#the people on the terrace thingy
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Had a really fucking nice day! Didn't get anything done for uni, but! I had the chat with the student counselor who suggested to try out the mentoring thingy. Since they don't really have people at math doing it, I asked my friend S and we planned the rest of my week rather precisely to see whether it would work for us and so far it's a match! I am curious to see to which extend I adhere to it.
Also, S, I and my soon-to-be-friend A went to the sea and lazily enjoyed the sunshine there. Now I am just catching the last sunrays on the rooftop terrace.
Sadly, someone else will be applying for the PhD position, someone really good and so on, so I will probably not get it, but I want to at least apply (which is a major hurdle to my organisational skills).
But since a long time of everything going out of control, I finally have the feeling again that actually everything will be alright. So fucking nice!
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kin-the-muffin · 2 years
dont mind me
just airing out the useless head muscle
im over a week behind in math and im stuck on this ONE STUPID ASSIGNMENT and we’re doing the final on thursday and my teacher said hes gonna collect our grade organizer at some point before break starts
history, i dont even know whats going on in there, most of the time my teacher is talking or showing videos, we hardly do any assignments and the ones we have done, i havent turned in and i dont know how to do them
in science we’re supposed to do night sky reports, eight in the first quarter, seven in the second. i turned in three for the first part. i have two for the next. theyre due thursday. today i was supposed to give a report on europa but i spaced out and had to tell her it wasnt ready (which is technically true cuz i never even started it i cant even find the FRICKEN SLIDES). theres like two other assignments that i never did/finished and i cant do them now cuz i turned in my binder for grading
english- okay english actually isnt too terrible, i got a 96 on the final :>
for art, i have three or so thingys that i havent turned in and i can only do one at home bcuz the others are still in my folder at school, though i guess i could just turn in the one. im pretty sure its worth a lot and its mostly finished anyway
speech. aw heck, speech. final is on thursday. i feel fairly confident about that but on tuesday i have to give a tribute speech about a person i admire. of course i cant put down any of the people i would put normally (toby fox, nate stevenson, dana terrace, or alex hirsch) cuz then my class would think im insane, so instead im doing my favorite author, jennifer a neilsen. unfortunately, i am one of very few people who loves her writing so the only resource i have on her life is her website. which is very… limited, to say the least
then in my second history class… imma be honest im really scared about this one. i failed it once before cuz i didnt turn in my assignments and now the same thing is happening again, i have done hardly anything in the past 8 units. im hoping i can at least do the unit tests and a few other big things and some normal assignments before it closes this week. i feel really bad about this cuz my mom was amazingly awesome enough to help pay for me to retake it.
so yeah, theres school
i have no idea what to do
if anyone would be willing to sit right next to me while i do work, thatd be great, cuz thats the only way i can think of that would actually get me to work
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kayclau · 4 years
Why did you make me feel old for liking cards!!!???
Don't you see what you've done to my Xmas present!??!
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Freddy Frenzy Friday | Eliza’s Choice
...what is Eliza fairly sure to do when she is placed between Freddy and Higgins? Will she look forward to a lifetime of fetching Higgins's slippers or to a lifetime of Freddy fetching hers? There can be no doubt about the answer. Unless Freddy is biologically repulsive to her, and Higgins biologically attractive to a degree that overwhelms all her other instincts, she will, if she marries either of them, marry Freddy.  And that is just what Eliza did.
- “Pygmalion”, George Bernard Shaw, 1916
Photo: Jeremy Brett as Freddy Eynsford-Hill, Audrey Hepburn as Eliza Doolittle, and Rex Harrison as Henry Higgins; My Fair Lady (1964)
(After the cut, a note about the Pygmalion quotes I’ll be posting)
This is one of a series of Freddy posts featuring quotes from the play “Pygmalion” by George Bernard Shaw, on which the musical “My Fair Lady” is based. Most of these quotes come from the “Sequel: What Happened Afterwards” essay at the end of the play, which you can read in full here! The essay begins with:
The rest of the story need not be shown in action, and indeed, would hardly need telling if our imaginations were not so enfeebled by their lazy dependence on the ready-mades and reach-me-downs of the ragshop in which Romance keeps its stock of “happy endings” to misfit all stories.
Ha, George Bernard Shaw, you got me! :-> The play and essay are quite interesting. I won’t go fully into it, but I admire Shaw’s wit and that Eliza had choices (other than marriage). When I watched My Fair Lady I wondered what would come next for Eliza, and I wondered what became of Freddy because of my huge crush on him since we didn’t see him after the taxi ride on the night Eliza ran away. So, I am only beginning to imagine what I can from it. There is so little to go off of, which makes room for lots of fan fic by the more imaginative minds...
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youtuberswithalex · 4 years
(for the ask game thingy) L with Virgil¿
(Okay I’m gonna be real with you, when I read the prompt was “Limp” I wasn’t sure if you/the prompt was referring to the verb or the adjective, so I just kind of... mashed them? I hope this is alright, let me know if it’s not and I can re-write you something lmao)
Warnings: Minor injury, sickness, fainting
Roman opened his bedroom door to a sight that he always hated to see: a very worried, but trying to look fine, Patton. His eyes snapped up to Roman with his brows creasing like they always did, and a weak smile rested upon his lips the same way a homeless person rests on the anti-homeless spikes that heartless politicians leave for their most helpless citizens.
Immediately, Roman frowned and leaned against his door frame. “What’s the matter, dearest Padre?”
“I was just—” Patton paused, glancing down the hallway for just a brief second as he chewed his lip. “Is Virgil in the Imagination? We were supposed to spend some time together this afternoon, but he never showed up…”
“He did come in here for a jog, but that was a few hours ago,” he replied. “Have you checked his room?”
“His room, the bathroom, the closet—everywhere,” Patton sighed. “The Imagination’s the only place left.”
Roman hummed and peered over his shoulder, looking towards the giant set of windows that lead to a balcony overlooking his portion of the Imagination. A mighty storm tore through the normally peaceful kingdom, one that pulled tree branches down and turned umbrellas inside out. Through the torrents of rain, he could just barely see the empty streets; relief flooded through him for just a moment until he remembered the problem at hand.
Surely, Virgil had seen the clouds rolling in and come back to the Mind Palace… right?
“I’ll see if I can find him,” Roman declared, turning back to face Patton. “Don’t you worry that adorable little face of yours; I’m sure he’s fine.”
Patton nodded slowly, that same nervous look haunting his features. “Thank you, Roman.”
“It is always a pleasure.”
As soon as he shut the door to the Mind Palace, Roman hurried to grand doors leading to the rest of his castle, pushing them open and briskly walking towards the front entrance. A few people leapt out of his way as he passed, but one watched him with a close eye and chased after him.
“What’s the matter, your highness?” they asked.
Roman paused to turn and look at them. “Felicitas,” he said, “did you see Virgil come through here recently?”
“Not since he left for his run. Is he not in the Mind Palace?”
Furrowing his brow, Roman shook his head and continued on his way. “If you would, please tell Castor and Pollux to fetch some towels and dry clothes and bring them to the front entrance. I don’t think he’s in danger, but if he’s out in this—”
“Prince Roman! Prince Roman!”
The two turned just in time to watch a dripping wet servant come skidding around the corner to another corridor; he slipped and fell, sliding across the floor for a moment, before jumping back to his feet and rushing up to them.
“Pollux, we were just talking about you,” Felicitas said. “We need you and your sister to—”
Pollux hastily threw a salute in their direction. “General, sorry to interrupt, but this is urgent,” he sputtered. “Your highness, Sir Virgil is in the garden, and I-I think he’s injured!”
Roman felt himself pale. “What?!”
“He was using a branch as a crutch, and he was very weak, but he wouldn’t let Castor and I help, so she came in to get some towels and dry clothes while I came to get you, but— I-I don’t think it’s life threatening, your highness!”
Pollux had to shout the last part, but it didn’t seem to do any good. Roman had already bolted down the corridor and out of sight.
By the time Roman made it to the back terrace, he could just barely decipher the figure stumbling down the path as Virgil, soaked to the bone and his left side covered in mud. As Pollux had said, he was leaning heavily on a branch that would usually reach his shoulders in height; with each step he took, a heavy limp accompanied the next.
Roman wasted absolutely no time running out from under the awning, scurrying down the stairs and towards Virgil as fast as he could. As soon as Virgil spotted him, he let out a low whine of relief and fell forward. Roman caught him just before he could hit the mud.
“Virgil, what happened? Are you alright?” he asked, cupping his cheek in one hand. It burned against his palm, despite the freezing rain soaking his skin.
Sucking in a weak breath, Virgil forced his eyes to stay open as he looked up. “F-F-Fell in a d-ditch,” he slurred, teeth chattering. “Ankle h-hurts…”
A single glance towards his tennis shoes, and Roman’s heart dropped at the bruise and swelling emerging from the topline. He opened his mouth to reply, but Virgil drooped against his chest and buried his face in his shoulder.
“Don’t feel good,” he groaned.
Roman was quick to lift him into his arms, keeping himself wary of how he was jostling Virgil’s leg. “I’m so sorry, Raindrop,” he breathed, “I never meant for anything like this to happen. We’re going to take care of you, alright? You’re going to feel better soon, I swear.”
Virgil’s grip tightened on Roman’s shirt before his whole body fell limp; Roman cursed under his breath and rushed back inside where his servants were waiting. Castor hastily draped towels over both of the Sides as Roman pushed by.
“Castor, Pollux, I need you two to come help me prepare a room for Virgil and get him into dry clothes,” he barked.
“Yes, sir,” the two said in sync before sprinting ahead of him.
“Felicitas, I am giving you permission to go into the Mind Palace to fetch Patton and Logan. Whatever you do, you can’t stay long—your body is not meant to be able to handle reality for more than a few minutes, and I cannot lose you. Be quick.”
They swallowed thickly, but nodded anyway, giving him a salute before marching away towards Roman’s room.
Now alone with only the sound of his own footsteps and the labored breaths of the flushed Side in his arms, Roman looked down at Virgil with a frown. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his far-too-warm forehead.
“And you,” he whispered, “need to focus on resting and recovering.”
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sothischickshe · 4 years
6, 7, 10, 13!
6. name five iconic quotes that make you feel things.
‘one can never have enough socks’ - dumbledore
‘If we, citizens, do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination on the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams’ - yann martel in life of pi
‘A witch ought never to be frightened in the darkest forest, Granny Weatherwax had once told her, because she should be sure in her soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her’ - terry pratchett in wintersmith
‘lie to me’ - buffy summers
‘It takes guts to run away, you know. Lots of people would be as cowardly as me if they were brave enough’ - rincewind/terry pratchett in the last hero
7. scythe, battle axe, broad sword, spear or trident?
SWORD ALWAYS SWORD! i just think they’re cool
10. describe yourself as if you were a storm.
this i did already and it seemed to make the rains come so good work me!!!
13. cabin in the woods, apartment in the city or mansion in the suburbs?
none of the above tbh? like a COTTAGE in the woods maybe we’re talking, but a cabin? nah. i kind of HAVE an ‘apartment’ in the city and it’s great but like if i was living my fantasy life i’d probably go a bit wackier. and a MANSION in the suburbs? idk what american suburbs are like but that’s not the london experience... i mean maybe out in like totteridge or something but i wouldnt class that as the suburbs really. i love those beautiful victorian terraced houses you get in the suburbs here though - they’re always split into flats these days, but imagine having like a couple of floors of one of those??? oof. somewhere near water pls!!!!
asky thingy
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Teenage Wasteland (Sriracha, Part 20.)
Description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could let you far away from all the trouble
Part Summary: The relationship seems to reach it's top by the November of '83 - but you're not one of those who would've Jim walk away without explanation.
Warnings: Angst, more angst and a child.
A/N: And after the whole relationship thingy, we've finally arrived at the destination I was most excited about. Inspired by Cold As Ice by Foreigner and Baba O'Riley by The Who. 
Word Count: 6.5 K
Tagging: @nemodoren​, @creedslove​
Master list: H E R E
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That morning, you got out of bed really late - it was Saturday, a few days after December had started, so neither of you had to leave early for work or school. Your nearest shift at the bistro started on Sunday evening, so you had all day just to hang out around each other.
And you could just tell that something's bugging Jim of since the moment he let his feet slip out of the bed. It was the start of December and you knew that it could be the incoming Christmas. Also, you agreed to have dinner at your parents' next weekend, so that could be adding up to his stress as well. You visited Joyce and both her boys just the weekend prior, training for the Christmas Eve.
You helped her with cooking the potatoes and baking the turkey, preparing all of the cookies and even drank one shot of a weird Brandy she offered you. It was an awesome dinner - Will brought his whole party over, Hopper spent most of his time talking to Jonathan and when the dinner came by, eight persons were sitting at the table without anyone realizing, since Nancy Wheeler came by as well, picking the kids up. You really enjoyed the whole night and Hopper seemed so as well.
