving him the popcorn “hey you wanted a snack so hush” you teased before sitting yourself beside him. He draped his arm around you asking which movie you wanted to start off with. You looked through them your brow raising “is this a werewolf movie?” You asked looking at him.
He nodded “yeah wanted to see how accurate it was” he said shoving popcorn in his mouth. “Let’s start with this one then.” You said getting back up to put it in the player. Settling back down he pulled you closer putting the covers over you both. It’s not a secret that bin is a werewolf, did it take you by shock at first? Ah- honestly first hearing that supernatural beings were real you kinda knew he was. Did he whine when you didn’t act surprised when he told you? Yes very VERY much. How could you have been surprised though? He literally acted like a puppy 80% of the time.
You snuggled into him as the movie started, his arm that was wrapped around your shoulder now hung lazily around your waist. As the movie went on it got to a steamy part which of course any “good” horror movie had right? The main character was getting railed by her hot werewolf lover and it just- it just made your mind wonder. Your hand that was resting on bins thigh squeezed at every thrust of the character. You didn’t realize you were doing it but was it driving him crazy.
Your mind was in a whole other place you were seeing the characters as the two of you and just the thought of it made everything hot. Thinking of Bins wolf self just going to town on you like in the movie. That primal animalistic fucking. The thought of everything was making your head dizzy in thought. Bin could smell your Arousal, I mean anyone from a hundred yards could honestly tell at this point.
The way you were gripping his thigh, the way you were crossing your legs or maybe it was the way you were basically drooling. It felt like the scene on tv lasted for hours. You were so much in your head you didn’t realize where your hand was. You had unknowingly moved your hand high up his thighs, it now resting straight on his now rock hard cock. As he felt the warmth of your hand, smelling how you were getting a low growl almost came out.
He leaned his way down to your neck kissing it hungrily, only this was enough to rip you out of your fantasy playing in your head. He quickly sucked little red marks on the spot he was kissing, moving his hand to quickly cup your face pulling you into a heated kiss. His hips bucked a bit trying to get you to move your hand. Which finally made you realize where it was, you let out a small noise at the feeling. The feeling of how hard this man was, how huge he was.
You palmed him through his sweats before he quickly reached his hands down to your already soaking lips. He slipped his hand into your shorts fingers sliding up and down your folds, before placing 2 inside you. The sensation was so much you moaned into his lips pulling away a bit. He didn’t like that, he wanted all of you, wanted to taste all of you. He placed his free hand behind your head running it in your hair pulling you back to him in an instant.
Your movements on his cock almost stopped not being able to focus on that and the pleasure he was giving you. He honestly didn’t notice at first, until you completely stopped earning a whine from him. “Don’t- stop” he say between kisses. He shimmied his pants down, his cock slapping against his stomach. You quickly placed your hand around it again moaning at the mere sight of it.
You started to pump his cock as his finger curled inside you. Was this really happening? You and your best friend going at it like rabid horn dogs. It definitely was and you were about to see how rabid this dog was about to get. He pulled away from the kiss pulling your bottoms down along with your panties. He groaned at the sight of how soaked they were. His eyes fixated on you like a hungry animal that finally caught its prey. Did he ever look so god damn hot. His eyes almost an amber, his hair sticking to his forehead, his rock hard cock against his delicious torso.
“God Bin please fuck me” you whined out. He smirked “not just yet I need- I need to taste you” he said licking his lips. He got down on his knees pulling your body to the edge of the couch. He quickly started to ravish your soaking wet folds, flicking his tongue over your clit before pushing his finger back into you. You were a mess, moaning out his names body arched hands flinging anywhere to grip on to something feeling as if all the pleasure was going to levitate your body off the couch.
You felt your high quickly approach, your legs gripping around Bins head which he honestly loved. “Cum baby I wanna taste” he said muffled by your thighs around him. He started to quicken his fingers sucking hard on your clit. You reached your high almost instantly, legs twitching almost screaming his name. He lapped up every single juice that spilled from your delicious cunt.
You pulled him to you needing him, needing him to fill you with every inch of that thick cock of his. He positioned himself at your entrance quickly guiding himself in. He didn’t give you anytime before he was ponding you. He was so deep in you it felt like you could feel it in your stomach. He grabbed your hands with one of his holding it over your head “y/n- you have no idea how much I’ve wanted this. How much I’ve wanted to fill you. God you feel better than I could have imagined” he rambled out. His pace became faster more rough. You screamed his name the room filling with the sounds of you two.
He looked into your eyes “Mine, You’re all mine you got it.” He said pushing himself as deep as he could possibly go “I’m all yours Bin” you choked out. “Your all who’s?” He said again before leaning down to roughly nibble at your neck. “Yours!” You moaned out. He smirked “I can’t hear you.” He said as he released your hands, moving down to your already sensitive clit “Who do you belong to y/n”
“You changbin! You and only you!” Your voice shaking at the feeling of your second high coming. “All mine” he said in a voice that didn’t even sound like him. It was deep, husky almost like someone else said it. He looked down at you “I hope you’re ready for this because I’m gonna make you all mine” he said with deepening every thrust. Your head becoming dizzy with every movement of his. His hand that was still playing with your clit became more rough. He wanted to make sure you came with him. And boy did you. You moaned loudly as you reached your high
“Baby I’m gonna kn-“ before he could even get the sentence out you felt this pressure in your core. Bin had knotted in you, and he did it deep. The feeling was new, it hurt a bit but felt so pleasurable feeling it twitch as you felt him Release in you. You both were out of breath. Bin collapsed exhausted from everything. He peppered light kisses to your shoulder “that was- wow-“ he stuttered “I’ve never knotted in someone before” he said still trying to catch his breath. You kissed him softly wrapping your arms around him “I’m glad to be your first” you said softly.
He smiled “first and hopefully only.” He meant it too. You grinned “me too” you got out before trying to move yourself a bit. He let out a small whine “don’t move- it’s sensitive.” You giggled a bit “well how long are we gonna be like this?” You asked. He looked the other way “well- could be a few minutes- to a few hours” he made sure to mumble not wanting to look at you. “A FEW HOURS!” You almost yell.
“Yeah but hey look at it this way, a few hours we are just stuck together.” He chuckled “oh great” you joked. “Hey hey, remember you’re all mine now so get use to it” he said with small peck to your lips. “And I couldn’t be happier but what if I got to pee?” His eyes widen a bit “you better not pee on me!” You both laughed. “What a great movie night”
💙If requests are open feel free to request or check my prompt list for small drabbles💙
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corpsedaydream · 4 years
Hi! Thank you for writing for Corpse!
Anyway, how about scenario when after some stressing things (like going for groceries or medical treatment etc) corpse came home just to see s/o in his hoodie that just too big for her?? Fluff and all??
Thank you again and sorry for bad eng :D
thank u for reading them cutie!! 🖤
oof this is a cute idea, here we go
update: this turned out longer than i planned, but i’m not mad about it! hope u enjoy
word count: 1.3k
cold hands, warm neck
You had no idea what time it was when you awoke. You’d been spending your time off at your boyfriends house and after four days of trying your best to match his sleep schedule - not wanting to miss out on any moments with him - it finally caught up to you and you had crashed hard.
