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s-nebul0sa · 5 years ago
7 and 33 with Sam and Alex. thank you
“I-I just wanted to say that I uh, I missed you.”
Alex awkwardly stands in Lena’s office. This time, not with Lena sitting in the desk chair but Sam. Sam who’s been away for far too long now and is only back in National City for a week because there’s a big L-Corp meeting. Alex just knows she cannot live with herself for another ‘too long’ if she doesn’t say something now. At least to get to a regular texting basis with Sam.
“I missed you too, Alex.” Sam has an easy smile on her lips. Like she has everything under control. She’s so put together and Alex is just a bumbling mess. She wishes she could be more like Sam. Easy confidence but not arrogance. A sense of control over the situation. A sense of knowing what is going to happen to next, even if maybe Sam doesn’t.
Sam is everything Alex is not and it’s only slightly intimidating. Mostly just very attractive. (Alex knows she’s got some good qualities on herself too but still, she can wish for some things she does not have.)
In one easy move, Sam gets up from her chair and moves towards Alex. All height and curves — the simple fitted suit does not help hide anything — and legs and smiles and warmth. It intimidates Alex and she doesn’t know what to expect next. Is Sam going to kiss her, show her the door, do what Gal Gadot always does with short women, cupping their faces and stroking their hair... (Alex is sure if it’s the latter, she will right here and now.)
“What- what are you doing?” she eventually dares ask when Sam is just an arm-length away.
“I think people hug at this point,” Sam replies with a laugh, spreading her arms in a welcoming gesture.
Alex hopes Lena doesn’t have a security camera installed, or that no one is watching. She’s Alex. She’s a knife. She doesn’t do hugs.
She steps up into Sam’s arms and wraps her own around Sam’s torso, revelling in the feeling of warmth and love that surrounds her.
There’s still so much she has to say to Sam, but right now she couldn’t care less about that. If she could stay like this forever, she probably would.
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lesbrarians · 6 years ago
struppi017 replied to your photo “my VERY FAT CAT has figured out how to squeeze into this space in the...”
Yeah but the real question is. Did she came out alone? Without clashing all the stuff onto the floor �� ��
SURPRISINGLY YES she managed to do it without knocking anything out with her, i am very proud of her ahaha
lacertae-dreamscape replied to your photo “my VERY FAT CAT has figured out how to squeeze into this space in the...”
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years ago
Thank you!
The turtle is really cute
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I wish you a wonderfull day @randomramblingsbymyself  💙 💙 💙 gelukkige Verjaardag!!!
You didn’t gave me much time 😋
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years ago
43 and 58 Lena and Kara. Have fun
Omg what even is this combination?! *whispers desperately* “help”
“Are you hungry?” Kara asks with a sly smile. Lena doesn’t stop to think anything of it, which she really should, but it’s Kara and Kara always smiles at the mention of food.
“I could eat.” Lena’s never really hungry. Not in the way Kara means. However, it’s still been a while since she’s eaten so having a meal sounds like a good idea.
Kara whips out two bags with takeout, handing one container to Lena and keeping the rest for herself. Lena doesn’t stop to smell the food — it looks good and that’s enough. She really should have; but she doesn’t. So she doesn’t smell the spices coming from it before the food is already in her mouth.
It burns.
It burns and it hurts and it sets her mouth aflame. Blazing hot. Her nose starts to run, her skin starts to sweat, her eyes water, her lungs ache.
“OH MY GOD YOUR EYES!!!” Kara exclaims in a panic. The smile wiped from her face in an instant. “OH NO! They’re all read. No no no no no. Lena?! Lena are you okay? I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”
Lena spits out the food, not wanting to risk damage to her esophagus, and blindly flails around to look for something that might quench the burning sensation. Her lips tingle and she can barely see through her tears.
Kara’s still panicking but has also seemed to realise she needs to do something. A whoosh, the sound of a door, a thud and the door again leave Lena wondering what’s going on. She doesn’t have to wonder long, however, because a cold glass is pressed in her hands.
Without looking or thinking, Lena just chugs it. Cold liquid runs down her throat and she nearly spills part of it in her eagerness to drink it all as quickly as possible. It helps. When her senses come back to her again, little by little, she realises it’s milk. At least Kara had enough sense to give her something that actually works.
“What were you thinking?” Lena rasps out when she’s gotten over the shock and found her voice again.
“I’m so sorry! I thought it was funny to make your food spicy but I think I went a little overboard. I tasted it but I guess I don’t experience the same thing when I eat spicy food. Sorry, Lena, I’m so sorry.” Kara looks like she’s on the brink of tears.