When he didn't speak to you a word during the whole morning, that was when you started to get irritated by his behavior as well.
"Something bit your ass in the bed?" - You looked at him when he came back from having a cigarette, closing the terrace door behind him. - "I swear it wasn't me." - You joked and continued preparing the lunch, checking out the burning stove in the corner as well. 
You could pinpoint the exact moment when you knew something's off - he didn't even smile at your remark. You wouldn't want to let him walk away with such an attitude. If he thought he can fucking just walk away without explaining himself, boy, wasn't he wrong?
And yes, there was, in fact, much to talk about. But how the hell should he tell you without making you upset? He found a little girl in the woods who was scared out of her mind and who needed home. He didn't want to break up with you, under any circumstances - once he found the happiness, why should he give up on it? But at the same time, he knew that he can't make Eleven trusting him with you being around. All he needed was some time. 
“Partners.” - Suddenly, you stood up in front of him, looking him in the eyes, obviously having another of you monologues, just as you used to when there was an argument incoming his way. And again, he surely didn't hear more than half of it. - “Do you know what that word means?” 
“Two people loving each other?” - Jim guessed and took a beer out of the fridge. You stood there with the cloth you were using for cooking on your shoulder and you had both your palms on your hips. You opened up your mouth and furrowed, not expecting such an answer. 
“Yes, basically. But don't you try to beer me out or outsmart me, Jim Hopper! But you know what else partners should do? Share feelings, talk about things that are ailing them? Have you heard that before?” - You slowly walked next to the couch, following him, kneeling next to him. He felt your palm slowly tracing his shoulder and neck just before you turned his face at you. 
He knew that he's dancing on thin ice because you were literally everything he got at the moment. You were a person that meant home, warm arms when he needed a hug, kind words when he needed to brighten up his mood, lips that always accepted and gave him the sweetest kisses. And you knew him - he told you everything. 
You knew everything about Sara, he told you about Vietnam, about Diane, his time in New York. And you didn't stop listening for a moment - once he was done, you just held him in your arms for a little longer than the previous time, letting him know that it's still isn't late for him.
You let him understand that he still has the right to love and to be loved in the first place. 
“Come on, Jim. Just tell me.” - You begged before stealing his breath away with a kiss. He smiled when you leaned your forehead to his with a calm expression.
“I'll be moving out of the trail.” - Hopper started slowly. You almost smiled when he told you that, but then you realized that he said he's moving out. There wasn't any we are moving out. There was no you in that plan. With a stiffed smile, you moved away from him. The tears started to gather in your eyes and Jim almost gave himself a smack. So much for not making you upset, huh?
“That's great, I suppose. Good for you.” - You nodded and stood up, facing away so he wouldn't see you crying. 
“No. It's not what you think.” - He stood up, catching your shoulders in his palms, gently massaging them. - “I just need to be alone for a while. I think I've discovered something and I just need to test it out. I need some time.”
“And where exactly in the sentence I'm moving out you hear the word we?” - You asked back, making his hands let your shoulders go. - “Because I can't hear no matter how hard I try, Jim.” 
“Y/N, come on...” - Hopper followed you to the bedroom. He was watching you running around that room, abruptly packing all of your clothes while you started to cry. 
“Jim, if it's just that you're not happy or feeling safe with me anymore, you can just tell me. If it's just another woman, come on, tell me. If you're worried about that we are going to end up like you and Diane, I did all I possibly could to show you otherwise. Just...” - You stood up, looking him in the eyes. - “Don't give me the famous I need time excuse. I beg you. Just tell me that we are breaking up, make it quick, painful and hard to swallow. At least, make me hate you.” 
Really, so much for upsetting you. He fucked up grandiosely, Just as Jim Hopper always did. There was no way that all of this could go any worse than it already did.
“I don't want to do any of that, you crazy woman. Did you even listen to a word I said?” - Hopper opened up his mouth and your eyebrows rose rather quickly. He already upset you and now he was calling you crazy? Oh dear Lord. You stood up, exhaling loudly, putting your hands on your hips again. You, my dear, you were a piece of art in his eyes. 
Because no-one could make him feel like a little bitch as you were capable of in five minutes of your free time.
“You selfish bastard.” - You laughed ironically and continued with packing your things. Now, he turned on an engine inside of you and he could be sure that you're not going to leave a single string of his clothes dry. - “Are you planning to add me to your tragic backstory? To tell women in pubs how you had a crazy ex-girlfriend who left you all alone, brokenhearted, in your trail and never came back? That's what you want?”
“Y/N, calm down, this is...” - “You won't be telling me when to calm down, James Hopper. No. I gave you five months of my life, I found a part-time job so I would be sure that I have my own money to help you paying food, rent, clothes. I patched you up mentally when you came back home after the whole Will Byers thing, I tried to give you everything I could. Don't you even dare to tell me to calm down!” - You yelled at him while you packed the stuff you got in the bathroom and pushed it inside the bag, taking your shoes on.
Fuck his lunch, his trail, fuck him. That was what you repeated to yourself when you put the jacket on and ran into the snow in front of the trail. It looked beautiful - snow was covering every inch of the driveway, the trees, the grass was nowhere to be seen and the quarry behind the house was frozen down. Such a beautiful look, but you didn't have the time to look at it.
“Stop!” - Hopper ran after you only dressed up in his shirt, jeans, and socks. But you walked further and further away from him, showing him your middle finger. - “I love you, okay? I love you, you lunatic.” 
That was what stopped you from walking further away, taking a short breath in. He never said that. Never. You could feel it in his touches and looks, yes, but he never told you just as you never told him. You turned around to look at him, watching him walking to you only in his socks. He must've been so cold and you just knew that he's going to be sick after that. 
“I love you, yeah, I guess. I mean, I've never been good with my words and you know that.” - Hopper mumbled and caught your face in his palms. He felt so warm, but you felt how much he was trembling. No wonder, Hawkins was always freezing during winter. - “But that's just how the things are. How they are supposed to be, I guess. And you better believe me when I tell you that there is anyone who would I rather spend every minute with. But I really need some time.” 
At that moment, you smiled dreamily and caught his sides, letting the bag fall on the ground. It wasn't the biggest or the greatest feelings sharing you have seen, but that didn't matter. All that did matter was that he wasn't lying, which you could easily say. What other lunatic would run after you in socks? 
“So just... Don't leave me, alrite? And when it's goin' to be the right time to come back, I'll let you know.” - Hopper smiled at you when he saw you crying again. After that, you almost pushed him to the ground when you leaned for a kiss. 
“How much time do you have on your mind exactly?” - You led him back inside and made him change his socks and tugged him into the blanket on the bed. Now you were believing that maybe he really just needs some time. 
“Hard to say. Just wait for me a while?” - He asked, pulling you in for another kiss. You knew it's time to leave even if you wanted to undress him and make sure that he's all warmed up. 
“I'll ask my mom to take me back for a time. At least, I'll have time for studies, because there ain't going to be anyone who would distract me with fucking.” - You mumbled, sticking your ice-cold fingers under his shirt, having a sick smile on your lips. 
“You love to be distracted with the fuckin', baby.” - Hopper mumbled back while he undid the zipper on your jacket, ready for a few rounds. But you stopped his hand and kissed his forehead. 
“I do. And I do love you too. But this has to wait.” - You rose your eyebrows, leaning in again. - “I'll do wonders to you once you tell me that you're ready, baby.” - You whispered, stealing him one last peck from the lips. Hopper was smiling as he watched you leaving his driveway in your car. He could only thank Gods that such a wonderful and nasty woman found him and made him hers.
On the other hand, your mom was rather surprised to see you at home with your things packed into a bag. She was still pretty sour about the thing, as she called it, happening between you and the Cheif, but she somehow managed to keep her face straight during all of your family dinners and she even defended your choice when someone asked her about that relationship.
“Oh, honey.” - She opened up her arms as soon as she figured out you must've broken up. You let her hug you, but you chuckled nervously. - "It didn't work out, did it?"
"Mom..." - You waved her off and took your shoes off while she closed the door behind you. It was freezing outside. But you knew that she still had something to say. - "It's natural, it happens sometimes. The things just don't work out. I'm not even surprised that you and the Chief... That wasn't a healthy relationship for you, darling. He's a complicated man with a complicated past. Don't blame yourself. You're so young and you'll find a man to love you properly."
"Mom, we didn't break up." - You told her with a big smile while you put your jacket on the back of a chair. Your mom turned back at you and she started to apologize, but you just laughed again and hugged her. You knew that she's worried and that she doesn't like seeing you falling for a man so older than you were, let alone falling for a man with past as complicated as Jim's was. It wasn't that she hated him or whatever, she was just worried that he breaks your heart one day.
"I got your point mom, it's fine, really." - You hugged tighter and kissed her cheek. - "We just talked like two responsible adults and agreed that Jim needs some time for himself. Also, he said that he wants to move out to something bigger than the trail is."
"Oh, wow. Chief really means it seriously." - She said and you could say that she's really surprised. And pleasantly surprised. - "You can just start to call him Jim already, it's been five months since we started dating. He won't take that as a disgrace of his Chief status." - You mumbled to her and stood next to her by the sink, helping her with cooking the lunch.
Your brother did something that you didn't expect at all - as soon as he got home from hanging out at his best friend's, still Steve Harrington's, he hugged you so tight that you almost couldn't breathe. Even your father was glad to have you home around Christmas.
You did as you were told and went to work, studied for exams and overall really tried to move on with your life while Jim was up to his business.
He called you on Christmas Eve and wished you Merry Christmas, repeating you that he loves you and how much you mean to him, promising you a big gift once you come back. The call on its own was already a big present for you.
But that was the last time you heard about how he's doing and his whereabouts. Days passed from Christmas Eve, weeks and then months. January flew past you so quickly that you had barely any time to notice the time. Hopper was in your mind literally all the time, naturally, but the loneliness really hit you on Valentine's Day. You watched all the couples going for a dinner to their bellowed fast-food bistro, Marty's, girls were carrying chocolates and roses they got from their lovers and you?
Hopper didn't even call you. There was no call, no message on the recorder, no letter or a goddamn card. Not even a piece of paper with a stamp on it. That was the day when you've had about enough.
Hopper was literally just fucking around with you - and he should know better than doing that. You were a lady that didn't take any shit. His shit, your brother's shit, Harrington's shit, just no-one's.
The other day, you literally stormed into the office of the PD, looking as pissed as never before. When the boys saw you, they knew that the boss is in some serious trouble. They noticed that you hadn't shown up for a time - in the fall, you stopped at least twice every week with something homemade for them, but haven't visited the station for months at that point. And when they asked Hopper, he never gave them valuable answers. But your face at the moment you walked in and, holy damn, even Callahan almost pissed his pants.
"One question." - You looked at each one of them. - "Where is James Hopper?"
"Did something happened?" - Powell slowly got up and tried to at least... Negotiate with you. You rose your eyebrows.
"So he stands me up for almost three months and you dare to ask if something happened?" - You told in an ironic voice. - "Nothing happened, yet. But when I get my hands on him, either I will smack the fuck out of him, kick his balls or just straightway kill him. I haven't really decided yet."
Calvin looked at Callahan and gulped. That man brought a storm upon himself. The first few weeks, they made fun of him having a full-on blown relationship with you, but they accepted it as a matter of fact. In the end, there was no wonder why Hopper fell for you with your character and witty remarks. There were a lot of people actually wondering about why the fuck you've chosen Jim as your partner, but it worked out somehow. And everyone who wasn't blind saw it. But when he pissed you off and clearly did, the officers wanted to be as far away from you as they possibly could.
"He took a few days off. We thought you're together and you have some plans, you know, all the Valentine stuff going around..." - Calvin spoke to you and he saw you grinning. That bastard. That ass. That jerk. Oh, you had about hundreds of names for him and you'll yell each other at him once he'll stand in front of you.
"Try to look for him in the trail. If he's not there, drive to the cabin on this address. But don't give it to anyone, it's for cases of emergency. It's in the woods about fifteen minutes from the town." - Florence gave you a small piece of paper with an address and you knew that you'll have to buy a map to find that. You nodded. She really meant the part about the secret, whispering it to you.
"If he stops by, tell him that I'll kick his little sorry ass as soon as I see him." - You mumbled to his boys and left the station, walking to the car as cold February wind messed up your hair.
"Well, normally tell I would like to have her at home." - Callahan told to Powell as they both turned away to sit down again at their tables. - "But I wouldn't want to be Hopper right now."
"If you're going to thirst about boss' girlfriend again, leave me out of it, I beg you." - Powell told him, looking at his crosswords again.