The night before, Corpse told his friends he was taking a quick bathroom break from streaming, except it wasn’t a bathroom break, you hadn’t replied to any of his messages he’d sent you while he was in there and he was getting a little worried. He was surprised to hear no noise around the house. Usually when he opened his office door for the past few days, he’d hear you watching something quietly from the couch, or facetiming one of your friends, or laughing at something on your phone. He’d gotten so used to it that when it was dead silent, the anxiety started to build ever so slightly.
The living room and kitchen showed up empty, and as he turned around, he caught that his bedroom door was opened.
“(Y/N),” Corpse called your name as he began walking closer, but you didn’t respond and his anxiety grew. 
“Baby?” He tried again, reaching the doorway and looking in and that’s when he saw you and relief flooded through him.
He had gotten used to you staying awake with him these past couple of days, but he knew himself you couldn’t keep that up the whole time you were there. In reality, he was expecting a moment like this to happen.
You were deep asleep, not moving an inch and chest moving so slowly but rhythmically to signal how peaceful you were. There were telltale signs that you unintentionally fell asleep. You were still atop his covers, and he’d come to learn you loved to be curled up under a duvet. Your hair was still up in it’s scrunchie and he’d come to learn you slept with it out or you woke up a little grumpy because of the headache it caused. Your water bottle was leaning against your arm and he’d come to learn you always placed it on the floor before sleeping, you’d told him about the few times when you woke up freezing after they’d leak. Your phone was still half in your hand, but it was dead, signalling that you were probably scrolling through Tiktok or Twitter and fell asleep doing so.
He took a moment to look over you, he wanted to remember this picture in his mind, before he went into action to make sure you were sleeping how he knew you preferred.
First he removed your water bottle, second he grabbed your phone and plugged it on charge for you before placing it on his bedside table. Next came the actions he was worried would wake you.
With gentle hands, he pulled the scrunchie from your hair, allowing your hair to sprawl over his pillow and next he went to work with trying to get the covers out from under you and over you, instead.
It seemed Corpse really underestimated just how deep asleep you were, because you didn’t stir once through this process. If he was honest with himself, there was a part of him that had selfishly wished you had woken up, just so he could kiss you and hold you for a moment to tell you good night and hear your sleepy voice. But he knew you needed this, he couldn’t expect you to keep up with his sleeping pattern. So he settled with leaving a gentle peck against your forehead and whispering a quiet “sweet dreams, baby,” before going back to his stream.
You were somewhat delirious when you did finally wake up. After a few nights of barely sleeping to catching up on all those missed hours in one night, you couldn’t even be sure what day it was.
“Corpse?” Even your voice was a little croaky, laced with sleep. You rubbed your hands over your eyes before spotting your phone on charge. Slow hands grabbed it, unplugging the charger seeing that it was now on 100% before looking to see if Corpse had messaged you anything. And sure enough, you discovered he had gone out, but he promised to be home soon. Something you didn’t doubt, knowing he didn’t enjoy being out of his place.
Whilst waiting, you took a shower but when you got out, it was seemingly a lot colder today.
Did I even pack anything warm? You wondered to yourself, Corpse lived somewhere it rarely became cold and you were left empty handed when looking through your own belongings for a hoodie. Then you spotted a hoodie of Corpses sitting on the end of his bed and without thinking twice, you slipped the black article of clothing over your body. It made you miss him, it felt right to be wearing his clothes, but it made you want his arms around you, too.
You decided on waiting for him on the couch, it was close to the front door and you had just spent well enough hours in his bed.
It wasn’t long before you heard the locks of his front door being switched opened and instantly the smile grew on your face as your heart fluttered with excitement. You’d spent almost every minute with him since being here, so the time spent sleeping and him going out felt long.
You watched him as he walked in the front door. He hadn’t noticed you at first. And you could see why in his face, he was distracted, stressed from the task that really took a toll on him and you wished he’d woken you up so you could’ve gone with him or even for him.
“Hi.” You greeted your boyfriend.
“Fuck,” You caught him off guard, and you couldn’t help but to laugh as he made a little a stumble and dropped the bag that was in his hand. “You’re awak- is that mine?” He quickly cut himself off, his eyes landing on you and dropping down to look over the familiar black hoodie that completely engulfed you in the most heart warming way.
“Oh, yeah, I didn’t bring anything warm.” You spoke, lifting your arms as you spoke and looking at the material that was so baggy all over you, but so comfortable. “I should’ve asked, sorry.” You apologised but all he could focus on was how perfect you looked. So cozy but also fresh and well rested after the deep sleep you had.
“No, no. It’s okay. I love it.” He assured you and you began blushing, placing your hands that were completely covered by the sleeves over your face.
“Corpse, stop.”
“I’m serious, you don’t know how much better this has made me feel.” He told you honestly, and that’s when you brought your hands down from your face and instead opened your arms to him.
“Come here.” You told him simply and he didn’t waste a second before he accepted the invitation and embraced you fully.
Your body automatically moved back to lay against the arm of the couch as he joined you by resting on top of you. You jumped slightly as his arms rounded you and his cool hands slid under the hoodie, his touch wanting to feel your bare skin.
“Sorry baby, you’re just so warm.” Corpse told you before leaving a kiss against your neck and resting his head there. “Every part of you, too.” Even his nose felt cold as he nuzzled it against where he’d just left the kiss.
“Why are you so cold?” You asked between laughs, bringing your own arms around him, too, wanting to be as close as possible.
“I had to go outside.” He sighed and his reply took the humour out of your words.
“Are you okay?” You didn’t hesitate to ask him, brushing your fingers through his hair.
He nodded his head against you. “Don’t wanna talk about it right now. Just want to be with you.”
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Felt like crying, so I came to you, my friend! Mc and Mammon went out shopping, specifically to buy gifts for his brothers, as an apology. When they get back home they are met with hostility. They berate Mammon until Mc screams at them to shut up, then rips into each of them for their treatment of Mammon. Then finishes with "Don't expect Mammon to stay here when he can live with me in the humanworld. I'm done with you. Mammon, lets go, you deserve better, love" and leaves w/ Mammon. Thank you!
You came to me because you felt like crying and that gives me two (2) things to think about. 1.) I'm apparently someone who people see as a tissue? 2.) My angst is just THAT good. Also! Apparently today is rain on Mammon day and I'm here for it not me avoiding my exam to write these things
Warning: uh.... Angst?
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“You know, I’m proud of you for suggesting this.” Truly, you were. Mammon was your favorite and you felt for him, but you also completely understood where his brothers came from. At first, it honestly annoyed you as well; the constant stealing, the lying… You tried blaming it on his avatar, but even then it doesn’t explain the lying that comes with it. However, you do realize that it’s a habit and it’s a habit that is hard to fix, so instead of constantly getting onto him like the rest, you tried to understand him a bit more and give him some life advice. So far, you have managed to get Mammon to give back all the things he has recently taken from his brothers, and some of them even got an apology. You’ll be working on how to properly apologize, though, because oof, that was a mess. 
And now? Now you managed to take a small trip with him downtown to at least attempt to make things better. Mammon is now, or at least today, using his own money to buy some things that his brothers would be fond of: a new vinyl player for Lucifer (non-cursed), a new Ruri-chan t-shirt for Leviathan, a neck pillow for Satan because lord knows he has some cramps back there with the way he leans over and down to read his books. Then some perfume for Asmodeus that he had been swooning about, a gift card to Beel’s favorite restaurant for the glutton, and a heated blanket for Belphie. You were proud, truly, that Mammon wanted to do this. As a matter of fact, he was the one who suggested it. “Maybe… uh.. I could… ya know… buy somethin’ they like” is what he said. You were just excited and agreed to help. 