“It’s okay. I’m okay. Just don’t ever do that again.” Lena reaches out a hand to Kara for comfort. She can see how much it scared Kara. “It could’ve turned out really bad, Kara. You know that? If you’d put in a little more or hadn’t gotten me milk, it could’ve done some real damage. Please don’t ever do something again. If you really want to prank me, ask Alex or another human first if it’s safe.”
“I will,” Kara promises, pulling Lena closer to her to really feel that she’s okay. She’s still there. Nothing bad has happened. This time.
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years ago
You Know I Love these things 😊 16-17-19-25-38-42-48-50 Hope you had a good year. A great year even 😁
Thank you for asking! Always so many 😂😘
16. What food did you try for the first time?
A bunch of food actually because I went to Canada this summer and they have so many different things than we here do.
Star burst, beaver tails, three musketeers (which are not the same as our milkyway because they’re way sweeter), pop tarts, lucky charms bar, strawberry-rhubarb pie...
17. Did you make any big permanent changes this year?
Probably but not anything that comes to mind right now. I think most changes are gradual and not really noticed. Unless they’re bold changes (like quitting college or a job).
19. What was one nice thing you did for yourself?
I bought another stuffed animal because I felt like I needed it.
25. Do you regret not doing anything?
Of course I do. I regret not finishing my internship last year so I don’t feel so pressured and rushed to do it next month.
I regret not being nice enough to myself.
I regret not sticking up for myself and not saying ‘no’ enough.
38. What was the best moment of the year for you?
I think that’s some of the little things. Movie nights with a friend, having me catch up on marvel. Game days with friends who live in another city. Quality time with my family.
42. What are you most proud of accomplishing?
Not dropping out of uni despite being very close to doing so several times.
48. If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do? Who would you go do this with?
I’ve already answered this in the previous ask. Basically: I want to go to New Zealand and explore. Just see the country and the culture. With family or friends.
50. What do you wish for yourself?
Less stress. And finishing my internship and finding a new one so I can finally focus on graduating and being done with studying.
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years ago
Every even 😎😁
2. Favourite colour?
4. Describe your favourite outfit.
I think my black pants and my dark green sweater, or my jeans and black sweater. Oh or my overalls with my relatively high-collared black t-shirt.
6. Do you use nail polish?
I do sometimes, when I have the time and patience to paint my nails or need the distraction or realise I’m wrecking my nails by stress-biting them.
8. Ever take naps?
Yes, lots, though not so much since the start of the new year.
10. What are your crush tendencies? Fall hard or fast?
I fall very, very rarely and do so slowly and not that hard. Or not at all and mistake it for a crush because I’m lonely and touch-starved but don’t actually get crushes at all. Who knows.
12. Describe your ideal date.
Doing something fun and not too passive. I think. I’ve never been on a date.
14. Who do you feel most comfortable around?
My stuffed animals
16. Did you/do you like high school?
No, I disliked it very much. Hated it even maybe. I liked the first year but then the social aspect got too big and I disliked it so much I stopped doing homework and stuff and then I just did the bare minimum to get through. Wouldn’t go back for the world (or however you say that in English).
18. Do you like your name?
It’s fine I guess. I’ve gotten used to it and started to not dislike it in recent years. I used to really dislike my name though, especially in high school. Now I appreciate it means rainbow and my parents called me being gay even before I was born. 😋
20. Do you believe in horoscopes?
Not really. I do think they’re fun to read but I also know a lot of them are so generic, they will fit most people.
22. Have you had your first kiss? If so, what was it like.
24. What time do you usually wake up/go to bed?
This assumes I don’t go to bed at entirely different times on different days.
Since I’m following a course again, I do have to go to class two days a week. And I have to write my report so I have somehow gotten my body kind of in a rhythm. Which is go to bed between 21:00 and 1:00 (usually between 22:00 and 23:00 but some days it ends up being later due to evening activities and the next day I’m tired so I go to bed earlier) and wake up between 7:30 and 9:00 depending on my classes or plans.
26. Do you have any pets?
No, sadly I don’t.
28. What makes you smile?
I’ve been laughing a lot watching critical role recently. Also nearly crying.
Cute baby animal/baby human videos can make me smile most of the time. As can spending time with friends.
30. What makes you feel better?
I haven’t entirely figured this one out yet.
Friends, a lot of the time. Also talking stuff out sometimes. Sometimes that doesn’t help at all and just makes me hate myself more.
32. When is it time to get a haircut?
I usually get a haircut during Christmas and summer break. Which is definitely not often enough because my hair is always dead for a long time before I finally take action.