First off, you stopped at the trail just as Florence advised you. Jim's car wasn't there, but you wanted to look inside - when you took the key from under the big mossy rock, you got into the trail easily.
You stopped for a second and looked around. It was just empty, not the home with the burning stove you remembered. So, Jim really did move out - there wasn't anything remaining after him or you, or your relationship.
There were no dishes, no clothes, the bathroom was completely empty. You could see yourself walking out of the terrace just two months ago, giggling as you run through the trail, James laughing and following you. That was the first day it snowed and you stood there and laughed before the first snowflake fell on your nose.
The pictures he had there had disappeared as well - even the one where you've had a beautiful dress and you were giving James a smooch while you were in a police department party together, it was when November was ending. He looked happy as he was holding a beer to the photographer, telling him not to take a photo of you, smiling from ear to ear.
Even his album of nasty photos of you has disappeared - for example only wearing his shirt or you in the shower, or the photo he took on the day you were supposed to leave Hawkins. There was no clue remaining after you ever being there - or that he ever was there.
You felt brokenhearted and used. You didn't leave the goddamn town just because of him. You threw the chance to study at an elite university out of the window just to be with him. You had already sacrificed so much for that man - you whole dignity which you just threw away because you were crazy for him, the whole town just having straightaway fun of you now. You hid in the trail for two months only to spend time with him, not leaving it for the whole day so nobody would know. Every night of those two months, he had a plate of food finished minutes before came home, his laundry was done, you ironed his clothes and took care of the whole trail...
And James repaid you with this. Just disappearing into the thin fucking air. 
You looked at the piece of paper Florence gave you and for a while, you searched it on the map. You've visited a few wrong locations on the search and smoked almost half of the pack of cigarettes. But when the night came, you stopped at one place that indeed looked old, but the lights were on. After a short walk, you've noticed his Blazer. And you got mad again.
While you walked in the direction of the cabin, preparing a speech for him, you stumbled upon a wire, making a loud shooting sound when it ripped apart. It was a bang sound so loud, that it scared the birds away. Before you picked yourself up, you saw movements inside the cabin, lights going almost immediately off, and shortly after, James himself came out of the door.
And when you saw him standing there, the bomb inside of you just went off.
"Hey!" - He yelled at you, certainly not being able to recognize you in the darkness. Slowly, he was walking to you and you noticed a gun in his hand. His personal gun. - "Who's there?"
Without hesitation, you ran to him, smacking his cheek and pushing him back. Then you grabbed some leftover snow and threw it at his shirt. Yeah, at the moment James perfectly knew who you were.
"You selfish, fucking, arrogant, ignorant dickhead! You jerk! You idiot! You motherfucker!" - You yelled at him at the top of your lungs, crying hysterically. James slowly exhaled, messaging his nose, lowering the gun. He should know better - he should know that you're capable of tracking him down. He should give you a call or something, but he needed to keep distant and radio silent.
One of his sides was happy that you were there. He missed you so much that it often kept him awake all night long. Sometimes, when he sat at his office all alone, he almost dialed your number just to hear you asking who's on the other end. He missed you sleeping next to him, the way you talked and poked fun of him. He missed you as a whole.
The other side was straightway terrified. You were already in a hysterical state and he knew he fucked things a lot by what he has done. Jim knew that he should explain rather quickly before losing everything that was remaining of your we.
"How can you fucking explain this, James?! How?! You stood me up for almost three fucking months, you left me all alone without a clue whether you're alive or dead, you haven't called, send me a letter, you haven't done anything to let me know!" - You pushed him again and Jim closed his eyes for a while, licking his lips. - “Was it a fucking guessing game for you? Huh? Because I didn't find any of it exciting or fun.”
Yeah, he fucked up badly. You even called him James and you barely have done that before. This is going to take a lot of talking, step by step trust re-building and a load of eating out before you'll be able to trust him again.
"Baby, listen..." - Jim tried to calm you down, but you made one of your hissing sounds, warning him that if even dares to come closer, you'll hit him again with no problem.
"No, you listen! If there's another woman in there, I swear to fucking God, James! You're dead if I find someone out there. I will cut your fucking balls off and wear them as a necklace!" - You pointed at the cabin and at the exact same moment, someone else came out. But it wasn't a woman, just as you would've expected. It was a boy, presumably, looking at you with their hand risen up. You saw James looking at him, snapping as soon as he saw the risen hand.
"Down. Put the hand down, immediately. She's not evil or dangerous." - James stood up in front of you, pushing you behind him, covering you with his body. - "She's just very angry."
After a minute, the boy straightened up and put the hand down, looking at you with interest. What the fuck was happening? Since when did James have a child? Or at least another one which was at least ten years old? Since when it lived with him? What on the world was going on? - "Angry?" - The child asked back and at that moment, you realized that it's not a boy. It was a small girl with short, curly hair, dressed in an old sweatshirt and sweatpants that were too big for her.
"Angry." - She repeated once again before disappearing into the cabin once again, presumably thinking about something.
You stood outside for a moment longer, your arms were still holding Jim's sides and his hands held you in once place.
"Let's just say we have a lot to talk about." - Jim muttered slowly before letting go of you to take a good look at your face since he hasn't seen it in months. He looked at your photo on his nightstand every night since you separated and even though, he forgot how beautiful you were. Especially when you got mad at him. The curve of your nose, opened up lips, and wide eyes. You were stressed and you didn't have any idea of what to think, but it didn't take away any of your beauty.
Without him barely realizing what he's doing, his palm went to palm your jaw, his thumb drawing a circle on your cheek. You were a person who meant the world to him and for the first time in the last three months, he finally felt complete again.
"Will you come inside? We're just havin’ dinner." - Hopper whispered to you and you nodded, wiggling out of his arms, walking to the door. The girl was cautiously watching every move you made, her finger was put on a word in the vocabulary. She was reading the definition of the word angry. That situation was making less and less sense.
Jim helped you out of the jacket, putting it onto the couch. The couch he had in the trailer. Actually, you knew a lot of things in the cabin apart from the couch - you also knew the TV, the fridge and the bookcase. But where did the child came from, you had no idea.
You sat down onto the reaming chair between the girl and Jim. The girl moved further away once you sat down, keeping a safe distance between you. The dinner was rather quiet since you and Jim needed to talk and the girl he got there wasn't really talkative at all. When the main dish was over, Hop served you and himself chocolate ice-cream and a cup of coffee while he gave the girl a frozen Eggo and sent her to the room, telling her not to get the food all over the bed.
"Start talking, James, because this shit is just ridiculous." - You mumbled and watched the wall in front of you, drinking the coffee, not even trying to pay attention to the ice-cream. But you made sure that the girl's doors are closed. - "Do you have any more daughters I should know about?"
"She's not my daughter, Y/N... Or... It's complicated. Remember the Will Byers disappearance incident?" - He asked and you just nodded with a quiet hum, still watching the wall. - "She had escaped the lab nearby. They held her there like a little biology experiment, can you imagine?"
"No, Jim, I can't, but I'm sure that that won't stop you from continuing your story." - You mumbled ironically as a clap back, which made Jim pause for a second before continuing. He was getting everything he deserved, after all.
"She lived in the woods ever since. I was giving her food into a small box every night and one day, she appeared there and started followin’ me. The government is after this girl. And they would do her terrible things once they would find her. I couldn't let that happen." - Jim finished quietly.
He was saving a little girl while you thought he's back to his fucking everything that moves schedule. He was there with her the whole time.
"But not telling me wasn't a solution. Leaving me in the dark wasn't a fucking solution." - You whispered back, not able to look at him. Saving a girl was a good excuse to disappear from the surface of the earth for three months. It was. You couldn't argue with him because of that. But that didn't mean you're over it. Not that easily.
"I know. I should've told you. It was a dick move and I'm really sorry. For everythin'." - His palm found yours on the table and entwined his fingers with yours. - "I'm really sorry."
At that moment, the girl opened up the door again. You almost tried to drag your hand out of the table, but Jim just tightened the grip. Once you knew about Eleven, she should know about you.
"Angry?" - The girl pointed at you with a question. Jim smiled and shook his head, motioning her to sit down with you.
"She was. At me, not at you." - He answered and you nervously looked at her sitting down next to you. She was watching every inch of you which really made you nervous.
"Pretty." - She said simply before turning her face to Jim. She looked at your entwined fingers and furrowed a bit. - "What's that?"
"Holding hands, that's somethin' you do with a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you know, kiddo? This is my girlfriend, Y/N. This is Eleven." - Jim introduced the two of you. For a long time, you just stared at the girl without any movement before you rose your palm to shake hers. Small steps at a time, you reminded yourself, small steps at a time.
The girl was definitely weirded out by the gesture, her hand reached out for yours with suspicion before she caught it. It was a ten seconds lasting handshake before she quickly fetched the hand back on her lap. Clearly, the trust between you two was on point zero and lower.
Then, when this awkward part was finally over, she turned back to Hopper, clearly having more questions on her tongue. For a while, there was silence as Eleven tried to think about some meaningful sentences.
"What is a girlfriend?" - Eleven asked silently, giving too much caution on every syllable.
"Someone you love. A member of your pack, just like the lonely wolf in the fairytale we read yesterday. A member of a family." - Hopper enlightened Eleven in a quiet voice, smiling at her.
"What is a love?" - Eleven asked, being completely caught up in the topic. Her eyes were curiously shining.
"Fetch the vocabulary, this is the word of the day." - Hopper said and as you watched Eleven disappearing in the only room with a proper door, bringing the book she had there before, you realized that you're completely silent, barely breathing. You were afraid to talk or move - Eleven finally calmed down and at least ignored your presence. You didn't want to disturb her and Hopper having their time. Also, from a psychological standpoint, it was seriously interesting.
Finally, Hopper let go of your hand and looked at the word love, just as Eleven did.
"Deep and affecti-cti-onate emotional at-tachment to a person." - She read slowly and really, she was far behind the kids of her age. She looked at Hopper as if she read a spell, and Hopper nodded, licking his lips before continuing.
"It's a feelin’. A feelin’ inside of here." - He pointed at his heart and Eleven mirrored his actions. She nodded, which made him continue. - "You feel happy and safe when the person is around. They make you stron’ and they care about you."
Eleven nodded, looking away for a while before she first pointed at Hopper before she pointed her finger at her chest. - "Love?"
"Yes, this is love." - Hopper stood up and packed her vocabulary, messing her curly hair up. - "Say good night."
"Good... Night." - Eleven mouthed slowly, looking you in the eyes. You smiled back, wishing her a good night as well. With a grin, Hopper led her to her door, making her dress up into her pajama.
"Are you goin’ to stay here a while?" - Hopper asked with hope in his voice, walking behind you. His palms circled around your shoulders, massaging them. - "Here? With me? I have a bottle of good wine in the fridge, I'll give you a ride home, I've missed you..."
"A little while won't kill me." - You bought his offer and a contained smile appeared on your lips. Hopper was still caressing your shoulders and the back of your head leaned into his belly when Eleven opened up the door, standing there, cautiously watching you. She never stopped looking around for a second, didn't she?
"Ready." - She nodded at Hopper and he left to tug Eleven in. You walked around the cabin and cautiously looked at every corner of it, listening to a quiet small talk going on before you saw his shadow sit down to read her a bedtime story.
The cabin seemed oddly impersonal. Hopper was trying to hide his life away from Eleven. It was for Eleven to feel like she was the only one in his life, the center of his small universe. Hopper was focused on Eleven and their bonding and you knew that, but it hurt to see Hopper completely erasing everything you two had. He should've told you right away. You weren't a bitch and this was a completely understandable situation.
Then you looked into his small room in the back of the cabin, repressed by only a doorframe and a piece of dark cloth. And Jesus fucking Christ, you could straightway tell that this room is Hopper's doing. It was ultra messy, his clothes were everywhere, there was an empty can of beer here and there, some leftovers, dirty and fresh clothes, unmade bed - yes, home sweet home.
And there you saw it - his old detective books, the album of naughty photos and the photo you loved so much directly on his nightstand. You walked through the mess and looked at the framed photo, having a small smile on your lips. When you put it down, you bent over to pick up his shirt, covering yourself in it.
You've missed him so much. Oh, you closed your eyes, breathing in his smell mixed with cologne and cigarette smoke. Dear Lord, the smell on its own made you smile.
After a while, you went back to the living room, still seeing his shadow reading the bedtime story, you've heard his voice changing rhythm and depth depending on which character he was reading as.
You didn't even know how, but during your waiting for Hopper, you've fallen asleep. When he entered the room, looking at sleeping Eleven for the last time, you were sitting on the couch, your legs were folded below you.