Now you were going back to the house with a few shopping bags and ice cream almost fully eaten. You paid for the ice cream, as a way to reward Mammon, and you’re sure he’s secretly thanking you for that because some of these items truly did burn a hole into his credit card, which is partially his fault. “Lucifer deserves more than some random vinyl player.” his words, not yours. Also “satan needs one of them neck pillows that massage it, too!” again, his words. So yeah, some money was definitely spent on these items, but… once again, you were proud. “I think they’ll love everything, Mam. They’d be fools if they didn’t.” Hearing you say that made Mammon feel a lot better, honestly, and a small rush of confidence came to the surface “Ya betcha they will! Nothin’ but the best from the Great Mammon!” You just laughed. 
However, upon arrival, it was a different sight. As a matter of fact, you barely made it through the door before Beel was grumbling something about Mammon eating his custard, which is true, but it’s just a custard? “MAAMMMOONNN!!” and then there was Lucifer who appeared so fast you wondered if he was even real. He went on a whole rant about how irresponsible Mammon is and how another bill came in the mail that talks about Mammon’s debt. Satan and Belphegor teamed up to show empty hands, which left both you and Mammon confused, but then “do you see anything here? No? That’s because you sold our belongings, Mammon!” Mammon can be lucky that Leviathan was still holed up in his room because he just remembered that he also, at some point in the past, sold one of Levi’s figures. Asmodeus came last and honestly he wasn’t mad, he was just annoyed. “I saw you go through my things, Mammon. Nothing was taken, but it was still so incredibly rude!” 
Next followed a screaming match which was basically just Mammon trying to defend himself, trying to show the bags and apologize, but none of them would have it. It irritated you. Yes, they had every right to be mad because personal belongings should stay with their owner(s), but at the same time, they didn’t even give Mammon a chance to explain, especially after he’s been holding the bags up and attempting to apologize. “You’re so stupid, Mammon” “StupidMammon” “so irresponsible. You know better than that. Do you need another time out session, Mammon?” “I can’t believe you’d go through my stuff again!” by now your eyes were twitching and the voices echoing off the walls surely didn’t help your case. One more word and you’d snap, surely, especially since Mammon’s hand is now shaking and you grabbing it did nothing at all. “We would be better off without you.”
Ah yes, there it is. The final straw. The amount of anger boiling inside you right now isn’t even manageable anymore and you’re surprised that Satan, as the Avatar of Wrath, has yet to notice it. “Shut up! Shut up, Shut up, Shut up! All of you!” You yanked Mammon behind you, almost protectively and Belphegor found the need to laugh at it. “Really? You’re going to protect him?” Oh, there. That’s your first victim. “Are you really that dense, Belphegor, or is sleep still clouding your brain cells? That is your brother you’re currently making fun of and I don’t know about you, but I was taught that family sticks together, blood related or by choice. So how about you get your head out of dreamland, take this stupid heated blanket that he bought for you, as an apology, and wake up for a second.” yes, you did throw the bag at him and then you pointed your finger at Beel. You’d regret later on that you’re tearing into him as well because Beel means well at the end of the day, but still, he was also part of this. 
“You’re my least worry, Beel. Honestly you’re too caught up in your burgers and brawns to care for a second that your brother tries very hard to be liked by all of you. Sad, really.” you threw the card at him too. As a matter of fact, you threw all of the bags right in front of them. “And then Asmo.. oh my God, first of all, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Shocker, I know. If you were half as empathetic toward your family as you are obsessed with yourself, maybe you wouldn’t feel the need to always go party and drink your life away. Oh, I’m sorry, did that hit just a little too hard? Can’t be harder than the hangovers you wake up with on a regular basis.” You glared at him before turning your attention to Satan. “Honestly, if you weren’t such a baby inside I may actually be scared of you. You always complain about how stupid he is, how he needs to just learn, but you? What do you do all day? You hole yourself up in your room and read about worlds that you wish you could enter. News flash: you’d die before you had the chance to say hello. People don’t like self-proclaimed assholes. Mammon IS smart. He’s very talented, too, but you’re too far up in Shakespeare’s ass that you fail to realize that everyone has knowledge in different fields of life. Give me a break.” 
Satan was about to retort but you already moved on to Levi. “and you! Let’s be honest, if it weren’t for you wallowing in self-pity and fake depression, you would have absolutely no personality traits. What are you again? The Avatar of Envy? How about instead of being envious of others’ accomplishments, you actually start working on yourself. It’s truly pathetic that a couple millenia old demon’s only purpose in life is ramen and self inflicted emotional pain. Seriously, what are you? A pitiful loner? I can’t even begin to empathize with you in any way, shape, or form.” Your blood was boiling right now and maybe if they hadn’t attacked Mammon like they did, you would’ve felt bad about Levi’s sad face right now, but there was still one person left to deal with.”
“And you… beautiful, responsible, way-too-good-for-you older brother, Lucifer.” He’s been glaring at you this whole time, arms crossed over his chest but you stood your ground. You’re not quite sure how you managed, but you did. “You call yourself the best, the most responsible. You constantly say this family would fall apart without you, but that’s not it, is it? I think you’re just lonely. You force these six to be by you, to respect you and borderline worship you. Not because you deserve it…” you chuckled, shaking your head, “no. You’re just so sad that Daddy and Michael left you, mocked you, that you turned your sadness into anger and took it out on these six, but especially Mammon. Why? Because you see yourself in him. You call him your favorite brother, but it’s not because he actually is… he just reminds you of everything you used to be: fun, reckless, and feeling. Now you’re just cold, mean, and bitter. Don’t bother calling yourself the mighty first because without him you would be neither. Maybe if you pulled that stick out of your arse and actually tried to get to know your brothers, maybe you wouldn’t be so lonely all the time. Family, right? That’s what you want. How about you start acting like one.” 
You shook your head after that, grabbing Mammon’s hand and kicking the bags in front of you before dragging Mammon back out the door. “Those are for you, by the way. Not that you deserve them, but they’re Mammon’s way of apologizing for all the things you accused him of the minute he set foot into the house. Have fun. We’re going to the castle and, if we’re lucky, to a real home.” 
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footballxixstars · 3 years
Cold Winter Days • Pedri
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Random Christmas Writings
Summary: Training during the Winter isn’t very nice so you decide to heat the house up a bit for when Pedri comes home
You just knew Pedri was going to be freezing when he gets home from training. It was so cold outside you were surprised that it wasn’t snowing or icy over the floor. Well, actually there were places that were very icy outside you nearly fell over earlier when you went out for a little bit but still you were surprised that there was no snow falling it was the perfect weather for it after all. Pedri however still had training and you just knew that they would still be outside playing, training. No matter how cold it gets, how much it rains unless they are doing gym stuff they are always training outside. Yes, Pedri has a shower when he finishes training but still, you can tell when he’s spent a training session outside, especially in terrible weather. There was nothing you could do about them having to train outside, however you could make sure Pedri will be nice and comfortable when he returns home.
With one more look outside and then the clock you decided to go and do something nice for Pedri. You decided to get some blankets and do the living room up a little bit so you can watch movies together and make sure that it will all be warm for Pedri. Also, it gives you and Pedri an excuse to cuddle for the rest of the evening and do nothing else although you have a lot of things that need to be done. Just one afternoon of doing nothing will be fine. You can do everything that you have to do another day.