But I think as a rule of thumb, it’s time for a haircut when you want to change your hairstyle/cut or when the ends are getting dead.
34. Do your friends and family take good care of you?
36. What makes you laugh?
This is actually the same as the what makes you smile question. Except without the baby animals/humans videos cause those usually only make me smile.
38. Who do you admire?
I don’t really do the active admiring thing. I admire almost everyone I don’t dislike, though.
40. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About an hour if I don’t rush and actually take time to eat and prep lunch and stuff.
About 10-15 minutes if I have to rush a lot.
42. What would you do if you won the lottery?
Put the money in my savings so I can take time off and just do stuff I enjoy and maybe write a book. If I have money left after that because I start earning enough money from writing or went back to work, find a good cause to donate it to. Fund a bunch of kickstarters maybe. Just because I could.
44. What is your gayest childhood memory?
Not per se a gay moment but when I was about 10 I think, I remember sitting at the kitchen table while my mom was at the counter doing stuff. I told her I’d never come out to them because I thought that coming out shouldn’t be necessary. She’d just find out I’m gay if I brought a girlfriend home.
(I think my mom by now knows I’m gay but I still haven’t had the chance to bring home a girlfriend.)
46. What’s your worst habit?
Oof. This is such a call out. I have so many bad habits.
I think replacing meals with unhealthy shit because I don’t want to make actual decent food. So, having candy or chips for breakfast/lunch/dinner.
48. Did you know you’re actually a gift to the world, for real?
50. Do you have a sweet tooth?
The sweetest. Or so I thought. Then I went to North America and experienced finding candy ‘too sweet’ and I had a small existential crisis.
Still have an extreme sweet tooth though. Just for European sweetness.
52. What makes you fall for a girl?
If only I knew.
54. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, by ‘friends’.
56. Name a gorgeous celeb.
Surprise! Katie McGrath. But in fact, the entire Supergirl cast. The entire pitch perfect cast, yes both the entire casts. Every celeb ever. They’re all gorgeous in their own ways. (But Katie is gorgeoust.)
58. Tell us 2 of your biggest hopes and fears.
Hope: that I get the internship I just applied to. That I graduate this year.
Fear: that I let my fear of failure take over and consequently fail at finishing my old internship. That my friends don’t actually like me, just pretend to.
60. Are you okay?
Still no
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years ago
Omg these asks are beautiful.... But I need to sleep so I start with BLOOP and BLUSH and will definitely come back to this tomorrow
Bold of you to assume I don’t need to sleep right now 😋
Bloop; spirit animal?
I’m not Native American and I’m not sure how sensitive this topic is...
But the animal I relate to most (because I assume that’s the question) is a tie between a sloth and a fox. Depending on my mood.
Or maybe a tortoise. Or turtle. (In Dutch they share a name and can be distinguished by putting ‘land’ or ‘sea’ in front of it.)
Blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
I had a ‘lapje’. Basically a small cloth with a head sowed in the middle. It was read and the corners were all tied and it fit exactly on my head like one of those pirate handkerchief hats.
I used it so much it got kinda destroyed and the bright pink replacement just wasn’t the same.
Now, I’ve evolved to just huge stuffed animals because they cuddle better 😋
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years ago
I like you 💙
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I like you too! (Look, I found a rare Maggie-Kara hug gif) ((I was actually looking for a Danvers sister one but in all of them at least one of them was crying or on the verge of...))
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years ago
“I would share my favorite food with you.”
Omg I know how much that means coming from you! Thank you!
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years ago
You know me I can't resist 😘 🌻
I know you can’t 😘
Part of me is putting off writing my self-indulgent fic because I don’t really want to make it shippy. But I know if it’s not shippy, less people will read it and that makes me really insecure for some reason.
I know numbers don’t say much about quality but my feelings don’t understand that (yet, hopefully).
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years ago
Would you, lovely iris, amazing writer and heartwarming friend, be so grateful and continue with your absolutely wonderful, epic and romantic cuddle fic? Would that be possible? That would swell my heart and I would be the happiest person for this day! Better 😉😘
It’s finished. I just haven’t mustered up the energy to get my laptop and post it. Besides, im not sure I should feed you another story so shortly after finishing half a world away. Don’t want you getting used to it. I’ll be going on vacation for 4 weeks in a bit, without laptop. So I don’t think I’ll be posting anything during (unless I put them on ao3 and ready to post beforehand). 😋🙈
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years ago
🤓 And 💗 thx you
🤓: 3 random facts you know
Eating grapefruit or drinking its juice can interact with certain medication.