A smile spread on his lips when he walked to sit on the couch next to you. Hopper didn't mean to wake you up, but he couldn't stop himself as his fingers reached out to smooth the hair off your neck. Before he could stop himself, his lips were traveling on your neck. He heard you sleepily giggle, your palm smoothing one of his shoulders while he laid you down.
"Well, hello there." - You murmured into his ear and hugged him, while he pressed his body onto yours bringing you even closer. - "I've missed you." - Hopper sighed and continued with kissing down a trail between your breasts.
"Oh, did you?" - You mumbled back, slowly waking up. You've been sleeping for only twenty minutes, but since you've been on the edge of breaking down the whole day, you've been really tired.
"Every damn night." - His face appeared in front of yours and that smile... Made your heart pound faster. Your fingers were caressing his jaws and you finally rose your knees to rest them on his sides, pressing himself closer.
"Jim, Eleven..." - You mumbled and looked on the door while Hopper worked on kissing your neck, unbuttoning the shirt you had on. - "She's asleep. I swear."
"You also swore that you have a bottle of wine. Empty promises." - Your fingers caught his chin and you brought his face back to look at you. - “It will be better not to take things quickly. What about me coming here tomorrow? Its Saturday and maybe, I can find some things both me and Eleven like.” 
“No. For the first few times, I think it shouldn't be for too long. Before you both get a hold on it.” - Jim sat up and you immediately followed him. - “What about Monday night?” 
For a while, you kept quiet. Eleven was definitely a special girl, but now, she was somehow a part of your life as well. It was up to Jim and you to find a way to make all of this work. Slowly, you reached out for his hand and held it tightly. 
“Yeah. Monday evening sounds about right. I’m usually ready to go at eight o’clock precisely. Do you want to pick me up at Marty’s?” - You asked innocently, a smile appearing on your lips. 
“I'll be there. Eight o’clock, not a minute late.” - Jim answered and you nodded, standing up, ready to go for your jacket. Both you and Hopper knew that you have his shirt on, but you weren't giving it back by any chance. Of course, he walked you to the car, where you gave him a short look before opening the door. 
“See you on Monday. I'll take some food from the bistro so you won't have to cook. That girl is already enough of a wretch.” - You smiled and almost got in, but an arm stopped you. Hopper leaned in, cathing your waist and giving you a deep kiss. You got caught up in the moment for a while, but after a while, he let go off you.
“Monday, at eight o’clock. not a minute later.” - You whispered, stealing the last peck before you drove home.
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sabine-leo · 5 years
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Author: @sabine-leo
Pairing : Tom Hiddleston / OFC (You)  - with Benedict Cumberbatch
Wordcount: 3047
Warnings: Slight drunkenness 
Genre: Fluff / Humour 
Summary: Ben & Tom are having a fun night out. There is only one question Ben can´t get Tom to answer without drinks. WHY hasn´t he asked you out yet?
Note: I have a thing for those two... Comments and reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated! Hope you have fun reading this piece of nonsense! 
„There you are! I was looking for you! I´ve got another drink with your name on it!”
Tom turned half way to smile at one of his best friends as the door behind him fell shut again and kept the deep bass and rhythmic music inside the venue. The terrace he stood on lay in darkness, the garden just a shadow under the dark blue night sky. Turning fully to lean against the heavy stone balustrade he took the drink out of Benedict’s hand and grinned a little.
“Had to take a breather. I am starting to feel all the drinks which had my name on them.”
Benedict laughed a deep rumble of a laugh. “You, my friend are out of practice!”
Tom snickered as Ben held up his own glass and said “Cheers!”
After a sip Ben looked at Tom and a hiccup escaped his lips, which made Tom grin broadly.
Making a somewhat hilarious face Ben said. “To be frank…I think I am out of practice too.”
 Benedict leaned against the stone next to Tom and lankily threw his arm around his friends’ shoulders. “Tonight, we celebrate. Tonight, we have fun…”
Ben looked into Toms eyes. 
“…and tomorrow we will probably have a bad headache!”
They both snorted and downed the rest of the liquid inside their glasses.
Benedict took the empty glass out of Toms hand and shook his head as if he wanted to clear it.
“You want a Thomas, a William or a Tom next?”
Tom groaned. “Which name do I have to say to get a water?”
Benedict laughed. “They all include water…And I don´t think you want me to call you…” He looked like he was thinking hard for a second. “…Penelope…for the rest of the night!”
Opening the door to get back inside Ben grinned and looked into Toms eyes.
“Or should I call you (Y/N)?!”
 Tom huffed and kicked himself off of the balustrade. “I take a Tom!”
Benedict bowed. “That´s the spirit! But talking about (Y/N)…What´s it with the both of you?”
“I might need another drink for that!” Tom grinned with a little blush but kept his silence for now.
A little while later in a separated seating area Ben watched Tom with a tad dopey expression on his face. “Seeriouuslyy…Why don´t you ask her out?” He motioned with his hands in the air.
“All that dancing around each other makes me woozy!”
Tom snorted and rubbed his face. “We are not dancing around…I was jus…just…”
Ben interrupted with a grin “To damn shy to speak up! You are a tall, handsome…chicken! That´s what you are!” Tom grunted and pointed at Ben. “…jus…taking it slow. THAT`S what I wanted to say.”
“Slow as a snail? Or a Turtle?...” Ben thought really hard. “…Is there another, even slower animal?”
Tom put down his empty glass with a hard thud.
“Am no chicken!”
“Ohhhh you are!” Ben grinned.
“Nope!” Tom popped the p.
“Prove it!”
Tom looked incredulous at his friend. “What? How? Now?”
“3 excellent questions Williammmm. I might just have the answers.”
Ben held up his fist and opened up a finger with each word he spoke.
“ProveIt!” His thumb came up as he spoke the 2 words as one.
“Phone!” His index finger flipped open.
“YES!” His middle finger joined in on his equation.
Tom rolled his eyes what made him a bit dizzy.  
“I have one word as answer for you…and one finger.”
He flipped Ben of with his middle finger adding the word “NO!”
 Benedict groaned in exasperation about his obstinate friend but Tom stood abruptly.
“There is noooo way I am doing this over a phone…”
Ben stood up himself as Tom got into motion. “Where are we going?”
“We are going to ask (Y/N) out! Well, I will… but you´ll come with me!”
 It did not occur to any of those two that it might be a little late in the night for that…. They have had some Ben, Benedict, Tom, Thomas and Williams too much for that.
 Coming home from dinner with 2 of your girlfriends a little later than usual you stayed up a bit longer to enjoy the warm summer breeze on your balcony before heading into bed. It still was so warm that you left open the window to get at least a bit of cooler air inside your warm flat later in the night. The open window let to you hearing a commotion outside at 2 in the morning. Still in a dazed state of waking up slowly you could not think straight at first.
 “Ring the bell!” Said one deep voice.
“Noo…” said another a bit higher pitched as if annoyed.
“Told you…chicken!”
“Would you stop the chicken talk. I am no chicken!”
“Then what are you waiting for?” Asked the deep voice with a hint of amusement in it.
“Are you planning on serenading under the balcony?” It added.
“Stop talking for a moment and let me think!”
Now a deep chuckle sounded through the summer air.
“I think we had at least 4 drinks too much to THINK!”
Now both voices were laughing.
 You sat up in bed and rubbed your eyes. Those voices seemed familiar. Not bothering to turn the lights on you walked to the window and peeked outside. You strained your eyes as you saw two figures in the shadows. One was sitting on the grass in front of your flat and the other was pacing, a little unsteady, from left to right.
 “Oh oh oh ohhhh, throw a rock against her window and quote Romeo and Juliet!!”
The one on the grass was getting onto his knees, holding out his arms and pointing at the balcony.
“Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon…”
A chuckle escaped you, you were pretty sure that this was Benedict and the tall, lean shadow striding towards him looked like Tom.
“Are you mad?” Yep, that was Tom.
“Why? You would not call her; you are not going to riiiiing her bell…what else is left then serenade!?”  
Tom pushed against Bens shoulders. Benedict lost his balance and fell backwards into the grass.
“I will not quote Romeo and Juliet!” Tom started to laugh as Ben lay there like a turtle on its back.
“I might have asked that before but WHY?” Ben tried to get into a comfortable position.
“Juliet was 13, Romeo 16 their love lasted 3 days and 6 people got killed!”
“Oh…that slipped my mind!” Ben sounded surprised but started to laugh and grabbed Toms leg, tugged hard.
 Tom fell like a chopped tree and after an “Uuumph!” They both started to laugh like maniacs, laying in the grass before your home. You could not hold back your own laughter as you opened the balcony door and stepped out in your oversized sleeping shirt and short pants.
“Having fun down there?” You asked with a grin on your face.
 Tom scrambled back to his feet with a lot less elegance than he normally sported. Ben just snorted and sat up. “NOW we are getting to the fun part!”
Tom stood under your balcony and looked up, swaying. “Did…did we wake you?”
Ben chuckled. “Well…DUH…its almost 3 in the morning William!”
Toms eyes got big. He turned to Ben and said.
“Shit! I think we might not have thought that through at all”
 Ben managed to hold back his laugh for almost 2 seconds before bursting and making Tom giggle as well. Hiding your own laugh, you stood there and watched to grown, tall, normally eloquent and intelligent renowned actors struggle to keep it together. As if Tom suddenly remembered where he was, he turned back to you and gulped.
“I…” he started and grinned again. “I…I´m SO sorry!”
“For what?” Ben cut in. “For not calling, ringing her bell, waking her up or because you are to much of a chicken to ask her out?”
“Would you shut it! Please!” Tom hissed and smiled back up at you.
“Probably all of that!” He said and took a deep breath.
“(Y/N)…” Tom began but Ben could not keep quiet.
“This whole under the balcony thingy is overrated if you ask me.” He now stood next to Tom and continued. “I mean, the permanent looking up makes me feel funny.”
Toms brows furrowed as Ben braced himself to give Tom a bunk-up.
“Up you go! Look into her eyes not at her damn balcony!”
 Tom shrugged and before you could say that this probably was not a very good idea Ben had Tom half way up already. “Oh my god!” You shrieked as Tom clutched to the handrail and stood on Bens shoulders. “Hi!” Tom grinned and aimed one of his megawatt smiles at you.
“GET UP THERE NOW!” Ben huffed from below.
“Oh, yes….of course!”
Tom hefted himself up and somewhat managed to get over the rail, landing on his butt.
 This must be a weird dream; this could not be happening for real. Laughingly you held out a hand for Tom and he took it to get up onto his feet. His hair was dishevelled, his glasses sat a little askew on his nose and his shirt had grass stains and dirt on it. But his smile was handsome as always.
“Hi…” he said again and did not let go of your hand.
“Hey Thomas!” You grinned and looked into his blazing blue eyes.
“How can I help you?” You asked with a little laugh.
 “You can help me by opening that door! I need to pee!” Ben said a bit to loud from down below.
You started to chuckle but Tom groaned and let his head fall back.
“How am I going to ask her out when you interrupt every time?” He stage-whispered down the balcony. Oh boy! Tom wanted to ask you out? Well, taking their state into account he probably would not have any knowledge of it come morning.
“(Y/N), Darling…” Tom started anew.
“Door! PEE!” Came a deep rumble again.
“Let me open the door real quick!” You said to a devastated looking Tom who just nodded.
 Tom followed you inside and got rid of his shoes beforehand. Ben tiptoed on the spot as you buzzed open the door and squeezed himself into your home, beelining it to the bathroom. “THANKS!” He yelled. Turning after closing the door you nearly crashed into Toms broad chest. “Woah!”
He chuckled and grabbed your waist to keep you close.
“Hi!” He grinned again. “I said that already, didn´t I?”
“2 times!” You laughed and stroked down his chest.
“3 times a charm!” He grinned lopsided and watched you intensely.
 The bathroom door opened and Ben came out hiccupping.
“You two sort that out! I am taking a nap!” And off he went into your bedroom.
Tom took your hand and tugged you into your livingroom.
“Sort that out, right. Where was I?” He talked to himself.
“Maybe you know after you had a good sleep?” You tried to give him an out.
Tom looked at you and shook his head. “Nooo, I…I really should have asked you a while ago…”
He smiled and took your hands into his but nothing came out of his mouth.
 “Oh god, I am a chicken!” He said in horror and let go of your hands.
It took everything you had not to laugh just now. They both were clearly drunk but also very adorable at the same time. You liked Tom, a lot. And the both of you casually hung out with shared friends every now and then. You texted and shared a laugh in between meeting, but never, till now had Tom tried to take the next step. The two of you taking it slow and building a friendship first.
“Why don´t you go and take a look how Ben is doing?” You said lovingly and hugged him once.