You grabbed one of the many fluffy blankets that you have and put it into the tumble dryer to warm it up for Pedri knowing that will do the trick. You also put on the fireplace so that will warm up the room as well as be ready for when you both sit in the living room together. You love sitting in the living room with the fire burning, it just gives the living room this really homely feel and cosy. The best time of year is when you can put the fire on and cuddle in front of it. The fire just looks nice. You’re glad that you have a fire.
Stopping with the fire which was now going, you made sure to grab some other blankets and pillows and put them on the sofa. You were going to make it all really cosy so when Pedri gets home he can get changed and then the two of you can cuddle and you can make him all warm. He’ll need that once he gets home. Also, it’s a good excuse for the two of you to do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day and just relax and you’d do a lot just to cuddle with Pedri for the rest of the day and not have any interruptions or anything.
You had just finished up the last of it when you heard the lock go on the door and it opened. Pedri was finally home. Well, you were guessing it was Pedri since he’s the only other person with a key to the house so unless he gave the key to somebody else or somebody has broken into the house. You were hoping that it was Pedri who just walked into the house.
“I’m home,” Pedri shouted and you could hear the slight shiver in his voice as he spoke. Stopping what you were doing you went to go and see him. He was standing there shivering in a thin top and a pair of shorts. How the hell did he go outside without a jumper on? It was freezing when he left this morning yet still decided to leave in a pair of shorts and a thin t-shirt. Honestly, was this guy human? It’s going to be his own fault when he gets ill soon especially with that really bad cold/flu that's going around (not covid) right now and he can’t afford to be ill especially when he’s still injured. You could see the redness in his cheeks but you were guessing this was from the coldness and wind and not anything else like illness.
“Go and get changed into something warm. I have something for you afterwards,” You told Pedri, wanting for him to warm up so he doesn’t get ill. He instantly took to this though, instantly rushing off leaving his bag right on the floor just wanting to go and change out of these clothes and get warmed up. You’ll moan at him later for that, once he is warm and no longer at risk of becoming ill and getting a cold. He knows how much you hate it when he leaves his stuff on the floor yet he still does it. How hard is it to take it to the bedroom with him? It felt weird watching Pedri walk to the bedroom without you having hugged him beforehand. Normally when he gets home from training you bring him into a kiss and quick hug before asking how his day was but today he was obviously too cold so you made the decision to do that later and let him warm up first although a kiss may warm up his lips and a hug will warm him up too but first he can get changed.
Whilst he was getting changed into some warmer clothes you thought that it would be best to go and do something else that you couldn’t whilst Pedri was out. You made your way to the kitchen to get started on the hot chocolate since that’s a nice drink to have on cold days. This was the main reason that you have the hot chocolate, for cold days like this because neither you nor Pedri drink it really throughout the year, only mainly around this time of year. You had to search through the back of the cupboards to find where the hot chocolate was located and luckily it was still very much in date so you could use it. Once you found it you went around the kitchen making sure to have the marshmallows and whipped cream too. You can’t have hot chocolate without the marshmallows and whipped cream, luckily you had them both so you could continue to make the hot chocolate without having to go and get the toppings for it.
Pedri came downstairs in a hoodie and a pair of joggers still looking so cold though so whilst the hot chocolate was warming up you took Pedri into the living room and pushed him onto the sofa. Once you knew that he was firmly sitting on the sofa you went to go and grab the blanket which was in the tumble dryer and brought it over to him, you could see that he was still shivering as well so you knew that you made the right decision to make the house all warm as well as getting the blanket for him. You wrapped it around Pedri placing a soft kiss on his cold lips and he sent a small appreciative smile your way before you walked back into the kitchen to finish the hot chocolates. As you were leaving the room you saw him pull the blankets up further and cuddle into them more trying to get as much warmth from them as possible. You really did make a good decision earlier.
When you made it back into the kitchen you could finally get on with finishing up the hot chocolate which you were quite happy about since right now you really fancied a nice hot chocolate. It didn’t take long for you to make the hot chocolate exactly how both you and Pedri like and then you put on the whipped cream and marshmallows. You put an excessive amount of whipped cream and marshmallows on both of them not that you minded how much would be put on and you knew that Pedri wouldn’t mind it either. A bit of whipped cream and marshmallows won’t ruin the diet that he’s on, it’s good to have a bit of a treat sometime.
“Here’s a hot chocolate when you want it,” You said, going to place it on the table but Pedri held his hands out, obviously wanting to hold it himself. As you passed him the hot chocolate your hands bruised against each other and you could just feel how cold his hands were. His hands really needed to be warmed up and the hot chocolate was the perfect way to do this. Plus he could eat the whipped cream and marshmallows that were on top of the hot chocolate whilst that cooled down. You passed him the hot chocolate before placing yours on the table before getting under the blanket and cuddling close to Pedri who placed one of his arms around you to pull you closer to him. Once you were comfortable next to Pedri on the sofa you leaned forward to grab your own hot chocolate before grabbing the TV remote so you could find a film to watch together.
“What film?” You asked Pedri once you were both comfortable. The two of you quickly picked a film just allowing it to play through as you cuddled enjoying each other’s warmth.
The two of you settled properly on the sofa you pressed firmly against Pedri’s side making sure that he gets some of your warmth too as well as just enjoying cuddling with him. The two of you cuddled close, watching the film whilst also sipping on the hot chocolate that you had made. The perfect evening. The fire was still burning and out of the corner of your eye you could see it, see the light flickering and you could also feel the heat coming from it. It was really homely and nice to see your living room like this, it was definitely your favourite time. You allowed yourself to snuggle closer to Pedri who placed his empty cup on the floor before manoeuvring himself into a more comfortable position so the two of you could cuddle properly. Cuddle properly and watch some movies together. The best way to pass and spend time together.
“Are you warm yet?” You asked Pedri when you felt yourself getting a little bit too hot. The fire had done a nice job at heating up the whole room but with the fluffy blanket over the two of you as well you were feeling a little bit too hot now. If Pedri was fine then you would either turn the fire off or take away the blanket. There was still a red hint to his cheeks but now you’re pretty sure that this is from the heat of the room and not from being cold like it was when he first walked into the house. Your hands were resting underneath his jumper as well, you put them there when you finished drinking the hot chocolate, and you could feel how warm he was getting.
“You know what will warm me up more,” Pedri jokingly suggested, turning to face you more. You tried to hold back your laughter at this but failed miserably. Just the way Pedri was looking at you was making you laugh, the way he had a soft smirk playing on his lips, his eyes bright and wide. He wiggled his eyebrows and everything which made you just laugh even harder. You weren’t in the mood for sex but him acting like this was pretty funny, pushing him away slightly before cuddling back into him. He was definitely warm now too which you were thankful for. It was the reason for all of this after all. This will happen again and you know it will but when it does the cuddles and movies will be waiting for him. Any reason to put on the fire and cuddle into Pedri for the whole evening, any reason to do nothing but spend time with Pedri.
You can’t lie, this is why you love winter so much. The homely feeling of the house, the fire makes it more homely and just cuddling into Pedri for long periods of time without getting too hot or sweaty as you do during the summer months.
