#the part that's closest to my chin is literally the back where my personal hairdresser sibling would've needed clippers to go shorter
bonetrousledbones · 1 year
i’ve had really long hair for pretty much my entire life but recently i decided to chop it allllll off into a more masc style and now i keep discovering new things and also jumpscaring myself
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tenglows · 5 years
hi love!! could i request jaemin with #26 + enemies-to-lovers? 😖😖💞
[ 26: you’re stained with my lipstick ]
the prompts
being born into the two most powerful and succesful families on the performing field certainly made their own rivality pass onto you and jaemin.
everything was a competition for your families, who had the more amount of awards, who got the most recognition on the media, who looked younger and had less crinkles on the face, who had the most best child.
whether you liked the na family had never been a matter of debate. you simply weren’t allowed to like them, or even take the time to learn something real about them.
and since everyone was always expecting so much from these outstanding families, you, found yourself in the spotlight of being the young and sweet legacy of your name.
you didn’t like that responsibility, let alone the pressure your parents put on you. it wasn’t that you were always the closest family, but you couldn’t remember the last conversation you had had with them that wasn’t about what dress you should wear to a gala or practising the lines of what you should say.
your mom was currently spitting all the details about this amazing movie you would star in and that would totally take you over the moon. you stopped hearing at the explanation of the storyline. you weren’t even sure if you wanted to persue acting. you actually wanted to be a doctor. but it’s not like they would ever let you.
you smiled at your mom, told her the deal was amazing, and left the house with the excuse of taking a run. sometimes that house felt too big for you. with more floors that fingers you had on your hands and doors that seemed to only shut you out, and you weren’t good enough to own a key.
you sat at the bench of the park. this was your usual spot, the place you’d resort to when things got too much. it felt nice, getting lost in nature for a while. you sometimes could even forget you were made of flesh and blood, disguising with the flowers. specially the sunflowers. you fantasized about being one of them.
you didn’t realize when it started pouring. but you didn’t react either, perhaps you couldn’t find the energy to.
you felt the rain stopping just on top of your head, but you still felt it on the rest of your body. when you looked up from your boots, you noticed a pair of eyes you weren’t really familiar with.
until, you realized that in reality you were. they just looked different when they weren’t being reflected on the lights.
“you’re gonna get a cold, here” he handed you the umbrella, giving up on his perfectly styled hair so you could shield yourself.
you thanked him and stayed silent after. you didn’t really know what to say, you wouldn’t have even recognized him if it weren’t for; well, the fact that he was on every paper in town, and your family‘s habit of keeping an eye out for everything their opponent did.
“i think this is the first time i’ve ever properly met you”
“yeah” he nodded, hiding his hands in his jacket’s pockets and keeping his stare on the tree at the front. “it’s an odd situation to find you in though, what are you doing here all alone?”
you shrugged your shoulders.
“needed to leave the house”
“oh i can relate to that”
“what do you mean?” you faced him and shared the umbrella. half of your head was getting wet again, but it had already been in the first place, so you didn’t mind.
he then started honestly opening up to you. apparently his family had signed him up for the protagonist role in a short drama, and that was the main topic that involved him these days. he told you he missed the way his family was before of being so starstruck. and you told him you felt the same way. after hearing your side of the story, he felt relieved. less alone. you understood him, you both were in the same situation. and he liked having someone to talk to that actually got him.
“here, my number. text me if life gets a bit too much again” he saved his contact on your phone when you decided on it being late and having to get back to your homes.
when you got to your place, drenched and a big silly smile on your face, your mother asked you where you had gotten that umbrella.
“this? i just bought it on my way back. it’s raining kinda heavy out there”
time passed and you texted jaemin every waking moment ever since that day at the park. he was fun and a serene person to talk to. you couldn’t believe your family had hid you from finding such an amazing person all this time. and over nothing less than stupid rivalries.
he was there for you. reassuring you when you got a bit lost on your doubts about what your place in the world truly was. insisting on you deserving to form your own dreams and follow them in the way your heart desired. he was the first person you had ever met who had this unconditional acception towards you.
things changed one specific night. you had come back late from recording at the set and needed someone to vent on about that exasperating director you couldn’t get yourself to tolerate. jaemin offered to sneak into your room. you laughed and played it cool, assuming he was joking.
yeah, he wasn’t.
so now he was laying on your bed, listening to you attentively. you got all your frustrations off your chest and he watched you in admiration. when you were done, you blushed and apologized. he didn’t reply. not with words, at least. he just. leaned in. and kissed you. for a really long time. and then, in between kisses, he told you listening to you was his favorite part of the day.
your mom had bursted into your room that same night, too. and jaemin had to literally fly off the bed and land under it in the span of 0.4 seconds. your mother didn’t see a thing, but that’s when you both decided it was best if you kept your relationship a secret.
that wasn’t really as hard as you thought it would be. as long as you followed your parents’ wishes to the letter they weren’t really that over you. which gave you and jaemin the chance to fall in love every second you spent together. you still had to be careful, not being able to go outside as much as you would have liked or having to turn to sneaking pretty much always. but you wouldn’t change a thing. everything was perfect as it was. because you had jaemin, and as long as there was him, you had the world at your feet. you didn’t need the fame, the money, the spotlight. just jaemin and his hugs that always felt like home.
today, you had to attend a premiere of a family’s friend honoured movie star. you were putting on your heavy jewels, the hairdresser almost blinding you with the spray on your hair, when your phone vibrated.
“i’ll see you tonight, beautiful” and together attached with a selfie. you smiled. jaemin looked beautiful in that black suit, a perfect bowtie adorning his chest. butterflies flew around your stomach. you couldn’t wait to see him. and you maybe enjoyed the adrenaline of sneaking around a bit after all.
you posed for all the pictures on the red carpet. you smiled, thanked and small talked with everyone. you looked gorgeous and there was no person that wouldn’t tell you that. you coincided as well. that red dress was beautiful, and you had made an extra effort.
“you look stunning”
you had managed to almost tiptoe to a reserved area jaemin and you had previously arranged to meet in. as soon as he joined you, locking the door, his hands were all over your face. he cupped your cheeks and kissed you, tongue finding yours.
“right back at you, jaem” he giggled on top of your mouth but didn’t waste any second before kissing you again.
jaemin became the place you would go to when things got too much. you still went to the park, and you still dreamt of being a sunflower, but you believed you had already turned into one. and jaemin was the sun. you were always facing him.
“okay i have to go now” another kiss. “but i’ll see you later, hm?” he left a last kiss on your forehead before approximating to the door.
“wait jaemin!!” he looked back at you, confused, and you just laughed loudly.
“you’re stained with my lipstick. that would end up in a scandal, we don’t need that” you couldn’t stop chuckling as you tried to clean up jaemin’s messy and ridiculous cherry mouth and chin with your hands.
“honestly, i don’t care. let everyone know you’re mine”
you smiled and caressed his face. he closed his eyes at your touch.
“soon, baby. now let’s get back before they notice we’re missing”.
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