“You are not a chicken, Thomas. You climbed up my balcony…” You grinned up to him and he chuckled softly. “I did…” Slowly you let go of him and he went into your bedroom.
“Ben?!” He whispered a bit to loud before you heard your bed give a groan as he probably fell onto it.
 Good thing that you had a very comfy sofa that was big enough for you to sleep on…
 Some minutes later you tiptoed into the bedroom to get a spare blanket and a pillow out of the closet. You had to clutch a hand to your mouth to keep from laughing as you saw the two men laying face down in your bed, facing each other and snoring softly. Shaking your head, you took the stuff you needed and got comfortable on the sofa.
 Somewhere around 9 you sat with a hot cup of tea in your livingroom as you heard a healthy
“WHAT THE HELL?!” coming out of the bedroom.
“Stop spooning me Hiddleston! Where am I?”
A sleepy rumble “What? Ben?” You heard scrambling. “OH MY GOODNESS!”
Chuckling into your tea you watched the corridor with a grin on your face but the men were not yet ready to emerge. “Is this?” Ben whispered.
“(Y/N´S) place…bedroom to be exact….” Tom sounded horrified.
“What did we do??” He asked Ben silently.  
 “Oh, nothing much! You had a discussion about Romeo and Juliet while laying in the grass, Tom climbed up my balcony standing on your shoulders Ben and then the both of you fell asleep in my bed!” You said loudly from where you were sitting. Enjoying the horrified silence with a grin on your face.
 Two minutes later a shamefaced Tom came into the livingroom, looking sheepish and regretful.
“I don´t know what to say!” He started and looked at you.
You laughed and shook your head.
“You don´t have to say anything. It was like a surreal play I got to watch last night.”
Ben came into the livingroom looking equally apologizing.
“I´m so sorry (Y/N)… Please don´t be cross with us!”
“How could I… you have been adorably silly in your drunken state. I don´t think that happens very often with you both being level-headed all the time.”
Ben grinned and hugged you nonetheless in request for forgiveness. Tom followed suit and held on to you a bit longer. Taking a deep breath to start talking he looked at you but Ben, again, interrupted and grabbed him by the waistband of his trousers and said. 
“Time to do the walk of shame Thomas!”
“But!” Tom wanted to argue. “Nope, NOW…we have stolen enough time and sleep from (Y/N) as it is!”
The both of them were gone before you could say something. They left you standing there, shaking your head and pinching yourself to wake up from this nonsense of a dream.
 Outside Tom looked flabbergasted at Ben. “Why did you do that? I just wanted to ask her out!”
Ben looked at Tom with a drawn eyebrow.
“Really?” he started. “Now? Looking like that? After sleeping in HER bed, drunk, spooning me and with grass stains all over your clothes? NOW you wanted to ask her out?”
Tom gulped and looked down on himself.
“I stand before you corrected.” Ben said. “You are no chicken. You´ve got delusional big balls when you think that THAT was the correct time to ask her out on a date! OR you are still drunk!”
Tom went white as a sheet while Ben spoke and shot him a shocked glance.
“Thank you for stopping me!” He rasped.
Ben snorted and nodded to keep walking. “Let´s go home. I need a shower! And an Advil!”
 The day went by as if nothing had happened. You still thought you had imagined all of it but the dirt and the grass stains in your bed told a different story. Getting everything into the washer you went out to get some groceries and enjoyed an otherwise quiet day. At about 7 in the evening you heard a thud against your balcony window. Getting up to see if a bird hat hit the glass, you opened the door and looked around. A laugh escaped you as you saw Tom standing under your balcony and grinning up to you. “Hi!” He said and smiled. “Hi Thomas!” You laughed and leaned a bit over the rail.
“I do have a question that I have to get out before it burns me alive!” he said rather dramatic.
“Do speak, Thomas! I don´t want you to go up in flames!”
Tom chuckled and held up a single (Your favourite flower).
“Would you go on a date with me, (Y/N)…or 2 or 8?!” He shot a lovely and sexy smirk your way.
“Why don´t you come in and I give you my answer eye to eye!” You said with a grin and wanted to go inside to open the door for him.
“Alright, coming!” Tom said and took a start-up to leap up and grab the rail of your balcony. He hefted himself up and elegantly jumped over the rail to stand before you.
“That went better than yesterday!” He grinned and tilted his head.
“You wanted to be eye to eye…here I am. What´s your answer, darling?”
Tom took hold of your hands and smiled hopeful and sweet.
“Yes…” you said with a soft giggle. Tom started to grin bright like the sun and tugged you against his chest into a hug. “Are you kicking me out now or can I tempt you to order in and watch a movie together?” He asked with a longing gaze into your eyes. “As long as this will not count as our first date!” You teased and looked up into his baby blues. Tom chuckled and put a strand of hair behind your ear. “No, it does not count as such. Our first date will be quite romantic!”
Smiling you answered. “Oh, even more romantic than you leaping up my balcony to ask me out?”
Tom chuckled. “Oh yes! But when you put it like that…there is one thing missing right now!”
“Oh? What is missing?” You asked softly as Toms gaze got all intense and zeroed in on your lips.
“This…” he rasped and closed the distance between the both of you to seal your lips with his.
  Tags: @archy3001 @itscalledfandomsweetielookitup @faeriedelalune-blog @amazinggraces-world @tanishahka @coniumalces  @emomemelordess @devilbat @usedtobegoodfriend96 @drakesfiance @confessionsofastrugglingteen  @inlovewithfreyamikaelson @heart-shaped-hell @theoneanna  @marikochi @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @awkwardfangirl2014 @rainbowsinthestorm  @anchored-in-high-tide @nonsensicalobsessions @witchbitch-stuff
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deeisace · 4 years
11pm project, I'm gonna find out who lived in my house 100-odd years ago
I don't know how fancy this house used to be (except there's a couple of busts in the hallway ceiling, and mosaic tiles in the porch, so probably fancy, for a terraced house) so I'm not sure if my flat will've been a family parlour or smth - tho, actually, next door's flat is bigger than mine, so I'm betting they were either the dining room or the master bedroom, and I was the back parlour (with the front parlour for visitors, the kitchen and scullery downstairs) or a bedroom, depending on the amount of people who lived here at any given time
Oh, I remember looking up 1911 ages ago, and it was a bank clerk and his two sons who were also bank clerks? I think? Fancy
Idk when this house was built, the only thing on this street that has a date stone thingy is from the end of George's time, 1952 I think, but it looks pretty Victorian, y'know, terraced, and with the garden and the tiles, tho the windows are modern now and there's no original features in my flat except that the useless lecky heater (it's pointless, I use it to prop my noticeboard on) is on where used to be a fireplace
Ohhh ohhh I just remembered the 1921 census is gonna be released soon, it must be, it's been a 100 years, that's usually when they release it
Oh but it might be delayed what with the plague. Hm. But still! Soon!
Anyway! Who lived in my house in the 1800s!
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cannellaeluce · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in the notifications.
Uuuh the 5-things-that-make-you-happy thingy, lockdown edition! This one’s gonna be fun. So, without further ado...
1) lying in the sun in the communal rooftop terrace of the building. There’s usually nobody but me, and I go there in the late afternoon and face the sun as it slowly declines over the city, gliding the rooftops of the houses and the marbles of the churches and the red bricks of the ancient ruins. I already used to like going there, but now - for obvious reasons - it feels more precious than ever, and as an added bonus now I get to spot other people enjoying their time on their rooftops, people who would never go there before: the lonesome guy who’s always on the phone, the family of three jogging around in an orderly fashion, the young couple sipping a glass of wine while idly chatting with each other. Sometimes I read, sometimes I call somebody on the phone, sometimes I listen to Beethoven, sometimes I just lie down and listen to the wind blowing ever so gently over the eerie silence of the dormant city. And, for a while, I feel calm.
2) cooking, as almost everybody else in this country of mine. Taking my time to plan, listening to music while I cook, being satisfied afterwards: be it lasagna, savoury pies, breakfast cakes, chocolate biscuits, or anything else, I immensely enjoy preparing it, taking my mind off the news and focusing on my hands, how they move, what they can make.
3) skype calls with my nieces in the morning, with my parents in the afternoon, with some chosen friends in the evening, sipping a glass of wine after putting on my eyeliner and choosing a t-shirt that I like, if it’s one of those days, or munching on pistachios in my most comfortable pj, if it’s one of the other days.
4) the beginning of the day: sleepily turning on the radio as he prepares the coffee, frothing the milk for my cappuccino and his latte macchiato, squeezing some oranges as he sets the table. By the time we sit down, the news are over and a kind if too self-assured man discusses classical music for a bit. We have our breakfast, chat a little, then seamlessly drift towards some quiet reading time - the papers for him, a novel for me - in a silent accord that we never had to discuss. Everything about us is precarious, nothing here is built to last, but not enjoying this present would be foolish of me, so I enjoy it.
5) spontaneous interactions with my students: the sudden emails they send alongside their homework, their smiles during our Zoom classes, the care we show each other in this time that taught us all the importance of a question such as “how are you”. I miss the hell out of them, and what’s weird and beautiful is to notice, to know, that they do too.
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cottonblush · 5 years
promise me | lmh
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❧ word count: 3,403 maybe?
❧ genre: fluff, one mention of a cut so like gore i guess
❧ notes: installment one of the skz powers au!! this one is kinda a drabble series?? also i’ve discovered i love the whole “i hate u” “u love me” thing a little too much but it’s not hurting anyone so yee to the haw my guys!
The first time Minho realizes he’s a gifted one, he’s on the rooftop of his apartment building, unclipping some extra laundry from the clothes line. The wind picks up all of a sudden and the large bed sheet he just unclipped comes flying at his face. He’s trapped, a tangled mass of fabric and limbs, the opaque sheets doing nothing to aid his vision.
The sheets seem to act as a pair of wings, lifting the young boy into the air. It’s just a couple of feet at first, but then he keeps going higher and higher, and Minho can’t get rid of the sinking feeling in his stomach.
When he finally manages to untangle himself and take in a deep breath, he makes the biggest mistake. He pries open his eyes and looks down. There’s no building below him now, just the apartment complex’s playground and park. It doesn’t help that he’s afraid of heights. In that moment, he feels like a cloud, yet he feels like the weight of the world is pressing down on his shoulders.
The fear overwhelms him, clouding his mind, and Minho starts to freefall out of the sky. He tries to scream but can’t seem to find his voice. All that’s left is the seemingly infinite supply of salty tears welling in his eyes and streaming down his cheeks.
In the few seconds it takes to fall, the world seems to slow down. Minho sees flashes of his past, though there’s not much since he’s only at the ripe age of eight years old. He sees his mom making him ramen with an egg on top for the first time; he sees himself in the mirror, small hands running over the scar on his stomach from a surgery he needed; he sees his friends gathering around him to show him the stray cat they found behind a dumpster; he sees you, his next door neighbor and best friend, on the first day that you two met, eyes wide and curious about all the world could offer.
He won’t get to say goodbye to you or anyone else, Minho realizes. He screws his eyes shut and hopes everyone will at least remember him in a good light.
And then everything goes dark.
“Minho,” comes your high pitched voice after what seems like an eternity, “what are you doing hanging from Mrs. Yang’s terrace? Hammocks are meant to be set up close to the ground, silly! And you can’t use a bedsheet. My daddy says you have to buy a special thingy for it.”
Thankfully, the universe has decided it just isn’t Minho’s time yet, and when he realizes this, the boy scrambles to try and get to the terrace.
“Y/n! Please, help! I don’t wanna be in here anymore.”
You run off, causing Minho’s heartbeat to skyrocket, but you return moments later with Mrs. Yang. The woman quickly sees how serious the situation is and cautions Minho not to move.
“I’ll come get you so stay put,” she says, moving quickly.
Once the boy is safely back on the ground, he can’t stop crying, snot and tears turning his once pristine face into a soppy mess. You take the boy into your arms and the two of you fall to the ground, remaining in a tight embrace. Even though Minho is a couple of months older than you, you know it’s no time to point it out and make fun of him.
Instead, you hold him tighter and hope that only good thoughts can reach him, tiny arms doing the best they can to support the taller and larger boy.
Mrs. Yang calls Minho’s mom and she rushes downstairs to get her son, worried expression softening when she sees him safe and sound. She starts to pry him away from you and pick him up in her arms.
Before he can get away from you, you stick out your pinky finger.
“Promise you’ll tell me what happened?”
“I promise,” comes the reply, a matching pinky finger hastily wrapping around your own to seal the deal.
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When Minho comes to terms with the fact that he has powers, specifically the power of flight, the first thing you do is urge him to start training to become a super. It’s your latest obsession, the name ‘Megaman’ leaving your mouth at least a billion times a day.