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xgryffinwhore · 4 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
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warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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berri-zen · 3 years
enhypen hyung line when you hit a mental wall
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themes: angst-ish, fluff fluff fluff
tw: themes of mental health - read with caution
wc: 1.1k
a/n: i got carried away with writing heeseungs section…oops but i hope you enjoy!!
not proof read!!
it was a tuesday night and you had just come home from a long and tiring day at work
heeseung found it odd that you didnt call out to him when you walked through the door
he followed you into the bedroom, worried as you looked tired and worn out overall
“hey lovie, is everything okay?” he asked you softly, placing a hand on the small of your back
“everything is fine heeseung. i just need to finish this report then i’ll grab something to eat” you stepped away from his touch and walked over to your wardrobe
he notices your actions and immediately set off alarms in his head
cont. heeseung and rest of members under the cut!!
1) you called him heeseung; not hee, not honey, not love, heeseung and 2) you didnt greet nor acknowledge him until he acknowledged you
he’d leave you be for a bit (by that probably 15 minutes at most) to cook you your favourite dish and pile up all your favourite snacks and plushies in front of the tv </3
talking back up to your shared room, he finds you with your head resting on your forearms looking at the words on the laptop screen in front of you
heeseung walked over to you quietly and shut your laptop slowly
“hee i-”
“no, love you need to take a break from all this work”
would call your boss and tell them that you’d have the rest of the week off to rest
he would grab your wrists, pull you up from your chair and guide you to the comfy set up he had prepared moments before
you looked up at him, teary eyed, and wrapped your arms around his neck
“thank you hee, really. im sorry for being snappy earlier” you said, head in the crook of his neck
instinctively heeseung wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you closer to him, placing a small kiss on the top of your head
“you need to have some time to look after yourself y/n. all this stress isnt good for you, love”
you two spent the night cuddled up with each other, watching movies and telling dumb stories - cute dates would follow to brighten your mood and heeseung would do anything to see you smile :<
i have one thing to say, gifts
ik this is such a common trope with jongseong BUT i honestly see his love language as gift giving T^T
he’d come home from a busy schedule to see you sobbing into a cushion in the living room
immediately, he dropped his bags at the door and went to wrap you in a warm embrace
ditching the pillow, you started to cry into jay’s chest and gripping onto the back of his sweatshirt
jay would say nothing to begin with, just holding your frame as you cried out all your emotions and built up stress
once youve finished, then he would ask you softly about what was going on and how he could help
the next day however, expect jay to DRAG you to the mall or something like a small shopping strip and would absolutely spoil you!!
you see something in a show window you like?? he would excuse himself from you to buy it for you, no matter the price
he would treat you like royalty and would take you to all your favourite cafes and restaurants, just to see you smile again
over the following weeks, he would then constantly look after you and make sure youre eating enough and helps you overcome slight difficulties you may be facing at work
ugh what a sweetie <3
as soon as he stepped into the house, he knew that something wasnt right - he didnt even need to visibly see you to know that you werent doing so great
another member who would immediately drop his things at the door and run to your room, where you were zoned out staring at the window
jake wouldnt necessarily ask you about how and why you were feeling but would just hold you and whisper sweet words into your ear
“you are the strongest and most gorgeous person i know, y/” , “youre doing so well love”
i feel like he would either start talking about his day or a random story to distract your mind from whatever is pooling and storming up in your head and/or would show you funny videos he found online :<
would give you one of his sweatshirts or hoodies and wrap you in blankets to “protect you”
eventually, you would open up to him about everything - about all the work youve been given at uni and exam stress and youve just crashed mentally
he looked sadly at you and engulfed you in another hug resting your head in his neck and placing his head on top of yours
the two of you would fall asleep like this, cuddled up together on your shared bed :<
the next day expect jake to be (trying) to cook your meals and would help out with your course work (especially anything to do with math and physics bc yk the guy is a mf genius)
would help make a schedule for you to follow so you have time to rest but still have enough time to cover everything for school
initially, i feel like he wouldnt know what to say :<
sunghoon would get home and noticed you didnt immediately greet him
he wandered around your apartment until he found you sitting in the shower (no water running) with your back against the cold tiles, crying into your forearms
you didnt even notice he was home until he wrapped his arms around you and put your head into his chest
wouldnt say a word - he would just hold you and carry you to your bed to be more comfortable
you would eventually talk about everything that was going on - about all the pent up stress from work alongside minor inconveniences
as a more conservative person, sunghoon would just listen to what you had to say rather than giving input or advice unless you yourself had asked for it
he would press soft kisses on the bridge of your nose and across your eyelids and remind you of how much he loved and adored you
following on, sunghoon would do small tasks for you around the house
you’d wake up the following morning and see that your house was spotless, all the dishes were washed and your laundry was all done and neatly folded in a pile
you saw sunghoon vacuuming the lounge room and snuck behind him, hugging him from behind
“thank you hoon”
he turned around to wrap his arms around your waist, holding you tight to him
“anything for you love. remember to take care of you first”
©berri-zen 2021 - all rights reserved
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jiminzfilter · 3 years
slow dancing in the night
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→ Pairing. Taehyung x reader
→ Genre. established relationship, fluff, slice of life, model!taehyung, model!reader, taehyung missed you a lot, he is starving (his words not mine), gets a bit hot by the last 40 lines, mentions of oral (f) so I guess this counts as mature content, implied smut, making out (kinda), there is a bit of swearing
→ Summary. what could possibly be better than coming home after a long day of work to someone you love and missed a lot ?
→ Word count. 3.2k (!!!)
→ because I wrote this over a year ago when I still didn't know what I was doing with my writing, I had to go through a deep process of editing and re-writing before posting it. This might not be my best work but it's still a fic that I really really like :,)
→ song rec. slow dancing in the dark, Joji// still with you, Jungkook
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Fridays have always been exhausting days for both you and your boyfriend, especially on runways weeks. As models, you were put under a lot of pressure.
Pressure to be perfect, to smile but never smile too much, to look good, to not fall on stage.
Falling has to be the most tragic thing that can happen to your carreer as a model, the hungry stares of thousands of photographers and reporters ready to share the latest news to the press.
Yeah, it was exhausting.
This week was no exception... or maybe it was since, this time, you were the only one working until late.
It’s four in the morning and you’re already on your way out - kind of running late, oBviOusLy - quietly wishing your boyfriend a good day.
He is not working today.
That lucky bastard.
He gets to enjoy his free day in bed, lazing around, while you work your ass off all day. He mumbles something that you assume is a sort of goodbye. He is still asleep.
You look at him one last time before leaving the room and smile. He looks so peaceful.
You still remember the day you met, by pure luck even though you both call that fate. That was 5 years ago, when you just debuted your career as a model and were not that comfortable around high heels.
Okay no. Let’s be real.
You hated wearing them because you couldn’t walk in heels higher than 5 cm.
It’s still a wonder how you managed to make it in the first place.
Were you wearing flat shoes for the audition ? Damn you really must’ve done an impression on the judges if they made you pass without the heels try-on.
Your first day at the agency was chaotic to say the least. Your manager made you walk around the building, to visit she said. She made you wear heels. HEELS. That devilish person.
But, thank to that, you got to meet Taehyung. Your eyes landed on him as you were visiting the lounge and couldn’t tear them away from his figure. The poor man had to witness you fall down because you weren’t watching your steps anymore.
I mean.
Who could blame you ??