Red wine stains can be removed by using white wine
Nowadays, bullets aren’t generally removed from wounds
(I’m a writer. Don’t judge me for the randomness of my random facts. Also, I’m usually spewing them all the time but when I get asked to spew them, I can’t come up with anything...)
💗: 3 things you like about yourself
You’re really gonna do this to me right now? Okay. Give me, like, an hour and some mental support because for every thing I like about myself I’ll first come up with 10 I don’t.
I like my ability to come up with stories.
I like that I’m a quick learner.
I like idk. Can I give up? I like... oh I like my new haircut.
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years ago
I would be happy when you'll made a red fox 🦊😁 I looked it up there are a few different difficulty grades. So just pick what feels right 😉 Thank you
Thanks! This one was fun making!
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years ago
Work on my fic or internship!! That right 😜
I will not let you just command me around! The audacity.
(I’m working on the cuddle fic now.)
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years ago
Just for that I have to work and can't go outside. Every even number 😄 have fun in the sun
🖕🏼🖕🏼😘😘 Thanks for asking
2. A picture of me:
You know it’s not gonna happen. So here is a very realistic and life-like drawing of me I totally did not make in 2 minutes time on my phone without any pencil thing or anything. My actual face is not as crooked I think. (And paler. I just compared and less reddish/pink)
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4. Last time I cried and why?
Err.. I think maybe Sunday? Because I was anxious and wouldn’t stop being anxious. Otherwise, definitely Friday because same reason plus I was reading a fic.
6. Favourite band:
Omg I know nothing of bands. What are bands? Uhhmm I’ll pick the first one that comes to mind. When I look at my spotify playlist because I can’t come up with anything. I’m terrible at this okay. Is pentatonix a band? If not, sucks for you cause I’m still picking them.
8. Top 5 candies:
Black liquorice (look, I’m Dutch, don’t blame me, this stuff is in my veins. And yes, I mean the salty versions because we ignore that fake ‘sweet’ shit (unless it’s the coins version))
Haribo apple rings
Haribo anything else really
Lion bars
Katja yoghurt gums 
10. Biggest turn ons:
As if I’m self aware enough to know this… Fine. I’ll try 😋
Geeking out over stuff. Being excited about ‘nerdy’ stuff. Red lipstick. Being interested in me. Breathing/being alive.
I think that’s some of them probably.
12. Ideas of a perfect date:
Something where you can talk or not have to sit still for hours. I’ve never been on a date actually so I don’t know what I like. But like, talking seems good. Getting to know each other. But on the other hand, laser gaming sounds fun too. So something that’s either fun like laser gaming or laid back like a picnic.
14. Piercings I want:
None. I have pierced ears and I don’t even want that anymore (got them pierced when I was a kid and really wanted it…)
16. Favourite movie:
I think I’ve said this before but I’m not good with ‘favourite’ anything. So err the parent trap? Because I think that’s the movie I’ve seen most and it does always manage to entertain me even though I know the plot by heart.
18. Phobia:
I’m not sure if these are phobias or fears but: the dark, heights, fire…. and probably some more vague/not as material shit like losing friends.
20. Height: 
167.5 cm (yes, very important that 0.5 cm)
22. What’s your shoe size?
24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
26. What’s one thing you regret?
I don’t like to think about this stuff because I end up in a spiral of negative thoughts and memories I cannot change. So I’ll keep it simple. Not buying better ice cream when I went to the store the other day. 
28. Favourite ice cream?
Italian ice cream from the one ice cream place in the village my mom works. Specifically, cinnamon and stracciatella flavour.
30. What my last text message says:
“I think I’m getting a real bad cold. Or ill. I hope the first.” (This is a translation, also not a text but whatsapp is the European/Dutch equivalent of texting these days)
32. Have you ever painted your room?
Yes, I didn’t like the unpainted walls because that’s ugly so I didn’t really have another option. Also, I think it was one of the requirements for moving in here. 
34. Have you ever slept naked?
I have, when it was really really hot.
36. Have you ever had a crush?
Yes, I think. Okay, no. Yes, I’m pretty sure.
38. Have you ever stolen money from a friend?
No, never.
40. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Not really. I’ve punched someone before but I don’t think they hit back (I punched her in the face and she had braces and apparently that hurt…)
42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
To be determined.
44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
I do it all the time. Badass, huh. Or do you mean when I was a minor and living with them? In that case, no I didn’t dare.
48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
No, I was too much of a goody-two-shoes.
50. Have you ever seen someone die?
No, thank Rao.
52. Have you ever kissed a picture?
I’m pretty sure I had to do that in play once (just a peck). Don’t think I ever did it myself ‘in real life’ though.
54. Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now?