You tell Minho that you want to marry the famous super one day, regardless of the fact that there’s more than a decade between you two. That’s when the boy starts to think that maybe if he becomes a super, you’ll want to talk only about him instead.
Although it doesn’t take much convincing, actually getting Minho up in the air is the difficult part. You have to take it slow, holding his hand even if he’s only a couple of inches off the ground.
After weeks of the same results, it doesn’t seem that Minho will be able to make any improvements, so you do the only thing your ten year old brain can think of.
You unclasp the silver chain that rests around your neck, pendant shaped the same as the first letter of your name, and put it around his. Your hands come to rest on his shoulders, face serious as you try to pretend you’re like a sergeant from your dad’s favorite war-time movie series.
Minho scrunches his brows and tilts his head as he asks, “What’s this for?”
You giggle, serious façade immediately breaking, “It’s a good luck charm! This way, I can be with you whenever you’re flying and you don’t have to be scared.”
“For real? I can actually keep this? You’re awesome, Y/n! I’ll never feel scared if I have this with me!”
You give the boy a tight hug, a giant smile contouring your lips. Minho mumbles something into the crook of your neck, but you don’t quite catch it, so you pull back, hands still grabbing his shoulders and keeping him at an arm’s width away.
He looks unsurely down at the ground for a moment, contemplating if he should voice what he’s thinking or not. However, when he sees your that your encouraging smile hasn’t faltered one bit, it’s just the boost of confidence he needs.
He places his hands atop your own and says, “The necklace sure is great and all, but do you know what’s even luckier?”
You get pouty for a second, thinking your best friend might dispose of your precious gift. With a frown on your face, you grumble out, “No. And I don’t really care either.”
“It’s you, dummy!”
“Hey! Don’t call me a dummy when you’re the dummy, dummy!”
Minho resists the urge to roll his eyes because of course you’d find it in you to argue in a moment like this.
“Ugh, fine, I’m the dummy,” he concedes. “Anyway, I was thinking you can be my lucky charm! As long as you promise to never leave me, of course. And then we can be best friends forever!”
“Really? That’d be perfect, Minho!”
“Promise? That you’ll be by my side forever?”
“I promise.”
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Flash forward a couple years and the two of you are sixteen. You’ve become on of the top students in school, balancing grades and your responsibilities as student council secretary. Minho has made a name for himself as a super, dedicating most of his time to saving lives and counting on you to catch him up when he returns home late at night.
However, with people on the streets becoming more aware of him, it also means bad people are better equipped to deal with him.
It’s one fateful night, the wind is howling in his ears and lightning flashes every couple seconds. He’s managed to sneak his way into a gang meeting, trying his best to calm his heartbeat and memorize every detail about the scheme that’s supposed to occur in the coming weeks.
The lightning ends up being a dangerous adversary, its light illuminating Minho’s crouched figure from his place beneath one of the windows on the second floor. One of the grunts notices something is amiss and whispers a command for the building to go into lockdown. He also alerts a guy who appears to be an interim boss of Minho’s location.
The other grunts have him in no time, using their familiarity of the layout to their advantage and sneaking up on him. They grab his arms, forcefully pressing them against his back, and drag him downstairs to the boss.
Minho finds himself seated in a chair. It feels like an investigation scene from the popular crime show on TV, the nearest source of light being an old lamp shining directly in the teen’s face. He gulps, knowing if whatever he says doesn’t please the boss—and it likely won't—he could end up in big trouble.
However, there’s one more mistake Minho makes, and that is overestimating the amount of leniency he would receive. He doesn’t even get a chance to speak before the breath is knocked out of his lungs. Next comes a sharp punch to the face and he knows that’ll leave a mark that won’t be so easy to cover up.
The gang members are relentless, each taking their turn punching or kicking the poor guy, until it’s finally the leader’s turn.
The bulky old man whips out a switchblade and slowly stalks forward. He places the tip of the cold blade on Minho’s forehead, applying enough pressure to draw blood. Minho’s eyes widen in recognition when he realizes what’s about to happen: the man is going to cut off his mask.
He can’t allow that to happen so he wills his body with all his might to break out of the death grip that the grunts have him in. He flies up into the air, shooting through one of the windows and making his escape. Although he does manage to make it out without anyone seeing his true identity, he flies home with a large cut on his forehead, gash slightly tearing into the edge of his mask.
Minho knows that if he goes home and his parents happen to see him in his current state, they’ll find out he’s a super and even worse, they may forbid him from doing the job he’s come to love so much.
Instead, he lands haphazardly on your bedroom’s balcony. He gives the sliding glass door a weak tap, hoping you’ll hear him over the sound of the raging storm above.
Like an angel sent from above, you do hear his call for help and crack open the door.
“Minho,” you call out, voice laced with drowsiness as it’s almost the middle of the night, “what are you doing? Come inside.”
You slide the door open even more, allowing his drenched body to weasel its way inside. You tiptoe across the room and turn the lights to the lowest setting that the dimmer can possibly allow. When you turn around, you resist the urge to yelp, instead rushing forward as Minho’s body collapses.
“Oh my god, Minho! What happened to you? Look at your face. It's…”
You can’t even finish your sentence, your thumb tracing over the delicate skin on his forehead, not ignoring the way his temperature is rapidly falling.
“We need to get you warmed up first,” you urge.
First, you plug in your space heater and position it in front of your bed. You then grab some spare clothes of Minho’s from your closet and turn, ready to hand them off when you see that his form is too exhausted to move on its own. Carefully, you peel off his suit, embarrassment not even close to being present in your mind due to the severity of the situation. You dress him as quickly as possible, making sure to avoid his open wound when sliding on his shirt.
Lugging his body onto your bed, you cover him with your blanket as well as the winter comforter you usually keep tucked away beneath the bed.
Thankfully, the wound is not as deep as it first appeared, and you hope that you can get away with treating it with ointment and wrapping it in bandages, at least until you can get Minho to a doctor.
You lean over his weakened body as you dab the cut with the necessary ointments and creams. Minho doesn’t make it easy for you. His right hand refuses to let go of its grip on your left wrist, skin never losing contact with your own. However, you let it be, knowing that just like that fateful day years ago, the best thing to calm him down is a nurturing touch.
He falls asleep like that and you can only hope for the best, refusing to sleep until you hear his breath even out.
When the sun rises the next morning and Minho comes to, you practically pounce on him, arms winding tightly around his neck.
“Can’t breathe,” the young man chokes out.
You instantly jump back, worry plaguing your features and tears threatening to spill onto your skin.
“S-Sorry,” you say, voice warbling and hands self consciously coming to rest at your side.
Minho softens upon seeing you so concerned, hands reaching out to grab your own.
“I’m fine,” he tries to assure you.
He tells you that he feels much better; he can’t even feel the cut on his head anymore, and that causes you to laugh, telling him he’s being absurd.
“I was so worried, you know? I really thought you were gone for a second there.”
“Don’t you remember our promise? I’m never leaving you and you’re not getting away from me anytime soon.”
“Of course, I remember. But I want us to make a new promise. I want you to promise me to always be careful on missions and always, always, always make sure to come back home safe to me.”
“I promise. I love you, Y/n. I hope you know that.”
“I love you more. And I’ve always known, dummy!”
“You can’t even argue this time. You literally have a giant cut on your head. You are officially the dummy.”
“Oh god… Do you think my mom will notice?”
“It’s impossible not to. But maybe we can tell her you tripped on the way to school? She must’ve already left for work by now so at least you won’t have to worry about that for now.”
“Ah, what would I do without you?”
“Don’t know. Probably something dumb, dummy.”
“I hate you.”
“You love me!”
“…I hate when you’re right.”
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You’re seventeen, not quite a dancing queen, when you’re first asked out to a school event: the winter formal dance. You’re giddy with excitement, chatting with your girl friends about the insta-worthy proposal all day. A classmate who’d recently been in a group project with you, Younghoon, asked you by stopping you at your locker with a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates.
Because you’re so caught up in the excitement, Minho has to learn of this event through social media, grip turning his knuckles white when he sees that a picture of you and Younghoon in a side hug is your most recent post. He thinks bitterly to himself that you would’ve liked lilies or snapdragons instead and would’ve much rather preferred Haribo sour gummy bears to a cheesy box of chocolates.
He doesn’t know why he’s so irked, to be honest. He thinks maybe it’s because you’ve always attended school functions together as a tradition and you could’ve at least given him a heads up.
However, on the day of the dance, when Minho sees you leaving your apartment through the tiny peephole on his front door, he swears his heart stops. Even through the distorted view of the glass, you look stunning. Your hair is styled and you’re wearing a beautiful floor length gown, but the only thing Minho can think is how you seem to glow. You’re not wearing any makeup but it looks like a fairy came and sprinkled you with glitter and fairy dust. Your million watt smile is just as bright as any other day, but it has Minho’s heart going a mile a minute like he’s seeing it for the first time.
While you spend the night dancing with your supposed prince charming, Minho spends his night at a table sulking. His close friend, Jisung, tries to get him to dance with one of the many girls who are head over heels for him, but he doesn’t have the heart to, telling his friend that he’s just not feeling well.
As Minho downs his sixth glass of punch and crushes the flimsy plastic cup between his fingers, he makes a promise to himself. He promises that from now on, he’ll try his best to make you see him as someone you can spend the rest of your life with. Because maybe all of the 'I love you’s that he’s said to you weren’t a way to express platonic appreciation, but actually are his way of showing how he wants to be able to call you his own and vice versa.
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Nothing seems to be catching your attention. You’re quite dense for an eighteen year old. Even his famed flirting and aegyo tactics breeze right by you. Minho swears if he could use one word to describe the whole situation, it would be the infamous r/woosh.
Everyone in your friend group knows about his not-so-little crush, but they’re waiting for him to make a big move. However, Minho’s used all the moves he knows. He’s about to give up hope when a friend suggests a last ditch idea: the silent treatment. That’ll have to get you to notice him.
He never predicted it would be so hard, though. Seeing you in the halls and living right next door to you but not saying a word isn’t as easy as it first sounded. You’re the first person he wants to speak to when he gets a good grade. His finger hovers over your number when he sees anything he thinks you would enjoy doing together (which is pretty often since he basically thinks about you 24/7). You’re the first thing on his mind when he wakes up and the last thing his mind remembers before he goes to sleep.
It’s taking a toll on you too because after a long week, you corner him at his favorite dinner.
Sliding into the booth across from him with a serious expression adorning your face, you inquire, “Did I do something wrong? I swear I haven’t and there was probably just a misunderstanding.”
“No,” Minho denies. “There was no misunderstanding. I just needed some time to clear my head, I guess. Something my friend said really got to me.”
It’s not a complete lie, but Minho would rather be swallowed by a black hole than admit he resorted to something as petty as the silent treatment, especially when it comes to wooing a girl.
“Next time, give me a heads up, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
You change the subject, offering to split a milkshake with him, eyes turning their focus from his face to the menu in front of him. You use your fingers to maneuver the menu around to face you, calling over a waitress. You order a vanilla milkshake with two straws and no maraschino cherry on top: the classic order for the two of you.
Minho hesitantly asks after taking a sip of the cold and sweet milkshake, “Hey, I know we’ve made a lot of promises, but I want you to make me one more.”
When you don’t reply but look at him with attentive eyes and an open heart, encouraging him to feel comfortable and speak his mind, he gets the extra boost of confidence he needs.
“Promise me you’ll give me a chance.”
“What? Wait, a chance at what?”
“I guess I should’ve said, 'give us a chance.’ Go out with me?”
The smile on your face is so bright and full of joy that Minho swears he’ll go blind if he sees it again, but the thought is dismissed when you jump up and reach across the table to pull him into a tight embrace.
Placing a light kiss on the tip of Minho’s nose, causing it to scrunch up in an adorable manner, you whisper, “I promise.”
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shawcl · 5 years
hello i got tagged by @monoismus @hosnack and @brightjin to do this questions tag thingy, thank u frendos!! love u!!!