That was Kim frEaking Taehyung
He even came to help you get back on your feet and asked if you were alright, kind of amused.
It’s not everyday you see someone falling down in here, let alone a newbie
Let’s be honest, you were so embarrassed.
First day of work and you’re already failing falling.
That night when you came home, you spent the night wearing heels and prayed really hard you’d never have to face him again. After all, the building was big enough and there were enough workers that you could avoid Taehyung easily
If only
The NeXt day, you were told that you had a couple shooting, with none other that Kim Taehyung.
He would occasionally tease you about your fall and check on you to see if everything was alright. He watched you carefully as you were walking around with heels.
From up close he looked even more handsome.... :)
After this day, you started talking with Taehyung more and more. He introduced you to everyone around the agency. You met outside of work, got to know each other. You both became regally good friends but there was something lingering in the air, in the way you’d look at each other or stood so close to him after a couple glasses of wine that you could breathe his air.
So what was bound to happen happened and you went from friends a to lovers without really noticing it.
He was still your best friend...somehow
Eventually, you took things to the next level and moved in together... maybe a half and a year ago or so ? You’ve never been happier in your life
And, well, you’d actually be happier if you could spend the day with boyfriend instead of running around trying to find god knows which accessories you need for the rehearsal.
8 in the morning is noT a time to be doing cardio.
Especially while wearing heels
Become a model they said, it’ll be fun they said
“Y/n! Come here please I need you to try on this dress before you go!” Your personal stylist calls “I made sure to fix it yesterday so it’d be a perfect fit for the show”
You stop your tracks and go to her “make this quick i have to go get changed before 9 otherwise I’m screwed. Why did they even decide to do the rehearsals so early today ?” You sigh, frustrated, and put on the dress she’s handing you “thank you”
“Okayyy...it looks great. Gold looks amazing on you.” She smoothes the dress and gives an approving nod, visibly satisfied ; “You’ll look perfect for the Grand Finale. Oh god it’s already 8:30 you better go before Mr.Kim throws a fit because you’re late”
You both giggle ; “thank you for fixing the dress Naeun, see you later today. Well, probably tonight. Byeeee”
The rehearsal seems to never end. You’re squeezed in dozens of different outfits, gorgeous for sure but sO tight. Mr. Kim, the one who organised the runway, is such a perfectionist that you have to re-do some things multiple times before he’s satisfied. One time the lighting isn’t right, the other the models are walking too fast, not on beat and so on.
Everyone hates him for that but he always makes the best shows so you just follow.
After multiple tries, the rehearsal finally comes to an end. It’s already 4PM. You barely get time to breathe and go pee before you’re back into the ‘running-around-to-find-my-dress-and-fix-my-makeup-oh-god-i-gotta-be-on-stage’ crazy mess.
Walking on the runway feels amazing, running backstage is terrible.
It’s so hot and small back there you can hardly move around well.
It takes 2 hours for the whole fashion show to be over, one more for pictures outside the catwalk and chat with reporters. Since you’re kind of a famous model now, you get invited to the afterparty and spend few extra hours interacting with some celebrities that attended the show. Other models were invited and you’re happy to see familiar faces amongst them. Jimin, an old colleague and friend of yours, comes your way and compliments you. You chat with him for a while before deciding you’ve had enough for the day and leave the party. A few more people greet you on your way out.
A taxi takes you back to you company, where you left your stuff in the morning. You spend an extra thirty minutes getting rid of your heavy makeup and striping off that gorgeous but awfully tight golden dress you’ve been wearing ever since the end of the runway.
Now, you can FinaLLy go home. yassssss
It’s almost 12am when you leave the agency and climb into yet another taxi. The ride is quiet, background music playing over the car’s radio, and you take some time to look at what you were gifted for your performance : fancy makeup products, accessories, pieces of clothing-but not those from the runway, you sadly never get to keep those. Being kinda famous has its perks :,)
You then decide it’s time to warn Taehyung you’ll arrive soon and send him a few texts. As if he was waiting for them, he instantly replies saying he’ll be waiting for you and proceeds to spam you with heart emojis. Sometimes, it looks like this man just discovered what emojis were and is trying to use them as much as possible. What a child…
It’s way past midnight when you finally step into your duplex and the first thing you notice is that the place is way too quiet.
Maybe Tae went back to sleep, who knows, it’s super late after all…
You remove shoes and jacket and drop your bags in the entrance before going further and you call out quietly “anyone here? Tae, you sleeping?”
There is a faint glow from the tv on your right but the sound has been muted.
“Taehyung ?" You call one last time
Suddenly, two strong arms wrap themselves around your waist and you’re pulled into someone’s chest. You gasp, almost scream, but soften up when you feel the warmth on your back
“Hi baby” a deep voice says in your ear, sending chills down your spine “I missed you”
You turn around and are very pleased to see a handsome face and a warm exposed chest your boyfriend smiling at you.
“Mhm, missed you too” You wrap your arms around him and rest your head against his chest, happy to hear his heartbeat. Taehyung places his head atop of yours and gently strokes your hair. You tighten your grasp around him and hum.
Few seconds later, he lifts your chin up and gently lays a kiss on your lips.
“How are you doing?” He asks, his right hand cupping your cheek. The warmth of it is comforting.
“Exhausted, but you know how it goes” You shrug and he smiles
“Not too tired for dinner ? I could cook something if you want”
“Mhm... let me just go shower and put something else on” You sadly let go of him
“Sure, go ahead” he whispers and you give him a kiss before regretfully tearing yourself away from him.
You walk up the stairs to your bedroom, where you find the bed undone. You smile, Taehyung never really liked making the bed and, very honestly, neither did you. You slump onto the mattress and bury your face into the pillows, inhaling his scent. Lavender. Relaxing. Just like he is.
After a warm shower, you find a t-shirt Taehyung left on a chair in the room and wear it. It’s big enough to reach your thighs and, if you were more energised, you’d probably stay like this. You grab large pants and put them on.
Once again, you smell lavender all around you.
When you’re back in the living area, you see Taehyung busying himself in the kitchen. He hears your steps and his eyes find yours as a smile appears on his face when he notices that you’re wearing his shirt
“My shirt looks better on you than it’d ever do on me” He teases, his gaze longing on your frame.
“maybe I should keep it then” you smile and ask ; ”Do you need any help?”
“no no no no no, you’ve worked enough already. Go and have some rest. I'll call you when everything’s ready okay?”
Too tired to argue on this anyways -and thankful for the given rest-, you go lay down on the couch, your body oriented to let you look at Taehyung.
As he hums and moves to the chill music that was playing in the background, you start to detail his beautiful figure. From the curl of his dark hair (which you knoW are so so soft to the touch) to his beautiful profile and his nose you love so much down to his broad shoulder and then his tanned abs you see from time to time when the opened shirt of his pyjama moves according to his steps.
oH! Let’s not forget his perfect hands gripping at the pan’s handle while he cooks… vegetables? Something like that yeah.
Taehyung is giving his best into what he’s cooking. Vegetables with rice, that’s the only thing he could do quickly.
Quickly as in less than half an hour, unlike his friend Namjoon who’d take this time just to cook the rice.