That’s one weirdly worded question. At least, my brain thinks so. But I’m not currently missing someone and I don’t get the other half…
56. Have you ever made a snow angel?
Yes, many.
58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
I was the sorest loser you’ll ever meet when I was a kid and I cheated all the time to avoid losing. I’d be the bank in all the games that needed someone to take care of that and then slip myself money or resources. 😂😂 I don’t cheat anymore, I just don’t play to win and then I don’t mind not winning.
60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
I’ve fallen asleep waiting for someone to come study while I was sitting at uni, but that was tucked away in a corner of a couch that was behind another couch with a super high back so no one saw me except my friend. Other than that, I don’t think I have.
62. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
I don’t think I have.
64. Have you ever ran a red light?
By bike, many a times. By car? Never.
66. Have you ever had detention?
Not a thing here, so no.
68. Have you ever hated the way you look?
Yes, often.
70. Have you ever pole danced?
Yes. I sucked. The muscles you need for that man… 
Want some context? It was during the introduction week for uni and we got to do some sports at the sports centre and every group was just assigned which sports they got to do. We got assigned pole dancing (and some others).
72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
Depends on what you define as opposite. I have been to the opposite side of where I live now and I guess also kind of from my parents. But my country is super tiny so I’ve been in most (general) places….
74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
I have
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
80. Have you ever sang in the shower?
82. Have you ever dreamt that you married someone?
I once dreamt I had a husband who passed away (and woke up sobbing only to realise a solid 10 minutes later I had never even married someone, nor liked someone enough to want to). 
84. Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
Are flag poles so prevalent in the U.S. that you actually know where to find one to get your tongue stuck to? Also, did they never teach you about touching cold objects with bare skin, especially wet skin like the tongue?
86. Have you ever been a cheerleader?
Also not a thing here, so no. And if it were a thing here, it’d also be a no probably.
88. Have you ever brushed your teeth?
Rao, I hope no one ever answers ‘no’ to this question. (So that’s a ‘yes’ for me.)
90. Have you ever played chicken?
What is this? Just pretend that you’re a chicken? Or is this some game I don’t know? It’s no to either I guess.
92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
I’ve probably been shouted at something along those lines. I mean, I’ve also been shouted at I got ‘nice tits’ whilst wearing a thick winter coat and a long scarf over it so I doubt it was even visible I had them in the first place…. Men… 🙄
94. Have you ever been easily amused?
I guess? 
96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
I probably mooned my sister. But to be fair, someone allowed this Asian cartoon on a kids network and that boy mooned everyone so my sister started doing it too. I can only assume that if I ever mooned anyone myself, it was in this context and I did it to my sister. (That cartoon got banned and I watched some stuff on youtube the other day and damn what idiot thought that was appropriate for kids?!)
98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
Yes, especially when being introduced to many new people. 
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
I don’t know whether this exists (except if I don’t know this thing about me either). I talk about wanting a pet but I’m also kinda scared of animals?
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years ago
Prompt if you want. Christmas is over. Lena wants to work again and Kara tries to convince her to stay home. Nice day and keep save. Heard it's a bit stormy in Dutch 🌪️🌊
Thanks! I took so long on this. I couldn’t manage to pour it into a story format so here is just a list of my thoughts on this:
- They’d celebrated Christmas with the entire extended superfamily in Midvale. That means, a lot of people. Lena and Kara, of course. And Alex, J’onn, Sam and Ruby, Winn, James, Nia, Clark, Lois and the Super-toddler, Lucy…
- There’d been so many activities. So many. From decorating the Christmas tree to making dinner together and from movie nights to snowball fights. 
- Lena just needs a breather when they get back home but Kara wants to keep the spirit up.
- Lena feels like going back to work is a good way to get her breather. There’s not a lot of meetings planned because no one wants to work between Christmas and New Year’s so she gets the chance to dive into some R&D again.
- Lena is an introvert. She needs her alone time to recharge and her social battery has been completely drained in Midvale. Don’t get her wrong, she loved it, but now she just needs to do something alone for a bit.
- Kara, an extrovert, doesn’t entirely understand but Lena tries to explain and after a serious conversation they come to an agreement. Lena will work shorter days and doesn’t start too early (because “you can’t wake up at 5 am for work during the holidays, Lena”) and they’ll do something fun together at night. Just the two of them. They’ll see the rest at New Year’s Eve anyway.
- From there on it’s their new routine. Each year they spend Christmas in Midvale with the ever growing Superfamily (Kara tends to pick up strays and slowly more kids join the Super-toddler). They go home afterwards and Lena gets to go back to work on an altered schedule.
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