1. Nickname(s): sometimes one of my friends calls me jules but that’s abt it
2. Bias: mr. yoongles
3. Blood type: i have no clue 
4. Favorite food: i love rice lol and pizza
5. Birthday: september 4th
6. Zodiac sign: virgo 
7. Pronouns: she/her
8. Hair length: short
9. Height: 174 cm
10. A crush: nope
11. What do you like about yourself: hm. i’m.. nice? compassionate? i got a great taste in music lmao
12. Right or left handed: right
13. List of three favourite colors: green, blue, yellow
14. (Right now) eating: a sandwich
15. (Right now) drinking: water
16. I’m about to: continue lying in bed, watching youtube before i go to sleep
17. Listening to: i listened to mac miller’s new album earlier
18. Kids: time will tell
19. Get married: again, time will tell
20. Recent phone call: my dad
21. (Have you ever) Dated someone twice: no
22. Been cheated on: no
23. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
24. Lost someone special: yes
25. Been depressed: i’m not sure actually but i think yes
26. Been drunk and thrown up: i don’t rly drink so no
27. Had glasses or contacts: blessed with good eyesight 
28. Had sex on the first date: no
29. Broken someone’s heart: idk they never said anything but i have my suspicions
30. Turned someone down: ^^^^lowkey yes
31. Cried when someone died: oh yes
32. Fallen for a friend: no
33. (In the last year have you) made a new friend: no :( aside from online heh
34. Laughed until you cried: today in fact!!
35. Met someone who changed you: hm..... not necessarily in a positive way
36. Found out who your true friends were: yes
37. Found out someone was talking about you: can’t remember but i guess so
38. Lips or eyes: eyes
39. Hugs or kisses: hugs
40. Shorter or taller: taller i guess
41. Romantic or spontaneous: both?
42. Sensitive or loud: a good mix of both? 
43. Hookup or relationship: relationship
44. First best friend: one of my cousins
45. Surgery: only my wisdom teeth
46. Sports I joined: i was pretty good at table tennis hehe, being in a club and such
47. Do you believe in yourself: learning
48. Miracles: kinda
49. Love at first sight: i’m a hopeless romantic tbh tho maybe yes
50. Heaven: ...idk i’d like to think there’s smth close to the idea of heaven
51. Do you have any pets: no
52. Do you want to change your name: it’s rly common but i don’t rly care tbh
53. What did you do for your last birthday: the usual, some of my family comes over (i have a HUGE family) and a few friends maybe and we sat outside on the terrace and had a good fun time, tbh my last birthday was one of my happiest so far
54. What time did you wake up today: 5am RIP
55. What were you doing last night at midnight: sleeping but also i’m not sure since i had troubles to fall asleep lol
56. Something you can’t wait for: for shinee to come back :(
57. Last time you saw your mom: 30mins ago 
58. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: make my anxiety disappear, be more confident, never overthink shit, do things without regrets
59. What’s getting on your nerves: my brain lmao, drama, rude people, society, capitalism asdadsfasf
i’m too lazy to tag anyone this time, but this was a nice distraction, thank you <3
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years
I just realized there are some asks left... The rest? 😉😄
Are you kidding me?!
Not what I meant when I said ‘ask me stuff I’m in the mood to answer questions’. 😂😂
1. The meaning behind my url:
I wanted S_Nebulosa or something but that was already taken… so I had to come up with something and somehow that’s how I came up with this. No deeper meaning.
3. How many tattoos I have and what they are:
One tattoo of 3 snowflakes.
5. Piercings I have:
I have pierced ears and that’s it.
7. Biggest turn offs:
When someone has a weird air/moves weird or something. Idk sometimes when I see someone I instantly know I dislike something about the way they move or hold themselves. It’s really vague and weird but it is what it is. Also being mean or rude. Cancelling stuff last minute for reasons like ‘also had plans with someone else’ because you could’ve just put stuff in your agenda and let me know before I was all hyped up and ready to meet… and chewing with an open mout.
9. Tattoos I want:
A star Katie drew but maybe with something else or made into a nice design or something.
11. Age:
13. Life goal:
Be happy, nice job, kid(s), spouse. Oh no! Have my parents come visit me instead of the other way around because I’m so independent and mature. That’s more attainable.
15. Relationship status:
17. A fact about my life:
You’re assuming I actually have a life?
I have too many hobbies and I’m too attached to them to quit anything but it’s also getting in the way of stuff like uni…
19. Middle name:
Don’t have one
21. Are you a virgin?
I’m a cancer
23. What’s your sexual orientation?
I’ve given up labelling myself. Or maybe accepted that I don’t want to label myself. I don’t know. I just use (umbrella term) gay. Also something on the asexual spectrum probably.
25. Someone you miss:
I honestly don’t really miss anyone.
27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
First celebrity I think of when anyone says anything (positive) is Katie… what a surprise.
29. One insecurity:
Only one? I guess… my body
31. Have you ever taken a picture naked?
33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
Like, quick peck on the lips? Or actual kiss kiss? The latter; no. The former; yes. In a play for a scene. And my sister, mom and grandma probably.
35. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
Maybe when I was little but not as a teen or adult.
37. Have you ever been dumped?
No, that’s the benefit of never having had a relationship.
39. Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
I don’t think I have.
41. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
No I didn’t really have anywhere to sneak off to and I wouldn’t dare anyway.
43. Have you ever been arrested?
No omg my mom would have me killed. (I know I’m an adult but my mom is still scary when she wants to.)
45. Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Well, I do occasionally manage to have friends. So, yes. If this question is meant as in, like, a booty call or something; then no.
47. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbour?
No. I don’t really know my neighbours here and my parents’ neighbours are families with kids I used to babysit so that would’ve been very inappropriate and awkward. But thankfully I just didn’t seem to ‘do’ crushes until recently.
49. Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Yes. Is this supposed to be scandalous (for straight people)? I used to sleep in my mom’s bed with her when my dad was away for business (alternating nights with my sister and sometimes on the last night if it was an odd number of nights we both got to sleep there). And my sister has a double bed and sometimes I ‘sleep over’ with her in her bed. And I’ve shared double air mattresses with friends before for sleepovers and once on a school trip where the boat back had broken or something so we were sent to a hotel that only had double beds…
51. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yes, multiple times.
53. Have you ever slept in until 3?
Probably not. That’s really late. Might’ve stayed in bed until 3 (or later) staring at the ceiling or spending time on my phone but I don’t think I ever managed to sleep until 3.
55. Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
I have.
57. Have you ever played dress up?
Yes, I used to love dressing up as a princess. We also have this (dumb, sorry, I’m opinionated) thing here where people dress up (not Halloween, we don’t celebrate that) in February or March. (It’s called carnaval.) In primary school we had to go dressed up on the Friday before.
59. Have you ever been lonely?
I’m a lot lonely and very often…
61. Have you ever been to a club?
Yes, I think so.
63. Have you ever touched a snake?
Maybe? Look at my memory failing me. Probably not because I think I’d have remembered and it would’ve freaked me out so much.
65. Have you ever been suspended from school?
No, goody two shoes, remember?
67. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Not a big one but on the way back from a holiday with friends some truck tried to merge into our lane by driving through our car. Didn’t work. Had some damage to the pain but mostly his own truck got damaged. Was a whole deal with the police and stuff and him not speaking any language any of us spoke… and I was a little shaken. But all ended well and insurance covered our damage. Or he did. I don’t know. It was my parents’ car. I handed them the papers we got from the police and they fixed it with insurance and stuff.
69. Have you ever witnessed a crime?
Omg yes when I was like a super tiny kid. Maybe 3 or 4. (Wait, is a crime different than an offence or something? Idc. I want to tell this story now.) I vividly remember it because I was sitting in the car while my mom was packing the groceries in the trunk and a man took a woman’s bag/purse and ran away. She started yelling at him and chasing him and it spooked him so much he dropped it. It made a huge impression on me even though I probably made it bigger in my mind than it actually was.
71. Have you ever been lost?
Yes, at summer camp we were lost once during a night scavenger hunt/walk/quest thingy. I don’t know the translation. And because of my sublime sense of direction I get lost all the time and thanks to modern technology find my way again.
73. Have you ever felt like dying?
Like I was dying or like I wanted to die? Yes to one of those two.
75. Have you ever sang karaoke?
I’ve played singstar or some equavalent before during birthday parties.
77. Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Damn no I’m glad I haven’t.
79. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
81. Have you ever made out in a park?
83. Have you ever glued your hand to something?
I’m me so I must’ve. Definitely to paper but I don’t know if I glued it to something else ever.
85. Have you ever gone to school partially naked?
No, the least I’ve probably worn was shorts and a t-shirt (and underwear and socks and stuff).
87. Have you ever sat on a rooftop?
Yes, my internship had a rooftop terrace thingy.
89. Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Have I ever not been?? I’m usually too scared to even watch scary movies with other people…
91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
No and nowadays with phones and stuff, I would not appreciate it at all. That thing’s expensive and not water resistant.
93. Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes, broke my thumb (not all the way through) and splintered off a tiny piece off bone in my pinky. Those are two separate occasions.
95. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
I have
97. Have you ever cheated on a test?
Yes. In the second year of (Dutch) high school, my history teacher would not pay attention at all during tests and I didn’t like history tests because of all the dumb facts (that I now know can be really useful and give you an idea of when stuff happened in relation to other stuff). So, I had put my book on my lap. Also, during Spanish because we knew the test would be to write a letter so the entire class just pre-wrote it using google translate and printed it to tape it inside their dictionary. I did too.
99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
No and this seems odd too because everyone is real… but maybe I just never feel like a person isn’t real but me meeting them isn’t real or something… idk
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miraculousmumma · 6 years
How about Adrinette for R?
Hi!  Thanks for asking!  This became not only R for Rescue but R for Reveal too!  I hope you enjoy it!
R - Rescuing You with Adrienette
‘This isn’t good, Tikki.’  Marinette murmured, her kwami hiding in her jacket where she could peek out if she needed to.
‘Not at all.’  Tikki replied.
‘What do I do?’
‘Well, it would be silly not to make an appearance, now that you’re here.’  She advised.
‘I guess so.’  Marinette sighed.
She really didn’t want to be here but after the fuss Adrien had made about ensuring she got an invitation she felt she had to.  It was one of Chloé’s now legendary parties, each one more outlandish than the last, but this time she seemed to have pushed the boat out too far.  There seemed to be a lot of drinking going on despite them still being underage, and there was more than their class here.  It looked like half of Paris had been invited, the roof terrace of Le Grand Paris crowded with people, dancing, drinking, laughing, and generally being raucous.  She was glad she had dressed up, wearing a simple black dress accented by red shoes, purse, and jacket, and she was grateful the pool was covered with what seemed to be a dance floor.  Alya was away with her family or she wouldn’t have arrived alone, and as she glanced around she struggled to see anyone she knew.  Maybe this had been a bad idea after all.
She made her way across the space to the bar, trying not to get jostled, and she spotted Alix and Nathaniel.  Maybe this would be so bad after all.
She was wrong.  Very wrong.  Alix very quickly cajoled her into having the same drink as her, something very sweet that Marinette hadn’t heard of, and it didn’t hit her either how much she had drunk or how it affected her until she tried to stand to go to the ladies room.  The room swayed and her heels felt about twice as high had they had when she started the night, but she made her way across the room anyway, where she stumbled, bumping into a group of partygoers.
‘Easy there, cupcake.’  A man of indeterminate age caught her arms to steady her.  ‘Don’t want to hurt yourself.’
‘Thanks.’  She managed, attempting to pull away but his grip tightened.
‘You should come party with us.  The mayor’s daughter knows how to put on a good get together.’
‘I’m good, thanks.’  She tried again as one of his friends stepped up on her other side.
‘Come on, we promise you a good time.’
‘I don’t…’  She started, pulling hard enough she was sure she would have a bruise.
‘There you are, sweetheart.’  She suddenly found herself extracted from the unwanted attention, a comfortingly familiar touch around her waist that she instinctively knew to trust.  ‘Sorry, she really can’t hold her liquor.’
‘No problem.’  One of the men said as she found herself being all but marched across the roof to a quiet corner where there was an empty couch.
‘What on earth are you doing, Mari?’
She sat down heavily on the couch and looked up at the green eyes that matched the voice, a smile spreading across her face.  ‘Adrigreste Agrestrien.’  She swatted at him lightly as he pulled a stool up close to sit in front of her.  ‘It’s you.’
‘It’s me, and you’re drunk.’  He informed her.
‘Look at you.’  She stroked his lapel.  ‘You look so dapper.  That green shirt really brings out your eyes.  I got all dressed up but it’s wasted on you.’
Adrien sighed at the state she was in, wishing he had found her before she got this far.  ‘Why is it wasted on me?’
‘Because you don’t like me like I like-like you.’  She stated, closing one eye to try and bring him into focus.
‘Like you like-like me?’  He chuckled at how cute she was.  As it happened, he had noticed her outfit, he thought how much it suited her, how it made her look so much more grown up than the adorable classmate he knew.
‘Like-like.  Like-like like love-like.’  She continued and he started at her confession.  ‘But you don’t even see me because you are so like-like in love-like with Ladybug.’
Adrien felt bad he had never realised this about Marinette before, and in this state he wanted to let her down easy, but she just wouldn’t shut up long enough to let him get a word in.
‘And you wanna know the ironic thing?’  She whispered loudly, leaning forward and grabbing his lapel to pull him closer.  ‘I am Ladybug!  And you don’t even know.’
‘You’re, uh, you’re what?’  He managed.