The music he put earlier is slowly starting to bore him. After washing his hands, he reaches out for his phone and plays a different playlist. It’s one you name yourself when the two of you were still friends (aka not dating yet). “Taetae fm” because you once joked he should have his own broadcasting channel on the radio. He’d always criticise the music playing so why not have his own channel 👀
“You know Y/n, I actually watched the fashion show live this afternoon. I mean, of course you know because I always do that haha. Anyways, you really were the highlight of the runway tonight. And I’m not saying this in a biased point of view. Okay I might be a bit biased as your boyfriend but I swear that it’s true!! You literally shone back there, especially in that gold dress you were wearing and even the audience was impressed by your looks maybe you didn’t see it on stage but some cameras filmed their reactions and everyone was looking at you. Really, you were so gorge-oh” Taehyung looks at you and smile fondly “Of course you’re asleep, baby”
He lets his phone aside and checks the now cooked food before making his way to the couch. There’s a blanket on the sofa, he covers you with it, scared you might get cold. Taehyung put a loose strand of hair behind your ear and places a kiss on your chin.
You slowly open your eyes and find yourself face to face with him. You both smile.
“Hi there beautiful” He whispers
“what time is it? Did I sleep until the morning?” You’re scared of having slept through the entire nap without realising
“almost 1:20am, I just finished cooking. I thought you might be cold so I went to cover you with the blanket. You should go enjoy the food while it’s still hot, imma go to the toilet”
You nod as an answer and watch him leave upstairs. Getting up from the warmth of the couch is the hardest part so you keep the soft blanket draped around your shoulders and walk towards the kitchen. You grab two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks that you place on the counter along with glasses and a bottle of water.
You then go take care of the rice and the vegetables, which you mix in the pan. The song playing changes and your favourite nighttime tune starts.
“I don’t want a friend, I want my life in two” you sing along
“Waiting to get there, waiting for you” Taehyung’s voice startles you as he grabs your wrists and pulls your back close to him. You smile as he makes the both of you dance slowly. You put his arms around you so it’s like he’s hugging you from the back. You swing around for a little while, enjoying the close proximity as you both softly hum the song, making your body vibrate against each other, moving in perfect coordination.
“I love you” he whispers in your ear and then kisses it, sending chills down your spine, before lifting one of your arm up to make you turn so that you’re now facing him “did my baby sleep well?” You nod as you place your arms around his waist, paying attention to go under the shirt so you’re touching as much skin as possible.
Taehyung chuckles before asking you in that same, chill-sending, low deep voice ; “Still hungry? Because I’m starving”
If you didn’t just wake up, you would’ve definitely caught that lust in his eyes and also the fact that this wasn’t as innocent as it seemed.
As an answer, your stomach growls pretty loudly, making Taehyung laugh . “I’ll take that as a yes. Sit down, princess. Let me take care of you”
You do as he says, jumping on a stool, detailing all of his moves. You only realise how hungry you actually were when you start eating. Rice with vegetables has never tastes better. You eat everything in less than 5 minutes when you’d usually take your time to finish your plate.
“Damn, that was a well needed dinner! Thank you Tae” you mess a bit with his soft locks
“Imagine me who was waiting for you all evening!! I was hungry too” He pouts.
“Oh come on, I was working today. Cardio in heels isn’t the best way to wake up, let alone spend the whole day standing in tight clothes. When I think you has a day off… pfff. I saw the bed, I’m sure you stayed there all day, you lazyyyyyyyyy ass.”
He mumbles some gibberish and you giggle, knowing that you're right. He looks away, crossing his arms and obviously sulking. You leave your stool and stand behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You leave a few kisses on his cheek and neck
“- Don’t be such a babyy. You know I love you.
- You do?
- of course, you dummy” you bop his nose "Sooo, what do we have for desert?
- You. Uh I mean!! Yoghurt, fruits, cakes, fruits…anything” he clears his throat
“Great! What do you prefer?” You open the fridge
“ I’d very happily eat you out honestly but an apple sounds good”
“Oh sur- wait whaT!?” You snap your head to him, eyes wide open
what did he sayyyyyyyy?????
whaT am I even supposed to say noW oh my goddddd
You close the fridge’s door, suddenly not so yogurt-hungry.
There’s a sudden silence between the two of you, only disturbed by the music still playing in the background.
“Mhm? What is it?” He turns around to face you, asking so innocently “did I say something wrong ?”
This man knows what he is doing for sure. Has he ever been that straightforward before ?
Taehyung stands and closes the distance between your bodies, now towering over you.
He lowers himself slightly to speak in your ear “what is it baby? Mhm?” You feel his smile on your cheek when he lays a kiss on it “what happened to my all proud and fierce y/n who was so confident telling me I was being lazy all day, huh? Tell me” He lays another kiss on your temple
now he’s being a tease
1 A.M. fluffy and bare chested teaser Taehyung
Anyhow, it’s a good turn on.
Being tired and turned on was definitely not a good mix for you. You could feel the heat rising in your body and hear your heart pounding in your ears.
He laughs gently seeing you silently begging for more, brushing your face with his lips, teasing another kiss.
“Tsk tsk, you gotta speak darling, I cannot guess”
You should calm down and go to sleep, it’s 1am and you have work tomorrow you should definitely-
“Fuck-“ You sigh and grab his face, sealing your lips together while closing your eyes.
It doesn’t take long for that kiss to turn into a heated make out session.
You grab and pull some of his dark curls while his hands travels under his your shirt.
You break the kiss just a second to catch your breath.
“Have i ever told you you have the perfect body?” Taehyung asks
“Did I ever tell you how perfect you are??” You reply
He laughs, deep raspy laugh.
You’re too tired for this
And because you’re tired, you’re even more horny :D
Taehyung puts his hands behind your thighs and you jump, locking your legs around his waist, hands still in his hair, lips against his while carries you to the bedroom.
He leaves your lips to travel down your jaw and then collarbone. You throw your head back.
Taehyung gently lays you on the mattress of your king sized bed and makes it his personal mission to pleasure you tonight.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Hi can I request the boys reactions to coming back and seeing that MC has snucked into their beds
The Brothers Find the MC Asleep in Their Bed
This is that other bed request. Back to my fluffy content! Huzzah!! I was a fidgeting mess on that last one… If it wasn't in second person I probably would have never gotten through it… 🤦‍♀️😅 Amazing how distancing the pronoun "you" can be when you're writing: "Oh no, this ain't happening to me, it's gonna happen to you. I dunno what to tell ya." 🤷‍♀️ I give my props for this to one to my favorite jazz singers, Nicki Parrot, and her rendition of I Won't Last a Day Without You.
If you're missing someone and, presumably, you have a fairly intimate relationship then something you can do is stay in their bed. Sure, your loved one’s body may not be next to yours but the familiarity can help soothe that aching heart… So when the brothers were away from the House for a few days, it wasn't totally unreasonable for the MC to sneak a night or two in their favorite demon's bed.
If only they had known said demon would come home early… 
It was a looong trip for him. Lucifer only goes up to the human world for business reasons and usually he has to bring Mammon to keep an eye on him, which he also swears ages him by a century each time he does… 
When he retired to his room that night he wasn't really looking to talk or interact with anyone, not his brothers and not even the MC. He just wanted to go to sleep…
He wasn't expecting to find his human curled up under his sheets, though. And without him there no less.
Had it been another day, he might have just woken them up and sent them away or slept somewhere else but that night, after the trip he had, he felt so… loved all of sudden...