‘That’s right!  I’m Buggylad!’  She threw her arms out to her sides.  ‘And if it weren’t for you I would probably be dating Chat Noir right now!  But no.  You had to walk into school with your stupid perfect hair, and your stupid perfect face, and your perfect stupid umbrella…’
‘Umbrella?’  He said in confusion, but she wasn’t done.
‘And bam!  I fell for you!’
‘Okay, Mari, I think I need to get you home.’  Adrien stood and helped her to her feet.  ‘Before you say something we both regret.’
‘You’re too cute to worry about me.’  She said sadly and patted his cheek a little too hard.
‘I think I’m just the right amount of cute.’  He looked out at the heaving crowd and Marinette swaying before making up his mind.  He took her to the nearest elevator and down one floor where he helped her to the fire escape.  Ensuring the coast was clear he opened his jacket, Plagg flying out, only to be joined a moment later by Ladybug’s kwami.
‘I’m sorry you had to find out like this, Adrien.’  The red and black spotted creature gave him a sympathetic smile.
‘I’m not.  You’re Tikki, right?’
‘I am.’  She bowed her head slightly before turning to Plagg.  ‘You told him about me.’
‘I missed you, sugarcube.’  He shrugged.
‘You’re a softy, stinky socks.’  She replied.
‘I want to take Marinette home.’  Adrien said.  ‘And I think this might be the best way to do so.’
‘It will draw the least attention.’  Tikki agreed, knowing how sneaky he could be as Chat.
‘Then, Plagg?  Claws out!’
Marinette seemed to have fallen asleep where she stood and the moment his transformation completed he scooped her up in his arm and stepped out onto the fire escape before vaulting easily across the rooftops to the Dupain-Cheng patisserie a few roofs over.  He raised the hatch and dropped through, laying Marinette on her bed before carefully removing her shoes and laying them at the bottom of the bed with her bag.
‘When she wakes up in the morning get her to call me, okay?’  Chat asked as he pulled a blanket over her sleeping form.
‘I will.  Thank you, Chat Noir.’  Tikki said as she took up a position near her sleeping chosen.
‘You’re welcome.  I hope to see you again soon.’
‘And you.’  She gave him a small wave.  ‘And I hope tonight wasn’t too much of a surprise.’
‘A little, but definitely the best surprise I’ve ever had.’  He grinned before lifting himself through the hatch and taking one last look at his sleeping partner.  ‘Sleep it off, my lady.’  He murmured quietly before blowing her a kiss and taking off into the night.
Liked it?  Maybe buy me a lemonade?
Headcanony asky thingy
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lovelikeelena · 6 years
Song of the Sirenas Review- Part 1/4
Firstly, I wanna say muchas gracias to my best friend, Becca, along with DisneyNerd, DisPrincess3 and others for helping me with some of the visual aspects of this awesome, incredible and amazing movie!
  As many of you know who read my tumblr, I’m almost blind.  That means this review will be unique.  While I’ll be touching on some important visual aspects, I’ll mostly be focusing on storyline and the friendships formed and established bonds between our favorite characters throughout the movie.  There will also be some shipping as well, just so you guys who aren’t Elenaomi shippers know ahead of time.  One more thing before we officially get started:  How cool was it that this movie premiered on international peace day?  This makes it even more timely and relevant than ever!  Okay, let’s dive in!  Pun intended wholeheartedly.
  We open with a spectacular view of the Turner’s boat skimming through the water.  The royal familia, royal guard Gabe and Naomi , along with her parents Captains Scarlet and Daniel Turner, are heading somewhere.  Hmmm?  Where could they be going?  Maybe they’re dropping the douche of Avalor, Esteban off on a deserted island and continuing without him.  Only one can hope.  (I DID NOT come up with that nickname for the chancellor.) Oh yeah, Mateo’s there too.  Well, Esteban isn’t being dropped off anywhere.  No such fortune is shining upon us.  Instead, Elena is stuck with her cousin for the entire journey.  It’s not long into her magical bow and arrow practice that Naomi gets Esteban right in the butt!  Elena giggles, even though she tries to remain stern.  Oops, Sorry!  never mind.  That’s my fanfic version of events.  Back to the actual movie. 
  As I was saying, it’s not long before we find out Scarlet doesn’t take any crap from anyone-including her husband!  She finds Daniel standing, using a barrel as a table.  Poor Daniel just wants to eat a sandwich, but instead he’s told to trim the sail.  He tries to get out of it by assuming bc his wife is captaining the voyage that he would get a well-deserved brake.  No such luck buddy.  Say adios to that break you were hoping for.  Turning, Daniel goes to complete the task.  Before leaving his post, he snatches up his sandwich, knowing his daughter too well, not to mention the fact that there are two hungry teen boys on the ship.  It’s then that Isa answers the question that’s been on our minds since the movie started-especially if you haven’t read the book companion that was released in June or kept up with spoilers before the movie premiered.  The royal familia is on their way to Nueva Vista on the west coast of Avalor.  Isa is excited to get there and her abuela feels the same way.  Louisa mentions sitting on the terrace of the summer palace and napping in the sun.  Esteban puts his two cents in, commenting that Francisco has gotten a head start, indicating him sleeping on a chair.  On another part of the ship, Elena is hanging out with Naomi and Gabe, practicing with her scepter.  Elena demonstrates a few powers we’ve seen in the past-including envision and glow.  Then she shows off a newly acquired power, which is making objects invisible by saying the word vanish.  She uses Naomi’s lasso for this test.  It works and Elena beams.  Gabe asks how many powers the scepter has.  Naomi chimes in by requesting teasingly if her girlfriend can test them on something else bc she wants her lasso back.  Unfortunately, this is the last time in the movie that we see Elena and Naomi treating each other with the love and respect we’ve come to know they possess.  Just knowing this makes me sad.  Hopefully, they’ll resolve things fully in Snow Place Like Home.  I love how Isa comes up to them and is fully welcome by Elena and not told to go away like most older siblings say to the younger ones when with their friends and significant others.  Isa tells them that Scarlet said they’re almost there.  Elena starts to reminisce about her and Isa’s first paternal cousin, Christobal, telling everyone how she remembers going fishing with him every summer.  Gabe is puzzled and says he thought Esteban  was the girls’ only cousin.  Naomi throws her usual jab at the Chancellor by stating “Leave it to Esteban to exaggerate.”  She lays a hand on Elena’s shoulder, initiating the only loving contact they have for the rest of the movie.    In making that jab at the douche, she exemplifies why I love her so much!  Mateo, yup, he’s there, tells Elena she’ll have plenty of time to reminisce when they arrive and it’s time to get back to practicing.  Come on, dude, give Elena a break!  Mateo encourages her to try to make herself vanish.  Elena protests that she only knows how to make objects vanish.  Mateo is insistent, so our favorite future Avaloran ruler obeys.  Elena, there’s no law that says you must listen to him!  You make the laws or will be doing so in three years!  After trying the power, Elena mildly succeeds.  Her body disappears, but her head is still visible.  Mateo makes a lame joke that doesn’t even make any sense by saying “You’re headed in the right direction.”  Leave the quips to Naomi, por favor.  Elena reforms just as all five of them hear a bell ring, followed by Scarlet yelling about approaching sirenas.  All four young adults have different reactions to Scarlet’s announcement.  Elena is confused, while Mateo is all excited and looking every which way like a puppy who is trying to find his new bone.  Apparently, he’s never seen a sirena before.  Gabe is also curious.  Naomi is ready to obey her parents’ instructions at a second’s notice.  Scarlet commands her to take the wheel, calling Naomi Nomes, which I despise!  Naomi does so while her parents ready the crossbows.  Elena shakes her head upon hearing this and asks why they need the weapons?  And this is where I get a little irritated with Naomi.  I know she’s panicking, but still.  She whirls around and snaps at her girlfriend for no reason.  “Sirenas are dangerous!  Everyone knows that!”  Excuse me, Naomi, everyone knows that?  Not everyone has traveled as extensively or has the knowledge you do.  Especially your girlfriend who was trapped in an amulet for 41 years!  Daniel explains to Elena that sirenas sing a song that put sailors into a trance, crashing their ships.  Even though he too is panicking, he doesn’t snap at her.  Take a lesson from your Dad, Naomi.  Elena points out the sirenas aren’t even singing and Mateo chimes in that he can’t remember the last time sirenas caused a ship wreck.  Still, the Turners go through with their defense plan.  Glancing down into the water, Elena locks eyes with a female sirena.  We later learn her name is Marisa.  In the moment their eyes meet, Elena is captivated in wonderment-never having seen a sirena before this.  I’d like to think  she’s also silently assuring Marisa that she knows Marisa isn’t doing anything wrong and that she, Elena, won’t let any harm come to her.  Meanwhile, Scarlet commands Gabe to get everyone below deck, which he does immediately.  Elena commands Scarlet to stop firing.  Instead of listening, Scarlet fires anyway.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s grounds for treason.  Scarlet defied Elena’s direct command.  Eighteen or not, Elena is in charge.  If she says stop firing, you stop firing-no questions asked.  Scarlet, you just keep slipping further and further down my like meter.  It looks like there’s one more in Esteban’s party on that deserted island if they find one.  Elena keeps her silent promise to Marisa and fires her scepter, knocking Scarlet’s crossbow out of her hands.  This affectively saves Marisa and her male companion from injury.  We switch points of view and see Marisa, her friend and seahorse dude in the water.  We discover that the male friend is actually Marisa’s twin brother.  Marisa is just as amazed by Elena.  She asked if her brother saw what Elena did, then must keep him from retaliating.  She calls him Marzel and tells him to stop!  Marzel argues that the people on the ship tried to fillet them to which Marisa points out,  “But the princesa stopped them with that magic thingy.”  Marzel advises they better leave before she decides to use it on them.  Their seahorse friend agrees, and they dive beneath the waves.  Meanwhile, back on the Turners boat, Naomi again turns on her girlfriend, demanding,  “Why did you do that!”  Elena doesn’t take her crap and shoots back with,  “I’m not going to attack someone who hasn’t attacked me first!”  As much as I love watching Elena stand up for herself, my heart breaks a little more.  I don’t like it when Elena and her future wife fight.  I know it happens in every friendship-whether it’s destined for romance or not.  Even so, it’s still hard for me to watch when it's Elena and Naomi. Meanwhile, under the sea, Marisa and Marzel are swimming towards the palace they share with their parents.  Marzel points out that “Sirenas haven’t sunken a ship since before we were born.  And still Humans come after us.”  Marisa counters with,  “That’s because no one has told them we’ve changed.”  Marzel doubts they would listen.  “Maybe the princess would.  You saw what she did.”  Marzel disagrees.  He shakes his head when he sees an all too familiar look in his Hermana’s eyes.  “I hate that look!”  Marisa ignores him.  “We can tell her, then she can spread the word to the rest of the Humans.”  Their friend tells her to keep dreaming.  Marzel reminds him that’s what Marisa does best.  Marisa declares she’s going to talk to their father.  Marzel tells her she’s wasting her time while watching her swim off.
And that’s where I leave everyone off for now!  Part 2 is coming in a few days!  Feel free to leave comments or send me asks!
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roseuscrystallum · 3 years
The N.S.F.W. meme thingy
Tumblr media
Maybe / Sometimes / Depends
Hard No / Not Applicable
* clarification
is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual | identifies as pansexual | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time | initiates | waits for partner to initiate |spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex any time | no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive* | hypersexual*
Sora’s drive is actually dependent on her partner’s. If her partner isn’t that hungry, she won’t push and she’d be content with whatever they do. If her partner has a high drive, well, they’d be enabling her quite a bit, that’s for sure.
small build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build | voluptuous build | stocky build | chubby| fat | boxers | briefs | boxer-briefs | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ |shaves/waxes | doesn’t shave/wax | cup size a-c (If born female) | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length |6-9″ in length | 10” or over in length
is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand / partner /pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses |fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk| is turned off by dirty talk
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their hair pulled | pulling their partner’s hair | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party) |watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner ‘daddy’ | being called ‘daddy’ | giving praise | receiving praise | biting / marking | being bitten / marked |spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal | choking | being choked | dirty talk | being tied up| tying their partner up | being worshiped | worshiping their partner | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play | being pegged ? ? ? | pegging their partner | whipping | being whipped | none of the above
in a bedroom | in a shower / bath | in a pool/ocean | in a kitchen | in a bathroom (home) |in a bathroom (public) | in a car | in a tent | in an alleyway | in a field / forest | at a school | in an empty / abandoned building | in a library | on a rooftop / terrace | in a dressing room | in an elevator | in a parking lot | at a museum | at a cemetery | at a beach | in a closet | at a hospital | ANYWHERE
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