His brothers never miss him when he leaves. They give him the usual welcoming rigmarole when he gets back, "Good to see you, how was the trip?" that kind of thing, but he can tell they're all disappointed that he's back to discipline them again…
But here was the MC, apparently wanting him back so much that they'd risk breaking into his room just to feel close to him again… It's honestly good he was the only conscious soul in the room because if anyone else had seen the look on his face, he'd have to start erasing some memories again.
He changed clothes quietly before getting into the bed himself, careful not to jostle them too much. Only once he was settled in, did he give them a tender kiss to their forehead and finally got a good night's sleep...
Look, he never asks to be dragged along with Lucifer on his business trips! It's a pain in the ass for everyone involved so he was more than happy to be home...
So happy in fact, that he didn't think to check his bed before he went sailing into it face first…
When he didn't feel the cushion of his mattress below him, but what felt like muscle and bone, he screamed. Which caused the MC to shoot up from under his covers and scream right back at him.
The two dummies screamed at each other for about five seconds straight before it clicked that neither even knew what they were screaming about… 🙄
"MC?!? The hell are ya doin'?! This is my bed, ya know??"
Oh was he tickled pink when they told him they came there just 'cause they missed him so much… Of course they'd miss the Great Mammon! Anybody who got to spend that much time in his presence would eventually! And he had been missing them so much he could hardly see straight anyway...
"Geez, is that all? Well fine! You can stay the night, but only for tonight! … I mean, unless ya want to stay longer or somethin' crazy like that….. You want to, doncha?"
And that's how the MC ended up spending the next week in the arms of their first man… and getting a pretty good bruise on their shoulder too from Mammon's thick skull slamming into it.
He was coming back from a three-day convention and boy was he tired… There's only so much excitement an introvert can withstand for that long without shutting down completely...
His first clue that something was a little off was his door. It was unlocked. Since he was positive he locked it before he left, he was already on edge... Mammon was in there stealing his stuff again, wasn’t he??
He had his demon form already out when he threw the door open, expecting to have to chase out a thief, but instead he found the MC's arm sticking out of his bathtub-bed.
Cue an incredibly flustered Levi. Did the MC really want to sleep with him? A yucky otaku?? Did they miss him that much?? For a brief moment, he hit cloud nine and beyond.
Levi was frozen in his doorway for a good five minutes, too afraid to walk in and possibly disturb them, before he finally tiptoed to have a look in the tub.
…. He may or may not have snapped a picture when he saw them snuggled against his Ruri-chan body pillow… So what if that's a little creepy??? You're creepy!!
There wasn't really a good way for him to squeeze in with them so he settled for pulling his computer chair over and taking their outstretched hand in his own...
He stayed like that all night until the MC woke up to find him passed out next to them, head rolled back in the chair but still holding their hand with laced fingers...
He hates going to the human world with Lucifer, even though he acknowledges that he's better behaved than the others for it. That doesn't change the fact that he'd much rather be back in his room with a good book...
He just wasn't expecting the MC to share his sentiments so… identically?
After his trip to Paris with Lucifer, Satan dragged his bags back into his room and expected to at least get another hour of reading in before his mind finally caught up with his body… But to his surprise, his bed was already occupied.
The MC was half-under his covers with their head wedged into the corner of the wall above his pillows, sound asleep… A stray book sat by their hand, one of his favorites too judging by the cover.
He felt the warmth of a chuckle escape his chest… How many times had he woken up in that exact same position? It was almost like they missed him so badly they tried to be him for a while... It was all too cute for words…
He put aside getting some sleep just long enough to take care of his MC, gently moving their body back under the covers and setting the book onto one of the endless stacks that surrounded his bed.
Only once he had them placed into a more comfortable position did he change his clothes and take the spot in the bed next to them…
The MC woke up very much not how they fell asleep… but trading out a good book in their hand for a warm bookworm against their body wasn't a bad deal now, was it?
He was on one of those long self-care retreats and though, yes, it was a good time he really needed a good nap after such a long trip… He was even considering shortening his nightly routine for once.
When he came into his room, he was ready to just faceplant into his pillows until he spied MC's head poking out from under his covers…
He squealed, but not out of anger or fright. No, no. He felt nothing but Pure. Joy. His heart was soaring and he could have sang, he was just that happy!
His human missed him so much that they just needed to wrap themselves up under his covers?? Well, of course they would wouldn't they? There's no good substitute for Asmo and he knows it.
His literal shriek made the MC shoot out of his bed and try to apologize but he just tackled them back down, wrapping his arms around them in a vice grip of adoration. He was not letting them back down now. It was cuddle time!
In truth, their sudden appearance shocked Asmo awake for about another hour, which he spent snuggled up to his MC and babbling about his trip. He did eventually lose steam though, falling asleep soundly with his head snuggled into the crook of their neck.
The lovey mood was dampened slightly when he woke up and realized he hadn't done any of his routine the night before, but since the MC was still resting in his arms he decided that, just this once, he didn't need to rush it...
Beel's team had just come back from a long tournament trip and, for the first time ever, he could say that he was more tired than he was hungry…
Belphie was really happy to have his twin back, but this time he was kind of ignoring his brother's excitement as his mind zoned in on his bed… He almost didn't notice the MC was even in there until he pulled back the covers to climb in himself. 
His poor sleep-deprived mind had to take a minute to catch up… This was his bed wasn't it...? 😰
"Beel? Is that MC?" "... I think so?" "Why are they in your bed?" "I don't know… Maybe they just wanted to sleep here?" "... Uh-huh. Hey, Beel, I know you're tired. How about you just take my bed instead since it's free? I'll take yours tonight."
Since he was so exhausted, Beel almost considered the offer until he noticed the resentful pout on Belphie's face... Oh. Right. The MC probably wanted to sleep with him. That meant they must have missed him… That thought alone gave Beel a warm, fuzzy feeling like he'd just taken a giant gulp of hot cocoa and he just couldn't help his groggy smile.
"No… This is fine." "But-" "I don't mind, Belphie. Goodnight."
He didn't give his jealous twin any more room to argue before he climbed into bed next to the MC, nestling them close to his chest as if he was welcoming them home instead. And in his last moments of consciousness, Beel promised himself that they'd wake up just like this too…
Belphie tends to hate trips about as much as Levi, especially ones where Beel or the MC can't come along... Too much hassle and all his brothers make so much noise…
When he finally got back from the trip Lucifer dragged him into, he only had one thing on his mind. Sleep. His bed was calling to him, that's where he needed to be… and the MC too, apparently?
He was honestly a little caught off guard to find the MC in his bed... The attic bed? Sure. That was their cuddle space and it was practically sacred ground at that point. But the bed in the room he shared with Beel...? They didn't stay there very often…
Which meant they weren't in his bed just because they wanted to sleep. They wanted him… Had they been awake he might have had something smug to say, but without any audience to save face to he just felt somewhat honored…
There wasn't a day that went by where Belphie didn't regret the things he'd done to them, even during the quiet moments where they assured him that they'd forgiven him for it... Seeing them there in his actual bed proved something, they chose him. No one else. 
He didn't think twice about crawling under there next to them, he even got into his usual position by their side on instinct. But this time, for a minute or two, he just watched their sleeping form peacefully and counted himself lucky to even be there…
When the MC woke up to Belphegor wrapped around them, an adoring smile nuzzled into their neck, and they just had to wonder if the mere act of sleeping alone was all they’d ever need to summon their demon home...
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